Pleistocene Mammals in Europe

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of EUfope
of Europe
Bjorn Kurten
~ ~ AldineTransaction
U A Division of Transaction Publishers
'-t;", New Brunswick (U.S.A.) and London (U.K.)
First paperback printing 2007
Copyright 1968 by Bjorn Kurten.
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright
Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording,
or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in
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This book is printed on acid-free paper that meets the American National
Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials.
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2007020579
ISBN: 978-0-202-30953-8
Printed in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Pleistocene mammals of Europe.
Orginially published: London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson; Chicago: Aldine
Pub. Co., 1968..
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-202-30953-8 (pbk.: acid-free paper)-
ISBN 978-0-202-30946-0 (pbk.: acid-free paper)
1. Mammals, Fossil-Europe. 2. Paleontology-Pleistocene.
3. Paleontology-Europe. I. Title.
QE881.K8 2007
Part One Faunal Sequence in Europe
Part Two Pleistocene Mammal Species
Part Three The Changing Fauna
Appendix Stratigraphic Range of Species
THE mammals of the Pleistocene are but now being discovered by the
evolutionists. Here we get the sought-for tie-in between zoology and
palaeontology: many Pleistocene mammals are still in existence and
may be studied as living beings against the background of their own
fossil history, extending back for millennia through geological time.
But the Pleistocene of Europe and its mammalian fauna is of in-
terest to many others beside the zoologist, the evolutionist, and the
palaeontologist. It is of exceptional importance to the student of hu-
man origins and of Stone Age archaeology. Among others who may
profit from a study of this topic may be mentioned the geologist, the
palaeoclimatologist and the palaeogeographer, and indeed anyone
who takes an interest in natural history and wishes to re-enter a
colourful past.
The first version of this book was a semipopular paperback in the
Swedish Aldus series. The present edition is completely rewritten and
greatly expanded, but I have retained the non-technical approach to
make the story accessible to readers with varying backgrounds. The
first part of the book is an outline of the Pleistocene history of Europe,
with its climatic changes and succession of mammalian faunas. In the
second part are listed all the species of Mammalia known from the
Pleistocene and Postglacial of Europe, with the evolution, range in
time and space, and mode of life set down for each species, as far
as known. The final part is an evaluation of the story in terms of
evolution and palaeogeography.
The species is the pivot of the present treatment. The species is, of
course, the most important taxonomic category in the study of evolu-
tion [195], and to write a comprehensive zoology of all the species of
an entire geological epoch struck me as an exciting and challenging
project. In most palaeontological texts the genus is the basic category,
not the species. With increasing precision of study the species is
gradually taking over this role, and the greatest progress is being
made in the case of the Quaternary, for which we have a more
detailed record than for the more distant past.
Originally the study had been planned to cover only the Carnivora,
but it was soon found necessary to introduce material on the other
mammalian orders; in the end equal emphasis was given to all of them.
It should be noted, however, that much of what is said about carni-
vores here is based on original research, while this is not the case as
regards the other orders of mammals.
Thanks to a three-year travel and research grant from the Univer-
sity of Helsinki I have had opportunity to study most of the larger
collections of European Pleistocene mammals on the spot. Much of
the work was done during two long sojourns in England in 1961 and
1962, during which Dr K. A. Joysey (Cambridge) and Dr A. J.
Sutcliffe (London) provided most valuable assistance and criticism. I
have also profited greatly from stimulating discussions with Dr K.
Kowalski (Krakow). Dr M. Crusafont Pairo (Barcelona) kindly
checked the material on Spanish fossils and provided important new
information. Many other colleagues have contributed by showing me
the collections in their care, and giving generously of their time and
advice. Among these I wish particularly to mention Drs K. D. Adam
(Stuttgart), c;:. Arambourg (Paris), A. Azzaroli (Florence), H. Bohlken
(Kiel), M. Degerbel (Copenhagen), K. Ehrenberg (Vienna), E. W.
Guenther (Kiel), D.A.Hooijer (Leiden), }.Hiirzeler (Basle), V.
Jaanusson (Uppsala), H. D. Kahlke (Weimar), F.E. Koby (Basle),
J.P. Lehman (Paris), K. P. Oakley (London), H. E. P. Spencer (I ps-
wich), D. Starck (Frankfurt), L. Thaler (Montpellier), E. Thenius
(Vienna), H. Tobien (Mainz), J. F. de Villalta Comella (Barcelona),
R. West (Cambridge), P. Woldstedt (Bonn) and H. Zapfe (Vienna).
Mrs Sonia Cole read a preliminary draft of the text and made valuable
suggestions for improving it. To all these persons and institutions I
wish to express my sincere gratitude. Finally, I wish to dedicate this
book to three inspiring teachers: Pontus Palmgren (Helsingfors),
Birger Bohlin (Uppsala) and George Gaylord Simpson (Cambridge,
Massachusetts) .
Helsingfors BJORN !ZURTEN
Part One
Faunal Sequence in Europe
Chapter 1
Setting the Stage
A HUNDRED MILLION years ago, during the reign of the dinosaurs,
the earth was a moist, warm planet under a tropical sun. Much of
Europe was flooded by the Chalk Sea, teeming with reptilian life,
while ponderous monsters moved slowly over the endless beaches and
plains of the low-lying land. This was the crest of one of the great heat
waves in geological time. It lasted more than 200 million years.
To find the trough preceding it we have to move back into Permian
times, 250 million years ago and more; there once again we find the
presence of continental glaciers, a sight which was to become so fa-
miliar during the period with which we are concerned, the Pleisto-
cene. After Permian times the temperature curve ascended gradually
and the face of the globe became more uniform. Mountains were ero-
ded and as they were planed down the landscape became more and
more monotonous. The sea level rose and the continental margins
were flooded. The pace of geological processes had become impercep-
tible, as though in a world left over to entropy.
After this peak the temperature curve began to trend downward
again. The sea, which had spread halfway across the continents, very
gradually, and with many halts and reversals, began to recede. The
coastal lagoons dried up and new land was laid bare. Once more the
inner forces of the earth ground into gear and new mountains were
built up. The poles cooled off more rapidly than the tropics and once
again the earth was girded by distinctive climatic belts. The giant rep-
tiles became scarce and finally none were left. The mammals, which
had led a timid life in the background, developed larger and more
varied forms. Thus the Cretaceous passed into the Tertiary Period,
65 million years ago.
Still the temperature fell. This is the basic theme throughout the
Tertiary, the background against which we must view the long, com-
plicated evolutionary history of the mammals: over millions of years
the temperature fell, the sea retreated and the mountain chains rose.
These tendencies fluctuated in strength and direction, but they were
always there. Out of the great Mediterranean sea that extended from
Europe through Asia in the beginning of the Tertiary, known as the
Tethys Sea, there arose a mountainous archipelago which became
consolidated and grew higher. Eventually the first snow glittered on
its highest peaks and the Alps, the Himalayas and the American
Cordillera were born.
In Europe the climate was subtropical and as late as 15million years
ago lush jungles covered most of the continent. But as the temperature
continued to fall, about 10 million years ago in the early Pliocene there
came a sharply marked shift. The climate became drier and great
grasslands, savannas and steppes spread over the continent.
To us who observe it in the foreshortened perspective of the geo-
logical time scale, the shift appears dramatically sudden; but it must
have gone on for many thousands of years and to the living beings of
the time it would not have been noticeable. It is easy enough for us to
observe the descent of the temperature curve - by ingenious methods
it can actually be directly measured [74]. Yet the change in the face of
the earth at that time was slow in comparison with what was to follow
during the Ice Age: this was like an explosion, a total revolution in the
tempo of geological events. The world we now live in is the world of
the Ice Age. Even if we disregard the influence of man it is a world
which is dynamically changing at an abnormal rate; it is in a state of
flux unequalled since the Permian Ice Age more than 250 million years
Measured by our everyday standards even this tempo may seem
slow. Yet we are now able within a single generation to observe
such sub-phases of the climatic evolution as the evident amelioration
during the first half of this century. This is typical of the Ice Age.
Temperature fluctuations of a kind requiring millions of years in the
Tertiary now take place within thousands of years. The rate of change
has been intensified by a factor of a thousand or more.
What actually did take place at the end of the Tertiary? We might
perhaps say that a 'short-wave' climatic oscillation with a wave-length
of perhaps some 50,000 years was superimposed on the 'long-wave'
curve with a wave-length of 250 million years. It has been suggested
that the short-wave factor is always present but that its influence be-
comes effective only at sufficiently low basic temperatures [318].
There would be a threshold effect: when the long-range trend
approaches a critical minimum, the dips in the short-wave curve be-
come exaggerated, a threshold is reached and inland ice is formed.
The crests of the short-wave curve correspond with the interglacial
phases when the ice melts.
If this is correct, the series of glaciations of the Ice Age should be
preceded by a series of merely cool fluctuations. Actually something of
this kind may be observed during the long prelude to the Ice Age
called the Villafranchian.
The causes of the Ice Age are still under debate. There are many
theories, some of them extremely ingenious and plausible, but none
has so far won general acceptance. That the Ice Age is connected with
the general processes of geological evolution seems probable, because
continental ice sheets seem only to form at times of intense mountain
building [295]. During such periods the sea level tends to recede (the
geological term is regression, while a rise of the sea level is called a
transgression). This may be due to sinking of parts of the ocean floor.
As a result the continental blocks emerge out of the water and since
dry land does not retain heat as efficiently as water, the heat loss of the
earth will increase. Mountains are pushed up to meet the snow line
and perhaps to affect the atmospheric circulation [220]. All these
factors, as well as many others, may contribute to the making of an
Ice Age. For recent discussion of these problems see [43; 75; 77].
We divide geological time into Eras; the Era we live in is called the
Cenozoic. It is, in turn, divided into two Periods, the Tertiary and the
Quaternary, and these into Epochs. The Tertiary Epochs are the
Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene; the Quater-
nary Epochs are the Pleistocene and the Holocene. The Pleistocene
coincides with the Ice Age and the Holocene is the Recent Epoch of
geology, usually taken to represent the last ten thousand years. The
Holocene is also often called the Post-glacial; in old literature the
terms Diluvium (for the Pleistocene) and Alluvium (for the Holocene)
may be found.
An Epoch may be further subdivided into Ages. There are three
Pleistocene Ages: the Early (Lower), the Middle, and the Late
(Upper) Pleistocene. The Early Pleistocene is often called the Villa-
franchian (after the town Villafranca d' Asti in Piedmont, Italy,
where rocks formed in this phase were first characterized). Villa-
franchian fauna is mainly of Tertiary type, but at this time we also
find the first evidence of climatic oscillations of a type suggestive of
the Ice Age [68; 175; 191]. Towards the end of the Villafranchian,
and especially in the earliest part of the Middle Pleistocene, the warm
oscillations have a pattern typical of real interglacials; on the other
hand it is only in the later half of the Middle Pleistocene that the cold
oscillations assume fully glacial proportions. In the late Middle
Pleistocene and the Late Pleistocene there was a regular alternation
between glaciations and interglacials.
A shorter break in a glaciation, when the ice sheets melted only
partially, is termed an interstadial. But the warm oscillations came in
all sizes and there is a complete gradation between an interstadial and
an interglacial.
The geological sediments give important information on the clima-
tic conditions under which they were formed, both by their own na-
ture and that of the fossil organic material that they may contain [46].
The principle is self-evident in the case of fossils of plants or animals
which are still in existence and the climatic requirements of which we
are familiar with. A particularly useful method is the study of the mic-
roscopic pollen flora contained in many sediments. Such studies have
revealed, for instance, that each interglacial had its own individual
climatic and vegetational history, so that an interglacial may be identi-
fied on its pollen profile [307]. In general the lowermost sediments in
an interglacial deposit will contain a vegetation of cool type dating
from the phase during and immediately after the melting of the gla-
ciers; later on, warmth-loving plants and animals immigrate during
the climatic optimum of the interglacial; and at the end the cold flora
and fauna return with the deterioration of climate heralding the next
Many mammals are important as climatic indicators. In the inter-
glacials southern forms like hippopotami and monkeys may invade
Europe, but mainly our interglacials are characterized by a temperate-
type fauna with deer, boar, elephants and rhinoceroses of woodland
type. The glacial deposits, in contrast, carry a fauna of tundra or
taiga type with woolly mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, reindeer,
lemming and arctic fox.
Even sediments devoid of fossils may be indicative of past climates
[46]. Morainic deposits of various kinds are formed directly by gla-
ciers. Eskers, which are terminal moraines and were formed at the ice
margin, are particularly conspicuous features in a landscape recently
moulded by the inland ice like that of Scandinavia today. Of greater
geological importance, because of the vast areas that they cover, are
tills; these great sheets of glacial material are much more persistent
than terminal moraines. Alternation between tills and 'warm'
deposits gives direct evidence of climatic fluctuation.
Other 'cold' deposits are loess, a wind-blown dust resulting from
frost weathering, then trapped by steppe vegetation; and solifluction
deposits which form at the foot of slopes by the effect of spring floods
on partly frozen earth. Sediments of this type are characteristic of the
area immediately surrounding the land ice, the so-called periglacial
zone. 'Warm' deposits, on the other hand, include fossil soils, formed
by chemical agencies during warm intervals.
In glacial times a great volume of water was bound up in the inland
ice. Since the water originally came from the sea through evaporation,
the sea level must have gone down considerably, probably 400 ft. or
more [110]. The effect on river deposits is interesting. During regres-
sions the rivers cut down and formed deep valleys. Many flooded val-
leys of this type, dating from the last glaciation, are easily spotted on a
map. During transgressions, on the other hand, rivers built up their
beds by delta sedimentation. Since the oscillation of the sea level is
superimposed on a long-range, continuous regression, these shifts in
the history of the rivers were enacted at successively lower levels for
each new interglacial; the net result is a series of interglacial river
terraces, each of which may be correlated with its corresponding
interglacial shore line (or 'raised beach').
Higher up the river the history becomes somewhat different. Dur-
ing glaciations the strean1S are overloaded with gravels resulting from
frost weathering; unable to transport such masses of rocks, the rivers
build up their beds. In interglacial times, on the other hand, the water
supply is rich and frost weathering negligible, so that the rivers will
cut down, the glacial bed remaining as a terrace. Here too the fluctua-
tions appear at a successively sinking level, because the erosion gra-
dually dissects the landscape, scours out the river valleys, and causes
the ground water level to sink. Thus the river terraces are glacial near
the sources of the rivers and interglacial near their mouths. This is of
great importance to the palaeomammalogist, since fluviatile deposits
may contain great numbers of fossil bones.
Chapter 2
The Villafranchian, Prelude to
the Ice Age
THERE is no definite agreement at present regarding the boundary
between the Pliocene (the last of the Tertiary epochs) and the Pleisto-
cene. Originally, only what we now call the Middle and Late Pleisto-
cene were included in the Pleistocene, while the Villafranchian was
regarded as the Late Pliocene. However, evidence soon accumulated
to indicate that the climate had been fairly cold in the Villafranchian,
or at least part of it, so that it would seem more natural to include it
in the Pleistocene [92; 202]. In addition, the mammalian fauna of the
Villafranchian contains a number of modern forms, which are absent
in the Pliocene proper [I I I]. Among the most important are the one-
toed horses (genus Equus), the true elephants and mammoths, and the
cattle-like bovids (genus Bos and related genera like Bison and Lepto-
bos). The true horses were migrants from North America, and entered
the Old World across the Bering Strait, while the elephants and cattle
evolved in the Old World.
Deposits containing mammalian fossils of Villafranchian age have
been found at many sites in Europe. Some of the best known lie in
central and southern France and northern Italy and include both flu-
viatile and volcanic deposits. In addition, Villafranchian cave de-
posits are common in a belt further to the east, especially in Hungary
and neighbouring areas. The correlation between the' eastern and
western localities is sometimes difficult, for the cave sediments mostly
contain the bones of small mammals, whereas larger forms are pre-
dominant at the open-air sites.
Comparison between the Villafranchian faunas of various sites
often reveals considerable differences, partly due to local factors but
partly also because they may differ in age. It is now thought that
the Villafranchian lasted a very long time, perhaps as much as two
million years, and that many local assemblages represent but brief
stages in this history. Such local assemblages may be arranged in a
chronological sequence, in which there is a gradual modernization of
the fauna as new species evolve or immigrate and old ones die out.
The earliest Villafranchian faunas strongly resemble those of the
immediately preceding stage, the Late Pliocene or Astian; while the
latest Villafranchian faunas are transitional to those of the Middle
Pleistocene [58; 64; 84; 175; 245; 302].
When a historical event can be analysed in detail, it is often found
that a seemingly dramatic and sudden change may in fact consist of
a series of separate events. This is also true of the transition from the
Astian to the Villafranchian - or, in other words, from the Pliocene to
the Pleistocene. Paleontologists often talk about 'faunal waves' to
describe the rejuvenation of the animal stocks in the transition from
one stage to another and one might easily picture this as a sort of
breaker, crashing into the scene. In actual fact the wave is built up
gradually as new immigrants are added, while some local forms die
out and others continue their evolution.
The Astian faunas in Europe, known from various sites in northern
Italy, from Roussillon (Perpignan) and Montpellier in France, from
Malusteni in Roumania, and various sites in Hungary, were typical
forest faunas with mastodonts, deer and other woodland animals; the
flora was subtropical [226]. Once more the climate had reverted to a
more oceanic type after the drier interval of the Middle Pliocene.
If we proceed now to the earliest Villafranchian faunas, as found at
Villafranca d'Asti in Piedmont [175], at Vialette, Le Puy [278] and
the Etouaires Ravine at Mt Perrier near Issoire (Puy-de-Dome) [241;
243; 302], we again find mostly forest animals. Many are of Astian
type, for instance the deer (many species), mastodonts, a rhinoceros,
a tapir. But on the other hand various new forms appeared, such as
the cheetah, the hunting hyena and various antelopes. Out of the three
Pleistocene guide fossils mentioned above, only one was present at
this stage: the large bovids, represented by the genus Leptobos. True
horses and true elephants had not yet arrived.
As our knowledge of the Astian fauna increases, the essential con-
tinuity between it and the early Villafranchian fauna may stand out
even more clearly. For instance, the raccoon-dog and the Perrier
Hyena, hitherto regarded as new Villafranchian elements, are now
known to have immediate ancestors in the Astian of Europe.
It cannot be decided as yet whether these early Villafranchian forest
faunas are climatically different from those of the Astian. Was this a
temperate forest of Pleistocene type, or a subtropical forest as in the
Astian? In the marine deposits from Italy, which may be correlated
with the Villafranchian, there suddenly appear shells of a type nowa-
days found in the North Atlantic, but not in the Mediterranean; this
must point to a great deterioration in the climate [86]. Fossil floras of
Villafranchian date in the neighbourhood of Milan are north-tem-
perate in type with alder, pine, spruce, chestnut, heather and ferns
[206]. But it is not yet certain whether the climatic change occurred
as early as Etouaires times.
In southern regions, not directly affected by the formation of ice
sheets, glaciations may take the form of pluvials or times of increased
precipitation. The normal reaction to this is a spread of forests, while
grasslands tend to increase in area during the warm, dry interpluvial
phases. This is the sort of oscillation suggested in the faunal history of
the Villafranchian; so that it is possible that the initial forest episode
recorded at Etouaires, Vialette and Villafranca d' Asti might be a plu-
vial, the first of its kind, foreboding the great continental glaciations
that were to follow more than a million years later.
At higher levels of the Mt Perrier (Roccaneyra and Pardines; see
figure I) a steppe fauna has been found [175] and a Spanish assem-
blage at Villaroya in Logrono [50] seems to be of the same age. Almost
all the Astian deer of Etouaires times have vanished and instead there
are antelopes, gazelles, and other steppe animals. The horses are par-
ticularly interesting. At the beginning of the steppe episode (Roccane-
yra, Villaroya) only the ancient, three-toed Hipparion is present, a
Pliocene relict. At the Loubieres de Pardines level, the first one-toed
horses migrated into Europe: a great caballine-type horse, Equus
bressanus. This was the second of the Pleistocene index fossils to in-
vade Europe. The flora and fauna of Villaroya [51] clearly indicate
a warmer climate than at Saint-Vallier (see below).
Now follows another forest episode, presumably representing a
cool oscillation; it is recorded at Saint-Vallier near Lyon [302]. The
same phase is probably also represented at Chagny, Le Puy [61], but
here are found also some of the earliest Villafranchian species, so that
more than one phase is probably recorded at Chagny (figure 2). The
sediment at Saint-Vallier (figure 3) is of loess type, which could sug-
gest periglacial conditions, but it does not seem likely that the climate
was really very cold. The fauna indicates a varied environment with
woods, some grassland and a rich supply of water (both beaver and
otter are present). The flora, with cedar, pine, oak, etc., suggests a
temperate climate.
Figure I. Geographic distribution of some Villafranchian mammal localities in Europe. Spain: I, Valverde de Calatrava;
2, Villaroya. England: 3, East Anglian Crags. France: 4, Mt Perrier; 5, Seneze ; 6, Vialette; 7, Saint-Vallier; 8, Chagny.
Netherlands: 9, Tegelen. Italy: 10, Villafranca d'Asti; II, Leffe; 12, Upper Val d'Arno. Germany: 13, Erpfingen; 14, Schern-
feid. Hungary: 15, Villany. Poland: 16, Rebielice; 17, Kadzielnia. Roumania: 18, Oltet. USSR: 19, Mariupol; 20, Taganrog.
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Figure 2. Villafranchian sands and clays (grey) at Chagny and Saint-Cosme, resting
upon the Pliocene deposits forming the Bresse Plain. Deep borings at Ratte,
Vincelles and Chalon reveal the great thickness of the Pliocene strata. Distance
Vincelles-Chalon 40 km. After Bourdier.
