Mahindra and Mahidnra
Mahindra and Mahidnra
Mahindra and Mahidnra
Consumer buying behavior and their post purchase behavior in the Light Commercial Vehicle segment with special reference to Mahindra & Mahindra
Session 2009-11 Submitted to: Miss. Anshu Sharma Faculty of Management submitted by: Avadhesh Kumar Mishra Roll No. 0907070011 MBA III SEM
DECLARATION I, Avadhesh Kumar Mishra, student of MBA, CERT, Meerut hereby solemnly declare that the project report titled Consumer buying behavior and their post purchase behavior in the Light Commercial Vehicle segment with special reference to Mahindra & Mahindra is the out come of my own research and prepared by me & under the guidance of Ms. Anshu Sharma (Faculty, Management) and the same has not been submitted to any other university or institute for the award of any degree or diploma.
Acknowledgement We would like to avail the opportunity to express our gratitude towards Mr. Pankaj Malik (Sales Manager) and Ms. Ranjana (Team Leader) for providing data about the Light Commercial Vehicle with reference to Mahindra &Mahindra. My sincere appreciation and thanks to Ms. Anshu Sharma , Faculty of Management, CERT, Meerut, and whose guidance and encouragement has made it possible to Complete this work.
Last but not the least; we express profound gratitude towards all the people who have directly or indirectly contributed towards completion of the project work.
Under the industrial training I was required to prepare a project on Consumer Buying Behaviour and their Post Purchase Behaviour to Light Commercial Vehicle segment with reference to Mahindra & Mahindra. It was the test of transforming theory into a practical i.e. a real life experience.
Hence the part of challenge in preparing this report was a fact that the field of Consumer Behavior regarding after purchase is dynamic and its research in prolific. Keeping this in mind and confidence in hard, I took the initiative to analyse.
This report is committed to the spirit of diversity. Diversity of focus Diversity of method Diversity of consumer Diversity of view points
To make the result as accurate and comprehensive as possible, the study covered various aspects of the ownership experience, like the sales process, after sales service, product quality, product performance and design, cost of ownership and brand image, while ranking the contenders.
Most researchers assume that the better commercial vehicle performs the more satisfied to owner would be. How even that is not always the case. Satisfaction also depends on which part of the vehicle performing well. Rate acceleration is an example of the first type of performance, where there is a direct link between performance and satisfaction.
The Customer is now Truly King Starved of choice for so long, the Indian car buyer now has plenty . The spectram of customer satisfaction efforts today was unheard of a mere five years ago. The customer now wants immediate attention, quick service and value for money products . A range of attractive offers awaits him , as both manufacturers and dealers offer prise competitiveness though special schemes and incentives , in order to maintain sales levels .These incentives rise to a crescendo during festive seasons with overseas trips ,gold ,television sets and the like on offer ,along with a customer s new car .
Thus , a car dealerships present day efforts must be directed not merely at satisfying customers, but at virtually delighting customer to ensure both repeat business as well as recommendations . The car salesmans new role must be that of a relationship manager. He must be educated on all parameters of the dealership product information , loan requirements , exchange deals and servicing requirements in order to be a one point contact between dealership and customer , since to the latter , the person he deals with is , in essence , the entire dealership .
Herein lies in whole new area of investment for a car dealership customer relationship management on an ongoing basis to retain customers, to win new customers, to envision what customers will want tomorrow and give it to them today.
Once the right people are found and the right mindset is achieved, these must be bolstered through regular training programmes. The focus must be the fact that the customer is the sole reason for the very existence of the dealership.
In fact, the biggest challenge facing auto dealership in the new millennium is recruiting, training , developing and retaining people with the right attitude
.dealership must then have broad vision and look at these people as business partners rather than as staff.
customer service means getting to the cause of customer problems rather than symptoms.
1. Synopsis 2. Objective of the project 3. Introduction a. About topic b. Company profile 4. Mahindra exclusive product 5. SWOT Analysis 6. Research objective 7. Research Methodology 8. Analysis 9. Findings 10.Suggestions 11.Limitations 12.Conclusion 13.Bibliography 14.Appendix
The projections were made on the basis of a set of assumption and policy statement as practiced by Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. To suggest the most suitable media for educating the consumer about the new product. Understanding from customers satisfaction Major problems faced by customers. Consumer post purchase behavior.
To study the position of commercial vehicle in Meerut Consumers to forecast the consumers requirement and study consumers preference by collecting the data through questionnaire.
THE STUDY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR The study of consumer Behaviour is the study of how individuals made decisions to spend their available resources on consumption related items. buy it, and how often they use it (time, money, effort) It includes the study of what they buy, .
why they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it, how often they
What features do they look for ? What benefits do they seek ? How likely are they to replace their old models when new models with added features become available. Consumer behaviour research goes for beyond these facets of consumer bahaviour and encompasses all of the behaviours that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs. In addition to studying consumer uses and post purchase evaluations of the products they buy, consumer researchers also are interested in how individuals dispose of their once new purchase. The term consumer is often used to describe two different kinds of consuming entities; the personal consumer and the organizational consumer . The personal consumer buys goods and services for his or her own use. The goods are bought for final use by individuals, who are referred to as end users or ultimate consumers. The second category of consumer the organizational consumer includes profit and not for profit businesses, government agencies
(local, state, and national), and institutions (e.g. schools, hospitals, prison), all of which must buy products, equipment, and services in order to run their organizations. End use consumption is perhaps the most pervasive of all types of consumer behaviour, for it involves every individual, of every age and background, in the role of either buyer, user, or both. The person who makes a product purchase is not always the user, or the only user, of the product in question. Nor is the purchaser necessarily the person who makes the product decision. Buyers are not always the users, or the only users, of the product they buy, nor do they necessarily make the product selection decisions themselves. Marketers must decide at whom to direct their promotional efforts, the buyer or the user. For some products, they must identify the person who is most likely to influence the decision who may be neither the buyer not the user. Why We Study Consumer Behaviour Just as consumers and marketers are diverse, the reasons why people study consumer behaviour are also diverse. The field of consumer behaviour holds great interest for us as consumers, as marketers, and as students of human behaviour. As consumers, we benefit from insights into our own consumption related decisions what we buy, why we buy, how we buy, and the
behaviour enables us to become better, that is, wiser, consumers. As markers and future marketers, it is important for us to recognize why and how individuals make their consumption decisions, so that we can make better strategic marketing decisions. If marketers understand consumer behaviour, they are able to predict how consumers are likely to react to various informational and environmental cues, and are able to shape their marketing strategies accordingly. Without doubt, marketers who understand consumer behaviour . have great competitive advantage in the marketplace
As students of human behaviour, we are concerned with understanding consumer behaviour, with gaining insights into why individuals act in certain consumption related ways and with learning what inernal and external influences related human bahaviour has led to a diversity of theoretical approaches to its study. Consumer behaviour was a relatively new field of study in the midto-late 1960s, many early theories concerning consumer behaviour were based on economic theory on the notion that individuals act rationally to maximize their benefits (satisfactions) in the purchase of goods and services. The initial thrust of consumer research was from a managerial perspective : marketing managers wanted to know the specific causes of consumer behaviour. This approach has come to be known as positivism, and consumer researchers primarily concerned with predicting consumer behaviour are known as positivists.
