Arthashastra by Chanakya
Arthashastra by Chanakya
Arthashastra by Chanakya
Of this work, the following are the contents by sections and books:
The end of Sciences; association with the aged; restraint of the organs of sense; the
creation of ministers; the creation of councillors and priests; ascertaining by temptations
purity or impurity in the character of ministers; the institution of spies. Protection of
parties for or against one's own cause in one's own state; winning over the factions for or
against an enemy's cause in an enemy's state; the business of council meeting; the
mission of envoys; protection of princes; the conduct of a prince kept under restraint;
treatment of a prince kept under restraint; the duties of a king; duty towards the harem;
personal safety.
The knowledge of power, place, time, strength and weakness; the time of invasion;
the time for recruiting the army; the form of equipment; the work of arraying a rival
force; considerations of annoyance in the rear; remedies against internal and external
troubles; consideration about loss of men, wealth and profit. Internal and external
dangers; persons associated with traitors and enemies; doubts about wealth and harm; and
success to be obtained by the employment of alternative strategic means.
Encampment; march of the camp; protection of the army in times of distress and
attack; forms of treacherous fights; encouragement to one's own army; the fight between
one's own and enemy's armies; battle-fields; the work of infantry, cavalry, chariots and
elephants; distinctive array of troops in respect of wings, flanks and front; distinction
between strong and weak troops; battles with infantry, cavalry, chariots and elephants; the
array of the army like a staff, a snake, a circle or in detached order; the array of the army
against that of an enemy.
Such are the contents of this Science. There are on the whole 15 books, 150
chapters, 180 sections and 6,000 slokas.
This Sástra, bereft of undue enlargement and easy to grasp and understand, has been
composed by Kautilya in words the meaning of which has been definitely settled.
The school of Manu (Manava) hold that there are only three sciences: the triple
Vedas, Varta and the science of government, inasmuch as the science of Anvikshaki is
nothing but a special branch of the Vedas.
The school of Brihaspati say that there are only two sciences: Varta and the science
of government, inasmuch as the Triple Vedas are merely an abridgment (Samvarana,
pretext?) for a man experienced in affairs temporal (Lokayatravidah).
The school of Usanas declare that there is only one science, and that the science of
government; for, they say, it is in that science that all other sciences have their origin and
But Kautilya holds that four and only four are the sciences; wherefore it is from
these sciences that all that concerns righteousness and wealth is learnt, therefore they are
so called.
Anvikshaki comprises the Philosophy of Sankhya, Yoga, and Lokayata (Atheism ?).
Righteous and unrighteous acts (Dharmadharmau) are learnt from the triple Vedas;
wealth and non-wealth from Varta; the expedient and the inexpedient (Nayanayau), as
well as potency and impotency (Balabale) from the science of government.
When seen in the light of these sciences, the science of Anvikshaki is most beneficial
to the world, keeps the mind steady and firm in weal and woe alike, and bestows
excellence of foresight, speech and action.
Light to all kinds of knowledge, easy means to accomplish all kinds of acts and
receptacle of all kinds of virtues, is the Science of Anvikshaki ever held to be.
[Thus ends Chapter II, "Determination of the place of Anvikshaki" among Sciences in
Book I, "Concerning Discipline" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
THE three Vedas, Sama, Rik and Yajus, constitute the triple Vedas. These together
with Atharvaveda and the Itihasaveda are (known as) the Vedas.
As the triple Vedas definitely determine the respective duties of the four castes and
of the four orders of religious life, they are the most useful.
That of an ascetic retired from the world (Parivrajaka) is complete control of the
organs of sense, abstaining from all kinds of work, disowning money, keeping from
society, begging in many places, dwelling in forests, and purity both internal and
Harmlessness, truthfulness, purity, freedom from spite, abstinence from cruelty, and
forgiveness are duties common to all.
The observance of one's own duty leads one to Svarga and infinite bliss (Anantya).
When it is violated, the world will come to an end owing to confusion of castes and
Hence the king shall never allow people to swerve from their duties; for whoever
upholds his own duty, ever adhering to the customs of the Aryas, and following the rules
of caste and divisions of religious life, will surely. be happy both here and hereafter. For
the world, when maintained in accordance with injunctions of the triple Vedas, will surely
progress, but never perish.
[Thus ends Chapter III, "Determination of the place of the Triple Vedas" among Sciences
in Book I, "Concerning Discipline" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
That sceptre on which the well-being and progress of the sciences of Anvikshaki, the
triple Vedas, and Varta depend is known as Danda (punishment). That which treats of
Danda is the law of punishment or science of government (dandaniti).
"No," says Kautilya; for whoever imposes severe punishment becomes repulsive to
the people; while he who awards mild punishment becomes contemptible. But whoever
imposes punishment as deserved becomes respectable. For punishment (danda) when
awarded with due consideration, makes the people devoted to righteousness and to works
productive of wealth and enjoyment; while punishment, when ill-awarded under the
influence of greed and anger or owing to ignorance, excites fury even among hermits and
ascetics dwelling in forests, not to speak of householders.
But when the law of punishment is kept in abeyance, it gives rise to such disorder as
is implied in the proverb of fishes (matsyanyayamudbhavayati); for in the absence of a
magistrate (dandadharabhave), the strong will swallow the weak; but under his
protection, the weak resist the strong.
This people (loka) consisting of four castes and four orders of religious life, when
governed by the king with his sceptre, will keep to their respective paths, ever devotedly
adhering to their respective duties and occupations.
[Thus ends Chapter IV, "Determination of the Place of Varta and of Dandaniti" among
Sciences in Book I, "Concerning Discipline" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. "The End of
Sciences" is completed.]
HENCE the (first) three sciences (out of the four) are dependent for their well-being
on the science of government. Danda, punishment, which alone can procure safety and
security of life is, in its turn, dependent on discipline (vinaya).
Discipline is of two kinds: artificial and natural; for instruction (kriya) can render
only a docile being conformable to the rules of discipline, and not an undocile being
(adravyam). The study of sciences can tame only those who are possessed of such mental
faculties as obedience, hearing, grasping, retentive memory, discrimination, inference,
and deliberation, but not others devoid of such faculties.
Sciences shall be studied and their precepts strictly observed under the authority of
specialist teachers.
Having undergone the ceremony of tonsure, the student shall learn the alphabet (lipi)
and arithmetic. After investiture with sacred thread, he shall study the triple Vedas, the
science of Anvikshaki under teachers of acknowledged authority (sishta), the science of
Vatra under government superintendents, and the science of Dandaniti under theoretical
and practical politicians (vaktriprayoktribhyah).
He (the prince) shall observe celibacy till he becomes sixteen years old. Then he
shall observe the ceremony of tonsure (godana) and marry.
During the rest of the day and night, he shall not only receive new lessons and revise
old lessons, but also hear over and again what has not been clearly understood.
For from hearing (sutra) ensues knowledge; from knowledge steady application
(yoga) is possible; and from application self-possession (atmavatta) is possible. This is
what is meant by efficiency of learning (vidhyasamarthyam).
The king who is well educated and disciplined in sciences, devoted to good
Government of his subjects, and bent on doing good to all people will enjoy the earth
[Thus ends Chapter V, "Association with the Aged" in Book I, "Concerning Discipline"
of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
Whosoever is of reverse character, whoever has not his organs of sense under his
control, will soon perish, though possessed of the whole earth bounded by the four
For example: Bhoja, known also by the name, Dándakya, making a lascivious
attempt on a Bráhman maiden, perished along with his kingdom and relations;
So also Karála, the Vaideha. Likewise Janamejaya under the influence of anger
against Bráhmans, as well as Tálajangha against the family of Bhrigus.
Aila in his attempt under the influence of greed to make exactions from Bráhmans,
as well as Ajabindu, the Sauvíra (in a similar attempt);
Rávana unwilling under the influence of vanity to restore a stranger's wife, as well
as Duryodhana to part with a portion of his kingdom; Dambhodbhava as well as Arjuna
of Haihaya dynasty being so haughty as to despise all people;
Vátápi in his attempt under the influence of overjoy to attack Agastya, as well as the
corporation of the Vrishnis in their attempt against Dvaipáyana.
Thus these and other several kings, falling a prey to the aggregate of the six enemies
and having failed to restrain their organs of sense, perished together with their kingdom
and relations. Having driven out the aggregate of the six enemies, as well as Ambarísha
of Jámadagnya famous for his restraint of the organs of sense Nábhága long enjoyed the
[Thus ends Chapter VI, "The Shaking off of the Aggregate of the Six Enemies" in the
section of the "Restraint Of the Organs of Sense" in Book I, "Concerning Discipline" of
the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
HENCE by overthrowing the aggregate of the six enemies, he shall restrain the
organs of sense; acquire wisdom by keeping company with the aged; see through his
spies; establish safety and security by being ever active; maintain his subjects in the
observance of their respective duties by exercising authority; keep up his personal
discipline by receiving lessons in the sciences; and endear himself to the people by
bringing them in contact with wealth and doing good to them.
Thus with his organs of sense under his control, he shall keep away from hurting the
women and property of others; avoid not only lustfulness, even in dream, but also
falsehood, haughtiness, and evil proclivities; and keep away from unrighteous and
uneconomical transactions.
Not violating righteousness and economy, he shall enjoy his desires. He shall never
be devoid of happiness. He may enjoy in an equal degree the three pursuits of life,
charity, wealth, and desire, which are inter-dependent upon each other. Any one of these
three, when enjoyed to an excess, hurts not only the other two, but also itself.
Kautilya holds that wealth and wealth alone is important, inasmuch as charity and
desire depend upon wealth for their realisation.
Those teachers and ministers who keep him from falling a prey to dangers, and who,
by striking the hours of the day as determined by measuring shadows
(chháyánálikápratodena) warn him of his careless proceedings even in secret shall
invariably be respected.
Sovereignty (rájatva) is possible only with assistance. A single wheel can never
move. Hence he shall employ ministers and hear their opinion.
[Thus ends Chapter VII, “The Life of a Saintly King” in the section of the “Restraint of
the Organs of Sense,” in Book I, “Concerning Discipline” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya;
“Restraint of the Organs of Sense" is completed.]
"THE King," says Bháradvája, "shall employ his classmates as his ministers; for
they can be trusted by him inasmuch as he has personal knowledge of their honesty and
“No,” says Visáláksha, "for, as they have been his playmates as well, they would
despise him. But he shall employ as ministers those whose secrets, possessed of in
common, are well known to him. Possessed of habits and defects in common. with the
king, they would never hurt him lest he would betray their secrets."
“Common is this fear,” says Parásara, “for under the fear of betrayal of his own
secrets, the king may also follow them in their good and bad acts.
"Under the control of as many persons as are made aware by the king of his own
secrets, might he place himself in all humility by that disclosure. Hence he shall employ
as ministers those who have proved faithful to him under difficulties fatal to life and are
of tried devotion."
"No,” says Pisuna, “for this is devotion, but not intelligence (buddhigunah). He
shall appoint as ministers those who, when employed as financial matters, show as much
as, or more than, the fixed revenue, and are thus of tried ability.”
"No," says Kaunapadanta, "for such persons are devoid of other ministerial
qualifications; he shall, therefore, employ as ministers those whose fathers and
grandfathers had been ministers before; such persons, in virtue of their knowledge of past
events and of an established relationship with the king, will, though offended, never
desert him; for such faithfulness is seen even among dumb animals; cows, for example,
stand aside from strange cows and ever keep company with accustomed herds."
"No," says Vátavyádhi, "for such persons, having acquired complete dominion over
the king, begin to play themselves as the king. Hence he shall employ as ministers such
new persons as are proficient in the science of polity. It is such new persons who will
regard the king as the real sceptre-bearer (dandadhara) and dare not offend him."
"No," says the son of Báhudantí (a woman); "for a man possessed of only theoretical
knowledge and having no experience of practical politics is likely to commit serious
blunders when engaged in actual works. Hence he shall employ as ministers such as are
born of high family and possessed of wisdom, purity of purpose, bravery and loyal
feelings inasmuch as ministerial appointments shall purely depend on qualifications."
"This," says Kautilya, "is satisfactory in all respects; for a man's ability is inferred
from his capacity shown in work. And in accordance in difference in the working
Having divided the spheres of their powers and having definitely taken into
consideration the place and time where and when they have to work, such persons shall
be employed not as councillors (mantrinah) but as ministerial officers (amátyah).
NATIVE, born of high family, influential, well trained in arts, possessed of foresight,
wise, of strong memory, bold, eloquent, skillful, intelligent, possessed of enthusiasm,
dignity, and endurance, pure in character, affable, firm in loyal devotion, endowed with
excellent conduct, strength, health and bravery, free from procrastination and
ficklemindedness, affectionate, and free from such qualities as excite hatred and enmity--
these are the qualifications of a ministerial officer (amátyasampat).
Of these qualifications, native birth and influential position shall be ascertained from
reliable persons; educational qualifications (silpa) from professors of equal learning;
theoretical and practical knowledge, foresight, retentive memory, and affability shall be
tested from successful, application in works; eloquence, skillfulness and flashing
intelligence from power shown in narrating stories (katháyogeshu, i.e., in conversation);
endurance, enthusiasm, and bravery in troubles; purity of life, friendly disposition, and
loyal devotion by frequent association; conduct, strength, health, dignity, and freedom
from indolence and ficklemindedness shall be ascertained from their intimate friends; and
affectionate and philanthrophic nature by personal experience.
That which he sees is visible; and that which he is taught by another is invisible; and
inference of the nature of what is not accomplished from what is accomplished is
Him whose family and character are highly spoken of, who is well educated in the
Vedás and the six Angas, is skillful in reading portents providential or accidental, is well
versed in the science of government, and who is obedient and who can prevent calamities
providential or human by performing such expiatory rites as are prescribed in the
Atharvaveda, the king shall employ as high priest. As a student his teacher, a son his
father, and a servant his master, the king shall follow him.
[Thus ends Chapter IX, “Creation of Councillors and Priests” in Book I “Concerning
Discipline” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
ASSISTED by his prime minister (mantri) and his high priest, the king shall, by
offering temptations, examine the character of ministers (amátya) appointed in
government departments of ordinary nature.
The king shall dismiss a priest who, when ordered, refuses to teach the Vedás to an
outcaste person or to officiate in a sacrificial performance (apparently) undertaken by an
outcaste person (ayájya).
Then the dismissed priest shall, through the medium of spies under the guise of
class-mates (satri), instigate each minister one after another, saying on oath "this king is
unrighteous; well let us set up in his place another king who is righteous, or who is born
of the same family as of this king, or who is kept imprisoned, or a neighbouring king of
his family and of self-sufficiency (ekapragraha), or a wild chief (atavika), or an upstart
(aupapádika); this attempt is to the liking of all of us; what dost thou think ?"
If any one or all of the ministers refuse to acquiesce in such a measure, he or they
shall be considered pure. This is what is called religious allurement.
A commander of the army, dismissed from service for receiving condemnable things
(asatpragraha) may, through the agency of spies under the guise of class-mates (satri),
incite each minister to murder the king in view of acquiring immense wealth, each
minister being asked "this attempt is to the liking of all of us; what dost thou think?"
If they refuse to agree, they are to be considered pure. This is what is termed
monetary allurement.
A woman-spy under the guise of an ascetic and highly esteemed in the harem of the
king may allure each prime minister (mahámátra) one after another, saying "the queen is
enamoured of thee and has made arrangements for thy entrance into her chamber; besides
this, there is also the certainty of large acquisitions of wealth."
If they discard the proposal, they are pure. This is what is styled love-allurement.
If they refuse to agree, they are pure. This is what is termed allurement under fear.
Of these tried ministers, those whose character has been tested under religious
allurements shall be employed in civil and criminal courts (dharmasthaníyakantaka
sodhaneshu); those whose purity has been tested under monetary allurements shall be
employed in the work of a revenue collector and chamberlain; those who have been tried
under love-allurements shall be appointed to superintend the pleasure-grounds (vihára)
both external and internal; those who have been tested by allurements under fear shall be
appointed to immediate service; and those whose character has been tested under all
kinds of allurements shall be employed as prime ministers (mantrinah), while those who
are proved impure under one or all of these allurements shall be appointed in mines,
timber and elephant forests, and manufactories.
Teachers have decided that in accordance with ascertained purity, the king shall
employ in corresponding works those ministers whose character has been tested under the
three pursuits of life, religion, wealth and love, and under fear.
Never, in the view of Kautilya, shall the king make himself or his queen an object
(laksham, butt) of testing the character of his councillors, nor shall he vitiate the pure like
water with poison.
Sometimes the prescribed medicine may fail to reach the person of moral disease;
the mind of the valiant, though naturally kept steadfast, may not, when once vitiated and
repelled under the four kinds of allurements, return to and recover its original form.
Hence having set up an external object as the butt for all the four kinds of
allurements, the king shall, through the agency of spies (satri), find out the pure or
impure character of his ministers (amátya).
ASSISTED by the council of his ministers tried under espionage, the king shall
proceed to create spies: --Spies under the guise of a fraudulent disciple (kápatika-
chhátra), a recluse (udásthita), a householder (grihapaitika), a merchant (vaidehaka), an
ascetic practising austerities (tápasa), a class-mate or a colleague (satri), a fire-brand
(tíkshna), a poisoner (rasada), and a mendicant woman (bhikshuki).
One who is initiated in asceticism and is possessed of foresight and pure character is
a recluse. This spy, provided with much money and many disciples, shall carry on
agriculture, cattle-rearing, and trade (vártakarma) on the lands allotted to him for the
purpose. Out of the produce and profits thus acquired, he shall provide all ascetics with
subsistence, clothing and lodging, and send on espionage such among those under his
protection as are desirous to earn a livelihood (vrittikáma), ordering each of them to
detect a particular kind of crime committed in connection with the king's wealth and to
report of it when they come to receive their subsistence and wages. All the ascetics (under
the recluse) shall severally send their followers on similar errands.
A cultivator, fallen from his profession, but possessed of foresight and pure character
is termed a householder spy. This spy shall carry on the cultivation of lands allotted to
him for the purpose, and maintain cultivators, etc.--as before.
A trader, fallen from his profession, but possessed of foresight and pure character, is
a merchant spy. This spy shall carry on the manufacture of merchandise on lands allotted
to him for the purpose, etc.,--as before.
A man with shaved head (munda) or braided hair (jatila) and desirous to earn
livelihood is a spy under the guise of an ascetic practising austerities. Such a spy
surrounded by a host of disciples with shaved head or braided hair may take his abode in
the suburbs of a city, and pretend as a person barely living on a handful of vegetables or
meadow grass (yavasamushti) taken once in the interval of a month or two, but he may
take in secret his favourite food-stuffs (gúdhamishtamáháram).
Merchant spies pretending to be his disciples may worship him as one possessed of
preternatural powers. His other disciples may widely proclaim that "this ascetic is an
accomplished expert of preternatural powers."
Regarding those persons who, desirous of knowing their future, throng to him, he
may, through palmistry, foretell such future events as he can ascertain by the nods and
signs of his disciples (angavidyayá sishyasanjnábhischa) concerning the works of high-
born people of the country,-- viz., small profits, destruction by fire, fear from robbers, the
execution of the seditious, rewards for the good, forecast of foreign affairs (videsa
pravrittivijnánam), saying, “this will happen to-day, that to-morrow, and that this king
will do.” Such assertions of the ascetic his disciples shall corroborate (by adducing facts
and figures).
He shall also foretell not only the rewards which persons possessed of foresight,
eloquence, and bravery are likely to receive at the hands of the king, but also probable
changes in the appointments of ministers.
The king's minister shall direct his affairs in conformity to the forecast made by the
ascetic. He shall appease with offer of wealth and honour those who have had some well
known cause to be disaffected, and impose punishments in secret on those who are for no
reason disaffected or who are plotting against the king.
Honoured by the king with awards of money and titles, these five institutes of
espionage (samstháh) shall ascertain the purity of character of the king's servants.
[Thus ends Chapter XI, "The Institution of Spies" in Book I, “Concerning Discipline” of
the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
THOSE orphans (asambandhinah) who are to be necessarily fed by the state and are
put to study science, palmistry (angavidya), sorcery (máyágata), the duties of the various
orders of religious life, legerdemain (jambhakavidya), and the reading of omens and
augury (antara-chakra), are classmate spies or spies learning by social intercourse
Such brave desperados of the country who, reckless of their own life, confront
elephants or tigers in fight mainly for the purpose of earning money are termed fire-
brands or fiery spies (tíkshna).
Those who have no trace of filial affection left in them and who are very cruel and
indolent are poisoners (rasada).
A poor widow of Bráhman caste, very clever, and desirous to earn her livelihood is a
woman ascetic (parivrájiká). Honoured in the king's harem, such a woman shall frequent
the residences of the king's prime ministers (mahámátrakuláni).
The same rule shall apply to women with shaved head (munda), as well as to those
of súdra caste. All these are wandering spies (sancháráh).
Of these spies, those who are of good family, loyal, reliable, well-trained in the art
of putting on disguises appropriate to countries and trades, and possessed of knowledge
of many languages and arts shall be sent by the king to espy in his own country the
movements of his ministers, priests, commanders of the army, the heir-apparent, the door-
keepers, the officer in charge of the harem, the magistrate (prasástri), the collector-
general (samáhartri), the chamberlain (sannidhátri), the commissioner (pradeshtri), the
city constable (náyaka), the officer in charge of the city (paura), the superintendent of
transactions (vyávahárika), the superintendent of manufactories (karmántika), the
assembly of councillors (mantriparishad), heads of departments (adhyaksháh), the
commissary-general (dandapála), and officers in charge of fortifications, boundaries, and
wild tracts.
Fiery spies, such as are employed to hold the royal umbrella, vase, fan, and shoes, or
to attend at the throne, chariot, and conveyance shall espy the public character (báhyam
cháram) of these (officers).
Classmate spies shall convey this information (i.e., that gathered by the fiery spies)
to the institutes of espionage (samsthásvarpayeyuh).
(Spies of the institutes of espionage) may suddenly go out under the pretext of long
standing disease, or lunacy, or by setting fire (to something) or by administering poison
(to some one).
When the information thus received from these three different sources is exactly of
the same version, it shall be held reliable. If they (the three sources) frequently differ, the
spies concerned shall either be punished in secret or dismissed.
Those spies who are referred to in Book IV, "Removal of Thorns," shall receive their
salaries from those kings (para, i.e., foreign) with whom they live as servants; but when
they aid both the states in the work of catching hold of robbers, they shall become
recipients of salaries from both the states (ubhayavetanáh).
Those whose sons and wives are kept (as hostages) shall be made recipients of
salaries from two states and considered as under the mission of enemies. Purity of
character of such persons shall be ascertained through persons of similar profession.
Thus with regard to kings who are inimical, friendly, intermediate, of low rank, or
neutral, and with regard to their eighteen government departments (ashtáldasa-tírtha),
spies shall be set in motion.
The hump-backed, the dwarf, the eunuch, women of accomplishments, the dumb,
and various grades of Mlechcha caste shall be spies inside their houses.
Merchant spies inside forts; saints and ascetics in the suburbs of forts; the cultivator
and the recluse in country parts; herdsmen in the boundaries of the country; in forests,
forest-dwellers, sramanás, and chiefs of wild tribes, shall be stationed to ascertain the
movements of enemies. All these spies shall be very quick in the dispatch of their work.
Spies set up by foreign kings shall also be found out by local spies; spies by spies of
like profession. It is the institutes of espionage, secret or avowed, that set spies in motion.
Those chiefs whose inimical design has been found out by spies supporting the
king's cause shall, in view of affording opportunity to detect the spies of foreign kings, be
made to live on the boundaries of the state.
[Thus ends Chapter XII, “Creation of Wandering Spies” in the section of “The Institution
of Spies,” in Book I. “Concerning Discipline” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
HAVING set up spies over his prime ministers (mahámátra), the king shall proceed
to espy both citizens and country people.
Against those who seem to commend this opinion, another spy may interrupt the
speaker and say:--
Spies shall also know the rumours prevalent in the state. Spies with shaved heads or
braided hair shall ascertain whether there prevails content or discontent among those who
live upon the grains, cattle, and gold of the king, among those who supply the same (to
the king) in weal or woe, those who keep under restraint a disaffected relative of the king
or a rebellious district, as well as those who drive away an invading enemy or a wild
tribe. The greater the contentment of such persons, the more shall be the honour shown to
them; while those who are disaffected shall be ingratiated by rewards or conciliation; or
dissension may be sown among them so that they may alienate themselves from each
other, from a neighbouring enemy, from a wild tribe, or from a banished or imprisoned
prince. Failing this measure, they may be so employed in collecting fines and taxes as to
incur the displeasure of the people. Those who are inebriated with feelings of enmity may
be put down by punishment in secret or by making them incur the displeasure of the
whole country. Or having taken the sons and wives of such treacherous persons under
State protection, they may be made to live in mines, lest they may afford shelter to
Those that are angry, those that are greedy, those that are alarmed, as well as those
that despise the king are the instruments of enemies. Spies under the guise of astrologers
and tellers of omens and augury shall ascertain the relationship of such persons with each
other and with foreign kings.
Honours and rewards shall be conferred upon those that are contented, while those
that are disaffected shall be brought round by conciliation, by gifts, or by sowing
dissension, or by punishment.
Thus in his own state a wise king shall guard factions among his people, friendly or
hostile, powerful or powerless against the intrigue of foreign kings.
[Thus ends Chapter XIII, “Protection of Parties for or against One's Own Cause in One's
Own State,” in Book I, “Concerning Discipline” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
PROTECTION of parties for or against one's own cause in one's own state has been
dealt with. Similar measures in connection with parties in a foreign state are to be treated
Those who are deluded with false promise of large rewards; those of whom one
party, though equally skillful as another party in artistic work or in turning out productive
or beneficial works, is slighted by bestowing larger rewards on its rival party; those who
are harassed by courtiers (Vallabhá-varuddháh); those who are invited to be slighted;
those who are harassed by banishment; those who in spite of their large outlay of money
have failed in their undertakings; those who are prevented from the exercise of their
rights or from taking possession of their inheritance; those who have fallen from their
rank and honours in government service; those who are shoved to the corner by their own
kinsmen; those whose women are violently assaulted; those who are thrown in jail; those
who are punished in secret; those who are warned of their misdeeds; those whose
property has been wholly confiscated; those who have long suffered from imprisonment;
those whose relatives are banished---all these come under the group of provoked persons.
He who has fallen a victim to misfortune by his own misdeeds; he who is offended
(by the king); he whose sinful deeds are brought to light; he who is alarmed at the award
of punishment on a man of like guilt; he whose lands have been confiscated; he whose
rebellious spirit is put down by coercive measures; he who, as a superintendent of all
government departments, has suddenly amassed a large amount of wealth; he who, as a
relative of such a rich man aspires to inherit his wealth; he who is disliked by the king;
and he who hates the king,--all these come under the group of persons alarmed.
He who is impoverished; he who has lost much wealth; he who is niggardly; he who
is addicted to evil propensities; and he who is engaged in dangerous transactions,---all
these constitute the group of ambitious persons.
Likewise alarmed persons may be won over by telling that ‘just as a hidden snake
bites and emits poison over whatever alarms it, so this king apprehensive of danger from
thee will ere long emit the poison of his resentment on thee; so thou mayest better go
Similarly ambitious persons may be won over by telling that ‘just as a cow reared by
dog-keepers gives milk to dogs, but not to Bráhmans, so this king gives milk (rewards) to
those who are devoid of valour, foresight, eloquence and bravery, but not to those who
are possessed of noble character; so the other king who is possessed of power to
discriminate men from men may be courted.’
In like manner haughty persons may be won over by telling that ‘just as a reservoir
of water belonging to Chándálas is serviceable only to Chándálas, but not to others, so
this king of low-birth confers his patronage only on low-born people, but not on Aryas
like thee; so the other king who is possessed of power to distinguish between men and
men may be courted.’
All these disaffected persons, when acquiescing to the above proposals, may be
made under a solumn compact (panakarmaná) to form a combination together with the
spies to achieve their end.
Likewise friends of a foreign king may also be won over by means of persuation and
rewards, while implacable enemies may be brought round by sowing dissensions, by
threats, and by pointing out the defects of their master.
[Thus ends Chapter XIV, "Winning over Factions for or against an Enemy's Cause in an
Enemy’s State," in Book I, "Concerning Discipline" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
HAVING gained a firm hold on the affection of both local and foreign parties both
in his own and enemy's state, the king shall proceed to think of administrative measures.
Whoever discloses counsels shall be torn to pieces. The disclosure of counsels may
be detected by observing changes in the attitude and countenance of envoys, ministers,
and masters. Change in conduct is change in attitude (ingitamanyathávrittih); and
observation of physical appearance is countenance (ákritigrahanamákárah).
Maintenance of the secrecy of a council-matter, and keeping guard over officers that
have taken part in the deliberation over it (shall be strictly observed) till the time of
starting the work so considered approaches.
Carelessness, intoxication, talking in sleep, love and other evil habits of councillors
are the causes of the betrayal of counsels.
"Hence," says Bháradvája, "the king shall singly deliberate over secret matters; for
ministers have their own ministers, and these latter some of their own; this kind of
successive line of ministers tends to the disclosure of counsels.
"Hence no outside person shall know anything of the work which the king has in
view. Only those who are employed to carry it out shall know it either when it is begun or
when accomplished."
“No deliberation,” says Visáláksha, “made by a single person will be successful; the
nature of the work which a sovereign has to do is to be inferred from the consideration of
both the visible and invisible causes. The perception of what is not or cannot be seen, the
conclusive decision of whatever is seen, the clearance of doubts as to whatever is
susceptible of two opinions, and the inference of the whole when only a part is seen--all
this is possible of decision only by ministers. Hence he shall sit at deliberation with
persons of wide intellect.
He shall despise none, but hear the opinions of all. A wise man shall make use of
even a child's sensible utterance.
"This is," says Parásara "ascertaining the opinions of others, but not keeping
counsels. He shall ask his ministers for their opinion, on a work similar to the one he has
in view, telling them that "this is the work; it happened thus; what is to be done if it will
turn out thus"; and he shall do as they decide. If it is done thus, both the ascertainment of
opinions and maintenance of secrecy can be attained."
“Not so,” says Pisuna, “for ministers, when called for their opinions regarding a
distant undertaking, or an accomplished or an unaccomplished work, either approach the
subject with indifference or give their opinions half-heartedly. This is a serious defect.
Hence he shall consult such persons as are believed to be capable of giving decisive
opinion regarding those works about which he seeks for advice. If he consults thus, he
can secure good advice as well as secrecy of counsel."
"Not so," says Kautilya, "for this (kind of seeking for advice) is infinite and endless.
He shall consult three or four ministers. Consultation with a single (minister) may not
lead to any definite conclusion in cases of complicated issues. A single minister proceeds
willfully and without restraint. In deliberating with two ministers, the king may be
overpowered by their combined action, or imperiled by their mutual dissension. But with
three or four ministers he will not come to any serious grief, but will arrive at satisfactory
results. With ministers more than four in number, he will have to come to a decision after
a good deal of trouble; nor will secrecy of counsel be maintained without much trouble.
In accordance with the requirements of place, time, and nature of the work in view, he
may, as he deems it proper, deliberate with one or two ministers or by himself.
Means to carry out works, command of plenty of men and wealth, allotment of time
and place, remedies against dangers, and final success are the five constituents of every
The king may ask his ministers for their opinion either individually or collectively,
and ascertain their ability by judging over the reasons they assign for their opinions.
He shall lose no time when the opportunity waited for arrives; nor shall he sit long at
consultation with those whose parties he intends to hurt.
The school of Manu say that the assembly of ministers (mantriparishad) shall be
made to consist of twelve members.
But Kautilya holds that it shall consist of as many members as the needs of his
dominion require (yathásámarthyam).
Those ministers shall have to consider all that concerns the parties of both the king
and his enemy. They shall also set themselves to start the work that is not yet begun, to
complete what has been begun, to improve what has been accomplished, and to enforce
strict obedience to orders (niyogasampadam).
He shall supervise works in company with his officers that are near (ásannaih); and
consult by sending writs (patrasampreshanena) those that are (not) near (ásanna).
One thousand sages form Indra's assembly of ministers (mantriparishad). They are
his eyes. Hence he is called thousand-eyed though he possesses only two eyes.
In works of emergency, he shall call both his ministers and the assembly of ministers
(mantrino mantriparishadam cha), and tell them of the same. He shall do whatever the
majority (bhúyishtháh) of the members suggest or whatever course of action leading to
success (káryasiddhikaram va) they point out. And while doing any work,
None of his enemies (pare) shall know his secret, but he shall know the weak points
of his enemy. Like a tortoise he shall draw in his limbs that are stretched out.
Just as balls of meal offered to ancestors by a person not learned in the Vedas are
unfit to be eaten by wise men, so whoever is not well versed in sciences shall be unfit to
hear of council deliberations.
The envoy shall make friendship with the enemy's officers such as those in charge of
wild tracts, of boundaries, of cities, and of country parts. He shall also contrast the
military stations, sinews of war, and strong-holds of the enemy with those of his own
master. He shall ascertain the size and area of forts and of the state, as well as strongholds
of precious things and assailable and unassailable points.
Having obtained permission, he shall enter into the capital of the enemy and state
the object of the mission as exactly as entrusted to him even at the cost of his own life.
Brightness in the tone, face, and eyes of the enemy; respectful reception of the
mission; enquiry about the health of friends; taking part in the narration of virtues; giving
a seat close to the throne; respectful treatment of the envoy; remembrance of friends;
closing the mission with satisfaction;--all these shall be noted as indicating the good
graces of the enemy and the reverse his displeasure.
"Messengers are the mouth-pieces of kings, not only of thyself, but of all; hence
messengers who, in the face of weapons raised against them, have to express their
mission as exactly as they are entrusted with do not, though outcasts, deserve death;
where is then reason to put messengers of Bráhman caste to death? This is another's
speech. This (i.e., delivery of that speech verbatim) is the duty of messengers."
Not puffed up with the respects shown to him, he shall stay there till he is allowed to
depart. He shall not care for the mightiness of the enemy; shall strictly avoid women and
liquor; shall take bed single; for it is well-known that the intentions of envoys are
ascertained while they are asleep or under the influence of liquor.
He shall, through the agency of ascetic and merchant spies or through their disciples
or through spies under the disguise of physicians, and heretics, or through recipients of
salaries from two states (ubhayavétana), ascertain the nature of the intrigue prevalent
among parties favourably disposed to his own master, as well as the conspiracy of hostile
factions, and understand the loyalty or disloyalty of the people to the enemy besides any
assailable points.
He shall not check the estimate which the enemy makes of the elements of
sovereignty of his own master; but he shall only say in reply, ‘All is known to thee.’ Nor
shall he disclose the means employed (by his master) to achieve an end in view.
If he has not succeeded in his mission, but is still detained, he shall proceed to infer
Whether seeing the imminent danger into which my master is likely to fall and
desirous of averting his own danger; whether in view of inciting against my master an
enemy threatening in the rear or a king whose dominion in the rear is separated by other
intervening states; whether in view of causing internal rebellion in my master's state, or
of inciting a wild chief (átavika) against my master; whether in view of destroying my
master by employing a friend or a king whose dominion stretches out in the rear of my
master's state (ákranda); whether with the intention of averting the internal trouble in his
own state or of preventing a foreign invasion or the inroads of a wild chief; whether in
view of causing the approaching time of my master's expedition to lapse; whether with
the desire of collecting raw materials and merchandise, or of repairing his fortifications,
or of recruiting a strong army capable to fight; whether waiting for the time and
opportunity necessary for the complete training of his own army; or whether in view of
making a desirable alliance in order to avert the present contempt brought about by his
own carelessness, this king detains me thus?
Then he may stay or get out as he deems it desirable; or he may demand a speedy
settlement of his mission.
The king shall employ his own envoys to carry on works of the above description,
and guard himself against (the mischief of) foreign envoys by employing counter envoys,
spies, and visible and invisible watchmen.
[Thus ends Chapter XVI, “The Mission of Envoys” in Book I, “Concerning Discipline”
of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
Protection of Princes
HAVING secured his own personal safety first from his wives and sons, the king can
be in a position to maintain the security of his kingdom against immediate enemies as
well as foreign kings.
Ever since the birth of princes, the king shall take special care of them.
“For,” says Bháradvája, “princes like crabs have a notorious tendency of eating up
their begetter. When they are wanting in filial affection, they shall better be punished in
secret (upámsudandah).”
"This is,” says Visáláksha, “cruelty, destruction of fortune, and extirpation of the
seed of the race of Kshattriyas. Hence it is better to keep them under guard in a definite
“This,” say the school of Parásara, “is akin to the fear from a lurking snake
(ahibhayam); for a prince may think that apprehensive of danger, his father has locked
him up, and may attempt to put his own father on his lap. Hence it is better to keep a
prince under the custody of boundary guards or inside a fort."
"This," says Pisuna, “is akin to the fear (from a wolf in the midst) of a flock of
sheep (aurabhrakam bhayam); for after understanding the cause of his rustication, he
may avail himself of the opportunity to, make an alliance with the boundary guards
(against his father). Hence it is better to throw him inside a fort belonging to a foreign
king far away from his own state."
“This,” says Kaunapadanta, “is akin to the position of a calf (vatsasthánam); for just
as a man milks a cow with the help of its calf, so the foreign king may milk (reduce) the
prince's father. Hence it is better to make a prince live with his maternal relations."
“This,” says Vátavyádhi “is akin to the position of a flag (dhvajasthánamétat): for as
in the case of Aditi and Kausika, the prince's maternal relations may, unfurling this flag,
go on begging. Hence princes may be suffered to dissipate their lives by sensual excesses
(grámyadharma) inasmuch as revelling sons do not dislike their indulgent father."
"This," says Kautilya, "is death in life; for no sooner is a royal family with a prince
or princes given to dissipation attacked, than it perishes like a worm-eaten piece of wood.
Hence when the queen attains the age favourable for procreation, priests shall offer to
Indra and Brihaspati the requisite oblations. When she is big with a child, the king shall
observe the instructions of midwifery with regard to gestation and delivery. After
delivery, the priests shall perform the prescribed purificatory ceremonials. When the
prince attains the necessary age, adepts shall train him under proper discipline."
"Any one of the classmate spies," say (politicians known as) Ambhíyas, "may allure
the prince towards hunting, gambling, liquor, and women, and instigate him to attack his
own father and snatch the reins of government in his own hands. Another spy shall
prevent him from such acts."
"There can be," says Kautilya, "no greater crime or sin than making wicked
impressions on an innocent mind; just as a fresh object is stained with whatever it is
brought in close association, so a prince with fresh mind is apt to regard as scientific
injunctions all that he is told of. Hence he shall be taught only of righteousness and of
wealth (artha), but not of unrighteousness and of non-wealth. Classmate spies shall be so
courteous towards him as to say "thine are we." When under the temptation of youth, he
turns his eye towards women, impure women under the disguise of Aryas shall, at night
and in lonely places, terrify him; when fond of liquor, he shall be terrified by making him
drink such liquor as is adulterated with narcotics (yógapána); when fond of gambling, he
shall be terrified by spies under the disguise of fraudulent persons; when fond of hunting,
he shall be terrified by spies under the disguise of highway robbers; and when desirous of
attacking his own father, he shall, under the pretence of compliance, be gradually
persuaded of the evil consequences of such attempts, by telling: a king is not made by a
mere wish; failure of thy attempt will bring about thy own death; success makes thee fall
into hell and causes the people to lament (for thy father) and destroy the only clod
(ekalóshtavadhascha, i.e., thyself)."
When a king has an only son who is either devoid of worldly pleasures or is a
favourite child, the king may keep him under chains. If a king has many sons, he may
send some of them to where there is no heir apparent, nor a child either just born or in the
When a prince is possessed of good and amicable qualities, he may be made the
commander-in-chief or installed as heir apparent.
Sons are of three kinds: those of sharp intelligence; those of stagnant intelligence;
and those of perverted mind.
If a king has an only son (of the last type), attempts shall be made to procreating a
son to him; or sons may be begotten on his daughters.
When a king is too old or diseased (to beget sons), he may appoint a maternal
relation or a blood relation (kulya) of his or any one of his neighbouring kings possessed
of good and amicable qualities to sow the seed in his own field (kshétrebíjam, i.e., to
beget a son on his wife.)
But never shall a wicked and an only son be installed on the royal throne.
A royal father who is the only prop for many (people) shall be favourably disposed
towards his son. Except in dangers, sovereignty falling to the lot of the eldest (son) is
always respected. Sovereignty may (sometimes) be the property of a clan; for the
corporation of clans is invincible in its nature and being free from the calamities of
anarchy, can have a permanent existence on earth.
A PRINCE, though put to troubles and employed in an unequal task, shall yet
faithfully follow his father unless that task costs his life, enrages the people, or causes
any other serious calamities. If he is employed in a good or meritorious work, he shall try
to win the good graces of the superintendent of that work, carry the work to a profitable
end beyond expectation, and present his father with the proportional profit derived from
that work as well as with the excessive profit due to his skill. If the king is not still
pleased with him and shows undue partiality to another prince and other wives, he may
request the king to permit him for a forest-life.
Or moving alone, he may earn his livelihood by working in gold mines or ruby
mines or by manufacturing gold and silver ornaments or any other commercial
commodities. Having acquired close intimacy with heretics (páshanda), rich widows, or
merchants carrying on ocean traffic he may, by making use of poison (madanarasa), rob
them of their wealth as well as the wealth of gods unless the latter is enjoyable by
Bráhmans learned in the Vedas. Or he may adopt such measures as are employed to
capture the villages of a foreign king. Or he may proceed (against his father) with the
help of the servants of his mother.
Or having disguised himself as a painter, a carpenter, court-bard, a physician, a
buffoon, or a heretic, and assisted by spies under similar disguise, he may, when
opportunity affords itself, present himself armed with weapons and poison before the
king, and address him :--
"I am the heir-apparent; it does not become thee to enjoy the state alone when it is
enjoyable by both of us, or when others justly desire such enjoyment; I ought not to be
kept away by awarding an allowance of double the subsistence and salary."
These are the measures that a prince kept under restraint has to take.
Or secret emissaries armed with weapons and poison may kill an abandoned prince.
If he is not abandoned, he may be caught hold of at night by employing women equal to
the occasion, or by making use of liquor, or on the occasion of hunting, and brought back
(to the court).
When thus brought back, he shall be conciliated by the king with promise of
sovereignty ‘after me’ (i.e., after the king's death), and kept under guard, in a definite
locality. Or if the king has many sons, an unruly prince may be banished.
[Thus ends Chapter XVIII, “The Conduct of a Prince kept under Restraint and the
Treatment of a Restrained Prince,” in Book I, “Concerning Discipline” of the Arthasástra
of Kautilya.]
He shall divide both the day and the night into eight nálikas (1½ hours), or
according to the length of the shadow (cast by a gnomon standing in the sun): the shadow
of three purushás (36 angulás or inches), of one purushá (12 inches), of four angulás (4
inches), and absence of shadow denoting midday are the four one-eighth divisions of the
forenoon; like divisions (in the reverse order) in the afternoon.
Of these divisions, during the first one-eighth part of the day, he shall post
watchmen and attend to the accounts of receipts and expenditure; during the second part,
he shall look to the affairs of both citizens and country people; during the third, he shall
not only bathe and dine, but also study; during the fourth, he shall not only receive
revenue in gold (hiranya), but also attend to the appointments of superintendents; during
the fifth, he shall correspond in writs (patrasampreshanena) with the assembly of his
ministers, and receive the secret information gathered by his spies; during the sixth, he
may engage himself in his favourite amusements or in self-deliberation; during the
seventh, he shall superintend elephants, horses, chariots, and infantry, and during the
eighth part, he shall consider various plans of military operations with his commander-in-
At the close of the day, he shall observe the evening prayer (sandhya).
During the first one-eighth part of the night, he shall receive secret emissaries;
during the second, he shall attend to bathing and supper and study; during the third, he
shall enter the bed-chamber amid the sound of trumpets and enjoy sleep during the fourth
and fifth parts; having been awakened by the sound of trumpets during the sixth part, he
shall recall to his mind the injunctions of sciences as well as the day's duties; during the
seventh, he shall sit considering administrative measures and send out spies; and during
the eighth division of the night, he shall receive benedictions from sacrificial priests,
teachers, and the high priest, and having seen his physician, chief cook and astrologer,
and having saluted both a cow with its calf and a bull by circumambulating round them,
he shall get into his court.
Or in conformity to his capacity, he may alter the timetable and attend to his duties.
When in the court, he shall never cause his petitioners to wait at the door, for when a
king makes himself inaccessible to his people and entrusts his work to his immediate
officers, he may be sure to engender confusion in business, and to cause thereby public
disaffection, and himself a prey to his enemies.
All urgent calls he shall hear at once, but never put off; for when postponed, they
will prove too hard or impossible to accomplish.
Having seated himself in the room where the sacred fire has been kept, he shall
attend to the business of physicians and ascetics practising austerities; and that in
company with his high priest and teacher and after preliminary salutation (to the
Accompanied by persons proficient in the three sciences (trividya) but not alone lest
the petitioners be offended, he shall look to the business of those who are practising
austerities, as well as of those who are experts in witchcraft and Yóga.
Of a king, the religious vow is his readiness to action; satisfactory discharge of
duties is his performance of sacrifice; equal attention to all is the offer of fees and
ablution towards consecration.
In the happiness of his subjects lies his happiness; in their welfare his welfare;
whatever pleases himself he shall not consider as good, but whatever pleases his subjects
he shall consider as good.
Hence the king shall ever be active and discharge his duties; the root of wealth is
activity, and of evil its reverse.
In the absence of activity acquisitions present and to come will perish; by activity he
can achieve both his desired ends and abundance of wealth.
[Thus ends Chapter XIX, “The Duties of a King” in Book I. “Concerning Discipline” of
the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
ON a site naturally best fitted for the purpose, the king shall construct his harem
consisting of many compartments, one within the other, enclosed by a parapet and a
ditch, and provided with a door.
He shall construct his own residential palace after the model of his treasury-house;
or he may have his residential abode in the centre of the delusive chamber
(móhanagriha), provided with secret passages made into the walls; or in an underground
chamber provided with the figures of goddesses and of altars (chaitya) carved on the
wooden door-frame, and connected with many underground passages for exit; or in an
upper storey provided with a staircase hidden in a wall, with a passage for exit made in a
hollow pillar, the whole building being so constructed with mechanical contrivance as to
be caused to fall down when necessary.
Or considering the danger from his own classmates (sahádhyáyi), such contrivances
as the above, mainly intended as safeguards against danger, may be made on occasions of
danger or otherwise as he deems fit.
No other kind of fire can burn that harem which is thrice circumambulated from
right to left by a fire of human make (manushénágnina); nor can there be kindled any
other fire. Nor can fire destroy that harem the walls of which are made of mud mixed
with ashes produced by lightning, and wetted in hail-water (karaka-vári).
Poisonous snakes will not dare to enter into such buildings as are provided with
Jívanti (Fæderia Fœtida), svéta (Aconitum Ferox), mushkakapushpa (?), and vandáka
(Epidendrum Tesselatum), and as are protected by the branches of péjáta (?) and of
asvattha (Ficus Religiosa).
Parrots, minas (sárika), and Malbar birds (bhringarája) shriek when they perceive
the smell of snake-poison.
The heron (crauncha) swoons in the vicinity of poison; the pheasant (jívanjívaka)
feels distress; the youthful cuckoo (mattakókila) dies; the eyes of partridge (chakóra) are
On one side in the rear of the harem, there shall be made for the residence of women
compartments provided not only with all kinds of medicines useful in midwifery and
diseases, but also with well known pot-herbs (prakhyátasamsthávriksha), and a water-
reservoir; outside these compartments, the residences of princes and princesses; in front
(of the latter building), the toilet-ground (alankára bhúmih), the council-ground
(mantrabhúmib), the court, and the offices of the heir-apparent and of superintendents.
In the intervening places between two compartments, the army of the officer in
charge of the harem shall be stationed.
When in the interior of the harem, the king shall see the queen only when her
personal purity is vouchsafed by an old maid-servant. He shall not touch any woman
(unless he is apprised of her personal purity); for hidden in the queen's chamber, his own
brother slew king Bhadrasena; hiding himself under the bed of his mother, the son killed
king Kárusa; mixing fried rice with poison, as though with honey, his own queen
poisoned Kásirája; with an anklet painted with poison, his own queen killed Vairantya;
with a gem of her zone bedaubed with poison, his own queen killed Sauvíra; with a
looking glass painted with poison, his own queen killed Jálútha; and with a weapon
hidden under her tuft of hair, his own queen slew Vidúratha.
Hence the king shall always be careful to avoid such lurking dangers. He shall keep
away his wives from the society of ascetics with shaved head or braided hair, of buffoons,
and of outside prostitutes (dási). Nor shall women of high birth have occasion to see his
wives except appointed midwives.
Prostitutes (rúpájíva) with personal cleanliness effected by fresh bath and with fresh
garments and ornaments shall attend the harem.
Eighty men and fifty women under the guise of fathers and mothers, and aged
persons, and eunuchs shall not only ascertain purity and impurity in the life of the
inmates of the harem, but also so regulate the affairs as to be conducive to the happiness
of the king.
Every person in the harem shall live in the place assigned to him, and shall never
move to the place assigned to others. No one of the harem shall at any time keep
company with any outsider.
The passage of all kinds of commodities from or into the harem shall be restricted
and shall, after careful examination, be allowed to reach their destination either inside or
outside the harem as indicated by the seal-mark (mudrá).
[Thus ends Chapter XX, “Duty towards the Harem” in Book I, “Concerning Discipline”
of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
ON getting up from the bed, the king shall be received by troops of women armed
with bows. In the second compartment, he shall be received by the Kanchuki (presenter
of the king's coat), the Ushnisi (presenter of king's head-dress), aged persons, and other
harem attendants.
The king shall employ as his personal attendants those whose fathers and
grandfathers had been royal servants, those who bear close relationship to the king, those
who are well trained and loyal, and those who have rendered good service.
Neither foreigners, nor those who have earned neither rewards nor honour by
rendering good service, nor even natives found engaged in inimical works shall form the
bodyguard of the king or the troops of the officers in charge of the harem.
When the flame and the smoke turn blue and crackle, and when birds (that eat the
oblation) die, presence of poison (in the dish) shall be inferred. When the vapour arising
from cooked rice possesses the colour of the neck of a peacock, and appears chill as if
suddenly cooled, when vegetables possess an unnatural colour, and are watery and
hardened, and appear to have suddenly turned dry, being possessed of broken layers of
blackish foam, and being devoid of smell, touch and taste natural to them; when utensils
reflect light either more or less than usual, and are covered with a layer of foam at their
edges; when any liquid preparation possesses streaks on its surface; when milk bears a
bluish streak in the centre of its surface; when liquor and water possess reddish streaks;
when curd is marked with black and dark streaks, and honey with white streaks; when
watery things appear parched as if overcooked and look blue and swollen; when dry
things have shrinked and changed in their colour; when hard things appear soft, and soft
things hard; when minute animalculæ die in the vicinity of the dishes; when carpets and
curtains possess blackish circular spots, with their threads and hair fallen off; when
metallic vessels set with gems appear tarnished as though by roasting, and have lost their
polish, colour, shine, and softness of touch, presence of poison shall be inferred.
As to the person who has administered poison, the marks are parched and dry
mouth; hesitation in speaking; heavy perspiration; yawning; too much bodily tremour;
frequent tumbling; evasion of speech; carelessness in work; and unwillingness to keep to
the place assigned to him.
Hence physicians and experts capable of detecting poison shall ever attend upon the
Having taken out from the store-room of medicines that medicine the purity of
which has been proved by experiment, and having himself together with the decoctioner
and the purveyor (páchaka and póshaka) tasted it, the physician shall hand over the
medicine to the king. The same rule shall apply to liquor and other beverages.
Having cleaned their person and hands by fresh bath and put on newly-washed
garment, servants in charge of dresses, and toilets shall serve the king with dresses and
toilets received under seal from the officer in charge of the harem.
The same rule shall apply to whatever has been received from an outside person.
Musicians shall entertain the king with those kinds of amusements in which
weapons, fire, and poison are not made use of. Musical instruments as well as the
ornaments of horses, chariots, and elephants shall invariably be kept inside (the harem).
The king shall mount over chariots or beasts of burden only when they are first
mounted over by his hereditary driver or rider.
He shall get into a boat only when it is piloted by a trustworthy sailor and is
conjoined to a second boat. He shall never sail on any ship which had once been
weatherbeaten; and (while boating on a good ship) his army shall all the while stand on
the bank or the shore.
He shall get into such water as is free from large fishes (matsya) and crocodiles. He
shall ramble only in such forests as are freed from snakes and crocodiles (gráha).
With a view of acquiring efficiency in the skill of shooting arrows at moving objects,
he shall engage himself in sports in such forests as are cleared by hunters and hound-
keepers from the fear of high-way-robbers, snakes, and enemies.
On the occaision of going out of, and coming into (the capital), the king’s road shall
on both sides be well guarded by staff-bearers and freed from the presence of armed
persons, ascetics, and the cripple (vyanga).
Just as he attends to the personal safety of others through the agency of spies, so a
wise king shall also take care to secure his person from external dangers.
[Thus ends Chapter XX, “Personal Safety” in Book I, “Concerning Discipline” of the
Arthasástra of Kautilya. With this, the Book I, “Concerning Discipline” of the
Arthasástra of Kautilya, has ended.]
Villages consisting each of not less than a hundred families and of not more than
five-hundred families of agricultural people of súdra caste, with boundaries extending as
far as a krósa (2250 yds.) or two, and capable of protecting each other shall be formed.
Boundaries shall be denoted by a river, a mountain, forests, bulbous plants (grishti),
caves, artificial buildings (sétubandha), or by trees such as sálmali (silk cotton tree), samí
(Acacia Suma), and kshíravriksha (milky trees).
There shall be set up a stháníya (a fortress of that name) in the centre of eight-
hundred villages, a drónamukha in the centre of four-hundred villages, a khárvátika in the
centre of two-hundred villages and sangrahana in the midst of a collection of ten villages.
Those who perform sacrifices (ritvik), spiritual guides, priests, and those learned in
the Vedas shall be granted Brahmadaya lands yielding sufficient produce and exempted
from taxes and fines (adandkaráni).
Lands prepared for cultivation shall be given to tax- payers (karada) only for life
Unprepared lands shall not be taken away from those who are preparing them for
Lands may be confiscated from those who do not cultivate them; and given to
others; or they may be cultivated by village labourers (grámabhritaka) and traders
(vaidehaka), lest those owners who do not properly cultivate them might pay less (to the
government). If cultivators pay their taxes easily, they may be favourably supplied with
grains, cattle, and money.
The king shall bestow on cultivators only such favour and remission
(anugrahaparihárau) as will tend to swell the treasury, and shall avoid such as will
deplete it.
A king with depleted treasury will eat into the very vitality of both citizens and
country people. Either on the occasion of opening new settlements or on any other
emergent occasions, remission of taxes shall be made.
He shall regard with fatherly kindness those who have passed the period of
remission of taxes.
He shall carry on mining operations and manufactures, exploit timber and elephant
forests, offer facilities for cattlebreeding and commerce, construct roads for traffic both
by land and water, and set up market towns (panyapattana).
He shall also construct reservoirs (sétu) filled with water either perennial or drawn
from some other source. Or he may provide with sites, roads, timber, and other necessary
things those who construct reservoirs of their own accord. Likewise in the construction of
places of pilgrimage (punyasthána) and of groves.
The king shall exercise his right of ownership (swámyam) with regard to fishing,
ferrying and trading in vegetables (haritapanya) in reservoirs or lakes (sétushu).
Those who do not heed the claims of their slaves (dása), hirelings (áhitaka), and
relatives shall be taught their duty.
The king shall provide the orphans, (bála), the aged, the infirm, the afflicted, and the
helpless with maintenance. He shall also provide subsistence to helpless women when
they are carrying and also to the children they give birth to.
Elders among the villagers shall improve the property of bereaved minors till the
latter attain their age; so also the property of Gods.
When a capable person other than an apostate (patita) or mother neglects to maintain
his or her child, wife, mother, father, minor brothers, sisters, or widowed girls (kanyá
vidhaváscha), he or she shall be punished with a fine of twelve panas.
When, without making provision for the maintenance of his wife and sons, any
person embraces ascetism, he shall be punished with the first amercement; likewise any
person who converts a woman to ascetism (pravrájayatah).
Whoever has passed the age of copulation may become an ascetic after distributing
the properties of his own acquisition (among his sons); otherwise, he will be punished.
No ascetic other than a vánaprastha (forest-hermit), no company other than the one
of local birth (sajátádanyassanghah), and no guilds of any kind other than local
cooperative guilds (sámuttháyiká- danyassamayánubandhah) shall find entrance into the
villages of the kingdom. Nor shall there be in villages buildings (sáláh) intended for
sports and plays. Nor, in view of procuring money, free labour, commodities, grains, and
liquids in plenty, shall actors, dancers, singers, drummers, buffoons (vágjívana), and
bards (kusílava) make any disturbance to the work of the villagers; for helpless villagers
are always dependent and bent upon their fields.
The king shall avoid taking possession of any country which is liable to the inroads
of enemies and wild tribes and which is harassed by frequent visitations of famine and
pestilence. He shall also keep away from expensive sports.
He shall protect agriculture from the molestation of oppressive fines, free labour,
and taxes (dandavishtikarábádhaih); herds of cattle from thieves, tigers, poisonous
creatures and cattle-disease.
He shall not only clear roads of traffic from the molestations of courtiers (vallabha),
of workmen (kármika), of robbers, and of boundary-guards, but also keep them from
being destroyed by herds of cattle.
Thus the king shall not only keep in good repair timber and elephant forests,
buildings, and mines created in the past, but also set up new ones.
[Thus ends Chapter I, "Formation of Villages” in Book II, “The Duties of Government
Superintendents,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of twenty-second chapter from the
THE King shall make provision for pasture grounds on uncultivable tracts.
Bráhmans shall be provided with forests for sóma plantation, for religious learning,
and for the performance of penance, such forests being rendered safe from the dangers
from animate or inanimate objects, and being named after the tribal name (gótra) of the
Bráhmans resident therein.
A forest as extensive as the above, provided with only one entrance rendered
inaccessible by the construction of ditches all round, with plantations of delicious fruit
trees, bushes, bowers, and thornless trees, with an expansive lake of water full of
harmless animals, and with tigers (vyála), beasts of prey (márgáyuka), male and female
elephants, young elephants, and bisons—all deprived of their claws and teeth—shall be
formed for the king's sports.
On the extreme limit of the country or in any other suitable locality, another game-
forest with game-beasts; open to all, shall also be made. In view of procuring all kinds of
forest-produce described elsewhere, one or several forests shall be specially reserved.
Manufactories to prepare commodities from forest produce shall also be set up.
Wild tracts shall be separated from timber-forests. In the extreme limit of the
country, elephant forests, separated from wild tracts, shall be formed.
The superintendent of forests with his retinue of forest guards shall not only
maintain the up-keep of the forests, but also acquaint himself with all passages for
entrance into, or exit from such of them as are mountainous or boggy or contain rivers or
Whoever brings in the pair of tusks of an elephant, dead from natural causes, shall
receive a reward of four-and-a-half panas.
Guards of elephant forests, assisted by those who rear elephants, those who enchain
the legs of elephants, those who guard the boundaries, those who live in forests, as well
as by those who nurse elephants, shall, with the help of five or seven female elephants to
help in tethering wild ones, trace the whereabouts of herds of elephants by following the
course of urine and dungs left by elephants and along forest-tracts covered over with
branches of Bhallátaki (Semicarpus Anacardium), and by observing the spots where
elephants slept or sat before or left dungs, or where they had just destroyed the banks of
rivers or lakes. They shall also precisely ascertain whether any mark is due to the
movements of elephants in herds, of an elephant roaming single, of a stray elephant, of a
leader of herds, of a tusker, of a rogue elephant, of an elephant in rut, of a young
elephant, or of an elephant that has escaped from the cage.
Experts in catching elephants shall follow the instructions given to them by the
elephant doctor (aníkastha) and catch such elephants as are possessed of auspicious
characteristics and good character.
The victory of kings (in battles) depends mainly upon elephants; for elephants, being
of large bodily frame, are capable not only to destroy the arrayed army of an enemy, his
fortifications, and encampments, but also to undertake works that are dangerous to life.
Elephants bred in countries, such as Kálinga, Anga, Karúsa, and the East are the
best; those of the Dasárna and western countries are of middle quality; and those of
Sauráshtra and Panchajana countries are of low quality. The might and energy of all can,
however, be improved by suitable training.
[Thus ends Chapter II, “Division of Land” in Book II, “The Duties of Government
Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of twenty-third chapter from the
ON all the four quarters of the boundaries of the kingdom, defensive fortifications
against an enemy in war shall be constructed on grounds best fitted for the purpose: a
water-fortification (audaka) such as an island in the midst of a river, or a plain
surrounded by low ground; a mountainous fortification (párvata) such as a rocky tract or
a cave; a desert (dhánvana) such as a wild tract devoid of water and overgrown with
thicket growing in barren soil; or a forest fortification (vanadurga) full of wagtail
(khajana), water and thickets.
Of these, water and mountain fortifications are best suited to defend populous
centres; and desert and forest fortifications are habitations in wilderness (atavísthánam).
Or with ready preparations for flight the king may have his fortified capital
(stháníya) as the seat of his sovereignty (samudayásthánam) in the centre of his kingdom:
in a locality naturally best fitted for the purpose, such as the bank of the confluence of
rivers, a deep pool of perennial water, or of a lake or tank, a fort, circular, rectangular, or
square in form, surrounded with an artificial canal of water, and connected with both land
and water paths (may be constructed).
Round this fort, three ditches with an intermediate space of one danda (6 ft.) from
each other, fourteen, twelve and ten dandas respectively in width, with depth less by one
quarter or by one-half of their width, square at their bottom and one-third as wide as at
their top, with sides built of stones or bricks, filled with perennial flowing water or with
water drawn from some other source, and possessing crocodiles and lotus plants shall be
At a distance of four dandas (24 ft.) from the (innermost) ditch, a rampart six dandas
high and twice as much broad shall be erected by heaping mud upwards and by making it
square at the bottom, oval at the centre pressed by the trampling of elephants and bulls,
and planted with thorny and poisonous plants in bushes. Gaps in the rampart shall be
filled up with fresh earth.
Above the rampart, parapets in odd or even numbers and with an intermediate, space
of from 12 to 24 hastas from each other shall be built of bricks and raised to a height of
twice their breadth.
The passage for chariots shall be made of trunks of palm trees or of broad and thick
slabs of stones with spheres like the head of a monkey carved on their surface; but never
of wood as fire finds a happy abode in it.
Towers, square throughout and with moveable staircase or ladder equal to its height,
shall also be constructed.
In the intermediate space measuring thirty dandas between two towers, there shall be
formed a broad street in two compartments covered over with a roof and two-and- half
times as long as it is broad.
Between the tower and the broad street there shall be constructed an Indrakósa
which is made up of covering pieces of wooden planks affording seats for three archers.
There shall also be made a road for Gods which shall measure two hastas inside (the
towers ?), four times as much by the sides, and eight hastas along the parapet.
Paths (chárya, to ascend the parapet ?) as broad as a danda (6 ft.) or two shall also
be made.
In an unassailable part (of the rampart), a passage for flight (pradhávitikám), and a
door for exit (nishkuradwáram) shall be made.
The rise in level (talotsedhah) shall be made by successive addition of one hasta up
to 18 hastas commencing from 15 hastas.
In fixing a pillar, six parts are to form its height, on the floor, twice as much (12
parts) to be entered into the ground, and one-fourth for its capital.
Of the first floor, five parts (are to be taken) for the formation of a hall (sálá), a well,
and a boundary-house; two-tenths of it for the formation of two platforms opposite to
each other (pratimanchau); an upper storey twice as high as its width; carvings of
images; an upper-most storey, half or three-fourths as broad as the first floor; side walls
built of bricks; on the left side, a staircase circumambulating from left to right; on the
right, a secret staircase hidden in the wall; a top-support of ornamental arches
(toranasirah) projecting as far as two hastas; two door-panels, (each) occupying three-
fourths of the space; two and two cross-bars (parigha, to fasten the door); an iron-bolt
(indrakila) as long as an aratni (24 angulas); a boundary gate (ánidváram) five hastas in
width; four beams to shut the door against elephants; and turrets (hastinakha) (outside the
rampart) raised up to the height of the face of a man, removable or irremovable, or made
of earth in places devoid of water.
A turret above the gate and starting from the top of the parapet shall be constructed,
its front resembling an alligator up to three-fourths of its height.
In the centre of the parapets, there shall be constructed a deep lotus pool; a
rectangular building of four compartments, one within the other; an abode of the Goddess
Kumiri (Kumárípuram), having its external area one-and-a-half times as broad as that of
its innermost room; a circular building with an arch way; and in accordance with
available space and materials, there shall also be constructed canals (kulyá) to hold
weapons and three times as long as broad.
In those canals, there shall be collected stones, spades (kuddála), axes (kuthári),
varieties of staffs, cudgel (musrinthi), hammers (mudgara), clubs, discus, machines
(yantra), and such weapons as can destroy a hundred persons at once (sataghni), together
with spears, tridents, bamboo-sticks with pointed edges made of iron, camel-necks,
explosives (agnisamyógas), and whatever else can be devised and formed from available
[Thus ends Chapter III, "Construction of Forts,” in Book II, “The Duties of Government
Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of twenty-fourth chapter from the
DEMARCATION of the ground inside the fort shall be made first by opening three
royal roads from west to east and three from south to north.
The fort shall contain twelve gates, provided with both a land and water-way kept
Roads for chariots shall be five aratnis (7½ ft.). Roads for cattle shall measure four
aratnis; and roads for minor quadrupeds and men two aratnis.
In the midst of the houses of the people of all the four castes and to the north from
the centre of the ground inside the fort, the king’s palace, facing either the north or the
east shall, as described elsewhere (Chapter XX, Book I), be constructed occupying one-
ninth of the whole site inside the fort.
Royal teachers, priests, sacrificial place, water-reservoir and ministers shall occupy
sites east by north to the palace.
Royal kitchen, elephant stables, and the store-house shall be situated on sites east by
On the eastern side, merchants trading in scents, garlands, grains, and liquids,
together with expert artisans and the people of Kshatriya caste shall have their
The store-house of forest produce and the arsenal shall be constructed on sites south
by west.
To the north, the royal tutelary deity of the city, ironsmiths, artisans working on
precious stones, as well as Bráhmans shall reside.
In the centre of the city, the apartments of Gods such as Aparájita, Apratihata,
Jayanta, Vaijayanta, Siva, Vaisravana, Asvina (divine physicians), and the honourable
liquor-house (Srí-madiragriham), shall be situated.
In the corners, the guardian deities of the ground shall be appropriately set up.
Likewise the principal gates such as Bráhma, Aindra, Yámya, and Sainápatya shall
be constructed; and at a distance of 100 bows (dhanus = 108 angulas) from the ditch (on
the counterscarp side), places of worship and pilgrimage, groves and buildings shall be
Guardian deities of all quarters shall also be set up in quarters appropriate to them.
Either to the north or the east, burial or cremation grounds shall be situated; but that
of the people of the highest caste shall be to the south (of the city).
Families of workmen may in any other way be provided with sites befitting with
their occupation and field work. Besides working in flower-gardens, fruit-gardens,
vegetable-gardens, and paddy-fields allotted to them, they (families) shall collect grains
and merchandise in abundance as authorised.
Oils, grains, sugar, salt, medicinal articles, dry or fresh vegetables, meadow grass,
dried flesh, haystock, firewood, metals, skins, charcoal, tendons (snáyu), poison, horns,
bamboo, fibrous garments, strong timber, weapons, armour, and stones shall also be
stored (in the fort) in such quantities as can be enjoyed for years together without feeling
any want. Of such collection, old things shall be replaced by new ones when received.
Elephants, cavalry, chariots, and infantry shall each be officered with many chiefs
inasmuch as chiefs, when many, are under the fear of betrayal from each other and
scarcely liable to the insinuations and intrigues of an enemy.
The same rule shall hold good with the appointment of boundary, guards, and
repairers of fortifications.
Never shall báhirikas who are dangerous to the well being of cities and countries be
kept in forts. They may either be thrown in country parts or compelled to pay taxes.
[Thus ends Chapter IV, “ Buildings within the Fort” in Book II, “The Duties of the
Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of twenty-fifth chapter
from the beginning.]
THE Chamberlain (sannidhátá = one who ever attends upon the king) shall see to
the construction of the treasury-house, trading-house, the store-house of grains, the store-
house of forest produce, the armoury and the jail.
Having dug up a square well not too deep to be moist with water, having paved both
the bottom and the sides with slabs of stone, he shall, by using strong timber, construct in
that well a cage-like under-ground chamber of three stories high, the top-most being on a
level with the surface of the ground, with many compartments of various design, with
floor plastered with small stones, with one door, with a movable staircase, and
solemnised with the presence of the guardian deity.
Above this chamber, the treasury house closed on both sides, with projecting roofs
and extensively opening into the store-house shall be built of bricks.
The trading-house shall be a quadrangle enclosed by four buildings with one door,
with pillars built of burnt bricks, with many compartments, and with a row of pillars on
both sides kept apart.
The store-house shall consist of many spacious rooms and enclose within itself the
store-house of forest produce separated from it by means of wall and connected with both
the underground chamber and the armoury.
The court (dharmasthíya) and the office of the ministers (mahámátríya) shall be
built in a separate locality.
Provided with separate accommodation for men and women kept apart and with
many compartments well guarded, a jail shall also be constructed.
All these buildings shall be provided with halls (sála) pits (kháta—privy [?]), water-
well, bath-room, remedies against fire and poison, with cats, mangooses, and with
necessary means to worship the guardian gods appropriate to each.
In (front of) the store-house a bowl (kunda) with its mouth as wide as an aratni (24
angulag) shall be set up as rain-gauge (varshamána).
Assisted by experts having necessary qualifications and provided with tools and
instruments, the chamberlain shall attend to the business of receiving gems either old or
new, as well as raw materials of superior or inferior value.
In cases of deception in gems, both the deceiver and the abettor shall be punished
with the highest amercement; in the case of superior commodities, they shall be punished
with the middle-most amercement; and in that of commodities of inferior value, they
shall be compelled not only to restore the same, but also pay a fine equal to the value of
the articles.
He shall receive only such gold coins as have been declared to be pure by the
examiner of coins.
Whoever brings in counterfeit coins shall be punished with the first amercement.
Grains pure and fresh shall be received in full measures; otherwise a fine of twice
the value of the grains shall be imposed.
The same rule shall hold good with the receipt of merchandise, raw materials, and
If the officer who is in charge of the treasury causes loss in money, he shall be
whipped (ghátah), while his abettors shall receive half the punishment; if the loss is due
to ignorance, he shall be censured.
If, with the intention of giving a hint, robbers are frightened (by the guards), (the
latter) shall be tortured to death.
Hence assisted by trustworthy persons, the chamberlain shall attend to the business
of revenue collection.
THE Collector-General shall attend to (the collection of revenue from) forts (durga),
country-parts (ráshtra), mines (khani), buildings and gardens (setu), forests (vana), herds
of cattle (vraja), and roads of traffic (vanikpatha).
Tolls, fines, weights and measures, the town-clerk (nágaraka), the superintendent of
coinage (lakshanádhyakshah), the superintendent of seals and pass-ports, liquor,
slaughter of animals, threads, oils,. ghee, sugar (kshára), the state-goldsmith
(sauvarnika), the warehouse of merchandise, the prostitute, gambling, building sites
(vástuka), the corporation of artisans and handicrafts-men (kárusilpiganah), the
superintendent of gods, and taxes collected at the gates and from the people (known as)
Báhirikas come under the head of forts.
Gold, silver, diamonds, gems, pearls, corals, conch-shells, metals (loha), salt, and
other minerals extracted from plains and mountain slopes come under the head of mines.
Cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep, asses, camels, horses, and mules come under the head
of herds.
Capital (múla), share (bhága), premia (vyáji), parigha (?) fixed taxes (klripta),
premia on coins (rúpika), and fixed fines (atyaya) are the several forms of revenue
(áyamukha, i.e., the mouth from which income is to issue).
The chanting of auspicious hymns during the worship of gods and ancestors, and on
the occasion of giving gifts, the harem, the kitchen, the establishment of messengers, the
store-house, the armoury, the warehouse, the store-house of raw materials, manufactories
(karmánta), free labourers (vishti), maintenance of infantry, cavalry, chariots, and
elephants, herds of cows, the museum of beasts, deer, birds, and snakes, and storage of
firewood and fodder constitute the body of expenditure (vyayasaríram).