Figure 3. Left flank of the Rhone Valley between Saint-Vallier and Saint-Uze,
showing situation of mammal-bearing Villafranchian loess. The section is parallel
to the gorge of the Galaure. After Bourdier.
At Saint-Vallier and Chagny the third index fossil of the Pleisto-
cene, the elephant, enters the European scene. Though true elephants
appeared in Europe thousands of years later than cattle and horse, in
India they actually appeared earlier than Bos and Equus. This early
Indian species was the first known true elephant, Archidiskodon plani-
frons, which sooner or later invaded almost all of the Old World, evolv-
ing into local races or species as it did so.
'With the rich fauna of Seneze [242] we apparently enter a new
steppe phase with a dry, hot climate. Seneze is a village in the depart-
ment of Haute-Loire southeast of the town Brioude and lies in a basin,
the slopes of which are covered with Villafranchian deposits. The vol-
canic tuffs on the western side are richly fossiliferous, many of the re-
mains being complete articulated skeletons, perhaps of animals killed
by gases and ash falls during eruptions. The mighty volcanoes of
Auvergne are extinct today, but their peaks may still be identified by
the traveller. The fauna of nearby Chilhac [242] is essentially an
impoverished version of Seneze and evidently of the same date.
Cast etfr-anco di Sopra
(.ZeOm.) I
sw Lignltr Mines ("'70m)
Castelnuovo dei I Sabbiooe
300 + ("280m) I

(Meter$)O ...L.-.-------------------------LO(Metu$)
[i:u1J Sands and Slits conhining th' Rich }
bedded and c.onh.ning " Cool Ttmperate nora VILLAfRANCHIAN
Tilted Beds of lacustrine Blue Clays and StI\$ (Sfrll'-c'-o",,) contalninq freshwater}
II warm nora, and a poorly represented Mammalian Fauna PLAISANCIAN ASnA.'"
Bed. of liqnite Vert.,., Exaqqerated 5 E<:::>:'::::?J Reunl Alluvium
Figure 4. Section through the basin of the upper Val d' Arno. After Movius.
The uppermost Villafranchian is represented at the famous sites of
the Magra and Arno river valleys in Tuscany (figure 4). The upper
Val d' Arno (upstream from Florence) and Olivola (Val di Magra) are
especially rich in fossils of this age, suggesting forested land and abun-
dant water [II; 175; 211; 242]. At another late Villafranchian site,
Leffe in Bergamo on the southern slopes of the Alps [191; 264], a
direct connection with the Alpine glaciations is suggested. The long
stratigraphic sequence at this locality shows a series of cold-warm
fluctuations, revealed by the pollen analytical work of Professor Lona,
and is capped by deposits from the first great continental glaciation,
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the 2-Mindel (figure 5). The mammalian fauna of Leffe comes from
one of the earliest warm oscillations in this sequence. This means that
there were several, probably three, interglacial phases after the Leffe
and Val d'Arno stage (the two faunas are practically indistinguish-
able) and before the temperature curve made its first great plunge at
the beginning of the 2-Mindel glaciation.
It is possible that the first of these post-Leffe interglacials may be
identical with the one represented at Tegelen in Limburg, in the
Netherlands. The interglacial clays of Tegelen carry a rich mamma-
lian fauna, which appears slightly more advanced than that of Val
d' Arno, and is transitional to the Middle Pleistocene [247 ; 297]. This
is the type locality of the so-called Tiglian interglacial. The clays at
Durfort in southeastern France contain a fauna and flora which has
been correlated with Tegelen [39].
In the Villafranchian, then, there was an alternation between forest
and steppe faunas in southern and southwestern Europe [39; 175]
(see figure 6). From the Alps we know of glacial terraces antedating
those of the Middle Pleistocene and they are generally regarded as
evidence of local glaciation during cold phases in the Villafranchian;
they form the so-called Donau (Danube) complex [68].
Certain cave deposits from southern Germany can be correlated
with the Late Villafranchian, because they contain remains of large
mammals. The Villafranchian cave of Erpfingen [189] has a fauna
closely resembling that of Seneze (70 per cent of the Erpfingen species
are also found at Seneze, 57 per cent at Val d'Arno). The rich fossil
sequence in the cave deposits of eastern Europe is more difficult to
compare with the one that has been described here. Most sites were
o 50
small caves and fissures, roosting places for birds of prey and occa-
sionally the haunts of small carnivores. Among the bones, remains of
small rodents, insectivores and bats are predominant. Apparently a
large proportion of these bones come from pellets made up of hair,
skin and bones, which are regurgitated by owls.
Saint -Vallier



:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:J I
Figure 6. Variation in relative numbers of
amphibious, woodland and steppe-living
species of mammals at different Villa-
franchian localities, to illustrate climatic
fluctuation. After Kurten.
It is interesting to see that the caves from various periods in Hun-
gary may often be identified simply on the basis of the orientation of
their long axis, suggesting that the strike of the karstic fissuring was
affected by tectonic stresses [163]. The early Villafranchian and/or
late Astian caves extend in a NNE-SSW direction, the later Villa-
franchian strike E-W and the early Middle Pleistocene N-S. A great
number of ancient fissure fillings at Villany, Csarnota and Nagy-
harsanyhegy have furnished the basis for a detailed stratigraphical
sequence, forming a most important standard of comparison [145;
162; 163]. The local so-called Villanyian faunal stage is approxi-
mately, though not exactly, a correlative of the Villafranchian as
delimited here.
Late Astian and/or earliest Villafranchian faunas have also come
from the Ivanovce fissure near Trencin in Czechoslovakia [82] and
the Weze fissure near Dzialoszyn in Poland [152; 261; 270]. At Haj-
nacka near Filakovo in Czechoslovakia, lake sediments have yielded a
sequence of two fossiliferous horizons from the Lower and Middle
Villafranchian respectively [83]. The older fauna occurs in limnic
sands, while the younger fauna, representing mass killing by volcanic
eruption, is preserved in basaltic tuffs. A fissure filling at Podlesice in
the Krakow-Wielun Highlands in southern Poland [149] also con-
tains an early fauna, originally thought to be early Middle Pleistocene
in date but later regarded as Villafranchian; recently, however,
Kowalski [157] has assigned a Pliocene age to it. A somewhat more
recent fauna, perhaps early Villafranchian, comes from the Rebielice
fissure in the northern part of the same region [153]. Finally, karst
pits at Kadzielnia in the town of Kielce, Poland, contain a fauna that
may be ascribed to the Tiglian [150].
Chapter 3
Chronology of the Ice Age
IN the Middle Pleistocene our stage shifts to the north. It is particu-
larly southern Germany and eastern England that will be the focus of
our interest, together with the French and Hungarian areas. But be-
fore going into the Middle Pleistocene faunal successions, a general
survey of the climatic history of the Middle and Late Pleistocene will
be useful.
There were at least four different glaciations. They were originally
characterized in the Alps by means of moraines, tills, and river terra-
ces, by the geologists Penck and Bruckner [215]. To make it easier to
distinguish them, the name of each glaciation will be preceded by a
number. The glaciations are then as follows, in chronological order:
r-Gimz, 2-Mindel, j-Riss and 4-Wiirm.
I t was also noticed that the glaciations were subdivided into two or
more cold phases or stadials, separated by interstadials. Stadials are
denoted by Roman numerals; 4- Wurm II, for instance, is the second
cold phase of the Wiirm glaciation.
During the glacial phases most of the Alpine mountain arc was
covered by a continuous ice sheet, out of which the highest peaks rose
as nunataks. The size of the Alpine ice sheet was small in comparison
with the tremendous Scandinavian land ice, which extended south-
west, south and east from its centre in the Scandinavian mountains;
it reached into southern England, central Germany and southern
Poland. The history of the Scandinavian ice sheets has been compiled
through study of moraines, tills, loess deposits and the alternating
'warm' sediments. It has been possible to distinguish three major
glaciations, apparently corresponding to Alpine Nos. 2-4; no certain
correlative of the I -Gunz has been found. The Alpine I -Gunz is
known to have been less extensive than the later Alpine glaciations; if
this was true for the Scandinavian ice sheet also, it is possible that the
traces of the first Scandinavian glaciation may have been obliterated
by later ice sheets. The later Alpine glaciations have Scandinavian
correlatives as follows: 2-Mindel and 2-Elster; 3-Riss and 3-Saale; 4-
Wiirm and 4-Warthe-Weichsel (stadials of the last glaciation). Al-
though this correlation is of long standing, the evidence for it remains
insecure and many authors suggest that the Alpine nomenclature
should not be used except in the Alps [318]. To most readers, how-
ever, the use of the Alpine names is probably less confusing.
In North America there is a sequence of four different glaciations,
perhaps corresponding to those in the Alps.
The glaciations alternate with warm phases, the interglacials. Ob-
viously there were at least three, but actually the number of inter-
glacials is greater. There is a late Villafranchian interglacial, the
Tiglian, which apparently antedates the I-Giinz. In addition there
seem to be at least two separate warm oscillations between the Tiglian
and the 2-Mindel, suggesting that I-Giinz is divisible into two well-
separated stadials. Finally, there seems to be at least one 'extra' inter-
glacial towards the end of the Middle Pleistocene. If we include the
interglacial in which we now live, the total will be seven interglacials.
They will be numbered alphabetically from A to G in analogy with
the glaciations, as follows:
A- Tegelen or the Tiglian interglacial, antedating I-Giinz [297].
B-Waalian, perhaps an important interstadial separating I -Giinz I
and I-Giinz II [39].
C-Cromerian, the interglacial between I-Giinz and 2-Mindel [317].
D-Holsteinian, the interglacial between 2-Mindel and 3-Riss [171].
E-Ilford. This is the 'extra' interglacial [271]. It may perhaps be
regarded as an important interstadial subdividing the 3-Riss complex.
F-Eemian, the interglacial between 3-Riss and 4-Wiirm.
G, the Holocene interglacial.
I t will be evident that the climatic history of the Pleistocene is
highly complicated and it would of course be naive to think that we
now have a definitive chronology; future research will add much to
the detail of this picture.
So far nothing has been said about the time scale of this series of
events. In the case of the Pleistocene, the problem has been especially
difficult. Dating of the geological history is based on radioactive sub-
stances which disintegrate and form new elements. In principle the
method is to measure the amount of the radioactive element (uranium,
for instance) as well as its fission products (in this case, uranium-lead
and helium) present in the rock to be dated; when the rate of atomic
disintegration is known, the age since the formation of the rock can
be calculated. Unfortunately the uranium-lead method is imprac-
ticable for the short time span since the beginning of the Pleistocene.
On the other hand the well-known radiocarbon method [176] gives
excellent dates for the Holocene, but it can only be used for dates
going back about 50,000 years so that it does not even cover all of 4-
Wtirm. The main part of the Pleistocene is too young for the uranium
method and too old for the radiocarbon method. In this situation re-
sort has been made to extrapolation of sedimentation rates based on a
short terminal radiocarbon dated part [75; 77]. Another method of
dating uses the radiation curve of Milankovitch [197]. Both methods
are open to serious objections.
With the discovery of various new dating techniques, of which the
potassium-argon (or K-Ar) method is the most important at the
Table 1
Epoch or Age
Late Pleistocene
Middle Pleistocene
Climatic Phase
G Postglacial
4-Wurrn II stadial
4-Wurrn I-II interstadial
4-Wurrn I stadial
F- Eern interglacial
3-Riss II stadial
E-liford interglacial 7
3-Riss I stadial
D-Hoistein interglacial
2-Mindel glacial
C-Crorner interglacial
1-Gunz II stadial
B-Waalian interglacial
1-Gunz I stadial
A-legelen interglacial
Val d'Arno, forest
Seneze, steppe
Saint-Vallier, forest
Pardines, steppe
Etouaires, forest
Late Pliocene forest faunas
Date BP
'" 1,000,0007
33 rn.y.
4 rn.y.7
moment, it has finally become possible to date the phases of the
Pleistocene [208]. At present relatively few dates have been processed,
but at least a preliminary time scale is beginning to emerge. Recent
work [79] indicates that the Villafranchian and its North American
correlative the Blancan may have begun about 3 (in Europe) or 3"5
(America) million years ago.
Mid-Villafranchian deposits at Olduvai
in East Africa date back some 1"8 million years, while an early glacia-
tion in North America, perhaps a correlative of one of the Donau or
Gunz stages, has an age of about 1 million years. Italian material from
Torre in Pietra, perhaps dating from the end of the 2-Mindel, is dated
at about 430,000 years, while a date for the D-Holstein Interglacial
gives an age of 230,000 years, The accompanying table gives a sum-
mary of the time scale and the main climatic phases during the
Quaternary Period. In addition to the K-Ar method, the study of
protactinium/ionium ratios (the Pa231/Th230 method) is now assum-
ing importance, especially in the dating of deep-sea sediments [228].
1 In a recent symposium on the origin of man, figures of 3' 3 million years for Etouaires and
2-6 million years for Roccaneyra were cited by Dr Curtis from the geochronological laboratory
in Berkeley.
Chapter 4
The Age of Interglacials
FROM King's Lynn in the north to Clacton-on-Sea in the south, the
coast of East Anglia forms a semicircle. To the north lies The Wash, a
shallow and difficult body of water where the tides rush across miles
of gravel banks. The geological processes at work here are the same
as those that formed the Villafranchian gravel sheets, the so-called
Crags, which cover much of the peninsula. Unfortunately the distri-
bution of the Crags is patchy and direct stratigraphic superposition is
rarely to be seen, so that the evidence for the relative ages of the various
types of Crag is somewhat circumstantial.
The Coralline Crag, probably the oldest deposit, contains corals of
the warm Astian seas, animals that today would face certain death in
the cold waters of the North Sea. In later deposits the corals vanish,
to be replaced by shells of molluscs now inhabiting the northern seas.
Boswell's sequence [36] as quoted by Zeuner [318] is:
Weybourne Crag (cold, with 21 per cent Arctic species)
Chiliesford crag}
Norwich Crag (moderate, tc--r I per cent Arctic)
Newer Red Crag
Older Red Crag (warm, 2 per cent Arctic)
Coralline Crag (no Arctic forms)
The Crags contain the bones and teeth of land animals which have
been washed into the offshore deposits. Unfortunately the impression
of this land fauna is somewhat confused because fossils out of older
deposits, for instance the Eocene London Clay, may also have been
washed out and redeposited with the Villafranchian gravels. The same
sort of thing is still going on along the coast of East Anglia as fossils
weather out of the Pleistocene cliff and get into the present-day shore
gravels together with the bones of modern animals. Even the latter
may contain oddities. Mr H. E. P. Spencer, of the Ipswich Museum
Association, tells me of an animal jawbone found on the shore just like
a Pleistocene bone fallen from the cliff. It turned out to belong to a
camel. Perhaps it came from a circus animal that died on a transport
and was thrown in the sea.
... Weathered loam

'- CJ) Weathered loam
Buried soil
Clay lenses
Figure 7. Profile of the Grafenrain pit at
Mauer near Heidelberg. The fossiliferous
sands are overlain by (I) fluviatile deposits
and (2) a sequence of loesses with inter-
calated weathering horizons. After
Muller-Beck & Howell.
The Crags are overlain by the Forest Bed Series, a sequence of
interglacial deposits with a very rich fossil fauna and flora [317]. It
was suspected that the sequence is heterogeneous and recently West
[306; 307 ; 310] has been able to demonstrate this by means of pollen
analytical studies. There are two distinct interglacials with individual
floral sequences, separated by a cold oscillation. The fauna of the older
interglacial is particularly well represented in the neighbourhood of
Bacton on the eastern coast, while the younger fauna may be studied
at Cromer further to the north. In both cases the faunas are of a tem-
perate forest type. There are some subtropical elements such as
macaque and hippopotamus.
Compared to the Villafranchian faunas, the Forest Bed assemblage
is markedly rejuvenated: now, for the first time, modern species in
appreciable numbers turn up. Almost all the Villafranchian mammals
belong to species that have since become extinct: even the late Villa-
franchian fauna of Seneze does not have a single species that can be
identified with one still living. At the stage of A-Tegelen, one or two
species (only a few per cent of the total number in any case) may be
identical with species nowin existence, but in the B- Waalian ofBacton
and the C-Cromer the percentage rose to 30 or 40, one-third or more
of the total.
Above the Forest Bed, the thick glacial deposits of the two phases
of the 2-Mindel form the high cliff along the coast. The folding and
other disturbances of these layers give a vivid impression of the
immense forces that were unleashed here.
Faunas dating from B-Waalian and C-Cromerian times are also
found in central Europe. The gravel pit at Mauer (figure 7), where the
famous jaw of Heidelberg Man was found, has a rich fauna, quite
similar to that of C-Cromer [229]. It is a temperate fauna with
Hippopotamus. On the other hand, the faunas in the gravels of Mos-
bach near Wiesbaden reflect a colder environment. The upper layers
(Mosbach 2-3) are now thought to date from the beginning of the 2-
Mindel; the 'main fauna' (Mosbach 2) represents a dry-temperate
phase postdating Mauer but antedating the Mindel proper [2]. The
lowermost gravels (Mosbach I) are older than Mauer and would seem
to date from r-Gunz II. Thus the actual C-Cromer level, though
bracketed by the Mosbach gravels, is missing here. (See Kahlke [123],
for Mosbach faunal list.)
Older continental faunas, corresponding to the B-Waalian, are
known slightly further to the south. They are characterized by the per-
sistence of the primitive vole Mimomys, in which the cheek teeth had
closed roots. In modern voles of the genus Arvicola, a derivative of
Mimomys, the cheek teeth have open roots and grow throughout life,
enabling the animal to cope with very abrasive food. A few Mimomys
persisted in the C-Cromerian and later, but the Arvicola type was
already predominant.
In France, the mammal-bearing beds of Sainzelles at Le Puy [37]
and of Saint-Prest northeast of Chartres [40] (figure 8) may perhaps
be B-Waalian in date [39], while the Abbeville fauna of the Somme,
northern France, appears to date from the C-Cromer [318].
An important group of sites is recorded from the Villany Mountains
in Baranya, southern Hungary. Besides Astian and Villafranchian
fissure fillings there are numerous Middle Pleistocene sites dating
from I-Giinz I, B-Waalian and r-Gunz II [162]. The B-Waalian
interglacial seems also to be represented by the rich fauna from
Episcopia (formerly Puspokfurdo) at Betfia in the neighbourhood of
Oradea Mare on the Roumanian side of the boundary between
Hungary and Roumania [146]. Brass6 further to the east, in Tran-
sylvania, is another well-known site of slightly younger date than
Episcopia, perhaps approximately of r-Gunz II date, or transitional
between B- Waalian and C-Cromerian.
Sainzelles StAnne
845m 857m
E22jVolcanic breccia
Plateau basalt 0 Volcanic scoria
Figure 8. Section showing the stratigraphic
position of the fossiliferous gravels at
Sainzelles in the Puy-en-Velay Basin,
Haute-Loire. After Boule & Movius.
In a cave by Stranska Skala near Brno in Czechoslovakia there is a
long faunal sequence partly of this date [205; 263]. Several other cave
fillings in Czechoslovakia may also be dated as 1-Gunz, C-Cromer
and 2-Mindel [82]. A rich fauna from fissure fillings at Gombasek
(Gombaszog) contains both large and small mammals [160]. Unfor-
tunately there are several different fissures and some age variation
seems likely, but the modal age would appear to be r-Gunz II. This
is also the probable age of the famous karst fissure of Hundsheim
[314], where a vertical shaft formed a trap for innumerable animals.
The Windloch at Sackdilling in upper Pfalz [97] may also be of
about the same age, and the same probably holds for the steppe fauna
from the gravels of Siissenborn (upper terraces of the 11m, Thuringia,
Germany) [123], where the 'cold' elements of the Ice Age make their
first appearance: reindeer and musk ox.
A recently discovered fissure filling at Schernfeld near Eichstatt in
Bavaria contains a rich fauna [56] which can hardly postdate the B-
Waalian, since Mimomys is plentiful. In Poland there are also fissure
fillings of early Middle Pleistocene date, i.e, at Kamyk [154]; the
fauna suggests a cool climate and steppe vegetation and so perhaps
points to a stage of the 1-Giinz.
The continental faunas of C-Cromer age give good evidence of
climatic oscillation. The sequence begins with steppe faunas of the
~ 1 1 0 12

Cricetus c. /'
runtonensis e/'
/ "
Mustela / \
\ 0
palerminea /
Q. I \ /
" I '0.-... --/'
" /
" /
......... --..(Y'"
-- -- ----- - -- ...................
"'e Cricetus
" ..-,
\ / -,
/ \
\ / \
" /
'......... ~
-- - ..-*
-- ............
/ .......
Allocricetus / ...
ehiki , /
\ /
\\ ,/
" /
'e- -,'/ /'
Figure 9. Fluctuation of mean size in five species of Middle Pleistocene Cricetidae
and in Mustela palerminea. Localities abbreviated as follows: BE, Beremend; BR,
Brasso; CS, Csarnota ; NA, Nagyharsany ; PU, Episcopia (Puspokfurdo) ; VK,
Villany Kalkberg. After Kurten.
type of Siissenborn and Mosbach I, continues with temperate forest
faunas like that at Mauer, and then reverts to the steppe fauna type
of Mosbach 2. Finally, the first great glaciation (the 2-Mindel) makes
its advance, and the uppermost Mosbach sands (Mosbach 3) contain
a tundra fauna.
