Nozick AnarchyStateDebate
Nozick AnarchyStateDebate
Nozick AnarchyStateDebate
U~ UK Lombtidt U5A
Material quoted from Lawrence Krader, Formation of the State, 1968, pp. 21-22,
reprinted by permission of Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Clifs, New Jersey.
Excerpts from A Theoy of Justice by John Rawls are reprinted by permission of the
publishers, Cambridge, Mass: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press and
Oxford: The Clarendon Press, and are copyright 1971
by the President and Fellows of Harvard College.
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State-of Nature Theory, or How to Back
into a State without Realy Tying
1 . hy Statc-ol-Paturc Jhcory!
2. Jhc Statc ol Paturc
3. Mora! Constrants and thc Statc
4. Prohbton, Compcnsaton, and Ksk
5. Jhc Statc
6. urthcr Consdcratons on thc Argumcnt
lor thc Statc
Beyond the Minimal State?
7. Ostrbutvc )ustcc
LC1l . 1C
LC1l ll:
Lqua! ty, Lnvy, Lxp!otaton, Ltc.
9. Ocmoktcss
10. A ramcwork lor Ltopa
IPOVOLALS havc rghts, and thcrc arc thngs no pcrson or
group may do to thcm (thout vo!atng thcr rghts). So strong
and lar-rcachng arc thcsc rghts that thcy rasc thc qucston ol
hat, l anythng, thc statc and ts olhca!s may do. Mo much
room do ndvdua! rghts !cavc lor thc statc! Jhc naturc ol thc
statc, ts !cgtmatc lunctons and ts just hcatons , l any, s thc
ccntra! conccrn ol ths book, a dc and dvcrsc varcty ol topcs
ntcrtnc n thc coursc olour nvcstgaton.
Cur man conc!usons about thc statc arc that a mnma! statc,
!mtcd to thc narro lunctons olprotccton aganst lorcc, thclt,
lraud, cnlorccmcnt olcontracts , and so on, s justhcd, that any
morc cxtcnsvc statc !! vo!atc pcrsons rghts not to bc lorccd to
do ccrtan thngs , and s unjust hcd, and that thc mnma! statc s
nsprng as c!! as rght. Jo notcorthy mp!catons arc that
thc statc may not usc ts cocrcvc apparatus lor thc purposc olgct-
tng somc ctzcns to ad othcrs , or n ordcr to prohbtactvtcs to
pcop!c lor thcrown good or protccton.
Ocsptc thc lactthat t s on!y cocrcvc routcs toard thcscgoa!s
that arc cxc!udcd, h!c vo!untary oncs rcmar, many pcrsons !!
rcjcct our conc!usons nstant!y, knong thcy don` t want to bc-
!cvc anythng so apparcnt!y ca!!ous toard thc nccds and sullcrng
olothcrs . kno that rcacton, t as mnc hcn hrst bcgan to
consdcr such vcs. th rc!uctancc, lound mysc!l bccomng
convnccd ol (as thcy arc no oltcn ca!!cd) !bcrtaran vcs, duc
to varous consdcratons and argumcnts . Jhs book contans !tt!c
cvdcncc olmy car! cr rc!uctancc. nstcad, t contans many olthc
consdcratons and argumcnts , hch prcscnt as lorcclu!!y 8
can. Jhcrcby, run thc rsk olollcndng doub!y. lor thc poston
cxpoundcd, and lor thc lact that ! producc rcasons to support ths
My car! cr rc!uctancc s not prcscnt n ths vo!umc, bccausc t
has dsappcarcd. Cvcr tmc, ! havc yrovn accustomcd to thcvcvs
and thcr conscqucnccs , and ! nov scc thc po! tca! rca!m throuyh
thcm (Shou!d ! say that thcy cnab!c mc to scc throuyh thc po-
!tca! rca!m') Sncc many ol thc pcop!c vho takc a sm!ar pos-
ton arc narrov and ryd, and h!!cd, paradoxca!!y, vth rcscnt-
mcnt at othcr lrccr vays ol bcny, my nov havny natura!
rcsponscs vhch ht thc thcory puts mc n somc bad company. ! do
not vc!comc thc lact that most pcop!c ! knov and rcspcct dsayrcc
vth mc, havny outyrovn thc not vho!!y admrab!c p!casurc ol
rrtatny or dumbloundn pcop!c by producny strony rcasons to
support postons thcy ds!kc or cvcn dctcst .
! vrtc n thc modc olmuch contcmporary ph!osophca! vork
n cpstcmo!oyy or mctaphyscs . thcrc arc c!aboratc aryumcnts,
c!ams rcbuttcd by un!kc!y countcrcxamp!cs , surprsny thcscs,
puzz!cs, abstract structura! condtons , cha!!cnycs to hnd anothcr
thcory vhch hts a spcchcd ranyc ol cascs, start!ny conc!usons,
and so on. Jhouyh ths makcs lor ntc!!cctua! ntcrcst and cxctc-
mcnt (! hopc), somc may lcc! that thc truth about cthcsandpo!t-
ca! ph!osophy stooscrous and mportant tobcobtancd bysuch
`hashy too!s. Pcvcrthc!css, t may bc that corrcctncss n cthcs s
not lound n vhat vc natura!!y thnk.
A codhcaton olthc rcccvcd vcv or an cxp!caton olacccptcd
prncp!cs nccd not usc c!aboratc aryumcnts. !t s thouyht to bc an
objccton to othcr vcvs mcrc!y to pont out that thcy conhct
vth thc vcv vhch rcadcrs vsh anyvay to acccpt. but a vcv
vhch dllcrs lrom thc rcadcrs cannot aryuc lor tsc!l mcrc!y by
pontny out that thc rcccvcd vcv conhcts vth itl !nstcad, t
v!! havc to subjcct thc rcccvcd vcv to thc yrcatcst ntc!!cctua!
tcstny and stran, va countcraryumcnts, scrutny ol ts prcsup-
postons, and prcscntaton ola ranyc ol possb!c stuatons vhcrc
cvcn ts proponcnts arc uncomlortab!c vth ts conscqucnccs.
Lvcn thc rcadcr unconvnccd by my aryumcnts shou!d hnd that,
n thc proccss olmantanny and supportny hs vcv, hc has c!ar-
hcd and dccpcncd t. Morcovcr, ! ! kc to thnk, ntc!!cctua! hon-
csty dcmands that, occasonaI!y at !cast , vc yo out olour vay to
conlront strony aryumcnts opposcd to our vcvs . Mov c!scarc vc
to protcct oursc!vcs lrom contnuny n crror' !t sccms on!y lar to
rcmnd thc rcadcr that ntc!!cctua! honcsty has ts danycrs, aryu-
mcnts rcad pcrhaps at hrst n curous lascnaton may comc to con-
vncc and cvcn to sccm natura! and ntutvc. Cn!y thc rclusa! to
!stcn yuarantccs onc ayanst bcny cnsnarcd by thc truth.
Jhccontcnts olths vo!umc arc ts partcu!ar aryumcnts, st!! , !
can ndcatc lurthcr vhat s to comc. Sncc ! bcyn v th a strony
lormu!aton ol ndvdua! ryhts , ! trcat scrous!y thc anarchst
c!am that n thc coursc olmantanny ts monopo!y on thc usc
lorcc and protcctny cvcryonc vthn a tcrrtory, thc statc must
vo!atc ndvdua!s ryhts and hcncc s ntrnsca!!y mmora! .
Ayanst ths c!am, ! aryuc that a statc vou!d arsc lrom anarchy
(as rcprcscntcd by Lockc s statc ol naturc) cvcn thouyh no onc n-
tcndcd ths or trcd to brny t about, by aproccss vhch nccd not
vo!atc anyoncs ryhts . Pursuny ths ccntra! aryumcnt ol Part
!cads throuyh a dvcrsty ol ssucs, thcsc nc!udc vhy mora! vcvs
nvo!vc sdc constrants on acton rathcr than mcrc!y bcny yoa!-
drcctcd, thc trcatmcnt ol anma!s, vhy t s so satslyny to cx-
p!an comp!catcd pattcrns as arsny by proccsscs n vhch no onc
ntcnds thcm, thc rcasons vhy somc actons arc prohbtcd rathcr
than a!!ovcd provdcd compnsaton s pad to thcr vctms, thc
noncxstcncc ol thc dctcrrcncc thcory olpunshmcnt, ssucs about
prohbtny rsky actons , Mcrbcrt Mart` s so-ca!Icd 'prncp!c ol
larncss, prccmptvc attack, and prcvcntvc dctcnton. Jhcsc
ssucs and othcrs arc brouyht to bcar n nvcstyatny thc naturc
and mora! !cytmacy.olthc statc and olanarchy.
Part j usthcs thc mnma! statc, Part contcnds that no morc
cxtcnsvc statc can bc justhcd. procccd by aryuny that a dvcr-
sty ol rcasons vhch purport to justly a morc cxtcnsvc statc,
don t. Ayanst thc c!am that such a statc s j ust hcd n ordcr to
achcvc or producc dstrbutvc j ustcc amony ts ctzcns , ! dc-
vc!op a thcory ol j ustcc (thc cntt!cmcnt thcory) vhch docs not
rcqurc any morc cxtcnsvc statc, and usc thc apparatus ol ths
thcory to dsscct and crtczc othcr thcorcs oldstrbutvc j ustcc
vhch do cnvsayc a morc cxtcnsvc statc, locusny cspcca!!y on
thc rcccnt povcrlu! thcory ol)ohn Kav!s. Cthcrrcasonsthat somc
myht thnk j ust| a morc cxtcnsvc statc arc crtczcd, nc!udny
cqua!ty, cnvy, vorkcrs contro! , andMarxan thcorcs olcxp!ota-
ton. (Kcadcrs vho hnd Part ! dlhcu!t shou!d hnd Part ! cascr ,
th Chaptcr 8 cascr than Chaptcr 7.) Part c!oscs th a hypo-
thctca! dcscrpton ol ho a morc cxtcnsvc statc myht arsc, a
ta!c dcsyncd to makc such a statc qutc unattractvc. Lvcn l thc
mnma! statc s thc unquc!y j usth ab!c onc, t may sccm pa!c and
uncxctny, hard!y somcthny to nsprc onc or to prcscnt a yoa!
orth hyhtny lor. Jo asscss ths, turn to that prccmncnt!y
nsprny tradton ol soca! thouyht, utopan thcory, and aryuc
that hat can bc savcd lrom ths tradton s prccsc!y thc structurc
ol thc mnma! statc. Jhc aryumcnt nvo!vcs a comparson ol dl-
lcrcnt mcthods ol shapny a soccty, dcsyn dcvccs and h!tcr dc-
vccs, and thc prcscntaton ola modc! hch nvtcs app!caton ol
thc mathcmatca! cconomst`s noton ol thc corc olan cconomy.
My cmphass upon thc conc!usons hch dvcryc lrom hat
most rcadcrs bc!cvc may ms!cad onc nto thnkny ths book s
somc sort olpo!tca! tract. t s not, t s a ph!osophca! cxp!ora-
ton ol ssucs, many lascnatny n thcr on ryht , hch arsc
and ntcrconncct hcn c consdcr ndvdua! ryhts and thc statc.
Jhc ord `cxp!oraton s appropratc!y choscn. Cnc vc about
ho to rtc a ph!osophy book ho!ds that an author shou!d thnk
throuyh a!! ol thc dcta!s ol thc vc hc prcscnts, and ts prob-
!cms, po!shny and rchnny hs vc to prcscnt to thc or!d a
hnshcd, comp!ctc, and c!cyant ho!c. Jhs s not my vc. At
any ratc, bc!cvc that thcrc a!so s a p!acc and a luncton n our
onyony ntc!!cctua! !lc lor a lcss comp!ctc ork, contanny un-
hnshcd prcscntatons, conjccturcs , opcn qucstons and prob!cms ,
!cads, sdc conncctons, as c!! as a man !nc olaryumcnt. Jhcrc
s room lor ords on sub|ccts othcr than !ast ords.
ndccd, thc usua! manncr olprcscntny ph!osophca! ork puz-
z!cs mc. orks ol ph!osophy arc rttcn as thouyh thcr authors
bc!cvc thcm to bc thc abso!utc!y hna! ord on thcr subjcct. but
t s not, surc!y, that cach ph!osophcr thnks that hc hna!!y, thank
Lod, has lound thc truth and bu!t an mprcynab!c lortrcss around
t. c arc a!! actua!!y much morc modcst than that . or yood
rcason. Mavny thouyht !ony and hard abut thc vc hc pro-
poscs, a ph!osophcr has a rcasonab!y yood dca abut ts cak
ponts, thc p!accs hcrc yrcat ntc!!cctua! cyht s p!accd upon
somcthny pcrhaps too lray!c to bcar t , thc p!accs hcrc thc
unravc!!ny ol thc vc myht bcyn, thc unprobcd assumptons
hc lcc!s uncosy about.
Cnc lorm olph!osophca! actvty lcc!s !kc pushny and shov-
ny thnys to ht nto somc hxcd pcrmctcr ol spcchcd shapc. A!!
thosc thnys arc !yny out thcrc, and thcy must bc ht n. You push
and shovc thc matcra! nto thc ryd arca ycttny t nto thc
boundary on onc sdc, and t bu!ycs out on anothcr. You run
around and prcss n thc protrudny bu!yc, producny yct anothcr
n anothcr p!acc. So you push and shovc and c!p ollcorncrs lrom
thc thnys so thcy!! htand you prcss n unt! hna!!y a!most cvcry-
thny sts unstab!y morc or !css n thcrc, hat docsnt ycts hcavcd
far aay so that t on` t bc notccd. (Cl coursc, t s not a!! that
crudc . Jhcrcs a!so thc coaxny and cajo!ny. And thc body Ln-
y!sh. ) Quickly, you hnd an any!c lrom hch t !ooks !kc an cxact
ht and takc a snapshot, at a last shuttcr spccd bclorc somcthny
c!sc bu!ycs out too notccab!y. Jhcn, back to thc darkroom to
touch up thc rcnts, rps, and tcars n thc labrc olthc pcrmctcr.
A!! that rcmans s to pub!sh thc photoyraph as a rcprcscntaton
ol cxact!y ho thnys arc, and to notc ho nothny hts propcr!y
nto any othcr shapc.
Po ph!osophcr says. `Jhcrcs hcrc startcd, hcrcs hcrc
cndcd up, thc major cakncss n my ork s that cnt lrom
thcrc to hcrc, n partcu!ar, hcrc arc thc most notab!c dstortons,
pushnys, shovnys, mau!nys, youynys , strctchnys, and chp-
pnys that commttcd durny thc trp, not to mcnton thc thnys
thron aay and ynorcd, and a!! thosc avcrtnys olyazc. `
Jhc rctccncc ol ph!osophcrs about thc cakncsscs thcy pcr-
ccvc n thcr on vcs s not, 1 thnk, smp!y a qucston ol
ph!osophca! honcsty and ntcyrty, thouyh t is that or at !cast
bccomcs that hcn brouyht to conscousncss Jhc rctccncc s con-
ncctcd th ph!osophcrs purposcs n lormu!atny vcs. hy do
thcy strvc to lorcc cvcrythny nto that onc hxcd pcrmctcr' hy
not anothcr pcrmctcr, or, morc radca!!y, hy not !cavc thnys
hcrc thcy arc' hat docs havny cvcrythny thn a pcrmctcr
do lor us' hy do c ant t so' (hat docs t shc!d us lrom')
rom thcsc dccp (and lryhtcnny) qucstons , 1 hopc not to bc ab!c
to manayc to avcrt my yazc n luturc ork.
Mocvcr, my rcason lor mcntonny thcsc ssucs hcrc s not that
1 lccl thcy pcrtan morc strony!y to ths ork than to othcr ph!o-
sophca! rtnys. hat say n ths book s , 1 thnk, corrcct .
Jhs s not my ay oltakny t back. Kathcr, 1 proposc to yvc t
aII to you. thc doubts and orrcs and unccrtantcs as cII as thc
bcIcls, convctons, and aryumcnts.
At thosc partcuIar ponts n my aryumcnts, transtons, as-
sumptons, and so lorth, hcrc ! lccI thc stran, ! try to commcnt
or at Icast to dra thc rcadcr`s attcnton tohat makcs mc uncasy.
!n advancc, t s possbIc to vocc somcycncraI thcorctcaIorrcs.
Jhs book docs not prcscnt a prccsc thcory ol thc moraI bass ol
ndvduaI ryhts, t docs not contan a prccsc statcmcnt and j us-
thcaton ola thcory olrctrbutvc punshmcnt, or a prccsc statc-
mcnt ol thc prncpIcs ol thc trparttc thcory oldstrbutvc j us-
tcc t prcscnts. Much ol hat ! say rcsts upon or uscs ycncraI
lcaturcs that ! bcIcvc such thcorcs ouId havc crc thcy orkcd
out . ! ouId Ikc to rtc on thcsc topcs n thc luturc. !l! do, no
doubt thc rcsuItny thcory II dllcr lromhat ! no cxpcct t to
bc, and ths ouId rcqurc somc modhcatons n thc supcrstruc-
turc crcctcd hcrc. !t ouId bc looIsh to cxpcct that ! shaII com-
pIctc thcsc lundamcntaI tasks satslactorIy, as t ouId bc to
rcman sIcnt untI thcy arc donc. Pcrhaps ths cssay II stmuIatc
othcrs to hcIp.
ninc chaptcrs ol ths cssay crc rttcn durn
I g I-I gz , hIc ! as a cIIo at thc Ccntcr lor Advanccd
Study n thc bchavoraI Sccnccs at PaIo AIto, a mnmaIIy struc-
turcdacadcmc nsttutonbordcrnyonndvduaIstanarchy. !am
vcry yratcluI to thc Ccntcr and ts stall lor provdny an cnvron-
mcnt so conducvc to ycttny thnys donc. Chaptcr I c as prc-
scntcd n a symposum on `Ltopa and Ltopansm` at a mcctny
ol thc Lastcrn Ovson olthc Amcrcan PhIosophcaI Assocaton
n I g6g, somc ponts lrom that dcIvcrcd addrcss appcar scattcrcd
n thc othcr chaptcrs. Jhc hoIc manuscrpt as rcrttcn durny
thc summcr ol I g .
barbara Pozck`s obcctons to somc ol thc postons dclcndcd
hcrc hcIpcd mc to sharpcn my vcs, n addton shc hcIpd cnor-
mousIyn nnumcrabIc othcrays . Cvcr scvcraI ycars , ! havc bcnc-
htcd lrom MchacI aIzcr`s commcnts , qucstons , and countcr
aryumcnts as ! trcd out on hm dcas on somc topcs olths cssay.
! havc rcccvcd dctaIcd and vcry hcIphI rttcn commcnts
on thc hoIc manuscrpt rttcn at thc Ccntcr lrom W. V
Qunc, Ocrck Parh t, and LIbcrt Marman, on Chaptcr lrom
)ohn KaIs and rank MchcIman, and on an carIcr dralt olPart !
lrom AIan Ocrshotz. ! aIso havc bcnchtcd lrom a dscusson
th KonaId Oorkn on ho compctny protcctvc aycnccs
ouId(n`t)ork, and lrom suyycstonsby burton Orcbcn. Varous
staycs ol varous portons ol ths manuscrpt crc rcad and ds-
cusscd, ovcr thc ycars , at mcctnys ol thc Soccty lor LthcaI and
LcyaI PhIosophy (SLL), thc rcyuIar dscussons th ts mcmbcrs
havc bccn a sourcc olntcIIcctuaI stmuIaton and pIcasurc. !t as
a Iony convcrsaton about sxycarsayothMurray Kothbard that
stmuIatcd my ntcrcst n ndvduaIst anarch1st thcory. Lvcn
7NI AcknowIcdgmcnts
Ionycr ayo, aryumcnts th brucc LoIdbcry Icd mc to takc Ibcr-
taran vcs scrousIy cnouyh to ant to rclutc thcm, and so to
pursuc thc subjcct hrthcr. Jhc rcsuIt s bclorc thc rcadcr.
State-f Nature Theor)
or How to Back into a State
without Realy rying
Why State-of-Nature
I thc statc dd not cxst wouId t bc ncccssary to nvcnt t!
ouId onc bc needed, and wouId t havc to bc invented Jhcsc
qucstons arsc lor poItcaI phIosophy and lor a thcory cxpIanng
poItcaI phcnomcna and arc answcrcd by nvcstgatng thc statc
ol naturc, ` to usc thc tcrmnoIogy oltradtonaI poItcaI thcory.
Jhc justhcaton lor rcsusctatng ths archac noton wouId havc to
bc thc lruthIncss , ntcrcst, and lar-rcachng mpIcatons ol thc
thcory that rcsuIts . or thc (Icss trustng) rcadcrs who dcsrc somc
assurancc n advancc, ths chaptcr dscusscs rcasons why t s m-
portant to pursuc statc-ol-naturc thcory, rcasons lor thnkng that
thcory wouId bc a lrutluI onc. Jhcsc rcasons ncccssarIyarc somc-
whatabstractand mctathcorctcaI. Jhc bcst rcon s thcdcvcIopcd
thcory tscIl.
State-oj-Nature Theoy
Jhc hndamcntaI qucston ol poItcaI phIosophy, onc that prc-
ccdcs qucstons about ho thc statc shouId bc oryanzcd, s
hcthcr thcrc shouId bc any statc at aII. hy not havc anarchy!
Sncc anarchst thcory, ltcnabIc, undcrcuts thc hoIc subjcct ol
litital phIosophy, t s appropratc to bcyn poI tcaI phIosophy
th an cxamnaton ol ts major thcorctcaI aItcrnatvc. Jhosc
ho consdcr anarchsm not an unattractvc doctrnc II thnk t
possbIc that poI tcaI phIosophy ends hcrc as cII . Cthcrs mpa-
tcntIyII aat hat s to comc altcrards. Yct, as c shaII scc,
archsts and anarchsts aIkc, thosc ho sprny ynycrIy lrom thc
startny pontascIIasthosc rcIuctantIy aryucd aay lrom t, can
ayrcc that bcynnny thc subjcct olpoItcaI phIosophy th statc-
ol-naturc thcory has an exlanateq purposc. (Such a purposc s ab-
scnt hcn cpstcmoIoyy s bcyun th an attcmpt to rclutc thc
skcptc . )
hch anarchc stuaton shouId c nvcstyatc to anscr thc
qucston olhy not anarchy! Pcrhaps thc onc that ouId cxst l
thc actuaI poItcaI stuaton ddn` t, hIc no othcr possbIc poIt-
caI onc dd. but apart lrom thc yratutous assumpton that cvcry-
onc cvcryhcrc ouId bc n thc samc nonstatc boat and thc cnor-
mous unmanaycabIty olpursuny that countcrlactuaI to arrvc at
a partcuIar stuaton, that stuaton ouId Iack lundamcntaI thco-
rctcaI ntcrcst. Jo bc surc, l that nonstatc stuaton crc sul-
hccntIy aluI , thcrc ouId bc a rcason to rclran lrom dsman-
tIny or dcstroyny a partcuIar statc and rcpIacny t th nonc,
t ouId bc morc promsny to locus upon a hndamcntaI ab-
stract dcscrpton that ouId cncompass aII stuatons ol ntcrcst,
ncIudny 'hcrc c ouId no bc l. ` crc ths dcscrpton
aluI cnouyh, thc statcouId comc out as a prclcrrcd aItcrnatvc,
vccd as allcctonatcIy as a trp to thc dcntst . Such aluI dc-
scrptons rarcIy convncc, and not mcrcIy bccausc thcy laI to
chccr. Jhc subjccts olpsycho!oyy and socoIoyy arc lar too lccbIc
to support ycncraIzny so pcssmstcaIIy across aII socctcs and
pcrsons, cspccaIIy sncc thc aryumcnt dcpcnds upon net makny
sutb pcssmstc assumptons about ho thc state opcratcs. Cl
hy 5tatc-oI-Paturc Jhcory! 5
coursc, pcopIc kno somcthny olho actuaI statcs havc opcratcd,
and thcy dllcr n thcr vcs . Lvcn thc cnormous mportancc ol
thc chocc bctccn thc statc and anarchy, cauton myht suyycst
onc usc thc 'mnmax` crtcron, and locus upn a pcssmstc cs-
tmatc olthc nonstatc stuaton. thc statcouId bc comparcdth
thc most pcssmstcaIIy dcscrbcd Mobbcsan statc olnaturc. but
n usny thc mnmax crtcron, ths Mobbcsan stuaton shouId
bc comparcd th thc most pcssmstcaIIy dcscrbcd possbIc
statc, ncIudny/uture oncs. Such a comparson, surcIy, thc orst
statc ol naturc ouId n. Jhosc ho vc thc statc as an abom-
naton II not hnd mnmax vcry compcIIny, cspccaIIy sncc t
sccms onc couId aIays brny back thc statc l that camc to sccm
dcsrabIc. Jhc `maxmax` crtcron, on thc othcr hand, ouId
procccd on thc most optmstc assumptons about ho thnys
ouId ork out--odn, l you Ikc that sort ol thny. but
mprudcnt optmsm aIso Iacks convcton. !ndccd, no proposcd
dccson crtcron lor chocc undcr unccrtanty carrcs convcton
hcrc, nor docs maxmzny cxpcctcd utIty on thc bass ol such
lraI probabItcs.
Morc to thcpont, cspccaIIy lor dccdny hatyoaIsoncshouId
try to achcvc, ouId bc to locus upon a nonstatc stuaton n
hch pcopIc ycncraIIy satsly moraI constrants and ycncraIIy act
as thcy ouyht . Such an assumpton is notIdIy optmstc, tdocs
not assumc that aII pcopIc act cxactIy as thcy shouId. Yct ths
statc-ol-naturc stuaton s thc bcst anarchc stuaton onc rcason-
abIycouId hopc lor. Mcncc nvcstyatny ts naturc anddclccts s ol
crucaI mportancc to dccdny hcthcr thcrc shouId bc a statc
rathcr than anarchy. !lonc couId sho that thc statc ouId bc su-
pcror cvcn to ths most lavorcstuaton olanarchy, thc bcst that
rcaIstcaIIy can bc hopcd lor, or ouId arsc by a proccss nvoIvny
no moraIIy mpcrmssbIc stcps, or ouId bc an mprovcmcnt lt
arosc, ths ouId provdc a ratonaIc lor thc statc's cxstcncc, t
ouId j ustly thc statc.
Jhs nvcstyaton II rasc thc qucston olhcthcr aII thc ac-
" This contrasts with a theory that presents a state's arising from a state of
nature by a natural and inevitable process of dtItrI0rdII0u. rather d medical
theory presents aging or dying. Such a theory would not "justify" the state,
though it might resign us to its existence.
State-oj-Nature Theoy
tons pcrsons must do to sct up and opcratc a statc arc thcmscIvcs
moraIIy pcrmssbIc. Somc anarchsts havccIamcd not mcrcIy that
wc wouId bc bcttcr ollwthout astatc, but that any statc ncccssar-
Iy voIatcs pcopIc`s moraI rghts and hcncc s ntrnscaIIy m-
moraI . Cur startng pont thcn, though nonpoItcaI , s by ntcn-
ton lar lrom nonmoraI . MoraI phIosophy scts thc background lor,
and boundarcs ol, poItcaI phIosophy. hat pcrsons may and
may not do to onc anothcr Imts what thcy may do through thc
apparatus ol a statc, or do to cstabIsh such an apparatus. Jhc
moraI prohbtons t s pcrmssbIc to cnlorcc arc thc sourcc ol
whatcvcr Icgtmacy thc statc`s lundamcntaI cocrcvc powcr has.
(undamcntaI cocrcvc powcr s powcr not rcstng upon any con-
scnt olthc prson to whom t s appIcd. ) Jhs provdcs a prmary
arcna olstatc actvty, pcrhaps thc onIy Icgtmatc arcna. urthcr-
morc, to thc cxtcnt moraI phIosophy s uncIcar and gvcs rsc to
dsagrccmcnts n pcopIc`s moraI udgmcnts , t aIso scts probIcms
whch onc mght thnk couId bc appropratcIy handIcd n thc po-
ItcaI arcna.
n addton to ts mportancc lor poItcaI phIosophy, thc nvcs-
tgaton olths statc olnaturc aIso wII scrvc cxpIanatorypurposcs.
Jhc possbIc ways ol undcrstandng thc poItcaI rcaIm arc as
loIIows. (r) to luIIy cxpIan t n tcrms ol thc nonpoItcaI, (z) to
vcw t as cmcrgng lrom thc nonpoItcaI but rrcducbIc to t, a
modc olorganzaton olnonpoItcaI lactors undcrstandabIc onIy n
tcrms olnovcIpoItcaI prncpIcs, or()to vcw t as a compIctcIy
autonomous rcaIm. Sncc onIy thc hrst promscs luII undcr-
standng ol thc whoIc poItcaI rcaIm, ' t stands as thc most dc-
srabIc thcorctcaI aItcrnatvc, to bcabandoncd onIy lknown to b
mpossbIc. Lct us caII ths most dcsrabIc and compIctc knd ol
cxpIanaton ola rcaIm a/undmental cxpIanaton olthc rcaIm.
JocxpIan lundamcntaIIythcpoItcaI n tcrms olthc nonpoIt-
caI, onc mght start cthcrwth a nonpoItcaI stuaton, showng
how and why a poItcaI onc Iatcr wouId arsc out olt, or wth a
hy 5tatc-oI-Paturc Jhcory: 7
poItcaI stuaton that s dcscrbcd nonpoItcaIIy, dcrvng ts po-
ItcaI lcaturcs lrom ts nonpoItcaI dcscrpton. Jhs Iattcr dcrva-
ton cthcr wII dcntly thc poItcaI lcaturcs wth thosc lcaturcs
nonpoItcaIIy dcscrbcd, or wII usc sccnthc Iaws to conncct ds-
tnct lcaturcs. Lxccpt pcrhaps lor ths Iast modc, thc IIumnaton
olthc cxpIanaton wII varydrcctIy wth thc ndcpcndcnt gIow ol
thc nonpoItcaI startng pont (bc t stuaton or dcscrpton) and
wth thc dstancc, rcaI or apparcnt, ol thc startng pont lrom ts
poItcaI rcsuIt. Jhc morc hndamcntaI thc startng pont (thc
morc t pcks out basc, mportant, and ncscapabIc lcaturcs olthc
human stuaton) and thc Icss cIosc t s or sccms to ts rcsuIt (thc
Icss poItcaI or statcIkc t Iooks), thc bcttcr. t wouId not ncrcasc
undcrstandng to rcach thc statc lrom an arbtrary and othcrwsc
unmportant startng pont, obvousIy adaccnt to t lrom thc
start. hcrcas dscovcrng that poItcaI lcaturcs and rcIatons
wcrc rcducbIc to, or dcntcaI wth, ostcnsbIy vcry dllcrcnt non-
poItcaI oncs wouId bc an cxctng rcsuIt. crc thcsc lcaturcs lun-
damcntaI , thc poItcaI rcaIm wouId bc hrmIy and dccpIy bascd.
So lar arc wc lrom such a major thcorctcaI advancc that prudcncc
aIonc wouId rccommcnd that wc pursuc thc aItcrnatvc olshowng
how apoItcaI stuaton wouId arsc out ola nonpoItcaI onc, that
s , that wc bcgn a lundamcntaI exlanater) account wth what s
lamIar wthn poItcaI phIosophy as statc-ol-naturc thcory.
A thcory ola statc olnaturc that bcgns wth hndamcntaI gcn-
craI dcscrptons olmoraIIy pcrmssbIc and mpcrmssbIc actons ,
and oldccpIy bascd rcasons why somc pcrsons nany soccty wouId
voIatc thcsc moraI constrants, and gocs on to dcscrbc how astatc
wouId arsc lrom that statc ol naturc wII scrvc our cxpIanatory
purposcs, even i/neattualstate ever arese tbat wa) McmpcI has ds-
cusscd thc noton ol a potcntaI cxpIanaton, whch ntutvcIy
(and roughIy) s what wouId bc thc corrcct cxpIanaton lcvcry-
thng mcntoncd n t wcrc truc and opcratcd. Lct us say that a
law-de/ttive potcntaI cxpIanaton s a potcntaI cxpIanaton wth a
laIsc IawIkc statcmcnt and that a/att-de/ttive potcntaI cxpIana-
ton s apotcntaI cxpIanaton wth a laIsc antcccdcnt condton. A
potcntaI cxpIanaton that cxpIans aphcnomcnon as thc rcsuIt ola
proccss P wII bc dclcctvc (cvcn though t s ncthcr Iaw-dclcctvc
nor lact-dclcctvc) l somc proccss _ othcr than P produccd thc
8 State-o/-Nature Theoy
phcnomcnon, though P was capabIc ot dong t. Mad ths othcr
proccss _ not produccd t, thcn P wouId havc. Lct us caII a po-
tcntaI cxpIanaton that taIs n ths way actuaIIy to cxpIan thc
phcnomcnon aretess-m/ttiw potcntaI cxpIanaton.
A/undamental potcntaI cxpIanaton (an cxpIanaton that wouId
cxpIan thc whoIc rcaIm undcr consdcraton wcrc t thc actuaI cx-
pIanaton) carrcs mportant cxpIanatory IIumnaton cvcn t t s
net thc corrcct cxpIanaton. Jo scc how, nprncpIc, awbelermlm
couId tundamcntaIIy bc cxpIancd grcatIy ncrcascs our undcr-
standngotthc rcaIm.t t sdthcuIt to say morc wthout cxamn-
ng typcs otcascs, ndccd, wthout cxamnng partcuIar cascs, but
ths wc cannot do hcrc. act-dctcctvc tundamcntaI potcntaI cx-
pIanatons, tthcr taIsc ntaI condtons `couId havc bccn truc, `
wII carry grcat IIumnaton, cvcn wIdIy taIsc ntaI condtons
wII IIumnatc, somctmcs vcry grcatIy. Law-dctcctvc hndamcn-
taI potcntaI cxpIanatons may IIumnatc thc naturcota rcaIm aI-
most as wcII as thc corrcct cxpIanatons , cspccaIIy t thc `Iaws`
togcthcr torm an ntcrcstng and ntcgratcd thcory. And proccss-
dctcctvc hndamcntaI potcntaI cxpIanatons (whch arc ncthcr
Iaw-dctcctvc nor tact-dctcctvc) ht our cxpIanatory bII and pur-
poscs aImost pcrtcctIy. Jhcsc thngs couId not b sad as strongIy,
tat aII , about nonhndamcntaI cxpIanaton.
Statc-ot-naturc cxpIanatons otthc poItcaI rcaImaretundamcn-
taI potcntaI cxpIanatons ot ths rcaIm and pack cxpIanatory
Or, perhaps yet another process R would have if Q hadn't, though had R
not produced the phenomenon, then P would have, or . . .. So the footnoted
sentence should read: P would have produced the phenomenon had no memer
of [Q, R, . .. J done so. We ignore here the complication that what would
prevent Q from producing the phenomenon might also prevent P from doing
t This claim needs to be qualiied. It will not increse our understanding of
a realm to be told s a otential explanation what we know to be false: that by
doing a certain dance, ghosts or witches or goblins made the realm that way. It
is plausible to think that an explanation of a realm must present an underlying
mechanism yielding the realm. (Or do something else equally productive of un
derstanding. ) But to say this u not to state precisely the deep conditions an un
derlying mechanism must satisy to explain a realm. The precise qualiication of
the claim in the text awaits advances in the theory of explanation. Yet other dif
iculties call for such advances; see Jaegwon Kim, "Causation, Nomic Subsump
tion, and the Concept of Event," The Jonal f Philosoph
, 7 0, no. 8 (April 26,
1 97 3), 21 7 -236.
Why State-of-Nature Theory?
punch and IIumnaton, cvcn t ncorrcct. c Icarn much by
sccng how thc statc couId havc arscn, cvcn t t ddn` t arsc that
way. tt ddn` t arsc that way, wc aIso wouId Icarn much by dc-
tcrmnng why t ddn` t, by tryng to cxpIan why thc partcuIar
bt otthc rcaI worId that dvcrgcs trom thc statc-ot-naturc modcI
s as t s.
Sncc consdcratons both otpoItcaI phIosophy and otcxpIana-
tory poItcaI thcory convcrgc upon Lockc` s statc ot naturc, wc
shaII bcgn wth that. Morc accuratcIy, wc shaII bcgn wth nd-
vduaIs n somcthng suthccntIy smIar to Lockc` s statc otnaturc
so that many ot thc othcrwsc mportant dttcrcnccs may bc g-
norcd hcrc. CnIy whcn somc dvcrgcncc bctwccn our conccpton
and Lockc`s s rcIcvant to elitital phIosophy, to our argumcnt
about thc statc, wII t bc mcntoncd. Jhc compIctcIy accuratc
statcmcnt ot thc moraI background, ncIudng thc prccsc statc-
mcnt otthc moraI thcory and ts undcrIyng bass, wouId rcqurc a
tuII-scaIc prcscntaton and s a task tor anothcr tmc . (A Itctmc!)
Jhat task s so crucaI, thc gap Ictt wthout ts accompIshmcnt so
yawnng, that t s onIy a mnor comtort to notc that wc hcrc arc
toIIowng thc rcspcctabIc tradton ot Lockc, who docs not pro-
vdc anythng rcmotcIy rcscmbIng a satstactory cxpIanaton ot
thc status and bass ot thc Iaw ot naturc n hs SetendTreatise.
The State of Nature
IPOVOLALS n Lockc`s statc olnaturc arc n `astatc olpcr-
lcct lrccdom to ordcr thcr actons and dsposc olthcr posscssons
and pcrsons as thcy thnk ht, wthn thc bounds olthc Iaw olna-
turc, wthout askng Icavc or dcpcndcnoy upon thc wII ol any
othcr man` (scct. q).
Jhc bounds olthc Iaw olnaturc rcqurc that
`no onc ought to harm anothcr n hs Ilc, hcaIth, Ibcrty, o
scssons` (scct. 6). Somc pcrsons transgrcss thcsc bounds, `nvad-
ng othcrs` rghts and . . . dong hurt to onc anothcr, ` and n
rcsponsc pcopIc may dclcnd thcmscIvcs or othcrs aganst such
nvadcrs olrghts (chap. ). Jhc n urcd party and hs agcnts may
rccovcr lrom thc ohcndcr `so much as may makc satslacton lor
thc harm hc has sullcrcd` (scct. I o), `cvcryonc has a rght to
punsh thc transgrcssors olthat Iaw to such adcgrcc as may hndcr
ts voIaton` (scct. ), cach pcrson may, and may onIy `rctrbutc
to [a crmnaI| so larascaIm rcason and consccncc dctatc, what s
proportonatc to hs transgrcsson, whch s so much as may scrvc
lor rcparaton and rcstrant` (scct. 8).
Jhcrc arc `nconvcncnccs olthc statc olnaturc` lor whch, says
Lockc, `casIy grant that cvI govcrnmcnt s thc propcr rcmcdy`
(scct. I ). Jo undcrstand prccscIy what cvI govcrnmcnt rcmc-
dcs, wc must do morc than rcpcat Lockc`s Ist ol thc nconvc-
ncnccs ol thc statc ol naturc. c aIso must consdcr what ar-
rangcmcnts mght bc madc wthn a statc olnaturc to dcaI wth
The State of Nature 1 1
thcsc inconvcncnccs-to avoid thcm or to makc thcm Icss IkcIy
to arsc or to makc thcm Icss scrious on thc occasions whcn thcy do
arsc. CnIy altcr thc luII rcsourccs ol thc statc ol naturc arc
brought into pIay, namcIy aII thosc voIuntary arrangcmcnts and
agrccmcnts pcrsons might rcach acting within thcir rights , and
onIy altcr thc cllccts ol thcsc arc cstmatcd, wiII wc bc n a pos-
tion to scc how scrous arc thc nconvcncnccs that yct rcman to
bc rcmcdicd by thc statc, and to cstmatc whcthcr thc rcmcdy s
worsc than thc discasc.
n astatc ol naturc, thc undcrstood naturaI Iaw may not provdc
lorcvcry contingcncy n apropcrlashon (scc scctons I g and I 6o
whcrc Lockc makcs ths pont about IcgaI systcms , but contrast
sccton I zq), and mcn who judgc n thcr own casc wII aIways
gvc thcmscIvcs thc bcncht olthc doubt and assumc that thcy arc
n thc right. Jhcy wII ovcrcstmatc thc amount ol harm or dam-
agc thcy havc sullcrcd, and passons wII Icad thcm to attcmpt to
punsh othcrs morc than proportonatcIy and to cxact cxccssvc
compcnsaton (sccts . I , I zq, I z ). Jhus prvatc and pcrsonaI cn-
lorccmcnt ol onc`s rghts (ncIudng thosc rghts that arc voIatcd
whcn onc s cxccssvcIy punshcd) Icads to lcuds , to an cndIcss
scrcs ol acts ol rctaIaton and cxactons ol compnsaton. And
thcrc is no hrm way to settle such a dsputc, toendt and to havc
both partcs know t s cndcd. Lvcn lonc partysa)s hc`II stop hs
. Proudhon has given us a description of the :tate': domestic "inconve
niences. " "To e OVERNED is to e watched, insected, spied uon, di
rected, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enolled, indoctrinated, peached at,
controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures
who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOV
ERNED is to be at every oeration, at every transaction noted, registered,
counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, ssessed, licensed, authorized,
admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under
pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed
under contribution, drilled, leeced, exploited, monoolized, extorted from,
squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the irst word of
complaint, to e repressed, ined, viliied, harrased, hunted down, abused,
clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot,
deported, sacriiced, sold, etrayed; and to crown all , mocked, ridiculed, de
rided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is
its morality." P. J. Proudhon, Genoa/ |dea e/ tbe Rev/utien in tbe Nineteentb
Centu, trans. John Beverly Robinson (ondon: Freedom Press, 19 23) , pp.
29 3-29 4 , with some alterations from Benjamin Tucker's translation in |n:tmd e/
a 8eek (New York, 189 3), p. 26.
1 2
State-oj-Nature Theoy
acts ot rctaIaton, thc othcr can rcst sccurc onIy thc knows thc
hrst stII docs not tccI cnttIcd to gan rccompcnsc or to cxact rctr-
bur on, and thcrctorc cnttIcd to try whcn a promsng occason
prcscnts tscIl. Any mcthod a sngIc ndvduaI mght usc n an at-
tcmpt rrcvocabIy to bnd hmscIt nto cndng hs part n a tcud
wouId ottcr nsuthccnt assurancc to thc othcr party, tact agrcc-
mcnts to stop aIso wouId bc unstabIc. Such tccIngs otbcng mu-
tuaIIy wrongcd can occur cvcn wth thc cIcarcst rght and wth
jont agrccmcnt on thc tacts otcach pcrson` s conduct, aII thc morc
s thcrc opportunty tor such rctaIatory battIc whcn thc tacts or
thc rghts arc to somc cxtcnt uncIcar. AIso, n a statc otnaturc a
pcrson may Iack thc powcr to cntorcc hs rghts, hc may bc unabIc
to punsh orcxactcompcnsaton trom a strongcr advcrsary who has
voIatcd thcm (sccts. I z , I z6).
Mow mght onc dcaI wth thcsc troubIcs wthn a statc otnaturc!
