Kg29 Cold Frame
Kg29 Cold Frame
Kg29 Cold Frame
If you need a cold frame base, the design included here is simple to make. Build the box out of 2x6 and 2x12 lumber, adding additional b o a rds to the sides to make the box deeper if needed. The top boards are tapered to slant the cover for drainage and improved light gathering. Assemble the box with corro s i o n - resistant screws threaded into the square corner posts. Make the posts from the scrap left over f rom tapering the sides. The final detail is to add small moldings along the long edge to line up the cover when it is closed.
1 3
8 in.-thick battens
112 in.
3 -in. CPVC 4 plastic pipe
371 2 in.
Fir P re s s u re - t reated
16 34 in.
72 in.
PVC glue Optional: 1 Univent (automatic vent control unit) and a 6-inch piece of 2x4