At the preceding level, that of the B- Waalian, the oscillation is more
difficult to verify. Studies of size fluctuation in some animals may
give a clue [173]. Many living species of animals conform to Berg-
mann's rule, according to which the average body size tends to in-
crease as the climate gets colder. The effect is to reduce the ratio
between surface and volume, so that heat loss is minimized. This-ten-
dency is found in the numerous species of B- Waalian hamsters
(Cricetus and related genera). The interglacial hamsters of Episcopia
tend to be markedly smaller than members of the same species in the
cool phases of I-Giinz I and I-Giinz II. Additional evidence is found
in the primitive stoat, Mustela palerminea. Recent European Mustela
vary inversely to Bergmann's rule (size increase to the south) and simi-
larily the fossil stoat varies inversely to the hamsters. The combined
evolutionary performances of these two groups are set forth in figure
9. The changes probably indicate a considerable shift of climatic
zones; for instance, the size fluctuation in the hamsters is of the same
magnitude as the difference between central European Cricetus crice-
tus in the 4- Wiirm and the G-Postglacial. Again, if the regression of
size on geographic latitude in living populations is computed, the
changes in the early Middle Pleistocene species are found to corres-
pond to latitudinal shifts of between ten and twenty degrees, or from
Hungary well up into Scandinavia [173].
The Middle Pleistocene up to and including the 2-Mindel may be
regarded as a separate unit or sub-stage, the early Middle Pleistocene.
In the oscillation between cold and warm phases of this sub-stage, the
interglacials stand out as the main events while the glaciations of the
Gunz complex are limited, local phenomena. With the 2-Mindel this
sequence - the Age of Interglacials - comes to an end and we enter a
world dominated by the great glaciations.
50 ft. terrace
Chapter 5
The Age of Glaciations
THE later Middle Pleistocene presents a strangely impoverished
fauna. I t is almost as if the great 2-Mindel glaciation had swept every-
thing away. Actually, fossiliferous sites of this age may contain quite
a respectable roster of animal species; the problem is that relatively
few sites are known, in contrast with the profusion in the early Middle
The later Middle Pleistocene comprises the D-Holstein interglacial
and the 3-Riss glaciation, the latter perhaps including the incom-
pletely known E-Ilford interglacial, probably intercalated between 3-
Riss I and II. Most fossils from this time come from river deposits, of
.which those of the Thames in the London area are of special impor-
tance. They lie within the zone dominated by the fluctuations of sea
level, so that the terraces here represent warm climatic phases (figure
10). The faunal succession has recently been summarized by Sutcliffe
[27 1] .
100 ft. terrace
B 75 ft.
Figure 10. Sequence of terrace relationship in the lower Thames Valley. Inset,
filling of Barnfield Channel at Swanscombe with the human skull site. After Howell.
The oldest fossiliferous terrace is the roo-foot terrace, dating from
a time when the sea level was about a hundred feet higher than at
present. By comparative studies of the ancient shore lines around the
world it has been shown that this occurred during the D-Holstein in-
terglacial (sometimes called the Great interglacial, as it was assumed
by Penck and Bruckner to have been much longer than the C-Crome-
rian and F-Eemian). The fossils in the gravels of this terrace are re-
mains of animals that lived in D-Holsteinian times, such as the
straight-tusked elephant, horse, and Merck's rhinoceros; there is no
hippopotamus. In England, the steppe mammoth also occurs occa-
sionally and this like the absence of Hippopotamus may suggest that
the climate never became as warm as, for instance, in the C-Cromer
interglacial. Important sites include Swanscombe in Kent [212],
Grays Thurrock and Clacton in Essex [210; 304] and, outside the
Thames area, Hoxne in Suffolk [309]. The last-mentioned site con-
sists of a series of lake deposits and has yielded a complete pollen ana-
lytic history of the interglacial. The human skull from Swanscombe
is one of the most interesting fossils of D-I-Iolstein age.
The Ilford Terrace at 40 ft. has a fauna that resembles that from
Swanscombe in some respects, but it lacks the fallow deer (Dama
clactoniana) so common in the D-Holsteinian and includes an early
form of the true woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) rather
than the steppe mammoth (M. trogontherii). Merck's rhinoceros is
rare, and instead we find the steppe rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus hemi-
toechus) in large numbers [271]. Plant remains from lIford, however,
are of Eemian type, and West [308] refers this terrace to an early stage
of the F-Eemian. Whatever the ultimate solution, it can be safely as-
serted that the E-Ilford fauna is distinct from, and earlier than, the
typical (or optimal) F-Eemian fauna.
The 27-ft. terrace takes us to the F ~ E e m i a n interglacial and into
the Late Pleistocene [271]. In England, this phase is characterized by
the complete absence of man (there are no artifacts, at least not from
the optimal part of the interglacial) and of horse, while the hippopota-
mus, absent since the C-Cromerian, is back in great numbers. Plant
remains confirm that this interglacial was warmer than the D-Hol-
steinian [305]. Finds of this age are not uncommon in the centre of
London; excavations for a house foundation at Trafalgar Square un-
covered a rich fossil fauna including remains of lions that could almost
have competed with Lord Nelson's. (Some other European capitals
also rest on fossiliferous deposits of F-Eemian date: in Warsaw, for
instance, the remains of a great straight-tusked elephant were recently
discovered.) Outside London a very rich F-Eemian fauna was found
in river gravels at Barrington, Cambridge [113]. Besides Trafalgar
Square, localities in the Thames estuary include Brentford, Upnor
and Swalecliff (Kent); Brown's Orchard, Acton; and East Mersea
(Essex). An early phase of the F-Eemian interglacial (pollen zones b
and c of Jessen) is represented in the beach at Selsey (Sussex); here,
both horse and human artifacts were found, but the hippopotamus,
straight-tusked elephant and steppe rhinoceros had apparently not
yet arrived.
The most recent terrace reaches about r y ft. and dates from the in-
terstadial between 4-Wiirm I and II [318]. Its fauna, with horse, mam-
moth, giant deer, aurochs and woolly rhinoceros, indicates a cold
The long sequence of the Thames estuary may be correlated with
shorter sequences in other areas. The earliest phase is well represented
by the river deposits at Steinheim on the Murr (a tributary of the
Rhine) near Marbach in Wiirtemberg [4]. The basal layers contain a
cold fauna with steppe mammoth of characteristic 2-Mindel type, so
that they may be correlated with the cold Mosbach 3 horizon. They
are overlain by richly fossiliferous interglacial gravels with a forest
fauna of the same type as that of Swanscombe (see figure I I): here,
too, human remains have been found. Finally there is another cold
fauna, dating from the 3-Riss, and showing the transition from steppe
mammoth to woolly mammoth.
::::::: en ::: 0(j)

Equidae Rhinocer- Sui-
13% otidae 7%dae
Figure I I. Quantitative distribution of proboscideans, ungulates, and beavers in the
interglacial antiquus gravels and the glacial mammoth gravels at Steinheim. After
There are many other instances of fossiliferous D-Holsteinian river
terraces, for instance at Chatillon-Saint-Jean on the Isere, northeast
of Romans in Drome [39; 47]
The D-Holsteinian interglacial is also represented in some caves,
for instance the cave at Lunel-Viel in southern France [35; 91] and
the Heppenloch near Gutenberg in Wurttemberg [5]. Both sites, like
Grays Thurrock in Essex, have yielded the otherwise rare Gibraltar
The stage of E- Ilford is more difficult to identify on the continent,
but it may be a correlative of the interstadial between 3-Riss I and II.
The glacial terraces in the Saale area [291] have yielded rich faunas
dating from both phases of the 3- Riss. It is possible that the earliest
deposits in the caves of Montmaurin near Saint-Gaudens in Haute-
Garonne [38; 231], made famous by the discovery of a jaw of a
primitive human, may be of this age. These deposits fill a shaft, La
Niche, and contain a pre-Mousterian industry and a temperate fauna
which on stratigraphic grounds must antedate the F-Eemian. The
lower terrace at Chelles and Mortieres contains a temperate-cool
fauna with straight-tusked elephant, steppe mammoth, and Merck's
rhinoceros, apparently also of 3-Riss interstadial age.
Late Pleistocene fossiliferous sites, dating from F-Eemian and 4-
Wiirmian times, are numerous. Both river deposits and loess forma-
tions in various parts of Europe contain Late Pleistocene fossils.
Especially rich finds have been made in the calcareous tufas or traver-
tines which were formed by warm springs during the last interglacial.
Examples are found at Cannstatt, a suburb of Stuttgart [255], and
Ehringsdorf and Taubach near Weimar [123].
Even more important for our knowledge of the faunal history in the
Late Pleistocene, however, are the cave deposits. Bone caves may be
formed in various ways. Primitive man was an important bone collec-
tor as he used caves for shelter and left the remains of his meals in
them, giving us a sample of the animals he used for food. Other im-
portant bone collectors are carnivores and scavengers; the role of the
raptorial birds, especially owls, in the accumulation of small bones is
particularly noteworthy. Finally there are the animals that used caves
as dens and, dying there, left their own bones to be buried in the cave
sediments; the most important of these are the cave bear and the cave
Certain caves of this type may have a very long sequence. One of
the most remarkable is Tornewton Cave in South Devon [272], where



Bed limestone
-- Reindeer stratum
.>-Elk stratum
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Feet
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 Metres
7.Quartz pebble
\ J':"1_
Loamy facies - : ' CJ
- , - . ' :] -
Stalaqrnite block facies (.:,'1- ..
I / La: I:l - - ...0, I
Loamy facies I //: ;:. -....
Limestone rubble facies ' __ - /
Unexcavated Red clay
with stalagmite
Lower entrance
Lower tunnel

O{\9\(\3 A

:-::..-C:: --- -- ---.:..
A Angular stones
B Widger's black mould
C Stalagmite I
o Widgers diluvium
E Stalagmite If
F Widger's reindeer deposit
G Widger's dark earth
H Stalagmite ill
I Hyaena stratum
J Stalagmite i2
K Bear stratum
L Glutton stratum
Ma Laminated clay
(Oxidised at surface)
Mb Contorted laminated
Figure 12. Deposits in Tornewton Cave, S. Devon. Layers in the cave: I, Hyena Stratum, F-Eem interglacial; K-L, Bear
and Glutton Strata, 3-Riss phases. In the talus outside the cave are mostly found deposits from the 4- Wurm. After Sutcliffe
excavations a century ago disclosed the remains of enormous numbers
of hyenas (the excavator, J. L. Widger, estimated some 20,000 speci-
mens). When excavations were resumed after World War II it was
found that the Hyena Stratum was but a link in a long sequence going
well back into the 3-Riss. That is the age of the two lowermost de-
posits, the Glutton Stratum and Bear Stratum (glutton is only found
in the lowermost stratum, but the bear is common in both). The
Glutton Stratum accumulated at a time of severe frost climate in the
periglacial of the 3-Riss, whereas the Bear Stratum represents a some-
what milder end phase of the glaciation. Next follows the Hyena Stra-
tum with a typical F-Eemian fauna: hippopotamus, steppe rhinoce-
ros, fallow deer, red deer. Finally there are strata from a series of
phases of the 4- Wiirm, with mammoth, reindeer, woolly rhinoceros,
and traces of human occupation; the interstadial Elk Stratum carries,
in addition, the woodland cervids elk and red deer indicating a cold-
temperate break. (See figure 12.)
Other caves have acted as natural traps, like the Hundsheim fissure
already described. There is a good example of this type in south
Devon, the Joint Mitnor Cave at Buckfastleigh [271]. Here, among an
intricate network of cavities and passages, there is a large cavity con-
taining a great pyramid of debris interlarded with bones. TIley come
from animals that fell down a chimney and were killed by the fall or,
unable to scramble out, starved to death (figure 13). It may seem sur-
prising that animals will be clumsy enough to fall into a yawning
chasm fully visible to them, but this has actually been observed in
many cases. Dr C. K. Brain [41] tells of suddenly coming face to face
with a brown hyena in South Africa; the frightened hyena tried to
jump the ro-fr.vwide opening of a deep shaft, missed its footing and
was dashed to death. The floor of the cave turned out to be littered
with the bones of small buck, hares and rock-rabbits. In the same way
the great talus cone of Joint Mitnor Cave was built up, filling the
cavity gradually, like a gigantic hourglass. The fauna, again, is the
well-known F-Eemian assemblage.
A third type of bone cave is exemplified in south Devon by Eastern
Torrs Quarry Cave east of Plymouth [271]; in this case the F-Eemian
deposits were brought into the cave by running water.
On the continent bear caves are particularly common. Up to 99 per
cent of the fossils in a bear cave may be bones and teeth of the extinct
cave bear, which used the caves as winter quarters. Famous caves, con-
taining almost incredible amounts of bones of this animal, include the
4 33
Figure 13. Restoration of scene at Joint Mitnor Cave during the F-Eemian. In the
forest clearing may be seen straight-tusked elephants, cave lion and giant deer. A
cave hyena is seen on the overgrown edge of the shaft of the cave, looking down at
the decaying body of a bison. Other debris on the accumulating cone include
branches of trees, skulls of a hippopotamus and a bear, and isolated bones. Restora-
tion by M. Wilson; after Sutcliffe.
o 5 10 15 20 25 m
Figure 14. Section of the Gailenreuth Cave, Franconia. Bones of cave bear
accumulated especially in the innermost recess marked with a cross. The shaft
presumably acted as a trap for bears that entered the cave to hibernate and ventured
too far in search of a lair. After Neischl & Zapfe.
-- --
o 100
~ ~
: 0: ()
iJ... 6
. ...-----4
- -
. ~ - - ; - .
. .
--a --
....:.. :::::::.. ::::... ...-----1
_. _.
Main Wurrn

250 ..........----t
Earlv Wurrn
End ofEem
~ G y \
Figure 15. Profile of cave sediments in Cueva del Toll near Moya, Barcelona,
showing lithology (alternating between clayey and sandy-gravelly facies correlated
with humidity), pine pollen curve (continuous line) and curve for-woodland
animals (broken line), as well as suggested correlation. After Donner & Kurten.
Drachenhohle at Mixnitz in Styria [I], the Igric Cave in Hungary
[198], and the Gailenreuth Cave in southern Germany [100] (see
figure 14). There are also continental hyena caves containing im-
mense numbers of bones of the cave hyena; the most remarkable one
is the Teufelslucken at Eggenburg in lower Austria [69]. As regards
both the bear and the hyena, remains of newborn and juvenile ani-
mals form a large percentage, showing that the caves were actually
used as dens. Other animals are less commonly found to inhabit
caves, but fox, wolf and badger are common enough. The glutton is
relatively rare. The cave lion is found at many sites, but usually there
are only a few specimens; an interesting exception is the Wierz-
chowska Cave in southern Poland, where a large number of lion
remains have been unearthed [3I I].
In general the cave deposits of the last glaciation show a more or
less distinct division into two cold phases, 4- Wiirm I and II, separated
by an interstadial deposit with a more temperate fauna (e.g. Tornew-
ton Cave). In the caves of southern Europe the cold stadials may be
represented by pluvial phases with a temperate-moist climate and
increased forestation, whereas the warm phases have a dry climate
and a steppe fauna; a good example is Cueva del Toll at Moya in the
province of Barcelona, Spain [60] (see figure 15).1
1 For general surveys of the Pleistocene faunal succession, see [7; 50; 162; 187; 265; 285;
293; 297; 318].
Part Two
Pleistocene Mammal
Chapter 6
Introducing the Pleistocene
THIS part of the book is a survey of the Pleistocene mammalian
species of Europe, especially central and western Europe, or approxi-
mately the area covered by Van den Brink [269]. The aim is to list
every species considered to be valid, with its distribution in time and
space, its evolutionary history, its roads of migration and its systema-
tic relationships. I t is obvious that this ideal can only be realized for a
limited number of species. The larger mammals have-been studied for
a long time and the Pleistocene record of many of them is tolerably
well established. As regards the small mammals, on the other hand,
palaeontological study is still in the pioneer stage. We are still in the
first flurry of species discovery and description and this probably
means that a great number of synonyms are being created. These will
be pruned off in time. Meanwhile it is hardly possible to achieve a
balanced systematic account. As regards such forms, then, the present
contribution is little more than an interim report of the main outlines.
Marine mammals (whales and seals) have not been considered in
this book.
Some of the illustrations represent attempts to portray extinct ani-
mals in the flesh. The restorations are usually based on complete skele-
tons, so that the relative proportions of head, neck, body, and limbs
should generally be correct. The skeletal anatomy also gives informa-
tion on the characteristic poise of the animal; but the colour, the thick-
ness of the fur and the presence or absence of fat humps and the like
remains hypothetical for most extinct forms. The only exceptions are
the occasional but very rare discoveries of cadavers with soft parts pre-
served and the animals pictured by Stone Age artists; some of the
latter are reproduced here. Unfortunately the Palaeolithic hunters
were interested only in a highly selected part of the fauna, mainly the
large game and the more dangerous predators.
A few words about nomenclature rnay be usefuL The scientific
naming of animal species is subject to detailed legislation, aiming at
nomenclatorial stability. A species name consists of two parts. The
first part, in which the initial letter is capitalized, is also the name of
the genus (group of related species) to which the species belongs. The
second part, which should never be written with a capitalized initial
letter, is termed the trivial name. The two together form the species
name, followed by the name of the first describer of the species, thus
Homo sapiens Linnaeus.
The valid name of a species is the earliest published name, begin-
ning with the tenth edition of Linnaeus' Systema naturae, 1758. The
result of this rule has occasionally been that names used for many
years and well known among specialists have had to be dropped in
favour of other names that were published at an earlier date but have
been forgotten. In such cases I have given the discarded name, or
synonym, in brackets after the valid name.
This procedure, however, has only been followed in the case of
well-known synonyms frequently occurring in the literature. Not long
ago, when the degree of morphological and size variation occurring
in biological species was imperfectly understood, new species names
were frequently bestowed on what we would now call local or temporal
subspecies, or perhaps only individual variants. The procedure soon
resulted in very long synonymies for certain species, thus creating a
veritable jungle of meaningless names, through which only the sea-
soned specialist was able to hack his way. The resulting discredit to
palaeontological systematics is not easily forgotten and hasty species-
making is now in strong disfavour among most modern students. In-
stead the trend has now been to recognize broad, inclusive species
with a span of morphological variation similar to that found in related
species that live today. I t should be emphasized that the description of
a new species is a responsibility not to be taken lightly.
Subspecies are formally recognized subdivisions of species, rep-
resenting temporal and/or local populations that are more or less
clearly distinguishable morphologically from other populations of the
same species. The subspecies name is a trinomial with the subspecific
trivial name added to the species name. Individual variants do not
have formal names. In this book a few important subspecies are men-
tioned, but no attempt has been made to list all the probably valid
All the domestic mammals are specifically identical with some wild
species, even though the latter may now be extinct, as in the case of
domestic cattle (the aurochs, Bos primigenius). In accordance with
recent recommendations [31] scientific names based on the domestic
forms have not been used. Hence the use of Equus przewalskii rather
than E. caballus, Canis lupus rather than C. familiaris, and so on.
There are few vernacular names for extinct species. The ones given
here are selected so as to give the reader some idea of what kind of
animal is being discussed. I t might be thought that a direct translation
of the Latin name would do, but that is not always advisable. The first
namer of an animal may have been completely mistaken as to the
characters of the creature he described, as when a fossil whale was
named Basilosaurus or Imperial lizard. Despite the error this is a valid
name under the rule of priority and cannot be changed. Zoologists
have by now learned to use the scientific name as an identification tag
only, no matter how it was derived. Still, it must be admitted that we
are sometimes bothered by the sad necessity of using the generic name
Marnmut for mastodonts which are not mammoths, or the peculiar
fact that the homeland of Elasmotherium sibiricum is southern Russia
rather than Siberia.
Chapter 7
Order Insectivora
THE Insectivora are the most primitive order ofliving placental mam-
mals and stand close to the ancestry of all other placental orders. TIle
earliest members of the order appeared in the Cretaceous. In the
Pleistocene, insectivore fossils are common in some types of fissures,
especially those used as roosting places by owls. The study of these
fossils, however, is still in an early stage and much work remains to be
done to arrive at a proper understanding of their taxonomy and evo-
lutionary history.
Family Erinaceidae, Hedgehogs
Hedgehog fossils are not particularly common in Pleistocene deposits.
All have been referred to the modern genus Erinaceus, which arose in
the Early Miocene.
The Hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus Linne. Remains of hedgehog are
occasionally found in Late Pleistocene cave deposits. There are also
reports from the D-Hoisteinian (Tarko) and the early Middle Pleisto-
cene (Schernfeld), but in the latter case the material is fragmentary
and specific identification uncertain. Two related species have been
described from the Villafranchian and early Middle Pleistocene: E.
praeglacialis Brunner (Sackdilling ; Villany) and E. lechei Kormos
(Beremend; Chlum). The former was somewhat larger and the latter
somewhat smaller than the modern species.
The European hedgehog now inhabits all of Europe except
northern Fennoscandia; it ranges eastward through Asia to China. It
is highly eurytopic, to be found in the most varied types of environ-
ment, but its habits are solitary and the population is always sparse
[I IS].
Family Soricidae, Shrews
The great majority of living and fossil Insectivora in Europe belong
to this family. Like the moles they have an elongate skull but the den-
tition is less complicated and the zygomatic arch is reduced or absent.
The soricid family may be divided into two subfamilies, the Soricinae
andCrocidurinae; the former have reddish-brown cusps on their
teeth, while the latter are white-toothed.
The Pygmy Shrew, Sorex minutus Linne. The earliest fossils that have
been ascribed to this species date from the Astian (Csarnota ; Podle-
sice; Weze); if the identifications are correct it is one of the oldest
species of mammals living today. I t has an almost continuous record
throughout the Villafranchian, Middle and Late Pleistocene. At the
present day it is distributed over almost all of Europe except the
Mediterranean islands and Iberian peninsula. It prefers dry, com-
paratively open or shrubby ground. It has a wide range in northern
Asia [269].
