Restore & Recovery - Recover Datafile (ORA-00376)
Restore & Recovery - Recover Datafile (ORA-00376)
Restore & Recovery - Recover Datafile (ORA-00376)
08:04:23 BTC 30 001 70726 BY4 Database error 376 at INS access to table PPOIX
08:04:23 BTC 30 001 70726 BY0 > ORA-00376: file 198 cannot be read at this
08:04:23 BTC 30 001 70726 BY0 > data file 198: '/oracle/TCP/sapdata6/btabd_81/bta
08:04:23 BTC 30 001 70726 R68 Perform rollback
08:04:24 BTC 30 001 70726 AB0 Run-time error "DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR" occurred
08:04:25 BTC 30 001 70726 AB1 > Short dump "060615 081437 ermsr3ap 70726 "
08:04:25 BTC 30 001 70726 D01 Transaction termination 00 671 ( DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERRO
R 20060615081437ermsr3app01 70726 0011 )
08:04:25 BTC 30 001 70726 R68 Perform rollback
SQL>connect / as sysdba;
SQL>select file#,status from v$datafile;
Check the file indicated in ora-00376 is in media recovery status or not, if yes,
SQL>select xxxxxxx from v$recover_log;
Check datafile need to recover (contoh in this case datafile =btabd.data81)
SQL>alter database datafile X offline;
SQL > recover datafile X;
<log> required will be displayed
SQL> brrestore <log> ;
Media recovery completed
SQL>alter database datafile X online;
Nota : X = datafile = btabd.data81