Whitepaper 2001
Whitepaper 2001
Whitepaper 2001
Brussels, 21.11.2001
COM(2001) 681 final
4.1. Analysis of the results............................................................................................. 46
4.2. Proposals coming out from the consultations .......................................................... 50
5. A Europe based on values....................................................................................... 52
5.1. Analysis of the results............................................................................................. 52
5.2. Proposals coming out from the consultations .......................................................... 57
6. Contribution to the White Paper ............................................................................. 62
1. The YOUTH programme........................................................................................ 64
2. Political initiatives with an impact on youth ........................................................... 65
3. Funding in employment, education, culture and youth protection............................ 72
4. The Charter of Fundamental Rights ........................................................................ 72
5. Support from the European Parliament ................................................................... 72
6. Contributions from the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the
Regions .................................................................................................................. 73
7. Dialogue with the European Youth Forum.............................................................. 74
8. The work of the Council of Europe......................................................................... 74
9. Studies and opinion polls launched by the European Commission .......................... 75
The decision to publish this White Paper on youth policy, and especially the decision to
conduct wide-ranging consultations beforehand, is rooted primarily in the desire to promote
new forms of European governance.
The White Paper is fully coherent with the Commission’s White Paper on Governance
adopted in July of this year: the point is to open up the European Union (EU)’s decision-
making process to the people who will be affected by those decisions, and that includes young
The results of the wide-ranging consultation exercise which preceded this White Paper are
clear: despite highly divergent situations, young people largely share the same values and the
same ambitions, but also the same difficulties. Young people form a changing group, tending
to enter the job market and start a family later in life; they are switching backwards and
forwards between work and learning; but above all is that their individual pathways are much
more varied than in the past. School and university, work and the social environment no
longer play the same integrating role that they used to. Young people are acquiring
autonomous status later and later in life.
All this is often reflected in a sense of fragility, a loss of confidence in the existing decision-
making systems, and a degree of disaffection in terms of the traditional forms of participation
in public life and in youth organisations. Some of them feel that they do not always find their
own concerns reflected in public policies conceived by and for their elders. Some young
people have taken refuge in indifference or individualism, while others have tried forms of
expression which may have been excessive or even on the margins of democratic means. The
majority, though, want to influence policies, but have not found the appropriate way of doing
Nonetheless, young europeans have a lot to say; after all, these are precisely the people who
are primarily affected by economic change, demographic imbalance, globalisation or cultural
diversity. We are expecting them to create new forms of social relations, different ways of
expressing solidarity or of coping with differences and finding enrichment in them, while new
uncertainties appear.
Despite the more complex social and economic context, young people are well equipped to
adapt. It is up to the national and European policy-makers to facilitate this process of change
by making young people stakeholders in our societies.
The debate on the future of Europe is up and running. An unprecedented wave of enlargement
will soon be creating entirely new perspectives. The message that has been coming across
clearly over these recent years in the political life of Europe is that the EU must take shape
with the people of Europe. It is important that consultations on the way the EU will develop
and on its form of governance should include the people to whom tomorrow’s Europe
belongs. The European project is itself young, still forming and still being debated. If it is to
make progress, it needs ambition and enthusiasm, and commitment on the part of young
people to the values on which it is based.
If young people have one clear message, it is that they want their voice to be heard and want
to be regarded as fully-fledged participants in the process; they want to play their part in
building Europe; they want to influence the debate on the way it develops. It is time now to
regard youth as a positive force in the construction of Europe rather than as a problem. In
other words, we have to give young people the wherewithal to express their ideas, and to test
them against similar ideas from other players in civil society.
Most of the suggestions mentioned in this White Paper address the Member States and the
regions of Europe, which bear the brunt of putting the various youth-related measures into
practice. It is on the ground, where young people can see the results of their personal
commitment, that active citizenship becomes a reality. It is by taking part in the life of
schools, neighbourhoods, local districts or associations that young people can acquire the
experience and the confidence they need to go a step further, either now or later, in public life
— including at European level. It is by throwing themselves into social activities which are
open to all, without any form of discrimination, that young people can make their contribution
to a more solidarity-conscious society and live citizenship to the full.
This European dimension will create a sense of dynamism on the ground, and will stimulate
creativity, encourage the exchange and comparison of good practices, and foster national and
European recognition of what individuals and youth organisations are doing on the local or
regional scene. It will help to create a common vision and give a better idea of youth-related
issues, and will make it possible to work more effectively, collaboratively, and by deciding on
common objectives.
Listening to what young people have to say and offering a forum for local initiatives,
encouraging the Member States to cooperate more effectively, coming up with concrete ideas
under existing European programmes, and giving the “youth” dimension a higher profile in all
policy areas: that is the approach proposed by this White Paper for creating the right
conditions to enable young people to play a full part in the life of democratic, open and caring
Following enlargement, there will be 75 million young people in Europe between the
ages of 15 and 251. Whatever their differences (in terms of access to the labour
market, education, family life, income, etc.), young people see themselves as fully-
fledged citizens with all the attendant rights and obligations. Investing in youth is an
investment in the richness of our societies, today and tomorrow. It is therefore one of
the keys to achieving the political objective laid down by the Lisbon European
Council: making Europe “the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based
economy in the world”.
The Treaties provide the basis for action in a wide range of sectors2 which affect
young people directly or indirectly: discrimination, European citizenship,
employment, social exclusion, education, vocational training, culture, health,
consumer protection, freedom of movement, environmental protection, mobility for
young researchers, development cooperation and poverty.
There are various Community measures which impact more directly on young
people: in the fields of education, employment and vocational training, and more
recently in terms of access to information technologies, to name but a few.
Over and above the general and sectoral policies which affect young people, there is
another type of activity which encourages mobility, inter-cultural exchanges,
citizenship and voluntary work. Within this context, and on the basis of Article 149
of the Treaty3, the EU has introduced a series of programmes, including the YOUTH
programme, which have in turn led to mobility and exchange schemes for young
Youth is regarded here as the period from 15 to 25 years of age, by analogy with what Parliament and
the Council decided for the YOUTH programme. “Following enlargement” means taking into account
the present Member States and the 12 countries currently negociating membership.
Cf. Annex 2 "Overview on European action on the youth front". This summary document includes all
European actions related to youth; all future action must use these as a basis.
Article 149 of the Treaty:
1. The Community shall contribute to the development of quality education by encouraging cooperation
between Member States and, if necessary, by supporting and supplementing their action, while fully
respecting the responsibility of the Member States for the content of teaching and the organisation of
education systems and their cultural and linguistic diversity.
2. Community action shall be aimed at:
- developing the European dimension in education, particularly through the teaching and dissemination
of the languages of the Member States;
- encouraging mobility of students and teachers, inter alia by encouraging the academic recognition of
diplomas and periods of study;
- promoting cooperation between educational establishments;
- developing exchanges of information and experience on issues common to the education systems of
the Member States;
- encouraging the development of youth exchanges and of exchanges of socio-educational instructors;
- encouraging the development of distance education.
3. The Community and the Member States shall foster cooperation with third countries and the
competent international organisations in the field of education, in particular the Council of Europe.
4. In order to contribute to the achievement of the objectives referred to in this Article, the Council:
- acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 251, after consulting the Economic and
Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, shall adopt incentive measures, excluding any
harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States;
- acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt recommendations.
people. This cooperation has gradually spread to include other areas such as
information, exchanges between organisations and voluntary service.
All of these specific youth-related activities have received the unswerving support of
the European Parliament, both when programmes were being adopted and in the
form of resolutions and hearings for young people. The Council of Youth Ministers
has adopted a series of resolutions on youth participation, the educational potential of
sport, social integration, initiative and entrepreneurship among young people. The
Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions regularly deliver
positive and encouraging opinions on various issues related to youth.
The question now is whether these activities are enough to meet the range of
challenges which young people today are confronted with, and whether the European
policy-makers are making best use of the potential among young people. The fact is
that the resolutions or declarations on specifically youth-related issues have often
gone no further than good intentions and the European institutions and the Member
States lack an overview of the policies and hence of the various types of action which
can be taken to support young people. The current system of European cooperation
in the field of youth has reached its limits and is in danger of no longer being able to
respond to new challenges (see point 2):
– the widening gap between young people and public affairs at national,
European and international levels, with the attendant risk of a “citizenship
– investing in the quality of the debate on the future of the European Union, as a
democratic imperative, and encouraging closer links with people, civil society
and local players, as advocated by the White Paper on European governance4.
Promoting new forms of European governance is one of the four strategic priorities
set by the Commission. The term 'governance' refers to all the rules, mechanisms and
practices which affect the way the various powers are deployed, as well as opening
up the EU decision-making process to enable the people of Europe to be involved in
the decisions which concern them.
Youth is an area in which, above all else, these principles should apply:
“European governance — a White Paper”, COM(2001)428, 25.07.2001.
– Openness: providing information and active communication for young people,
in their language, so that they understand the workings of Europe and of the
policies which concern them.
– Participation: ensuring young people are consulted and more involved in the
decisions which concern them and, in general, the life of their communities.
– Effectiveness: making the most of what young people have to offer so that
they can respond to the challenges of society, contribute to the success of the
various policies which concern them and build the Europe of the future.
The decision to publish the White Paper on youth policy, and in particular the
decision to run the earlier consultation exercise, are one outcome of this
“governance” approach.
Our societies are ageing due to the combined effect of a lower birth rate and
increased longevity. Between 2000 and 2020, the 65-90 age group will increase from
16% to 21% of the total population of the European Union, while the 15-24 age
group will fall to only 11%5.
% of total EU 15 population
12,4 15-24
Source: Eurostat, Demographic Statistics, 1999.
This quantitative imbalance between young and old will bring about a qualitative
change in relations between generations. The financial pressure on social welfare
systems will be only one aspect of this challenge. Indeed, we will have not only to
invent new mechanisms for solidarity between young people and their parents or
even their grandparents, but above all to organise, to everyone's satisfaction, the
transition between generations in societies undergoing profound change.
This ageing of the population will also make it necessary to call on human resources
from outside the European Union in order to make up for labour shortages. Our
societies will have to diversify in ethnic, religious, social and linguistic terms. And
all this will have to be properly controlled, particularly with regards to young people,
if we are to avoid social tensions or negative repercussions for education systems and
the labour market.
The sociological, economic and cultural aspects of youth have changed significantly
as a result of demographic changes and changes in the social environment, individual
and collective behaviour, family relationships and labour market conditions6.
First, youth is lasting longer. Demographers have observed that, under pressure from
economic factors (employability, unemployment, etc.) and socio-cultural factors,
young people are, on average, older when they reach the various stages of life: end of
formal education, start of employment, starting a family, etc.
A second point concerns non-linear paths through life. Today “our various life-roles
are becoming confused7”: it is possible simultaneously to be a student, have family
responsibilities, have a job, be seeking a job and be living with one’s parents, and
young people now move increasingly often between these different roles. Paths
through life are becoming less linear as societies no longer offer the same guarantees
(job security, social security benefits, etc.).
Third, the traditional collective models are losing ground as personal pathways are
becoming increasingly individualised. “The organisation of individuals’ family,
marriage and career plans is no longer standardised”. 8 This is impacting particularly
strongly on public authorities’ policies.
Cf. report presented by researchers at the Umeå seminar in March 2001
"Jeunesse, le devoir d’avenir", Commissariat Général du Plan, Report from the committee chaired by
Dominique Charvet, March 2001, p.33.
"Jeunesse, le devoir d’avenir", ibid, p. 35.
2.3. Involving young people in public life
As a rule, young people in Europe are keen to foster democracy and more especially
to play their part in it. But mistrust has set in with regards to the institutional
structures. Young people are now less committed than in the past to the traditional
structures for political and social action (e.g. parties, trade unions), and they have a
low level of involvement in democratic consultation. Youth organisations are also
feeling the pinch and perceive the need to reinvent themselves9.
This by no means implies that young people are not interested in public life. Most
show a clear will to participate and to influence the choices made by society, but they
wish to do so on a more individual and more one-off basis, outside of the old
participatory structures and mechanisms.
It is up to the public authorities to bridge the gap between young people's eagerness
to express their opinions and the methods and structures which society offers. Failure
to do so might fuel the 'citizenship' deficit, or even encourage protest.
This trend also applies to the European Union, a subject on which young people in
general have mixed feelings. For them, Europe is about respect for fundamental
values, but it is also the place in which they live, study, work and travel. However,
they feel that the institutions responsible for managing this area are distant and
operate behind closed doors. This gap between young people and Europe is merely
one illustration of the distance between the people of Europe and "Brussels"10. And
yet, in pursuing the Community goal, particularly with a view to enlargement, a great
deal depends on involving future generations. It is essential that young people be
'taken on board' as active partners in specific projects suited to their situations,
aspirations and abilities.