The Common Shrew, Sorex araneus Linne. The history of this spe-
cies in Europe extends back at least to the D-Holsteinian (Breiten-
berg). Late Pleistocene records are plentiful in central, western and
southern Europe. The species has almost the same distribution in
Europe as the pygmy shrewbut is not found in Ireland. I t ranges east-
ward into Siberia.
This is an unusually hardy and adaptable species and may be found
in great numbers in the most varying biotopes including forest, grass-
land, swampy areas and mountains above timber line.
A number of related species have been described from the earlier
part of the Pleistocene, among which may be mentioned S. araneoides
Heller from the early Middle (Schernfeld; Erpfingen; Sackdilling)
and late Middle Pleistocene (Heppenloch) [56].
The Masked Shrew, Sorex caecutiens Laxmann. This species is prob-
ably a Postglacial invader from the east, although its present-day
patchy distribution in Europe is suggestive of relict status [296].
The Alpine Shrew, Sorex a/pinus Schinz. This species is little known
in the fossil state, but there are a few Late Pleistocene and Postglacial
records within its present-day range. It has been recorded from the
Gaisloch in a possibly 2-Mindel association. Related and perhaps an-
cestral forms have been described from the early Middle Pleistocene
and Astian: S. praealpinus Heller (Sackdilling; Schernfeld; Erpfin-
gen) and S. alpinoides Kowalski (Podlesice; Weze) respectively.
The alpine shrew occurs in mountainous areas (the Alps, Pyrenees,
Carpathians, etc.), mainly in coniferous forests. It is restricted to
Europe [149].
( ? ~ : ; ; ~
( ~ ? ~
Figure 16. Anterior teeth of A, Common Shrew, Sorex araneus : B, Alpine Shrew,
S. alpinus ; C, Common White-toothed Shrew, Crocidura russula; D, Bicolour
White-toothed Shrew, C. leucodon; all Recent. Mandibles ofE, Savin's Shrew,
Sorex savini; F, Runton Shrew, S. runtonensis; both from Hundsheim, Middle
Pleistocene. All five times enlarged. A-C after Miller; E-F after Kormos.
Kennard's Shrew, Sorex kennardi Hinton, and the Runton Shrew, S.
runtonensis Hinton. Two extinct, closely related species. S. Kennardi,
a form of slightly smaller dimensions than the common shrew, occurs
in the Middle and Late Pleistocene; the most recent finds evidently
date from the 4-Wiirm, while other records are from F-Eemian and
D-Holsteinian deposits. It has also been tentatively described from
the early Middle Pleistocene (Erpfingen) but generally speaking S.
runtonensis is the typical form of the Villafranchian and early Middle
Pleistocene up to and including 2-Mindel (Koneprusy). It has been
found at numerous localities from eastern Europe to England. The
earliest finds are Astian (Podlesice; Weze). It differs from Kennard's
shrew mainly by its smaller dimensions [104].
The Pearl-toothed Shrew, Sorex margaritodon Kormos. This is a com-
paratively large form, only found in the Villafranchian and early
Middle Pleistocene in Roumania and Hungary. It forms a natural
group with S. savini Hinton and S. tasnadii Kretzoi, two even larger
forms (subgenus Drepanosorex). S. savini is found in the early Middle
Pleistocene (C-Cromer at West Runton, 2- Mindel at Koneprusy) and
perhaps the D-Hoisteinian (Breitenberg), while S. tasnadii appears as
a southern vicar,' recorded from Hundsheirn, Erpfingen, Gombasek,
etc., and the D-Hoisteinian of Tarko [143].
The Water Shrew, Neomys fodiens (Pennant). The species is rare in
the fossil record but does occur at a few localities as far back as the
F-Eemian [119]. It is also recorded from a possible D-Holsteinian
association [45]. Its present-day distribution covers most of Europe
except the Balkans, Spain and Portugal, the Mediterranean islands,
Ireland and Iceland. The species is amphibious and thus a useful
paleoclimatic indicator, but its mode of life makes it very rare in cave
deposits, while its fragile remains are liable to destruction in river gra-
vels. Several predecessors of this species have been named, for in-
stance N. browni Hinton from the D-Holsteinian (Grays Thurrock)
and N. newtoni Hinton from the early Middle Pleistocene. The genus
is also represented in the Astian.
The Beremend Shrew, Beremendia fissidens Perenyi. A large extinct
form, originally described as a species of Neomys, which is very com-
mon in the Villafranchian and early Middle Pleistocene fissure fillings
and so presumably differed from Neomys in its mode of life. The
earliest finds are Astian (Weze; Gundersheim; Podlesice) ; it then
occurs up to the C-Cromerian at Roumanian, Hungarian, Austrian,
Italian, German, Czechoslovak, and Polish localities. Perhaps the
1 Vicar or vicarious form: a species occupying the same ecological niche as another species
not present in the area; for instance the coyote in North America acts as a vicar for the jackal.
youngest record of the species is that from Tarko, which may date
from the early part of the D-Holsteinian. The genus apparently also
occurs in the Chinese Pleistocene.
Another relatively common form in the Villafranchian and early
Middle Pleistocene is Petenyia hungarica Kormos, which ranges from
the Astian to the C-Cromerian. Soriculus kubinyi Kormos is another
much less common extinct form, which makes sporadic appearances
from the Astian to perhaps the I-Giinz (Plesivec). Both the genera
Beremendia and Petenyia are now extinct, while shrews of the genus
Soriculus still live in Asia [142; 149].
Figure 17. Mandibles of A, Petenyia
hungarica; B, Soriculus kubinyi; C, Suncus
pannonicus ; from Podlesice, Astian. Four
times enlarged. After Kowalski.
The Etruscan Shrew, Suncus etruscus Savi. This is the smallest living
mammal known. The genus is mainly of tropical affinities (Africa,
South Asia) and curiously enough contains not only the smallest of all
shrews but also the largest (S. indicus Geoffroy). The European spe-
cies belongs to the Mediterranean area. lts fossil history is unknown,
but the related S. pannonicus (Kormos) is found in Pliocene and Villa-
franchian deposits in Hungary and Poland. The living form is mainly
found in the cork oak forests and neighbouring glades and fields. With
the genus Suncus we come to the crocidurine shrews, in which the
teeth are white [142].
The Bicolour White-toothed Shrew, Crocidura leucodon Hermann. A
few scattered records from France in the west to Roumania, Hungary
and Czechoslovakia in the east indicate the presence of the species in
the Postglacial, the 4-Wiirm, the F-Eemian and early D-Holsteinian
(Tarko). It is now found in a belt extending from France eastward
through central and eastern Europe to Turkestan and Persia in the
southeast, central Siberia in the northeast. It frequents shrubs and
the forest edge, keeping to the dry ground [117].
The Common White-toothed Shrew, Crocidura russula Hermann.
Separation of the two species C. russula and C. leucodon is often diffi-
cult, but geographic considerations perhaps make it most probable
that the fossil forms found in Malta and on the Iberian peninsula rep-
resent this species. Other records, mostly uncertain as to species, date
from the Late Pleistocene in central and eastern Europe, including F-
Eemian finds at Lambrecht Cave and the Binagady asphalt deposits.
The species now inhabits western, southern and central Europe and
neighbouring parts of Africa as well as Asia Minor. Its biotope is
much the same as for the bicolour shrew except that it favours some-
what more open ground [119].
""'-:'O__...... ~ ............ :"""lo
Figure 18. Tyrrhenian Shrews, genus Nesiotites. A, C, skull and mandible of N.
hidalgo, Pleistocene, Mallorca; B, mandible of N. similis, Pleistocene, Sardinia;
four times enlarged. After Bate.
The Lesser White-toothed Shrew, Crocidura suaveolens Pallas (C.
mimula Miller). This form is very rare in the fossil state, but there is a
tenuous record extending back as follows: Drachenhohle at Mixnitz
(4-Wiirm); Lambrecht Cave (F-Eemian); Breitenberg (D-Holstein-
ian). It is now found in northwest Spain, southern France, Italy,
southern central and eastern Europe, and ranges widely in Asia to the
Pacific Ocean [45].
The genus Crocidura is also represented in Europe by some extinct
species, of which Crocidura kornfeldi Kormos (C. praeglacialis Kor-
mos) is the most important; it ranges from the Astian to the early
Middle Pleistocene. Sites include Weze, Csarnota, Villany, Nagy-
harsanyhegy, Plesivec [142].
The Mediterranean islands Malta, Sicily, Crete and Cyprus also
had Crocidura in the Pleistocene, but the genus was then absent in the
Balearics, Corsica and Sardinia. The Pleistocene shrews of these
islands belong to an extinct genus, Nesiotites, which is most closely
related to some living genera in central and southeast Asia [24]. Al-
though these latter are amphibious, the relatively deep skull and un-
specialized humerus suggest terrestrial habits in Nesiotites. The spe-
cies found on Mallorca and Menorca is Nesiotites hidalgo Bate, while
Corsica was inhabited by N. corsicanus Bate and Sardinia by N. similis
Hensel. The exact date of these forms is still uncertain. Crocidura is
now found on these islands.
Family Talpidae, Moles and Desmans
The mole family has been recorded as early as the Eocene. Its Euro-
pean representatives belong to two distinct subfamilies, the Talpinae
or true Old World moles, and the Desmaninae or desmans ; the former
have a very good fossil record.
The Pyrenean Desman, Desmana pyrenaica (Geoffroy). The history of
this relict species, now found only in the Pyrenees and northern part
of the Iberian peninsula, is unknown. I t is mainly a burrowing form
but also, like other desmans, it is a good swimmer.
The European Desman, Desmana moschata Pallas. This species, now
found only in southeastern Russia and in Asia, has been recorded from
various Hungarian and German cave deposits apparently dating from
the late 4- Wiirm and early Postglacial. An earlier incursion in Europe
is represented by material from the C-Cromer and beginning of the
2-Mindel (Forest Bed; Mosbach); these specimens have been referred
to extinct subspecies of D. moschata. Of slightly greater age is material
referred to the extinct species D. thermalis Kormos, a small form from
Episcopia and Hundsheim; while a fossil desman from Tegelen has
been described as D. tegelensis Schreuder. In the Astian and perhaps
the earliest Villafranchian occurs a species named D. nehringi Kormos.
The living D. moschata is a highly aquatic form, preferring stagnant or
sluggish water with a rich reed vegetation [137].
Figure 19. Skull and mandible of Mole, Talpa europaea (top) and European
Desman, Desmana moschata (bottom). Recent, I ~ times enlarged. After Gromova.
The Mole, Talpa europaea Linne. This species has a long and well-
documented history in Europe. Material from the 4-Wiirm and F-
Eemian is plentiful. Specimens from the 3-Riss and D-Holsteinian
are also referred to the living species (Achenheim; Breitenberg;
Tarko). The ancestral form is evidently T. fossilis Perenyi (T. prae-
glacialis Kormos), which resembles the living form so much in mor-
phology and size that specific separation appears doubtful. This form
has a continuous record from the Astian up to and including the 2-
Mindel and has been found at nearly all the localities in Europe with
faunas of these dates.
The living species is also widely distributed in Europe, excluding
only Ireland, northern parts of Scandinavia and the southern parts of
the Mediterranean peninsulas; it ranges eastward to the Pacific, reach-
ing Nepal and Sikkim in the south. It is an extremely specialized bur-
rowing form, living mainly on earthworms, insects and grubs [147].
The Roman Mole, Talpa romana Thomas. A relict species, now dis-
tributed only in Sicily and the west coast of Italy. Many specimens
from the Italian Pleistocene may belong to this species. A related
fossil form has been described from the Pleistocene of Sardinia under
the name T. tyrrhenica Bate [25].
The Blind Mole, Talpa caeca Savio This species has a typically Medi-
terranean distribution with some relict populations further north.
Fossil remains are known from the Late Pleistocene of Italy. The
species may be descended from the extinct T. minor Freudenberg (T.
gracilis Kormos), a small form like the living species. The fossil spe-
cies occurs at numerous localities from the Astian and throughout
the early Middle Pleistocene; the most recent records date from the
D-Holsteinian (Heppenloch; Breitenberg) [147].
The Episcopal Mole, Talpa episcopalis Kormos. A large extinct spe-
cies, originally described from Episcopia (B- Waalian) but also re-
corded in somewhat younger deposits (Heppenloch and Breitenberg,
D-Holstein). Brunner [44J lists it from the Kleine Teufelshohle at
Pottenstein in an F-Eemian association. This form is larger than T.
Chapter 8
Order Chiroptera
BAT fossils are very common in some fissure faunas, but their study is
as yet in a preliminary stage. From an evolutionary point of view the
bats are a conservative group; many species have a very long strati-
graphic range and fully evolved bats have been found as early as the
Early Eocene.
Family Rhinolophidae, Horseshoe Bats
The Horseshoe Bats are characterized by the peculiar horseshoe-
shaped development of the skin around the nostrils. There is only one
genus, Rhinolophus, which dates back to the Late Eocene and is thus
an extremely ancient mammalian genus. Horseshoe bats are now
found widely distributed in the Old World from West Africa and
Europe throughout Asia to the Philippines and northern Australia,
Blasius' Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus blasii Peters, and Mehely's
Horseshoe Bat, R. mehelyi Matschie. These two species, which now
have a patchy distribution in the Mediterranean area, are not known
in the fossil state.
The Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus euryale Blasius.
There are only a few fossil records of this species, from Italy, Rou-
mania and Hungary ; apparently the earliest finds date from the late
Villafranchian (Beremend). The species is now found almost every-
where in southern Europe, with northern extensions in France and
along the Danube. It also inhabits southern Russia, Palestine and
North Africa. It is more gregarious than the two other main European
species. [145].
The Greater Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum Schreber.
This species has a good fossil record extending well back into the
Middle Pleistocene. However, Astian and Villafranchian material
previously referred to this species is now regarded as R. delphinensis
Gaillard [156]. This species was originally described from the Late
Miocene and is thus very ancient. The Astian and early Middle
Pleistocene forms (Schernfeld; Episcopia; Kovesvarad ; Kamyk, etc.)
are slightly larger than the Miocene ones but not quite as large as the
living form. Whether they are in fact ancestral to it remains to be seen.
The modern species inhabits the southwestern half of Europe; the
boundary runs from southern Wales through southern England in an
approximately southeastern direction to the Black Sea. It ranges east
through Asia into Japan. It is mostly found in forested and hilly areas
and is usually solitary in habits.
The Lesser Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros Bechstein. This
species has approximately the same distribution in Europe as its
larger relative but ranges a little further to the north; it is also found
in Ireland. Outside Europe it ranges to central Asia and North Africa.
There are several Late Pleistocene and Postglacial records within the
present-day range. Some finds from the later Middle Pleistocene
(Breitenberg ; Gaisloch) may also represent this species. Astian ma-
terial from Gundersheim, Podlesice and Weze, previously referred to
this species, has now been identified as R. grivensis Deperet from the
Late Miocene [156].
The modern species resembles R. ferrum-equinum in habits and
morphology but reaches only two-thirds of its size.
Family Vespertilionidae, Bats
This family comprises the majority of present-day and Pleistocene
European bats. The family dates from the Early Oligocene. Most spe-
cies belong to the world-wide genus Myotis, of which the earliest rep-
resentatives have been found in Middle Oligocene deposits.
The Water Bat, Myotis daubentoni Leisler. There are various Late
Pleistocene records from the 4-Wiirm and F-Eemian. This or a re-
lated form has also been recorded from the D-Holsteinian (Tarko)
and B-Waalian (Episcopia). Its modern range covers the greater part
of Europe and northern Asia to the Pacific Ocean. It usually keeps to
streams and lakes and hunts insects near the surface [117].
The Pond Bat, Myotis dasycneme Boie. The earliest representatives of
this species are from the Astian (Podlesice). Other finds date from the
early Middle Pleistocene (Nagyharsanyhegy ; Kovesvarad), the F-
Eemian (Lambrecht Cave) and the 4-Wiirm (Zuzlawitz, etc.). The
species now inhabits central and eastern Europe and parts of Siberia.
Its biotope is about the same as for the water bat [149].
A B c D E F
Figure 20. A-C, upper and D-F, lower teeth of Recent bats. A, D, Greater Horse-
shoe Bat, Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum; B, E, Whiskered Bat, Myotis mystacinus;
C, F, Large Mouse-eared Bat, M. myotis. Ten times enlarged. After Miller.
The Whiskered Bat, Myotis mystacinus Leisler. This species makes
its first appearance in the C-Cromer (Kovesvarad) and is also found
in the D-Holsteinian, F-Eemian and 4-Wiirm. It now inhabits all of
Europe except northern Fennoscandia and the southern part of the
Iberian peninsula. In Asia it ranges to China and Japan. It is a wood-
land species [294].
Geoffroy's Bat, Myatis emarginatus Geoffroy. Tentative records date
from the early Middle Pleistocene (Episcopia; Hundsheim; Kone-
prusy, etc.) and the D-Holsteinian (Tarko), The species now has a
somewhat scattered distribution in France, central and southeastern
Europe, preferring wooded areas [117].
Natterer's Bat, Myotis nattereri Kuhl. The earliest finds come from
deposits dated as late 1-Gunz (Brass6; Sackdilling) ; later records are
from 2-Mindel (Koneprusy), D-Holsteinian (Tarko) and some Late
Pleistocene cave deposits. The species is present in the greater part of
Europe except the southeast and most of Fennoscandia; it ranges
on through Asia to Japan. It is less dependent on woods than the
whiskered bat and Geoffroy's bat [117].
Bechstein's Bat, Myotis bechsteini Leisler. Specimens from Sackdill-
ing, Hundsheim, Kovesvarad, Koneprusy, etc., indicate the presence
of this species in the I -Gunz, C-Cromer and 2-Mindel. There are also
records from the D-Holsteinian, F-Eemian and 4-Wiirm. The spe-
cies is now distributed in temperate western, central and eastern
Europe, except in mountain areas [294].
The Large Mouse-eared Bat, Myotis myotis Borkhausen. Various cave
finds from the 4-Wiirm have been referred to this species; there are
also a few F-Eemian (Cotencher) and D-Holsteinian (Breitenberg)
records. M. baranensis Kormos from the Villafranchian and early
Middle Pleistocene (Beremend; Villany ; Episcopia; Kovesvarad,
etc.) may be ancestral. The modern species is widely distributed in
central and southern Europe but absent in the British Isles, Fenno-
scandia and east of the Baltic; it ranges through Asia to China. I t is a
large species, highly eurytopic, and is present also in built-up areas
The Lesser Mouse-eared Bat, Myotis oxygnathus Monticelli. This
form is closely related to M. myotis but somewhat smaller. Fossil re-
mains are scarce but include material from Episcopia (B-Waalian),
Hundsheim (r-Gunz II) and Tarko (D-Holsteinian). This species
probably branched from a common ancestor with M. myotis, perhaps
M. baranensis. Its modern distribution is Mediterranean [117].
Several extinct species of Myotis have been described from the Astian
but only a few in the Pleistocene; three species were erected by Kor-
mos for material from the late Villafranchian and early Middle
The Long-eared Bat, Plecotus auritus Linne. A small form, easily spot-
ted by its long ears. The fossil record is good and extends back to the
B- Waalian (Episcopia); other finds date from I -Gunz I I (Brasso),
C-Cromer (Kovesvarad), 2-Mindel (Koneprusy), D-Holsteinian
(Tarko) and late Pleistocene (many sites). It now inhabits almost all
of Europe except northern Fennoscandia; it is also found in temperate
Asia to Japan and in Egypt, Palestine and northern India. A fossil
species, P. crassidens Kormos, has been recorded in the Astian
(Podlesice; Weze; Gundersheim) and early Middle Pleistocene
(Episcopia) [156; 294].
The Grey Long-eared Bat, P. austriacus Fischer. This species is
slightly larger than P. auritus and of a slightly different colour. It
has a Mediterranean-Mongolian distribution extending to central
Germany. That it really is a separate species has only recently been
proved, and its relationship to the fossil remains has not yet been
worked out [27].
Figure 2 I. A, B, mandible of Long-winged Bat, Mimopterus schreibersi; C, D,
mandible and E, F, skull fragment of extinct Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus delphinen-
sis. G, H, mandibles of Long-eared Bat, Plecotus auritus. Ae-F, Astian, Podlesice ,
G, Recent; H, Late Pleistocene, Cotencher. A-F four times, G-H ten times en-
larged. A-F after Kowalski; G-H after Stehlin.
The Long-winged Bat, Miniopterus schreibersi Natterer. A medium
sized species with short, truncated ears and pointed wings; tnis is a
fast, accomplished flyer. I ts fossil record is a long and good one. The
species is well represented in the Astian (Podlesice ; Gundersheim;
Weze). There are also records in the early Middle Pleistocene (Epi-
scopia, etc.) but the species is then absent until the Late Pleistocene,
when there are some cave finds. It now inhabits the Mediterranean
area and also North Africa, south and east Asia and northern Aus-
tralia [156].
The Barbastelle, Barbastella barbastella Schreber. Fossil remains
from the 2-M.indel (Koneprusy), D-Holstein (Breitenberg), F-
Eemian (Lambrecht Cave) and 4-Wiirm (various caves) have been
referred to this species and a related form is present at Episcopia. The
barbastelle has a primarily central European distribution but is also
found in England, southern Sweden, Italy, Corsica and Sardinia, as
well as in the temperate parts of Asia. I t prefers woodland and hilly
country [45].