The study of consumer behaviour form the point of view of understanding consumption behaviour and the meaning behind such behaviour is called interpretivism (sometimes referred to as postmodernism). Interpretivists have expanded the boundaries of study to include many subjective aspects of consumer behaviour, such as the efforts of modes, emotions, and types of situations on consumer behaviour, the role of fantasy, of play, of rituals, even of the sensory pleasures that certain products and services provide. Many interpretivists consider each purchase experience unique because of the diverse set of variables at play at that one particular moment in time. Because of its focus on the consumption experience, the interpretive approach is also known as experimentalism. The Role of Consumer Research :
Consumer research is the methodology used to study consumer behaviour. Given the fact that there are two major theoretical perspectives concerning the study of consumer behaviour it is not surprising to find that there is a divergence in theoretical assumptions and to some extent, in research methodology between the positivist approach and the interpretive approach. Broadly speaking positivists and to be objective and empirical, to seek causes for behaviour, and to conduct research studies that can be generalized to larger approach. The research done by interpretivists, on the other hand, tends to be qualitative and based on small samples. Although they tend to view each consumption situation as unique and nonreplicable, interpretivists seek to
find common pattern of operative values, meanings, and behaviour across consumption situations. Ethics in Marketing : The primary purpose for studying consumer behaviour as part of a marketing curriculum is to understand why and how consumers make their purchase decisions. The aim of marketing is to meet and satisfy target customers needs and wants. The field of consumer behaviour studies how individuals, groups, and organizations select, buy, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and desires. Understanding consumer behaviour and knowing customers is never simple. Customers may say one thing but do another. They may not be in touch with their deeper motivations. Not understanding your customers motivations, needs, and preferences can hurt. Studying customers provides clues for developing new products, product features, prices, channels, messages, and other marketing mix elements. Influencing buyer behaviour : A consumer's buying behaviour is influenced by cultural, social, personal and psychological factors.
Cultural factors : Culture, subculture, and social class are particularly important in buying behaviour. Culture is the fundamental determinate of a person's wants and behaviour. The growing child acquires a set of values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviours through his or her family and other key institutions. Each culture consists of smaller subcultures that provide more specific identification and socialization for their members. Subcultures include nationalities, religions, racial groups, and geographic regions. Virtually all human societies exhibit social stratification.
Stratification sometimes takes the form of a caste system where the members of different castes are reared for certain roles and cannot change their caste membership. More frequently, it takes the form of social classes, relatively homogeneous and enduring divisions in a society, which are hierarchically ordered and whose members share similar values, interests, and behaviour. Social classes differ in dress, speech patterns, recreational preferences and many other. Social classes have several chrematics. First, those within each class tend to behave more alike than persons from two different social classes. Second, persons are perceived as occupying inferior or superior positions according to social class. Third, social class is indicated by a cluster of variables - for example, occupation, income, wealth, education, and value orientation rather than by single variable. Fourth, individuals can move
up or down the social class ladder during their lifetimes. The extent of this mobility varies according to how rigid the social stratification is in a given society. Social classes show distinct product and brand preferences in many areas, including clothing, home furnishings, leisure activities, and automobiles. Social Factors : In addition to cultural factors, a consumer's behaviour is influenced by such social factors as reference groups, family, and social roles and statuses. A person's reference groups consist of all the groups that have a direct (face-to- face) or indirect on the person's attitudes or behaviour. Groups having a direct influence on a person are called membership groups. Some membership groups are primary groups, such as family, friends, neighours, and co-workers, with whom the person interacts fairly continuously and informally. People also belong to secondary groups, such as religious, professional, and trade union groups, which tend to more formal and require less continuous interaction. People are significantly influenced by their reference groups in at least three ways. Reference groups expose an individual to new behaviours and lifestyles and incluence attitudes and self-concept they create pressures for conformity that may affect actual product and brand choices.
Reference groups appear to strongly influence both product and brand choice only in the case of automobiles and colour television. The family is the most important consumer - buying organization kin society, and family members constitute the most influential primary reference group. The family has been researched extensively. We can distinguish between two families in the buyer's life. The family or orientation consists of parents and siblings. From parents a person acquires an orientation toward religion, politics, and economics and a sense of personal ambition, self-worth, and love. A more direct influence on everyday buying behaviour is the family of procreation namely, one's spouse and children. A person participates in many groups family, clubs, organizations. The person's position in each group can be defined in terms of role and status. A role consists of the activities a person is expected to perform. Each role carries a status. A Supreme Court justice has more status than a sales manager, and a sales manager has more status than an office clerk. People choose products that communicate ;their role and status in society. Company presidents often drive Mercedes, wear expensive suits, and drink Chivas Regal Scotch, Marketers must be aware of the status symbol potential of products and brands. People buy different goods and services over a lifetime. Consumption is shaped by the family life cycle, nine stages of the family life cycle are listed in along with the financial situation and typical product interests of each group.
Occupation also influences consumption patterns. Product choice is greatly affected by economic circumstances : spend able income (level, stability, and time pattern), savings and assets (including the percentage that is liquid), debts, borrowing power, and attitudes toward spending and saving. Marketers of income - sensitive goods continuously monitor trends in personal income, savings and interest rates. If economic indicators point to a recession, marketers can take steps to redesign, reposition and re-price their products so they to offer value to target customers. People from the same subculture, social class, and occupation may lead quite different lifestyles. A lifestyle is a person's pattern of living in the world as expressed in activities, interests, and opinions. Lifestyle portrays the "whole person" interacting with his or her environment. VALS classifies all U.S. adults into eight primary groups based on psychological attributes and key demographics. The segmentation system is based on responses to a questionnaire featuring 4 demographic and 35 attitudinal questions. Each person has personally characteristics that influence his or her buying behaviour. By personality, we mean a set of distinguishing human psychological traits lead to relatively consistent and enduring responses to environmental stimuli. Personally is often described in terms of such traits as self-confidence, dominance, autonomy, deference, sociability, defensiveness, and adaptability. Personality can be a useful variable in analyzing consumer brand choice. The idea is that brands also have personalities and that consumers are likely to choose brands whose
personalities match their own. We define brand personality as the specific mix of human traits that may be attributed to a particular brand. A person's buying choices are influenced by four major psychological factors motivation, perception, learning, and beliefs and attitudes Thus in conclusion I can say that consumer behaviour deals with following questions? What they buy ? Why they buy it ? When they buy it ? Where they buy it ? How often they buy it ? How often they use it ? What features do they look for ? What benefit do they seek ? .
Problem Recognition
Information Search
Evaluation of alternatives
Purchase Decision
Postpurchase Behaviour
The Indian Automobile Industry Growth Driver of the Economy Globally, as well as in India, the Auotmobile Industry is one of the largest industries. It has deep forword and backward linkages with the rest of the economy, and hence a strong multiplier effects. Moreover it is the leader in the product and process technologies. The first passenger car in the India was made in early 1940's and India has one of the oldest Automobile Industries in Asia. The Automotive Policy was inward looking Policy, based on import subsitution, for two wheelar and light commercial vehicles from 1940 to1990 and for passenger cars between 1940 and till the mid 1980's after the liberalisation of the Indian economy in 1991 the investment climate in India has improved. Moreover attract by "India's burgeoning middle class," many multinational OEMs have invested in auto manufaturing facilities in India. The auto sector has received the maximum share, Rs.47.72 billion and acconting for nearly 8%, of the total FDI flow into India. The 1990's have been truly momentous yeas for the Indian Automobile industry, influenced by global foroes of change comprising environmental imperatives, safety requirments, customer preference and competitive pressures. During the first of the 1990's the Indian Automobile Industry experienced fairly rapid rates of growth. By the beginning of the second half, however, there were clear signs of deceleration in growth. Whereas this deceleration may be related to
overail economic slowdown characterising this period, there have been some doubts expressed about the ability of the Auto Industry to grow at the same pace as in the mid-1990's, in the absence of the right kind of policy framework. Despite the Indian economy's relative resilience amidst the global financial turmoil, its prospects remain clouded by domestic factors. Demand has failed to fulfil expectation of the major OEMs who started making investment in India in the mid- 1990's. While there is no doubt about the long-term potential of the Indian market, the industry is plagued by uncertain policy environment, high taxes, overcapacity and fierce competition. Several significant projects are coming on stream and crowding almost all segments. However, we expect recovery in 1999-2000. The commercial vehicle market should finally emerge out of three-year recession and the passenger car demand will get a boost from the launch of new small car models and intense competition. The Indian Automobile industry has been characterised by a high degree of concentration and a dismal perfomence of exports with focus mainly on the domestic market. In response to the liberalisation and growing global challenges, not only have a large number of firms. Both domestic and multinationals entered the market but the industry has started focussing on exports with thrust on quality, customer preference and technology improvements.
