This document provides information about drop off and pick up times for children's activities at a church. It states that drop off for children ages 0-4 will be in the Nursery, while children in pre-K through 5th grade should be dropped off at a table near the Nursery. Parents will receive a lanyard during drop off to identify their children, and must return the lanyard to pick up their children. Drop off is from 10:15-10:42 and pick up is from 11:30-11:52. It also lists times for other church activities.
This document provides information about drop off and pick up times for children's activities at a church. It states that drop off for children ages 0-4 will be in the Nursery, while children in pre-K through 5th grade should be dropped off at a table near the Nursery. Parents will receive a lanyard during drop off to identify their children, and must return the lanyard to pick up their children. Drop off is from 10:15-10:42 and pick up is from 11:30-11:52. It also lists times for other church activities.
This document provides information about drop off and pick up times for children's activities at a church. It states that drop off for children ages 0-4 will be in the Nursery, while children in pre-K through 5th grade should be dropped off at a table near the Nursery. Parents will receive a lanyard during drop off to identify their children, and must return the lanyard to pick up their children. Drop off is from 10:15-10:42 and pick up is from 11:30-11:52. It also lists times for other church activities.
This document provides information about drop off and pick up times for children's activities at a church. It states that drop off for children ages 0-4 will be in the Nursery, while children in pre-K through 5th grade should be dropped off at a table near the Nursery. Parents will receive a lanyard during drop off to identify their children, and must return the lanyard to pick up their children. Drop off is from 10:15-10:42 and pick up is from 11:30-11:52. It also lists times for other church activities.
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What you need to know:
1. 0-4 yr olds will be dropped off and registered in the Nursery.
2. Pre-K5th drop off table will be located near the Nursery 3. A Lanyard will be given to parents identifying which of their children have been registered. 4. Parents must return the lanyard to pick up their children. 5. Drop off begins at 10:15 & ends at 10:42 6. Pick up begins at 11:30 & ends at 11:52
G A M E T I M E 6 : 0 0 D I N N E R 6 : 3 0 WO R S H I P 8 : 0 0 R U S H E N D S 8 : 3 0
1 - 1 - 9 ( B I B L E C L A S - S E S 6 T H 1 2 T H ) 9 : 0 0 MI S S O U R I V A L L E Y C H R I S T I A N C H U R C H D E C E MB E R 2 0 1 1 R U S H S C H E D U L E WE D N E S D A Y S
S U N D A Y B I B L E F U S I O N : 7 P M T H U R S D A Y Starting Dec 4th for 2nd Service Safety, Security, Warmth, Comfort, Learning, Love, & Fun are all things we want your children to experience during our 2nd Service Childrens Minis- tries. With winter here, the best way to accomplish all of these is by creat- ing a check-in system where parents will register their child before service at the ramp entrance. Lining up children bringing them back into service, and walking them across the street is often complicated, disruptive, and now, COLD! With this check-in system we wont have to worry about those things anymore. 0 8 k Ml E l S T k l S Page 2 -