The Asiatic Barbastelle, Barbastella leucomelas Cretzschmar. This
species has recently been identified at Kovesvarad (C-Cromer) and
T'arko (D-Holstein). The Tarko find resembles the subspecies that
now inhabits mountainous areas in central and eastern Asia, while the
C-Cromerian form is closer to a subspecies now found in Sinai only
The Common Bat, Pipistrellus pipistrellus Schreber. This is the
smallest of the European bats and is now found throughout Europe
except northern Scandinavia and Finland. I t favours hilly and wooded
country. There are a few Late Pleistocene records from caves in
England, central Europe and Italy; the oldest finds may be D-Hol-
steinian (Breitenberg) [45].
Of the three remaining European species of the genus Pipistrellus, P.
nathusii Keyserling & Blasius, P. kuhli Natterer and P. savii Bona-
parte, little is known from the Pleistocene. The first-mentioned form
has an eastern European distribution and may be advancing to the
west at the present time. The two latter species are Mediterranean in
distribution; fossil finds from Salerno and Spezia have been referred
to P. savii.
"The Serotine, Vespertilio serotinus Schreber. Fossils are scarce but the
species has been found in the 2-Mindel (Koneprusy) and D-Hol-
steinian (Breitenberg). It now inhabits southern England and con-
tinental Europe except north and east of the Baltic; it ranges eastward
to China. It is found in spinneys, park woods and built-up areas [82].
The Northern Bat, Vespertilio nilssoni Keyserling & Blasius. This
species has been tentatively identified in the C-Cromer (Kovesvarad)
and D-Holsteinian (Tarko ; Breitenberg). It is also recorded in the
F-Eemian (Lambrecht Cave). The species is now found in northern
and eastern Europe, in the mountains of central Europe, and eastward
to the Pacific Ocean. It is somewhat smaller than the serotine [294].
The Parti-coloured Bat, Vespertilio murinus Linne (V. discolor Kuhl).
There are several Late Pleistocene records from France and Italy as
well as central and eastern Europe, both within and outside the
present range of the species, which is now found in central and eastern
Europe and southern Fennoscandia and in Asia to Japan. Its earlier
history is unknown [312].
Two extinct species of the genus Vespertilio have been described from
the European Pleistocene: Vespertilio majori Kormos (Villany) and V.
praeglacialis Kormos (Villany ; Episcopia) [145].
The Common Noctule, Nyctalus noctula Schreber. This large species
inhabits Europe except Ireland and most of Fennoscandia (it is pres-
ent in south Sweden and Denmark) and in Asia to Japan. Fossil re-
mains are not uncommon in Late Pleistocene cave deposits. The
oldest may date from the D-Holsteinian (Breitenberg). The species
inhabits woods and parkland. The related lesser noctule, N. leisleri
Kuhl, is not known in the fossil state. Its present-day distribution
is in central and eastern Europe, with isolated relict populations in
Ireland, England, France, Portugal, etc. [45].
Family Molossidae, Free-tailed Bats, etc.
The European Free-tailed Bat, Tadarida teniotis Rafinesque. This is
the only living species of the molossid family in Europe, but extinct
members of the genus Tadarida are known as early as the Oligocene.
The modern species, which is the largest of all the European bats, is
found in the Mediterranean peninsulas and in Asia to Japan and
Formosa; its fossil history is obscure.
Chapter 9
Order Primates
PRIMATES are comparatively rare in the Pleistocene of Europe. Most
of the fossils belong to the hominid family, and if we include the arti-
facts of man, especially the stone tools, man may be regarded as the
commonest primate of this period. But skeletal finds are exceptional;
in the Middle Pleistocene and up to the F-Eemian they are extremely
rare. Other fossil primates include only two or three types of monkeys
whose range intermittently extended to Europe.
Family Cercopithecidae, Old World Monkeys
The cercopithecids are the only non-human primates known in
Europe in the Pleistocene. In Tertiary times apes of the genus Dryopi-
thecus lived here, but they were gone before the beginning of the Villa-
franchian. The history of the Cercopithecidae goes back to the
The Florentine Macaque, Macacaflorentina Cocchi. A macaque ap-
parently quite closely related to the living Gibraltar 'ape', the only
monkey living in Europe today in the wild state. The species is not un-
common in the Villafranchian; it is present from the very beginning
of the age (Villafranca d'Asti) and occurs in various types of faunas
(Saint-Vallier; Seneze ; Val d'Arno; Tegelen; Beremend). The
macaques are usually forest forms, but some of them, as the rhesus
monkey and the Gibraltar 'ape', also like rocky ground.
The Florentine macaque is probably the direct ancestor of the liv-
ing Gibraltar 'ape'. Finds from the B-Waalian and C-Cromer inter-
glacials are often referred to the Villafranchian species. A possible
forerunner of this species is M. prisca Gervais from the Astian
deposits of Montpellier, Gundersheim and Csarnota [302].
The Gibraltar 'ape', Macaca sylvana Linne. The classification of the
early Middle Pleistocene finds from Episcopia (B-Waalian), Kone-
prusy and the Forest Bed (C-Cromerian) and Mosbach (early
2-Mindel) is uncertain; perhaps they are Florentine macaques or
transitional forms. A macaque phalanx from Voigtstedt in Thuringia
(C-Cromer) resembles rhesus monkey (M. mulatta) rather than
Gibraltar ape, which may suggest that these animals should be classed
within M. florentina [287]. The D-Holsteinian macaques from
Heppenloch, Grays Thurrock and Monrsaunes may probably be
referred to the modern species. All the fossils date from interglacial
or temperate (Mosbach) phases and the species is evidently a good
indicator of comparatively warm climate.
A unique characteristic of the present-day species is the absence of
a tail, as in true apes, although this animal is a monkey and not an
ape. The fossils give no information on this trait in the Pleistocene
form. The length of the tail varies in modern species of the genus
Macaca [6].
The Auvergne Monkey, Dolichopithecus arvernensis Deperet. The ex-
tinct genus Dolichopithecus belongs to the colobine monkeys, often
regarded as a separate family; it is related to such living forms as the
guerezas of Africa and the langurs and proboscis monkeys of Asia, all
of them leaf-eating and with highly specialized stomachs. It was origi-
nally described from the late Villafranchian of Senezc. Other finds
from Budapest and Saint-Esteve may be even later, while on the
other hand a record from Vialette dates from the beginning of the
Villafranchian. An Astian member of the same genus is known from
Roussillon and may be ancestral to the Auvergne monkey [59; 60].
Family Hominidae, Men
The earliest known members of our own zoological family date from
the Miocene of India and Africa and belong to the genus Rama-
pithecus. Their evolutionary level was that of the apes, but their teeth
were human. Still more man-like were the Australopithecinae of the
Villafranchian and Middle Pleistocene, but there is no evidence that
they ever ranged into Europe. There are no certain artifacts from the
Villafranchian in Europe, so that it seems reasonable to assume that
tool-making hominids were not present here at that early date. The
earliest artifacts in Europe are from the C-Cromer interglacial (Abbe-
ville; ?Mauer) and may be regarded as the handiwork of Heidelberg
The evolution of man and the life of primitive man is a great and
fascinating theme, which can only be touched on in the briefest terms
Heidelberg Man, Homo heidelbergensis Schoetensack. The oldest
human fossil in Europe comes from the C-Cromer interglacial sands
of Mauer. Unfortunately, the specimen is only a lower jaw, albeit very
well preserved. It seems to have characters allying it to the Neandertal
type and fairly distinct from Pithecanthropus, which at that time
flourished in Asia and Africa (not to mention the still more primitive
australopithecines, of which relict tribes were still in existence in
southern Africa). Heidelberg Man is probably ancestral to the Euro-
pean line of evolution which leads to Neandertal Man (and perhaps,
as a side branch, to modern man). Whether he merits specific distinc-
tion from Neandertal Man on one side, and Pithecanthropus erectus
Dubois on the other, may be disputed; more material will be needed
to settle this question [I 12].
Recently a few teeth and a skull fragment have been found at Ver-
tesszollos, northwest Hungary, in deposits dating from the 2-Mindel
I-II interstadial and in association with a pebble-tool industry. This
material closely resembles Pithecanthropus [209].
Neandertal Man, Homo neanderthalensis King. The true or 'classical'
Neandertaler with his dorsally flattened, very large and long head, big
brow ridges, prognathous face, round eye sockets, very large brain-
case and a stockily built, powerful body, lived during the 4-Wiirm up
to the great interstadial about 35,000 years ago, when this species be-
came extinct. As regards the classification of human fossils from pre-
ceding interglacials (F-Eem and D-Holstein, perhaps also E-Ilford-
the Montmaurin jaw), opinions diverge greatly. The D-Holsteinian
fossils come from Steinheim and Swanscombe ; they have many
characters that seem to ally them to modern man and they are classi-
fied as H. sapiens by many authorities. Others prefer to regard them
as primitive or unspecialized Neandertalers. If so, the F-Eemian ho-
minids from various sites in Europe must obviously also be classified
as H. neanderthalensis, since they appear to be transitional between
the Dvl-Iolsteinian and 4-Wtirmian types. The stratigraphic span of
the species would then extend from the D-Holsteinian to the inter-
stadial Wiirm I-II. This is one way of stressing the unified character
of the European evolutionary line during the entire time span from
C-Cromer to 4-Wiirm.
Many authors regard Neandertal Man as nothing but an aberrant
stock of H. sapiens. Available evidence may suggest that at least the
end stage attained full specific distinction. The classification used here
then requires that modern man be regarded as a side branch of the
Neandertal stock [112; 135; 275].
Modern Man, Homo sapiens Linne. Our own species may be definitely
identified in the 4-Wiirm interstadial, the time when men of modern
type invaded Europe and ousted the Neandertalers. On the other
hand, it has been thought that specimens like Fontechevade Man (two
skull caps without a trace of the Neandertal brow ridge) have to be
counted in this species, even if Steinheim and Swanscombe are left as
Neandertalers. The Fontechevade fossils date from the F-Eernian, a
time when there were certainly Neandertalers in Europe (Taubach;
Ehringsdorf; Saccopastore; Ganovce). Are we to conclude that both
species coexisted in Europe and actually behaved like good species in
the F-Eernian - that is to say, that they did not hybridize? It is, of
course, very probable that H. sapiens was in existence somewhere, in
the guise of an early variant at any rate, during the F-Eemian; and no
doubt Fontechevade Man is anatomically acceptable as one of these.
Could the find represent a temporary invasion of our species, later to
become extinct or be swamped by Neandertalers?
Early extra-European finds include the at present insufficiently
dated Kanjera skulls from East Africa and a skull from Niah Great
Cave in Sarawak. The latter has a radiocarbon age of nearly 40,000
years, which makes it the oldest well-dated H. sapiens so far. The
F-Eemian Fontechevade Man must be at least twice as old [208].
Chapter 10
Order Carnivora
THE carnivores have an extremely good fossil record in the Pleistocene,
especially as regards the larger species. The most serious lacunae
occur among the mustelids. Some of the larger carnivores are among
the most common fossils in Ice Age deposits.
Family Viverridae, Civets
The viverrids are the most primitive of living carnivores. In the past,
this family gave rise to two other families: the cats and the hyenas. In
our time the viverrids have a mainly tropical distribution, but in the
Tertiary they were quite common in Europe. Today only two species
are found here and both have a marginal distribution.
In the Astian, members of the genus Viverra existed in Europe; a
large, hitherto undescribed species of this genus persisted in the
earliest Villafranchian (Villafranca d' Asti).
The Genet, Genetta genetta Linne. This pretty little carnivore is
found nowadays in part of France and on the Iberian peninsula, but
it is probably a Postglacial invader. The main range of the species is
in Africa; it has not been found in the Pleistocene of Europe but does
occur in the Pleistocene of Africa. The habits of the genet are some-
what reminiscent of the wild cat; like the cats, the genet has sharp,
retractile claws, and is an excellent climber [227].
The Ichneumon, Herpestes ichneumon Linne. Like the genet, this
species is found only in the Holocene in Europe (though the genus
Herpestes occurs also in the Tertiary in Europe). Coming from
Africa, where it is known in the Pleistocene (as it is also in Palestine),
it has invaded the southern part of the Iberian peninsula [227].
Family Hyaenidae, Hyenas
The hyenas are a young family of carnivores: they date from the Late
Miocene. They arose from the Viverridae, and the genus Viverra may
be close to the actual ancestry of the hyenas, Several types of hyenas
are known from the Tertiary, but most of them belong to extinct
genera. The Pleistocene hyenas of Europe belong to three quite dis-
tinct genera of which two, Hyaena and Crocuta, are still in existence,
while the third, Euryboas, is extinct.
The hyenas are specialized carrion feeders, able to smash large
bones in order to get at the marrow and the nutritious spongy bone
tissues. As an adaptation for this way of life their cheek teeth have
evolved into powerful, conical structures. The remains of a hyena
meal are easily recognized, but the unwary student may mistake them
for bone tools intentionally fashioned by man. A large proportion of
the bones in a hyena den may be made up of remains of hyenas, rang-
ing from juveniles to very old animals. The hyenas are probably not
intentional cannibals, for eyewitnesses state that a hyena does not eat
a dead hyena; however, a completely putrefied carcass will not be
recognizable as hyena any more and will be eaten.
The hyena plays an important role as a bone collector, to the bene-
fit of the palaeontologist. Although it will mutilate the bones, it
always leaves the teeth intact and systematically they are the most im-
portant part of the skeleton. As a result, the activities of hyenas in the
European caves have been of great importance for our knowledge of
the Ice Age and its fauna. The hyena itself is one of the most com-
monly found fossil mammals and the evolutionary history of the
family Hyaenidae is thus comparatively well known.
The extinct Euryboas deviated greatly from the orthodox hyenas
and was one of the most remarkable animals in the Pleistocene fauna.
The hyaenid family has also produced another aberrant animal in the
aard wolf (Proteles), known only from Africa; it has vestigial teeth and
is insectivorous.
The Perrier Hyena, Hyaena perrieri Croizet & Jobert (H. arvernensis
Croizet & jobert). This is the common hyena of the Villafranchian,
lasting to the C-Cromer interglacial. Its record begins with the basal
Villafranchian (Villafranca d' Asti; Etouaires) and later on it occurs at
practically every Villafranchian site with a reasonably good macro-
mammalian fauna, including the Crags in East Anglia. The geo-
logically most recent finds come from Mauer (C-Cromer) and
Mosbach (probably from the basal sands). There is no certain record
of the species outside Europe.
The Perrier hyena is so close to the living Brown Hyena (H. brunnea
Thunberg) that it might even be questioned whether they are really
distinct species. However, the relatively great geological age of the
Perrier hyena, its somewhat larger size and the slightly more ad-
vanced construction of its carnassial teeth suggest that it should be
regarded as a distinct species and not merely a European subspecies
of the brown hyena. In H. brunnea the lower carnassial always carries
the vestigial inner cusp (metaconid) inherited from the viverrid an-
cestors of the hyenas; this cusp is usually absent in H. perrieri, or if
present it is very small.
Figure 22. Restoration of Short-faced Hyena, Hyaena brevirostris, based on a
skeleton from Choukoutien and on the related living Brown Hyena, H. brunnea.
The brown hyena has been found in the fossil state only in Africa
(the European reports I have checked have been erroneous) and its
present range is confined to the southern part of the African continent.
The oldest finds come from the early Middle Pleistocene of the Trans-
vaal. The morphological resemblance between H. perrieri and H.
brunnea indicates that the two species diverged from a common
ancestor in the Late Pliocene; an incompletely known form in the
Astian of France (H. donnezani Viret) may be that ancestor.
The present-day brown hyena is regarded as a somewhat more
active carnivore than other living hyaenids. Its cheek teeth are in fact
somewhat less specialized for carrion-feeding than those of the genus
Crocuta, while the canine teeth are relatively large. The latter, of
course, are important in the catching and worrying of the prey, but are
of little use to a scavenger and in Crocuta they are rather feeble. It
seems reasonable to conclude that the Perrier hyena, which had
powerful canines, obtained part of its food by active hunting, just like
its living counterpart.
The extinction of the species at the end of the C-Cromer may be
due to competition from the species Crocuta crocuta, at that time a
recent immigrant [166; 223; 302].
The Short-faced Hyena, Hyaena brevirostris Aymard (H. robusta
Weithofer, H. sinensis Owen, etc.). This gigantic hyena was as big as a
lion; the shoulder height of the largest specimens was three feet, the
length of the head and body up to five feet. Apart from size, however,
the species is so similar to the Perrier hyena that some authors even
have regarded them as variants of a single species. While the two
species are certainly closely related, the difference in size is so great
that specific identity is out of the question.
It seems probable that the short-faced hyena evolved as a side
branch out of a local population of Perrier hyena somewhere outside
Europe and made its entry in Europe towards the end of the Villa-
franchian. As late as at Seneze it is still absent, but at Olivola and Val
d' Arno the giant form is present together with the Perrier hyena.
I t persisted into the Middle Pleistocene (Sainzelles; Bacton) up to
I-Giinz II (Gombasek; Siissenborn; Stranska Skala) but may have
become extinct before the C-Cromer interglacial or early in the
interglacial (Koneprusy).
The geographic distribution of the short-faced hyena was unusually
wide. I t is represented in Villafranchian strata in India and China; in
China it survived up to 2-Mindel, for its bones were found in great
numbers in the lower strata of the Peking Man site at Choukoutien. A
Javanese local race of the species occurs in the same layers as Pithe-
canthropus (the Djetis strata); and finally, a fragment from a cave in
Transvaal, of the same age, has been thought to represent this species
In the upper layers of the Peking Man site at Choukoutien, the
short-faced hyena disappears and its place is taken by Crocuta crocuta.
In Europe both species existed side by side for some time, then the
short-faced hyena became extinct. There seems to be reason to
suggest that competition between the two species was involved and
the success of the more highly specialized scavenger (Crocuta) would
not be too surprising. For the short-faced hyena probably was a less
exclusive carrion-feeder and a more active hunter than Crocuta. Its
canine teeth are enormous and in life the animal must have been an
extraordinarily powerful, truculent beast. Anybody who has seen an
angry, snarling brown hyena with its big shaggy mane on end will
appreciate what a terrifying apparition its gigantic extinct ally must
have been to the primitive men of its day [37; r66; r67].
Figure 23. Skull and mandible of Striped Hyena, Hyaena hyaena, Recent. One-
third natural size. After Gromova.
The Striped Hyena, Hyaena hyaena Linne. During the Pleistocene
this species occurred for some time in Europe. In the D-Holsteinian
it was widespread in France and Germany (Lunel-Viel; Mont-
saunes; Kreuznach). It is also found at Montmaurin (E-Ilford?) and
at Hollabrunn, Austria, in the Furninha Cave in Portugal and the
Genista Caves, Gibraltar (Late Pleistocene ?). The European form of
the striped hyena is quite similar to the living form morphologically
but was somewhat larger and it has also been regarded as a distinct
species, H. prisca De Serres (H. monspessulana Christal). The same
form lived in Palestine during the F-Eemian interglacial and a-Wurrn.
This large form is of a size with the living brown hyena but differs
from that species in various diagnostic characters (size of upper
molar, etc.).
In Africa the striped hyena is not uncommon as a fossil. There are
Figure 24- A, upper p3_p4, B, mandible and C, tibia of Hunting Hyena, Euryboas
lunensis ; D, tibia of Spotted Hyena, Crocuta crocuta. A, C, Pardines; B, Val d' Arno;
Villafranchian. D, Recent. A one-half, B two-thirds, C-D four-ninths natural size.
After Schaub.
records going back to the Middle Pleistocene (H. makapani Toerien
from the Transvaal) and even to the Villafranchian (for instance Ain
Brimba, Tunisia; Serengeti, East Africa). The origin of the species
probably lay in Africa; there is a possible ancestor (H. namaquensis
Stromer) in the Pliocene.
H. hyaena is the smallest and most primitive of the living true
hyenas and retains many viverrid characters that were lost in larger
members of the genus Hyaena. It is now more widely distributed than
other hyaenid species and inhabits south and southwest Asia as well
as the northern half of Africa. In Asia outside the Mediterranean
region, however, it is unknown in the fossil state, so that it seems to
be a late invader; perhaps it spread here only after the extinction of
Crocuta crocuta in Asia at the end of the Ice Age [91; 166; 179; 288].
The Hunting Hyena, Euryboas lunensis Del Campana. This remark-
able beast has been found at several Villafranchian sites, but the
fossils are fragmentary and it was not until 1941 that Schaub could
demonstrate the extraordinary characters of the species. "The hunting
hyena appears in the basal Villafranchian at Villafranca d' Asti and
occurs later on at Roccaneyra-Pardines, Villaroya, Saint-Vallier,
Seneze, Olivola, Val d'Arno and Erpfingen ; thus it ranges all the way
to the late Villafranchian, but is' rare throughout. In Africa related
forms have been identified in the Villafranchian and Middle Pleisto-
cene faunas of the Transvaal. In Asia, on the other hand, there is no
certain record of Euryboas; but a North American form, Chasma-
porthetes, appears to be closely related to Euryboas. It is present in the
Early Pleistocene and, incidentally, Chasmaporthetes is the only
hyaenid known to have migrated to the New World.
Limb bones of Euryboas are known only from Europe and at first
sight they certainly do not look like those of a hyaenid ; they rival those
of the cheetah in length and slenderness. But a detailed study leaves
no doubt that the bones belong to a member of the hyaenid family, so
that we must visualize an active, extremely fast cursorial hunter,
probably running down its prey by a swift dash in the same way as the
cheetah. Logically, then, Schaub combined these limb bones with
skull and tooth material of a hyaenid that evidently lacked the scaven-
ging adaptation of allied forms. The cheek teeth in this animal, while
basically hyaenid, are slender and sharp-edged like those of a cat; the
dentition is reminiscent of that found in some Pliocene hyaenids
(Ictitherium, Lycyaena, Hyaenictis). Unfortunately the limb bones of
the Pliocene hyaenids are imperfectly known, so that we cannot say
whether any of them had developed the fast-running habits of Eury-
boas. The limbs of the North American Chasmaporthetes are also
unknown at present.