The Indian Automobile industry is large with and estimated sales turnover of Rs.37, 700 carors. The renowned consultants, A. T. Kearneys global experience shows that the Indian auto industry is at the threshold of the take -off stage from where it can become a growth driver of the GDP by rapidly increasing it's growth multiplier on the economy.
The collective turnover of the automobile and auto component industry during the last five years gives a measure of the phenomenal growth achieved by the auto sector and it's importance in the national economy. To give an idea, the colloective turnover of the auto sector in 1966-97 was the order of Rs.4, 800 crores, which accounts for about 4.5% of the GDP.
The multi-utility Segment has traditionally been viewed as an intermediate Segment between passenger cars and commercial vehicles . The recent entry of global majors may lead to overcapacity and stiffer competition.
The industry feels that fiscal and other forms of incentives along with a time bound scrappage programme would provide tremendous boost to segment .The industry also feels that it is important to focus on export to enveloping countries.
The Commercial Vehicle segment is large in terms of volume but has relatively lower value. Poor road infrstrastructure , unwillingness and inability (due to high cost of financing ) of users to purchase better products are some of the factors affecting this segment . negligible scrappage leads to high cyclicity. All these factors have been partially responsible for the technology gap in safety emission with international standards . and
Technology upgradadion without modernisation of Indian transportation industry can not be achieved . there is a need to selectively mandate improved technology standards and simpultaneously promoting scrappage. With the right structure and policies, this sector poses tremendous potential.
Indian Automobile Industry An Indian car as one which has been conceived and designed in India, has at least 85% of its components 'Made in India', by an Indian company. The Indian passenger car industry as we see today is relatively recent in origins. Except the ubiquitous Ambassador and the Premier Padmini there was not much moving around with an Indian tag. The official mascot of the Indian political system, the Triassic-era Ambassador has little Indian-ness in it. To start with, the name isn't Indian and that's only the tip of the iceberg. The design came from Morris Motors and the present petrol power plant and drive train are Isuzu throwaways. The diesel version has a BMC engine. Of course everything is made in India now, but do you call a tree your own if its roots are in someones courtyard. The other pre-Cambrian relic, the Premier Padmini, which till a few months back was adorning showrooms throughout the country. Its in the market since my grandpa learnt driving and at the time of its going to grave, the Padmini was a completely made in India product. But again, there's very little Indian-ness about the car, except maybe the name Padmini. The entry of Maruti Udyog Ltd, a GoI JV with Suzuki of Japan, in 1983 with a so-called "peoples" car and a more favorable policy framework resulted in a growth rate of 18.6% in car sales from FY81-FY90. After witnessing a downturn from FY90 to FY93, car sales bounced back to
register 17% growth rate till FY97. Since then, the economy slumped into recession and this affected the growth of the automobile industry as a whole. As a result car sales remained almost stagnant in the period between FY97 and FY99. However, with the revival in the economy, FY2000 turned out to be a significant year for the industry in which it recorded volume sales of 638,815 units as against 409,951 units in the previous year. Thus, the CAGR for the period FY96 - FY2000 stands at 16.6%. The present day stunner from HM is the Lancer. As with HM products from the past, the Lancer is a borrowed from abroad product. The saving grace is only that this Lancer is a contemporary model and not some. The erstwhile Premier Auto Ltd. no longer exists. The nearest thing to it in the present is Ind Auto Ltd. Ind is an acronym for India or Indian, but the products are all borrowed from Italy. The Uno came to India after the Mafiosi had their fill with it. The Siena is a very contemporary model. It being a good car and all, but I always wonder why Fiat doesn't launch it in their motherland. What's this 'special' car for India, Brazil, Africa, Latin America inc. Ford did take the pains to design an India specific car, the Ikon. So does the quest for an Indian car end with the Ikon. No I don't think so. First thing, the company is American. Secondly, the Ikon's platform is that of the Fiesta, nothing else. So the only thing Indian about the car is the 'Josh' advertising gimmick.
Starting with the official one, i.e. Maruti, the company, since its inception has changed the automobile scene in India completely. It's has been the number one manufacturer, churning out close to 300,000 cars last year. At last count it held a 64% market share in the passenger car market with four out of every five cars . on Indian roads being Marutis. Every year it rakes in multi-billion rupee profits, and, yet the company is nothing more than Suzuki India Ltd. Telco is a completely Indian carmaker with no major foreign collaborations. Their Indica was much touted as 'The Indian car', but it was styled by I.D.E.A of Italy. The engine technology had inputs from 'Moteur Modern' of France. In effect it was the case of an Italian body being wrapped around Indian mechanicals. Frankly I would have preferred an Indian body wrapping an Indian platform. India is also the largest manufacturer of agricultural tractors, motor scooters and the world's fifth largest commercial vehicle manufacturer. Each of these sectors experienced rapid growth during the last three years Demand in these sectors is driven by industrial, individual and agricultural consumers respectively. The increases have resulted from improved overall economic trends in India including large doses of foreign investment a more liberalized economy and higher productivity. The fortune of the Auto component industry is inextricably linked with that of the automobile industry which in turn is influenced by the general economic
trends of the country the country's economic growth is projected to grow at more than six percent per annum in the coming years. The estimated growth will automatically emphasize the need for better transport infrastructure facilities. This means demand for automobiles and hence for auto components, is bound to grow accordingly. Therefore, good growth prospects are assured for the automobile industry. World-wide, cars are segmented on the basis of their size. However, in India, price is the main factor determining the choice of car. Hence, cars are segmented on the basis of price into three segments :
Price Range Segment (Rs. 000) M-800, Omni, Price, Fuel Economy < 250 Uno, Efficiency Ambassador Zen, Uno, 118NE,Ambassador Price, 1800 ISZ, Medium 250-500 Contessa, Diesel Indica, Santro, Option Matiz Lancer, Esteem, Status Value, 500 & Premium above City, Opel Features. Astra, Ikon Sources : various sources Cielo, Accent, Performance, Main Models
Performance, 10.1%
Absence of adequate mass transportation system and rising income levels have resulted in personal vehicles becoming an important mode of transportation in the
urban and semi-urban areas. By international standards however, the Indian car volumes remain small at just over 1% of the world market with penetration rates of approximately 3.7 cars per thousand people as against 24 in Thailand, 144 in Malaysia, 204 in Poland and 90 in Brazil. Cars currently constitute approximately 12% of the total stock of personal vehicles in India. Rising household income, increased urbanisation, introduction of new models and availability of cost effective finance are the key demand drivers in the industry. The premium segment cars are mainly targeted at corporates or businessmen and are usually bought on consumer finance.