2.5. Globalisation
In relative terms, this same dichotomy exists between young people and the trend
towards globalisation. Young people in Europe form part of societies which are open
to outside cultural and economic influences. The world is their frame of reference,
and they have no hesitation in espousing the kind of products which symbolise
globalisation11. At the same time, they dispute some of the consequences of
globalisation on grounds of social justice, openness and 'sustainable' development.
They have doubts about the international institutions, which seem to them to be
Eurobarometer 55.1 on young people in Europe in 2001 (EB 55.1) indicates that young people are
slightly disaffected with organisations, with one in two young people stating spontaneously that they do
not belong to any grouping. National disparities remain (in the Netherlands almost 80% of young
people belong to organisations, as against 30% in Portugal). This variable level of dissatisfaction
concerns all countries except Belgium and Luxembourg. Among young people who belong to
organisations, sports clubs are most popular (28%), far ahead of youth organisations (7%), trade unions
and political parties (4%).
Cf. "European governance – a white paper", Ibid.
These include information technologies, such as the Internet, electronic mail and the mobile telephone.
According to Eurobarometer 55.1, the percentage of people in the 15-25 age group who say they
regularly use a computer, go online, play video games, etc. has more than doubled since 1997, from
21% to 43%. Another significant finding is that 80% of young people regularly use a mobile telephone.
relatively inaccessible, arcane and unconcerned about young people’s issues. This
relationship between young people and globalisation, which is mixed to say the least,
is a sign of malaise and must not be ignored.
This very largely confirms the major issue in terms of globalisation: “Whether we
like it or not, globalisation is here. Our task is to control it, to use it to the benefit of
All of this presents an enormous challenge. We need to put in place the right
conditions to enable young people in Europe to see themselves and behave more as
supportive, responsible, active and tolerant citizens in plural societies. Getting young
people more involved in the life of the local, national and European communities,
and fostering active citizenship thus represent one of the major challenges, not only
for the present but also for the future of our societies.
Strongly believing in the need for this change, and in view of the scale of the
challenges and the limits of the current system of cooperation, the Commission
proposed, at the Youth Council at the end of 1999, drawing up a White Paper on a
new form of European cooperation in youth policy. Throughout the very wide-
ranging consultation exercise leading up to this White Paper, it received the full
support of the EU Member States, successive Presidencies and the European
An unprecedented consultation exercise
This White Paper is the result of a consultation exercise spanning the period
May 2000 to March 2001, involving young people from all kinds of backgrounds,
youth organisations, the scientific community, policy-makers and public
administrations. In terms of its scale, duration, the diversity of the people consulted
and the wealth of information drawn from it, the exercise is unprecedented at
European level. For some Member States it was also a first. A great many people and
events were involved.
– The European youth gathering in Paris in October 2000, under the French
Presidency, looked at the results of the national conferences from a more
European perspective; 450 young delegates representing 31 countries reached
agreement on some 80 suggestions.
– More than 60 organisations took part in hearings with the Economic and Social
Committee in Brussels in February 2001.
Cf. speech by Romano Prodi on 20.7.2001
– The scientific community, represented by a dozen or so multidisciplinary
researchers, was brought in to comment on likely future developments.
– Meetings were held in all European capitals with the policy-makers and
administrators and with the National Youth Councils, and two meetings of the
Directors-General responsible for youth were organised (one to launch these
bilateral meetings; the second to wind up the consultations).
All young people want policies which meet their expectations. They feel that public
action taken at local, regional, national and European levels is often inappropriate
and out of touch with their daily concerns. They call for a radical change in thinking
and practices and, above all, they insist on being fully involved in the policy-making
Information is indispensable to developing active citizenship, and it continues to be
an area from which young people expect a great deal: they are aware that the areas to
be covered are very broad (employment, working conditions, housing, studies,
health, etc.) and go further than information on Community programmes, so their
expectations firstly concern recognition that there is a need to be met. Young people
have also stressed the importance of equal access, the proximity principle and high
standards of ethical behaviour. In addition, emphasis has been placed on the
importance of user-friendly information that involves young people in terms of both
substance and distribution.
Indeed, thanks to or in spite of the diversity of their lives and their careers, young
people have a sense of uncertainty and of the difficulties that they will encounter in
their private and professional lives. This awareness of the fragility of their own
situation no doubt explains in part their broader concern for those who are excluded.
They believe that a great deal more must be done to guarantee the fundamental rights
of each individual and, even more importantly, to guarantee the rights of minorities
and tackle all forms of discrimination and racism by all available means.
Young people in Europe subscribe to the same fundamental values as does the
European Union. They expect the EU to be in a position to meet their aspirations.
This White Paper addresses the full range of questions which were raised during the
consultation exercise, regardless of the level of competence. It is true that youth
policy proper is essentially the responsibility of the EU Member States and, in some
countries, it is largely regionalised and is often dealt with at local level. It is the
decisions made at local level which have the greatest impact on young people’s daily
lives. Subsidiarity must therefore apply in this field for reasons of principle and for
the sake of efficiency. But this is still compatible with enhanced cooperation at
European level, which would enhance the impact and coherence of national policies.
This is why the main objective of the White Paper is to give the European Union a
new framework for cooperation in the field of youth that is both ambitious, fulfilling
young people’s aspirations, and realistic, setting priorities from among the great
many issues raised during the consultation process and being mindful of the various
levels of responsibility. This cooperation must be based on existing activities, it must
be compatible with and supplement other current initiatives, particularly in the fields
of employment, education and social integration – should this prove necessary; and
it must facilitate cooperation between the various levels of responsibility and the
various players. There are two main aspects to this new cooperation framework:
It is for this reason that the open method of coordination is the most appropriate, and
the conditions are right for it to work effectively. The method involves “fixing
guidelines for the Union combined with specific timetables for achieving the goals
which [the Member States] set in the short, medium and long terms; establishing,
where appropriate, quantitative and qualitative indicators and benchmarks against the
best in the world and tailored to the needs of different Member States and sectors as
a means of comparing best practice; translating these European guidelines into
national and regional policies by setting specific targets and adopting measures,
taking into account national and regional differences; periodic monitoring, evaluation
and peer review organised as mutual learning processes”13.
The open method of coordination therefore offers, as underlined by the White Paper
on Governance, a “way of encouraging cooperation, the exchange of best practice
and agreeing common targets and guidelines for Member States… It relies on regular
monitoring of progress to meet those targets, allowing Member States to compare
their efforts and learn from the experience of others”.
The open method of coordination, adapted to the specific policy field of youth, takes
its lead from the open method of coordination as applied to education policy. It
defines priority themes, lays down common objectives and guidelines, and provides
for follow-up mechanisms.It also includes arrangements for consulting young people.
– The Council of Ministers sets out common guidelines and objectives for each
of the topics and lays down monitoring procedures, and where appropriate,
benchmarks based on indicators.
– The European Parliament must have an appropriate role in this process and in
the monitoring arrangements. The Economic and Social Committee and the
Committee of the Regions also have to have the opportunity to give an opinion.
– Young people are consulted on the priority themes and on their follow-up (see
point 4.1.2 “Participation”).
Presidency conclusions, Lisbon European Council, 23 and 24 March 2000, paragraph 37.
The proposed open method of coordination adds to the range of Community
instruments and is without prejudice to decisions which might be taken under the
Treaty and which might induce the Commission, for example, to propose certain
recommendations under Article 149.
4.1.2. The scope for action using the open method of coordination in the youth field
Of the various subjects regarded as being proper to the youth field, and which are
suited to the open method of coordination as described above, the European
Commission proposes participation, voluntary service, information, improving the
public authorities’ awareness of young people’s concerns, and more generally any
other subject which might contribute to the development and recognition of activities
on the youth front (e.g. youth work, youth clubs, street work, projects to foster a
sense of citizenship, integration, solidarity among young people, etc.) for the part
which is not covered by other political processes such as employment, social
integration and education. This corresponds very largely to the kind of activities and
resources normally associated with youth policies at national level.
Implementation of this open method of coordination can draw on the analyses and
proposals arising from the consultation exercise as set out in Annex 1, with a view to
improving the level of cooperation in the field of youth and to responding to the
various challenges.
In the interests of complementarity and coherence, the results of applying the open
method of coordination should enrich and provide added value to other policies,
initiatives or Community processes, in terms of both content and resources.
On the basis of the scope of action set out above, the European Commission has
pinpointed the following priority themes for applying the open method of
coordination – first and foremost, participation.
• Participation
The open method of coordination could lead to the introduction by local authorities
of flexible and innovative participatory mechanisms and to the spread of regional and
national youth councils which are open to young people who are not necessarily
active in organisations.
people on priority issues under the open method of coordination and their follow-up.
It should also be possible to increase the representation of young people within the
Economic and Social Committee.
To support the open method of coordination, the Commission believes that some
measures can be put in place without delay. It intends to:
– organise direct dialogue with young people in the form of regular meetings on
specific topics in the course of 2002;
– involve young people in the initiative on the future of Europe which was set in
motion following the Nice European Council, from 2002 onwards;
– propose pilot projects for 2003 and 2004 in support of local, regional and
national efforts to foster participation14. The results of these pilot projects will
be taken into account as part of the mid-term evaluation of the YOUTH
programme and in preparing any future programme.
• Information
Participation goes hand in hand with providing young people with information. It is
primarily the Member States' responsibility to inform young people, for example on
European affairs. That is why this subject also has to be addressed under the open
method of coordination. It is important to reach the young people themselves if
possible, but in any case those who come into contact with them in school, in clubs,
in associations, etc. This mass information exercise will require a coordinated
approach, considerable resources and the involvement of young people in devising
and implementing these communication tools. This approach will be coordinated
with the EU’s new information policy arising from the governance principles in
particular, and which is now being formulated in close conjunction with the
European Parliament.
In support of the open method of coordination, the Commission believes that some
measures can be put in place without delay. It intends to :
Using the open method of coordination, efforts should be made in years to come to
develop voluntary service significantly at national, regional and local levels. In this
e.g. projects using the Internet, as a complement to action under the initiative “electronic democracy”
(IST Key Action 1).
context, it may be necessary to reflect upon the situation of young volunteers in
terms of legal and social protection.
The positive experiences of the European Voluntary Service will be useful for
making voluntary service standard practice among young people (type of
supervision, methods of funding, etc.). At European level it is important to ensure
that voluntary service is recognised as an educational experience and a period of non-
formal learning. The European Voluntary Service scheme for young people could be
widened to include a partnership with the worldwide bodies which organise and
support voluntary action. The Member States should take immediate action to
remove obstacles to mobility for young volunteers.
– taking stock of, and networking, existing structures, studies and research on
youth which are in progress within the European Union; in the interests of
complementarity, the work and initiatives of other international bodies
(Council of Europe, OECD, United Nations, etc.) will be taken into account;
All the other subjects which were mentioned during the consultation exercise, such
as employment, education, formal and non-formal types of learning, social
integration, racism and xenophobia, immigration, consumer affairs, health and risk
prevention, the environment, equal opportunities for men and women, etc. will
require close coordination with the various authorities, at both national and European
Policies and action at European level will be based on the Treaty and use the various
instruments available.
The European Commission will ensure that guidelines concerning young people will
be taken more into account of in these policies and forms of action wherever
Priority 7 of the research framework programme 2002-2006: “Citizens in an evolving knowledge
The European Statistical System (ESS) is a network made up of all government bodies which, at
various levels (regional, national and Community), are responsible for gathering, processing and
disseminating the statistical information needed for the Community's economic and social life. Eurostat
is the focal point in the Community for the European Statistical System.
appropriate and whatever the instruments used. The results of the consultation as set
out in Annex 1 will be taken into account for this purpose.
The Ministers responsible for youth policy should also ensure that youth-related
concerns are taken into account in these other policies, at national level as well as in
implementing European policies.
Education and training, whether at school, university or by means of any other type
of non-formal learning, are addressed in communications to the Council (dealing
with the objectives of education and training systems, creating a European area of
lifelong education and training) and are subject to follow-up at Community level.
In line with this, youth associations, social workers and local authorities in many
countries are involved in in-depth work with young people. While continuing to be
innovative and non-formal, and as part of the overall package of lifelong learning
measures, this work would benefit from:
– a higher regard for the people who become involved in these activities;
There has also been an Action Plan and a Recommendation on mobility, which were
approved respectively at the European Council in Nice in December 2000, and, via
the co-decision procedure, by the European Parliament and the Council in July 2001.
These initiatives must be consistent with any that might arise from applying the open
method of coordination in the field of youth.
• Employment
The European Union has been very active on the jobs front for a number of years.