With Euryboaswe have travelled very far from the traditional hyena
type. Like the cheetah it probably inhabited open ground (bush
steppes and savannas would seem ideal) and was a daytime hunter. In
size it resembled the living cheetah; but it is part of the story that it
lived together with the great Villafranchian cheetah, Acinonyx pardi-
nensis, throughout the Villafranchian age, so that evidently it was able
to hold its own in spite of powerful competition. This also gives some
idea of the abundance of fast cursorial game on the Villafranchian
plains. Of the species known to us, the Bourbon gazelle and the
chamois-antelope may well have been the favourite prey of the hunt-
ing hyena [240; 268; 302].
The Spotted Hyena or Cave Hyena, Crocuta crocuta Erxleben. This
is one of the best-known fossil mammals of the Ice Age. The species
is represented in most European bone caves and in some, used as dens
for thousands of years, bones of the cave hyena occur in profusion. A
famous cave of this type is Kirkdale Cave in Yorkshire, described by
William Buckland in 1823. Dean Buckland showed that the enormous
accumulation of hyena bones resulted from continuous use of tile cave
as a living site by the hyenas over a very long period (the F-Eemian
interglacial, as we now know). Here are found remains of hyenas of all
ages from newborn to senile and in addition their characteristic faeces
and the bones of their prey. Another British hyena cave with a rich
hyena stratum ofF-Eemian date is Tornewton Cave in South Devon
(reckoned to have yielded more than 20,000 hyena teeth), while Kent's
Cavern in Torquay contains an immensely rich hyena stratumof more
recent date, 4- Wiirm. On the continent several hyena caves are known
and at least one - the Teufelslucken at Eggenburg in Austria - is of
the same class.
All the known mass occurrences of this type date from the F-Eem
or 4-Wiirm, but the cave hyena entered Europe much earlier. The
first immigrants were animals of about the same size as the present-
day African spotted hyena; they appear in the r-Giinz II at Sus-
senborn and Gombasek. Slightly later, in the C-Cromer (Forest
Bed; Mosbach) the European race reached its distinctive large
size. It is also known from the D-Holsteinian (Grays Thurrock and
Figure 25. Skull and
mandible of Cave Hyena,
Crocuta crocuta spelaea,
Pleistocene, USSR. One-
third natural size. After
Lunel-Viel; the latter site, recently reopened by Dr and Mrs Bonifay,
is now yielding what may be another mass occurrence) and from
3-Riss (Archenheim; Tornewton Cave).
The ancestor of the spotted hyena is' evidently the Indian Crocuta
sivalensis Falconer & Cautley, which lived in the Villafranchian; it re-
sembles C. crocuta but has a somewhat more primitive dentition (the
upper molar, for instance, is still functional, whereas it is vestigial or
absent in the modern species). The population probably spread out
from its original area in the early Middle Pleistocene: at this time,
spotted hyenas suddenly appear in a very wide area from Europe to
southern Africa and China. Within most of this immense range, the
spotted hyena remained the dominant hyaenid until the end of the
Pleistocene. There was however some local fluctuation or alternation,
as for instance in Palestine. Here C. crocuta was absent in the F-Eemian
and in its place we find the large H. hyaena prisca. In the 4- Wiirm C.
crocuta entered the scene and the striped hyena vanished. In Post-
glacial times, with the development of agriculture, the spotted hyena
became much dwarfed and finally extinct and the striped hyena (in its
modern form) returned.
The European form was considerably larger than the living African
spotted hyena. There is however a gradual transition in size over
southern Russia and Palestine, indicating that there was once a con-
tinuous population extending all the way from Africa to Europe. In
the Late Pleistocene the European form had peculiarly shortened and
thickened bones of the fore- and hind-feet, whilethe humerus and
femur were very long. This subspecies, C. crocuta spelaea Goldfuss,
is the true cave hyena.
There are very few pictorial representations of the cave hyena in
Palaeolithic art. The one from La Madeleine figured here is, however,
a superb likeness (figure 26).
C. crocuta is the most specialized scavenger of the Hyaenidae. The
premolars are powerful bone-cracking teeth, while the carnassials
have been much elongated to form long, sharp blades to cope with
tough pieces of hide. The canines, on the other hand, are relatively
At the end of the Ice Age this species became extinct both in Asia
and Europe. From a zoogeographical point of view it is noteworthy
that this species, which today is restricted to Africa, appears to be of
Asiatic origin; while the striped hyena, which now has the main part
of its range in Asia, almost certainly originated in Africa! This shows
how misleading zoogeographic conclusions may be ifbased on Recent
animals only rather than on fossil evidence [69; 166; 169 ; 170; 203].
Figure 26. Ivory sculp-
ture of Cave Hyena,
Crocuta crocut a spelaea,
from La Madeleine,
Dordogne. After
Maringer & Bandi.
Family Felidae, Cats
The earliest felids appeared in the Late Eocene, about 50 million years
ago. The family has a good fossil record. Apart from cats with nor-
mally developed teeth, the family also contains the extinct sabre-
toothed 'tigers' or sabre-tooths, which are often set off as a distinct
subfamily of the Felidae. They do not, however, form a homogeneous
group, but simply a recurrent adaptive type which evolved in several
different lineages out of 'normal' cats. This may sound surprising, but
it so happens that pseudo-sabre-tooths evolved even within groups of
carnivores other than the cats, thus showing that this type of adapta-
tion is highly successful. Both the meat-eating marsupials of South
America during the Tertiary and the creodonts (primitive pre-Carni-
vora) evolved sabre-toothed types. A closer study of the sabre-
toothed felids reveals that they form quite divergent lines of evolution,
with the enlarging of the upper canine teeth as the only significant
common character. The two groups of Pleistocene sabre-tooths are
good examples of this divergence.
That the true cats may well give rise to sabre-toothed forms is
clearly shown by a living species, the clouded leopard (Felis nebulosa
Griffith) in the East Indies. In this animal the upper canine teeth are
very large, forming great dirks fully comparable to those of many ex-
tinct sabre-tooths. But unlike the real sabre-tooths, the clouded
leopard has suffered no decrease in the size of its lower canines so that
it is still able to bite like a normal cat, while the extreme sabre-tooths
were specialized for stabbing.
All the Pleistocene felids may be referred to the subfamily Felinae,
characterized by a reduction of the number of teeth and a complete
ossification of the inner ear. They may be divided into three different
groups with the systematic rank of tribes: Tribe Smilodontini, the
dirk-toothed cats; Tribe Homotheriini, the scimitar cats; and Tribe
Felini, the true cats - the only one to survive to the present day.
Figure 27. Skull and mandible of Dirk-tooth, Megantereon megantereon, Seneze
(left) and Greater Scimitar Cat, Homotherium sainzelli, Perrier (right).
The Dirk-Tooth, Megantereon megantereon Croizet & jobert. All the
European members of the Smilodontini may be referred to a single
species, which was originally described from Mount Perrier and is a
Villafranchian guide fossil. It appears in the basal fauna (Villafranca
d' Asti ; Etouaires) and ranges all the way up to the Val d' Arno. It is
also present in Spain (Villaroya). It seems to be mainly Mediterranean
in distribution, although there are a couple of records north of the
Alps (Schernfeld ; Hajnacka). A closely related form, perhaps just a
subspecies of the same species, is present in the Villafranchian of
China. A complete skeleton of a dirk-tooth from Seneze may be seen
in the Basel Museum.
The smilodont cats are among the most extreme of all known felids
as regards the development of the canine teeth. The upper canines
were greatly elongated, slender and slightly curved; evidently they
were employed for the sole purpose of stabbing the prey with a
rapidly killing blow. In the Late Pleistocene terminal form in America,
Smilodon, the canines are enormous sabres, the largest tusks known in
the cat family. In Megantereon they were smaller but otherwise of the
same type. The skull is rather high and short with a triangular profile.
The jaw joint was so constructed as to permit the lower jaw to swing
down through an arc of90 degrees, clearing the points of the big tusks.
Figure 28. Restoration of Dirk-tooth, Megantereon megantereon, based on a skeleton
from Seneze.
The smilodontine tribe originates with the small Megantereon of
the early Villafranchian in Eurasia (there is a possibly ancestral form
in the Pliocene of India). The earliest members of the European spe-
cies were no larger than a puma, but they tended to grow larger dur-
ing the Villafranchian. At the end of the Villafranchian the genus died
out in Europe, but it survived into the Middle Pleistocene both in
Asia and Africa. The last Eurasian representative of the genus, Megan-
tereon inexpectatus Teilhard from Choukoutien (2-Mindel), was as
large as a panther. At this time the line apparently invaded North
America across the Bering bridge, later to advance into South America
as well. The Old World line meanwhile became extirict but the Ameri-
can forms, which are classified in the genus Smilodon, grew still larger
and culminated in the monstrous South American Smilodon neogaeus
Lund, larger than a lion.
Megantereon was a typical smilodont with a very powerful neck
(strong neck muscles, necessary for stabbing), short but massive front
legs and relatively feeble hind quarters. The animal obviously was not
a fast runner but relied on its tusks and the great strength of its front
paws, so that the prey may be visualized as a relatively large, slow-
moving animal. In the Villafranchian fauna the rhinoceros may be a
possibility, or perhaps young mastodonts and elephants.
In Megantereon the lower jaw carried a large chin process or depen-
dent flange, which formed a kind of sheath for the tusk when the
mouth was closed. In the earliest American Smilodon there is also a
flange, but it is somewhat reduced so that the points of the teeth ex-
tend beyond it when the jaws are closed. It is probable that the large
tusk bit outside the lower lip in this form. The flange became almost
completely reduced in the later smilodonts [177; 234].
Figure 29- Restoration of Greater Scimitar Cat, Homotherium sainzelli, based on a
skeleton from Seneze ; coloration hypothetical.
The Greater Scimitar Cat, Homotherium sainzelli Aymard (Epima-
chairodus crenatidens Fabrini). This is the large sabre-tooth of the
Villafranchian and early Middle Pleistocene in Europe. It is present
from the Etouaires level onwards and persists to B-Waalian times
(SainzelIes; Episcopia). In the French and Italian Villafranchian
faunas it is the constant companion of Megantereon, but unlike the
dirk-tooth it ranged far north and even occurs in a Villafranchian cave
at Doveholes in England. The best specimens so far known are a com-
plete skeleton from Seneze (Lyon) and a perfectly preserved skull
from Mount Perrier (Clairmont).
The homotheriine sabre-tooths are rather different from the smilo-
dontines. The sabres are shorter, more curved and much flatter; they
are thin, twin-edged scimitars with razor-sharp, crenulated edges.
The lower canines are not much reduced in size and the homotheres
often bit in the normal way, as proved by the presence of wear facets
on the canines. The cheek teeth are highly modified to form thin,
sharp-edged blades.
The strong curvature of the tusks indicates that the homotheres did
not make a deep stab into the body of their prey but used the can.ines
for slashing and slicing. In contrast with the smilodonts, the head is
elongated with long jaws and the skeleton is more rangy; the front
limbs were high and the lower arm particularly long. But like the
smilodonts, the homotheres had a short tail.
The distribution of the greater scimitar cat outside Europe has not
been definitely settled, mainly because of the difficulty in distinguish-
ing this species from the lesser scimitar cat. There is a Villafranchian
form in China which may be the same species, and the same may be
true for some incomplete material from the Siwaliks in India.
The origin of the homotheres is uncertain. Possibly it has some con-
nection with an Astian genus, Therailurus, which is rather less specia-
lized. On the other hand some authors think the scimitar cat may have
been descended from the characteristic Pliocene sabre-tooth genus,
Machairodus [19].
The Lesser Scimitar Cat, Homothertum (Dinobastis) latidens Owen.
The discovery of sabre-tooth canines in British caves was a sensation
a hundred years ago; they were described by Richard Owen under
the name Machairodus latidens. Recently, complete skeletons of adult
and juvenile specimens of a closely related scimitar cat, Homotherium
serum Hay, were discovered in a cave in Texas (Friesenhahn Cave)
and they have turned out to be closely similar to the European form.
The lesser scimitar cats differ from H. sainzelli in the smaller size of
the scimitars, but otherwise hardly at all. Like H. sainzelli this form
was of the size of a lion and was rather long-legged, with a particularly
long lower arm. A smaller form, H. ultimum Teilhard, has been found
in the Middle Pleistocene of China at Choukoutien; and another
form is known from the Djetis beds of Java.
The European species made its first appearance in the B-Waalian
interglacial (Bacton, Forest Bed); other early finds date from I-Giinz
II (Hundsheim) and C-Cromer (Cromer Forest Bed; Abbeville). The
earliest forms are probably contemporaneous with the last represen-
tatives of the greater scimitar tooth, which at that time was still to be
found in southeastern Europe. A definite classification of material
from Gombasek, Koneprusy, Siissenborn, Stranska Skala, etc. will
be most informative in this respect.
In the later Middle Pleistocene the lesser scimitar cat could still
be found in Europe, though it must have been rare; it occurs in the
D-Holstein (Steinheim; Montmaurin; Grotte de la Baume). In Eng-
land, however, the species is found in still younger deposits. It has
been found in strata that evidently can be no older than the 4- Wiirm
at no less than three sites - Kent's Cavern, Torquay, Pin Hole and
Robin Hood Cave at Creswell, Derbyshire. Thus the lesser scimitar
cat was still in existence during part of the last glaciation in Europe.
Its rare occurrence probably indicates a sparse population and solitary
habits. Perhaps the 4- Wiirmian British finds represent a relict popula-
tion and the species may have been extinct on the continent at that
H. latidens has not yet been found in southern 'Europe, but its
presence in North Africa (e.g. Ternifine, probably 2-Mindel) suggests
that its range included the Mediterranean coasts at least in the Middle
The fossils found in Europe are mainly isolated teeth and jaws, but
the partial skeleton from Hundsheim resembles the Texan form. The
mode of life of the latter has been illuminated by the discovery of
great numbers of teeth and bones of young elephants in Friesenhahn
Cave. It suggests that juvenile elephants formed the staple diet of H.
Dinobastis, while adult elephants were immune to their attacks. How
the great cat managed to avoid the adult elephants while preying on
the young is a matter for fascinating but perhaps futile speculation.
However this may be, the extinction of the scimitar cats might be
connected with the vanishing of their special prey in both Europe
and America at the end of the Ice Age [6; 196; 207].
With Martelli's Wild Cat, Felis lunensis Martelli we come to the tribe
Felini, which includes all the living felids. The larger species of this
group have a fairly good fossil record, but the small cats are rare every-
where except in the very youngest cave deposits.
This rule certainly holds for the Villafranchian F. lunensis. The
description is based on a jaw from Olivola of a cat the size of a modern
wild cat, but with somewhat different dental characters. Other re-
mains of cats, probably of the same species, are found sporadically at
different levels, beginning with the Pardines. This may also hold for
some Astian or Villafranchian remains from Csarnota, referred tenta-
tively to the steppe cat, F. manuI Pallas.
The species may have persisted in Europe into the Middle Pleisto-
cene; a fossil (unfortunately but a single tooth) from the Forest Bed
at West Runton (C-Cromer interglacial) resembles Martelli's cat
rather than modern wild cat. Perhaps this is a transitional form. There
are other finds demonstrating the presence of small cats in Europe
during the early Middle Pleistocene, but either they are indeter-
minable as to species (an incomplete radius from Mauer) or else they
have not been studied from this point of view (e.g. Schernfeld) [181].
Figure 30. Mandibles of domestic tabby (top) and European Wild Cat, Felis
silvestris (bottom). Both from Ravencliffe Cave, Late Pleistocene or Holocene. I ~
times natural size.
The Wild Cat, Felis silvestris Schreber. The wild cat is fairly common
in cave deposits dating from the last glaciation and Postglacial. Some-
what more sporadic finds in older strata back to the D-Holsteinian are
also referable to this species, but C-Cromerian fossils may be F.
lunensis or transitional forms. Apparently the Villafranchian species
was directly ancestral to the living one; only a complete fossil record
can show just where the species boundary should be drawn.
The material from the D-Holstein represents a large form of the
modern wild cat (Heppenloch; Lunel-Viel; Tarko), The F-Eemian
form is only slightly smaller (various travertines and caves).
The wild cat today has a very wide geographic range and inhabits
most of Africa down to the Cape, large parts of Europe (although ex-
terminated in many areas) and a great tract of Asia to Turkestan and
India. In the fossil state the species has an excellent record in Pales-
tine, especially in the 4- Wiirm.
The Pleistocene wild cat is remarkable for its size. Nowadays there
is a very large form of wild cat in southern Spain, F. silvestris tartessia
Miller. In other parts of Europe the wild cats are somewhat smaller,
although larger than the domestic tabby. The Pleistocene forms, both
in Europe and Palestine,are as large as the Spanish subspecies. "[0-
wards the end of the 4- Wiirm and in the Postglacial there occurred a
gradual size decrease, leading to the type seen in central Europe and
Scotland today.
The hunting method of the wild cat is similar to that of the house
cat: it lurks in ambush or stalks its prey, makes a dash, beats down the
prey with its paws and bites to kill. The staple diet consists of small
rodents. 'The living European form is a woodland animal preferring
mixed forest, but other subspecies are steppe forms. One of the latter,
the Egyptian F. silvestris lybica Forster, is probably ancestral to the
domestic cat; domestication dates from about 2500 BC.
The European wild cat is easy to identify externally from its thick,
grey and black banded fur and its moderately long, thick tail, which
does not taper as in the tabby. The identification of skeletal remains
is much more difficult, especially in the case of fragmentary material-
which, of course, is the usual state offossil bones. Often, however, size
alone may be sufficient to distinguish wild cat from the domestic
form [181].
The Steppe Cat, Felis manul Pallas. This species has been identified
in the 4- Wiirm in Europe (Kesslerloch; Schweizersbild) but the iden-
tifications have been seriously doubted. In the early Middle Pleisto-
cene (Kamyk) there are however remains of a forerunner of this spe-
cies, clearly identifiable on the very characteristic carnassial; the
material is at present undescribed. The modern steppe cat inhabits
central Asia in a belt from Transcaucasia to western China.
The Jungle Cat, Felis chaus Gueldenstaedt. This widely distributed
Asiatic and African felid ranges into eastern Europe in a limited zone
on the west coast of the Caspian Sea south of the Volga estuary. I t is
larger than the wild cat but smaller than the true lynxes; some exter-
nal characters such as the tufted ears and the relatively short tail are
reminiscent of the latter, but the dentition is not lynx-like and the
second upper premolar, characteristically absent in lynxes, is present
in F. chaus.
There are many records in the Pleistocene of Europe offelids larger
than the wild cat but smaller than any of the lynxes, but the material
has mostly been too fragmentary for definite identification. There
appears to be only one reliable record [95]; this is from the F-Eemian
interglacial travertines at Unterturkheim near Stuttgart. That this
tropical and subtropical animal ranged so far north may be due to the
warm climate during the optimum of the last interglacial. Unfor-
tunately the Untertiirkheim specimen consists only of parts of the
fore and hind limb, while skull and tooth remains are missing.
In Palestine the species is present in the 4- Wiirm [179].
The Issoire Lynx, Felis issiodorensis Croizet & Jobert. The charac-
teristic lynx of the Villafranchian is represented by numerous finds
ranging throughout that stage: Etouaires, and later at nearly all the
sites mentioned from Italy, France and Spain. The species has also
been found in eastern Europe and a close relative, F. shansius Teil-
hard, occurs in Villafranchian strata in China; it may be simply a
local subspecies of the same species.
The entire skeleton of the European form is known, mainly on the
basis of finds from Mount Perrier. The Issoire lynx is a well-defined
species. The dentition is of the lynx type, but otherwise the species
differs from typical lynxes. The head is quite large with a long face,
the body is long and the legs short, so that the Issoire lynx may have
resembled a small puma rather than a lynx; the tail, however, appears
to have been short as in the lynxes. Evidently the Issoire lynx is close to
the starting point of the evolution of lynxes. This shows that the small-
headed, long-legged and short-bodied lynxes of today have evolved
out of ancestral forms with the body proportions of normal cats.
The evolution of the northern species of lynx (P. lynx, F. pardina
and P. canadensis) may probably be interpreted as an adaptation to the
Figure 31. Mandibles of A, Northern Lynx, Felis lynx, Finland, Recent, specimen
with supernumerary molar; B, Issoire Lynx, F. issiodorensis, middle Villafranchian,
Saint-Vallier, with trace of third cusp on molar; C, Issoire Lynx, F. issiodorensis,
early Villafranchian, Etouaires, with only two cusps on molar. Natural size.
hare as the main prey. The dependence on hares appears very con-
vincingly in the trapping data of the Hudson's Bay Company, show-
ing the populations of the two species - prey and predator - to fluc-
tuate in perfect rapport with each other. But in the Villafranchian
there is no true hare in Europe; the related animals found here are the
Arno rabbit (Oryctolagus valdarnensis) and a species of the genus
Hypolagus, which is somewhat intermediate between hares and
rabbits. It is only in the early Middle Pleistocene that true hares of the
genus Lepus enter Europe. Perhaps the typical hunting method of the
northern lynxes began to evolve at that time. What the Issoire lynx
lived on and how it hunted is unknown and the guesses range from
arboreal stalking, leopard style, to rabbit hunting with the Arno rab-
bit and Hypolagus as staple food.
The origin of the Issoire lynx is probably to be sought in North
America. In the Late Pliocene of Rexroad, Kansas, remains of a very
primitive lynx have recently been found; in this form minute second
premolars are still retained occasionally (they are absent in all later
IY11xes). The descendants of the Rexroad lynx perhaps entered the
Old World at the same time as the genus Equus.