Opportunities for the Automobile Industry Global automobile companies are setting up manufacturing facilities in India. Also, many Indian automobile manufacturers have announced their plans to increase the export of vehicles from India. The year 2002-03 has already seen a significant 65% increase in export volumes during the period April to March. This trend is expected to continue with more global OEMs sourcing vehicles from their Indian plants. Additionally, the introduction of newer technologies such as Electronic Diesel Control Systems to reduce emission levels, safety devices such as Air Bags, Anti-lock Braking Systems, etc. augur well for the Company and the automotive sector as a whole. These technologies not only offer increased safety for drivers and passengers, but also result in greater comfort and better drivability. While there exist many opportunities for growth in business, there are also quite a few factors, which act as an impediment. In my last years speech I mentioned about the need for a well thought out and clearly defined policy on emission norms. It is now fairly certain that Bharat Stage II norms (equivalent of Euro II norms) will be implemented countrywide starting 2005. It is important that this plan is implemented in time in the interest of a cleaner environment. Technology is available to meet the advanced emission norms using gasoline and diesel fuel; Bosch and many other companies have
proved this worldwide. There is no need for the authorities to specify the type of technical solution required for this purpose as long as the end objectives are met. The spurious and reconditioned goods market, which I also dealt with in detail in my speech last year, continues to be a worrying factor as it directly affects our market share. The Company on its part has intensified the anti-spurious operations by conducting several raids across the country with the help of local regulatory authorities. Large quantities of spurious and fake products have been seized and legal action has been taken against those indulging in such activities. The Company believes that continued focus and concerted action against spurious activities would improve safety and fuel efficiency of the vehicles and at the same time help in expanding our market share in the Aftermarket. The Company is also continuously educating the users about the benefits of using genuine spares in place of spurious and reconditioned spares. The lack of any significant change in the labor law reforms also continues to be a matter of concern. It is essential that legal reforms be put in place at the earliest to provide more flexibility in manufacturing operations and enable the industry to quickly adjust the work force in line with fluctuating market conditions.
Challenges for the Indian automobile industry As we move into the new millennium, the Indian Automobile Industry faces some tremendous opportunities and also great challenges. The growth in automobile sales has been impressive for the past ten years since liberalization began. However, with liberalization, the Indian customer has been presented with a wide range of choices in automobiles, to suit every requirement and budget. The market has turned into a buyers market where the customer is being wooed by the manufacturers and the dealers with a range of freebies unheard of before in India. Financing has become so easy that an automobile is within every aspirant's reach. Competition has meant that manufacturers' margins have been squeezed severely and they are all under pressure to cut costs to be profitable and competitive. Some of the older manufacturers like Premier Automobiles (manufacturers of Premier cars), Automobile products of India (manufacturers of Lambretta scooters) and Ideal Jawa (manufacturers of Jawa and Yezdi motorcycles) have closed shop. Hindustan Motors (manufacturers of Ambassador and Contessa cars) is in trouble due to the declining sales of its cars, as most customers prefer the newer models available in the market. Even the dominant player Maruti has seen its market share decline rapidly due to its models being old and jaded and is in addition facing labour problems in its plant.
To add to the problems, come April 2001, under the WTO agreement, India will have to permit import of fully built automobiles, which hitherto was not permitted. The foreign manufacturers such as GM, Ford and Daimler Chrysler will almost certainly import vehicles from their large portfolio of models and makes, further segmenting the market into niches, although how competitive they are in terms of price remains to be seen. The challenge before the industry is to figure out the strategy for survival and growth. It is clear from the picture painted above that the industry will have to increase volumes in each segment to achieve lower cost of manufacture. One way to achieve this will be to go for exports in a big way. Maruti is already exporting vehicles, as are Mahindra, Telco, Daimler Chrysler and more recently Daewoo. The overseas markets will have to be exploited more aggressively, but this will mean the companies will have to invest more in Research and Development of new models with better features. The second opportunity is to become contract manufacturers for overseas companies. A number of Japanese and Korean companies have been following this strategy very successfully. Hindustan Motors is said to be considering this option. The third opportunity is to overcome the vulnerability of the automobile market to oil prices by designing vehicles, which can offer lower fuel consumption. Recent reports suggest the government is exploring the possibility of introducing Gasohol,
which is a mixture of Petrol and Alcohol. Gasohol has been very successful in Brazil. Since Alcohol is a by-product of the Sugar industry (of which India has the worlds largest), this is a very logical step that should have been taken many years ago. Even a small percentage reduction in the consumption of petroleum per vehicle can make a big difference to the balance of payments. The industry must focus its R&D efforts in line with the global trends, which is to build vehicles that are considerably more fuel efficient and less polluting. With growing awareness among the public about pollution and the effective campaigns carried out by the NGO's, this will increasingly become an important selling feature. It was surprising to see how the industry kept stalling the introduction of pollution norms for vehicles on the pretext that they needed more time to get the technology. Even Maruti despite its foreign affiliation was caught off guard when the Supreme Court finally ruled that all new vehicles should strictly adhere to the Euro II norms. The inadequacy of road infrastructure in India is well known. This is compounded by the fact that traffic management is very poor or non-existent and the drivers are mostly ill trained and in disciplined. As more vehicles come on the road, this will become a major bottleneck. The industry will need take initiatives firstly to train all drivers in safe driving and proper road discipline and manners. They will also need to assist government agencies in better road design and in
building of multilevel parking lots. Training of police personnel in better traffic management and advising them on better equipping themselves to deal with various problems will also have to be done. In terms of the world averages, India's vehicle density is very low and if we have to achieve those density levels, the industry can look forward to a bright future. However in the industry's interest care must be taken to see that we also achieve the safety and convenience levels of using automobiles.
COMPANY PROFILE Mahindra and Mahindra, a market leader in utility vehicles segment has virtually entered the roads and hearts of millions of Indian. The company was founded in 1945, two years before independence and has grown to be one of the largest and respected business houses in India. Mahindra entered the utility vehicle market in India by introducing the Jeep. The first batch of seventy five vehicles were imported in C.K.D. condition from Willys Overland Export Corporation in 1947. This was followed by the CL 340 - a more sophisticated vehicle adept on both urband and rural tracks. Much later came the CL-500 with a direct injection diesel engine developed with Austrian technology. Today Mahindra and Mahindra has more than 11 lack vehicle running successfully on all Indian roads and cater to various applications and satisfy needs of various types of customers. The soft tops comprising of CL 500 and the Commander 650 contribute to the backbone on Indian rural transport system. The hard tops such as the Marshal, MaXX, Savari and LCV's also cater to the transportation needs of people in both the urban and rural areas. The stylish Scorpio and the Bolero are image and status symbols of personal transportation in the cities. The LCV's, Pick ups and the three wheelers play a pivotal role in the goods transportation segment and are becoming extremely popular in both the captive user and the fleet operator segments.