The royal year, the month, the paksha, the day, the dawn (vyushta), the third and
seventh pakshas of (the seasons such as) the rainy season, the winter season, and the
summer short of their days, the rest complete, and a separate intercalary month are (the
divisions of time).
He shall also pay attention to the work in hand (karaníya), the work accomplished
(siddham), part of a work in hand (sésha), receipts, expenditure, and net balance.
That which has been credited to the treasury; that which has been taken by the king;
that which has been spent in connection with the capital city not entered (into the
register) or continued from year before last, the royal command dictated or orally
intimated to be entered (into the register),—all these constitute the work accomplished.
Preparation of plans for profitable works, balance of fines due, demand for arrears of
revenue kept in abeyance, and examination of accounts,—these constitute what is called
part of a work in hand which may be of little or no value.
Receipts may be (1) current, (2) last balance, and (3) accidental (anyajátah=
received from external source).
Whatever has been brought forward from year before last, whatever is in the hands
of others, and whatever has changed hands is termed last balance (puryushita).
Whatever has been lost and forgotten (by others), fines levied from government
servants, marginal revenue (pársva), compensation levied for any damage (párihínikam),
presentations to the king, the property of those who have fallen victims to epidemics
(damaragatakasvam) leaving no sons, and treasure-troves,---all these constitute
accidental receipts.
Whatever is spent on these two heads is termed as daily expenditure and profitable
expenditure respectively.
That which remains after deducting all the expenditure already incurred and
excluding all revenue to be realised is net balance (nívi) which may have been either just
realised or brought forward.
[Thus ends Chapter VI, “The Business of Collection of Revenue by the Collector-
General” in Book II, “The Duties of Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of
Kautilya. End of the twenty-seventh chapter from the beginning.]
THE superintendent of accounts shall have the accountant's office constructed with
its door facing either the north or the east, with seats (for clerks) kept apart and with
shelves of account-books well arranged.
Therein the number of several departments; the description of the work carried on
and of the results realised in several manufactories (Karmánta); the amount of profit,
loss, expenditure, delayed earnings, the amount of vyáji (premia in kind or cash) realised,
—the status of government agency employed, the amount of wages paid, the number of
free labourers engaged (vishti) pertaining to the investment of capital on any work;
likewise in the case of gems and commodities of superior or inferior value, the rate of
their price, the rate of their barter, the counterweights (pratimána) used in weighing
them, their number, their weight, and their cubical measure; the history of customs,
professions, and transactions of countries, villages, families, and corporations; the gains
in the form of gifts to the king's courtiers, their title to possess and enjoy lands, remission
of taxes allowed to them, and payment of provisions and salaries to them; the gains to the
wives and sons of the king in gems, lands, prerogatives, and provisions made to remedy
evil portents; the treaties with, issues of ultimatum to, and payments of tribute from or to,
friendly or inimical kings,— all these shall be regularly entered in prescribed registers.
From these books the superintendent shall furnish the accounts as to the forms of
work in hand, of works accomplished, of part of works in hand, of receipts, of
expenditure, of net balance, and of tasks to be undertaken in each of the several
The king will have to suffer in the end if he curtails the fixed amount of expenditure
on profitable works.
(When a man engaged by Government for any work absents himself), his sureties
who conjointly received (wages?) from the government, or his sons, brothers, wives,
daughters or servants living upon his work shall bear the loss caused to the Government.
The work of 354 days and nights is a year. Such a work shall be paid for more or
less in proportion to its quantity at the end of the month, Ashádha (about the middle of
July). (The work during) the intercalary month shall be (separately) calculated.
A government officer, not caring to know the information gathered by espionage and
neglecting to supervise the despatch of work in his own department as regulated, may
occasion loss of revenue to the government owing to his ignorance, or owing to his
idleness when he is too weak to endure the trouble of activity, or due to inadvertence in
perceiving sound and other objects of sense, or by being timid when he is afraid of
clamour, unrighteousness, and untoward results, or owing to selfish desire when he is
favourably disposed towards those who are desirous to achieve their own selfish ends, or
by cruelty due to anger, or by lack of dignity when he is surrounded by a host of learned
and needy sycophants, or by making use of false balance, false measures, and false
calculation owing to greediness.
The school of Manu hold that a fine equal to the loss of revenue and multiplied by
the serial number of the circumstances of the guilt just narrated in order shall be imposed
upon him.
The school of Parásara hold that the fine in all the cases shall be eight times the
amount lost.
The school of Brihaspathi say that it shall be ten times the amount.
The school of Usanas say that it shall be twenty times the amount.
When they (the accountants of different districts) present themselves with sealed
books, commodities and net revenue, they shall all be kept apart in one place so that they
cannot carry on conversation with each other. Having heard from them the totals of
receipts, expenditure, and net revenue, the net amount shall be received.
By how much the superintendent of a department augments the net total of its
revenue either by increasing any one of the items of its receipts or by decreasing anyone
of the items of expenditure, he shall be rewarded eight times that amount. But when it is
reversed (i.e., when the net total is decreased), the award shall also be reversed (i.e., he
shall be made to pay eight times the decrease).
Those accountants who do not present themselves in time or do not produce their
account books along with the net revenue shall be fined ten times the amount due from
All the ministers (mahámáras) shall together narrate the whole of the actual
accounts pertaining to each department.
If an accountant has to write only a small portion of the accounts pertaining to net
revenue, he may be allowed five nights to prepare it.
Then the table of daily accounts submitted by him along with the net revenue shall
be checked with reference to the regulated forms of righteous transactions and precedents
and by applying such arithmetical processes as addition, subtraction, inference and by
espionage. It shall also be verified with reference to (such divisions of time as) days, five
nights, pakshás, months, four-months, and the year.
The receipt shall be verified with reference to the place and time pertaining to them,
the form of their collection (i.e., capital, share), the amount of the present and past
produce, the person who has paid it, the person who caused its payment, the officer who
fixed the amount payable, and the officer who received it. The expenditure shall be
verified with reference to the cause of the profit from any source in the place and time
pertaining to each item, the amount payable, the amount paid, the person who ordered the
collection, the person who remitted the same, the person who delivered it, and the person
who finally received it.
Likewise the net revenue shall be verified with reference to the place, time, and
source pertaining to it, its standard of fineness and quantity, and the persons who are
employed to guard the deposits and magazines (of grains, etc.).
When an officer (káranika) does not facilitate or prevents the execution of the king's
order, or renders the receipts and expenditure otherwise than prescribed, he shall be
punished with the first amercement.
Any clerk who violates or deviates from the prescribed form of writing accounts,
enters what is unknown to him, or makes double or treble entries (punaruktam) shall be
fined 12 panas.
He who causes loss of revenue shall not only pay a fine equal to five times the
amount lost (panchabandha), but also make good the loss. In case of uttering a lie, the
punishment levied for theft shall be imposed. (When an entry lost or omitted) is made
later or is made to appear as forgotten, but added later on recollection, the punishment
shall be double the above.
The king shall forgive an offence when it is trifling, have satisfaction even when the
revenue is scanty, and honour with rewards (pragraha) such of his superintendents as are
of immense benefit to him.
[Thus ends Chapter VII, "The Business of Keeping up the Accounts in the Officeof
Accountants," in Book II, "The Duties of Government Superintendents" of the
Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of twenty-eighth chapter from the beginning.]
ALL undertakings depend upon finance. Hence foremost attention shall be paid to
the treasury.
Failure to start an undertaking or to realise its results, or to credit its profits (to the
treasury) is known as obstruction. Herein a fine of ten times the amount in question shall
be imposed.
These two acts shall be punished with a fine of twice the profit earned.
Whoever makes as unripe the ripe time or as ripe the unripe time (of revenue
collection) is guilty of fabrication. Herein a fine of ten times the amount (panchabandha)
shall be imposed.
Whoever enjoys himself or causes others to enjoy whatever belongs to the king is
guilty of self-enjoyment. Herein death-sentence shall be passed for enjoying gems,
middlemost amercement for enjoying valuable articles, and restoration of the articles
together with a fine equal to their value shall be the punishment for enjoying articles of
inferior value.
The act of exchanging government articles for (similar) articles of others is barter.
This offence is explained by self-enjoyment.
Whoever does not take into the treasury the fixed amount of revenue collected, or
does not spend what is ordered to be spent, or misrepresents the net revenue collected is
guilty of defalcation of government money. Herein a fine of twelve times the amount
shall be imposed.
There are about forty ways of embezzlement: what is realised earlier is entered later
on; what is realised later is entered earlier; what ought to be realised is not realised; what
is hard to realise is shown as realised; what is collected is shown as not collected; what
has not been collected is shown as collected; what is collected in part is entered as
collected in full; what is collected in full is entered as collected in part; what is collected
is of one sort, while what is entered is of another sort; what is realised from one source is
shown as realised from another; what is payable is not paid; what is not payable is paid;
not paid in time; paid untimely; small gifts made large gifts; large gifts made small gifts;
what is gifted is of one sort while what is entered is of another; the real donee is one
while the person entered (in the register) as donee is another; what has been taken into
(the treasury) is removed while what has not been credited to it is shown as credited; raw
materials that are not paid for are entered, while those that are paid for are not entered; an
aggregate is scattered in pieces; scattered items are converted into an aggregate;
commodities of greater value are bartered for those of small value; what is of smaller
value is bartered for one of greater value; price of commodities enhanced; price of
commodities lowered; number of nights increased; number of nights decreased; the year
not in harmony with its months; the month not in harmony with its days; inconsistency in
the transactions carried on with personal supervision (samágamavishánah);
misrepresentation of the source of income; inconsistency in giving charities; incongruity
in representing the work turned out; inconsistency in dealing with fixed items;
misrepresentation of test marks or the standard of fineness (of gold and silver);
misrepresentation of prices of commodities; making use of false weight and measures;
deception in counting articles; and making use of false cubic measures such as bhájan—
these are the several ways of embezzlement.
Under the above circumstances, the persons concerned such as the treasurer
(nidháyaka), the prescriber (nibandhaka), the receiver (pratigráhaka), the payer
(dáyaka), the person who caused the payment (dápaka), the ministerial servants of the
officer (mantri-vaiyávrityakara) shall each be separately examined. If any one of these
tells a lie, he shall receive the same punishment as the chief-officer, (yukta) who
committed the offence.
Those who respond to the call shall receive such compensation as is equal to the loss
they have sustained.
When there are a number of offences in which a single officer is involved, and when
his being guilty of parókta in any one of those charges has been established, he shall be
answerable for all those offences. Otherwise (i.e., when it is not established), he shall be
tried for each of the charges.
Any informant (súchaka) who supplies information about embezzlement just under
perpetration shall, if he succeeds in proving it, get as reward one-sixth of the amount in
question; if he happens to be a government servant (bhritaka), he shall get for the same
act one-twelfth of the amount.
When the charge is proved, the informant may impute the tale-bearing to someone
else or clear himself in any other way from the blame. Any informant who withdraws his
assertion prevailed upon by the insinuations of the accused shall be condemned to death.
[Thus ends Chapter VIII, "Detection of what is Embezzled by Government Servants out
of State Revenue," in Book II, " The Duties of Government Superintendents” of the
Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of twenty-ninth chapter from the beginning.]
Without dissension and without any concert among themselves, they shall carry on
their work as ordered.
Without bringing to the knowledge of their master (bhartri, the king), they shall
undertake nothing except remedial measures against imminent dangers.
A fine of twice the amount of their daily pay and of the expenditure (incurred by
them) shall be fixed for any inadvertence on their part.
Whoever of the superintendents makes as much as, or more than, the amount of
fixed revenue shall be honoured with promotion and rewards.
(My) teacher holds that that officer who spends too much and brings in little revenue
eats it up; while he who proves the revenue (i.e., brings in more than he spends) as well
as the officer who brings inasmuch as he spends does not eat up the revenue.
Whoever doubles the revenue eats into the vitality of the country. If he brings in
double the amount to the king, he shall, if the offence is small, be warned not to repeat
the same; but if the offence be grave he should proportionally be punished.
Whoever spends the revenue (without bringing in any profit) eats up the labour of
workmen. Such an officer shall be punished in proportion to the value of the work done,
the number of days taken, the amount of capital spent, and the amount of daily wages
Hence the chief officer of each department (adhikarana) shall thoroughly scrutinise
the real amount of the work done, the receipts realised from, and the expenditure incurred
in that departmental work both in detail and in the aggregate.
Whoever unjustly eats up the property left by his father and grandfather is a prodigal
person (múlahara).
Whoever hordes money, entailing hardship both on himself and his servants is
Whoever of these three kinds of persons has the support of a strong party shall not
be disturbed; but he who has no such support shall be caught hold of (paryádátavyah).
Hence the superintendents of all the departments shall carry on their respective
works in company with accountants, writers, coin-examiners, the treasurers, and military
officers (uttarádhyaksha).
Those who attend upon military officers and are noted for their honesty and good
conduct shall be spies to watch the conduct of accountants and other clerks.
It is possible to mark the movements of birds flying high up in the sky; but not so is
it possible to ascertain the movement of government servants of hidden purpose.
Government servants shall not only be confiscated of their ill-earned hordes, but
also be transferred from one work to another, so that they cannot either misappropriate
Government money or vomit what they have eaten up.
Those who increase the king's revenue instead of eating it up and are loyally devoted
to him shall be made permanent in service.
[Thus ends Chapter IX, "Examination of the Conduct of Government Servants" in Book
II, "The Duties of Government Superintendents" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of
thirtieth chapter from the beginning.]
(TEACHERS) say that (the word) sásana, command, (is applicable only to) royal
writs (sásana).
Writs are of great importance to kings inasmuch as treaties and ultimate leading to
war depend upon writs.
Hence one who is possessed of ministerial qualifications, acquainted with all kinds
of customs, smart in composition, good in legible writing, and sharp in reading shall be
appointed as a writer (lékhaka).
Such a writer, having attentively listened to the king's order and having well thought
out the matter under consideration, shall reduce the order to writing.
Having paid sufficient attention to the caste, family, social rank, age, learning
(sruta), occupation, property, character (síla), blood-relationship (yaunánubandha) of the
addressee, as well as to the place and time (of writing), the writer shall form a writ
befitting the position of the person addressed.
Arrangement of subject-matter (arthakrama), relevancy (sambandha), completeness,
sweetness, dignity, and lucidity are the necessary qualities of a writ.
When subsequent facts are not contradictory to facts just or previously mentioned,
and so on till the completion of the letter, it is termed relevancy.
Combination of words (varga) consisting of not more than three words and not less
than one word shall be so formed as to harmonise with the meaning of immediately
following words.
The word, ‘iti,’ is used to indicate the completion of a writ; and also to indicate an
oral message as in the phrase ‘váchikamasyeti,’ an oral message along with this (writ).
Calumniation (nindá) consists in speaking ill of one's family, body and acts.
Commendation (prasamsá) consists in praising one's family, person, and acts.
To say 'what I am, thou art that; whichever article is mine is thine also, is
conciliation (sántvam).
Pointing out the evil consequences that may occur in future is threat
Persuasion is of three kinds: that made for the purpose of money, that made in case
of one's failure to fulfill a promise, and that made on occasion of any trouble.
Thus says (the messenger); so says (the king); if there is any truth in this (statement
of the messenger), then the thing (agreed to) should at once be surrendered; (the
messenger) has informed the king of all the deeds of the enemy. (Parakára);—this is the
writ of information which is held to be of various forms.
Wherever and especially regarding Government servants the king's order either for
punishment or for rewards is issued, it is called writ of command (ájnálékha).
Where the bestowal of honour for deserving merit is contemplated either as help to
alleviate affliction (ádhi) or as gift (paridána), there are issued writs of gift
Various kinds of providential visitations or well ascertained evils of human make are
believed to be the cause for issuing writs of guidance (pravrittilékha) to attempt remedies
against them.
When having read a letter and discussed as to the form of reply thereto, a reply in
accordance with the king's order is made, it is called a writ of reply (pratilékha).
When the king directs his viceroys (isvara) and other officers to protect and give
material help to travellers either on roads or in the interior of the country, it is termed writ
of general proclamation (sarvatraga lekha)
Negotiation, bribery, causing dissension, and open attack are forms of stratagem
Praising the qualities (of an enemy), narrating the mutual relationship, pointing out
mutual benefit, showing vast future prospects, and identity of interests.
When the family, person, occupation, conduct, learning, properties, etc. (of an
enemy) are commended with due attention to their worth, it is termed praising the
qualities (gunasankírthana).
When both parties, the party of a king and that of his enemy are shown to be helpful
to each other, it is known as pointing out mutual benefit
Inducement such as 'this being done thus, such result will accrue to both of us,' is
showing vast future prospects (Ayátipradarsanam).
To say 'what I am, that thou art; thou mayest utilize in thy works whatever is mine,'
is identity of interests (átmópanidhánam).
Black and ugly leaf, (kálapatrakamacháru) and uneven and uncoloured (virága)
writing cause clumsiness (akánti).
Stating for a second time what has already been said above is repetition.
Wrong use of words in gender, number, time and case is bad grammar (apasabda).
Having followed all sciences and having fully observed forms of writing in vogue,
these rules of writing royal writs have been laid down by Kautilya in the interest of kings.
[Thus ends Chapter X, "The Procedure of Forming Royal Writs," in Book II, "The Duties
of Government Superintendents," of the Arthasástra of Kautilva. End of thirty-first
chapter from the beginning.]
THE Superintendent of the treasury shall, in the presence of qualified persons, admit
into the treasury whatever he ought to, gems (ratna) and articles of superior or inferior
Oyster-shells, conch-shells, and other miscellaneous things are the wombs of pearls.
That which is like masúra (ervum hirsutam), that which consists of three joints
(triputaka), that which is like a tortoise (kúrmaka), that which is semi-circular, that which
consists of several coatings, that which is double (yámaka), that which is scratched, that
which is of rough surface, that which is possessed of spots (siktakam), that which is like
the water-pot used by an ascetic, that which is of dark-brown or blue colour, and that
which is badly perforated are inauspicious.
That which is big, circular, without bottom (nistalam), brilliant, white, heavy, soft to
the touch, and properly perforated is the best.
One thousand and eight strings of pearls form the necklace, Indrachchhanda.
The same necklaces with a gem at the centre are called by the same names with the
words 'Mánavaka' suffixed to their respective names.
When all the strings making up a necklace are of sirshaka pattern, it is called pure
necklace (suddhahára); likewise with strings of other pattern. That which contains a gem
in the centre is (also) called Ardhamánavaka.
That which contains three slab-like gems (triphalaka) or five slab-like gems
(panchaphalaka) in the centre is termed Phalakahára.
An only string of pearls is called pure Ekávali; the same with a gem in the centre is
called Yashti; the same variegated with gold globules is termed Ratnávali.
A string made of pearls and gold globules alternately put is called Apavartaka.
Strings of pearls with a gold wire between two strings is called Sopánaka.
The same with a gem in the centre is called Manisópánaka.
The above will explain the formation of head-strings, bracelets, anklets, waist-bands,
and other varieties.
Kauta, that which is obtained in the Kúta; Mauleyaka, that which is found in the
Múleya; and Párasamudraka, that which is found beyond the ocean are several varieties
of gems.
That which possesses such pleasant colour as that of the red lotus flower, or that of
the flower of Párijáta (Erithrina Indica), or that of the rising sun is the Saugandhika
That which is of the colour of blue lotus flower, or of sirísha (Acacia Sirisa), or of
water, or of fresh bamboo, or of the colour of the feathers of a parrot is the Vaidúrya gem
Pushyarága, Gómútraka, and Gómédika are other varieties of the same.
That which is characterised with blue lines, that which is of the colour of the flower
of Kaláya (a kind of phraseolus), or which is intensely blue, which possesses the colour
of Jambu fruit (rose apple), or which is as blue as the clouds is the Indraníla gem;
Nandaka (pleasing gem), Sravanmadhya (that which appears to pour water from its
centre), Sítavrishti (that which appears to pour cold shower), and Súryakánta (sunstone)
are other forms of gems.
Faint colour, sandy layer, spots, holes, bad perforation, and scratches are the defects
of gems.
The colour of a diamond may be like that of a cat's eye, that of the flower of Sirísha
(Acacia Sirísa), the urine of a cow, the bile of a cow, like alum (sphatika), the flower of
Málati, or like that of any of the gems (described above).
That which is devoid of angles, uneven (nirasríkam), and bent on one side
(pársvápavrittam) is inauspicious.
Alakandaka, and Vaivarnaka are the two varieties of coral which is possessed of
ruby-like colour, which is very hard, and which is free from the contamination of other
substances inside.
Sátana is red and smells like the earth; Gósirshaka is dark red and smells like fish;
Harichandana is of the colour of the feathers of a parrot and smells like tamarind or
mango fruit; likewise Tárnasa; Grámeruka is red or dark red and smells like the urine of
a goat; Daivasabheya is red and smells like a lotus flower; likewise Aupaka (Jápaka);
Jongaka and Taurupa are red or dark red and soft; Maleyaka is reddish white;
Kuchandana is as black as Agaru (resin of the aloe) or red or dark red and very rough;
Kála-parvataka is of pleasant appearance; Kosákaraparvataka (that which is the product
of that mountain which is of the shape of a bud) is black or variegated black; Sítódakíya
is black and soft, and smells like a lotus-flower; Nágaparvataka (that which is the
product of Naga mountain) is rough and is possessed of the colour of Saivala
(Vallisneria); and Sákala is brown.
Light, soft, moist (asyána, not dry), as greasy as ghee, of pleasant smell, adhesive to
the skin, of mild smell, retentive of colour and smell, tolerant of heat, absorptive of heat,
and comfortable to the skin--these are the characteristics of sandal (chandana).
(Agaru is) heavy, soft, greasy, smells far and long, burns slowly, gives out
continuous smoke while burning, is of uniform smell, absorbs heat, and is so adhesive to
the skin as not to be removable by rubbing;—these are the characteristics of Agaru.
The smell of the Tailaparnika substances is lasting, no matter whether they are made
into a paste or boiled or burnt; also it is neither changed nor affected even when mixed
with other substances; and these substances resemble sandal and Agallochum in their
Kántanávaka is of the colour of the neck of the peacock; Praiyaka is variegated with
blue, yellow, and white spots; these two are eight angulas (inches) long.
Also Bisí and Mahábisí are the products of Dvádasagráma, twelve villages.
That which is of indistinct colour, hairy, and variegated (with spots) is (called) Bisí.
That which is rough and almost white is Mahábisí (great Bisí); These two are twelve
angulas long.
Syámika, Kálika, Kadali, Chandrottara, and Sákulá are (other kinds of skins)
procured from Aroha (Arohaja).
Syámika is brown and contains variegated spots; Kálika is brown or of the colour of
a pigeon; these two are eight angulas long. Kadali is rough and two feet long; when
Kadali bears variegated moonlike spots, it is called Chandrottarakadali and is one-third
of its length; Sákulá is variegated with large round spots similar to those that manifest
themselves in a kind of leprosy (kushtha), or is furnished with tendrils and spotted like a
deer's skin.
Sámúra, Chínasi, and Sámúli are (skins procured from Báhlava, (Bahlaveya).
Sámúra is thirty-six angulas long and black; Chínasi is reddish black or blackish
white; Sámúli is of the colour of wheat.
Sátina, Nalatúla, and Vrittapuchchha are the skins of aquatic animals (Audra).
Sátina is black; Nalatúla is of the colour of the fibre of Nala, a kind of grass; and
Vrittapuchchha (that which possesses a round tail) is brown.
Blankets made of sheep's wool may be white, purely red, or as red as a lotus flower.
They may be made of worsted threads by sewing (khachita); or may be woven of woollen
threads of various colour (vánachitra); or may be made of different pieces
(khandasanghátya); or may be woven of uniform woollen threads (tantuvichchhinna).
Of these, that which is slippery (pichchhila) as a wet surface, possessed of fine hair,
and soft, is the best.
That (blanket) which is made up of eight pieces and black in colour is called
Bhingisi used as rain-proof ; likewise is Apasáraka; both are the products of Nepal.
That which is manufactured in the country, Vanga (vangaka) is a white and soft
fabric (dukúla); that of Pándya manufacture (Paundraka) is black and as soft as the
surface of a gem; and that which is the product of the country, Suvarnakudya, is as red as
the sun, as soft as the surface of the gem, woven while the threads are very wet, and of
uniform (chaturasra) or mixed texture (vyámisravána).
Single, half, double, treble and quadruple garments are varieties of the same.
The above will explain other kinds of fabrics such as Kásika, Benarese products, and
Kshauma which is manufactured in Pándya (Paundraka).
That of Nágavriksha is yellow (pita); that of Likucha is of the colour of wheat; that
of Vakula is white; and the rest is of the colour of butter.
As to other kinds of gems (which are not treated of here), the superintendent shall
ascertain their size, their value, species, form, utility, their treatment, the repair of old
ones, any adulteration that is not easily detected, their wear and tear due to lapse of time
and place, as well as remedies against those which are inauspicious (himsra).
[Thus ends Chapter XI, "Examination of Gems that are to be entered into the Treasury,"
in Book II, "The Duties of Government Superintendents" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.
End of thirty-second chapter from the beginning.]
POSSESSED of the knowledge of the science dealing with copper and other
minerals (Sulbádhátusástra), experienced in the art of distillation and condensation of
mercury (rasapáka) and of testing gems, aided by experts in mineralogy and equipped
with mining labourers and necessary instruments, the superintendent of mines shall
examine mines which, on account of their containing mineral excrement (kitta), crucibles,
charcoal, and ashes, may appear to have been once exploited or which may be newly
discovered on plains or mountain-slopes possessing mineral ores, the richness of which
can be ascertained by weight, depth of colour, piercing smell, and taste.
Liquids which ooze out from pits, eaves, slopes, or deep excavations of well-known
mountains; which have the colour of the fruit of rose-apple (jambu), of mango, and of
fanpalm; which are as yellow as ripe turmeric, sulphurate of arsenic (haritála), honey-
comb, and vermilion; which are as resplendent as the petals of a lotus, or the feathers of a
parrot or a peacock; which are adjacent to (any mass of) water or shrubs of similar
colour; and which are greasy (chikkana), transparent (visada), and very heavy are ores of
gold (kánchanika). Likewise liquids which, when dropped on water, spread like oil to
which dirt and filth adhere, and which amalgamate themselves more than cent per cent
(satádupari veddhárah) with copper or silver.
Those ores which are obtained from plains or slopes of mountains; which are either
yellow or as red as copper or reddish yellow; which are disjoined and marked with blue
lines; which have the colour of black beans (masha, Phraseolus Radiatus), green beans
(mudga, Phraseolus Mungo), and sesamum; which are marked with spots like a drop of
curd and resplendent as turmeric, yellow myrobalan, petals of a lotus, acquatic plant, the
liver or the spleen; which possess a sandy layer within them and are marked with figures
of a circle or a svastika; which contain globular masses (sagulika); and which, when
roasted do not split, but emit much foam and smoke are the ores of gold
(suvarnadhátavah), and are used to form amalgams with copper or silver
(pratívápárthasté stámrarúpyavedharáh).
Those ores which have the colour of a conch-shell, camphor, alum, butter, a pigeon,
turtle-dove, Vimalaka (a kind of precious stone), or the neck of a peacock; which are as
resplendent as opal (sasyaka), agate (gomédaka), cane-sugar (guda), and granulated sugar
(matsyandika) which has the colour of the flower of kovidára (Bauhinia Variegata), of
lotus, of patali (Bignonia Suaveolens), of kalaya (a kind of phraseolus), of kshauma
(flax), and of atasi (Dinuin Usitatissimum); which may be in combination with lead or
iron (anjana); which smell like raw meat, are disjoined gray or blackish white, and are
marked with lines or spots; and which, when roasted, do not split, but emit much foam
and smoke are silver ores.
The heavier the ores, the greater will be the quantity of metal in them
The impurities of ores, whether superficial or inseparably combined with them can
be got rid of and the metal melted when the ores are (chemically) treated with Tikshna
urine (mútra) and alkalies (kshára), and are mixed or smeared over with the mixture of
(the powder of) Rajavriksha (Clitoria Ternatea), Vata (Ficus Indica), and Pelu (Carnea
Arborea), together with cow's bile and the urine and dung of a buffalo, an ass and an
(Metals) are rendered soft when they are treated with (the powder of) kandali
(mushroom), and vajrakanda, (Antiquorum) together with the ashes of barley, black
beans, palása (Butea Frondosa), and pelu (Carnea Arborea), or with the milk of both the
cow and the sheep. Whatever metal is split into a hundred thousand parts is rendered soft
when it is thrice soaked in the mixture made up of honey (madhu), madhuka (Bassia
Latifolia), sheep's milk, sesamum oil, clarified butter, jaggery, kinva (ferment) and
Permanent softness (mridustambhana) is also attained when the metal is treated with
the powder of cow's teeth and horn.
Those ores which are obtained from plains or slopes of mountains; and which are
heavy, greasy, soft, tawny, green, dark, bluish-yellow (harita), pale-red, or red are ores of
Those ores which have the colour of kákamechaka (Solanum Indica), pigeon, or
cow’s bile, and which are marked with white lines and smell like raw meat are the ores of
Those ores which are as variegated in colour as saline soil or which have the colour
of a burnt lump of earth are the ores of tin.
Those ores which are of the colour of the leaf of kánda (Artemisia Indica) or of the
leaf of birch are the ores of vaikrintaka.
Pure, smooth, efflugent, sounding (when struck), very hard (satatívrah), and of little
colour (tanurága) are precious stones.
Any person who steals mineral products or carries on mining operations without
license shall be bound (with chains) and caused to work (as a prisoner).
Mines which yield such minerals as are made use of in preparing vessels (bhánda)
as well as those mines which require large outlay to work out may be leased out for a
fixed number of the shares of the output or for a fixed rent (bhágena prakrayena va) Such
mines as can be worked out without much outlay shall be directly exploited (by
Government agency).
Soon after crystalisation of salt is over, the superintendent of salt shall in time
collect both the money-rent (prakraya) and the quantity of the shares of salt due to the
government; and by the sale of salt (thus collected as shares) he shall realise not only its
value (múlyam), but also the premium of five per cent (vyájím), both in cash (rúpa).
Imported salt (ágantulavanam) shall pay one-sixth portion (shadbhága) to the king.
The sale of this portion (bhágavibhága) shall fetch the premia of five per cent (vyáji), of
eight per cent (rúpika) in cash (rúpa). The purchasers shall pay not only the toll (sulka),
but also the compensation (vaidharana) equivalent to the loss entailed on the king's
commerce. In default of the above payment, he shall be compelled to pay a fine of 600
Adulteration of salt shall be punished with the highest amercement; likewise persons
other than hermits (vánaprastha) manufacturing salt without license.
Men learned in the Vedas, persons engaged in penance, as well as labourers may
take with them salt for food; salt and alkalies for purposes other than this shall be subject
to the payment of toll.
Thus; besides collecting from mines the ten kinds of revenue, such as (1) value of
the out-put (múlya), (2) the share of the out-put (vibhága), (3) the premium of five per
cent (vyáji), (4) the testing charge of coins (parigha), (5) fine previously announced
(atyaya), (6) toll (sulka), (7) compensation for loss entailed on the king's commerce
(vaidharana), (8) fines to be determined in proportion to the gravity of crimes (danda),
(9), coinage (rúpa), (10) the premium of eight per cent (rúpika), the government shall
keep as a state monopoly both mining and commerce (in minerals).
[Thus ends Chapter XII, "Conducting Mining Operations and Manufacture" in Book II,
"The Duties of Government Superintendents" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of
thirty-third chapter from the beginning.]
In the centre of the high road a trained, skilful goldsmith of high birth and of reliable
character shall be appointed to hold his shop.
Jámbúnada, that which is the product of the river, Jambu; Sátakumbha, that which is
extracted from the mountain of Satakumba; Hátaka, that which is extracted from the
mines known as Hátaka; Vainava, that which is the product of the mountain, Vénu; and
Sringasúktija, that which is extracted from sringasúkti (?) are the varieties of gold.
That which is of the colour of the petals of a lotus, ductile, glossy, incapable of
making any continuous sound (anádi), and glittering is the best; that which is reddish
yellow (raktapíta) is of middle quality; and that which is red is of low quality.
Impure gold is of whitish colour. It shall be fused with lead of four times the
quantity of the impurity. When gold is rendered brittle owing to its contamination with
lead, it shall be heated with dry cowdung (sushkapatala). When it splits into pieces owing
to hardness, it shall be drenched (after heating) into oil mixed with cowdung (taila-
Mine gold which is brittle owing to its contamination with lead shall be heated
wound round with cloth (pákapatráni kritvá); and hammered on a wooden anvil. Or it
may be drenched in the mixture made of mushroom and vajrakhanda (Antiquorum).
Tutthodgata, what which is extracted from the mountain, Tuttha; gaudika, that which
is the product of the country known as Gauda; kámbuka, that which is extracted from the
mountain, Kambu; and chákraválika, that which is extracted from the mountain
Chakravála are the varieties of silver.
Silver which is white, glossy, and ductile is the best; and that which is of the reverse
quality is bad.
Impure silver shall be heated with lead of one-fourth the quantity of the impurity.
That which becomes full of globules, white, glowing, and of the colour of curd is
When the streak of pure gold (made on touch-stone) is of the colour of turmeric, it is
termed suvarna. When from one to sixteen kákanis of gold in a suvarna (of sixteen
máshakas) are replaced by from one to sixteen kákanis of copper, so that the copper is
inseparably alloyed with the whole mass of the remaining quantity of the gold, the
sixteen varieties (carats) of the standard of the purity of gold (shodasavarnakáh) will be
Having first made a streak with suvarna on a touchstone, then (by the side of the
streak) a streak with a piece of the gold (to be compared with it) shall be made.
Whenever a uniform streak made on the even surface of a touch-stone can be wiped
off or swept away or when the streak is due to the sprinkling of any glittering powder
(gairika) by the nail on touch-stone, then an attempt for deception can be inferred.
If, with the edge of the palm dipped in a solution, of vermilion (játihinguláka) or of
sulphate of iron (pushpakásísa) in cow's urine, gold (suvarna) is touched, it becomes
A touch-stone with soft and shining splendour is the best. The touch-stone of the
Kálinga country with the colour of green beans is also the best. A touch-stone of even or
uniform colour is good in sale or purchase (of gold). That which possesses the colour of
an elephant, tinged with green colour and capable of reflecting light (pratirági) is good in
selling gold. That which is hard, durable, and of uneven colour and not reflecting light, is
good for purchasers (krayahitah). That which is grey, greasy, of uniform colour, soft, and
glossy is the best.
That (gold) which, when heated, keeps the same colour (tápo bahirantascha samah),
is as glittering as tender sprouts, or of the colour of the flower of kárandaka (?) is the
We shall deal with the balance and weights under the "Superintendent of Weights
and Measures" (Chap. XIX, Book II). In accordance with the instructions given
thereunder silver and gold (rúpyasuvarnam) may be given in exchange.
No person who is not an employee shall enter the gold-smiths’ office. Any person
who so enters shall be beheaded (uchchhedyah).
Any workman who enters the office with gold or silver shall have to forfeit the
Solid work (ghana), hollow work (sushira), and the manufacture of globules
furnished with a rounded orifice is what is termed kshudra, low or ordinary work.
For setting jewels in gold, five parts of káñchana (pure gold) and ten parts of gold
alloyed with four parts of copper or silver shall be the required quantity (mána). Here the
pure gold shall be preserved from the impure gold.
For the work of tvashtri, copper and gold shall be mixed in equal quantities.
For silver article either solid or hollow, silver may be mixed with half of the amount
of gold; or by making use of the powder or solution of vermilion, gold equal to one-
fourth the amount of silver of the ornament may be painted (vásayet) on it.
Pure and glittering gold is tapaníya. This combined with an equal quantity of lead
and heated with rock-salt (saindhav'ika) to melting point under dry cowdung becomes the
basis of gold alloys of blue, red, white, yellow (harita), parrot and pidgeon colours.
The colouring ingredient of gold is one kákaní of tíkshna which is of the colour of
the neck of a peacock, tinged with white, and which is dazzling and full of copper
Pure or impure silver (tára) may be heated four times with asthituttha (copper
sulphate mixed with powdered bone), again four times with an equal quantity of lead,
again four times with dry copper sulphate (sushkatuttha) again three times in skull
(kapála), and lastly twice in cowdung. Thus the silver acted upon seventeen times by
tuttha (shodasatutthátikrántam) and lastly heated to white light with rock salt may be
made to alloy with suvarna to the extent of from one kákani to two Máshas. Then the
suvarna attains white colour and is called sveta-tára.
When three parts of tapaníya (pure gold) are melted with thirty-two parts of sveta-
tára, the compound becomes reddish white (svetalohitakam). When three parts of
tapaníya are combined with thirty-two parts of copper, the compound becomes yellow
(píta, red!). Also when three parts of the colouring ingredient (rágatribhága, i.e., tíkshna
referred to above) are heated with tapaníya, the compound becomes yellowish red (píta).
When two parts of sveta-tára and one part of tapaníya are heated, the whole mass
becomes as green as mudga (Phraseolus Mungo). When tapaníya is drenched in a
solution of half the quantity of black iron (káláyasa), it becomes black.
When tapaníya is twice drenched in (the above) solution mixed with mercury (rasa),
it acquires the colour of the feathers of a parrot.
Before these varieties of gold are put to use, their test streak shall be taken on touch-
stone. The process of assaying tíkshna and copper shall be well understood. Hence the
various counterweights (avaneyimána) used in weighing diamonds, rubies, pearls, corals,
and coins, (rúpa), as well as the proportional amount of gold and silver necessary for
various kinds of ornaments can be well understood.
Uniform in colour, equal in the colour of test streak to the standard gold, devoid of
hollow bulbs, ductile (sthira), very smooth, free from alloys, pleasing when worn as an
ornament, not dazzling though glittering, sweet in its uniformity of mass, and pleasing the
mind and eyes,---these are the qualities of tapaníya, pure gold.
[Thus ends Chapter XIII, "The Superintendent of Gold in the Goldsmiths' Office," in
Book II, "The Duties of Government Superintendents" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.
End of thirty-fourth chapter from the beginning.]
THE State Goldsmith shall employ artisans to manufacture gold and silver coins
(rúpyasuvarna) from the bullion of citizens and country people.
The artisans employed in the office shall do their work as ordered and in time. When
under the excuse that time and nature of the work has not been prescribed, they spoil the
work, they shall not only forfeit their wages, but also pay a fine of twice the amount of
their wages. When they postpone work, they shall forfeit one-fourth the amount of their
wages and pay a fine of twice the amount of the forfeited wages.
(The goldsmith of the mint) shall return (to the owners coins or ornaments) of the
same weight, and of the same quality (varna) as that of the bullion (nikshepa) which they
received (at the mint). With the exception of those (coins) which have been worn out or
which have undergone diminution (kshínaparisírna), they shall receive the same coins
(back into the mint) even after the lapse of a number of years.
The state goldsmith shall gather from the artisans employed in the mint information
concerning pure gold, metallic mass (pudgala), coins (lakshana), and rate of exchange
In getting a suvarna coin (of 16 máshas) manufactured from gold or from silver, one
kákani (one-fourth másha) weight of the metal more shall be given to the mint towards
the loss in manufacture.
When the quality (varna) of a coin less than the standard of a másha is lowered, the
artisans (concerned) shall be punished with the first amercement. When its weight is less
than the standard weight, they shall be punished with the middlemost amercement.
Deception in balance or weights shall be punished with the highest amercement.
Deception in the exchange of manufactured coins (kritabhándopadhau) shall also be
punished with the highest amercement.
Whoever causes (gold or silver articles) to be manufactured in any place other than
the mint or without being noticed by the state goldsmith shall be fined 12 panás, while
the artisan who does that work shall, if found out, be punished with twice the above fine.
If he is not found out, measures such as are described in Book IV shall be taken to detect
him. When thus detected, he shall be fined 200 panás or shall have his fingers cut off.
False balance are—that of bending arms (sannámini); that of high helm or pivot
(utkarnika); that of broken head (bhinnamastaka); that of hollow neck (upakanthi); that
of bad strings (kusikya); that of bad cups or pans (sakatukakshya); that which is crooked
or shaking (párivellya); and that which is combined with a magnet (ayaskánta).
When, by what is called Triputaka which consists of two parts of silver and one part
of copper, an equal portion of pure alluvial gold is replaced, that deceitful act is termed
copper-removal (triputaká- vasáritam); when, by copper, an equal portion of gold is
replaced, that act is termed copper-removal (sulbávasáritam); when by vellakaan equal
portion of gold is replaced, it is termed vellaka-removal; and when pure alluvial gold is
replaced by that gold half of which is mixed with copper, it is termed gold removal
A crucible with a base metallic piece hidden in it; metallic excrement; pincers; a pair
of tongs; metallic pieces (jongani); and borax (sauvarchikálavanam),—these are the
several things which are made use of by goldsmiths in stealing gold.
When, intentionally causing the crucible (containing the bullion) to burst, a few
sandlike particles of the metal are picked up along with other particles of a base metal
previously put therein, and the whole is wrought into a mass for the intended coin or
ornament), this act is termed dropping (visravana); or when examining the folded or
inlaid leaves of an ornament (áchitakapatrapariksháyám) deception is perpetrated by
substituting silver for gold, or when particles of a base metal are substituted for those of
gold, it is termed dropping (visrávana) likewise.
When a lead piece (sísarúpa--lead coin) is firmly covered over with gold leaf by
means of wax (ashtaka), that act is termed gádhapetaka, firm folding; and when the same
is loosely folded, it is termed loose folding.
In amalgams, a single or double layer (of a superior metal) is made to cover a piece
(of base metal). Copper or silver may also be placed between two leaves (of a superior
metal). A copper piece (sulbarúpya) may be covered over with gold leaf, the surface and
the edges being smoothened; similarly a piece of any base metal may be covered over
with double leaf of copper or silver, the surface and the edges being smoothened.
(They) find out loose folding in the acid juice of badarámla (Flacourtia
Cataphracta or jujube fruit) or in salt water;—so much for folding (petaka).
In some pieces, mica may be firmly fixed inside by wax and covered over with a
double leaf (of gold or silver). When such a piece with mica or glass inside is suspended
in water (udake) one of its sides dips more than the other; or when pierced by a pin, the
pin goes very easily in the layers of mica in the interior (patalántareshu).
Spurious stones and counterfeit gold and silver may be substituted for real ones in
compact and hollow pieces (ghanasushira). They are detected by hammering the pieces
when red hot---so much for confounding (pinka).
Hence (the state goldsmith) shall have a thorough knowledge of the species,
characteristics, colour, weight, and formation (pudgala-lakshana) of diamonds, precious
stones (mani), pearls, corals and coins (rúpa).
There are four ways of deception perpetrated when examining new pieces or
repairing old ones: they are hammering, cutting, scratching and rubbing.
When, under the excuse of detecting the deception known as folding (petaka) in
hollow pieces or in threads or in cups (made of gold or silver), the articles in question are
hammered, that act is termed hammering.
When a lead piece (covered over with gold or silver leaf) is substituted for a real one
and its interior is cut off, it is termed cutting (avachchhedanam).
When compact pieces are scratched by tíkshna (copper sulphate ?), that act is termed
scratching (ullekhana).
When, by a piece of cloth painted with the powder of sulphuret of arsenic (haritála),
red arsenic (manassila), or vermilion or with the powder of kuruvinda (black salt ?), gold
or silver articles are rubbed, that act is termed rubbing.
By these acts, gold and silver articles (bhándáni) undergo diminution; but no other
kind of injury is done to them.
In all those pieces which are hammered, cut, scratched, or rubbed the loss can be
inferred by comparing them with intact pieces of similar description. In amalgamated
pieces (avalepya) which are cut off, the loss can be ascertained by cutting off an equal
portion of a similar piece. Those pieces the appearance of which has changed shall be
often heated and drenched in water.
(The state goldsmith) shall infer deception (kácham vidyát) when [the artisan
preparing articles pays undue attention to] throwing away, counter-weight, fire, anvil
(gandika), working instruments (bhandika), the seat (adhikarani), the assaying balance,
folds of dress (chellachollakam), his head, his thigh, flies, eagerness to look at his own
body, the water-pot, and the firepot.
Regarding silver, bad smell like that of rotten meat, hardness due to any alloy
(mala), projection (prastína), and bad colour may be considered as indicating
Thus articles (of gold and silver) new or old, or of bad or unusual colour are to be
examined and adequate fines as described above shall be imposed.
[Thus ends Chapter XIV, “The Duties of the State Goldsmith in the High Road” in Book
II, “The Duties of Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of
thirty-fifth chapter from the beginning.]
The taxes that are fixed (pindakara), taxes that are paid in the form of one-sixth of
produce (shadbhága), provision paid (by the people) for the army (senábhakta), taxes
that are levied for religious purposes (bali), taxes or subsidies that are paid by vassal
kings and others (kara), taxes that are specially collected on the occasion of the birth of a
prince (utsanga), taxes that are collected when there is some margin left for such
collection (pársva), compensation levied in the shape of grains for any damage done by
cattle to crops (párihínaka), presentation made to the king, (aupáyanika), and taxes that
are levied on lands below tanks, lakes, etc., built by the king (Kaushtheyaka),--all these
come under the head ‘Ráshtra.’
Sale proceeds of grains, grains purchased and the collection of interest in kind or
grain debts (prayogapratyádána) are termed commerce.
Pounding (rice, etc.), dividing (pulses, etc.), frying (corns and beans), manufacture
of beverages (suktakarma), manufacture of flour by employing those persons who live
upon such works, extracting oil by employing shepherds and oil-makers, and
manufacture of sugar from the juice of sugar-cane are termed simhanika.
Whatever is lost and forgotten (by others) and the like form accidental revenue
Of grains, oils, sugar, and salt, all that concerns grains will be treated of in
connection with the duties of the ‘Superintendent of Agriculture.’
Clarified butter, oil, serum of flesh, and pith or sap (of plants, etc.)., are termed oils
Decoction (phánita), jaggory, granulated sugar, and sugar-candy are termed kshára.
Saindhava, that which is the product of the country of Sindhu; Sámudra, that which
is produced from seawater; Bida; Yavakshara, nitre, Sauvarchala, that which is the
product of the country of suvarchala; and udbhedaja, that which is extracted from saline
soil are termed lavana, salt.
The honey of the bee as well as the juice extracted from grapes are called madhu.
Mixture made by combining any one of the substances, such as the juice of sugar-
cane, jaggory, honey,. the, juice of grapes, the essence of the fruits of jambu (Euginia
Jambolana) and of jaka tree—with the essence of meshasringa (a kind of plant) and long
pepper, with or without the addition of the essence of chirbhita (a kind of gourd),
cucumber, sugar-cane, mango-fruit and the fruit of myrobalam, the mixture being
prepared so as to last for a month, or six months, or a year, constitute the group of
astringents (sukta-varga).
The fruits of those trees which bear acid fruits, those of karamarda (Carissa
Carandas), those of vidalámalka (myrobalam), those of matulanga (citron tree), those of
kola (small jujuba), those of badara (Flacourtia Cataphracta), those of sauvíra (big
jujuba), and those of parushaka (Grewia Asiatica) and the like come under the group of
acid fruits.
Curds, acid prepared from grains and the like are acids in liquid form.
Long pepper, black pepper, ginger, cumin seed, kiratatikta (Agathotes Chirayta),
white mustard, coriander, choraka (a plant), damanaka (Artemisia Indica), maruvaka
(Vangueria Spinosa), sigru (Hyperanthera Moringa), and the like together with their
roots (kánda) come under the group of pungent substances (tiktavarga).
Dried fish, bulbous roots (kándamúla), fruits and vegetables form the group of
edibles (sakavarga).
Of the store, thus, collected, half shall be kept in reserve to ward off the calamities
of the people and only the other half shall be used. Old collection shall be replaced by
new supply.
The essential part (sára, i.e., that which is fit for food) of kodrava (Paspalam
Scrobiculatum) and of vrihi (rice) is one-half; that of sáli (a kind of rice) is (half) less by
one-eighth part; that of varaka (Phraseolus Trilobus) is (half) less by one-third part; that
of priyangu (panic seed or millet) is one-half ; that of chamasi (barley), of mudga
(Phraseolus Mungo) and of masha (Phraseolus Radiatus) is (half) less by one-eighth
part; that of saibya (simbi) is one-half; that of masúra (Ervum Hirsutum) is (half) less by
one-third part (than the raw material or grains from which it is prepared).
Raw flour and kulmasha (boiled and forced rice) will be as much as one and a half
of the original quantity of the grains.
Barley gruel as well as its flour baked will be twice the original quantity.
Grains will increase twice the original quantity when moistened; and two and a half
times when soaked to sprouting condition.
Grains fried will increase by one-fifth the original quantity; leguminous seeds
(kaláya), when fried, will increase twice the original; likewise rice when fried.
Oil extracted from atasi (linseed) will be one-sixth (of the quantity of the seed); that
extracted from the seeds, nimba (Azadirachta Indica), kusámra (?), and Kapittha
(Feronia Elephantum) will be one-fifth; and that extracted from tila (seasumum),
kusumba (a sort of kidney bean), madhúka (Bassia Latifolia), and ingudi (Terminalia
Catappa) will be one-fourth.
Five palas of kárpása (cotton) and of kshauma (flax) will yield one pala of threads.
Rice prepared in such a way that five dróna of sáli yield ten ádhakas of rice will be
fit to be the food of young elephants; eleven ádhakas from five drónas for elephants of
bad temper (vyála); ten ádhakas from the same quantity for elephants trained for riding;
nine ádhakas from the same quantity for elephants used in war; eight ádhakas from the
same for infantry; eleven ádhakas from the same for chiefs of the army; six ádhakas from
the same for queens and princes and five ádhakas from the same quantity for kings.
One prastha of rice, pure and unsplit, one-fourth prastha of súpa, and clarified
butter or oil equal to one-fourth part of (súpa) will suffice to form one meal of an Arya.
One-sixth prastha of súpa for a man; and half the above quantity of oil will form
one meal for low castes (avara).
The same rations less by one-fourth the above quantities will form one meal for a
woman; and half the above rations for children.
For dressing twenty palas of flesh, half a kutumba of oil, one pala of salt, one pala
of sugar (kshára), two dharanas of pungent substances (katuka, spices), and half a
prastha of curd (will be necessary).
For dressing greater quantities of flesh, the same ingredients can be proportionally
For cooking sákas (dried fish and vegetables), the above substances are to be added
one and a half times as much.
For dressing dried fish, the above ingredients are to be added twice as much.
Measures of rations for elephants and horses will be described in connection with
the "Duties of Their Respective Superintendents."
For bullocks, one drona of masha (Phraseolus Radiatus) or one drona of barley
cooked with other things, as prescribed for horses, is the requisite quantity of food,
besides the special and additional provision of one tula of oilcakes (ghánapinyaka) or ten
ádhakas of bran (kanakuttana-kundaka).
Half a drona for asses, red spotted deer and deer with white stripes.
Half an ádhaka or one ádhaka of grain together with bran for a goat, a ram and a
Charcoal and chaff may be given over for iron smelting and lime-kiln (bhittilepya).
Bran and flour (kánika) may be given to slaves, labourers, and cooks. The surplus of
the above may be given to those who prepare cooked rice, and rice-cakes.
Sweepers; preservers; those who weigh things (dharaka); those who measure grains,
etc.; those who supervise the work of measuring grains (mápaka); those who supervise
the supply of commodities to the store-house (dápaka); those who supply commodities
(dáyaka); those who are employed to receive compensation for any real or supposed error
in measuring grains, etc. (sálákáipratigráhaka); slaves; and labourers;—all these are
called vishti.
Grains are heaped up on the floor; jaggory (kshára) is bound round in grass-rope
(múta); oils are kept in earthenware or wooden vessels; and salt is heaped up on the
surface of the ground.
[Thus ends Chapter XV, “The Superintendent of Storehouse,” in Book II, “The Duties of
Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the thirty-sixth
chapter from the beginning.]
That merchandise which is widely distributed shall be centralised and its price
enhanced. When the enhanced rate becomes popular, another rate shall be declared.
Or pedlars may sell the merchandise of the king at a fixed price in many markets and
pay necessary compensation (vaidharana) proportional to the loss entailed upon it
The superintendent shall show favour to those who import foreign merchandise:
mariners (návika) and merchants who import foreign merchandise shall be favoured with
remission of the trade-taxes, so that they may derive some profit (áyatikshamam
pariháram dadyát).
Foreigners importing merchandise shall be exempted from being sued for debts
unless they are (local) associations and partners
(anabhiyogaschárthesshvágantúnámanyatassabhyopakári bhyah).
Those who sell the merchandise of the king shall invariably put their sale proceeds
in a wooden box kept in a fixed place and provided with a single aperture on the top.
During the eighth part of the day, they shall submit to the superintendent the sale
report, saying "this much has been sold and this much remains;" they shall also hand over
the weights and measures. Such are the rules applicable to local traffic.
Having ascertained the value of local produce as compared with that of foreign
produce that can be obtained in barter, the superintendent will find out (by calculation)
whether there is any margin left for profit after meeting the payments (to the foreign
king) such as the toll (sulka), road-cess (vartaní), conveyance-cess (átiváhika), tax
payable at military stations (gulmadeya), ferry-charges (taradeya), subsistence to the
merchant and his followers (bhakta), and the portion of merchandise payable to the
foreign king (bhága).
If no profit can be realised by selling the local produce in foreign countries, he has
to consider whether any local produce can be profitably bartered for any foreign produce.
Then he may send one quarter of his valuable merchandise through safe roads to different
markets on land. In view of large profits, he (the deputed merchant) may make friendship
with the forest-guards, boundary-guards, and officers in charge of cities and of country-
parts (of the foreign king). He shall take care to secure his treasure (sára) and life from
danger. If he cannot reach the intended market, he may sell the merchandise (at any
market) free from all dues (sarvadeyavisuddham).
Or he may take his merchandise to other countries through rivers (nadípatha).
[Thus ends Chapter XVI, “The Superintendent of Commerce” in Book II, “The Duties of
Government Superintendents” of Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of thirty-seventh chapter
from the beginning.]
THE Superintendent of Forest Produce shall collect timber and other products of
forests by employing those who guard productive forests. He shall not only start
productive works in forests, but also fix adequate fines and compensations to be levied
from those who cause any damage to productive forests except in calamities.
Utaja, Chimiya, Chava, Vénu, Vamsa, Sátina, Kantaka, and Bhállúka, etc., form the
group of bamboo.
Táli (Corypha Taliera), tála (palmyra or Borassus Flabelliformis), and bhúrja (birch)
yield leaves (patram).
Likewise snakes and worms kept in pots are the group of poisons.
Skins are those of godha (alligator), seraka (?), dvípi (leopard), simsumára
(porpoise), simha (lion), vyághra (tiger), hasti, (elephant.), mahisha (buffalo), chamara
(bos grunniens), gomriga (bos gavaeus), and gavaya (the gayal).
Bones, bile (pittha), snáyu (?), teeth, horn, hoofs, and tails of the above animals as
well as of other beasts, cattle, birds and snakes (vyála).
Káláyasa (iron), támra (copper), vritta (?), kámsya (bronze), sísa (lead), trapu (tin),
vaikrintaka (mercury ?), and árakuata (brass), are metals.
Utensils (bhanda), are those made of cane, bark (vidala), and clay (mrittiká).
The superintendent of forest produce shall carry on either inside or outside (the
capital city) the manufacture of all kinds of articles which are necessary for life or for the
defence of forts.
[Thus ends Chapter XVII, “The Superintendent of Forest Produce” in Book II, “The
Duties of Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of chapter
thirty-eighth from the beginning.]
All these weapons and instruments shall be kept in places suitably prepared for
them. They shall not only be frequently dusted and transferred from one place to another,
but also be exposed to the sun. Such weapons as are likely to be affected by heat and
vapour (úshmopasneha) and to be eaten by worms shall be kept in safe localities. They
shall also be examined now and then with reference to the class to which they belong,
their forms, their characteristics, their size, their source, their value, and their total
Venu, sara, saláka, dandásana, and nárácha are different kinds of arrows. The edges
of arrows shall be so made of iron, bone or wood as to cut, rend or pierce.
Nistrimsa, mandalágra, and asiyashti are swords. The handles of swords are made
of the horn of rhinoceros, buffalo, of the tusk of elephants, of wood, or of the root of
Lohajáliká, patta, kavacha, and sútraka are varieties of armour made of iron or of
skins with hoofs and horns of porpoise, rhinoceros, bison, elephant or cow.
Likewise sirastrána (cover for the head), kanthatrána (cover for the neck) kúrpása
(cover for the trunk), kanchuka (a coat extending as far as the knee joints), váravána (a
coat extending as far as the heels), patta, (a coat without cover for the arms), and
nágodariká (gloves) are varieties of armour.
Ornaments for elephants, chariots, and horses as well as goads and hooks to lead
them in battle-fields constitute accessory things (upakaranáni).
(Besides the above) such other delusive and destructive contrivances (as are treated
of in Book XIV) together with any other new inventions of expert workmen (shall also be
kept in stock.)
The Superintendent of Armoury shall precisely ascertain the demand and supply of
weapons, their application, their wear and tear, as well as their decay and loss.
[Thus ends Chapter XVIII, “The Superintendent of the Armoury” in Book II, “The Duties
of Government Superintendents,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of thirty-ninth
chapter from the beginning.]
THE Superintendent of Weights and Measures shall have the same manufactured.
Ardha-másha (half a másha), one másha, two máshas, four máshas, eight máshas,
one suvarna, two suvarnas, four suvarnas, eight suvarnas, ten suvarnas, twenty
suvarnas, thirty suvarnas, forty suvarnas and one hundred suvarnas are different units of
A balance called samavrittá, with its lever 72-angulas long and weighing 53 palas in
its metallic mass shall also be made. A scalepan of 5 palas in the weight of its metallic
mass being attached to its edge, the horizontal position of the lever (samakarana) when
weighing a karsha shall be marked (on that part of the lever where, held by a thread, it
stands horizontal). To the left of that mark, symbols such as 1 pala, 12, 15 and 20 palas
shall be marked. After that, each place of tens up to 100 shall be marked. In the place of
Akshas, the sign of Nándi shall be marked.
20 tulas == 1 bhára.
10 dharanas == 1 pala.
100 such palas == 1 áyamání (measure of royal income).
A pala in each of the above successively falls short of the same in áyamáni by half a
dharana. The metallic mass of the levers of each of the above successively decreases in
weight by two ordinary palas and in length by six angulas.
Excepting flesh, metals, salt, and precious stones, an excess of five palas (prayáma)
of all other commodities (shall be given to the king ) when they are weighed in the two
first-named balances.
A wooden balance with a lever 8 hands long, with measuring marks and
counterpoise weights shall be erected on a pedestal like that of a peacock.
This is the unit (for the calculation) of any greater or less quantity (of firewood).
Adhaka, prastha, and kudumba, are each ¼ of the one previously mentioned.
16 dronas == 1 várí.
20 ,, == 1 kumbha.
10 kumbhas == 1 vaha.
Cubic measures shall be so made of dry and strong wood that when filled with
grains, the conically heaped-up portion of the grains standing on the mouth of the
measure is equal to ¼th of the quantity of the grains (so measured); or the measures may
also be so made that a quantity equal to the heaped-up portion can be contained within
(the measure).
But liquids shall always be measured level to the mouth of the measure.
With regard to wine, flowers, fruits, bran, charcoal and slaked lime, twice the
quantity of the heaped-up portion (i.e., ¼th of the measure) shall be given in excess.
1¼ panas is the
a drona.
price of
¾ pana ,, an ádhaka.
6 máshas ,, a prastha.
1 másha ,, a kudumba.
20 panas is the
a set of counter-weights.
price of
6⅔ panas ,, of a tulá (balance).
The Superintendent shall charge 4 máshas for stamping weights or measures. A fine
of 27¼ panas shall be imposed for using unstamped weights or measures.
Traders shall every day pay one kákaní to the Superintendent towards the charge of
stamping the weights and measures.
Those who trade in clarified butter, shall give, (to purchasers) 1/32 part more as
taptavyáji (i.e., compensation for decrease in the quantity of ghi owing to its liquid
condition). Those who trade in oil shall give 1/64 part more as taptavyáji.
(While selling liquids, traders) shall give 1/50 part more as mánasráva (i.e.,
compensation for diminution in the quantity owing to its overflow or adhesion to the
measuring can).
Half, one-fourth, and one-eighth parts of the measure, kumbha, shall also be
[Thus ends Chapter XIX, "Balance, Weights and Measures" in Book II, "The Duties of
Government Superintendents" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the fortieth chapter
from the beginning.]
(The divisions of time are) a truti, lava, nimesha, káshthá, kalá, náliká, muhúrta,
forenoon, afternoon, day, night, paksha, month, ritu (season), ayana (solstice);
samvatsara (year), and yuga.
Such a day and night happen in the months of Chaitra and Asvayuja. Then after the
period of six months it increases or diminishes by three muhúrtas.
When the length of shadow is eight paurushas (96 angulas), it is 1/18th part of the
When it is 6 paurushas (72 angulas), it is 1/14th part of the day; when 4 paurushas,
1/8th part; when 2 paurushas, 1/6th part; when 1 paurusha, ¼th part; when it is 8
angulas, 3/10th part (trayodasabhágah); when 4 angulas, 3/8th part; and when no
shadow is cast, it is to be considered midday.
Likewise when the day declines, the same process in reverse order shall be
Fifteen days and nights together make up one paksha. That paksha during which the
moon waxes is white (sukla) and that paksha during which the moon wanes is bahula.
Two pakshas make one month (mása). Thirty days and nights together make one
work-a-month (prakarmamásah). The same (30 days and nights) with an additional half a
day makes one solar month (saura).
The same (30) less by half a day makes one lunar month (chandramása).
Once in thirty-two months there comes one malamása profane month, i.e., an extra
month added to lunar year to harmonise it with the solar.
Seasons from sisira and upwards are the summer-solstice (uttaráyana), and (those)
from varshá and upwards are the winter solstice (dakshináyana). Two solstices (ayanas)
make one year (samvatsara). Five years make one yuga.
The sun carries off (harati) 1/60th of a whole day every day and thus makes one
complete day in every two months (ritau). Likewise the moon (falls behind by 1/60th of a
whole day every day and falls behind one day in every two months). Thus in the middle
of every third year, they (the sun and the moon) make one adhimása, additional month,
first in the summer season and second at the end of five years.
[Thus ends Chapter XX, “Measurement of Space and Time” in Book II, “The Duties of
Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the forty-first
chapter from the beginning.]
THE Superintendent of Tolls shall erect near the large gate of the city both the toll-
house and its flag facing either the north or the south. When merchants with their
merchandise arrive at the toll-gate, four or five collectors shall take down who the
merchants are, whence they come, what amount of merchandise they have brought and
where for the first time the sealmark (abhijnánamudrá) has been made (on the
Those whose merchandise has not been stamped with sealmark shall pay twice the
amount of toll. For counterfeit seal they shall pay eight times the toll. If the sealmark is
effaced or torn, (the merchants in question) shall be compelled to stand in ghatikásthána.
When one kind of seal is used for another or when one kind of merchandise has been
otherwise named (námakrite), the merchants shall pay a fine of 1¼ panás for each load
(sapádapanikam vahanam dápayet).
The merchandise being placed near the flag of the toll-house, the merchants shall
declare its quantity and price, cry out thrice "who will purchase this quantity of
merchandise for this amount of price," and hand over the same to those who demand it
(for that price). When purchasers happen to bid for it, the enhanced amount of the price
together with the toll on the merchandise shall be paid into the king's treasury. When
under the fear of having to pay a heavy toll, the quantity or the price of merchandise is
lowered, the excess shall be taken by the king or the merchants shall be made to pay eight
times the toll. The same punishment shall be imposed when the price of the merchandise
packed in bags is lowered by showing an inferior sort as its sample or when valuable
merchandise is covered over with a layer of an inferior one.
When under the fear of bidders (enhancing the price), the price of any merchandise
is increased beyond its proper value, the king shall receive the enhanced amount or twice
the amount of toll on it. The same punishment or eight times the amount of toll shall be
imposed on the Superintendent of tolls if he conceals (merchandise).
Hence commodities shall be sold only after they are precisely weighed, measured, or
With regard to inferior commodities as well as those which are to be let off free of
toll, the amount of toll due shall be determined after careful consideration.
Those merchants who pass beyond the flag of the toll-house without paying the toll
shall be fined eight times the amount of the toll due from them.
Those who pass by to and from (the city) shall ascertain (whether or not toll has
been paid on any merchandise going along the road.)
Commodities intended for marriages, or taken by a bride from her parents' house to
her husband's (anváyanam), or intended for presentation, or taken for the purpose of
sacrificial performance, confinement of women, worship of gods, ceremony of tonsure,
investiture of sacred thread, gift of cows (godána, made before marriage), any religious
rite, consecration ceremony (dikshá), and other special ceremonials shall be let off free of
Those who smuggle a part of merchandise on which toll has not been paid with that
on which toll has been paid as well as those who, with a view to smuggle with one pass a
second portion of merchandise, put it along with the stamped merchandise after breaking
open the bag shall forfeit the smuggled quantity and pay as much fine as is equal to the
quantity so smuggled.
When a person imports such forbidden articles as weapons (sastra), mail armour,
metals, chariots, precious stones, grains and cattle, he shall not only be punished as laid
down elsewhere, but also be made to forfeit his merchandise. When any of such
commodities has been brought in for sale, they shall be sold, free of toll far outside (the
He shall levy a pana on a single-hoofed animal, half a pana on each head of cattle,
and a quarter on a minor quadruped.
He shall also make good whatever has been lost by merchants (in the part of the
country under his charge).
For hiding inferior commodities, eight times the amount of toll shall be imposed;
and for hiding or concealing superior commodities, they shall be wholly confiscated.
Whatever causes harm or is useless to the country shall be shut out; and whatever is
of immense good as well as seeds not easily available shall be let in free of toll.
[Thus ends Chapter XXI, “The Superintendent of Tolls” in Book II, “The Duties of
Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the forty-second
chapter from the beginning.)
Of flower, fruit, vegetables (sáka), roots (múla), bulbous roots (kanda), pallikya (?),
seeds, dried fish, and dried meat, the superintendent shall receive 1/6th as toll.
Of fibrous garments (kshauma), cotton cloths (dukúla), silk (krimitána), mail armour
(kankata), sulphuret of arsenic (haritála), red arsenic (manassilá), vermilion (hingulaka),
metals (lóha), and colouring ingredients (varnadhátu); of sandal, brown sandal (agaru),
pungents (katuka), ferments (kinva), dress (ávarana), and the like; of wine, ivory, skins,
raw materials used in making fibrous or cotton garments, carpets, curtains (právarana),
and products yielded by worms (krimijáta); and of wool and other products yielded by
goats and sheep, he shall receive 1/10th or 1/15th as toll.
Of cloths (vastra), quadrupeds, bipeds, threads, cotton, scents, medicines, wood,
bamboo, fibres (valkala), skins, and clay-pots; of grains, oils, sugar (kshára), salt, liquor
(madya) cooked rice and the like, he shall receive 1/20th or 1/25th as toll.
Gate-dues (dvárádeya) shall be 1/5th of toll dues; this tax may be remitted if
circumstances necessitate such favour. Commodities shall never be sold where they are
grown or manufactured.
When minerals and other commodities are purchased from mines, a fine of 600
panás shall be imposed.
When flower or fruits are purchased from flower or fruit gardens, a fine of 54 panas
shall be imposed.
When vegetables, roots, bulbous roots are purchased from vegetable gardens, a fine
51¾ panas shall be imposed.
When any kind of grass or grain is purchased from field, a fine of 53 panas shall be
[Thus ends Chapter XXII, "Regulation of Toll-dues," in Book II, "The Duties of
Government Superintendents" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the forty-third
chapter from the beginning.]
Wages shall be fixed according as the threads spun are fine, coarse (sthúla, i.e., big)
or of middle quality and in proportion to a greater or less quantity manufactured, and in
consideration of the quantity of thread spun, those (who turn out a greater quantity) shall
be presented with oil and dried cakes of myrobalan fruits (tailámalakódvartanaih).
Wages shall be cut short, if making allowance for the quality of raw material, the
quantity of the threads spun out is found to fall short.
Weaving may also be done by those artisans who are qualified to turn out a given
amount of work in a given time and for a fixed amount of wages.
Those who manufacture fibrous cloths, raiments, silk-cloths, woollen cloths, and
cotton fabrics shall be rewarded by presentations such as scents, garlands of flowers, or
any other prizes of encouragement.
Those who are acquainted with the work shall manufacture mail armour.
Those women who do not stir out of their houses (anishkásinyah), those whose
husbands are gone abroad, and those who are cripple or girls may, when obliged to work
for subsistence, be provided with work (spinning out threads) in due courtesy through the
medium of maid-servants (of the weaving establishment.)
Those women who can present themselves at the weaving house shall at dawn be
enabled to exchange their spinnings for wages (bhándavetanavinimayam). Only so much
light as is enough to examine the threads shall be kept. If the superintendent looks at the
face of such women or talks about any other work, he shall be punished with the first
amercement. Delay in paying the wages shall be punished with the middlemost
amercement. Likewise when wages are paid for work that is not completed.
She who, having received wages, does not turn out the work shall have her thumb
cut off.
Those who misappropriate, steal, or run away with, (the raw material supplied to
them) shall be similarly punished.
Weavers, when guilty, shall be fined out of their wages in proportion to their
The superintendent shall closely associate with those who manufacture ropes and
mail armour and shall carry on the manufacture of straps (varatra) and other
He shall carry on the manufacture of ropes from threads and fibres and of straps
from cane and bamboo bark, with which beasts for draught are trained or tethered.
[Thus ends Chapter XXIII, "The Superintendent of Weaving" in Book II, "The Duties of
Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the forty-fourth
chapter from the beginning.]
He shall employ slaves, labourers, and prisoners (dandapratikartri) to sow the seeds
on crown-lands which have been often and satisfactorily ploughed.
The work of the above men shall not suffer on account of any want in ploughs
(karshanayantra) and other necessary instruments or of bullocks. Nor shall there be any
delay in procuring to them the assistence of blacksmiths, carpenters, borers (medaka),
ropemakers, as well as those who catch snakes, and similar persons.
Any loss due to the above persons shall be punished with a fine equal to the loss.
The quantity of rain that falls in the country of jángala is 16 dronas; half as much
more in moist countries (anúpánám); as to the countries which are fit for agriculture
(désavápánam);--13½ dronas in the country of asmakas; 23 dronas in avantí; and an
immense quantity in western countries (aparántánám), the borders of the Himalayas, and
the countries where water channels are made use of in agriculture (kulyávápánám).
When one-third of the requisite quantity of rain falls both during the commencement
and closing months of the rainy season and two-thirds in the middle, then the rainfall is
(considered) very even (sushumárúpam).
A forecast of such rainfall can be made by observing the position, motion, and
pregnancy (garbhádána) of the Jupiter (Brihaspati), the rise and set and motion of the
Venus, and the natural or unnatural aspect of the sun.
From the sun, the sprouting of the seeds can be inferred; from (the position of) the
Jupiter, the formation of grains (stambakarita) can be inferred; and from the movements
of the Venus, rainfall can be inferred.
Three are the clouds that continuously rain for seven days; eighty are they that pour
minute drops; and sixty are they that appear with the sunshine--this is termed rainfall.
Where rain, free from wind and unmingled with sunshine, falls so as to render three turns
of ploughing possible, there the reaping of good harvest is certain.
Hence, i.e., according as the rainfall is more or less, the superintendent shall sow the
seeds which require either more or less water.
Sáli (a kind of rice), vríhi (rice), kodrava (Paspalum Scrobiculatum), tila (sesamum),
priyangu (panic seeds), dáraka (?), and varaka (Phraseolus Trilobus) are to be sown at
the commencement (púrvávápah) of the rainy season.
Mudga (Phraseolus Mungo), másha (Phraseolus Radiatus), and saibya (?) are to be
sown in the middle of the season.
Fields that are left unsown (vápátiriktam, i.e., owing to the inadequacy of hands)
may be brought under cultivation by employing those who cultivate for half the share in
the produce (ardhasítiká); or those who live by their own physical exertion
(svavíryopajívinah) may cultivate such fields for ¼th or 1/5th of the produce grown; or
they may pay (to the king) as much as they can without entailing any hardship upon
themselves (anavasitam bhágam), with the exception of their own private lands that are
difficult to cultivate.
Those who cultivate irrigating by manual labour (hastaprávartimam) shall pay 1/5th
of the produce as water-rate (udakabhágam); by carrying water on shoulders
(skandhaprávartimam) ¼th of the produce; by water-lifts (srotoyantraprávartimam), ⅓rd
of the produce; and by raising water from rivers, lakes, tanks, and wells
(nadisarastatákakúpodghátam),⅓rd or ¼th of the produce.