Lct us bcgn wth thc Iast. n a statc otnaturc an ndvduaI may
hmscIt cntorcc hs rghts , dctcnd hmscIt cxact compcnsaton,
and punsh (oratIcast try hs bcst todoso). Cthcrs may j on wth
hm n hs dctcnsc, at hscaII. Jhcy may jon wthhm to rcpuIsc
an attackcr or to go attcr an aggrcssor bccausc thcyarcpubIc spr-
tcd, or bccausc thcy arc hs trcnds, or bccausc hc has hcIpcd thcm
n thc past, or bccausc thcy wsh hm to hcIp thcm n thc hturc,
or n cxchangc tor somcthng. Lroups ot ndvduaIs may torm
mutuaI-protccton assocatons. aII wII answcr thc caII ot any
mcmbcr tor dctcnsc or tor thc cntorccmcnt oths rghts . n unon
thcrc s strcngth. Jwo nconvcncnccs attcnd such smpIc mutuaI-
protccton assocatons. ( I ) cvcryonc s aIways on caII to scrvc a
protcctvc tuncton (and how shaII t bc dccdcd who shaII answcr
thc caII tor thosc protcctvc tunctons that do not rcqurc thc scr-
vccs otaII mcmbcrs!), and (z) any mcmbcr may caII out hs asso-
catcs by sayng hs rghts arc bcng, or havc bccn, voIatcd. Pro-
tcctvc assocatons wII not want to bc at thc bcck and caII otthcr
cantankcrous or paranod mcmbcrs , not to mcnton thosc ot thcr
mcmbcrs who mght attcmpt , undcr thc gusc ot scIt-dctcnsc, to
The State of Nature
usc thc assocaton to voIatc thc rghts otothcrs . OthcuItcs wII
aIso arsc t two dttcrcnt mcmbcrs ot thc samc assocaton arc n
dsputc, cach caIIng upon hs tcIIow mcmbcrs to comc to hs ad.
A mutuaI-protccton assocaton mght attcmpt to dcaI wth
conhct among ts own mcmbcrs by a poIcy ot nonntcrvcnton.
but ths poIcy wouId brng dscord wthn thc assocaton and
mght Icad to thc tormaton ot subgroups who mght hght among
thcmscIvcs and thus causc thc brcakup otthc assocaton. Jhs poI-
cy wouId aIso cncouragc potcntaI aggrcssors to jon as many mu-
tuaI-protccton assocatons as possbIc n ordcr to gan mmunty
trom rctaIatoryor dctcnsvc acton, thus pIacng agrcat burdcn on
thc adcquacy otthc ntaI scrccnng proccdurc ot thc assocaton.
Jhus protcctvc assocatons (aImost aII otthosc that wII survvc
whch pcopIc wII jon)wII not toIIow a poIcy otnonntcrvcnton,
thcy wIIusc somc proccdurc to dctcrmnc how toact whcn somc
mcmbcrs cIam that othcr mcmbcrs havc voIatcd thcr rghts.
Many arbtrary proccdurcs can bc magncd (tor cxampIc, act on
thc sdc ot that mcmbcr who compIans hrst), but most pcrsons
wII want to jon assocatons that toIIow somc proccdurc to hnd
out whch cIamant s corrcct. hcn a mcmbcr ot thc assocaton
s n conhct wth nonmcmbcrs, thc assocaton aIso wII want to
dctcrmnc n somc tashon who s n thc rght, t onIy to avod
constant and costIy nvoIvcmcnt n cach mcmbcr`s quarrcIs ,
whcthcr just or unjust. Jhc nconvcncncc ot cvcryonc`s bcng on
caII, whatcvcr thcr actvty at thc momcnt or ncInatons or com-
paratvc advantagc, can bc handIcd n thc usuaI manncr by dv-
son ot Iabor and cxchangc. Somc pcopIc wII bc bired to pcrtorm
protcctvc tunctons , and somc cntrcprcncurs wIIgo nto thc bus-
ncss ot scIIng protcctvc scrvccs . Ottcrcnt sorts ot protcctvc
poIccs wouId bc ottcrcd, at dttcrcnt prccs, tor thosc who may
dcsrc morc cxtcnsvc or cIaboratc protccton.
An ndvduaI mght makc morc partcuIar arrangcmcnts or
commtmcnts short otturnng ovcr to a prvatc protcctvc agcncy
aII tunctons ot dctccton, apprchcnson, j udcaI dctcrmnaton ot
guIt, punshmcnt , and cxacton ot compcnsaton. MndtuI ot thc
dangcrs ot bcng thc judgc n hs own casc, hc mght turn thc
dccson as to whcthcr hc has ndccd bccn wrongcd, and to what
cxtcnt, to somc othcr ncutraI or Icss nvoIvcd party. n ordcr tor
thc occurrcncc ot thc socaI cttcct ot justcc`s bcng sccn to bc
State-oj-Nature Theoy
donc, such a party wouId havc to bc gcncraIIy rcspcctcd and
thought to bc ncutraI and uprght . both partcs to a dsputc may
so attcmpt to salcguard thcmscIvcs aganst thc appcarancc olpar-
taIty, and both mght cvcn agrcc upon thc same pcrson as thc
judgc bctwccn thcm, and agrcc to abdc by hs dccson. (Cr thcrc
mght bc a spcc hcd proccss through whch onc olthc partcs ds-
satshcd wth thc dccson couId appaI t. ) but, lor obvous rca-
sons , thcrc wII bc strong tcndcnccs lor thc abovc-mcntoncd
lunctons to convcrgc n thc samc agcnt or agcncy.
IcgaI systcm to othcr j udgcs or courts thcy havc choscn, lor cx-
ampIc, to rcIgous courts . laII partcs to adsputc hnd somc ac-
tvtcs olthc statc or ts IcgaI systcm so rcpcIIcnt that thcy want
nothng to do wth t, thcy mght agrcc to lorms olarbtraton or
j udgmcnt outsdc thc apparatus olthc statc. PcopIc tcnd to lorgct
thc possbItcs ol actng ndcpcndcntIy ol thc statc. (SmIarIy,
pcrsons who wanttobc patcrnaIstcaIIy rcguIatcd lorgct thc poss-
bItcs olcontractng nto partcuIar Imtatons on thcr own bc-
havor or appontng a gvcn patcrnaIstc supcrvsory board ovcr
thcmscIvcs. nstcad, thcy swaIIow thc cxact pattcrn olrcstrctons
a IcgsIaturc happcns to pass. s thcrc rcaIIy somconc who, scarch-
ng lor a group ol wsc and scnstvc pcrsons to rcguIatc hm lor
hs own good, wouId choosc that group ol pcopIc who consttutc
thc mcmbcrshp ol both houscs ol Congrcss!) Ovcrsc lorms ol
j udcaI adj udcaton, dllcrng lrom thc partcuIar packagc thc
statc provdcs, ccrtanIy couId bc dcvcIopcd. Por do thc costs ol
dcvcIopng and choosng thcsc account lor pcopIc`s usc olthc statc
lorm. or t wouId bc casy to havc a Iargc numbcr ol prcsct
packagcs whch partcs couId scIcct. PrcsumabIy what drvcs pco-
pIc to usc thc statc`s systcm olj ustcc s thc ssuc oluItmatc cn-
lorccmcnt. CnIy thc statc can cnlorcc a judgmcnt aganst thc wII
oloncolthcpartcs. or thc statcdocs notallew anyonc cIsc tocn-
lorcc anothcr systcm`s judgmcnt. So n any dsputc n whch both
partcs cannot agrcc upon a mcthod ol scttIcmcnt, or n any ds-
putc n whch onc party docs not trust anothcr to abdc by thc
dccson (l thc othcr contracts to lorlct somcthng ol cnormous
vaIuc lhc docsn` t abdc by thc dccson, by what agcncy s tbat
contract to bc cnlorccd!), thc partcs who wsh thcr cIams put
nto cllcct wII havc no rccoursc pcrmttcd by thc statc`s IcgaI sys-
Jhc btatc of Paturc
tcm othcr than to usc that vcry IcgaI systcm. Jhs may prcscnt
pcrsons grcatIy opposcd to a gvcn statc systcm wth partcuIarIy
pognant and panhI choccs. (l thc statc` s IcgaI systcm cnlorccs
thc rcsuIts ol ccrtan arbtraton proccdurcs, pcopIc may comc to
agrccsupposng thcy abdc by ths agrccmcnt-wthout any ac-
tuaI drcct contact wthwhat thcy pcrccvc to bc olhccrs or nsttu-
tons olthc statc. but thshoIdsaswcII lthcy sgnacontract that
s cnlorccd onIy by thc statc. )
II protcctvc agcnccsrequire that thcr cIcnts rcnouncc cxcr-
csng thcr rght olprvatc rctaIaton lthcy havc bccn wrongcd
by noncIcnts ol thc agcncy! Such rctaIaton may wcII Icad to
countcrrctaIaton by anothcr agcncy or ndvduaI , and a protcc-
tvc agcncy wouId not wshattbat late stage to gct drawn nto thc
mcssy allar by havng to dclcnd ts cIcnt aganst thc countcr-
rctaIaton. Protcctvc agcnccs wouId rclusc to protcct aganst
countcrrctaIaton unIcss thcy had hrstgvcnpcrmsson lor thcrc-
taIaton. (Jhough mght thcy not mcrcIy chargc much morc lor
thc morc cxtcnsvc protccton poIcy that provdcs such covcragc!)
Jhc protcctvc agcnccs nccd not cvcn rcqurc that as part olhs
agrccmcnt wth thc agcncy, a cIcnt rcnouncc, by contract, hs
rght olprvatc cnlorccmcnt olj ustcc aganst tsetbn tlients. Jhc
agcncy nccd onIy rchsc a cIcnt C, who prvatcIy cnlorccs hs
rghts aganst othcr cIcnts, any protccton aganst countcrrctaIa-
ton upon hm by thcsc othcr cIcnts. Jhs s smIar to what
occurs lC acts aganst a noncIcnt. Jhc addtonaI lact thatC acts
upon a cIcnt olthc agcncy mcans that thc agcncy wII act toward
C as t wouId toward any noncIcnt who prvatcIy cnlorccd hs
rghts upon any onc olts cIcnts (scc Chaptcr ). Jhs rcduccs n-
tra-agcncy prvatc cnlorccmcnt olrghts to mnuscuIc IcvcIs.
ntaIIy, scvcraI dllcrcnt protcctvc assocatons or compancs wII
ollcr thcrscrvccs n thc samc gcographcaI arca. hat wII occur
whcn thcrc s a conhct bctwccn cIcnts ol dllcrcnt agcnccs!
JhngsarcrcIatvcIy smpIc lthcagcnccs rcach thcsamc dccson
about thc dsposton ol thc casc. (Jhough cach mght want to
: State-of-Nature Theoy
cxact thc pcnaIty. ) but whut happcns l thcy rcach dllcrcnt dcc-
sons as to thc mcrts ol thc casc, and onc agcncy attcmpts to
protcct ts cIcnt whIc thc othcr s attcmptng to punsh hm or
makc hm pay compnsaton! CnIy thrcc possbItcs arc worth
1 . n such stuatons thc totccs ot thc two agcnccs do battlc. Lnc ot
thc agcnccs aIways wns such battIcs. bncc thc cIcnts ot thc Iosng
agcncy atc II ptotcctcd n conhcts wth cIcnts ot thc wnnng
agcncy, thcy Icavc thct agcncy to do busncss wth thc wnnct.
2 . Lnc agcncy has ts powct ccntctcd n onc gcogtaphcaI atca, thc
othct n anothct . Lach wns thc battIcs tought cIosc to ts ccntct ot
powct, wth somc gtadcnt bcng cstabIshcd. ' coplc who dcaI
wth onc agcncy but Ivc undct thc powct ot thc othct cthct movc
cIosct to thct own agcncy`s homc hcadguattcts ot shtt thct pa-
ttonagc to thc othct ptotcctvc agcncy. (Jhc botdct s about as
conhcttuI as onc bctwccn statcs. )
n ncthcr ol thcsc two cascs docs thcrc rcman vcry much gco-
graphcaI ntcrspcrsaI . CnIy onc protcctvc agcncy opcratcs ovcr a
gvcn gcographcaI arca.
\. Jhc two agcnccs hght cvcnIy and ottcn. Jhcy wn and Iosc aOut
cguaIly, and thct ntctspctscd mcmbcts havc ttcgucnt dcalngs and
dsputcs wth cach othct . Lt pcthaps wthout hghtng ot attct onIy
a tcw sktmshcs thc agcnccs tcaIzc that such battIng wII occut
contnuaIly n thc abscncc ot ptcvcntvc mcasutcs. n any casc, to
avod ttcgucnt, costIy, and wastcmI battlcs thc two agcnccs, Qt-
haps thtough thct cxccutvcs , agtcc to tcsoIvc QacctuIly thosc
cascs aOut whch thcy tcach dtktng udgmcnts. Jhcy agtcc to sct
up, and abdc by thc dccsons ot, somc thtd udgc ot coutt to
whch thcy can tutn whcn thct tcsQctvc udgmcnts dttct . (Lt
thcy mght cstablsh tuIcs dctctmnng whch agcncy has utsdc-
ton undct whch ctcumstanccs . ) Jhus cmctgcs a systcm ot ap-
Qals coutts and agtccd upon tulcs about utsdcton and thc con-
hct ot Iaws. Jhough dttctcnt agcnccs oQtatc, thctc s onc unhcd
tcdctaI udcal systcm ot whch thcy aII atc componcnts.
n cach olthcsc cascs, aImost aII thc prsons n a gcographcaI
arca arc undcr somc common systcm that udgcs bctwccn thcr
comptng cIams anden/erto thcr rghts. Cut olanarchy, prcsscd
by spontancous groupngs, mutuaI-protccton assocatons, dv-
son ol Iabor, markct prcssurcs, cconomcs ol scaIc, and ratonaI
Jhc btatc ot Patutc
scIl-ntcrcst thcrc arscs somcthng vcry much rcscmbIng a mn-
maI statc or a group ol gcographcaIIy dstnct mnmaI statcs .
hy s ths markct dllcrcnt lrom aII othcr markcts! hy wouId a
vrtuaI monopoIy arsc n ths markct wthout thc govcrnmcnt n-
tcrvcnton that cIscwhcrc crcatcs and mantans t! " Jhc worth ol
thc product purchascd, protccton aganst othcrs , s relative: t
dcpcnds upon how strong thc othcrs arc. Yct unIkc othcr goods
that arc comparatvcIy cvaIuatcd, maxmaI compctng protcctvc
scrvccs cannot cocxst, thc naturc ol thc scrvcc brngs dllcrcnt
agcnccs not onIy nto compctton lor customcrs` patronagc, but
aIso nto voIcnt conhct wth cach othcr. AIso, sncc thc worth ol
thc Icss than maxmaI product dccIncs dsproportonatcIy wth thc
numbcr who purchasc thc maxmaI product, customcrs wII not
stabIy scttIc lor thc Icsscr good, and compctng compancs arc
caught n a dccInng spraI . Mcncc thc thrcc possbItcs wc havc
Cur story abovc assumcs that cach ol thc agcnccs attcmpts n
good lath to act wthn thc Imts olLockc`s Iaw olnaturc.' "
onc `protcctvc assocaton` mght aggrcss aganst othcr pcrsons.
KcIatvc to Lockc` s Iaw ol naturc, t wouId bc an outIaw agcncy.
hat actuaI countcrwcghts wouId thcrc bc to ts powcr! (hat
actuaI countcrwcghts arc thcrc to thc powcr ol a statc!) Cthcr
agcnccs mght untc to act aganst t. PcopIc mght rclusc to dcaI
wth thc outIaw agcncy`s cIcnts , boycottng thcm to rcducc thc
probabIty ol thc agcncy`s ntcrvcnng n thcr own allars . Jhs
mght makc t morc dlhcuIt lor thc outIaw agcncy to gct cIcnts,
butths boycott wII sccman cllcctvc tooI onIyon vcry optmstc
assumptons aboutwhatcannotbc kcpt sccrct, and aboutthc costs
to an ndvduaI olpartaI boycott as comparcd to thc bcnchts ol
rcccvng thc morc cxtcnsvc covcragc ollcrcd by an `outIaw`
agcncy. lthc `outIaw` agcncy smpIy s aneen aggrcssor, pIIag-
ng, pIundcrng, and cxtortng undcr no pIausbIc cIam oljustcc,
t wIIhavc ahardcr tmcthanstatcs . orthcstatc` scIamto Icgt-
macy nduccs ts ctzcns to bcIcvc thcy havc somc duty to obcy
ts cdcts , pay ts taxcs , hght ts battIcs , and so on, and so somc
pcrsons coopcratc wth t voIuntarIy. An opcnIy aggrcssvc agcncy
couId not dcpcnd upon, and wouId not rcccvc, any such voIuntary
coopcraton, sncc pcrsons wouId vcw thcmscIvcs smpIy as ts
vctms rathcr than as ts ctzcns .
1 8
State-oj-Nature Theoy
Hew, i/ at all, dees a deminant retettive assetiatien din /rem tbe
state as Lockc wrong n magnng a compact ncccssary to cs-
tabIsh cvI soccty! As hc was wrong n thnkng (sccts. q6, q} ,
c) that an `agrccmcnt, ` or `mutuaI conscnt, ` was nccdcd to cs-
tabIsh thc ` nvcnton otmoncy. ` thna bartcr systcm, thcrc s
grcat nconvcncncc and cost to scarchng tor somconc who has
what you want and wants what you havc, cvcn at a markctpIacc,
whch, wc shouId notc, nccdn` t bccomc a markctpIacc by cvcry-
onc`s cxprcssIy agrccng to dcaI thcrc. PcopIc wII cxchangc thcr
goods tor somcthng thcy know to bc morc gcncraIIy wantcd than
what thcy havc. or t wII bc morc IkcIy that thcy can cxchangc
ths Ir what thcy want. or thc samc rcasons othcrs wII bc morc
wIIng to takc n cxchangc ths morc gcncraIIy dcsrcd thng.
Jhus pcrsons wII convcrgc n cxchangcs on thc morc markctabIc
goods, bcng wIIng to cxchangc thcr goods tor thcm, thc morc
wIIng, thc morc thcy know othcrs who arc aIso wIIng to do so,
n a mutuaIIy rcntorcng proccss. (Jhs proccss wII bc rcntorccd
and hastcncd by mddIcmcn scckng to proht n tacItatng
cxchangcs, who thcmscIvcs wII ottcn hnd t most cxpcdcnt to
ottcr morc markctabIc goods n cxchangc. ) or obvous rcasons,
thc goods thcy convcrgc on, va thcr ndvduaI dccsons, wII
havc ccrtan propcrtcs. ntaI ndcpcndcnt vaIuc (cIsc thcy
wouIdn`t bcgn as morc markctabIc), physcaIIy cndurng, non-
pcrshabIc, dvsbIc, portabIc, and so torth. Po cxprcss agrccmcnt
and no socaI contract hxng a mcdum otcxchangc s ncccssary.
I 2
Jhcrc s a ccrtan IovcIy quaIty to cxpIanatons ot ths sort.
Jhcy show how somc ovcraII pattcrn or dcsgn, whch onc wouId
havc thoughthadto bc produccd by an ndvduaI`sorgroup`ssuc-
ccsstuI attcmpt to rcaIzc thc pattcrn, nstcad was produccd and
mantancd by a proccss that n no way had thc ovcraII pattcrn or
dcsgn `n mnd. `Attcr Adam Smth, wc shaII caII such cxpIana-
tonsinvisille-bandexlanatiens. (Lvcry ndvduaI ntcnds onIy hs
own gan, and hc s n ths, as n so many othcr cascs, Icd by an
nvsbIc hand to promotc an cnd whch was no part oths ntcn-
ton."j Jhc spccaIIy satstyng quaIty ot nvsbIc-hand cxpIana-
tons (a quaIty hopc s posscsscd by ths book`s account ot thc
Jhc btatc of Paturc 1 9
statc) s partaIIy cxpIancd by ts connccton wth thc noton ot
tundamcntaI cxpIanaton adumbratcd n Chaptcr . undamcntaI
cxpIanatons ot a rcaIm arc cxpIanatons ot thc rcaIm n othcr
tcrms, thcy makc no usc otany ot thc notons otthc rcaIm. CnIy
va such cxpIanatons can wc cxpIan and hcncc undcrstand cvcry-
thngabut a rcaIm, thc IcssourcxpIanatons uscnotonsconsttut-
ng what s to bc cxpIancd, thc morc (teteris arilus) wc undcr-
stand. Consdcr now compIcatcd pattcrns whch onc wouId havc
thought couId arsc onIy through ntcIIgcnt dcsgn, onIy through
somc attcmpt to rcaIzc thc pattcrn. Cnc mght attcmpt straght-
torwardIy to cxpIan such pattcrns n tcrms otthc dcsrcs , wants,
bcIcts, and so on, ot ndvduaIs , drcctcd toward rcaIzng thc
pattcrn. but wthn such cxpIanatons wII appcar dcscrptons ot
thc pattcrn, atlmst witbin quetatien marks, as objccts ot bcIctand
dcsrc. Jhc cxpIanaton tscItwII say that somc ndvduaIs dcsrc
to brng about somcthng wth (somcot) thc pattcrn-tcaturcs, that
somc ndvduaIs bcIcvc that thc onIy (or thc bcst, or thc . . . , )
way to brng about thc rcaIzaton ot thc pattcrn tcaturcs s to
. . . , and soon. nvsbIc-handcxpIanatons mnmzcthc usc ot
notons consttutng thc phcnomcna to bc cxpIancd, n contrast to
thc straghttorward cxpIanatons, thcy don` t cxpIan compIcatcd
pattcrns by ncIudng thc hII-bIown pattcrn-notons as objccts ot
pcopIc`s dcsrcs or bcIcts. nvsbIc-hand cxpIanatons otphcnom-
cna thus ycId grcatcr undcrstandng than do cxpIanatons otthcm
as brought about by dcsgn as thc objcct otpcopIc`s ntcntons. t
thcrctorc s no surprsc that thcy arc morc satstyng.
An nvsbIc-hand cxpIanaton cxpIans what Iooks to bc thc
product ot somconc`s ntcntonaI dcsgn, as not bcng brought
about by anyonc`s ntcntons. c mght caII thceesite sort otcx-
pIanaton a `hddcn-hand cxpIanaton. ` A hddcn-hand cxpIana-
ton cxpIans what Iooks to bc mcrcIy a dsconncctcd sct ot tacts
that (ccrtanIy) s not thc product ot ntcntonaI dcsgn, as thc
product ot an ndvduaI`s or group`s ntcntonaI dcsgn(s). Somc
pcrsons aIso hnd such cxpIanatons sats|ng, as s cvdcnccd by
thc popuIarty otconspracy thcorcs.
Somconc mght soprzccach typc otcxpIanaton, nvsbIc hand
and hddcn hand, that hc mght attcmpt thc Ssyphcan task ot
cxpIanng cach purportcd nondcsgncd or concdcntaI sct ot so-
Iatcd tacts as thc product ot ntcntonaI dcsgn,andcach purportcd
State-oj-Nature Theoy
product oldcsgn 8 a nondcsgncd sct ol lacts! t wouId bc qutc
IovcIy to contnuc ths tcraton lor a bt, cvcn through onIy onc
compIctc cycIc.
Sncc ohcr no cxpIct account ol nvsbIc-hand cxpIana-
tons , ' and sncc thc noton pIays a roIc n what loIIows, mcn-
ton somc cxampIcs to gvc thc rcadcr a cIcarcr dca ol what wc
havc n mnd whcn spcakng ol ths typc ol cxpIanaton. (Lx-
ampIcs gvcn to IIustratc thc typc olcxpIanaton nccd not bc ter-
rett cxpIanatons. )
: .
z .
7 .
: O.
LxpIanatons wthn cvoIutonary thcory (va random mutaton,
naturaI scIccton, gcnctc drh, and so on) ot trats ot organsms
and popuIatons. (jamcs Lrow and Motoo hmura survcy mathc-
matcaI tormuIatons n An Introduction to Population Genetics Theoy
(Pcw York. arQr Kow, 1 7O).
LxpIanatons wthn ccoIogy ot thc rcguIaton ot anmaI popuIa-
ttons. (5c Lawrcncc bIobodkn, Growth and Regulation 0/ Animal
Populations [Pcw York. oIt, Knchart nston, : | tor a
survcy. )
Jhomas bchcIIng`s cxpIanatory modcI Amrican Economic Review,
May : , pp. 4884\) showng how cxtrcmc rcsdcntaI scg-
rcgaton pattcrns arc producbIc by ndvduaIs who do not dcsrc
ths but want, tor cxampIc, to Ivc n ncghborhoods pcrccnt ot
whosc popuIaton s n thcr own group, and who swtch thcr
pIacc ot rcsdcncc to achcvc thcr goaI .
Lcrtan opcrant-condtonng cxpIanatons ot varous compIcatcd
pattcrns ot bchavor.
Kchard crrnstcn`s dscusson ot thc gcnctc tactors n a soccry`s
pattcrn ot cIass strathcaton (I. Q. in the Meritocracy, AtIantc
MonthIy rcss, : 7\).
scussons ot how cconomc caIcuIaton s accompIshcd n mar-
kcts. (bcc Ludwg von Mscs, Socialism, art , Human Action,
4, 7. )
Mcrocconomc cxpIanatons ot thc cttccts ot outsdc ntcrvcnton
n a markct, and ot thc cstabIshmcnt and naturc ot thc ncw
janc jacobs` cxpIanaton ot what makcs somc parts ot ctcs satc n
The Death and Lfe 0/ Great Amrican Cities (Pcw York. Kandom
ousc, : : ).
Jhc Austran thcory ot thc tradc cycIc.
harI cutsch and IIam Madow` s obscrvaton that n an organ-
zaton wth a Iargc numbcr ot mportant dccsons (whch can Iatcr
bc cvaIuatcd tor corrcctncss) to bc madc among tcw aItcrnatvcs , t
Iargc numbcrs ot pcopIc havc a chancc to say whch way thc
Jhc btatc ot Paturc z :
dccson shouId bc madc, a numbcr ot Qrsons wII gan rcputa-
tons as sagc advscrs, cvcn t aII randomIy dccdc what advcc to
ottcr. (`Potc on thc ApQarancc ot sdom n Largc burcaucratc
Lrganzatons, Behavioral Science, january : : , pp. 7z78. )
. Jhc pattcrns arsng through thc oQraton ot a modhcaton ot
rcdcrck rcy`s mod hcaton ot thc ctcr rncpIc. pcopIc havc
rscn thrcc IcvcIs bcyond thcr IcvcI ot ncompctcncc by thc tmc
thcr ncompctcncc s dctcctcd.
: z . Kobcrta ohIstcttcr`s cxpIanaton (Parl Harbor: Warning and De
cision [btantord. btantord \nvcrsty rcss, : z|), contra thc
`conspracy thcorsts , ot why thc \ntcd btatcs ddn`t act on thc
cvdcncc t posscsscd ndcatng a japancsc attack torthcomng on
carI arbor.
: \. Jhat cxpIanaton ot `thc ntcIIcctuaI prccmncncc ot thc jcws
that tocuscs on thc grcat numbcr ot thc most ntcIIgcnt maIc
LathoIcs who, tor ccnturcs, had no chIdrcn, n contrast to thc
cncouragcmcnt gvcn rabbs to marry and rcproducc.
: 4. Jhc thcory ot how pubIc goods arcn`t suppIcd soIcIy by ndvd-
uaI acton.
: . Armcn AIchan`s pontng to a dttcrcnt nvsbIc hand (n our Iatcr
tcrmnoIogy, a hItcr) than docs Adam bmth (`\nccrtanty, Lvo-
Iuton, and Lconomc Jhcory, Jounal 0/ Political Economy, : O,
pp. z :z z : ).
: . . A. ayck`s cxpIanaton ot how socaI coopcraton utIzcs morc
knowIcdgc than any ndvduaI posscsscs, through pcopIc ad|ust-
ng thcr actvtcs on thc bass ot how othcr pcopIc`s smIarIy ad-
ustcd actvtcs attcct thcr IocaI stuatons and through toIIowng
cxampIcs thcy arc prcscntcd wth, and thcrcby crcatcs ncw nsttu-
tonaI torms, gcncraI modcs ot bchavor, and so on (The Constitu
tion 0/Lierty, chap. z).
A rcwardng rcscarch actvty wouId bc to cataIog thc dllcrcnt
modcs (and combnatons) ol nvsbIc-hand cxpIanatons , spccly-
ng whch typcs ol nvisbIc-hand cxpIanatons can cxpIan whch
typcs ol pattcrns . c can mcnton hcrc two typcs ol nvsbIc-
hand proccsscs by whch a pattcrn F can bc produccd. hItcrng
proccsscs and cquIbrum proccsscs . Jhrough hItcrng proccsscs
can pass onIy thngs httngF, bccausc proccsscs or structurcs hItcr
out aII non-F` s, n cquIbrum proccsscs cach componcnt part
rcsponds or adjusts to `IocaI` condtons, wth cach adjustmcnt
changng thc IocaI cnvronmcntolothcrscIosc by, so that thc sum
ol thc rppIcs ol thc IocaI adjustmcnts consttutcs or rcaIzcs F.
(Somc proccsscs ol such rppIng IocaI adj ustmcnts don` t comc to
zz State-oj-Nature Theoy
an cquIbrum pattcrn, not cvcn a movng onc. ) Jhcrc arc dt-
tcrcnt ways an cquIbrum proccss can hcIp mantan a pattcrn,
and thcrc aIso mght bc a hItcr that cImnatcs dcvatons trom thc
pattcrn that arc too grcat to bc brought back by thc ntcrnaI
cquIbratng mcchansms . Pcrhaps thc most cIcgant torm otcx-
pIanaton ot ths sort nvoIvcs two cquIbrum proccsscs, cach n-
tcrnaIIy mantanng ts pattcrn nthc taccotsmaII dcvatons , and
cach bcng a hItcr to cImnatc thc Iargc dcvatons occurrng n
c mght notc n passng that thc noton othItcrng proccsscs
cnabIcs us to undcrstand onc way n whch thc poston n thc ph-
Iosophy ot thc socaI sccnccs known as mcthodoIogcaI ndvd-
uaIsm mght go wrong. tthcrc s a hItcr that hItcrs out (dc-
stroys) aII non-F _` s, thcn thc cxpIanaton otwhy aII _` s arc I` s
(ht thc pattcrn F) wII rctcr to ths hItcr. or cach partcuIar _,
thcrc may bca partcuIar cxpIanaton otwhyit sF, how t camc
to bcF, what mantans tas F. but thc cxpIanaton otwhy aII_`s
arcF wII not bc thc conuncton ot thcsc ndvduaI cxpIanatons,
cvcnthoughthcscarc aII thc_` sthcrcarc, tor that s part otwhat
s to bc cxpIancd. Jhc cxpIanaton wII rctcr to thc hItcr. Jo
makc ths cIcar, wc mght magnc that wc havc ne cxpIanaton ot
why thc ndvduaI_` sarc F` s. t ust s an uItmatc statstcaI Iaw
(so tar as wc can tcII at any ratc) that somc _` s arc F; wc cvcn
mght bc unabIc to dscovcr any stabIc statstcaI rcguIarty at aII.
n ths casc wc wouId know why aII _` s arc F`s (and know thcrc
arc _` s, and prhaps cvcn know why thcrc arc _` s) wthout know-
ng otany _, why t s F' Jhc mcthodoIogcaI ndvduaIst po-
ston rcqurcs that thcrc bc no basc (unrcduccd) socaI hI-
tcrng proccsscs .
Mavc wc provdcd an nvsbIc-hand cxpIanaton ot thc statc!
Jhcrc arcatIcast two ways nwhch thc schcmcotprvatc protcc-
tvc assocatons mght bc thought to dttcr trom a mnmaI statc,
mght taI to satsty a mnmaI conccpton ota statc. ( r ) t appcars
Jhc btatc ot Paturc
to aIIow somc pcopIc to cntorcc thcr own rghts, and (z) t ap-
pcars not to protcct aII ndvduaIs wthn ts doman. rtcrs n
thc tradton ot Max cbcr ' * trcat havng a monopoIy on thc
usc ottorcc n a gcographcaI arca, a monopoIy ncompatbIc wth
prvatc cntorccmcnt otrghts, ascrucaI to thccxstcnccota statc.
As MarshaII Lohcn ponts out nanunpubIshcdcssay, astatcmay
cxst wthoutattual/ monopoIzng thc usc ottorcc t has not au-
thorzcd othcrs to usc, wthn thc boundarcs ota statc thcrc may
cxst groups such as thc Maha, thc KKK, htc Ltzcns Loun-
cIs, strkng unonsts, and cathcrmcn that aIso usc torcc.
Claiming such a monopoIy s not suthccnt (teu cIamcd t you
wouId not bccomc thc statc), nor s bcng ts soIc cIamant a ncccs-
sary condton. Por nccd cvcryonc grant thc Icgtmacy ot thc
statc`s cIam to such monopoIy, cthcr bccausc as pachsts thcy
thnk no onc has thc rght to usc torcc, or bccausc as rcvoIu-
tonarcs thcy bcIcvc that a gvcn statc Iacks ths rght , or bc-
causc thcy bcIcvc thcy arc cnttIcd to on n and hcIp out no mat-
tcr what thc statc says. ormuIatng suthccnt condtons tor thc
cxstcncc ot thc statc thus turns out to bc a dthcuIt and mcssy
or our purposcs hcrc wc nccd tocus onIy upon a ncccssary con-
dton that thc systcm otprvatcprotcctvc agcnccs (or any com-
poncnt agcncy wthn t) apparcntIy docs not satsty. A statc
cIams a monopoIy on dccdng who may usc torcc whcn, t says
that onIy t may dccdc who may usc torcc and undcr what cond-
tons, t rcscrvcs to tscIt thc soIc rght to pass on thc Icgtmacy
and pcrmssbIty ot any usc ot torcc wthn ts boundarcs, hr-
thcrmorc t cIams thc rght to punsh aII thosc who voIatc ts
cIamcd monopoIy. Jhc monopoIy may bc voIatcd n two ways.
(r) a prson may usctorcc though unauthorzcd by thc statc to do
so, or(z) though not thcmscIvcs usng torcc agroup orpcrson may
sct thcmscIvcs up as an aItcrnatvc authorty (and pcrhaps cvcn
cIam to bc thc soIc Icgtmatc onc) to dccdc whcn and by whom
thc usc ot torcc s propcr and Icgtmatc. t s uncIcar whcthcr a
statc must cIam thc rght to punsh thc sccond sort ot voIator,
and doubttuI whcthcr any statc actuaIIy wouId rctran trom pun-
shng a sgnhcant group ot thcm wthn ts boundarcs. gIdc
ovcr thc ssuc otwhat sort ot may, ` 'Icgtmacy, ` and pcrms-
sbIty` s n qucston. MoraI pcrmssbIty sn` t a mattcr ot
z4 State-ol-Nature Theoy
dccson, and thc statc nccd not bc so cgomanacaI as to cIam thc
soIc rght to dccdc moraI qucstons. Jo spcak ol IcgaI prms-
sbIty wouId rcqurc, to avod crcuIarty, that an account ol a
IcgaI systcm bc ollcrcd that docsn` t usc thc noton olthc statc.
c may procccd, lor our purposcs, by sayng that a ncccssary
condton lor thc cxstcncc ola statc s that t (somc pcrson or or-
ganzaton)announcc that, to thc bcst olts abIty (takng nto ac-
count costs oldong so, thc lcasbIty, thc morc mportant aItcr-
natvc thngs t shouId bc dong, and so lorth), t wII punsh
cvcryonc whom t dscovcrs to havc uscd lorcc wthout ts cxprcss
pcrmsson. (Jhs pcrmsson may bc a partcuIar pcrmsson or
may bc grantcd vasomcgcncraI rcguIaton or authorzaton. ) Jhs
stII won` t qutc do. thc statc may rcscrvc thc rght to lorgvc
somconc, exest/atte, n ordcr to punsh thcy may havc not onIy
to dscovcr thc unauthorzcd` uscollorcc but aIsoprovc va accr-
tan spcchcd proccdurc olproolthat toccurrcd, and so lorth. but
tcnabIcs us to procccd. Jhcprotcctvc agcnccs , tsccms, do not
makc such an announccmcnt, cthcr ndvduaIIy or coIIcctvcIy.
Nerds itseem merah legitimte/ertbem te de se. So thc systcm ol
prvatc protcctvc assocatons, lthcy pcrlorm no moraIIy IIcgt-
matcacton, appars to Iack any monopoIycIcmcnt and so appars
not to consttutcorcontan astatc. Jo cxamnc thcqucston olthc
monopoIy cIcmcnt, wc shaII havc to consdcr thc stuaton olsomc
group ol pcrsons (or somc onc pcrson) Ivng wthn a systcm ol
prvatc protcctvc agcnccs who rchsc to j on any protcctvc soc-
cty, who nsst on udgng lor thcmscIvcs whcthcr thcr rghts
havc bccn voIatcd, and (lthcy so udgc) on pcrsonaIIy cnlorcng
thcr rghts by punshng andlor cxactngcompcnsaton lrom thosc
who nlrngcd thcm.
Jhc sccond rcason lor thnkng thc systcm dcscrbcd s not a
statc s that, undcr t (apart lrom spIIovcr cllccts) onIy thosc pay-
ng lor protccton gct protcctcd, hrthcrmorc, dllcrng dcgrccs ol
protccton may bc purchascd. LxtcrnaI cconomcs agan to thc
sdc, noonc pays lor thc protccton olothcrs cxccpt as thcy choosc
to, no onc s rcqurcd to purchasc or contrbutc to thc purchasng
ol protccton lor othcrs . Protccton and cnlorccmcnt ol pcopIc`s
rghts s trcatcd as an cconomc good to bc provdcd by thc mar-
kct, as arc othcr mportantgoods such as lood and cIothng. Mow-
cvcr, undcr thc usuaI conccpton ol a statc, cach pcrson Ivng
Jhc btatc of Paturc
wthn (or cvcn somctmcs travcIng outsdc) ts gcographicaI
boundarcs gcts (or at Icast , s cnttIcd to gct) ts protccton.
LnIcss somc prvatc party donatcd sulhccnt lunds to covcr thc
costs ol such protccton (to pay lor dctcctvcs , poIcc to brng
crmnaIs nto custody, courts , and prsons), or unIcss thc statc
lound somc scrvcc t couId chargc lor that wouId covcr thcsc
costs, onc wouId cxpcct that a statc whch ollcrcd protccton so
broadIy wouId bc rcdstrbutvc. t wouId bc a statc n whch somc
pcrsons pad morc so that othcrs couId bc protcctcd. And ndccd
thc most mnmaI statc scrousIy dscusscd by thc manstrcam ol
poItcaI thcorsts, thc nght-watchman statc ol cIasscaI IbcraI
thcory, appcars to bc rcdstrbutvc n ths lashon. Yct how can a
protccton agcncy, a busncss, chargc somc to provdc ts product
to othcrs ! ' (c gnorc thngs Ikc somc partaIIy payng lor
othcrs bccausc t s too costIy lor thc agcncy to rchnc ts cIasshca-
ton ol, and chargcs to, customcrs to mrror thc costs ol thc scr-
vccs to thcm. )
Jhus t appcars that thc domnant protcctvc agcncy n a tcrr-
tory not onIy Iacks thc rcqustc monopoIy ovcr thc usc ol lorcc,
but aIso laIs to provdc protccton lor aII n ts tcrrtory, and so
thc domnant agcncy appcars to laII short ol bcng a statc. but
thcsc appcaranccs arc dcccptvc.
" I have heard it suggested that the state could inance itself by running a
lottery. But since it would have no right to forbid private entrepreneurs ftom
doing the same, why think the state will have any more success in attracting
customers in this than in any other competitive business?
Moral Constraints
and the State
LE nght-watchman statc olcIasscaI IbcraI thcory, Im-
tcd to thc hnctons olprotcctng aII ts ctzcns aganst voIcncc,
thclt, and lraud, and to thc cnlorccmcnt olcontracts , and so on,
appcars to bc rcdstrbutvc.' c can magnc at Icast onc socaI
arrangcmcnt ntcrmcdatc bctwccn thc schcmc ol prvatc protcc-
tvc assocatons and thc nght-watchman statc. Sncc thc nght-
watchman statc s oltcn caIIcd a mnmaI statc, wc shaII caII ths
othcr arrangcmcnt thc ultraminimal state. An uItramnmaI statc
mantans amonopoIy ovcraII usc ollorcc cxccpt that ncccssary n
mmcdatc scIl-dclcnsc, and so cxcIudcs prvatc (oragcncy) rctaIa-
ton lor wrong and cxacton olcompcnsaton, but t provdcs pro-
tccton and cnlorccmcnt scrvccs enl to thosc who purchasc ts
protccton and cnlorccmcnt poIccs. PcopIc who don`t buy a pro-
tccton contract lrom thc monopoIydon` tgct protcctcd. Jhc mn-
maI(nght-watchman) statc s cquvaIcnt tothc uItramnmaI statc
cononcd wth a (cIcarIy rcdstrbutvc) rcdmancsquc vouchcr
MoraI Lonstratnts and thc btatc z7
pIan, hnanccd lrom tax rcvcnucs . Lndcr ths pIan aII pcopIc, or
somc (lor cxampIc, thosc n nccd), arc gvcn tax-lundcd vouchcrs
that can bc uscd onIylor thcr purchasc olaprotccton poIcy lrom
thc uItramnmaI statc.
Sncc thc nght-watchmanstatcappars rcdstrbutvc to thccx-
tcnt that t compcIs somc pcopIc to pay lor thc protccton ol
othcrs , ts proponcnts must cxpIan why ths rcdstrbutvc hnc-
ton ol thc statc s unquc. lsomc rcdstrbuton s Icgtmatc n
ordcr to protcct cvcryonc, why s rcdstrbuton not Icgtmatc lor
othcr attractvc and dcsrabIc purposcs as wcII ! hat ratonaIc
spcchcaIIy scIccts protcctvc scrvccs as thc soIc subcct olIcgt-
matc rcdstrbutvc actvtcs! A ratonaIc, oncc lound, may show
that ths provson olprotcctvc scrvccs s net rcdstrbutvc. Morc
prccscIy, thc tcrm `rcdstrbutvc` appIcs to typs olrmsens lor
an arrangcmcnt, rathcr than to an arrangcmcnt tscIl. c mght
cIIptcaIIy caII an arrangcmcnt `rcdstrbutvc` lts maor (onIy
possbIc)supportng rcasons arc thcmscIvcs rcdstrbutvc. (`Patcr-
naIstc` lunctons smIarIy. ) ndng compcIIng nonrcdstrbu-
tvc rcasons wouId causc us to dropths IabcI. hcthcr wc say an
nsttuton that takcs moncy lrom somc and gvcs t to othcrs s rc-
dstrbutvc wII dcpcnd upon wb wc thnk t docs so. Kcturnng
stoIcn moncy or compcnsatng lor voIatons olrghts arcnet rcds-
trbutvc rcasons. havc spokcn untI now olthc nght-watchman
statc`saearing to bc rcdstrbutvc, to Icavc opcn thc possbIty
that nonrcdstrbutvc typs ol rcasons mght bc lound to ustly
thc provson ol protcctvc scrvccs lor somc by othcrs ( cxpIorc
somc such rcasons n Lhaptcrs 4 and 5 olPart . )
A proponcnt ol thc uItramnmaI statc may sccm to occupy an
nconsstcnt poston, cvcn though hc avods thc qucston olwhat
makcs protccton unqucIy sutabIc lor rcdstrbutvc provson.
LrcatIy conccrncd to protcct rghts aganst voIaton, hc makcs
ths thc soIc Icgtmatc luncton ol thc statc, and hc protcsts that
aII othcr lunctons arc IIcgtmatc bccausc thcy thcmscIvcs nvoIvc
thc voIaton ol rghts. Sncc hc accords paramount pIacc to thc
< Milton Friedman, Caita/i:m and Freedem (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1 962), chap. 6. Friedman's school vouchers, of course, allow a choice
about who is to supply the product, and so differ from the protection vouchers
imagined here.
State-oj-Nature Theoy
protccton and nonvoIaton ol rghts, how can hc support thc uI-
tramnmaI statc, whchwouId sccm to Icavc somc pcrsons` rghts
unprotcctcdor IIprotcctcd! Mow can hcsupport thsintbename e/
thc nonvoIaton olrghts !