Following on from the Luxembourg European Council in November 1997, it devised
a European employment strategy, based on the new “employment” chapter in the
Treaty of Amsterdam.
The Member States are required to implement policies which foster the integration
and advancement of all on the labour market. These policies are concentrated around
four main “pillars”: improving employability; developing an entrepreneurial spirit
and creating jobs; encouraging firms and their employees to be adaptable;
strengthening equal opportunities for men and women.
As far as young people specifically are concerned, the Employment Guidelines stress
the need for policies to prevent long-term unemployment based on individual
counselling; improved education and training systems; reducing the number of young
people who leave education and training systems prematurely; making instruction in
the new technologies universally available.
• Social integration
The Lisbon European Council of March 2000 decided to set in place an open method
of coordination to foster social integration. Based on the European employment
strategy, this method combines common objectives for tackling social exclusion and
poverty (adopted at the Nice European Council of December 2000) and national
action plans (presented for the first time in June 2001).
Member States have been urged to set out their priorities and main political measures
in their national plans, based on the four common objectives adopted at Nice:
promoting participation in the employment market and access for all to the requisite
resources, rights and services; preventing the risk of exclusion; taking action for the
most vulnerable members of society; mobilising all players and fostering
On the more specific question of young people, various aspects have been addressed,
both in the common objectives and in the national action plans: developing a labour
market which favours the inclusion of young people; guaranteeing adequate
resources and incomes for young people in difficulties, particularly members of
minorities, young women in precarious employment, and young disabled people;
tackling inequalities in education; enhancing access to quality services (housing,
health, culture and justice); regenerating areas suffering from multiple disadvantages.
Directive 2000/43/EC implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of
racial or ethnic origin.
Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and
Community action programme to tackle discrimination 2001-2006: the programme provides support for
activities designed to combat discrimination on the basis of racial or ethnic origin, religion and believes,
disability, age and sexual orientation.
youth organisations active in tackling racism and xenophobia and in working towards
respect for all, especially minorities. The objective is to enable young people to make
their contribution to the EU global effort in this field.
At national level, the Member States should also make this issue a priority in their
measures for young people. Outreach work, in the form of local projects geared
towards solidarity and responsibility, must play a key role.
Given the major importance of autonomy for young people, a finding that emerged
from the consultation exercise, the European Commission proposes setting up a high-
level working group to advise it and the Council of Ministers, in its various
configurations, on this matter. It is a complex problem which requires multi-
disciplinary expertise, and the solutions require the involvement of many policies
other than youth policies (employment, family, social protection, health, transport,
justice and home affairs).
The aim of the YOUTH programme is to encourage young people to make an active
contribution to European integration, to developing intercultural understanding,
strengthening fundamental values such as human rights and combating racism and
xenophobia, developing a sense of solidarity, encouraging a spirit of enterprise,
initiative and creativity, stimulating the recognition of non-formal education, and
strengthening cooperation on the part of all people active in the youth field. The
programme is also open to the applicant countries.
The YOUTH programme has to be seen, then, as a resource for the new form of
cooperation advocated in this White Paper. In full respect of the Decision18 of the
European Parliament and of the Council establishing this programme, the European
Commission will propose, each year in the plan of work for the programme,
priorities which accord with the guidelines established under the open method of
coordination. The mid-term evaluation and the preparation of the new programme
from 2007 will likewise help to ensure that the programme provides optimum
support for work under the open method of coordination in the youth field.
In addition to the specific measures mentioned above, which will be developed under
the YOUTH programme in response to work undertaken for the White Paper, there
should be a new Internet platform on the theme of racism and xenophobia, designed
for young people and if possible run by young people.
The White Paper suggests giving the European Union a new framework for
cooperation in youth policy.
In doing so, it is responding to strong demand from all parties concerned with youth
policy, including the Member States.
Decision No 1031/2000/EC of 13.04.2000.
This cooperation will draw on existing national and Community activities, but will
also be based on arrangements for applying the open method of coordination in the
specific field of youth, and for taking more account of youth in other policies.
Initially, the White paper will be presented to the Ghent symposium which is being
organised by the Belgian Presidency, and which will bring together all parties which
were consulted under this process. At the Education/Youth Council of 29 November,
the Commission will present its findings to the Ministers. The White Paper will also
be presented to the European Parliament and to the Committee of the Regions and
the Economic and Social Committee for their opinions.
The Commission will put in place the agreed cooperation mechanisms and will take
upon itself the necessary follow-up and monitoring work.
The consultation exercise ahead of this White Paper was not only considerable in scale,
creating a real momentum on the ground, but also led to a great many proposals.
These proposals are the result of dialogue and exchanges between all those involved in the
field of youth, i.e. young people, representatives of youth organisations, researchers,
administrators and policy-makers.
It goes without saying that young people in Europe are not all identical. Social, economic,
cultural and regional differences can be seen both collectively and individually, and national
and European public authorities must be attentive to this. The above proposals relate to many
areas and confirm to a large extent the Commission's analysis of the challenges facing Europe
in the field of youth and the need for renewed political action. The quality of the proposals
opens up many avenues for action. During the consultation process, young people pinpointed
five major areas:
– participation;
– education;
The results below are based on these. For each of the topics, the Commission analysed the
results of the consultation exercise, making every effort to reproduce what the young people
said. The examples below illustrate the fact that there are already many interesting projects in
the field (see boxes). However, this is neither a selection of the best nor an exhaustive
description of all existing initiatives.
Finally, this section summarises the proposals addressed to the public authorities by young
people and all those who took part in the consultation exercise. These suggestions are
categorised according to level of intervention, many relating in fact to the Member States. In
this presentation, the Commission has tried to reproduce as faithfully as possible the proposals
which emerged from the consultation in order to pass them on to Europe's decision-makers.
Nevertheless, the suggestions put forward, which are set out below, do not necessarily reflect
the Commission's views.
Participation of young people is a recurring topic on which many texts have been
written both in Europe and worldwide. The consultation exercise echoed this
political will to prioritise participation of young people in various forms. It has also
allowed young people to put forward proposals, but has in addition itself been an
example of the participation advocated.
• A clear demand
The strongest message given by young people is their will to play an active part in
the society in which they live. If they are excluded, democracy is not being allowed
to function properly. They regard the view that they are disinterested or uncommitted
as groundless and unjust. They feel that they are given neither the resources nor the
information and training that would enable them to play a more active role. Youth
organisations also believe the right to participate is fundamental and must apply to all
without discrimination. Many of them strive to help young people to put it into
The percentage of people under the age of 25 who participate in local, national or
European elections is generally quite low. However, there are plenty of indications
that they take a keen interest in public life. Researchers view this gap between
expectations and practice as explaining the wish and the need for greater
participation. This demand is not surprising, nor is it new, but the way it is expressed
has changed. Levels of involvement also vary greatly from one individual to another.
Young people want the right to give their opinion on all aspects of their daily lives,
such as family, school, work, group activities, their local area, etc. However, in doing
so, they are also involved in broader economic, social and political issues.
Access and dialogue
"Young Voice – Llais Ifanc": Welsh Parliament initiative, which allows young people to express their
views, advises on where to find information and organises debates and talks
Their interest is not limited to local issues; it also concerns their region, country,
Europe and the world. In other words, the right to participate should not be limited
and they must be allowed to do so without restriction. So when they take action to
enable young people, whether disadvantaged or marginalised, ethnic minorities or
illegal immigrants, to participate more, their action is part of a wider campaign for
universal participation without discrimination.
The approach taken by civil society organisations is similar, although they are
required, in practice, to put the emphasis on more targeted objectives or
groups (young people in their local environment, in rural areas, more vulnerable
groups, young women, etc.). They advocate a more integrated and long-term
approach, which means that they encourage all forms of participation and all
activities based on young people's individual commitment and voluntary service.
The first stage, generally in their own environment (school, local district, town,
youth centre, association, etc.), is crucial. It gives them the opportunity to gain the
self-confidence and experience needed to reach the subsequent stages. Moreover, in
the local community in particular, participation can bring about changes which are
tangible, visible and verifiable. At this level young people also have the chance not
only to give their opinion but also to be involved in decision-making processes.
Support for local participation
Together with 16 other Danish municipalities, the district of Østerbro in Copenhagen is taking part in
a pilot project which offers a wide range of activities with a view to increasing young people's
experience of democracy, their responsibility and their influence. Østerbro has set up a youth centre
with a personalised advisory service, communication tools and theatrical activities. The main feature
of this centre is that it is run by young people themselves. No director or committee has been
appointed. It is open to all young people between the ages of 12 and 25. Membership is not required:
young people come along to carry out a project which is not judged in any way, as the sole purpose of
the centre is to help young people to successfully complete their projects.
In the second phase, young people become aware that a whole series of decisions
affecting the local area are taken at higher levels of decision-making, in particular at
European level: action therefore needs to be taken to move from one to the other by
creating links and networks.
Moreover, participation allows young people to acquire skills which they must try to
substantiate in various fields (economic, social, cultural, political, etc.) and various
institutional contexts. The division between formal and non-formal education is
perceived as counter-productive. So while school remains an excellent forum for
learning and for participatory practices, it still has the disadvantage, in young
people's opinion, of not taking them into account as active citizens.
Internet: these promote access to information and seem better suited to demand for
participation that is gradually moving away from collective participation and towards
more individual forms.
Young people object to purely symbolic forms of participation. But the consultation
exercise was felt to be a good approach provided it results in their opinions and
recommendations being taken into account.
A White Paper "product"
"Gestalte Deine Zukunft selbst!": This project consists of a discussion platform and a network for
young people. The forum is run by young people themselves. All issues are addressed either in
electronic format or in the form of publications on paper. The main aim is that information is
circulated and ideas discussed. This initiative is a product of the national conference organised in
Germany as part of the White Paper procedure. It is funded by the Ministry responsible for youth.
The researchers spoke very strongly in favour of involving young people even in the
decision-making processes. Mock participation could undermine their confidence in
the institutions and in the institutions' ability or even will to give them a full role.
• Conditions of participation
Young people take the view that a legal framework is one of the necessary
requirements for real participation. What is needed is assistance for the structures
involved in participation and a reference to the principle of education for democracy.
Youth organisations also call for all forms of participation, both existing and
innovative, to be encouraged. This presupposes recognition of, and support for,
existing or new structures. Greater resources are needed, in terms of both time and
money, and specific obstacles to access (social, cultural, physical, psychological,
etc.) need to be taken into account, with citizenship training for all. Finally, they
insist that young people's opinions and contributions be included specifically in the
decisions, and that they be informed of this.
This framework could, according to young people, include setting out principles,
rules or obligations on voting age and eligibility (including the question of lowering
the voting age), on extending this right (to immigrants, for example), or even on
introducing active citizenship training.
For more than 30 years, the Council of Europe has been the only international organisation to practise a
system of co-management in the field of youth. Specifically, its decision-making structures include
representatives of youth organisations who work together with government representatives in order to
decide on the institution's policies and programmes. These policies and programmes are submitted to
the Committee of Ministers, the Council of Europe's main decision-making body, for adoption. This
principle of co-management is drawn from the Council of Ministers' declaration of 12 January 1971
(document CM/Del/Concl (71) 196 XXII).
Creation of a legal framework
Under the Social Initiative Fund, the city of Antwerp set up the "Jeunesse et Cité" (Youth and the city)
project in 1997 to take greater account of the opinions and needs of young people in the city. To this
end, a legal provision was introduced (the "Youth Paragraph"), making it compulsory to analyse the
impact on young people of all political decisions taken by the municipality. Research and qualitative
studies on young people's standard of living in the city are also carried out.
http://www.xs4all.be/~jesgent/index230.htm or JS@mail.dma.be
Researchers feel that the creation of a legal framework, education for citizenship and
the attempt to establish a dialogue based on young people's experiences are also
prerequisites for participation. But we must go beyond that, open up new areas in
which young people, teachers, youth workers and administrations together organise a
joint undertaking which will be truly successful only if it leads to decisions and
achievements on the ground.
There are two aspects to this: one is more formal and involves the mechanisms of
representative democracy, the other is more informal and aims to develop new forms
of participation. Only by bearing in mind both these dimensions can we make the
most of the social capital that young people represent.
– school remains one of the forums for participation which must be given
priority, even though the importance of non-formal learning and education is
in accordance with the different local arrangements, for mechanisms for dialogue
between the various decision-making levels and networks for the exchange of
experience and best practice.
• Consolidate the fundamental role of operators in the field, their role as promoters
and intermediaries in participatory processes.
• The national level is an essential link between local and European levels:
• Member States should publicise what they intend to do to get young people
involved; these priorities would also list target figures (for example in terms of
target population, deadlines, etc.) and would set out monitoring arrangements.
• Following the example of the White Paper, involving young people in this process
would be an integral objective.