Rice-crops and the like are the best (jyáshtha, i.e., to grow); vegetables (shanda) are
of intermediate nature; and sugarcane crops (ikshu) are the worst (pratyavarah, i.e., very
difficult to grow), for they are subject to various evils and require much care and
expenditure to reap.
Lands that are beaten by foam (phenághátah, i.e., banks of rivers, etc.) are suitable
for growing vallíphala (pumpkin, gourd and the like); lands that are frequently overflown
by water (paríváhánta) for long pepper, grapes (mridvíká), and sugarcane; the vicinity of
wells for vegetables and roots; low grounds (hariníparyantáh) for green crops; and
marginal furrows between any two rows of crops are suitable for the plantation of
fragrant plants, medicinal herbs, cascus roots (usínara), híra (?), beraka (?), and
pindáluka (lac) and the like.
Such medicinal herbs as grow in marshy grounds are to be grown not only in
grounds suitable for them, but also in pots (sthályam).
The sprouts of seeds, when grown, are to be manured with a fresh haul of minute
fishes and irrigated with the milk of snuhi (Euphorbia Antiquorum).
Where there is the smoke caused by burning the essence of cotton seeds and the
slough of a snake, there snakes will not stay.
Always while sowing seeds, a handful of seeds bathed in water with a piece of gold
shall be sown first and the following mantra recited:--
“Salutation to God Prajápati Kasyapa. Agriculture may always flourish and the
Goddess (may reside) in seeds and wealth. Channdavata he."
They shall be paid a pana-and-a-quarter per mensem. Artisans shall be provided with
wages and provision in proportion to the amount of work done by them.
Those that are learned in the Vedas and those that are engaged in making penance
may take from the fields ripe flowers and fruits for the purpose of worshipping their gods,
and rice and barley for the purpose of performing ágrayana, a sacrificial performance at
the commencement of harvest season, also those who live by gleaning grains in fields
may gather grains where grains had been accumulated and removed from.
Grains and other crops shall be collected as often as they are harvested. No wise
man shall leave anything in the fields, nor even chaff. Crops, when reaped, shall be
heaped up in high piles or in the form of turrets. The piles of crops shall not be kept close,
nor shall their tops be small or low. The threshing floors of different fields shall be
situated close to each other. Workmen in the fields shall always have water but no fire.
[Thus ends Chapter XXIV, “The Superintendent of Agriculture” in Book II, “The Duties
of Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the forty-fifth
chapter from the beginning.]
BY employing such men as are acquainted with the manufacture of liquor and
ferments (kinva), the Superintendent of Liquor shall carry on liquor-traffic not only in
forts and country parts, but also in camps.
A fine of 600 panas shall be imposed on all offenders other than those who are
manufacturers, purchasers, or sellers in liquor-traffic.
Liquor shall not be taken out of villages, nor shall liquor shops be close to each
Lest workmen spoil the work in hand, and Aryas violate their decency and virtuous
character, and lest firebrands commit indiscreet acts, liquor shall be sold to persons of
well known character in such small quantities as one-fourth or half-a-kudumba, one
kudumba, half-a-prastha, or one prastha. Those who are well known and of pure
character may take liquor out of shop.
Or all may be compelled to drink liquor within the shops and not allowed to stir out
at once in view of detecting articles such as sealed deposits, unsealed deposits,
commodities given for repair, stolen articles, and the like which the customer's may have
acquired by foul means. When they are found to possess gold and other articles not their
own, the superintendent shall contrive to cause them to be arrested outside the shop.
Likewise those who are too extravagant or spend beyond their income shall be arrested.
No fresh liquor other than bad liquor shall be sold below its price. Bad liquor may
be sold elsewhere or given to slaves or workmen in lieu of wages; or it may form the
drink of beasts for draught or the subsistence of hogs.
Liquor shops shall contain many rooms provided with beds and seats kept apart. The
drinking room shall contain scents, garlands of flowers, water, and other comfortable
things suitable to the varying seasons.
Spies stationed in the shops shall ascertain whether the expenditure incurred by
customers in the shop is ordinary or extraordinary and also whether there are any
strangers. They shall also ascertain the value of the dress, ornaments, and gold of the
customers lying there under intoxication.
When customers under intoxication lose any of their things, the merchants of the
shop shall not only make good the loss, but also pay an equivalent fine.
Merchants seated in half-closed rooms shall observe the appearance of local and
foreign customers who, in real or false guise of Aryas lie down in intoxication along with
their beautiful mistresses.
Of various kinds of liquor such as medaka, prasanna, ásava, arista, maireya, and
Medaka is manufactured with one drona of water, half, an ádaka of rice, and three
prastha of kinva (ferment).
Twelve ádhakas of flour (pishta), five prasthas of kinva (ferment), with the addition
of spices (játisambhára) together with the bark and fruits of putraká (a species of tree)
constitute prasanná.
The preparation of various kinds of arishta for various diseases are to be learnt from
A sour gruel or decoction of the bark of meshasringi (a kind of poison) mixed with
jaggery (guda) and with the powder of long pepper and black pepper or with the powder
of triphala (1 Terminalia Chebula, 2 Terminalia Bellerica, and 3 Phyllanthus Emblica)
forms Maireya.
To all kinds of liquor mixed with jaggery, the powder of triphala is always added.
The juice of grapes is termed madhu. Its own native place (svadesa) is the
commentary on such of its various forms as kápisáyana and hárahúraka.
One drona of either boiled or unboiled paste of másha (Phraseolus Radiatus), three
parts more of rice, and one karsha of morata (Alangium Hexapetalum) and the like form
kinva (ferment).
In the manufacture of medaka and prasanna, five karshas of the powder of (each of
páthá (Clypea Hermandifolio), lodhra (Symplocos Racemosa), tejovati (Piper Chaba),
eláváluka (Solanum Melongena) honey, the juice of grapes (madhurasa), priyangu (panic
seeds), dáruharidra (a species of turmeric) black pepper and long pepper are added as
sambhára, requisite spices.
The requisite quantity of spices to be added to ásava is one karshá of the powder of
each of chocha (bark of cinnamon), chitraka (Plumbago Zeylanica), vilanga, and
gajapippalí (Scindapsus Officinalis), and two karshas of the powder of each of kramuka
(betel nut), madhúka (Bassia Latifolia), mustá (Cyprus Rotundus), and lodhra (Symlocos
The addition of one-tenth of the above ingredients (i.e., chocha, kramuka, etc.), is
(termed) bíjabandha.
The same ingredients as are added to prasanná are also added to white liquor
The liquor that is manufactured from mango fruits (sahakárasurá) may contain a
greater proportion of mango essence (rasottara), or of spices (bíjottara). It is called
mahásura when it contains sambhára (spices as described above).
When a handful (antarnakho mushtih, i.e., so much as can be held in the hand, the
fingers being so bent that the nails cannot be seen) of the powder of granulated sugar
dissolved in the decoction of moratá (Alangium Hexapetalum), palása (Butea Frondosa),
dattúra (Dattura Fastuosa), karanja (Robinia Mitis), meshasringa (a kind of poison) and
the bark of milky trees (kshiravriksha) mixed with one-half of the paste formed by
combining the powders of lodhra (Symplocos Racemosa), chitraka (Plumbago
Zeylanica), vilanga, páthá (clypea Hermandifolia), mustá (cyprus Rotundus), kaláya
(leguminous seeds), dáruharidra (Amonum Xanthorrhizon), indívara (blue lotus),
satapushpa (Anethum Sowa), apámárga (Achyranthes Aspera) saptaparna (Echites
Scholaris), and nimba (Nimba Melia) is added to (even) a kumbha of liquor payable by
the king, it renders it very pleasant. Five palas of phánita (sugar) are added to the above
in order to increase its flavour.
Those who deal with liquor other than that of the king shall pay five percent as toll.
With regard to sura, medaka, arishta, wine, phalámla (acid drinks prepared from
fruits), and ámlasídhu (spirit distilled from molasses):--
Having ascertained the day's sale of the above kinds of liquor, the difference of royal
and public measures (mánavyáji), and the excessive amount of sale proceeds realised
thereby, the Superintendent shall fix the amount of compensation (vaidharana) due to the
king (from local or foreign merchants for entailing loss on the king's liquor traffic) and
shall always adopt the best course.
[Thus ends Chapter XXV, "The Superintendent of Liquor" in Book II, "The Duties of
Government Superintendents," of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the forty-sixth
chapter from the beginning.]
WHEN a person entraps, kills, or molests deer, bison, birds, and fish which are
declared to be under State protection or which live in forests under State-protection
(abhayáranya), he shall be punished with the highest amercement.
When a person entraps, kills, or molests either fish or birds that do not prey upon
other animals, he shall be fined 26¾ panas; and when he does the same to deer and other
beasts, he shall be fined twice as much.
Of beasts of prey that have been captured, the Superintendent shall take one-sixth; of
fish and birds (of similar nature), he shall take one-tenth or more than one-tenth; and of
deer and other beasts (mrigapasu), one-tenth or more than one-tenth as toll.
One-sixth of live animals such as birds and beasts shall be let off in forests under
Elephants, horses or animals having the form of a man, bull or an ass living in
oceans as well as fish in tanks, lakes, channels and rivers; and such game-birds as
krauncha (a kind of heron), utkrosaka (osprey), dátyúha (a sort of cuckoo), hamsa
(flamingo), chakraváka (a brahmany duck), jivanjívaka (a kind of pheasant), bhringarája
(Lanius Malabaricus), chakora (partridge), mattakokila (cuckoo), peacock, parrot, and
maina (madanasárika) as well as other auspicious animals, whether birds or beasts, shall
be protected from all kinds of molestations.
Those who violate the above rule shall be punished with the first amercement.
(Butchers) shall sell fresh and boneless flesh of beasts (mrigapasu) just killed.
If they sell bony flesh, they shall give an equivalent compensation (pratipákam).
If there is any diminution in weight owing to the use of a false balance, they shall
give eight times the diminution.
The flesh of animals which have been killed outside the slaughter-house
(parisúnam), headless, legless and boneless flesh, rotten flesh, and the flesh of animals
which have suddenly died shall not be sold. Otherwise a fine of 12 panas shall be
Cattle, wild beasts, elephants (vyala), and fish living in forests under State
protection shall, if they become of vicious nature, be entrapped and killed outside the
forest preserve.
[Thus ends Chapter XXVI, "The Superintendent of Slaughter-house" in Book II, "The
Duties of Government Superintendents" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the forty-
seventh chapter from the beginning.]
THE Superintendent of Prostitutes shall employ (at the king's court) on a salary of
1,000 panas (per annum) a prostitute (ganiká), whether born or not born of a prostitute's
family, and noted for her beauty, youth, and accomplishments.
A rival prostitute (pratiganiká) on half the above salary (kutumbárdhéna) shall also
be appointed.
Whenever such a prostitute goes abroad or dies, her daughter or sister shall act for
her and receive her property and salary. Or her mother may substitute another prostitute.
In the absence of any of these, the king himself shall take the property.
With a view to add to the splendour of prostitutes holding the royal umbrella, golden
pitcher, and fan, and attending upon the king seated on his royal litter, throne, or chariot,
prostitutes shall be classified as of first, middle and highest rank according to their beauty
and splendid jewellery; likewise their salary shall be fixed by thousands.
She who has lost her beauty shall be appointed as a nurse (mátriká).
A prostitute shall pay 24,000 panas as ransom to regain her liberty; and a prostitute's
son 12,000 panas.
From the age of eight years, a prostitute shall hold musical performance before the
Those prostitutes, female slaves, and old women who are incapable of rendering any
service in the form of enjoyment (bhagnabhogáh) shall work in the storehouse or kitchen
of the king.
A prostitute who, putting herself under the protection of a private person, ceases to
attend the king's court shall pay a pana-and-a-quarter per mensem (to the Government).
When a prostitute puts her jewellery in the hands of any person but her mother, she
shall be fined 4¼ panas.
If she sells or mortgages her property (svapateyam), she shall be fined 50¼ panas.
A prostitute shall be fined 24 panas for defamation; twice as much for causing hurt;
and 50¼ panas as well as 1½ panas for cutting off the ear (of any person).
When a man has connection with a prostitute against her will or with a prostitute girl
(kumári), he shall be punished with the highest amercement. But when he has connection
with a willing prostitute, (under age), he shall be punished with the first amercement.
When a man keeps under confinement, or abducts, a prostitute against her will, or
disfigures her by causing hurt, he shall be fined 1,000 panas or more rising up to twice
the amount of her ransom (nishkraya) according to the circumstances of the crime and the
position and the status of the prostitute (sthánaviseshena).
In all cases of offences, punishment for offences committed for the first time shall be
the first amercement; twice as much for offences committed for a second time; thrice as
much for the third time; and for offences committed for the fourth time, the king may
impose any punishment he likes.
When a prostitute does not yield her person to any one under the orders of the king,
she shall receive 1000 lashes with a whip or pay a fine of 5,000 panas.
When having received the requisite amount of fees, a prostitute dislikes to yield her
person, she shall be fined twice the amount of the fees.
When, in her own house, a prostitute deprives her paramour of his enjoyment, she
shall be fined eight times the amount of the fees unless the paramour happens to be
unassociable on account of disease and personal defects.
When a prostitute murders her paramour, she shall be burnt alive or thrown into
When a paramour steals the jewellery or money of, or deceives to pay the fees due
to, a prostitute, he shall be fined eight times that amount.
The same rules shall apply to an actor, dancer, singer, player on musical instruments,
a buffoon (vágjivana), a mimic player (kusílava), rope-dancer (plavaka), a juggler
(saubhika), a wandering bard or herald (chárana), pimps, and unchaste women.
When persons of the above description come from foreign countries to hold their
performances, they shall pay 5 panas as license fee (prekshávetana).
Every prostitute (rúpájivá) shall pay every month twice the amount of a day's
earning (bhogadvigunam) to the Government.
Those who teach prostitutes, female slaves, and actresses, arts such as singing,
playing on musical instruments, reading, dancing, acting, writing, painting, playing on
the instruments like vina, pipe, and drum, reading the thoughts of others, manufacture of
scents and garlands, shampooing, and the art of attracting and captivating the mind of
others shall be endowed with maintenance from the State.
They (the teachers) shall train the sons of prostitutes to be chief actors (rangopajívi)
on the stage.
The wives of actors and others of similar profession who have been taught various
languages and the use of signals (sanja) shall, along with their relatives, be made use of
in detecting the wicked and murdering or deluding foreign spies.
[Thus ends Chapter XXVII, "The Superintendent of Prostitutes" in Book II, "The Duties
of Government Superintendents," of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the forty-eighth
chapter from the beginning.]
THE Superintendent of Ships shall examine the accounts relating to navigation not
only on oceans and mouths of rivers, but also on lakes natural or artificial, and rivers in
the vicinity of stháníya and other fortified cities.
Villages on seashores or on the banks of rivers and lakes shall pay a fixed amount of
tax (kliptam).
Fishermen shall give 1/6th of their haul as fees for fishing license (naukáhátakam).
Passengers arriving on board the king's ship shall pay the requisite amount of sailing
fees (yátrávetanam).
Those (who make use of the king’s boats in) fishing out conch-shells and pearls shall
pay the requisite amount of hire (Naukáhátakam), or they may make use of their own
The duties of the superintendent of mines will explain those of the superintendent of
conch-shells and pearls.
Vessels carrying on merchandise spoiled by water may either be exempted from toll
or may have their toll reduced to half and let to sail when the time for setting sail
Ships that touch at harbours on their way may be requested the payment of toll.
Pirate ships (himsríká), vessels which are bound for the country of an enemy, as well
as those which have violated the customs and rules in force in port towns shall be
In those large rivers which cannot be forded even during the winter and summer
seasons, there shall be launched large boats (mahánávah) provided with a captain
(sásaka), a steersman (niyámaka), and servants to hold the sickle and the ropes and to
pour out water.
Small boats shall be launched in those small rivers which overflow during the rainy
Fording or crossing the rivers (without permission) shall be prohibited lest traitors
may cross them (and escape).
When a person fords or crosses a river outside the proper place and in unusual times,
he shall be punished with the first amercement.
When a man fords or crosses a river at the usual place and time without permission,
he shall be fined 26¾ panas.
Bráhmans, ascetics (pravrajita), children, the aged, the afflicted, royal messengers,
and pregnant women shall be provided by the superintendent with free passes to cross
Foreign merchants who have often been visiting the country as well as those who are
well known to local merchants shall be allowed to land in port-towns.
Any person who is abducting the wife or daughter of another, one who is carrying
off the wealth of another, a suspected person, one who seems to be of perturbed
appearance, one who has no baggage, one who attempts to conceal, or evade the
cognisance of the valuable load in one's hand, one who has just put on a different garb,
one who has removed or renounced one's usual garb, one who has just turned out an
ascetic, one who pretends to be suffering from disease, one who seems to be alarmed, one
who is stealthily carrying valuable things, or going on a secret mission, or carrying
weapons or explosives (agniyoga), one who holds poison in one's hand, and one who has
come from a long distance without a pass shall all be arrested.
A minor quadruped as well as a man carrying some load shall pay one másha.
A head-load, a load carried on shoulders (káyabhárah), a cow, and a horse shall each
pay 2 máshas.
A small cart (laghuyána) 5 máshas; and a cart (of medium size) drawn by bulls
(golingam) shall pay 6 máshas and a big cart (sakata) 7 máshas.
In boundaries, ferry-men shall receive the toll, carriage-cess, and road-cess. They
shall also confiscate the property of the person travelling without a pass. The
Superintendent of Boats shall make good the loss caused by the loss of the boat due to the
heavy load, sailing in improper time or place, want of ferry-men, or lack of repair. Boats
should be launched between the months of Ashádha, the first seven days being omitted,
and Kártika; the evidence of a ferryman should be given and the daily income should be
[Thus ends Chapter XXVIII, “The Superintendent of Ships” in Book II, “The Duties of
Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the forty-ninth
chapter from the beginning.]
THE Superintendent of cows shall supervise (1) herds maintained for wages
(vétanópagráhikam), (2) herds surrendered for a fixed amount of dairy produce
(karapratikara), (3) useless and abandoned herds (bhagnotsrishtakam), (4) herds
maintained for a share in dairy produce (bhágánupravishtam), (5) classes of herds
(vrajaparyagram), (6) cattle that strayed (nashtam), (7) cattle that are irrecoverably lost
(vinashtam), and (8) the amassed quantity of milk and clarified butter.
(2) When a single person rears a hundred heads (rúpasatam) made up of equal
numbers of each of aged cows, milch cows, pregnant cows, heifers, and calves (vatsatari)
and gives (to the owner) 8 várakas of clarified butter per annum, as well as the branded
skin (of dead cows if any), that system is called ‘herds surrendered for a fixed amount of
dairy produce.’
(3) When those who rear a hundred heads made up of equal numbers of each of
afflicted cattle, crippled cattle, cattle that cannot be milked by any one but the
accustomed person, cattle that are not easily milked, and cattle that kill their own calves
give in return (to the owner) a share in dairy produce, it is termed ‘useless and abandoned
(4) When under the fear of cattle-lifting enemies (parachakrátavibhayát), cattle are
kept under the care of the superintendent, giving him 1/10th of the dairy produce for his
protection, it is termed "herds maintained for a share in dairy produce."
(5) When the superintendent classifies cattle as calves, steers, tameable ones,
draught oxen, bulls that are to be trained to yoke, bulls kept for crossing cows, cattle that
are fit only for the supply of flesh, buffaloes and draught buffaloes; female calves, female
steer, heifer, pregnant cows, milch cattle, barren cattle---either cows or buffaloes; calves
that are a month or two old as well as those which are still younger; and when, as he
ought to, he brands them all inclusive of their calves of one or two months old along with
those stray cattle which have remained unclaimed in the herds for a month or two; and
when he registers the branded marks, natural marks, colour and the distance from one
horn to another of each of the cattle, that system is known as ‘class of herds.’
(6) When an animal is carried off by thieves or finds itself into the herds of others or
strays unknown, it is called ‘lost.’
Whoever hurts or causes another to hurt, or steals or causes another to steal a cow,
should be slain.
When a person substitutes an animal (rúpa) bearing the royal brand mark for a
private one, he shall be punished with the first amercement.
When a person recovers a local cattle from thieves, he shall receive the promised
reward (panitam rúpam); and when a man rescues a foreign cattle (from thieves), he shall
receive half its value.
Cowherds shall apply remedies to calves or aged cows or cows suffering from
They shall graze the herds in forests which are severally allotted as pasture grounds
for various seasons and from which thieves, tigers and other molesting beasts are driven
away by hunters aided by their hounds.
With a view to scare out snakes and tigers and as a definite means of knowing the
whereabouts of herds, sounding bells shall be attached to (the neck of) timid cattle.
Cowherds shall allow their cattle to enter into such rivers or lakes as are of equal
depth all round, broad, and free from mire and crocodiles, and shall protect them from
dangers under such circumstances.
When an animal dies a natural death, they shall surrender the skin with the brand
mark, if it is a cow or a buffalo; the skin together with the ear (karnalakshanam) if it is a
goat or sheep; the tail with the skin containing the brand mark, if it is an ass or a camel;
the skin, if it is a young one; besides the above, (they shall also restore) the fat (vasti),
bile, marrow (snáyu), teeth, hoofs, horns, and bones.
They (the cowherds) may sell either fresh flesh or dried flesh.
They shall give buttermilk as drink to dogs and hogs, and reserve a little (buttermilk)
in a bronze vessel to prepare their own dish: they may also make use of coagulated milk
or cheese (kíláta) to render their oilcakes relishing (ghánapinyáka-kledartha).
He who sells his cow (from among the herds) shall pay (to the king) ¼th rúpa (value
of the cow).
During the rainy, autumnal, and the first part of winter (hemanta) seasons, they shall
milk the cattle both the times (morning and evening); and during the latter part of winter
and the whole of the spring and summer seasons, they shall milk only once (i.e., only in
the morning). The cowherd who milks a cow a second time during these seasons shall
have his thumb cut off.
If he allows the time of milking to lapse, he shall forfeit the profit thereof (i.e., the
The same rule shall hold good in case of negligence of the opportune moment for
putting a string through the nose of a bull and other animals, and for taming or training
them to the yoke.
One drona of a cow's milk will, when churned, yield one prastha of butter; the same
quantity of a buffalo's milk will yield 1/7th prastha more; and the same quantity of milk
of goats and sheep will produce ½ prastha more.
In all kinds of milk, the exact quantity of butter shall be ascertained by churning; for
increase in the supply of milk and butter depends on the nature of the soil and the
quantity and quality of fodder and water.
When a person causes a bull attached to a herd to fight with another bull, he shall be
punished with the first amercement; when a bull is injured (under such circumstances), he
shall be punished with the highest amercement.
Cattle shall be grouped in herds of ten each of similar colour, while they are being
According to the protective strength of the cowherds the capacity of the cattle to go
far and wide to graze, cowherds shall take their cattle either far or near.
Once in six months, sheep and other animals shall be shorn of their wool.
The same rules shall apply to herds of horses, asses, camels, and hogs.
For bulls which are provided with nose-rings, and which equal horses in speed and
in carrying loads, half a bhára of meadow grass (yavasa), twice the above quantity of
ordinary grass (trina), one tulá (100 palas) of oil cakes, 10 ádhakas of bran, 5 palas of
salt (mukhalavanam), one kudumba of oil for rubbing over the nose (nasya), 1 prastha of
drink (pána), one tulá of flesh, 1 ádhaka of curis, 1 drona of barley or of cooked másha
(Phraseolus Radiatus), 1 drona of milk; or half an ádhaka of surá (liquor), 1 prastha of
oil or ghi (sneha) 10 palas of sugar or jaggery, 1 pala of the fruit of sringibera (ginger)
may be substituted for milk (pratipána).
The same commodities less by one quarter each will form the diet for mules, cows,
and asses; twice the quantity of the above things for buffaloes and camels.
Draught oxen and cows, supplying milk (payah), shall be provided with subsistence
in proportion to the duration of time the oxen are kept at work, and the quantity of milk
which the cows supply.
Thus the manner of rearing herds of cattle has been dealt with.
A herd of 100 heads of asses and mules shall contain 5 male animals; that of goats
and sheep ten; and a herd of ten heads of either cows or buffaloes shall contain four male
[Thus ends Chapter XXIX, "The Superintendent of Cows” in Book II, “The Duties of
Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the fiftieth chapter
from the beginning.]
THE Superintendent of Horses shall register the breed, age, colour, marks, group or
classes, and the native place of horses, and classify as (1) those that are kept in sale-house
for sale (panyágárikam), (2) those that are recently purchased (krayopágatam), (3) those
that have been captured in wars (áhavalabdham), (4) those that are of local breed
(ájátam), (5) those that are sent thither for help (sáháyyakágatam), (6) those that are
mortgaged (panasthitam), and (7) those that are temporarily kept in stables
He shall make a report (to the king) of such animals as are inauspicious, crippled, or
Every horseman shall know how to make an economic use of whatever he has
received from the king's treasury and storehouse.
A steed that has just given birth to a colt shall be provided for the first three days
with a drink of 1 prastha of clarified butter; afterwards it shall be fed with a prastha of
flour (saktu) and made to drink oil mixed with medicine for ten nights; after that time, it
shall have cooked grains, meadow grass, and other things suited to the season of the day.
A colt, ten days old, shall be given a kudumba of flour mixed with ¼th kudumba of
clarified butter, and 1 prastha of milk till it becomes six months old; then the above
rations shall be increased half as much during each succeeding month, with the addition
of 1 prastha of barley till it becomes three years old, then one drona of barley till it grows
four years old; at the age of four or five, it attains its full development and becomes
The face (mukha) of the best horse measures 32 angulas; its length is 5 times its
face; its shank is 20 angulas; and its height is 4 times its shank.
Horses of medium and lower sizes fall short of the above measurement by two and
three angulas respectively.
The circumference (parínáha) of the best horse measures 100 angulas, and horses of
medium and lower sizes fall short of the above measurement by five parts
For the best horse (the diet shall be) 2 dronas of any one of the grains, rice (sáli,
vríhi,) barley, panic seeds (priyangu) soaked or cooked, cooked mudga (Phraseolus
Munga) or másha (Phraseolus Radiatus); one prastha of oil, 5 palas of salt, 50 palas of
flesh, 1 ádhaka of broth (rasa) or 2 ádhakas of curd, 5 palas of sugar (kshára), to make
their diet relishing, 1 prastha of súrá, liquor, or 2 prasthas of milk.
The same quantity of drink shall be specially given to those horses which are tired of
long journey or of carrying loads.
One prastha of oil for giving enema (anuvásana), 1 kudumba of oil for rubbing over
the nose, 1,000 palas of meadow grass, twice as much of ordinary grass (trina); and hay-
stalk or grass shall be spread over an area of 6 aratnis.
The same quantity of rations less by one-quarter for horses of medium and lower
A draught horse or stallion of medium size shall be given the same quantity as the
best horse; and similar horses of lower size shall receive the same quantity as a horse of
medium size.
Those who cook the food of horses, grooms, and veterinary surgeons shall have a
share in the rations (pratisvádabhajah).
Stallions which are incapacitated owing to old age, disease or hardships of war, and,
being therefore rendered unfit for use in war live only to consume food shall in the
interests of citizens and country people be allowed to cross steeds.
The breed of Kámbhoja, Sindhu, Aratta, and Vanáyu countries are the best; those of
Báhlíka, Pápeya, Sauvira, and Taitala, are of middle quality; and the rest ordinary
These three sorts may be trained either for war or for riding according as they are
furious (tíkshna), mild (bhadra), or stupid or slow (manda).
The regular training of a horse is its preparation for war (sánnáhyam karma).
The same kind of movements with the head and ear kept erect are called slow
Jumping like a monkey (kapipluta), jumping like a frog (bhekapluta), sudden jump
(ekapluta), jumping with one leg (ekapádapluta), leaping like a cuckoo (kokila-
samchári), dashing with its breast almost touching the ground (urasya), and leaping like a
crane (bakasamchari) are the several forms of jumping.
Flying like a vulture (kánka), dashing like a water-duck (várikánaka), running like a
peacock (máyúra) halt the speed of a peacock (ardhmáyúra), dashing like a mangoose
(nákula), half the speed of a mangoose (ardha-nákula), running like a hog (váráha) and
half the speed of a hog (ardha- váráha) are the several forms of gallop.
Six, nine, and twelve yojanas (a day) are the distances (to be traversed) by carriage-
Five, eight, and ten yojanas are the distances (to be traversed) by riding horses
Qualified teachers shall give instructions as to the manufacture of proper ropes with
which to tether the horses.
Charioteers shall see to the manufacture of necessary war accoutrements of horses.
Those who move the horses (sútragráhaka), those whose business is to tether them
in stables, those who supply meadow-grass, those who cook the grains for the horses,
those who keep watch in the stables, those who groom them and those who apply
remedies against poison shall satisfactorily discharge their specified duties and shall, in
default of it, forfeit their daily wages.
Those who take out for the purpose of riding such horses as are kept inside (the
stables) either for the purpose of waving lights (nirájana) or for medical treatment shall
be fined 12 panas.
The same rule shall apply to the treatment of cows, buffaloes, goats, and sheep.
Horses shall be washed, bedaubed with sandal powder, and garlanded twice a day.
On new moon days sacrifice to Bhútas, and on full moon days the chanting of auspicious
hymns shall be performed. Not only on the ninth day of the month of Asvayuja, but also
both at the commencement and close of journeys (yátra) as well as in the time of disease
shall a priest wave lights invoking blessings on the horses.
[Thus ends Chapter XXX, "The Superintendent of Horses" in Book II, "The Duties of
Government Superintendents," of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the fifty-first
chapter from the beginning.]
The space in front of the smooth posts (to which elephants are tied) shall form a
square, one side of which is equal to the length of an elephant and shall be paved with
smooth wooden planks and provided with holes for the removal of urine and dung.
The space where an elephant lies down shall be as broad as the length of an elephant
and provided with a flat form raised to half the height of an elephant for leaning on.
Elephants serviceable in war or for riding shall be kept inside the fort; and those that
are still being tamed or are of bad temper shall be kept outside.
The first and the seventh of the eight divisions of the day are the two bathing times
of elephants; the time subsequent to those two periods is for their food; forenoon is the
time for their exercise; afternoon is the time for drink; two (out of eight) parts of the night
are the time for sleep; one-third of the night is spent in taking wakeful rest.
(That which is) seven aratnis in height, nine aratnis in length, ten aratnis in
circumference and is (as can be inferred from such measurement), 40 years old, is the
That which is 30 years old is of middle class; and that which is 25 years old is of the
lowest class.
The diet (for the last two classes) shall be lessened by one-quarter according to the
The rations for an elephant (of seven aratnis in height) shall be 1 drona of rice, ½
ádhaka of oil, 3 prasthas of ghi, 10 palas of salt, 50 palas of flesh, 1 ádhaka of broth
(rasa) or twice the quantity (i.e., 2 ádhakas) of curd; in order to render the dish tasteful,
10 palas of sugar (kshára), 1 ádhaka of liquor, or twice the quantity of milk (payah) ; 1
prastha of oil for smearing over the body, 1/8 prastha (of the same) for the head and for
keeping a light in the stables; 2 bháras of meadow grass, 2¼ bháras of ordinary grass
(sashpa), and 2½ bháras of dry grass and any quantity of stalks of various pulses
An elephant in rut (atyarála) and of 8 aratnis in height shall have equal rations with
that of 7 aratnis in height.
A young elephant (bikka) captured for the mere purpose of sporting with it shall be
fed with milk and meadow grass.
That which is blood-red (samjátalóhita), that which is fleshed, that which has its
sides evenly grown (samaliptapakshá), that which has its girths full or equal
(samakakshyá), that whose flesh is evenly spread, that which is of even surface on its
back (samatalpatala) and that which is of uneven surface (játadróniká) are the several
kinds of physical splendour of elephants.
[Thus ends Chapter XXXI, “The Superintendent of Elephants” in Book II, “The Duties of
Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the fifty-second
chapter from the beginning.]
ELEPHANTS are classified into four kinds in accordance with the training they are
given: that which is tameable (damya), that which is trained for war (sánnáhya), that
which is trained for riding (aupaváhya), and rogue elephants (vyála).
Those which are tameable fall under five groups: that which suffers a man to sit on
its withers (skandhagata), that which allows itself to be tethered to a post (stambhagata),
that which can be taken to water (várigata), that which lies in pits (apapátagata), and that
which is attached to its herd (yúthagata).
All these elephants shall be treated with as much care as a young elephant (bikka).
Rogue elephants can be trained only in one way. The only means to keep them under
control is punishment. It has a suspicious aversion to work, is obstinate, of perverse
nature, unsteady, willful, or of infatuated temper under the influence of rut.
Rogue elephants whose training proves a failure may be purely roguish (suddha),
clever in roguery (suvrata), perverse (vishama), or possessed of all kinds of vice.
The form of fetters and other necessary means to keep them under control shall be
ascertained from the doctor of elephants.
Tetherposts (álána), collars, girths, bridles, legchains, frontal fetters are the several
kinds of binding instruments.
Necklaces such as vaijavantí and kshurapramála, and litter and housings are the
ornaments of elephants.
Elephant doctors, trainers, expert riders, as well as those who groom them, those
who prepare their food, those who procure grass for them, those who tether them to posts,
those who sweep elephant stables, and those who keep watch in the stables at night, are
some of the persons that have to attend to the needs of elephants.
Elephant doctors, watchmen, sweepers, cooks and others shall receive (from the
storehouse,) 1 prastha of cooked rice, a handful of oil, land 2 palas of sugar and of salt.
Excepting the doctors, others shall also receive 10 palas of flesh.
Elephant doctors shall apply necessary medicines to elephants which, while making
a journey, happen to suffer from disease, overwork, rut, or old age.
During the period of Cháturmásya (the months of July, August, September and
October) and at the time when two seasons meet, waving of lights shall be performed
thrice. Also on new-moon and full-moon days, commanders shall perform sacrifices to
Bhútas for the safety of elephants.
Leaving as much as is equal to twice the circumference of the tusk near its root, the
rest of the tusks shall be cut off once in 2½ years in the case of elephants born in
countries irrigated by rivers (nadija), and once in 5 years in the case of mountain
[Thus ends Chapter XXXII, “The Training of Elephants” in Book II, “The Duties of
Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the fifty-third
chapter from the beginning.]
The best chariot shall measure 10 purushas in height (,i.e., 120 angulas), and 12
purushas in width. After this model, 7 more chariots with width decreasing by one
purusha successively down to a chariot of 6 purushas in width shall be constructed. He
shall also construct chariots of gods (devaratha), festal chariots (pushyaratha), battle
chariots (sángrámika), travelling chariots (páriyánika), chariots used in assailing an
enemy's strong-holds (parapurabhiyánika), and training chariots.
He shall also examine the efficiency in the training of troops in shooting arrows, in
hurling clubs and cudgels, in wearing mail armour, in equipment, in charioteering, in
fighting seated on a chariot, and in controlling chariot horses.
He shall also attend to the accounts of provision and wages paid to those who are
either permanently or temporarily employed (to prepare chariots and other things). Also
he shall take steps to maintain the employed contented and happy by adequate reward
(yogyarakshanushthánam), and ascertain the distance of roads.
He shall be thoroughly familiar with the nature of fighting in low grounds, of open
battle, of fraudulent attack, of fighting under the cover of entrenchment
(khanakayuddha), or from heights (ákásayuddha), and of fighting during the day and
night, besides the drill necessary for such warfare.
With an eye to the position which the entire army (chaturangabala) trained in the
skillful handling of all kinds of weapons and in leading elephants, horses, and chariots
have occupied and to the emergent call for which they ought to be ready, the commander-
in-chief shall be so capable as to order either advance or retreat (áyogamayógam cha).
He shall also know what kind of ground is more advantageous to his own army,
what time is more favourable, what the strength of the enemy is, how to sow dissension
in an enemy's army of united mind, how to collect his own scattered forces, how to
scatter the compact body of an enemy's army, how to assail a fortress, and when to make
a general advance.
Being ever mindful of the discipline which his army has to maintain not merely in
camping and marching, but in the thick of battle, he shall designate the regiments (vyúha)
by the names of trumpets, boards, banners, or flags.
THE Superintendent of Passports shall issue passes at the rate of a masha per pass.
Whoever is provided with a pass shall be at liberty to enter into, or go out of, the country.
Whoever, being a native of the country enters into or goes out of the country without a
pass shall be fined 12 panas. He shall be punished with the first amercement for
producing a false pass. A foreigner guilty of the same offence shall be punished with the
highest amercement.
In barren tracts of the country, there shall be constructed not only tanks, buildings
for shelter, and wells, but also flower gardens and fruit gardens.
Hunters with their hounds shall reconnoitre forests. At the approach of thieves or
enemies, they shall so hide themselves by ascending trees or mountains as to escape from
the thieves, and blow conch-shells or beat drums. As to the movements of enemies or
wild tribes, they may send information by flying the pigeons of royal household with
passes (mudrá) or causing fire and smoke at successive distances.
It shall be his duty to protect timber and elephant forests, to keep roads in good
repair, to arrest thieves, to secure the safety of mercantile traffic, to protect cows, and to
conduct the transaction of the people.
[Thus ends Chapter XXXIV, "The Superintendent of Passports, and the Superintendent of
Pasture Lands," in Book II, "The Duties of Government Superintendents," of the
Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the fifty-fifth chapter from the beginning.]
HAVING divided the kingdom (janapada) into four districts, and having also
subdivided the villages (gráma) as of first, middle and lowest rank, he shall bring them
under one or another of the following heads:---Villages that are exempted from taxation
(pariháraka); those that supply soldiers (áyudhíya); those that pay their taxes in the form
of grains, cattle, gold (hiranya), or raw material (kupya); and those that supply free
labour (vishti), and dairy produce in lieu of taxes (karapratikara).
It is the duty of Gopa, village accountant, to attend to the accounts of five or ten
villages as ordered by the Collector-General.
Also having numbered the houses as taxpaying or non-taxpaying, he shall not only
register the total number of the inhabitants of all the four castes in each village, but also
keep an account of the exact number of cultivators, cow-herds, merchants, artizans,
labourers, slaves, and biped and quadruped animals, fixing at the same time the amount
of gold, free labour, toll, and fines that can be collected from it (each house).
He shall also keep an account of the number of young and old men that reside in
each house, their history (charitra), occupation (ájíva), income (áya), and expenditure
Likewise Sthánika, district officer, shall attend to the accounts of one quarter of the
In those places which are under the jurisdiction of Gopa and Sthánika,
commissioners (prodeshtárah) specially deputed by the Collector-general shall not only
inspect the work done and the means employed by the village and district officers, but
also collect the special religious tax known as bali (balipragraham kuryuh).
They shall also ascertain the total number of men and beasts (janghágra) as well as
the amount of income and expenditure of each family.
They shall also find out the causes of emigration and immigration of persons of
migratory habit, the arrival and departure of men and women of condemnable (anarthya)
character, as well as the movements of (foreign) spies.
Likewise spies under the guise of merchants shall ascertain the quantity and price of
the royal merchandise such as minerals, or products of gardens, forests, and fields or
manufactured articles.
Similarly spies under the guise of ascetics shall, as ordered by the Collector-general,
gather information as to the proceedings, honest or dishonest, of cultivators, cow-herds,
merchants, and heads of Government departments.
In places where altars are situated or where four roads meet, in ancient ruins, in the
vicinity of tanks, rivers, bathing places, in places of pilgrimage and hermitage, and in
desert tracts, mountains, and thick grown forests, spies under the guise of old and
notorious thieves with their student bands shall ascertain the causes of arrival and
departure, and halt of thieves, enemies, and persons of undue bravery.
The Collector-general shall thus energetically attend to the affairs of the kingdom.
Also his subordinates constituting his various establishments of espionage shall along
with their colleagues and followers attend to their duties likewise.
[Thus ends Chapter XXXV, "The Duty of revenue collectors; spies under the guise of
house-holders, merchants, and ascetics," in Book II, "The Duties of Government
Superintendents" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the fifty-sixth chapter from the
LIKE the Collector-general, the Officer in charge of the Capital City (Nágaraka)
shall look to the affairs of the capital.
A Gopa shall keep the accounts of ten households, twenty households, or forty
households. He shall not only know the caste, gotra, the name, and occupation of both
men and women in those households, but also ascertain their income and expenditure.
Likewise, the officer known as Sthánika shall attend to the accounts of the four
quarters of the capital.
Artisans and other handicraftsmen may, on their own responsibility, allow others of
their own profession to reside where they carry on their own work (i.e., in their own
Similarly merchants may on their own responsibility allow other merchants to reside
where they themselves carry on their mercantile work (i.e., their own houses or shops).
They (the merchants) shall make a report of those who sell any merchandise in
forbidden place or time, as well as of those who are in possession of any merchandise
other than their own.
Vintners, sellers of cooked flesh and cooked rice as well as prostitutes may allow
any other person to reside with them only when that person is well-known to them.
They (vintners, etc.) shall make a report of spendthrifts and fool-hardy persons who
engage themselves in risky undertakings.
Any physician who undertakes to treat in secret a patient suffering from ulcer or
excess of unwholesome food or drink, as well as the master of the house (wherein such
treatment is attempted) shall be innocent only when they (the physician and the master of
the house) make a report of the same to either Gopa or Sthánika; otherwise both of them
shall be equally guilty with the sufferer.
Masters of houses shall make a report of strangers arriving at, or departing from
their houses; otherwise they shall be guilty of the offence (theft, etc.) committed during
that night. Even during safe nights (i.e., nights when no theft, etc., seems to have been
committed), they shall be fined 3 panas (for not making such a report).
Wayfarers going along a high road or by a foot path shall catch hold of any person
whom they find to be suffering from a wound or ulcer, or possessed of destructive
instruments, or tired of carrying a heavy load, or timidly avoiding the presence of others,
or indulging in too much sleep, or fatigued from a long journey, or who appears to be a
stranger to the place in localities such as inside or outside the capital, temples of gods,
places of pilgrimage, or burial grounds.
(Spies) shall also make a search for suspicious persons in the interior of deserted
houses, in the workshops or houses of vintners and sellers of cooked rice and flesh, in
gambling houses, and in the abode of heretics.
Kindling of fire shall be prohibited during the two middlemost parts of day-time
divided into four equal parts during the summer. A fine of 1/8th of a pana shall be
imposed for kindling fire at such a time.
(If a house-owner is not found to have ready with him) five water-pots (pancha
ghatínám), a kumbha, a dróna, a ladder, an axe, a winnowing basket, a hook (such as is
used to drive an elephant), pincers, (kachagráhini), and a leather bag (driti), he shall be
fined ¼th of a pana.
They shall also remove thatched roofs. Those who work by fire (blacksmiths) shall
all together live in a single locality.
Each houseowner shall ever be present (at night) at the door of his own house.
Vessels filled with water shall be kept in thousands in a row without confusion not
only in big streets and at places where four roads meet but also in front of the royal
buildings (rajaprigraheshu).
Any house-owner who does not run to give his help in extinguishing the fire of
whatever is burning shall be fined 12 panas; and a renter (avakrayi, i.e., one who has
occupied a house for rent) not running to extinguish fire shall be fined 6 panas.
Whoever carelessly sets fire (to a house) shall be fined 54 panas; but he who
intentionally sets fire (to a house) shall be thrown into fire.
Whoever throws dirt in the street shall be punished with a fine of 1/8th of a pana;
whoever causes mire or water to collect in the street shall be fined ¼th of a pana;
whoever commits the above offences in the king's road (rájamárga) shall be punished
with double the above fines.
Whoever throws inside the city the carcass of animals such as a cat, dog, mangoose,
and a snake shall be fined 3 panas; of animals such as an ass, a camel, a mule, and cattle
shall be fined 6 panas; and human corpse shall be punished with a fine of 50 panas.
When a dead body is taken out of a city through a gate other than the usual or
prescribed one or through a path other than the prescribed path, the first amercement shall
be imposed; and those who guard the gates (through which the dead body is taken out)
shall be fined 200 panas.
When a dead body is interred or cremated beyond the burial or cremation grounds, a
fine of 12 panas shall be imposed.
The interval between six nálikas (2 2/5 hours) after the fall of night and six nálikas
before the dawn shall be the period when a trumpet shall be sounded prohibiting the
movement of the people.
The trumpet having been sounded, whoever moves in the vicinity of royal buildings
during the first or the last yáma (3 hours ?) of the period shall be punished with a fine of
one pana and a quarter; and during the middlemost yámas, with double the above fine;
and whoever moves outside (the royal buildings or the fort) shall be punished with four
times the above fine.
Those who go out at night in order to attend to the work of midwifery or medical
treatment, or to carry off a dead body to the cremation or burial grounds, or those who go
out with a lamp in hand at night, as well as those who go out to visit the officer in charge
of the city, or to find out the cause of a trumpet sound (turyapreksha), or to extinguish the
outbreak of fire or under the authority of a pass shall not be arrested.
During the nights of free movement (chárarátrishu) those who move out under
disguise, those who stir out though forbidden (pravarjitah), as well as those who move
with clubs and other weapons in hand shall be punished in proportion to the gravity of
their guilt.
Those watchmen who stop whomever they ought not to stop, or do not stop
whomever they ought to stop shall be punished with twice the amount of fine levied for
untimely movement.
When a watchman has carnal connection with a slave woman, he shall be punished
with the first amercement; with a free woman middlemost amercement; with a woman
arrested for untimely movement, the highest amercement; and a woman of high birth
(kulastrí), he shall be put to death.
When the officer in charge of the city (nágaraka) does not make a report (to the
king) of whatever nocturnal nuisance of animate or inanimate nature (chetanâchetana)
has occurred, or when he shows carelessness (in the discharge of his duty), he shall be
punished in proportion to the gravity of his crime.
On the days to which the birth star of the king is assigned, as well as on full moon
days, such prisoners as are young, old, diseased, or helpless (anátha) shall be let out from
the jail (bandhanâgâra); or those who are of charitable disposition or who have made any
agreement with the prisoners may liberate them by paying an adequate ransom.
[Thus ends Chapter XXXVI, “The Duty of a City Superintendent” in Book II, “The
Duties of government Superintendents,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the fifty-
seventh chapter from the beginning. With this ends the Second Book “The Duties of
Government Superintendents” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
From: Kautilya. Arthashastra. Translated by R. Shamasastry. Bangalore: Government
Press, 1915, 51-185.
Kautilya's Arthashastra: Book III, "Concerning Law"
They shall hold as void agreements (vyavahára) entered into in seclusion, inside the
houses, in the dead of night, in forests, in secret, or with fraud.
The proposer and the accessory shall be punished with the first amercement [A fine
ranging from 48 to 96 panas is called first amercement; from 200 to 500 panas, the
middlemost; and from 500 to 1,000 panas the highest amercement. See Chap. XVII,
Book III]; the witnesses (srotri = voluntary hearers) shall each be punished with half of
the above fine; and accepters shall suffer the loss they may have sustained.
But agreements entered into within the hearing of others, as well as those not
otherwise condemnable shall be valid.
Transactions relating to robbery, duel, marriage, or the execution of the king's order,
as well as agreements entered into by persons who usually do their business during the
first part of the night shall be valid though they might be done at night.
With regard to those persons who live most part of their life in forests, whether as
merchants, cowherds, hermits, hunters, or spies, their agreements though entered into in
forests shall be valid.
If fraudulent agreements, only such shall be valid as are entered into by spies.
Even agreements entered into by an authorised person shall be void if he was at the
time (of making the agreements) under provocation, anxiety, or intoxication, or if he was
a lunatic or a haunted person.
In all these cases, the proposer, his accessory, and witnesses shall each be punished
as specified above.
But such agreements as are entered into in person by any one with others of his own
community in suitable place and time are valid provided the circumstances, the nature,
the description, and the qualities of the case are credible.
(The Trial.)
The year, the season, the month, the fortnight (paksha), the date, the nature and
place of the deed, the amount of the debt as well as the country, the residence, the caste,
the gotra, the name and occupation of both the plaintiff and the defendant both of whom
must be fit to sue and defend (kritasamarthávasthayoh), having been registered first, the
statements of the parties shall be taken down in such order as is required by the case.
These statements shall then be thoroughly scrutinised.
Leaving out the question at issue, either of the parties takes resort to another; his
previous statement is not consistent with his subsequent one; he insists on the necessity of
considering the opinion of a third person, though it is not worthy of any such
consideration; having commenced to answer the question at issue, he breaks off at once,
even though he is ordered to continue; he introduces questions other than those specified
by himself; he withdraws his own statement; he does not accept what his own witnesses
have deposed to; and he holds secret conversation with his witnesses where he ought not
to do so.
Fine for self assertion (svayamvádi = asserting without evidence) is ten times the
amount (dasabandha.)
Fees for witnesses (purushabhritih) shall cover 1/8th of the amount (astánga).
Provision proportional to the amount sued for may also be made for the expenses
incurred by witnesses in their journey. The defeated party shall pay these two kinds of
In cases other than duel, robbery, as well as disputes among merchants or trade-
guilds, the defendant shall file no countercase against the plaintiff. Nor can there be a
countercase for the defendant.
The plaintiff shall (‘rejoin’) reply soon after the defendant has answered the
questions at issue. Else he shall be guilty of parokta, for the plaintiff knows the
determining factors of the case. But the defendant does not do so. The defendant may be
allowed three or seven nights to prepare his defence. If he is not ready with his defence
within that time, he shall be punished with a fine ranging from 3 to 12 panas. If he does
not answer even after three fortnights, he shall be fined for parokta, and the plaintiff shall
recover out of the defendant's property the amount of the case. But if the plaintiff sues for
a mere return of gratitude (pratyupakarana), then no (decree shall be passed).
The same punishment shall be meted out to such of the defendants as fail in their
If the plaintiff fails to prove his case, he shall (also) be guilty of parokta. If he fails
to substantiate his case against a dead or diseased defendant, he shall pay a fine and
perform the (funeral) ceremonies of the defendant, as determined by the witnesses. If he
proves his case, he may be permitted to take possession of the property hypothecated to
But if he is not a Bráhman, he may, on his failure to prove his case, be caused to
perform such ceremonials as drive out demons (rakshoghna rakshitakam.)
* In virtue of his power to uphold the observance of the respective duties of the four
castes and of the four divisions of religious life, and in virtue of his power to guard
against the violation of the Dharmas, the king is the fountain of justice
* Dharma is eternal truth holding its sway over the world; Vyavahára, evidence, is
in witnesses; Charitra, history, is to be found in the tradition (sangraha), of the people;
and the order of kings is what is called sásana.
* As the duty of a king consists in protecting his subjects with justice, its observance
leads him to heaven. He who does not protect his people or upsets the social order wields
his royal sceptre (danda) in vain.
* It is power and power (danda) alone which, only when exercised by the king with
impartiality and in proportion to guilt either over his son or his enemy, maintains both
this world and the next.
* The king who administers justice in accordance with sacred law (Dharma),
evidence (vyavahára), history (samsthá) and edicts of kings (Nyáya) which is the fourth
will be able to conquer the whole world bounded by the four quarters (Chaturantám
* Self-assertion (svayamváda) on the part of either of the parties has often been
found faulty. Examination (anuyoga), honesty (árjava), evidence (hetu) and asseveration
by oath (sapatha)---these alone can enable a man to win his cause.
MARRIAGE precedes the other calls of life (vyavahára.) The giving in marriage of
a maiden well-adorned is called Bráhma-marriage. The joint-performance of sacred
duties (by a man and a woman) is known as prájápatya marriage.
(The giving in marriage of a maiden) for a couple of cows is called Arsha. (The
giving in marriage of a maiden) to an officiating priest in a sacrifice is called Daiva. The
voluntary union of a maiden with her lover is called Gándharva. Giving a maiden after
receiving plenty of wealth (súlka) is termed Asura. The abduction of a maiden is called
Rákshasa. The abduction of a maiden while she is asleep and in intoxication is called
Paisácha marraige.
Of these, the first four are ancestral customs of old and are valid on their being
approved of by the father. The rest are to be sanctioned by both the father and the mother;
for it is they that receive the money (súlka) paid by the bridegroom for their daughter. In
case of the absence by death of either the father or the mother, the survivor will receive
the súlka. If both of them are dead, the maiden herself shall receive it. Any kind of
marriage is approvable, provided it pleases all those (that are concerned in it.)
(Property of Women.)
On the death of her husband a woman, desirous to lead a pious life, shall at once
receive not only her endowment and jewellery (sthápyábharanam), but also the balance
of súlka due to her. If both of these two things are not actually in her possession, though
nominally given to her, she shall at once receive both of them together with interest (on
their value.) If she is desirous of a second marriage (kutumbakáma), she shall be given on
the occasion of her remarriage (nivesakále) whatever either her father-in-law or her
husband or both had given to her. The time at which women can remarry shall be
explained in connection with the subject of long sojourn of husbands.
If a widow marries any man other than of her father-in-law's selection
(svasuraprátilo- myenanivishtá), she shall forfeit whatever had been given to her by her
father-in-law and her husband.
The kinsmen (gnátis) of a woman shall return to her whatever property of her own
she had placed in their custody. Whoever justly takes a woman under his protection shall
equally protect her property. No woman shall succeed in her attempt to establish her title
to the property of her husband.
If she lives a pious life, she may enjoy it (dharmakámá bhunjíta). No woman with a
son or sons shall be at liberty to make free use of her own property (strídhana); for that
property of hers her sons shall receive.
If a woman attempts to take possession of her own property under the plea of
maintaining her sons, she shall be made to endow it in their name. If a woman has many
male children, then she shall conserve her own property in the same condition as she had
received from her husband. Even that property which has been given her with full powers
of enjoyment and disposal she shall endow in the name of her sons.
A barren widow who is faithful to the bed of her dead husband may, under the
protection of her teacher, enjoy her property as long as she lives: for it is to ward off
calamities that women are endowed with property. On her death, her property shall pass
into the hands of her kinsmen (dáyáda). If the husband is alive and the wife is dead, then
her sons and daughters shall divide her property among themselves. If there are no sons,
her daughters shall have it. In their absence her husband shall take that amount of money
(súlka) which he had given her, and her relatives shall retake whatever in the shape of gift
or dowry they had presented her. Thus the determination of the property of a woman is
dealt with.
(Re-marriage of Males.)
If a woman either brings forth no (live) children, or has no male issue, or is barren,
her husband shall wait for eight years, (before marrying another). If she bears only a dead
child, he has to wait for ten years. If she brings forth only females, he has to wait for
twelve years. Then if he is desirous to have sons, he may marry another. In case of
violating this rule, he shall be made to pay her not only sulka, her property (strídhana)
and an adequate monetary compensation (ádhivedanikamartham), but also a fine of 24
panas to the Government. Having given the necessary amount of sulka and property
(strídhana) even to those women who have not received such things on the occasion of
their marriage with him, and also having given his wives the proportionate compensation
and an adequate subsistence (vritti), he may marry any number of women; for women are
created for the sake of sons. If many or all of them are at the same time in menses, he
shall lie with that woman among them, whom he married earlier or who has a living son.
In case of his concealing the fact of her being in menses or neglecting to lie with any of
them after her menses, he shall pay a fine of 96 panas. Of women who either have sons
or are pious or barren, or bring forth only a dead child or are beyond the age of
menstruation, none shall be associated with against her liking. If a man has no
inclination, he may not lie with his wife who is either afflicted with leprosy or is a
lunatic. But if a woman is desirous of having sons, she may lie with men suffering from
such disease.
[Thus ends Chapter II, “The Duty of Marriage, the Property of a Woman, and
Compensation for Remarriage,” in Book III, “Concerning Law,” of the Arthasástra of
Kautilya. End of the fifty-ninth chapter from the beginning.]
WOMEN, when twelve years old, attain their majority (práptavyavahára) and men
when sixteen years old. If after attaining their majority, they prove disobedient to lawful
authority (asusrúsháyám), women shall be fined 15 panas and men, twice the amount.
(Maintenance of a woman.)
A woman who has a right to claim maintenance for an unlimited period of time shall
be given as much food and clothing (grásacchádana) as is necessary for her or more than
is necessary in proportion to the income of the maintainer (yatha-purushaparivápam vá).
If the period (for which such things are to be given to her) is limited, then a certain
amount of money fixed in proportion to the income of the maintainer shall be given to
her; so also if she has not been given her sulka, property, and compensation (due to her
for allowing her husband to remarry). If after parting with her husband, she places herself
under the protection of any one belonging to her father-in-law’s family (svasrakula), or if
she begins to live independently, then her husband shall not be sued for (for her
maintenance). Thus the determination of maintenance is dealt with.
(Cruelty to women.)
A woman, who hates her husband, who has passed the period of seven turns of her
menses, and who loves another shall immediately return to her husband both the
endowment and jewellery she has received from him, and allow him to lie down with
another woman. A man, hating his wife, shall allow her to take shelter in the house of a
mendicant woman, or of her lawful guardians or of her kinsmen. If a man falsely accuses
his wife of adultery with one of her or his kinsmen or with a spy--an accusation which
can only be proved by eyewitnesses (drishtilinge)--or falsely accuses her of her intention
to deprive him of her company, he shall pay a fine of 12 panas. A woman, hating her
husband, can not dissolve her marriage with him against his will. Nor can a man dissolve
his marriage with his wife against her will. But from mutual enmity, divorce may be
obtained (parasparam dveshánmokshah). If a man, apprehending danger from his wife
desires divorce (mokshamichhet), he shall return to her whatever she was given (on the
occasion of her marriage). If a woman, under the apprehension of danger from her
husband, desires divorce, she shall forfeit her claim to her property; marriages contracted
in accordance with the customs of the first four kinds of marriages cannot be dissolved.
For holding conversation in suspicious places, whips may be substituted for fines. In
the centre of the village, an outcaste person (chandála) may whip such women five times
on each of the sides of their body. She may get rid of being whipped by paying a pana for
each whip (panikam vá praharam mokshayet). Thus transgression is dealt with.
(Forbidden transactions.)
With regard to a man and a woman who, though forbidden to carry on any mutual
transaction, help each other, the woman shall be fined 12, 24 and 54 panas respectively
according as the help consists of (i) small things, of (ii) heavy things and (iii) of gold or
gold-coin (hiranyasuvarnayoh); and the man, at double the above rates. With regard to
similar transaction between a man and a woman who cannot mix with each other
(agamvayoh), half of the above punishment shall be levied. Similar punishment shall be
meted out for any forbidden transaction with any men. Thus forbidden transactions are
dealt with.
* Treason, transgression and wandering at will shall deprive a woman of her claim
not only to (i) strídhana, some form of subsistence of above 2,000 panas and jewellery,
(ii) and áhita, compensation she may have obtained for allowing her husband to marry
another woman, but also (iii) to sulka, money which her parents may have received from
her husband.
[Thus ends Chapter III, “The Duty of a Wife; Maintenance of a Woman; Enmity between
Husband and Wife; a Wife's Transgression; and Forbidden Transactions” in the section
“Concerning Marriage,” in Book III, “Concerning Law” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.
End of the sixtieth chapter from the beginning.]
IF under any other excuse than danger, a woman gets out of her husband's house, she
shall be fined 6 panas. If she gets out against the order (of her husband) to the contrary,
she shall be fined 12 panas. If she goes beyond her neighbouring house
(prativesagrihatigatáyah), she shall be fined 6 panas. If she allows into her house her
neighbour, takes into her house the alms of any mendicant, or the merchandise of any
merchant, she shall be fined 12 panas. If she deals as above though expressly forbidden,
she shall be punished with the first amercement. If she goes out beyond the surrounding
houses (parigrihátigatáyam), she shall be fined 24 panas. If under any other excuse than
danger, she takes into her house the wife of another man, she shall be fined 100 panas.
But she will not be guilty if the entrance is effected without her knowledge or against her
orders to the contrary.
But Kautilya questions :--How is it possible for good women (sádhvíjana) to know
at least this fact that the family of her own kinsmen consisting of a number of males is
good? It is no offence for women to go to the houses of kinsmen under the circumstances
of death, disease, calamities, and confinement of women. Whoever prevents her going
under such circumstances, shall be fined 12 panas. If a woman conceals herself under
such circumstances, she shall forfeit her endowment. If her kinsmen conceal her (with a
view to exempt her from giving her aid under such circumstances), they shall lose the
balance of sulka, money due to them from her husband for giving her in marriage. Thus
vagrancy is dealt with.
If leaving her husband's house, a woman goes to another village, she shall not only
pay a fine of 12 panas, but also forfeit her endowment and jewels
(sthápyábharanalopascha). If under any other excuse than receiving her subsistence or
pilgrimage (bharmádánatirthagamanábhyámanyatra), a woman goes to any other place
even in company with an associable man, she shall not only pay a fine of 24 panas, but
also lose all kinds of social privileges (sarvadharmalopascha). But the man who allows
such a woman to accompany him in his journey shall be punished with the first
amercement. If both of them (man, and woman) have similar ideals in life (tulyasreyasoh)
and are of sinful life (pápiyasoh), each of them shall be punished with the middle-most
amercement. If he whom a woman accompanies in her journey is her near relative, he
shall not be punished. If a relative allows a woman to accompany him, though he is
forbidden, he shall be punished with half the above fine (middlemost amercement). If on
a road, or in the middle of a forest, or in any other concealed places a woman falls into
the company of any other man, or if, with a view to enjoyment, she accompanies a
suspicious or forbidden man, she shall be guilty of elopement (sangrahanam vidyát). It is
no offence for women to fall into the company of actors, players, singers, fishermen,
hunters, herdsmen, vintners, or persons of any other kind who usually travel with their
women. If a man takes a woman with him on his journey, though forbidden to do so, or if
a woman accompanies a man though she is forbidden to do so, half of the above fines
shall be meted out to them. Thus elopement is dealt with.
(Re-marriage of women.)
Wives who belong to Súdra, Vaisya, Kshatriya or Bráhman caste, and who have not
given birth to children should wait as long as a year for their husbands who have gone
abroad for a short time; but if they are such as have given birth to children, they should
wait for their absent husbands for more than a year. If they are provided with
maintenance, they should wait for twice the period of time just mentioned. If they are not
so provided with, their well-to-do gnátis should maintain them either for four or eight
years. Then the gnátis should leave them to marry after taking what had been presented to
them on the occasion of their marriages. If the husband is a Bráhman, studying abroad,
his wife who has no issue should wait for him for ten years; but if she has given birth to
children, she should wait for twelve years. If the husband is of Kshatriya caste, his wife
should wait for him till her death; but even if she bears children to a savarna husband,
(i.e., a second husband belonging to the same gotra as that of the former husband) with a
view to avoid the extinction of her race, she shall not be liable to contempt thereof
(savarnatascha prajátá ná pavádam labheta). If the wife of an absent husband lacks
maintenance and is deserted by well-to-do gnátis, she may remarry one whom she likes
and who is in a position to maintain her and relieve her misery.
A young wife (kumárí) who is wedded in accordance with the customs of the first
four kinds of marriage (dharmaviváhát), and whose husband has gone abroad and is
heard of shall wait for him for the period of seven menses (saptatirthányákánksheta),
provided she has not publicly announced his name; but she shall wait for him a year in
case of her having announced the name of her absent husband who is heard of. In the case
of a husband who is gone abroad but who is not heard of, his wife shall wait for the
period of five menses, but if the absent husband is not heard of, his wife shall wait for
him for the period of ten menses. In the case of a husband who is gone abroad and is not
heard of, his wife shall, if she has received only a part of sulka from him, wait for him for
the period of three menses; but if he is heard of, she shall wait for him for the period of
seven menses. A young wife who has received the whole amount of sulka shall wait for
the period of five menses for her absent husband who is not heard of; but if he is heard of,
she shall wait for him for the period of ten menses. Then with the permission of judges
(dharma-sthairvisrishtá), she may marry one whom she likes; for neglect of intercourse
with wife after her monthly ablution is, in the opinion of Kautilya, a violation of one's
duty (tirthoparodho hi dharmavadha iti Kautilyah).
In the case of husbands who have long gone abroad (dirgrhapravásinah), who have
become ascetics, or who have been dead, their wives, having no issue, shall wait for them
for the period of seven menses; but if they have given birth to children, they shall wait for
a year. Then (each of these women) may marry the brother of her husband. If there are a
number of brothers to her lost husband, she shall marry such a one of them as is next in
age to her former husband, or as is virtuous and is capable of protecting her, or one who
is the youngest and unmarried. If there are no brothers to her lost husband, she may marry
one who belongs to the same gotra as her husband's or relative. But if there are many
such persons as can be selected in marriage, she shall choose one who is a nearer relation
of her lost husband.
* If a woman violates the above rule by remarrying one who is not a kinsman
(dáyáda) of her husband, then the woman and the man who remarry each other, those that
have given her in remarriage and those who have given their consent to it shall all be
liable to the punishment for elopement.
[Thus ends Chapter IV, “Vagrancy; Elopement; and Short and Long Sojournments,” in
the section “Concerning Marriage” in Book III, “Concerning Law” of the Arthasástra of
Kautilya. End of the Section “Concerning Marriage”. End of the sixty-first chapter from
the beginning.]
SONS whose fathers and mothers or ancestors are alive cannot be independent
(anísvarah). After their time, division of ancestral property among descendants from the
same ancestor shall take place, calculating per sterpes (according to fathers).
Self-acquired property of any of the sons with the exception of that kind of property
which is earned by means of parental property is not divisible. Sons or grandsons till the
fourth generation from the first parent shall also have prescribed shares (amsabhájah) in
that property which is acquired by means of their undivided ancestral property; for the
line (pindah) as far as the fourth generation is uninterrupted (avichchhinnah). But those
whose line or genealogy from the first ancestor is interrupted (vichchhinnapindáh, i.e.,
those who are subsequent to the fourth generation), shall have equal divisions. Those who
have been living together shall redivide their property whether they had already divided
their ancestral property before or they had received no such property at all. Of sons, he
who brings the ancestral property to a prosperous condition shall also have a share of the
If a man has no male issue, his own brothers, or persons who have been living with
him, (saha jívino vá), shall take possession of his movable property (dravyam); and his
daughters, (born of marriages other than the first four), shall have his immovable
property (riktham). If one has sons, they shall have the property; if one has (only)
daughters born of such marriage as is contracted in accordance with the customs of any
of the first four kinds of marriage, they shall have the property; if there are neither sons
nor such daughters, the dead man's father, if living, shall have it; if he, too, is not alive,
the dead man's brothers and the sons of his brothers shall have it; if there are many
fatherless brothers, all of them shall divide it; and each of the many sons of such brothers
shall have one share due to his father (piturekamamsam); if the brothers (sodarya) are the
sons of many fathers, they shall divide it calculating from their fathers.
Among a dead man's father, brother, and brother's sons, the succeeding ones shall
depend on the preceding ones if living (for their shares); likewise the youngest or the
eldest claiming his own share.
Division of inheritance shall be made when all the inheritors have attained their
majority. If it is made before, the minors shall have their shares, free of all debts.
These shares of the minors shall be placed in the safe custody of the relatives of their
mothers, or of aged gentlemen of the village, till they attain their majority. The same rule
shall hold good in the case of those who have gone abroad. Unmarried brothers shall also
be paid as much marriage cost as is equal to that incurred in the marriages of married
brothers (sannivishtasamamasannivishtebhyonaivesanikam dadyuh). Daughters, too,
(unmarried) shall be paid adequate dowry (prádánikam), payable to them on the occasion
of their marriages.
Both assets and liabilities shall be equally divided.
My teacher says that poor people (nishkinchanáh) shall equally distribute among
themselves even the mud-vessels (udapátram).
Property for which no claimant is found (ádáyádakam) shall go to the king, except
the property of a woman, of a dead man for whom no funeral rites have been performed,
or of a niggardly man with the exception of that of a Bráhman learned in the Vedas. That
(the property of the learned) shall be made over to those who are well-versed in the three
Persons fallen from caste, persons born of outcaste men, and eunuchs shall have no
share; likewise idiots, lunatics, the blind and lepers. If the idiots, etc., have wives with
property, their issues who are not equally idiots, etc., shall share inheritance. All these
persons excepting those that are fallen from caste (patitavarjah) shall be entitled to only
food and clothing.
* If these persons have been married (before they became fallen, etc.) and if their
line is likely to become extinct, their relatives may beget sons for them and give
proportional shares of inheritance to those sons.
GOATS shall be the special shares of the eldest of sons, born of the same mother,
among, Bráhmans; horses among Kshatriyas; cows among Vaisyas; and sheep among
Súdras. The blind of the same animals shall be the special shares to the middle-most
sons; species of variegated colour of the same animals shall be the special shares to the
youngest of sons. In the absence of quadruped, the eldest shall take an additional share of
the whole property excepting precious stones; for by this act alone, he will be bound in
his duty to his ancestors.
The above method is in accordance with the rules observed among the followers of
The father being dead, his carriage and jewellery shall be the special share to the
eldest; his bed, seat, and bronze plate in which he used to take his meals
(bhuktakámsyam), to the middle-most;. and black grains, iron, domestic utensils, cows
and cart to the youngest. The rest of the property, or the above things, too, may be equally
divided among themselves. Sisters shall have no claim to inheritance; they shall have the
bronze plate and jewellery of their mother after her death. An impotent eldest son shall
have only 1/3rd of the special share usually given to the eldest; if the eldest son follows a
condemnable occupation or if he has given up the observance of religious duties, he shall
have only ¼ of the special share; if he is unrestrained in his actions he shall have nothing.
The same rule shall hold good with the middlemost and youngest sons; of these two,
one who is endowed with manliness (mánushopetah), shall have half the special share
usually given to the eldest.
Of sons of two wives of whom only one woman has gone through all the necessary
religious ceremonials, or both of whom have not, as maidens, observed necessary
religious rites, or one of whom has brought forth twins, it is by birth that
primogenitureship is decided.
Shares in inheritance for such sons as Súta, Mágadha, Vrátya and Rathakára shall
depend on the abundance of paternal property; the rest, i.e., sons other than Súta, etc., of
inferior birth, shall be dependent on the eldest for their subsistence. Dependent sons shall
have equal divisions.
Of sons begotten by a Bráhman in the four castes, the son of a Bráhman woman
shall take four shares; the son of a Kshatriya woman three shares; the son of a Vaisya
woman two shares, and the son of a Súdra woman one share.
The same rule shall hold good in the case of Kshatriya and Vaisya fathers begetting
sons in three or two castes in order.
[Thus ends Chapter VI, "Special Shares of Inheritance" in the section of "Division of
inheritance” in Book III, “Concerning law” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the
sixty-third chapter from the beginning.]
MY preceptor says that the seed sown in the field of another shall belong to the
owner of that field. Others hold that the mother being only the receptacle for the seed
(mátá bhastrá), the child must belong to him from whose seed it is born. Kautilya says
that it must belong to both the living parents.
The son begotten by a man on his wife who has gone through all the required
ceremonials is called aurasa, natural son; equal to him is the son of an appointed daughter
(putrikáputra); the son begotten on a wife by another man, appointed for the purpose, and
of the same gotra as that of the husband; or of a different gotra, is called kshetraja; on the
death of the begetter, the kshetraja son will be the son to both the fathers, follow the
gotras of both, offer funeral libations to both, and take possession of the immovable
property (ríktha) of both of them; of the same status as the kshetraja is he who is secretly
begotten in the house of relatives and is called gúdhaja, secretly born; the son cast off by
his natural parents is called apaviddha and will belong to that man who performs
necessary religious ceremonials to him; the son born of a maiden (before wedlock) is
called kánína; the son born of a woman married while carrying is called sahodha; the son
of a remarried woman (punarbhátáyáh.) is called paunarbhava. A natural son can claim
relationship both with his father and his father's relatives; but a son born to another man
can have relationship only with his adopter. Of the same status as the latter is he who is
given in adoption with water by both the father and mother and is called datta. The son
who, either of his own accord or following the intention of his relatives, offers himself to
be the son of another, is called upagata. He who is appointed as a son is called kritaka;
and he who is purchased is called kríta.
On the birth of a natural son, savarna sons shall have 1/3rd of inheritance while
savarna sons shall have only food and clothing.
Sons begotten by a Súdra on women of higher castes are Ayogava, Kshatta, and
Chandála; by a Vaisya, Mágadha, and Vaidehaka; and by a Kshatriya, Súta. But men of
the, names, Súta and Mágadha, celebrated in the Puránas, are quite different and of
greater merit than either Bráhmans or Kshatriyas. The above kinds of sons are pratiloma,
sons begotten by men of lower on women of higher castes, and originate on account of
kings violating all dharmas.
The son begotten by an Ugra on a Nisháda woman is called kukkuta and the same is
called Pulkasa, if begotten in the inverse order. The son begotten by an Ambhashtha on a
Vaidehaka woman is named Vaina; the same in the reverse order is called Kusílava. An
Ugra begets on a Kshatta woman as vapáka. These and other sons are of mixed castes
The king who guides his subjects in accordance with the above rules will attain to
heaven; otherwise he will fall into the hell.