Jhs qucston assumcs that a moraI conccrn can luncton onIy as
a moraIgeal, as an cnd statc lor somc actvtcs to achcvc as thcr
rcsuIt . t may, ndccd, sccm to bc a ncccssary truth that rght, `
ought, ` shouId, ` and so on, arc to bc cxpIancd n tcrms ol
what s , or s ntcndcd to bc, productvc olthc grcatcstgood, wth
aII goaIs buIt nto thc good. Jhus t s ohcn thought that what
s wrong wth utItaransm (whch is olths lorm) s ts too nar-
row conccpton olgood. LtItaransm docsn` t, t s sad, propcrIy
takc rghts and thcr nonvoIaton nto account, t nstcad Icavcs
thcm a dcrvatvc status. Many olthc countcrcxampIccascs to utI-
tariansm ht undcr ths objccton, lor cxampIc, punshng an n-
noccnt man to savc a ncghborhood lrom a vcngcluI rampagc.
but a thcory may ncIudc n a prmary way thc nonvoIaton ol
rghts , yctncIudc t nthcwrongpIacc andthcwrong manncr. or
supposc somc condton about mnmzng thc totaI (wcghtcd)
amount olvoIatons olrghts s buIt nto thc dcsrabIc cnd statc
to bc achcvcd. c thcn wouId havc somcthng Ikc a utItar-
ansm ol rghts`, voIatons ol rghts (to bc minimized) mcrcIy
wouId rcpIacc thc totaI happncss as thc rcIcvant cnd statc n thc
utItaran structurc. (Potc thatwc do not hoId thc nonvoIaton ol
our rghts as our soIc grcatcst good or cvcn rank t hrst Icx-
cographcaIIy to cxcIudc tradc-ohs, lthcrc s somc dcsrabIc so-
ccty wc wouId choosc to nhabt cvcn though n t somc rghts
olours somctmcs arc voIatcd, rathcr than movc to a dcscrt s-
Iand whcrc wc couId survvc aIonc. ) Jhs stII wouId rcqurc us to
voIatc somconc` s rghts whcn dong so mnmzcs thc totaI
(wcghtcd) amount olthc voIaton olrghts n thc soccty or cx-
ampIc, voIatng somconc`s rghts mght dccct othcrs lrom tbeir
ntcndcd acton olgravcIy voIatng rghts, or mght rcmovc thcr
motvc lor dong so, ormght dvcrt thcr atrcnton, and so on. A
Moral Constraints and the State
mob rampagng through a part oltown kIIng and burnng will
voIatc thc rghts ol thosc Ivng thcrc Jhcrclorc, somconc mght
try to justly hs punshng anothcr be knows to bc nnoccnt ol a
crmc that cnragcd a mob, on thc grounds that punshng ths n-
noccnt pcrson wouId hcIp to avod cvcn grcatcr voIatons olrghts
by othcrs , and so wouId Icad to a mnmum wcghtcd scorc lor
rghts voIatons n thc soccty.
n contrast to ncorporatng rghts nto thc cnd statc to bc
achcvcd, onc mght pIacc thcm as sdc constrants upon thc ac-
tons to bc donc. don t voIatc constrants C Jhc rghts ol othcrs
dctcrmnc thc constrants upon your actons. (A geal-dire:ted vcw
wth constrants addcd wouId bc. among thosc acts avaIabIc to
you that don` tvoIatc constrants C, act so as to maxmzc goaI G.
Mcrc, thc rghts olothcrs wouId constran your goaI-drcctcd bc-
havor. do not mcan to mpIy that thc corrcct moraI vcw n-
cIudcs mandatory goaIs that must bc pursucd, cvcn wthn thc
constrants . ) Jhs vcw dllcrs lrom onc that trcs to buId thc sdc
constrantsCinte thc goaI G. Jhc sdc-constrant vcw lorbds you
to voIatc thcsc moraI constrants n thc pursut ol your goaIs,
whcrcas thc vcw whosc objcctvc s to mnmzc thc voIaton ol
thcsc rghts aIIows you to voIatc thc rghts (thc constrants)
ordcr to Icsscn thcr totaI voIaton n thc soccty.
.. Unfortunately, too few models of the structure of moral views have been
seciied heretofore, though there are surely other interesting structures. Hence
an argument for a side-constraint structure that consists largely in arguing
against an end-state maximization structure is inconclusive, for these alterna
tives are not exhaustive. (On page 46 we descrie a view which its neither struc
ture happily. ) An array of structures must be precisely formulated and inves
tigated; perhaps some novel structure then will seem most appropriate.
The issue of whether a side-constraint view can be put in the form of the
goal-without-side-constraint view is a tricky one. One might think, for ex
ample, that each erson could distinguish in his goal etween bi: violating
rights and someone else's doing it. Give the former ininite (negative) weight in
his goal, and no amount of stopping others from violating rights can outweigh
his violating someone' s rights. In addition to a component of a goal receiving
ininite weight, indexical expressions also apear, for example, 'm doing some
thing. " A careful statement delimiting "constraint views" would exclude these
gimmicky ways of transforming side constraints into the form of an end-state
view as suficient to constitute a view d end state. Mathematical methods of
transforming a constrained minimization problem into a sequence of uncon
strained minimizations of an auxiliary function are presented in Anthony Fiacco
and Garth McCormick, Nen/inear Pwgramming. Sequentia/ 0ncen:trained Minimi-
State-o-Nature Theoy
Jhc cIam that thcproponcnt olthc uItramnmaI statc s ncon-
sstcnt, wc now can scc, assumcs that hc s a utItaran ol
rghts. ` t assumcs that hs goaI s , lor cxampIc, to mnmzc thc
wcghtcd amount olthc voIaton olrghts n thc soccty, and that
hc shouId pursuc ths goaI cvcn through mcans that thcmscIvcs v-
oIatc pcopIc`s rghts. nstcad, hc may pIacc thc nonvoIaton ol
rghts as a constrant upon acton, rathcr than (or n addton to)
buIdng t nto thc cnd statc to bc rcaIzcd. Jhc poston hcId by
ths proponcnt olthc uItramnmaI statc wII bc a consstcnt onc l
hs conccpton olrghts hoIds that your bcng/erted to contrbutc
to anothcr`s wcIlarc voIatcs your rghts , whcrcas somconc cIsc`s
not provdng you wth thngs you nccd grcatIy, ncIudng thngs
csscntaI to thc protccton ol your rghts, docs not itseq voIatc
your rghts , cvcn though t avods makng t morc dlhcuIt lor
somconc cIsc to voIatc thcm. (Jhat conccpton wII bc consstcnt
provdcd t docs not construc thc monopoIy cIcmcnt ol thc uI-
tramnmaI statcas tscIla voIaton olrghts. ) Jhat t s a conss-
tcntpostondocsnot , olcoursc, showthatts an acccptabIc onc.
sn`t t irratienal to acccpt a sdc constrant C, rathcr than a vcw
that drccts mnmzng thc voIatons olC (Jhc Iattcrvcw trcats
C as acondton rathcr than aconstrant. ) lnonvoIaton olC s so
mportant, shouIdn` t that bc thc goaI ! Mow can a conccrn lor thc
nonvoIaton olC Icad to thc rclusaI to voIatc C cvcn whcn ths
wouId prcvcnt othcr morc cxtcnsvc voIatons olC hat s thc
ratonaIc lor pIacng thc nonvoIaton olrghts as a sdc constrant
uponacton nstcad olncIudng tsoIcIyasagoaIolonc`s actons!
Sdc constrants upon acton rchcct thc undcrIyng Kantan
zation Techniques (New York: Wiley, 1 968). The book is interesting oth for its
methods and for their limitations in illuminating our area of concern; note the
way in which the enalty functions include the constraints, the variation in
weights of enalty functions (sec. 7. 1 ) , and so on.
The question of whether these side constraints are absolute, or whether they
may e violated in order to avoid catastrophic moral horror, and if the latter,
what the resulting structure might look like, is one hoe largely to avoid.
Moral Constraints and the State
prncpIc that ndvduaIs arc cnds and not mcrcIy mcans, thcy
may not bc sacr hccd or uscd lor thc achcvng ol othcr cnds
wthout thcr conscnt. ndvduaIs arc nvoIabIc. Morc shouId bc
sad to IIumnatc ths taIk ol cnds and mcans. Consdcr a prmc
cxampIc ola mcans , a tooI . Jhcrc s no sdc constrant on how wc
may usc a tooI , othcr than thc moraI constrants on how wc may
usc t upon othcrs . Jhcrc arc proccdurcs to bc loIIowcd to prcscrvc
t lor luturc usc ('don`t Icavc t out n thc ran`), and thcrc arc
morc and Icss clhccnt ways ol usng t. but thcrc s no Imt on
what wc may do to t to bcst achcvc our goaIs. Pow magnc that
thcrc was an ovcrrdcabIc constrant C on somc tooI`s usc. or cx-
ampIc, thc tooI mght havc bccn Icnt to you onIy on thc condton
that C not bc voIatcd unIcss thc gan lrom dong so was abovc a
ccrtan spcchcd amount, or unIcss t was ncccssary to achcvc a
ccrtan spcchcd goaI . Mcrc thc obcct s not temletel your tooI ,
lor usc accordng to your wsh or whm. but t s a tooI ncvcrthc-
Icss, cvcn wth rcgard to thc ovcrrdcabIc constrant. l wc add
constrants on ts usc that may not bc ovcrrddcn, thcn thc obcct
may not bc uscd as a tooIin tbese was. ln tbese resetts, t s not a
tooI at aII . Can onc add cnough constrants so that an obcct can-
not bc uscd as a tooI at aII , nan rcspcct!
Canbchavor toward apcrson bcconstrancd so that hc s notto
bc uscd lor any cnd cxccpt as hc chooscs! Jhs s an mpossbIy
strngcnt condton lt rcqurcs cvcryonc who provdcs us wth a
good to approvc postvcIy olcvcry usc to whchwc wsh to put t.
Lvcn thc rcqurcmcnt that hcmcrcIy shouId notobcct toany usc
wc pIan wouId scrousIy curtaI bIatcraI cxchangc, not to mcnton
scqucnccs ol such cxchangcs . t s sulhccnt that thc othcr party
stands to gan cnough lrom thc cxchangc so that hc s wIIng to
go through wth t, cvcn though hc obccts to onc or morc olthc
uscs to whch you shaII put thc good. Lndcr such condtons , thc
othcr party s not bcng uscd soIcIy as a mcans , n that rcspct.
Anothcr party, howcvcr, who wouId not choosc to ntcract wth
you lhc kncwolthcuscs to whch youintendto puths actons or
good, is bcng uscd as a mcans, cvcn l hc rcccvcs cnough to
choosc (n hs gnorancc) to ntcract wth you. ('AII aIong, you
wcrc ust using mc` can bc sad by somconc who chosc to ntcract
onIy bccausc hc was gnorant olanothcr`s goaIs and ol thc uscs to
whch hc hmscIl wouId bc put . ) s t moraIIy ncumbcnt upon
State-oj-Nature Theoy
somconc to rcvcaI hs ntcndcd uscs olan ntcracton lhc has good
rcason to bcIcvc thc othcr wouId rclusc to ntcract lhc kncw! s
hcusing thc othcr pcrson, lhcdocs not rcvcaI ths! And what ol
thc cascs whcrc thc othcr docs not choosc to bc olusc at aII ! n
gcttng pIcasurc lrom sccng an attractvc pcrson goby, docs onc
usc thc othcr soIcIy as a mcans! Oocs somconc so usc an objcct
olscxuaI lantascs! Jhcsc and rcIatcd qucstons rasc vcry ntcrcst-
ng ssucs lor moraI phIosophy, but not , thnk, lor poItcaI
PoItcaI phIosophy s conccrncd onIy wth tertain ways that
pcrsons may not usc othcrs, prmarIy, physcaIIy aggrcssng
aganst thcm. A spcchc sdc constrant uponacton toward othcrs
cxprcsscs thc lact that othcrs may not bc uscd n thc spcc hc ways
thc sdc constrant cxcIudcs. Sdc constrants cxprcss thc n-
voIabIty olothcrs, n thc ways thcy spccly. Jhcsc modcs oln-
voIabIty arc cxprcsscd by thc loIIowng njuncton. 'Oon` t usc
pcopIc n spcchcd ways. ` An cnd-statc vcw, on thc othcr hand,
wouId cxprcss thc vcw that pcopIc arc cnds and not mcrcIy mcans
(l t chooscs to cxprcss ths vcw at aII), by a dllcrcnt njuncton.
'Mnmzc thcusc n spcchcd ways olpcrsons as mcans. ` oIIow-
ng ths prcccpt tscIl may nvoIvc usng somconc as a mcans n
oncolthc ways spcchcd. Mad Kant hcId thsvcw, hcwouId havc
gvcn thc sccond lormuIa olthc catcgorcaI mpcratvc as , 'So act
as to mnmzc thc usc ol humanty smpIy as a mcans, ` rathcr
than thc onc hc actuaIIy uscd. 'Act n such a way that you aIways
trcat humanty, whcthcr n your own pcrson or n thc pcrson ol
any othcr, ncvcr smpIy as a mcans , but aIways at thc samc tmc as
an cnd. ` *
Sdc constrants cxprcss thc nvoIabIty ol othcr pcrsons. but
why may not onc voIatcpcrsons lor thc grcatcr socaI good! nd-
vduaIIy, wc cach somctmcschoosc to undcrgosomcpan or sacr-
hcc lor a grcatcr bcncht or to avod a grcatcr harm. wc go to thc
dcntst to avod worsc sullcrng Iatcr, wc do somc unpIcasant work
lor ts rcsuIts, somc pcrsons dct to mprovc thcr hcaIth or Iooks,
somc savc moncy to support thcmscIvcs whcn thcy arc oIdcr. n
cach casc, somc cost s bornc lor thc sakc ol thc grcatcr ovcraII
good. hy not, similarl, hoId that somc pcrsons havc to bcar
somc costs that bcncht othcr pcrsons morc, lor thc sakc ol thc
ovcraII socaI good! but thcrc s no setial entit wth a good that
MoraI Lonstratnts and thc btatc
9 9
undcrgocs somc sacr hcc lor ts own good. Jhcrc arc onIy ndvd-
uaI pcopIc, dllcrcnt ndvduaI pcopIc, wth thcr own ndvduaI
Ivcs. Lsng onc olthcsc pcopIc lor thc bcncht olothcrs , uscs hm
and bcnchts thc othcrs. Pothng morc hat happcns s that
somcthng s donc to hm lor thc sakc olothcrs . JaIk olan ovcraII
socaI good covcrs ths up. (ntcntonaIIy!) Jo usc a pcrson n ths
way docs not sulhccntIy rcspcct and takc account olthc lact that
hc s a scparatc pcrson, that hs s thc onIy Ilc hc has. He docs
not gct somc ovcrbaIancng good lrom hs sacrhcc, and no onc s
cnttIcd to lorcc ths upon hm-Icast olaII a statc or govcrnmcnt
that cIams hs aIIcgancc (as othcr ndvduaIs do not) and that
thcrclorc scrupuIousIy must bc neutral bctwccn ts ctzcns
Jhc moraI sdc constrants upon what wc may do, cIam, rchcct
thc lact ol our scparatc cxstcnccs. Jhcy rchcct thc lact that no
moraI baIancng act can takc pIacc among us , thcrc s no moraI
outwcghng olonc olour Ivcs by othcrs so as to Icad to a grcatcr
ovcraII setial good. Jhcrc s no justhcd sacrhcc ol somc olus lor
othcrs . Jhs root dca, namcIy, that thcrc arc dllcrcnt ndvduaIs
wth scparatc Ivcs and so no onc may bc sacrhccd lor othcrs, un-
dcrIcs thc cxstcncc ol moraI sdc constrants , but t aIso, bc-
Icvc, Icads to a Ibcrtaran sdc constrant that prohbts aggrcs-
son aganst anothcr.
Jhc strongcr thc lorcc ol an cnd-statc maxmzng vcw, thc
morc powcrluI must bc thc root dca capabIc ol rcsstng t that
undcrIcs thc cxstcncc ol moraI sdc constrants . Mcncc thc morc
scrousIy must bc takcn thc cxstcncc ol dstnct ndvduaIs who
arc not rcsourccs lor othcrs . An undcrIyng noton sulhccntIy
powcrluI to support moraI sdc constrants aganst thc powcrluI
ntutvc lorcc ol thc cnd-statc maxmzng vcw wII sulhcc to
dcrvc a Ibrtaran constrant on aggrcsson aganst anothcr. Any-
onc who rcjccts tbat artitular sdc constrant has thrcc aItcrna-
tvcs. ( I ) hc must rcjcctall sdc constrants, (z)hc mustproducc a
dllcrcnt cxpIanaton olwhy thcrc arc moraI sdc constrants rathcr
than smpIy a goaI-drcctcd maxmzng structurc, an cxpIanaton
54 State-oj-Nature Theoy
that docsn` t tscIl cntaI thc Ibcrtaran sdc constrant, or () hc
must acccpt thc strongIy put root dca about thc scparatcncss ol
ndvduaIs and yct cIam that ntatngaggrcsson aganstanothcr
s compatbIc wth ths root dca. Jhus wc havc a promsng
skctch olan argumcntlrom moraI lorm to moraIcontcnt. thc lorm
ol moraIty ncIudcs F (moraI s dc constrants), thc bcst cxpIana-
ton ol moraIty`s bcng F s (a strong statcmcnt ol thc ds-
tnctncss ol ndvduaIs), and lrom loIIows a partcuIar moraI
contcnt, namcIy, thc Ibcrtaran constrant. Jhc partcuIar moraI
contcnt gottcn by ths argumcnt, whch locuscs upon thc lact that
thcrc arc dstnct ndvduaIs cach wth hs ewn Ilc to Icad, wII
not bc thc/u!! Ibcrtaran constrant. t wII prohbt sacrhcng
onc pcrson to bcncht anothcr. urthcr stcps wouId bc nccdcd to
rcach a prohbton on patcrnaIstc aggrcsson. usng or thrcatcn-
ng lorcc lor thc bcncht olthc pcrson aganst whom t s wcIdcd.
or ths, onc must locus upon thc lact that thcrc arc dstnct nd-
vduaIs, cach wth hs own Ilcte!md.
A nonaggrcsson prncpIc s oltcn hcId to bc an appropratc
prncpIc to govcrn rcIatons among natons. hat dllcrcncc s
thcrc supposcd to bc bctwccn sovcrcgn ndvduaIs and sovcrcgn
natons that makcs aggrcsson pcrmssbIc among ndvduaIs!
hy may ndvduaIs ontIy, through thcr govcrnmcnt, do to
somconcwhatnonatonmay do to anothcr! lanythng, thcrcs a
strongcr casc lor nonaggrcsson among ndvduaIs, unIkc natons ,
thcy do not contan as parts ndvduaIs that othcrs IcgtmatcIy
mght ntcrvcnc to protcct or dclcnd.
shaII not pursuc hcrc thc dctaIs ol a prncpIc that prohbts
physcaI aggrcsson, cxccpt to notc that t docs not prohbt thc
usc ollorcc n dclcnsc aganst anothcr party who s a thrcat, cvcn
though hc s nnoccnt and dcscrvcs no rctrbuton. An innetent
tbrmt s somconc who nnoccntIy s acausaI agcnt n aproccss such
that hc wouId bc an aggrcssor had hc choscn to bccomc such an
agcnt. l somconc pcks up a thrd party and throws hm at you
down at thc bottom ola dccp wcII, thc thrd party s nnoccnt and
a thrcat, had hc choscn to Iaunch hmscIlat you n that tracctory
hc wouId bc an aggrcssor. Lvcn though thc laIIng pcrson wouId
survvc hs laII onto you, may you usc yourray gun to dsntcgratc
thc laIIng body bclorc t crushcs and kIIs you! Lbcrtaran proh-
btons arc usuaIIy lormuIatcd so as to lorbd usng voIcncc on n-
MoraI Lonstrants and thc btatc 55
noccnt pcrsons. but nnoccnt thrcats, thnk, arc anothcr mattcr
to whch dllcrcnt prncpIcs must appI y. ' Jhus, a luII thcory n
ths arca aIso must lormuIatc thc dierent constrants on rcsponsc
to nnoccnt thrcats. urthcr compIcatons conccrn innetent sbie!ds
e/ tbrmts, thosc nnoccnt pcrsons who thcmscIvcs arc nonthrcats
but who arc so s tuatcd that thcy wII bc damagcd by thc onIy
mcans avaIabIc lor stoppng thc thrcat. nnoccnt pcrsons strappcd
onto thc lront ol thc tanks ol aggrcssors so that thc tanks cannot
bc ht wthout aIso httng thcm arc nnoccnt shcIds ol thrcats.
(Somc uscs ol lorcc on pcopIc to gct at an aggrcssor do not act
upon nnoccnt shcIds ol thrcats, lor cxampIc, an aggrcssor` s n-
noccnt chId who s torturcd n ordcr to gct thc aggrcssor to stop
wasn`t sbie!ding thc parcnt. ) May onc knowngIy nurc nnoccnt
shcIds! l/ onc may attack an aggrcssor and n urc an nnoccnt
shcId, may thc nnoccnt shcId hght back n scIl-dclcnsc (suppos-
ng that hc cannot movc aganstor hght thc aggrcssor)! Oo wcgct
two pcrsons battIng cach othcr n scIl-dclcnsc! SmIarIy, lyou
usc lorcc aganst an nnoccnt thrcat to you, do you thcrcby bccomc
an nnoccnt thrcat to hm, so that hc may now usthabIy uscadd-
tonaI lorcc aganst you(supposng that hccandoths, yct cannot
prcvcnt hs orgnaI thrcatcnngncss)! tptoc around thcsc ncrcd-
bIy dlhcuIt ssucs hcrc, mcrcIy notng that a vcw that says t
makcs nonaggrcsson ccntraI must rcsoIvc thcm cxpIctIy at somc
c can IIumnatc thc status and mpIcatons olmoraI sdc con-
strants by consdcrng Ivng bcngs lor whom such strngcnt
constrants (or any at aII) usuaIIy arc not consdcrcd appropratc.
namcIy, nonhuman anmaIs. Arcthcrc any Imts to what wc may
do to anmaIs! Mavc anmaIs thc moraI status olmcrc el)etts Oo
somc purposcs laI to cnttIc us to mposc grcat costs on anmaIs!
hat cnttIcs us to usc thcm at aII!
AnmaIs count lor somcthng. Somc hghcr anmaIs , at Icast,
ought to bc gvcn somc wcght n pcopIc` s dcIbratons about
what to do. t s dlhcuIt toreie ths. (t s aIso dlhcuIt to provc
State-oj-Nature Theoy
that pcopIc count lor somcthng! ) c hrst shaII adducc partuuIar
cxampIcs, and thcn argumcnts . l you lcIt Ikc snappng your
hngcrs , pcrhaps to thc bcat olsomc musc, and you kncw that by
somc strangc causaI connccton your snappng your hngcrs wouId
causc t o, ooo contcntcd, unowncd cows to dc altcr grcat pan and
sullcrng, or cvcn panIcssIy and nstantancousIy, wouId t bc pcr-
lcctIy aII rght to snap your hngcrs ! s thcrc somc rcason why t
wouId bc moraIIy wrong to do so!
Somc say pcopIc shouId not do so bccausc such acts brutaIzc
thcm and makcthcmmorcIkcIy to takc thc Ivcs olersens, soIcIy
lor pIcasurc. Jhcsc acts that arc moraIIy unobj cctonabIc n thcm-
scIvcs, thcy say, havc an undcsrabIc moraI spIIovcr. (Jhngs thcn
wouId bc dllcrcnt lthcrc wcrc no possbIty olsuch spIIovcr
lor cxampIc, lor thc pcrson who knows hmscIlto bc thc Iast pcr-
son on carth. ) but whysbeuld thcrc bc such a spIIovcr! lt s , n
tscIl, pcrlcctIy aII rght to do anythng at aII to anmaIs lor any
rcason whatsocvcr, thcn provdcd a pcrson rcaIzcs thc cIcar Inc
bctwccn anmaIs and pcrsons and kccps t nmndashcacts , why
shouId kIIng anmaIs tcnd to brutaIzc hm and makc hm morc
IkcIyto harm or kII pcrsons! Oo butchcrs commt morc murdcrs!
(Jhan othcr pcrsons who havc knvcs around!) l cnoy httng a
bascbaII squarcIy wth a bat, docs ths sgnhcantIy ncrcasc thc
dangcr olmy dong thc samc to somconc`s hcad! Am not capabIc
olundcrstandng thatpcopIc dllcr lrom bascbaIIs, and docsn` tths
undcrstandng stop thc spIIovcr! hy shouId thngs bc dllcrcnt
n thc casc ol anmaIs! Jo bc surc, t s an cmprcaI qucston
whcthcr spIIovcrdocs takc pIacc or not, but thcrcisa puzzIcas to
why t shouId, at Icast among rcadcrs olths cssay, sophstcatcd
pcopIc who arc capabIc ol drawng dstnctons and dllcrcntaIIy
actng upon thcm.
lsomc anmaIs count lorsomcthng, whch anmaIs count, how
much do thcy count, and how can ths bc dctcrmncd! Supposc (as
bcIcvc thc cvdcncc supports) thateating anmaIs s not ncccssary
r bealtb and s not Icss cxpcnsvc than aItcrnatc cquaIIy hcaIthy
dcts avaIabIc to pcopIc n thc Lntcd Statcs. Jhc gan, thcn,
lrom thc catng olanmaIs s pIcasurcs ol thc paIatc, gustatory
dcIghts, varcd tastcs. wouId not cIam that thcsc arc not truIy
pIcasant, dcIghtluI , and ntcrcstng. Jhc qucston s. do thcy, or
rathcr docs thc margnaI addton n thcm gancd by catng an-
MoraI Lonstrants and thc btatc
maIs rathcr than onIy nonanmaIs, eutueigb thc moraI wcght to bc
gvcn to anmaIs` Ivcs and pan! Lvcn that anmaIs arc to count
lorsemetbing. s thcextra gan obtancd by catng thcm rathcr than
nonanmaI products grcatcr than thcmoraI cost! Mov mght thcsc
qucstons bc dccdcd!
c mght try Iookng at comparabIc cascs , cxtcndng whatcvcr
j udgmcnts wc makc on thosc cascs to thc onc bclorc us. or cx-
ampIc, wc mght Iook at thc casc olhuntng, whcrc assumc that
t`s not aII rght to hunt and kII anmaIs mcrcIy lor thc lun ol t.
s huntng a spccaI casc, bccausc ts el)e:t and what provdcs thc
lun s thc chasng and mamng and dcath ol anmaIs! Supposc
thcn that cnjoy swngng a bascbaII bat. t happcns that n lront
olthc onIy pIacc to swing tstandsacow. Swngng thc batunlor-
tunatcIy wouId nvoIvc smashng thc cow`s hcad. but wouIdn`t
gct lun lrom dong tbat, thc pIcasurc comcs lrom cxcrcsng my
muscIcs, swngng wcII, and so on. t` s unlortunatc that as a sdc
cllcct (not a mcans) ol my dong ths, thc anmaI` s skuII gcts
smashcd. Jo bc surc, couId lorcgo swngng thc bat, and nstcad
bcnd down and touch my tocs or do somc othcr cxcrcsc. but ths
wouIdn` t bc as cnj oyabIc as swngng thc bat, won` t gct as much
lun, pIcasurc, or dcIght out olt. So thc qucston s. wouId t bc
aII rght lor mc to swng thc bat n ordcr to gct thcextra pIcasurc
olswngng t as comparcd to thc bcst avaIabIc aItcrnatvc actvty
that docs not nvoIvc harmng thc anmaI! Supposc that t s not
mcrcIy a qucston ol lorcgong today` s spccaI pIcasurcs ol bat
swngng, supposc that cach day thc samc stuaton arscs wth a
dllcrcnt anmaI. s thcrc somc prncpIc that wouId aIIow kIIng
and catng anmaIs lor thc addtonaI pIcasurc ths brngs, yct
wouId not aIIow swngng thc bat lor thc cxtrapIcasurc t brngs!
hat couId that prncpIc bc Ikc! (s ths a bcttcr paraIIcI to cat-
ng mcat! Jhc anmaI s kIIcd to gct a bonc out olwhch to makc
thc bcst sort ol bat to usc, bats madc out olothcr matcraI don`t
gvc qutc thc samc pIcasurc. s t aII rght to kII thc anmaI to
obtan thc extra pIcasurc that usng a bat madc out ol ts bonc
wouId brng! ouId t bc moraIIy morc pcrmssbIc lyou couId
hrc somconc to do thc kIIng lor you!)
Such cxampIcs and qucstons mght hcIp somconc to scc what
sorc ol Inc be wshcs to draw, what sort ol poston hc wshcs to
takc. Jhcy lacc, howcvcr, thc usuaI Imtatons ol consstcncy
State-of Nature Theoy
argumcnts, thcy do not say, oncc a conct s shown, whch vcw
to changc. Altcr laIng to dcvsc a prncpIc to dstngush swng-
ng thc bat lrom kIIng and catng an anmaI, you mght dccdc
that t` s rcaIIy aII rght , ahcr aII, to swng thc bat. urthcrmorc,
such appcaI to smIar cascs docs not grcatIy hcIp us to assgn
prccsc moraI wcght to dllcrcnt sorts ol anmaIs. (c lurthcr
dscuss thc dlhcuItcs n lorcng a moraI concIuson by appcaI to
cxampIcs n Chaptcr g. )
My purposc hcrc nprcscntng thcsc cxampIcs s to pursuc thc
noton ol moraI sdc constrants, not thc ssuc ol catng anma!s.
Jhough shouIdsaythat n my vcw thc cxtra bcnchts Amcrcans
today can gan lrom catng anmaIs do net j ustly dong t. So wc
shouIdn` t. Cnc ubqutous argumcnt, not unconncctcd wth sdc
constrants , dcscrvcs mcnton. bccausc pcopIc cat anmaIs, thcy
rascmorcthanothcrwscwouId cxstwthoutthspractcc. Jocxst
lor a whIc s bcttcr than ncvcr to cxst at aII. So (thc argumcnt
concIudcs) thc anmaIs arc bcttcr oll bcausc wc havc thc prac-
tcc ol catng thcm. Jhough ths s not our objcct, lortunatcIy t
turns out that wc rcaIIy, aII aIong, bcncht thcm' (ltastcs changcd
and pcopIc no Iongcr lound t cnj oyabIc to cat anmaIs, shouId
thosc conccrncd wth thc wcIlarc ol anmaIs stccI thcmscIvcs to
an unpIcasant task and contnuc catng thcm!) trust shaII not
bc msundcrstood as sayng that anmaIs arc to bc gvcn thc samc
moraI wcght as pcopIc l notc that thc paraIIcI argumcnt about
pcoIc wouId not Iook vcry convncng. c can magnc that pop-
uIation probIcms Icad cvcry coupIc or group to Imt thcr chIdrcn
to somc numbcr hxcd n advancc. A gvcn coupIc, havng rcachcd
thc numbcr, proposcs to havc an addtonaI chId and dsposc olt
at thc agc olthrcc (or twcnty-thrcc) by sacrhcng tor usng t lor
somc gastronomc purposc. n j usthcaton, thcy notc that thc
chId wII not cxst at aII lths s not aIIowcd, and surcIy t s bct-
tcr lor t to cxst lor somc numbr olycars. Mowcvcr, oncc a pcr-
son cxsts, not cvcrythng compatbIc wth hs ovcraII cxstcncc
bcng a nct pIus can bc donc, cvcn by thosc who crcatcd hm. An
cxstng rson has cIams, cvcn aganst thosc whosc purposc n
crcating him was to voIatc thosc cIams. t wouId bc worthwhIc
to pursuc moraI objcctons to a systcm that pcrmts parcnts to do
anythng w
. . _
L 1
3 ~
0 . 9
C '
m w
: ~
b . v
C C "
. -
@ .
- _
. - .-
. ~
0 . 9
~ ~
c '
- -
e v m
- C
. - _
C C v
. .. _
v C C
.. _
urthcr Lonstdcrattons on thc Argumcnt tor thc btatc I z
twc assumc that t s bcttcr to bc thc cIcnt ot thc powcrtuI
domnant protcctvc agcncy n an arca, than not to bc, and t s
bcttcr to bc a cIcnt ot thc domnant agcncy, tthc othcr tcIIow
sn`t, thcn Matrx nstanccs thc structurc prcscntcd n Matrx
(wth thc partcuIar ntcrvaIs bctwccn thc numbcrs not to bc takcn
too scrousIy).
A b' L` L
5 , 5 4, 6 1 0, 0 10, 0
b 6, 4 5 , 5
1 0, 0 10, 0
L 0, 1 0 0, 1 0 X, X x, x
L 0, 1 0 0, 1 0 X, X x, x
tthcy do notadhcrc to any moraI constrants that torbd ths,
wII do and wII do ` . Thc argumcnt s as toIIows. ( ` )
wcakIy domnatcs A(` ), so wII not do A and wII not do
A' . CandD (C' andD' ) coIIapsc togcthcr, so wc nccd trcat onIy
onc otthcm, wthout Ioss otgcncraIty, wc trcat C(C` ). Thcqucs-
ton that rcmans s whcthcr cach pcrson wII choosc to do hs
acton or hs C acton. (Mc nccd consdcr onIy thc truncatcd Ma-
trx , whch coIIapscs D(D' ) nto C(C' ) and whch omts A and
A` , sncc ncthcr Ioscs t thc othcr onc docs hs A acton. )
S Iong as X ' 1 0, as t apparcntIy s (bcng n an unorganzcd
statc otnaturc wthrcspct to somconc s Icss prctcrrcd than bcng
n thc domnant protcctvc assocaton whIc hc s not), strongIy
domnatcs C, and ` strongIy domnatcs C` . S n thc abscncc ot
moraI constrants, two ratonaI ndvduaIs wouId do and ` . t
X ' 1 0, ths s suthccnt to ycId (, ' ) by a domnancc argu-
n thc tcrmnology oI dccson thcorsts, onc acton wcakly domnatcs
anothcr Irclatvc to no statc oIthc world docs t do worsc than thc othcr, and
rclatvc to somc statc(s) oI thc world t docs bttcr. An acton strongly dom-
natcsanothcr Irclatvc to cvcrystatc oI thc world t dos bcttcr.
Stateof-Nature Theoy
Fcrson l
Fcrson l
b L
b 1 L,
L L L 7, 7
mcnt. t aIso x ~ , (tor cxampIc, 7) wc havc a prsoncrs` d-
Icmma stuaton nwhch ndvduaIIy ratonaI bchavor s ontIy
ncth ccnt bccausc t Icads to an outcomc ( , )whchcach prctcrs
Icss than anothcr (7, 7) that s avaIabIc to thcm. Somc havc
argucd that apropcr tuncton otgovcrnmcnt s to prohbtpcopIc`s
pcrtormng thc domnant acton n prsoncrs` dIcmma stuatons.
Mowcvcr that may bc, t somconc n a statc-ot-naturc stuaton
takcs upon hmscIt ths supposcd tuncton ot thc statc (and at-
tcmpts to prohbtothcrs trom pcrtormngA orb), thcnbisacton
vs--vs othcrs s net act C, tor hc s torbddng othcrs to pcrtorm
thcr domnant acton, namcIy, to on a protcctvc assocaton.
II ths pcrson, a scIt-appontcd surrogatc tor thc statc, pcrtorm
act D thcn! Mc mght try to do ths . but, n addton to ts bcng
ndvduaIIy nonoptmaI tor hm, hc s most unIkcIy to bc suc-
ccsshI aganst ndvduaIs who combnc nto protcctvc assoca-
tons, tor hc s most unIkcIy to bc morc powcrtuI than thcy. Jo
havc a rcaI chancc ot bcng succcsshI, hc must combnc wth
othcrs to act(pcrtormngA or b), and hcncc hccannot succccd n
torcng cvcryonc, ncIudng hmscIt, away trom thcr domnant ac-
tons A orb .
Jhs stuaton ot x ~ has a thcorctcaI ntcrcst abovc and
bcyond thc usuaI ntcrcst ot thc prsoncrs` dIcmma. or n ths
stuaton an anarchst statc ot naturc s ontIy bcst otaII thc sym-
mctrcaI stuatons, and t s n cach ndvduaI`s ntcrcst to d-
vcrgc trom ths ont bcst soIuton. Yct any attcmpt (promsng
succcss) to cntorcc ths ont bcst soIuton itseq consttutcs a d-
vcrgcncc (whchcauscs othcr dvcrgcnccs n scIt-dctcnsc) trom t.
tx ~ , thc statc, prcscntcd by somc as thc soIuton` to avod
thcprsoncr`s dIcmma, wouIdnstcad bc tsuntortunatcoutcomcl
t cach ndvduaI acts ratonaIIy, unImtcd by moraI con-
urthcr Lonstdcrattons on thc Argumcnt tor thc btatc 1 2
strants, (b, b` ) wII cmcrgc. Mow wIIthngs dhcr, tat aII , wth
thc addton otmoraI constrants! t mght bc thought that moraI
consdcratons rcqurc aIIowng anothcr to do whatcvcr you do,
snccthcstuaton s symmctrcaI somc symmctrcaI soIuton must
bc tound. Jo ths thc hshy rcpIy mght bc madc that (b, b`) s
symmctrcaI , and hcncc somconc pcrtormng a b-sh acton rccog-
nzcs that thc othcr wII do Ikcwsc. but rccognzng that anothcr
wII do Ikcwsc s not thc samc asamng hm to do ths. A pr-
son pcrtormng a b-sh acton s tryng to mposc a (b, C' ) soIu-
ton. hat moraI rght docs hc havc to Imese ths asymmctry, to
/rce othcrs not to bhavc as hc docs! but bctorc acccptng ths
strongcountcrrcpIyasconcIusvc, wcshouIdaskwhcthcrcach pr-
son taccs or vcws hmscItas tacng a symmctrcaI stuaton! Lach
prson knows morc about hmscIt than hc docs about thc othcr,
cach can bc surcr oths own ntcntons not to aggrcss aganst thc
othcr thc hnds hmscItn thc domnant powcr poston, than hc
can bc ot thc othcrs` smIar ntcntons. (oIIowng Acton, wc
mght wondcr whcthcr any ot us can bc surc, or cvcn rcasonabIy
conhdcnt. ) Lvcn ths asymmctry otcach knowng morc about hs
own ntcntons than about thosc ot thc othcr party,* sn`t t rca-
sonabIc tor cach to pursuc thcb- sh acton!Kathcr, sncc t`s nd-
vduaIIy ratonaI , docsthsasymmctry scrvc to rcbut thcargumcnt
trom symmctry tor thc (A, A` ) soIuton and aganst thc (b, b` )
soIuton! CIcarIy, thngs bccomc vcry mcssy.
Kathcr than tocusng on thc totaI stuaton, t wouId bc morc
promsng to ask whcthcr somcthng spccaI about thc b-sh ac-
tons cxcIudcs thcm as moraIIy prmssbIc. Oocs somc moraI
prohbton ruIc out b: t so, wc must dstngush thc b actons
trom thosc othcr prohbtngs otactons on thc grounds otthc rsk
thcy prcscnt, whch wc havc aIrcady hcId to bc Icgtmatc. hat
dstngushcs prohbtng othcrs trom onng anothcr protcctvc
agcncy, or torcbIy actng to prcvcnt anothcr agcncy trom gcttng
morcpowcrtuI than your own or yourscIttrom an agcncy`s torbd-
dngothcrs to punsh ts cIcntscxccpt by a rcIabIcproccdurc (and
punshng thosc who dsobcy ths prohbton cvcn shouId t turn
out that thc cIcnts dd wrong thcsc othcrs and wcrc not n-
noccnt)! Lct us hrst consdcr cascs whch commonIy arc dstn-
1 26
State-oj-Nature Theoy
Accordng to usuaI doctrnc, undcr somc crcumstanccs a country
X may Iaunch a prccmptvc attack, or a prcvcntvc war, upon
anothcr country Y; tor cxampIc, t Y s tscItabout to Iaunch an
mmcdatc attackuponX, or tY has announccd that t wII doso
upon rcachng a ccrtan IcvcI ot mItary rcadncss, whch t cx-
pccts to do somc tmc soon. Yct t s not acccptcd doctrnc that
onc naton X may Iaunch a war aganst anothcr naton Y bcausc
Y s gcttng strongcr, and (such s thc bchavor ot natons) mght
wcII attack X whcn t gcts strongcr stII. ScIt-dctcnsc pIausbIy
covcrs thc hrst sort otstuaton but not thc sccond. hyr
t mght bc thought that thc dttcrcncc s mcrcIy a mattcr ot
grcatcr or IcsscrprobabIty. hcn a naton s about to Iaunch an
attack, or has announccd that t wII whcn and tt rcachcs a ccr-
tan IcvcI otrcadncss, thc probabIty s vcry hgh that twIIat-
tack. hcrcas thc probabIty s not as grcat thatany naton gct-
tng strongcr wII attack whcn tattansgrcatcr strcngth. but thc
dstnctonbctwccnthccascs docs not dcpcnduponsuch probabI-
ty consdcratons. or howcvcr Iow thc probabIty, cstmatcd by
thc ccrts` otncutraI countrcs, otY`s Iaunchng an attackonX
(n thc sccond casc) wthn thc ncxt tcn ycars (o. , o. z , o. o ), wc
can magnc aItcrnatvcIy that Y now s about to wcId a supr-
dcvcc trcsh out ot ts sccnthc Iaboratorcs that, wthtbat proba-
bIty, wII conqucr X; whIc wth onc mnus that probabIty, t
wII do nothng. (Pcrhaps ths probabIty s thcprobabIty otthc
dcvcc`s workng, orpcrhaps thc dcvcc tscIts probabIstc. ) Jhc
dcvcc s sct to bc wcIdcd wthnonc wcck, Y scommttcd tousc
t, thc tmctabIc s bcng toIIowcd and a countdown has bcgun.
McrcX, n scIt-dctcnsc, may attack, or ssuc an uItmatum that t
thc dcvcc snot dsmantIcd wthn two days t wII attack, andso
on. (And what t, though thc tmctabIc docsn`t caII tor t, thc
dcvcctan b uscd thc ncxt day or mmcdatcIyr) t Y wcrc spn-
nngarouIcttcwhccIand wthprobabItyo. ozthcdamagcotwar
wouId bc nhctcd onX, X couId act n scIt-dctcnsc. but, n thc
sccond casc cvcn whcn thc probabIty s cquaI, X may not so act
aganst Y` s armng. Jhcrctorc, thc ssuc s not mcrcIy a mattcr ot
how hgh thc probabIty s. Lpon what, thcn, tnot thc magn-
lurthcr LOnstdcrattOns On thc Argumcnt tOr thc btatc 1 2
tudc otthc probabIty, docs thc dstncton bctwccn thc hrst typc
otcasc and thc sccond typc rcst!
Jhc dstncton dcpcnds on how thc harm, t t cvcntuatcs, s
rcIatcd to what Y aIrcady has donc. or somc actons that ycId
varous outcomcswthvarous probabItcs , nothngmorc nccd bc
donc by thc agcnt (ahcr thc acton s pcrtormcd) to producc an
outcomc whch, whcn t cvcntuatcs, s somcthng hc dd or
brought about or causcd to happcn, and so on. (n somc cascs , hr-
thcr actons otetbers mght bc nccdcd, tor cxampIc, soIdcrs obcy-
ng a commandcr`s ordcrs. ) tsuch an acton ycIds a hgh cnough
probabIty otadangcrous bordcr crossng, ` anothcr may prohbt
t. Cn thc othcr hand, somc proccsscs mght Icad to ccrtan poss-
bIc conscqucnccs, but onIy t turthcr dccsons arc madc by thc
pcopIc cngagng n thcm. Proccsscs mght, as n thc cascs wc arc
consdcrng, pIacc pcopIc n a bcttcr poston to do somcthng,
and so makc t morc IkcIy that thcy wII dccdc to do t. Jhcsc
proccsscs nvoIvc hrthcr sgnhcant dccsons by thc pcrsons and
thc bordcr crossngs dcpcnd upontbese dccsons (madc morc IkcIy
by thc proccss). t s pcrmssbIc to prohbt thc tormcr actons
whcrc thc pcrson nccd do nothng morc, but not to prohbt thc
Iattcr proccsscs. hyr
Pcrhaps thcprncpIc s somcthng Ikc ths. an act s notwrong
and so cannot bc prohbtcd t t s harmIcss wthout a hrthcr
maor dccson to commtwrong (that s, tt wouId not bc wrong
tthc agcnt was mcd unaItcrabIy aganst thc hrthcr wrong dcc-
son), tcan onIy bcprohbtcd whcn t s apIanncd prcIudc to thc
hrthcr wrong acton. So statcd, thc prncpIc wouId protcct ac-
tons that mcrcIy tacItatc othcrs` wrongdong t thc acts arc
harmIcss n thcmscIvcs-tor cxampIc, pubIshng thc pIans ot thc
aIarm systcms otbanks. Jhc act wouId bc toIcratcd wcrc tknown
that othcrs wouId not dccdc to do wrong. Among such actons,
thc cIcarcst canddatcs tor prohbton arc thosc whch, t s
hctormcr class ncludcs scttng proccsscs gongwhoscpssblc harm dos
not dcpnd upn sgnhcant ncw dccsons, though t may rcqurc namrmaton
otold oncs. lor thcsc ccs, thc dstncton btwccn prohbton (punshng at-
tcrwards) and prcvcntng n advancc wobblcs. Smctmcs t wll b unclcar
whcthcr acton takcn attcr thc proccss h bgun but bcton thc dangcr s
nalzcd was takcn to punsh volaton ot thc pmhbton on thc dangcrou pro-
ccss or to prcvcnt thc dangcr trom occurrng.