At European level
• The European Youth Forum should become accessible not only for the youth
organisations and national youth councils (and, via them, at regional and local
levels) but also for young people who are not represented by these structures. An
enlarged Forum of this kind would be the obvious body for dialogue with the
European institutions.
• Finance (with the Member States) pilot projects to support efforts made at local,
regional and national levels to promote participation of young people at all levels
and in all forms.
• In cooperation with the Member States, organise the way young people are
involved in the debate on the future of Europe, in the wake of the Nice European
• Increase the representation of young people in the Economic and Social
Committee (by asking Member States to appoint more representatives from youth-
related fields).
The aim of European action is not to increase the structures, channels and quantity of
information already available but to improve the quality of information available to
young people.
– explicit recognition of a real need for information and thus for a coordinated
strategy to inform young people;
An information and communication campaign for young people must be based on the
following three points:
– these instruments and channels must be linked with each other (networking).
national and regional levels there should be increased opportunities for training in
how to inform young people.
At European level
• On the basis of work already carried out by the EURODESK21 network, promote
and/or set up a single electronic gateway giving optimum access to information on
Europe that is of interest to young people. Existing youth information networks
and youth organisations active at European level should be invited to take part in
developing this new communication tool.
• Set up/improve the system for collecting, disseminating and updating information
on Europe for young people and those working with them. This action should
draw on the work of existing networks. Greater emphasis should be placed on the
importance of resource persons working closely with young people.
The global objectives of learning are threefold: personal fulfilment, social inclusion
and active citizenship. Learning also plays a fundamental role in fostering
employability. The European Union has launched a number of programmes (such as
SOCRATES and LEONARDO) and initiatives (such as the eLearning action plan, a
communication on “Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality” and a
report on the future objectives of education and training systems) which relate to
This proposal falls within the scope of the eLearning and eEurope actions promoted by the Commission
and is consistent with the content of the White Paper on Governance
EURODESK is an information service on Europe for young people. It is based on a website and relays
in the Member States. This service is managed by an association that represents the interests of young
people and the Member States.
education. 22 Whenever possible and appropriate, reference will be made to them in
order to supplement the opinions which were expressed during the consultation
process by the various actors. This will help to identify those areas in which the
European Union is developing more and better action.
Education and training systems were strongly criticised by both young people and
experts.23 A number of Member States have carried out fundamental reforms of their
school systems. Nevertheless, the quality and effectiveness of school education today
has to be improved in order to ensure that young people acquire appropriate skills
which enable them to become informed, active and responsible citizens and to ensure
their social inclusion and readiness for working life. It was frequently stated that
schools and education structures were insufficiently democratic and did not
encourage participation or provide sufficient learning opportunities. It was felt that
they should be open to society’s economic and social realities and demands as well
as European issues.
To achieve sustainable social and economic development, Europe needs citizens with
some knowledge, including in science and technology. For instance, to increase the
number of young people who pursue a career in science or technology, education
systems have to be adapted in order to get more young people interested in science.
Many young people leave school and training before acquiring formal qualifications.
The rate is still, on average, high throughout the European Union. However,
attempting to motivate young people to remain in formal education and training is
not the only solution which can be envisaged. Combining study, work and leisure
activities with informal, non-formal and formal learning experiences, could enhance
the quality and effectiveness of education and training and make them more
appealing to young people.
The shortcomings in today’s schools are not primarily seen as being the fault of
teachers or of schools as such, but of the education system as a whole, which relies
on cooperation between three actors : families, society and schools. Teachers are
only one part of the school system and their role must be perceived in the wider
social, political and institutional context. Nevertheless, teachers need better training
and working conditions.
Whole schools evaluation
This Pilot Project involved 17 secondary schools and 18 primary schools throughout Ireland;
supported by all the education partners it focused on evaluating the quality of school planning, the
quality of school management and the quality of learning and teaching in the pilot schools. The
results of the project confirmed the potential for successfully combining school self-review with
external inspection – a milestone in school and system quality assurance.
For further information, see Annex 2
At the European level, a discussion has started on improving the quality of educational systems; see for
instance the report from the Commission on the concrete future objectives of education systems,
COM(2001)59 final, 31.1.2001
• Access to education
Young people point out that there are too many social and economic obstacles facing
education. Improving the quality of education and training means, firstly,
guaranteeing open and ongoing access to lifelong and to “life-wide” learning in all
fields. Effective guidance and counselling systems should provide support to all
young people, e.g. by adopting a personalised approach. Support for integrating
disadvantaged young people into the education system must be intensified, for
instance by guaranteeing free education from primary school to university.
The consultation called for a change in approach of learning and teaching. A more
learner-centred approach, a stronger teacher-student relationship, the participation of
young people in education, and dynamic and adaptable educational institutions
should be developed. Learning processes have to be organised as “door openers” that
enhance the motivation to learn and lead to a range of further options. Schools should
facilitate pupils’ involvement in shaping their own education and offer scope and
encouragement for participation and democracy (for instance by offering the
possibility of evaluating teachers).
The Communication from the Commission on Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality
(adopted in November 2001) is the result of a broad consultation process. It is based on the
Memorandum on Lifelong Learning which was launched by the Commission of the European
Communities in October 2000.
See the suggestions which have been made in the eLearning Action Plan, Designing tomorrow’s
education, COM(2001)172, 28.3.2001
one seemed to be impenetrable26. They also created their own Youth Indicators for Action, a set of 16
questionnaires enabling young people to investigate their own communities to see whether attitudes
and statistics showed that the community was becoming more or less sustainable.
However, setting out to develop balanced, all-encompassing curricula which are not
overloaded is a challenge. They should be designed to provide the necessary
knowledge and skills and also to reflect the multicultural nature of our societies.
Joint strategies on the part of the various organisations providing education (schools,
training centres, enterprises, communities, youth work) would seem to be appropriate
if we are to improve our understanding of what the new basic skills are and how they
can be taught and learnt 27.
Variety lends wings
The four-day street festival, Carnival of Cultures, involving around 5000 active participants and at
least 700000 spectators, takes place in Berlin every Whitsun. BVAA (Berliner Verband für Ausbildung
und Arbeit) works with a wide range of disadvantaged young people from different ethnic
backgrounds, and trains and supports them in moving from school or from unemployment to work.
Several groups of young people representing the BVAA are involved in the Carnival of Cultures,
learning a wide range of vocational, cultural, social and practical skills. Their motto reads “variety
lends wings”, and the subgroups adopt as their emblems various flying objects.
Agenda 21 is an action plan for sustainable development for the world in the 21st century. It was drawn
up at the UN "Earth Summit" in Rio in 1992, a gathering of 179 heads of state and government.
Sustainable development means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.
The European Council in Lisbon in March 2000 called for a European framework for new basic skills to
be provided through lifelong learning.
As far as higher education is concerned, a lot of progress has been made in this area with the help of the
ECTS, the European Credit Transfer System, and the NARICs, the National Academic Recognition
Information Centres.
and the need for a better understanding and recognition of non-formally acquired
skills through youth work should be emphasised. Furthermore, the mutual
recognition and complementarity of education and vocational training as part of the
education system has to improve.
The Recreational Activity Study Book.
This booklet, created in 1994 by the Finnish Youth Academy, provides help for students and young
people entering working life. It is used as a logbook of projects, responsible positions held, courses
taken and other recreational activities. The booklet is for young people over 13 years old. It is
personal and costs EUR 5. People keep a record of merits and different skills: starting at university
level, it is possible to collect extra points and/or use the merit points in lieu of part of the required
studies. Experience which is logged in the Recreational Activity Study Book can also make it easier to
find a job. Entries in the booklet have to be confirmed by signature and annotated by an authorised
person. At the moment, about 30% of young Finnsare in the scheme.
The need for lifelong and life-wide learning has revealed over the past few years that
the necessary skills can be acquired through learning in formal, informal and non-
formal contexts.29 Non-formal learning is typically undervalued as not being "real"
What we learn in formal settings (schools, colleges, training centres etc) is only one
part of acquiring skills. We learn in non-formal and informal settings too (e.g. in
youth clubs, sports associations, within the family, in political life). Learning through
civil society activities and in social environments is part of informal and non-formal
learning, and takes place not just by chance, but also intentionally and in an
organised way.
Young people take part in a wide range of activities outside mainstream education
systems, and this too counts as non-formal learning. The youth sector has over the
years gained experience in providing non-formal learning. At European level the
YOUTH programme is a good example of this work and the experience it can bring.
In the consultations with young people, non-formal learning was often seen as the
most positive, efficient and attractive counterpart to a largely inefficient and
unattractive system of formal education. The advantage of non-formal learning lies
mainly in its voluntary and often self-organised nature, its flexibility, the possibilities
of participation, the “right to make mistakes”, the closer link to young people’s
interests and aspirations. Integrating disadvantaged young people was also seen as an
asset of non-formal learning.
It is becoming more and more important to develop effective and flexible ways of
recognising skills acquired outside formal education and training systems. Finding
the right balance in a set of tools which guarantee appropriate and satisfying
solutions for certification and recognition, in accordance with the development of
Formal learning is typically provided by an education or training institution and leads to certification. It
is structured (in terms of learning objectives, learning time or learning support) and is intentional from
the learner’s perspective. Non-formal learning is not provided by an education or training institution
and typically does not lead to certification. It is, however, both structured and intentional. Informal
learning is not provided by education and training institutions, does not lead to certification and is not
structured. It is the result of daily activities related to work, family or leisure. It may be intentional but
in most cases it is not (i.e. incidental/random).
quality standards, (self) evaluation and assessment procedures for non-formal
learning will be a sensitive task. Non-formal learning should not lose its open
character and turn into a formal structure by imitating the formal education system.
As youth work can help young people acquire the necessary social, political and
cultural skills, every effort should be made to involve them in non-formal learning
activities. One of the aims of the YOUTH programme is to help develop non-formal
learning for young people. However, even though it covers 100 000 young people
per year, it cannot meet the high level of demand from the 75 million young people
in the programme countries. The YOUTH programme therefore has a pilot function,
and requires complementary action at national, regional and local level.
A huge number of suggestions and proposals – both general and specific – have been
made to improve conditions and outcomes in the education sector. The
recommendations were directed towards the formal and non-formal learning and
training systems.
• The participation of young people, respect for their individuality, and the idea of
education for a democratic and European citizenship should be undisputed; the
nature of the student-teacher relationship has to be changed; a learner-centred
approach and a flexible role for teachers supporting the learning process should be
• Internet access in all schools, which must be accompanied by better methods for
disseminating information with a view to creating effective tools for learning.
• Schools must be given the chance to provide better facilities for teaching and
learning foreign languages and for taking part in European educational exchange
and mobility programmes.
• Schools and universities must be given more financial support in order to be more
effective and invest more in human resources.
• Reform of teaching practices and conditions (training for the trainers, smaller
classes, combination of theoretical and practical learning and teaching, interactive
At European level
• Help raise the quality and effectiveness of school education through exchanges of
good practices and by way of common objectives.
• The evaluation of skills should not be limited to labour market issues (such as
information technologies and mathematics) but should be geared to things like
socialisation, integration and empowerment.
At all levels
• The specificities of non-formal learning in the youth field, its objectives and tasks
should be looked at in more detail, and the relevance of non-formal education and
the complementary character of formal and non-formal learning should be made
more visible; dialogue between the relevant actors in the field, as well as social
partners, researchers and policy makers, will be needed with a view to improving
the recognition of non-formal learning.
• Training on various topics should be provided as an essential tool for guaranteeing
high quality in non-formal learning. Training programmes targeted at
professionals should include a European dimension.
At European level
• The funding and development of pilot joint schemes under the SOCRATES,
LEONARDO DA VINCI and YOUTH programmes should help to build bridges
between non-formal and formal systems.
Jobs are a key element in enabling young people to find their place in society,
achieve economic independence and realise their individual aspirations. A society
which is not able to offer concrete labour market opportunities to young people risks
a vicious circle of unemployment, marginalisation and social disruption. Giving
young people access to the labour market contributes to social stability, which is
viewed as the basis for economic growth and well-being. Sometimes unemployment
is even considered as a violation of young people's human rights.
unemployment, but also for finding a good and satisfying job. But this alone is not
enough: solutions in other fields such as health, family, social rights, discrimination
etc. have also to be taken into consideration. They play an equally important role in
terms of the social integration of young people.
With the introduction of the new titles on employment and social affairs into the
Treaties, the European Union acquired entitlement to develop strategies and
programmes in these areas (such as the European Employment Strategy, the Lisbon
Strategy on the modernisation of the European social model, the Social Agenda, the
programme to fight all forms of discrimination, and the programme on social
inclusion).30 Whenever possible and appropriate, reference will be made to them in
order to supplement the opinions which were expressed by the various parties during
the consultation process. This will help to identify those areas in which the EU and
the Member States are being asked to develop more and better action.