[Thus ends Chapter VII "Distinction between Sons" in the section of “Division of
Inheritance” in Book III, “Concerning law” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of
“Division of Inheritance”. End of the sixty-fourth chapter from the beginning.]
Houses, fields, gardens, building of any kind (setubandhah), lakes and tanks are
each called Vástu.
The fastening of the roof of a house to the transverse beam by means of iron bolts is
called setu (karna-kílaya- sabandho’ nugriham setuh). In conformity to the stability of
the setu, houses shall be constructed. Not encroaching upon what belongs to others, new
houses may be constructed.
The same rule shall hold good regarding the necessity of constructing closets, pits
and water courses on festive occasions.
From each house a water course of sufficient slope and 3 padas or 11 aratnis long
shal1 be so constructed that water shall either flow from it in a continuous line or fall
from it (into the drain).
Between any two houses or between the extended portions of any two houses, the
intervening space shall be 4 padas, or 3 padas. The roofs of adjoining houses may either
be 4 angulas apart, or one of them may cover the other. The front door (anidváram) shall
measure a kishku; there shall be no impediment inside the house for opening one or the
other of the folds of the door. The upper story shall be provided with a small but high
window. [If a (neighbouring) house is obstructed by it, the window should be closed.]
The owners of houses may construct their houses in any other way they collectively like,
but they shall avoid whatever is injurious. With a view to ward off the evil consequences
of rain, the top of the roof (vánalatyaschordhvam) shall be covered over with a broad
mat, not blowable by the wind. Neither shall the roof be such as will easily bend or break.
Violation of this rule shall be punished with the first amercement. The same punishment
shall be meted out for causing annoyance by constructing doors or windows facing those
of others houses except when these houses are separated by the king's road or the high
If a pit, steps, water-course, ladder, dung-hill, or, any other parts of a house offer or
cause annoyance to outsiders, or in any way obstruct the enjoyment of others
(bhoganigrahe cha), or cause water to collect and thereby injure the wall of a
neighbouring house, the owner shall be punished with a fine of 12 panas. If the
annoyance is due to feces and urine, the fine shall be double the above. The water-course
or gutter shall offer free passage for water; otherwise the fine shall be 12 panas.
The same fine (12 panas) shall be meted out not only to a tenant who, though asked
to evacuate, resides in the house, but also to the owner who forces out a renter who has
paid his rent (from his house), unless the renter is involved in such acts as defamation,
theft, robbery, abduction, or enjoyment with a false title. He who voluntarily evacuates a
house shall pay the balance of the annual rent.
If any one of a party does not take part in the construction of a building which is
intended for the common use of all the members of that party or if any one obstructs
another member of a party in making use of any part of such a building, he shall be fined
12 panas. Similarly if any one mars another's enjoyment of such a building, he shall be
fined double the above.
* With the exception of private rooms and parlours, (angana) all other open parts of
houses as well as apartments where fire is ever kindled for worship or a mortar is situated
shall be thrown open for common use.
[Thus ends Chapter VIII, “House-building” in the section of “Buildings” in Book III,
“Concerning Law” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the sixty-fifth chapter from the
RICH persons among kinsmen or neighbours shall in succession go for the purchase
of land and other holdings. Neighbours of good family, forty in number and different
from the purchasers above mentioned, shall congregate in front of the building for sale
and announce it as such. Accurate description of the exact boundaries of fields, gardens,
buildings of any kind, lakes or tanks shall be declared before the elders of the village or
of the neighbourhood. If, on crying aloud thrice ‘Who will purchase this at such and such
a price’? no opposition is offered, the purchaser may proceed to purchase the holding in
question. If at this time the value of the property is increased by bidding even among
persons of the same community, the increased amount together with the toll on the value
shall be handed over into the king's treasury. The bidder (vikrayapratikroshtá) shall pay
the toll. Bidding for a property in the absence of its owner shall be punished with a fine
of 24 panas. If the owner does not come forward even on the expiration of seven nights,
the bidder may take possession of the property. Sale of building, etc., (vástu) to other than
the bidder shall be punished with a fine of 200 panas; if the property is other than
buildings, etc., (vástu), the fine for the above offence shall be 24 panas. Thus the sale of
buildings is dealt with.
(Boundary disputes.)
In all disputes regarding the boundary between any two villages, neighbours or
elders of five or ten villages (panchagrámí dasagrámí vá) shall investigate the case on
the evidence to be furnished from natural or artificial boundary marks.
Elders among cultivators and herdsmen, or outsiders who have had the experience of
former possession in the place, or one or many persons (not) personally acquainted with
the boundary marks under dispute shall first describe the boundary marks, and then,
wearing unusual dress (viparítaveshah), shall lead the people (to the place). If the
boundary marks just described are not found, a fine of 1,000 panas shall be imposed (on
the misleading or guilty person). If, however, they arrive at the exact spot, the party who
have either encroached upon the boundary or have destroyed the boundary marks shall be
similarly punished.
The king shall beneficially distribute among others those holdings which have no
boundary-marks or which have ceased to be enjoyed by any person.
(Miscellaneous hindrances.)
All kinds of disputes shall depend for their settlement on the evidence to be
furnished by neighbours. Of pasture lands, fields (kedára), flower gardens, a threshing-
floor (khala), houses, and stables of horses (váhanakoshtha), hindrance to any one
coming first in order shall be removed in preference to the one or more coming later in
the series. With the exception of people in forests of Bráhmans and of Soma-plants,
temples, and places of sacrifice and pilgrimage, any person causing, while making use of
a by-path to go to tanks, rivers, or fields, damage to the seeds sown in the fields of others,
shall pay as much compensation to the sufferers as is equivalent to the damage.
If the owner of any one of the following, viz., wet-fields, parks, or any kinds of
buildings, causes damage to the rest owned by others, the fine shall be double the value
of the damage.
The water of a lower tank shall not submerge the field irrigated by a higher tank.
The natural flow of water from a higher to a lower tank shall not be stopped unless
the lower tank has ceased to be useful for three consecutive years. Violation of this rule
shall be punished with the first amercement. The same punishment shall be meted out for
emptying a tank of its water (tatákavámanam cha). Buildings of any kind (setubandha),
neglected for five consecutive years shall be forfeited, except in calamities.
(Remission of taxes.)
In the case of construction of new works, such as tanks, lakes, etc., taxes (on the
lands below such tanks) shall be remitted for five years (panchavárshikah parihárah).
For repairing neglected or ruined works of similar nature, taxes shall be remitted for four
years. For improving or extending water-works, taxes shall be remitted for three years. In
the case of acquiring such newly started works by mortgage or purchase, taxes on the
lands below such works shall be remitted for two years. If uncultivated tracts are acquired
(for cultivation) by mortgage, purchase or in any other way, remission of taxes shall be
for two years. Out of crops grown by irrigation by means of wind power or bullocks
(vátapravartimanandinibandháyatana) or below tanks, in fields, parks, flower gardens,
or in any other way, so much of the produce as would not entail hardship on the
cultivators may be given to the Government. Persons who cultivate the lands below
tanks, etc., of others at a stipulated price (prakraya), or for annual rent (avakraya), or for
certain number of shares of the crops grown (bhága) or persons who are permitted to
enjoy such lands free of rent of any kind, shall keep the tanks, etc., in good repair;
otherwise they shall be punished with a fine of double the loss.
* Persons, letting out the water of tanks, etc., at any other place than their sluice gate
(apáre), shall pay a fine of 6 panas; and persons who recklessly obstruct the flow of
water from the sluice-gate of tanks shall also pay the same fine.
Forms of roads and paths have been dealt with in connection with the construction
of forts. (First Chapter, Book II).
Obstruction to roads for inferior beasts or men shall be punished with a fine of 12
panas; to roads for superior beasts 24 panas; to roads for elephants or to those leading to
fields, 54 panas; to those leading to any buildings or forests (setuvanapatham), 600
panas; to those for burial grounds or villages, 200 panas; to those for dronamukha, a
fortress, 500 panas; and those leading to sthániya, country parts, or pasture grounds,
1,000 panas. The same fines shall be meted out in case of ploughing the several roads too
deep (atikarshane chaishám); and ¼th of the same fines for ploughing merely on their
(Settling in villages.)
Taxpayers shall sell or mortgage their fields to taxpayers alone; Bráhmans shall sell
or mortgage their Brahmadaya or gifted lands only to those who are endowed with such
lands; otherwise they shall be punished with the first amercement. The same punishment
shall be meted out to a taxpayer who settles in a village not inhabited by taxpayers. If a
taxpayer takes the place of another taxpayer, he shall enjoy all the holdings but the house
of the latter. Even the house may be given to the new settler. If a person cultivates an
inalienable land of another person who does not cultivate it, such a person shall restore
the same after five years enjoyment on taking a certain amount of compensation
equivalent to the improvement he made on the lands. Persons who are not taxpayers and
who sojourn abroad shall retain the right of ownership (bhogam) of their lands.
Those who cannot do this shall pay 1½ panas for every yojana. If the headman of a
village sends out of the village any person except a thief, or an adulterer, he shall be
punished with a fine of 24 panas, and the villagers with the first amercement (for doing
the same).
At a distance of 800 angulas around every village, an enclosure with timber posts
shall be constructed.
(Trespassing cattle.)
Pasture lands, plains, and forests may be availed of for grazing cattle.
For camels or buffaloes allowed to stray after grazing in pasture grounds, the fine
shall be ¼th of a pana; for cows, horses, or asses, 1/8th of a pana; for inferior quadrupeds
1/16th of a pana; and for cattle found lying thereon after grazing, fines shall be double
the above; for cattle ever found to live in the vicinity of pasture grounds, the fines shall
be four times the above.
Bulls, let out in the name of the village deity (grámadevavrishah), cows which have
not passed ten days inside the enclosure after calving, or bulls or bullocks kept for
crossing cows shall not be punished. If crops are eaten away by animals, the owner or
owners of them shall, if proved guilty, be made to pay twice as much as the loss. Persons
driving their cattle through a field without intimating the owner shall be fined 12 panas.
Any person who allows his cattle to stray shall be fined 24 panas; cowherds doing the
same with the cattle under their care shall be fined half the above. The same punishment
shall be meted out for letting cattle graze in flower gardens. For breaking the fence of
fields, the punishment shall be double the above. If cattle are allowed to stray and eat the
grains stored in houses, a threshing floor, or a court yard, the owners of the cattle shall
pay adequate compensation. If beasts maintained in reserve-forests are found grazing in a
field, they shall be brought to the notice of the forest officers and the beasts shall be
driven out without being hurt or killed. Stray cattle shall be driven out by the use of ropes
or whips. Persons hurting them in any way shall be liable to the punishment for assault or
violence. Persons who invite (cattle to graze in the fields of others) or who are caught
while committing such offences shall by all means be put down. Thus the destruction of
pasture lands, fields, and roads is dealt with.
(Non-performance of agreement.)
The fine levied on a cultivator who arriving at a village for work, does not work
shall be taken by the village itself. He shall refund not only double the amount of the
wages he received promising to work, but also double the value of food and drink with
which he has been provided. If the work is one of sacrificial performance
(prahavaneshu), then also he shall pay double the amount of the wages. Any person who
does not cooperate in the work of preparation for a public show, shall, together with his
family, forfeit his right to enjoy the show (prekshá). If a man who has not cooperated in
preparing for a public play or spectacle is found hearing or witnessing it under hiding, or
if any one refuses to give his aid in a work beneficial to all, he shall be compelled to pay
double the value of the aid due from him. The order of any person attempting to do a
work beneficial to all shall be obeyed. Disobedience in such a case shall be punished with
a fine of 12 panas. If others unitedly beat or hurt such a person so ordering, each of them
shall pay double the amount of the fine usually levied for such offence. If among the
above offenders one is a Bráhman or a person superior to a Bráhman, he shall first be
punished. If a Bráhman does not take part in the combined performance of any sacrifice
of his village, he shall not be violated, but may be persuaded to pay a share.
The above rules shall also apply to non-performance of agreements among countries
(desa), castes, families, and assemblies.
* Those who, with their united efforts construct on roads buildings of any kind
(setubandha) beneficial to the whole country and who not only adorn their villages, but
also keep watch on them shall be shown favourable concessions by the king.
[Thus ends Chapter X "Destruction of pasture lands, fields, and roads," in the section of
"Buildings" in Book III, “Concerning Law” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya; end of
“Buildings”; and of non-performance of agreements.' End of the sixty-seventh chapter
from the beginning.]
AN interest of a pana and a quarter per month per cent is just. Five panas per month
per cent is commercial interest (vyávaháriki). Ten panas per month per cent prevails
among forests. Twenty panas per month per cent prevails among sea-traders
(sámudránám). Persons exceeding, or causing to exceed the above rate of interest shall be
punished with the first amercement; and hearers of such transactions shall each pay half
of the above fine.
The nature of the transactions between creditors and debtors, on which the welfare
of the kingdom depends, shall always be scrutinised. Interest in grains in seasons of good
harvest shall not exceed more than half when valued in money. Interest on stocks
(prakshepa) shall be one-half of the profit and be regularly paid as each year expires. If it
is allowed to accumulate owing either to the intention or to the absence abroad (of the
receiver or payer), the amount payable shall be equal to twice the share or principal
(múlyadvigunah). A person claiming interest when it is not due, or representing as
principal the total amount of his original principal and the interest thereon shall pay a fine
of four times the amount under dispute (bandhachaturgunah).
A creditor who sues for four times the amount lent by him shall pay a fine of four
times the unjust amount.
Of this fine, the creditor shall pay ¾ths and the debtor ¼th. Interest on debts due
from persons who are engaged in sacrifices taking a long time (dírghasatra), or who are
suffering from disease, or who are detained in the houses of their teachers (for learning),
or who are either minors or too poor, shall not accumulate.
A creditor refusing to receive the payment of his debt shall pay a fine of 12 panas. If
the refusal is due to some (reasonable) cause, then the amount free from interest (for
subsequent time) shall be kept in the safe custody of others. Debts neglected for ten
years, except in the case of minors, aged persons, diseased persons, persons involved in
calamities, or persons who are sojourning abroad or have fled the country and except in
the case of disturbances in the kingdom (rájyavibhrama), shall not be received back.
Sons of a deceased debtor shall pay the principal with interest (kusí dam). (In the
absence of sons), kinsmen claiming the share of the dead man or sureties, such as joint
partners of the debt, (sahagráhinah pratibhuvo vá) shall pay the same. No other kind of
surety is valid (na prátibhávyamanyat); a minor, as surety, is inefficient
(bálaprátibhavyam asáram = surety of a minor is not strong).
A debt, the payment of which is not limited by time or place or both (asamkhyáta-
desakálam), shall be paid by the sons, grandsons or any other heirs of the dead debtor.
Any debt, the payment of which is not limited by time or place or both and for which life,
marriage, or land is pledged, shall be borne by sons or grandsons.
Excepting the case of a debtor going abroad, no debtor shall simultaneously be sued
for more than one debt by one or two creditors. Even in the case of a debtor going abroad,
he shall pay his debts in the order in which he borrowed them or shall first pay his debts
due to the king or a learned Bráhman.
Debts contracted from each other by either a husband or wife, either a son or a
father, or by any one among brothers of undivided interests shall be irrecoverable.
Cultivators or government servants shall not be caught hold of for debts while they
are engaged in their duties (or at work).
A wife, though she has (not) heard of the debt (pratisrávaní), shall not be caught
hold of for the debt contracted by her husband, excepting in the case of herdsmen and
joint cultivators (gopálakárdhasítikebhyah). But a husband may be caught for the debt
contracted by his wife. If it is admitted that a man fled the country without providing for
the debt contracted by his wife, the highest amercement shall be meted out; if not
admitted, witnesses shall be depended upon.
It is obligatory to produce three witnesses who are reliable, honest and respected. At
least two witnesses acceptable to the parties are necessary; never one witness in the case
of debts.
(Taking oaths.)
Witness shall be taken before Bráhmans, vessels of water and fire. A Bráhman
witness shall be told ‘Tell the truth’; a Kshatriya or a Vaisya witness shall be told
thus:--‘If thou utterest falsehood, thou, do not attain the fruit of thy sacrificial and
charitable deeds; but having broken the array of thy enemies in war, thou, do go a beggar
with a skull in thy hand.’
A Súdra witness thus:--‘Whatever thy merits are, in thy former birth or after thy
death, shall they go to the king and whatever sins the king may have committed, shall
they go to thee, if thou utterest falsehood; fines also shall be levied on thee, for facts as
they have been heard or seen will certainly be subsequently revealed.’
If in the course of seven nights, witnesses are found to have unanimously made a
false consert among themselves, a fine of 12 panas shall be levied. If they are thus found
in the course of three fortnights, they shall pay the amount sued for (abhiyogam dadyuh).
If witnesses differ, judgment may be given in accordance with the statements of a
majority of pure and respectable witnesses; or the mean of their statements may be
followed; or the amount under dispute may be taken by the king. If witnesses give
testimony for a less amount, the plaintiff shall pay a fine proportional to the increased
amount; if they attest to a greater amount, the excess shall go to the king. In cases where
the plaintiff proves himself stupid, or where bad hearing (on the part of witnesses at the
time of the transaction) or bad writing is the cause of difficulty, or where the debtor is
dead, the evidence of witnesses alone shall be depended on (sákshipratyayameva syát).
"Only," say the followers of Usanas, "in those cases where witnesses prove
themselves to have been stupid or senseless and where the investigation of the place, time
or nature of the transaction is of no avail, the three amercements shall be levied."
"False witnesses," say the followers of Manu, "shall be fined ten times the amount
which, no matter whether it is true or false, they cause to be lost."
"If," say the followers of Brihaspati, "owing to their having been stupid, they render
a case suspicious, they shall be tortured to death."
"No" says Kautilya:--It is the truth that witnesses have to hear (when they are called
to attest to any transaction); if they have not minded it, they shall be fined 24 panas; if
they have attested to a false case (without scrutinising), they shall be fined half of the
above fine.
* Parties shall themselves produce witnesses who are not far removed either by time
or place; witnesses who are very far removed either by time or place; witnesses who are
very far, or who will not, stir out, shall be made to present themselves by the order of the
[Thus ends Chapter XI, “Recovery of debts” in Book III, “Concerning Law” of the
Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the sixty-eighth chapter from the beginning.]
THE rules concerning debts shall also apply to deposits. Whenever forts or country
parts are destroyed by enemies or wild tribes; whenever villages, merchants, or herds of
cattle are subjected to the inroads of invaders; whenever the kingdom itself is destroyed;
whenever extensive fires or floods bring about entire destruction of villages, or partly
destroy immovable properties, movable properties having been rescued before; whenever
the spread of fire or rush of floods is so sudden that even movable properties could not be
removed; or whenever a ship laden with commodities is either sunk or plundered (by
pirates); deposits lost in any of the above ways shall not be reclaimed. The depositary
who has made use of the deposit for his own comfort shall not only pay a compensation
(bhogavetanam) to be fixed after considering the circumstances of the place and time but
also a fine of 12 panas. Not only shall any loss in the value of the deposit, due to its use,
be made good, but a fine of 24 panas also be paid. Deposits damaged or lost in any way
shall also be made good. When the depositary is either dead or involved in calamities, the
deposit shall not be sued for. If the deposit is either mortgaged or sold or lost, the
depositary shall not only restore four times its value, but pay a fine of five times the
stipulated value (pancbabandho dandah). If the deposit is exchanged for a similar one
(by the depositary), or lost in any other way, its value shall be paid.
The same rules shall hold good in the case of pledges whenever they are lost, used
up, sold, mortgaged, or misappropriated.
The pledgee who enjoys the pledge without permission shall not only pay the net
profit he derived from it, but also forfeit the debt. The rules regarding deposits shall hold
good in other matters connected with pledges.
The same rules shall apply to orders (ádesa), and property entrusted for delivery to a
third person (anvádhi).
(Retail sale.)
For the rest the rules regarding deposits shall apply here. It explains retail sale.
(Sealed deposits.)
The rules laid down concerning unsealed deposits (upanidhis) shall apply to sealed
deposits also. A man handing over a sealed deposit to other than the real depositor shall
be punished. In the case of a depositary's denial of having received a deposit, the
antecedent circumstances (púrvápadánam) of the deposit and (the character and social
position of) the depositor are the only evidences. Artisans (káravah) are naturally of
impure character. It is not an approved custom with them to deposit for some reliable
When a depositary denies having received a sealed deposit which was not, however,
deposited for any reasonable cause, the depositor may obtain secret permission (from the
judges) to produce such witnesses as he might have stationed under a wall (gúdhabhitti)
while depositing.
In the midst of a forest or in the middle of a voyage an old or afflicted merchant
might with confidence put in the custody of a depositary some valuable article with
certain secret mark, and go on his way. On his sending this information to his son or
brother, the latter may ask for the sealed deposit. If the depositary does not quietly return
it, he shall not only forfeit his credit, but be liable to the punishment for theft besides
being made to restore the deposit.
A reliable man, bent on leaving this world and becoming an ascetic, may place a
certain sealed deposit with some secret mark in the custody of a man, and, returning after
a number of years, ask for it. If the depositary dishonestly denies it, he shall not only be
made to restore it, but be liable to the punishment for theft.
A childish man with a sealed deposit with some secret mark may, while going
through a street at night, feel frightened at his being captured by the police for untimely
walking, and, placing the deposit in the custody of a man, go on his way. But
subsequently put into the jail, he may ask for it. If the depositary dishonestly denies, he
shall not only be made to restore it, but be liable to the punishment for theft.
By recognising the sealed deposit in the custody of a man, any one of the depositor's
family may probably ask not only for the deposit, but also for information as to the
whereabouts of the depositor. If the custodian denies either, he shall be treated as before.
In all these cases, it is of first importance to inquire how the property under dispute
came in one's possession, what are the circumstances connected with the various
transactions concerning the property and what is the status of the plantiff in society as to
wealth (arthasámarthyam).
The above rules shall also apply to all kinds of transaction between any two persons
* Hence before witnesses and with no secrecy whatever, shall all kinds of
agreements be entered into; either with one's own or different people, shall the
circumstances of the time and place be minutely considered first.
[Thus ends Chapter XII “Concerning Deposits” in Book III, “Concernig Law” of the
Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the sixty-ninth chapter from the beginning.]
THE selling or mortgaging by kinsmen of the life of a Súdra who is not a born slave,
and has not attained majority, but is an Arya in birth shall be punished with a fine of 12
panas; of a Vaisya, 24 panas; of a Kshatriya, 36 panas; and of a Bráhman, 48 panas. If
persons other than kinsmen do the same, they shall be liable to the three amercements and
capital punishment respectively: purchasers and abettors shall likewise be punished. It is
no crime for Mlechchhas to sell or mortgage the life of their own offspring. But never
shall an Arya be subjected to slavery.
But if in order to tide over family troubles, to find money for fines or court decrees,
or to recover the (confiscated) household implements, the life of an Arya is mortgaged,
they (his kinsmen) shall as soon as possible redeem him (from bondage); and more so if
he is a youth or an adult capable of giving help.
Any person who has once voluntarily enslaved himself shall, if guilty of an offence
(nishpatitah), be a slave for life. Similarly, any person whose life has been twice
mortgaged by others shall, if guilty of an offence, be a slave for life. Both of these two
sorts of men shall, if they are once found desirous to run away to foreign countries, be
slaves for life.
Deceiving a slave of his money or depriving him of the privileges he can exercise as
an Arya (Aryabhava), shall be punished with half the fine (levied for enslaving the life of
an Arya).
A man who happens to have taken in mortgage the life of a convict, or of a dead or
an afflicted man shall be entitled to receive back (from the mortgager) the value he paid
for the slave.
Employing a slave to carry the dead or to sweep ordure, urine, or the leavings of
food; keeping a slave naked; or hurting or abusing him; or violating (the chastity of) a
female slave shall cause the forfeiture of the value paid for him or her. Violation (of the
chastity) of nurses, female cooks, or female servants of the class of joint cultivators or of
any other description shall at once earn their liberty for them. Violence towards an
attendant of high birth shall entitle him to run away. When a master has connection with a
nurse or pledged female slave against her will, he shall be punished with the first
amercement; a stranger doing the same shall be punished with the middlemost
amercement. When a man commits or helps another to commit rape with a girl or a
female slave pledged to him, he shall not only forfeit the purchase value, but also pay a
certain amount of money (sulka) to her and a fine of twice the amount (of sulka to the
The offspring of a man who has sold off himself as a slave shall be an Arya. A slave
shall be entitled to enjoy not only whatever he has earned without prejudice to his
master’s work, but also the inheritance he has received from his father.
On paying the value (for which one is enslaved), a slave shall regain his Aryahood.
The same rule shall apply either to born or pledged slaves.
The ransom necessary for a slave to regain his freedom is equal to what he has been
sold for. Any person who has been enslaved for fines or court decrees (dandapranítah)
shall earn the amount by work. An Arya, made captive in war shall for his freedom pay a
certain amount proportional to the dangerous work done at the time of his capture, or half
the amount.
If a slave who is less than eight years old and has no relatives, no matter whether he
is born a slave in his master's house, or fell to his master's share of inheritance, or has
been purchased or obtained by his master in any other way, is employed in mean
avocations against his will or is sold or mortgaged in a foreign land; or if a pregnant
female slave is sold or pledged without any provision for her confinement, his or her
master shall be punished with the first amercement. The purchaser and abettors shall
likewise be punished.
Failure to set a slave at liberty on the receipt of a required amount of ransom shall be
punished with a fine of 12 panas; putting a slave under confinement for no reason
(samrodhaschákaranát) shall likewise be punished.
The property of a slave shall pass into the hands of his kinsmen; in the absence of
any kinsmen, his master shall take it.
When a child is begotten on a female slave by her master, both the child and its
mother shall at once be recognised as free. If for the sake of subsistence, the mother has
to remain in her bondage, her brother and sister shall be liberated.
Selling or mortgaging the life of a male or a female slave once liberated shall be
punished with a fine of 12 panas with the exception of those who enslave themselves.
Thus the rules regarding slaves.
Neighbours shall know the nature of agreement between a master and his servant.
The servant shall get the promised wages. As to wages not previously settled the amount
shall be fixed in proportion to the work done and the time spent in doing it
(karmakálánurúpam = at the rate prevailing at the time.) Wages being previously
unsettled, a cultivator shall obtain 1/10th of the crops grown, a herdsman 1/10th of the
butter clarified, a trader 1/10th of the sale proceeds. Wages previously settled shall be
paid and received as agreed upon.
* A public woman shall surrender her person as agreed upon; but insistence on the
observance of any agreement which is ill-considered and improper shall not succeed.
[Thus ends Chapter XIII, “Rules regarding slaves” in the section of “Rules regarding
slaves” and the "Right of Masters” in the section of “Rules regarding Labourers” in Book
III, “Concerning Law” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the seventieth chapter from
the beginning.]
A servant neglecting or unreasonably putting off work for which he has received
wages shall be fined 12 panas and be caught-hold of till the work is done. He who is
incapable to turn out work, or is engaged to do a mean job, or is suffering from disease,
or is involved in calamities shall be shown some concession or allowed to get the work
done by a substitute. The loss incurred by his master or employer owing to such delay
shall be made good by extra work.
An employer may be at liberty to get the work done by (another) provided there is
no such adverse condition that the former shall not employ another servant to execute the
work, nor shall the latter go elsewhere for work.
An employer not taking work from his labourer or an employee not doing his
employers work shall be fined 12 panas. An employee who has received wages to do a
certain work which is however, not brought to termination shall not, of his own accord,
go elsewhere for work.
My preceptor holds that not taking work on the part of an employer from his
employee when the latter is ready, shall be regarded as work done by the labourer.
But Kautilya objects to it; for wages are to be paid for work done, but not for work
that is not done. If an employer, having caused his labourer to do a part of work, will not
cause him to do the rest for which the latter may certainly be ready, then also the
unfinished portion of the work has to be regarded as finished. But owing to consideration
of changes that have occurred in time and place or owing to bad workmanship of the
labourer, the employer may not be pleased with what has already been turned out by the
labourer. Also the workman may, if unrestrained, do more than agreed upon and thereby
cause loss to the employer.
The same rules shall apply to guilds of workmen (sanghabhritáh.)
Guilds of workmen shall have a grace of seven nights over and above the period
agreed upon for fulfilling their engagement. Beyond that time they shall find substitutes
and get the work completed. Without taking permission from their employer, they shall
neither leave out anything undone nor carry away anything with them from the place of
work. They shall be fined 24 panas for taking away anything and 12 panas for leaving
out anything undone. Thus the Rules regarding labourers.
Cultivators or merchants shall, either at the end or in the middle of their cultivation
or manufacture, pay to their labourers as much of the latter's share as is proportional to
the work done. If the labourers, giving up work in the middle, supply substitutes, they
shall be paid their wages in full.
But when commodities are being manufactured, wages shall be paid out according
to the amount of work turned out; for such payment does not affect the favourable or
unfavourable results on the way (i.e., in the sale of merchandise by peddlars).
A healthy person who deserts his company after work has been begun shall be fined
12 panas; for none shall, of his own accord, leave his company. Any person who is found
to have neglected his share of work by stealth shall be shown mercy (abhayam) for the
first time and given a proportional quantity of work anew with promise of proportional
share of earnings as well. In case of negligence for a second time or of going elsewhere,
he shall be thrown out of the Company (pravásanam). If he is guilty of a glaring offence
(maháparádhe), he shall be treated as the condemned.
If the sacrificer himself (he who has instituted the sacrifice) dies, then the remaining
priests shall complete the sacrifice and carry away the presents. If a sacrificer sends out
any priest before completing the sacrifice, he shall be punished with the first amercement.
If a sacrificer sending out a priest happens to be a person who has not kept the sacrificial
fire, or to be a preceptor or one who has already performed sacrifices, then the fines shall
be 100, 1000, and 1000 panas respectively.
[Thus ends Chapter XIV, “Rules regarding labourers, and Co-operative undertaking” in
the section of “Rules regarding slaves and labourers,” in Book III, “Concerning Law” of
the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the seventy-first chapter from the beginning.]
A merchant refusing to give his merchandise that he has sold shall be punished with
a fine of 12 panas, unless the merchandise is naturally bad, or is dangerous, or is
That which has inherent defects is termed naturally bad; whatever is liable to be
confiscated by the king, or is subject to destruction by thieves, fire, or floods is termed as
being dangerous; and whatever is devoid of all good qualities, or is manufactured by the
deceased is called intolerable.
Time for rescission of a sale is one night for merchants; 3 nights for cultivators; 5
nights for herdsmen; and with regard to the sale or barter of precious things and articles
of mixed qualities (vivrittivikraye), 7 nights.
A person who attempts to return an article purchased by him shall if the article is
other than what is naturally bad, or is dangerous, or is intolerable, be punished with a fine
of 12 panas. The same rescission rules that apply to a seller shall apply to the purchaser
(Marriage Contracts)
[As regards marriages among the three higher castes, rejection of a bride before the
rite of pánigrahana, clasping of hands, is valid; likewise among the Súdras, observing
religious rites. Even in the case of a couple that has gone through the rite of
pánigrahana,] rejection of a bride whose guilt of having lain with another man has been
afterwards detected is valid. But never so in the case of brides and bridegrooms of pure
character and high family. Any person who has given a girl in marriage without
announcing her guilt of having lain with another shall not only be punished with a fine of
96 panas, but also be made to return the sulka and strídhana. Any person receiving a girl
in marriage without announcing the blemishes of the bridegroom shall not only pay
double the above fine, but also forfeit the sulka and strídhana (he paid for the bride).
Sale of bipeds and quadrupeds as strong, healthy, and clean though they are either
unclean or actually suffering from leprosy and other diseases, shall be punished with a
fine of 12 panas. The time of rescission of sale is three fortnights for quadrupeds and one
year for men; for it is possible to know by that time their good or bad condition.
* An assembly convened for the purpose shall, in the matter of rescending sales or
gifts, decide in such a way that neither the giver nor the receiver shall be injured thereby.
[Thus ends Chapter XV, “Rescission of purchase and sale” in Book III, “Concerning
Law” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the seventy-second chapter from the
RULES concerning recovery of debts shall also apply to resumption of gifts. Invalid
gifts shall be kept in the safe custody of some persons. Any person who has given as gift
not only his whole property, his sons, and his wife, but also his own life shall bring the
same for the consideration of rescissors. Gifts or charitable subscriptions to the wicked or
for unworthy purposes, monetary help to such persons as are malevolent or cruel, and
promise of sexual enjoyment to the unworthy shall be so settled by rescissors that neither
the giver nor the receiver shall be injured thereby.
Those who receive any kind of aid from timid persons, threatening them with legal
punishment, defamation, or loss of money, shall be liable to the punishment for theft; and
the persons who yield such aids shall likewise be punished.
Co-operation in hurting a person, and showing a haughty attitude towards the king
shall be punished with the highest amercement. No son, or heir claiming a dead man’s
property shall, against his own will, pay the value of the bail borne by the dead man
(prátibhávyadanda), the balance of any dowry (sulkasesha), or the stakes of gambling;
nor shall he fulfill the promise of gifts made by the dead man under the influence of
liquor or love. Thus resumption of gifts is dealt with.
If a person with a stolen property in his possession runs away or hides himself till
the property is wholly consumed, he shall not only pay the value, but also be liable to the
punishment for theft.
After proving his claim to a lost property (svakaranam kritva), its owner shall be
entitled to take possession of it. On his failure to prove his title to it, he shall be fined 5
times the value of the property, (panchabandhadandah), and the property shall be taken
by the king.
If the owner takes possession of a lost article without obtaining permission from the
court, he shall be punished with the first amercement.
Stolen or lost articles shall, on being detected, be kept in the toll-gate. If no claimant
is forthcoming within three fortnights, such articles shall be taken by the king.
He who proved his title to a lost or stolen biped shall pay 5 panas towards ransom
(before taking possession of it). Likewise the ransom for a single-hoofed animal shall be
4 panas; for a cow or a buffalo, 2 panas, for minor quadrupeds ¼th of a pana; and for
articles such as precious stones, superior or inferior raw materials, five per cent of their
Whatever of the property of his own subjects the king brings back from the forests
and countries of enemies, shall be handed over to its owner. Whatever of the property of
citizens robbed by thieves the king cannot recover, shall be made good from his own
pocket. If the king is unable to recover such things, he shall either allow any self-elected
person (svayamgráha) to fetch them, or pay an equivalent ransom to the sufferer. An
adventurer may enjoy whatever the king graciously gives him out of the booty he has
plundered from an enemy's country, excepting the life of an Arya and the property
belonging to gods, Bráhmans or ascetics. Thus sale without ownership is dealt with.
As to the title of an owner to his property :--The owners who have quitted their
country where their property lies shall continue to have their title to it. When the owners
other than minors, the aged, those that are afflicted with decease or calamities, those that
are sojourning abroad, or those that have deserted their country during national
disturbances, neglect for ten years their property which is under the enjoyment of others,
they shall forfeit their title to it.
Buildings left for 20 years in the enjoyment of others shall not be reclaimed. But the
mere occupation of the buildings of others during the absence of the king by kinsmen,
priests, or heretics shall not give them the right of possession. The same shall obtain with
regard to open deposits, pledges, treasure trove (nidhi), boundary, or any property
belonging to kings or priests (srotriyas).
Ascetics and heretics shall, without disturbing each other, reside in a large area. A
new comer shall, however, be provided with the space occupied by an old resident. If not
willing to do so, the old occupier shall be sent out.
Whenever hermits, etc., have to pay any fines, they may, in the name of the king,
perform penance, oblation to gods, fireworship, or the ritual called
Mahákachchhavardhana for as many nights as the number of panas of their fines. Those
heretics (páshandáh) who have neither gold nor gold-coin shall similarly observe their
fasts except in the case of defamation, theft, assault and abduction of women. Under
these circumstances, they shall be compelled to undergo punishment.
* The king shall, under penalty of fines, forbid the wilful or improper proceedings of
ascetics: for vice overwhelming righteousness will in the long run destroy the ruler
[Thus ends Chapter XVI, "Resumption of gifts, sale without ownership, and ownership"
in Book III, "Concerning Law" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the seventy-third
chapter from the beginning.]
SUDDEN and direct seizure (of person or property) is termed sáhasa; fraudulent or
indirect seizure (niranvaye’pavyayanecha) is theft.
The school of Manu hold that the fine for the direct seizure of precious stones and
superior or inferior raw materials shall be equal to their value. It is equal to twice the
value of the articles according to the followers of Usanas.
But Kautilya holds that it shall be proportional to the gravity of the crime.
In the case of such articles of small value as flowers, fruits, vegetables, roots,
turnips, cooked rice, skins, bamboo, and pots (earthenware) the fine shall range from 12
to 24 papas; for articles of great value such as iron (káláyasa), wood, roping materials,
and herds of minor quadrupeds, the fine shall range from 24 to 48 panas; and for such
articles of still greater value as copper, brass, bronze, glass, ivory and vessels, etc., it shall
range from 48 to 96 panas. This fine is termed the first amercement.
For the seizure of such as big quadrupeds, men, fields, houses, gold, gold-coins, fine
fabrics, etc., the fine shall range from 200 to 500 panas, which is termed the middle-most
My preceptor holds that keeping or causing to keep by force either men or women in
prison, or releasing them by force from imprisonment, shall be punished with fines
ranging from 500 to 1,000 panas. This fine is termed the highest amercement.
He who causes another to commit sáhasa after the plans prepared by himself shall
be fined twice the value (of the person or property seized). An abettor who employs a
hireling to comit sáhasa by promising ‘I shall pay thee as much gold as thou makest use
of,’ shall be fined four times the value.
The school of Brihaspati are of opinion that if with the promise ‘I will pay thee this
amount of gold,’ an abettor causes another to commit sáhasa, the former shall be
compelled to pay the promised amount of gold and a fine. But Kautilya holds that if an
abettor extenuates his crime by pleading anger, intoxication or loss of sense (moham), he
shall be punished as described above.
* In all kinds of fines below a hundred panas, the king shall take in addition to the
fine 8 per cent more as rúpa and in fines above hundred, five per cent more; these two
kinds of exaction, are just inasmuch as the people are full of sins on the one hand, and
kings are naturally misguided on the other.
[Thus ends Chapter XVII, “Robbery” in Book III, “Concerning Law” of the Arthasástra
of Kautilya. End of the seventy-fourth chapter from the beginning.]
If persons abused happen to be of superior rank, the amount of the fines shall be
doubled; if of lower rank, it shall be halved. For calumniating the wives of others, the
amount of the fines shall be doubled.
If abuse is due to carelessness, intoxication, or loss of sense, etc., the fines shall be
As to the reality of impotency, women, the scum of urine, or the low specific gravity
of faeces in water (the sinking of faeces in water) shall furnish the necessary evidence.
Contemptuous expressions such as 'a bad Bráhman' shall also be punished as above.
The same rules shall apply to calumnies regarding learning (sruta), the profession of
buffoons (vágjívana), artisans, or musicians, and relating to nationalities such as
Prájjunaka, Gándhára, etc.
If a person, being unable to carry his threat into effect, pleads provocation,
intoxication, or loss of sense as his excuse, he shall be fined 12 panas.
[Thus ends Chapter XVIII, "Defamtion" in Book III, "Concerning Law" of the
Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the seventy-fifth chapter from the beginning.]
When a person touches with hand, mud, ashes or dust the body of another person
below the naval, he shall be punished with a fine of 3 panas; with some but unclean
things, with the leg, or spittle, 6 panas; with saliva (Chhardi), urine, faeces, etc. 12 panas.
If the same offence is committed above the navel, the fines shall be doubled; and on the
head, quadrupled.
If the same offence is committed on persons of superior rank, the fines shall be twice
as much: and on persons of lower rank, half of the above fines. If the same offence is
committed on the women of others, the fines shall be doubled.
If the offence is due to carelessness, intoxication, or loss of sense, the fines shall be
For catching hold of a man by his legs, clothes, hands or hair, fines ranging above 6
panas shall be imposed. Squeezing, rounding with arms, thrusting, dragging, or sitting
over the body of another person shall be punished with the first amercement.
Running away after making a person fall, shall be punished with half of the above
That limb of a Súdra with which he strikes a Bráhman shall be cut off.
For striking compensation is to be paid and half of the fines levied for touching. This
rule shall also apply to Chandalas and other profane persons (committing the same
offence). Striking with the hand. shall be punished with fines below 3 panas, with the leg
twice as much as the above fine; and striking with an instrument so as to cause swellings
shall be punished with the first amercement; and striking so as to endanger life shall be
punished with the middle-most amercement.
Causing a bloodless wound with a stick, mud, a stone, an iron bar, or a rope shall be
punished with a fine of 24 panas. Causing the blood to gush out excepting bad or
diseased blood shall be punished with double the fine.
Beating a person almost to death, though without causing blood, breaking the hands,
legs, or teeth, tearing off the ear or the nose, or breaking open the flesh of a person except
in ulcers or boils shall be punished with the first amercement. Causing hurt in the thigh or
the neck, wounding the eye, or hurting so as to impede eating, speaking, or any other
bodily movements shall not only be punished with the middlemost amercement, but also
be made liable to the payment (to the sufferer) of such compensation as is necessary to
cure him.
If time or place does not permit the immediate arrest of an offender, he shall be dealt
with as described in Book IV, treating of the measures to suppress the wicked.
Each one of a confederacy of persons who have inflicted hurt on another person
shall be punished with double the usual fine.
My preceptor holds that quarrels or assaults of a remote date shall not be complained
My preceptor thinks that he who is the first to complain of a quarrel wins inasmuch
as it is pain that drives one to law.
But Kautilya objects to it; for whether a complaint is lodged first or last, it is the
evidence of witnesses that must be depended upon. In the absence of witnesses, the
nature of the hurt and other circumstances connected with the quarrel in question shall be
evidences. Sentence of punishment shall be passed the very day that a defendant accused
of assault fails to answer the charge made against him.
(Robbery in quarrels.)
A person stealing anything under the tumult of a quarrel shall be fined 10 panas.
Destruction of articles of small value shall be punished with a fine equal to the value of
the articles besides the payment (to the sufferer) of an adequate compensation.
Destruction of big things with a compensation equal to the value of the articles and a fine
equal to twice the value. In the case of destruction of such things as clothes, gold, gold-
coins, and vessels or merchandise, the first amercement together with the value of the
articles shall be levied.
For causing pain with sticks, etc., to minor quadrupeds one or two panas shall be
levied; and for causing blood to the same, the fine shall be doubled. In the case of large
quadrupeds, not only double the above fines, but also an adequate compensation
necessary to cure the beasts shall be levied.
For cutting off the tender sprouts of fruit-trees, flower-trees or shady trees in the
parks near a city, a fine of 6 panas shall be imposed; for cutting off the minor branches of
the same trees, 12 panas; and for cutting off the big branches, 24 panas shall be levied.
Cutting off the trunks of the same shall be punished with the first amercement; and felling
the same shall be punished with the middle-most amercement.
In the case of plants which bear flowers, fruits, or provide shade, half of the above
fines shall be levied.
The same fines shall be levied in the case of trees that have grown in places of
pilgrimage, forests of hermits, or cremation or burial grounds.
* For similar offences committed in connection with the trees which mark
boundaries, or which are worshipped or observed (chaityeshválakshiteshucha,) or trees
which are grown in the king's forests, double the above fines shall be levied.
[Thus ends Chapter XIX, “Assault” in Book III, “Concerning law” of the Arthasástra of
Kautilya. End of the seventy-sixth chapter from the beginning.]
WITH a view to find out spies or thieves, the Superintendent of gambling shall,
under the penalty of a fine of 12 panas if played elsewhere, centralise gambling.
But Kautilya objects to it: for if the punishment for the vanquished were to be
doubled, none would complain to the king. Yet gamblers are naturally false players.
The Superintendents of gambling shall, therefore, be honest and supply dice at the
rate of a kákani of hire per pair. Substitution by tricks of hand of dice other than thus
supplied shall be punished with a fine of 12 panas. A false player shall not only be
punished with the first amercement and fines leviable for theft and deceipt, but also be
made to forfeit the stakes he has won.
The Superintendent shall take not only 5 per cent of the stakes won by every winner,
and the hire payable for supplying dice and other accessories of diceplay, but also the fee
chargeable for supplying water and accommodation, besides the charge for license.
He can at the same time carry on the transactions of sale or mortgage of things. If he
does not forbid tricks of hand and other deceitful practices, be shall be punished with
twice the amount of the fine (levied from the deceitful gamblers.)
The same rules shall apply to betting and challenging except those in learning and
(Miscellaneous offences.)
When a person does not return in required place or time the property he has
borrowed or hired, or placed in his custody as a deposit, sits under the shade for more
than one and a quarter of an hour (ayáma) as prescribed, evades under the excuse of
being a Bráhman the payment due while passing military stations or crossing rivers, and
bawls out or invites others to fight against his neighbours, he shall be punished with a
fine of 12 panas.
When a person does not hand over the property entrusted to him for delivery to a
third person, drags with his hand the wife of his brother, has connection with a public
woman kept by another, sells merchandise that is under ill repute, breaks open the sealed
door of a house, or causes hurt to any of the forty-house-holders or neighbours, a fine of
48 panas shall be imposed.
When between father and son, husband and wife brother and sister, maternal uncle
and nephew or teacher and student, one abandons the other while neither of them is an
apostate; and when a person abandons in the centre of a village another person whom he
brought there for his own help, the first amercement shall be levied.
When a person threatens and abandons his companion in the midst of a forest, he
shall be punished with the highest amercement.
Whenever persons who have started together on some journey abandon one another
as above, half of the above fine shall be levied.
The rates of fines shall vary in accordance with the rank of persons concerned and
the gravity of the crimes.
Such persons as a pilgrim, an ascetic engaged in penance, a diseased person, any one
suffering from hunger, thirst, or fatigue from journey, a villager from country parts, any
one that has suffered much from punishment and a money-less pauper shall be shown
Such persons as are noted for their learning, intelligence, bravery, high birth, or
magnificent works shall be honoured.
* Judges shall thus settle disputes free from all kinds of circumvention, with mind
unchanged in all moods or circumstances, pleasing and affable to all.
[Thus ends Chapter XX, “Gambling, Betting, and Miscellaneous”, in Book III,
“Concerning Law” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the seventy-seventh chapter
from the beginning. With this, ends the third Book “Concerning Law” of the Arthasástra
of Kautilya.]
Those who can be expected to relieve misery, who can give instructions to artisans,
who can be trusted with deposits, who can plan artistic work after their own design, and
who can be relied upon by guilds of artisans, may receive the deposits of the guilds. The
guilds (srení) shall receive their deposits back in time of distress.
Artisans shall, in accordance. with their agreement as to time, place, and form of
work, fulfill their engagements. Those who postpone their engagements under the excuse
that no agreement as to time, place and form of work has been entered into shall, except
in troubles and calamities, not only forfeit ¼th of their wages, but also be punished with a
fine equal to twice the amount of their wages. They shall also make good whatever is thus
lost or damaged. Those who carry on their work contrary to orders shall not only forfeit
their wages, but also pay a fine equal to twice the amount of their wages.
Weavers shall increase the threads (supplied to them for weaving cloths) in the
proportion of 10 to 11 (dasaikádasikam). They shall otherwise, not only pay either a fine
equal to twice the loss in threads or the value of the whole yarn, but also forfeit their
wages. In weaving linen or silk cloths (kshaumakauseyánam), the increase shall be 1 to
1½. In weaving fibrous or woollen garments or blankets (patronakambáladukúlánám),
the increase shall be 1 to 2.
In case of loss in length, the value of the loss shall be deducted from the wages and a
fine equal to twice the loss shall be imposed. Loss in weight (tuláhíne) shall be punished
with a fine equal to four times the loss. Substitution of other kind of yarn, shall be
punished with a fine equal to twice the value of the original.
The same rules shall apply to the weaving of broad cloths (dvipatavánam).
The loss in weight in woollen threads due to threshing or falling of hair is 5 palas.
Washermen shall wash clothes either on wooden planks or on stones of smooth
surface. Washing elsewhere shall not only be punished with a fine of 6 panas, but also be
subject for the payment of a compensation equal to the damage.
Washermen wearing clothes other than such as are stamped with the mark of a
cudgel shall be fined three panas. For selling, mortgaging, or letting out for hire the
clothes of others, a fine of 12 panas shall be imposed.
In case of substitution of other clothes, they shall not only be punished with a fine
equal to twice the value of the clothes, but also be made to restore the true ones.
For keeping for more than a night clothes which are to be made as white as a jasmin
flower, or which are to attain the natural colour of their threads on washing on the surface
of stones, or which are to be made whiter merely by removing their dirt by washing,
proportional fines shall be imposed. For keeping for more than 5 nights such clothes as
are to be given thin colouring, for more than six nights such as are to be made blue, for
more than 7 nights such as are to be made either as white as flowers or as beautiful and
shiny as lac, saffron, or blood and such clothes as require much skill and care in making
brilliant, wages shall be forfeited.
Trustworthy persons shall be judges in disputes regarding colour and experts shall
determine the necessary wages.
For washing the best garments, the wages shall be one pana; for those of middle
quality, half a pana; and for those of inferior quality ¼th of a pana.
For rough washing on big stones, the wages shall be ⅛th of a pana.
[In the first wash of red-coloured clothes, there is a loss of ¼th part (of the colour);
in the second wash, 1/5th part. This explains subsequent losses. The rules pertaining to
washermen are also applicable to weavers.
Goldsmiths who, without giving information (to the government), purchase from
unclean hands silver or golden articles without changing the form of the articles shall be
fined 12 panas; if they do the same changing the form of the articles (i.e., melting), they
shall be fined 24 panas; if they purchase the same from the hands of a thief, they shall be
fined 48 panas; if they purchase an article for less than its value after melting it in secret,
they shall be liable to the punishment for theft; likewise for deception with manufactured
articles. When a goldsmith steals from a suvarna gold equal to the weight of a másha
(1/16th of a suvarna), he shall be punished 200 panas; when he steals from a silver
dharana silver equal to the value of a másha, he shall be fined 12 panas. This explains
the proportional enhancement of punishments. When a goldsmith removes the whole
amount of the gold (karsha) from a suvarna by apasárana method or by any other
deceiptful combination (yoga), he shall be punished with a fine of 500 panas. In case of
contaminating them (gold and silver) in any way, the offence shall be regarded as loss of
their intrinsic colour.
One másha shall be the fee for the manufacture of a silver dharana; for the
manufacture of a suvarna, ⅛th of the same; or fees may be increased to twice the above
according to the skill of the manufacturer. This explains the proportional increase of fees.
Fees for the manufacture of articles from copper, brass, vaikrinataka, and árakúta
shall be five percent. In the manufacture of articles from copper (?), 1/10th of the copper
will be lost. For the loss of a pala in weight, a fine of twice the loss shall be imposed.
This explains the proportional increase of punishments. In the manufacture of articles
from lead and tin, 1/20th of the mass will be lost. One kákani shall be the fee for
manufacturing an article of a pala in weight of the above. In the manufacture of articles
from iron, 1/5th of the mass will be lost; two kákanis shall be the fee for manufacturing
an article of a pala in weight from iron. This explains the proportional increase of fees.
Of whatever precious things sweepers come across while sweeping, one-third shall
be taken by them and two-thirds by the king. But precious stones shall be wholly
surrendered to the king. Seizure of precious stones shall be punished with the highest
Treasure troves valued beyond 100,000 shall wholly be taken by the king. But if
they are of less value, the discover shall receive 1/6th of it as his share.
Such treasure troves as a man of pure and honest life can prove to be his ancestral
property shall wholly be taken by the man himself. Taking possession of a treasure trove
without establishing such claim shall be punished with a fine of 500 panas. Taking
possession of the same in secret shall be punished with a fine of 1,000 panas.
(Medical Practice).
Bands of musicians (kúsílavah) shall, during the rainy season, stay in a particular
place. They shall strictly avoid giving too much indulgence or causing too much loss
(atipátam) to any one. Violation of the above rule shall be punished with a fine of 12
panas. They may hold their performances to their liking in accordance with the procedure
of their country, caste, family, profession, or copulation.
The same rules shall apply to dancers, dumb-players and other mendicants.
For offences, mendicants shall receive as many lashes with an iron rod as the
number of panas imposed on them.
Wages for the works of other kinds of artisans shall be similarly determined.
* Thus traders, artisans, musicians, beggers, buffoons and other idlers who are
thieves in effect though not in name shall be restrained from oppression on the country.
[Thus ends Chapter I, “Protection of artisans” in Book IV, “The Removal of Thorns” of
the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the seventy-eighth chapter from the beginning.]
THE Superintendent of Commerce shall allow the sale or mortgage of any old
commodities (purána bhándanám) only when the seller or mortgagor of such articles
proves his ownership of the same. With a view to prevent deception, he shall also
supervise weights and measures.
Difference of half a pala in such measures as are called parimání and drona is no
offence. But difference of a pala in them shall be punished with a fine of 12 panas.
Deception on the part of a seller to the extent of ⅛th part of the articles valued at a
pana and sold by number shall be punished with a fine of 96 panas.
The sale or mortgage of articles such as timber, iron, brilliant stones, ropes, skins,
earthenware, threads, fibrous garments, and woollen clothes as superior though they are
really inferior shall be punished with a fine of 8 times the value of the articles thus sold.
By making the fine two panas for the loss of the value of a pana, and 200 panas for
that of 100, fines can be determined for any of such false sales.
Those who conspire to lower the quality of the works of artisans, to hinder their
income, or to obstruct their sale or purchase shall be fined thousand panas.
Fines for, greater losses shall be proportionally increased commencing from 200
Adulteration of grains, oils, alkalis, salts, scents, and medicinal articles with similar
articles of no quality shall be punished with a fine of 12 panas.
It is the duty of the trader to calculate the daily earnings of middlemen and to fix
that amount on which they are authorised to live; for whatever income falls between
sellers and purchasers (i.e., brokerage) is different from profit.
Hence authorised persons alone shall collect grains and other merchandise.
Collection of such things without permission shall be confiscated by the Superintendent
of Commerce.
Hence shall merchants be favourably disposed towards the people in selling grains
and other commodities.
The Superintendent of Commerce shall fix a profit of five per cent over and above
the fixed price of local commodities, and ten per cent on foreign produce. Merchants who
enchance the price or realise profit even to the extent of half a pana more than the above
in the sale or purchase of commodities shall be punished with a fine of from five panas in
case of realising 100 panas up to 200 panas.
In case of failure to sell collected merchandise wholesale at a fixed rate, the rate
shall be altered.
Favourably disposed towards the people, shall merchants sell this centralised supply
for daily wages.
[Thus ends Chapter II, “Protection of merchants” in Book IV “The Removal of Thorns”
of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the seventy-ninth chapter from the beginning.]
THERE are eight kinds of providential visitations: They are fire, floods, pestilential
diseases, famine, rats, tigers (vyáláh), serpents, and demons. From these shall the king
protect his kingdom.
During the summer, villages shall carry on cooking operations outside. Or they shall
provide themselves with the ten remedial instruments (dasamúlí).
Precautionary measures against fire have been dealt with in connection with the
description not only of the duties of superintendents of villages, but also of the king's,
harem and retinue.
Not only on ordinary days, but also on full-moon days shall offerings, oblations, and
prayers be made to fire.
Villagers living on the banks of rivers shall, during the rainy reason, remove
themselves to upcountries. They shall provide themselves with wooden planks, bamboos,
and boats. They shall, by means of bottle-gourds, canoes, trunks of trees, or boats rescue
persons that are being carried off by floods. Persons neglecting rescue with the exception
of those who have no boats, etc., shall be fined 12 panas. On new and full-moon days
shall rivers be worshipped. Experts in sacred magic and mysticism (máyáyogavidah), and
persons learned in the Vedas, shall perform, incantations against rain.
Such remedial measures as will be treated of in the 14th book shall be taken against
pestilences. Physicians with their medicines, and ascetics and prophets with their
auspicious and purificatory ceremonials shall also overcome pestilences. The same
remedial measures shall be taken against epidemics (maraka = killer). Besides the above
measures, oblations to gods, the ceremonial called, Mahá- kachchhavardhana, milking
the cows on cremation or burial grounds, burning the trunk of a corpse, and spending
nights in devotion to gods shall also be observed.
With regard to cattle diseases (pasuvyádhimarake), not only the ceremony of waving
lights in cowsheds (nirájanam) shall be half done, but also the worship of family-gods be
carried out.
During famine, the king shall show favour to his people by providing them with
seeds and provision (bíjabhaktopagráham).
He may either do such works as are usually resorted to in calamities; he may show
favour by distributing either his own collection of provisions or the hoarded income of
the rich among the people; or seek for help from his friends among kings.
Or he may remove himself with his subjects to seashores or to the banks of rivers or
lakes. He may cause his subjects to grow grains, vegetables, roots, and fruits wherever
water is available. He may, by hunting and fishing on a large scale, provide the people
with wild beasts, birds, elephants, tigers or fish.
To ward off the danger from rats, cats and mongooses may be let loose. Destruction
of rats that have been caught shall be punished with a fine of 12 panas. The same
punishment shall be meted out to those who, with the exception of wild tribes, do not
hold their dogs in check.
With a view to destroy rats, grains mixed with the milk of the milk-hedge plants
(snuhi: Euphorbia Antiquorum), or grains mixed with such ingredients as are treated of in
the 14th book may be left on the ground. Asceties and prophets may perform auspicious
ceremonials. On new and full-moon days rats may be worshipped.
Similar measures may also be taken against the danger from locusts, birds and
[When there is fear from snakes, experts in applying remedies against snake poison
shall resort to incantations and medicines; or they may destroy snakes in a body; or those
who are learned in the Atharvaveda may perform auspicious rites. On new and full moon
days, (snakes) may be worshipped. This explains the measures to be taken against the
dangers from water-animals.
In order to destroy tigers, either the carcasses of cattle mixed with the juice of
madana plant, or the carcasses of calves filled with the juice of madana and kodrava
plants may be thrown in suitable places.
Negligence to rescue a person under the clutches of a tiger shall be punished with a
fine of 12 panas. Similar sum of money shall be given as a reward to him who kills a
Persons acquainted with the rituals of the Atharvaveda, and experts in sacred magic
and mysticism shall perform such ceremonials as ward off the danger from demons.
In all kinds of dangers from demons, the incantation ‘we offer thee cooked rice’'
shall be performed.
The king shall always protect the afflicted among his people as a father his sons.
Such ascetics as are experts in magical arts, and being endowed with supernatural
powers, can ward off providential visitations, shall, therefore, be honoured by the king
and made to live in his kingdom.
[Thus ends Chapter III, "Remedies against national Calamities" in Book IV, “The
Removal of Thorns,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the eightieth chapter from
the beginning.]
MEASURES necessary for the protection of countries have been briefly dealt with
in connection with the description of the duties of the Collector-general.
We are now going to treat of in detail such measures as can remove the disturbing
elements of peace.
The spies shall ascertain the fair or foul dealings of villagers, or of the
Superintendents of villages and report the same.
If any person is found to be of foul life (gúdhajívi), a spy who is acquainted with
similar avocation shall be let loose upon him.
On acquiring friendship with the suspected person who may be either a judge or a
commissioner, the spy may request him that the misfortune in which a friend of the spy is
involved may be warded off and that a certain amount of money may be accepted. If the
judge accedes to the request, he shall be proclaimed as the receiver of bribes and
banished. The same rule shall also apply to commissioners.
A spy may tell the congregation of villages (grámakútam) or its superintendent that a
wealthy man of wicked character is involved in some trouble and that this opportunity
may be availed of to squeeze money from him. If either the one or the other complies
with the spy, banishment shall be ordered under the proclamation of ‘extortion.’
Under the pretence of having been charged with criminal offence, a spy may, with
promise of large sums money, begin to deal with false witnesses. If they agree with him,
they shall be proclaimed as false witnesses and banished.
Whoever is believed to secure for others the love of women by means of magical
charms, drugs or ceremonials performed on cremation grounds may be approached by a
spy with the request that the wife, daughter, or daughter- in-law of some one, whom the
spy pretends to love may be made to return the love and that a certain amount of money
may be accepted. If he consents to it, he shall be proclaimed as one engaged in witchcraft
(samvadanakáraka) and banished.
Similar steps may be taken against persons engaged in such witchcraft as is hurtful
to others.
Similar steps may be taken against those who deal with medicines prepared from
madana plant.
There are thirteen kinds of criminals who, secretly attempting to live by foul means,
destroy the peace of the country. They shall either be banished or made to pay an
adequate compensation according as their guilt is light or serious.
[Thus ends Chapter IV, "Suppression of the wicked living by foul means” in Book IV
“The Removal Thorns” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the eighty-first chapter
from the beginning.]
On taking these enthusiasts thus induced to a village, where persons under the guise
of women and men are previously stationed and which is different from the one intended
to be reached, the youths may be told that it is difficult to reach in time the village aimed
at and that the power of incantation may be seen then and there alone.
Having opened the doors seemingly with the power of incantation, the youths may
be asked to get in. Having, in the midst of wakeful watchmen under concert, rendered the
youths invisible with incantation, they may be asked to go into the interior. Having
caused the watchmen seemingly sleepy, the youths may, as ordered, move the beds of the
watchmen with no hesitation. Persons under the guise of others, wives may, seemingly
under the influence of incantation, please the youths.
Soon after the youths have actually experienced the powers of incantation, they may
be taught the recitation and other accessory procedure of that art. They may afterwards be
asked to test the power of their new learning in plundering such houses as contain articles
or money with marks of identification, and simultaneously caught hold of in the very act.
They may either be arrested while selling, purchasing, or mortgaging articles with marks
of identification, or caught hold of while under intoxication brought about by medicinal
drinks (yogasurámatta).
From these youths thus arrested may be gathered information regarding the past life
of them and of their accomplices.
Spies under the disguise of old and notorious thieves may similarly associate with
robbers and, instituting similar measures, cause the latter to be arrested.
The Collector-general shall exhibit these arrested robbers and announce to the public
that their arrest is due to the instructions obtained from the king who has learnt the divine
art of catching robbers: ‘I shall similarly catch hold of other robbers again and again, and
you, people, ought to prevent any one of your own kinsmen from his wicked deeds.’
The Collector-general shall exhibit in public these and other arrested criminals and
proclaim the omniscient power of the king among the people at large.
IN addition to the measures taken by spies under the guise of prophets, such steps as
are suggested by suspicious movements or possession of stolen articles may also be
Persons whose family subsist on slender means of inheritance; who have little or no
comfort; who frequently change their residence, caste and the names, not only of
themselves, but also of their family (gotra); who conceal their own avocations and calls;
who have betaken themselves to such luxurious modes of life as eating flesh and
condiments, drinking liquor, wearing scents, garlands, fine dress, and jewels; who have
been squandering away their money; who constantly move with profligate women,
gamblers, or vintners; who frequently leave their residence; whose commercial
transaction, journey, or destination is difficult to understand; who travel alone in such
solitary places as forests and mountainous tracts; who hold secret meetings in lonely
places near to, or far from, their residence; who hurry on to get their fresh wounds or
boils cured; who always hide themselves in the interior of their houses; who are
excessively attached to women; who are always inquisitive to gather information as to the
women and property of others; who associate themselves with men of condemnable
learning and work; who loiter in the dark behind walls or under shades; who purchase
rare or suspicious articles in suspicious times or places; who are known for their inimical
dealings; whose caste and avocation are very low; who keep false appearances or put on
different caste signs; who change their ancestral customs under false excuses; whose
notoriety is already marked; who, though in charge of villages, are terribly afraid of
appearing before the prime minister and conceal themselves or go elsewhere; who pant in
fear while sitting alone; who show undue agitation or palpitation of heart; whose face is
pale and dry while the voice is indistinct and stammering; who always move in company
with armed men; or who keep threatening appearance; these and other persons may be
suspected to be either murderers or robbers or offenders guilty of misappropriation of
treasure-trove or deposits or to be any other kind of knaves subsisting by foul means
secretly employed.
Information regarding such articles as are either lost or stolen shall, if the articles are
not found out, be supplied to those who trade in similar articles. Traders who conceal the
articles as to the loss of which they have already received information shall be
condemned as abettors. If they are found not to be aware of the loss, they may be
acquitted on restoring the articles.
If the article in question is found to be the one lost by another person whose
deposition regarding the antecedent circumstances of the article in no way differs from
the previous story, the article shall be considered to belong to that person who is found to
have long been enjoying it and whose life is very pure. For while even quadrupeds and
bipeds are found to bear such common evidences of identification as colour, gait and
form, can there be any difficulty in identifying such articles as, in the form of raw
materials, jewels, or vessels, are the product of a single source, definite materials, a
particular manufacturer for a definite purpose?
The possessor of an article in question may plead that the article is either borrowed
or hired, a pledge or a sealed deposit, or one obtained from a particular person for retail
If he proves his allegation by producing the referee, he shall be let off; or the referee
may deny having had any concern in the matter.
With regard to the reasons which a person, seized with an article lost by another,
assigns as to his having taken the article as a gift from a third person, he shall corroborate
them by producing as witnesses not only those who gave and caused to give the article to
him, but also those who, being mediators, custodians, bearers, or witnesses, arranged for
the transfer of the article.
When a person is found possessed of an article which he alleges to have been thrown
out, lost, or forgotten by a third person, he shall prove his innocence by adducing
evidence as to the time, place, and circumstances of finding the article. Otherwise he
shall restore the article, besides paying a fine equal to its value; or he may be punished as
a thief.
(Circumstancial Evidence.)
In cases of house breaking and theft the circumstances, such as entrance and exit
effected through other than doors; breaking the door by means of special contrivances
breaking the windows with or without lattice work, or pulling off the roof in houses
consisting of upstairs, ascending and descending upstairs; breaking the wall; tunnelling;
such contrivances as are necessary to carry off the treasure secretly hoarded, information
about which can only be gathered from internal sources; these and other accessory
circumstances of wear and tear cognisable in the interior shall tend to indicate the
concern of internal hands in the crime, and those of reverse nature, external agencies. The
blending of these two kinds of circumstances shall indicate both internal and external
* A commissioner (pradeshtá) with his retinue of gopas and sthánikas shall take
steps to find out external thieves; and the officer in charge of a city (nágaraka) shall,
under the circumstances sketched above, try to detect internal thieves inside fortified
[Thus ends Chapter VI, “Seizure of criminals on suspicion or in the very act,” in Book IV,
“'The Removal of Thorns” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the eighty-third chapter
from the beginning.]
IN cases of sudden death, the corpse shall be smeared over with oil and examined.
Any person whose corpse is tainted with mucus and urine, with organs inflated with
wind, with hands and legs swollen, with eyes open, and with neck marked with ligatures
may be regarded as having been killed by suffocation and suppression of breathing.
Any person with contracted arms and thighs may be regarded as having been killed
by hanging.
Any dead person with swollen hands, legs and belly, with sunken eyes and inflated
navel may be regarded as having been killed by hanging.
Any dead person with stiffened rectum and eyes, with tongue bitten between the
teeth, and with belly swollen, may be considered as having been killed by drowning.
Any dead person, wetted with blood and with limb, wounded and broken, may be
regarded as having been killed with sticks or ropes.
Any dead person with fractures and broken limbs, may be regarded as having been
thrown down.
Any dead person with dark coloured hands, legs, teeth, and nails, with loose skin,
hairs fallen, flesh reduced, and with face bedaubed with foam and saliva, may be
regarded as having been poisoned.
Any dead person of similar description with marks of a bleeding bite, may be
considered as baving been bitten by serpents and other poisonous creatures.
Any dead person, with body spread and dress thrown out after excessive vomitting
and purging may be considered as having been killed by the administration of the juice of
the madana plant.
Death due to any one of the above causes is, sometimes under the fear of
punishment, made to appear as having been brought about by voluntary hanging, by
causing marks of ligature round the neck.
In death due to poison, the undigested portion of meat may be examined in milk. Or
the same extracted from the belly and thrown on fire may, if it makes ‘chitchita’ sound
and assumes the rainbow colour, be declared as poisoned.
Or when the belly (hridayam) remains unburnt, although the rest of the body is
reduced to ashes, the dead man's servants may be examined as to any violent and cruel
treatments they may have received at the hands of the dead. Similarly such of the dead
man's relatives as a person of miserable life, a woman with affections placed elsewhere or
a relative defending some woman that has been deprived of her inheritance by the dead
man may also be examined.
The same kind of examination shall be conducted concerning the hanging of the
body of an already dead man.
Causes such as past evils or harm done to others by a dead man, shall be inquired
into regarding any death due to voluntary hanging.
All kinds of sudden death, centre round one or the other of the following causes:--
When, owing to false resemblance, one's own hirelings, or thieves for money, or the
enemies of a third person murder one, the relatives of the deceased shall be inquired as
Who called the deceased; who was with him; who accompanied him on his journey;
and who took him to the scene of death?
By whom the deceased was brought there; whether they (the witnesses) saw any
armed person lurking in the place and showing signs of troubled appearance?
* After examining the personal property such as travelling requisites, dress, jewels,
or other things which the deceased had on his body while murdered, such persons as
supplied or had something to do with those things shall be examined as to the associates,
residence, causes of journey, profession, and other calls of the deceased.
* If a man or woman under the infatuation of love, anger, or other sinful passions
commits or causes to commit suicide by means of ropes, arms, or poison, he or she shall
be dragged by means of a rope along the public road by the hands of a Chandála.
* For such murderers as the above, neither cremation rites nor any obsequies usually
performed by relatives shall be observed.
* Any relative who performs funeral rites to such wretches, shall either himself be
deprived of his own funerals or be abandoned by his kith and kin.
* Whoever associates himself with such persons as perform forbidden rites, shall
with his other associates, if any, forfeit within a year the privileges of conducting or
superintending a sacrifice, of teaching, and of giving or receiving gifts.
[Thus ends Chapter VII, “Examination of sudden death,” in Book IV, “The Removal of
Thorns” of the Arthasásatra of Kautilya. End of the eighty-fourth chapter from the
Persons who charge an innocent man with theft, or conceal a thief shall themselves
be liable to the punishment for theft.
When a person accused of theft proves in his defence the complainant's enmity or
hatred towards himself he shall be acquitted.
When there are no such evidences and when the accused is wailing much, he shall
be regarded as innocent. For owing to one's accidental presence on the scene of theft, or
to one's accidental resemblance to the real thief in respect to his appearance, his dress, his
weapons, or possession of articles similar to those stolen, or owing to one's presence near
the stolen articles as in the case of Mándavya who under the fear of torture admitted
himself to be the thief, one, though innocent, is often seized as a thief. Hence the
production of conclusive evidences shall be insisted upon. (tasmátsamáptakaranam
niyamayet = hence punishment shall be meted out only when the charge is quite
established against the accused?)
Among the spies such as harlots, suppliers of water and other drinks to travellers,
story-tellers, hotel-keepers providing travellers with boarding and lodging, any one who
happens to be acquainted with the work similar to that of the suspected may be let off to
watch his movements, as described in connection with misappropriation of sealed
Those of Bráhman caste and learned in the Vedas as well as asceties shall only be
subjected to espionage.
Those who violate or cause to violate the above rules shall be punished with the first
amercement. The same punishment shall be imposed in case of causing death to any one
by torture.
As to persons who have committed grave offences, the form of torture will be nine
kinds of blows with a cane:--12 beats on each of the thighs; 28 beats with a stick of the
tree (naktamála); 32 beats on each palm of the hands and on each sole of the feet; two on
the knuckles, the hands being joined so as to appear like a scorpion; two kinds of
suspensions, face downwards (ullambane chale); burning one of the joints of a finger
after the accused has been made to drink rice gruel; heating his body for a day after be
has been made to drink oil; causing him to lie on coarse green grass for a night in winter.
These are the 18 kinds of torture.
The instruments of the accused such as ropes, clubs, arrows, spades, knives, etc.,
shall be paraded on the back of an ass.
Regarding those criminals who rob in accordance with the threat previously made by
them, who have made use of the stolen articles in part, who have been caught hold of in
the very act or with the stolen articles, who have attempted to seize the king's treasury, or
who have committed culpable crime, may, in accordance with the order of the king, be
subjected once or many times to one all of the above kinds of torture.
Whatever may be the nature of the crime, no Bráhman offender shall be tortured.
The face of a Bráhman convict shall be branded so as to leave a mark indicating his
crime:--the sign of a dog in theft, that of a headless body in murder; that of the female
part (bhaga) in rape with the wife of a teacher, and that of the flag of vintners for
drinking liquor.
After having thus branded to a wound and proclaimed his crime in public, the king
shall either banish a Bráhman offender or send him to the mines for life.
[Thus ends Chapter VIII, "Trial and Torture to Elicit Confession” in Book IV, “The
Removal of Thorns” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the eighty-fifth chapter from
the beginning.]