State-ol-Nature Theoy
thought, couId bc donc lor no rcason othcr than to lacItatc
wrongdong. (Lvcn hcrc, can`t onc aIways magnc an ccccntrc
wth Icgtmatc though odd rcasons!) c may avod ths qucston
olwhcthcrsuchactons so cIcarIy ntcndcd onIy to ad thc wrong-
dong ol othcrs may bc prohbtcd. AII thc actons wc arc con-
ccrncd wth couId bc donc lor pcrlcctIy Icgtmatc and rcspcctabIc
rcasons (lor cxampIc, scIl-dclcnsc), and thcy rcqurc hrthcr dcc-
son to commt wrong by thc agcnt hmscIl, lwrong s to occur.
A strngcnt prncpIc wouId hoId that onc may prohbt onIy
thc Iast wrong dccson ncccssary to producc thc wrong. (Cr, thc
Iast act ncccssary to an aItcrnatvc n a sct, any onc ol whch s
ncccssary. ) Morc strngcnt yct wouId bc a prncpIc hoIdng that
onc may prohbt onIy thc passng olthc Iast cIcar pont at whch
thc Iast wrong dccson ncccssary to thc wrong can bc rcvcrscd.
Morc Iattudc s gvcn to prohbton by thc loIIowng prncpIc
(hcncc t s a wcakcr prncpIc aganst prohbton). Prohbt enl
wrong dccsons and actons on thcm (or dangcrous actons rcqur-
ng no hrthcr wrong dccsons). Cnc may net prohbt actons
whch arc not bascd on dccsons that arc wrong, mcrcIy on thc
grounds that thcy lacItatc or makc morc IkcIy thc agcnt hmscIl
Iatcr makng wrong dccsons and dong thc wrong actons whch
loIIow lrom thcm. Sncc cvcn ths wcakcr prncpIc s sulhccnt to
exdude prohbtng othcrs lrom strcngthcnng thcr protcctvc
agcncy or onng anothcr onc, wc nccd not dccdc hcrc whch
prncpIc s most appropratc. (Jhc two strongcr prncpIcs , ol
coursc, aIso wouId cxcIudc such prohbtons. )
t mght bc obcctcd that thc prncpIcs adumbratcd shouId not
bc appIcd to hoId mprmssbIc somc group A`s lorcbIy ntcr-
vcnng n thc proccss olb` s strcngthcnng thcr protcctvc agcncy.
or that proccss s a spccaI onc, lt s succcssluI , A wII bc n a
lar wcakcr poston, l not unabIc, to cnlorcc thc prohbton on
wrong whcn hnaIIyA s cnttIcd to do so. Mow canA bc askcd to
rclran lrom prohbtng thc carIcr stagcs whcn t knows that any
wrongs wII bc donc Iatcr whcn t s unabIc to opposc thcm as cl-
lcctvcIy! but l thc carIy stagcs olb`s proccss nvoIvc no commt-
mcnt to anyIatcrwrong, andlb hasgood(nonaggrcssvc) rcasons
lor ts actons, thcn t s not absurd to hoId that othcrs may not
ntcrlcrc wth thc carIcrand n thcmscIvcs (suppsng ccrtan con-
urthcr Lonstdcrattons on thc Argumcnt tor thc btatc 1 29
tnuatons) harmIcss stagcs, cvcn though ths abstcnton wII put
thcm n a Icss strong poston Iatcr.
c havc lound adstncton, whchappcars thcorctcaIIy sgnl-
cant, that dstngushcs a protcctvc agcncy` s lorbddng othcrs
lrom usng unrcIabIc or unlar procdurcs to cxact ustcc on ts
cIcnts lromothcrprohbtonssuch as lorbddng othcrs to lorm
anothcr protcctvc agcncy-whch mght bc thought to bc aIIow-
abIc lthc hrst s. or our purposcs n ths cssay wc nccd not pro-
vdc thc thcory whch undcrIcs ths dstncton and cxpIans ts
sgnhcancc, cvcn though nvcstgatng thcsc ssucs promscs to
Icad vcry quckIy to lundamcntaI qucstons. t s cnough to havc
rcbuttcd thc chargc wc magncd carIcr that our argumcnt mIs
bccausc t provcs` too much, n that t provdcs a ratonaIc not
onIy lor thc prmssbIc rsc ola domnant protcctvc assocaton,
but aIso lor ths assocaton`s lorcng somconc not to takc hs pa-
tronagc cIscwhcrc or lor somc pcrson`s lorcng othcrs not to on
any assocaton. Cur argumcnt provdcs no ratonaIc lor thcIattcr
actons and cannot bc uscd to dclcnd thcm.
c havc put lorth a prncpIc whch cxcIudcs prohbtng ac-
tons not wrong n thcmscIvcs, actons that mcrcIy lacItatc or
makc morc IkcIy thc commsson olothcr wrongs dcpcndcnt upon
othcr wrong dccsons thc agcnt has not madc (yct). (Jhs statc-
mcnt s ntcntonaIIyambguous so as to cncompass thcstrongand
thc wcak prncpIcs. ) Jhs prncpIc docs net cIam that no onc
may b hcId rcsponsbIc or bc punshcd lor attcmptng to gct
othcrs to do wrong bccausc to succccd thc attcmpt rcqurcs thc
dccsonoletbos to do wrong. or thcprncpIc locuscs on whcthcr
thc thrust toward wrong aIrcady has bccn madc and s now out ol
tbatosen's hands . t s a]uftbo qucston whcthcr and to what cx-
tcnt any dccsons olothcrs can cImnatc hs rcsponsbIty lor thc
rcsuIt ol hs orgnaI attcmpt. Prmc canddatcs lor rcsponsbIty
contnung arc attcmpts to gct othcrs to dosomcwrong, whchat-
tcmpt succccds (not by accdcnt and n thc manncr ntcndcd, and
so lorth) n gcttng thcm to dccdc and act wrongIy. (n ths casc,
sn`t thc orgnaI act wrong tscIl, and so net protcctcd lrom proh-
bton undcr thc condtons olthc prncpIc!)
Jhc contrastng vcw hoIds that thc lurthcr dccsons olothcrs
cImnatc thc rcsponsbIty ol somconc who succccds n hs at-
State-o-Nature Theoy
tcmpt to gct thcm to act n a ccrtan way, though hc pcrsuadcs
thcm or convnccs thcm or whps thcm up to do t, thcy couId
havc choscn to rctran. Jhc toIIowng modcI mght undcrIc ths
vcw. or cach act, so thc mocI runs, thcrc s a mcd amount ot
rcsponsbIty, ths mght bc mcasurcd by how much punshmcnt
thcrc s to bc tor thc act. Somconc pcrsuadcd by anothcr to do
somcthng may bc punshcd hIIy tor hs acton, hc may bc pun-
shcd as much as somconc who dccdcs aII by hmscIt to do thc
samc acton. Sncc aII ot thc punshmcnt tor that acton s uscd
up, so s aII otthc rcsponsbIty tor t , thcrc s no morc rcspns-
bIty or punshmcnt tor that acton Ictt ovcr to pIacc on anothcr
pcrson. S, thc argumcnt concIudcs, a pcrson who pcrsuadcs an-
othcr to dccdc to do somcthng cannot bc hcId rcsponsbIc tor or
at aII punshcd tor thc conscqucnccs otthc othcr`s acton. but ths
modcI ota mcd amount otrcsponsbIty tor an act s mstakcn. t
two pcrsons cach coopcratc n murdcrng or assauItng a thrd,
thcn cach assauItcr or murdcrcr may b punshcd hIIy. Lach may
rcccvc thc samc punshmcnt as somconc actng aIonc, n ycars say.
Jhcynccd not cachbcgvcn n/. KcsponsbIty s nota buckct n
whch Icss rcmans whcn somc s apportoncd out, thcrc s not a
mcd amount otpunshmcnt or rcsponsbIty whch onc uscs up so
that nonc s Ictt ovcr tor thc othcr. Sncc ths modcI or pcturc ot
how rcsponsbIty opcratcs s mstakcn, a maor prop s rcmovcd
trom thc vcw that no onc may bc punshcd tor prsuadng anothcr
rcspnsbIc ndvduaI to do somcthng.
c havc argucd that cvcn somconc who torcsccs that a protcctvc
assocaton wII bccomc domnant may not torbd othcrs to on
up. but though no onc may bc torbddcn to on up, mght not
cvcryonc tbeese to stay out, nordcr to avod thc statc at thc cnd ot
thc proccss ! Mght not a popuIaton otanarchstsrcaIzchow nd-
vduaI cttorts at hrng protccton wII Icad, by an nvsbIc-hand
proccss, to a statc, and bccausc thcy havc hstorcaI cvdcncc and
thcorctcaI grounds tor thc worry that thc statc s a rankcnstcn
monstcr that wII run amuck and wII not stay Imtcd to mnmaI
urthcr Lonstdcrattons on thc Argumcnt tor thc 5tatc
hnctons, mght not thcy cach prudcntaIIy choosc not to bcgn
aIong that path! ' ttoId to anarchsts, s thc nvsbIc-hand ac-
count othow thc statc arscs a scIt-dctcatng prophccy!
t wIIbcdthcuIt tor such conccrtcd cttort tosuccccd n bIok-
ng thc tormaton ot thc statc, sncc cach ndvduaI wII rcaIzc
that ts nhsown ndvduaI ntcrcsts to on a protcctvc assoc-
aton (thc morc so as somc othcrs on), and hs onng or not wII
not makc thc dhcrcncc as to whcthcr or not thc statc dcvcIops.
(Jhc b actons otthc carIcr matrccs arc domnant . ) Mowcvcr, t
must bc admttcd that othcr ndvduaIs wth spccaI motvatons
would not bchavc as wchavcdcscrbcd. tor cxampIc, popIc whosc
rcIgon prohbts purchasng protccton or onng wth othcrs n
protcctvc vcnturcs, or msanthropcs who rchsc to coopcratc wth
or hrc any othcr pcrsons, or pcrsonal pach sts who rchsc to sup-
portor partcpatc nany nsttuton that uscs torcc, cvcn tor thcr
own scIt-dctcnsc. c must rcstrct our cIam that a statc wouId
arsctrom a statc otnaturc, soas to cxcIudc thcsc spccaI psychoIo-
gcs whch thwart thc opcraton ot thc nvsbIc-hand proccss wc
havc dcscrbcd. or cach spccaI psychoIogy, wc may nscrt a spc-
chc cIausc nthc cIam to cxcIudc t. Jhus. n a tcrrtory contan-
ng ratonaI ndvduaIs who aIso arc wIIng to usc torcc n scIt-
dctcnsc and arc wIIng to copcratc wth othcrs and to hrc
thcm, . . .
At thc cIosc ot Lhaptcr 5 , wc argucd that a tcrrtory wth a
domnant protcctvc agcncy contans a statc. ouId Lockc agrcc
that n such a tcrrtory thcrc was a statc or cvI socty! t so,
wouId hc say t had bccn crcatcd by a soca| compact! LIcnts ot
thc samc protcctvc agcncy arc n a statc otcvI soccty wth rc-
spct to cach othcr, cIcntsand ndcpcndcnts havc cxactIythc samc
rghts vs-a-vs cach othcr as any two pcrsons n a statc otnaturc,
and hcncc arc n a statc otnaturc wth rcspcct to cach othcr (Twe
Trmtises e/Gevoment, , scct. By). but docs thc tact that thc n-
dcpcndcnts ycId bctorc thc supror powcr ot thc domnant pro-
tcctvc agcncy and dn't act as cxccutoncrs ot thc Iaw ot naturc
aganst ts cIcnts (dcsptc havng a rght to) mcan that thcy arc
not na Lockcan statc otnaturc wth rcspcct to thc cIcnts! ShouId
onc say thcy arc n ade)ure statc otnaturc but not ade/atte onc!
ouId Lockc usc somc noton ot poItcaI or cvI soccty undcr
whch thcrc couId bc a cvI soccty n an arcacvcn tnotvry two
State-oj-Nature Theoy
pcopIc n that arcastood n acvI-soccty rcIatonshpwthrcspct
to cach othcr! Cnc aIso wouId want ths noton to bc olpItcaI
ntcrcst, lmcrcIy two olthc many ndvduaIs nan arca stand n
a cvI-socty rcIatonshp wth rcspcct to cach othcr, ths shouId
bc nsulhccnt lor thcrc to bc cvI soccty n that arca.
chavc dcscrbd a proccss whcrcby ndvduaIs n an arca scp-
aratcIy sgn up lor prsonaI protccton wth dllcrcnt busncss cn-
tcrprscswhch provdc protcctvc scrvccs, aII but oncolthcagcn-
ccs bcngcxtngushcdoraII comng to somcmedus vivendi, and so
on. Jo what dcgrcc, lany, docs ths proccss ht what Lockc cn-
vsoncd as ndvduaIs 'agrccng wthothcrmcn to onanduntc
nto a communty, ` conscntng 'to makc onc communty or gov-
crnmcnt` (scct. g), compactng to makc up a commonwcaIth
(scct. gg)! Jhc proccss Ioks nothng Ikc unanmous ont agrcc-
mcnt to crcatc agovcrnmcntor statc. Po onc, as thcy buy protcc-
tvc scrvccs lrom thcr IocaI protcctvc agcncy, has n mnd any-
thng so grand. but prhaps ont agrccmcnt whcrc cach has n
mnd that thc othcrs wII agrcc and cach ntcnds to brng about
thc cnd rcsuIt ol ths s not ncccssary lor a Lockcan compact. "
myscIl scc IttIc pont to strctchng thc noton ol 'compact` so
that cach pattcrn or statc olahars that arscs lrom thc dsparatc
voIuntary actons olscparatcIy actng ndvduaIs s vcwcd as ars-
ng lrom a setial tematt, cvcn though no onc had thc pattcrn n
mnd orwas actng to achcvc t. Cr, lthc noton s so strctchcd,
ths shouId bc madc cIcar so that othcrs arc not msIcd as to ts
mprt. t shouId bc madc cIcar that thc noton s such that cach
olthc loIIowng arscs lrom a socaI compact. thc totaI statc olal-
lars consttutcd by who s marrcd to, or Ivng wth, whom, thc
dstrbuton on a gvcn cvcnng n a gvcn cty olwho s n what
movc thcatcr, sttng whcrc, thc partcuIar tralhc pattcrn on a
statc's hghways on a gvcn day, thc sct ol customcrs ola gvcn
groccrystorc on agvcndayand thcpartcuIarpattcrnolpurchascs
thcy makc, and so on. ar bc t lrom mc to cIam that ths wdcr
noton s olno ntcrcst, that a statc can arsc by a proccss that h ts
ths wdcr noton (wthout httng thc narrowcr onc) s ol vcry
grcat ntcrcst ndccd!
Jhc vcw wc prcscnt hcrc shouId not bc conhscd wth othcr
vcws. t dllcrs lrom socaI compact vcws n ts nvsbIc-hand
structurc. t dllcrs lrom vcws that 'de /atte mght makcs statc
urthcr Lonstdcrattons on thc Argumcnt tor thc btatc 1 33
(IcgaI) rght` n hoIdng that cnlorccmcnt rghts and rghts to
ovcrscc ths cnlorccmcnt cxst ndcpcndcntIy and arc hcId by aII
rathcr than conhncd to onc or a smalI group, and that thc proccss
ol acumuIatng soIc chcctvc cnlorccmcnt and ovcrsccng powcr
may takc pIacc wthout anyonc's rghts bng voIatcd, that a statc
may arsc by a proccss n whch no onc's rghts arc voIatcd. ShalI
wc say that a statc whch has arscn lrom a statc ol naturc by thc
proccss dcscrbd has rcpIaccd thc statc ol naturc whch thcrclorc
no Iongcr cxsts, or shaII wc say that t cxsts wthn a statc ol na-
turc and hcncc s compatbIc wthonc! Po doubt, thc mst wouId
bcttcr ht thc Lockcan tradton, but thc statc arscs so graduaIIy
and mpcrccptbIyout olLockc'sstatcolnaturc, wthoutanygrcat
or hndamcntaI brcach olcontnuty, that onc stemtm to takc thc
sccond opton, dsrcgardng Lockc's ncrcduIousncss. '. . . unIcss
any onc wII say thc statc olnaturc and cvI soccty arc onc and
thc samc thng, whch havc ncvcr yct lound any onc so grcat a
patron olanarchy as to alhrm` (scct. gq).
Somc mght dcny, prhaps propcrIy, that any normatvc noton s
to bc buIt nto an account ol thc statc, cvcn thc rght to cnlorcc
rghts and to prohbt dangcrous prvatc cnlorccmcnt ol ustcc
provdcd compcnsaton s madc to thoscprohbtcd. but sncc ths
docs not grant to thc statcor any olts agcnts any rghtsnot pos-
scsscd by cach and cvcry prson, t sccms a harmIcss ncIuson. t
gvcs thc statc nostial rghts and ccrtanIy docs not cntaI that
aII acts ol ruIc by thc statc arc prcsumptvcIy rght. Por docs t
cntaI that prsons actng as agcnts olthc statc posscss any spccaI
mmunty lrom punshmcnt, lthcy voIatc anothcr's rghts. Jhc
pubIc whosc agcnts thcy arc may provdc thcm wth IabIty n-
surancc, or guarantcc to covcr thcr IabIty. but t may not
diminisb thcr IabIty as comparcd to that olothcr pcrsons. AIso,
protcctvc agcnccs wII not havc Imtcd IabIty, nor wII any
othcr corporatons. Jhosc voIuntarIy dcaIng wth a corporaton
(customcrs , crcdtors, workcrs , and othcrs) wII do so by contracts
cxpIctIy Imtng thc corpraton's IabIty, lthat s thc way thc
34 State-oj-Nature Theoy
corporaton chooscs to do busncss. A corpraton`s IabIty to
thosc nvoIuntarIy ntcrtwncd wth t wII bc unImtcd and t ,
pcsumabIy wII choosc to covcr ths IabIty wth nsurancc poI-
Oocsthc statc wc havc dcscrbcd havc Icgtmacy, docs t Icgt-
matcIyruIc! Jhc domnant protcctvc agcncy hasde/acte powcr, t
acqurcd thspowcrandrcachcd ts poston oldomnancc wthout
voIatng anyonc`s rghts, t wcIds ths powcr as wcII as anyonc
wouId cxpct. Oo thcsc lacts add up to ts bcng thc Icgtmatc
wcIdcr olthc powcr! As Icgtmacy s uscd n poItcaI thcory,
thosc IcgtmatcIy wcIdng powcr arc cnttIcd, arc seoau cn-
ttIcd, to wcId t. Oocs thcdomnantprotcctvc agcncy havc any
spcaI cnttIcmcnt! Adomnantagcncy andanothcr tnyonc, ora
domnant agcncy and an unalhIatcd ndvduaI pcrson, arc on a
par n thc naturc ol thcr rghts to cnlorcc othcr rghts. Mow
mght thcy havc dhcrcntaI cnttIcmcnts!
Lonsdcr whcthcr thc domnant protcctvc agcncy s cnttIcd to
bc thc onc whch s domnant. s a rcstaurant you choosc to go to
on a gvcn cvcnng cnttIcd to your patronagc! Pcrhaps onc s
tcmptcd to say, n somccrcumstanccs, thcy mcrt t or dcscrvc t,
thcy scrvc bcttcrlood, Icss cxpcnsvcIy, and nnccrsurroundngs,
and thcywork Iong and hard to do so, stII , thcy arc not cnttIcd
to your patronagc. ' " You do not voIatc any cnttIcmcnt olthcrs
lyou choosc to go cIscwhcrc. by choosng to go thcrc, though,
you do authorzc thcm to scrvc and bII you. Jhcy havc no cn-
ttIcmcnt te l tbe ene whch scrvcs you, but thcy arc cnttIcd to
scrvc you. SmIarIy, wc must dstngush bctwccn an agcncy`s
bcng cnttIcd to bc thc onc wcIdng ccrtanpowcrlrom ts bcng
cnttIcd to wcId that powcr.
' '
s thc domnant agcncy`s onIy cn-
ttIcmcnt, thcn, ts bcng cnttIcd to wcId thc powcr! c can
rcach qucstons ol cnttIcmcnt by anothcr routc that IIumnatcs
hrthcr thc stuaton olpcrsons n a statc olnaturc.
A protcctvc agcncy may act aganst or lor a partcuIar pcrson.
Attcmpts to cxplan thc noton oI lcgtmacy oIgovcrnmcnt n tcrms oI
thc atttudcs and bclcIs oIts subccts havc a dIhcult tmc avodng thc rcn-
thcnLI AL
cxpIans eI e
othng oImoral sgnhcancc could how Irom what was arbtrary, thcn
no parttcular prson`s cxstcncc could b oI moral sgnhcancc, sncc whch oI
many sprm cclls succccds n Icrtlzng thc cgg ccll s (so Iar d wc know)
Irom a moral pont oI vcw. hs suggcsts anothcr, morc vaguc,
rcmark dtrcctcd to thc sprt oI Kawls` pston rathcr than to ts lcttcr. Lach
cxstng rson s thc product oI a procss whcrcn thc onc sprm ccll whch
succccds 1b no morc dcscrvng than thc mllons that Ial. 5hould wc wsh that
roccss had bccn Iarcr` d udgcd by Kawls` standards, that all ncqutcs` n
tt had bccn rccthcd! c should b apprchcnsvc abut any prncplc that
would condcmn morally thc vcry sort oIproccss that brought us to bc, a prnc-
plc that thcrcIorc would undcrcut thc lcgtmacy oIourvcry cxstng.
tstrtbuttvc justtcc
poston! PrcsumabIy thc undcrIyng prncpIc wouId bc that t
any partcuIar tcaturcs arc arbtrary trom a moraI pont ot vcw,
thcnpcrsons n thc orgnaI poston shouId not know thcy posscss
thcm. but ths wouId cxcIudc thcr knowngantbing about thcm-
scIvcs, tor cach ot thcr tcaturcs (ncIudng ratonaIty, thc abIty
to makc choccs , havng a Itc span otmorc than thrcc days, hav-
ng a mcmory, bcng abIc to communcatc wth othcr organsms
Ikc thcmscIvcs) wII bc bascd upon thc tact that thc spcrm and
ovum whch produccd thcm contancd partcuIar gcnctc matcraI .
Jhc physcaI tact that thosc partcuIar gamctcs contancd partcu-
Iar organzcd chcmcaIs (thc gcncs tor pcopIc rathcr than tor
muskrats or trccs) s arbtrary/remameraleint view, t s , trom
amoraI pont otvcw, an accdcnt. Yct thc prsons n thc orgnaI
poston arc to know somc otthcr attrbutcs.
Pcrhaps wc arc too quck whcn wc suggcst cxcIudng knowIcdgc
otratonaIty, and so torth, mcrcIy bccausc thcsc tcaturcsarise/rem
moraIIy arbtrary tacts. or thcsc tcaturcs aIso havc moraI sgnh-
cancc, that s, moraI tacts dcpnd upon or arsc trom thcm. Mcrc
wc scc an ambguty n sayng that a tact s arbtrary trom a moraI
pont ot vcw. t mght mcan that thcrc s no moraI rcason why
thc tact ought to bc that way, or t mght mcan that thc tact` s
bcng that way s otno moraI sgnhcanccandhas no moraI consc-
qucnccs. KatonaIty, thc abIty to makc choccs, and so on, arc
not moraIIy arbtrary n ths sccond scnsc. but t thcy cscapc
cxcIuson on ths ground, now thc probIcm s that thc naturaI as-
scts, knowIcdgc otwhch KawIs wshcs to cxcIudc trom thc org-
naI poston, arc not moraIIy btrary n ths scnsc cthcr. At any
ratc, thc cnttIcmcnt thcory`s cIam that moraI cnttIcmcnts may
arsc trom or bc partaIIy bascd upon such tacts s what s now at
ssuc. Jhus, n thc abscncc ot an argumcnt to thc cttcct that dt-
tcrcnccs n hoIdngs duc to dttcrcnccs n naturaI asscts ought to bc
nuIIhcd, t s not cIcar how anythng about thc orgnaI poston
can bc bascd upon thc (ambguous) cIam that dttcrcnccs n natu-
raI asscts arc arbtrary trom amoraI pont otvcw.
228 Beyond the Minimal State?
KawIs` vcw sccms to bc that cvcryonc has somc cnttIcmcnt or
cIam on thc totaIty ot naturaI asscts (vcwcd as a pooI), wth no
onc havng dttcrcntaI cIams . Jhc dstrbuton ot naturaI abItcs
s vcwcd as a 'coIIcctvc assct. ` *
c scc thcn that thc dtttcrcncc prtnctpIc rcprcscnts , tn cttcct, an agrcc-
mcnt to rcgard thc dtstrtbutton ot naturaI taIcnts as a common assct and
to sharc tn thc bcnchts ot thts dtstrtbutton whatcvcr tt turns out to bc.
Jhosc who havc bccn tavorcd by naturc, whocvcr thcy arc, may gatn
trom thctr good tortunc onIy on tcrms that tmprovc thc sttuatton ot
thosc who havc Iost out. . . . Po onc dcscrvcs hts grcatcr naturaI capac-
tty nor mcrtts a morc tavorabIc starttng pIacc tn soctcty. but tt docs not
toIIow that onc shouId cItmtnatc thcsc dtsttncttons. Jhcrc ts anothcr way
to dcaI wtth thcm. Jhc bastc structurc can bc arrangcd so that thcsc con-
ttngcnctcs work tor thc good ot thc Icast tortunatc.
PcopIc wII dttcr n how thcy vcw rcgardng naturaI taIcnts as a
common assct. Somc wII compIan, cchong KawIs aganst utI-
taransm, * that ths 'docs not takc scrousIy thcdstncton bc-
twccn pcrsons`, and thcy wII wondcr whcthcr any rcconstructon
ot Kant that trcats pcopIc`s abItcs and taIcnts as rcsourccs tor
othcrs can bc adcquatc. 'Jhc two prncpIcs ot ustcc . . . ruIc
out cvcn thc tcndcncy to rcgard mcn as mcans to onc anothcr`s
wcItarc. ` * CnIy t onc prcsscs vo hard on thc dstncton bc-
twccn mcn and thcr taIcnts , asscts, abItcs , and spccaI trats .
hcthcr any cohcrcnt conccpton ot a pcrson rcmans whcn thc
dstncton s so prcsscd s an opcn qucston. hy wc, thck wth
partcuIar trats, shouId bc chccrcd that (onIy) thc thus purhcd
mcn wthn us arc not rcgardcd as mcans s aIso uncIcar.
PcopIc`s taIcnts and abItcsare an assct to a trcc communty,
othcrs nthccommunty bcncht trom thcrprcscncc andarcbcttcr
ottbccausc thcy arc thcrc rathcr than cIscwhcrc or nowhcrc. (Cth-
crwscthcy wouIdn` tchooscto dcaI wth thcm. ) Ltc, ovcr tmc, s
not a constant-sum gamc, whcrcn tgrcatcr abIty or cttort Icads
to somc gcttng morc, that mcans that othcrs must Iosc. n a trcc
soccty, pcopIc`s taIcnts do bcncht othcrs , and not onIy thcm-
scIvcs. s t thc cxtracton ot cvcn morc bcncht to othcrs that s
tstrtbuttvc justtcc
supposcd to ustty trcatng pcopIc`s naturaI asscts as a coIIcctvc
rcsourcc! hat usthcs ths cxtracton!
Po onc dcscrvcs hts grcatcr naturaI capactty nor mcrtts a morc tavorabIc
starttng pIacc tn soctcty. but tt docs not toIIow that onc shouId cItmt-
natc thcsc dtsttncttons. Jhcrc ts anothcr way to dcaI wtth thcm. Jhc
bastc structurc can bc arrangcd so that thcsc conttngcnctcs work tor thc
good ot thc Icast tortunatc.
And tthcrc wcrcn` t 'anothcr way to dcaI wth thcm`! ouId t
thcn toIIow that onc shouId cImnatc thcsc dstnctons! hat cx-
actIy wouId bc contcmpIatcd n thc casc ot naturaI asscts! tpco-
pIc`s asscts and taIcnts teu!dn't bc harncsscd to scrvc othcrs , wouId
somcthng bc donc to rcmovc thcsc cxccptonaI asscts and taIcnts ,
or to torbd thcm trom bcng cxcrcscd tor thc pcrson`sown bcncht
or that ot somconc cIsc hc chosc, cvcn though ths Imtaton
wouIdn` t mprovc thc absoIutc poston ot thosc somchow unabIc
to harncss thc taIcnts and abItcs otothcrs tor thcr own bcncht!
s t so mpIausbIc to cIam thatcnvy undcrIcs ths conccpton ot
ustcc, tormng part otts root noton!
ll thc lcxcographc prorty that Kawlsclams Ior lbrty nthc orgnal
pston prcvcnt thc dIkrcncc prncplc Irom rcqurng a hcad taxon assts and
abltcs! hc lcgtmacy oIahcad tax ssugested by Kawls` spakng oIcollcc-
tvc asscts` and common asscts. `hos undcrutlzng thcrassts and abltcs
an msusng a publc assct. (5quandcrng publc proprty!) Kawls may ntcnd
no such strong nkrcnccs Irom hs tcrmnology, butwc nccd to hcar morc abut
why thosc n thc orgnal pston wouldn`t acccpt thc strong ntcrprctaton.
hc noton oIlbrty nccds clabraton whch s to cxcludc a hcad tax and yct
allow thc othcr taxaton schcmcs. Asscts and abltcscan bc harncsscd wthout
a hcad tax, and harncssng` s an appropratc tcrm-as twould b Ior a horsc
harncsscd to a wagon whch dosn`t hae to movc cvcr, but It dos, t must
draw thc wagon along.
th rcgard to cnvy, thc dIIcrcncc prncplc, appltcd to thcchoccbctwccn
cthcr A havng tcn and 8 havng hvc or A havng cght and b havng hvc,
would Iavor thc lattcr. hus, dcsptc Kawls` vcw (pp. }g8O), thc dIIcrcncc
prncplc s ncIhccnt n that t somctmcs wll Iavor a status quo aganst a
Parcto-bcttcr but morc uncqual dstrbuton. hc ncIhccncycould bc rcmovcd
by shItng Irom thc smplc dIIcrcncc prncplc to a staggcrcd dhcrcncc prnc-
plc, whch rccommcnds thc maxmzaton oI thc poston oI thc lct wcll-oII
group, and subject to that constraint thc maxmzaton oIthc poston oI thc ncxt
lcast wcll-oIIgroup, and ths pnt also s madc by A. K. Sn (Collectie Choice
and Social Welfare, p. I 8, notc) and s knowlcdgcd by Kawls (p. 8). but
such a staggcrcd prncplc docs not cmbody a prcsumpton n Iavor oI cqualty
Byond the Minimal State?
c havc uscd our cnttIcmcnt conccpton otustcc n hoIdngs
to probc KawIs` thcory, sharpnng our undcrstandng otwhat thc
cnttIcmcnt conccpton nvoIvcs by brngng t to bcar upon an aI-
tcrnatvc conccpton ot dstrbutvc ustcc, onc that s dccp and
cIcgant. AIso, bcIcvc, wc havc probcd dccp-Iyng nadcquaccs
n KawIs` thcory. am mndhI ot KawIs` rctcratcd pont that a
thcory cannot bc cvaIuatcd by tocusng upon a sngIc tcaturc or
part ot t, nstcad thc whoIc thcory must bc asscsscd (thc rcadcr
wII not know how whoIc a thcory can bc untI hc has rcad aII ot
KawIs` book), and a pcrtcct thcory s not to bc cxpcctcd. Mowcvcr
wc havc cxamncd an mportant part ot KawIs` thcory, and ts
crucaI undcrIyng assumptons. am as wcII awarc as anyonc ot
how skctchy my dscusson otthc cnttIcmcntconccpton otustcc
n hoIdngs has bccn. but no morc bcIcvc wc nccd to havc
tormuIatcd a compIctc aItcrnatvc thcory n ordcr to rccct KawIs`
undcnabIygrcat advancc ovcr utItaransm, than KawIs nccdcd a
compIctc aItcrnatvc thcory bctorc hc couId rccct utItaransm.
hat morc docs onc nccd or can onc havc, n ordcr to bcgn
progrcssng toward a bcttcr thcory, than a skctchota pIausbIcaI-
tcrnatvc vcw, whch trom tsvcrydttcrcnt pcrspcctvc hghIghts
thc nadcquaccs ot thc bcst cxstng wcII-workcd-out thcory!
Mcrc, as n so many thngs , wc Icarn trom KawIs.
c bcgan ths chaptcr`s nvcstgaton otdstrbutvc ustcc n
ordcr to consdcr thc cIam that a statc morc cxtcnsvc than thc
mnmaI statc couId bc usthcd on thc grounds that t was ncccs-
sary, or thc most appropratc nstrumcnt, to achcvc dstrbutvc
ustcc. Accordng to thc cnttIcmcnt conccpton ot ustcc n
hoIdngs that wc havc prcscntcd, thcrc s no argumcnt bascd upon
thc hrst two prncpIcs ot dstrbutvc ustcc, thc prncpIcs ot
acquston and ot transtcr, tor such a morc cxtcnsvc statc. tthc
sct ot hoIdngs s propcrIy gcncratcd, thcrc s no argumcnt tor a
morc cxtcnsvc statc bascd upon dstrbutvc ustcc. * (Por, wc
havc cIamcd, wII thc Lockcan provso actuaIIy provdc occason
tor a morc cxtcnsvc statc. ) t, howcvcr, thcsc prncpIcs arc vo-
Iatcd, thc prncpIc ot rccthcaton comcs nto pIay. Pcrhaps t s
otthcsortusm byKawls. Mow thcncouldKawlsustq an ncqualtyspecial to
hc staggcrcd prncplc to somconc n thc lcast wcll-ott group! Pcrhaps thcsc
tssucs undcrlc thc unclarty (scc p. 8) to whcthcr Kawls acccpts thc
staggcrcd prncplc.
tstrtbuttvc justtcc
bcst to vcw somc pattcrncd prncpIcs ot dstrbutvc ustcc as
rough ruIcs ot thumb mcant to approxmatc thc gcncraI rcsuIts ot
appIyng thc prncpIc ot rccthcaton ot nustcc. or cxampIc,
IackngmuchhstorcaI ntormaton, andassumng ( I ) that vctms
ot nustcc gcncraIIy do worsc than thcy othcrwsc wouId and (z)
that thosc trom thc Icast wcII-ott group n thc soccty havc thc
hghcst probabItcs ot bcng thc (dcsccndants ot) vctms ot thc
most scrous nustcc who arc owcd compcnsaton by thosc who
bcnchtcd trom thc n ustccs (assumcd to bc thosc bcttcr ott,
though somctmcs thc pcrptrators wII bc othcrs n thc worst-ott
group), thcn a reugb ruIc ot thumb tor rccttyng n ustccs mght
sccm to bc thc toIIowng. organzc soccty so as to maxmzc thc
poston ot whatcvcr group cnds up Icast wcII-ott n thc soccty.
Jhs partcuIar cxampIc may wcII bc mpIausbIc, but an mpor-
tant qucston tor cach soccty wII bc thc toIIowng. gvcnits par-
tcuIar hstory, what opcrabIc ruIc ot thumb bcst approxmatcs thc
rcsuIts ot a dctaIcd appIcaton n that soccty ot thc prncpIc ot
rccthcaton! Jhcsc ssucs arc vcry compIcx and arc bcst Ictt to a
hII trcatmcnt ot thc prncpIc ot rccthcaton. n thc abscncc ot
such a trcatmcnt appIcd to a partcuIar soccty, onc cannet usc thc
anaIyss and thcory prcscntcd hcrc to condcmn any partcuIar
schcmc ot transtcr paymcnts, unIcss t s cIcar that no consdcr-
atons ot rccthcaton ot nustcc couId appIy to ustty t. AI-
though to ntroducc socaIsm as thc punshmcnt tor our sns
wouId bc to go too tar, past n ustccs mght bc so grcat as to
makc ncccssary n thc short run a morc cxtcnsvc statc n ordcr to
rcctty thcm.
Equalit, Env,
loitation, Etc.
TML Icgtmacy ot aItcrng socaI nsttutons to achcvc
grcatcr cquaIty ot matcraI condton s , though ottcn assumcd,
rarcIyargued tor. rtcrs notc that n a gvcn country thc wcaIth-
cstn pcrccnt otthcpopuIaton hoIds morc than thatpcrccntagcot
thc wcaIth, and thc poorcstn pcrccnt hoIds Icss , that to gct to thc
wcaIth otthc topn pcrccnt trom thc poorcst, onc must Iook at thc
bottom pcrccnt (whcrc s vastIy grcatcr than n), and so torth.
Jhcy thcn procccd mmcdatcIy to dscuss how ths mght bc aI-
tcrcd. Cn thc cnttIcmcnt conccpton ot ustcc n hoIdngs , onc
tannet dccdc whcthcr thc statc must do somcthng to aItcr thc st-
uaton mcrcIy by Iookng at a dstrbutonaI prohIc or at tacts such
as thcsc. t dcpcnds upon how thc dstrbuton camc about. Somc
proccsscs ycIdng thcsc rcsuIts wouId bc Icgtmatc, and thc
varous partcs wouId bc cnttIcd to thcr rcspcctvc hoIdngs. t
thcsc dstrbutonaI tacts did arsc by a Icgtmatc proccss , thcn
thcy thcmscIvcs arc Icgtmatc. Jhs s, ot coursc, net to say that
thcy may not bc changcd, provdcd ths can bc donc wthout
voIatngpcopIc`s cnttIcmcnts. Any pcrscns whotavor apartcuIar
LguaItty, Lnvy, LxpIottatton, Ltc. 2
cnd-statc pattcrn may choosc to transtcr somc or aII ot thcr own
hoIdngs so as (at Icast tcmporarIy) morc ncarIy to rcaIzc thcr
dcsrcd pattcrn.
Jhc cnttIcmcnt conccpton ot ustcc n hoIdngs makcs no
prcsumpton n tavor otcquaIty, or any othcr ovcraII cnd statc or
pattcrnng. t cannot mcrcIy bc assumed that cquaIty must bc
buIt nto any thcory ot ustcc. Jhcrc s a surprsng dcarth ot
argumcnts tor cquaIty capabIc otcomng to grps wth thc consd-
cratons that undcrIc a nongIobaI and nonpattcrncd conccpton ot
ustcc n hoIdngs . ' (Mowcvcr, thcrc s no Iack ot unsupportcd
statcmcnts ota prcsumpton n tavor otcquaIty. ) shaII consdcr
thc argumcnt whch has rcccvcd thc most attcnton trom phIoso-
phcrs n rcccnt ycars, that ottcrcd by bcrnard IIams n hs n-
hucntaI cssay 'Jhc dca ot LquaIty. ` (Po doubt many rcadcrs
wII tccI that aII hangs on somc othcr argumcnt, wouId Ikc to
scc tbat argumcnt prccscIy sct out, n dctaI. )
Lcavtng astdc prcvcnttvc mcdtctnc, thc propcr ground ot dtstrtbutton
ot mcdtcaI carc ts tII hcaIth. thts ts a ncccssary truth. Pow tn vcry many
soctcttcs, whtIc tII hcaIth may work as a ncccssary condttton ot rccctvtng
trcatmcnt, tt docs not work as a suthctcnt condttton, stncc such trcat-
mcnt costs moncy, and not alI who arc tII havc thc moncy, hcncc thc
Qosscsston ot suthctcnt moncy bccomcs tn tact an addtttonaI ncccssary
condttton ot actuaIIy rccctvtng trcatmcnt. . . . hcn wc havc thc sttua-
tton tn whtch, tor tnstancc, wcaIth ts a turthcr ncccssary condttton ot thc
rccctpt ot mcdtcaI trcatmcnt, wc can oncc morc appIy thc nottons ot
cguaItty and tncguaItty. not now tn conncctton wtth thc tncguaItty bc-
twccn thc wcII and thc tII , but tn conncctton wtth thc tncgualtty bc-
twccn thc rtch tII and thc poor tII , stncc wc havc stratghttorwardIy
thc sttuatton ot thosc whosc nccds arc thc samc not rccctvtng thc samc
trcatmcnt, though thc nccds arc thc ground ot thc trcatmcnt. Jhts ts an
trrattonaI statc ot attatrs . . . tt ts a sttuatton tn whtch rcasons arc tn-
suthctcntIy opcrattvc, tt ts a sttuatton tnsuthctcntIy controIIcd by
rcasonsand hcncc by rcason ttscIt.
IIams sccms to bc argung that tamong thc dttcrcnt dc-
scrptons appIyng to an actvty, thcrc s onc that contans an
'ntcrnaI goaI` ot thc actvty, thcn (t s a ncccssary truth that)
thc onIy propcr grounds tor thc pcrtormancc otthc actvty, or ts
aIIocaton t t s scarcc, arc conncctcd wth thc cttcctvc achcvc-
mcnt ot thc ntcrnaI goaI . tthc actvty s donc upon othcrs, thc
onIy propcr crtcron tor dstrbutng thc actvty s thcr nccd tor
z54 Beyond the Minimal State?
t, t any. Jhus t s that IIams says (t s a ncccssary truth
that) thc onIy propcr crtcron tor thc dstrbuton otmcdcaI carc
s mcdcaI nccd. PrcsumabIy, thcn, thc onIy propcr crtcron tor
thc dstrbuton ot barbcrng scrvccs s barbcrng nccd. but why
must thc ntcrnaI goaI otthc actvty takc prcccdcncc ovcr, tor cx-
ampIc, thc pcrson`s partcuIar purposc n pcrtormng thc actvty!
(c gnorc thcqucstonotwhcthcronc actvty cantaII undcr two
dhcrcnt dcscrptons nvoIvng dhcrcnt ntcrnaI goaIs. ) tsomc-
onc bccomcs a barbcr bccausc hc Ikcs taIkng to a varcty otdt-
tcrcnt pcopIc, and so on, s t unust othm to aIIocatc hs scrvccs
to thosc hc most Ikcs to taIk to! Cr thc works as a barbcr n
ordcr to carn moncy to pay tuton at schooI , may hc cut thc har
otonIy thosc who pay or tp wcII! hy may not a barbcr usc cx-
actIy thc samc crtcra n aIIocatng hs scrvccs as somconc cIsc
whosc actvtcs havc no ntcrnaI goaI nvoIvng othcrs! Pccd a
gardcncr aIIocatc hs scrvccs to thosc Iawnswhch nccd hm most!
nwhatway docs thc stuaton ota doctor dttcr!hy must hs
actvtcs bc aIIocatcd va thc ntcrnaI goaI ot mcdcaI carc! (t
thcrc was no 'shortagc, ` couIdsomctben bc aIIocatcd usng othcr
crtcra as wcII!)tsccms cIcar thatbe nccdn` tdo that, ust bccausc
hc has ths skII , why shouIdbe bcar thc costs otthc dcsrcd aIIoca-
ton, why s hc Icss cnttIcd to pursuc hs own goaIs, wthn thc
spccaI crcumstanccs ot practcng mcdcnc, than cvcryonc cIsc!