Young people are very concerned about the opportunities available to them on the
labour market. They feel the best way to social integration is to find a job. Young
people would like to have a genuine sense of direction, guiding them to find their
place in the world of work in the long term. To have a job means adult status, self-
respect, money, independence and the opportunity to broaden one’s social contacts.
Young people who are cut off from work are losing a vital chance to get new
perspectives and to integrate into a wider society31.
Young people are willing to work, but finding a good job is getting harder. Young
people know that their employability32, and thus their chances on the job market,
increase when they have a good education and skills and when they have spent some
time in a school or university in another country. This puts them under growing
pressure, and the level of expectations is higher than ever in terms of their mobility,
flexibility, competencies and skills. With young people spending more time in
education and training, they remain more dependent on their families and public
With regard to the transition between education, training and the labour market, the
situation has objectively deteriorated in the past 20 years33. Youth unemployment
rates remain high compared with general employment rates. For the year 2000, the
general unemployment rate in the 15 EU Member States was 8.4% whereas the
unemployment rate for young people aged under 25 was nearly double, namely
16.1%34. Precarious forms of employment have become more widespread. Wages
have decreased compared to those of adult workers. It now takes young people much
An overview on the EU’s activities in employment and social affairs is given in Annex 2.
During the funding period 2000-2006, the European Social Fund is helping to develop and promote
active labour market policies with a view to combating and preventing unemployment.
Improving employability is one of the four pillars of the employment guidelines which were addressed
to Member States (OJ L 22 of 24.1.2001)
See contribution of Prof. Lynne Chisholm, University of Newcastle, Department of Education, to the
Public Hearing on Youth, European Parliament, 24.04.2001
There are however large differences between the Member States: the youth unemployment rate in the
EU for young people aged under 25 varied in 2000 from 5.1% in the Netherlands to 31.5% in Italy; see
Eurostat news release no. 77/2001, 19.07.2001
longer to achieve labour market stability. Even a good educational qualification does
not automatically guarantee them a job, as competition for employment has become
fiercer. Success on the labour market depends very much on the personal
circumstances and experience of young people.
Young people argue that the transition from school to work should be easier. The
public labour market system plays an important role in this respect and must be
improved. Young people also bemoan the lack of strategic public or private
partnerships to improve social inclusion, especially for those who have difficulties or
are discriminated against on the labour market.
At the same time, new forms of social exclusion must be avoided in the wake of
innovation and technological change. There is a high level of early school leavers,
i.e. those who leave the education system with only lower secondary education at
best. This might result in an intergenerational vicious circle between childhood
poverty, low educational achievement and poverty in adult life. There is also a link
between poverty and the risk of a technological divide: persons in the high-income
groups use for instance the Internet three times more frequently than lower income
groups. Thus lower income groups have less access to technology and, as a
consequence, face a higher risk of being excluded from the labour market and from
general, social and cultural development.
“Social mobility” as a prerequisite for formal training and employment
The “International Centre for Youth Movement” at Champeaux, France, offers some of the most
excluded and disadvantaged young people in Europe a taste of „social mobility“. This gives them the
chance to rebuild confidence and self worth and can be a vital prerequisite for more formal training
and employment.
cf. report presented by the researchers at the Umeå meeting
There is a growing awareness of these issues at the European level; see for instance the communication
from the Commission on the Future of Social Protection from a Long-Term Point of View: Safe and
Sustainable Pensions, COM(2000)622 of 11.10.2000
to the local community. The services provide opportunities for employment, especially for young
people, women, migrants and handicapped people.
Young people criticise the lack of information on labour market issues in particular.
They also feel that access to the labour market is largely – though not totally –
determined by the level of education and vocational training. Once at work, young
people continuously have to improve their qualifications and skills in order to adapt
to the changing patterns in working life.
Young people do not think that formal education systems prepare them for the
challenges of the labour market. They perceive a gap between the (private) labour
world and the (public) education and training sector. Building bridges between these
sectors would help solve their difficulties concerning the length of their education
and the money they have to spend on it. Young people are interested in information
from social and economic organisations (trade unions, employers' organisations etc.),
but think that what they have to offer is often poor and falls short of their needs and
expectations. They would like to see trade unions and employers’ organisations
become more attractive to the young.
In Luxembourg, the study leave system allows workers under the age of 30 to leave their jobs for a set
period in order to continue their education. This does not result in any financial loss for either the
employee or the employer, as the State pays the employer compensation equivalent to the employee's
Young people believe that more has to be done in terms of social legislation at
European level37. Access to the labour market has become more difficult and the
requirements in terms of knowledge, work experience, geographical and personal
flexibility have increased considerably. However, social rights – especially the
legislation addressed to young people’s specific needs – have not kept up with the
growing pressure from the labour market. There is still discrimination with regard to
ethnic minorities, women, disabled young people etc.38. Young people are therefore
in favour of a more “social Europe”.
According to young people, the main objective of governments and the European
Commission must be to achieve full employment in the EU39. They propose ways
and means of meeting this target: the reduction of working time, or the use of
working time reduction as a means of helping people to integrate into the labour
market, a minimum income and financial support to finish their studies, improved
and extended public employment programmes etc. There is also a perceived need for
a European status for trainees.
As part of its Social Policy Agenda (COM (2000) 379 of 28.6.2000), the Commission outlined a wide
range of measures, e.g. realising Europe’s full employment potential by creating more and better jobs,
action on modernising and improving social protection, promoting social inclusion, strengthening
gender equality and reinforcing fundamental rights and combating discrimination, and measures geared
to preparing for enlargement and promoting international cooperation and making the social dialogue
help to meet the various challenges.
In June 2000, the Council decided, on the basis of Article. 13 TEC, on a directive implementing the
principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin. In November 2000,
the Council established, on the basis of the same article, a general framework for equal treatment in
employment and occupation (OJ L 303 of 2.12.2000) and decided on a Community action programme
2001-2006 to combat discrimination (OJ L 303 of 2.12.2000). The Action Programme supports
activities combating discrimination on grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability,
age or sexual orientation.
The strategy decided by the European Council in Lisbon explicitly stated that it should "enable the
Union to regain the conditions for full employment". The goal of full employment is reiterated in the
employment guidelines for 2001, in which the Commission suggested concrete measures on how to
achieve this aim.
The “Know your rights line” is a telephone line of the British Trade Union Congress (TUC)
especially set up for young workers to access information about their employment rights.The TUC is
planning a campaign to promote employment rights amongst young workers.
Very often young people do not earn enough to be financially independent: they have
to live at their parents’ until their late twenties or early thirties and depend on support
from them40. Furthermore, young people very often experience stress and pressure at
work. This is particularly true for young couples with children and single parent
families. In practice, young people are unaware of their rights and do not really
participate in collective agreements. It follows that the regulatory framework has to
be improved in order to take into consideration the specific needs of young people.
Protection is especially needed for those who do not take part in the labour market.
Without such protection, especially for the disadvantaged, young people cannot
experience youth as a transition period between child and adulthood and as a phase
of social experimentation, developing creativity, personality, own opinions,
responsibility etc.
To enhance and reinforce national, regional and local measures as part of the
European Employment Strategy.
• Improving labour market related information and counselling for young people:
Revealing statistic: 20% of young people who have a job say they receive most of their income from
their parents. When young people are asked why they now live with their parents for a longer period,
almost 70% give financial reasons: they could not afford to live on their own. Between 1997 and 2001,
the importance of parents as a source of income increased, in some cases significantly, in all EU
countries except Ireland and Finland. More than one in two young people say they receive most of their
income from their parents or family (7% more than in 1997). Source: EB2001, ibid.
– Urge trade unions to become more attractive to young people.
– Offer opportunities for studying or training on the job, jobs for students,
evening classes or dual systems of vocational education and training.
– Enable young people during the transition period from school to labour
to deal with the "dual status" of being trainee/student/pupil and
At European level
• Improving the systems for transferring and recognising occupational skills and
competencies between Member States:
Social inclusion
To enhance and reinforce national, regional and local measures as part of the
European Social Inclusion Strategy.
– appropriate healthcare;
– other public and private services, e.g. in the field of justice, culture, sport
and leisure;
– access to these new resources, rights and services geared to the particular
needs of young people with social and economic difficulties;
ECTS: European Credit Transfer System, NARICs: National Academic Recognition Information
Centres, Europass: passport setting out knowledge and experience acquired in formal and non-formal
– “second chance” opportunities for young people who drop out of tailor-
made schemes (such as in rehabilitation, vocational training, etc).
– Give special attention to the needs of young people at local and regional
level in terms of health centres, guidance/counselling, cultural activities,
sports, day nurseries, housing, transport, etc., especially for those who
are socially excluded or face the risk of social exclusion (such as young
single parents).
– Take into account the needs of young people, especially those who are
disadvantaged, in social legislation in areas such as precarious work
contracts, flexible working hours, equal payments, accidents at work,
access to care facilities for young families.
At European level
• Giving priority, in terms of social inclusion measures, to the needs of the most
vulnerable young people42;
• Stepping up work on the social inclusion of young people, with the help of
European programmes43;
In June 2000, the Commission submitted to the Council and the Parliament a proposal for a pluriannual
programme to encourage cooperation between Member States in the field of social inclusion policies
(COM (2000) 368 of 16.6.2000). The programme’s aim is to develop an integrated approach to social
exclusion which links different policies such as employment, social protection, education and training,
health and housing. Specific target groups are not mentioned in the programme. The final decision on
the programme depends on the outcome of the co-decision procedure between the Council and the
European Parliament.
Many European programmes and funding lines, such as YOUTH, LEONARDO, SOCRATES, anti-
discrimination, etc, focus on young people from a disadvantaged background. The European Social
• Contributing to young people's social inclusion by using an approach based on
pathways and stepping stones in European-level employment programmes and
During the consultation it became clear that there are a wide range of complex issues
affecting the well-being and autonomy of young people. The environment,
immigration, the media, legal systems, health, drug consumption, sexuality, sport,
personal safety etc. all refer in one way or another to aspects which affect young
people’s lives and have an influence on their involvement in the public domain, in
education or in finding a job. For instance the health of young people – or issues
related to it, such as drugs, sexuality, personal safety, nutrition etc. – determines to
what extent young people are willing and able to go to school or to pursue a course
of vocational training. In addition, the way the "adult world" deals with these issues
has an impact on young people's perception of society and the chances which they
feel society is offering them. A society which, in the eyes of young people, is not
able to deal with, say, environmental problems or in which environmental solutions
remain pure rhetoric, does not encourage active citizenship.
Young people have a very open concept of well-being. They believe that their self-
development and autonomy depend on a propitious social environment which is non-
discriminatory, equitable and safeguards diversity. A direct line is drawn between, on
the one hand, the welfare of individual young persons, and on the other society’s
struggle against any form of intergenerational injustice and unjustified exclusion and
discrimination of any social group and the struggle for more justice and an equitable
distribution of means and opportunities at world level.
Fund supports measures at the national level which "support the occupational integration of young
There is empirical evidence, backed by the consultation in general and by researchers
in particular, that new social inequalities and cultural divisions between groups of
young people are emerging in Europe. Today’s reality is characterised by, on the one
hand, an increasing uniformity of young people’s lifestyles (music, clothing etc.) and
on the other hand by a growing polarisation of opportunities, which add to the
tensions which already exist between generations, genders, different ethnic groups
and regions of different economic wealth. In Europe’s poorer societies in particular,
processes of modernisation are selective and often work only to the benefit of a small
strata of the youth population.
Young people consider the lack of financial resources as the most important obstacle
to social integration, well-being and autonomy, and advocate a comprehensive
reform of the public welfare and social security systems, to ensure that all young
people, irrespective of their status in society and on the labour market (including
those who are not in school or are unemployed), receive adequate coverage on equal
terms. The services must be easily accessible, even in sparsely populated areas.
Young people should receive more and earlier information on their social protection
The main conclusion of the consultations is that there is a widespread demand for
preventive health information and education for all, as part of the school curricula
and within the context of youth work. Youth work has an important role to play as a
supportive element for the personal development of young people. Peer education
programmes and the active cooperation of young people in other programmes are
also valuable instruments. Prevention work should promote positive, healthy
lifestyles. Young people need to be more aware of their responsibility for their own
bodies, e.g. eating habits.
“MAHIS – Chance is inside you”
Mahis is a Finnish cooperation programme that helps young people to manage their own lives and
provides support from adults and positive peer group socialisation. The aim is to strengthen self-
confidence and confidence in the future. Mahis offers alternatives to drugs and role models for
dealing with social pressure.