Those who seize valuable articles or precious stones from either mines or any great
manufactories shall be beheaded. Those who seize ordinary articles or necessaries of life
from manufactories of articles of small value shall be punished with the first amercement.
Those who seize from manufactories or from the king's granary articles of 1/16 to 1/4 a
pana in value shall be fined 12 panas; articles of 1/4 to 1/2 a pana in value, 24 panas;
articles 1/2 to 3/4 pana in value, 36 panas; and articles of 3/4 to 1 pana in value, 48
Those who seize articles of 1 to 2 panas in value shall be punished with the first
amercement; articles of 2 to 4 panas in value with the middlemost; and articles of 4 to 8
panas in value with the highest amercement. Those who seize articles of 8 to 10 panas in
value shall be condemned to death.
When any one seizes from courtyards, shops, or arsenals commodities such as raw
materials, manufactured articles, etc., of half the above value, he shall also be punished as
above. When any person seizes articles of ¼th of the above value from Government
treasury, granaries, or offices of Superintendents, he shall be punished with twice the
above fines.
It has already been laid down in connection with the king's harem that those who
intimidate thieves (with a view to give them a signal to run away) shall be tortured to
When any person other than a Government servant steals during the day from fields,
yards prepared for threshing out grains, houses, or shops commodities such as raw
materials, manufactured articles, or necessaries of life, of 1/16th to 1/4th of a pana in
value, he shall be fined 3 panas or paraded through the streets, his body being smeared
over with cow-dung, and an earthen ware pan with blazing light tied round his loins
(sarávamekhalayá). When any person steals articles of ¼ to ½ of a pana in value, he shall
be fined 6 panas, or his head may be shaved, or he may be exiled (mundanam
pravrajanam vá). When a person steals articles of ½ to 1/3 of a pana in value, he shall be
fined 9 panas, or he may be paraded through streets, his body being bedaubed with
cowdung or ashes or with an earthenware pan with blazing light tied round his waist.
When a person steals articles of 1/3 to 1 pana in value, be shall be fined 12 panas, or his
head may be shaved, or he may be banished. When a person steals commodities of 1 to 2
panas in value, he shall be fined 24 panas, or his head may be shaved with a piece of
brick, or he may be exiled. When a person steals articles of 2 to 4 panas in value, he shall
be punished with a fine of 36 panas; articles of 4 to 5 panas in value, 48 panas; articles
of 5 to 10 panas in value, with the first amercement; articles of 10 to 20 panas in value,
with a fine of 200 panas; articles of 20 to 30 panas in value, with a fine of 500 panas;
articles of 30 to 40 panas in value, with a fine of 1,000 panas; and articles of 40 to 50
panas in value, he shall be condemned to death.
When a person seizes by force, whether during the early part of the day or night,
articles of half the above values, he shall be punished with double the above fines.
When any person with weapons in hand seizes by force, whether during the day or
night, articles of ¼th of the above values, he shall be punished with the same fines.
When a judge threatens, browbeats, sends out, or unjustly silences any one of the
disputants in his court, he shall first of all be punished with the first amercement. If he
defames or abuses any one of them, the punishment shall be doubled. If he does not ask
what ought to be asked, or asks what ought not to be asked, or leaves out what he himself
has asked, or teaches, reminds, or provides any one with previous statement, he shall be
punished with the middle-most amercement.
When a judge does not inquire into necessary circumstances, inquires into
unnecessary circumstances, (desa), makes unnecessary delay in discharging his duty,
postpones work with spite, causes parties to leave the court by tiring them with delay,
evades or causes to evade statements that lead to the settlement of a case, helps witnesses
giving them clues, or resumes cases already settled or disposed of, he shall be punished
with the highest amercement. If he repeats the offence, he shall both be punished with
double the above fine and dismissed.
When a clerk does not take down what has been deposed by parties, but enters what
has not been deposed, evades what has been badly said (duruktam), or renders either
diverse or ambiguous in meaning such depositions as are satisfactorily given out, he shall
be punished either with the first amercement or in proportion to his guilt.
When an officer lets out or causes to let out offenders from lock-up (cháraka),
obstructs or causes to obstruct prisoners in such of their daily avocations as sleeping,
sitting, eating, or execreting, he shall be punished with fines ranging from 3 panas and
When any person lets out or causes to let out debtors from lock-up, he shall not only
be punished with the middlemost amercement, but also be compelled to pay the debt the
offender has to pay.
When a person lets out or causes to let out prisoners from jails (bandhanágára), he
shall be condemned to death and the whole of his property confiscated.
When the superintendeat of jails puts any person in lock-up without declaring the
grounds of provocation (samkrudhakamanákhyáya), he shall be fined 24 panas; when he
subjects any person to unjust torture, 48 panas; when he transfers a prisoner to another
place, or deprives a prisoner of food and water, 96 panas; when be troubles or receives
bribes from a prisoner, he shall be punished, with the middlemost amercement; when he
beats a prisoner to death, he shall be fined 1,000 panas. When a person commits rape
with a captive, slave, or hired woman in lock-up, he shall be punished with the first
amercement; when he commits rape with the wife of a thief, or of any other man who is
dead in an epidemic (dámara), he shall be punished with the middlemost amercement;
and when he commits rape with an Arya woman in lock-up, he shall be punished with the
highest amercement.
When an offender kept in lock-up commits rape with an Arya woman in the same
lock-up, he shall be condemned to death in the very place.
When an officer commits rape with an Arya woman who has been arrested for
untimely movement at night (akshanagrihitáyám), he shall also be hanged at the very
spot; when a similar offence is committed with a woman under slavery, the offender shall
be punished with the first amercement.
(An officer) who causes a prisoner to escape from a lock-up without breaking it
open, shall be punished with the middlemost amercement. (An officer) who causes a
prisoner to escape from a lock-up after breaking it open, shall be condemned to death.
When he lets out a prisoner from the jail, he shall be put to death and his property
Thus shall the king, with adequate punishments, test first the conduct of Government
servants, and then shall, through those officers of approved character, examine the
conduct of his people both in towns and villages.
[Thus ends Chapter IX, "Protection of all kinds of Government Departments” in Book IV,
“The Removal of Thorns” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the eighty-sixth chapter
from the beginning.]
WHEN Government servants (arthachara) commit for the first time such offences
as violation of sacred institutions (tírthágháta), or pickpocketing (granthibheda), they
shall have their index finger cut off or shall pay a fine of 54 panas; when for a second
time they commit the same, they shall have their ( ...... ) cut off or pay a fine of 100
panas; when for a third time, they shall have their right hand cut off or pay a fine of 400
panas; and when for a fourth time, they shall in any way be put to death.
When a person steals or destroys cocks, mangoose, cats, dogs or pigs, of less than 54
panas in value, he shall have the edge of his nose cut off or pay a fine of 54 panas. If
these animals belong to either Chandalas or wild tribes half of the above fine shall be
When any person steals wild beasts, cattle, birds, elephants, tigers, fish, or any other
animals confined in traps, fences, or pits, he shall not only pay a fine equal to the value of
the stolen animals, but also restore the animals.
For stealing beasts or raw materials from forests, a fine of 100 panas shall be
imposed. For stealing or destroying dolls, beasts, or birds from infirmaries, twice the
above fine shall be levied.
When any person enters into a fort without permission, or carries off treasure
through a hole or passage in the wall of the fort, he shall either be beheaded or be made to
pay a fine of 200 panas.
When a person steals a cart, a boat or minor quadruped, he shall have one of his legs
cut off or pay a fine of 300 panas.
When a gambler substitutes false dice to be hired for a kákaní or any other accessory
things of dice-play, or commits fraud by tricks of hand, he shall have his hand cut off or
pay a fine of 400 panas.
When any person abets a thief or an adulterer, he as well as the woman who
voluntarily yields herself for adultery shall have their ears and nose cut off or pay each a
fine of 500 panas, while the thief or the adulterer shall pay double the above fine.
When any person steals a big animal, abducts a male or female slave, or sells the
articles belonging to a dead body (pretabhándam), he shall have both of his legs cut off
or pay a fine of 600 panas.
When a man contemptuously rushes against the hands or legs of any person of a
higher caste, or of a teacher, or mounts the horse, elephant, coach, etc., of the king, he
shall have one of his legs and one of his hands cut off or pay a fine of 700 panas.
When a Súdra calls himself a Bráhman, or when any person steals the property of
gods, conspires against the king, or destroys both the eyes of another, he shall either have
his eyes destroyed by the application of poisonous ointment, or pay a fine of 800 panas.
When a person causes a thief or an adulterer to be let off or adds or omits anything
while writing down the king's order, abducts a girl or a slave possessed of gold, carries
off any deceitful transaction, or sells rotten flesh, he shall either have his two legs and
one hand cut off or pay a fine of 900 panas.
When a person steals images of gods or of animals, abducts men, or takes possession
of fields, houses, gold, gold-coins, precious stones, or crops of others, he shall either be
beheaded or compelled to pay the highest amercement.
* Taking into consideration the (social position of) persons, the nature of the
offence, the cause, whether grave or slight (that led to the perpetration of the offence), the
antecedent and present circumstances, the time, and the place;
[Thus ends Chapter X, "Fines in lieu of mutilation of limbs" in Book IV, “The Removal
of Thorns” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the eighty-seventh chapter from the.
When a man hurts another with a weapon, he shall pay the highest amercement;
when he does so under intoxication, his hand shall be cut off; and when he causes
instantaneous death, be shall be put to death.
Those who cause violent death either to men or women, or those who are in the habit
of often going to meet prostitutes (abhisáraka), those who inflict unjust punishment upon
others, those who spread false or contemptuous rumours, who assault or obstruct
travellers on their way, who commit house-breaking, or who steal or cause hurt to royal
elephants, horses, or carriages shall be hanged.
Whoever burns or carries away the corpses of the above offenders shall meet with
similar punishment or pay the highest amercement.
When a person supplies murderers or thieves with food, dress, any requisites, fire,
information, any plan, or assistance in any way, he shall be punished with the highest
amercement. When he does so under ignorance, he shall be censured.
Sons or wives of murderers or of thieves shall, if they are found not in concert, be
acquitted; but they shall be seized if found to have been in concert.
Any person who aims at the kingdom, who forces entrance into the king's harem,
who instigates wild tribes or enemies (against the king), or who creates disaffection in
forts, country parts, or in the army shall be burnt alive from head to foot.
Any person who murders his father, mother, son, brother, teacher, or an ascetic, shall
be put to death by burning both his head and skin; if he insults any of the above persons,
his tongue shall be cut off; if he bites any limb of these persons, be shall be deprived of
the corresponding limb.
A herd of cattle shall be considered to consist of not more than ten heads.
When a person breaks the dam of a tank full of water, he shall be drowned in the
very tank; of a tank without water, he shall be punished with the highest amercement; and
of a tank which is in ruins owing to neglect, he shall be punished with the middle-most
Any man who poisons another and any woman who murders a man shall be
Any woman who murders her husband, preceptor, or offspring, sets fire to another's
property, poisons a man or cuts off any of the bodily joints of another shall be torn off by
bulls, no matter whether or not she is big with a child, or has not passed a month after
giving birth to a child.
Any person who sets fire to pasture lands, fields, yards prepared for threshing out
grains, houses, forests, of timber or of elephants shall be thrown into fire.
Any person who insults the king, betrays the king's council, makes evil attempts
(against the king), or disregards the sanctity of the kitchens of Bráhmans shall have his
tongue cut off.
When a man other than a soldier steals weapons or armour, he shall be shot down by
arrows; if he is a soldier, he shall pay the highest amercement.
He who castrates a man shall have his generative organ cut off.
He who hurts the tongue or nose of another shall have his fingers cut off.
* Such painful punishments (klesadanda) as the above have been laid down in the
Śástras of great sages; but it has been declared as just to put to simple death those
offenders who have not been cruel.
[Thus ends Chapter XI, "Death with or without torture" in Book IV, "The Removal of
Thorns” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the eighty-eighth chapter from the
HE who defiles a maiden of equal caste before she has reached her maturity shall
have his hand cut off or pay a fine of 400 panas; if the maiden dies in consequence, the
offender shall be put to death.
He who defiles a maiden who has attained maturity shall have his middle finger cut
off or pay a fine of 200 panas, besides giving an adequate compensation to her father.
No man shall have sexual intercourse with any woman against her will.
He who defiles a willing maiden shall pay a fine of 54 panas, while the maiden
herself shall pay a fine of half the amount.
When a man impersonates another man who has already paid the nuptial fee to a
woman (parasulkopadháyám), he shall have his hand cut off or pay a fine of 400 panas,
besides making good the nuptial fee.
No man who has connection with a maiden that has passed seven menses and has
not yet succeeded in marrying her, though she has been betrothed to him, shall either be
guilty or pay any compensation to her father; for her father has lost his authority over her
in consequence of having deprived her so long of the result of her menses.
It is no offence for a man of equal caste and rank to have connection with a maiden
who has been unmarried three years after her first menses. Nor is it an offence for a man,
even of different caste, to have connection with a maiden who has spent more than three
years after her first menses and has no jewellery on her person; for taking possession of
paternal property (under such circumstances) shall be regarded as theft.
Any person who, while pretending to secure a bride to a particular person, ultimately
obtains her for a third person shall be fined 200 panas.
No man shall have sexual intercourse with any woman against her will.
If a person substitutes in marriage another maiden for the one he has before shown,
he shall, if the substitute is of the same rank, be fined 100 panas, and 200 panas if she is
of lower rank. The substituted maiden shall be fined 54 panas, while the offender shall
also be compelled to return both the nuptial fee and the amount of expenditure (incurred
by the bridegroom).
When a man refuses to live in marriage a particular maiden as agreed upon, he shall
pay double the above fine.
No man shall have sexual intercourse with any woman against her will.
When a woman being desirous of intercourse, yields herself to a man of the same
caste and rank, she shall be fined 12 panas, while any other woman who is an abettor in
the case shall be fined twice as much. Any woman who abets a man in having intercourse
with a maiden against her will shall not only pay a fine of 100 panas, but also please the
maiden providing her with an adequate nuptial fee.
A woman who, of her own accord, yields herself to a man shall be a slave to the
For committing intercourse with a woman outside a village, or for spreading false
report regarding such things, double the usual fines shall be imposed.
He who carries off a maiden by force shall be fined 200 panas; if the maiden thus
carried off has golden ornaments on her person, the highest amercement shall be
imposed. If a number of persons abduct a maiden, each of them shall be punished as
When a man has connection with a harlot's daughter, he shall not only pay a fine of
54 panas, but also give her mother sixteen times her daily income.
When a man defiles the daughter of his own male or female slave, he shall not only
pay a fine of 24 panas, but also provide the maiden with an adequate nuptial fee (sulka)
and jewellery (ábaddhya).
When a man has connection with a woman who has been held in slavery on account
of certain ransom due from her, he shall not only pay a fine of 12 panas, but also provide
the woman with dress and maintenance.
Abettors in all the above cases shall each have the same punishment as the principal
A relative, or a servant of an absentee husband may take the latter's wife of loose
character under his own protection (samgrihníyat = may marry her). Being under such
protection, she shall wait for the return of her husband. If her husband, on his return,
entertains no objection, both the protector and the woman shall be acquitted. If he raises
any objection, the woman shall have her ears and nose cut off, while her keeper shall be
put to death as an adulterer.
When a man falsely accuses another of having committed theft while in reality the
latter is guilty of adultery, the complainant shall be fined 500 panas.
He who lets off an adulterer by receiving gold shall pay a fine of eight times the
value of the gold (he received).
(Adultery may be proved by circumstances such as) hand to hand fight, abduction,
any marks made on the body of the culprits, opinion of experts on consideration of the
circumstances, or the statements of women involved in it.
When a man rescues a woman from enemies, forests, or floods, or saves the life of a
woman who has been abandoned in forests, forsaken in famine, or thrown out as if dead,
he may enjoy her as agreed upon during the rescue.
A woman of high caste, with children and having no desire for sexual enjoyment,
may be let off after receiving an adequate amount of ransom.
* Those women who have been rescued from the hands of thieves, from floods, in
famine, or in national calamities, or who, having been abandoned, missed, or thrown out
as if dead in forests, have been taken home may be enjoyed by the rescuer as agreed
* But no such women as have been cast out under royal edict, or by their own
kinsmen; nor such as belong to high caste, or do not like to be rescued, nor even those
who have children shall be rescued either for ransom or for their person.
[Thus ends Chapter XII, “Sexual Intercourse with Immature Girls,” in Book IV, “The
Removal of Thorns” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the eighty-ninth chapter from
the beginning.]
He who forces his entrance into another's house during the day shall be punished
with the first amercement; and during the night with the middlemost. Any person who
with weapon in hand enters into another's house either during the day or night shall be
punished with the highest amercement.
When beggars or peddlers and lunatics or mad persons attempt to enter into a house
by force, or when neighbours force their entrance into a house in danger, they shall not be
punished provided no such entrance is specially prohibited.
He who mounts the roof of his own house after midnight shall be punished with the
first amercement; and of another's house, with the middlemost amercement.
Those who break the fences of villages, gardens, or fields shall also be punished
with the middlemost amercement.
Having made the value, etc., of their merchandise known (to the headman of the
village), traders shall halt in some part of a village. When any part of their merchandise
which has not been truly sent out of the village during the night has been stolen or lost,
the headman of the village shall make good the loss.
Whatever of their merchandise is stolen or lost in the intervening places between any
two villages shall the superintendent of pasture lands make good. If there are no pasture
lands (in such places), the officer called Chorarajjuka shall make good the loss. If the
loss of merchandise occurs in such parts of the country as are not provided even with
such security (a Chorarajjuka), the people in the boundaries of the place shall contribute
to make up the loss. If there are no people in the boundaries, the people of five or ten
villages of the neighbourhood shall make up the loss.
Harm due to the construction of unstable houses, carts with no support or with a
beam or weapon hung above or with damaged support or with no covering, and harm due
to causing a cart to fall in pits, or a tank, or from a dam, shall be treated as assault.
Cutting of trees, stealing the rope with which a tameable animal is tied, employing
untamed quadrupeds, throwing sticks, mud, stones, rods, or arrows on chariots or
elephants, raising or waiving the arm against chariots or elephants, shall also be treated as
(The charioteer) who cries out (to a passer-by) ‘get out’ shall not be punished for
collision (samghattane).
When the owner of a horned or tusked animal does not rescue a man from being
destroyed by his animal, he shall be punished with the first amercement. If he heedlessly
keeps quite from rescuing though entreated, he shall be punished with twice the first
When a person causes or allows horned or tusked animals to destroy each other, he
shall not only pay a fine equal to the value of the destroyed animal or animals, but also
make good the loss (to the sufferer).
When a man rides over an animal which is left off in the name of gods, or over a
bull, an ox, or over a female calf, he shall be fined 500 panas. He who drives away the
above animals shall be punished with the highest amercement.
When a person carries off such inferior quadrupeds as are productive of wool or
milk, or are useful for loading or riding, he shall not only pay a fine equal to their value,
but also restore them.
The same punishment shall be imposed in the case of driving away inferior
quadrupeds for purposes other than ceremonials performed in honour of gods or
When an animal which has its nose-string cut off or which is not well tamed to yoke
causes hurt; or when an animal, either coming furiously against a man or receding
backwards with the cart to which it is tied, causes hurt or when an animal causes hurt in
confusion brought about by the thronging of people and other animals; the owner of the
animal shall not be punished;. but for hurt caused to men under circumstances other than
the above, fines shall be imposed as laid down before, while the loss of any animal life
due to such causes shall be made good. If the driver of a cart or carriage causing hurt is a
minor, the master inside the cart or carriage shall be punished. In the absence of the
master, any person who is seated inside, or the driver himself if he has attained his
majority shall be punished. Carts or carriages occupied by a minor or with no person shall
be taken possession of by the king.
When a man performs witch-craft to win the sister of his own father or mother, the
wife of a maternal uncle or of a preceptor, his own daughter-in-law, daughter, or sister, he
shall have his limb cut off and also put to death, ,while any woman who yields herself to
such an offender shall also, receive similar punishment. Any woman who yields herself to
a slave, a servant, or a hired labourer shall be similarly punished.
Whoever commits adultery with the queen of the land shall be burnt alive in a vessel
A man who commits adultery with a woman of low caste shall be banished with
prescribed mark branded on his fore-head, or shall be degraded to the same caste.
A Súdra or a svapáka who commits adultery with a woman of low caste shall be put
to death, while the woman shall have her ears and nose cut off.
Adultery with a nun (pravrajitá) shall be punishable with a fine of 24 panas while
the nun who submits herself shall also pay a similar fine.
A man who forces his connection with a harlot shall be fined 12 panas.
When many persons perform witch-craft towards a single woman, each of them shall
be punished with a fine of 24 panas.
When a man has connection with a woman against the order of nature (a-yonau), he
shall be punished with the first amercement.
A man having sexual intercourse with another man shall also pay the first
* When a senseless man has sexual intercourse with beasts, he shall be fined 12
panas; when he comits the same act with idols (representatives) of goddesses
(daivatapratimá), he shall be fined twice as much.
* When the king punishes an innocent man, he shall throw into water dedicating to
god Varuna a fine equal to thirty times the unjust imposition; and this amount shall
afterwards be distributed among the Bráhmans.
* By this act, the king will be free from the sin of unjust imposition; for king Varuna
is the ruler of sinners among men.
[Thus ends Chapter XIII, “Punishment for violating justice” in Book IV, “The Removal
of Thorns” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the ninetieth chapter from the
beginning. With this ends the fourth Book, “The removal of of thorns” of the Arthasástra
of Kautilya.]
MEASURES necessary to remove the thorns of public peace both in fortified cities
and country parts have been dealt with. We shall now proceed to treat of measures to
suppress treason against the king and his kingdom.
With regard to those chiefs who, though living by service under the king, are
inimically disposed towards him, or have taken the side of his enemy, a spy with secret
mission or one in the guise of an ascetic and devoted to the king's cause shall set to work
as described before; or a spy trained in the art of sowing the seeds of dissension may set
to work, as will be described in connection with the ‘Invasion of an enemy's villages.’
The king in the interests of righteousness may inflict punishment in secret on those
courtiers or confederacy of chiefs who are dangerous to the safety of the kingdom and
who cannot be put down in open daylight.
A spy may instigate the brother of a seditious minister and with necessary
inducements, take him to the king for an interview. The king, having conferred upon him
the title to possess and enjoy the property of his seditious brother, may cause him to
attack his brother; and when he murders his brother with a weapon or with poison, he
shall be put to death in the same spot under the plea that he is a parricide.
The same measure will explain the proceedings to be taken against a seditious
Pârasava (one who is begotten by a Bráhman on Sûdra wife), and a seditious son of a
Or instigated by a spy, the brother of a seditious minister may put forward his claim
for inheritance. While the claimant is lying at night at the door of the house of the
seditious minister or elsewhere, a fiery spy (tîshna) may murder him and declare "Alas!
the claimant for inheritance is thus murdered (by his brother)." Then taking the side of the
injured party, the king may punish the other (the seditious minister).
Spies in the presence of a seditious minister may threaten to beat his brother
claiming inheritance. Then "while the claimant is lying at the door of, etc." .............. as
The same proceedings will explain the quarrel fraudulently caused to crop up
between any two seditious ministers, in whose family a son or a father has had sexual
intercourse with a daughter-in-law, or a brother with the wife of another brother.
A spy may flatter to the vanity of a seditious minister's son, of gentle manners and
dignified conduct by telling him "Though thou art the king's son, thou art kept here in
fear of enemies." The king may secretly honour this deluded person and tell him that
"apprehending danger from the minister, I have put off thy installation, though thou hast
attained the age of heir apparent." Then the spy may instigate him to murder the minister.
The task being accomplished, he, too, may be put to death in the same spot under the plea
that he is a parricide.
Failing these measures, the king may send a seditious minister with an army of
inefficient soldiers and fiery spies to put down a rebellious wild tribe or a village, or to
set up a new superintendent of countries or of boundaries in a locality bordering upon a
wilderness, or to bring under control a highly-rebellious city, or to fetch a caravan
bringing in the tribute due to the king from a neighbouring country. In an affray (that
ensues in consequence of the above mission) either by day or at night, the fiery spies, or
spies under the guise of robbers (pratirodhaka) may murder the minister and declare that
he was killed in the battle.
While marching against an enemy or being engaged in sports, the king may send for
his seditious ministers for an interview. While leading the ministers to the king, fiery
spies with concealed weapons shall, in the middle enclosure of the king's pavilion, offer
themselves to be searched for admittance into the interior, and, when caught, with their
weapons by the door-keepers, declare themselves to be the accomplices of the seditious
ministers. Having made this affair known to the public, the door-keepers shall put the
ministers to death, and in the place of the fiery spies, some others are to be hanged.
While engaged in sports outside the city, the king may honour his seditious ministers
with accommodation close to his own. A woman of bad character under the guise of the
queen may be caught in the apartment of these ministers and steps may be taken against
them as before.
A spy under the guise of a physician may make a seditious minister believe that he is
suffering from a fatal or incurable disease and contrive to poison him while prescribing
medicine and diet to him.
Spies under the guise of sauce-makers and sweet meat-makers may, when
opportunity occurs, contrive to poison him.
As to measures to get rid of seditious persons conspiring against both the king and
his kingdom:--
When a seditious person is to be got rid of, another seditious person with an army of
inefficient soldiers and fiery spies may be sent with the mission: "Go out into this fort or
country and raise an army or some revenue; deprive a courtier of his gold; bring by force
the daughter of a courtier; build a fort; open a garden; construct a road for traffic; set up a
new village; exploit a mine; form forest-preserves for timber or elephants; set up a district
or a boundary; and arrest and capture those who prevent your work or do not give you
help." Similarly the other party may be instructed to curb the spirit of the above person.
When a quarrel arises between the two parties at work, fiery spies under cover may throw
their weapons and murder the seditious person; and others are to be arrested and punished
for the crime.
When there arises a quarrel among seditious persons, fiery spies may set fire to their
fields, harvest-grounds, and houses, hurl weapons on their relatives, friends and beasts of
burden, and say that they did so at the instigation of the seditious; and for this offence
others may be punished.
Spies may induce seditious persons in forts or in country parts to be each other's
guests at a dinner in which poisoners may administer poison; and for this offence others
may be punished.
A mendicant woman may delude a seditious chief of a district into the belief that the
wife, daughter, or daughter- in-law of another seditious chief of another district loves the
former. She may take the jewellery which the deluded chief gives her (for delivery to the
wife, daughter, etc.), and, presenting it before the other chief, narrate that this chief in the
pride of his youth makes love to the other's wife, daughter, or daughter-in-law. When at
night a duel arises between the two chiefs, etc., as before.
The prince or the commander of the army may confer some benefit upon such
inimical persons as have been cowed down by a seditious army, and may declare his
displeasure against them afterwards. And then some other persons, who are equally
cowed down by another seditious army of the king, may be sent against the former along
with an army of inefficient soldiers and fiery spies. Thus all the measures to get rid of
seditious persons are of the same type.
Whoever among the sons of the seditious persons thus put down shows no
perturbance of mind shall receive his father's property. It is only thus that the whole of the
country will loyally follow the sons and grandsons of the king, and will be free from all
troubles caused by men.
THE king who finds himself in a great financial trouble and needs money, may
collect (revenue by demand). In such parts of his country as depend solely upon rain for
water and are rich in grain, he may demand of his subjects one-third or one-fourth of their
grain according to their capacity. He shall never demand of such of his subjects as live in
tracts of middle or low quality; nor of people who are of great help in the construction of
fortifications, gardens, buildings, roads for traffic, colonisation of waste lands,
exploitation of mines, and formation of forest-preserves for timber and, elephants; nor of
people who live on the border of his kingdom or who have not enough subsistence. He
shall, on the other hand, supply with grain and cattle those who colonise waste lands. He
may purchase for gold one-fourth of what remains, after deducting as much of the grain
as is required for seeds and subsistence of his subjects. He shall avoid the property of
forest tribes, as well as of Bráhmans learned in the Vedas (srotriya). He may purchase
this, too, offering favourable price (to the owners). Failing these measures, the servants of
the collector-general may prevail upon the peasantry to raise summer crops. Saying that
double the amount of fines will be levied from those who are guilty (among peasants),
they (the king's employees) shall sow seeds in sowing seasons. When crops are ripe, they
may beg a portion of vegetable and other ripe produce except what is gleaned in the form
of vegetables and grains. They shall avoid the grains scattered in harvest-fields, so that
they may be utilised in making offerings to gods and ancestors on occasions of worship,
in feeding cows, or for the subsistence of mendicants and village employees
Whoever conceals his own grain shall pay a fine of eight times the amount in each
kind; and whoever steals the crops of another person shall pay a fine of fifty times the
amount, provided the robber belongs to the same community (svavarga); but if he is a
foreigner, he shall be put to death. They (the king's employees) may demand of
cultivators one-fourth of their grain, and one-sixth of forest produce (vanya) and of such
commodities as cotton, wax, fabrics, barks of trees, hemp, wool, silk, medicines, sandal,
flowers, fruits, vegetables, firewood, bamboos, flesh, and dried flesh. They may also take
one-half of all ivory and skins of animals, and punish with the first amercement those
who trade in any article without obtaining a license from the king. So much for demands
on cultivators.
Merchants dealing in gold, silver, diamonds, precious stones, pearls, coral, horses,
and elephants shall pay 50 karas. Those that trade in cotton threads, clothes, copper,
brass, bronze, sandal, medicines, and liquor shall pay 40 karas. Those that trade in grains,
liquids, metals (loha), and deal with carts shall pay 30 karas. Those that carry on their
trade in glass (kâcha); and also artisans of fine workmanship shall pay 20 karas. Articles
of inferior workmanship, as well as those who keep prostitutes, shall pay 10 karas. Those
that trade in firewood, bamboos, stones, earthen-pots, cooked rice, and vegetables shall
pay 5 karas. Dramatists and prostitutes shall pay half of their wages. The entire property
of goldsmiths shall be taken possession of; and no offence of theirs shall be forgiven; for
they carry on their fraudulent trade while pretending at the same time to be honest and
innocent. So much about demands on merchants.
Persons rearing cocks and pigs shall surrender to the Government half of their stock
of animals. Those that rear inferior animals shall give one-sixth. Those that keep cows,
buffaloes, mules, asses, and camels shall give one-tenth (of their live-stock). Those who
maintain prostitutes (bandhakiposhaka), shall, with the help of women noted for their
beauty and youth in the service of the king, collect revenue. So much about demands on
Such demands shall be made only once and never twice. When such demands are
not made, the collector general shall seek subscriptions from citizens and country people
alike under false pretences of carrying this or that kind of business. Persons taken in
concert shall publicly pay handsome donations and with this example, the king may
demand of others among his subjects. Spies posing as citizens shall revile those who pay
less. Wealthy persons may be requested to give as much of their gold as they can. Those
who, of their own accord or with the intention of doing good, offer their wealth to the
king shall be honoured with a rank in the court, an umbrella, or a turban or some
ornaments in return for their gold.
Spies, under the guise of sorcerers, shall, under the pretence of ensuring safety, carry
away the money, not only of the society of heretics and of temples, but also of a dead
man and of a man whose house is burnt, provided that it is not enjoyable by Bráhmans.
The Superintendent of Religious Institutions may collect in one place the various
kinds of property of the gods of fortified cities and country parts and carry away the
property (to the king's treasury).
Or having on some night set up a god or an altar, or having opened a sacred place of
ascetics or having pointed out an evil omen, the king may collect subsistence under the
pretence of holding processions and congregations (to avert calamities).
Or else he shall proclaim the arrival of gods, by pointing out to the people any of the
sacred trees in the king's garden which has produced untimely flowers and fruits.
Or by causing a false panic owing to the arrival of an evil spirit on a tree in the city,
wherein a man is hidden making all sorts of devilish noises, the king's spies, under the
guise of ascetics, may collect money (with a view to propitiate the evil spirit and send it
Or spies may call upon spectators to see a serpent with numberless heads in a well
connected with a subterranean passage and collect fees from them for the sight. Or they
may place in a borehole made in the body of an image of a serpent, or in a hole in the
corner of a temple, or in the hollow of an ant-hill, a cobra, which is, by diet, rendered
unconscious, and call upon credulous spectators to see it (on payment of a certain amount
of fee). As to persons who are not by nature credulous, spies may sprinkle over or give a
drink of, such sacred water as is mixed with anasthetic ingredients and attribute their
insensibility to the curse of gods. Or by causing an outcast person (âbhityáktá) to be
bitten by a cobra, spies may collect revenue under the pretext of undertaking remedial
measures against ominous phenomena.
Or one of the king's spies in the garb of a merchant, may become a partner of a rich
merchant and carry on trade in concert with him. As soon as a considerable amount of
money has been gathered as sale-proceeds, deposits and loans, he may cause himself to
be robbed of the amount.
This will explain what the examiner of coins and the state-goldsmith may also do.
Or else a spy, in the garb of a rich merchant, or a real rich merchant famous for his
vast commerce, may borrow or take on pledge vast quantities of gold, silver, and other
commodities, or borrow from corporations bar gold, or coined gold for various kinds of
merchandise to be procured from abroad. After having done this he may allow himself to
be robbed of it the same night.
Prostitute spies under the garb of chaste women, may cause themselves to be
enamoured of persons who are seditious. No sooner are the seditious persons seen within
the abode of the female spies than they shall be seized and their property confiscated to
the Government. Or whenever a quarrel arises between any two seditious parties of the
same family, poisoners, previously engaged for the purpose, may administer poison to
one party; and the other party may be accused of the offence and deprived of their.
An outcast, under the guise of a high-born man, may claim from a seditious person a
large amount of money professed to have been placed in the latter's custody by the
claimant, or a large debt outstanding against the seditious person, or a share of parental
property. (An outcast) may pretend to be the slave of a seditious person; and he may
represent the wife, daughter, or daughter-in-law of the seditious person as a slave-woman
or as his own wife; and when the outcast is lying at the door of the seditious person's
house at night or is living elsewhere, a fiery spy may murder him and declare:--"The
claimant (of his own property or wife) has been thus killed." And for this offence others
(i.e., the seditious person and his followers) shall be deprived of their property.
Or a spy, under the garb of an ascetic, may offer inducements to a seditious person
to acquire more wealth by taking in aid the art of witchcraft, and say:--"I am proficient in
such witchcraft as brings inexhaustible wealth, or entitles a man to get admission into the
king's palace, or can win the love of any woman, or can put an end to the life of one's
enemy, or can lengthen the duration of one's life, or can give a son to any one, if desired."
If the seditious person shows his desire to carry on the process of witchcraft securing
wealth, the spy may make rich offerings, consisting of flesh, wine, and scent to the deity
near an altar in a burial-ground wherein a dead body of a man or of a child with a little
quantity of money has been previously hidden. After the performance of worship is over,
the hidden treasure may be dug out and the seditious person, may be told that as the
offerings fell short, the treasure is proportionately small; that the richest of offerings
should be made to acquire vast amount of treasure, and that he may purchase with the
newly-acquired wealth rich offerings. Then he may be caught in the very act of
purchasing commodities for offering.
A female spy, under the garb of a bereaved mother, may (in connection with the
above case) raise an alarm, crying that her child was murdered (for the purposes of
Or a spy, under the garb of a servant of a seditious person, may mix counterfeit coins
with the wages (he has received from his master), and pave the way for his arrest.
Or a spy, under the garb of a goldsmith, may undertake to do some work in the
house of a seditious person, and gather in his employer's house such instruments as are
necessary to manufacture counterfeit coins.
A spy, under the garb of a physician, may declare a healthy person of seditious
character to be unhealthy (and administer poison). Or a spy, attending as a servant upon a
seditious person may not only call for an explanation from another fraudulent spy as to
how certain articles necessary for the installation of a king and also the letters of an
enemy came into the possession of his master, but also volunteer an explanation himself.
Measures such as the above shall be taken only against the seditious and the wicked
and never against others.
* Just as fruits are gathered from a garden as often as they become ripe, so revenue
shall be collected as often as it becomes ripe. Collection of revenue or of fruits, when
unripe, shall never be carried on, lest their source may be injured, causing immense
[Thus ends Chapter II, "Replenishment of the Treasury" in Book V, "The Conduct of
Courtiers" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the ninety-second chapter from the
IN accordance with the requirements of his forts and country parts, the king should
fix under one-fourth of the total revenue the charges of maintaining his servants. He
should look to the bodily comforts of his servants by providing such emoluments as can
infuse in them the spirit of enthusiasm to work. He should not violate the course of
righteousness and wealth.
The sacrificial priest (ritvig), the teacher, the minister, the priest (purohita), the
commander of the army, the heir-apparent prince, the mother of the king, and the queen
shall (each receive) 48,000 (panas per annum). With this amount of subsistence, they will
scarcely yield themselves to temptation and hardly be discontented.
The prince (kumára), the nurse of the prince, the chief constable (náyaka), the officer
in charge of the town (paura) the superintendent of law or commerce (vyávahárika), the
superintendent of manufactories (karmántika), members of the council of ministers, the
superintendents of country parts and of boundaries, 12,000. With this they will be loyal
and powerful supporters of the king's cause.
The chiefs of military corporations, the chiefs of elephants, of horses, of chariots and
of infantry and commissioners (pradeshtárah), 8,000. With this amount they can have a
good following in their own communities.
The chariot-driver, the physician of the army, the trainer of horses, the carpenter,
(vardhaki), and those who rear animals (yoniposhaka), 2,000.
The foreteller, the reader of omens, the astrologer, the reader of Puránas, the story-
teller, the bard (mágadha), the retinue of the priest, and all superintendents of
departments, 1,000.
Musicians (kusílava), 250. Of these, the trumpet-blowers (túryakara) shall get twice
as much wages as others. Artisans and carpenters, 120.
The honourable play-mate of the king (áryayukta), the elephant-driver, the sorcerer
(manavaka), miners of mountains (sailakhanaka), all kinds of attendants, teachers, and
learned men shall have honorarium ranging from 500 to 1,000 (panas) according to their
A messenger of middle quality shall receive 10 panas for each yojana he travels; and
twice as much when he travels from 10 to 100 yojanas.
Whoever represents the king in the rájasúya and other sacrifices shall get three times
as much as is paid to others who are equal to him in learning; and the charioteer of the
king (in the sacrifices), 1,000.
Spies such as the fradulent (kápatika), the indifferent (udásthita), the house-holder,
the merchant, and the ascetic 1,000.
Servants leading the spies, 250 or in proportion to the work done by them.
The sons and wives of those who die while on duty shall get subsistence and wages.
Infants, aged persons, or deceased persons related to the deceased servants shall also be
shown favour. On occasions of funerals, sickness, or child-birth, the king shall give
presentations to his servants concerned therein.
When wanting in money, the king may give forest produce, cattle, or fields along
with a small amount of money. If he is desirous to colonise waste lands, he shall make
payments in money alone; and if he is desirous of regulating the affairs of all villages
equally, then he shall give no village to any (of his servants).
Thus the king shall not only maintain his servants, but also increase their subsistence
and wages in consideration of their learning and work.
Substituting one ádhaka for the salar of 60 panas payment in gold may be
commuted for that in kind.
Footmen, horses, chariots, and elephants shall be given necessary training in the art
of war at sunrise, on all days but those of conjunction (of planets). on these occasions of
training, the king shall ever be present and witness their exercise.
Weapons and armour shall be entered into the armoury only after they are marked
with the king's seal.
Persons with weapons shall not be allowed to move anywhere unless they are
permitted by a passport.
When weapons are either lost or spoilt, the superintendent shall pay double their
value; an account of the weapons that are destroyed shall be kept up.
Boundary-guards shall take away the weapons and armour possessed by caravans
unless the latter are provided with a passport to travel with weapons.
When starting on a military tour, the king shall put his army in action. On such
occasions, spies, under the garb of merchants, shall supply to military stations all kinds of
merchandise for double the quantity of the same to be repaid in future. Thus not only is
there afforded an opportunity for the sale of the king's merchandise, but also is there a
way opened for a good return for the wages paid.
Thus, when both the receipts and expenditure are properly cared for, the king will
never find himself in financial or military difficulties.
WHOEVER possesses enough experience of the world and its affairs may, through
the influence of an interested friend, seek the favour of a king who is endowed with
amiable qualities and is possessed of all the elements of sovereignty. He may court the
favour of any king provided he thinks:--Just as I am in need of a patron, so is this king
possessed of a taste for good advice and is of amiable character. He may even court the
favour of such a king as is poor and destitute of the elements of sovereignty, but never, of
such a one as is of a depraved character: whoever, as a king, is destitute of good temper
and amiable character cannot, by reason of his habitual hatred of the science of polity and
an inborn proclivity to evil ways, maintain his sovereignty, though he is possessed of
immense sovereign power.
Having obtained admittance to an amiable king, he shall give the king instructions in
sciences. Absence of contradiction from the king will render his position secure. When
his opinion is sought about present or future schemes needing much thought and
consideration, he may boldly and sensibly, and with no fear of contradiction from the
assembly of ministers, pronounce his opinion so as to be in harmony with the principles
of righteousness and economy. When required, he may answer questions on points of
righteousness and economy (and tell the king):
"Following the rule that there should be no delay in putting down by force even a
strong confederacy of wicked people, you should apply force against the wicked, if they
have a strong support; do not despise my advice, character and secrets; and by means of
gestures, I shall prevent you from inflicting punishments on any one, when you are going
to do so either willfully or under provocation."
With such agreements with the king, he (a courtier) may enter on the duty assigned
to him. He shall sit by the side of, and close to, the king and far from the seat of another
courtier. He shall avoid speaking slyly against the opinion of any member of the
assembly; he shall never make incredible or false statements; nor loud laughter with no
cause for jest, and loud noise and spittle. He shall also avoid talking to another in secret,
mutual conversation with another in the assembly (of ministers), appearing in royal dress
in the public, haughtiness, buffoonery, open request for gems and promotions, seeing
with one eye, biting the lips, brow-beating, interrupting the king while speaking, enmity
with a strong party, association with women, pimps, messengers of foreign kings,
enemies, inimical parties, dismissed officers, and wicked people, stubborn adherence to a
single purpose, and contact with any confederacy of men.
* Without losing the opportune moments, he should speak of the king's interest; of
his own interest when in company with persons friendly to him; and of others interests in
a suitable time and place, and in conformity to the principles of righteousness and
* When asked, he should tell the king what is both good and pleasing, but not what
is bad, though pleasing; if the king is pleased to listen, he may secretly tell what, though
unpleasant, is good.
* He may even keep silence, but. should never describe what is hateful; by
abstaining from talking of what the king hates, even undesirable persons have become
powerful when, seeing that the king likes only pleasant things without caring for their
evil consequences, they have followed his will.
* While laughing in jest, he should avoid loud laughter; he shall avoid evil
aspersions against others, nor ascribe evil to others; he shall forgive evil done to himself
and have as much forbearance as the earth.
* Self-protection shall be the first and constant thought of a wise man; for the life of
a man under the service of a king is aptly compared to life in fire; whereas fire burns a
part or the whole of the body, if at all, the king has the power either to destroy or to
advance the whole family, consisting of sons and wives, of his servants.
[Thus ends Chapter IV, “The Conduct of a Courtier” in Book V, “The Conduct of
Courtiers” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the ninety-fourth chapter from the
WHEN employed as a minister, he (the courtier) shall show the net revenue that
remains after all kinds of expenditure are met with. He shall also give the exact
particulars--as this is thus--of whatever work is external, internal, secret, open, costly, or
negligible. He shall follow the king in his pursuits after hunting, gambling, drinking, and
sexual pleasures. Ever attending upon the king, he shall, by flattery, endeavour to arrest
his fall into evil habits and save him from the intrigues, plots. and deceptions of enemies.
He shall also endeavour to read the mind and appearance of the king.
By way of collecting his wandering thoughts into a resolve, the king exhibits in his
appearance and movements his inclination, anger, pleasure, sorrow, determination, fear,
and change in the pairs of opposite feelings.
"By cognising wisdom in others, he is pleased; he attends to the speech of others; he
gives a seat; allows himself to be seen in private; does not suspect in places of suspicion;
takes delight in conversation; spontaneously looks to things without being reminded;
tolerates what is said agreeably to reason; orders with smiling face; touches with the
hand; does not laugh at what is commendable; commends the qualities of another behind
him; remembers (the courtier) while taking luncheon; engages himself in sports
accompanied by (the courtier); consults (the courtier) when in trouble; honours the
followers of the courtier; reveals the secret; honours the courtier more and more; gives
him wealth; and averts his troubles;--these are the signs of the king's satisfaction (with
the courtier)."
The reverse of the above indicates his (the king's) displeasure. Still, we shall
describe them in plain terms:--
Angry appearance when the courtier is in sight; evading or refusal to hear his
speech; no inclination to give him a seat or to see him; change in syllables and accents
while talking to him; seeing with one eye; brow-beating; biting the lips; rise of sweat;
hard breathing and smiling with no palpable cause; talking to himself; sudden bending or
raising of the body; touching the body or the seat of another; molestation to another;
contempt of learning, caste, and country (of the courtier); condemnation of a colleague of
equal defects; condemnation of a man of opposite defects; condemnation of his opponent;
failure to acknowledge his good deeds; enumeration of his bad deeds; attention to
whoever enters into the chamber; too much gift; uttering falsehood; change in the
conduct and attitude of visitors to the king; nay, the courtier shall also note the change in
the life of animals other than men.
Kaninka Bháradvája says that Krauncha (a bird) has moved from right to left.
The son of Pisuna says that mortification ensues when his opponent is courted.
When wealth and honour are discontinued, such a king may be abandoned; or by
recognising the character of the king as well as his own defects, he may rectify himself ;
or he may seek the protection of one of the best friends of the king.
* Living with the king's friend, the courtier has to endeavour to remove, through the
medium of his own friends, the defects of his master, and then come back to his original
place, no matter whether the king is alive or dead.
THE minister shall thus avert the calamities in which the king is involved; long
before the apprehended death of the king, he shall, in concert with his friends and
followers allow visitors to the king once in a month or two (and avoid their visits on other
occasions) under the plea that the king is engaged in performing such rites as are
calculated to avert national calamities, or are destructive of enemies, or capable of
prolonging life or of procuring a son.
On appropriate occasions, he may show a pseudo-king not only to the people, but
also to messengers coming from friends or enemies; and this (false) king shall make the
minister his mouth-piece in conversing with them as deserved. And through the medium
of the gate-keeper and the officer in charge of the harem, the minister shall (pretend to)
receive the orders of the king. Displeasure or mercy to wrong-doers shall be shown only
Both the treasury and the army shall be kept under the command of two reliable and
confidential persons and in a single locality, either within the fort or at the boundary of
the kingdom.
Cognates, princes, and other chiefs of the royal family may be employed in works
such as the capture of a chief who, employed as a commander of a fort or the tracts of
wilderness, has turned inimical along with a strong band of supporters; or they may be
sent on an expedition full of difficulties, or to visit the family of the king's friend.
Whoever, among the neighbouring kings, seems to threaten with an invasion may be
invited for some festival, marriage, capture of elephants, purchase of horses, or of
merchandise, or for taking possession of some lands ceded to him, and captured; or such
an enemy may be kept at bay by an ally till an agreement of not condemnable nature is
made with him; or he may be made to incur the displeasure of wild tribes or of his
enemies; or whoever among his nearest relatives is kept under guard may be promised a
portion of his territory and set against him.
Or with the help of nobles and princes of the king's family, the minister may have
the heir-apparent installed and show him to the public.
Or having, as pointed out in the chapter concerning the awards of punishments,
removed the thorns of the kingdom, he may conduct the administration.
Or if a chief among the neighbouring kings seems to give trouble, the minister may
invite him, saying "come here and I shall make thee king," and then put him to death; or
he may be kept at bay by taking such measures as can ward off dangers.
Or having gradually placed the burden of administration on the shoulders of the heir-
apparent, the minister may announce the death of the king to the public.
In case of the king's demise in an enemy's land, the minister, having brought about
an agreement between the enemy and a friend pretending to be an enemy of the dead
king, may withdraw himself; or having installed in the king's fort any one of the
neighbouring kings, he may withdraw himself; or having installed the heir-apparent, he
may set the army against the enemy; and when attacked by the enemy, he may take, as
detailed elsewhere, such measures as can ward off dangers.
"Thus," says Kautilya, "the minister shall invest himself with the powers of
"Not so," says Bháradvája, "the king lying on his death-bed, the minister may set up
the princes and other chiefs of the royal family against one another or against other
chiefs. Whoever attacks the kingdom may be put to death under the plea of disturbance
and annoyance to the people; or having secretly punished the chief rebels of the royal
family and brought them under his control, the minister shall himself take possession of
the kingdom, for on account of the kingdom the father hates his sons, and sons their
father; why then should the minister who is the sole prop of the kingdom (be an exception
to it)? There- fore he shall never discard what has, of its own accord, fallen into his
hands; for it is a general talk among the people that a woman making love of her own
accord will, when discarded, curse the man.
* "An opportunity will only once offer itself to a man who is waiting for it, and will
not come a second time when he may be desirous of accomplishing his work."
"But it is," says Kautilya, "unrighteous to do an act which excites popular fury; nor
is it an accepted rule. He shall, therefore, install in the kingdom such a son of the king as
is possessed of amiable qualities. In the absence of a prince of good character, he may
place before himself a wicked prince, or a princess, or the pregnant queen, and tell the
other ministers:--‘This is your caste (kshepa); look to the father of this (boy) as well as to
your own valour and descent; this (boy) is merely a flag; and yourselves are the lords;
pray, how shall I act’?"
Or he may install a child begotten on the princess by a man of the same caste.
He shall keep as a representative of the prince one who is of the same family, of
little valour and of beautiful appearance, lest the mother's mind may be agitated with wild
apprehensions. He shall justly protect her. He shall not provide himself with luxurious
means of enjoyment. As to the king, he may provide him with new chariots, horses,
jewels, dress, women and palaces.
* When the prince comes of age, he may request the prince to relieve him from the
intellectual worry. He may abandon the king, if he (the king) is displeased; and follow
him if he is pleased.
* Even if the king is held by the chiefs under their influence, the minister may,
through the medium of the king's favourites, teach him the principles of polity with
illustrations, taken from the Itihása and Purána.
* Having taken the garb of an accomplished ascetic, the minister may ingratiate
himself with the king; and having brought the king under his influence, he may take
coercive measure against the seditious.
My teacher says that peace (sandhi), war (vigraha) observance of neutrality (ásana),
marching (yána), alliance (samsraya), and making peace with one and waging war with
another are the six forms of state-policy.
But Vátavyádhi holds that there are only two forms of policy, peace and war,
inasmuch as the six forms result from these two primary forms of policy.
While Kautilya holds that as their respective conditions differ, the forms of policy
are six.
Whoever is inferior to another shall make peace with him; whoever is superior in
power shall wage war; whoever thinks "no enemy can hurt me, nor am I strong enough to
destroy my enemy," shall observe neutrality; whoever is possessed of necessary means
shall march against his enemy; whoever is devoid of necessary strength to defend himself
shall seek the protection of another; whoever thinks that help is necessary to work out an
end shall make peace with one and wage war with another. Such is the aspect of the six
forms of policy.
Of these, a wise king shall observe that form of policy which, in his opinion, enables
him to build forts, to construct buildings and commercial roads, to open new plantations
and villages, to exploit mines and timber and elephant forests, and at the same time to
harass similar works of his enemy.
Whoever thinks himself to be growing in power more rapidly both in quality and
quantity (than his enemy), and the reverse of his enemy, may neglect his enemy's
progress for the time.
If any two kings hostile to each other find the time of achieving the results of their
respective works to be equal, they shall make peace with each other.
No king shall keep that form of policy, which causes him the loss of profit from his
own works, but which entails no such loss on the enemy; for it is deterioration.
Whoever thinks that in the course of time his loss will be less than his acquisition as
contrasted with that of his enemy, may neglect his temporary deterioration.
If any two kings hostile to each other and deteriorating, expect to acquire equal
amount of wealth in equal time, they shall make peace with each other.
Whoever thinks his stagnancy to be of a shorter duration and his prosperity in the
long run to be greater than his enemy's may neglect his temporary stagnation.
My teacher says that if any two kings, who are hostile to each other and are in a
stationary condition expect to acquire equal amount of wealth and power in equal time,
they shall make peace with each other.
Or if a king thinks:--
"That as my country is full of born soldiers and of corporations of fighting men, and
as it possesses such natural defensive positions as mountains, forests, rivers, and forts
with only one entrance, it can easily repel the attack of my enemy; or having taken my
stand in my impregnable fortress at the border of my country, I can harass the works of
my enemy; or owing to internal troubles and loss of energy, my enemy will early suffer
from the destruction of his works; or when my enemy is attacked by another king, I can
induce his subjects to immigrate into my country," then he may augment his own
resources by keeping open hostility with such an enemy.
Or if a king thinks:--
Or if a king thinks:--
Or if a king thinks:--
"That I am strong enough neither to harass my enemy’s works nor to defend my own
against my enemy's attack," then he shall seek protection from a king of superior power
and endeavour to pass from the stage of deterioration to that of stagnancy and from the
latter to that of progress.
Or if a king thinks:--
"That by making peace with one, I can work out my own resources, and by waging
war with another, I can destroy the works of my enemy," then he may adopt that double
policy and improve his resources.
* Thus, a king in the circle of sovereign state shall, by adopting the six-fold policy,
endeavour to pass from the state of deterioration to that of stagnation and from the latter
to that of progress.
WHEN the advantages derivable from peace and war are of equal character, one
should prefer peace; for disadvantages, such as the loss of power and wealth, sojourning,
and sin, are ever-attending upon war.
The same holds good in the case of neutrality and war. Of the two (forms of policy),
double policy and alliance, double policy (i.e., making peace with one and waging war
with another) is preferable; for whoever adopts the double policy enriches himself, being
ever attentive to his own works, whereas an allied king has to help his ally at his own
One shall make an alliance with a king who is stronger than one's neighbouring
enemy; in the absence of such a king, one should ingratiate oneself with one's
neighbouring enemy, either by supplying money or army or by ceding a part of one's
territory and by keeping oneself aloof; for there can be no greater evil to kings than
alliance with a king of considerable power, unless one is actually attacked by one's
A king who is situated between two powerful kings shall seek protection from the
stronger of the two; or from one of them on whom he can rely; or he may make peace
with both of them on equal terms. Then he may begin to set one of them against the other
by telling each that the other is a tyrant causing utter ruin to himself, and thus cause
dissension between them. When they are divided, he may pat down each separately by
secret or covert means. Or, throwing himself under the protection of any two immediate
kings of considerable power, he may defend himself against an immediate enemy. Or,
having made an alliance with a chief in a stronghold, he may adopt double policy (i.e.,
make peace with one of the two kings, and wage war with another). Or, be may adapt
himself to circumstances depending upon the causes of peace and war in order. Or, he
may make friendship with traitors, enemies, and wild chiefs who are conspiring against
both the kings. Or, pretending to be a close friend of one of them, he may strike the other
at the latter's weak point by employing enemies, and wild tribes. Or, having made
friendship with both, he may form a Circle of States. Or, he may make an alliance with
the madhyama or the neutral king; and with this help he may put down one of them or
both. Or when hurt by both, he may seek protection from a king of righteous character
among the madhyama king, the neutral king, and their friends or equals, or from any
other king whose subjects are so disposed as to increase his happiness and peace, with
whose help he may be able to recover his lost position, with whom his ancestors were in
close intimacy, or blood relationship, and in whose kingdom he can find a number of
powerful friends.
* Of two powerful kings who are on amicable terms with each other, a king shall
make alliance with one of them who likes him and whom he likes; this is the best way of
making alliance.
[Thus ends Chapter II, “The Nature of Alliance” in Book VII, “The end of the Six-fold
Policy” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundredth chapter from the beginning.]
A KING desirous of expanding his own power shall make use of the six-fold policy.
Agreements of peace shall be made with equal and superior kings; and an inferior
king shall be attacked.
Whoever goes to wage war with a superior king will be reduced to the same
condition as that of a foot-soldier opposing an elephant.
Like a stone striking an earthen pot, a superior king attains decisive victory over an
inferior king.
If a superior king discards the proposal of an inferior king for peace, the latter
should take the attitude of a conquered king, or play the part of an inferior king towards a
When a king of equal power does not like peace, then the same amount of vexation
as his opponent has received at his hands should be given to him in return; for it is power
that brings about peace between any two kings: no piece of iron that is not made red-hot
will combine with another piece of iron.
When an inferior king is all submissive, peace should be made with him; for when
provoked by causing him troubles and anger, an inferior king, like a wild fire, will attack
his enemy and will also be favoured by (his) Circle of States.
When a king in peace with another finds that greedy, .impoverished, and oppressed
as are the subjects of his ally, they do not yet immigrate into his own territory lest they
might be called back by their master, then he should, though of inferior power, proclaim
war against his ally.
When a king at war with another finds that greedy, impoverished, and oppressed as
are the subjects of his enemy, still they do not come to his side in consequence of the
troubles of war, then he should, though of superior power, make peace with his enemy or
remove the troubles of war as far as possible.
When one of the two kings at war with each other and equally involved in trouble
finds his own troubles to be greater than his enemy's, and thinks that by getting rid of his
(enemy's) trouble his enemy can successful wage war with him, then he should, though
possessing greater resources, sue for peace.
When, either in peace or war, a king finds neither loss to his enemy nor gain to
himself, he should, though superior, observe neutrality.
When a king finds the troubles of his enemy irremediable, he should, though of
inferior power, march against the enemy.
When a king is sure to achieve his desired ends by making peace with one and
waging war with another, he should, though superior, adopt the double policy.
* When a powerless king finds himself attacked by a powerful king, leading a Circle
of States, he should submissively sue for peace on the condition of offering treasure,
army, himself or his territory.
* Agreement made on the condition that with a fixed number of troops or with the
flower of his army, a king should present himself (when called for), is peace termed
átmámisha, ‘offering himself as flesh.’
* Agreement made on the condition that the commander of the army together with
the heir-apparent should present himself (when called for), is peace styled
purushántarasandhi, ‘peace with hostages other than the king himself’; and it is
conducive to self-preservation, as it does not require the personal attendance of the king.
* Agreement made on the condition that the king himself or some one else should
march with the army to some place, as required, is peace termed adrishtapurusha, ‘peace
with no specified person to serve’; and it is conducive to the safety of the king and the
chiefs of his army.
* In the first two forms of the peace, a woman of rank should be given as an hostage,
and in the last, a secret attempt should be made to capture the enemy; these are the forms
of peace concluded on the condition of supplying his army.
* When, by offering wealth, the rest of the elements of sovereignty are set free, that
peace is termed parikraya, ‘price.’
* Yet as such a burden can tolerably be paid in future, this peace is better than the
one with a woman given as an hostage. When the parties making an agreement of peace
are amicably united, it is termed suvarnasandhi, ‘golden peace.’
* Quite reverse from the former is the peace called kapála, ‘half of a pot,’ which is
concluded on the condition of paying immense quantity of money.
* In the first two, one should send the supply of raw materials, elephants, horses and
troops; in the third, money; and in the fourth, one should evade the payment under the
plea of loss of results from works; these are the forms of peace concluded on the payment
of money.
* When by ceding a part of the territory, the rest of the kingdom with its subjects are
kept safe, it is termed ádishta, ‘ceded,’ and is of advantage to one who is desirous of
destroying thieves and other wicked persons (infesting the ceded part).
* When with the exception of the capital, the whole of the territory, impoverished by
exploitation of its resources is ceded, it is termed uchchhinnasandhi, ‘peace cut off from
profit,’ and is of advantage to one who desires to involve the enemy in troubles.
* When by the stipulation of paying the produce of the land, the kingdom is set free,
it is termed avakraya, ‘rent.’ That which is concluded by the promise of paying more than
the land yields is paribhúshana, ‘ornament.’
* One should prefer the first; but the last two based upon the payment of the produce
should be made only when one is obliged to submit to power. These are the forms of
peace made by ceding territory.
When two kings, who, though bent on making conquests, are desirous of peace, are
unable to proceed, one against the other, they may keep quiet after proclaiming war or
after making peace.
When a king finds it possible to put down by means of his own army, or with the
help of a friend, or of wild tribes, another king of equal or superior power, then having set
up proper defences against both internal and external enemies, he may keep quiet after
proclaiming war.
When a king is convinced that his own subjects are brave, united, prosperous, and
able not only to carry on their own works without interference, but also to harass his
enemy's works, then he may keep quiet after proclaiming war.
When a king finds that as his enemy's subjects are ill-treated, impoverished and
greedy and are ever being oppressed by the inroads of the army, thieves, and wild tribes,
they can be made through intrigue to join his side; or that his own agriculture and
commerce are flourishing while those of his enemy are waning; or that as the subjects of
his enemy are suffering from famine, they will immigrate into his own territory; or that,
though his own returns of agriculture and commerce are falling and those of his enemy
increasing, his own subjects will never desert him in favour of his enemy; or that by
proclaiming war, he can carry off, by force, the grains, cattle and gold of his enemy; or
that he can prevent the import of his enemy's merchandise, which was destructive of his
own commerce; or that valuable merchandise would come to his own territory, leaving
that of his enemy; or that war being proclaimed, his enemy would be unable to put down
traitors, enemies, and wild tribes and other rebels, and would be involved in war with
them; or that his own friend would in a very short time accumulate wealth without much
loss and would not fail to follow him in his march, since no friend would neglect the
opportunity of acquiring a fertile land and a prosperous friend like himself,--then in view
of inflicting injuries on his enemy and of exhibiting his own power, he may keep quiet
after proclaiming war.
But my teacher says that turning against such a king, his enemy may swallow him.
‘Not so,’ says Kautilya, ‘impoverishment of the enemy who is free from troubles is
all that is aimed at (when a king keeps quiet after proclaiming war). As soon as such a
king acquires sufficient strength, he will undertake to destroy the enemy. To such a king,
the enemy’s enemy will send help to secure his own personal safety.’ Hence, whoever is
provided with necessary strength may keep quiet after proclaiming war.
When the policy of keeping quiet after proclaiming war is found productive of
unfavourable results, then one shall keep quiet after making peace.
When a king finds that his enemy has fallen into troubles; that the troubles of his
enemy’s subjects can by no means be remedied; that as his enemy’s subjects are
oppressed, ill-treated, disaffected, impoverished, become effiminate and disunited among
themselves, they can be prevailed upon to desert their master; that his enemy’s country
has fallen a victim to the inroads of such calamities, as fire, floods, pestilence epidemics
(maraka), and famine and is therefore losing the flower of its youth and its defensive
power,--then he should march after proclaiming war.
When a king is so fortunate as to have a powerful friend in front and a powerful ally
(ákranda) in the rear, both with brave and loyal subjects, while the reverse is the case
with he enemies both in front and in the rear, and when he finds it possible for his friend
to hold his frontal enemy in check, and for his rear-ally to keep his rear-enemy
(párshnigráha) at bay, then he may march after proclaiming war against his frontal
When a king finds himself unable to confront his enemy single-handed and when it
is necessary that he should march, then he should make the expedition in combination
with kings of inferior, equal, or superior powers.
When the object aimed at is of a definite nature, then the share of spoils should be
fixed; but when it is of a manifold or complex nature, then with no fixity in the share of
the spoils. When no such combination is possible, he may request a king either to supply
him with the army for a fixed share, or to accompany him for an equal share of the spoils.
When profit is certain, then they should march with fixed shares of profit; but when
it is uncertain, with no fixity of shares.
* Share of profit proportional to the strength of the army is of the first kind; that
which is equal to the effort made is the best; shares may be allotted in proportion to the
profit earned or to the capital invested.
[Thus ends Chapter IV, "Neutrality after Proclaiming War or after Concluding a Treaty of
Peace; Marching after Proclaiming War or after Making Peace; and the March of
Combined Powers,” in Book VII, “The end of the Six-fold Policy” of the Arthasástra of
Kautilya. End of the hundred and second chapter from the beginning.]
WHEN two enemies, one an assailable enemy and another a strong enemy, are
equally involved in troubles, which of them is to be marched against first?
The strong enemy is to be marched against first; after vanquishing him, the
assailable enemy is to be attacked, for, when a strong enemy has been vanquished, an
assailable enemy will volunteer of his own accord to help the conqueror; but not so, a
strong enemy.
My teacher says that as a matter of easy conquest, the assailable enemy under worse
troubles should be marched against first.
Not so, says Kautilya: The conqueror should march against the strong enemy under
less troubles, for the troubles of the strong enemy, though less, will be augmented when
attacked. True, that the worse troubles of the assailable enemy will be still worse when
attacked. But when left to himself, the strong enemy under less troubles will endeavour to
get rid of his troubles and unite with the assailable enemy or with another enemy in the
rear of the conqueror.
When there are two assailable enemies, one of virtuous character and under worse
troubles, and another of vicious character, under less troubles, and with disloyal subjects,
which of them is to be marched against first?
When the enemy of virtuous character and under worse troubles is attacked, his
subjects will help him; whereas, the subjects of the other of vicious character and under
less troubles will be indifferent. Disloyal or indifferent subjects will endeavour to destroy
even a strong king. Hence the conqueror should march against that enemy whose subjects
are disloyal.
My teacher says that the conqueror should march against that enemy whose subjects
are impoverished and greedy, for impoverished and greedy subjects suffer themselves to
be won over to the other side by intrigue, and are easily excited. But not so the oppressed
subjects whose wrath can be pacified by punishing the chief men (of the State).
Not so, says Kautilya: for though impoverished and greedy, they are loyal to their
master and are ready to stand for his cause and to defeat any intrigue against him; for it is
in loyalty that all other good qualities have their strength. Hence the conqueror should
march against the enemy whose subjects are oppressed.
The strong enemy of wicked character should be marched against, for when he is
attacked, his subjects will not help him, but rather put him down or go to the side of the
conqueror. But when the enemy of virtuous character is attacked, his subjects will help
him or die with him.
* By insulting the good and commending the wicked; by causing unnatural and
unrighteous slaughter of life;
* by doing what ought not to be done and not doing what ought to be done; by not
paying what ought to be paid and exacting what ought not to be taken;
* by not punishing the guilty and severely punishing the less guilty; by arresting
those who are not to be caught hold of and leaving those who are to be arrested;
* by undertaking risky works and destroying profitable ones; by not protecting the
people against thieves and by robbing them of their wealth;
* by giving up manly enterprise and condemning good works; by hurting the leaders
of the people and despising the worthy;
* when a people are impoverished, they become greedy; when they are greedy, they
become disaffected; when disaffected, they voluntarily go to the side of the enemy or
destroy their own master.
Hence, no king should give room to such causes as would bring about
impoverishment, greed or disaffection among his people. If, however, they appear, he
should at once take remedial measures against them.
Which (of the three) is the worst--an impoverished people? greedy people? or
disaffected people?
A greedy people are ever discontented and they yield themselves to the intrigues of
an enemy.
A disaffected people rise against their master along with his enemy.
When the dwindling of the people is due to want of gold and grain, it is a calamity
fraught with danger to the whole of the kingdom and can be remedied with difficulty. The
dearth of efficient men can be made up by means of gold and grain. Greed (is) partial and
is found among a few chief officers, and it can be got rid of or satisfied by allowing them
to plunder an enemy's wealth. Disaffection or disloyalty (virága) can be got rid of by
putting down the leaders; for in the absence of a leader or leaders, the people are easily
governed (bhogya) and they will not take part in the intrigues of enemies. When a people
are too nervous to endure the calamities, they first become dispersed, when their leaders
are put down; and when they are kept under restraint, they endure calamities.
Having well considered the causes which bring about peace or war, one should
combine with kings of considerable power and righteous character and march against
one's enemy.
‘A king of considerable power,’ means one who is strong enough to put down or
capture an enemy in the rear of his friend or to give sufficient help to his friend in his
‘A king of righteous character,’ means one who does what one has promised to do,
irrespective of good or bad results.
Having combined with one of superior power, or with two of equal power among
such kings, should the conqueror march against his enemy?
It is better to march combined with two kings of equal power; for, if combined with
a king of superior power, the ally appears to move, caught hold of, by his superior,
whereas in marching with two kings of equal power, the same will be the result, only,
when those two kings are experts in the art of intrigue; besides it is easy to separate them;
and when one of them is wicked, he can be put down by the other two and made to suffer
the consequence of dissension.
Combined with one of equal power or with two of lesser power, should a king march
against his enemy?
Better to march with two kings of lesser power; for the conqueror can depute them
to carry out any two different works and keep them under his control. When the desired
end is achieved, the inferior king will quietly retire after the satisfaction of his superior.
* Till his discharge, the good conduct of an ally of usually bad character should be
closely scrutinised either by suddenly coming out at a critical time from a covert position
(sattra) to examine his conduct, or by having his wife as a pledge for his good conduct.
* Though actuated with feelings of true friendship, the conqueror has reason to fear
his ally, though of equal power, when the latter attains success in his mission; having
succeeded in his mission, an ally of equal power is likely to change his attitude even
towards the conqueror of superior power.
* An ally of superior power should not be relied upon, for prosperity changes the
mind. Even with little or no share in the spoils, an ally of superior power may go back,
appearing contented; but some time afterwards, he may not fail to sit on the lap of the
conqueror and carry off twice the amount of share due to him.
* Having been satisfied with mere victory, the leading conqueror should discharge
his allies, having satisfied them with their shares he may allow himself to be conquered
by them instead of attempting to conquer them (in the matter of spoils); it is thus that a
king can win the good graces of his Circle of States.
[Thus ends Chapter V, "Considerations about Marching against an Assailable Enemy and
a Strong Enemy; Causes Leading to the Dwindling, Greed, and Disloyalty of the Army;
and Considerations about the Combination of Powers” in Book VII, “The end of the Six-
fold Policy” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and third chapter from
the beginning.]
THE Conqueror should thus over-reach the second element, (the enemy close to his
territory):--He should engage his neighbouring enemy to undertake a simultaneous march
with him and tell the enemy: "Thou, march in that direction, and I shall march in this
direction; and the share in the spoils is equal."
An agreement of peace may be made with promise to carry out a definite work
(paripanita) or with no such promise (aparipanita).
When the agreement is to the effect that "Thou, march to that place, and I shall
march to this place," it is termed an agreement of peace to carry out a work in definite
When it is agreed upon that "Thou, be engaged so long, I shall be engaged thus
long," it is an agreement to attain an object in a fixed time.
When it is agreed upon that "Thou, try to accomplish that work, and I shall try to
finish this work," it is an agreement to achieve a definite end.
When the conqueror thinks that "my enemy (now an ally) has to march through an
unknown country, which is intersected with mountains, forests, rivers, forts and deserts
which is devoid of food-stuffs, people, pastoral grounds, fodder, firewood and water, and
which is far away, different from other countries, and not affording suitable grounds for
the exercise of his army; and I have to traverse a country of quite the reverse description,"
then he should make an agreement to carry out a work in a definite locality.
When the conqueror thinks that "my enemy has to work with food stuffs falling
short and with no comfort during the rainy, hot or cold season, giving rise to various
kinds of diseases and obstructing the free exercise of his army during a shorter or longer
period of time than necessary for the accomplishment of the work in hand; and I have to
work during a time of quite the reverse nature," then he should make time a factor of the
When the conqueror thinks that "my enemy has to accomplish a work which, not
lasting but trifling in its nature, enrages his subjects, which requires much expenditure of
time and money, and which is productive of evil consequences, unrighteous, repugnant to
the Madhyama and neutral kings, and destructive of all friendship; whereas, I have to do
the reverse," then he should make an agreement to carry out a definite work.
Likewise with space and time, with time and work, with space and work, and with
space, time, and work, made as terms of an agreement, it resolves itself into seven forms.
Long before making such an agreement, the conqueror has to fix his own work and
then attempt to overreach his enemy.
When, in order to destroy an enemy who has fallen into troubles and who is hasty,
indolent, and not foresighted, an agreement of peace with no terms of time, space, or
work is made with an enemy merely for mutual peace, and when under cover of such an
agreement, the enemy is caught hold of at his weak points and is struck, it is termed
peace with no definite terms (aparipanita). With regard to this there is a saying as
Open battle, treacherous battle, and silent battle (i.e. killing an enemy by employing
spies when there is no talk of battle at all), are the three forms of battle.
When, by making use of conciliation and other forms of stratagem and the like, a
new agreement of peace is made and the rights of equal, inferior, and superior powers
concerned in the agreement are defined according to their respective positions, it is
termed an agreement of peace with no specific end (other than self-preservation).
When, by the employment of friends (at the Courts of each other), the agreement of
peace made is kept secure and the terms are invariably observed and strictly maintained
so that no dissension may creep among the parties, it is termed peace with binding terms.
When, having proved through the agency of traitors and spies the treachery of a
king, who has made an agreement of peace, the agreement is broken, it is termed the
breaking of peace.