Mahindra and Mahindra are the undisputed market leaders in Rural and semi urban transportation and also enjoy similar status when it comes to the pick-up segment. The entire new product development activity is aimed consolidate Mahindra's leadership in the utility market segment. There are tremendous effort to gain market shares in the contract commercial segment, the LCV segment and the three wheeler auto segment. At the juncture when there is a fierce competition in all the different market segments there is a need to combat this competition by introducing newer and better products which provide more value than the competitive models. It is more important that these advantages are properly communicated on the ground level to the customers. It is a must of all of us who are engaged in the sales of Mahindra and Mahindra utility products to understand the product portfolio and also the various advantages and strength of our products Vis-a-Vis the competitive products. It is also imperative that each and every salesperson understands the needs and requirements of every customer and satisfy the customer by recommending the right product for the right application. The objective of the tool kit is to provide complete information the various products in terms of not only the specifications but also the advantages and the main selling points of our products as compared to the competition. There is a comparative analysis which highlight the various advantages of our product against the different competitive products. The tool kit explains the various features of the products, the potential application and the customer who are to be targeted. The toolkit also explains the various feature led emotional and the rational benefits which
need to be effectively communicated to the customers. The toolkit also included the sales stories of every product which should be the final weapon to convince the customer to buy our product. The toolkit also contains the leaflets for all models thus making it the complete tool for all salespersons in the field. The toolkit has been designed specifically with a provision for continuous updating and incorporation of new leaflets, comparative analysis and to include any information which is useful for sales. The toolkit has various chapters starting with the hard top range which is led by the Scropio. The hard top range is followed by the soft tops range, the pici-up range, the three wheeler Champion range and lastly the LCV range. We are confident that this toolkit will provide you with all the necessary ammunition to fight and keep winning the battle against the competition. Good morning/afternoon/evening. Thank you for visiting the Mahindra Showroom and showing interest in the Scorpio. Scorpio is not just a car, it's much more. It is car plus. The Scorpio comes in two version, Diesel, and for the die-hard petrol customers we have the Scorpio Rev 116 with the Renault Petrol state of the art 116 bhp engine, with MPFI, 16 valves and 32-bit microprocessor.
Let me show you how the Scorpio is car plus. The Scorpio has power that will excite you. It is the most powerful vehicle in its category. Its powerful engine transports you from 0-60 km/h in 9 seconds in the Petrol. It is not just power that the Scropio is all about, it is also about the extra comfort. Its Independent front suspension and easy to handle steering ensures that you ride is gentle, smooth and comfortable. Scorpio stands for luxury. We have moulded interiors, in the form of injection moulded instrument panel, moulded interior package with moulded roof lining (unlike most other vehicles in this category), moulded carpets and door trim. We also have a state of the art Kenwood audio system, the A/C, which even cools the rear of the car and the Lear designed seats which made you feel that you are sitting in the lap of luxury. Safety, extra safety, that is what we aim at. The Scorpio is concerned about your loved ones. Just for that, we have features like crumple zones, side intrusion beams, anti locking LSPV brakes, child locks and yes even fire resistant upholstery. Also we have features like seat belts on all rows of seats and extra thick sheet metal for the vehicle. The Scorpio is one of the best-designed vehicles around. styling, with features like ski racks, claddings and wrap around lamps. The spacious Scorpio can also accommodate upto 9 people comfortably. It is classy
All this and the Scorpio doesn't compromise on fuel efficiency. It gives you 10-13 kmpl for the Diesel and 8-10 kmpl for the Petrol. So the Scorpio is not just like any other car but it is a car with an attitude. An attitude, which says, "Nothing else will do".
COMPANY PROFILE Name Business : MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA LIMITED : Manufacturing of four wheelers of different Models viz. Scorpio, Bolero DI Pet, Bolero,DJ A.C., Max pick up, Max-IV Seater, Camper, Mahindra Champion (Three Wheeler), Loadking Pride, Loadking DI 3200, Tourister School and Stuff bus. Registered office : Gateway Building, Apollo Bunder, Mumbai - 400001 Plant Address : Automobile Sector, Akurli Road, Kandivli (East) Mumbai 422007
Plant Address 2
: Automobile sector, Nasic Plant No. 1, 89, M.I.D.C., Satpur Nashik 422007
Regional Office
Range E/Division
Scorpio , Bolero DI Ref., Bolero XL DI. A.C., Pick up, Camper, Mahindra Champion (Three wheeler), Loadking Super, Loadking DI 3200, Tourister school and stuff bus.
Manufacturing of L.C.V. :
Objective of Mahindra We aim to be a leading player and offer Quality and reliable software product and IT solutions to meet the client is ever changing business needs.
OUR STRENGTHS Dealership software solutions for Automobile industry Inventory management solutions and spare part distributors. System consultancy System study , Analysis design & development. System integration Turkey solutions offered in (a) Customer relationship management (b)Supply chain management (c) Client / server applications with distributed data management. (d)Web technologies.
From small tentative beginnings in the 1940s, the organization that you see and perceive today has transformed into one of the giants of the automotive world. And the men behind it all were two brothers: J.C. Mahindra & Mahindra.
J.C. Mahindra, the elder of the two, was a qualified mechanical engineer from VJTI, Mumbai. He was appointed the countrys first iron and steel controller by the government of India. While K.C. Mahindra, a Cambridge education economist, was a partner with Martin Burn, London, agents to IISCO. The Government of India requisitioned his services too, and he took over as the chairman of India supply Mission to Washington, USA.
In 1945 , inspired by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehrus vision of building a strong, independent India, they sit out to manufacture an Indian vehicle that would be rugged, tough and capable of tackling the Indian terrain.
They teamed up with the Mohammed brothers and acquired a franchise for jeeps from Willys USA. Post independence, in1947, they got involved Steel Trading in association with suppliers in UK. By then, the company was renamed Mahindra &
Mahindra Ltd. After Ghulam Mohammed left fir Pakistan to become Pakistans first Finance Minister.
Mahindra & Mahindra went on from strength to strength. The company started assembling jeeps in 1949, and the year after, received its first order from Mitsubishi Corporation for Wagon building plates, in 1954 got a technical and financial collaboration with Willys Overland Corporation, in 1956 the company went Public, un 1962 Mahindra Ugine Steel was formed in a joint venture with Ugine Kuhalmann, france, then after a period of consolidation, in 1982 Tractors were,a manufactured under the brand name Mahindra and within a year M&M went on to become the market leader in India.
New forays into other lines of business saw a spurt of joint ventures and acquisitions. The foremost among them being Mahindra British Telecom (MTB) in 1986. In 1989 an Automotive Pressing Unit was acquired, and in 1994, Mahindra Realty & infrastructure Developers Ltd. Was formed, the group was reorganized into 6 subs and Mahindra USA Inc was formed to distribute tractors in the USA.
In 1999, the Trading Division was spun off as a separate company, called Mahindra Intertrade Ltd., and Mahindra Export Ltd. was merged with it. In the year 2000, preparation to meet the future head-on have been made, with the launch of Project Scorpio, a completely new indigenously designed vehicle project at Nasik. Scorpio is slated for production in 2001.
The millennium also brought forth another change, in the form of the new Mahindra & Mahindra identity. A logo that symbolizes the road ahead, linking the companys past with its future.
Its also symbolizes the road through which the companys thought, ideas, designs, and products will travel, making it into a forward-looking organization, moving towards new horizons with innovation and dynamisms.
The Mahindra brand in utility vehicles has come to signify high quality, ruggedness, durability, reliability, and ease-of-maintenance and operational economy for its user groups. This has been a result of the division's relentless pursuit of delivering to the customer value for money. As a result the division's products have a commanding market share in the category it operates in.Besides state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, a dealer network of over 275 dealers supervised by 20 sales offices drives the divisions marketing efforts. After sales service is provided by a network of authorized service stations across the country, which meet customer needs for servicing and genuine spare parts.The Mahindra brand in utility vehicles has come to signify high quality, ruggedness, durability, reliability, ease-of-maintenance and operational economy for its user groups. This has been a result of the division's relentless pursuit of delivering to the customer value for money. As a result the division's products have a commanding market share in the category it operates in.Besides state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, the divisions marketing efforts are driven by a dealer network of over 150 dealers supervised by 18 sales offices. After sales service is provided by a network of over
100 authorised service stations across the country, which meet customer needs for servicing and genuine spare parts. Profile Mahindra Defence Systems (MDS) a division of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. has an unbroken track record of doing business with the defence sector in India for over fifty years. MDS is located in New Delhi, oversees the requirements of the Defence Sector. In a short span MDS has incorporated state-of-the-art technology into its products at a reasonable cost and has emerged as the largest private sector company for supplying bulletproof vehicles. Main objective of MDS is to: 1) Provide total solutions for entire range of light combat / armoured vehicles and their derivatives for Defence/ Security Forces.