Young people are keen on more information on all issues linked to health, personal
development, consumer goods and environmental questions. This information should
be provided in schools44, in youth work, counselling services and the media. Access
to health services should be free and provided without discrimination. The creation
of youth-specific health care facilities is seen as a necessary prerequisite.
Public health policies should put more emphasis on health problems affecting young
people in particular. More scientific studies, statistics and media reporting on the
health situation of young people are needed if there is to be real progress.
Smoking and drinking, as well as the abuse of legal medical substances, are regarded
as major problems. The amount of nicotine, alcohol, sweet and fatty food being
consumed by young people is rising steadily. High suicide rates among Europe’s
youth are indicative of persistent problems of well-being.
Young people believe that drug addiction should be recognised as an illness not as a
crime, and be treated accordingly. They emphasise the need for more widespread and
effective prevention programmes, especially through peer group prevention and
counselling services and with the help of proper treatment and re-education facilities.
Information input from parents is seen as an integral part of these efforts. However,
views differ regarding the precise direction drug policy should take. In some
countries a majority of young people favour a stricter attitude to drugs, including
cigarettes and alcohol. In others young people advocate the depenalisation of
cannabis consumption, production and selling, and of its by-products for medical and
practical reasons, usually coupled with the clear demand for a continued or
reinforced ban on hard drugs.
Young people see sexuality as an important aspect of their well-being and personal
autonomy. They perceive a need for more information on sexuality, particularly
sexual education, contraception, sexual diseases etc. This information should be
provided in school as well as outside school in non-formal learning environments
such as youth organisations, leisure and sports facilities etc.
The Nordic Resolution on Adolescent Sexual Health and Rights
The “Nordic Resolution” has been developed by the Family Planing Associations of Five Nordic
countries, on the basis of the Programme of Action of the UN International Conference on Population
In order to promote a better health for young people, the European Commission, the World Health
Organisation and the Council of Europe are working together in the framework of the “European
Network of Health Promoting Schools” (ENHPS). This network is a concrete example of an awareness
campaign which was successfully held thanks to the joint efforts of these three organisations, in order to
achieve their common goals of health promoting.
and Development, which was adopted in Cairo in 1994. It is an important advocacy tool to show that
giving young people accurate information will not encourage them to have sex, but that if they do
have sex it is more likely to be safe.
Young people advocate equal access for all young people, whatever their cultural
background, to information and counselling, as well as to contraception and sex
education. They also advocate the legalisation of abortion. Indeed, teenage
pregnancy is singled out as a specific problem which must be dealt with.
All forms of sexual exploitation, like sex tourism or child abuse, are strongly and
unequivocally rejected. Intolerance against certain sexual orientations is widely
criticised and rejected. Young people are in favour of more positive measures to raise
awareness of sexual diversity.
Sex education provided by other young people (“peer education") can help to
overcome difficult family situations or reach people who find it difficult to talk about
sexuality. Specific educational methods are needed for young girls from ethnic
minorities and/or those with a disadvantaged background, since for some of them
maternity still constitutes the only means of social integration.
Young people think that only little progress has been made over recent decades
concerning gender equality. There is a perceived need for a more equitable
relationship between men and women in society and for a heightened awareness of
gender-specific stereotyping and role definitions. Young people think that there is a
need for a reconsideration of traditional gender roles, particularly in areas of high
unemployment and low public (child care) services.
Mobilising Young Women for Equality in Europe
In September 1999 the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) started a project called “Mobilising Young
Women for Equality in Europe”. Its aim is to support the integration of young women’s concerns into
European and national policy developments by involving more young women in organised actions and
Reconciling family and work is considered to be one of the main challenges for the
future, e.g. the provision of parental leave and improved childcare facilities. In this
context attention has to be given to the specific needs of girls and young women,
particularly regarding their health and safety. Violence against women is still
frequent, and something has to be done about it. Under certain stressful situations,
young women are more likely than boys or young men to suffer from specific
diseases such as bulimia and anorexia nervosa. Many young people call for stronger
material and moral support from families, including for non-married couples with
Young people stress the important role that all forms of cultural activity play in their
well-being and personal development. They suggest making changes to educational
curricula, non-formal learning and the cultural policy of public authorities. They
consider cultural youth learning as a powerful means of developing the kind of social
skills which are necessary for the advancement of the knowledge society.
Club 15-29 – artistic activities for young disadvantaged people
The "Club 15-29" in Greece is targeted at boys and girls who do not participate in any kind of
organisation. This "Club" is an umbrella for all recreational programmes for young people. One
objective is to reach out to young people from remote areas or to people with disabilities with a view
to eliminating cultural and educational inequalities and running projects involving deaf and blind
young people in artistic activities, such as theatre.
At a time when the distinction between youth and adult cultures is becoming blurred,
new cultures moving and sometimes heterogeneous have developed. It is assumed
that new cultural patterns will be less age-bound than they are today. However it
remains to be an important task to enable young people to shape and express their
own cultures.
• Young people want to be safer and know more about the environment
Young people see safety in inner-city areas and the prevention of road accidents as
important issues, along with the special problem of safety risks at work. There is
therefore a need higher standards and better regulatory mechanisms.
Environmental issues are of great interest to young people and have a major impact
on their living conditions and well-being. Many young people are aware of the
importance of a healthy environment and would like to know more about this and
about what sustainable development means in practice. This is in line with the
objectives of the Sixth Environment Action Programme45, which aims to promote
environmental education and looks into ways of raising environmental awareness.
This covers the inclusion of environmental issues in school curricula and the
development of educational programmes to advise people on adopting greener
COM(2001) 31 final of 24.01.2001
– general improvement in health care facilities;
– parental information;
• Other issues (mental health, sexuality, family, gender issues, personal safety):
– equal and free access to sexual and parenthood health services for all
At European level
The European Union is urged to focus more on two main lines of action: to set
certain standards and to gear policies and programmes more closely to the needs of
young people.
• Assuming that the European Union is able to set certain standards, four groups of
standards were suggested:
– standards for adequate social security coverage for all young people, free
of discrimination and based on the principle of intergenerational justice;
– standards for health care for all young people, free of discrimination,
emphasising the role of prevention and flexible enough to take full
account of the special needs of certain groups of young people;
• The European Union is urged to take better account of the interests of young
people when devising and executing European policies and action programmes:
For 15-25 year olds, Europe has many faces, including Tower of Babel, bureaucracy
and money machine, but it is also a place to meet and exchange views, and it is the
champion of democratic values.
Both individually and collectively, young people reject the idea of a Europe that is
merely a large economic free-trade area competing with North America or South-
East Asia. The aim of the Community enterprise is not to create a "fortress Europe"
built on the positions and reactions of the past: Europe's domination of other
continents at certain times in history must not be used as an excuse for continuing
along this path. On the contrary, Europe must prove that it is open to the rest of the
world and position itself as a cultural crossroads, an area of tolerance and mutual
It is also evident that, for young people, Europe means much more than the European
Union. They support enlargement even though they are fully aware that the accession
of the applicant countries, the transition of these former communist regimes to
democracies and of highly-planned economies to market economies will in some
cases result in a precarious situation for young people in those countries.
Young people and youth associations continue to be attached to the European ideal
based on peace, prosperity and democracy. It is obvious to all that the clear
affirmation of an area of rights and freedoms is much more necessary today than that
of an economic Europe. Nor are young people and their associations indifferent to
the idea of unity in diversity.
Young people demand that the anti-discrimination clause in the Amsterdam Treaty
(Article 13) be applied scrupulously; this authorises the European institutions to take
measures to combat discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or
belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. This article was first formalised in the
action plan against discrimination, the key objective of which is to mobilise people
so as to change practices and attitudes. These efforts must be continued.
Young people also fear certain effects of globalisation which could result in the
emergence of, or increase in, inequalities between populations and regions
throughout the world. They are extremely concerned about trafficking in human
beings, which is an international consequence of impoverishment.
Creation in Portugal of the solidarity fund "Youth Cards for Timor" or how to achieve solidarity
using what is basically a consumer product. There are two types of Youth Cards: the standard card
costs EUR 6 and the "MegaCartão Jovem" costs EUR 12. Since 1 June 1999, for each standard card
bought, EUR 0.50 is donated to projects carried out in East Timor; for each "Mega Card" the amount
donated is EUR 1.
There are two aspects to this: prevention and a firm stance (zero tolerance) in relation
to all extremist behaviour.
In general, young people are open to others, sensitive to the problem of racism and
prepared to play their part. But they also feel particularly vulnerable to any perceived
– Education, employment and social integration are prerequisites in guarding
against racism and xenophobia.
– Support for networks at all levels and the development of new communication
channels between them is an appropriate instrument for further action.
All different / all equal
Campaign against racism and intolerance, organised by the Council of Europe in 1996. This
campaign provided excellent resources and motivation for education by peers in tackling exclusion.
Despite its short duration, the campaign produced valuable educational material that is still used in
youth organisations in Europe.
Young people and their representatives demand a Europe that pays attention to their
concerns, a Europe that is free of exclusion and stigmatisation. They regard Europe
as an area free of borders for ease of study, travel, work and daily life. Finally, they
want it to be an ideal place for laws to protect the environment, safeguard heritage,
combat all forms of extremism, strengthen social rights, equal opportunities, etc.
Europe remains a work in progress, formed both by major political progress and by
various small steps in the form of action on the ground. Some young people deplored
its shortcomings, pointing to incomprehension and complexity; others expressed
hope. But all of them wanted to participate in European integration by voicing their
opinions publicly on issues which interest and/or affect them, not only as young
people but also as citizens. However, simply listening to them would not be enough.
Associations which by their nature are required to enter into contact with the
Community institutions more often (grant applications, entering projects in
programmes, etc.) deplore the complexity in existing structures. Concerning a more
global technical assistance in an extended youth policy, the European Youth Forum
called for the creation of an agency.
InfoMobil - Practical information on European countries
InfoMobil is a Web service provided by the ERYICA Youth Information Network. Areas covered are
study, employment, training, housing, culture and sport, leisure, health, youth information services,
social services, transport, etc. in more than 20 countries.
This distance between the younger generations and Europe seems to be such that
researchers warned repeatedly against certain widespread ideas that the young people
of today would be the "first real Europeans". Many young people remain firmly
rooted in their local environment and their national outlook. The road to
strengthening European awareness and citizenship is a long one which will require a
great deal of patience.
Putting Europe into practice with "Euregio Meuse-Rhine" and the EFI network - Euregional
leisure and information association for young people.
Euregio is a multilingual and multicultural region consisting of three countries - Belgium, Germany
and the Netherlands - which links the cities of Liège, Maastricht and Aachen. Its motto is that
everyone must participate in the construction of Europe. This means that young people have to be
given the opportunity, during their free time and together with other people across borders, to get to
know the people of their surrounding area. EFI organises not only seminars and other discussion
activities for children, young people and anyone working in the socio-educational field, but also
workshops and other creative activities to encourage participation among young people.
Mindful that decisions are increasingly being taken at European level, young people
want to become involved in Europe. They want a new European youth initiative and
greater coordination of national youth policies, they want young people to be taken
into account in the various policies which affect them, and they want to ensure that
they are not systematically regarded as a problem but as a factor in solving the
problems which these policies aim to resolve.
It has to make this transition from the exception to the general rule: mobility must
become an integral part of learning from a very early age. Programmes must
therefore be accessible to all young people regardless of their socio-economic or
geographical origin.
To achieve this, new funding is needed, partners must become more involved, and
quality criteria must be established. While Community programmes have made it
possible to acquire experience and have lead the way, they will nevertheless be
unable to continue alone, due to limited resources, to fulfil their role of promoting
mobility. Greater coordination of the various levels of decision-making is essential.
• Voluntary service - a response to young people's needs
Young people regard voluntary service, i.e. any kind of unpaid work, as a means of
acquiring skills and experience which they will be able to develop in their
professional life. However, in their view, voluntary service is not a substitute for paid
It also reflects changes in society; voluntary service provides young people with an
area in which to socialise, but society too benefits from these non-market activities
for which demand has increased in recent years. There has been frequent mention of
setting a target of 30% participation in voluntary activities. In some countries, these
new forms of participation have become popular as a result of compulsory military
service coming to an end.
Voluntary service can be at local, national and European levels. At European level, it
plays an essential part in creating a European identity and should be an effective tool
in bringing people together when new Member States join.
All of the work carried out in this field within the Council of Europe46, as part of
national civilian service schemes, in the EU's Council of Ministers (the subject is
being discussed right now), within the European Union's YOUTH programme or in
the United Nations47 points to the development of voluntary service.