So t ssciet that, somchow, s to arrangc thngs so that thc doc-
tor, n pursung hs owngoaIs , aIIocatcs accordngto nccd, tor cx-
ampIc, thc soccty pays hm to do ths. but why must thc soccty
do ths! (ShouId thcy do t tor barbcrng as wcII!) PrcsumabIy,
bccausc mcdcaI carc s mportant, pcopIc nccd t vcry much. Jhs
s truc ot tood as wcII, though tarmng docs nt havc an ntcrnaI
goaI that rctcrs to othcr pcopIc n thc way doctorng docs. hcn
thc Iaycrs ot IIams` argumcnt arc pccIcd away, what wc arrvc
at s thc cIam that soccty (that s, cach otus actng togcthcr n
somc organzcd tashon) shouId makc provson tor thc mportant
nccds otaII otts mcmbcrs. Jhs cIam, otcoursc, has bccn statcd
many tmcs bctorc. Ocsptc appcaranccs, IIams prcscnts no
argumcnt tor t. Lkc othcrs, IIams Iooks onIy to qucstons ot
c havc dscussd llams` pston wthout ntmducng an cssntalst
vcw that somc actvtcs ncccsrly nvolvcccrtan goals. nstcad wc haw tcd
Lqualty, Lnvy, LxplOtatOn, Ltc . z55
aIIocaton. !c gnorcs thc qucston otwhcrc thc thngs oractons
to bc aIIocatcd and dstrbutcd comc trom. LonscqucntIy, hc docs
not consdcr whcthcr thcy comc aIrcady tcd to pcopIc who havc
cnttIcmcnts ovcr thcm (surcIy thc casc tor scrvcc actvtcs, whch
arc pcopIc`s actins), pcopIc who thcrctorc may dccdc tor thcm-
scIvcs to whom thcy wII gvc thc thng and on what grounds.
LquaIty ot opportunty has sccmcd to many wrtcrs to bc thc
mnmaI cgaItaran goaI , qucstonabIc (tat aII) onIy tor bcng too
wcak. (Many wrtcrs aIso havc sccn how thc cxstcncc otthc tamIy
prcvcnts hIIy achcvng ths goaI. ) Jhcrc arc two ways to attcmpt
to provdc such cquaIty. by drcctIy worscnng thc stuatons ot
thosc morc tavorcd wth opportunty, or by mprovng thc stua-
ton ot thosc Icss wcII-tavorcd. Jhc Iattcr rcqurcs thc usc ot
rcsourccs, and so t too nvoIvcs worscnng thc stuaton ot somc.
thosc trom whom hoIdngs arc takcn nordcr to mprovc thc stua-
ton ot othcrs. but hoIdngs to whch thcsc pcopIc arc cnttIcd
may not bc sczcd, cvcn to provdc cquaIty ot opportunty tor
othcrs. n thc abscncc ot magc wands, thc rcmanng mcans to-
ward cquaIty otopportunty s convncng pcrsons cach to choosc
to dcvotc somc ot thcr hoIdngs to achcvng t.
Jhc modcI ota racc tor a przc s ottcn uscd n dscussons ot
cquaIty otopportunty. A racc whcrc somc startcd cIoscr to thc
hnsh Inc than othcrs wouId bc untar, as wouId a racc whcrc
somc wcrc torccd to carry hcavy wcghts, or run wth pcbbIcs n
thcr sncakcrs. but Itc s not a racc n whch wc aII compctc tor a
przc whch somconc has cstabIshcd, thcrc s no unhcd racc, wth
somcpcrson udgng swttncss. nstcad, thcrcarcdhcrcnt pcrsons
thc goals to descriptions oIthc actvtcs. lor cssntalst ssucs only bcloud thc
dscusson, and thcy stIl lcavc opn thcqucstonoIwhy thc onlyproprground
Ior allocatng thc tvty s ts cssntalst goal. hc motvc Ior makng such an
cssntalst clam would b toavod somconc`s sayng. lct vhmoctorng` b an
actvty ust lkc dotorng cxccpt that its goal s to carn moncy Ior thc pract-
toncr, has lIams prcscntcd any rcason why schoctoring scrvccs should b
allocatcd accordng to nccd!
Beyond the Minimal State?
scparatcIy gvng othcr pcrsons dttcrcnt thngs . Jhosc who do thc
gvng (cach ot us , at tmcs) usuaIIy do not carc about dcscrt or
about thc handcaps Iabrcd undcr, thcy carc smpIy about what
thcy actuaIIy gct. Po ccntraIzcd proccss udgcs pcopIc`s usc otthc
opportuntcs thcy had, that s not what thc proccsscs otsocaI co-
opcraton and cxchangc arc/er.
Jhcrc s a rcason why somc ncquaIty ot opportunty mght
sccm un/air, rathcr than mcrcIy untortunatc n that somc do not
havc cvcry opportunty (whch wouId bc truc cvcn t no onc cIsc
had grcatcr advantagc). Cttcn thc prson cnttIcd to transtcr a
hoIdng has no spccaI dcsrc to transtcr t to a partcuIar pcrson,
thscontrasts wth abcqucst to a chId or agtt to apartcuIarpcr-
son. Mc chooscs to transtcr to somconc who satshcs a ccrtan con-
dton (tor cxampIc, who can provdc hm wth a ccrtan good or
scrvcc n cxchangc, who can do a ccrtan ob, who can pay a ccr-
tan saIary), and hc wouId bc cquaIIy wIIng to transtcr to anyonc
cIsc who satshcd that condton. sn` t t untar tor oncparty to rc-
ccvc thc transtcr, rathcr than anothcr whohad Icss opportunty to
satsty thc condton thc transtcrrcr uscd! Sncc thc gvcr docsn` t
carc towhom hctranstcrs, provdcd thc rccpcnt satshcs a ccrtan
gcncraI condton, cquaIty otopportunty to bc a rccpcnt n such
crcumstanccs wouId voIatc no cnttIcmcnt ot thc gvcr. Por
wouId tvoIatc any cnttIcmcnt otthc prson wth thc grcatcr op-
portunty, whIc cnttIcd to what hc has, hc has no cnttIcmcnt
that t bc morc than anothcr has . ouIdn` t t bc letto tthc pr-
son wth Icss opportunty had an cquaI opportunty! t onc so
couId cqup hm wthout voIatng anyonc cIsc`s cnttIcmcnts (thc
magc wand!) shouIdn` t onc do so! ouIdn`t t bc tarcr! t t
weu!d bc tarcr, can such tarncss aIso ustty ovcrrdng somc
pcopIc`s cnttIcmcnts n ordcr to acqurc thc rcsourccs to boost
thosc havng poorcr opportuntcs nto a morc cquaI compttvc
Jhc proccss s compcttvc n thc toIIowng way. tthc pcrson
wth grcatcr opportunty ddn` t cxst, thc transtcrrcr mght dcaI
wth somc pcrson havng Icsscr opportunty who thcn wouId bc,
undcr thosc crcumstanccs , thc bcst prson avaIabIc to dcaI wth.
Jhs dttcrs trom a stuaton n whch unconncctcd but smIar
bcngsIvngon dttcrcnt pIancts contront dttcrcnt dthcuItcs and
havcdttcrcnt opportuntcs to rcaIzcvarous otthcrgoaIs. Jhcrc,
jguaItty, Lnvy, jxplottatton, Ltc. z
thc stuaton otoncdocsnet ahcct that otanothcr, though twouId
rk m thc workcr-controIIcd tac-
tb ne
menetar lenqts e/ sucb
othcrwsccarn, that s , i/
tbe extra eaed
re !ess imertant te tbem
_ hc workcr-controIIcd tacto
eu!d enal!e tbem te de,
ts workcrs compcttvc
can tr
thc sccond aItcrnatvc ot
tor ts
products . t wouId ask th
ycs a
Ud chargng hghcr prccs
prcsumabIy somc con-
wII hnd makng thcr
Ic contrbuton to thc
d usng thc moncy savcq
than buyng Icss cxpcn-
-c chartabIc contrbutoj
O\thcr purposcs , ncIudng aI-
ot pcrsons to support
crc arc not a suthccnt
subsdcs unrcIatcd to _
c tact
ot workcrs andlor con-
and s
cntcrprsc. Jhc j
Ut to
onctary crtcra
OtrcaIizmg thc workcr-coj
Ut pomt ts that thcrc is a
oI sch
?Y thc voIuntary actons ot
c b
yct startcd cvcn though
ct somc sort ot support j
cd to bc cthccnt, thcy
r communcs or whatcv
a maj
ct cconomy. or such
I .
)ng (n consdcrabIc num
tmcnt you wsh, oncc
t n thcr succcss, cvcn jy
), co
> c t c prmctpIc ot
at tt x
h !
csts ot
jnvcstors to support thc
agamst t c c ass mtcr-
[ wouId cnd or dmnsh t
th ot
xomc cntcrprsc that t
c nvcx
tmcnt systcm. nvcstors
_p, thcrc s thc othcr mcthod f
. [ `]
- to coopcratc 1U aworkr-cont
sc a
forcng poplc (workcrs and
or wagc
pthcrwsc avalablc to thcm.
and to Iorgo thc cxtra goods
LguaItty, Lnvy, LxpIottatton, Ltc. z5 5
arc not so aItrustc. Jhcy act nthcr pcrsonaI and not thcr cIass
ntcrcsts. Cn thc othcr hand, how suthccnt rcsourccs couId bc
gathcrcd n a statc systcm to bcgn a prvatc cntcrprsc, supposng
thcrcwcrc pcopIc wIIng to bc Iaborcrs and consumcrs, s a morc
troubIcsomc qucston.
Lvcn t t s morc dthcuIt to obtan cxtcrnaI nvcstmcnt than
thc prcvous paragraph makcs out, unon trcasurcs now contan
suthccnt tunds to captaI zc many such workcr-controIIcd hrms
whch can rcpay thc moncy wth ntcrcst, as many prvatc owncrs
do wth bank Ioans , and cvcn wth Ioans trom Iabor unons. hy
s t that somc unons or groups ot workcrs don`t start tbeir ewn
busncss! hat an eas way to gvc workcrs acccss to thc mcans ot
producton. buy machncry and rcnt spacc, and so torth, ust as a
prvatc cntrcprcncur docs. t s IIumnatng to consdcr why
unons don` t start ncw busncsscs , and why workcrs don`t pooI
thcr rcsourccs to do so.
Jhs qucston s ot mportancc tor what rcmans ot Marxst cco-
nomc thcory. th thc crumbIng ot thc Iabor thcory ot vaIuc,
thc undcrpnnng ot ts partcuIar thcory otcxpIotaton dssoIvcs.
And thc charm and smpIctyotths thcory` sde/nitien otcxpIota-
ton s Iost whcn t s rcaIzcd that accordng to thc dchnton
thcrc wII b cxpIotaton nan soccty n whch nvcstmcnt takcs
pIacc tor a grcatcr hturc product (pcrhaps bccausc ot popuIaton
growth), and nan soccty n whch thosc unabIc to work, or to
work productvcIy, arc sulsidized by thc Iabor ot othcrs. but at
bottom, Marxst thcory cxpIans thc phcnomcnon ot cxpIotaton
by rctcrcncc to thc workcrs not havng acccss to thc mcans ot
producton. Jhc workcrs havc to scII thcr Iabr (Iabr powcr) to
thc captaIsts , tor thcy must usc thc mcans ot producton to
producc, and cannot producc aIonc. A workcr, or groups otthcm,
cannot hrc mcans otproducton and wat to scII thc product somc
months Iatcr, thcy Iack thc cash rcscrvcs to obtan acccss to ma-
chncry or to wat untI Iatcr whcn rcvcnuc wII bc rcccvcd trom
z54 Beyond the Minimal State?
thc hturc saIc ot thc product now bcng workcd on. or workcrs
must cat n thc mcantmc. Mcncc (thc story gocs) thc workcr s
torccd to dcaI wth thc captaIst. (And thc rcscrvc army otuncm-
pIoycd Iabr makcs unncccssary thc captaIsts` compctng tor
workcrs and bddng up thc prcc otIabor. )
Potc that oncc thc rcst ot thc thcory, propcrIy, sdroppcd, and
t s ths crucaI tact otnonacccss to thc mcans otproducton that
undcrIcs cxpIotaton, t /e!!ews that n a soccty n whch thc
workcrs arc net torccd to dcaI wth thc captaIst, cxpIotaton ot
Iaborcrs wII bc abscnt. (c pass ovcr thc qucston ot whcthcr
workcrs arc torccd to dcaI wth somc othcr, Icss dcccntraIzcd
group. ) So, t thcrc s a scctor ot pubIcIy owncd and controIIcd
(what you wII) mcans otproducton that s cxpandabIc so that aII
who wsh to may work n t, thcn ths s suthccnt tocImnatc thc
cxpIotaton ot Iaborcrs . And n partcuIar, t n addton to ths
pubIc scctorthcrc s a scctor otprvatcIyowncd mcans otproduc-
ton that cmpIoys wagc Iaborcrs who tbeese to work n ths scctor,
thcn thcsc workcrs arc net bcng cxpIotcd. (Pcrhaps thcy choosc
to work thcrc, dcsptc attcmpts to convncc thcm to do othcr-
wsc, bccausc thcy gct hghcr wagcs or rcturns n ths scctor. )
or thcy arc not torccd to dcaI wth thc prvatc owncrs otmcans
Lct us Ingcr tor a momcnt upon ths casc. Supposc that thc
prvatc scctor wcrc to cxpand, and thc pubIc scctor bccamc
wcakcr and wcakcr. Morc and morc workcrs , Ict us supposc,
choosc to work n thc prvatc scctor. agcs n thc prvatc scctor
arc grcatcr than n thc pubIc scctor, and arc rsng contnuaIIy.
Pow magnc that ahcr a pcrod ottmc ths wcak pubIc scctor
bccomcs compIctcIy nsgnhcant, pcrhaps tdsappcars aItogcthcr.
II thcrcbc any concomtant changc n thc prvatc scctor! (S ncc
thcpubIc scctor was aIrcady smaII, by hypothcss, thc ncw work-
crs who comc to thc prvatc scctor wII not attcct wagcs much. )
Jhc thcory ot cxpIotaton sccms commttcd to sayng that thcrc
wouId bc somc mportant changc, whch statcmcnt svy mpIau-
hcrc dd thc mcansotproducton comc trom! ho car!crtorwcnt cur-
rcnt consumpton thcn n ordcr to gan or producc thcm! ho now torgos
currcnt consumpton n payng wagcs and mctor prccs and thus gcts rcturns
onlyattcr thc hnshcdproduct ssold! hosc cntrcprcncura!a!crtncssopratcd
LguaItty, Lnvy, Lxplotaton, Ltc. z5 5
sbIc. (Jhcrc`s no good thcorctcaI argumcnt tor t. ) tthcrc wouId
not bc a changc n thc IcvcI or thc upward movcmcnt otwagcs n
thc prvatc scctor, arc workcrs n thc prvatc scctor, hcrctotorc
uncxpIotcd, now bcng cxpIotcd! Jhough thcy don`t cvcn know
that thc pubIc scctor s gonc, havng pad scant attcnton to t,
arc thcy now/erted to work n thc prvatc scctor and to goto thc
prvatc captaIst tor work, and hcncc arc thcy ise/atte ex!eited
So thc thcory wouId sccm to bc commttcd to mantanng.
hatcvcr may havc bccn thc truth otthc nonacccss vcw at onc
tmc, in eur setiet Iargc scctons ot thc workng torcc now havc
cash rcscrvcs npcrsonaI propcrty, and thcrc arc aIso Iargc cash rc-
scrvcs n unon pcnson hnds. Jhcsc workcrs can wat, and thcy
tan nvcst. Jhs rascs thc qucston otwhy ths moncy sn` tuscd to
cstabIsh workcr-controIIcd tactorcs. hy havcn` t radcaIs and
socaI dcmocrats urgcd ths!
Jhc workcrs may Iack thc cntrcprcncuraI abIty to dcntty
promsng opportuntcs tor prohtabIc actvty, and to organzc
hrms to rcspond to thcsc opportuntcs. n ths casc, thc workcrs
can try tobire cntrcprcncurs and managcrs to start a hrm tor thcm
and thcn turn thc authorty hnctons ovcr to thc workcrs (who arc
thc owncrs) attcr onc ycar. (Jhough, as Krzncrcmphaszcs, cntrc-
prcncuraI aIcrtncss wouId aIso bc nccdcd n dccdng whom to
hrc. ) Ottcrcnt groups ot workcrs wouId compctc tor cntrcprc-
ncuraI taIcnt, bddng up thc prcc ot such scrvccs , whIc cntrc-
prcncurs wth captaI attcmptcd to hrc workcrs undcr tradtonaI
owncrshp arrangcmcnts. Lct us gnorc thc qucston ot what thc
cquIbrum n ths markct wouId Iook Ikc to ask why groups ot
workcrs arcn`t dong ths now.
t` srisk startng a ncw hrm. Cnc can`t dcntty casIy ncw cn-
trcprcncuraI taIcnt, and much dcpcnds on cstmatcs ot tuturc
dcmand and ot avaIabIty ot rcsourccs, on untorcsccn obstacIcs,
on chancc, and so torth. SpccaIzcd nvcstmcnt nsttutons and
sourccs ot vcnturc captaI dcvcIop to run ust thcsc rsks . Somc
pcrsons don` t want to run thcsc rsks ot nvcstng or backng ncw
vcnturcs , or startng vcnturcs thcmscIvcs . CaptaIst soccty aIIows
thc scparaton ot thc bcarng ot thcsc rsks trom othcr actvtcs.
Jhc workcrs n thc LdscI branch otthc ord Motor Company dd
not bcar thcrsks otthcvcnturc, andwhcn t Iostmoncy thcy dd
notpay back a porton otthcr saIary. n a socaIst soccty, cthcr
Byond the Minimal State?
oncmust sharc n thc rsks otthc cntcrprsc onc works n, or cvcry-
body sharcs n thc rsks ot thc nvcstmcnt dccsons ot thc ccntraI
nvcstmcntmanagcrs. Jhcrc s no way todivestoncscItotthcsc rsks
ortochooscto carry somc such rsks but notothcrs(acqurng sp-
caIzcd knowIcdgc n somc arcas), as onc can do n a captaIst
Chcn pcopIc who do not wsh to bcar rsks tccI cnttIcd to
rcwards trom thosc who do and wn, yct thcsc samc pcopc do not
tccI obIgatcd to hcIp out by sharng thc Iosscs ot thosc who bcar
rsks and Iosc. orcxampIc, croupcrsatgambIng casnoscxpcct to
bc wcII-tppcd by bg wnncrs , but thcy do not cxpcct to bc askcd
to hcIp bcar somc ot thc Iosscs ot thc Ioscrs . Jhc casc tor such
asymmctrcaI sharng s cvcn wcakcr tor busncsscs whcrc succcss s
not a random mattcr. hy do somc tccI thcy may stand back to
scc whosc vcnturcs turn outwcII (bybindsigbt dctcrmnc who has
survvcd thc rsks and run prohtabIy) and thcn cIam a sharc otthc
succcss, though thcy do not tccI thcy must bcar thc Iosscs tthngs
turn out poorIy, or tccI that tthcy wsh to sharc n thc prohts or
thc controI otthc cntcrprsc, thcy shouId nvcst and run thc rsks
Jo comparc how Marxstthcorytrcatssuch rsks, wc must takc
a brctcxcurson through thc thcory. Marx s thcory s onc torm ot
thc productvc rcsourccs thcory otvaIuc. Such a thcory hoIds that
thc vaIuc V ota thng X cquaIs thc sum totaI otsoccty`s produc-
tvc rcsourccs cmbodcd n X. Put n a morc usctuI torm, thc rato
ot thc vaIuc ot two thngs V(X)/V(Y) s cquaI to thc rato ot thc
amount otproductvc rcsourccs cmbodcd n thcm, M (rcsourccs n
X)/M (rcsourccs n Y), whcrc M s a mcasurc ot thc amount. Such
a thcory rcqurcs a mcasurc M whosc vaIucs arc dctcrmncd n-
dcpcndcntIy otthc V ratos to bc cxpIancd. !twc conjon to thc
productvc rcsourccs thcory otvaIuc, thc Iabor thcoryotproductvc
rcsourccs, whch hoIds that Iabor s thc onIy productvc rcsourcc,
wc obtan thc Iabor thcory otvaIuc. Many ot thc objcctons whch
havc bccn drcctcd toward thc Iabor thcory otvaIuc appIy to any
productvc rcsourccs thcory.
An aItcrnatvc to thc productvc rcsourccs thcory otvaIuc mght
say that thc va!ue ot productvc rcsourccs s dctcrmncd by thc
vaIuc otthc hnaI products that arsc trom thcm (can bc madc trom
thcm), whcrc thc vaIuc ot thc hnaI product s dctcrmncd n somc
jguaItty, Lnvy, Lxplottatton, Ltc. 257
way tber than by thc vaIuc otthc rcsourccs uscd n t. !t onc
machnccan bc uscd to makcX (and nothng cIsc)and anothcrcan
e uscd to makc Y, and cach uscs thc samc raw matcraIs n thc
samc amounts to makc a unt ot ts product, and X s morc vaIu-
abIc than Y, thcn thc hrst machnc s morc vaIuabIc than thc scc-
ond, cvcn t cach machnc contans thc samc raw matcras and
took thc samc amount ot tmc to makc. Jhc hrst machnc, havng
a morc vaIuabIc hnaI product , wII command a hghcr prcc than
thc sccond. Jhs may gvc rsc to thc IIuson that ts products arc
morc vaIuabIc bccausc it s morc vaIuabIc. but ths gcts thngs
backwards. !t s morc vaIuabIc bccausc ts products arc.
but thc productvc rcsourccs thcory otvaIuc docsn` t taIk about
thc vaIuc otthc productvc rcsourccs , onIy about thcr amounts . !t
thcrc wcrc onIy onc tactor ot producton, and t wcrc homogc-
ncous, thc productvc rcsourccs thcory at Icast couId bc non-
crcuIarIy statcd. but wth morcthan onctactor, rne/actr/di]
/erent kinds, thcrc s a probIcm n scttng up thc mcasurcM to gct
thc thcory statcd n a noncrcuIar way. or t must bc dctcrmncd
how much ot onc productvc tactor s to count as cquvaIcnt to a
gvcn amount ot anothcr. 0ne proccdurc wouId bc to sct up thc
mcasurc by rctcrcncc to thcva!ues otthc hnaI products, soIvng thc
rato cquatons. but ths proccdurc wouId dchnc thc mcasurc on
thc bass ot ntormaton about h naI vaIucs, and so couId not bc
uscd to ex!ain hnaI vaIucs on thc bass ot ntormaton about thc
amounts ot nputs.
An a!ternative proccdurc wouId bc to hnd
somc cmmn thng that can bc produccd byX, and Y, n dttcrcnt
quanttcs , and to usc thc rato ot thcquantities othnaI product to
dctcrmnc thc quantities ot nput. Jhs avods thc crcuIarty ot
Iokng at hnaIva!uo hrst, onc bcgns by Iookng at hnaIquantities
ot somcthng, and thcn uscs ths ntormaton to dctcrmnc quant-
tcs otnput (to dchnc thc mcasurcM). but cvcn tthcrc s a com-
mon product, t may not bc what thc dttcrcnt tactors arc bcst
sutcd tor makng, and so us ng t to comparc thcm may gvc a
msIcadng rato. Cnc has to comparc thc dttcrcnt tactors at thcr
Mowcvcr t gvcn thc valucs ot JU hnal products (wth grcat lattudc
abut whch oncs would scrvc) thc rato cquatons could b uscd to spcq thc
mcasurc M and that could b uscd to ycld thc valucs tor thc othcr hnal prod-
ucts, thcn thc thcory would havc somc contcnt.
Byond the Minimal State?
ndvduaI bcst tuztons. AIso, ttwo dttcrcnttbings can bc madc
by cach rcsourcc, znd thc ratos otthc amounts dio, thcrc s thc
probIcm otwhch (ato z to bc pckcd to provdc thc constant ot
proportonaIty bctwccn thc rcsourccs.
c can IIustratcthcsc dthcuItcs by consdcrng PauI Swcczy`s
cxposton otthc c,nccpt otsmpIc, undttcrcntatcd Iabor tmc.
Swcczy consdcrs |ow sk)IIcd Iabor and unskIIcd Iabor arc to bc
cquatcd and agrcc; that t wouId bc circu!ar to do so on thc bass
ot thc vaIuc ot t|c hnaI product, sncc that`s what`s to bc cx-
pIancd. Swcczy t|
cn sayz that skII dcpcnds on two thngs. tran-
ng and naturaI
cttcrcnccs . Swcczy cquatcs tranng wth thc
numbcr otbeurs spcnt n tranng, wthout Iookng to thc skII ot
thc tcachcr, cvcn zs crudcIy mcasurcd by how many hours thc
tcachcr spcnt n trznng (and how many hours bis tcachcr dd!).
Swcczy suggcsts gettng at naturaI dhcrcnccs by havng twopcr-
sons makc thc saqc thn_, and sccng how thc quanttcs dttcr,
thus hndng thc r+ro to cquatc thcm. but tskIIcd Iabor otsomc
sort s not bcst vcwcd as a tastcr way otproducng thc samc prod-
uct that unskIIcdlabor produccs , but rathcr as awayotproducng
aletter product, thcn ths mcthod otdchnng thcmcasurcM won` t
work. (ncomparog Kcmbrandt` sskII wthmnc, thc crucaI tact
s not thathcpants pctrcs/aster than do. ) t wouId bc tcdos
to rchcarsc thc st+ndard countcrcxampIcs to thc Iabor thcory ot
vaIuc. tound naturzI obccts (vaIucd abovc thc Iabor ncccssary to
gct thcm), rarc goods (Icttcrs trom PapoIcon) that cannot bc rc-
produccd n unIqtcd quanttcs, dttcrcnccs n vaIuc bctwccn
dcntcaI obccts atdttcrcntpIaccs, dttcrcnccs skIIcd Iabormakcs,
changcs causcd by uctuatons nsuppIy and dcmand, agcd obccts
whosc producng rcqurcs much tmc to pass (oId wncs), and so
! I
Jhc ssucs thus
tar mcntoncd conccrn thc naturc otsmpIc un-
dttcrcntatcd Iabor tmc, whch s to provdc thc unit aganst
whch aII cIsc s to bc mcasurcd. c now must ntroducc an add-
tonaI compIcatop. or Marxst thcory docs net hoId that thc
vaIuc otan obcct
s proportonaI to thc numbcr ot smpIc undt-
tcrcntatcd Iabor hours that wcnt nto ts producton' rathcr thc ,
thcory hoIds that
thc vaIuc ot an obcct s proportonaI to thc
numbcr otsmpIc
ndttcrcntatcdsecia!l necessa:y Iabor hours that
Lnvy, Lxplot ta tton, Ln. z5>
wcnt nto ts producton. hy thc addtonaI rcqurcmcnt that
thc Iabor hours bc socaIIy ncccssary! Lct us procccd sIowIy.
Jhcrcqurcmcnt that an obcct havc utIty s a ncccssary com-
poncnt otthc Iaborthcory otvaIuc, tt s to avod ccrtan obcc-
tons. Supposc apcrsonworks on somcthngabsoIutcIyuscIcssthat
no onc wants. or cxapIc, hc spcnds hours cthccntIy makng a
bg knot, no onc cIsc can do t morc quckIy. II ths obcct bc
that many hours vaIuabIc! A thcory shouId not havc ths consc-
qucncc. Marx avods t as toIIows. Pothng can havc vaIuc wth-
out bcng an obcct ot utIty. ta thng s uscIcss so s thc Iabor
contancd n t, thc Iabor docs not count as Iabor, and thcrctorc
crcatcsnovaIuc . ` '
sn` tthsanadbecrcstrcton!Lvcn thcrcstot
thc thcory, who docs t appIy! hy docsn`ta!l cthccntIy donc
IaborcrcatcvaIuc! tonc has to brng n thc tact that t`s otusc to
popIc and actua!l wanted (supposc t wcrc ot usc, but no onc
wantcd t), thcn pcrhaps by Iookng onIy at wants , wbicb bavetele
lreugbt in anwa, onc can gct a cem!ete thcory otvaIuc.
Lvcn wth thcadbec constrant that thc obcct must bc otseme
usc, thcrc rcman probIcms . or, supposc somconc works tor 6
hours onsomcthngotsomc vcrys!igbt utIty (and thcrc snoway
to makc t morc cthccntIy). Jhs satshcs thc ncccssary condton
tor vaIuc that thc obcct havc seme utIty. s ts vaIuc now dctcr-
mncd by thcameunt ot Iabor, ycIdng thc conscqucncc that t s
ncrcdbIy vaIuabIc! Po. or thc Iabr spcnt on thcm (commod-
tcs) counts cttcctvcIy onIy nsotar as t s spnt n a torm that s
uschI to othcrs . `
Marx gocs on to say. hcthcr that Iabor s
" 'hc labour tmc socally ncccssary s that rcqurcd to producc an artclc
undcr thc normal condtons otproducton, and wth thc avcragc dcgrcc otskll
and ntcnsty otlabrprcvalcnt at thc tmc n agvcn soccty. ` KarlMarx, Ca-
ta/, vol. I (Pcw York. Modcrn Lbrary, n. d. ) , p. q6. Potc that wc also want
tocxplanwhy normal condtons otproducton arc d thcy arc, and why a par-
tcular skll and ntcnsty ot labr s uscd on tbat partcular product. lor t s
not thc avcragc dcgrcc otskll prcvalcnt n a soccty that s rclcvant . Most pr-
sons may bc morc skllcd at makng thc product yct mghthavcsomcthngcvcn
morc mportant to do, lcavng only thosc otlcss than avcragc skll at work on
tt. hat s rclcvant would havc to b thc skll otthosc who actually uerk at
makng thc product. Lnc wants a thcory also to cxplan what dctcrmncs whch
prsons otvaryng sklls work at makng a partcular product . mcnton thcsc
qucstons, otcoursc, bcausc thcy can bc answcrcd by an altcrnatvc thcory.
Byond the Minial State?
usctuI tor othcrs, and ts product conscqucntIy capabIc ot sats|-
ng thc wants ot othcrs , can bc provcd onIy by thc act ot
cxchangc. twc ntcrprct Marxas sayng, netthat utIty sa ncc-
cssary condton and that (oncc satshcd) thc amount ot Iabor dc-
tcrmncs vaIuc, but rathcr that thcdegree otutIty wII dctcrmnc
how much (usctuI)Iaborhas bccn cxpcndcd on thc obcct, thcn wc
havc a thcory vcry dttcrcnt trom a Iabor thcory otvaIuc.
c can approach ths ssuc trom anothcr drccton. Supposc
that uschI thngs arc produccd as cthccntIy as thcy can bc, but
that too many ot thcm arc produccd to scII at a ccrtan prcc. Jhc
prcc that cIcars thc markct sIowcr than thc apparcnt IaborvaIucs
ot thc obccts, a grcatcr numbcr ot cthccnt hours wcnt nto pro-
ducng thcm than pcopIc arc wIIng to pay tor (at a ccrtan prcc
pcr hour). Oocs ths show that thc numbcr ot avcragc hours dc-
votcd to makng an obcct ot sgnhcant utIty docsn`t dctcrmnc
ts vaIuc! Marx`s rcpIy s that tthcrc s such ovcrproducton so
that thc markct docsn`t cIcar at a partcuIar prcc, thcn thc Iabr
was ncthccntIy uscd (Icss ot thc thng shouId havc bccn madc),
cvcn though thc Iabor tscIt wasn`t ncthccnt. Mcncc not aII ot
thosc Iabor hours consttutcd socaIIy ncccssary Iabor tmc. Jhc
obcctdocs nothavc a vaIuc Icss than thc numbcrotsocaIIy ncccs-
sary Iabor hours cxpcndcd upon t, tor thcrc wcrc tcwcr socaIIy
ncccssary Iabor hours cxpcndcd upon t than mcct thc cyc.
bupposc that cvcry ptccc ot Itncn tn thc markct contatns no morc Iabor-
ttmc than ts soctaIIy ncccssary. n sptc ot thts, aII thc ptcccs takcn as a
whoIc may havc had supcrhuous Iabor-ttmc spcnt upon thcm. t thc
markct cannot stomach thc whoIc guanttty at thc normaI prtcc ot 2
shtIItngs a yard, thts provcs that too grcat a portton ot thc totaI Iabor ot
thc communtty has bccn cxpcndcd tn thc torm ot wcavtng. Jhc cttcct ts
thc samc as tt cach wcavcr had cxpndcd morc Iabor-ttmc upn hts par-
ttcuIar product than ts soctaIIy ncccssary.
Jhus Marx hoIds that ths Iabor sn`taII socaIIy ncccssary. bat s
socaIIy ncccssary, and how much ott s, wII bc dctcrmncd by
what happcns on thc markct! !
Jhcrc s no Iongcr any Iabor
thcory otvaIuc, thc ccntraI noton otsocaIIy ncccssary Iabor tmc
s itseqdqned n tcrms otthc proccsscs and cxchangc ratos ot a
compcttvc markct!
Jhcy throw your votc n wth thcrs. t thcy arc cxactIy tcd your
votc carrcs thc ssuc. Lthcrwsc t makcs no dhcrcncc to thc cIcc-
toraI outcomc.
Jhc qucston s. whch transton lrom casc to casc madc t
no Iongcr thc taIc ola sIavc!
I !
Mght a morc-than-mnmaI statc arsc through a proccss ol boy-
cott! PcopIc tavorng such a statc mght rclusc to dcaI or cxchangc
or havc socaI rcIatons wth thoscwho don`tcommt thcmscIvcs to
partcpatc n that statc`s addtonaI apparatus (ncIudng thc boy-
cott ol nonpartcpants). Jhc morc who sgn up pIcdgng thcm-
scIvcs to boycott nonpartcpants , thc morc rcstrctcd arc thc op-
portuntcs to thcsc nonpartcpants. l thc boycott works
compIctcIy, aII mght cnd up choosng to partcpatc n thc add-
tonaI acrvtcs olthc morc-than-mnmaI statc, and ndccd mght
thcn gvc t pcrmsson to lorcc thcm to do thngs aganst thcr
Lndcr ths rcsuItng arrangcmcnt, somconc teu!d rclusc to cntcr
or couId opt out ol thc addtonaI proccsscs and constrants , lhc
was wIIing to lacc howcvcr cllcctvc a socaI boycott mght bc
mountcd aganst hm, unIkc a morc-than-mnmaI statc, whcrc
cvcryonc s compcIIcd to partcpatc. Jhs arrangcmcnt, whch
wouId mirrerccrtan nsttutonaI lcaturcs ola morc-than-mnmaI
statc, IIustratcs how coordnatcd actons whch pcopIc mght
choosccan achcvc ccrtan rcsuIts wthout any voIaton olrghts.
t s hghIy unIkcIy that n a socctycontanng many pcrsons, an
actuaI boycott such as thc onc dcscrbcd couId bc mantancd suc-
ccssluIIy. Jhcrc wouId bc many pcrsons opposcd to thc addtonaI
apparatus who couId hnd cnough othcrs to dcaI wth, cstabIsh a
protcctvc agcncy wth, and so on, so as to wthstand thc boycott
cmoktcss z5
n an ndcpcndcnt cncIavc (not ncccssarIy gcographcaI), hrthcr-
morc, thcy couId ollcr nccntvcs to somc partcpants n thc boy-
cott to brcak t (pcrhaps sccrctIy, to avod thc rcsponsc ol thc
othcrs who contnuc to mantan t). Jhc boycott wouId laI, wth
morc Icavng t as thcy scc othcrs dong so and prohtng by t.
CnIy laImostaII n thc soccty so adhcrc to thcdcaI olthcmorc-
than-mnmaI statc as to wcIcomc ts addtonaI rcstrctons and to
rcsst prsonaI gan to cllcctuatc thc boycott and arc so con-
ccrncd and nvoIvcd as to contnuaIIy moId thcr rcIatons to
achcvc thc goaI wII thc anaIoguc olthc morc-than-mnmaI statc
bc cstabIshcd. t s en! thc anaIoguc ol thc morc-than-mnmaI
statc, undcr whch cach pcrson rctans thc chocc ol whcthcr to
partcpatc or not, that s Icgtmatc, and onIy whcn tarscs n thc
lashon dcscrbcd.
Mow shouId hypothctcaI hstorcs allcct our currcnt j udgmcnt
ol thc nsttutonaI structurc ol a soccty! Lct mc vcnturc somc
tcntatvc rcmarks. l an cxstng soccty was Icd to by an actuaI
hstory that s ust, thcn so s that soccty. l thc actuaI hstory ol
an cxstng soccty s unust, andne hypothctcaI ust hstory couId
Icad to thc structurc olthat soccty, thcn that structurc s unust.
Morc compIcatcd arc thccascs whcrc thc actuaI hstory ola soc-
cty s unust yct somc hypothctcaI ust hstory couId havc Icd to
ts currcnt structurc (though not pcrhaps to thc partcuIar ds-
trbuton ol hoIdngs or postons undcr t). l thc hypothctcaI
ust hstory s cIosc` to thc actuaI hstory, whosc nustccs pIaycd
no sgnhcant roIc n brngng about or mantanng thc nsttu-
tonaI structurc, thc actuaI structurc wII bc ust as onc can cx-
pcct to gct.
lthc hypothctcaI ust hstory nvoIvcs cach prson`sconscntng
to thc nsttutonaI structurc and to any Imtatons on hs rghts
(spcchcd by thc moraI sdc constrants on thc bchavor olothcrs)
t cmbodcs, thcn l somc actuaI pcrson wouId not conscnt, onc
must vcw thc nsttutonaI structurc as unust (unIcss t counts as
ust va somc othcr hypothctcaI hstory). SmIarIy, onc must hoId
thc nsttutonaI structurc unust l thc hypothctcaI ust hstory
nvoIvcs somc pcopIc's conscntng who ddn` t, and somc now
wouId not asscnt to thosc othcrs havng donc so. l thc nsttu-
tonaI structurc couId arsc by somc hypothctcaI ust hstory
whch docs not nvoIvc anyonc's conscnt to that structurc, thcn
Byond the Minial State?
onc`s cvaIuaton otthc structurc wII dcpcnd upon onc`s cvaIuaton
otthc proccss whch wouId gvc rsc to t. tthat proccss s vcwcd
bcttcr (aIong dmcnsons othcr than ustcc whcrc, by hypthc-
ss , t cxccIs) than thc atuaI hstory, ths probabIy wII mprovc
onc`scvaIuaton otthc structurc. Jhat austproccss wouId havc Icd
to thc nsttutonaI structurc, but onIy tmanncd bydcspcabIc n-
dvduaIs, wII not cnhancc onc`s cvaIuaton ot that nsttutonaI
Sncc a structurc that couId arsc by a ust proccss whch docs
not nvoIvc thc conscnt otndvduaIs wII not nvoIvc Imtatons
otthcr rghts or cmbody rghts whch thcy do not posscss, t wII
bc cIoscr,inse/aras rigbts are cencoed, to thc startng pont otn-
dvduaI rghts spchcd by moraI sdc constrants, and hcncc ts
structurc otrghts wII bcvcwcdas ust. MoIdng thc nustcc ot
thcr actuaI hstorcs constant, nsttutonaI structurcs cIoscr to thc
rghts ndvduaIs posscss n vrtuc ot thc moraI sdc constrants
wII bc morc ust than nsttutonaI structurcs morc dstant. l/ an
nsttutonaI structurc cmbodyng en/ nd
bad mcn at thcr hcad can do lttlc harm, and otchccks and balanccs, can
as promptcd by a mnmax prncplc, or, morc accuratcly, by
mtntmax constdcratons bult nto a lcss strngcnt prncplc. |5cc Kcnncth
Arrow and Lond Murwcz, 'An Lptmalty Lrtcron tor Lccson-Makng
Lndcr gnorancc, ` n Uncrtainty and Expectations in Economics, cd. L. l. Lartcr
and ]. L. lord (Ltton, P.]. . Augustus M. Kcllcy, I g}z), pp. I-I I . | Lvcry-
onc who h constdcnd thc mattcr agrccs that thc maxmax prncplc, whch
chooscs thc acton that h otts many pssblc conscqucnccs onc whch s bt-
tcr than any possblc conscqucncc ot any othcr avalablc acton, s an nsut-
t prncplcwhch onc would b slly to usc r dcsgnng nsttu-
ttons. Any soctcty whosc nsttutons arc ntuscd by such wld optmsm s
hcadcd tora tall or, at any ratc, thc hgh rsk otonc makcs thc soccty too dan-
gcrou to choosc to lvc n.
t a so
cty whch dos not havc ts nsttutons pttcrncd by maxmax
rtnctplcs w
:' lrst wc start to lkc tomatocs and crawlng on thc ground, and
thcn. . . .
A ramcwOrk tOr tOpa
magnc a possbIc worId n whch to Ivc, ths worId nccd not
contan cvcryonc cIsc now aIvc, and t may contan bcngs who
havc ncvcr actuaIIy Ivcd. Lvcry ratonaI crcaturc n ths worId
you havc magncd wII havc thc samc rghts otmagnng a poss-
bIc worId tor hmscItto Ivc n (n whch aII othcr ratonaI nhab-
tantshavcthc samc magnng rghts, and so on)as you havc. Jhc
othcr nhabtants ot thc worId you havc magncd may choosc to
stay n thc worId whch has bccn crcatcd tor thcm (thcy havc bccn
crcatcd tor) or thcy may choosc to Icavc t and nhabt a worId ot
thcr own magnng. tthcy choosc to Icavc your worId and Ivc
n anothcr, your worId s wthout thcm. You may choosc to aban-
donyour magncd worId, now wthout ts cmgrants. Jhs proccss
gocs on, worIds arc crcatcd, pcopIc Icavc thcm, crcatc ncw worIds ,
and so on.
II thc proccss go on ndchntcIy! Arc aII such worIds cphc-
mcraI or arc thcrc somc stabIc worIds n whch aII otthc orgnaI
popuIaton wII choosc to rcman! t ths proccss docs rcsuIt n
somc stabIc worIds, what ntcrcstng gcncraI condtons docs cach
otthcm satsty!
tthcrc arc stabIc worIds, cach otthcm satshcs onc vcry dcsr-
abIc dcscrpton by vrtuc otthc way thc worIds havc bccn sct up,
namcIy, nene otthc nhabtants otthcworIdcanimagine an aItcrna-
tvc worId thcy wouId rathcr Ivc n, whch (thcy bcIcvc) wouId
contnuc to cxst t aII ot ts ratonaI nhabtants had thc samc
rghts otuagnng and cmgratng. Jhs dcscrpton s so vcry at-
tractvc t t s otgrcat ntcrcst to scc what othcr tcaturcs arc
common t aII such stabIc worIds. So that wc contnuaIIy do not
havc to rcpcat Iong dcscrptons, Ict uscaIIaworIdwhchaII raton-
aI nhabtants may Icavc tor any othcr worId thcy can magnc (n
whch aII thc ratonaI nhabtants may Icavc tor any othcr worId
thcy can magnc n whch . . . ) an asseciatien, and Ict us caII a
worId n whch somc ratonaI nhabtants arc not pcrmttcd to cm-
gratc to somc ot thc assocatons thcy can magnc, an east-ler!in.
Jhus our orgnaI attractvc dcscrpton says that no mcmbcr ot
a stabIc assocaton can magnc anothcr assocaton, whch (hc
usc `ratonal` or 'ratonal crcaturc` as short tor bcngs havng thosc
proprtcs n vrtuc otwhch a bng has thosc tull rghts that human bngs
havc, do not mcan hcrc to say anythng abut what thosc propcrtcs arc. Smc
brct ntroductory rcmarks on thc ssuc arc contancd n Lhaptcr .