2) Address specific segments of governments import substitution/indigenization program like Small Arms, Sea Mines. Govt of India has awarded MDS following industrial licenses: 1 LIGHT ARMOURED MULTI ROLE VEHICLE 2 SIMULATORS FOR WEAPONS & WEAPON SYSTEMS 3 MOBILE SURVEILLANCE PLATFORMS 4 SEA MINES
A major area of expertise of MDS is providing world class armouring solutions for light combat vehicles, MUVs and SUVs. These up-armoured vehicles are already in service with Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Paramilitary & State Police Forces in India & many of these have been exported to other nations under the auspices of Ministries of Home and External Affairs. Special Projects on the anvil include state of the art training simulators for the land forces, mobile surveillance platforms for Army and BSF and weapons and munitions for the Army and Navy respectively.
MDS has established numerous alliances with foreign partners for their products in service, and those under development. These alliances will only help strengthen the technological base and provide customized, and state of the art, products for the satisfaction of the customer.
M & M - our Legacy MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA LIMITED From small tentative beginnings in the 1940s, the organization that you see and perceive today has transformed into one of the giants of the automotive world. And the men behind it all were two brothers: J.C. Mahindra and K.C. Mahindra. J.C. Mahindra, the elder of the two, was a qualified mechanical engineer from VJTI, Mumbai. He was appointed the country's first Iron and Steel Controller by the Government of India. While K.C. Mahindra, a Cambridge educated economist, was a partner with Martin Burn, London, agents to IISCO. The Government of India requisitioned his services too, and he took over as the Chairman of India Supply Mission to Washington, USA. In 1945, inspired by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's vision of building a strong, independent India, they set out to manufacture an Indian vehicle that would be rugged, tough and capable of tackling the Indian terrain. They teamed up with the Mohammed brothers and acquired a franchise for Jeeps from Willy's, USA. Post independence, in 1947, they got involved Steel Trading in association with suppliers in UK. By then, the company was renamed Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd
after Ghulam Mohammed left for Pakistan to become Pakistan's first Finance Minister. Mahindra & Mahindra went on from strength to strength. The company started assembling Jeeps in 1949, and the year after, received its first order from Mitsubishi Corporation for wagon building plates, in 1954 got into a technical and financial collaboration with Willy's Overland Corporation, in 1956 the company went public, in 1962 Mahindra Ugine Steel was formed in a joint venture with Ugine Kuhlmann, France, then after a period of consolidation, in 1978, the International Tractor Company of India was merged with M&M, in 1982 tractors were manufactured under the brand name 'Mahindra' and within a year M&M went on to become the market leader in India. New forays into other lines of business saw a spurt of joint ventures and acquisitions. The foremost among them being Mahindra British Telecom (MBT) in 1986. In 1989 an Automotive Pressing Unit was acquired, and in 1994, Mahindra Realty & Infrastructure Developers Ltd. was formed, the group was reorganized into 6 SBUs and Mahindra USA Inc. was formed to distribute tractors in the USA. In 1999, the Trading Division was spun off as a separate company, called Mahindra Intertrade Ltd., and Mahindra Export Ltd. was merged with it. In the
year 2000, preparations to meet the future head-on have been made, with the launch of Project Scorpio, a completely new, indigenously designed vehicle project at Nasik. Scorpio is slated for production in 2001. The millennium also brought forth another change, in the form of the new Mahindra & Mahindra identity. A logo that symbolizes the road ahead, linking the company's past with its future. It also symbolizes the road through which the company's thoughts, ideas, designs and products will travel, making it into a forward-looking organization, moving towards new horizons with innovation and dynamism. Employee Development
The company's long-term success depends on developing, motivating and maintaining a work force possessing the skills required for supporting key processes such as human resources
The Competency Framework and its application is in a stage of evolution and Human Resources Function would be finalizing its application in a more definite manner in due course.
All employees are required to receive training identified as general training and any required Job Specific Training to enhance their performance.
Managers and Supervisors with the assistance from the Corporate Training Department must determine what training is required for successful performance and ensure smooth implementation.
The Corporate Training Department will develop the training strategy for the organization and will develop appropriate sectoral training resources.
Production Personnel must be retrained and/or re-certified on a scheduled basis, to assure that skills and performance meet production and quality standards.
Program Consultation: Prior to approval of any training and development course-work, whether internal, external, or towards a degree program, the Sectoral HR training co-ordinators must be consulted. They will provides guidance regarding selection criteria such as cost, quality and match between the development need or plan and the course content.
Assistance for Self-Development With an objective to help officers undertake further study and improve their performance, assistance for self-development will be governed by the loan policy. It is therefore important to note that: a) The course for which financial assistance is sought must be such that it would help the officer in his day-to-day work, and is useful to the company.
b) The Departmental Head, while recommending financial assistance will be expected to specify the manner in which the course will help the officer in his day- to-day work. c) Assistance for correspondence or postal courses leading to a University Degree will be given. d) Assistance may be given at the discretion of the Management if it is relevant to the officer's current or future job role. e) The officer seeking financial assistance is required to have at least two year's service with the company to his credit, at the time of admission.
f) Before seeking admission in colleges or other such institutions, the officer is expected to invariably obtain the permission of his Departmental Head, in writing, and copy send to the Corporate HRD. g) For applications for financial assistance, information pertaining to the duration of the course, tuition fees, etc. payable, is required to be communicated to the Corporate HRD. h) Financial assistance would be subject to the officer clearing the examination in the first attempt. g) For financial assistance, refer the self-education loan policy.
Corporate Governance The goal of any system of governance would be to achieve the best performance within the overall content of the prevalent economic environment so as to secure the maximum benefit for all the stakeholders. For this to be achieved, governance has to be an integral part of the beliefs, values, culture and ethics of an organisation, an interplay between individual aspirations and corporate goals, ultimately leading to the cornerstones of transparency and accountability, which is what good governance is all about. In the recent past, corporate India has been flooded with several prescriptive principles of governance, the result of intense deliberations of eminent commissions. Ironically, the corporate failures in developed countries regulated by highly disciplined capital markets have only brought home the stark reality that good governance can never acquire a lustre of its own if it is mandated by legislation - it might only turn into a farce. Our shareholders are aware that Mahindra companies have been associated with good governance even before corporates were faced with legislation and a set of regulations. The Company has recently formally enunciated its own governance practices by way of a Code of Corporate Governance. This Code seeks to serve as a reminder of the underlying principles governing the conduct of our businesses.
They are a reiteration of the fundamental precept that good Corporate Governance must and will always remain an integral part of the fabric tThe 1990s saw India embrace liberalisation and globalisation, and infrastructure development was the key to spurring domestic and foreign direct investments. This generated employment, gave free reign to domestic entrepreneurial talent, and accelerated the country's GDP growth to unprecedented levels.
The Mahindra Group is playing its part in driving the nation's infrastructure development, with a host of companies operating in real estate, project consultancy and design, engineering consultancy, the hospitality industry and other core segments hat makes up our ethos.