Voluntary social or ecological year
In Germany, a federal law concerning the Voluntary Social Year (Freiwilliges Soziale Jahr-FSJ)
enables young people (16-27) to carry out full-time activities in a social welfare, care or educational
project for a period of 6-12 months. In 1993 the law was amended to include the Voluntary Ecological
Year (Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr -FOJ). The law ensures that young volunteers continue to
receive benefits during their period of service (such as family allowance and bonus points for
university placements) and that social insurance credits are paid for them by the host organisation.
The law places special emphasis on the educational value of the year by setting minimum support
standards for the volunteer.
At European level
The following proposals emerged from the consultations, particularly with young
cf. European Resolution on young volunteers involved in youth policy
cf. 2001 – International Year of Volunteers
• To ensure that people everywhere are given the same opportunities for welfare
and development:
– reduce third-world debt (on condition that human rights and democratic
values are observed);
– comply with the UN's request that 0.6% of gross domestic product be
spent on public aid in order to promote development in poor countries;
• Introduce programmes to prevent conflict in Europe and the rest of the world,
taking account of the importance of contacts and exchanges between young
people in contributing to peace. Youth policy in general and exchange
programmes in particular have a real impact in the international field.
At European level
• Pay special attention to refugees and asylum-seekers once they have arrived in
Europe and encourage targeted initiatives.
• Schools should address issues relating to society and behavioural trends. Set up
sex education courses dealing with all types of practices.
At European level
• Incorporate European citizens' fundamental rights into the Treaties by taking in
the Charter signed in Nice in December 2000, which includes the Convention on
Human Rights and adds to it. The young people who took part in the consultation
exercise feel that the European Union should also sign this Convention. These
fundamental rights must also apply to migrants and refugees.
• Encourage and support outreach work via local projects to promote solidarity and
accountability. Accordingly, the work of youth organisations must be recognised
and developed.
• Promote joint measures with companies and highlight the benefits of diversity
At European level
• Make racism and xenophobia a priority issue in all Community programmes and
action affecting young people, including the Social Fund.
• Use the YOUTH programme to set up an Internet platform to combat racism and
• Community programmes should pay special attention to young people from ethnic
minorities and second or third-generation immigrants.
• Intensify efforts to develop European citizenship and a European identity.
• Harmonise the rights of refugees and immigrants and enhance their status
throughout Europe.
At all levels
• Public administrations and institutions should reflect the diversity of society, and
minorities should be appropriately represented.
• Support networking at all levels and organise consultations between all actors.
At European level
• Strengthen existing policies and action at Community level, and get the Member
States to promote youth policy.
• Strengthen the mechanisms for cooperation between Member States and the
European institutions and publicise successful experiences for the benefit of
young people.
• Consult young people on any new initiatives which might affect them directly or
indirectly, for example by using Internet portals which have been developed for
this purpose at European level.
• In addition to Commission action, the Council of Ministers for Youth must step
up its work and the Council's Working Party on Youth must continue to play a
part in drafting decisions. Together, the institutions must create a positive climate
for the younger generations.
• As mobility at local level is often the best springboard for international mobility,
network the various people involved at local level by:
• Enhance the quality of mobility projects and take all possible steps to ensure that
young people on mobility programmes retain their autonomy (quality of
information, supervision, linguistic and cultural preparation, financial support).
• Incorporate a European, intercultural dimension into education and training for all
young people, both in schools and in informal learning. This would facilitate
physical mobility.
• Finally, take young people into account when drafting transport policies.
At European level
• Implement the monitoring mechanisms provided for in the Action Plan and the
Recommendation on mobility.
• Widen the range of young people taking part in the programmes. Specifically:
Resolution of the Council and of the representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting
within the Council of 14 December 2000 concerning an action plan for mobility - 2000/C371/03-, in OJ
C 371/4 of 23.12.2000
Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on mobility within the Community for
students, persons undergoing training, young volunteers, teachers and trainers - COM (1999) 708 - C5 -
0052 / 2000 - 2000 / 0021 (COD), in OJ C 178 of 22.6.2001
– give priority to young people for whom mobility is more difficult for
social reasons;
• Take highly practical measures to assist young people prior to departure and on
their return.
Voluntary service
• In the next ten years, significantly increase voluntary work among young people
at all levels (local, regional, national and European).
• In each Member State, create a voluntary service of one form or another, set up
the appropriate structures, increase the number of host sites and provide funding.
The municipalities, regions, associations and youth organisations should play an
essential role in this. The young people themselves should be able to share their
experience and help to define and implement voluntary service.
• Implement without delay the Recommendation and the Action Plan on mobility
(see below).
• Raise awareness among employers of the qualities acquired from voluntary work
(initiative, self-assurance, teamwork skills, etc.).
At European level
• Throughout the world there are a great many voluntary service organisations, both
public and private. These activities are generally not easily accessible for young
people. The European Commission could be given the task of negotiating with
these organisations to make them more open to young people.
• Make the European Voluntary Service even more accessible to young people in
difficult circumstances and young people with disabilities.
• White Paper on Youth Policy in Europe, National Youth Consultation, May – July 2000,
• Report on the Hearing on Youth Policy held in the European Economic and Social
Committee in Brussels on 20 February 2001.
• Meeting on Conditions for Young People in Europe, Report on the conference on 16-17
March 2001, Folkets Hus in Umeå, Sweden.
(b) On the European Parliament’s website,
http://www.europarl.eu.int/hearings/20010424/cult/minutes_en.pdf the following
document can be downloaded:
• European Parliament, Directorate General for Research, Summary of the Public Hearing
on Youth, 24 April 2001, Brussels, IV/WIP/2001/04/0094.
• Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee on the White Paper: Youth Policy (own-
initiative), adopted 29 November 2000, CES 1418/2000 [ES, DA, DE, EL, FR, IT, NL,
PT, FI, SV].
• Strategy and Key Objectives for a Youth Policy in the European Union, Second
Contribution of the European Youth Forum to the European Commission's White Paper
on Youth Policy, adopted by the Council of Members, Brussels 6-7 April 2001 [FR].
In 1988 the European Union launched the Programme YOUTH FOR EUROPE,
which supported exchanges between young people from different countries.50 During
the period 1989-1991 some 80 000 young people between 15 and 25 years of age
benefited from the programme. In July 1991, on the basis of Article 149 of the Treaty
establish the European Communities, YOUTH FOR EUROPE II was adopted51 and
in March 1995 the third phase of the programme commenced. It ended in 1999.52
In general terms, the YOUTH FOR EUROPE programme and the European
Voluntary Service scheme stimulated the development of European, national and
local projects involving young people, in particular those facing special difficulties.
In April 2000 the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament adopted the
YOUTH Programme, covering the period 2000 to 2006.55 The YOUTH Programme
goes beyond the YOUTH FOR EUROPE programme and the European Voluntary
Service scheme, focusing more on the acquisition of knowledge by young people and
the creation of cooperation between Member States in the development of youth
policy. 56 Moreover, education and training outside school ("non-formal education")
plays a more important role in the YOUTH Programme. Projects which the YOUTH
programme promotes must have links to the following:
OJ L 158 of 25.6.1988
OJ L 217 of 6.8.1991
OJ L 87 of 20.4.1995
COM(1996)610 of 23.12.1996
OJ L 214 of 31.7.1998
OJ L 117 of 18.5.2000, pp. 1-10
For more information, see http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/youth/youthprogram.html
The programme is also open to Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein as well as to the
pre-accession countries (i.e. countries in Eastern Europe as well as Cyprus, Malta,
Turkey). Under certain conditions, activities are also possible with third countries
(i.e. countries in the Mediterranean area, South-eastern Europe, the Commonwealth
of Independent States and Latin America).
Youth affairs as such are largely the responsibility of the national, regional and local
authorities of the Member States. But a closer look at the Treaties57 reveals the extent
of the European dimension of youth matters in a significant number of areas of
Community action.
Article 6 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) states that "the Union is founded
on the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms, and the rule of law". The article refers to the European Convention for the
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms signed in Rome in 1950.
Article 13 of the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC) deals with
prevention of various kinds of discrimination in the European Union. According to
this article, the European Union "may take appropriate action to combat
discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age
or sexual orientation".
Under Article 125 TEC – which must be interpreted in connection with Article 2
TEC – the Member States and the European Community shall "work towards
developing a coordinated strategy for employment and particularly for promoting a
skilled, trained and adaptable workforce and labour markets responsive to economic
change". To this end, the European Union launched the European Employment
Strategy in Luxembourg in 1997.
In Article 136 TEC the European Community recognises the social rights of workers.
Within this framework, "the Community and the Member States [...] shall have as
their objectives the promotion of employment, improved living and working
conditions, [...] proper social protection, dialogue between management and labour,
the development of human resources with a view to lasting high employment and the
combating of exclusion".
Article 137 TEC mentions the activities at national level which should be supported
by the European Community, such as improvement of the working environment to
protect workers' health and safety, working conditions, the information and
consultation of workers, the integration of persons excluded from the labour market,
For more information on the Treaties, see http://europa.eu.int/abc/treaties_en.htm
Article 146 TEC refers to the European Social Fund (ESF), which contributes to the
financing of measures to develop human resources, "to render the employment of
workers easier and to increase their geographical and occupational mobility within
the Community, and to facilitate their adaptation to industrial changes and to changes
in production systems". Young people are directly affected by projects financed by
the European Social Fund.
Article 149 TEC constitutes the legal basis for cooperation at European level in the
field of educational and youth. It stresses the central role of education in providing
opportunities for young people to live, to study and to move freely in a Europe
without borders. Article 149 TEC lists the different fields in which the European
Community can develop cooperation: teaching and dissemination of the languages of
the Member States; mobility of students and teachers; cooperation between
educational establishments; exchanges of information and experience on issues
common to the education systems of the Member States; youth exchanges and
exchanges of socio-educational instructors; distance education. Article 149
constitutes the legal basis of the YOUTH and SOCRATES programmes.
Under Article 150 TEC, the European Community "shall implement a vocational
training policy" to supplement action by the Member States. It defines the objectives
which should be reached and underlines that "particularly young people" should have
access to vocational training and mobility schemes.
Article 151 TEC constitutes the basis for cultural cooperation at European level.
According to this article, the Community supplements the Member States' actions in
the areas of "culture and history of the European peoples ... cultural heritage of
European significance ... cultural exchange ... artistic and literary creation, including
in the audiovisual sector". Though young people are not explicitly mentioned, they
are directly concerned by these actions. Article 151 TEC constitutes the legal basis
for the CULTURE 2000 programme, which inter alia gives funding to projects in the
area of cultural heritage, artistic and literacy creation, professional mobility,
dissemination of art and culture and intercultural dialogue and knowledge of
European history.
Under Article 152 TEC, the European Community pursues the aim of a high level of
human health protection in the definition and implementation of all Community
policies and activities. The article explicitly mentions the Community's competence
to develop "action in reducing drugs-related health damage, including information
and prevention".
Article 153 TEC concerns consumer protection. It stipulates that the Community
"shall contribute to protecting the health, safety and economic interests of consumers
as well as to promoting their right to information, education and to organise
On the basis of Article 177 TEC, the European Community contributes to sustainable
economic and social development in the developing countries, their integration into
the world economy and the campaign against poverty in these countries. This article
constitutes a major tool for the Community's support of the needs of young people in
developing countries.
Various political initiatives which benefit young people have been developed or are
about to be developed on the basis of these articles. The major themes are as follows:
• Young people
Apart from the YOUTH programme mentioned above, these mainly take the form of
resolutions of the Council of Ministers, such as the one on the participation of young
people, 58 on the non-formal education dimension of sporting activities,59 on social
inclusion of young people60 and on the promotion of initiative, enterprise and
creativity of young people.61
• Employment
OJ C 42 of 17.2.1999, pp. 1-2
OJ C 8 of 12.1.2000, p. 5
OJ C 374 of 28.12.2000, pp. 5-7
OJ C 196 of 12.7.2001, pp. 2-4
See title VIII, Employment, of the Treaty establishing the European Community; concerning the
procedure, see in particular Article 128 TEC
OJ L 22 of 24.1.01, pp. 18-26
• Education and training
The Lisbon European Council in March 2000 adopted a long-term strategy for a
competitive knowledge-based economy with more and better employment and social
cohesion. This strategy set new goals for different policy fields which are closely
related to youth, such as education, employment, social inclusion, information and
civil society. It defined new priorities for offering learning and training opportunities
tailored to target groups at different stages of their lives. It contains three main
components: a) the development of learning centres; b) the promotion of new basic
skills; c) increased transparency of qualifications. One of the most important goals is
to increase investment in human resources, to halve the number of 18 to 24 year olds
with only lower-secondary level education who are not in further education and
training by 2010, to turn schools and training centres – all linked to the Internet –
into open learning centres, to provide support to each and every population group
and to use the most appropriate methods to define new basic skills.