OO Utota
bcIcvcs) wouId b stabIc, that hc wouId rathcr bc a mcmbcr ol.
hat arc such stabIc assocatons Ikc! Mcrc can ollcr onIy
somc ntutvc and ovcrIy smpIc argumcnts. You wII not bc abIc
to sct up an assocaton n whch you arc thc absoIutc monarch,
cxpIotng aII thc othcr ratonaI nhabtants. or thcn thcy wouId
bc bcttcr oll n an assocaton wthout you, and, at thc vcry Icast,
thcy aII wouId choosc to nhabt that onc contanng aII ol thcm
mnus you, rathcr than rcman n your crcaton. Po stabIc assoca-
ton s such that cvcryonc (but onc) n t ontIy wouId Icavc lor
thcr own assocaton, lor ths wouId contradct thc assumpton
that thc orgnaI assocaton was stabIc. Jhs rcasonng appIcs as
wcII to two or thrcc orn pcrsons whom cvcryonc cIsc n an assoca-
ton wouId bc bcttcr oll wthout. Jhus wc havc as a condton ol
stabIc assocatons. lA s a sct ol pcrsons n a stabIc assocaton
thcn thcrc s no propcr subsct5 olA such thatcachmcmbcr ol5 s
bcttcr oll n an assocaton consstng onIy olmcmbcrs ol5, than
hc s n A. or l thcrc wcrc such a subsct 5, ts mcmbcrs wouId
scccdc lrom A, cstabIshng thcr own assocaton.
n a dctalcd cxposton, wc would havc to consdcr whcthcr thcrc
mghtn`t bc such an S whch would rcman n A bcausc thc mcmbcrs otS
couldn`t agrcc upon a partcular dvson ot goods among thcmsclvcs, or
oIthc Iol-
lowcrs s Icss casy to undcrstand, but prhaps thc morc vaguc thc ptcturc, thc
morc cach prson can assumc that t s rcally exactly what hc wants that s
planncd and wll bc brought about.
sttutc t. Oo nonc ot thc rcasons that makc you smIc at ths
appIy to us!
Itcr dcvccs nvoIvc a proccss whch cImnatcs (hItcrs out)
many trom a Iargc sct otaItcrnatvcs. Jhc twokcy dctcrmnants ot
thc cnd rcsuIt(s) arc thc partcuIar naturc ot thc hItcrng out pro-
ccss (and what quaItcs t scIccts aganst)and thc partcuIar naturc
ot thc sct ot aItcrnatvcs t opcratcs upon (and how ths sct s
gcncratcd). Itcrng proccsscs arc cspccaIIy appropratc tor dc-
sgncrs havng Imtcd knowIcdgc who do not know prccscIy thc
naturc ot a dcsrcd cnd product. or t cnabIcs thcm to utIzc
thcr knowIcdgc otspcchc condtons thcy don`t want voIatcd n
udcousIy buIdng a hItcr to rccct thc voIators . t mght turn
out to bc mpossbIc to dcsgn an appropratc hItcr, and oncmght
try anothcr hItcr proccss tor ths task otdcsgn. but gcncraIIy, t
sccms, Icss knowIcdgc (ncIudng knowIcdgc otwhat s dcsrabIc)
wII b rcqurcd to producc an appropratc hItcr, cvcn onc that
convcrgcs unqucIy upon a partcuIar knd otproduct, than wouId
bc ncccssary to construct onIy thc product(s) trom scratch.
urthcrmorc, tthc hItcrng proccss s ot thc typ that nvoIvcs
avarabIcmcthod otgcncratng ncw canddatcs, so that thcr quaI-
ty mprovcs as thc quaIty ot thc mcmbcrs rcmanng ahcr prc-
vous hItcrng opcratons mprovcs, and t aIso nvoIvcs a varabIc
hItcr that bccomcs morc scIcctvc as thc quaIty otthc canddatcs
scnt nto t mprovcs (that s, t rcccts somc canddatcs whch
prcvousIy had passcd succcsshIIy through thc hItcr), thcn onc Ic-
gtmatcIy may cxpcct that thc mcrts ot what wII rcman attcr
Iong and contnucd opcraton otthc proccss wII bc vcry hgh n-
dccd. c shouId not bc t haughty about thc rcsuIts ot hItcr
proccsscs , bcngonc ourscIvcs . rom thc vantagc pont otthc con-
sdcratons Icadng us to rccommcnd a hItcr proccss n thc con-
structng ot socctcs, cvoIuton s a proccss tor crcatng Ivng
bcngsappropratcIychoscn bya modcstdcty, whodocs not know
prccscIy what thc bcng hc wshcs to crcatc s Ikc.
" Lomparc. Por s ths world nhabtcd by man thc hrst ot thngs carthly
crcatcd by Lod. Mc madcscvcralworlds btorc ours, but Mc dcstroycd thcm all
bcausc Mc was plcascd wth nonc untl Mc crcatcd ours . ` Lous Lnsburg,
Lgend: e/tbe 8ib/e (Pc York: 5mon & 5hustcr, I g6I ), p. 2 .
hc wholc subcct othltcrng dcvccs, dctcrmnstc and stochastc , and how
thcyshoulddtkr mrdttcrcntkndsottasks, strcmcndously ntcrcstng. hcrc
A ramcwork tor \topa
A hItcrng proccss tor spc|ng a soccty whch mght comc to
mnd s onc n whch thc pcopIc pIannng out thc dcaI soccty
consdcr many dhcrcnt knds ot socctcs and crtczc somc,
cImnatc somc, mod| thc dcscrptons otothcrs , untIthcycomc
to thc onc thcy consdcr bcst. Jhs no doubt s how any dcsgn
tcam wouId work, and so t shouId not bc assumcd that dcsgn
dcvccs cxcIudc hItcrng tcaturcs . (Por nccd hItcr dcvccs cxcIudc
dcsgn aspccts, cspcaIIy n thc gcncratng proccss. ) but onc can-
not dctcrmnc nadvancc whch pcopIc wIIcomc upwth thc bcst
dcas, and aII dcas must bc trcd out(and not mcrcIy smuIatcd on
s not, to my knowlcdgc, any dctalcd thcory ot optmal hltcrs (rclatvc
thcrtasks)and thcrtcaturcs. Lnc wouldcxpct that thc work on mathcmatcal
modcls otcvoluton(andcvolutonary thcory tsclt) wou!d bc usctul andsuggcs-
tvc n bgnnng to construct such a gcncral thcory. 5c K. L. Lcwontn,
'Lvoluton andhcory otLamcs, `eua/ e/ 7beeretica/ 8ie/eg, I g6O, Moward
Lcvcnc 'Lcnctc Lvcrsty and Lvcrsty ot Lnvronmcnts. Mathcmatcal
Aspct,'' n thc Fi/b 8erke/ Sme:ium, Vol. q, and thc rctcrcnccs ctcd
thcrcn, Lrow and Kmura, |ntreductien te Peu/atien Genetic: 7bee (P. Y. .
Marpr & Kow, I gyO).
Lonsdcr as anothcr llustraton thc ssucs ot gcnctc cngnccrng. Many
bologsts tcnd to thnk thc problcm s onc otd:ign, otspcqng thc bst typs
otprsons so that bologsts can procccdto producc thcm. hus thcy worry ovcr
what sort(s) otprson thcrc s to bc and who wll control ths proccss. hcy do
not tcnd to thnk, prhapsbccausc t dmnshcs thc mportancc otthcr rolc , ot
a systcm n whch thcy run a gcnctc suprmarkct , ` mcctng thc ndvdual
spchcatons (wthn ccrtan moral lmts) otprospctvc parcnts. Por do thcy
thnk otsccng what lmtcd numbcr ottyps otpcrsons poplc` schoccs would
convcrgc upn, t ndccd thcrc would bc any such convcrgcncc. s su
markct systcm has thc grcat vrtuc that t nvolvcs no ccntralzcd dcctstonhxng
thc mturc human typc(s). tt s worrcd that somc mportant ratos wll bc al-
tcrcd, tor cxamplc ot malcs and tcmalcs, a govcrnmcnt could rcq
rc that
nctc manpulaton bc carrcd on so as to ht a ccrtan rato. 5upposng, t
plcty, that thc dcsrcd rato s 1 . 1 hosptals and clncs
could bc rcq
rcd at
lcast as a bookkccpng arrangcmcnt) to par couplcs dcsung a malc chld wth
thosc dcsrng a tcmalc bctorc adng cthcr couplc n rcalzng thcr dcsrcs. t
morc couplcs dcsrcd onc altcrnatvc, couplcs would payothcrs to torm thc op-
pstc couplc n thc par, and a markct would dcvclop to thc cconomc bcncht
ot thosc ndttcrcnt abut thc scx ot thcr ncxt chld. Mantcnancc ot such a
macrorato would appar to bc morc dthcult n a purcly lbrtaran systcm.
Lndcr t cthcr parcnts would subscrb to an ntormaton scrvcc montorng
thc rcccnt brths and so know whch scx was n shortcr supply (and hcncc would
b morc n dcmand latcr n ltc), thus adustng thcr actvtcs, orntcrcstcd n-
dvduals would contrbutc to a charty that ottcrs bonuscs to mantan thc
rato, or thc rato would lcavc 1 . J wth ncw tamly and socal pattcrnsdcvclop-
a computcr) to scc how thcy wII work. And somc dcas wII
comc onIy as wc arc (est/acte) tryng to dcscrbc what pattcrns
havc cvolvcd trom thc spontancous coordnaton ot thc actons ot
many pcopIc.
t thc dcas must actuaIIy bc trcd out, thcrc must bc many
communtcs tryng out dttcrcnt pattcrns. Jhc hItcrng proccss,
thc proccss ot cImnatng communtcs, that our tramcwork n-
voIvcs s vcry smpIc. pcopIc try out Ivng n varous commun-
tcs , and thcy Icavc or sIghtIy mod| thc oncs thcy don`t Ikc
(hnd dctcctvc). Somccommuntcs wII bc abandoncd, othcrs wII
struggIc aIong, othcrs wII spIt, othcrs wII hoursh, gan mcm-
bcrs, and bc dupIcatcd cIscwhcrc. Lach communty must wn and
hoId thcvoIuntary adhcrcncc otts mcmbcrs. Po pattcrn s imesed
oncvcryonc, and thcrcsuIt wII bc oncpattcrn tand onIy tcvcry-
onc voIuntarIy chooscs to Ivc n accordancc wth that pattcrn ot
Jhc dcsgn dcvcc comcs n at thc stagc ot gcncratng spcchc
communtcs to bc Ivcd n and trcd out. Any group ot pcopIc
may dcvsc a pattcrn and attcmpt to pcrsuadc othcrs to partcpatc
n thc advcnturc ota communty n that pattcrn. Vsonarcs and
crackpots, manacs and sants , monks and Ibrtncs, captaIsts
and communsts and partcpatory dcmocrats, proponcnts ot pha-
Ianxcs (curcr), paIaccs ot Iabor (Iora Jrstan), vIIagcs otunty
and coopraton (Cwcn), mutuaIstcommuntcs (Proudhon), tmc
storcs ()csah arrcn), brudcrhot, kbbutzm, " kundaIn yoga
ashrams, and so torth, may aII havc thcr try at buIdng thcr
vson and scttng an aIIurng cxampIc. !t shcuId not bc thought
that cvcry pattcrn trcd wII bc cxpIctIy dcsgncd de neve Somc
wII bc pIanncd modhcatons , howcvcr sIght, ot othcrs aIrcady
cxstng (whcn t s sccn whcrc thcy rub), and thc dctaIs otmany
wII bc buIt up spontancousIy n communtcs that Icavc somc
Iccway. As communtcs bccomc morc attractvc tor thcr nhab-
tants, pattcrns prcvcusIy adoptcd as thc bcst avaIabIc wII bc
lorsomc wrtcrs, thc most ntcrcstngpontscomc aItcrthcythnk thcy`vc
thoughtcvcrythng throughand havc bcgun to sct t down 5omctmcs, at ths
stagc, thcrc s a changc n pont oI vcw, or a rcalzaton that t s somcthng
dIIcrcnt onc must wrtc(on what, bcIorc writng, oncassumcdwas asubsdary
and clcar subcct). Mow much grcatcr wll bc thc dIIcrcnccs bctwccn a plan
(cvcn onc wrttcn down) and thc workng out n dctaI oIthc lIc oIa soccty.
A ramcwork tor Ltopta
rccctcd. And as thc communtcs whch pcopIc Ivc n mprovc
(accordng to thcr Ights), dcas tor ncw communtcs cttcn wII
mprovc as wcII.
Jhc opcraton ot thc tramcwork tor utopa wcprcscnt hcrc thus
rcaIzcs thc advantagcs ot a hItcrng proccss ncorporatng mutu-
aIIy mprovng ntcracton bctwccn thc hItcr and thc survvng
products otthc gcncratng proccss, so that thc quaIty otgcncratcd
and nonrccctcd products mprovcs. urthcrmorc, gvcn popIc` s
hstorcaI mcmorcs and rccords, t has thc tcaturc that an aIrcady
rccctcd aItcrnatvc (or ts sIght modhcaton) can bc retried, pcr-
haps bccausc ncw or changcd condtons makc t now sccm morc
promsng or appropratc. Jhs s unIkc boIogcaI cvoIuton
whcrc prcvousIy rccctcd mutatons cannot casIybc rccaIIcdwhcn
condtons changc. AIso, cvoIutonsts pont out thc advantagcs ot
gcnctc hctcrogcncty (poIytypc and poIymorphc) whcn cond-
tons changc grcatIy. SmIar advantagcs adhcrc to a systcm ot
dvcrsc communtcs, organzcd aIong dttcrcnt Incs and pcrhaps
cncouragng dttcrcnt typcs otcharactcr, and dttcrcnt pattcrns ot
abItcs and skIIs.
Jhc usc ota hItcr dcvcc dcpcndcnt upon pcopIc`s ndvduaI dcc-
sons to Ivc nor Icavc partcuIar communtcs s cspccaIIyappro-
pratc. or thc uItmatc purposc ot utopan constructon s to gct
communtcs that pcopIc wII want to Ivc n and wII choosc voI-
untarIy to Ivc n. Cr at Icast ths must bc a sdc cttcct otsucccss-
tuI utopan constructon. Jhc hItcrng proccss proposcd wII
achcvc ths. urthcrmorc, a hItcrng dcvcc dcpcndcnt upn po-
pIc`s dccsons has ccrtan advantagcs ovcr onc whch opcratcs
mcchancaIIy, gvcn our nabIty to tormuIatc cxpIctIyprncpIcs
whch adcquatcIy handIc, n advancc, aII ot thc compIcx, muI-
ttarous stuatons whch arsc. c ottcn statcrima/acie prnc-
hs Iramcwork s not thconly possblc hltcr proccss Ior thc tk oIarrv-
ng at a dcsrablc or thc bcst soccty (though cannot thnk oI anothcr whch
would havc thc spccal ntcracton vrtucs to so grcat an cxtcnt), so thc gcncral
vrtucs oI hltcr proccscs ovcr dcsgn dcvccs do not arguc unique/ Ior t.
pIcs wthout thnkng that wc can mark oll n advancc aII ol thc
cxccptons to thc prncpIc. but though wc cannot dcscrbc n ad-
vancc aII olthc cxccptons to thc prncpIc, wc do thnk that vcry
oltcn wc wII bc abIc to rccognzc that apartcuIar stuaton wc arc
prcscntcd wthis an cxccpton.
SmIarIy, wc wII not bc abIc n advancc to program automat-
caIIy a hItcrng dcvcc to rccct aII and onIy what shouId bc rc-
cctcd (cthcr obcctvcIy, or n our vcw now, or n our vcw
thcn). c wII havc to Icavc room lor pcopIc`s udgng cach par-
tcuIar nstancc. Jhs s not by tscIlan argumcnt lor cach pcrson`s
udgng lor hmscIl. Por s thconIy aItcrnatvc to thc mcchancaI
appIcaton olcxpIctIy lormuIatcd ruIcs thc opcratonola systcm
wbell dcpcndcnt upon choccs wthout any gudcIncs at aII , as t
s cIcar lrom thc cxstcncc olour IcgaI systcm. So thc lact olnot
bcng abIc to statc or program cxccptonIcss prncpIcs n advancc
docs not, / itse sulhcc to gct to my prclcrrcd aItcrnatvc oleve-
ene's chocc, and ne gudcIncs sct up n advancc (cxccpt lor thosc
gudcIncs that protcct ths prclcrrcd argumcnt).
c havc argucd that cvcn lthcrc s onc knd olcommunty
that s bcst lorcachand cvcry pcrson, thc lramcwork sct out s thc
bcst mcans lor hndng out thc naturc ol that communty. Many
morcargumcntscanand shouId bc ollcrcd lorthc vcw that, cvcn l
thcrc s onc knd olsoccty that s bcst lor cvcryonc, thc opcraton
olthc lramcwork ( r ) s bcst lor anyonc`s comng up wth a pcturc
ol what thc soccty s Ikc, (z) s bcst lor anyonc`s bccomng con-
vnccd that thcpcturc s ndccd onc olthcbcstsoccty, () s bcst
lor Iargc numbcrs olpcopIc`s bccomng so convnccd, and (q) s
thc bcst way tostabIzc such a soccty wth pcopIc Ivng sccurcIy
and cndurngIy undcr that partcuIar pattcrn. cannot ohcr thcsc
othcrargumcntshcrc. (And couId not ohcr aII olthcm anywhcrc,
undcrstandngwb supports thc corrcctncss olthc poston. ) Mow-
cvcr, do wsh to notc that thc argumcnts lor thc lramcwork ol-
lcrcd and mcntoncd hcrc arc cvcn morc potcnt whcn wc drop thc
(laIsc) assumpton that thcrc s ene knd ol soccty bcst lor cvcry-
onc, and so stop msconstrung thc probIcm as onc olwhch onc
typc olcommunty cvcry ndvduaI pcrson shouId Ivc n.
Jhc lramcwork has two advantagcs ovcr cvcry othcr knd ol
dcscrpton ol utopa. hrst, t wII bc acccptabIc to aImost cvcry
utopan at somc luturc pnt n tmc, whatcvcr hs partcuIar v-
A ramcwOrk tOr tOpa
son, and sccond, t s compatbIc wththcrcaIzaton olaImost aII
partcuIar utopan vsons, though t docs not guarantcc thc rcaI-
zaton or unvcrsaI trumph olany partcuIar utopan vson. Any
utopan wII agrcc that our lramcwork s an appropratc onc lor a
soccty ol good mcn. or good mcn, hc thnks , voIuntarIy wII
choosc toIvc undcr thc partcuIar pattcrn hc lavors , lthcy arc as
ratonaI as hc s and thus arc abIc cquaIIy to scc ts cxccIIcncc. And
most utopans wII agrcc that at seme pont n tmc our lramcwork
s an appropratc onc, lor at somc pont (altcr pcopIc havc bccn
madc good, and uncorrupt gcncratons havc bccn produccd)pcopIc
voIuntarIy wII choosc to Ivc undcr thc lavorcd pattcrn. Jhus
our lramcwork s now admttcd, among a wdc rangc otutopans
and thcr opponcnts , to bc appropratc common ground, seener er
later. or cach thnks hs own partcuIar vson wouId bc rcaIzcd
undcr t.
Jhosc wth dllcrcnt utopan vsons who bcIcvc thc lramcwork
s an appropratcatb to thcr vson (as wcII as bcng pcrmssbIc
altcr thcrvson srcaIzcd)mghtwcII coopcratc nattcmptng to
rcaIzc thc lramcwork, cvcn gvcn mutuaI knowIcdgc olthcr dl-
lcrcnt prcdctons and prcdIcctons. Jhcr dllcrcnt hopcs conhct
onIy l thcy nvoIvc unvcrsaI rcaIzaton ol onc partcuIar pat-
tcrn. c may dstngush thrcc utopan postons. imerialistit
utopansm, whch countcnanccs thc lorcng olcvcryonc nto onc
pattcrn olcommunty,missiena utopansm, whch hopcs to pcr-
suadc or convncc cvcryonc to Ivc n onc partcuIar knd ol com-
munty, but wII not lorcc thcm to do so, and existential utopan-
" saya/me:t cvcry utopan anda/mest all partcular utopan vsons bccausc
t s unacccptablc to, and ncompatblc wth, 'utopans` ot torcc and dom-
t say `most utopans, ` bccausc otthc tollowng possblc pston.
Pattcrn P s bcst, not only tor uncorrupt prsons but also tor corrupt
2. Mowcvcr corrupt oncs would not choosc voluntarly to lvc undcr pat-
tcrn P.
. lurthcrmorc, t`s an untortunatc cmprcal tact that thcrc s ne way to
gct to uncorrupt poplc startng trom us and our mccty.
q. S wc can ncvcr gct to a stuaton otmost pcoplc wantng to lvc
undcr pattcrn P.
5 . Jhcrctorc, sncc P s thc bcst pattcrn tor all (corrupt or not), t wll
havc, contnually andctcrnally, to bc mpscd.
320 Utopia
sm, whch hopcs that apartcuIar pattcrn otcommunty wII cxst
(wII bc vabIc), though not ncccssarIy unvcrsaIIy, so that thosc
who wsh to do so may Ivc n accordancc wth t. LxstcntaI
utopans can whoIchcartcdIy support thc tramcwork. th hII
knowIcdgc ot thcr dttcrcnccs, adhcrcnts ot dvcrsc vsons may
coopcratc n rcaI zng thc tramcwork. Mssonary utopans ,
though thcr aspratons arc unvcrsaI , wII on thcm n support-
ng thc tramcwork, vcwng tuIIy voIuntary adhcrcncc to thcr
prctcrrcd pattcrn ascrucaI . Jhcy wII not, howcvcr, cspccaIIy ad-
mrc thc tramcwork`s addtonaI vrtuc ot aIIowng thc smuIta-
ncous rcaIzaton ot many dvcrsc possbItcs . mpcraIstc uto-
pans , on thc othcr hand, wII opposc thc tramcwork so Iong as
somc othcrs do not agrcc wth thcm. (cII, you can`t satsty cv-
crybody, cspccaIIy tthcrc arc thosc who wII bc dssatshcd unIcss
not cvcrybody s satshcd. ) Sncc anypartcuIar communty may bc
cstabIshcd wthn thc tramcwork, t s compatbIc wth aII partc-
uIar utopan vsons, whIc guarantccng nonc. Ltopans shouId
vcw ths as an cnormous vrtuc, tor thcr partcuIar vcw wouId
not tarc as wcII undcr utopan schcmcs othcr than thcr own.
Jhc opcraton ottc tramcwork has many ot thc vrtucs , and tcw
ot thc dctccts , pcopIc hnd n thc Ibcrtaran vson. or though
thcrc sgrcat Ibcrty to choosc among communtcs , many partcu-
Iar communtcs ntcrnaIIy may havc many rcstrctons unusth-
abIcon Ibcrtaran grounds . that s, rcstrctons whch Ibcrtarans
wouId condcmn tthcy wcrc cntorccd by a ccntraI statc apparatus.
or cxampIc, patcrnaIstc ntcrvcnton nto pcopIc` s Ivcs , rcstrc-
tons on thc rangc ot books whch may crcuIatc n thc commu-
nty, Imtatons on thc knds ot scxuaI bchavor, and so on. but
ths s mcrcIy anothcr way ot pontng out that n a trcc soccty
pcopIc may contract nto varous rcstrctons whch thc govcrn-
mcnt may not IcgtmatcIy mpsc upn thcm. Jhough thc tramc-
work s Ibcrtaran and Iasscz-tarc, individual temmunities witbin it
need netle, and pcrhaps no communty wthn t wII choosc to bc
so. Jhus , thc charactcrstcs ot thc tramcw.ork nccd not pcrvadc
A ramcwOrk tOr tOpa 32 1
thc ndvduaI communtcs. n tbis Iasscz-tarc systcm t couId
turn out that though thcy arc prmttcd, thcrc arc no actuaIIy
tunctonng `captaIst` nsttutons, or that somc communtcs
havc thcm and othcrs don`t or somc communtcs havc somc ot
thcm, or what you wII.
n prcvous chaptcrs , wc havc spokcn ota pcrson`s optng out ot
partcuIar provsons otccrtan arrangcmcnts . hy now do wc say
that varous rcstrctons may bc mposcd n a partcuIar commu-
nty! Mustn` t thc communty aIIow ts mcmbcrs to opt out ot
thcsc rcstrctons! Po, toundcrs and mcmbcrs ot a smaII commu-
nst communty may, qutc propcrIy, rctusc to aIIow anyoncto opt
out ot cquaI sharng, cvcn though t wouId bc possbIc to arrangc
ths. t s not a gcncraI prncpIc that cvcry communty or group
must aIIow ntcrnaI optng out whcn that s tcasbIc. or somc-
tmcs such ntcrnaI optng out wouId tscItchangc thccharactcrot
thc group trom that dcsrcd. Mcrcn Ics an ntcrcstng thcorctcaI
probIcm. A naton or protcctvc agcncy may not compcI rcds-
trbuton bctwccn onc communty and anothcr, yct a communty
such as a kbbutz may rcdstrbutc wthn tscIt(orgvc toanothcr
communty or to outsdc ndvduaIs). Such a communty nccdn` t
ottcr ts mcmbcrs anopportunty toopt outotthcsc arrangcmcnts
whIc rcmanng a mcmbcr otthc communty. Yct, havc argucd,
a naton shouId ottcr ths opportunty, popIc havc a rght to so
opt out ota naton`s rcqurcmcnts. hcrcn Ics thc dttcrcncc bc-
twccn a communty and a naton that makcs thc dttcrcncc n thc
Icgtmacy ot mposng a ccrtan pattcrn upon aII ot ts mcmbcrs!
A pcrson wII swaIIow thc mpcrtcctons ota packagcP (whch
may bc aprotcctvc arrangcmcnt, a consumcr good, a communty)
that s dcsrabIc on thc whoIc rathcr than purchasc a dttcrcnt
packagc (acompIctcIy dttcrcnt packagc, orP wth somc changcs),
whcn no morc dcsrabIc attanabIc dttcrcnt packagc s worth to
hm ts grcatcr costs ovcr P, ncIudng thc costs ot nducng
cnough othcrs to partcpatc n makng thc aItcrnatvc packagc.
Cnc assumcs that thc cost caIcuIaton tor natons s such as to pr-
t s strangc that many youngpoplc n tunc wth naturcandhopng to
go wth thc how` and not torcc thngs aganst thcrnatural bcntshould b at-
tractcd to statst vcws and socalsm, and arc antagonstc to cqulibrum and
nvsbIc-hand proccsscs.
322 Utopia
mt ntcrnaI optng out. but ths s not thc whoIc story lor two
rcasons. rst, t may bc lcasbIc n ndvduaI communtcs aIso to
arrangc ntcrnaI optng out at IttIc admnstratvc cost (whch hc
may bc wIIng to pay), yct ths nccdn` t aIways bc donc. Sccond,
natons dllcr lrom othcr packagcs n that thc ndvduaI hmscIl
sn` t to bcar thc admnstratvc costs oloptng out ot somc othcr-
wsc compuIsory provson. Jhc othcr pcopIc must pay lor hncIy
dcsgnng thcr compuIsory arrangcmcnts so that thcy don` t appIy
to thosc who wsh to opt out. Por s thc dllcrcncc mcrcIy a mat-
tcr ol thcrc bcng many aItcrnatvc knds ol communtcs whIc
thcrc arc many lcwcr natons. Lvcn laImost cvcryonc wshcd to
Ivc n a communst communty, so that thcrc wcrcn`t any vabIc
noncommunst communtcs, no partcuIar communty nccd aIso
(though t s to bc hopcd that onc wouId) aIIow a rcsdcnt ndvd-
uaI to opt out olthcrsharng arrangcmcnt. Jhc rccaIctrant nd-
vduaI has no aItcrnatvc but to conlorm. StII, thc othcrs do not
lorcc hm to conlorm, and hs rghts arc not voIatcd. Mc has
no rght that thc othcrs coopcratc n makng hs nonconlormty
Jhcdllcrcncc sccms to mc to rcsdc n thc dhcrcncc bctwccn a
lacc-to-lacc communty and 8 naton. n a naton, onc knows that
thcrcarc nonconlormng ndvduaIs, but onc nccd not bc drcctIy
conlrontcd by thcsc ndvduaIs or by thc lact ol thcr nonconlor-
mty. Lvcn l onc hnds t ollcnsvc that othcrs do not conlorm,
cvcn lthc knowIcdgc that thcrc cxst nonconlormsts rankIcs and
makcsoncvcryunhappy, thsdocs notconsttutcbcngharmcd by
thc othcrs or havng onc`s rghts voIatcd. hcrcas n a lacc-to-
tacc communty onc cannot avod bcng drcctIy conlrontcd wth
what onc h nds to bc ollcnsvc. Mow onc Ivcs n onc`s mmcdatc
cnvronmcnt s allcctcd.
Jhs dstncton bctwccn a lacc-to-lacc communty and onc that
s not gcncraIIy runs paraIIcI to anothcr dstncton. A lacc-to-lacc
communty can cxst on Iand ontIy owncd by ts mcmbcrs ,
whcrc thc Iand ola naton s not so hcId. Jhc communty wII
bc cnttIcd thcn, as a body, to dctcrmnc what rcguIatons arc to
bc obcycd on ts Iand, whcrcas thc ctzcns ol a naton do not
ontIy own ts Iand and so cannot n ths way rcguIatc ts usc. l
au thc scparatc ndvduaIs who own Iand coordnatc thcr actons
A ramcwork tor \topa
n mposng a commonrcguIaton(lor cxampIc, no onc may rcsdc
on ths Iand who docs not contrbutc n pcrccnt ol hs ncomc to
thc poor), thc samc eett wII bc achcvcd as l thc naton had
passcd IcgsIaton rcqurng ths. but sncc unanmty s onIy as
strong as ts wcakcst Ink, cvcn wth thc usc olsccondary boycotts
(whch arc pcrlcctIy Icgtmatc), t wouId bc mpossbIc to man-
tan such a unanmous coaIton n thclaccolthc bIandshmcnts to
somc to dclcct.
but somc lacc-to-lacc communtcs wII not bc stuatcd on
ontIy hcId Iand. May thc maorty olthcvotcrs na smaIIvIIagc
pass an ordnancc aganst thngs that thcy hnd ollcnsvc bcng
doncon thcullit strccts! May thcy IcgsIatc aganst nudty orlor-
ncaton or sadsm (on conscntng masochsts) or hand-hoIdng by
racaIIy mxcd coupIcs on thc strccts! Any prvatc owncr can rcgu-
Iatc hs prcmscs as hc chooscs. but what olthc pubIc thorough-
larcs, whcrc pcopIc cannot casIy avod sghts thcy hnd ollcnsvc!
Must thc vast maorty cIostcr thcmscIvcs aganst thc ollcnsvc
mnorty! lthc maorty may dctcrmnc thc Imts on dctcctabIc
bchavor n pubIc, may thcy, n addton to rcqurng that no onc
appcar n pubIc wthout wcarng cIothng, aIso rcqurc that no
onc appcar n pubIc wthout wcarng a badgc ccrtlyng that hc
has contrbutcd n pcrccnt ol hs ncomc to thc nccdy durng thc
ycar, on thc grounds that thcy hnd t ollcnsvc to Iook at somconc
not wcarng ths badgc (not havng contrbutcd)! And whcncc ths
cmcrgcnt rght ol thc maorty to dccdc! Cr arc thcrc to bc no
pubIc` pIacc orways! (Somcdangcrs olths, notcd n Lhaptcr z ,
wouId bc avodcd by thc Lockcan provso olLhaptcr y . ) Sncc do
not scc mywaycIcarIy through thcsc ssucs, rascthcm hcrc onIy
to Icavc thcm.
Jhc ndvduaI communtcs may havc any charactcr compatbIc
wth thc opraton olthc lramcwork. la pcrson hnds thc charac-
tcr ol a partcuIar communty uncongcnaI , hc nccdn` t choosc to
Ivc n t. Jhs s aII wcII and good tor an ndvduaI dccdng
whchcommunty to cntcr. butsupposc apartcuIarcommunty s
cbanging n ts charactcr and bccomng onc ota sort an ndvduaI
dsIkcs. tyou don`t Ikc t hcrc, don`t on` has morc torcc than
tyou don`t Ikc t hcrc, Icavc. ` Attcr a pcrson h spcnt much ot
hs Itc n a communty, scnt down roots , madc trcnds, and con-
trbutcd to thc communty, thc chocc to pck up and Icavc s a
dthcuIt onc. Such a communty`s cstabIshng a ncw rcstrcton,
or aboIshng an oId onc, or scrousIy changng ts charactcr, wII
attcct ts ndvduaI mcmbcrs nsomcthngIkc thcway n whch a
natien's changng ts Iaws wII attcct ts ctzcns. ShouIdn` t onc,
thcrctorc, bcIcsswIIng to grant thccommuntcs suchgrcat Iat-
tudc n ordcrng thcr ntcrnaI attars, shouIdn` tthcrc bc Imts on
thcr mposng rcstrctons that, tmposcd by a statc, wouId con-
sttutcavoIaton otan ndvduaI`s rghts! rcnds otIbcrty ncvcr
thought that thc cxstcncc ot Amcrca madc Icgtmatc thc prac-
tccs otCzarst Kussa. hy shouId thcrc bc adttcrcnccotknd n
thc casc ot thc communtcs!
! !
Varous rcmcdcs suggcst thcmscIvcs, shaII dscuss onc hcrc.
Anyonc may start an sort ot ncw communty (compatbIc wth
thc opcraton otthc tramcwork) thcy wsh. or no onc nccd cntcr
t. (Po communty may bc cxcIudcd, on patcrnaIstc grounds , nor
may Icsscr patcrnaIstc rcstrctons gcarcd to nuIIty supposcd dc-
tccts npcopIc`s dccson proccsscs bc mpscd-torcxampIc, com-
puIsory ntormaton programs, watng pcrods . ) Modtyng an
aIrcady cxstng communty s hcId to c a dttcrcnt mattcr. Jhc
wdcr soccty may pck somc prctcrrcd ntcrnaI structurc tor com-
muntcs(whch rcspccts ccrtan rghts, and soon)and may rcqurc
that communtcs somchow compcnsatc thc communty`s ds-
scntcrs tor changcs away trom ths structurc, tor thosc changcs t
chooscs to makc. Mavng dcscrbcd ths soIuton to thc probIcm,
wc scc that t sunnecessar. or, to accompIsh thc samc cnd nd-
vduaIs nccd onIy ncIudc n thc cxpIct tcrms otan agrccmcnt
(contract) wth any communty thcy cntcr thc stpuIaton that
any mcmbcr (ncIudng thcmscIvcs) wII bc so compnsatcd tor
dcvatons trom a spcchcd structurc (whch nccd not bc
soccty`s prctcrrcd norm) n accordancc wth spchcd cond-
tons. (Cnc may usc thc compnsaton to hnancc Icavng thc
communtty. )
A ramcwork Ior Ltopta
Lndcr thc tramcwork, thcrc wII bc groups and communtcs cov-
crng aII aspccts otItc, though Imtcd n mcmbcrshp. (Pot cv-
cryonc, assumc, wII choosc to jon onc bg communc or tcdcra-
ton otcommuncs. ) Somc thngs about somc aspccts otItc cxtcnd
to cvcryonc, tor cxampIc, cvcryonc has varous rghts that may not
bc voIatcd, varous boundarcs that may not bc crosscd wthout
anothcr`s conscnt. Somc pcopIc wII hnd ths covcrng ot aII
aspccts otsomc pcrson`s Ivcs and somc aspccts otaII pcrson`s Ivcs
to bc nsuthccnt. Jhcsc pcopIc wII dcsrc a doubIy totaI rcIa-
tonshp that covcrs aII pcopIc and aII aspcts otthcr Ivcs, tor cx-
ampIc, aII pcopIc n aII thcr bchavor (nonc s cxcIudcd n prnc-
pIc) showng ccrtan tccIngs otIovc, attccton, wIIngncss to hcIp
othcrs, aII bcng cngagcd togcthcr n somc common and mportant
Consdcr thc mcmbcrs ot a baskctbaII tcam, aII caught up n
pIayng baskctbaII wcII. (gnorc thc tact that thcy arc tryng to
wn, though s t an accdcnt that such tccIngs ottcn arsc whcn
somc untcagainst othcrs!)Jhcy do not pIayprmarIy tormoncy.
Jhcy havc a prmary)eint goaI , and cach subordnatcs hmscIt to
achcvng ths common goaI , scorng tcwcr ponts hmscIt than hc
othcrwsc mght. taII arc tcd togcthcr by jont partcpaton n
an actvty toward a common goaI that cach ranks as hs most m-
portant goaI, thcn tratcrnaI tccIng wII hoursh. Jhcy wII bc
untcd and unscI hsh, tbe wII bc ene. but baskctbaII playcrs , ot
coursc, do not havc a common hghcst goaI, thcy havc scparatc
tamIcs and Ivcs. StII wc mght magnc a soccty n whch aII
work togcthcr to achcvc a common hghcst goaI . Lndcr thc
tramcwork, any group ot prsons can so coaIcscc, torm a movc-
mcnt, and so torth. but thc structurc tscIts dvcrsc, t docs not
tscIt provdc or guarantcc that thcrc wII bc any common goaI
that aII pursuc ontIy. t s bornc n upon onc, n contcmpIatng
such an ssuc, how appropratc t s to spcak ot ndvduaIsm`
and (thc word concd n opposton to t) socaIsm. t gocs
wthout sayng that any prsons may attcmpt to untc kndrcd
sprts, but, whatcvcr thcr hopcs and Iongngs , nonc havc thc
rght to mposc thcr vson otunty upon thc rcst.
Mow do thc wcII-known objcctons to 'utopansm` appIy to thc
conccpton prcscntcd hcrc! Many crtcsms locus upon utopans`
Iack ol dscusson olMruR lor achcvng thcr vson or thcr con-
ccntraton uponmcans that wII not achcvc thcr cnds. npartcu-
Iar, crtcs contcnd that utopans oltcn bcIcvc that thcy can brng
about ncw condtons and nurturc lorth thcr partcuIar commun-
tcs by voIuntary actons wthn thc cxstng structurc olsoccty.
Jhcy bcIcvc ths lor thrcc rcasons. rst, bccausc thcy bcIcvc that
whcnccrtanpcrsons orgroups havc an ntcrcst n thc contnuancc
ol a pattcrn lar lrom thc dcaI onc (bccausc thcy occupy a prv-
Icgcd poston n t, and bcncht lrom spcchc njustccs or dclccts
n thc actuaI pattcrn whch wouId bc cImnatcd n thc dcaI onc),
thcn lthcr coopcraton s ncccssary n ordcr to rcaIzc thc dcaI
pattcrn through voIuntary actons, thcsc pcopIc can bc convnccd
voIuntarIy to pcrlorm thc actons (aganst thcr ntcrcsts) whch
wII ad n brngng about thc dcaI pattcrns. Jhrough argumcnt
andothcr ratonaI mcans, utopans hopc to convncc pcopIc olthc
dcsrabIty and justcc olthc dcaI pattcrn and olthc nj ustcc and
unlarncss ol thcr spccaI prvIcgcs, thcrcby gcttng thcm to act
dllcrcntIy. Sccond, thcr crtcs contnuc, utopans bcIcvc that
cvcn whcn thc lramcwork ol thc cxstng soccty aIIows jont voI-
untary actons that wouId bc sulhccnt to brng about a grcat
changc n thc soccty by thosc not bcnch tng lrom dclccts and n-
j ustccs n thc actuaI soccty, thcn thosc whosc prvIcgcs arc
thrcatcncd wII not ntcrvcnc actvcIy, voIcntIy, and cocrcvcIy to
crush thc cxpcrmcnt and changcs. Jhrd, crtcs asscrt that uto-
pans arc naIvc to thnk, cvcn whcn thc coopraton ol thc cspc-
caIIy prvIcgcd s not rcqurcd and whcn such pcrsons wII ab-
stanlrom voIcntIy ntcrlcrng n thc proccss, that t s possbIc to
cstabIsh through voIuntary coopcraton thc partcuIar cxprmcnt
n thc vcry dhcrcnt cxtcrnaI cnvronmcnt, whch oltcn s hostIc
to thc goaIs olthc cxpcrmcnt. Mow can smaII communtcs ovcr-
comc thc whoIc thrust ol thc soccty, arcn` t soIatcd cxpcrmcnts
doomcd to laIurc! Cn ths Iast pont, wc saw n Lhaptcr B how a
workcr-controIIcd lactory couId bc cstabIshcd n a lrcc soccty.
Jhc pont gcncraIzcs. thcrc is a mcans olrcaIzng varous mcro-
A ramcwork tor \topta
stuatons through thc voIuntary actons olpcrsons n a lrcc soc-
cty. hcthcr pcopIc wih choosc to pcrlorm thosc actons s an-
othcr mattcr. Yct, n a lrcc systcm any Iargc, ppuIar, rcvoIu-
tonary movcmcnt shouId bc abIc to brng about ts cnds by such a
voIuntary proccss. As morc and morc pcopIc scc how t works ,
morc and morc wII wsh to partcpatc n or support t . And so t
wII grow, wthout bcng ncccssary to lorcc cvcryonc or a majorty
or anyonc nto thc pattcrn.
Lvcn lnonc olthcsc objcctons hoId, somc wII obj cct to rcI-
ancc on thc voIuntary actons olpcrsons , hoIdng that pcopIc arc
now so corrupt that thcy wII not choosc to coopcratc voIuntarIy
wth cxpcrmcnts to cstabIsh j ustcc, vrtuc, and thc good Ilc.
(Lvcn though l thcy dd choosc to do so, thc cxpcrmcnts wouId
succccd n a whoIIy voIuntary cnvronmcnt, or n somc currcnt
onc. ) urthcrmorc, l thcy wcrcn` t corrupt (ahcr thcy`rc not cor-
rupt)thcywouId (wII)coopcratc. So, thcargumcntcontnucs, pco-
pIc must bc lorccd to act naccordancc wth thc good pattcrn, and
pcrsons tryng to Icad thcm aIong thc bad oId ways must bc s-
' Jhsvcwdcscrvcs an cxtcndcd dscusson, whch t can-
not bc gvcn hcrc. Snccthc proponcntsolths vcwarc thcmscIvcs
so obvousIy laIIbIc, prcsumabIy lcw wII choosc to gvc thcm, or
aIIow thcm to havc, thc dctatoraI powcrs ncccssary lor stampng
out vcws thcy thnk arc corrupt. hat s dcsrcd s an organza-
ton olsoccty optmaI lor pcopIc who arc lar Icss than dcaI , op-
tmaI aIso lor much bcttcr pcopIc, and whch s such that Ivng
undcr such organzaton tscIl tcnds to makc pcopIc bcttcr and
hcrc rcmans arcasonwhy, though prmttcd, pssblcotsucccss, and not
aggrcssvcly ntcrtcrcd wth by thc actons ot hostlc pcrsons, thc cxpcrmcnt
takng placc n thc dttcrcnt cxtcrnal cnvronmcnt mght not havc a tar chancc
to survvc. lor tthc wholc soccty docs not havc a voluntary tramcwork, thcn
thcrc mght bc an cxpcrmcnt, whch s n a voluntary corncr otthc total actual
trcwork, that ueu/d succccd n a ube|/ voluntary tramcwork but won`t
succcm n thc actual onc. lor n thc actual onc, whlc no onc s torbddcn to
pcrtorm any acton strctly ncccssary to thc succcss otthc cxpcrmcnt, t mght
bc that somc llcgtmatc prohbton on othcr actons makcspoplc lcss lkcly
(rangng to cxtrcmcly low probablty) to prtorm thc voluntary actons com-
prsng thc succcss otthc cxprmcnt. o takcan cxtrcmc cxamplc, anyonc na
ccrtan group mght bc prmttcd to hold a ccrtan job, yct cvcryonc mght bc
torbddcn to tcach thcm thc sklls uscd on thc ob, ccrthcaton otsuch sklls
bcng thc only tcasblc way to hold thc ob (though somc othcr cxtrcmcly
dthcult routc s lctt opn).
morc dcaI . bcIcvng wth JocqucvIIc that t s onIy by bcng
lrcc that pcopIc wII comc to dcvcIop and cxcrcsc thc vrtucs ,
capactcs , rcsponsbItcs, and udgmcnts appropratc to lrcc
mcn, that bcng lrcc cncouragcs such dcvcIopmcnt, and that cur-
rcnt pcopIcarc not cIosc to bcng so sunkcn ncorrupton as poss-
bIy to consttutc an cxtrcmc cxccpton to ths, thc voIuntary
lramcwork s thc appropratc onc to scttIc upon.
hatcvcr thc ustcc ol thcsc crtcsms ol thc vcws about
mcans olwrtcrs n thc utopan tradton, wc makc no assumpton
that popIc can bc gottcn voIuntarIy to gvc up prvIcgcd pos-
tons bascd upon IIcgtmatc ntcrvcntons, drcctIy or through
govcrnmcnt, nto othcr popIc`s Ivcs, nor do wc assumc that n
thc lacc ol thc pcrmssbIc voIuntary actons ol pcrsons rchsng
any Iongcr to havc thcr rghts voIatcd, thosc othcr pcrsons whosc
IIcgtmatc prvIcgcsarc thrcatcncd wII stand by pcacchIIy. t s
truc that do not dscuss hcrc what IcgtmatcIy may bc donc and
what tactcs wouId bc bcst n such crcumstanccs. Kcadcrs hardIy
wII bc ntcrcstcd n such dscusson untI thcy acccpt thc Ibcr-
taran lramcwork.