There are four persons who run away from, and return to, their master : one who had
reason to run away and to return; one who had no reason either to run away or to return;
one who had reason to run away, but none to return; and one who had no reason to run
away, but had reason to come back.
He who runs away owing to his master's fault and returns in consideration of (his
master's) good nature, or he who runs away attracted by the good nature of his master's
enemy and returns finding fault with the enemy is to be reconciled as he had reason to
run away and to return.
Whoever runs away owing to his own fault and returns without minding the good
nature either of his old or new master is a fickle-minded person having no explanation to
account for his conduct, and he should have no terms of reconciliation.
Whoever runs away owing to his master's fault and returns owing to his own defects,
is a renegade who had reason to run away, but none to return: and his case is to be well
considered (before he is taken back).
Whoever returns deputed by the enemy; or of his own accord, with the intention of
hurting his old master, as is natural to persons of such bad character; or coming to know
that his old master is attempting to put down the enemy, his new master, and
apprehensive of danger to himself; or looking on the attempt of his new master to destroy
his old master as cruelty, these should be examined; and if he is found to be actuated with
good motives, he is to be taken back respectfully; otherwise, he should be kept at a
Whoever runs away owing to his own fault and returns owing to his new master's
wickedness is a renegade who had no reason to run away, but had reason to come back;
such a person is to be examined.
When a king thinks that "This renegade supplies me with full information about my
enemy's weakness, and, therefore, he deserves to remain here; his own people with me
are in friendship with my friends and at enmity with my enemies and are easily excited at
the sight of greedy and cruel persons or of a band of enemies," he may treat such a
renegade as deserved.
My teacher says that whoever has failed to achieve profit from his works, lost his
strength, or made his learning a commercial article, or is very greedy, inquisitive to see
different countries, dead to the feelings of friendship, or has strong enemies, deserves to
be abandoned.
But Kautilya says that it is timidity, unprofessional business, and lack of forbearance
(to do so). Whoever is injurious to the king's interests should be abandoned, while he who
is injurious to the interests of the enemy should be reconciled; and whoever is injurious to
the interests of both the king and his enemy should be carefully examined.
When it is necessary to make peace with a king with whom no peace ought to be
made, defensive measures should be taken against that point where he can show his
* In restoring broken peace, a renegade or a person inclined towards the enemy
should be kept at such a distance that till the close of his life, he may be useful to the
* Or, he may be set against the enemy or may be employed as a captain of an army
to guard wild tracts against enemies, or thrown somewhere on the boundary.
* Or, in the interests of future peace, a renegade who must be put to death may at
once be destroyed.
* That kind of wicked character which has from the beginning grown upon a man
owing to his association with enemies is as ever fraught with danger as constant living in
company with a snake;
* and is ever threatening with destruction just as a pigeon living on the seeds of
plaksha (holy fig-tree) is to the salmali (silk-cotton) tree.
* When battle is fought in daylight and in some locality, it is termed an open battle;
threatening in one direction, assault in another, destruction of an enemy captured while he
was careless or in troubles;
* and bribing a portion of the army and destroying another portion, are forms of
treacherous fight; and attempt to win over the chief officers of the enemy by intrigue, is
the characteristic of silent battle.
[Thus ends Chapter VI, “The March of Combined Powers; Agreement of Peace with or
without Definite Terms; and Peace with Renegades,” in Book VII, “The end of the Six-
fold Policy” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and fourth chapter from
the beginning.]
THE conqueror may overpower the second member (i.e., the immediate enemy)
Having combined with a neighbouring king, the conqueror may march against
another neighbouring king. Or if he thinks that "(my enemy) will neither capture my rear
nor make an alliance with my assailable enemy against whom I am going to march; (for
otherwise) I shall have to fight against great odds; (my ally) will not only facilitate the
collection of my revenue and supplies and put down the internal enemies who are causing
me immense trouble, but also punish wild tribes and their followers entrenched in their
strongholds, reduce my assailable enemy to a precarious condition or compel him to
accept the proffered peace, and having received as much profit as he desires, he will
endeavour to endear my other enemies to me," then the conqueror may proclaim war
against one and make peace with another and endeavour to get an army for money or
money for the supply of an army from among his neighbouring kings.
When the kings of superior, equal or inferior power make peace with the conqueror
and agree to pay a greater, or equal, or less amount of profit in proportion to the army
supplied, it is termed even peace; that which is of the reverse character is styled uneven
peace; and when the profit is proportionally very high, it is termed deception (atisandhi).
When a king of inferior power or one who is provided with the aid of forts and
friends has to make a short march in order to capture an enemy without waging war or to
receive some expected profit, he may request a third king of superior power involved
under various troubles and misfortunes the help of the latter's army in return for the
payment of a share in the profit less than the strength of the army supplied deserves. If
the king to whom this proposal is made is powerful enough to retaliate, he may declare
war; but otherwise he may accept the proposal.
When a king of superior power and free from all troubles is desirous of causing to
his enemy loss of men an money in the latter's ill-considered undertakings, or of sending
his own treacherous army abroad, or bringing his enemy under the clutches of an inimical
army, or of causing trouble to a reducible and tottering enemy by setting a inferior king
against that enemy, or is desirous of having peace for the sake of peace itself and is
possessed of good intentions, he may accept a less share in the profit (promise for the
army supplied to another) and endeavour to make wealth by combining with an ally if the
latter is equally of good intentions; but otherwise he may declare war (against that ally).
When a king proposes peace to another king of equal power on the condition of
receiving the help of the latter army strong enough to oppose an enemy's army, or to
guard the front, centre, and rear of his territory, or to help his friend, or to protect any
other wild tracts of his territory in return for the payment of a share in the profit
proportionally equal to the strength of the army supplied, the latter may accept the terms
if the proposer is of good intentions; but otherwise he may declare war.
When a king of equal power, capable of receiving the help of an army from another
quarter requests of another king in troubles due to the diminished strength of the elements
of sovereignty, and with many enemies, the help of the latter's army in return for the
payment of a share in the profit less than the strength of the army supplied deserves, the
latter, if powerful, may declare war or accept the terms otherwise.
When a king who is under troubles, who has his works at the mercy of his
neighbouring kings, and who has yet to make an army, requests of another king of equal
power the help of the latter's army in return for the payment of a share in the profit
greater than the strength of the army supplied deserves, the latter may accept the terms if
the proposer is of good intentions: but otherwise war may be declared.
When, with the desire of putting down a king in troubles due to the diminished
strength of the elements of sovereignty, or with the desire of destroying his well-begun
work of immense and unfailing profit, or with the intention of striking him in his own
place or on the occasion of marching, one, though frequently getting immense (subsidy)
from an assailable enemy of equal, inferior, or superior power, sends demands to him
again and again, then he may comply with the demands of the former if he is desirous of
maintaining his own power by destroying with the army of the former an impregnable
fortress of an enemy or a friend of that enemy or laying waste the wild tracts of that
enemy, or if he is desirous of exposing the army of the ally to wear and tear even in good
roads and good seasons, or if he is desirous of strengthening his own army with that of
his ally and thereby putting down the ally or winning over the army of the ally.
When a king is desirous of keeping under his power another king of superior or
inferior power as an assailable enemy and of destroying the latter after routing out
another enemy with the help of the latter, or when he is desirous of getting back whatever
he has paid (as subsidy), he may send a proposal of peace to another on the condition of
paying more than the cost of the army supplied. If the king to whom this proposal is made
is powerful enough to retaliate he may declare war; or if otherwise, he may accept the
terms; or he may keep quiet allied with the assailable enemy; or he may supply the
proposer of peace with his army full of traitors, enemies and wild tribes.
When a king of superior power falls into troubles owing to the weakness of the
elements of his sovereignty, and requests of an inferior king the help of the latter's army
in return for the payment of a share in the profit proportionally equal to the strength of
the army supplied, the latter, if powerful enough to retaliate, may declare war and if
otherwise, accept the terms.
A king of superior power may request of an inferior the help of the latter's army in
return for the payment of a share in the profit less than the cost of the army supplied; and
the latter, if powerful enough to retaliate, may declare war, or accept the terms otherwise.
* The king who is sued for peace and also the king who offers peace should both
consider the motive with which the proposal of peace is made, and adopt that course of
action which on consideration seems to be productive of good results.
[Thus ends Chapter VII "Peace and War by Adopting the Double Policy” in Book VII,
“The end of the Six-fold Policy” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and
fifth chapter from the beginning.]
When a king is inclined to cause to another, loss of men and money in the ill-
considered undertakings of the latter or to frustrate the latter in the attempt of achieving
large profits from well-begun undertakings; or when he means to strike another at his
(another's) own place or while marching; or when he intends to exact subsidy again in
combination with the latter's assailable enemy; or when he is in need of money and does
not like to trust to his ally, he may, for the time being, be satisfied with a small amount of
When a king has in view the necessity of helping a friend or of destroying an enemy,
or the possibility of acquiring much wealth (in return for the present help) or when he
intends to utilize in future the services of the one now obliged by him, he may reject the
offer of large profit at the present in preference of a small gain in future.
When a king means to help another from the clutches of traitors or enemies or of a
superior king threatening the very existence of the latter, and intends thereby to set an
example of rendering similar help to himself in future, he should receive no profit either
at the present or in the future.
When a king means to harass the people of an enemy or to break the agreement of
peace between a friend and a foe, or when he suspects of another's attack upon himself,
and when owing to any of these causes, he wants to break peace with his ally, he may
demand from the latter an enhanced amount of profit long before it is due. The latter
under these circumstances may demand for a procedure (krama) either at the present or in
the future. The same procedure explains the cases treated of before.
The conqueror and his enemy helping their respective friends differ according as
their friends are such or are not such as undertake possible, praiseworthy or productive
works and as are resolute in their undertakings and are provided with loyal and devoted
Of the two, the conqueror and his enemy, both of whom may happen to have a friend
in the same person, he who helps a true or a truer friend overreaches the other; for, by
helping a true friend, he enriches himself, while the other not only incurs loss of men and
money and the hardships of sojourning abroad, but also showers benefits on an enemy
who hates the benefactor all the more for his gratification.
Whoever of the two, the conqueror and his enemy, who may happen to have a friend
in the same Madhyama king, helps a Madhyama king of true or truer friendship
overreaches the other; for, by helping a true friend, he enriches himself, while the other
incurs loss of men and money and the difficulties of sojourning abroad. When a
Madhyama king thus helped is devoid of good qualities, then the enemy overreaches the
conqueror: for, such a Madhyama king, spending his energies on useless undertakings
and receiving help with no idea of returning it, withdraws himself away.
The same thing holds good with a neutral king under similar circumstances.
In case of helping with a portion of the army one of the two, a Madhyama or a
neutral king, whoever happens to help one who is brave, skillful in handling weapons,
and possessed of endurance and friendly feelings will himself be deceived while his
enemy, helping one of reverse character, will overreach him.
When a king achieves this or that object with the assistance of a friend who is to
receive the help of his army in return later on, then he may send out of his various kinds
of army--such as hereditary army, hired army, army formed of corporations of people, his
friend's army and the army composed of wild tribes--either that kind of army which has
the experience of all sorts of grounds and of seasons or the army of enemies or of wild
tribes, which is far removed in space and time.
When a king thinks that, "Though successful, my ally may cause my army to move
in an enemy's territory or in wild tracts, and during unfavourable seasons and thereby he
may render it useless to me," then under the excuse of having to employ his army
otherwise, he may help his ally in any other way; but when he is obliged to lend his army,
he may send that kind of his army, which is used to the weather of the time of operation,
under the condition of employing it till the completion of the work, and of protecting it
from dangers. When the ally has finished his work, he should, under some excuse, try to
get back his army or he may send to his ally that army which is composed of traitors,
enemies, and wild tribes; or having made peace with the ally's assailable enemy, he may
deceive the ally.
* When the profit accruing to kings under an agreement, whether they be of equal,
inferior, or superior power, is equal to all, that agreement is termed peace (sandhi); when
unequal, it is termed defeat (vikrama). Such is the nature of peace and war.
[Thus ends Chapter VIII, “The Attitude of an Assailable Enemy; and Friends that Deserve
Help,” in Book VII, “The end of the Six-fold Policy” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End
of the hundred and sixth chapter from the beginning.]
OF the three gains, the acquisition of a friend, of gold, and of territory, accruing
from the march of combined powers, that which is mentioned later is better than the one
previously mentioned; for friends and gold can be acquired by means of territory; of the
two gains, that of a friend and of gold, each can be a means to acquire the other.
Agreement under the condition, "let us acquire a friend, etc.," is termed even peace;
when one acquires a friend and the other makes an enemy, etc., it is termed uneven peace;
and when one gains more than the other, it is deception.
In an even peace (i.e., agreement on equal terms) whoever acquires a friend of good
character or relieves an old friend from troubles, overreaches the other; for help given in
misfortune renders friendship very firm.
Which is the better of two submissive friends: a temporary friend of large prospects,
or a longstanding friend of limited prospects?
My teacher says that a temporary friend of large prospects is better inasmuch as such
a friend can, in virtue of his large prospects, render immense service in a very short time,
and can stand undertakings of large outlay.
Not so, says Kautilya: a long-standing friend of limited prospects is better, inasmuch
as a temporary friend of large prospects is likely to withdraw his friendship on account of
material loss in the shape of help given, or is likely to expect similar kind of help in
return; but a long-standing friend of limited prospects can, in virtue of his long-standing
nature, render immense service in the long run.
Not so, says Kautilya: a small friend easy to be roused is better, for such a friend
will not, in virtue of his ready preparations, be behind the opportune moment of work,
and can, in virtue of his weakness in power, be used in any way the conqueror may like;
but not so the other of vast territorial power.
My teacher says that scattered troops can be collected in time as they are of
submissive nature.
Not so, says Kautilya: an unsubmissive standing army is better as it can be made
submissive by conciliation and other strategic means; but it is not so easy to collect in
time scattered troops as they are engaged in their individual avocations.
My teacher says that a friend of vast population is better inasmuch as such a friend
will be of imposing power and can, when he rises up, accomplish any work undertaken.
Not so, says Kautilya: a friend possessing immense gold is better; for possession of
gold is ever desirable; but an army is not always required. Moreover armies and other
desired objects can be purchased for gold.
Which is better, a friend possessing gold, or a friend possessing vast territory?
My teacher says that a friend possessing gold can stand any heavy expenditure made
with discretion.
Not so, says Kautilya: for it has already been stated that both friends and gold can be
acquired by means of territory. Hence a friend of vast territory is far better.
When the friend of the conqueror and his enemy happen to possess equal population,
their people may yet differ in possession of qualities such as bravery, power of
endurance, amicableness, and qualification for the formation of any kind of army.
When the friends are equally rich in gold, they may yet differ in qualities such as
readiness to comply with requests, magnanimous and munificent help, and accessibility
at any time and always.
* that friend who maintains friendship with disinterested motives and merely for the
sake of friendship and by whom the relationship acquired of old is kept intact, is a long-
standing friend;
* that friend who, whether as receiving help or as giving help, lives with an
oppressive hand over his enemies, and who possesses a number of forts and a vast army
of wild tribes is said to be a long-standing friend of unsubmissive nature;
* that friend who, either when attacked or when in trouble, makes friendship for the
security of his own existence is temporary and submissive friend;
* that friend who contracts friendship with a single aim in view and who is helpful,
immutable, and amicable is a friend never falling foul even in adversity;
* whoever is of an amicable nature is a true friend; whoever sides also with the
enemy is a mutable friend and whoever is indifferent to neither (the conqueror and his
enemy) is a friend to both;
* that friend who is inimical to the conqueror or who is equally friendly to the
conquerors enemy is a harmful friend, whether he is giving help or is capable of helping;
* whoever helps the enemy's friend, protege, or any vulnerable person or a relation
of the enemy is a friend common to (both) the enemy (and the conqueror);
* whoever possesses extensive and fertile territory and is contented, strong, but
indolent, will be indifferent (towards his ally) when the latter becomes despicable under
* whoever, owing to his own weakness, follows the ascendancy of both the
conqueror and his enemy, not incurring enmity with either, is known as a common friend;
* whoever neglects a friend who is being hurt with or without reason and who seeks
help with or without reason despises his own danger.
My teacher says that an immediate small gain is better, as it is useful to carry out
immediate undertakings.
Not so, says Kautilya: a large gain, as continuous as a productive seed, is better;
otherwise an immediate small gain.
* Thus, having taken into consideration the good aspects of a permanent gain or of a
share in a permanent gain, should a king, desirous of strengthening himself, march
combined with others.
[Thus ends Chapter IX, “Agreement for the Acquisition of a Friend or Gold” in the
section of “Agreement for the Acquisition of a Friend, Gold, or Land and Agreement for
Undertaking a Work,” in Book VII, “The end of the Six-fold Policy” of the Arthasástra
of Kautilya. End of the hundred and seventh chapter from the beginning.]
THE agreement made under the condition, "Let us acquire land," is an agreement of
peace for the acquisition of land.
Of the two kings thus entering into an agreement whoever acquires a rich and fertile
land withstanding crops overreaches the other.
The acquisition of rich land being equal, whoever acquires such land by putting
down a powerful enemy overreaches the other; for not only does he acquire territory, but
also destroys an enemy and thereby augments his own power. True, there is beauty in
acquiring land by putting down a weak enemy; but the land acquired will also be poor,
and the king in the neighbourhood who has hitherto been a friend, will now become an
The enemies being equally strong, he who acquires territory after beating a fortified
enemy overreaches the other; for the capture of a fort is conducive to the protection of
territory and to the destruction of wild tribes.
Which is better, the acquisition of a rich land close to a constant enemy, or that of
sterile land near to a temporary enemy?
My teacher say that a rich land with a constant enemy is better, inasmuch as it yields
much wealth to maintain a strong army, by which the enemy can be put down.
Not so, says Kautilya: for a rich land creates many enemies, and the constant enemy
will ever be an enemy, whether or not he is helped (with men and money to conciliate
him); but a temporary enemy will be quiet either from fear or favour. That land, on the
border of which there are a number of forts giving shelter to bands of thieves,
Mlechchhas, and wild tribes is a land with a constant enemy; and that which is of reverse
character is one with a temporary enemy.
Which is better, a small piece of land, not far, or an extensive piece of land, very far?
A small piece of land, not far, is better, inasmuch as it can be easily acquired,
protected, and defended, whereas the other is of a reverse nature.
Of the above two kinds of land, which is better, that which can be maintained by
itself, or that which requires external armed force to maintain?
The former is better, as it can be maintained with the army and money produced by
itself, whereas the latter is of a reverse character as a military station.
That acquired from a stupid king is better, as it can be easily acquired and secured,
and cannot be taken back, whereas that obtained from a wise king, beloved of his
subjects, is of a reverse nature.
Of two enemies, of whom one can only be harassed and another is reducible,
acquisition of land from the latter is better; for when the latter is attacked, he, having little
or no help, begins to run away, taking his army and treasure with him, and he is deserted
by his subjects; whereas the former does not do so, as he has the help of his forts and
Of two fortified kings, one who has his forts on a plain is more easily reduced than
the other owning a fort in the centre of a river; for a fort in a plain can be easily assailed,
destroyed or captured along with the enemy in it, whereas a fort, surrounded by a river
requires twice as much effort to capture and supplies the enemy with water and other
necessaries of life.
Of two kings, one owning a fort surrounded by a river, and another having
mountainous fortifications, seizing the former's land is better, for a fort in the centre of a
river can be assailed by a bridge formed of elephants made to stand in a row in the river
or by wooden bridges, or by means of boats; and the river will not always be deep and
can be emptied of its water, whereas a fort on a mountain is of a self-defensive nature,
and not easy to besiege or to ascend; and when one portion of the army defending it is
routed out, the other portions can escape unhurt and such a fort is of immense service, as
it affords facilities to throw down heaps of stone and trees over the enemy.
Which is easier, seizing land from those who fight on plains, or from those who fight
from low grounds?
Seizing the land from the latter is easier, inasmuch as they have to fight in time and
space of adverse nature whereas the former can fight anywhere and at any time.
Of the two enemies, one fighting from ditches and another from heights
(khanakákásayodhibhyám), seizing land from the former is better; for they can be
serviceable inasmuch as they fight from ditches and with weapons in hand, whereas the
latter can only fight with weapons in hand.
* Whoever, well-versed in the science of polity, wrests land from such and other
enemies will outshine both his allies in combination with him and enemies out of
[Thus ends Chapter X, "Agreement of Peace for the Acquisition of Land" in the section
of "Agreement for the Acquisition of a Friend, Gold, or Land and Agreement for
Undertaking a Work," in Book VII, “The End of the Six-fold Policy” of the Arthasástra
of Kautilya. End of the hundred and eighth chapter from the beginning.]
THE agreement made under the condition, "Let us colonize waste land," is termed
an interminable agreement.
Whoever of the two parties of the agreement colonizes a fertile land, reaping the
harvest earlier, overreaches the other.
Of plains, that which is conducive to the growth of both early and late crops and
which requires less labour and less rain for cultivation is better than the other of reverse
Of watery lands, that which is conducive to the growth of grains is better than
another productive of crops other than grains.
Of two watery tracts, one of limited area and conducive to the growth of grains, and
another, vast and productive of crops other than grains, the latter is better, inasmuch as it
affords vast area not only to grow spices and other medicinal crops, but also to construct
forts and other defensive works in plenty: for fertility and other qualities of lands are
artificial (kritrimah).
Of the two tracts of land, one rich in grains and another in mines, the latter helps the
treasury, while the former can fill both the treasury and the store-house; and besides this,
the construction of forts and other buildings requires grains. Still, that kind of land
containing mines and which yields precious metals to purchase large tracts of land is far
My teacher says that of the two forests, one productive of timber, and another of
elephants, the former is the source of all kinds of works and is of immense help in
forming a store-house, while the latter is of reverse character.
Not so, says Kautilya, for it is possible to plant any of timber-forests in many places,
but not an elephant-forest; yet it is on elephants that the destruction of an enemy's army
Of the two, communication by water and by land, the former is not long-standing,
while the latter can ever be enjoyed.
Which is better, the land with scattered people or that with a corporation of people?
The former is better inasmuch as it can be kept under control and is not susceptible
to the intrigues of enemys while the latter is intolerant of calamities and susceptible, of
anger and other passions.
In colonizing a land with four castes, colonization with the lowest caste is better,
inasmuch as it is serviceable in various ways, plentiful, and permanent.
Of cultivated and uncultivated tracts, the uncultivated tract may be suitable for
various kinds of agricultural operations; and when it is fertile, adapted for pasture
grounds, manufacture of merchandise, mercantile transactions of borrowing and lending,
and attractive to rich merchants, it is still far better (than a cultivated tract).
Which is better of the two, the tract of land with forts or that which is thickly
The latter is better; for that which is thickly populated is a kingdom in all its senses.
What can a depopulated country like a barren cow be productive of?
The king who is desirous of getting back the land sold for colonization to another
when the latter has lost his men and money in colonizing it, should first make an
agreement with such a purchaser as is weak, base-born, devoid of energy, helpless, of
unrighteous character, addicted to evil ways, trusting to fate, and indiscreet in his actions.
When the colonization of a land entails much expenditure of men and money, and when a
weak and base-born man attempts to colonize it, he will perish along with his people in
consequence of his loss of men and money. Though strong, a base-born man will be
deserted by his people who do not like him lest they may come to grief under him;
though possessing an army, he cannot employ it if he is devoid of energy; and such an
army will perish in consequence of the loss incurred by its master; though possessing
wealth, a man who hesitates to part with his money and shows favour to none, cannot
find help in any quarter; and when it is easy to drive out a man of unrighteous character
from the colony in which he has firmly established himself, none can expect that a man
of unrighteous character would be capable of colonizing a tract of waste land and keeping
it secure; the same fact explains the fate of such a colonizer as is addicted to evil ways;
whoever, trusting to fate and putting no reliance on manliness, withdraws himself from
energetic work, will perish without undertaking anything or without achieving anything
from his undertakings; and whoever is indiscreet in his actions will achieve nothing, and
is the worst of the set of the colonizers.
My teacher says that an indiscreet colonizer may sometimes betray the weak points
of his employer, the conqueror.
But Kautilya says that, just as he betrays the weak points, so also does he facilitate
his destruction by the conqueror.
In the absence of such persons to colonize waste lands, the conqueror may arrange
for the colonization of waste land in the same way as we shall treat of later on in
connection with the "Capture of an enemy in the rear."
When a king of immense power compels another to sell a portion of the latter's
fertile territory of which the former is very fond, then the latter may make an agreement
with the former and sell the land. This is what is termed "unconcealed peace"
When a king of equal power demands land from another as above, then the latter
may sell it after considering "whether the land can be recovered by me, or can be kept
under my control; whether my enemy can be brought under my power in consequence of
his taking possession of the land; and whether I can acquire by the sale of the land friends
and wealth, enough to help me in my undertakings."
This explains the case of a king of inferior power, who purchases lands.
* Whoever, well versed in the science of polity, thus acquires friends, wealth, and
territory with or without population will overreach other kings in combination with him.
[Thus ends Chapter XI, "Interminable Agreement" in the section of "Agreement for the
Acquisition of a Friend, Gold, or Land and Agreement for Undertaking a Work”, Book
VII, “The End of the Six-fold Policy” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred
and ninth chapter from the beginning.]
WHEN an agreement is made on the condition "Let us have a fort built," it is termed
agreement for undertaking a work.
Whoever of the two kings builds an impregnable fortress on a spot naturally best
fitted for the purpose with less labour and expenditure overreaches the other.
Of forts such as a fort on a plain, in the centre of a river, and on a mountain, that
which is mentioned later is of more advantage than the one previously mentioned; of
irrigational works (setu-bandha), that which is of perennial water is better than that which
is fed wit water drawn from other sources; and of works containing perennial water, that
which can irrigate an extensive area is better.
Of timber forests, whoever plants a forest which produces valuable articles, which
expands into wild tracts, and which possesses a river on its border overreaches the other,
for a forest containing a river is self-dependent and can afford shelter in calamities.
My teacher says that of the two countries, one with a large number of effete persons,
and another with a small number of brave persons, the latter is better inasmuch as, a few
brave persons can destroy a large mass of effete persons whose slaughter brings about the
destruction of the entire army of their master.
Not so, says Kautilya, a large number of effete persons is better, inasmuch as they
can be employed to do other kinds of works in the camp: to serve the soldiers fighting in
battlefields, and to terrify the enemy by its number. It is also possible to infuse spirit and
enthusiasm in the timid by means of discipline and training.
Of mines, whoever exploits with less labour and expenditure a mine of valuable
output and of easy communication overreaches the other.
Which is better of the two, a small mine of valuable yield, or a big mine productive
of commodities of inferior value?
My teacher says that the former is better inasmuch as valuable products, such as
diamonds, precious stones, pearls, corals, gold and silver, can swallow vast quantities of
inferior commodities.
Not so, says Kautilya, for there is the possibility of purchasing valuable
commodities by a mass of accumulated articles of inferior value, collected from a vast
and longstanding mine of inferior commodities.
My teacher says that of the two trade-routes, one by water and another by land, the
former is better, inasmuch as it is less expensive, but productive of large profit.
Not so, says Kautilya, for water route is liable to obstruction, not permanent, a
source of imminent dangers, and incapable of defence, whereas a land-route is of reverse
Of water-routes, one along the shore and another in mid-ocean, the route along, and
close to the shore is better, as it touches at many trading port-towns; likewise river
navigation is better, as it is uninterrupted and is of avoidable or endurable dangers.
My teacher says that of land-routes, that which leads to the Himalayas is better than
that which leads to the south.
Not so, says Kautilya, for with the exception of blankets, skins, and horses, other
articles of merchandise such as, conch-shells, diamonds, precious stones, pearls and gold
are available in plenty in the south.
Of routes leading to the south, either that trade-route which traverses a large number
of mines which is frequented by people, and which is less expensive or troublesome, or
that route by taking which plenty of merchandise of various kinds can be obtained is
This explains the selection of trade-routes leading either to the east or to the west.
* It is a loss for the conqueror to undertake that kind of work which is productive of
benefits to the enemy, while a work of reverse nature is a gain. When the benefits are
equal, the conqueror has to consider that his condition is stagnant.
* Hence the conqueror should find out such fort-building and other works as, instead
of being expensive, are productive of greater profit and power. Such is the nature of
agreements for undertaking works.
[Thus ends Chapter XII, "Agreement for Undertaking a Work," in the section of
"Agreement for the Acquisition of a Friend, Gold, or Land and Agreement for
Undertaking a Work"' in Book VIII, "The End of the Six-fold Policy” of the Arthasástra
of Kautilya. End of the hundred and tenth chapter from the beginning.]
WHEN the conqueror and his enemy simultaneously proceeded to capture the rear
of their respective enemies who are engaged in an attack against others, he who captures
the rear of one who is possessed of vast resources gains more advantages (atisandhatte);
for one who is possessed of vast resources has to put down the rear-enemy only after
doing away with one's frontal enemy already attacked, but not one who is poor in
resources and who has not realised the desired profits.
Resources being equal, he who captures the rear of one who has made vast
preparations gains more advantages for one who has made vast preparations has to put
down the enemy in the rear only after destroying the frontal enemy, but not one whose
preparations are made on a small scale and whose movements are, therefore, obstructed
by the Circle of States.
Preparations being equal, he who captures the rear of one who has marched out with
all the resources gains more advantages; for one whose base is undefended is easy to be
subdued, but not one who has marched out with a part of the army after having made
arrangements to defend the rear.
Troops taken being of equal strength, he who captures the rear of one who has gone
against a wandering enemy gains more advantages; for one who has marched out against
a wandering enemy has to put down the rear-enemy only after obtaining an easy victory
over the wandering enemy; but not one who has marched out against an entrenched
enemy, for one who has marched out against an entrenched enemy will be repelled in his
attack against the enemy's forts and will, after his return, find himself between the rear-
enemy, and the frontal enemy who is possessed of strong forts.
Enemies being of equal description, he who attacks the rear of one who has gone
against a virtuous king gains more advantages, for one who has gone against a virtuous
king will incur the displeasure of even his own people, whereas one who has attacked a
wicked king will endear himself to all.
This explains the consequences of capturing the rear of those who have marched
against an extravagant king or a king living from hand to mouth, or a niggardly king.
The same reasons hold good in the case of those who have marched against their
own friends.
When there are two enemies, one engaged in attacking a friend and another an
enemy, he who attacks the rear of the latter gains more advantages: for one who has
attacked a friend will, after easily making peace with the friend, proceed against the rear-
enemy; for it is easier to make peace with a friend than with an enemy.
When there are two kings, one engaged in destroying a friend, and another an
enemy, he who attacks the rear of the former gains more advantages; for one who is
engaged in destroying an enemy will have the support of his friends and will thereby put
down the rear-enemy, but not the former who is engaged in destroying his own side.
When the conqueror and his enemy in their attack against the rear of an enemy mean
to enforce the payment of what is not due to them, he whose enemy has lost considerable
profits and has sustained a great loss of men and money gains more advantages; when
they mean to enforce the payment of what is due to them, then he whose enemy has lost
profits and army, gains more advantages.
When the assailable enemy is capable of retaliation and when the assailant's rear-
enemy, capable of augmenting his army and other resources, has entrenched himself on
one of the assailant's flanks, then the rear-enemy gains more advantages; for a rear enemy
on one of the assailant's flanks will not only become a friend of the assailable enemy, but
also attack the base of the assailant, whereas a rear-enemy behind the assailant can only
harass the rear.
When the conqueror and his enemy are desirous of catching hold of a madhyama
king and attack the latter's rear, then he who in his attempt to enforce the promised
payment separates the madhyama king from the latter's friend and obtains, thereby, an
enemy as a friend, gains more advantages; for an enemy compelled to sue for peace will
be of greater help than a friend compelled to maintain the abandoned friendship.
Of attacks from the rear and front, that which affords opportunities of carrying on a
treacherous fight (mantrayuddha) is preferable.
My teacher says that in an open war, both sides suffer by sustaining a heavy loss of
men and money; and that even the king who wins a victory will appear as defeated in
consequence of the loss of men and money.
No, says Kautilya, even at considerable loss of men and money, the destruction of an
enemy is desirable.
Loss of men and money being equal, he who entirely destroys first his frontal
enemy, and next attacks his rear-enemy gains more advantages; when both the conqueror
and his enemy are severally engaged in destroying their respective frontal enemies, he
who destroys a frontal enemy of deep rooted enmity and of vast resources, gains more
* When an enemy in the rear and in the front, and an assailable enemy to be
marched against happen together then the conqueror should adopt the following policy:--
* The rear-enemy will usually lead the conqueror's frontal enemy to attack the
conqueror's friend; then having set the ákranda (the enemy of the rear-enemy) against the
rear-enemy's ally,
* and, having caused war between them, the conqueror should frustrate the rear-
enemy's designs; likewise he should provoke hostilities between, the allies of the
ákranda and of the rear-enemy;
* he should also keep his frontal enemy's friend engaged in war with his own friend;
and with the help of his friend's friend, he should avert the attack, threatened by the
friend of his enemy's friend;
* he should, with his friend's help, hold his rear-enemy at bay; and with the help of
his friend's friend, he should prevent his rear-enemy attacking the ákranda (his rear-ally);
* thus the conqueror should, through the aid of his friends, bring the Circle of States
under his own sway both in his rear and front;
* he should send messengers and spies to reside in each of the states composing the
Circle and having again and again destroyed the strength of his enemies he should keep
his counsels concealed, being friendly with his friends;
* the works of him whose counsels are not kept concealed, will, though they may
prosper for a time, perish as undoubtedly as a broken raft on the sea.
[Thus ends Chapter XIII, "Considerations about an Enemy in the Rear," in Book VII,
“The End of the Six-fold Policy” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and
eleventh chapter from the beginning.]
WHEN the conqueror is thus attacked by the combined army of his enemies, he may
tell their leader: "I shall make peace with you; this is the gold, and I am the friend; your
gain is doubled; it is not worthy of you to augment at your own expense the power of
your enemies who keep a friendly appearance now; for gaining in power, they will put
you down in the long run."
Or he may tell the leader so as to break the combination: "Just as an innocent person
like myself is now attacked by the combined army of these kings, so the very same kings
in combination will attack you in weal or woe; for power intoxicates the mind; hence
break their combination."
The combination being broken, he may set the leader against the weak among his
enemies; or offering inducements, he may set the combined power of the weak against
the leader; or in whatever way be may find it to be conducive to his own prosperity, in
that way he may make the leader incur the displeasure of others, and thus frustrate their
attempts; or showing the prospect of a larger profit, he may through intrigue, make peace
with their leader. Then the recipients of salaries from two states, exhibiting the
acquisition of large profits (to the leader), may satirise the kings, saying, "You are all very
well combined."
If some of the kings of the combination are wicked, they may be made to break the
treaty; then the recipients of salaries from two states may again tell them so as to break
the combination entirely: "This is just what we have already pointed out."
When the enemies are separated, the conqueror may move forward by catching hold
of any of the kings (as an ally).
In the absence of a leader, the conqueror may win him over who is the inciter of the
combination; or who is of a resolute mind, or who has endeared himself to his people, or
who, from greed or fear, joined the combination, or who is afraid of the conqueror, or
whose friendship with the conqueror is based upon some consanguinity of royalty, or who
is a friend, or who is a wandering enemy,--in the order of enumeration.
Of these, one has to please the inciter by surrendering oneself; by conciliation and
salutation; him who is of a resolute mind; by giving a daughter in marriage or by availing
oneself of his youth (to beget a son on one's wife?); him who is the beloved of his people,
by giving twice the amount of profits; him who is greedy, by helping with men and
money; him who is afraid of the combination, by giving a hostage to him who is naturally
timid; by entering into a closer union with him whose friendship is based upon some
consanguinity of royalty; by doing what is pleasing and beneficial to both or by
abandoning hostilities against him who is a friend; and by offering help and abandoning
hostilities against him who is a wandering enemy; one has to win over the confidence of
any of the above kings by adopting suitable means or by means of conciliation, gifts,
dissension, or threats, as will be explained under "Troubles."
Whoever is wanting in the power of deliberation should collect wise men around
himself, and associate with old men of considerable learning; thus he would attain his
desired ends.
He who is devoid of a good treasury and army should direct his attention towards
the strengthening of the safety and security of the elements of his sovereignty; for the
country is the source of all those works which are conducive to treasury and army; the
haven of the king and of his army is a strong fort.
Irrigational works (setubandha) are the source of crops; the results of a good shower
of rain are ever attained in the case of crops below irrigational works.
The roads of traffic are a means to overreach an enemy; for it is through the roads of
traffic that armies and spies are led (from one country to another); and that weapons,
armour, chariots, and draught-animals are purchased; and that entrance and exit (in
travelling) are facilitated.
Mines are the source of whatever is useful in battle.
Timber-forests are the source of such materials as are necessary for building forts,
conveyances and chariots.
Pasture-lands are the source of cows, horses, and camels to draw chariots.
In the absence of such sources of his own, he should acquire them from some one
among his relatives and friends. If he is destitute of an army, he should, as far as possible,
attract to himself the brave men of corporations, of thieves, of wild tribes, of Mlechchhas,
and of spies who are capable of inflicting injuries upon enemies.
He should also adopt the policy of a weak king towards powerful king in view of
averting danger from enemies or friends.
* Thus with the aid of one's own party, the power of deliberation, the treasury, and
the army, one should get rid of the clutches of one's enemies.
[Thus ends Chapter XIV, “Recruitment of Lost Power,” in Book VII, “The End of the
Six-fold Policy” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and twelfth chapter
from the beginning.]
WHEN a weak king is attacked by a powerful enemy, the former should seek the
protection of one who is superior to his enemy and whom his enemy's power of
deliberation for intrigue cannot affect. Of kings who are equal in the power of
deliberation, difference should be sought in unchangeable prosperity and in association
with the aged.
In the absence of a superior king, he should combine with a number of his equals
who are equal in power to his enemy and whom his enemy's power of purse, army, and
intrigue cannot reach. Of kings who are equally possessed of the power of purse, army,
and intrigue, difference should be sought in their capacity for making vast preparations.
In the absence of equals, he should combine with a number of inferior kings who are
pure and enthusiastic, who can oppose the enemy, and whom his enemy's power of purse,
army, and intrigue cannot react. Of kings who are equally possessed of enthusiasm and
capacity for action, a difference should be sought in the opportunity of securing
favourable battle fields. Of kings who are equally possessed of favourable battle fields,
difference should be sought in their ever being ready for war. Of kings who are equal
possessed of favourable battlefields and who are equally ready for war, difference should
be sought in their possession of weapons and armour necessary for war.
In the absence of any such help, he should seek shelter inside a fort in which his
enemy with a large army can offer no obstruction to the supply of food-stuff, grass,
firewood and water, but would sustain a heavy loss of men and money. When there are
many forts, difference should be sought in their affording facility for the collection of
stores and supplies. Kautilya is of opinion that one should entrench oneself in a fort
inhabited by men and provided with stores and supplies. Also for the following reasons,
one should shelter oneself in such a fort:--
"I shall oppose him (the enemy) with his rear-enemy's ally or with a madhyama
king, or with a neutral king; I shall either capture or devastate his kingdom with the aid of
a neighbouring king, a wild tribe, a scion of his family, or an imprisoned prince; by the
help of my partisans with him, I shall create troubles in his fort, country or camp; when
he is near, I shall murder him with weapons, fire, or poison, or any other secret means at
my pleasure; I shall, cause him to sustain a heavy loss of men and money in works
undertaken by himself or made to be undertaken at the instance of my spies; I shall easily
sow the seeds of dissension among his friends or his army when they have suffered from
loss of men and money; I shall catch hold of his camp by cutting off supplies and stores
going to it; or by surrendering myself (to him), I shall create some weak points in him
and put him down with all my resources; or having curbed his spirit, I shall compel him
to make peace with me on my own terms; when I obstruct his movements troubles arise
to him from all sides; when he is helpless, I shall slay him with the help of my hereditary
army or with his enemy's army; or with wild tribes; I shall maintain the safety and
security of my vast country by entrenching myself within my fort; the army of myself and
of my friends will be invincible when collected together in this fort; my army which is
trained to fight from valleys, pits, or at night, will bring him into difficulties on his way,
when he is engaged in an immediate work; owing to loss of men and money, he will
make himself powerless when he arrives here at a bad place and in a bad time; owing to
the existence of forts and of wild tribes (on the way), he will find this country accessible
only at considerable cost of men and money; being unable to find positions favourable for
the exercise of the armies of himself and of his friends, suffering from disease, he will
arrive here in distress; or having arrived here, he will not return."
In the absence of such circumstances, or when the enemy's army is very strong, one
may run away abandoning one's fort.
My teacher says that one may rush against the enemy like a moth against a flame;
success in one way or other (i.e., death or victory) is certain for one who is reckless of
No, says Kautilya, having observed the conditions conducive to peace between
himself and his enemy, he may make peace; in the absence of such conditions, he may, by
taking recourse to threats secure peace or a friend; or he may send a messenger to one
who is likely to accept peace; or having pleased with wealth and honour the messenger
sent by his enemy, he may tell the latter: "This is the king's manufactory; this is the
residence of the queen and the princes; myself and this kingdom are at your disposal, as
approved of by the queen and the princes."
Having secured his enemy's protection, he should behave himself like a servant to
his master by serving the protector's occasional needs. Forts and other defensive works,
acquisition of things, celebration of marriages, installation of the heir-apparent,
commercial undertakings, capture of elephants, construction of covert places for battle
(sattra), marching against an enemy, and holding sports,--all these he should undertake
only at the permission of his protector. He should also obtain his protector's permission
before making any agreement with people settled in his country or before punishing those
who may run away from his country. If the citizens and country people living in his
kingdom prove disloyal or inimical to him, he may request of his protector another good
country; or he may get rid of wicked people by making use of such secret means as are
employed against traitors. He should not accept the offer of a good country even from a
friend. Unknown his protector, he may see the protector's minister, high priest,
commander of the army or heir-apparent. He should also help his protector as much as he
can. On all occasions of worshipping gods and of making prayers, be should cause his
people to pray for the long life of his protector; and he should always proclaim his
readiness to place himself at the disposal of his protector.
* Serving him who is strong and combined with others and being far away from the
society of suspected persons, a conquered king should thus always behave himself
towards his protector.
[Thus ends Chapter XV, “Measures Conducive to Peace with a Strong and Provoked
Enemy and the Attitude of a Conquered Enemy,” in Book VII, “The End of the Six-fold
Policy” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and thirteenth chapter from
the beginning.]
By means of conciliation and gifts, he should subdue weak kings; and by means of
sowing the seeds of dissension and by threats, strong kings. By adopting a particular, or
an alternative, or all of the strategic means, he should subdue his immediate and distant
He should observe the policy of conciliation by promising the protection of villages,
of those who live in forests, of flocks of cattle, and of the roads of traffic as well as the
restoration of those who have been banished or who have run away or who have done
some harm.
Gifts of land, of things, and of girls in marriage and absence of fear,--by declaring
these, he should observe the policy of gifts.
By instigating any one of a neighbouring king, a wild chief, a scion of the enemy's
family, or an imprisoned prince, he should sow the seeds of dissension.
He may reinstate kings who are spirited and who can strengthen his army; likewise
he may reinstate those who are possessed of a good treasury and army and who can
therefore help him with money; as well as those who are wise and who can therefore
provide him with lands.
Whoever among his friends helps him with gems, precious things, raw materials
acquired from commercial towns, villages, and mines, or with conveyances and draught-
animals acquired from timber and elephant-forests, and herds of cattle, is a friend
affording a variety of enjoyment (chitrabhoga); whoever supplies him with wealth and
army is a friend affording vast enjoyment (mahábhoga); whoever supplies him with
army, wealth, and lands is a friend affording all enjoyments (sarvabhoga); whoever
safeguards him against a side-enemy is a friend affording enjoyments on one side
(ekatobhogi); whoever helps also his enemy and his enemy's allies is a friend affording
enjoyment to both sides (ubhayatobhogi); and whoever helps him against his enemy, his
enemy's ally, his neighbour, and wild tribes is a friend affording enjoyment on all sides
(The king who is desirous of making conquests) should continue in following the
same policy towards him, who, among the above kings, is most helpful and keeps the
same attitude; should by secret means bring him round who is opposed; should favour the
helpful with facilities for giving further help, besides bestowing rewards and honour at all
costs upon him; should give relief to him who is under troubles; should receive visitors at
their own choice and afford satisfaction to them; should avoid using contemptuous,
threatening, defamatory, or harsh words towards them; should like a father protect those
who are promised security from fear; should punish the guilty after publishing their guilt;
and in order to avoid causing suspicion to the protector, the vassal-king should adopt the
procedure of inflicting secret punishments upon offenders.
He should never covet the land, things, and sons and wives of the king slain by him;
he should reinstate in their own estates the relatives of the kings slain. He should install
in the kingdom the heir-apparent of the king who has died while working (with the
conqueror); all conquered kings will, if thus treated, loyally follow the sons and
grandsons of the conqueror.
Whoever covets the lands, things, sons, and wives of the kings whom he has either
slain or bound in chains will cause provocation to the Circle of States and make it rise
against himself; also his own ministers employed in his own territory will be provoked
and will seek shelter under the circle of states, having an eye upon his life and kingdom.
* Hence conquered kings preserved in their own lands in accordance with the policy
of conciliation will be loyal to the conqueror and follow his sons and grandsons.
[Thus ends Chapter XVI, "The Attitude of a Conquered King," in Book VII, "The End of
the Six-fold Policy,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and fourteenth
chapter from the beginning.]
My teacher says that peace, depended upon honesty or oath, is mutable, while peace
with a security or an hostage is immutable.
No, says Kautilya, peace, dependent upon honesty or oath is immutable both in this
and the next world. It is for this world only that a security or an hostage is required for
strengthening the agreement.
Honest kings of old made their agreement of peace with this declaration: "We have
joined in peace."
In order to avoid the contingency of violation of oath, peace made with the security
of such persons as ascetics engaged in penance, or nobles is peace with a security. In such
a peace, whoever takes as security a person capable of controlling the enemy gains more
advantages, while he who acts to the contrary is deceived.
In peace made with children as hostages, and in the case of giving a princess or a
prince as an hostage, whoever gives a princess gains advantages; for a princess, when
taken as an hostage, causes troubles to the receiver, while a prince is of reverse nature.
With regard to two sons, whoever hands over a highborn, brave and wise son,
trained in military art, or an only son is deceived, while he who acts otherwise gains
advantages. It is better to give a base-born son as an hostage than a high-born one,
inasmuch as the former has neither heirship nor the right to beget heirs; it is better to give
a stupid son than a wise one, inasmuch as the former is destitute of the power of
deliberation; better to give a timid son than a brave one, inasmuch as the former is
destitute of martial spirit; better, a son who is not trained in military art than one who is
trained, inasmuch as the former is devoid of the capacity for striking an enemy; and better
one of many sons than an only son, since many sons are not wanted.
With regard to a high-born and a wise son, people will continue to be loyal to a high-
born son though he is not wise; a wise son, though base-born, is characterized with
capacity to consider state matters; but so far as capacity to consider state matters is
concerned, a. high-born prince associating himself with the aged, has more advantages
than a wise but base-born prince.
With regard to a wise and a brave prince, a wise prince, though timid, is
characterized with capacity for intellectual works; and a brave prince though not wise,
possesses warlike spirit. So far as warlike spirit is concerned, a wise prince overreaches a
brave one just as a hunter does an elephant.
With regard to a brave and a trained prince, a brave prince, though untrained, is
characterized with capacity for war; and a trained prince, though timid, is capable of
hitting objects aright. Notwithstanding the capacity for hitting objects aright, a brave
prince excels a trained prince in determination and firm adherence to his policy.
With regard to a king having many sons and another an only son, the former, giving
one of his sons as a hostage and being contented with the rest, is able to break the peace
but not the latter.
When peace is made by handing over the whole lot of sons, advantage is to be
sought in capacity to beget additional sons; capacity to beget additional sons being
common, he who can beget able sons will have more advantages than another king (who
is not so fortunate); capacity to beget able sons being common, he by whom the birth of a
son is early expected will have more advantages than another (who is not so fortunate).
In the case of an only son who is also brave, he who has lost capacity to beget any
more sons should surrender himself as an hostage, but not the only son.
Whoever is rising in power may break the agreement of peace. Carpenters, artisans,
and other spies, attending upon the prince (kept as an hostage) and doing work under the
enemy, may take away the prince at night through an underground tunnel dug for the
purpose. Dancers, actors, singers, players on musical instruments, buffoons, court-bards,
swimmers, and saubhikas (?), previously set about the enemy, may continue under his
service and may indirectly serve the prince. They should have the privilege of entering
into, staying in and going out of, the palace at any time without rule. The prince may
therefore get out at night disguised as any one of the above spies.
This explains the work of prostitutes and other women spies under the garb of
wives; the prince may get out, carrying their pipes, utensils, or vessels.
Or having served the sentinels with cooked rice and beverage mixed with the juice
of madana plant on occasions of making offerings to gods or of performing an ancestral
ceremony or some sacrificial rite, the prince may get out; or by bribing the sentinels; or
spies disguised as a nágaraka (officer in charge of the city), a court-bard, or a physician
may set fire to a building filled with valuable articles; or sentinels or spies disguised as
merchants may set fire to the store of commercial articles; or in view of avoiding the fear
of pursuit, the prince may, after putting some human body in the house occupied by him,
set fire to it and escape by breaking open some house-joints, or a window, or through a
tunnel; or having disguised himself as a carrier of glass-beads, pots, and other
commodities, he may set out at night; or having entered the residence of ascetics with
shaven heads or with twisted hair, he may set out at night, disguised as any one of them;
or having disguised himself as one suffering from a peculiar disease or as a forest-man,
he may get out; or spies may carry him away as a corpse; or disguised as a widowed wife,
be may follow a corpse that is being carried away. Spies disguised as forest-people,
should mislead the pursuers of the prince by pointing out another direction, and the
prince himself may take a different direction.
If he is captured, he should try to win over the pursuers by conciliation and other
means, or serve them with poisoned food; and having caused another body to be put in a
sacrifice performed to please god Varuna or in a fire that has broken out (the prince's
father), may accuse the enemy of the murder of his son and attack the enemy.
* Or taking out a concealed sword, and falling upon the sentinels, he may quickly
run away together with the spies concealed before.
[Thus ends Chapter XVII, “Making Peace and Breaking It,” in Book VII, “The End of the
Six-fold Policy” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and fifteenth chapter
from the beginning.]
THE third and the fifth states from a madhyama king are states friendly to him; while
the second, the fourth, and the sixth are unfriendly. If the madhyama king shows favour
to both of these states, the conqueror should be friendly with him; if he does not favour
them, the conqueror should be friendly with those states.
If the madhyama king is desirous of securing the friendship of the conqueor's would-
be friend, then having set his own and his friend's friends against the madhyama, and
having separated the madhyama from the latter's friends, the conqueror should preserve
his own friend; or the conqueror may incite the Circle of States against the madhyama by
telling them; "this madhyama king has grown haughty, and is aiming at our destruction:
let us therefore combine and interrupt his march."
If the Circle of States is favourable to his cause, then he may aggrandise himself by
putting down the madhyama; if not favourable, then having helped his friend with men
and money, he should, by means of conciliation and gifts, win over either the leader or a
neigbbouring king among the kings who hate the madhyama, or who have been living
with mutual support, or who will follow the one that is won over (by the conqueror), or
who do not rise owing to mutual suspicion; thus by winning over a second (king), he
should double his own power; by securing a third, he should treble his own power; thus
gaining in strength, he should put down the madhyama king.
When place and time are found unsuitable for success in the above attempt, he
should, by peace, seek the friendship of one of the enemies of the madhyama king, or
cause some traitors to combine against the madhyama; if the madhyama king is desirous
of reducing the conqueror's friend, the conqueror should prevent it, and tell the friend: "I
shall protect you as long as you are weak," and should accordingly protect him when he
is poor in resources; if the madhyama king desires to rout out a friend of the conqueror,
the latter should protect him in his difficulties; or having removed him from the fear of
the madhyama king, the conqueror should provide him with new lands and keep him
under his (the conqueror's) protection, lest he might go elsewhere.
If, among the conqueror's friends who are either reducible or assailable enemies of
the madhyama king, some undertake to help the madhyama, then the conqueror should
make peace with a third king; and if among the madhyama king's friends who are either
reducible or assailable enemies of the conqueror, some are capable of offence and
defence and become friendly to the conqueror, then he should make peace with them;
thus the conqueror cannot only attain his own ends, but also please the madhyama king.
If the madhyama king desires to win the neutral king, the conqueror should sow the
seeds of dissension between them. Whoever of the madhyama and the neutral kings is
esteemed by the Circle of States, his protection should the conqueror seek.
The conduct of the madhyama king explains that of the neutral king. If the neutral
king is desirous of combining with the madhyama king, then the conqueror should so
attempt as to frustrate the desire of the neutral king to overreach an enemy or to help a
friend or to secure the services of the army of another neutral king. Having thus
strengthened himself, the conqueror should reduce his enemies and help his friends,
though their position is inimical towards him.
Those who may be inimical to the conqueror are a king who is of wicked character
and who is therefore always harmful, a rear-enemy in combination with a frontal enemy,
a reducible enemy under troubles, and one who is watching the troubles of the conqueror
to invade him.
Those who may be friendly with the conqueror are one who marches with him with
the same end in view, one who marches with him with a different end in view, one who
wants to combine with the conqueror to march (against a common enemy), one who
marches under an agreement for peace, one who marches with a set purpose of, his own,
one who rises along with others, one who is ready to purchase or to sell either the army or
the treasury, and one who adopts the double policy (i.e., making peace with one and
waging war with another).
Those neighbouring kings who can be servants to the conqueror are a neighbouring
king under the apprehension of an attack from a powerful king, one who is situated
between the conqueror and his enemy, the rear-enemy of a powerful king, one who has
voluntarily surrendered one-self to the conqueror, one who has surrendered oneself under
fear, and one who has been subdued. The same is the case with those kings who are next
to the territory of the immediate enemies of the conqueror.
* Of these kings, the conqueror should, as far as possible, help that friend who has
the same end in view as the conqueror in his conflict with the enemy, and thus hold the
enemy at bay.
* When, after having put down the enemy, and after having grown in power, a friend
becomes unsubmissive, the conqueror should cause the friend to incur the displeasure of
a neighbour and of the king who is next to the neighbour.
* The conqueror should never help his friend when the latter is more and more
deteriorating; a politician should so keep his friend that the latter neither deteriorates nor
grows in power.
* When, with the desire of getting wealth, a wandering friend (i.e., a nomadic king)
makes an agreement with the conqueror, the latter should so remove the cause of the
friend's flight that he never flies again.
* When a friend remains neutral, the conqueror should cause him to incur the
displeasure of his immediate enemies; and when he is worried in his wars with them, the
conqueror should oblige him with help.
* When, owing to his own weakness, a friend seeks protection both from the
conqueror and the latter's enemy, the conqueror should help him with the army, so that he
never turns his attention elsewhere.
* Or having, removed him from his own lands, the conqueror may keep him in
another tract of land, having made some previous arrangements to punish or favour the
* Or the conqueror may harm him when he has grown powerful, or destroy him
when he does nut help the conqueror in danger and when he lies on the conqueror's lap in
good faith.
* When an enemy furiously rises against his own enemy (i.e., the conqueror's friend)
under troubles, the former should be put down by the latter himself with troubles
* When a friend keeps quiet after rising against an enemy under troubles, that friend
will be subdued by the enemy himself after getting rid of his troubles.
* Whoever is acquainted with the science of polity should clearly observe the
conditions of progress, deterioration, stagnation, reduction, and destruction, as well as the
use of all kinds of strategic means.
* Whoever thus knows the interdependence of the six kinds of policy plays at his
pleasure with kings, bound round, as it were, in chains skillfully devised by himself.
[Thus ends Chapter XVIII, "The Conduct of a Madhyama King, a Neutral King and of a
Circle of States," in Book VII, "The End of the Six-fold Policy” of the Arthasástra of
Kautilya. End of the hundred and sixteenth chapter from the beginning. With this ends the
seventh Book “The End of the Six-fold Policy” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
My teacher says that of the calamities, viz., the king in distress, the minister in
distress, the people in distress, distress due to bad fortifications, financial distress, the
army in distress, and an ally in distress,--that which is first mentioned is more serious
than the one, coming later in the order of enumeration.
No, says Bháradvája, of the distress of the king and of his minister, ministerial
distress is more serious; deliberations in council, the attainment of results as anticipated
while deliberating in council, the accomplishment of works, the business of revenue-
collection and its expenditure, recruiting the army, the driving out of the enemy and of
wild tribes, the protection of the kingdom, taking remedial measures against calamities,
the protection of the heir-apparent, and the installation of princes constitute the duties of
ministers. In the absence of ministers; the above works are ill-done; and like a bird,
deprived of its feathers, the king loses his active capacity. In such calamities, the intrigues
of the enemy find a ready scope. In ministerial distress, the king's life itself comes into
danger, for a minister is the mainstay of the security of the king's life.
No, says Kautilya, it is verily the king who attends to the business of appointing
ministers, priests, and other servants, including the superintendents of several
departments, the application of remedies against the troubles of his people, and of his
kingdom, and the adoption of progressive measures; when his ministers fall into troubles,
he employs others; he is ever ready to bestow rewards on the worthy and inflict
punishments on the wicked; when the king is well off, by his welfare and prosperity, he
pleases the people; of what kind the king's character is, of the same kind will be the
character of his people; for their progress or downfall, the people depend upon the king;
the king is, as it were, the aggregate of the people.
Visáláksha says that of the troubles of the minister and of the people; the troubles of
the people are more serious; finance, army, raw products, free labour, carriage of things,
and collection (of necessaries) are all secured from the people. There will be no such
things in the absence of people, next to the king and his minister.
No, says Kautilya, all activities proceed from the minister, activities such as the
successful accomplishment of the works of the people, security of person and property
from internal and external enemies, remedial measures against calamities, colonization
and improvement of wild tracts of land, recruiting the army, collection of revenue, and
bestowal of favour.
The school of Parásara say that of the distress of the people and distress due to bad
fortifications, the latter is a more serious evil; for it is in fortified towns that the treasury
and the army are secured; they (fortified towns) are a secure place for the people; they are
a stronger power than the citizens or country people; and they are a powerful defensive
instrument in times of danger for the king. As to the people, they are common both to the
king and his enemy.
No, says Kautilya, for forts, finance, and the army depend upon the people; likewise
buildings, trade, agricu1ture, cattle-rearing, bravery, stability, power, and abundance (of
things). In countries inhabited by people, there are mountains and islands (as natural
forts); in the absence of an expansive country, forts are resorted to. When a country
consists purely of cultivators, troubles due to the absence of fortifications (are apparent);
while in a country which consists purely of warlike people, troubles that may appear are
due to the absence of (an expansive and cultivated) territory.
Pisuna says that of the troubles due to the absence of forts and to want of finance,
troubles due to want of finance are more serious; the repair of fortifications and their
maintenance depend upon finance; by means of wealth, intrigue to capture an enemy's
fort may be carried on; by means of wealth, the people, friends, and enemies can be kept
under control; by means of it, outsiders can be encouraged and the establishment of the
army and its operations conducted. It is possible to remove the treasure in times of
danger, but not the fort.
No, says Kautilya, for it is in the fort that the treasury and the army are safely kept,
and it is from the fort that secret war (intrigue), control over one's partisans, the upkeep
of the army, the reception of allies and the driving out of enemies and of wild tribes are
successfully practised. In the absence of forts, the treasury is to the enemy, for it seems
that for those who own forts, there is no destruction.
Vátavyádhi says that of the distress of the army and of an ally, the distress of an ally
is more serious--an ally, though he is not fed and is far off, is still serviceable; he drives
off not only the rear-enemy and the friends of the rear-enemy, but also the frontal enemy
and wild tribes; he also helps his friend with money, army, and lands on occasions of
No, says Kautilya, the ally of him who has a powerful army keeps the alliance; and
even the enemy assumes a friendly attitude; when there is a work that can be equally
accomplished either by the army or by an ally, then preference to the army or to the ally
should depend on the advantages of securing the appropriate place and time for war and
the expected profit. In times of sudden expedition and on occasions of troubles from an
enemy, a wild tribe, or local rebels, no friend can be trusted. When calamities happen
together, or when an enemy has grown strong, a friend keeps up his friendship as long as
money is forthcoming. Thus the determination of the comparative seriousness of the
calamities of the various elements of sovereignty.
* When a part of one of the elements of sovereignty is under troubles, the extent,
affection, and strength of the serviceable part can be the means of accomplishing a work.
* When any two elements of sovereignty are equally under troubles, they should be
distinguished in respect of their progressive or declining tendency, provided that the good
condition of the rest of the elements needs no description.
* When the calamities of a single element tend to destroy the rest of the elements,
those calamities, whether they be of the fundamental or any other element, are verily
[Thus ends Chapter I, “The Aggregate of the Calamities of the Elements of Sovereignty,”
in Book VIII, “Concerning Vices and Calamities” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of
the hundred and seventeenth chapter from the beginning.]
THE king and his kingdom are the primary elements of the state.
The troubles of the king may be either internal or external. Internal troubles are more
serious than external troubles which are like the danger arising from a lurking snake.
Troubles due to a minister are more serious than other kinds of internal troubles. Hence,
the king should keep under his own control the powers of finance and the army.
Of divided rule and foreign rule, divided rule or rule of a country by two kings,
perishes owing to mutual hatred, partiality and rivalry. Foreign rule which comes into
existence by seizing the country from its king still alive, thinks that the country is not its
own, impoverishes it, and carries off its wealth, or treats it as a commercial article; and
when the country ceases to love it, it retires abandoning the country.
My teacher says that a blind king, i.e., a king who is not possessed of an eye in
sciences, is indiscriminate in doing works, very obstinate, and is led by others; such a
king destroys the kingdom by his own maladministration. But an erring king can be
easily brought round when and where his mind goes astray from the procedure laid down
in sciences.
No, says Kautilya, a blind king can be made by his supporters to adhere to whatever
line of policy he ought to. But an erring king who is bent upon doing what is against the
science, brings about destruction to himself and his kingdom by maladministration.
My teacher says that a diseased king loses his kingdom owing to the intrigue of his
ministers, or loses his life on account of the kingdom; but a new king pleases the people
by such popular deeds as the observance of his own duties and the act of bestowing
favours, remissions (of taxes), gifts, and presents upon others.
No, says Kautilya, a diseased king continues to observe his duties as usual. But a
new king begins to act as he pleases under the impression that the country, acquired by
his own might, belongs to himself; when pressed by combined kings (for plunder), he
tolerates their oppression of the country. Or having no firm control over the elements of
the state, he is easily removed. There is this difference among diseased kings: a king who
is morally diseased, and a king who is suffering from physical disease; there is also this
difference among new kings: a high-born king and a base-born king.
Which is better, a weak but high-born king, or a strong but low-born king?
My teacher says that a people, even if interested in having a weak king, hardly allow
room for the intrigues of a weak but high-born person to be their king; but that if they
desire power, they will easily yield themselves to the intrigues of a strong but base-born
person to be their king.
No, says Kautilya, a people will naturally obey a high-born king though he is weak,
for the tendency of a prosperous people is to follow a high-born king. Also they render
the intrigues of a strong but base-born person, unavailing, as the saying is, that possession
of virtues makes for friendship.
The destruction of crops is worse than the destruction of handfuls (of grains), since it
is the labour that is destroyed thereby; absence of rain is worse than too much rain.
[Thus ends Chapter II, "Considerations about the Troubles of the King and of his
Kingdom,” in Book VIII, “Concerning Vices and Calamities,” of the Arthasástra of
Kautilya. End of the hundred and eighteenth chapter from the beginning.]
Vice's due to anger form a triad; and those due to desire are fourfold. Of these two,
anger is worse, for anger proceeds against all. In a majority of cases, kings given to anger
are said to have fallen a prey to popular fury. But kings addicted to pleasures have
perished in consequence of serious diseases brought about by deterioration and
No, says Kautilya, anger brings about enmity with, and troubles from, an enemy, and
is always associated with pain. Addiction to pleasure (káma) occasions contempt and loss
of wealth, and throws the addicted person into the company of thieves, gamblers, hunters,
singers, players on musical instruments, and other undesirable persons. Of these, enmity
is more serious than contempt, for a despised person is caught hold of by his own people
and by his enemies, whereas a hated person is destroyed. Troubles from an enemy are
more serious than loss of wealth, for loss of wealth causes financial troubles, whereas
troubles from an enemy are injurious to life. Suffering on account of vices is more serious
than keeping company with undesirable persons, for the company of undesirable persons
can be got rid of in a moment, whereas suffering from vices causes injury for a long time.
Hence, anger is a more serious evil.
Visáláksha says that of abuse of language and of money, abuse of language is worse;
for when harshly spoken to, a brave man retaliates; and bad language, like a nail piercing
the heart, excites anger and gives pain to the senses.
No, says Kautilya, gift of money palliates the fury occasioned by abusive language,
whereas abuse of money causes the loss of livelihood itself. Abuse of money means gifts,
exaction, loss or abandonment of money.
The School of Parásara say that of abuse of money and oppressive punishment,
abuse of money is worse; for good deeds and enjoyments depend upon wealth; the world
itself is bound by wealth. Hence, its abuse is a more serious evil.
No, says Kautilya, in preference to a large amount of wealth, no man desires the loss
of his own life. Owing to oppressive punishment, one is liable to the same punishment at
the hands of one's enemies.
The fourfold vices due to desire are hunting, gambling, women and drinking.
Pisuna says that of hunting and gambling, hunting is a worse vice; for falling into
the hand of robbers, enemies and elephants, getting into wild fire, fear, inability to
distinguish between the cardinal points, hunger, thirst and loss of life are evils consequent
upon hunting, whereas in gambling, the expert gambler wins a victory like Jayatsena and
No, says Kautilya, of the two parties, one has to suffer from defeat, as is well known
from the history of Nala and Yudhishthira; the same wealth that is won like a piece of
flesh in gambling, causes enmity. Lack of recognition of wealth properly acquired,
acquisition of ill-gotten wealth, loss of wealth without enjoyment, staying away from
answering the calls of nature, and contracting diseases from not taking timely meals, are
the evils of gambling, whereas in hunting, exercise, the disappearance of phlegm, bile,
fat, and sweat, the acquisition of skill in aiming at stationary and moving bodies, the
ascertainment of the appearance of beasts when provoked, and occasional march (are its
good characteristics).
No, says Kautilya, it is possible to divert the attention from gambling, but not so
from women. (The evils of the latter are) failure to see (what ought to be seen), violation
of duty, the evil of postponing works that are to be immediately done, incapacity to deal
with politics, and contracting the evil of drinking.
No, says Kautilya, in the case of addiction to women, the consequences are the birth
of children, self-protection, change of wives in the harem, and absence of such
consequences in the case of unworthy outside women. Both the above consequences
follow from drinking. The auspicious effects of drinking are loss of money, lunacy in a
sensate man, corpselike appearance while living, nakedness, the loss of the knowledge of
the Vedas, loss of life, wealth, and friends, disassociation with the good, suffering from
pain, and indulgence in playing on musical instruments and in singing at the expense of
Of gambling and drinking, gambling causes gain or loss of the stakes to one party or
other. Even among dumb animals, it splits them into factions and causes provocation. It is
specially due to gambling that assemblies and royal confederacies possessing the
characteristics of assemblies are split into factions, and are consequently destroyed. The
reception of what is condemned is the worst of all evils since it causes incapacity to deal
with politics.
* The reception of what is condemned is (due to) desire; and anger consists in
oppressing the good; since both these are productive of many evils, both of them are held
to be the worst evils.
* Hence be who is possessed of discretion should associate with the aged, and, after
controlling his passions, abandon both anger and desire which are productive of other
evils and destructive of the very basis (of life).
[Thus ends Chapter III, "The Aggregate of the Troubles of Men," in Book VIII.
"Concerning Vices and Calamities” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred
and nineteenth chapter from the beginning.]
My teacher says that of fire and floods, destruction due to fire is irremediable; all
kinds of troubles, except those due to fire, can be alleviated, and troubles due to floods
can be passed over.
No, says Kautilya, fire destroys a village, or part of a village whereas floods carry
off hundreds of villages.
My teacher says that of pestilence and famine, pestilence brings all kinds of business
to a stop by causing obstruction to work on account of disease and death among men and
owing to the flight of servants, whereas famine stops no work, but is productive of gold,
cattle and taxes.
No, says Kautilya, pestilence devastates only a part (of the country) and can be
remedied, whereas famine causes troubles to the whole (of the country) and occasions
dearth of livelihood to all creatures.
My teacher says that of the loss of chief and vulgar men, the loss of vulgar men
causes obstruction to work.
No, says Kautilya, it is possible to recruit vulgar men, since they form the majority
of people; for the sake of vulgar men, nobles should not be allowed to perish; one in a
thousand may or may not be a noble man; he it is who is possessed of excessive courage
and wisdom and is the refuge of vulgar people.
My teacher says that of the troubles arising from one's own or one’s enemy's Circle
of States, those due to one's own Circle are doubly injurious and are irremediable,
whereas an inimical Circle of States can be fought out or kept away by the intervention of
an ally or by making peace.
No, says Kautilya, troubles due to one's own Circle can be got rid of by arresting or
destroying the leaders among the subjective people; or they may be injurious to a part of
the country, whereas troubles due to an enemy's Circle of States cause oppression by
inflicting loss and destruction and by burning, devastation, and plunder.
My teacher says that of the quarrels among the people and among kings, quarrel
among the people brings about disunion and thereby enables an enemy to invade the
country, whereas quarrel among kings is productive of double pay and wages and of
remission of taxes to the people.
No, says Kautilya, it is possible to end the quarrel among the people by arresting the
leaders, or by removing the cause of quarrel; and people quarrelling among themselves
vie with each other and thereby help the country, whereas quarrel among kings causes
trouble and destruction to the people and requires double the energy for its settlement.
My teacher says that of a sportive king and a sportive country, a sportive country is
always ruinous to the results of work, whereas a sportive king is beneficial to artisans,
carpenters, musicians, buffoons and traders.
No, says Kautilya, a sportive country, taking to sports for relaxation from labour,
causes only a trifling loss; and after enjoyment, it resumes work, whereas a sportive king
causes oppression by showing indulgence to his courtiers, by seizing and begging, and by
obstructing work in the manufactories.
My teacher says that of a favourite wife and a prince, the prince causes oppression
by showing indulgence to his followers, by seizing and begging, and by obstructing the
work in manufactories whereas the favourite wife is addicted to her amorous sports.
No, says Kautilya, it is possible to prevent through the minister and the priest, the
oppression caused by the prince, but not the oppression caused by the favourite wife,
since she is usually stubborn and keeps company with wicked persons.
My teacher says that of the troubles due to a corporation of people and to a leader (a
chief), the corporation of people people cannot be put down since it consists of a number
of men and causes oppression by theft and violence, whereas a leader causes troubles by
obstruction to, and destruction of, work.
No, says Kautilya, it is very easy to get rid of (the troubles from) a corporation;
since it has to rise or fall with the king; or it can be put down by arresting its leader or a
part of the corporation itself, whereas a leader backed up with support causes oppression
by injuring the life and property of others.
My teacher says that of the chamberlain and the collector of revenue, the
chamberlain causes oppression by spoiling works and by inflicting fines, whereas the
collector of revenue makes use of the ascertained revenue in the department over which
he presides.
No, says Kautilya, the chamberlain takes to himself what is presented by others to be
entered into the treasury whereas the collector makes his own revenue first and then the
kings'; or he destroys the kings' revenue and proceeds as he pleases to seize the property
of others.
My teacher says that of the superintendent of the boundary and a trader, the
superintendent of the boundary destroys traffic by allowing thieves and taking taxes more
than he ought to, whereas a trader renders the country prosperous by a favourable barter
of commercial articles.
No, says Kautilya, the superintendent of the boundary increases commercial traffic
by welcoming the arrival of merchandise, whereas traders unite in causing rise and fall in
the value of articles, and live by making profits cent per cent in panas or kumbhas
(measures of grain).
Which is more desirable, land occupied by a high-born person or land reserved for
grazing a flock of cattle?
My teacher says that the land occupied by a high-born person is very productive;
and it supplies men to the army; hence it does not deserve to be confiscated lest the
owner might cause troubles, whereas the land occupied for grazing a flock of cattle is
cultivable and deserves therefore to be freed, for cultivable land is preferred to pasture
No, says Kautilya, though immensely useful, the land occupied by a high-born
person deserves to be freed, lest he might cause troubles (otherwise), whereas the land
held for grazing a flock of cattle is productive of money and beasts, and does not
therefore deserve to be confiscated unless cultivation of crops is impeded thereby.