In March 2001 the Commission presented the eLearning Action Plan with regard to
linking schools to the Internet, covering infrastructure, training, services and content
and cooperation and dialogue.65 In July 2001 the Council of Ministers and the
European Parliament adopted the recommendation on mobility of students, persons
undergoing training, young volunteers, teachers and trainers. Its aim is to abolish
obstacles to mobility, to introduce transnational mobility into national policies and to
contribute to the dissemination of good practices.66
• Information society
Communication from the Commission "Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality"
European Commission, Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European
Parliament, The eLearning Action Plan, Designing tomorrow’s education, COM(2001)172, 28.3.2001
OJ L 215 of 9.8.2001, pp. 30-37
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on strengthening
cooperation with third countries in the field of higher education, COM(2001)385 final.
An essential part of the Lisbon strategy, the eEurope 2002 Action Plan68, approved at
the Feira Summit in June 2000, comprises a set of action areas to accelerate Europe’s
entry into the information society. The action “European youth into the digital age”
aims to promote the use of digital technologies and the Internet in European schools
and the acquisition of new skills. The essential role of e-Learning in achieving the
goals of the eEurope 2002 Action Plan has led to the adoption by the Commission of
the eLearning Action Plan mentioned above.
In addition, three other actions of the eEurope action plan will facilitate the
integration of youth to the information society : “Faster Internet access for
researchers and students”, which aims at upgrading research and university networks
within the EU; “Working in a knowledge based economy”, which puts emphasis on
life-long learning and digital skills; “Participation for all”, with the promotion of
public Internet access points.
• Entrepreneurship
“eEurope 2002 – An information society for all. Action Plan” (http://europa.eu.int/eeurope)
COM(2000) 256 final (OJ C311E, 31.10.2000, pp. 180-186)
OJ L 333, 29.12.2000, pp. 84-91
identifying and assessing measures and best practices developed at national or local
level in order to promote entrepreneurial attitudes and skills within education
On 20 June 2000, the European Council approved the European Charter for Small
Enterprises72 in Santa Maria da Feira. The Charter calls upon Member States and the
Commission to take action in a number of areas to support and encourage small
enterprises. One of the key areas for improvement in the Charter is "Education and
training for entrepreneurship".
• Social affairs
The Lisbon Strategy called for a renewed and modernised European social model
covering three key issues: 1) investing in people; 2) building an active and dynamic
welfare state; 3) strengthening actions against unemployment, social exclusion and
poverty. Concerning social inclusion the Lisbon European Council noted that the
number of people living below the poverty line and in social exclusion in the Union
is unacceptable. Efforts must be made to improve the skills of these young people, to
promote access to knowledge and to fight unemployment.
The Nice European Council in December 2000 approved the objectives of combating
poverty and social exclusion adopted by the Council. The four objectives adopted at
Nice are all highly relevant to young people. They are as follows : 1) to facilitate
participation in employment and access for all to the resources, rights, goods and
services (in particular social protection, housing and basic services, healthcare,
education, justice, culture, sport and leisure); 2) to prevent the risks of exclusion; 3)
to help the most vulnerable; 4) to mobilise all relevant bodies. Specific reference is
made to preventing the exclusion from school and the elimination of social exclusion
among young people.
The Council invited the Member States to develop their priorities in relation to these
objectives and to submit by June 2001 a two-year national action plans on combating
poverty and social exclusion. All Member States have already submitted such plans.
These plans confirm that the issue of poverty and social exclusion among young
people is an issue of major concern to most Member States.
The Nice European Council also approved the Social Agenda, which defines specific
priorities for action over the next five years, and confirmed the importance of the
strategies to combat all forms of discrimination in accordance with Article 13 of the
The Stockholm Summit in March 2001 confirmed this strategy and invited the
Council and the European Parliament to agree on a proposal for a social inclusion
programme in 2001. This programme will provide an important opportunity for an
exchange of learning and best practices between Member States on reducing and
preventing poverty and social exclusion amongst young people.
The European Charter for Small Enterprises was adopted by the General Affairs Council on 13.6.2000
• Health
Young people are part of the strategy laid down in the Community Action
Programme on Public Health. In July 2001, the Health Council agreed on a common
position on this Action Programme (2001-2006)73. One of the main aspects is the
improvement of information and knowledge about health issues. The programme
also covers prevention of AIDS and drug dependence. The Council also adopted a
recommendation against alcohol abuse by young people, in particular children and
In 1997 the Council welcomed the European Year against Racism and stressed that
Member States' efforts must be intensified and underlined the importance of
education. In 2000 the Education and Youth Council took note of the need to tackle
racism and xenophobia among young people. At the Youth Council in May 2001 a
declaration on combating racism and xenophobia on the Internet by intensifying
work with young people was adopted.
• Sport
The European Commission has proposed to the Council and the European Parliament
that 2004 be declared the “European Year of Education through Sport”. The main
objectives of this European Year will be to encourage the education sector and the
sports organisations to work together in order to use the educational value of sport
and its role in social integration and to emphasise the importance of voluntary
sporting activities as an aspect of informal education. Schools should be encouraged
to give greater importance to sporting activities in their curricula as well as in school
OJ C 307 of 31.10.2001, pp. 27-40
OJ C 8 of 12.1.2000, p. 5
There are a number of other funding lines in the field of education, employment,
culture and youth protection, which directly or indirectly support measures in favour
of young people. Here are a few examples:
• Infrastructure: during the funding period 2000 – 2006, the European Regional
Fund provides support in certain regions for infrastructure projects which include
projects for the benefit of young people (such as youth centres, schools, etc).
• Employment and social inclusion: during the funding period 2000-2006 the
European Social Fund is providing back-up for schemes in the field of labour,
social inclusion, information and counselling, etc. at national and regional level
which are specifically addressed to young people.
In April 2001 the Committee in charge of Youth Affairs organised a public hearing
on youth. MEPs, youth experts, representatives from economic and social
OJ C 175 of 21.6.1999, p. 50
organisations, youth associations and non-organised young people attended. The
number of participants and the high level of discussion was impressive and
contributed to the success of the meeting.
Young people said that they had high expectations in the White Paper, especially in
areas such as information, anti-discrimination, equal opportunities for young disabled
people, formal and non-formal education, employment and social inclusion as well as
participation in exchange programmes, demographic change in Europe and the
participation of young people in society. They said that “a true European youth
policy is needed … [and that] youth policy at all levels from local to European
should be complementary and … should be co-ordinated between the different
Young people are indirectly represented in the European Economic and Social
Committee (ESC) since many of the ESC’s members are linked to organisations with
youth branches which are active at the national, regional and local level. In
November 2000 the ESC adopted an opinion on youth policy.77 According to it youth
policy must value young people as a “resource to society” and enable them to
become “active, free and responsible citizens”. Youth policy is considered to be an
“integrated cross-sectoral policy” with the aim, “to improve and develop the living
conditions and participation of young people by encompassing the whole range of
social, cultural and political issues that affect them as well as other groups in
In February 2001 the ESC and the European Commission organised, in cooperation
with the Youth Forum of the European Union, a hearing of civil society in the
context of the White Paper. The hearing was extremely useful since it gave first hand
information on the situation of young people in Europe and their social, economic
and personal expectations.
The regional and local authorities represented at the Committee of the Regions
(CoR) are in most Member States the central actors with regard to the
implementation of youth policy. In 1999 the CoR adopted an opinion on “local and
regional cooperation in protecting children and young people in the European Union
European Parliament, Directorate General for Research, Summary of the Public Hearing on Youth,
organised by the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport, 24 April 2001 in
Brussels, IV/WIP/2001/04/0094, 18 May 2001.
Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee on the White Paper on Youth Policy, CES 1418/2000,
29-30.11.2000, p. 2-4
from abuse and neglect”.78 The CoR stressed the need for an EU-wide strategy on
preventing abuse and neglect of children and young people without interfering with
the responsibilities of national, regional and local authorities. The CoR's view is that
involving children and young people in decisions that affect their lives and to
empower them to get their voices heard contributes to prevention. The CoR argues
that the decentralised structures of a Europe close to the citizens require more co-
ordination, cross-border and transnational cooperation and that children and young
people should not be ignored in this process.
The European Youth Forum (EYF) was founded in 1979 in order to represent youth
organisations at European level and to start a dialogue with young people. Its
members are the national youth councils in the EU Member States and international
non-governmental youth organisations. It fosters contacts and communication
between its member organisations – which bring together millions of young people –
and with individual young people on a day-to-day basis. It aims at taking on a
stronger representation role. The EYF has acquired considerable expertise in youth
work, youth policy, the non-governmental youth sectors and questions of civil
society. The EYF is represented in European Commission working groups and is
involved in selecting projects within the YOUTH Programme.
The EYF played an important part in the consultation process which led up to this
White Paper. It took part in the consultation of young people and organised together
with the Commission and the ESC the consultation of civil society organisations. The
EYF worked out a contribution of its own and submitted it for discussion of the
White Paper.79
In the 1970s the Council of Europe established the European Youth Centre (EYC)
and the European Youth Foundation (EYF) in Strasbourg. In 1995 a second
European Youth Centre was opened in Budapest. The programmes and projects of
the EYC and the EYF are co-managed. 80.
In March 1992 it adopted the European Charter on the Participation of Young People
in Municipal and Regional Life.81 The Charter urged greater involvement of young
people in public affairs at regional and local level and called for the implementation
of "various forms of participation" which should apply "to all young people without
Opinion of the Committee of the Regions of 18.11.1999, COM-7/017
Strategy and Key Objectives for a Youth Policy in the European Union, Second Contribution of the
European Youth Forum to the European Commission’s White Paper on Youth Policy, adopted by the
Council of Members, Brussels, 6-7 April 2001
Concerning the principle of co-management, see footnote no. 20.
Resolution 237, adopted on 19.3.1992 by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
discrimination". In the recommendation on youth participation and the future of civil
society, adopted in 1997, the Committee of Ministers reaffirmed "the crucial role of
the participation of young people in the development of civil society as a resource for
the constant renewal of democratic society."82
At the 5th conference of the Council of Europe in Bucharest in April 1998, the Youth
Ministers declared that the integration of young people into working life would be
built on the skills and qualifications that they acquire by non-formal education. The
Council of Europe underlined the importance of non-formal education which clearly
enriches traditional models of education. The Council of Europe took a further step
when it adopted a recommendation on non-formal education in January 2000, in
which it acknowledged that formal educational systems alone cannot respond to
rapid and constant technological, social and economic change and for this reason
should be reinforced by non-formal educational practices.83
The fight against racism, xenophobia and intolerance has a long tradition within the
Council of Europe. At the beginning of the 1990s it launched a broad European
Youth Campaign in cooperation with European youth organisations for a tolerant
society and stimulated pilot projects. The Council of Europe also focused on the
development of the youth card as a service card that aims at improving the situation
of young participants in mobility projects. It promotes a voluntary service scheme for
young people at the national and European level and maintains the Interrail system at
a reasonable price. It provides support for non-profit platforms for youth exchanges.
A partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe was set
up in 1998 in order to develop a training programme for youth trainers for the
promotion of common values such as human rights, pluralist democracy, the rule of
law, active citizenship and European cooperation84. The concrete actions resulting
from the partnership include training publications and cooperation in the field of
advice and research with regard to training events.
Around thirty studies were cofinanced over five years under the YOUTH FOR
EUROPE programme. The majority were comparative analyses, but some were case
studies, covering three subject categories: 1) disadvantaged young people and risk
behaviours; 2) values, expectations and identity of young people, particularly in
relation to Europe (including the question of young immigrants, racism and
xenophobia); 3) non-formal education methods.
Four studies were funded under the European Voluntary Service programme. They
cover sport as an instrument of social integration for young people; the national
civilian service schemes; access for young people with disabilities to the European
voluntary service; the certificates issued on completion of voluntary service (national
or other).
The impact of the European Voluntary Service scheme has also been evaluated.
Committee of Ministers, Recommendation no. R(97)3 adopted 4.2.1997
Parliamentary Assembly, Recommendation 1437 on non-formal education, adopted 24.1.2000, § 7.i
A study on young people and youth policies in the Member States was carried out by
the IARD Institute (Milan) and published in June 2001.85 It provides an overview of
quantitative and qualitative data illustrating young people's situations and
expectations. It also describes youth structures and policies in the Member States.
In parallel with this work, the Commission set out to gauge the opinions of young
people in Europe. In 1997 a public opinion poll - Eurobarometer 47.2 “Young
Europeans” – was carried out. The Commission launched another Eurobarometer
survey with a view to drawing up this White Paper on Youth Policy. The results were
published in October 200187.
OJ L 6, 10.01.1997, pp.25-31