Many partcuIar crtcsms havc bccn madcolthcpartcuIarends
ol wrtcrs n thc utopan tradton and ol thc partcuIar socctcs
thcy dcscrbc. but two crtcsms havc sccmcd to appIy to aII.
rst, utopans want to makc aII ol soccty ovcr n accordancc
wthonc dctaIcd pIan, lormuIatcd n advanccand ncvcr bclorc ap-
proxmatcd. Jhcy scc as thcr obcct a pcrlcct soccty, and hcncc
thcydcscrbc a statc and rgd soccty, wth no opportuntyor cx-
pcctaton olchangc or progrcss and no opportunty lor thc nhab-
tants ol thc soccty thcmscIvcs to choosc ncw pattcrns. (or l a
changc s achangc lor thc bcttcr, thcn thc prcvous statc olthc so-
ccty, bccausc surpassabIc, wasn`t pcrlcct, and l a changc s a
changc lorthc worsc, thc prcvous statc olsoccty, aIIowng dctcr-
oraton, wasn` tprlcct. And whymakc achangc whch s ncutraI!)
Sccond, utopans assumc that thc partcuIar soccty thcy dc-
scrbc wII opcratc wthout ccrtan probIcms arsng, that socaI
mcchansms and nsttutons wII hncton as thcy prcdct, and
that pcopIc wII not act lrom ccrtan motvcs and ntcrcsts. Jhcy
bIandIy gnorc ccrtan obvous probIcms that anyonc wth any cx-
pcrcncc olthc worId wouId bc struck by or makc thc most wIdIy
A ramcwork tor \topta
optmstc assumptons about how thcsc probIcms wII bc avodcd
or surmountcd. (Jhc utopan tradton s maxmax. )
c do not dctaI thc charactcr ol cach partcuIar communty
wthn thc soccty, and wc magnc thc naturc and composton ol
thcsc consttucnt communtcs changng ovcr tmc. Po utopan
wrtcrs actuaIIy hx au ol thc dctaIs ol thcr communtcs. Sncc
dctaIsabout thc lramcwork wouId havc to bc hxcd, how docs our
proccdurc dllcr lrom thcrs! Jhcywsh to hx n advancc aII olthc
imertant socaI dctaIs , Icavng undctcrmncd onIy thc trvaI dc-
taIs, about whch thcy cthcr don`t carc or whch rasc no ntcrcst-
ng ssucs olprncpIc. hcrcas, n our vcw, thc naturc ol thc
varous communtcs s vcry mportant, thcsc qucstons arc so m-
portant that thcy shouId not bc scttIcd by anyonc lor anyonc cIsc.
Oo wc, howcvcr, wsh to dcscrbc n spchc dctaI thc naturc ol
thc lramcwork, whch s to bc hxcd ncharactcr and unchangng!
Oowc assumcthatthc lramcworkwIIopcratcwthout probIcms!
do wsh to dcscrbc thc kind ol lramcwork, namcIy, onc whch
Icavcs Ibrty lor cxpcrmcntaton olvarcd sorts. but aII ol thc
dctaIs ol thc lramcwork wII not bc sct down n advancc. (t
wouId bc cascr to do ths than to dcsgn nadvancc thc dctaIs ol
a pcrlcct soccty. )
Por do assumc that aII probIcms about thc lramcwork arc
soIvcd. Lct us mcnton a lcw hcrc. Jhcrc wII bc probIcms about
thc roIc, lany, to bc pIaycd by somc ccntraI authorty (or protcc-
tvc assocaton), how wII ths authorty bc scIcctcd, and how wII
t bc cnsurcd that thc authorty docs, and dos onIy, what t s
supposcd to do! Jhc maor roIc, as scc t, wouId bc to cnlorcc
thc opraton ol thc lramcwork-lor cxampIc, to prcvcnt somc
communtcs lrom nvadng and sczng othcrs, thcr pcrsons or as-
scts. urthcrmorc, t wII adudcatc n somc rcasonabIc lashon
Smc wrtcrs try to ustq a systcm ot lbrty d onc that wll lcad to an
optmal ratc otcxpcrmcntaton and nnovaton. tthc optmum s dchncd d
that ycldcd by a systcm otlbrty, thc rcsult s unntcrcstng, and, tan altcr-
natvc chactcrzaton ot optmum s ottcrcd, t mght bc that t s bcst
achcvcd by torcng pcoplc to nnovatc and cxpcrmcnt by taxng morc hcavly
thosc who don`t. hc systcm wc proposc lcavcs room tor such cxpcrmcntaton
butdocs not rcqurc t, poplcarc trcc to stagnatc tthcy wsh d wcll d to n-
\ \C Utopia
conhcts bctwccn communtcswhchcannot bc scttIcd by pcacchI
mcans. hat thc bcst torm otsuch a ccntraI authorty s wouId
not wsh to nvcstgatc hcrc. t sccms dcsrabIc that onc not bc
hxcd prmancntIy but that room bc Ictt tor mprovcmcnts otdc-
taI. gnorc hcrcthc dthcuIt and mprtantprobIcms otthc con-
troIs on accntraI authorty powcrtuI cnough to pcrtorm ts appro-
pratc hnctons, bccausc havc nothng spccaI to add to thc
standard Itcraturc on tcdcratons, contcdcratons, dcccntraIza-
ton otpwcr, chccks and baIanccs, and so on. '
Cnc pcrsstcnt strand n utopan thnkng, as wc havc mcn-
toncd, s thc tccIng that thcrc s somc sct otprncpIcs obvous
cnough to bc acccptcd by aII mcn otgood wII, prccsc cnough to
gvc unambguous gudancc n partcuIar stuatons, cIcar cnough
so that aII wII rcaIzc ts dctatcs, and compIctc cnough to covcr
aII probIcms whch actuaIIy wII arsc. Sncc do not assumc that
thcrc arc such prncpIcs, do not assumc that thc poItcaI rcaIm
wIIwthcr away. Jhcmcssncssotthc dctaIs otapoItcaI appara-
tus and thc dctaIs othow it s to bc controIIcd and Imtcd do not
ht casIy nto onc's hopcs tor a sIcck, smpIc utopan schcmc.
Apart trom thc conhct bctwccn communtcs, thcrc wII bc
othcr tasks tor a ccntraI apparatus or agcncy, tor cxampIc, cntorc-
ng an ndvduaI`s rght to Icavca communty. but probIcms arsc
tan ndvduaI can pIausbIy bc vcwcd aswing somcthng to thc
othcrmcmbcrsota communty hc wshcs to Icavc. tor cxampIc, hc
has bccn cducatcd at thcr cxpcnsc on thc cxpIct agrccmcnt that
hc wouId usc hs acqurcd skIIs and knowIcdgc n thc homc com-
munty. Cr, hc has acqurcd ccrtan tamIyobIgatons that hc wII
abandon by shttng communtcs. Cr, wthout such tcs, hc
wshcstoIcavc. hat may hc takc out wthhm! Cr, hc wshcsto
Icavc attcr hc`s commttcd somc punshabIc ohcnsc tor whch thc
communty wshcs to punsh hm. LIcarIy thc prncpIcs wII bc
compIcatcd oncs. LhIdrcn prcscnt yct morc dthcuIt probIcms . n
somcway tmustbccnsurcd that thcy arcin/motthcrangc ot
aItcrnatvcs n thc worId. but thc homc communty mght vcw t
as mprtant that thcr youngstcrs not bc cxposcd to thc knowI-
cdgc that onc hundrcd mIcs away s a communty otgrcat scxuaI
trccdom. And so on. mcnton thcsc probIcms to ndcatc a trac-
tonotthc thnkng thatnccds to bc doncon thcdctaIsota tramc-
A ramcwork tor \topta \ \
work and to makc cIcar that do not thnk ts naturc can bc
scttIcd h naIIy now cthcr.
Lvcn though thc dctaIs ot thc tramcwork arcnt scttIcd, won't
thcrc bc somc rgd Imts about t, somcthngs naItcrabIy mcd!
II t bc possbIc to shtt to a nonvoIuntary tramcwork pcrmt-
tng thc torccd cxcIuson otvarous styIcs ot Itc! ta tramcwork
couIdbc dcvscd that couId not bctranstormcd nto a nonvoIuntary
onc, wouId wc wsh to nsttutc t! t wc nsttutc such a pcrma-
ncntIy voIuntary gcncraI tramcwork, arc wc not, to somc cxtcnt,
ruIng out ccrtan pssbIc choccs! Arc wc not sayng n advancc
that pcopIc cannot choosc to I vc n a ccrtan way, arc wc scttng a
rgd rangc n whch pcopIc can movc and thus commttng thc
usuaI tauIt otthc statc utopans! Jhc comparabIc qucston about
an ndvduaI s whcthcr a trcc systcm wII aIIow hm to scII hm-
scItnto sIavcry. bcIcvc that t wouId. (Cthcrwrtcrs dsagrcc. )
t aIso wouId aIIow hm pcrmancntIy to commt hmscItncvcr to
cntcr nto such a transacton. but somc thngs ndvduaIs may
choosc tor thcmscIvcs, no onc may choosc tor anothcr. So Iong as
t s rcaIzcd at what a general IcvcI thc rgdty Ics, and what
dvcrsty otpartcuIar Ivcs and communtcs t aIIows, thc answcr
s, Ycs, thc tramcwork shouId bc mcd as voIuntary. but rc-
mcmbcr that any ndvduaI may contract nto any partcuIar con-
strants ovcr hmscIt and so may usc thc voIuntary tramcwork to
contract hmscItout ot t. (taII ndvduaIs do so, thc voIuntary
tramcwork wII not opcratc untI thc ncxt gcncraton, whcn othcrs
comc otagc. )
cII, what cxactIy wII t aII turn out to bc Ikc! nwhat drcc-
tons wIIpcopIc howcr! Mow Iargc wII thc communtcs bc! II
thcrc bc somc Iargc ctcs! Mow wII cconomcs otscaIc opcratc to
cmghtoIcoursctryslghtly dhcrcntIramcworks ndhcrcnt vctonsoI
a country, allowng cach sccton to shIt slghtly thcr own Iramcwork, d thcy
scc how thc othcrs work out. Stll, across thc board, thcrc wll b somc com-
mon Iramcwork, though ts partcti|ar charactcr wll not b prmancntly hxcd.
z Utopia
hx thc szc ot thc communtcs! II aII ot thc communtcs bc
gcographcaI, or wII thcrc bc many mprtant sccondary assoca-
tons, and so on! II most communtcs toIIow partcuIar
(though dvcrsc) utopan vsons, or wII many communtcs thcm-
scIvcs bc opn, anmatcd by no such partcuIar vson!`
donot know, and you shouId not bcntcrcstcd nmygucsscs
about what wouId occur undcr thc tramcwork n thc ncar hturc.
As tor thc Iong run, wouId not attcmpt to gucss .
S s ths aII t comcs to. Ltopa s a trcc soccty!` Ltopa s
net ust a soccty n whch thc tramcwork s rcaIzcd. or
who couId bcIcvc that tcn mnutcs attcr thc tramcwork was
cstabIshcd, wc wouId havc utopa! Jhngs wouId bc no dttcrcnt
than now. t s what grows spontancousIy trom thc ndvd-
uaI choccs ot many pcopIc ovcr a Iong prod ottmc that wII
bc worth spcakng cIoqucntIy about. (Pot that any partcuIar
stagc ot thc proccss s an cnd statc whch aII our dcsrcs arc amcd
at. Jhc utopan proccss s substtutcd tor thc utopan cnd statc ot
othcr statc thcorcs ot utopas. ) Many communtcs wII achcvc
many dttcrcnt charactcrs . CnIy a tooI , or a prophct, wouId try to
prophcsy thc rangc and Imts and charactcrs ot thc communtcs
attcr, tor cxampIc, 1 50 ycars otthc opcraton otths tramcwork.
Asprng to ncthcr roIc, Ict mc cIosc by cmphaszng thc duaI
naturc ot thc conccpton ot utopa bcng prcscntcd hcrc. Jhcrc s
thc tramcwork otutopa, and thcrcarcthc partcuIar communtcs
wthnthctramcwork. AImostaII otthc Itcraturc onutopas , ac-
cordng to our conccpton, conccrncd wth thc charactcr ot thc
partcuIarcommuntcs wthn thc tramcwork. Jhc tactthat havc
not propoundcd somc partcuIar dcscrpton ota consttucnt com-
munty docsnet mcan that ( thnk) dong so s unmportant, or
Icss mportant, or unntcrcstng. Mow couId that bc! c hve n
partcuIar communtcs. t s hcrc that onc`s nonmpraIstc v-
son otthc dcaI or good soccty s to bc propoundcd and rcaIzcd.
AIIowngustodo thats whatthc tramcwork s/er. thout such
vsons mpcIIng and anmatng thc crcaton otpartcuIar commu-
ntcs wth partcuIar dcsrcd charactcrstcs, thc tramcwork wII
Iack Itc. Cononcd wth many pcrsons` partcuIar vsons , thc
tramcwork cnabIcs us to gct thc bcst ot aII possbIc worIds.
Jhcpostoncxpoundcd hcrctotaIIyrcccts pIannng ndctaI , n
advancc, onc communty n whch cvcryonc s to Ivc yct sympa-
A ramcwork tor \topta 555
thzcs wth voIuntary utopan cxpcrmcntaton and provdcs t
wth thc background nwhch tcan howcr, docs ths poston mII
wthn thc utopan or thc antutopan camp! My dthcuIty n
answcrng ths qucston cncouragcs mc to thnk thc tramcwork
capturcs thc vrtucs and advantagcs otcach pston. (tnstcad t
bIundcrs nto .combnng thc crrors , dctccts, and mstakcs ot both
otthcm, thc hItcrng proccss ottrcc and opcn dscusson wII makc
ths cIcar. )
Jhc tramcwork tor utopa that wc havc dcscrbcd s cquvaIcnt to
thc mnmaI statc. Jhc argumcnt otths chaptcr starts (and stands)
ndcpcndcntIy ot thc argumcnt otParts and and convcrgcs to
thcr rcsuIt , thc mnmaI statc, trom anothcr drccton. n our
dscusson n ths chaptcr wc dd not trcat thc tramcwork as morc
than a mnmaI statc, but wc madc no ctort to buId cxpIctIy
upon our carIcrdscusson otprotcctvc agcnccs. (or wc wantcd
thc convcrgcncc ot two ndcpcndcnt Incs otargumcnt. ) c nccd
not mcsh our dscusson hcrc wth our carIcr onc otdomnantpro-
tcctvc agcnccs bcyond notng that whatcvcr concIusons pcopIc
rcach about thc roIc ota ccntraI authorty (thc controIs on t, and
so torth) wII shapc thc (ntcrnaI) torm and structurc otthc protcc-
tvc agcnccs thcy choosc to bc thc cIcnts ol.
c argucd n Part that thc mnmaI statc s moraIIy Icgt-
matc, n Part wc argucd that no morc cxtcnsvc statc couId bc
moraIIy usthcd, that any morc cxtcnsvc statc wouId (wII) vo-
Iatc thc rghts ot ndvduaIs. Jhs moraIIy tavorcd statc, thc onIy
moraIIy Icgtmatc statc, thc onIy moraIIy toIcrabIc onc, wc now
scc s thc onc that bcst rcaIzcs thc utopan aspratons otuntoId
drcamcrs and vsonarcs . t prcscrvcs what wc aII can kccp trom
thc utopan tradton and opcns thc rcst otthat tradton to our n-
dvduaI aspratons. KccaII now thc qucston wth whch ths
chaptcr bcgan s not thcmnmaI statc, thc tramcwork torutopa,
an nsprng vson!
Jhc mnmaI statc trcats us as nvoIatc ndvduaIs, who may
not bc uscd n ccrtan ways by othcrs as mcans or tooIs or n-
strumcnts or rcsourccs, t trcats us pcrsons havng ndvduaI
rghts wth thc dgnty ths consttutcs. Jrcatng us wth rcspcct
by rcspctng our rghts, t aIIows us , ndvduaIIy or wth whom
wc choosc, to choosc our Itc and to rcaIzc our cnds and our con-
ccpton otourscIvcs, nsotar wc can, adcd by thc voIuntary co-
opraton ot othcr ndvduaIs psscssng thc samc dgnty. Mow
dare any statc or group otndvduaIs do morc. Cr Icss.
LAJLK / hy btatc-ot-Paturc Jhcory!
I . Scc Porwood Kusscll Manson, Patto: 0/ Di:ceve (Pcw York. Lam-
brdgc Lnvcrsty Frcss, I g8), pp. I I gI zO, and hs quotaton Irom Mcscn-
bcrg (p. zi z). hough thc X (color, hcat, and so on) oI an obcct can bc
cxplancd n tcrms oI ts bcng composcd oIparts oIccrtanX-qualty (colors n
ccrtan array, avcragc hcat oI parts, and so on), thc ube/e rcalm oIX cannot bc
cxplancd or undcrstood n ths manncr.
z . Larl L. Mcmpcl, A:ect: 0/ Scientqc Ex/anatien (Pcw York. hc lrcc
Frcss, I g6), pp. zq}zqg, z}z}8, zgzg , 8.
LAJLK 2 l Jhc btatc ot Paturc
I . }ohn Lockc, 7ue 7reati:e: 0/ Gevonment, znd cd. , cd. Fctcr Laslctt (Pcw
York. Lambrdgc Lnvcrsty Frcss, I g6}). Lnlcss othcrwsc spcchcd, all rcIcr-
cnccs arc to thcSecend 7rmti:e.
z . Ln thc dIhcultc oI bndng oncsclI nto a poston, and on tact agrcc-
mcnts, scc homas Schcllng`s 7be Strateg 0/ Cen/ict (Lambrdgc, Mass. . Mar-
vard Lnivcrsty Frcss, I g6o).
. Lthcrs may punsh, wthout hs call, scc thc Iurthcr dscusson n Lhap-
tcr oIths book.
q. c shall scc (p. I 8) howmoncy maycxst n astatcoInaturc wthout an
cxplct agrccmcnt that cstablshcs a mcdum oI cxchangc. Frvatc protcctvc
scrvccs havc bccn proposcd and dscusscd by varous wrtcrs n thc n-
dvdualst-anarchst tradton. lor background, scc Lysandcr Spooncr, N0
7REAS0N. 7be Cen:titutien 0/ Ne Autberit ( I 8}O), Natura/ Lau, andA Letto te
Grever C/eve/and en Hi: Fa/:e |naugura/ Addro:, 7be 0:uratien and Crime: 0/ Lu-
maker: and udgei, and tbe Cen:equent Pevot, |gnerance, and Seitude 0/ tbe Pee/e
(boston. bcnamn K. uckcr, I 886), all rcpublshcd n 7be Ce//ected erk: 0/
L:andr Seener, 6 vols. (cston, Mass. , M & S Frcss, I g}i ). bcnjamn K.
uckcr dscusscs thc opcraton oI a socal systcm nwhch all protcctvc mnc-
tons arc prvatcly supplcd n |n:tead 0/ a 8eek (Pcw York, I 8g), pp. Iq, z ,
z, 6, q , I Oq, z6zg, qoqI , many passagcs oIwhcharc rcprntcd
n hs|ndividua/ Libert, cd. Llarcncc Lcc Swartz (Pcw York, I gz6). t cannot
bc ovcrcmphaszcd how lvcly, stmulatng, and ntcrcstng arc thc wrtngs and
argumcnts oISpooncr and uckcr, somuch so that onc hcstatcs to mcnton any
sccondary sourcc. but scc also }amcs }. Martn`s ablc and ntcrcstng Men
Again:t tbe State 7be Exe:iter: e/|ndividua/i:t Anarcbi:m in Amoica, o</Vo
Ior a dcscrpton oIthc lvcs andvcwsoI5pooncr, Juckcr, and othcrwrtcrs n
thcr tradton. 5ccaIso thc morc cxtcndcd dscusson of thc prvatc protccton
schcmc n lrancs Jandy, le/unta: Secia/i:m (Lcnvcr. l. L. Jandy, I 8g6), pp
6z}8. A crtcal dscusson oIthc schcmc s prcscntcd n}ohn Mosprs, Liber-
tarianism (Los Angclcs. Pash, I gy I ) , chap. I I . A rcccnt proponcnt s Murray
P. Kothbard, who n Peuer and Market (Mcnlo Fark, LalI. . nsttutc for
Mumanc 5tudcs, nc . , I g}O), pp. I}, I zoI zj, brchy dcscrbs how hc
bcIcvcs thc schcmc mght opcratc and attcmpts to mcct somc objcctons to t.
Jhc most dctalcd dscusson know s n Morrs and Lnda Jannchll , 7be
Market /r Li/rt (Lnsng, Mch. . prvatcly prntcd, I g}O), cspcally pp.
6II . 5ncc wrotc ths work n I gyz, Kothbard has morc cxtcnsvcly prc-
scntcd hs vcws n Fer a Neu Libert (Pcw York. Macmllan, I g}j), chaps. j
and and Lavd lrcdman h dcIcndcd anarcho-captalsm wth gusto n7be
Macbiner e/ Freedem (Pcw York. Marpr & Kow, I g}j), pt. . Lach oI thcsc
works s wcll worth rcadng, but ncthcr lcads mc to rcvsc what say hcrc.
. 5cc . b. 5ngcr, |n M Fatber's Ceurt (Pcw York. larrar, 5trauss, and
Lroux, I g66), Ior a rcccnt 'countcrculturc` cxamplc scc |N Magatine, Po-
vcmbcr I , I g} I , pp. I II }.
6. Lxcrcsc Ior thc rcadcr. dcscrbc how thc consdcratons dscusscd hcrc
and bclow Icad to cach gcographcal arca havng onc agcncy or a Icdcral struc-
turc oIagcnccs domnant wthn t, cvcn Intally thcarcacontans agroupoI
agcnccs ovcr whch 'wns almost all thc battlcs wth` s a conncctcd rclaton
and ancntranstvc onc.
} . 5cc Kcnncth K. bouldng, Cen/ict and De/en:e (Pcw York. Marpcr,
I g6z), chap. I z .
8. lor an ndcaton oIthc complcxty oIsuch a boy oIrulcs, scc Amcrcan
Law nsttutc, Cen/ict e/ Lus, Secend Restatement e/tbe Lu, Fropscd LIhcal
LraIt, I g6y g6g.
g. 5cc Yalc brozcn, 's Lovcrnmcnt thc 5ourcc oIMonopoly!` 7be |nto-
ce//egiate Revieu, , no. z ( I g686g), 6}~}8, lrtz Machlup, 7be Pe/itica/ Ecen-
em e/Menee/ (baltmorc. }ohns Mopkns Frcss, I gz).
I O. Lockc assumcd that thc prcpondcrant majorty, though not all, oIthc
pcrsons lvng n thc statc oInaturc would acccpt thc law oInaturc. 5cc Kchard
AshcroIt, 'Lockc`s 5tatc oIPaturc, `Amoican Pe/itica/ Science Revieu, 5cptcmbcr
I g68, pp. 8g8I , cspcally pt. .
. 5cc Morrs and Lnda Jannchll, 7be Market /er Libot, on thc mpor-
tancc oI voluntary coopraton to thc Iunctonng oI govcrnmcnts scc, Ior cx-
amplc, Adam Kobcrts, cd. , Civi/ian Resistance Q Natiena/ De/n:e (baltmorc.
Fcngun boks, I g6g) and Lcnc 5harp, 7be Pe/itics e/Nen- lie/mt Actien (bos-
ton. Fortcr 5argcnt, I gyj).
I z . 5cc Ludwg Von Mscs, 7be 7bee e/ Men and Credit, znd cd. (Pcw
Mavcn, Lonn. . Yalc Lnvcrsty Frcss, I g j), pp. jojq, Irom whch havc
takcn ths story.
I j . lor thc bcgnnngs oIa trcatmcnt oIssucs that an account oInvsblc-
hand cxplanatons must consdcr, scc l. A. Mayck`s cssays, 'Potcs on thc
LvolutonoI5ystcms oIKulcs oILonduct` and 'Jhc KcsultsoIMuman Acton
but not oI Muman Lcsgn, ` n hs Studio in Pbi/eseb, Pe/itics, and Ecenemics
(Lhcago. Lnvcrsty oILhcago Frcss, I g6}), as wcll as Lhaptcrs z and q oIhs
Potcs \\
Cen:titutien e/Libert (Lhcago. Lnvcrsty oILhcago Frcss, I g6O). Sc also thc
dscusson oIdcsgn dcvccs and hltcr dcvccs n Lhaptcr I OoIths book. Jo scc
how closc wc arc to thc bcgnnngs, notcc that nothng sad hcrcn cxplans
why not cvcry sccnthc cxplanaton (that dos not appal to ntcntons) oI a
Iunctonal rclatonshp btwccn varablcs s an nvsblc-hand cxplanaton.
I q. Sc Max cbr, 7bee e/Secia/ and Ecenemic 0rganitatien (Pcw York.
lrcc Frcss, I gq}), p. !
thng about what t s morallyprmssblc Ior anyonc to do, ortcllsus anythmg
abut thc authortatvc scttlng oIdsputcs!
t . Jhc contract-lkc vcw would havc to bc stato carcIully, so not to
allow unIarly hndng a corrupt udgc gulty oIcrmc.
tq. 5cc Lavd Lcws, Cenrenten (Lambrdgc, Ms. . Marvard Lnvcrsty
Frcss, I g6p), Ior a phIosophcaI claboraton oI5chclIng`s noton oIa coordna-
ton gamc. notc cspccalIy Lcws` dscusson oI socal contracts n Lhaptcr .
Lur account oI thc statc nvolvcs lcss ntcntonaI coordnaton oI acton wth
somc othcr ndvduals than doc Mscs` account oI a mcdum oI cxchangc dc-
scrbcd abovc n Lhaptcr 2
ntcrcstng and mportant qucstons wc cannot pursuc hcrc arc thc cxtcnt to
whch, and undcr what condtons, cIcnts who gvc aprotcctvc agcncy whatso-
cvcr spccal lcgtmacy t posscssc bcar rcsponsblty Ior ts volatons oIothcrs`
rghts, whch thcy dd not 'authorzc` t to do, and what thcy must do to avod
bcng rcsponsblc Ior ths. (5cc Mugo bcdau, 'LvI Lsobcdcncc and Fcrsonal
KcsponsbIty Ior nj ustcc,` 7be Meni:t. q (Lctobcr I g}O), I } .
I . lor thc hrst vcw scc Kothbard, Man, Ecenem. and State, vol . (Los
Angclcs. Pash, I g} I ), p. 6q, Ior thc sccond scc, Ior cxampIc, Ayn Kand,
Fatcnts and Lopyrghts, ` n Caita/i:m. tbe 0nkneun |dea/ (Pcw York. Pcw
Amcrcan Lbrary, I g66), pp. I z-I zg.
I 6. As wc havc construcd thc ratonalc undcrlyng such systcms, at any ratc.
AIan Lcrshowtz h rcmndcd mc that t s possblc that somc altcrnatvc
nonprcvcntvc rcasons Ior prohbtng prvatc cnIorccmcnt oI justcc mght bc
produccd. crc such rcons to survvc scrutny, t would bc ncorrcct to makc
thc strong clam that all lcgal systcms that prohbt prvatc cnIorccmcnt oI jus-
tccre:ue:e thc lcgtmacy oI:eme prcvcntvc consdcratons.
LMALK j l strbutvc justCc
t . Jhc rcadcr who has lookcd ahcad and sccn that thc sccond part oI ths
chaptcr dscusscs Kawls` thcory mstakcnIy may thnk that cvcry rcmark or
argumcnt n thc hrst part aganst aItcrnatvc thcorcs oI justcc s mcant to
apply to, or antcpatc, a crtcsm oI KawIs` thcory. Jhs s not so, thcrc arc
othcr thcorcs aIso worth crtczng.
2. 5cc, howcvcr, thc uscIul bookby borsbtkcr, 7be Ca:e /r 8/ack Reara-
tien: (Pcw York. Kandom Mousc, I g}).
. l. A. Mayck, 7be Cen:titutien e/ Li/rt (Lhcago. Lnvcrsty oI Lhcago
Frcss, I g6O), p. 8}.
q. Jhs qucston docs not mply that thcy wll tolcratc any and cvcry pat-
tcrncd dstrbuton. n dscussng Mayck` s vcws, rvng Krstol has rcccntly
spcuIatcd that poplc wll not long tolcratc a systcm that yclds dstrbutons
pattcrncd n accordancc wth valuc rathcr than mcrt. (' 'hcn Vrtuc Loscs
AlI Mcr Lovclncss`-Smc Kchcctons on Laptalsm and hc lrcc Sccty, ` `
7be Pub/ic Intere:t, lall I g}O, pp. -I . ) KrstoI, Iollowng somc rcmarks oI
Mayck`s, cquatcs thc mcrt systcm wth justcc. 5nccsomccasccan b madcIor
thc cxtcrnal standard oI dstrbuton n accordancc wth bncht to othcrs, wc
ask abut a wcakcr (and thcrcIorc morc plausblc) hypothcss.
. Varyng stuatons contnuously Irom that lmt stuaton to our own
would Iorcc us to makc cxplct thc undcrlyng ratonalc oIcnttlcmcnts and to
consdcr whcthcr cnttlcmcnt consdcratons lcxcographcally prcccdc thc con-
sdcratons oIthc usuaI thcorcs oIdstrbutvc justcc, so that thc:/igbte:t strand
oIcnttlcmcnt outwcghs thc consdcratons oIthc usual thcorcs oIdstrbutvc
Potcs 545
6. Sc thc sclccton Irom }ohn Mcnry MacKay` s novcl, 7be Anarcbi:t:, rc-
prntcd n Lonard Krmmcrman and Lcws Fcrry,
ds. , att
: e] Anarcb
(Pcw York. Loublcday Anchor books, I g66), n whtch an mdvdulst anar-
chst prcsscs upn a communst anarchst thc Iollowng qucston. o
l you,
n thc systcm oIsoccty whch you call ' Ircc Lommunsm` prcvcnt mdvduals
Irom cxchangng thcr labr among thcmsclvcs by mcans oIthcr own mcdum
oI cxchangc! And mrthcr. ould you prcvcnt thcm Irom occupyng land Ior
thc purpsc oIprsonal usc! Jhc novcl contnucs: |thc) qucston w not to
b cscapd. Ihc answcrcd 'Ycs! ` hc admttcd that soccty had thc rgt
trol ovcr thc ndvdual and thrcw ovcrboard thc autonomy oI thc mdvdual
whch hc had always zcalouslydcIcndcd, Ion thc othcr hand, hc answcnd ` Po'`
hcadmttcd thc rght oIprvatc proprty whch hchad just dcncd socmphat-
cally. . . . Jhcn hc answcrcd 'n Anarchy any numbr oImcn must havc thc
rght oIIormng a voluntary assocaton, and so rcalzng thcr dc n practcc.
Por can undcrstand how any onc could justly b drvcn Irom thc land and
housc whch hc uscs and occupcs . . . cvcry scrous man mustdcclarc hmsclI.
Ior Scalsm, and thcrcby Ior Iorcc and aganst lbrty, or Ior Anarchsm, and
thcrcby Ior lbrty and aganst Iorcc. ` ` n contrt, wc hnd Poam Lhomsky
wrtng, 'Any consstcnt anarchst must opposc prvatcowncrshpoIthc mcans
oIproducton, ` 'thc consstcnt anarchst thcn . . . wll b asocalst . . . oIa
partcular sort . ` ntroducton to Lancl Lucrn, Anarcb
by thosc scckng sccurty Irom rsks, t s not a pattcrncd prncplc. lor tt sccks
to rcmovc only thosc dsadvantagcs whch prohbtons nhct on t
mghtprcscnt rsks to othcrs, not all dsadvantagcs. t spchcs an obgaton on
thosc who mposc thc prohbton, whch stcms Irom thcr own
artcular acts,
to rcmovc a partcular complant thosc prohbtcd may makc agamst thcm.
I . Lambrdgc, Mass. . Marvard Lnvcrsty Frcss, I g} : .
I6. Kawls, Tb o/ jmtce, p. q.
I}. Sc Mlton lrcdman, Cata/:m and Freedom (Lhcago. Lnvcrsty oI
Lhcago Prcss, I g6z), p. I 6.
I 8. Lnthc qucston oIwhy thc cconomy contans hrms (oI morc than onc
prson), and why cach ndvdual dos not contmct and rccontract wth othcrs,
scc Konald M. Loc, 'hc Paturc oIthc lrm, `nReadng: n Prce Tb, cd.
Lcorgc 5tglcr and Kcnncth bouldng (Momcwood, ll . . rwn, I gz), and
Armcn A. Alchan and Marold Lcmsctz, 'Producton, nIormaton Losts and
Lconomc Lrganzaton, `Amocan Economc Remeu, Ig}z, }}}}g .
I g . c do not, howcvcr, assumc hcrc or clscwhcrc thc satsIacton oIthosc
condtons spchcd n cconomsts` arthcal modcl oIso-callcd 'prIcct compt-
ton. ` Lnc appropratc modc oI analyss s prcscntcd n sracl M. Krzncr,
Market Tbeo and tbe Prce Sy:tem (Prnccton, P.}. . Van Postrand, I g6j), scc
also hs Comtton and Entrermeur:b (Lhcago. Lnvcrsty oI Lhcago Prcss,
I g}j).
zO. Sc Marc blaug, Economc Tbeo n Retro:ect (Momcwood, ll. . rwn,
I g68), chap. tt , and thc rcIcnnccs ctcd thcrcn. lor a rcccnt survcy oIssucs
abut thc margnal productvty oIcaptal, scc L. L. Marcourt, 'Smc Lam-
brdgc Lontrovcrscs n thc hcory oILaptal, ` joua/ o/ Economc Ltoature, },
no. z Qunc I g6g), j6gqO .
z I . Kawls, Tb o/ ju:tce, p. I z .
z z . Kawls, Tbeo o/ jmtce, pp. I qI .
z j . Kawls, Tbeo o/ ju:tce, scct. I 6, cspcallyp. g8.
zq. Mcrc wc smplq thc contcnt oI , but not to thc dctrmcnt oIour
prcscnt dscusson. Also, oIcoursc, bclcIs othcr than , whcn cononcd wth j
would ustq thc nIcrcncc to q, Ior cxamplc blcI n thc matcral condtonal
`U j, thcn q. ` t s somcthng lkc j , though, that s rclcvant to ourdscusson
z . Kawls, Tbeo o/ ju:tce, p. I .
z6. Kawls, Tb o/ ju:tce, p. I Oj.
z}. but ncall thc rcasons why usng magntudcs oI cnttlcmcnt docs not
capturc accuratcly thc cnttlcmcnt prncplc (notc on p. I } , ths chaptcr).
z8. Smc ycars ago, Mayck argucd (Tbe Con:ttuton o/ Lbrty, chap. j) that
a Ircc captalst soccty, ovcr tmc, rascs thc pston oI thosc worst oII morc
than any aItcrnatvc nsttutonal structurc, to usc prcscnt tcrmnology, hc
argucd that t bst satshcs thc cnd-statc prncplc ot ustcc Iormulatcd by thc
dhcrcncc prncplc.
zg. hs s cspcally scrous n vcw oIthc wcakncss oIKawls` rcasons(scct.
8z) Ior placng thc lbrty prncplc pror to thc dhcrcncc prncplc n a lcx-
cographc ordcrng.
jO. 'hc dca oI thc orgnal poston s to sct up a mr proccdurc so that
any prncplc agrccd to wll b ust. hc am s U usc thc noton oIpurc procc-
dural ustcc as a bass Ior thcory. ` Kawls, Tbeo o/ ju:tce g p. I j6.
jt . homas 5canlon, }r. , 'Kawls` hcoryoI }ustcc, ` 0nw:ty o/ Pmn:y/-
vana Lu Retz, I z I , Po. , May I g}j, p. I O6q.
jz. Sc my 'Moml Lomplcatons and Moml 5tructurcs, ` Natura/ Lu
Forum, I j , I g68, cpcally pp. I IzI .
jj. Kawls, Tb o/ ju:tce, p. }z. Kawls gos on to dscuss what hc calls a
lbral ntcrprctaton oIhs two prncplcs oI ustcc, whch s dcsgncd to clm-
natc thc nhucncc oI socal contngcnccs, but whch ' ntutvcly, stll appars
dcIcctvc . . . |mr) t stllprmts thc dstrbuton oIwcalth and ncomc to b
dctcrmncd by thc natural dstrbuton oIabltcs and talcnts . . . dstrbutvc
sharcs arc dccdcd by thc outcomc oIthc natural lottcry, and ths outcomc s ar-
btrary Irom a moral prspctvc. hcrc s no morc rcon to prmt thc ds-
trbutonoIncomc and wcalth to bc scttlcd by thc dstrbuton oInatural scts
than by hstorcal and socal Iortunc` (pp. }j-}q).
jq. Kawls, Tb o/ ju:tce, p. I Oq.
j. Kawls, Tbeo o/ ju:tce, pp. jI Ij I z .
j6. Kawls, Tb o/ ju:tce, p. I .
j}. Kawls, Tb o/ ju:tce, pp. j8-qI .
j8. 'n ordcr to show that thc prncplcs oIustcc arc bascd nparton cnvy
t would havc to b cstablshcd that onc or morc oIthc condtons oIthc org-
nal pston arosc Irom ths propnsty. ` Tb o/ ju:tce, p. j8.
t .
jg. lor cxamplc.
Lhcrcnccs btwccn any two prsons` holdngsshould b morallydcscrvcd,
morally undcscrcd dhcrcnccs should notcxst.
Lhcrcnccs btwccn prsons n natural scts arc morally undcscrvcd.
Lmrcnccs bctwccn prsons partally dctcrmncd by othcr dmrcnccs that
arc undcscrvcd arc thcmsclvcs undcscrvcd.
q. Lhcrcnccs bctwccn prsons` holdngs shouldn`t b partally dctcrmncd by
dhcrcnccs n thcr natural asscts.
qO. Kawls, Tbeo o/ ju:tce, p. j I O. n thc rcmandcroIths sccton, Kawls
gocs on to crtczc thc conccpton oIdstrbuton accordng to monl dcscrt.
qI . 'Po rcason nccd bc gvcn Ior . . . an cqual dstrbuton oI bnch(s-
Ior that s ' natural'-sclI-cvdcntly rght and ust, and nccds no usthcaton,
sncc t s nsomcscnsc conccvcd as bcng sclI-usthcd. . . . hc sumpton
s that cqualty nccds no rcasons, only ncqualty docs so, that unIormty, rcgu-
larty, smlarty, symmctry, . . . nccd not bc spccally accountcd Ior,
dhcrcnccs, unsystcmatc bchavor, changcs n conducr, nccd cxplanaton and,
as a rulc, usthcaton. Ihavc acakcand thcrc arc tcn prsonsamong whom
wsh to dvdc t, thcn I gvc cxactly onc-tcnth to cach, ths wll not, at any
ratc automatcally, call Ior usthcaton, whcrc I dcpart Irom ths prncplc
oIcqul dvson am cxpctcd to producc a spcal rcon. t s somc scnsc
ths, howcvcr latcnt, that makcs cqualty an dca whch has ncvcr sccmcd tn-
trnscally ccccntrc. . . . ` saah brln, 'Lqualty, `rcprntcd n lrcdcrck A.
LlaIson, cd. ju:tce and Soca/ Po/cy (Lnglcwood Llhs, P.}. : Prcntcc-Mall,
I g6I ), p. I j t . o pursuc thcanalogy wth mcchancs Iurthcr, notc that t s a
substantvc thcorctcal poston whch spchcs a partcular statc or stuaton as
onc whch rcqurcs no cxplanaton whcrcas dcvatons Irom t arc to bc cx-
plancd n tcrms oI cxtcrnal Iorccs. Sc Lrncst ^agcl` s dscusson oI L`AIm-
bcrt`sattcmptto provdc ana ror argumcnt Ior Pcwton`s hrst lawoImoton.
[Tbe Structure o/ Scence, (Pcw York. Marcourt, bracc, and orld, I g6I ), pp.
I }I }}. )
. . .
qz. but scc also our dscusson bcIow oIKawls` vcw oInatural abltcs as a
collcctvc assct.
q. KawIs, 7bee e/ju:tce, p. I }g.
qq. KawIs, 7bee e/jmtce, p. I Oz .
q . KawIs, 7b e/ju:tce, p. z}.
q6. Kawls, 7b e/ju:tce, p. I 8.
q}. KawIs, 7b e/ju:tce, p. I Oz .
q8. 'but sn`t ustcc to b tcmprcd wth compasson!` Pot by thc guns oI
thc statc. Mhcn prvatc prsons choosc to transIcr rcsourccs to hclp othcrs,
ths hts wthn thc cnttlcmcnt conccpton oI ustcc.
LMAJLK 8 / LguaIty, Lnvy, LxpIotaton, Ltc.
t. lor a uscml consdcraton oI varous argumcnts Ior cqualty whch arc
not at thc most mndamcntal lcvcl, scc Maltcr}. blum and Marry Kalvcn, }r. ,
7be 0nea Caie /r Pmgre::n 7axaten, znd cd. (Lhcago. Lnvcrsty oILhcago
Frcss, Ig6).
z. bcrnar? Mllams, 'hc dca oILqualty, ` nPb/e:eb, Pe/tc:, and Se-
cet, znd scr. , cd. Fctcr Laslctt and M. L. Kuncman (LxIord. blackwcll,
I g6z), pp. t t Ot t , rcprntcd n }ocl lcnbcrg, cd. , Mera/ Cencet: (Pcw
York. LxIord Lnvcrsty Frcss, I g6g).
. MlIams, 'hcdcaoILqualty, ` pp. I zII zz.
q. Fcrhapswcshould undcrstand Kawls` Iocusonsocal coopraton as bascd
upn ths tradc noton oI onc prson, by dcalng wth a sccond, blockng a
thrd prson Irom dcalng wth thc sccond.
. 5cc Kurt Vonncgut's story 'Marrson bcrgcron` n hs collccton e/-
ceme te tbe Menk Heme (Pcw York. Lcll, I g}O).
6. Sconths pont, }udth}arvs homson, 'ALcIcnsc oIAbrton, `Pb-
/e:eb Pub/c A//ar:, t , no. t (lall I g}I ), 6.
}. 'Mcn arc, n grcat mcasurc, what thcy Iccl thcmsclvcs to b, and thcy
thnkoIthcmsclvcs as thcy arc thought oIby thcr Icllows. hc advancc n nd-
vdual sclI-rcspct and n socal amcnty causcd by thc soItcnng oI thc morc
barbarous ncquaItcs oIthc past s a contrbuton to cvlzaton as gcnunc as
thc mprovcmcnt n matcral condtons. ` K. M. awncy, Equa/t (Pcw York.
barncs & Poblc, I g6q), p. I } I . hc slghtly dIkrcnt connccton shall tracc
bctwccn cqualty and sclI-cstccm docs not go n thc hrst nstancc through othcr
prsons` vcws.