My teacher says that of robbers and wild tribes, robbers are ever bent on carrying off
women at night, make assaults on persons, and take away hundreds and thousands of
panas, whereas wild tribes, living under a leader and moving in the neighbouring forests
can be seen here and there causing destruction only to a part.
No, says Kautilya, robbers carry off the property of the careless and can be put down
as they are easily recognized and caught hold of, whereas wild tribes have their own
strongholds, being numerous and brave, ready to fight in broad daylight, and seizing and
destroying countries like kings.
Of the forests of beasts and of elephants, beasts are numerous and productive of
plenty of flesh and skins; they arrest the growth of the grass and are easily controlled,
whereas elephants are of the reverse nature and are seen to be destructive of countries
even when they are captured and tamed.
Of benefits derived from one's own or a foreign country, benefits derived from one's
own country consists of grains, cattle, gold, and raw products and are useful for the
maintenance of the people in calamities, whereas benefits derived from a foreign country
are of the reverse nature.
* In the interests of the prosperity of the country, one should attempt to avoid the
cause of troubles, remedy them when they happen, and avert obstructions and financial
[Thus ends Chapter IV, "The Group of Molestations, the Group of Obstructions, and the
Group of Financial Troubles" in BookVIII, "Concerning Vices and Calamities," of the
Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and twentieth chapter from the beginning.]
The troubles of the army are--That which is disrespected; that which is mortified;
that which is not paid for; that which is diseased; that which has freshly arrived; that
which has made a long journey; that which is tired; that which has sustained loss; that
which has been repelled; that of which the front portion is destroyed; that which is
suffering from inclemency of weather; that which has found itself in an unsuitable
ground; that which is displeased from disappointment; that which has run away; that of
which the men are fond of their wives; that which contains traitors; that of which the
prime portion is provoked; that which has dissensions; that which has come from a
foreign state; that which has served in many states; that which is specially trained to a
particular kind of manœuvre and encampment; that which is trained to a particular
movement in a particular place; that which is obstructed; that which is surrounded; that
which has its supply of grains cut off; that which has its men and stores cut off; that
which is kept in one's own country; that which is under the protection of an ally; that
which contains inimical persons; that which is afraid of an enemy in the rear; that which
has lost its communication; that which has lost its commander; that which has lost its
leader; and that which is blind (i.e., untrained).
Of the disrespected and the mortified among these, that which is disrespected may
be taken to fight after being honoured, but not that which is suffering from its own
Of unpaid and diseased armies, the unpaid may be taken to fight after making full
payment but not the diseased, which is unfit for work.
Of freshly arrived and long-travelled armies, that which has freshly arrived may be
taken to fight after it has taken its position without mingling with any other new army,
but not that which is tired from its long journey.
Of tired and reduced armies, the army that is tired may be taken to fight after it has
refreshed itself from bathing, eating, and sleeping, but not the reduced army, i.e., the
army, the leaders of which have been killed.
Of armies which have either been repelled or have their front destroyed, that which
has been repelled may be taken to fight together with fresh men attached to it, but not the
army which has lost many of its brave men in its frontal attack.
Of soldiers who are either fond of their wives or are under an enemy, those who are
fond of their wives may be taken to fight after separating them from their wives; but not
those who are under an enemy, and are, therefore, like internal enemies.
Of provoked and disunited armies, that, of which a part is provoked, may be taken to
fight after pacifying it by conciliation and other strategic means but not the disunited
army, the members of which are estranged from each other.
Of armies which have left service either in one state or in many states, that whose
resignation of service in a foreign state is not due to instigation or conspiracy may be
taken to fight under the leadership of spies and friends, but not the army which has
resigned its service in many states and is, therefore, dangerous.
Of obstructed and surrounded armies, that which is prevented from its movements in
one direction may be taken to fight against the obstructor in another direction, but not the
army whose movements are obstructed on all sides.
Of troops whose supply of grain is cut off or whose supply of men and stores is cut
off, that which has lost its supply of grain may be taken to fight after providing it with
grain brought from another quarter or after supplying to it moveable and immoveable
food-stuffs (animal and vegetable food-stuffs) but not the army to which men and
provisions cannot be supplied.
Of armies kept in one's own country or under the protection of an ally, that which is
kept in one's own country can possibly be disbanded in time of danger, but not the army
under the protection of an ally, as it is far removed in place and time.
Of armies either filled with traitors, or frightened by an enemy in the rear, that which
is full of traitors may be taken to fight apart under the leadership of a trusted commander,
but not the army which is afraid of an attack from the rear.
Of armies without communication or without leaders, that which has lost its
communication with the base of operations may be taken to fight after restoring the
communication and placing it under the protection of citizens and country people, but not
the army which is without a leader such as the king or any other persons.
Of troops which have lost their leader or which are not trained, those that have lost
their leader may be taken to fight under the leadership of a different person but not the
troops which are not trained.
* Removal of vices and troubles, recruitment (of new men), keeping away from
places of an enemy's ambush, and harmony among the officers of the army, are the means
of protecting the army from troubles.
* He (the king) should ever carefully guard his army from the troubles caused by an
enemy, and should ever be ready to strike his enemy's army when the latter is under
* Whatever he may come to know as the source of trouble to his people, he should
quickly and carefully apply antidotes against that cause.
* A friend who is bought by another and who has withdrawn himself from fighting;
* A friend who, following the policy of making peace with one and marching against
another, has contracted friendship with one, who is going to march either singly or in
combination with others against an ally;
* A friend who is not relieved from his troubles owing to fear, contempt, or
indifference; a friend who is surrounded in his own place or who has run away owing to
* A friend who is displeased owing to his having to pay much, or owing to his not
having received his due or owing to his dissatisfaction even after the receipt of his due;
* A friend who has voluntarily paid much or who is made by another to pay much
(to his ally); a friend who is kept under pressure, or who, having broken the bond of
friendship, sought friendship with another;
* A friend who is neglected owing to inability to retain his friendship; and a friend
who has become an enemy in spite of his ally's entreaties to the contrary;--such friends
are hardly acquired; and if acquired at all, they turn away.
* Hence one should not give rise to those causes which are destructive of friendship;
and when they arise, one should get rid of them by adopting such friendly attitude as can
remove those causes.
[Thus ends Chapter V, "The Group of Troubles of the Army, and the Group of Troubles of
a Friend," in Book VIII "Concerning Vices and Calamities," of the Arthasástra of
Kautilya. End of the hundred and twenty-first chapter from the beginning. With this ends
the eighth Book "Concerning Vices and Calamities" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
THE conqueror should know the comparative strength and weakness of himself and
of his enemy; and having ascertained the power, place, time, the time of marching and of
recruiting the army, the consequences, the loss of men and money, and profits and danger,
he should march with his full force; otherwise, he should keep quiet.
My teacher says that of enthusiasm and power, enthusiasm is better: a king, himself
energetic, brave, strong, free from disease, skilful in wielding weapons, is able with his
army as a secondary power to subdue a powerful king; his army, though small, will, when
led by him, be, capable of turning out any work. But a king who has no enthusiasm in
himself, will perish though possessed of a strong army.
No, says Kautilya, he who is possessed of power overreaches, by the sheer force of
his power, another who is merely enthusiastic. Having acquired, captured, or bought
another enthusiastic king as well as brave soldiers, he can make his enthusiastic army of
horses, elephants, chariots, and others to move anywhere without obstruction. Powerful
kings, whether women, young men, lame or blind, conquered the earth by winning over
or purchasing the aid of enthusiastic persons.
My teacher says that of power (money and army) and skill in intrigue, power is
better; for a king, though possessed of skill for intrigue (mantrasakti) becomes a man of
barren mind if he has no power; for the work of intrigue is well defined. He who has no
power loses his kingdom as sprouts of seeds in drought vomit their sap.
No, says Kautilya, skill for intrigue is better; he who has the eye of knowledge and
is acquainted with the science of polity can with little effort make use of his skill for
intrigue and can succeed by means of conciliation and other strategic means and by spies
and chemical appliances in over-reaching even those kings who are possessed of
enthusiasm and power. Thus of the three acquirements, viz., enthusiasm, power and skill
for intrigue, he who posesses more of the quality mentioned later than the one mentioned
first in the order of enumeration will be successful in over- reaching others.
Country (space) means the earth; in it the thousand yojanas of the northern portion
of the country that stretches between the Himalayas and the ocean form the dominion of
no insignificant emperor; in it there are such varieties of land, as forests, villages,
waterfalls, level plains, and uneven grounds. In such lands, he should undertake such
works as he considers to be conducive to his power and prosperity. That part of the
country, in which his army finds a convenient place for its manœuvre and which proves
unfavourable to his enemy, is the best; that part of the country which is of the reverse
nature, is the worst; and that which partakes of both the characteristics, is a country of
middling quality.
Time consists of cold, hot, and rainy periods. The divisions of time are: the night,
the day, the fortnight, the month, the season, solstices, the year, and the Yuga (cycle of
five years). In these divisions of time he should undertake such works as are conducive to
the growth of his power and prosperity. That time which is congenial for the manœuvre
of his Army, but which is of the reverse nature for his enemy is the best; that which is of
the reverse nature is the worst; and that which possesses both the characteristics is of
middling quality.
My teacher says that of strength, place, and time, strength is the best; for a man who
is possessed of strength can overcome the difficulties due either to the unevenness of the
ground or to the cold, hot, or rainy periods of time. Some say that place is the best for the
reason that a dog, seated in a convenient place, can drag a crocodile and that a crocodile
in low ground can drag a dog.
Others say that time is the best for the reason that during the day-time the crow kills
the owl, and that at night the owl the crow.
No, says Kautilya, of strength, place, and time, each is helpful to the other; whoever
is possessed of these three things should, after having placed one-third or one fourth of
his army to protect his base of operations against his rear-enemy and wild tribes in his
vicinity and after having taken with him as much army and treasure as is sufficient to
accomplish his work, march during the month of Márgásírsha (December) against his
enemy whose collection of food-stuffs is old and insipid and who has not only not
gathered fresh food-stuffs, but also not repaired his fortifications, in order to destroy the
enemy's rainy crops and autumnal handfuls (mushti). He should march during the month
of Chaitra (March), if he means to destroy the enemy's autumnal crops and vernal
handfuls. He should march during the month of Jyestha (May-June) against one whose
storage of fodder, firewood and water has diminished and who has not repaired his
fortifications, if he means to destroy the enemy's vernal crops and handfuls of the rainy
season. Or he may march during the dewy season against a country which is of hot
climate and in which fodder and water are obtained in little quantities. Or he may march
during the summer against a country in which the sun is enshrouded by mist and which is
full of deep valleys and thickets of trees and grass, or he may march during the rains
against a country which is suitable for the manœuvre of his own army and which is of the
reverse nature for his enemy's army. He has to undertake a long march between the
months of Márgasírsha (December) and Taisha (January), a march of mean length
between March and April, and a short march between May and June; and one, afflicted
with troubles, should keep quiet.
Marching against an enemy under troubles has been explained in connection with
"March after declaring war."
My teacher says that one should almost invariably march against an enemy in
But Kautilya says: that when one's resources are sufficient one should march, since
the troubles of an enemy cannot be properly recognised; or whenever one finds it possible
to reduce or destroy an enemy by marching against him, then one may undertake a
When the weather is free from heat, one should march with an army mostly
composed of elephants. Elephants with profuse sweat in hot weather are attacked by
leprosy; and when they have no water for bathing and drinking, they lose their quickness
and become obstinate. Hence, against a country containing plenty of water and during the
rainy season, one should march with an army mostly composed of elephants. Against a
country of the reverse description, i.e., which as little rain and muddy water, one should
march with an army mostly composed of asses, camels, and horses.
Against a desert, one should march during the rainy season with all the four
constituents of the army (elephants, horses, chariots, and men). One should prepare a
programme of short and long distances to be marched in accordance with the nature of
the ground to be traversed, viz., even ground, uneven ground, valleys and plains.
When the work to be accomplished is small, march against all kinds of enemies
should be of short duration; and when it is great, it should also be of long duration; during
the rains, encampment should be made abroad.
[Thus ends Chapter I, “The Knowledge of Power, Place, Time, Strength and Weakness,
the Time of Invasion,” in Book IX, “The Work of an Invader,” of the Arthasástra of
Kautilya. End of the hundred and twenty-second chapter from the beginning.]
THE time of recruiting troops, such as hereditary troops (maula), hired troops,
corporation of soldiers (srení), troops belonging to a friend or to an enemy, and wild
When he (a king) thinks that his hereditary army is more than he requires for the
defence of his own possessions or when he thinks that as his hereditary army consists of
more men than he requires, some of them may be disaffected; or when he thinks that his
enemy has a strong hereditary army famous for its attachment, and is, therefore, to be
fought out with much skill on his part; or when he thinks that though the roads are good
and the weather favourable, it is still the hereditary army that can endure wear and tear;
or when he thinks that though they are famous for their attachment, hired soldiers and
other kinds of troops cannot be relied upon lest they might lend their ears to the intrigues
of the enemy to be invaded; or when he thinks that other kinds of force are wanting in
strength, then is the time for taking the hereditary army.
When he thinks that the army he has hired is greater than his hereditary army; that
his enemy's hereditary army is small and disaffected, while the army his enemy has hired
is insignificant and weak; that actual fight is less than treacherous fight; that the place to
be traversed and the time required do not entail much loss; that his own army is little
given to stupor, is beyond the fear of intrigue, and is reliable; or that little is the enemy's
power which he has to put down, then is the time for leading the hired army.
When he thinks that the immense corporation of soldiers he possesses can be trusted
both to defend his country and to march against his enemy; that he has to be absent only
for a short time; or that his enemy's army consists mostly of soldiers of corporations, and
consequently the enemy is desirous of carrying on treacherous fight rather than an actual
war, then is the time for the enlistment of corporations of soldiers (srení).
When he thinks that the strong help he has in his friend can be made use of both in
his own country and in his marches; that he has to be absent only for a short time, and
actual fight is more than treacherous fight; that having made his friend's army to occupy
wild tracts, cities, or plains and to fight with the enemy's ally, he, himself, would lead his
own army to fight with the enemy's army; that his work can be accomplished by his
friend as well; that his success depends on his friend; that he has a friend near and
deserving of obligation; or that he has to utilize the excessive force of his friend, then is
the time for the enlistment of a friend's army.
When he thinks that he will have to make his strong enemy to fight against another
enemy on account of a city, a plain, or a wild tract of land, and that in that fight he will
achieve one or the other of his objects, just like an outcast person in the fight between a
dog and a pig; that through the battle, he will have the mischievous power of his enemy's
allies or of wild tribes destroyed; that he will have to make his immediate and powerful
enemy to march elsewhere and thus get rid of internal rebellion which his enemy might
have occasioned; and that the time of battle between enemies or between inferior kings
has arrived, then is the time for the exercise of an enemy's forces.
When he thinks that the army of wild tribes is living by the same road (that his
enemy has to traverse); that the road is unfavourable for the march of his enemy's army;
that his enemy's army consists mostly of wild tribes; that just as a wood-apple (bilva) is
broken by means of another wood-apple, the small army of his enemy is to be destroyed,
then is the time for engaging the army of wild tribes.
That army which is vast and is composed of various kinds of men and is so
enthusiastic as to rise even without provision and wages for plunder when told or untold;
that which is capable of applying its own remedies against unfavourable rains; that which
can be disbanded and which is invincible for enemies; and that, of which all the men are
of the same country, same caste, and same training, is (to be considered as) a compact
body of vast power.
Of these armies, one has to pay the army of wild tribes either with raw produce or
with allowance for plunder.
When the time for the march of one's enemy's army has approached, one has to
obstruct the enemy or send him far away, or make his movements fruitless, or, by false
promise, cause him to delay the march, and then deceive him after the time for his march
has passed away. One should ever be vigilant to increase one's own resources and
frustrate the attempts of one's enemy to gain in strength.
Of these armies, that which is mentioned first is better than the one subsequently
mentioned in the order of enumeration.
Hereditary army is better than hired army inasmuch as the former has its existence
dependent on that of its master, and is constantly drilled.
That kind of hired army which is ever near, ready to rise quickly, and obedient, is
better than a corporation of soldiers.
That corporation of soldiers which is native, which has the same end in view (as the
king), and which is actuated with similar feelings of rivalry, anger, and expectation of
success and gain, is better than the army of a friend. Even that corporation of soldiers
which is further removed in place and time is, in virtue of its having the same end in
view, better than the army of a friend.
The army of an enemy under the leadership of an Arya is better than the army of
wild tribes. Both of them (the army of an enemy and of wild tribes) are anxious for
plunder. In the absence of plunder and under troubles, they prove as dangerous as a
lurking snake.
No, says Kautilya, the enemy may win over to himself the army of Bráhmans by
means of prostration. Hence, the army of Kshatriyas trained in the art of wielding
weapons is better; or the army of Vaisyas or Súdras having great numerical strength (is
Hence one should recruit one’s army, reflecting that "such is the army of my enemy;
and this is my army to oppose it."
The army which possesses elephants, machines, sakatagarbha (?), Kunta (a wooden
rod), prása (a weapon, 24 inches long, with two handles), Kharvataka (?), bamboo sticks,
and iron sticks is the army to oppose an army of elephants.
The same possessed of stones, clubs, armour, hooks, and spears in plenty is the army
to oppose an army of chariots.
Men , clad in armour, chariots, men possessing defensive weapons, and infantry can
oppose an army consisting of all the four constituents (elephants, chariots, cavalry and
* Thus considering the strength of the constituents of one’s own quadripartite army,
one should recruit men to it so as to oppose an enemy’s army successfully.
[Thus ends Chapter II, "The Time of Recruiting the Army, the Form of Equipment, and
the Work of Arraying a Rival Force," in Book IX, "The Work of an Invader," of the
Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and twenty-third chapter from the
OF the two things, slight annoyance in the rear, and considerable profit in the front,
slight annoyance in the rear is more serious; for traitors, enemies, and wild tribes
augment on all sides the slight annoyance which one may have in the rear. The members
of one's own state may be provoked about the acquisition of considerable profit in the
When one under the protection of another has come to such a condition (i.e., slight
annoyance in the rear and considerable profit in the front), then one should endeavour so
as to cause to the rear enemy the loss and impoverishment of his servants and friends; and
in order to fetch the profit in the front, one should also employ the commander of the
army or the heir-apparent to lead the army.
Or the king himself may go in person to receive the profit in the front, if he is able to
ward off the annoyance in the rear. If he is apprehensive of internal troubles, he may take
with him the suspected leaders. If he is apprehensive of external troubles, he should
march after keeping inside his capital as hostages the sons and wives of suspected
enemies and after having split into a number of divisions the troops of the officer in
charge of waste lands (súnyapála) and having placed those divisions under the command
of several chiefs, or he may abandon his march, for it has been already stated that internal
troubles are more serious than external troubles.
The provocation of any one of the minister, the priest, the commander-in-chief, and
the heir-apparent is what is termed internal trouble. The king should get rid of such an
internal enemy either by giving up his own fault or by pointing out the danger arising
from an external enemy. When the priest is guilty of the gravest treason, relief should be
found either by confining him or by banishing him; when the heir-apparent is so,
confinement or death (nigraha), provided that there is another son of good character.
From these, the case of the minister and the commander-in-chief is explained.
When a son, or a brother, or any other person of the royal family attempts to seize
the kingdom, he should be won over by holding out hopes; when this is not possible, he
should be conciliated by allowing him to enjoy what he has already seized, or by making
an agreement with him, or by means of intrigue through an enemy, or by securing to him
land from an enemy, or any other person of inimical character. Or he may be sent out on a
mission with an inimical force to receive the only punishment he deserves; or a
conspiracy may be made with a frontier king or wild tribes whose displeasure he has
incurred; or the same policy that is employed in securing an imprisoned prince or in
seizing an enemy's villages may be resorted to.
The provocation of ministers other than the prime minister is what is called the
internal ministerial troubles. Even in this case, necessary strategic means should be
The provocation of the chief of a district (ráshramukhya), the officer in charge of the
boundary, the chief of wild tribes, and a conquered king is what is termed external
trouble. This should be overcome by setting one against the other. Whoever among these
has strongly fortified himself should be caught hold of through the agency of a frontier
king, or the chief of wild tribes, or a scion of his family, or an imprisoned prince; or he
may be captured through the agency of a friend, so that he may not combine with an
enemy; or a spy may prevent him from combining with an enemy by saying: "This enemy
makes a cat's-paw of you and causes you to fall upon your own lord; When his aim is
realised, he makes you to lead an army against enemies or wild tribes, or to sojourn in a
troublesome place; or he causes you to reside at a frontier station far from the company of
your sons and wife. When you have lost all your strength, he sells you to your own lord;
or having made peace with you, he will please your own lord. Hence it is advisable for
you to go to the best friend of your lord." When he agrees to the proposal, he is to be
honoured; but when he refuses to listen, he is to be told: "I am specially sent to separate
you from the enemy." The spy should however appoint some persons to murder him; or
he may be killed by some concealed persons; or some persons pretending to be brave
soldiers may be made to accompany him and may be told by a spy (to murder him). Thus
the end of troubles. One should cause such troubles to one's enemy and ward off those of
one's own.
The intrigue carried on by a foreigner of obstinate temper with local persons is of the
following form:--"If after killing his own master, he comes to me, then I will secure these
two objects, the destruction of my enemy and the acquisition of the enemy's lands; or else
my enemy kills him, with the consequence that the partisans of the relations killed, and
other persons who are equally guilty and are therefore apprehensive of similar
punishment to themselves will perturb my enemy's peace when my enemy has no friends
to count; or when my enemy falls to suspect any other person who is equally guilty, I
shall be able to cause the death of this or that officer under my enemy's own command."
When a person of good disposition makes a conspiracy for the purpose of acquiring
what is to be enjoyed by both then an agreement should be made with him. But when a
person of obstinate temper so conspires, he should be allowed to have his own way and
then deceived. Thus the form of policy to be adopted should be considered.
* Enemies from enemies, subjects from subjects, subjects from enemies, and
enemies from subjects should ever be guarded; and both from his subjects and enemies, a
learned man should ever guard his own person.
[Thus ends Chapter III, "Consideration of Annoyance in the Rear, and Remedies Against
Internal and External Troubles," in Book IX, "The Work of an Invader," of the
Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and twenty-fourth chapter from the
When the expected profit overweighs both these; then one should march (against an
The characteristics of an expected profit are: that which is receivable, that which is
to be returned, that which pleases all, that which excites hatred, that which is realised in a
short time, that which entails little loss of men to earn, that which entails little loss of
wealth to earn, that which is vast, that which is productive, that which is harmless, that
which is just, and that which comes first.
When a profit is easily acquired and secured without the necessity of returning it to
others, it is termed ‘receivable’; that which is of the reverse nature is ‘repayable’;
whoever goes to receive a repayable profit or is enjoying it gets destruction.
When he, however, thinks that "by taking a repayable profit I shall cause my
enemy’s treasury, army, and other defensive resources to dwindle; I shall exploit to
impoverishment the mines, timber and elephant forests, irrigational works and roads of
traffic of my enemy; I shall impoverish his subjects, or cause them to migrate, or conspire
against him; when they are reduced to this condition, my enemy inflames their hatred (by
punishing them); or I shall set my enemy against another enemy; my enemy will give up
his hopes and run away to one who has some blood-relationship with him; or having
improved his lands, I shall return them to him, and when he is thus brought to
ascendancy, he will be a lasting friend of mine,"--then he may take even a repayable
profit. Thus receivable and repayable profits are explained.
That profit which a virtuous king receives from a wicked king pleases both his own
and other people; that which is of the reverse nature excites hatred; that profit which is
received at the advice of ministers excites hatred, for they think: ‘This king has reduced
our party and impoverished us." That profit which is received without caring for the
opinion of treacherous ministers excites hatred, for they think: "Having made the profit,
this king destroys us." But that which is of the reverse nature pleases. Thus pleasing and
provoking profits are explained.
That which requires merely the expenditure of provisions (for servants employed to
earn it) entails little loss of wealth.
That which is immediately of considerable value is vast.
That which is acquired without any hindrance from allies is profit coming first.
When profits (from two sources) are equal, he should consider the place and time,
the strength and means (required to acquire it), affection and disaffection (caused by it),
intrigue and absence of intrigue (involving it), its nearness and distance, its present and
future effects, its constant worth or worthlessness, and its plentifulness and usefulness;
and he should accept only that profit which is possessed of most of the above good
Obstructions to profit are: passion, anger, timidity, mercy, bashfulness, living like
one who is not an Arya, haughtiness, pity, desire for the other world, strict adherence to
virtuous life, deception, neediness, envy, negligence of what is at hand, generosity, want
of faith, fear, inability to endure cold, heat, and rain, and faith in the auspiciousness of
lunar days and stars.
*Wealth will pass away from that childish man who inquires most after the stars; for
wealth is the star for wealth; what will the stars do?
*Capable men will certainly secure wealth at least after a hundred trials; and wealth
is bound by wealth just as elephants are bound by counter-elephants.
[Thus ends Chapter IV, “Consideration about Loss of Men, Wealth and Profit,’ in Book
IX, “The Work of an Invader,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and
twenty-fifth chapter from the beginning.]
THE formation of a treaty and other settlements otherwise than they ought to have
been made is impolicy. From it arise dangers.
The various kinds of dangers are: that which is of external origin and of internal
abetment; that which is of internal origin and of external abetment; that which is of
external origin and of external abetment; and that which is of internal origin and of
internal abetment.
Where foreigners carry on an intrigue with local men or local men with foreigners,
there the consequence of the intrigue carried on by the combination of local and foreign
persons will be very serious. Abettors of an intrigue have a better chance of success than
its originators; for when the originators of an intrigue are put down, others will hardly
succeed in undertaking any other intrigue. Foreigners can hardly win over local persons
by intrigue; nor can local men seduce foreigners. Foreigners will find their vast efforts
after all unavailing, and only conducive, to the prosperity of the king (against whom they
want to conspire).
When local persons are abetting (with foreigners), the means to be employed to
suppress them are conciliation (sáma) and gifts (dána).
The act of pleasing a man with a high rank and honour is conciliation; favour and
remission of taxes or employment to conduct state-works is what is termed gifts.
When foreigners are abetting, the king should employ the policy of dissension and
coercion. Spies under the guise of friends may inform foreigners: "Mind, this man is
desirous of deceiving you with the help of his own spies who are disguised as traitors."
Spies under the garb of traitors may mix with traitors and separate them from foreigners,
or foreigners from local traitors. Fiery spies may make friendship with traitors and kill
them with weapons or poison; or having invited the plotting foreigners, they may murder
the latter.
Where foreigners carry on an intrigue with foreigners, or local men with local men,
there the consequences of the intrigue, unanimously carried on with a set purpose, will be
very serious. When guilt is got rid of, there will be no guilty persons; but when a guilty
person is got rid of, the guilt will contaminate others. Hence, when foreigners carry on an
intrigue, the king should employ the policy of dissension and coercion. Spies under the
guise of friends may inform foreign conspirators: "Mind, this your king, with the desire
of enriching himself, is naturally provoked against you all." Then fiery spies may mix
with the servants and soldiers of the abettor (of foreign conspirators) and kill them with
weapons, poison, and other means. Other spies may then expose or betray the abettor.
When local men carry on an intrigue with local men, the king should employ
necessary strategic means to put it down. He may employ the policy of conciliation with
regard to those who keep the appearance of contentment, or who are naturally
discontented or otherwise. Gifts may be given under the pretext of having been satisfied
with a favoured man's steadfastness in maintaining the purity of his character, or under
the plea of anxious care about his weal or woe. A spy under the garb of a friend may tell
the local persons: ‘Your king is attempting to find your heart; you should tell him the
truth." Or local men may be separated from each other, by telling them: "This man carries
such a tale to the king against you." And coercive measures may be employed as
described in the Chapter on "Awards of Punishments."
Of these four kinds of danger, internal danger should first be got rid of; for it has
been already stated that internal troubles like the fear from a lurking snake are more
serious than external troubles.
* One must consider that of these four kinds of danger, that which is mentioned first
is less grave than the one subsequently mentioned, whether or not it is caused by
powerful persons; otherwise (i.e., when the danger is caused by insignificant persons),
simple means may be used to get rid of it.
[Thus ends Chapter V, "External and Internal Dangers" in Book IX, "The Work of an
Invader,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and twenty-sixth chapter
from the beginning.]
THERE are two kinds of innocent persons, those who have disassociated themselves
from traitors and those who have kept themselves away from enemies.
In order to separate citizens and country-people from traitors, the king should
employ all the strategic means, except coercion. It is very difficult to inflict punishment
on an assembly of influential men; and if inflicted at all, it may not produce the desired
effect, but may give rise to undesirable consequences. He may, however, take steps
against the leaders of the seditious as shown in the chapter on "Awards of Punishments."
In order to separate his people from an enemy, he should employ conciliation and
other strategic means to frustrate the attempt of those who are the enemy's principal
agents or by whom the enemy's work is to be carried out.
Success in securing the services of capable agents depends upon the king; success of
efforts depends upon ministers; and success to be achieved through capable agents is,
therefore, dependent both upon the king and his ministers.
When, in spite of the combination of traitors and loyal persons, success is achieved,
it is mixed success; when people are thus mixed, success is to be achieved through the
agency of loyal persons; for in the absence of a support, nothing that requires a support
for its existence can exist. When success is involved in the union of friends and enemies
it is termed a success contaminated by an enemy; when success is contaminated by an
enemy, it is to be achieved through the agency of a friend; for it is easy to attain success
through a friend, but not through an enemy.
When a friend does not come to terms, intrigue should be frequently resorted to.
Through the agency of spies, the friend should be won over after separating him from the
enemy. Or attempts may be made to win him over who is the last among combined
friends; for when he who is the last among combined friends is secured, those who
occupy the middle rank will be separated from each other; or attempts may be made to
win over a friend who occupies middle rank; for when a friend occupying middle rank
among combined kings is secured, friends, occupying the extreme ranks cannot keep the
union. (In brief) all those measures which tend to break their combination should be
A virtuous king may be conciliated by praising his birth, family, learning and
character, and by pointing out the relationship which his ancestors had (with the proposer
of peace), or by describing the benefits and absence of enmity shown to him.
Or a king who is of good intentions, or who has lost his enthusiastic spirits, or whose
strategic means are all exhausted and thwarted in a number of wars, or who has lost his
men and wealth, or who has suffered from sojourning abroad, or who is desirous of
gaining a friend in good faith, or who is apprehensive of danger from another, or who
cares more for friendship than anything else, may be won over by conciliation.
Or a king who is greedy or who has lost his men may be won over by giving gifts
through the medium of ascetics and chiefs who have been previously kept with him for
the purpose.
When any two kings are apprehensive of enmity and seizure of land from each other,
seeds of dissension may be sown between them. The timid of the two may be threatened
with destruction and may be told: "Having made peace with you, this king works against
you; the friend of this other king is permitted to make an open peace."
The conqueror may gather some merchandise peculiar to his enemy's country and
unknown elsewhere. Spies, under the garb of merchants, may sell that merchandise to
other important enemies and tell them that that merchandise was given (to the conqueror)
by the enemy (whose country's product it is).
Or having pleased with wealth and honour those who are highly treacherous (among
an enemy's people), the conqueror may cause them to live with the enemy, armed with
weapons, poison and fire. One of the ministers of the enemy may be killed. His sons and
wife may be induced to say that the minister was killed at night (by such and such a
person). Then the enemy's minister may ask every one of the family of the murdered
minister (as to the cause of the death). If they say in reply as they are told, they may be
caused to be set free; if they do not do so, they may be caused to be caught hold of.
Whoever has gained the confidence of the king may tell the king (the enemy) that he (the
enemy) has to guard his own person from such and such a minister. Then the recipient of
salaries from the two states (the conqueror's and the enemy's state) may inform the
suspected minister to destroy (the king).
Or such kings as are possessed of enthusiasm and power may be told: "Seize the
country of this king, our treaty of peace standing as before." Then spies should inform the
particular king of the attempt of these kings and cause the destruction of the commissariat
and of the followers of one of these kings. Other spies, pretending to be friends, should
inform these kings of the necessity of destroying the particular king.
When an enemy's brave soldier, elephant, or horse dies, or is killed, or carried off by
spies, other spies may tell the enemy that the death is due to mutual conflict among his
followers. The man who is employed to commit such murders may be asked to repeat his
work again on the condition of his receiving the balance due to him. He should receive
the amount from the recipient of salaries from two states; when the king's party is thus
divided, some may be won over (to the side of the conqueror).
This explains the case of the commander-in-chief, the prince, and the officers of the
army (of the enemy).
Likewise seeds of dissension may be sown among combined states. Thus the work
of sowing the seeds of dissension.
Spies under concealment may, without the help of a fiery spy, murder by means of
weapons, poison or other things a fortified enemy who is of mean character or who is
under troubles; any one of hidden spies may do the work when it is found easy; or a fiery
spy alone may do the work by means of weapons, poison or fire; for a fiery spy can do
what others require all the necessary aids to do.
Of these means, that which comes first in the order of enumeration is, as stated in
connection with "invaders," easier than the rest. Conciliation is of single quality; gift is
two-fold, since conciliation precedes it; dissension is threefold, since conciliation and gift
precede it; and conciliatory coercion is fourfold, since conciliation, gift, and dissension
precede it.
The same means are employed in the case of local enemies, too; the difference is
this: the chief messengers known to the manufactories may be sent to any one of the local
enemies in order to employ him for the purpose of making a treaty or for the purpose of
destroying another person. When he agrees to the proposal, the messengers should inform
(their master) of their success. Then recipients of salaries from two states should inform
the people or enemies concerned in the local enemy's work: "This person (the local
enemy) is your wicked king." When a person has reason to fear or hate another, spies
may augment dissension between them by telling one of them: "This man is making an
agreement with your enemy, and will soon deceive you; hence make peace (with the
king) soon and attempt to put down this man." Or by bringing about friendship or
marriage connection between persons who have not been hitherto connected, spies may
separate them from others; or through the aid of a neighbouring king, a wild chief, a scion
of an enemy’s family, or an imprisoned prince, local enemies may be destroyed outside
the kingdom; or through the agency of a caravan or wild tribes, a local enemy may be
killed along with his army; or persons, pretending to be the supporters of a local enemy
and who are of the same caste, may under favourable opportunities kill him; or spies
under concealment may kill local enemies with fire, poison, and weapons.
* When the country is full of local enemies, they may be got rid of by making them
drink poisonous (liquids); an obstinate (clever) enemy may be destroyed by spies or by
means of (poisoned) flesh given to him in good faith.
[Thus ends Chapter VI, "Persons Associated with Traitors and Enemies,” in Book IX,
“The Work of an Invader,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and
twenty-seventh chapter from the beginning,]
INTENSITY of desire and other passions provoke one's own people; impolicy
provokes external enemies. Both these are the characteristics of demoniac life. Anger
disturbs the feelings of one's own men. Those causes which are conducive to the
prosperity of one's enemy are dangerous wealth, provocative wealth, and wealth of
doubtful consequences.
Wealth which, when obtained, increases the enemy's prosperity, or which, though
obtained, is repayable to the enemy, or which causes loss of men and money, is dangerous
wealth; for example, wealth which is enjoyed in common by neighbouring kings and
which is acquired at their expense; or wealth which is asked for by an enemy; or wealth
which is seized like one's own property; or wealth which is acquired in the front and
which causes future troubles or provokes an enemy in the rear; or wealth which is
obtained by destroying a friend or by breaking a treaty and which is therefore detested by
the Circle of States--all these are the varieties of dangerous wealth.
Wealth which causes fear from one's own people or from an enemy is provocative
When, in connection with these two kinds of wealth, there arise doubts, such as: "Is
it provocative wealth or not? Harmless wealth or provocative wealth? First provocative
and then harmless? Is it profitable to encourage an enemy or a friend? Would the
bestowal of wealth and honour on an enemy's army excite hatred or not?"--of these
doubts, doubt regarding the acquirement of wealth is preferable to (doubts regarding
harm or provocation).
Wealth acquired by helping a neutral king with the army is what is called "wealth
productive of nothing."
Helping the neighbouring king of an enemy with men and money is "harm
productive of wealth."
When the acquirement of wealth from all sides is obstructed by an enemy in the rear,
it takes the form of dangerous wealth involved in doubts.
In these two cases, success can be achieved by securing the help of a friend and the
enemy of the rear-enemy.
When there is reason to apprehend fear from enemies on all sides, it is a dangerous
trouble; when a friend comes forward to avert this fear, that trouble becomes involved in
doubt. In these two cases, success can be achieved by securing the support of a nomadic
enemy and the enemy of the rear-enemy.
When the prospect of acquiring profit from one or the other side is irremediably
obstructed by enemies, it is called "dangerous wealth." In this case as well as in the case
of profit from all sides, one should undertake to march for acquiring profitable wealth.
When the prospects of getting wealth (from two sides) are equal, one should march to
secure that which is important, near, unfailing, and obtainable by easy means.
When there is the apprehension of harm from one quarter as well as from another, it
is wealth beset with danger from two sides. In this case as well as in the case of wealth
involved in danger from all sides, success is to be desired with the help of friends. In the
absence of friends, he should attempt to ward off harm from one side with the help of an
ally who can be easily won over; he should ward off harm from two sides with help of an
ally of superior power; and he should ward off harm from all sides with all the resources
he can command. When it is impossible to do this, he should run away, leaving all that
belongs to him; for if he lives, his return to power is certain as in the case of Suyátra and
When there is the prospect of wealth from one side and the apprehension of an
attack from another, it is termed a situation beset with wealth and harm. In this case, he
should march to acquire that wealth which will enable him to ward off the attack;
otherwise he should attempt to avert the attack. This explains the situation which is beset
with wealth and harm on all sides.
When there is the apprehension of harm from one side and when the prospect of
acquiring wealth from another side is involved in doubt, it is termed doubt of harm and
wealth from two sides. In this, he should ward off the harm first; when this is done, he
should attempt to acquire the doubtful wealth. This explains the doubtful situation of
harm and wealth from all sides.
When there is the prospect of wealth from one side and the apprehension of doubtful
harm from another, it is a doubtful situation of harm and wealth from two sides. This
explains the situation of doubtful harm and wealth from all sides. In this, he should
attempt to ward off the doubts of harm against each of the elements of his sovereignty in
order; for it is better to leave a friend under circumstances of doubtful harm, than the
army; also the army may be left under circumstances of doubtful harm, but not the
treasury. When all the elements of his sovereignty cannot be relieved from harm, he
should attempt to relieve some of them at least. Among the elements, he should attempt
to relieve first those animate elements which are most loyal, and free from firebrands and
greedy men; of inanimate elements (he should relieve) that which is most precious and
useful. Such elements as are capable of easy relief may be relieved by such means as an
agreement of peace, observance of neutrality, and making peace with one and waging war
with another. Those which require greater efforts may be relieved by other means.
Since doubts of wealth and harm are constantly associated with all expeditions, it is
better to secure wealth by which it is easy to destroy an enemy in the rear and his allies,
to recoup the loss of men and money, to make provisions during the time of sojourning
abroad, to make good what is repayable, and to defend the state. Also harm or doubtful
prospects of wealth in one's own state are always intolerable.
This explains the situation of doubtful harm in the middle of an expedition. But at
the close of an expedition, it is better to acquire wealth either by reducing or destroying a
reducible or assailable enemy than to get into a situation of doubtful harm, lest enemies
might cause troubles. But, for one who is not the leader of combination of states, it is
better to risk the situation of doubtful wealth or harm in the middle or at the close of an
expedition, since one is not obliged to continue the expedition.
Wealth, virtue, and enjoyment form the aggregate of the three kinds of wealth. Of
these, it is better to secure that which is mentioned first than that which is subsequently
mentioned in the order of enumeration.
Harm, sin and grief form the aggregate, of the three kinds of harm. Of these, it is
better to provide against that which is mentioned first, than that which is subsequently
Wealth or harm, virtue or sin, and enjoyment or grief, are the aggregate of the three
kinds of doubts. Of these, it is better to try that which is mentioned first than that which is
mentioned later in the order of enumeration, and which it is certain to shake off. Thus the
determination of opportunities. Thus ends the discourse on danger.
Regarding success in these dangerous situations and times: in the case of troubles
from sons, brothers or relatives, it is better to secure relief by means of conciliation and
gifts; in the case of troubles from citizens, country people, or chiefs of the army, it is by
means of gifts and sowing the seeds of dissension; in the case of troubles from a
neighbouring king or wild tribes, it is by means of sowing the seeds of dissension and
coercion. This is following the order of the means. In other kinds of situations, the same
means may be employed in the reverse order.
Success against friends and enemies is always achieved by complicated means; for
strategic means help each other. In the case of suspected ministers of an enemy, the
employment of conciliation does not need the use of the other means; in the case of
treacherous ministers it is by means of gifts; in the case of combination of states, it is by
means of sowing the seeds of dissension; and in the case of the powerful, it is by means
of coercion.
When grave and light dangers are together apprehended, a particular means, or
alternative means or all the means may be employed.
By this alone, but not by any other means, is what is meant by a particular means.
Of these, the single means as well as the combination of any three means are four;
the combinations of any two means are six; and the combination of all the four is one.
Thus there are fifteen kinds of strategic means. Of the same number are the means in the
reverse order.
When a king attains success by only one means among these various means, he is
called one of single success; when by two, one of double success; when by three, one of
treble success; and when by four, one of four-fold success.
As virtue is the basis of wealth and as enjoyment is the end of wealth, success in
achieving that kind of wealth which promotes virtue, wealth and enjoyment is termed
success in all (sarvárthasiddhi). Thus varieties of success.
* Whether demoniacal troubles are absent, or are too many, or normal, the rites
prescribed in the Atharvaveda as well as the rites undertaken by accomplished ascetics
are to be performed for success.
[Thus ends Chapter VII, “Doubts about Wealth and Harm; and Success to be Obtained by
the Employment of Alternative Strategic Means” in Book IX, “The Work of an Invader,”
of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and twenty-eighth chapter from the
beginning. With this, ends the ninth Book “The Work of an Invader” of the Arthasástra of
ON a site declared to be the best according to the science of buildings, the leader
(náyaka), the carpenter (vardhaki), and the astrologer (mauhúrtika) should measure a
circular, rectangular, or square spot for the camp which should, in accordance with the
available space, consist of four gates, six roads, and nine divisions.
Provided with ditches, parapets, walls, doors, and watch towers for defence against
fear, the quarters of the king, 1,000 bows long and half as broad, should be situated in one
of the nine divisions to the north from the centre, while to the west of it his harem, and at
its extremity the army of the harem are to be situated. In his front, the place for
worshipping gods; to his right the departments of finance and accounts; and to his left the
quarters of elephants and horses mounted by the king himself. Outside this and at a
distance of 100 bows from each other, there should be fixed four cart-poles
(sakatamedhi) pillars and walls. In the first (of these four divisions), the prime minister
and the priest (should have their quarters); to its right the store-house and the kitchen: to
its left the store of raw products and weapons; in the second division the quarters of the
hereditary army and of horses and chariots: outside this, hunters and keepers of dogs with
their trumpets and with fire; also spies and sentinels; also, to prevent the attack of
enemies, wells, mounds and thorns should be arranged. The eighteen divisions of
sentinels employed for the purpose of securing the safety of the king should be changing
their watches in turn. In order to ascertain the movements of spies, a time-table of
business should also be prepared during the day. Disputes, drinking, social gatherings,
and gambling should also be prohibited. The system of passports should also be
observed. The officer in charge of the boundary (of the camp) should supervise the
conduct of the commander-in-chief and the observance of the instructions given to the
* The instructor (prasástá) with his retinue and with carpenters and free labourers
should carefully march in front on the road, and should dig wells of water.
In front the leader (náyaka); in the centre the harem and the master (the king); on the
sides horses and bodyguards (báhútsára); at the extremity of the (marching) circular-
array, elephants and the surplus army; on all sides the army habituated to forest-life; and
other troops following the camp, the commissariat, the army of an ally, and his followers
should select their own road: for armies who have secured suitable positions will prove
superior in fight to those who are in bad positions.
The army of the lowest quality can march a yojana (5 5/44 miles a day); that of the
middle quality a yojana and a half and the best army two yojanas. Hence, it is easy to
ascertain the rate of march. The commander should march behind and put up his camp in
the front.
In case of any obstruction, the army should march in crocodile array in the front, in
cart-like array behind, and on the sides in diamond-like array (i.e., in four or five rows,
each having its front, rear and sides) and in a compact array on all sides. When the army
is marching on a path passable by a single man, it should march in pin-like array. When
peace is made with one and war is to be waged with another, steps should be taken to
protect the friends who are bringing help against enemies, such as an enemy in the rear,
his ally, a madhyama king, or a neutral king. Roads with obstructions should be examined
and cleared. Finance, the army, the the strength of the armies of friends, enemies, and
wild tribes, the prospect of rains, and the seasons should be thoroughly examined.
When the protective power of fortifications and stores (of the enemies) is on its
decay, when it is thought that distress of the hired army or of a friend's army (of the
enemy) is impending; when intriguers are not for a quick march; or when the enemy is
likely to come to terms (with the invader), slow march should be made; otherwise quick
march should be made.
Waters may be crossed by means of elephants, planks spread over pillars erected,
bridges, boats, timber and mass of bamboos, as well as by means of dry sour gourds, big
baskets covered with skins, rafts, gandiká (i), and veniká (i).
When the crossing of a river is obstructed by the enemy, the invader may cross it
elsewhere together with his elephants and horses, and entangle the enemy in an
ambuscade (sattra).
He should protect his army when it has to pass a long desert without water; when it
is without grass, firewood and water; when it has to traverse a difficult road; when it is
harassed by an enemy's attacks; when it is suffering from hunger and thirst after a
journey; when it is ascending or descending a mountainous country full of mire, water-
pools, rivers and cataracts; when it finds itself crowded in a narrow and difficult path;
when it is halting, starting or eating; when it is tired from a long march; when it is sleepy;
when it is suffering from a disease, pestilence or famine; when a great portion of its
infantry, cavalry and elephants is diseased; when it is not sufficiently strong; or when it is
under troubles. He should destroy the enemy's army under such circumstances.
When the enemy's army is marching through a path traversable by a single man, the
commander (of the invader's army) should ascertain its strength by estimating the
quantity of food-stuffs, grass, bedding, and other requisites, fire pots (agninidhána), flags
and weapons. He should also conceal those of his own army.
* Keeping a mountainous or river fortress with all its resources at his back in his
own country he should fight or put up his camp.
[Thus ends Chapter II, "March of the Camp; and Protection of the Army in Times of
Distress and Attack" in Book X, "Relating to War" of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of
the hundred and thirtieth chapter from the beginning.]
HE who is possessed of a strong army, who has succeeded in his intrigues, and who
has applied remedies against dangers may undertake an open fight, if he has secured a
position favourable to himself; otherwise a treacherous fight.
He should strike the enemy when the latter's army is under troubles or is furiously
attacked; or he who has secured a favourable position may strike the enemy entangled in
an unfavourable position. Or he who possesses control over the elements of his own state
may, through the aid of the enemy's traitors, enemies and inimical wild tribes, make a
false impression of his own defeat on the mind of the enemy who is entrenched in a
favourable position, and having thus dragged the enemy into an unfavourable position, he
may strike the latter. When the enemy's army is in a compact body, he should break it by
means of his elephants; when the enemy has come down from its favourable position,
following the false impression of the invader's defeat, the invader may turn back and
strike the enemy's army, broken or unbroken. Having struck the front of the enemy's
army, he may strike it again by means of his elephants and horses when it has shown its
back and is running away. When frontal attack is unfavourable, he should strike it from
behind; when attack on the rear is unfavourable, he should strike it in front; when attack
on one side is unfavourable, he should strike it on the other.
Or having caused the enemy to fight with his own army of traitors, enemies and wild
tribes, the invader should with his fresh army strike the enemy when tired. Or having
through the aid of the army of traitors given to the enemy the impression of defeat, the
invader with full confidence in his own strength may allure and strike the over-confident
enemy. Or the invader, if he is vigilant, may strike the careless enemy when the latter is
deluded with the thought that the invader's merchants, camp and carriers have been
destroyed. Or having made his strong force look like a weak force, he may strike the
enemy's brave men when falling against him. Or having captured the enemy's cattle or
having destroyed the enemy's dogs (svapadavadha?), he may induce the enemy's brave
men to come out and may slay them. Or having made the enemy's men sleepless by
harassing them at night, he may strike them during the day, when they are weary from
want of sleep and are parched by heat, himself being under the shade. Or with his army of
elephants enshrouded with cotton and leather dress, he may offer a night-battle to his
enemy. Or he may strike the enemy's men during the afternoon when they are tired by
making preparations during the forenoon; or he may strike the whole of the enemy's army
when it is facing the sun.
A desert, a dangerous spot, marshy places, mountains, valleys, uneven boats, cows,
cart-like array of the army, mist, and night are sattras (temptations alluring the enemy
against the invader).
As to an open or fair fight, a virtuous king should call his army together, and,
specifying the place and time of battle, address them thus: "I am a paid servant like
yourselves; this country is to be enjoyed (by me) together with you; you have to strike the
enemy specified by me."
His minister and priest should encourage the army by saying thus:--
"It is declared in the Vedas that the goal which is reached by sacrificers after
performing the final ablutions in sacrifices in which the priests have been duly paid for is
the very goal which brave men are destined to attain." About this there are the two
* Beyond those places which Bráhmans, desirous of getting into heaven, attain
together with their sacrificial instruments by performing a number of sacrifices, or by
practising penance are the places which brave men, losing life in good battles, are
destined to attain immediately.
* Let not a new vessel filled with water, consecrated and covered over with darbha
grass be the acquisition of that man who does not fight in return for the subsistence
received by him from his master, and who is therefore destined to go to hell.
Astrologers and other followers of the king should infuse spirit into his army by
pointing out the impregnable nature of the array of his army, his power to associate with
gods, and his omnisciency; and they should at the same time frighten the enemy. The day
before the battle, the king should fast and lie down on his chariot with weapons. He
should also make oblations into the fire pronouncing the mantras of the Atharvaveda, and
cause prayers to be offered for the good of the victors as well as of those who attain to
heaven by dying in the battle-field. He should also submit his person to Bráhmans; he
should make the central portion of his army consist of such men as are noted for their
bravery, skill, high birth, and loyalty and as are not displeased with the rewards and
honours bestowed on them. The place that is to be occupied by the king is that portion of
the army which is composed of his father, sons, brothers, and other men, skilled in using
weapons, and having no flags and head-dress. He should mount an elephant or a chariot,
if the army consists mostly of horses; or he may mount that kind of animal, of which the
army is mostly composed or which is the most skillfully trained. One who is disguised
like the king should attend to the work of arraying the army.
Soothsayers and court bards should describe heaven as the goal for the brave and
hell for the timid; and also extol the caste, corporation, family, deeds, and character of his
men. The followers of the priest should proclaim the auspicious aspects of the witchcraft
performed. Spies, carpenters and astrologers should also declare the success of their own
operations and the failure of those of the enemy.
After having pleased the army with rewards and honours, the commander-in-chief
should address it and say:--
A hundred thousand (panas) for slaying the king (the enemy); fifty thousand for
slaying the commander-in-chief, and the heir-apparent; ten thousand for slaying the chief
of the brave; five thousand for destroying an elephant, or a chariot; a thousand for killing
a horse, a hundred (panas) for slaying the chief of the infantry; twenty for bringing a
head; and twice the pay in addition to whatever is seized. This information should be
made known to the leaders of every group of ten (men).
Physicians with surgical instruments (sastra), machines, remedial oils, and cloth in
their hands; and women with prepared food and beverage should stand behind, uttering
encouraging words to fighting men.
The army should be arrayed on a favourable position, facing other than the south
quarter, with its back turned to the sun, and capable to rush as it stands. If the array is
made on an unfavourable spot, horses should be run. If the army arrayed on an
unfavourable position is confined or is made to run away from it (by the enemy), it will
be subjugated either as standing or running away; otherwise it will conquer the enemy
when standing or running away. The even, uneven, and complex nature of the ground in
the front or on the sides or in the rear should be examined. On an even site, staff-like or
circular array should be made; and on an uneven ground, arrays of compact movement or
of detached bodies should be made.
Having broken the whole army (of the enemy), (the invader) should seek for peace;
if the armies are of equal strength, he should make peace when requested for it; and if the
enemy's army is inferior, he should attempt to destroy it, but not that which has secured a
favourable position and is reckless of life.
* When a broken army, reckless of life, resumes its attack, its fury becomes
irresistible; hence he should not harass a broken army (of the enemy).
[Thus ends Chapter III, "Forms of Treacherous Fights; Encouragement to One's Own
Army, and Fight Between One's Own and Enemy's Armies," in Book X, "Relating to
War," of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and thirty-first chapter from the
FAVOURABLE positions for infantry, cavalry, chariots, and elephants are desirable
both for war and camp.
For men who are trained to fight in desert tracts, forests, valleys, or plains, and for
those who are trained to fight from ditches or heights, during the day or night, and for
elephants which are bred in countries with rivers, mountains, marshy lands, or lakes, as
well as for horses, such battlefields as they would find suitable (are to be secured).
That which is even, splendidly firm, free from mounds and pits made by wheels and
foot-prints of beasts, not offering obstructions to the axle, free from trees, plants, creepers
and trunks of trees, not wet, and free from pits, ant-hills, sand, and thorns is the ground
for chariots.
For elephants, horses and men, even or uneven grounds are good, either for war or
for camp.
That which contains small stones, trees and pits that can be jumped over and which
is almost free from thorns is the ground for horses.
That which contains big stones, dry or green trees, and ant-hills is the ground for the
That which is uneven with assailable hills and valleys, which has trees that can be
pulled down and plants that can be torn, and which is full of muddy soil free from thorns
is the ground for elephants.
That which is free from thorns, not very uneven, but very expansive, is an excellent
ground for the infantry.
That which is doubly expansive, free from mud, water and roots of trees, and which
is devoid of piercing gravel is an excellent ground for horses.
That which possesses dust, muddy soil, water, grass and weeds, and which is free
from thorns (known as dog's teeth) and obstructions from the branches of big trees is an
excellent ground for elephants.
That which contains lakes, which is free from mounds and wet lands, and which
affords space for turning is an excellent ground for chariots.
Positions suitable for all the constituents of the army have been treated of. This
explains the nature of the ground which is fit for the camp or battle of all kinds of the
Concentration on occupied positions, in camps and forests; holding the ropes (of
beasts and other things) while crossing the rivers or when the wind is blowing hard;
destruction or protection of the commissariat and of troops arriving afresh; supervision of
the discipline of the army; lengthening the line of the army; protecting the sides of the
army; first attack; dispersion (of the enemy's army); trampling it down; defence; seizing;
letting it out; causing the army to take a different direction; carrying the treasury and the
princes; falling against the rear of the enemy; chasing the timid; pursuit; and
concentration--these constitute the work of horses.
Marching in the front; preparing the roads, camping grounds and path for bringing
water; protecting the sides; firm standing, fording and entering into water while crossing
pools of water and ascending from them; forced entrance into impregnable places; setting
or quenching the fire; the subjugation of one of the four constituents of the army;
gathering the dispersed army; breaking a compact army; protection against dangers;
trampling down (the enemy's army); frightening and driving it; magnificence; seizing;
abandoning; destruction of walls, gates and towers; and carrying the treasury--these
constitute the work of elephants.
Protection of the army; repelling the attack made by all the four constituents of the
enemy's army; seizing and abandoning (positions) during the time of battle; gathering a
dispersed army; breaking the compact array of the enemy's army; frightening it;
magnificence; and fearful noise--these constitute the work of chariots.
Always carrying the weapons to all places; and fighting--these constitute the work of
the infantry.
The examination of camps, roads, bridges, wells and rivers; carrying the machines,
weapons, armours, instruments and provisions; carrying away the men that are knocked
down, along with their weapons and armours---these constitute the work of free
* The king who has a small number of horses may combine bulls with horses;
likewise when he is deficient in elephants, he may fill up the centre of his army with
mules, camels and carts.
[Thus ends Chapter IV, “Battlefields; the Work of Infantry, Cavalry, Chariots and
Elephants,” in Book X, “Relating to War,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the
hundred and thirty-second chapter from the beginning.]
HAVING fortified a camp at the distance of five hundred bows he should begin to
fight. Having detached the flower of the army and kept it on a favourable position not
visible (to the enemy), the commander-in-chief and the leader should array the rest of the
army. The infantry should be arrayed such that the space between any two men is a sama
(14 angulas); cavalry with three samas; chariots with four samas; and elephants with
twice or thrice as much space (as between any two chariots). With such an array free to
move and having no confusion, one should fight. A bow means five aratnis (5 x 54 = 120
angulas). Archers should be stationed at the distance of five bows (from one line to
another); the cavalry at the distance of three bows; and chariots or elephants at the
distance of five bows.
The intervening space (aníkasandhi) between wings, flanks and front of the army
should be five bows. There must be three men to oppose a horse (pratiyoddha); fifteen
men or five horses to oppose a chariot or an elephant; and as many (fifteen) servants (
pádagopa) for a horse, a chariot and an elephant should be maintained.
Three groups (aníka) of three chariots each should be stationed in front; the same
number on the two flanks and the two wings. Thus, in an array of chariots, the number of
chariots amounts to forty-five, two hundred and twenty-five horses, six hundred and
seventy-five men, and as many servants to attend upon the horses, chariots and
elephants--this is called an even array of troops. The number of chariots in this array (of
three groups of three chariots each) may be increased by two and two till the increased
number amounts to twenty-one. Thus, this array of odd numbers of chariots gives rise to
ten odd varieties. Thus the surplus of the army may therefore be distributed in the above
manner. Two-thirds of the (surplus) chariots may be added to the flanks and the wings,
the rest being put in front. Thus the added surplus of chariots should be one-third less
(than the number added to the flanks and wings). This explains the distribution of surplus
elephants and horses. As many horses, chariots, and elephants may be added as occasion
no confusion in fighting.
Excess of the army is called surplus (ávápa); deficiency in infantry is called absence
of surplus (pratyávápa); excess of any one of the four constituents of the army is akin to
surplus (anvávápa); excess of traitors is far from surplus (atyávápa); in accordance with
one's own resources, one should increase one's army from four to eight times the excess
of the enemy's army or the deficiency in the enemy's infantry.
The array of elephants is explained by the array of chariots. An array of elephants,
chariots, and horses mixed together may also be made: at the extremities of the circle
(array), elephants; and on the flanks, horses and principal chariots. The array in which the
front is occupied by elephants, the flanks by chariots, and the wings by horses is an array
which can break the centre of the enemy's army; the reverse of this can harass the
extremities of the enemy's army. An array of elephants may also be made: the front by
such elephants as are trained for war; the flanks by such as are trained for riding; and the
wings by rogue elephants. In an array of horses, the front by horses with mail armour;
and the flanks and wings by horses without armour. In an array of infantry, men dressed
in mail armour in front, archers in the rear, and men without armour on the wings; or
horses on the wings, elephants on the flanks, and chariots in front; other changes may
also be made so as to oppose the enemy's army successfully.
The best army is that which consists of strong infantry and of such elephants and
horses as are noted for their breed, birth, strength, youth, vitality, capacity to run even in
old age, fury, skill, firmness, magnanimity, obedience, and good habits.
One-third of the best of infantry, cavalry and elephants should be kept in front; two-
thirds on both the flanks and wings; the array of the army according to the strength of its
constituents is in the direct order; that which is arrayed mixing one-third of strong and
weak troops is in the reverse order. Thus, one should know all the varieties of arraying
the array.
Having stationed the weak troops at the extremities, one would be liable to the force
of the enemy's onslaught. Having stationed the flower of the army in front, one should
make the wings equally strong. One-third of the best in the rear, and weak troops in the
centre--this array is able to resist the enemy; having made an array, he should strike the
enemy with one or two of the divisions on the wings, flanks, and front, and capture the
enemy by means of the rest of the troops.
When the enemy's force is weak, with few horses and elephants, and is contaminated
with the intrigue of treacherous ministers, the conqueror should strike it with most of his
best troops. He should increase the numerical strength of that constituent of the army
which is physically weak. He should array his troops on that side on which the enemy is
weak or from which danger is apprehended.
Running against; running round; running beyond; running back; disturbing the
enemy's halt; gathering the troops; curving, circling, miscellaneous operations; removal
of the rear; pursuit of the line from the front, flanks and rear; protection of the broken
army; and falling upon the broken army--these are the forms of waging war with horses.
The same varieties with the exception of (what is called) miscellaneous operations;
the destruction of the four constituents of the army, either single or combined; the
dispersion of the flanks, wings and front trampling down; and attacking the army when it
is asleep--these are the varieties of waging war with elephants.
The same varieties with the exception of disturbing the enemy's halt; running
against; running back; and fighting from where it stands on its own ground--these are the
varieties of waging war with chariots.
Striking in all places and at all times, and striking by surprise are varieties of waging
war with infantry.
* In this way, he should make odd or even arrays, keeping the strength of the four
constituents of the army equal.
* Having gone to a distance of 200 bows, the king should take his position together
with the reserve of his army; and without a reserve, he should never attempt to fight, for
it is by the reserved force that dispersed troops are collected together.
[Thus ends Chapter V, "The Distinctive Array of Troops in Respect of Wings, Flanks and
Front; Distinction between Strong and Weak Troops; and Battle with Infantry, Cavalry,
Chariots and Elephants,” in Book X, “Relating to War,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.
End of the hundred and thirty-third chapter from the beginning.]
WINGS and front, capable to turn (against an enemy is what is called) a snake-like
array (bhoga); the two wings, the two flanks, the front and the reserve (form an array)
according to the school of Brihaspati. The principal forms of the array of the army, such
as that like a staff, like a snake, like a circle, and in detached order, are varieties of the
above two forms of the array consisting of wings, flanks and front.
Stationing the army in a line so that one may follow the other, is called a snake-like
array (bhoga).
Stationing the army so as to face all the directions, is called a circle-like array
Detached arrangement of the army into small bodies so as to enable each to act for
itself, is termed an array in detached order (asamhata).
That which is of equal strength on its wings, flanks and front, is a staff-like array.
The same array is called pradara (breaking the enemy's array) when its flanks are
made to project in front.
The same is called dridhaka (firm) when its wings and flanks are stretched back.
The same is called asahya (irresistible) when its wings are lengthened.
When, having formed the wings, the front is made to bulge out, it is called an eagle-
like array.
The same four varieties are called "a bow," "the centre of a bow," "a hold," and "a
strong hold," when they are arranged in a reverse form.
That, of which the wings are arrayed like a bow, is called sanjaya (victory).
The same with projected front is called vijaya (conqueror); that which has its flanks
and wings formed like a staff is called sthúlakarna (big ear); the same with its front made
twice as strong as the conqueror, is called visálavijaya (vast victory); that which has its
wings stretched forward is called chamúmukha (face of the army); and the same is called
ghashásya (face of the fish) when it is arrayed in the reverse form.
The staff-like array in which one (constituent of the army) is made to stand behind
the other is called a pin-like array.
When this array consists of two such lines, it is called an aggregate (valaya); and
when of four lines, it is called an invincible array--these are the varieties of the staff-like
The snake-like array in which the wings, flanks and front are of unequal depth is
called sarpasári (serpentine movement), or gomútrika (the course of a cow's urine).
When it consists of two lines in front and has its wings arranged as in the staff-like
array, it is called a cart-like array; the reverse of this is called a crocodile-like array; the
cart-like array which consists of elephants, horses and chariots is called váripatantaka
(?)--these are the varieties of the snake-like array.
The circle-like array in which the distinction of wings, flanks and front is lost is
called sarvatomukha (facing all directions), or sarvatobhadra (all auspicious), ashtáníka
(one of eight divisions), or vijaya (victory)--these are the varieties of the circle-like array.
That, of which the wings, flanks and front are stationed apart is called an array in
detached order; when five divisions of the army are arranged in detached order, it is
called vajra (diamond), or godha (alligator); when four divisions, it is called udyánaka
(park), or kákapadi (crow’s foot); when three divisions, it is called ardhachandrika (half-
moon), or karkátakasringi (?)--these are the varieties of the array in detached-order.
The array in which chariots form the front, elephants the wings, and horses the rear,
is called arishta (auspicious).
The array in which infantry, cavalry, chariots and elephants stand one behind the
other is called achala (immovable).
The array in which elephants, horses, chariots and infantry stand in order one behind
the other is called apratihata (invincible).
Of these, the conqueror should assail the pradara by means of the dridhaka;
dridhaka by means of the asahya; syena (eagle-like array) by means of chápa (an array
like a bow); a hold by means of a strong-hold; sanjaya by means of vijaya; sthúlakarna
by means of visálavijaya; váripatantaka by means of sarvatobhadra. He may assail all
kinds of arrays by means of the durjaya.
Of infantry, cavalry, chariots and elephants, he should strike the first-mentioned with
that which is subsequently mentioned; and a small constituent of the army with a big one.
For every ten members of each of the constituents of the army, there must be one
commander, called padika; ten padikas under a senápati; ten senápatis under a náyaka,
The constituents of the array of the army should be called after the names of trumpet
sounds, flags and ensigns. Achievement of success in arranging the constituents of the
army, in gathering the forces, in camping, in marching, in turning back, in making
onslaughts, and in the array of equal strength depends upon the place and time of action.
* Or by telling the enemy that his fort was burnt, stormed, or that some one of his
family, or an enemy or a wild chief rose in rebellion--by these and other means the
conqueror should cause excitement to the enemy.
* The arrow shot by an archer may or may not kill a single man; but skilful intrigue
devised by wise men can kill even those who are in the womb.
[Thus ends Chapter VI, “The Array of the Army like a Staff, a Snake, a Circle, or in
Detached Order; The Array of the Army against that of an Enemy,”in Book X, “Relating
to War,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and thirty-fourth chapter
from the beginning. With this ends the tenth Book “Relating to War” of the Arthasástra
of Kautilya.]
From: Kautilya. Arthashastra. Translated by R. Shamasastry. Bangalore: Government
Press, 1915, 437-453.
Kautilya's Arthashastra: Book XI, "The Conduct of
THE acquisition of the help of corporations is better than the acquisition of an army,
a friend, or profits. By means of conciliation and gifts, the conqueror should secure and
enjoy the services of such corporations as are invincible to the enemy and are favourably
disposed towards himself. But those who are opposed to him, he should put down by
sowing the seeds of dissension among them and by secretly punishing them.
Spies, gaining access to all these corporations and finding out jealousy, hatred and
other causes of quarrel among them, should sow the seeds of a well-planned dissension
among them, and tell one of them: "This man decries you." Spies, under the guise of
teachers (áchárya) should cause childish embroils among those of mutual enmity on
occasions of disputations about certain points of science, arts, gambling or sports. Fiery
spies may occasion quarrel among the leaders of corporations by praising inferior leaders
in taverns and theatres; or pretending to be friends, they may excite ambition in the minds
of princes by praising their high birth, though they (the princes) are low-born; they may
prevent the superiors from interdining and intermarriage with others; they may persuade
the superiors to interdine or to intermarry with inferiors; or they may give publicity to the
consideration of priority shown to inferior persons in social intercourse in the face of the
established custom of recognising the status of other persons by birth, bravery and social
position; or fiery spies may bring about quarrel among them at night by destroying the
things, beasts, or persons concerned in some legal disputes. In all these disputes, the
conqueror should help the inferior party with men and money and set them against the
superior party. When they are divided, he should remove them (from their country); or he
may gather them together and cause them to settle in a cultivable part of their own
country, under the designation of "five households" and "ten households"; for when living
together, they can be trained in the art of wielding weapons. Specified fines should also
be prescribed against any treacherous combinations among them. He may install as the
heir-apparent a prince born of a high family, but dethroned or imprisoned. Spies, under
the guise of astrologers and others, should bring to the notice of the corporations the royal
characteristics of the prince, and should induce the virtuous leaders of the corporations to
acknowledge their duty to the prince who is the son of such and such a king, and who is
the hearer of their complaints. To those who are thus prevailed upon, the conqueror
should send men and money for the purpose of winning over other partisans. On
occasions of any affray spies under the guise of vintners, should, under the plea of the
birth of a son, of marriage or of the death of a man, distribute as toast (naishechanika)
hundreds of vessels of liquor adulterated with the juice of madana plant. Near the gates
of altars (chaitya), temples, and other places under the watch of sentinels, spies should
pretend to declare their agreement (with the enemy of the corporations), their mission,
their rewards, and bags of money with the golden seals of the enemy; when the
corporations appear before the spies, they may tell the corporations that they (the spies)
have sold themselves to the enemy, and challenge the corporations for war. Or having
seized the draught animals and golden articles belonging to the corporations, they may
give the most important of those animals and articles to the chief of the corporations, and
tell the corporations, when asked for, that it was given to the chief (for the purpose of
causing quarrel among them).
This explains the method of sowing the seeds of dissension in camps and among
wild tribes.
Or a spy may tell a self-confident son of the chief of corporations: "You are the son
of such and such a king and are kept here under the apprehension of danger from
enemies." When he is deluded with this belief, the conqueror may help him with men and
money and set him against the corporations. When the object in view is realised, the
conqueror may also banish him.
Keepers of harlots or dancers, players, and actors may, after gaining access, excite
love in the minds of the chiefs of corporations by exhibiting women endowed with
bewitching youth and beauty. By causing the woman to go to another person or by
pretending that another person has violently carried her off, they may bring about quarrel
among those who love that woman; in the ensuing affray, fiery spies may do their work
and declare: "Thus has he been killed in consequence of his love."
A woman who has disappointed her lover and has been forgiven, may approach a
chief and say: "This chief is troubling me when my mind is set upon you; when he is
alive, I cannot stay here," and thus induce the former to slay the latter.
A woman who has been violently carried off at night may cause the death of her
violator in the vicinity of a park or in a pleasure house, by means of fiery spies or with
poison administered by herself. Then she may declare: "This beloved person of mine has
been killed by such and such a person."
A spy, under the garb of an ascetic, may apply to a lover such medical ointments as
are declared to be capable of captivating the beloved woman and as are adulterated with
poison; and then he may disappear. Other spies may ascribe the incident to an enemy's
Widows or women, employed as spies with secret instructions, may dispute among
themselves about the claim for a deposit kept with the king, and attract the chiefs of the
corporations (by their beauty when they present themselves before the king).
A spy may tell the chief of a corporation who is fond of women: "In this village, the
family of a poor man is bereaved (of the householder); his wife deserves to be the wife of
a king; seize her." Half a month after she has been seized, an ascetic spy may accuse the
chief in the midst of the corporation by saying: "This man has illegally kept my chief
wife, or sister-in-law, or sister, or daughter." If the corporation punishes the chief, the
conqueror may take the side of the corporation and set it against wicked persons. Fiery
spies should always cause an ascetic spy to go abroad at night. Spies, selected suitably,
should accuse (the chiefs) by saying: "This man is the slayer of a Bráhman and also the
adulterer of a Bráhman woman."
A spy, under the guise of an astrologer, may describe to a chief the destiny of a
maiden who is at the point of being married to another, and say: "This man's daughter
deserves to be the wife of a king and will bring forth a son, destined to be a king;
purchase her with all your wealth, or seize her by force." When it is not possible to secure
her, spies should enrage the parties; but when she is secured, quarrel will necessarily
A mendicant woman may tell a chief who is fond of his wife: "This (another) chief,
proud of his youth, has sent me to entice your wife; being afraid of him, I have taken with
me his letter and jewellery (for your wife); your wife: is free from sin; secret steps should
be taken against him; and I am very anxious (about your success)."
Thus in these and other kinds of brawls which have originated of themselves or
which have been brought about by spies, the conqueror should help the inferior party
with men and money and set them against the wicked or cause them to migrate (to other
parts of the country).
Thus he should live as the only monarch of all the corporations; the corporations
also, under the protection of such a single monarch, should guard themselves against all
kinds of treachery.
* The chief of corporations should endear himself to all the people by leading a
virtuous life, by controlling his passions, and by pursuing that course of action which is
liked by all those who are his followers.
[Thus ends Chapter I, "Causes of Dissension, and Secret Punishment," in Book XI, "The
Conduct of Corporations," of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and thirty-
fifth chapter from the beginning. With this ends the eleventh Book, "The Conduct of
Corporations," of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
Bháradvája says that he who surrenders himself to the strong, bows down before
Indra (the god of rain).
But Visáláksha says that a weak king should rather fight with all his resources, for
bravery destroys all troubles; this (fighting) is the natural duty of a Kshatriya, no matter
whether he achieves victory or sustains defeat in battle.
No, says Kautilya, he who bows down to all like a crab on the banks (of a river)
lives in despair; whoever goes with his small army to fight perishes like a man attempting
to cross the sea without a boat. Hence, a weak king should either seek the protection of a
powerful king or maintain himself in an impregnable fort.