The Issoire lynx may well be ancestral to all the living Old World
lynxes. The teeth and skull of the Issoire lynx evolved and changed
visibly during the Villafranchian. For instance, the systematically
important lower carnassial tooth has two cusps in the Etouaires lynx.
In later populations of F. issiodorensis the third cusp typical of many
modern lynxes tends to appear gradually, but the character is still
variable at the Val d' Arno level (late Villafranchian). In the Middle
Pleistocene forms discussed below it seems to be definitely stabilized
[8 I; 176; 302].
The Pardel Lynx, Felis pardina Oken. The PardeI lynx has sometimes
been regarded as merely a subspecies of the northern lynx (F. lynx),
but this is clearly incorrect. The present-day form, which is found
only in the Iberian peninsula, differs from its northern counterpart
mainly in its smaller size. In the Late Pleistocene the species was
present not only in Spain but also in central Europe, where its range
overlapped with that of the northern lynx; nevertheless the two spe-
cies remained distinct and there is no evidence of interbreeding. The
modern Pardel lynx is a less exclusive hare hunter than the Canada
lynx and northern lynx and rabbits and small rodents form a large
part of its food.
Lynxes that have usually been referred to F. issiodorensis occur at
several Middle Pleistocene sites in Europe (Episcopia; Mauer; Soli1-
hac-Blanzac); they might perhaps as well be regarded as early rep-
resentatives of the Pardel lynx. Unfortunately we have only a few
teeth and jaws of these animals, so that no definite decision appears
possible at present. In size the Middle Pleistocene form exceeds the
modern Pardel lynx - it is as big as the Issoire lynx or the modern
northern lynx - but this is also true for the fossil PardeI lynx from the
4- Wiirm in Spain, of which excellent material is known from the Gib-
raltar caves and Cueva del Toll near Moya (Barcelona). These ani-
mals are nearly as large as the northern lynx, so that it would seem that
the body size of this species has diminished since the Ice Age [176;
30 2 ] .
The Northern Lynx, Felis lynx Linne. The earliest certain finds of
this species date from the F-Eemian; it occurs, for instance, in the
travertines near Weimar. It is often found in deposits from the 4-
Wiirm, when it ranged into Italy and the Balkans; alleged Spanish
finds are more likely to be the large Pleistocene F. pardina.
The fossil specimens are quite similar to the modern form, which
indicates that there has been no size reduction in this species after the
Pleistocene. F. lynx is the largest of the living lynxes and has the lynx
characters in greater measure than any other species. It is capable of
standing leaps up to 15feet; this is the basis ofits hunting method. The
lynx is dependent on woodland and hence absent in the tundra phases
of the 4-Wiirm.
Although it has been exterminated in most of its European habitat,
the lynx still has a great geographic range; it inhabits all of the north-
ern Asiatic taiga belt and ranges south to Asia Minor, Persia and Tibet.
The American F. canadensis Kerr is a related form but of smaller size,
approximately equal to the Pardellynx.
The third cusp of the lower carnassial is very well developed in F.
lynx, and some specimens - about ten per cent of the individuals -
carry a small second molar behind the carnassial. This is an odd re-
version of the normal trend in felid evolution, which tends to elimina-
tion of the tubercular cheek teeth behind the carnassials [176; 28 I].
The Tuscany Lion, Felis toscana Schaub. This is the large cat typical
of the Villafranchian. About the size of the small lion, it differs from F.
leo in various details in the dentition. Whether its body build resemb-
led that of the lion we cannot tell at present, for very little is known of
the skeleton and even the sole known skull (from Val d' Arno) is badly
crushed and deformed.
The Tuscany lion makes sporadic appearances at various sites from
Etouaires times on; it has not been found in Spain. On the other hand,
it did range north of the Alps and is very well represented at A- Tege-
len, so that it seems to have been quite common at the end of the Villa-
franchian. Perhaps F. gombaszogensis Kretzoi, a rather little-known
species from Gombasek, Kovesvarad and Koneprusy, is identical with
the Villafranchian form; that would extend its range to the 2-Mindel.
Figure 32. Skulls of Villafranchian Leopard, Felis schaubi (above) and modern
Leopard, F. pardus (below). Not to scale.
The Tuscany lion does not seem to qualify as an ancestor of the true
lion; in some respects it shows closer affinity to the leopards. The
same is true for a Chinese great cat (F. palaeosinensis Zdansky) of the
same date; possibly all these forms are really a single species, in which
case Zdansky's name has precedence. In India there is also a large
true cat in the Villafranchian, F. cristata Falconer & Cautley, but it is
aberrant and does not resemble any modern species. Perhaps we must
look to Africa for the ancestors of both the lion and the tiger [243].
Owen's Panther, Felis pardoides Owen. This leopard-like cat was ori-
ginally described on the basis of a few teeth from the East Anglian
Crags, probably from the late Villafranchian. It is possible that a
small 'leopard from Saint-Vallier, F. schaubi Viret, may belong to the
same species; the size is the same. Again, the same may be true for
some fragmentary specimens from Villany and Csarnota, but know-
ledge of this form is still quite incomplete [213; 302].
The Lion or Cave Lion, Felis leo Linne. This great cat is the best
known of all the Pleistocene felids of Europe. Yet generations of pa-
leontologists have tried to decide whether the cave lion was a real lion,
or perhaps a tiger, or a species distinct from both. There is still no con-
sensus of opinion on this point. Most German authors regard the cave
lion as a species of its own, F. spelaea Goldfuss, while most English
and French students favour the lion alternative. The cave tiger solu-
tion nowadays has few advocates, although one author has advanced
the original idea that both species existed in Europe in the Pleistocene
- the tiger during glaciations, the lion during interglacials.
The tiger alternative need not detain us. There are gigantic tigers
in the Pleistocene of China and they show what a tiger looks like when
blown up to this format [48]. It is quite different from the European
great cat: it has much larger canine teeth in relation to the premolars
and the nasal opening has a different shape. In these and many other
characters the cave lion resembles the true lion. Differences from the
living lion are minor and many of them are simply by-products of the
larger size in the European form. There is thus insufficient evidence
for a specific separation between F. leo and F. spelaea.
The lion entered the European scene in the C-Cromer (Mauer;
Forest Bed; Mosbach) with a gigantic form. African lions of the same
date resemble the Mauer lion, though they do not reach such an
enormous size. The Cromerian lion in Europe may be the largest
felid that ever existed. In the D-Holsteinian, the lion is common
(Swanscombe; Steinheim; Heppenloch; Lunel-Viel, etc.) ; it has also
been found at E-Ilford in large numbers. 3-Riss finds are numerous
(Chatillon Saint-Jean; Achenheim; Saale terraces .; T ornewton Cave,
Figure 33. Skull and mandible of Cave I__ ion, Felis leo spelaea, Pleistocene, USSR.
Two-ninths natural size. After Gromova.
etc.). In cave deposits from F-Eemian and 4-Wurmian times the lion
is frequently encountered, though rarely in great numbers. An in-
teresting exception is the Wierzchowska Cave in southern Poland,
where a large number of lion bones, representing about twenty ani-
mals, have been found. Two size groups, representing males and fe-
males, may be distinguished in the material from this cave. The sexual
size variation has often caused confusion and led to the erroneous con-
clusion that there were two different races or species of cave lion. The
Late Pleistocene cave lion was not as large as its forerunners in the
C-Cromer, but was distinctly larger than modern African lions.
Figure 34. Engraving of
Cave Lion, Felis leo spelaea.
Les Combarelles, Dor-
dogne. After Breuil.
The lion (probably the cave lion, F. leo spelaea) survived in histori-
cal times in the Balkans and Asia Minor. Probably there was a con-
tinuous population extending into India, but now only a small group
of the Asiatic lion survives. The Indian population was connected by
way of Arabia with the African stock, which has also been decimated
in recent years. The famous Berber lion and other North African
forms are gone, and so is the Cape lion.
The lion is the only living felid to hunt in groups. Whether this
method was practised by the European cave lion is of course unknown
to us. Perhaps group tactics were necessary to cope with such power-
ful beasts as the aurochs and the bison. Of course the cave lion may
have preyed on other forms of large game, for instance the giant deer,
red deer and elk.
The comparatively large number of finds may indicate that the lion
was a rather common animal all over Europe, perhaps more so than
the leopard and almost certainly more so than the scimitar-tooth
A possibly ancestral form combining tiger-like and lion-like charac-
ters has recently been described from the Villafranchian of East
Africa [80; 128; 187].
The Leopard, Felis pardus Linne. Like the lion, this species entered
Europe in the C-Cromerian; the best early specimen is a lower jaw
from Mauer. The leopard already had a wide distribution at this early
date: it is found in Africa (Transvaal Caves) and in Asia (Choukou-
tien ; Java). For all of the Pleistocene in Europe, Stehlin in 1933 was
able to list 69 sites with fossil leopard and many more have been
added since then. Though it seems never to have been so abundant in
numbers as the lion (lion sites are more than three times as numerous
as leopard sites), the leopard ranged with its larger cousin throughout
the Middle and Late Pleistocene, dying out in Europe towards the
end of the 4- Wiirm. The European subspecies is notable for its large
size, but this also holds for the Pleistocene leopards of Palestine and
China. The African Pleistocene form, on the other hand, was no
larger than the living one.
The ancestry of the leopard is uncertain. Descent from the Villa-
franchian F. pardoides is a distinct possibility, F. palaeosinensis of
China is another, and what Africa may have harboured in the line of
Villafranchian proto-leopards is at present little known.
The geographic range of the leopard in Europe was found by
Stehlin to be more restricted than that of the lion. I ts northern boun-
dary passes from southern England through Liege, Thuringia, Mora-
via and the Transylvanian Alps. The leopard-like cats of central Asia
belong to the species F. uncia Schreber, the snow leopard or irbis.
The living leopard is widely distributed and inhabits many kinds of
environments, including tropical rain forests, steppes and mountains
even above the snow line. No wonder that the species flourished in
Europe during the Ice Age, even in the coldest phases of the 4-Wiirm.
A skilful climber, the leopard stalks its prey or lies in ambush in the
trees or among the rocks. The prey consists of medium-sized herbi-
vores, of which there were a great number in Europe during the Ice
Age, such as the boar and several kinds of deer. Long of body, with
short legs, a small head and a very long tail, the leopard is unique
among the larger cats in having almost mustelid-like proportions
The Giant Cheetah, Acinonyx pardinensis Croizet & Jobert. This
species is known mainly from the Villafranchian, beginning with the
basal level (Villafranca d' Asti ; Etouaires), although it did survive in
the early Middle Pleistocene (Saint-Esteve ; Hundsheim). The Villa-
franchian was clearly its heyday in Europe; its slender limb bones and
typical teeth are quite common in the Villafranchian, at Pardines,
Villaroya, Seneze, Olivola and other sites.
Equal in size to a modern lion, it was indeed a giant of a cheetah.
The living cheetah is known to be the fastest runner of all animals,
galloping easily at 56 mph [103]. In this respect the giant cheetah was
probably as advanced as its living relative, judging from the skeletal
elements. A. pardinensis on the hunt must have been a fabulous sight.
The giant cheetah was gradually reduced in size during the Villa-
franchian. "The late Villafranchian fossils are decidedly smaller than
the early ones and in the Middle Pleistocene the size reduction had
gone so far that this form has even been regarded as a distinct species
(A. intermedius Thenius). However, the Saint-Esteve form is as large
as the Villafranchian one [34].
Figure 35. Restoration of Giant Cheetah, Acinonyx pardinensis, after a mount in the
Museum of Basel (skeletal parts from various Villafranchian sites).
The giant cheetah has also been found in the Villafranchian of
India and China. Again, there is a transition to a smaller form during
the Middle Pleistocene in China and the Late Pleistocene cheetahs
in this area approach the living species closely enough to be classified
within it (Acinonyx jubatus Schreber), though they are still a little
larger on average. I t would seem that there was a gradual transition
from the great Villafranchian species to the living cheetah. On the
other hand the pre-Villafranchian history of the cheetah is unknown
to us. As the earliest Villafranchian finds already show all of the
cheetah characters, it may be assumed that the genus Acinonyx had a
long history in the Pliocene.
At present, A. jubatus inhabits most of the African steppes and sa-
vannas; it also existed up to recent years in southwestern Asia and
India, but not in eastern Asia, where it became extinct at the close of
the Ice Age. Unfortunately the species has now been exterminated in
all of its Asiatic range, where it used to be tamed and kept as a hunting
animal. The range in Africa has also shrunk seriously in the north.
Cheetahs were present in historical times in Asia Minor; they have,
for instance, been found at Troy in post-Homeric (Greek Ilion) asso-
Ecologically the cheetah is dependent on open ground and avoids
forests, where of course its great speed would be useless. Its presence
in southern and central Europe during the Villafranchian, together
with Euryboas, indicates that extensive grasslands were available even
during the forest episodes [243; 302].
Family Mustelidae, Weasel-like Carnivores
The varied family of the Mustelidae includes the majority of the car-
nivores of Europe today; and so, to all appearances, it must have done
in the Pleistocene. But the bones of mustelids are comparatively small
and fragile and have a poor chance of fossil preservation. This is par-
ticularly true for the tree-living forms - weasels, stoats and martens-
all of which are very scarce as fossils.
The Mustelidae is one of the oldest carnivore families. As the viver-
rids are linked to hyaenids and felids, so the mustelids form a natural
group together with the dogs, procyonids and bears. The mustelids
have established themselves in the trees, on the ground, in the earth
and in the water. Some are exclusive meat-eaters, others are omni-
vorous with a strong vegetarian bias. They live in environments rang-
ing from the Arctic to the tropics. No other carnivore family exhibits
such a diversity of adaptive types.
The family may be divided into a number of subfamilies. Of these
the Mustelinae, with the weasels, polecats, martens and gluttons, is
especially rich in species. The subfamilies of the ratels (Mellivorinae)
and skunks (Mephitinae) are absent in the Pleistocene of Europe,
although they were well represented in the Tertiary. The badgers or
Melinae on the other hand form an important element and so does the
otter subfamily, the Lutrinae.
Schlosser's Glutton, Gulo schlosseri Kormos. Glutton-like mustelids
are entirely lacking in the Villafranchian of Europe and the earliest
Pleistocene evidence of this group comes in the early Middle Pleisto-
cene at Episcopia (B-Waalian). The species has also been identified in
strata dating from I -Gunz II and C-Cromer (Mosbach I ; Forest Bed;
Gombasek; Erpfingen ; Stranska Skala), but these may be transi-
tional to the true glutton. The size is almost the only key to the identi-
fication of Schlosser's glutton and it is actually only at Episcopia that
a form decidedly smaller than the living glutton has been found.
Indirectly, however, another character differentiating Schlosser's
glutton from the living species is evident. It occurs at Episcopia in
a decidedly warm fauna together with macaque and other warmth-
loving species. Perhaps this means that Schlosser's glutton did not
yet possess the boreal adaptation of its living descendant; it would
seem that the glutton embarked upon its modern way of life as late as
the 2-Mindel glaciation.
Figure 36. A-C, skull and mandible of Glutton, Gulo gulo, Recent; one-fourth
natural size. D-E, lower P, and carnassial ofD, Schlosser's Glutton, G. schlosseri
and E, Recent Glutton; two-thirds natural size. A-C after Gromova ; D-E after
The transition between Schlosser's glutton and true glutton is so
gradual that it can hardly be doubted that G. schlosseri was the im-
mediate ancestor of the living species. To trace the history of the
glutton stock backward from the schlosseri stage is more difficult, but
at least the general outline is known. There existed during the Plio-
cene, both in Eurasia and North America, a genus called Plesiogulo
which is probably ancestral to Gulo. I t has a less specialized dentition
than the modern glutton: the shearing blades of the carnassial teeth
were shorter and the tubercular teeth behind the carnassials were
larger. Plesiogulo in turn was apparently derived from marten-like
ancestors; most probably the glutton stock originated from some
Miocene member of the genus Martes.
Advanced species of Plesiogulo from the Astian of Europe and
China show definite progress towards the Gulo stage and the transi-
tion to the modern genus probably took place in the Villafranchian;
but we still have to await the discovery of glutton remains of this age
5 ; 29]
Figure 37. Engraving
of Glutton, Gulo gulo,
transfixed by a spear.
Trois-Freres in the
Pyrenees. After
The Glutton or Wolverine, Gulo gulo Linne. Transitional forms be-
tween G. schlosseri and G. gulo have already been mentioned from 1-
Giinz II and C-Cromer and the modern species was definitely present
in the 2-Mindel, as proved by a jaw from the upper strata at Mosbach.
The glutton is fairly common in the basal stratumof Tornewton Cave,
the so-called Glutton Stratum C3-Riss). This form is slightly smaller
than the Mosbach jaw, which belonged to a very powerful animal.
The glutton of the last glaciation, which is known from many caves
and ranged into the Balkans and Italy, again tended to very large di-
mensions; some of these are considerably larger than any living
glutton. As late as the early Postglacial very large specimens lived in
northern Germany and Denmark, so that the size reduction falls
entirely within the last 8,000 or 10,000 years.
In China, too, true glutton appears in the 2-Mindel (at Choukou-
tien). The species now has a circumpolar distribution; the living
American form belongs to the same species as the Eurasian. It seems
to have immigrated in North America in the 3-Riss, for the earliest
specimens come from cave deposits of about this age (Port Kennedy
Cave in Pennsylvania; Cumberland Cave in Maryland).
The glutton is highly dependent on bogs, an environment in which
it is superior to the wolf, elsewhere its most dangerous rival [151]. Its
summer diet consists of eggs, caterpillars, berries and small rodents;
in the winter it will kill mammals and birds as available and may prey
on animals very much larger than itself, for instance the elk. I t also
eats carrion, being able to crack bones with its strong premolars al-
most like a hyena. The prey is usually killed by a bite in the back of the
neck. When attacking a large animal, the glutton leaps on to its back
and clings to it, while its teeth work into the neck. Perhaps the large
Pleistocene variety may on occasion have brought down such large
game as the giant deer [28; 164; 290].
The Primitive Marten, Martes uetus Kretzoi (M. intermedius Heller).
The genus Martes probably existed in Europe throughout the Pleis-
tocene, but fossils are scarce and only part of its history is known. In
the late Astian and perhaps the early Villafranchian a large species, M.
zoeneensis Stach, lived in Europe; it was apparently related to the
North American .Fisher (M. pennant: Erxleben). There is no later
evidence of the fisher group in Europe, and the martens make their
next appearance in the early Middle Pleistocene (Sackdilling ; Schern-
feld; Sussenborn ; Kovesvarad ; Forest Bed) with the species M.
The primitive marten may well be ancestral to both of the present-
day European martens, the pine marten and beech marten; it has
characters resembling both. Unfortunately the species is not too well
known. A suggestion of its ecology may be gained from the fact that
M. vetus is absent in the Hungaro-Roumanian faunas, which other-
wise tend to be richer in small mammals than those of central and
western Europe. Its absence in the steppe faunas may suggest that
M. vetus was arboreal in habits, that is to sayan ecological forerunner
of M. martes.
M. vetus cannot be derived from M. wenzensis, so that its origin is
unknown at present. The genus Martes is present as early as the be-
ginning of the Pliocene in Eurasia [97].
The Pine Marten, Martes martes Linne. This carnivore has been de-
finitely identified in deposits from the F-Eemian, both in travertine
and cave deposits. One of the most interesting finds has been recorded
in the cave of Drachenloch in St Gallen, Switzerland, which lies 1800
ft. higher than the highest present-day record for the species. This is
one of many indications of a particularly warm climate in the F-
~ gE
~ 3
Figure 38. A-C, skull and mandible of Pine Marten, Maries martes; one-half natura.
size. D-E, upper P3_Ml ofD, M. martes and E, Beech Marten, M.foina; two-
thirds natural size. A-C after Gromova; D-E after Miller.
Scattered remains of martens have been found in earlier deposits,
but species determinations are not certain. As regards earlier Middle
Pleistocene finds, reference to M. vetus would seem probable; that
species is likely to be ancestral to M. martes. In the case of later finds,
confusion with beech marten is a possibility to be kept in mind.
Specimens from T'arko and Breitenberg Cave may represent the D-
Holsteinian pine marten.
The pine marten of the 4- Wiirm and early Postglacial is a large
form; the present-day species attains similar size only in the far
north. In most areas there seems to have been a gradual decrease in
size during the Postglacial.
Externally the pine marten may be separated from the beech mar-
ten by its slightly larger size, longer legs, and a yellow throat patch. It
usually keeps to pine forests, so that it is a good climate indicator. An
accomplished climber, the pine marten does most of its hunting in the
trees and leaps from branch to branch when pursuing the squirrel, its
staple diet. The marten will also take birds, eggs and insects and eats
vegetable food such as berries and fruits. The species inhabits large
tracts of Europe and Asia but is replaced to the east by a related spe-
cies the sable (M. zibellina Linne), a somewhat smaller form [52; 265].
The Beech Marten, Martes foina Erxleben. This species has been
found in Postglacial deposits in Europe. There are also several records
that may be Late Pleistocene but it is possible that it has been con-
fused with pine marten. In Palestine and Iraq, however, M. foina is
common in cave deposits from 4-Wiirm, while M. martes is rare or
absent. Probably the beech marten entered Europe from the east at
the end of the Ice Age.
Separation of beech marten and pine marten on the basis of teeth
and skeletal fragments is rather difficult, so that determinations of
some of the Pleistocene material may not be reliable. The differences
in the dentition are slight; for instance in the beech marten the car-
nassials are relatively more powerful, with slightly longer blades; also
the skull is somewhat broader. A beech marten in the flesh is easily
identified by its white throat patch.