8. Lomparc L. F. Martlcy`s novcl, Faca/ u:tce, and blum and Kalvcn, 7be
0nea: Cae /r Pregre::te 7axaten, p. }q. Lvcry cxprcncc sccms to conhrm
thc dsmal hypothcss that cnvy wll hnd othcr, and possbly lcss attractvc,
placcs nwhch to takc root. ` Sc aIso Mclmut 5hocck, Env, trans. M. Llcnny
and b. Koss(Pcw York. Marcourt, bracc, }ovanovch, I g}z).
g. Mght somc thrvc onnowork atall, othcrs onrcpttvc work that docs
not dcmand constant attcnton and lcavcs many opprtuntcs Iordaydrcamng!
I O. 7be 7bee: e/Cata/:t Den/ement (Pcw York. Monthly Kcvcw Frcss,
Ig6). Sc also K. L. Mcck, Studie: n tm Lbeur 7bee e/ la/ue (London:
Lwrcncc & Mshart, Ig8), pp. I 68-I }.
tt . Sc ugcnc Von bohm-bawcrk, Cata/ and |ntere:t, vol . (Suth Mol-
land, ll . . L brtaran Frcss, I gg), chap. I z , and hsKar/ Marx and tbe C/e:e e/
H: S:tem (!lIton, P.} . . Augustus M. Kcllcy, I gqg).
Potc 54
I z . Cata/, Fart , Lhaptcr , Scton , pagc q8.
I . Marx, Cata/, Vol . , Lhaptcr z , pp. g}g8.
Iq. Man, Cata/, p. I zO. Mhy'stomach`!
I . Lomparc Lrncst Mandcl , Marxut Ecenemc 7bw, vol. (Pcw York.
Monthly Kcvcw Frcss, I g6g), p. I 6I . 't s prccscly throughcomptton that
t s dscovcrcd whcthcr thc amount oI labr cmbodcd n a commodty const-
tutcs a:eca// ne:a amounter net. . . . hcn thc supplyoIaccrtan com-
modty cxcccds thc dcmand Ior t, that mcans that mon human labr h bcn
spnt altogcthcron producng thscommodtythan was socally ncccssary at thc
gvcn prod. . . . Mhcn, howcvcr, supply s lcss than dcmand, that mcans
that lcss human labr has bcn cxpndcd onproducng thc commodty n qucs-
ton than was socally ncccssary. `
I 6. Lomparc thc dscusson oIths ssuc nMcck,Stude: n tbe Lbur 7bee
e/ la/ue, pp. I }8I }g.
I }. Scthc dctalcd dscusson oI hs thcory nMarc blaug, Ecenemc 7b
n Retre:ect (Momcwood, ll . . rwn, I g6z), pp. zO}z} I .
I 8. 5cc sracl Krzncr, Cemetten and Entrenneur:b (Lhcago. Lnvcr-
sty oILhcago Frcss, I g}).
Ig. Lrhcscnds n dhcrcnt moncy ordcrs ton dhcrcnt rccpcnts, orn rch
poplc cach scnd an amount to onc spchc rccpcnt. 5ncc t makcs no dI-
Icrcncc to our argumcnt, wc shall makc thc smplqng sumpton oIan cqual
numbr oIrch and poor ndvduals.
zO. Mth n ndvduals n povcrty, thc utlty Ior ths prson oI no onc` s
bcng n povcrty s grcatcr than
I u (ndvdual s not npvcrty gvcn that thc rcst nman npvcrty).
hs statcmcnt uscs a noton oI condtonal utlty, on whch scc my un-
publshcd doctoral dsscrtaton, 'hc Pormatvc hcory oI ndvdual Lhocc`
(Frnccton Lnvcrsty, I g6, chap. q, scct. q), and K. Luncan Lucc and Lavd
Krantz, 'Londtonal Lxpctcd Ltlty, ` Ecenemetrca, March I g} I , pp.
zz} I .
z I . As onc mght havc thought thc carlcr cascs to bc. Sc M . M. Mon
and }amcs L. Kodgcrs, 'Farcto Lptmal Kcdstrbuton, ` Amercan Ecenemc
Revru, 5cptcmbcr I g6g, pp. qz 6. Sc also Kobcrt LoldIarb, Farcto Lp-
tmal Kcdstrbuton: Lommcnt, ` Amercan Ecenemc Reveu, Lcccmbr I g}O,
pp. ggqgg6, whosc argumcnt that compulsory rcdstrbuton s n somc cr-
cumstanccs morc cIhccnt s complcatcd by our magncd schcmcoIdrcct n-
tcrprsonal transIcrs.
zz. hy not thosc that unmportantly aIIcct thcr lvcs as wcll, wth somc
schcmc oIuegbted votng uscd (wth thc numbcr oIvotcs not ncccssarly bng
proportonal to thc dcgrcc oIchcct)! Sc my notc 'cghtcd-Votng and 'Lnc
ManLnc-Votc` ` nRere:entaten, cd. }. K. Fcnnockand}ohn Lhapman (Pcw
York. Athcrton Frcss, I g6g).
z. Lr. Suss, 7bduck, tbe 8g-Hearte Mee:e (PcwYork. Kandom Mouc,
I gq8).
350 Potcs
CHATER 9 / cmoktcss
. 'th thc purpsc oIthc 5tatcthus conhncd to thc provson oIcxtcrnal
and ntcmal sccurty, or to thc rcalzaton oIa schcmc oIlcgal ordcr, thc sovcr-
cgn commonwcalth was rcduccd, n thc last analyss, to thc lcvcl oIan nsur-
ancc soccty Ior sccurng thc lbrty and thc proprty oI ndvduals. ` Ltto
Lcrkc, Natural aw and the Thy of Sociey -o, vol. (Pcw York:
Lambrdg Lnvcrsty Prcss, Igq), p. tt. All thc mon would Lcrkc makc
ths complant (whch othcrs mght vcw as prasc) abut thc domnant protcc-
tvc socaton oIa tcrrtory.
z. lor an altcrnatvc ilegitimate routc to a statc mon cxtcnsvc than thc
mnmal statc, scc lranz Lppnhcmcr, The State (PcwYork: Vanguard, I gz6).
hough t would bc appropratc wthn ths cssay to dsscct crtcally Lockc`s
routc to a morc powcrIul statc, t would b tcdous, and smlar thngs havc
bcn donc by othcrs.
. Ln thcsc last pnts scc my 'Pcwcomb`s Problcm and wo Prncplcs oI
Lhocc, ` n Essays in Honor of C. G. Hempel, cd. Pcholas Kcschcr ct al. (Mol-
land: Kcdcl, I g6g), cspcally pp. I I qO.
q. ScL. L. Mcmpl, Aspects of Scientic Expanation (Pcw York: lrcc Prcss,
I g6), pp. z66-z}O. usc 'mndamcntal` hcrc n Mcmpl`s scnsc, rathcr than
as n Lhaptcr abvc. hc rcqurcmcnt cxcludng ndcxcal cxprcssons (, `
'my`)Irom moral prncplcs lacks adcquatc usthcaton.
. Sc Marold msctz, 'oward A hcory oI Proprty Kghts, ` Amrican
Economic Review, I g6}, pp. q}~g.
6. 'Lach gvcs hmsclItocvcrybody, so that . . . hc gvcs hmsclIto no-
body, and sncc cvcry assocatc acqurcs ovcr cvcry socatc thc samc powcr hc
grants to cvcry socatc ovcr hmsclI, cach gans an cquvalcnt Ior all that hc
loscs. . . . `}can}acqucs Kousscau, The Social Contract, bk. chap. 6.
}. ScLockc, First Treatise on Gonment, chap. 6, Ior Lockc` s crtcsm oI
thc vcw that parcnts own thcrchldrcn, and chap. g, Ior hs obcctons to con-
sdcrng owncrshp n such cascs (supposng t to cxst) transtvc.
8. n hs ntroducton to hs standard cdton oILckc (Two Teatiss of Gov
nent, znd cd. Pcw York: Lambrdgc Lnvcrsty Prcss, I g6}) Pctcr Lslctt
omrs no intnal cxplanaton oI why Lockc gos on to wrtc thc First Teatise,
and hc trcats ths somcwhat as an oddty (pp. q8, g, 6I , } I ). hat Lockc`s
owndcvclopngvcwsonproprtylcdhmto thnk t ncccssary toconsdcr, and
dstngush hmsclIIrom, llmcr n such dctal, may sccm to b contradctcd by
Lslctt`s scrton on pagc 68 abut Lockc`s vcw oIproprty, but onc sccs that
ths asscrton dos not havc ths conscqucncc Ionc closcly cxamncs Lslctt`s
statcmcnts on pagc q and pagc g.
g. Lomparc Lockc`s prcscntaton oIa smlar argumcnt nscctons I I 6 and
I I }, and scc sccton I zO whcrc Lckc shhs llcgtmatcly Irom somconc`s
wantng soccty to sccurc and protcct hs proprty to hs allowng t complctc
ursdcton ovcr hs proprty.
I O. 5cc Mcrbcrt 5pnccr, Social Statics (London: Lhapman, I8 I ), chap.
I g, 'hc Kght to gnorc thc 5tatc, ` a chaptcr that 5pnccr omttcd Irom thc
rcvscd cdton.
Potcs 3
5 1
Sc Mcrbcrt 5pnccr, The Man Vss the State (Laldwcll, daho: Laxton
Prntcrs, I g6O), pp. qI-q.
CHATER 1 L / A ramcwork tor \topa
t . A statc whch was rcally morally ncutral, whch was ndmrcnt to all
valucs, othcr than that oI mantanng law and ordcr, would not command
cnough allcgancc to suOvc at all. A soldcr may sacrhcc hs lIc IorQuccn and
Lountry, but hardly Ior thc Mnmum 5tatc. A plccman, bclcvng n Patural
Lw and mmutablc rght and wrong, may tacklc anarmcd dcsprado but not I
hc rcgards hmsclIas an cmploycc oIa Mutual Protccton and Assurancc Sc-
cty, constructcd Irom thc cautous contracts oIprudcnt ndvduals. Smc dcals
arc ncccssary to nsprc thosc wthout whosc Ircc co-opraton that 5tatc would
not survvc. ` } . K. Lucas, The Principles of Politics (Lxmrd at thc Llanndon
Prcss, I g66), p. zgz. hy docsLucas assumc that thc cmployccs oI thc mn-
mal statc cannot b dcvotcd tothc rghts t protccts!
z. hc assumpton that supply s always lmtcd 's trvally vald n a purc
cxchangc cconomy, sncc cach ndvdual has a hntc stock oIgoods to tradc. n
an cconomy whcrc producton takcs placc, thc mattcr s lcss clcar. At an arb-
trarly gvcn sct oIprccs, a produccr may hnd t prohtablc to omr an nhntc
supply, thc rcalzaton oIhsplanswll, oIcoursc, rcqurchm to dcmand at thc
samc tmc an nhntc amount oIsomc Iactor oIproducton. 5uch stuatons an
oIcours ncompatblc wth cqulbrum, but sncc thc cxstcncc oIcqulbrum
s tsclIn qucston hcrc, thc analyss s ncccssarly dclcatc. ` Kcnncth Arrow,
'Lconomc Lqulbrum, ` Intnational Encyclopedia of the Social Sciencs, vol. q,
p. 8I .
. Sc }ohn Kawls, A Theory of justice (Lambrdgc, Mass. : Marvard Lnvcr-
styPrcss, I g}t ), chap. g, scct. }g, 'hcdcaoIa5ocalLnon, ` andAynKand,
Atlas Shuged (Pcw York: Kandom Mousc, I g}), pt. , chaps. z.
q. ScKchard Lpscy and Kclvn Lnctcr, 'hc Lcncral hcory oIScond
bcst, ` Review of Economic Studies, zq (Lcccmbr I g6), whchh stmulatcd an
cxtcnsvc ltcraturc.
. Lomparc}ohn Kawls, Theoy of justice, scct. 6, n. t t . t s not clcar how
cxtcnsvcly Kawls` latcr tcxt would havc to b rcvscd to takc ths pont cxpl-
ctly nto account.
6. Smc thcorcs undcrlyng such mposton arc dscusscd by }. L. almon
n The Origins of Totalitarian Democracy (Pcw York: Porton, Ig}O) and Political
Mssianism (Pcw York: Pracgcr, I g6I ).
} . An llumnatng dscuss:on ot thc opcraton and vrtucs oIa smlar hltcr
systcm s Iound n l. A. Mayck, The Constitution of Lierty (Lhcago: Lnvcrsty
oILhcago Prcss, Ig6O), chaps. z, . Smc utopancndcavors havc ht ths, to
somc cxtcnt. '|hc nondoctrnarc charactcr oIthc orgns oI thc }cwsh com-
munal scttlcmcnts n Palcstnc| also dctcrmncd thcr dcvclopmcnt n all csscn-
tals. Pcw Iorms and ncw ntcrmcdatc Iorms wcrc constantly branchng oII-n
complctcIrccdom. Lach oncgrcw out oIthc partcular socal and sprtual nccds
as thcsc cc to lght-n complctc Irccdom, and cach onc acqurcd, cvcn n
thc ntal stagcs, ts own dcology-n complctc Irccdom, cach strugglng to
2 Potcs
propagatc tsclI and sprcad and cstablsh ts propcr sphcrCll n complctc
Irccdom. hc champons oI thc varous Iorms ch had hs say, thc pros and
cons oI cach ndvdual Iorm wcrc Irankly and hcrccly dcbatcd. . . . hc
vous Iorms and ntcrmcdatc Iorms that arosc n ths way at dIIcrcnt tmcs
and in dhcrcnt stuatons rcprccntcd dIkrcnt knds oI socal structurc . . .
dhcrcnt Iorms corrcspndcd to dhcrcnt human typcs and . . . just ncw
Iorms branchcdoII Irom thc orgnal Kvuza, so ncw typs branchcd oIIIrom thc
orgnal Lhaluz typc, cach wth ts spccal modc oI bcng and cach dcmandng
ts partcular sort oI rcalzaton. . . . ` Martn bubcr, Patb: in 0teia (Pcw
York. Macmllan, I gO), pp. IqIq6.
hcpcoplc nvolvcd nccd notbctryng todscovcr thc bcst pssblccommu-
nty, thcymaymcrcly bc attcmptng to mprovc thcr own stuaton. 5omc pr-
sons, howcvcr, may conscously sct out to usc and strcamlnc thc hltcrng pro-
ccss oIpoplc`s choccs to arrvc at what thcy (tcntatvcly) judgc to bc thc bst
communty. Lomparc Karl Poppcr`s account oIthc hltcrng proccss oIsccnthc
mctho, sclI-conscously uscdand partcpatcd nto gctcloscr to thc truth |Ub-
]enive Kneu/edge (PcwYork. LxIord Lnvcrsty Prcss, I g}z)). 5nccsomcpcrsons
who partcpatc n hltcrng proccsscs (or cqulbrum proccssc) wll havc an
objcctvc rcachng thc hnal cnd, whlc othcrs won`t, wc mght rchnc thc noton
oIan nvsblc-hand proccss to admt oIdcgrcc.
8. Sc bnjamn Zblok , Tbe ey/u/ Cemmunity (baltmorc. Pcngun books,
Ig}t ).
g. lor a rcccnt account scc Mam barka , hc Kbbutz. an Lxpcrmcnt n
Mcro-socalsm, ` n l:rae/, tbe Arab:, and tbe Mid/e Ea:t, cd. rvng Mowc
and Larl Lcrshman (Pcw York. bantam books, I g}z).
IO. hat s, wc thnk that Iwc arc prcscntcd wth ndvdual mcmbcrs oI
thc sct oI cxccptons to a ptcular prncplc, wc wll oItcn (though not ncccs-
sarly always) bc ablc to tcll t s an cxccpton, cvcn though t docs not ht any
cxplct dcscrpton oIthccxccptons wc had bccn ablc to oIIcr hcrctoIorc. bcng
conIrontcd wth thc partcular ccand rcalzng ts an cxccpton to thc prnc-
plc oItcn wll lcad us to ohcr a ncw cxplct markng oII oI cxccptons to thc
prncplc, onc that oncc agan (wc rcalzc)dos notmarkoIIa/| thc cxccptons.
Lnc possblc structurc oI thc moral vcws oI a pcrson who makc partcular
moral j udgmcnts, yct s unablc to statc moral prncplcs that hc s conhdcnt
havc no cxccptons, s dscusscd n my 'Moral Lomplcatons and Moral 5truc-
turcs, ` Natura/ Lu Fenm, I , I g68, pp. tO.
t t . c arc hcrc spcakng oI qucstons oI cmgraton out oI a communty.
c should notc that somconcmaybc rcIuscd cntry nto acommunty hc wshcs
to jon, on ndvdual grounds or bccausc hc Ialls undcr a gcncral rctrcton
dcsgncd to prccrvc thc partcular chactcr oI a communty.
I z. 5cc Mcrbcrt Marcusc, Kcprcssvc olcrancc, ` n A Critique e/Pure Te/-
erance, cd. Kobrt P. olIIct al. (boston. bcon, I g6g).
I . hcrc s no rcally satsIactory thcorctcal soluton oIthc problcm. Ia
Icdcral govcrnmcnt posscsscs a consttutonal authorty to ntcrvcnc by Iorcc n
thc govcrnmcnt oIa statc Ior thc purposc oInsurngthcstatc`s pcrIormancc oI
tsdutcsasamcmbcr oIthc Icdcraton, thcrc s no adcquatcconsttutonal bar-
rcr aganst thc convcrson oI thc Icdcraton nto a ccntralzcd statc by vgorous
and rcsolutc ccntral govcrnmcnt. It docs not posscs such authorty, thcrc s
no adcquatcsurancc that thc Icdcral govcrnmcnt can mantan thccharactcr oI
PotCs \
thc systcm whcn vgorous and rcsolutc statc govcrnmcnts takc mll advantagc oI
thcr consttutonal Irccdom to go thcr own ways. ` Arthur . MacMahon,
cd. , Federa/i:m. Mature and Emergent (Pcw York. Loublcday, Ig), p.
I g. 5cc also oI coursc thcFedera/i:t Paer:. Martn Lamond ntcrcstngIy ds-
cusscs `Jhc lcdcralst`s Vcw oIlcdcralsm, ` in E::ay: in Fedoa/i:m (nsttutc
Ior 5tudcs n lcdcralsm, Ig6t ).
Alchan, Armcn. 'Lnccrtanty, Lvoluton, and Lconomc hcory. ` jeurna/ e/
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Alchan, Armcn and Allcn, . A. 0nvost Ecenemcs, znd cd. bclmont, Lal. .
adsworth, I gy t .
Alchan, Armcn and Lcmsctz, Marold. `Producton, nIormaton Losts, and
Lconomc Lrganzaton. ` Amocan Ecenemc Reveu 6z ( I g}z). }}}}g .
Amcrcan Law nsttutc. Cen/ct e/Laus, Secend Restatment e/tbe Lu, Proposcd
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Arrow, Kcnncth. 'Lconomc Lqulbrum. ` lntoatena/ Enc/eeda e/tbe Se-
ca/ Scences, q. Pcw York. Macmllan, I g68, }68g.
Arrow, Kcnncth. Essas en tbe Tbee e/ Rsk-8mrng. Amstcrdam. Porth Mol-
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AshcroIt, Kchd. 'Lockc`s 5tatc oI Paturc. ` Amocan Pe/tca/ Scien Roeu
6z , no. (5cptcmbcr I g68). 8g8gI .
Aumann, Kobcrt. 'Markcts wth a Lontnuum oI radcrs. ` Ecenemetrca z
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barka, Mam. 'hc Kbbufz. An Lxpcrmcnt n Mcro-5ocalsm. ` n rvng
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bcdau, Mugo. 'Lvl Lsobdcncc and Pcrsonal Kcspnsblty Ior nustcc. `
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Loasc, Konald. `Jhc Paturc oIthc lrm. `nLcorgc 5tglcr and K. bouldng,
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Vltos, Lrcgory. P/ateoc Studes. Prnccton. Prnccton Lnvcrsty Prcss, I g}.
Vonncgut, Kurt. e/ceme te tbe Meok Heme. Pcw York. Lcll, I g}O.
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Pb/e:eby 6, no. } (March I , I g66).
Zablok , bcnamn. Tbe jey/u/ Cemmuoty. baltmorc. Pcngun books, I g}I .
acquIsItIon, principle of, 1 50-1 53, 1 57-158,
173, 208
ocke on, 174-1 78
Sahe ockean povio
Acton, ). E. E. D. , 1 25
aggregative principle, 209-2 1 0
aggression, 32-34
A1chian, A. , 2 1 , 261 n, 339 n9, 345 ni l ,
Allen, W. A. , 339n9
anarchist, and potective asociation, 1 20-1 29,
1 30-1 31
Anarchist thory, 4-6
why condemns state, 5 1 -5 3
anarchy, t State of nature
ota! teatment of, 35-47
Kantin osition on, 39-40
utilitarian osi tion on, 39-41
eating of, 36-38
Appropriation. S acquisition, principle of;
cken proviso
arbitrariness, mota! relevance of, 21 3-227
Arrow, K. , 261 n, 298n, 30ln, 351 n2
Ashcoft, Richard, 336n10
asociation, 299
stabiliry of, 299-306
Aumnn, R. , 300n
Barkai, H. , 352n9
edau, H. , 344m4
entham, J. , 40, 338mo
erlin, I., 347n41
Bittker, B. , 344n2
blackmail, 85-86
Blnc, L. , 250
Blaug, M. , 346n20, 349n17
Blum, W. , 339m2, 348m, n8
ohn-Bawerk, E. von, 348m 1
order-cossing. S oundary, moral
oulding, J. , 336n7
oundary, mota! , 57-59
cossing, 75-76, 83, 86-87
crossing not pohibited, 1 63-171
cossing pohibited, 71 -73
oycott, 1 7, 194n, 292-293, 322-323
Bozen, Y. , 336n9
Buer, M. , 352n7
Calabresi, G. , 338n6
Chamerlain, Wilt, 161-163, 164n
arents' rights over, 38-39, 287-291
and the framework or utopia, 330
Chomsky, N. , 345n6
Coase, R. , 76n, 346m8
Cohen, M. , 23
comensation, 57-59, 63-65 , 71 -73
ull, 57, 68, 143n, 144n
market, 65, 68
maks oundry crossing ermissible,
and risk, 75-78
right to exct, 1 35- 1 37
Sabe comensation, principle of
comensation, principle of, 78-79, 81 -84,
86-87, 1 1 4-1 1 5
intrduces atterning, 345m4
and preventive restraint, 142-147
and potecting others, I I 0-I I 5
and poviding liabiliry insurnce, 1 1 5
constrainrs, ota! side, 28-35, 46n47, 294
abolute nature of, 30n
and animals, 35-42, 45-47
baed uon, 48-5 I
contract-like view of, 1 37-1 38
diferent fom goals, 28-30, 46n
ormal argument leding to, 33-34
and poerry rights, 1 71
rationale, 30-33
and rights, 28-29
and redistribution, 172-173
state violates, 5 1 -52
copyright, 141
Crow, J. , 20, 31 5n
current time-slice principles, 1 53-1 55, 208
Dales, J. H. , 8In
ebreu, G. , 300-301 n
demoktesis, 290
hyothetical genesis of, 280-29
Demetz, H. , 261n, 346m8, 350n5
ershowitz, A. , 146n, 344nr6
desert, 1 54, 1 59, 21 5-2' 7, 224-226, 237-238
design devices, 31 2-3'7
deterrence, 56-93
and utilitarinism, 61 -62
eutch, K. , 20
Diamond, M. , 353n1 3
diference principle:
application to mcostructure, 204-207
egalitarin, 21 0-21 2
not neutral , 192-197
in micocses, 167n
reonable terms ur social coeration,
as rule of thumb ur rectification, 231
difeences, and the frmework ur utopia,
309-3' 7
disadvantages, 81-83, 86-87 , "4-"5
and preventive restraint, 143-146
distributive justice, 149-231
and arbitrariness, 2 I 3-227
entitlement thory of, 149-182
poblem created by ocial coeration,
1 83-189
Rawls' thory of, 183-231
mico and maco situations, 204-207
secial thory of, 2 I 9
term not neutral, 149-150
Sal:e entitlement thory; justice i n holdings;
pattened principles
dominant potective asociation (agency):
as de cto monooly, 108-I I 0
and destruction of other agencies, 1 21 -1 29
umation, 15-18
s virtual monooly, 1 7
s state, 22-25, 51 -53, I IO, 1 1 3-1 18,
I I 8-I I9
and indeendents, 54-56
and ower, 1 34-140
and procedural rights, 96-108
pohibiting priate enurcement of justice,
96-108, 101-I IO
potcting others, I I 0-I I 5
secial rights, 101-102, 108- I I O, 1 33-1 34
S al:e potective sciation
double joardy, 1 36-1 37
egalitarian principles:
and the diference principle, 2 I 0-2 1 3,
and envy, 240-246
overtuned by lierty, 164
nd workes' contol, 25 I
from a community under the framework, 330
fom country with attened principles,
m ossible worlds model, 299-309
end-esult principles, 1 5 3- 1 55
and original osition, 1 98-204
and ources of income, '70-'7 I
end-state principles. Send-result principles
ends, eople as, 31 -32, 228
enforcement of rights and justice, 12, 14- 1 5, 24
S al:e private enforcement of justice
entitlement thory, 149-182, 186, 194,
198-204, 219-220, 225-226, 230-231 ,
236-238, 247
versus end-result principles, 1 53-1 55
entitlements, non-suericial, 206-207
and equality, 232-233
and marginal productiviry, 188
and natural assets, 255-226
non-organic and aggregative, 209-2 I 0
not distributed according U desert, 2 I 7
not attened, 207-208
versus patterned principles, 1 55-160
and rights, 238, 268-271
thre principles of, 1 50-1 53
envy, 162n, 239-246
compared to other notions, 239-240n
and Rawls' thory, 21 5-229
and elf-estem, 239-246
equaliry, 232-235
and the diference principle, 21 0-21 3,
and envy, 239-246
and equal olitical ower, 271 -273
of opotuniry, 235-239
and elf-esteem, 243-245
Sal:e egalitarin principles
equilibrium pocess, 2 I -22
and ilter devices, 314-31 7
and invisible-hand explanation, 314-31 5 , 31 7
dividing eneits of voluntary, 63-65, 84, 86
economists' explanation of, 64-65n
and laor thory of value, 260-261
poductive, 84-86, 145
and ocial coeration, 1 86-1 87
and treating eople as ends, 31
voluntary, 1 50-153, 1 57-158, 1 88n, 262-265
exerience mchine, 42-45
exerimentation, utopin, 307, 31 2, 31 2-31 7,
329, 332-333
under determined by data, 278
otential, 7-9
uniied, and pattened principles, 220-22 I
S al:e undmental explnation; invisible-
hnd explanation; hidden-hand explanation
exploitation, Maxian view of, 253-262
extensive state:
derivation, 280-290, 292-294
and distributive justice, 231
and injustices, 231
unjustiiable, 140, 297
ue by owerful, 272
violates rights, 140
Sal:e deoktesis
intenalizing, 280-281
of knowledge, 245, 322-323
fairness, 80, 203n, 236
principle of, 90-95
unily, and pattened principles, 167-168
existence of, 69-7 I
and non-global emotion, 70
and pohibition, 65-7 1 , 72-73, 1 05 , 339n 1 3
Feinerg, J. , 343n1o
Ficco, A. , 29n
Filmer, R. , 287, 350n8
lter devices, 2 1-22 , 31 2-3 18
inncing state:
lottery, 25n
retributive enalties, 62n
Fletcher, G. P. , 63n
urced laor, 169-1 72, 229n
Fourier, c. , ' 78n, 308, 316
framework for utopia, 307-325 , 329-334
as comon gound, 31 7-320
diferences and, 309-31 7
and complexity, 31 2-3'7
and diering tradeofs, 31 2
and liertarian thory, 320-323
and minimal state, 333-334
fee rider, 94, 267-268
Sal:e fainess, principle of
Frey, F. , 20
Fried, C., 76-77
Friedman, D. , 1 77n, 336n4
Friedman, M. , 27n, 346n' 7
"fom ech . . . , " 1 59-160
Fundamental explanation, 6
illumination of, 8
and invisible-hand, 19
of olitical realm, 7-9
Gardner, M. , 342n2
genetic engineering, 3 15 n
George, H. , 175
Gierke, O. , 350nr
Ginsburg, L. , 31 4n
goals, moral , 28-30, 46n, 172-173
Godwin, W. , 5
Gofmn, E. , 338n4
Goldfarb, R. , 349n21
Gray, A. , ' 79n, 31 3n
Hahn, F. , 301 n
Hamowy, R. , 1 80n, 340nr 6
Hanon, N. R. 335n1
Harcourt, G. c. , 346n2o
Harman, G. , 337n6, 341nro
Hart, H. L. A. , 74, 90-93, 337n1 5, 339nr 2,
340n1 , n2 ,n3
Hartley, L. P., 348n8
Hayek, F. A. , 2 1 , 1 58-1 59, 1 73, 1 80n, 2 18,
336-337n1 3, 346n28 , 35 1n7
Hemel, C. G. , 7, 335nr , 350n4
Hernstein, R. , 20
hidden-hnd explanation, 19-20
historical principles, 1 52-1 60, 199-204
ove as historical elationship, 167-168
Hockman, H. M. , 340n21
Hohfeld, W. , 1 75
oldings, JM justice i n holdings; acquisition of
holdings; trnsfer of holdings
Hosers, J. , 336n4, 337n7
Huwicz, L. , 298n
indeendent, 24, 96, 1 '7
enforcing justice, 54-56, lo9- I I O
private enurcement of justice, 88-90
indexical expessions, and moral principles, 29,
278, 350n4
inequality, Rawls on, 1 88-189, 195, 197n
innocent shield, 35
innocent threat, 34-35 , 228nI I
invisible-hnd explanations, 18-22 , 336-33 7nl 3
examples of, 20-2 I
of marketplace, 1 8
of money, 18
satisying quality of, 1 8-19
of the state, 22-25, 52, I I8-I I9
Sal:e invisible-hand pocess
invisible-hand pocess:
de acto monooly, I 1 5
and cordination games, 140
and maco states, 74
as ocial compact, 1 31 -1 32
S al:e invisible-hnd explanation
Jacobs, J. , 20
justice in holdings, 1 50-1 53, 1 57-160
Stt al:e entitlement thory
Kalven, H. , 330nr 2, 348nr , n8
Kant, J , 32, 228, 337n4, 338nr
Katz, J. J. , 342n7
Kesell, R. , 337nr6
Kim, J. , 8n
Kimura, M. , 20, 31 5n
Kirzner, J. , 255, 346n19, 349nr8
Krader, L. , 341 n1 3
Krantz, D. , 349n20
Kristol, l . , 344n4
Krystoiak, T. , 338nr o
laor thory of value, 253-262
ancster, K. , 34 I n4
Laslett, P. , 350n8
eary, T. , 244n
legitimacy of state, 1 7, 1 33-1 37, 1 39-140
Levene, H. , 31 5n
ewis, D. , 343n14
Lewontin, R. C. , 31 5
acting witout insurnce ur, 78-79
of cororations, 1 33
Liability (ccottoutJ
publicly provided insurance for, I 1 5
of state's agents, 1 33
liertarian constraints:
analog to nonagression among nations, 34
ormal argument leading to, 33 -34
liertarian thory:
disagreements within, 1 41 , 331
and framework or utopia, 320-323
and maintenance of macroratio, 31 5n
and surrounding an individual, 55n
writers on, 335-3364
lierty, upets egalitarian principles, 1 64
Stt a|c rights
Lipsey, R. , 35 1 n4
ocke, ). , 9- 1 2, 1 7- 1 8, 54, 58, 1 3 1 -1 33,
1 37-1 38, 1 53, 174-178, 225, 287-291 ,
335nl , 336nl o, 338n5 , 340n6, 341 nl ,
342n8, 343n8,n9, 350n7-n9
Lockean proviso, 55n, 1 75- 1 82 , 270n, 289-290,
Lucas, ]. R. , 351 nI
Luce, R. D. , 239n20, 342n3
Machlup, F. , 336n9
MacKay, ]. H. , 345n6
MacMahon, A., 353nl 3
Madow, W. , 20
Mandel, E. , 349n1 5
manna-fom-heaven model, 1 98, 2 1 9
Marcue, H. , 352nI 2
marginal product, 1 57, 1 87-1 88n, 1 88, 194n
and ossible worlds model, 301 -302 , 304-305
coordinates actions, 163-164
provides meaningul work, 248-250
workers' controlled factories in, 250-253
Martin, J. ]. , 3354
Marx, K. , 1 88n, 253-262, 273n, 349nI 2-nI 4
McCormick, G. , 29n
meaning of life, and moral theory, 50-5 1
meaningul work, 246-250
means, using eople as, 31 -32 , 46-47, 7 I
and Rawls' thory, 228-229
and utilitarianism, 39-41 , 45
Meek, R. L. , 348nl O, 349nl 6
Melamed, D. , 338n6
methodological individualism, 22
Michelman, F. , 81 n
middlemen, 1 8, 64
minimal state, 26-28
inspiring, 297, 333
nonneutral , 272-273
reduces manipulation of state, 272
to justiy, 52-53, 140
and ultra minimal state, 26-27, 1 1 3-1 1 5 , 1 1 9
and utopia, 333-334
Stt ahc night-watchman state; ultraminimal
state; dominant protective asociation
Minogue, K. , 169n
Mises, L. , 20, 336n1 2, 344nI4
Mishan, E. ] . , 339nI 5
money. invisible hand explanation of, 1 8
Monooly and protective sevices, 1 7
monooly on force:
condemned by anarchist, 5 ' -5 2
as condition or state, 23-24
de facto, 1 08-1 10
had by dominant potective asociation, 1 ' 3,
I I 5-1 1 8
Moral thory:
and arbitrariness, 2 1 3-227
and consistency arguments, 277-279
and indexical expressions, 29, 278, 350n4
and meaning of life, 50-5 I
role of examples in, 37-38, 277-279
and structure of moral view, 29n, 46n
task Or, 9
Stt a|:c constraints, moral-side
Nagel, E. , 34741
natural rights:
Hart's argument or, 91 -93
and risk, 74-78
the tradition on pocedural rights, 1 01
Nelon, L. , 338nl I
Newman, P. , 339n8
night-watchman state, 25, 26-27
Stt a|:c minimal state
nonneutral state, 33, 27 I -2 3
normative ociology, 247-248
Nozick, R. , 86n, 99n, 267n, 337nI , 342n2,
345nl o, n1 3 , 346n32, 349n2o, n22,
350n3, 352nIO
Openheimer, F. , 350n2
opting our, 1 73-1 74, 290, 321 -323
organic principle, 209-2 1 0
original osition:
and arbitrariness of natural assets, 226-227
emodies process argument but can't lead to
fundamental pocess principle, 207-209,
1 96-197n, 2 1 1 , 2 1 4
ocus on erson, 1 90
iterated, 2 1 2-2 1 3
limited to selecting end-result principles as
undamental, 198-204
Owell, G. , 39
Owen, R. , 31 6
paciism, 99n
patents, 1 41 , 1 82
Paternalism, 1 4
and communities, 324
connected with reasons, 27, 34, 58-59,
67-68n, I D9
and framework or utopia, 320-32 I
patterned principles, 1 55-160, 2 1 8-224
and the diference principle, 208-2 I 0
and emigration, 1 73- 1 74
and the family, 167-168
requiring redistribution, 1 68, 1 70-174
and ocus On recipients, 1 68
suficient conditions for eing, 209-2 1 0
and entitlements, 1 67
and uniied explanations, 220-22 I
upet by lierty, 1 60-164, 21 9-220
and voluntary transfers, 232-233, 249, 252,
and principle of comensation, 345nl 4
Peter Principle, 21
philanthropy, 79, 265-268
Plato, 205
Political Philoophy, 3
and aggression, 32
undamental question of, 4
relation to moral philoophy, 6
Political theory, 6-9
ollution, 79-81
Poper, K. , 352n7
Portia, 55n
ossible worlds model. Stt utopia, ossible worlds
preemptive attack, 1 26-1 29
preventive restraint, 1 42-1 46
Principle V!I:
and egalitarianism, 2 I 1
and paciism, 98-99n
and rule of necessity, 63
prisoner's dilemma, 1 24
private enforcement of justice, 24, 1 35-1 40
anarchist condemns, 5 1 -52
prohibition of, 88-9, 1 1 0, '42-143
and risk, 1 05-108
prcedural rights, 56, 96-1 08
prductive activity. Stt exchange, productive
and oundary crossing, 59, 7 1 -73
and fear, 65-7 1
on joining protective ssciation, 1 20-1 29
of lst comonent needed for wrong, 1 27-1 29,
moral, 57-59, 59, 63-7 1
and neutrality, 272-273
and non-global nature of fear, 70
of private enforcement of justice, 88-90,
I I O-I I 3
of risky acts, 73-87
of unreliable private enforcement of rights,
96-1 10
considerations favoring, 1 77
and ollution, 79-8 I
proerty rights, 1 7 I - 1 7 2
and externalities, 280-28 I
in ersons, 1 72, 228-229, 281 -290
and redistribution, 167-1 7 3
and rights of others, 269-270
anarchist condemns monooly in, 5 I -52
and dominant protective ssociation, 24-25,
1 1 0-1 1 5
state providing, 23-25 , 27-28
protective ssciations, 1 2- 1 5
as business, 1 3
outlaw agency, 1 7
and private "retaliation," 1 5
and retributive ayments, 62n
rights of, 89-90
Sa|c dominant protective ssciation
Proudhon, P. ]. , I I , 31 6
proviso. Stt Lockean proviso
sychoactive dtugs, 44, 22 I
S al:c aternalism
public gods, 2 I
S ahc airness, principle of
public wrongs, 67
Lcke on, 1 1 - 1 2, 59-63, 96-98
right to, 1 06-1 07 , ' 35, 1 37- 1 40
S al:c retribution; deterrence; prcedural
Raiffa, H. , 342n3
Rand, A. , 1 79n, 344nI 5 , 3 5 1 n3
Rshdall, H. , 1 79n
Rawls, ]. , 90, 93, 1 67n, 1 83-23 I, 239-240n,
337n2 , n5 , 340n1 , 4, 344nl , 345nl 2 ,
346n1 6, n2 1 -23, n25 , n26, n29-n30,
n33-n38, 4o, 42, 348 fl43-l47, 4,
3 5 1 n3 , n5
Rawls' theory of justice, 1 83-231
Stt al:c diference principle; original osition;
end-result principles; inequality
rectiication, principle of
not redistributive, 27, 1 52- 1 53, 1 73, 208,
230-23 '
redistribution, 1 40, 274-275
in communiry and nation, 32 I -32 3
connected with resons, 27
and liability insurance, I I 5
and minimal state 25, 1 1 3-I I 5
and patterned principles, 1 68
and philanthropy, 265-268
and proerty in ersons, 1 72, 226, 228-229
and property rights, 167-1 73
protection of others, 1 44
Rembrandt, 258
rent control, 270-27 '
bucket theory of, 1 30
degree of, 60-63
for others, 1 29-1 30, 1 90- 1 92
in olitical realm, 100
Rawls on, 2 1 4
retribution, 59-63, 69
and self-defense, 62-63
for comensation, 1 35-1 37
enforcement of, 1 2, 30, 91 -93
and epistemic considerations, 1 06-I 07
with hoks, 264-265
and hyothetical historis, 292-294
in Lcke's state of nature, 1 0
rights (nrnum
to lie. 1 7 9n
and moral constraints. 28-29
nature of. 89. 90. 1 39
of parents. 38-39. 287-291
protection against violation. 27-28
ersonal. 268-271 . 292-293
to punish. 1 37-140
nd en's rgument. 164-1 66
risk. 73-78
in capitalist and ocialist sciety. 255-256.
and premptive attck. 126
and preventive restraint. 1 42-146
nd private enforcement of justice. 88-90.
1 05-108
Salse comenation. principle of
Roerts. A . 336nl l
Rdgers. J. D 349n2 1
Rothbrd. M . 81n. 86n. 336. 338n2 .
343n1 2 344n1 5
Roussau. ). ) . 350n6
of individual . 32-33
for others. 39. 45-47
and utilitarianism. 41
cnlon. T . 21 0. 21 2. 346n31
Scarf. H . 300n
Schelling. T. C, 20. 1 98. 335n2. 342.
chock. H . 348n8
chumeter. J. . 262
against inncent erson. 35. 62-63. 1 02
and preemptive attack. 1 26-1 29
and protective agencies. 1 2 1 -1 29
i n war, 1 00
self-esteem. 239-246
eligman. M . 339nIO
Sen. A. K . 164-166. 229n
Sws. Dr . 340n23
Shrp, G 336nl l
Singer. I. B . 336n5
. 338nl l
slavery. 290-292. 331
Sloodkin. L. . 20
Smith. A . 18. 21
social compact. 1 3 1-132
scial coeration:
and constant-sum game. 228-229
diference principle. 1 89- 197
and equality. 223
and groups. 193- 1 95
and individual, 2 I
and justice. 1 83-189
scial prducts. 95
Scialism. 1 63. 231 . 250-25 1 . 253, 261 . 32 1 n.
Sencer. H . 350n10. 35 1 nI I
Soo ner. L. . 335-336
and anrchist. 5 1 -53
and dominant protective asciation. 22-25,
1 1 0. 1 1 3- 1 18
extent, 1 1 7
inconveniences of, I In
invisible hand explanation of. 1 1 8-1 19
legitimacy of. 1 7. 1 33- 1 37. 1 39-140
origin. 5-6
nd prisoner's dilemma. 124
and priate enorcement of justice. 1 42-143
and secial rights. 5 1 -52. 276
within state of nature. 1 33
i n world of certainty. 140-142
S alre minimal state; ultraminimal state;
extensive state, nonneutral state
State of Narure. 1 0-1 8. 1 33
and derivation of extensive state. 280-290
inconveniences of, I I
and the prisoner's dilemma. 124
procedural rights i n. 56
and prohibition of risky acts. 74-76. 89
and protective agency. 1 3 I-I 33
State-of-Nature Teory. 3-9
Sweezy. P . 258
Talmon. ). L. . 351 n6
Tandy. F . 336
Tannehill. M. and L. . 336. nl l
Tawney. R. H . 348n7
txation of earnings. 169- 1 72. 265-268
Thidwick. the big-hearted Moose. 269-270
Thomson. ) ) . 337n7. 348n6
Tocqueville. A. de. 328
transer. principle of. 1 50-1 53. 1 57-1 58.
Trie. L. . 34on5
Tristan. F . 31 6
Trotsky. L. . 241 . 245. 308
Tucker. B 335-336
ultraminimal state. 26-28. 1 1 9
proonent of. 27-30
from state of nature. 52
transformed. 52. 1 1 3-1 1 5
S al:e minimal state
and animals. 39-41
and deterrence theory. 61 -62
s end-state. 1 53-1 5 5 . 1 99. 208
and ersons. 39-41 . 42 . 45
not prcess principle. 208
and rights. 28-29
and usual precepts of justice. 202
utopia. 297-334
dual conception of. 332
ends of utopian theorists. 328-33 1
framework for. 307-325 . 329-334
means for getting. 326-328
prcess substituted for ends. 332
results. 33 1-333
three tyes, 31 9-320
and utopian exerimentation. 307, 31 2.
31 2-3 1 7, 329, 332-333
worlds mdel. 297-309
Sal:e framework for utopia
Vlastos. G. , 346n9
Vonnegut, K. , 348n5
Warren, ). , 3 1 6
Weer, M. , 23, 1 1 7- 1 1 8, 337nl4
welore economics, 1 54- 1 55
and rights, 1 64-166
Williams, B. , 233-235, 348n2, n3
Wisdom, ) . , 1 69n
Wittgenstein, L. , 95
Wohlstetter, R. , 2 1
Wolf, R. P. , 345nI 2
workers' control, 250-253
ablcki, B. , 352n8