Diploma Examination, 2011: 110. Microcontroller and Applications
Diploma Examination, 2011: 110. Microcontroller and Applications
Diploma Examination, 2011: 110. Microcontroller and Applications
110. MICROCONTROLLER AND APPLICATIONS May ] [ Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 100 Marks Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. ( 5 20=100) 1. (a) Explain how external memory can be interfaced using EA pin of 8051. (15) (b) Explain the Boolean processing in 8051. (5) 2. (a) Enumerate and explain the byte level logical instructions used in 8051. (10)
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2 (b) Write 8051 assembly language program to do the following operations : (i) Place the number 3BH in the internal RAM locations 30H to 32H.
3 5. (a) D r a w t h e a r c h i t e c t u r e o f 8 0 9 6 microcontroller and explain the function of each block. (15) (b) What is the function of high speed input output of 8096 ? (5) 6. (a) Explain all external and internal interrupts of 8096 microcontroller. (10) (b) Draw the architecture of PIC micro controller and explain. (10) 7. Propose a micro controller based system for frequency measurement and explain the operation with the help of flowchart. (20) 8. Explain the digital weighing machine with neat diagram and explain the function with flowchart. (20) 9. (a) L i s t t h e c o m p o n e n t s r e q u i r e d f o r temperature controller and give the reason for the selection of components. (10)
(ii) Copy the internal RAM location 70H to R0 and R3. (iii) Set the SP at the byte address just above the last working register address. (iv) Exchange the content of SP and PSW. (10) 3. (a) Explain the operation of I/O ports of 8051 microcontroller. (10) (b) Interface a 8 bit DIP switch and 8 LEDs with 8051 and write a program to display the switch position through LEDs. (10) 4. (a) What is baud rate for the serial port in Mode 0 for 6 MHz crystal ? (5) (b) Draw the circuit to interface four seven segment LEDs using I/O ports of 8051 and write a program to display 1011. (15)
(b) Explain the DC motor position control system. (10) Turn Over