The Great Eastern Shipping Co Ltd., diversified into real estate activities with the formulation of its property division in 1992 and over a period of time spread its operations in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Gurgaon, Pune and Bangalore.
The Property Division of The Great Eastern Shipping Co Ltd., subsequently demerged from the parent Company in February 2000 to become an independent entity as GESCO Corporation Ltd., with focus on its core business activities of projects management services, business centers and development of residential and commercial complexes Mahindra Realty & Infrastructure Developers Ltd., (MRIDL) was incorporated in August 1994 to give shape to the diversification plans of the Mahindra Group into real estate and infrastructure business, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. To synergise towards becoming the largest corporate developers in the country GESCO Corporation Limited and MRIDL combined their operations from December 01. The resultant Company being Mahindra Gesco Developers Ltd imbibes the very same qualities of its parent companies. The professional expertise and teamwork of the organisation joining together will go a long way in achieving the shared vision.
The Company has a joint venture with Semb Corp of Singapore, who is leading international Constructions Company dealing with infrastructure and project management in the Far East. The Company also has a joint venture with Knight Frank of UK, who are international property consultants and property management providers.
1. 2. 3.
Mr. Keshub Mahindra Chairman Mr. Anand G. Mahindra Vice Chairman and Managing Director Deepak Shantilal Parekh Director Nadir Burjorji Godrej Director M. M. Murugappan Director Bharat Narotam Doshi Executive Director & Group Chief Financial Officer (Group CFO)
Arun Kumar Nanda Executive Director & Secretary Narayanan Vaghul Director Dr. Ashok Sekhar Ganguly Director R. K. Kulkarni Director Anupam Pradip Puri Director Thomas Mathew T. Nominee of LIC
Mahindra DI 3200
If a big LCV proves to be uneconomical and a small one cant handle your payload, then Mahindra DI 3200 is just the right truck for you. Its an ideal city delivery vehicle that assures more loading area, more mileage and more profits. 5.25 sq. mt. of loading area Smallest TCD More mileage Easy to operate Easy to load and unload Low maintenance cost
Discover a truck designed to give you more. Profit with its better loading capacity and greater pulling power. Load it with whatever and go wherever. Its your chance to ride high on success. With great Pride. Low price 4 years unlimited warranty Better mileage Easy maneuverability Small turning radius Attractive cabin
Dont buy a long heavy load vehicle to deliver voluminous goods. Get the Loadking Long Wheel Base instead. Its a vehicle that helps you to cut down your operating costs drastically. A truck low on maintenance and high on business. Longest in its class More loading area Lowest turning circle radius of 6.48m 6 wide tyres to provide greater stability at high speed Faster turnaround time Superior mileage
Its a truck that comes with an amazing feature. Its got the cutting-edge, CRDe engine fitted beneath its hood. Generates More Power, More Speed, More Pickup and More Mileage. Along with more revenues! Wider cargo box Heavy duty rear axle High torque Extra payload Bharat Stage III certification
The all new Loadking LCV Tipper makes anything possible. From dumping sand and cement to delivering stone chips and boulders. The biggest advantage is its small size. Be it a lane or a steep ascend, nothing can stop a Loadking. From reaching its destination. From getting more business. Smallest turning circle diameter Faster turnaround Better maneuverability Attractive price Superior mileage Heavy duty rear axle Stranger chassis frame
The Mahindra Tourister i range is an improved version of the existing Tourister range. The i signifies the 32 improvements which have been incorporated in the existing bus to further enhance safety, comfort and aesthetics. So now, let your passengers travel in the lap of luxury. Its got plush cushion seats and more space for extra comfort. Its huge windows make every journey a pleasant memory. And its low maintenance, more mileage and a powerful engine keeps your pocket full, always.
Superior Comfort for unmatched convenience Bright airy interiors Greater leg room Bottle holder for driver Economical for bigger savings Superior mileage Low operating costs Greater Safety for a worry free drive
Contemporary Styling for better looks Attractive front faade Modern front Grille
The Mahindra Tourister school bus enjoys the faith of hundreds of schools, parents, kids and bus owners across India. And it is this faith that has made Tourister the No. 1 school bus, in its segment. Over the years, the brand Tourister has consistently delivered incredible value to its customers. Coming from the Mahindra stable, each school bus is engineered to deliver on its promise of total safety, but without any compromise on comfort and efficiency.
In keeping with the customer centric philosophy of the organistion, the Tourister range has been upgraded several times over the years to meet the ever-changing customer requirements. This year Mahindra is proud to introduce an improved version of the existing Tourister range, Tourister i. The i signifies the 32 improvements which have been incorporated in the existing bus to further enhance safety, comfort and aesthetics. With the launch of Tourister i,, all school buses henceforth will be sold under the Tourister i brand. Given the company's commitment to customers satisfaction, its bound to become India's most preferred school bus. After all the best just got better. Greater Safety for a worry free drive Fire Extinguisher Emergency exit Specially designed tooth and chin guards STOP sign indicator at the door First-aid kit Anti skid vinyl flooring Double bar rail on windows
Superior Comfort for unmatched convenience Bright airy interiors Large cushioned seats Water bottle holders Special rack for school bags Economical for bigger savings Superior mileage Powerful pickup Low operating costs Higher torque Contemporary Styling for better looks Attractive front faade Modern front Grille Swanky notice board
Its a bus better than any other bus. Presenting the 25-seater Mahindra Tourister i with the revolutionary CRDe technology. Its the first in its category and its designed to make every journey really smooth. And really quiet too.
Available in school and regular variants Powerful pickup Remarkably low N.V.H Greater mileage Conforms to BS III norms
STRENGTH 1. Mahindra & Mahindra Automotive division collaborated with willy overland corporation (nowpart of Daimler Chrysler group) 2. Tech Mahindra is also a joint venture between Mahindra & Mahindra Limited and Indian British Telecommunication plc.United Kingdom. 3. With over 17 years of experience, Tech Mahindra has proven track record in outsourcing and off shoring bysiness in critical system. 4. Wide range of commercial vehicle and jeeps and Luxuries and comforts. 5. Extensive research and development both in house development both in house development facility and interface with other independent engineering units. 6. Large and competitive work force. 7. Producing always challenging products in competitive market. 8. Best balance vehicle while riding. 9. Best style and durable products. 10.Great performance.
Weakness 1. Mechanics have no proper knowledge if Mahindra & Mahindra Commercial vehicle. 2. There are not much space between cabin (Where driver sits) and dala (where the goods are loaded). 3. There are not regular visit of engineers to the dealer point for grievance handling.
OPPORTUNITY 1. Boast up production to fully utilize the installed capacity. 2. A great opportunity in light commercial vehicle segment where the competition is much increased. 3. There are attractive finance facilities provided by Mahindra finance Ltd. At a very low interest rate than others. 4. Opportunity in rural sector.
THREATS 1. Sever competition by light motor faced from the side of Tata motors and Eicher motors. 2. Stiff competition with Tata motors, which has a relatively high market active performance in whole Indian market. 3. Threats from much performed commercial vehicle in India.
Research objective To study the consumer behavior regarding Mahindra & Mahindra in Meerut. respective .
To find out the major problem faced by the Mahindra consumer in their To do SWOT analysis according to my consumer interaction. To tirel out the relations for visit at service centre. To observe the level at service centre. To find out the time taken by the service centre in servicing the vehicle. To find out the behavior of management staff of service centre. To find out the customer satisfaction level regarding after sales service at the service centre. Finally ti draws results on the basis of analysis and brding and give suggestion regarding my findings.