Invaders are of three kinds: a just conqueror, a demon-like conqueror, and a greedy
Of these, the just conqueror is satisfied with mere obeisance. Hence, a weak king
should seek his protection.
Fearing his own enemies, the greedy conqueror is satisfied with what he can safely
gain in land or money. Hence, a weak king should satisfy such a conqueror with wealth.
The demon-like conqueror satisfies himself not merely by seizing the land, treasure,
sons and wives of the conquered, but by taking the life of the latter. Hence, a weak king
should keep such a conqueror at a distance by offering him land and wealth.
When any one of these is on the point of rising against a weak king, the latter should
avert the invasion by making a treaty of peace, or by taking recourse to the battle of
intrigue (mantrayuddha), or by a treacherous fight in the battle-field. He may seduce the
enemy's men either by conciliation or by giving gifts, and should prevent the treacherous
proceedings of his own men either by sowing the seeds of dissension among them or by
punishing them. Spies, under concealment, may capture the enemy's fort, country, or
camp with the aid of weapons, poison, or fire. He may harass the enemy's rear on all
sides; and he may devastate the enemy's country through the help of wild tribes. Or he
may set up a scion of the enemy's family or an imprisoned prince to seize the enemy's
territory. When all this mischief has been perpetrated, a messenger may be sent to the
enemy, (to sue for peace); or he may make peace with the enemy without offending the
latter. If the enemy still continues the march, the weak king may sue for peace by offering
more than one-fourth of his wealth and army, the payment being made after the lapse of a
day and night.
If the enemy desires to make peace on condition of the weak king surrendering a
portion of this army, he may give the enemy such of his elephants and cavalry as are
uncontrollable or as are provided with poison; if the enemy desires to make peace on
condition of his surrendering his chief men, he may send over to the enemy such portion
of his army as is full of traitors, enemies and wild tribes under the command of a trusted
officer, so that both his enemy and his own undesirable army may perish; or he may
provide the enemy with an army composed of fiery spies, taking care to satisfy his own
disappointed men (before sending them over to the enemy); or he may transfer to the
enemy his own faithful and hereditary army that is capable to hurt the enemy on
occasions of trouble; if the enemy desires to make peace on condition of his paying
certain amount of wealth, he may give the enemy such precious articles as do not find a
purchaser or such raw products as are of no use in war; if the enemy desires to make
peace on condition of his ceding a part of his land, he should provide the enemy with that
kind of land which he can recover, which is always at the mercy of another enemy, which
possesses no protective defences, or which can be colonized at considerable cost of men
and money; or he may make peace, surrendering his whole state except his capital.
* He should so contrive as to make the enemy accept that which another enemy is
likely to carry off by force; and he should take care more of his person than of his wealth,
for of what interest is perishing wealth?
[Thus ends Chapter I, "The Duties of a Messenger, and Request for Peace," in Book XII,
“Concerning a Powerful Enemy,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and
thirty-sixth chapter from the beginning.]
If without caring for the advice, the enemy proceeds on his own way, the weak king
should create disaffection among the enemy's people by adopting such measures as are
explained in the chapters, "The Conduct of Corporations," and "Enticement of the enemy
by secret contrivances." He should also make use of fiery spies and poison. Against what
is described as deserving protection in the chapter, "Safety of his own person," fiery spies
and poisoners should be employed (in the enemy's court). Keepers of harlots should
excite love in the minds of the leaders of the enemy's army by exhibiting women
endowed with youth and beauty. Fiery spies should bring about quarrels among them
when one or two of them have fallen in love. In the affray that ensues they should prevail
upon the defeated party to migrate elsewhere or to proceed to help the master (of the
spies) in the invasion undertaken by the latter.
Or to those who have fallen in love, spies, under the guise of ascetics, may
administer poison under the plea that the medical drugs given to them are capable of
securing the object of love.
A spy, under the guise of a merchant, may, under the plea of winning the love of an
immediate maid-servant of the beautiful queen (of the enemy), shower wealth upon her
and then give her up. A spy in the service of the merchant may give to another spy,
employed as a servant of the maid-servant, some medical drug, telling the latter that (in
order to regain the love of the merchant), the drug may be applied to the person of the
merchant (by the maid-servant). On her attaining success (the maid-servant) may inform
the queen that the same drug may be applied to the person of the king (to secure his love),
and then change the drug for poison.
A spy, under the guise of an astrologer, may gradually delude the enemy's prime
minister with the belief that he is possessed of all the physiognomical characteristics of a
king; a mendicant woman may tell the minister's wife that she has the characteristics of a
queen and that she will bring forth a prince; or a woman, disguised as the minister's wife,
may tell him that, "The king is troubling me; and an ascetic woman has brought to me
this letter and jewellery."
Spies, under the guise of cooks, may, under the pretence of the king's (the enemy's)
order, take some covetable wealth (to the minister) meant for use in an immediate
expedition. A spy under the guise of a merchant may, by some contrivance or other, take
possession of that wealth and inform the minister of the readiness of all the preparations
(for the expedition). Thus by the employment of one, two, or three of the strategic means,
the ministers of each of the combined enemies may be induced to set out on the
expedition and thus to be away from the inimical kings.
Spies, under the service of the officer in charge of the enemy's waste lands, may
inform the citizens and country people residing in the enemy's fortified towns of the
condition of the officer's friendship with the people, and say: "The officer in charge of the
waste lands tells the warriors and departmental officers thus:--'The king has hardly
escaped from danger and scarcely returns with life. Do not hoard up your wealth and
thereby create enemies; if so, you will all be put to death.'" When all the people are
collected together, fiery spies may take the citizens out of the town and kill their leaders,
saying: "Thus will be treated those who do not hear the officer in charge of the waste
lands." On the waste lands under the charge of the officer, the spies may throw down
weapons, money and ropes bespattered with blood. Then other spies may spread the news
that the officer in charge of the waste lands destroys the people and plunders them.
Similarly, spies may cause disagreement between the enemy's collector- general and the
people. Addressing the servants of the collector-general in the centre of the village at
night, fiery spies may say: "Thus will be treated those who subject the people to unjust
oppression." When the fault of the collector-general or of the officer in charge of the
waste lands is widely known, the spies may cause the people to slay either of them, and
employ in his place one of his family or one who is imprisoned.
* Spreading the false news of the danger of the enemy, they (spies) may set fire to
the harem, the gates of the town and the store-house of grains and other things, and slay
the sentinels who are kept to guard them.
[Thus ends Chapter II, "The Duties of a Messenger and Battle of Intrigue," in Book XII,
“Concerning a Powerful Enemy,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of “Battle of
Intrigue.” End of the hundred and thirty-seventh chapter from the beginning.]
SPIES in the service of the king (the enemy) or of his courtiers may, under the
pretence of friendship, say in the presence of other friends that the king is angry with the
chiefs of infantry, cavalry, chariots and elephants. When their men are collected together,
fiery spies, having guarded themselves against night watches, may, under the pretence of
the king's (the enemy's) order, invite the chiefs to a certain house and slay the chiefs when
returning from the house. Other spies in the vicinity may say that it has been the king's
(the enemy's) order to slay them. Spies may also tell those who have been banished from
the country: "This is just what we foretold; for personal safety, you may go elsewhere."
Spies may also tell those who have not received what they requested of the king (the
enemy) that the officer in charge of waste lands has been told by the king: "Such and such
a person has begged of me what he should not demand; I refused to grant his request; he
is in conspiracy with my enemy. So make attempts to put him down." Then the spies may
proceed in their usual way.
Spies may also tell those who have been granted their request by the king (the
enemy) that the officer in charge of waste lands has been told by the king: "Such and such
persons have demanded their due from me; I have granted them all their requests in order
to gain their confidence. But they are conspiring with my enemy. So make attempts to put
them down." Then the spies may proceed in their usual way.
Spies may also tell those who do not demand their due from the king that the officer
in charge of waste lands has been told: "Such and such persons do not demand their due
from me. What else can be the reason than their suspicion about my knowledge of their
guilt? So make attempts to put them down." Then the spies may proceed in their usual
A spy employed as the personal servant of the king (the enemy) may inform him that
such and such ministers of his are being interviewed by the enemy's servants. When he
comes to believe this, some treacherous persons may be represented as the messengers of
the enemy, specifying as "this is that."
The chief officers of the army may be induced by offering land and gold to fall
against their own men and secede from the enemy (their king). If one of the sons of the
commander-in-chief is living near or inside the fort, a spy may tell him: "You are the
most worthy son; still you are neglected; why are you indifferent? Seize your position by
force; otherwise the heir-apparent will destroy you."
Or some one of the family (of the commander-in-chief or the king), or one who is
imprisoned may be bribed in gold and told: "Destroy the internal strength of the enemy,
or a portion of his force in the border of his country."
Or having seduced wild tribes with rewards of wealth and honour, they may be
incited to devastate the enemy's country. Or the enemy's rear-enemy may be told : "I am,
as it were, a bridge to you all; if I am broken like a rafter, this king will drown you all; let
us, therefore, combine and thwart the enemy in his march." Accordingly, a message may
be sent to individual or combined states to the effect : "After having done with me, this
king will do his work of you: beware of it. I am the best man to be relied upon."
* In order to escape from the danger from an immediate enemy, a king should
frequently send to a madhyama or a neutral king (whatever would please him); or one
may put one's whole property at the enemy's disposal.
[Thus ends Chapter III, "Slaying the Commander-in-Chief and Inciting a Circle of
States,” in Book XII, “Concerning a Powerful Enemy,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya.
End of the hundred and thirty-eighth chapter from the beginning.]
THE conqueror's spies who are residing as traders in the enemy's forts, and those
who are living as cultivators in the enemy's villages, as well as those who are living as
cowherds or ascetics in the district borders of the enemy's country may send through
merchants, information to another neighbouring enemy, or a wild chief, or a scion of the
enemy's family, or an imprisoned prince that the enemy's country is to be captured. When
their secret emissaries come as invited, they are to be pleased with rewards of wealth and
honour and shewn the enemy's weak points; and with the help of the emissaries, the spies
should strike the enemy at his weak points.
Or having put a banished prince in the enemy's camp; a spy disguised as a vintner in
the service of the enemy, may distribute as a toast hundreds of vessels of liquor mixed
with the juice of the madana plant; or, for the first day, he may distribute a mild or
intoxicating variety of liquor, and on the following days such liquor as is mixed with
poison; or having given pure liquor to the officers of the enemy's army, he may give them
poisoned liquor when they are in intoxication.
A spy, employed as a chief officer of the enemy's army, may adopt the same
measures as those employed by the vintner.
Spies, disguised as experts in trading in cooked flesh, cooked rice, liquor, and cakes,
may vie with each other in proclaiming in public the sale of a fresh supply of their special
articles at cheap price and may sell the articles mixed with poison to the attracted
customers of the enemy.
Women and children may receive in their poisoned vessels, liquor, milk, curd, ghee,
or oil from traders in those articles, and pour those fluids back into the vessels of the
traders, saying that at a specified rate the whole may be sold to them. Spies, disguised as
merchants, may purchase the above articles, and may so contrive that servants, attending
upon the elephants and horses of the enemy, may make use of the same articles in giving
rations and grass to those animals. Spies, under the garb of servants, may sell poisoned
grass and water. Spies, let off as traders in cattle for a long time, may leave herds of
cattle, sheep, or goats in tempting places so as to divert the attention of the enemy from
the attack which they (the enemy) intend to make; spies as cowherds may let off such
animals as are ferocious among horses, mules, camels, buffaloes and others beasts,
having smeared the eyes of those animals with the blood of a musk-rat (chuchundari);
spies as hunters may let off cruel beasts from traps; spies as snake charmers may let off
highly poisonous snakes; those who keep elephants may let off elephants (near the
enemy's camp); those who live by making use of fire may set fire (to the camp, etc.).
Secret spies may slay from behind the chiefs of infantry, cavalry, chariots and elephants,
or they may set fire to the chief residences of the enemy. Traitors, enemies and wild
tribes, employed for the purpose, may destroy the enemy's rear or obstruct his
reinforcement; or spies, concealed in forests, may enter into the border of the enemy's
country, and devastate it; or they may destroy the enemy's supply, stores, and other
things, when those things are being conveyed on a narrow path passable by a single man.
[Thus ends Chapter IV, "Spies with Weapons, Fire and Poison; and Destruction of Supply,
Stores and Granaries,” in Book XII, “Concerning a Powerful Enemy,” of the Arthasástra
of Kautilya. End of the hundred and thirty-ninth chapter from the beginning.]
CONTRIVANCES to kill the enemy may be formed in those places of worship and
visit, which the enemy, under the influence of faith, frequents on occasions of
worshipping gods, and of pilgrimage.
Measures to obstruct the movements of the enemy are explained in the chapter, "The
Conduct of a Conquered King."
Grass and firewood should be set on fire as far as a yojana (5 5/44 miles); water
should be vitiated and caused to flow away; mounds, wells, pits and thorns (outside the
fort wall) should be destroyed; having widened the mouth of the underground tunnel of
the enemy's fort, his stores and leaders may be removed; the enemy may also be likewise
carried off; when the underground tunnel has been made by the enemy for his own use,
the water in the ditch outside the fort may be made to flow into it; in suspicious places
along the parapet (of the enemy's fort) and in the house containing a well outside the fort,
empty pots or bronze vessels may be placed in order to find out the direction of the wind
(blowing from the underground tunnel); when the direction of the tunnel is found out, a
counter-tunnel may be formed; or having opened the tunnel, it may be filled with smoke
or water.
Having arranged for the defence of the fort by a scion of his family, the enemy may
run in an opposite direction where it is possible for him to meet with friends, relatives, or
wild tribes, or with his enemy's treacherous friends of vast resources, or where he may
separate his enemy from the latter's friends, or where he may capture the enemy's rear, or
country, or where he may prevent the transport of supplies to his enemy, or whence he
may strike his enemy by throwing down trees at hand, or where he can find means to
defend his own country or to gather reinforcements for his hereditary army; or he may go
to any other country whence he can obtain peace on his own terms.
His enemy's (the conqueror's) allies may send a mission to him, saying: "This man,
your enemy, has fallen into our hands; under the plea of merchandise or some
presentation, send gold and a strong force; we shall either hand over to you your enemy
bound in chains, or banish him." If he approves of it, the gold and the army he may send
may be received (by the conqueror).
Having access to the enemy's castle, the officer in charge of the boundaries (of the
enemy's country) may lead a part of his force and slay the enemy in good faith under the
plea of destroying a people in some place, he may take the enemy to an inimical army;
and having led the enemy to the surrounded place, he may slay the enemy in good faith.
A pretending friend may send information to an outsider: "Grains, oil and jaggery
and salt stored in the fort (of the enemy) have been exhausted; a fresh supply of them is
expected to reach the fort at such and such a place and time; seize it by force." Then
traitors, enemies, or wild tribes, or some other persons, specially appointed for the
purpose, may send a supply of poisoned grains, oil, jaggery, and salt to the fort. This
explains the seizure of all kinds of supply.
Having made peace with the conqueror, he may give the conqueror part of the gold
promised and the rest gradually. Thus he may cause the conqueror's defensive force to be
slackened and then strike them down with fire, poison or sword; or he may win the
confidence of the conqueror's courtiers deputed to take the tribute.
Or if his resources are exhausted, he may run away abandoning his fort; he may
escape through a tunnel or through a hole newly made or by breaking the parapet.
* Having by means of trumpet sounds called together the sentinels at the gate as
well as aged men and other spies stationed by others, the enemy may completely carry
out the rest of his work.
[Thus ends Chapter V, "Capture of the Enemy by Means of Secret Contrivances or by
Means of the Army; and Complete Victory," in Book XII, "Concerning a Powerful
Enemy,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and fortieth chapter from the
beginning. With this ends the twelfth Book, “Concerning a Powerful Enemy,” of the
Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
By these and other means, they should win over the enemy's men as pointed out
above, and as we are going to treat of them again at length:--
They should characterise the enemy as an ordinary donkey towards skilful persons;
as the branch of lakucha (Artocarpus Lacucha) broken to the officers of his army; as a
crab on the shore to anxious persons; as a downpour of lightnings to those who are
treated with contempt; as a reed, a barren tree, or an iron ball, or as false clouds to those
who are disappointed; as the ornaments of an ugly woman to those who are disappointed
in spite of their worshipful service; as a tiger's skin, or as a trap of death to his favourites;
and as eating a piece of the wood of pílu (Careya-Arborea), or as churning the milk of a
she-camel or a she-donkey (for butter) to those who are rendering to him valuable help.
When the people of the enemy are convinced of this, they may be sent to the
conqueror to receive wealth and, honour. Those of the enemy who are in need of money
and food should be supplied with an abundance of those things. Those who do not like to
receive such things may be presented with ornaments for their wives and children.
When the people of the enemy are suffering from famine and the oppression of
thieves and wild tribes, the conqueror's spies should sow the seeds of dissension among
them, saying: "Let us request the king for favour and go elsewhere if not favoured."
* When they agree to such proposals, they should be supplied with money, grains,
and other necessary help: thus, much can be done by sowing the seeds of dissension.
[Thus ends Chapter I, “Sowing the Seeds of Dissension,” in Book XIII, “Strategic Means
to Capture a Fortress” of the Arthasástra, of Kautilya. End of the hundred and forty-first
chapter from the beginning.]
AN ascetic, with shaved head or braided hair and living in the cave of a mountain,
may pretend to be four hundred years old, and, followed by a number of disciples with
braided hair, halt in the vicinity of the capital city of the enemy. The disciples of the
ascetic may make presentations of roots and fruits to the king and his ministers and invite
them to pay a visit to the venerable ascetic. On the arrival of the king on the spot, the
ascetic may acquaint him with the history of ancient kings and their states, and tell him:
"Every time when I complete the course of a hundred years, I enter into the fire and come
out of it as a fresh youth (bála). Now, here in your presence, I am going to enter into the
fire for the fourth time. It is highly necessary that you may be pleased to honour me with
your presence at the time. Please request three boons." When the king agrees to do so, he
may be requested to come and remain at the spot with his wives and children for seven
nights to witness the sacrificial performance. When he does so, he may be caught hold of.
An ascetic, with shaved head or braided hair, and followed by a number of disciples
with shaved heads or braided hair, and pretending to be aware of whatever is contained in
the interior of the earth, may put in the interior of an ant-hill either a bamboo stick wound
round with a piece of cloth drenched in blood and painted with gold dust, or a hollow
golden tube into which a snake can enter and remain. One of the disciples may tell the
king: "This ascetic can discover blooming treasure trove." When he asks the ascetic (as to
the veracity of the statement), the latter should acknowledge it, and produce a
confirmatory evidence (by pulling out the bamboo stick); or having kept some more gold
in the interior of the ant-hill, the ascetic may tell the king: "This treasure trove is guarded
by a snake and can possibly be taken out by performing necessary sacrifice. When the
king agrees to do so, he may be requested to come and remain. . . (as before).
When an ascetic, pretending to be able to find out hidden treasure trove, is seated
with his body burning with magical fire at night in a lonely place, his disciples may bring
the king to see him and inform the king that the ascetic can find out treasure trove. While
engaged in performing some work at the request of the king, the latter may be requested
to come and remain at the spot for seven nights . . . (as before).
Any person, disguised as an ascetic and living under water or in the interior of an
idol entered into through a tunnel or an underground chamber, may be said by his
disciples to be Varuna, the god of water, or the king of snakes, and shown to the king.
While going to accomplish whatever the king may desire, the latter may be requested to
come and remain . . . (as before.)
An accomplished ascetic, halting in the vicinity of the capital city, may invite the
king to witness the person (of his enemy) when he comes to witness the invocation of his
enemy's life in the image to be destroyed, he may be murdered in an unguarded place.
Spies, under the, guise of merchants come to sell horses, may invite the king to
examine and purchase any of the animals. While attentively examining the horses, he
may be murdered in the tumult or trampled down by horses.
Getting into an altar at night in the vicinity of the capital city of the enemy and
blowing through tubes or hollow reeds the fire contained in a few pots, some fiery spies
may shout aloud: "We are going to eat the flesh of the king or of his ministers; let the
worship of the gods go on." Spies, under the guise of sooth-sayers and horologists may
spread the news abroad.
Spies, disguised as Nagas (snake-gods and with their body besmeared with burning
oil (tejánataila), may stand in the centre of a sacred pool of water or of a lake at night,
and sharpening their iron swords or spikes, may shout aloud as before.
Spies, wearing coats formed of the skins of bears and sending out volumes of smoke
from their mouth, may pretend to be demons, and after circumambulating the city thrice
from right to left, may shout aloud as before at a place full of the horrid noise of
antelopes and jackals; or spies may set fire to an altar or an image of a god covered with a
layer of mica besmeared with burning oil at night, and shout aloud as before. Others may
spread this news abroad; or they may cause (by some contrivance or other) blood to flow
out in floods from revered images of gods. Others may spread this news abroad and
challenge any bold or brave man to come out to witness this flow of divine blood.
Whoever accepts the challenge may be beaten to death by others with rods, making the
people believe that he was killed by demons. Spies and other witnesses may inform the
king of this wonder. Then spies, disguised as sooth-sayers and astrologers may prescribe
auspicious and expiatory rites to avert the evil consequences which would otherwise
overtake the king and his country. When the king agrees to the proposal he may be asked
to perform in person special sacrifices and offerings with special mantras every night for
seven days. Then (while doing this, he may be slain) as before.
In order to delude other kings, the conqueror may himself undertake the
performance of expiatory rites to avert such evil consequences as the above and thus set
an example to others.
When the enemy is fond of elephants, spies may delude him with the sight of a
beautiful elephant reared by the officer in charge of elephant forests. When he desires to
capture the elephant, he may be taken to a remote desolate part of the forest, and killed or
carried off as a prisoner. This explains the fate of kings addicted to hunting.
When the enemy is fond of wealth or women, he may be beguiled at the sight of rich
and beautiful widows brought before him with a plaint for the recovery of a deposit kept
by them in the custody of one of their kinsmen; and when he comes to meet with a
woman at night as arranged, hidden spies may kill him with weapons or poison.
When the enemy is in the habit of paying frequent visits to ascetics, altars, sacred
pillars (stúpa), and images of gods, spies hidden in underground chambers or in
subterranean passages, or inside the walls, may strike him down.
* Whatever may be the sights or spectacles which the king goes in person to witness;
wherever he may engage himself in sports or in swimming in water;
* Whatever may be the festivities of his own men, which the king goes to attend,
wherever he is unguarded or during a cloudy day, or in the tumultuous concourse of
* Or when he is eating or drinking, on these and other occasions, spies, together with
other persons previously hidden at those places, may strike him down at the sound of
*And they may get out as secretly as they came there with the pretence of
witnessing the sights; thus it is that kings and other persons are enticed to come out and
be captured.
[Thus ends Chapter II, "Enticement of Kings by Secret Contrivances," in Book XIII,
"Strategic means to Capture a Fortress," of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the
hundred and forty-second chapter from the beginning.]
THE conqueror may dismiss a confidential chief of a corporation. The chief may go
over to the enemy as a friend and offer to supply him with recruits and other help
collected from the conqueror's territory or followed by a band of spies, the chief may
please the enemy by destroying a disloyal village or a regiment or an ally of the
conqueror and by sending as a present the elephants, horses, and disaffected persons of
the conqueror's army or of the latter's ally; or a confidential chief officer of the conqueror
may solicit help from a portion of the territory (of the enemy), or from a corporation of
people (sreni) or from wild tribes; and when he has gained their confidence, he may send
them down to the conqueror to be routed down on the occasion of a farcical attempt to
capture elephants or wild tribes.
This explains the work of ministers and wild chiefs under the mission of the
After making peace with the enemy, the conqueror may dismiss his own confidential
ministers. They may request the enemy to reconcile them to their master. When the
enemy sends a messenger for this purpose, the conqueror may rebuke him and say: "Thy
master attempts to sow the seeds of dissension between myself and my ministers; so thou
should not come here again." Then one of the dismissed ministers may go over to the
enemy, taking with him a band of spies, disaffected people, traitors, brave thieves, and
wild tribes who make no distinction between a friend and a foe. Having secured the good
graces of the enemy, the minister may propose to him the destruction of his officers, such
as the boundary-guard, wild chief, and commander of his army, telling him: "These and
other persons are in concert with your enemy." Then these persons may be put to death
under the unequivocal orders of the enemy.
The conqueror may tell his enemy: "A chief with a powerfu1 army means to offend
us, so let us combine and put him down; you may take possession of his treasury or
territory." When the enemy agrees to the proposal and comes out honoured by the
conqueror, he may be slain in a tumult or in an open battle with the chief (in concert with
the conqueror). Or having invited the enemy to be present as a thick friend on the
occasion of a pretended gift of territory, or the installation of the heir-apparent, or the
performance of some expiatory rites, the conqueror may capture the enemy. Whoever
withstands such inducements may be slain by secret means. If the enemy refuses to meet
any man in person, then also attempts may be made to kill him by employing his enemy.
If the enemy likes to march alone with his army, but not in company with the conqueror,
then he may be hemmed in between two forces and destroyed. If, trusting to none, he
wants to march alone in order to capture a portion of the territory of an assailable enemy,
then he may be slain by employing one of his enemies or any other person provided with
all necessary help. When he goes to his subdued enemy for the purpose of collecting an
army, his capital may be captured. Or he may be asked to take possession of the territory
of another enemy or a friend of the conqueror; and when he goes to seize the territory, the
conqueror may ask his (the conqueror's) friend to offend him (the conqueror), and then
enable the friend to catch hold of the enemy. These and other contrivances lead to the
same end.
When the enemy is desirous of taking possession of the territory of the conqueror's
friend, then the conqueror may, under the pretence of compliance, supply the enemy with
army. Then having entered into a secret concert with the friend, the conqueror may
pretend to be under troubles and allow himself to be attacked by the enemy combined
with the neglected friend. Then, hemmed from two sides, the enemy may be killed or
captured alive to distribute his territory among the conqueror and his friend.
If the enemy, helped by his friend, shuts himself in an impregnable fort, then his
neighbouring enemies may be employed to lay waste his territory. If he attempts to
defend his territory by his army, that army may be annihilated. If the enemy and his ally
cannot be separated, then each of these may be openly asked to come to an agreement
with the conqueror to seize the territory of the other. Then they will, of course, send such
of their messengers as are termed friends and recipients of salaries from two states to
each other with information: "This king (the conqueror), allied with my army, desires to
seize thy territory." Then one of them may, with enragement and suspicion, act as before
(i.e., fall upon the conqueror or the friend).
The conqueror may dismiss his chief officers in charge of his forests, country parts,
and army, under the pretence of their intrigue with the enemy. Then going over to 'the
enemy, they may catch hold of him on occasions of war, siege, or any other troubles; or
they may sow the seeds of dissension between the enemy and his party, corroborating the
causes of dissension by producing witnesses specially tutored.
Spies, disguised as hunters, may take a stand near the gate of the enemy's fort to sell
flesh, and make friendship with the sentinels at the gate. Having informed the enemy of
the arrival of thieves on two or three occasions, they may prove themselves to be of
reliable character and cause him to split his army into two divisions and to station them in
two different parts of his territory. When his villages are being plundered or besieged,
they may tell him that thieves are come very near, that the tumult is very great, and that a
large army is required. They may take the army supplied, and surrendering it to the
commander laying waste the villages, return at night with a part of the commander's
army, and cry aloud at the gate of the fort that the thieves are slain, that the army has
returned victorious, and that the gate may be opened. When the gate is opened by the
watchmen under the enemy’s order or by others in confidence, they may strike the enemy
with the help of the army.
Painters, carpenters, heretics, actors, merchants, and other disguised spies belonging
to the conqueror's army may also reside inside the fort of the enemy. Spies, disguised as
agriculturists, may supply them with weapons taken in carts loaded with firewood, grass,
grains, and other commodities of commerce, or disguised as images and flags of gods.
Then spies, disguised as priests, may announce to the enemy, blowing their conch shells
and beating their drums, that a besieging army, eager to destroy all, and armed with
weapons, is coming closely behind them. Then in the ensuing tumult, they may surrender
the fort-gate and the towers of the fort to the army of the conqueror or disperse the
enemy’s army and bring about his fall.
Or taking advantage of peace and friendship with the enemy, army and weapons
may be collected inside the enemy's fort by spies disguised as merchants, caravans,
processions leading a bride, merchants selling horses, peddlers trading in miscellaneous
articles, purchasers or sellers of grains, and as ascetics. These and others are the spies
aiming on the life of a king.
The same spies, together with those described in "Removal of thorns" may, by
employing thieves, destroy the flock of the enemy's cattle or merchandise in the vicinity
of wild tracts. They may poison with the juice of the madana plant, the food-stuffs and
beverage kept, as previously arranged, in a definite place for the enemy's cowherds, and
go out unknown. When the cowherds show signs of intoxication in consequence of their
eating the above food-stuffs, spies, disguised as cowherds, merchants, and thieves, may
fall upon the enemy's cowherds, and carry off the cattle.
Spies disguised as ascetics with shaved head or braided hair and pretending to be the
worshippers of god, Sankarshana, may mix their sacrificial beverage with the juice of the
madana plant (and give it to the cowherds), and carry off the cattle.
A spy, under the guise of a vintner, may, on the occasion of procession of gods,
funeral rites, festivals, and other congregations of people, go to sell liquor and present the
cowherds with some liquor mixed with the juice of the madana plant. Then others may
fall upon the intoxicated cowherds (and carry off the cattle).
* Those spies, who enter into the wild tracts of the enemy with the intention of
plundering his villages, and who, leaving that work, set themselves to destroy the enemy,
are termed spies under the garb of thieves.
[Thus ends Chapter III, “The Work of Spies in a Siege,” in Book XIII, “The Strategic
Means to Capture a Fortress,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and
forty-third chapter from the beginning.]
REDUCTION (of the enemy) must precede a siege. The territory that has been
conquered should be kept so peacefully that it might sleep without any fear. When it is in
rebellion, it is to be pacified by bestowing re- wards and remitting taxes, unless the
conqueror means to quit it. Or he may select his battle fields in a remote part of the
enemy's territory, far from the populous centres; for, in the opinion of Kautilya, no
territory deserves the name of a kingdom or country unless it is full of people. When a
people resist the attempt of the conqueror, then he may destroy their stores, crops, and
granaries, and trade.
When the conqueror thinks: "My army is provided with abundance of staple corn,
raw materials, machines, weapons, dress, labourers, ropes and the like, and has a
favourable season to act, whereas my enemy has an unfavourable season and is suffering
from disease, famine and loss of stores and defencive force, while his hired troops as well
as the army of his friend are in a miserable condition,"--then he may begin the siege.
Having well guarded his camp, transports, supplies and also the roads of
communication, and having dug up a ditch and raised a rampart round his camp, he may
vitiate the water in the ditches round the enemy's fort, or empty the ditches of their water
or fill them with water if empty, and then he may assail the rampart and the parapets by
making use of underground tunnels and iron rods. If the ditch (dváram) is very deep, he
may fill it up with soil. If it is defended by a number of men, he may destroy it by means
of machines. Horse soldiers may force their passage through the gate into the fort and
smite the enemy. Now and then in the midst of tumult, he may offer terms to the enemy
by taking recourse to one, two, three, or all of the strategic means.
Having captured the birds such as the vulture, crow, naptri, bhása, parrot, máina,
and pigeon which have their nests in the fort-walls, and having tied to their tails
inflammable powders (agniyoga), he may let them fly to the forts. If the camp is situated
at a distance from the fort and is provided with an elevated post for archers and their
flags, then the enemy's fort may be set on fire. Spies, living as watchmen of the fort, may
tie inflammable powder to the tails of mongooses, monkeys, cats and dogs and let them
go over the thatched roofs of the houses. A splinter of fire kept in the body of a dried fish
may be caused to be carried off by a monkey, or a crow, or any other bird (to the thatched
roofs of the houses).
Small balls prepared from the mixture of sarala (Pinus Longifolia), devadáru
(deodár), pútitrina (stinking grass), guggulu (Bdellium), sriveshtaka (turpentine), the
juice of sarja (Vatica Robusta), and láksha (lac) combined with dungs of an ass, camel,
sheep, and goat are inflammable (agnidharanah, i.e., such as keep fire.)
The mixture of the powder of priyala (Chironjia Sapida), the charcoal of avalguja
(oanyza, serratula, anthelmintica), madhúchchhishta (wax), and the dung of a horse, ass,
camel, and cow is an inflammable powder to be hurled against the enemy.
The powder of all the metals (sarvaloha) as red as fire, or the mixture of the powder
of kumbhí (gmelia arberea, sísa (lead), trapu (zinc), mixed with the charcoal powder of
the flowers of páribhadraka (deodar), palása (Butea Frondosa), and hair, and with oil,
wax, and turpentine, is also an inflammable powder.
A stick of visvásagháti painted with the above mixture and wound round with a bark
made of hemp, zinc, and lead, is a fire-arrow (to be hurled against the enemy).
When a fort can be captured by other means, no attempt should be made to set fire to
it; for fire cannot be trusted; it not only offends gods, but also destroys the people, grains,
cattle, gold, raw materials and the like. Also the acquisition of a fort with its property all
destroyed is a source of further loss. Such is the aspect of a siege.
When the conqueror thinks: "I am well provided with all necessary means and with
workmen whereas my enemy is diseased with officers proved to be impure under
temptations, with unfinished forts and deficient stores, allied with no friends, or with
friends inimical at heart," then he should consider it as an opportune moment to take up
arms and storm the fort.
When fire, accidental or intentionally kindled, breaks out; when the enemy's people
are engaged in a sacrificial performance, or in witnessing spectacles or the troops, or in a
quarrel due to the drinking of liquor; or when the enemy's army is too much tired by daily
engagements in battles and is reduced in strength in consequence of the slaughter of a
number of its men in a number of battles; when the enemy's people wearied from
sleeplessness have fallen asleep; or on the occasion of a cloudy day, of floods, or of a
thick fog or snow, general assault should be made.
Or having concealed himself in a forest after abandoning the camp, the conqueror
may strike the enemy when the latter comes out.
A king pretending to be the enemy's chief friend or ally, may make the friendship
closer with the besieged, and send a messenger to say: "This is thy weak point; these are
thy internal enemies; that is the weak point of the besieger; and this person (who,
deserting the conqueror, is now coming to thee) is thy partisan." When this partisan is
returning with another messenger from the enemy, the conqueror should catch hold of
him and, having published the partisan's guilt, should banish him, and retire from the
siege operations. Then the pretending friend may tell the besieged: "Come out to help me,
or let us combine and strike the besieger." Accordingly, when the enemy comes out, he
may be hemmed between the two forces (the conqueror's force and the pretending friend's
force) and killed or captured alive to distribute his territory (between the conqueror and
the friend). His capital city may be razed to the ground; and the flower of his army made
to come out and destroyed.
Either a conquered enemy or the chief of a wild tribe (in conspiracy with the
conqueror) may inform the besieged: "With the intention of escaping from a disease, or
from the attack in his weak point by his enemy in the rear, or from a rebellion in his army,
the conqueror seems to be thinking of going elsewhere, abandoning the siege." When the
enemy is made to believe this, the conqueror may set fire to his camp and retire. Then the
enemy coming out may be hemmed . . . as before.
Or having collected merchandise mixed with poison, the conqueror may deceive the
enemy by sending that merchandise to the latter.
Or a pretending ally of the enemy may send a messenger to the enemy, asking him:
"Come out to smite the conqueror already struck by me." When he does so, he may be
hemmed . . . as before.
Spies, disguised as friends or relatives and with passports and orders in their hands,
may enter the enemy's fort and help to its capture.
Or a pretending ally of the enemy may send information to the besieged: "I am
going to strike the besieging camp at such a time and place; then you should also fight
along with me." When the enemy does so, or when he comes out of his fort after
witnessing the tumult and uproar of the besieging army in danger, he may be slain as
Or a friend or a wild chief in friendship with the enemy may be induced and
encouraged to seize the land of the enemy when the latter is besieged by the conqueror.
When accordingly any one of them attempts to seize the enemy's territory, the enemy's
people or the leaders of the enemy's traitors may be employed to murder him (the friend
or the wild chief); or the conqueror himself may administer poison to him. Then another
pretending friend may inform the enemy that the murdered person was a fratricide (as he
attempted to seize the territory of his friend in troubles). After strengthening his intimacy
with the enemy, the pretending friend may sow the seeds of dissension between the
enemy and his officers and have the latter hanged. Causing the peaceful people of the
enemy to rebel, he may put them down, unknown to the enemy. Then having taken with
him a portion of his army composed of furious wild tribes, he may enter the enemy's fort
and allow it to be captured by the conqueror. Or traitors, enemies, wild tribes and other
persons who have deserted the enemy, may, under the plea of having been reconciled,
honoured and rewarded, go back to the enemy and allow the fort to be captured by the
Having captured the fort or having returned to the camp after its capture, he should
give quarter to those of the enemy's army who, whether as lying prostrate in the field, or
as standing with their back turned to the conqueror, or with their hair dishevelled, with
their weapons thrown down or with their body disfigured and shivering under fear,
surrender themselves. After the captured fort is cleared of the enemy's partisans and is
well guarded by the conqueror's men both within and without, he should make his
victorious entry into it.
Having thus seized the territory of the enemy close to his country, the conqueror
should direct his attention to that of the madhyama king; this being taken, he should catch
hold of that of the neutral king. This is the first way to conquer the world. In the absence
of the madhyama and neutral kings, he should, in virtue of his own excellent qualities,
win the hearts of his enemy's subjects, and then direct his attention to other remote
enemies. This is the second way. In the absence of a Circle of States (to be conquered), he
should conquer his friend or his enemy by hemming each between his own force and that
of his enemy or that of his friend respectively. This is the third way.
Or he may first put down an almost invincible immediate enemy. Having doubled
his power by this victory, he may go against a second enemy; having trebled his power by
this victory, he may attack a third. This is the fourth way to conquer the world.
Having conquered the earth with its people of distinct castes and divisions of
religious life, he should enjoy it by governing it in accordance with the duties prescribed
to kings.
* Intrigue, spies, winning over the enemy's people, siege, and assault are the five
means to capture a fort.
[Thus ends Chapter IV, "The Operation of a Siege and Storming a Fort," in Book XIII,
"Strategic Means to Capture a Fortress," of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the
hundred and forty-fourth chapter from the beginning.]
THE expedition which the conqueror has to undertake may be of two kinds: in wild
tracts or in single villages and the like.
The territory which he acquires may be of three kinds: that which is newly acquired,
that which is recovered (from an usurper) and that which is inherited.
Having acquired a new territory, he should cover the enemy's vices with his own
virtues, and the enemy's virtues by doubling his own virtues, by strict observance of his
own duties, by attending to his works, by bestowing rewards, by remitting taxes, by
giving gifts, and by bestowing honours. He should follow the friends and leaders of the
people. He should give rewards, as promised, to those who deserted the enemy for his
cause; he should also offer rewards to them as often as they render help to him; for
whoever fails to fullfil his promises becomes untrustworthy both to his own and his
enemy's people. Whoever acts against the will of the people will also become unreliable.
He should adopt the same mode of life, the same dress, language, and customs as those of
the people. He should follow the people in their faith with which they celebrate their
national, religious and congregational festivals or amusements. His spies should often
bring home to the mind of the leaders of provinces, villages, castes, and corporations the
hurt inflicted on the enemies in contrast with the high esteem and favour with which they
are treated by the conqueror, who finds his own prosperity in theirs. He should please
them by giving gifts, remitting taxes, and providing for their security. He should always
hold religious 1ife in high esteem. Learned men, orators, charitable and brave persons
should be favoured with gifts of land and money and with remission of taxes. He should
release all the prisoners, and afford help to miserable, helpless, and diseased persons. He
should prohibit the slaughter of animals for half a month during the period of
Cháturmásya (from July to September), for four nights during the full moon, and for a
night on the day of the birth-star of the conqueror or of the national star. He should also
prohibit the slaughter of females and young ones (yonibálavadham) as well as castration.
Having abolished those customs or transactions which he might consider either as
injurious to the growth of his revenue and army or as unrighteous, he should establish
righteous transactions. He should compel born thieves as well as the Mlechchhas to
change their habitations often and reside in many places. Such of his chief officers in
charge of the forts, country parts, and the army, and ministers and priests as are found to
have been in conspiracy with the enemy should also be compelled to have their
habitations in different places on the borders of the enemy's country. Such of his men as
are capable to hurt him, but are convinced of their own fall with that of their master,
should be pacified by secret remonstrance. Such renegades of his own country as are
captured along with the enemy should be made to reside in remote corners. Whoever of
the enemy's family is capable to wrest the conquered territory and is taking shelter in a
wild tract on the border, often harassing the conqueror, should be provided with a sterile
portion of territory or with a fourth part of a fertile tract on the condition of supplying to
the conqueror a fixed amount of money and a fixed number of troops, in raising which he
may incur the displeasure of the people and may be destroyed by them. Whoever has
caused excitement to the people or incurred their displeasure should be removed and
placed in a dangerous locality.
Having recovered a lost territory, he should hide those vices of his, owing to which
he lost it, and increase those virtues by which he recovered it.
With regard to the inherited territory, he should cover the vices of his father, and
display his own virtues.
* He should initiate the observance of all those customs, which, though righteous
and practised by others, are not observed in his own country, and give no room for the
practice of whatever is unrighteous, though observed by others.
IN order to protect the institution of the four castes, such measures as are treated of
in secret science shall be applied against the wicked. Through the instrumentality of such
men or women of Mlechchha class as can put on disguises, appropriate to different
countries, arts, or professions, or as can put on the appearance of a hump-backed,
dwarfish, or short-sized person, or of a dumb, deaf, idiot, or blind person, kálakúta and
other manifold poisons should be administered in the diet and other physical enjoyments
of the wicked. Spies lying in wait or living as inmates (in the same house) may make use
of weapons on occasions of royal sports or musical and other entertainments. Spies,
under the disguise of night-walkers (rátrichári) or of fire-keepers (agni-jívi) may set fire
(to the houses of the wicked).
The powder (prepared from the carcass) of animals such as chitra (?), bheka (frog),
kaundinyaka (?), krikana (perdix sylvatika), panchakushtha (?), and satapadi,
(centipede); or of animals such as uchchitinga (crab), kambali (?), krikalása (lizard) with
the powder of the bark of satakanda (Phyalis Flexuosa); or of animals such as
grihagaulika (a small house-lizard), andháhika (a blind snake), krakanthaka (a kind of
partridge), pútikíta (a stinking insect), and gomárika (?) combined with the juice of
bhallátaka (Semecarpus Anacardium), and valgaka (?);--the smoke caused by burning the
above powders causes instantaneous death.
* Any of the (above) insects may be heated with a black snake and priyangu (panic
seed) and reduced to powder. This mixture, when burnt, causes instantaneous death.
The powder prepared from the roots of dhámárgava (lufta foetida) and yátudhána
(?) mixed with the powder of the flower of bhallátaka (Semecarpus Anacardium) causes,
when administered, death in the course of half a month. The root of vyágháta (casia
fistula) reduced to powder with the flower of bhallátaka (Semecarpus A nacardium)
mixed with the essence of an insect (kíta) causes, when administered, death in the course
of a month.
As much as a kalá (16th of a tola) to men; twice as much to mules and horses; and
four times as much to elephants and camels.
The smoke caused by burning the powder of satakardama (?), uchchitinga (crab),
karavira (nerium odorum), katutumbi (a kind of bitter gourd), and fish together with the
chaff of the grains of madana (?) and kodrava (paspalam scrobiculatum), or with the
chaff of the seeds of hastikarna (castor oil tree) and palása (butea frondosa) destroys
animal life as far as it is carried off by the wind.
The smoke caused by burning the powder of pútikita (a stinking insect), fish,
katutumbi (a kind of bitter gourd), the bark of satakardama (?), and indragopa (the insect
cochineal), or the powder of pútikita, kshudrárála (the resin of the plant, shorea robusta),
and hemavidári (?) mixed with the powder of the hoof and horn of a goat causes
The smoke caused by burning the skin of a snake, the dung of a cow and a horse,
and the head of a blind snake causes blindness.
The smoke caused by burning the powder made of the mixture of the dung and urine
of pigeons, frogs, flesh-eating animals, elephants, men, and boars, the chaff and powder
of barley mixed with kásísa (green sulphate of iron), rice, the seeds of cotton, kutaja
(nerium antidysentericum), and kosátaki (lufta pentandra), cow's urine, the root of
bhándi (hydroeotyle asiatica), the powder of nimba (nimba meria), sigru (hyperanthera
morunga), phanirjaka (a kind of tulasi plant), kshíbapíluka (ripe coreya arborea), and
bhánga (a common intoxicating drug), the skin of a snake and fish, and the powder of the
nails and tusk of an elephant, all mixed with the chaff of madana and kodravá (paspalam
scrobiculatum), or with the chaff of the seeds of hastikarna (castor oil tree) and palása
(butea frondosa) causes instantaneous death wherever the smoke is carried off by the
When a man who has kept his eyes secure with the application of ointment and
medicinal water burns, on the occasion of the commencement of a battle and the assailing
of forts, the roots of káli (tragia involucrata), kushtha (costus), nada (a kind of reed) and
satávari (asperagus racemosus), or the powder of (the skin of) a snake, the tail of a
peacock, krikana (a kind of partridge), and panchakushtha (?), together with the chaff as
previously described or with wet or dry chaff, the smoke caused thereby destroys the eyes
of all animals.
The ointment prepared by mixing the excretion of sáriká (maina), kapota (pigeon),
baka (crane), and baláka (a kind of small crane) with the milk of kákshiva (hyperanthera
morunga), píluka (a species of careya arborea) and snuhi (euphorbia) causes blindness
and poisons water.
The mixture of yavaka (a kind of barley), the root of sála (achyrantes triandria), the
fruit of madana (dattúra plant?), the leaves of játí (nutmeg?), and the urine of a man
mixed with the powder of the root of plaksha (fig tree), and vidári (liquorice), as well as
the essence of the decoction of musta (a kind of poison), udumbara (glomerous fig tree),
and kodrava (paspalam scrobiculatum) or with the decoction of hastikarna (castor oil
tree) and palása (butea frondosa) is termed the juice of madana (madanayoga).
The mixture of the powders of sringi (atis betula), gaumevriksha (?), kantakára
(solanum xanthocarpum), and mayúrapadi (?), the powder of gunja seeds, lánguli
(jusseina repens), vishamúlika (?), and ingudi (heart-pea), and the powder of karavira
(oleander), akshipiluka (careya arborea), arka plant, and mrigamáríni (?) combined with
the decoction of madana and kodrava or with that of hastikarna and palása is termed
madana mixture (madanayoga).
The combination of (the above two) mixtures poisons grass and water when applied
to them.
The smoke caused by burning the mixture of the powders of krikana (a kind of
partridge), krikalása (lizard), grihagaulika (a small house-lizard) and andháhika (a blind
snake) destroys the eyes and causes madness.
The (smoke caused by burning the) mixture of krikalása and grihagaulika causes
The smoke caused by burning the same mixture together with the entrails of
chitrabheka (a kind of frog of variegated colour), and madhu (celtis orientalis?) causes
The powder of dúshívisha (?), madana (dattúra plant ?), and kodrava (paspalam
scrobiculatum) destroys the tongue.
The mixture of the powder of mátriváhaka (?), jalúka (leech), the tail of a peacock,
the eyes of a frog, and píluká (careya arborea) causes the disease known as vishúchika.
The mixture of panchakushtha (?), kaundinyaka (?), rájavriksha (cassia fistula), and
madhupushpa (bassia latifolia) and madhu (honey?) causes fever.
The mixture prepared from the powder of the knot of the tongue of bhája (?), and
nakula (mongoose) reduced to a paste with the milk of a she-donkey causes both
dumbness and deafness.
The proportion of a dose to bring on the desired deformities in men and animals in
the course of a fortnight or a month is as laid down before.
Mixtures become very powerful when, in the case of drugs, they are prepared by the
process of decoction; and in the case of animals, by the process of making powders; or in
all cases by the process of decoction.
Whoever is pierced by the arrow prepared from the grains of sálmali (bombax
heptaphyllum) and vidári (liquorice) reduced to powder and mixed with the powder of
múlavatsanábha (a kind of poison) and smeared over with the blood of chuchundari
(musk-rat) bites some ten other persons who in their turn bite others.
When half a dharana of this mixture together with flour and oil-cakes is thrown into
water of a reservoir measuring a hundred bows in length, it vitiates the whole mass of
water; all the fish swallowing or touching this mixture become poisonous; and whoever
drinks or touches this water will be poisoned.
No sooner does a person condemned to death pull out from the earth an alligator or
iguana (godhá) which, with three or five handfuls of both red and white mustard seeds, is
entered into the earth than he dies at its sight.
When, on the days of the stars of krittiká or bharaní and following the method of
performing fearful rites, an oblation with a black cobra emitting froth at the shock of
lightning or caught hold of by means of the sticks of a tree struck by lightning and
perfumed is made into the fire, that fire continues to burn unquenchably.
* An oblation of honey shall be made into the fire fetched from the house of a
blacksmith; of spirituous liquor into the fire brought from the house of a vintner; of
clarified butter into the fire of a sacrificer (?);
* Of a garland into the fire kept by a sacrificer with one wife; of mustard seeds into
the fire kept by an adulterous woman; of curds into the fire kept during the birth of a
child; of rice-grain into the fire of a sacrificer;
* Of flesh into the fire kept by a chandala; of human flesh into the fire burning in
cremation grounds; an oblation of the serum of the flesh of a goat and a man shall be
made by means of a sacrificial ladle into the fire which is made of all the above fires;
* Repeating the mantras addressed to the fire, an oblation of the wooden pieces of
rájavriksha (cassia fistula) into the same fire. This fire will unquenchably burn deluding
the eyes of the enemies.
The oil prepared from mustard seeds previously kept for seven nights in the urine of
a white goat will, when used (externally) after keeping the oil inside a large bitter gourd
for a month and a half, alter the colour of both biped and quadruped animals.
The oil extracted from white mustard seeds mixed with the barley-corns contained in
the dung of a white donkey, which has been living for more than seven nights on a diet of
butter, milk and barley, causes alteration in colour.
The oil prepared from mustard seeds which have been previously kept in the urine
and fluid dung of any of the two animals, a white goat and a white donkey, causes (when
applied) such white colour as that of the fibre of arka plant or the down of a (white) bird.
The mixture of the dung of a white cock and ajagara (boa-constrictor) causes white
The pastry made from white mustard seeds kept for seven nights in the urine of a
white goat mixed with butter-milk, the milk of arka plant, salt, and grains (dhánya),
causes, when applied for a fortnight, white colour.
The paste, prepared from white mustard seeds which have been previously kept
within a large bitter gourd and with clarified butter prepared from the milk of valli (a
creeper) for half a month, makes the hair white.
* A bitter gourd, a stinking insect (pútikíta), and a white house-lizard; when a paste
prepared from these is applied to the hair, the latter becomes as white as a conch-shell.
When any part of the body of a man is rubbed over with the pastry (kalka) prepared
from tinduka (glutinosa) and arishta (soap-berry), together with the dung of a cow, the
part of the body being also smeared over with the juice of bhallátaka (semecarpus
anacardium), he will catch leprosy in the course of a month.
(The application of the paste prepared from) gunja seeds kept previously for seven
nights in the mouth of a white cobra or in the mouth of a house-lizard brings on leprosy.
External application of the liquid essence of the egg of a parrot and a cuckoo brings
on leprosy.
The pastry or decoction prepared from priyála (chironjia sapida or vitis vinifera ?) is
a remedy for leprosy.
Whoever eats the mixture of the powders of the roots of kukkuta (marsilia dentata),
kosátaki (duffa pentandra), and satávari (asparagus racemosus) for a month will become
Whoever bathes in the decoction of vata (banyan tree) and rubs his body with the
paste prepared from sahachara (yellow barleria) becomes black.
Sulphuret of arsenic and red arsenic mixed with the oil extracted from sakuna (a
kind of bird) and kanka (a vulture) causes blackness.
The powder of khadyota (fire-fly) mixed with the oil of mustard seeds emits light at
When the body of a man is rubbed over with the powder of the charcoal of the bark
of páribhadraka (erythrina indica) mixed with the serum of the flesh of mandúka (a
frog), it can be burnt with fire (without causing hurt).
The body which is painted with the pastry (kalka) prepared from the bark of
páribhadraka (erythrina indica) and sesamum seeds burns with fire.
The ball prepared from the powder of the charcoal of the bark of pílu (careya
arborea) can be held in hand and burnt with fire.
When the body of a man is smeared over with the serum of the flesh of a frog, it
burns with fire (with no hurt).
When the body of a man is smeared over with the above serum as well as with the
oil extracted from the fruits of kusa (ficus religiosa), and ámra (mango tree), and when
the powder prepared from an ocean frog (samdura mandúki), phenaka (sea-foam), and
sarjarasa (the juice of vatica robusta) is sprinkled over the body, it burns with fire
(without being hurt).
When the body of a man is smeared over with sesamum oil mixed with equal
quantities of the serum of the flesh of a frog, crab, and other animals, it can burn with fire
(without hurt).
The body which is smeared over with the serum of the flesh of a frog burns with
The body of a man, which is rubbed over with the powder of the root of bamboo
(venu) and saivála (aquatic plant), and is smeared over with the serum of the flesh of a
frog, burns with fire.
Whoever has anointed his legs with the oil extracted from the paste prepared from
the roots of páribhadraka (erythrina indica), pratibala (?), vanjula (a kind of ratan or
tree), vajra (andropogon muricatum or euphorbia), and kadali (banana), mixed with the
serum of the flesh of a frog, can walk over fire (without hurt).
* Oil should be extracted from the paste prepared from the roots of pratibala,
vanjula and páribhadraka, all growing near water, the paste being mixed with the serum
of the flesh of a frog.
* Having anointed one's legs with this oil, one can walk over a white-hot mass of
fire as though on a bed of roses.
When birds such as a hamsa (goose), krauncha (heron), mayúra (peacock) and other
large swimming birds are let to fly at night with a burning reed attached to their tail it
presents the appearance of a fire-brand falling from the sky (ulká).
When, in a fireplace, kidney beans (másha) wetted with the menstrual fluid of a
woman, as well as the roots of vajra (andropogon muricatum) and kadali (banana),
wetted with the serum of the flesh of a frog are kept, no grains can be cooked there.
By keeping in the mouth a ball-like piece of pilu (careya arberea) or a knot of the
root of linseed tree (suvarchala) with fire inserted within the mass of the ball and wound
round with threads and cotton (pichu), volumes of smoke and fire can be breathed out.
When the oil extracted from the fruits of kusa (ficus religiosa) and ámra (mango) is
poured over the fire, it burns even in the storm.
Sea-foam wetted with oil and ignited keeps burning when floating on water.
The fire generated by churning the bone of a monkey by means of a bamboo stick of
white and black colour (kalmáshavenu) burns in water instead of being quenched.
There will burn no other fire where the fire generated by churning, by means of a
bamboo stick of white and black colour, the left side rib-bone of a man killed by a
weapon or put to the gallows; or the fire generated by churning the bone of a man or
woman by means of the bone of another man is circumambulated thrice from right to left.
* When the paste prepared from the animals such as chuchundari (musk-rat),
khanjaríta (?) and khárakíta (?), with the urine of a horse is applied to the chains with
which the legs of a man are bound, they will be broken to pieces.
The sun-stone (ayaskánta) or any other stone (will break to pieces) when wetted
with the serum of the flesh of the animals kulinda (?), dardura (?), and khárakíta (?).
The paste prepared from the powder of the rib-bone of náraka (?), a donkey, kanka
(a kind of vulture), and bhása (a bird), mixed with the juice of water-lily, is applied to the
legs of bipeds and quadrupeds (while making a journey).
When a man makes a journey, wearing the shoes made of the skin of a camel,
smeared over with the serum of the flesh of an owl and a vulture and covered over with
the leaves of the banyan tree, he can walk fifty yojanas without any fatigue.
(When the shoes are smeared over with) the pith, marrow or sperm of the birds,
syena, kanka, káka, gridhra, hamsá, krauncha, and vichiralla, (the traveller wearing
them) can walk a hundred yojanas (without any fatigue).
The fat or serum derived from roasting a pregnant camel together with saptaparna
(lechites scholaris) or from roasting dead children in cremation grounds, is applied to
render a journey of a hundred yojanas easy.
* Terror should be caused to the enemy by exhibiting these and other wonderful and
delusive performances; while anger causing terror is common to all, terrification by such
wonders is held as a means to consolidate peace.
[Thus ends Chapter II, "Wonderful and Delusive Contrivances," in Book XIV, "Secret
Means,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and forty-seventh chapter
from the beginning.]
Having fasted for three nights, one should, on the day of the star, Pushya, catch hold
of the skull of a man who has been killed with a weapon or put to the gallows. Having
filled the skull with soil and barley seeds, one should irrigate them with the milk of goats
and sheep. Putting on the garland formed of the sprouts of the above barley crop, one can
walk invisible to others.
Having fasted for three nights and having afterwards pulled out on the day of the
star of Pushya both the right and the left eyes of a dog, a cat, an owl, and a váguli (?), one
should reduce them to two kinds of powder. Then having anointed one's own eyes with
this ointment as usual, one can walk invisible to others.
Having fasted for three nights, one should, on the day of the star of Pushya, prepare
a round-headed pin (saláká) from the branch of purushagháti (punnága tree). Then
having filled with ointment (anjana) the skull of any of the animals which roam at nights,
and having inserted that skull in the organ of procreation of a dead woman, one should
burn it. Having taken it out on the day of the star of Pushya and having anointed one's
own eyes with that ointment, one can walk invisible to others.
Wherever one may happen to see the corpse burnt or just being burnt of a Bráhman
who kept sacrificial fire (while alive), there one should fast for three nights; and having
on the day of the star of Pushya formed a sack from the garment of the corpse of a man
who has died from natural causes, and having filled the sack with the ashes of the
Bráhman's corpse, one may put on the sack on one's back, and walk invisible to others.
The slough of a snake filled with the powder of the bones and marrow or fat of the
cow sacrificed during the funeral rites of a Bráhman, can, when put on the back of cattle,
render them invisible.
The slough of prachaláka (a bird?) filled with the ashes of the corpse of a man dead
from snake-bite, can render beasts (mriga) invisible.
The slough of a snake (ahi) filled with the powder of the bone of the knee-joint
mixed with that of the tail and dung (purísha) of an owl and a váguli (?), can render birds
* I bow to Devala and Nárada; I bow to Sávarnigálava; with the permission of these
I cause deep slumber to thee.
* Just as the snakes, known as ajagara (boa-constrictor) fall into deep slumber, so
may the rogues of the army who are very anxious to keep watch over the village;
* With their thousands of dogs (bhandaka) and hundreds of ruddy geese and
donkeys, fall into deep slumber; I shall enter this house, and may the dogs be quiet.
* Having bowed to Manu, and having tethered the roguish dogs (sunakaphelaka),
and having also bowed to those gods who are in heaven, and to Bráhmans among
* To those who are well versed in their Vedic studies, those who have attained to
Kailása (a mountain of god Siva) by observing penance, and to all prophets, I do cause
deep slumber to thee.
The fan (chamari) comes out; may all combinations retire. Oblation to Manu, O
Aliti and Paliti.
Having fasted for three nights, one should, on the fourteenth day of the dark half of
the month, the day being assigned to the star of Pushya, purchase from a low-caste
woman (svapáki) vilikhávalekhana (finger nails?). Having kept them in a basket
(kandolika), one should bury them apart in cremation grounds. Having unearthed them on
the next fourteenth day, one should reduce them to a paste with kumári (aloe ?) and
prepare small pills out of the paste. Wherever one of the pills is thrown, chanting the
above mantra, there the whole animal life falls into deep slumber.
Following the same procedure, one should separately bury in cremation grounds
three white and three black dart-like hairs (salyaka) of a porcupine. When, having on the
next fourteenth day taken them out, one throws them together with the ashes of a burnt
corpse, chanting the above mantra, the whole animal life in that place falls into deep
* I bow to the goddess Suvarnapushpi and to Brahmáni, to the god Bráhma, and to
Kusadhvaja; I bow to all serpents and goddesses; I bow to all ascetics.
* May all Bráhmans and Kshattriyas come under my power; may all Vaisyas and,
Súdras be at my beck and call,
Oblation to thee, O, Amile, Kimile, Vayujáre, Prayoge, Phake, Kavayusve, Vihále,
and Dantakatake, oblation to thee.
* May the dogs which are anxiously keeping watch over the village fall into deep
and happy slumber; these three white dart-like hairs of the porcupine are the creation of
* All prophets (siddha) have fallen into deep slumber. I do cause sleep to the whole
village as far as its boundary till the sun rises. Oblation!
When a man, having fasted for seven nights and secured three white dart-like hairs
of a porcupine, makes on the fourteenth day of the dark half of the month oblations into
the fire with 108 pieces of the sacrificial fire-wood of khadira (mimosa catechu) and
other trees together with honey and clarified butter chanting the above mantra, and when,
chanting the same mantra, he buries one of the hairs at the entrance of either a village or
a house within it, he causes the whole animal life therein to fall into deep slumber.
* Chanting the sacred mantras, I do take the pith or the bone of the corpse
(savasárika) productive of my desired ends--may S'alaka demons be victorious;
salutation to them; oblation!--May the dogs which are anxiously keeping watch over the
village fall into deep and happy slumber.
* May all prophets (siddhártháh) fall into happy sleep about the object which we are
seeking from sunset to sunrise and till the attainment of my desired end. Oblation!
Having fasted for four nights and having on the fourteenth day of the dark half of the
month performed animal sacrifice (bali) in cremation grounds, one should, repeating the
above mantra, collect the pith of a corpse (savasárika) and keep it in a basket made of
leaves (pattrapauttaliká). When this basket, being pierced in the centre by a dart-like hair
of a porcupine, is buried, chanting the above mantra, the whole animal life therein falls
into deep slumber.
* I take refuge with the god of fire and with all the goddesses in the ten quarters;
may all obstructions vanish and may all things come under my power. Oblation.
Having fasted for four nights, one should on the fourteenth day of the dark half of
the month get a figure of a bull prepared from the bone of a man, and worship it,
repeating the above mantra. Then a cart drawn by two bulls will be brought before the
worshipper who can (mount it and) drive in the sky and tell all that is connected with the
sun and other planets of the sky.
O, Chandáli Kumbhi, Tumba Katuka, and Sárigha, thou art possessed of the bhaga
of a woman, oblation to thee.
When this mantra is repeated, the door will open and the inmates fall into sleep.
Having fasted for three nights, one should on the day of the star of Pushya fill with
soil the skull of a man killed with weapons or put to the gallows, and, planting in it valli
(vallari ?) plants, should irrigate them with water. Having taken up the grown-up plants
on the next day of the star of Pushya (i.e., after 27 days), one should manufacture a rope
from them. When this rope is cut into two pieces before a drawn bow or any other
shooting machine, the string of those machines will be suddenly cut into two pieces.
When the slough of a water-snake (udakáhi) is filled with the breathed-out dirt
(uchchhvásamrittika?) of a man or woman (and is held before the face and nose of any
person), it causes those organs to swell.
When the sack-like skin of the abdomen of a dog or a boar is filled with the
breathed-out dirt (uchchhvásamrittika) of a man or woman and is bound (to the body of a
man) with the ligaments of a monkey, it causes the man's body to grow in width and
length (ánáha),
When the figure of an enemy carved out of rájavriksha (cassia fistula) is besmeared
with the bile of a brown cow killed with a weapon on the fourteenth day of the dark half
of the month, it causes blindness (to the enemy).
Having fasted for four nights and offered animal sacrifice (bali) on the fourteenth
day of the dark half of the month, one should get a few bolt-like pieces prepared from the
bone of a man put to the gallows. When one of these pieces is put in the feces or urine (of
an enemy), it causes (his) body to grow in size (ánáha); and when the same piece is
buried under the feet or seat (of an enemy), it causes death by consumption; and when it
is buried in the shop, fields, or the house (of an enemy), it causes him loss of livelihood.
The same process of smearing and burying holds good with the bolt-like pieces
(kílaka) prepared from vidyuddanda tree.
* When the nail of the little finger (punarnavam aváchínam ?) nimba (nimba melia),
káma (bdellium), madhu (celtis orientalis), the hair of a monkey, and the bone of a man,
all wound round with the garment of a dead man.
* Is buried in the house of, or is trodden down by, a man, that man with his wife,
children and wealth will not survive three fortnights.
* When the nail of the little finger, nimba (nimba melia), káma (bdellium), madhu
(celtis orientalis), and the bone of a man dead from natural causes are buried under the
feet of,
* Or near the house of, a man or in the vicinity of the camp of an army, of a village,
or of a city, that man (or the body of men) with wife, children, and wealth will not
survive three fortnights.
* When the hair of a sheep and a monkey, of a cat and mongoose, of Bráhmans, of
low-caste men (svapáka), and of a crow and an owl is collected,
* And is made into a paste with fæces (vishtávakshunna), its application brings on
instantaneous death. When a flower garland of a dead body, the ferment derived from
burning corpse, the hair of a mangoose,
* And the skin of scorpion, a bee, and a snake are buried under the feet of a man,
that man will lose all human appearance so long as they are not removed.
Having fasted for three nights and having on the day of the star of Pushya planted
gunja seeds in the skull, filled with soil, of a man killed with weapons or put to the
gallows, one should irrigate it with water. On the new or full moon day with the star of
Pushya, one should take out the plants when grown, and prepare out of them circular
pedestals (mandaliká). When vessels containing food and water are placed on these
pedestals, the food stuffs will never decrease in quantity.
When a grand procession is being celebrated at night, one should cut off the nipples
of the udder of a dead cow and burn them in a torch-light flame. A fresh vessel should be
plastered in the interior with the paste prepared from these burnt nipples, mixed with the
urine of a bull. When this vessel, taken round the village in circumambulation from right
to left, is placed below, the whole quantity of the butter produced by all the cows (of the
village) will collect itself in the vessel.
On the fourteenth day of the dark half of the month combined with the star of
Pushya, one should thrust into the organ of procreation of a dog or heat an iron seal
(kataláyasam mudrikam) and take it up when it falls down of itself. When, with this seal
in hand, a collection of fruits is called out, it will come of itself (before the magician).
* By the power of mantras, drugs, and other magical performances, one should
protect one's own people and hurt those of the enemy.
[Thus ends Chapter III, “The Application of Medicine and Mantras,” in Book XIV,
“Secret Means,” of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and forty-eighth
chapter from the beginning.]
When the things that are meant for the king's use, inclusive of the limbs of women,
as well as the things of the army are washed in the tepid water prepared from the
decoction of sleshmátaki (sebesten or cordia myk), kapi (emblica officinalis), madanti (?),
danta (ivory), satha (Citron tree), gojigi (gojihva ?--elephantophus scaber), visha
(aconitum ferox), pátali (bignonia suave olens), bala (lida cardifolia et rombifolia),
syonáka (bignonia indica), punarnava (?), sveta (andropogon aciculatum), and tagara
(tabernæmontana coronaria), mixed with chandana (sandal) and the blood of salávriki
(jackal), it removes the bad effects of poison.
The mixture prepared from the biles of prishata (red-spotted deer), nakula
(mongoose), nílakantha (peacock), and godhá (alligator), with charcoal powder
(mashíráji), combined with the sprouts (agra) of sinduvára (vitex trifolia), tagara
(tabernæmontana coronaria, varuna) (teriandium indicum), tandulíyaka (amaranthus
polygamus), and sataparva (convolvulus repens) together with pindítaka (vangueria
spinosa) removes the effects of the mixture of madana.
Among the decoctions of the roots of srigála (bignonia indica), vinna (?), madana,
sinduvára (vitex trifolia), tagara (tabernæmontana coronaria), and valli, (a creeper ?),
any one or all mixed with milk removes, when drunk, the effects of the mixture of
The stinking oil extracted from kaidarya (vangueria spinosa) removes madness.
The mixture prepared from priyangu (panic seed) and naktamála (galedupa
arborea) removes, when applied through the nose, leprosy.
The mixture prepared from kushtha (costus) and lodhra (symplocus) removes
The proportion of a dose is as much as an aksha (?) to men; twice as much to cows
and horses; and four times as much to elephants and camels.
A round ball (mani) prepared from the above mixture and containing gold (rukma) in
its centre, removes the the effects due to any kind of poison.
A round ball (mani) prepared from the wood of asvattha (holy fig tree) growing
wound round with the plants such as jívantí (a medicinal plant), sveta (andropogan
aciculatum) the flower of mushkaka (a species of tree), and vanadáka (epidendrum
tesseloides), removes the effects due to any kind of poison.
* The sound of trumpets painted with the above mixture destroys poison; whoever
looks at a flag or banner besmeared with the above mixture will get rid of poison.
* Having applied these remedies to secure the safety of himself and his army, a king
should make use of poisonous smokes and other mixtures to vitiate water against his
[Thus ends Chapter IV, "Remedies against the Injuries of One's Own Army," in Book
XIV, "Secret Means," of the Arthasástra of Kautilya. End of the hundred and forty-ninth
chapter from the beginning. With this, ends the fourteenth Book “Secret Means,” of the
Arthasástra of Kautilya.]
THE subsistence of mankind is termed artha, wealth; the earth which contains
mankind is also termed artha, wealth; that science which treats of the means of acquiring
and maintaining the earth is the Arthasástra, Science of Polity.
A brief description of the matter contained in a book is its contents, as: "the end of
learning; association with the aged; control of the organs of sense; the creation of
ministers, and the like."
Pointing out similar facts by the use of such words as ‘These and the like,’ is
suggestion of similar facts; for example: "The world consisting of the four castes and the
four religious divisions and the like."
The sense which a word has to convey is its meaning; for example, with regard to
the words múlahara: "Whoever squanders the wealth acquired for him by his father and
grandfather is a múlahara, prodigal son."
What is meant to prove an assertion is the purport of reason; for example: "For
charity and enjoyment of life depend upon wealth."
Saying in one word is mentioning a fact in brief; for example: "It is the control of
the organs of sense on which success in learning and discipline depend."
Such statement as "Thus one should live," is guidance; for example: "Not violating
the laws of righteousness and economy, he should live."
Such statement, as ‘he says thus,’ is a quotation; for example: "The school of Manu
say that a king should make his assembly of ministers consist of twelve ministers; the
school of Brihaspati say that it should consist of sixteen ministers; the school of Usans
say it should contain twenty members; but Kautilya holds that it should contain as many
ministers as the need of the kingdom requires.”
When a rule dwelt upon in connection with a question is said to apply to another
question also, it is termed application; for example: "What is said of a debt not repaid
holds good with failure to make good a promised gift."
Proving an unseen thing or course of circumstances by what has been seen is simile;
for example: "Like a father his son, he should protect those of his subjects who have
passed the period of the remission of taxes."
What naturally follows from a statement of facts, though not spoken of in plain
terms, is implication; for example, "Whoever has full experience of the affairs of this
world should, through the medium of the courtiers and other friends, win the favour of a
king who is of good character and worthy sovereign. It follows from this that no one
should seek the favour of a king through the medium of the king's enemies."
When the opinion of another person is stated but not refuted, it is acceptance of that
opinion; for example: “Wings, front, and reserve, is the form of an array of the army
according to the school of Usanas.”
Stating the derivative sense of a word, is derivation; for example: "That which
throws off (vyasyati) a king from his prosperous career is propensity (vyasana).
Words which are not used by others in the special sense in which they are used by
the author are his own technical terms; for example: "He who is close to the conqueror's
territory is the first member; next to him comes the second member; and next to the
second comes the third."
The citation of another's opinion to be refuted, is prima facie view; for example: "Of
the two evils, the distress of the king and that of his minister, the latter is worse."
Settled opinion is rejoinder; for example: "The distress of the king is worse, since
everything depends upon him; for the king is the central pivot, as it were."
‘Thus and not otherwise’ is command; for example: "Hence he should be taught the
laws of righteousness and wealth, but not unrighteousness and non-wealth."
‘This or that’ is alternative; for example: "or daughters born of approved marriage
‘Both with this and that’ is compounding together; for example: "Whoever is
begotten by a man on his wife is agnatic both to the father and the father's relatives."
* In the light of this Sástra one cannot only set on foot righteous, economical, and
aesthetical acts and maintain them, but also put down unrighteous, uneconomical and
displeasing acts.
* This Sástra has been made by him who from intolerance (of misrule) quickly
rescued the scriptures and the science of weapons and the earth which had passed to the
Nanda king.
[Thus ends the Chapter I, ‘Paragraphic divisions of the Treatise’ in the fifteenth Book,
‘Plan of Treatise.’ This is the one hundred and fiftieth chapter from the first chapter of the
entire work. The fifteenth book, ‘Plan of Treatise, of the Arthasástra of Kautilya is thus
brought to a close.]