: Descriptive Research : Meerut city : Customers : 200 : Primary Data Questionnaire Secondary Data Mahindra & Mahindra .com Mahindra & Mahindra
DATA ANALYSIS 1. Brand awareness among the consumer based on 1st response No. of respondents = 200 Brand Name Tata Motors Mahindra & Mahindra Others No. of Customers 80 50 70 %age 40% 35% 25%
40% 35%
Various motivating factors in making purchase decision : No. of respondents : 200 Factors No. of Customers 80 60 20 40 %age 40% 30% 10% 20%
By above graph it is very clear that family influences lot in purchasing of Mahindra & Mahindra commercial vehicles.
3. Chances of buying Mahindra & Mahindra Commercial Vehicle Sample size 200 Possibilities Definitely buy Very likely will buy Probably will buy Might or might not buy Definitely not buy Can't Say No. of Respondents (%) 30% 20% 10% 10% 20% 10%
10% 20%
Very likely w ill buy Definitely not buy
Probably w ill buy Can't Say
Percentage of Customer 40 20 25 15
Percentage of Customers
Above graph shows that 40% of customers are rating performance as Mahindra major strength.
How customers rate Mahindra offering : Sample Size : 200 Customer Rate Good Average Excellent Poor Percentage of Customer 40 30 25 5
5% 25% 40%
Percentage of Customers
By above graph it is very clear that Mahindra offering is liked by major portion of Meerut population.
Percentage of Customer 50 30 15 5
50% 30%
Below Average
No Response
Sample Size 200 Major Problem Spare Parts Gear Box Average Suspension Percentage of Customer 60 20 15 5
Spare Parts
Gear Box
Percentage of Customers
By above graph it is clear that spare parts in engine is the major problem faced by Mahindra & Mahindra commercial vehicle Consumer.
Very High
55% Competitive
No Response
Percentage of Customers
According to 55% of the customer prize charged by the service center is average or competitive but 25% customers say that the charges are very high.
What customer see at the time of purchase of vehicle : Reason of Purchase Brand Features Advertisement After Sales Service Percentage of Customer 40 30 10 20
Percentage of Customers
The above bar chart shows that the major influences on buyr is of Brand and features.
Percentage of Customer 55 15 17 13
Percentage of Customers
According to 55% of customer the behaviour of management and staff of service center is cooperative but according to 17% of customer behaviour of management & staff of service center is ignorant.
Percentage of Customer 67 26 7
No response
Percentage of Customers
From above graph, we see that major customers are satisfied with service provided by the authorized service center of Mahindra & Mahindra at Dealer Point, Jain Motors. But percentage of dissatisfied is not ignorable. It indicates there is necessity of further improvement in after sales service. The reason behind it customers wait in service centre due to lot of work in service centre.
Statement of findings The result that I get through analyzing and evaluating the data drawn from the schedule and expressed in the form of percentage of sample size and their results can better explain the level of customers satisfaction on after sales service provided by the Mahindra. During my study what I find is described below. 1. The working condition inside the service centre is good. 2. The workers are well trained as they send to the service camp organized by Mahindra one or two times in a month from where they trained skillfully. 3. Washing facility in the service center. 4. The break down service is available. 5. A separate section for servicing. 6. A separate customer lodge with full facilities. 7. The Businessman group figures out to be very much aware regarding commercial vehicle. 8. Availability of spare part must consider being most important. 9. Mileage was given to priority. 10. Style and power considered most purchasing power point today.
Tata motors came out to be most familiar leaving others far behind.
I would like to offer some suggestion if implemented would increase the satisfaction of the customer. These are follows. 1. 2. There should be more transparency in the servicing procedure The company should offer some free check up camp, which leads the consumers toward the company, and make them brand loyal. 3. The company should provide the feedback forms to get the response of the vehicle owners at the service center. 4. Before the launch an aggressive advertising must be carried out in order to inform the customer about the new vehicle. 5. Continuous innovation in production process and services too are recommended to get the competitive edge. 6. The company should upgrade the workers of service center to work with new technology equipments and enhance the quality of service. 7. The servicing speed should be enhanced so that the consumer get their vehicles as quick possible by keeping the quality of service. 8. The price of spare parts should be more competitive rather than at premium.
The company should operate some wariness programs regarding servicing schedule and vehicles maintenance.
Easily available spare parts at reasonable price backed by efficient sales as competition.
Limitations 1.
The consumers were not amicable in giving their views. Illiteracy was the biggest problem with the consumers to give answers Of open ended questions. The time for training was limited so it was not possible to contact all the Consumers. The management & staff were uncooperative. There was no response from subdealers. Consumers are asking a lot of irrelevant questions. No guidance in the fieldwork. Consumers are not well aware of the summer training concept and take a lot of time to explain them things properly. Auto center mechanics are not able to explain things properly. Money virtually fall short of what ideal field work would cost and may requires short cost for the validity of findi
4. 5. 6. 7.
On evaluating and analyzing the data I draw inferences that some of the factors are satisfying the customers and some are not During the study through the interviews of the customers and discussion with the staff of after sales service center. I find that company is to provide. Better facilities to the customers. A large group of customers was satisfied with after sales provided by Mahindra & Mahindra but some customer are not satisfied. The major problem faced by Mahindra & Mahindra is that there is a lot of competition with Tata Motors. As per the problem faced by the customer, I have notice that Mahindra & Mahindra commercial vehicle consumers, I have noticed that Mahindra consumers are complaining a lot about spare parts and there are the shortage of skilled workers of that commercial vehicle therefore they are not satisfied. Mahindra consumer appreciate there vehicle on performance basis and their attractive designed they have chosen. In conclusion I am in position to say that performance of Mahindra & Mahindra is not in a very good position, therefore some steps are required to raise the sale of Mahindra & Mahindra in Meerut.
Appendix The appendix combined of the questionnaire, which was administrator to the response and dealers.
1. Name of the brand you are familiar with in the commercial vehicle segment. 2. What you see at the time of purpose of the vehicle? (a) companys name (c) feature (b) advertisement (d) after sales service
3. Who influenced your decision to purchase commercial vehicle? (a) Family (c) Friends (b) advertisement (d) yourself
4.What are the chances of your buying Mahindra & Mahindra commercial vehicle, Or the next time you purchase any other commercial vehicle. (a) Definitely buy (c) Probably will buy 5. Reasons for the arrival at service center? (a) Free service (c) Service on regular basis (b) major problem (d) any other problem (b) very likely will buy (d) might or might not buy
6. Major problem faced by you in Mahindra & Mahindra commercial banking is (a) Gear box (c) Suspension problem (b) average (d) spare parts
7. The level of service provided by the service center (a) Good (c) Below average (b) Average (d)No response
8. Price charged for service and spare part is (a) Very high (c) Low (b) competitive (d) cant say
9. According to you, the availability of spare parts at service center is (a) After (c) Seldom (b) occasionally (d) cant say
10. The behavior of management and staff is: (a) Co-operative (c) Indifferent (b) ignorant (d) no-response
11. How do you rate the speed of servicing: (a) Fast (c) Slow 12. (b) moderate (d) no-response
Are you satisfied with the service provided by the service center (a) Satisfied (c) No-response (b) dis- satisfied
13.How do you find Mahindra & Mahindra offering (a) Excellent (c) Average (b) good (d) cant say
14.In your opinion the nos of service centre in the city are sufficient (a) Yes (c) Other statement (b) No
Bibliography Kothri c.r. Research methodology India. Kotler, Philip, marketing management, India.