The beech marten is less dependent on woodlands than the pine
marten and is well adapted to a steppe environment, including the
man-made steppes of the present day; in some countries it is called
the house marten. The species is now common in southern and
central Europe up to Denmark and in the greater part of Asia. It is
less resistant to cold than the pine marten, which makes identification
of this species in European deposits from the 4- Wiirm somewhat
suspect. Of course it may have been present in the interglacials.
The species may have been descended from M. vetus collaterally
with the pine marten; but there is no successional evidence to bear out
the relationship, which has only been suggested because of some
foina-like characters in the primitive marten. In spite of the resem-
blance and obvious relationship between beech marten and pine
marten, the two species are very dissimilar ecologically [179].
The Baranya Polecat, Baranogale antiqua Pomel (B. helbingi Kormos).
This is a representative of the group of banded polecats with the living
genera Zorilla and Vormela. The group was highly varied and numer-
ous in Europe during the Early and Middle Pleistocene and the
Baranya polecat is one of the most common carnivores of that time.
The oldest finds, from Weze, Podlesice and Csarnota, date from the
Astian, but it ranges to the earliest Middle Pleistocene (Villany ; Bere-
mend; Rebielice). A slightly larger form of the same species has been
found at Etouaires and Saint-Vallier.
B. antiqua was rather larger than the living banded polecats but
otherwise seems to have resembled the Cape polecat, Zorilla striata.
Its presence in the faunas of Etouaires and Saint-Vallier may suggest
that it was a less exclusive steppe form than its living relatives. Un-
fortunately we do not know enough of its skeleton to determine its
mode of life.
The ancestry of the genus Baranogale is uncertain but it has been
suggested that the Baranya polecat was an invader from Africa, since
its closest living relatives are found there. No living descendants of
Baranogale are known [302].
Figure 39. Skull and mandible of Baranya Polecat, Baranogale antiqua, Villa-
franchian, Saint-Vallier. Natural size. After Viret.
The Beremend Polecat, Vormela beremendensis Perenyi. This species
is regarded as the immediate forerunner of the living marbled polecat,
which it resembles very closely both as regards size and dental mor-
phology; the head is stated to be somewhat narrower in the fossil form.
The species is known from the Astian, Villafranchian and early Middle
Pleistocene (Podlesice; Villany ; Beremend; Nagyharsanyhegy) in
Hungary and Poland. Probably the Beremend polecat, like its living
descendant, was a steppe animal, preying on burrowing rodents which
it hunted in their subterranean nests.
The ancestry of the genus Vormela is uncertain, but a Pliocene
mustelid from China may have a place here. Most probably the
genera Zorilla, Baranogale and Vormela (which some would unite in
a single genus) evolved from a common ancestor at a relatively late
date in the Tertiary [141].
The Marbled Polecat, Vormela peregusna Gueldenstaedt. The living
marbled polecat is not known in the fossil state in the Pleistocene of
Europe except Russia; in the Caucasus, for instance, it is found in the
Binagady fauna perhaps of F-Eemian date. In Palestine there are
several finds dating from the 4- Wiirm; the earliest are interstadial in
age (4-Wiirm I-II).
The marbled polecat has a strikingly multi-coloured fur, brown
with yellow patches on the body but black with white patches on the
head and neck. I ts mode of life has been briefly described above in the
section on V. beremendensis. Unfortunately the time hiatus between
the last known Beremend polecats and the earliest true marbled pole-
cats is so great that it is impossible to give an accurate date for the
emergence of the modern species - if the two are indeed distinct.
The species now inhabits steppe and desert areas in southern
Russia, on the Balkan Peninsula and eastward through Asia into
China [179].
The Arde Polecat, Enhydrictis ardea Bravard (Pannonictis pilgrimi
Kormos). This species has been described under various names from
different sites, causing systematists a lot of trouble. I t turns up in
the basal Villafranchian (Etouaires) and persists throughout this
stage, with a preference for forest faunas (Saint-Vallier; Villaroya;
Olivola; Tegelen). In England it has been found in the Red Crag, in
Hungary in the late Villafranchian and early Middle Pleistocene up
to r-Giinz II. It has also been found in Sardinia. At one time it was
thought to be amphibious, somewhat like the minks - hence the genus
name - but study of the limb bones has not confirmed this theory. Like
the related Pannonictis, E. ardea was a land animal. Both are now often
classified together with the living South American genera Tayra and
Grison. Whether there is a real relationship between these geogra-
phically separated groups remains to be seen - the similarity might
also result from adaptive response to a similar mode of life. In ecologi-
cal habits, the grison may well resemble the Arde polecat. The grison
inhabits both steppes and woodlands and this may also.have been true
for Enhydrictis [22; 30I].
The Pannonian Polecat, Pannonictis pliocaenica Kormos. (The genus
Pannonictis is doubtfully separate from Enhydrictis.) This species
is found as early as the Astian (Csarnota) and ranges through the
Villafranchian and into the early Middle Pleistocene in eastern
Europe; the last specimens may be ofB-Waalian age. It seems to have
invaded western Europe in the late Villafranchian (A-Tegelen) and
persisted to the C-Cromerian (Forest Bed at West Runton). A closely
related form has been described from the early Pleistocene of North
America under the name Trigonictis.
The Pannonian polecat was a large mustelid. The length of head
and body may have exceeded 2 ~ ft. with an additional 1 ft. 8 in. for
the tail. Like the related Enhydrictis, the Pannonian polecat probably
was not an amphibious form but may have led a life resembling that
of the living tayra. This large, marten-like mustelid inhabits grass-
lands and open forests and preys on small and medium-sized
mammals [138].
The European Mink, Mustela (I-Jutreola) lutreola Linne. Fossil finds
of this species are very rare. According to Boule, a specimen from
Grotte de l'Observatoire, Monaco (4-Wiirm) belongs to this species.
On the other hand a number of supposed finds from southeast Europe
have been revised by Mottl [199], who concludes that they belong to
other species.
The genus Mustela comprises not only the weasels but also the
minks and true polecats, sometimes regarded as distinct genera
(Lutreola and Putorius, here treated as subgenera). The minks are par-
ticularly well adapted for an amphibious mode of life and even have
webbed toes for swimming. The European mink has now been ex-
terminated in most of its former range in central Europe but is still
found in Finland and eastward through Russia and in Siberia. Its
closest relative is the American mink, M. vison Schreber. It seems
likely that the minks originally arose in North America and that M.
lutreola is a late newcomer in Europe.
Stromer's Polecat, Mustela (Putorius) stromeri Kormos. The earliest
known representative of the true polecats appears in the late Villa-
franchian (Beremend). It has also been found at Episcopia, Erpfingen
and Hundsheim, and thus ranges approximately to I-Giinz II. The
remains are somewhat incomplete but suggest that Stromer's polecat
was closely allied to the living M. putorius, although considerably
smaller. This may indicate that the subgenus Putorius evolved at a
relatively late date, perhaps in the Villafranchian, from weasel-like
ancestors. In the Astian there existed large weasels (Mustela) which
exceeded the stoat in size.
The mode of life of M. stromeri is a matter of speculation, for the
two species that inhabit Europe at the present day have quite dis-
similar habits. In any case it seems probable that both M. putorius and
M. euersmanni were derived from Stromer's polecat [141].
Figure 40. A, mandible fragment of Stromer's Polecat, Mustela stromeri, Villa-
franchian, Beremend. B, mandible of Polecat, M. putorius, Recent. C-D, skull and
mandible of Steppe Polecat, M. eversmanni, Recent. All natural size. A after
Kormos; B after Miller; C-D after Gromova.
The Polecat, Mustela (Putorius) putorius Linne. This species is mainly
distinguished from the closely related steppe polecat by its somewhat
smaller size, some details in the dentition (relatively smaller canine
and carnassial teeth, larger post-carnassial molars) and the more
moderate constriction of the skull behind the eyes. Fragmentary ma-
terial may often be quite impossible to identify, which means that
Middle Pleistocene finds generally cannot be determined as to species.
Polecats of modern type (M. putorius or M. eversmanni) have been
discovered in deposits dating from the C-Cromer and 2-Mindel
(Forest Bed; Mosbach 2), while other finds date from the D-Holstein-
ian (Lunel-Viel; Breitenberg) and the 3-Riss (Tornewton Cave). F-
Eemian and later finds are very common in cave deposits and may be
definitely identified as a large form of M. putorius (M. putorius robusta
The polecat seeks much of its food in and along streams but is not
an aquatic form to the same degree as the mink. It eats amphibians,
fish and invertebrates as well as some small mammals. It ranges over
most of Europe and the Asiatic taiga belt and is also found in north-
western Africa. During the last century it has increased its range
greatly in Finland (and to some degree also in Sweden), probably in
response to the climatic amelioration. The advance has had an average
rate of about 5 miles a year, which suggests some speculations of geo-
logical and stratigraphic interest. As an example, a migration at this
rate would make it possible for a species to colonize most of Eurasia in
a few thousand years - a lapse of time which is too short to be dis-
cernible in the geological perspective except in the late 4- Wiirm and
Postglacial. Under favourable circumstances the invasion of a species
may then be regarded as synchronous, geologically speaking, even in
widely separated areas and may give important information for the
correlation of various local sequences. Obviously something like this
has often happened, for instance when a species crossed the Bering
Bridge and invaded a new continent.
As in many other species, a Postglacial dwarfing may be observed
in the polecat; early Postglacial specimens are still on average mar-
kedly larger than living ones [52; 256].
The Steppe Polecat or Ferret, Mustela (Putorius) euersmanni Lesson.
This species is definitely present in the F-Eemian (Lambrecht Cave;
travertines at Weimar) and 4-Wiirm (various cave finds, especially in
central and eastern Europe). Whether Middle Pleistocene finds rep-
resent this species or M. putorius, or both, is still uncertain. It is
possible that the two species were not yet distinct in the Middle
Pleistocene; their close similarity may suggest that the splitting up is
relatively recent. In the area of overlap between the species ranges in
eastern Europe, hybrids are said to be fairly common and many
authors regard the steppe polecat merely as a subspecies of M. puto-
Its habits, however, are quite different from those of the true pole-
cat. I ts staple diet consists of the rodent Citellus major Pallas which it
hunts in its subterranean nests, so that its habits resemble those of the
marbled polecat. The somewhat larger canine teeth of M. eversrnanni
as compared with M. putorius probably evolved in adaptation to this
mode of life; other changes in the skull and dentition have been shown
by Soergel [256] to be merely correlatives of that primary change.
The steppe polecat ranges from southeastern Europe to western
China, but is extinct over most of its Pleistocene range in Europe
(Germany, France, perhaps England). The ferret is the domestic form
of M. eversmanni and is used to hunt rabbits and rats; its domestica-
tion probably dates back to a few centuries Be [119; 129].
'The Primitive Stoat, Mustela palermina Perenyi. 011e of the most
common carnivores in central and eastern Europe during the earlier
part of the Middle Pleistocene was a forerunner of the stoat. It is only
very slightly different from the living species and is obviously directly
ancestral. The primitive stoat is found at a number ofsites (Beremend;
Villany ; Episcopia; Gombasek; Sackdilling; Koneprusy, etc.) and
ranges at least up to the C-Cromer.
A stoat-like form has also been found in the Astian (Wolfersheim;
Weze; Csarnota) and has been described under the name M. plioer-
mina Stach. It is thus evident that there is a continuous phyletic se-
quence in Europe from the Late Pliocene to the present day. Whether
the degree of change that took place in this sequence actually merits
the recognition of three distinct successive species-stages is more
In the present-day stoat there is a tendency for the average body
size to decrease northwards: the Scandinavian forms are markedly
smaller than those of central Europe and the Scottish stoat is smaller
than the English one. This is, of course, contrary to Bergmann's rule.
The weasel, incidentally, behaves in the same way; so did M. paler-
minea, for the interglacial specimens of B- Waalian age are decidedly
larger than the 'cold' ones from I-Giinz I and II.
Generally speaking the stoat may be regarded as a woodland form,
though it does range marginally into open country and the high
mountains [141].
The Stoat or Ermine, Mustela erminea Linne. The ermine stock of the
later Middle Pleistocene is incompletely known; in the F-Eemian and
4-Wiirm, on the other hand, the species is common enough. In the
Drachenloch at Vattis in Switzerland the ermine has been found in
interglacial deposits 2445 m. above sea level; but this is within its
present-day range, for it reaches 3000 m. in the Alps. I t may also be
found in the tundra of the north, but it is mainly a forest animal. Its
present-day range covers nearly all of Europe except the Mediter-
ranean peninsulas, but Pleistocene records from Portugal and Italy
indicate that the range extended further south in the Ice Age. (But
there is always the risk that the large south European races of the
weasel may be mistaken for stoat.) The ermine is also found in
northern Asia and has been present in North America since the 3-Riss.
Figure 41. A-B, skull and C, mandible of Recent Stoat, Mustela erminea; D, man-
dible of Primitive Stoat, M. palerminea, Middle Pleistocene, Episcopia; E, mandible
of Primitive Weasel, M. praenivalis, Middle Pleistocene, Nagyharsany. All natural
size. A-C after Miller; D-E after Kormos.
'The exclusively carnivorous habits and hunting skill of the stoat
are well known. Besides eggs, rodents and insectivores it will attack
mammals and birds much larger than itself [265].
The Primitive Weasel, Musiela praenivalis Kormos. Like the ermine,
the weasel has a predecessor in the Middle Pleistocene and Villa-
franchian. Recorded sites include Villany, Beremend, Schernfeld,
Erpfingen, Sackdilling, etc. Finds from the C-Cromerian (Cromer
Forest Bed; Abbeville; Kovesvarad) may represent the same species
or may be transitional to the living form.
The primitive weasel in turn was probably derived from an Astian
form, M. pliocaenica Stach, so that there is a continuous weasel suc-
cession from the Pliocene to the present day, just as in the case of the
stoat. The exact demarcation of the successional species is as uncer-
tain as in the erminea sequence [141; 261].
The Weasel, Mustela niualis Linne (M. vuLgaris Erxleben). The tran-
sition between M. praenivalis and the modern species seems to be
gradual. Finds from the earlier Middle Pleistocene are mostly classi-
fied in the extinct species, while the specimens from the 2-Mindel (e.g.
Mosbach 2) and the D-Holsteinian (Tarko, Breitenberg and various
other caves) are regarded as nivalis. The modern species is quite com-
mon in cave deposits from the F-Eemian and the 4-Wiirm.
The weasel inhabits almost all of Europe and ranges eastward to
central Siberia. Like the ermine it tends to grow larger in the south
and ill the Mediterranean countries the weasel attains almost the size
of a Scandinavian ermine. The weasel is even more dependent on
forest than the stoat, which it otherwise resembles in habits. Its
closest living counterpart is the Least Weasel and the two species
have frequently been confused. In M. niualis the boundary between
the brown colour on the back and the white on the belly is diffuse; in
the least weasel it is sharp. As regards fossil material, size is the only
clue. The analysis is not facilitated by the fact that the female in all
weasels is smaller than the male and that a female of M. nivalis is of the
same size as a male of M. rixosa. The identification of fossil weasels on
the basis of incomplete material, perhaps only a few teeth and jaw
fragments, is a tricky matter indeed [117].
The Least Weasel, Mustela rixosa Bangs (M. minuta Pomel). This
species, obviously a very close relative of M. nivalis, used to be regar-
ded as nothing but a variety of the latter; but this opinion cannot now
be upheld. It is a good species, in some areas a vicar of M. nivalis, in
others existing alongside with its relative. I ts distribution is circum-
polar, extending from northern Scandinavia and Finland over Russia
and Siberia to North America.
Fossil remains of the least weasel have been found in central and
western Europe and Italy, apparently only in the 4-Wiirm. It is the
smallest of all living carnivores and so it must be regarded as a highly
specialized form, probably of rather late date. It probably arose as a
side branch of M. nivalis, perhaps in the east and thence spreading
into Europe during the last glaciation [312].
Thoral's Badger, Meles thorali Viret. The badgers, which form the
subfamily Melinae, have a long fossil record in the Tertiary. It shows
gradually increasing emphasis on the tubercular teeth at the back of
the jaws, while the shearing carnassial teeth tend to become reduced.
This is an adaptation to an omnivorous diet, almost as in the bears.
The badger is a common fossil in the Middle and Late Pleistocene,
but in the Villafranchian of Europe it has only been found at one site,
Saint-Vallier near Lyon, of mid-Villafranchian date. There is a closely
similar form in the Middle Villafranchian of China, while Late Villa-
franchian badgers in eastern Asia can hardly be distinguished from
the modern species. Thoral's badger is also very close to the modern
form and evidently ancestral to it.
Figure 42. Skull and mandible of Thoral's Badger, Meles thor ali, Villafranchian,
Saint-Vallier. Two-thirds natural size. After Viret.
Somewhat more primitive species of the genus Meles are present in
the Astian of Europe and Asia; the genus may have originated from
the Pliocene genus Melodon in China [300; 302].
The Badger, Meles meles Linne. In the early Middle Pleistocene
Europe was inhabited by badgers similar to the modern species. They
were originally described under a specific name of their own, but are
now simply held to constitute a subspecies M. meles ataous Kormos.
Sites include Episcopia, Gombasek, Siissenborn, Hundsheim, Erp-
fingen, Koneprusy, Mosbach 2, Stranska Skala; thus the oldest re-
cords date from 1-Giinz I or B- Waalian times. Records from the late
Middle Pleistocene (e.g. Heppenloch, Lunel-Viel, Breitenberg,
Achenheim, Montmaurin) and Late Pleistocene (numerous caves,
travertine and loess deposits) are plentiful. Occasionally the burrow-
ing habits of the badger may lead to its bones being deposited in strata
formed at a much earlier date; for instance, the rich badger material
from the F-Eem interglacial deposits at Barrington, Cambridge,
seems to represent Postglacial intruders throughout. (The fox, which
often frequents badger holes, is also found here.) A trained observer
can usually spot a fossil badger hole without difficulty.
The badger now inhabits most of Europe except the extreme north.
It does not reach the northern end of the Bothnian Gulf; the popula-
tion in Sweden and Norway has immigrated over Denmark, that in
Finland from the southeast. The species ranges eastwards to China
and Japan. I t has a good fossil record in China during the Middle and
Late Pleistocene.
In the summer the badger lives mainly on earthworms, while birds,
mammals, eggs and insects are also eaten. Fungi and berries are impor-
tant vegetarian elements in the diet. The badger spends much of the
winter in its nest but does not actually hibernate [52; 179].
Bravard's Otter, Aon_yx bravardi Pomel. The Pleistocene otters of
Europe fall into two quite distinct groups, represented in modern
times by the common otter (genus Lutra) and the small-clawed otter
(genus Aonyx). The last-mentioned line is the dominant or only otter
in Europe for most of the Pleistocene.
The small-clawed otters have a much broader head than Lutra and
the teeth are broad with blunt cusps. Such a dental battery indicates
that a large proportion of the food consists of shellfish, especially
crustaceans, but also molluscs. In the modern sea otter this tendency
has been carried to an extreme; molluscs form the staple diet and the
teeth are very broad, blunt-cusped, crushing discs. Such a degree of
specialization has not been reached in the genus Aonyx.
Bravard's otter was originally described on a maxillary fragment
from Etouaires, in the basal Villafranchian; a possibly ancestral form
is known from the Astian of Montpellier. The later Villafranchian
history of the otters is too fragmentary to permit any certain conclu-
sions. A tibia from Saint-Vallier may belong to the same species. A
single tooth from the late Villafranchian Norwich Crag (A. reevei
Newton) might also belong to the same form.
In the Villafranchian of India and China, Aonyx-like otters have
also been found; the whole group may be derived from a Lower and
Middle Pliocene species such as 'Lutra' aonychoides Zdansky in
China [218].
The Corsican Otter, Aonyx antiqua Blainville. In the Middle Pleisto-
cene the small-clawed otters were represented in Europe by a species
ranging from D-Holstein (Lunel-Viel) to 3-Riss (Montsaunes ; Tor-
newton Cave). A specimen from the Roter Berg at Saalfeld in Thurin-
gia may be still more recent, perhaps early 4-Wiirm. The species has
also been described (under the genus name Cyrnaonyx) from Grotta
del Margine in Corsica.
Figure 43- A-C, partially restored mandible of Corsican Otter, Aonyx antiqua, Late
Pleistocene, Roter Berg at Saalfeld ; D, lower teeth of Otter, Lutra lutra, Recent.
Natural size. A-C after Helbing; D after Miller.
The Corsican otter presents some problems. The sites where this
species has been recorded (those mentioned above plus a locality in
the Hautes-Pyrenees) have yielded only skull and tooth material, but
no limb bones. On the other hand, limb bones of an otter, without
skull or teeth, have been discovered in Malta; they have been de-
scribed as N esolutra euxena Bate. Perhaps N esolutra is simply the limb
skeleton of A. antiqua; or perhaps it may be identical with Bravard's
otter or A. reevei (or both). In either case the D-Holsteinian lutrine
would form a link between the Villafranchian and later Middle
Pleistocene Aonyx and suggest that small-clawed otters inhabited
Europe more or less continuously from the Astian to the end of the
Middle Pleistocene. All this, however, is speculative and what we
really need is a discovery of limb bones and teeth in direct association.
A. antiqua is more advanced than the Villafranchian form, but a
direct phyletic connection between the two remains still to be proved.
The living small-clawed otters inhabit Africa and south Asia; in
both areas their history goes back to the Pliocene [23; 96].
The Hundsheim Otter, Lutra simplicidens Thenius. The first Pleisto-
cene appearance of the genus Lutra appears to be at Hundsheim and
Voigtstedt (r-Gunz II and C-Cromer) where the remains of an otter
closely related to the living European form have been found. Its den-
tition is slightly more primitive than that of L. lutra, while the limbs
are actually more specialized; this may suggest that the Hundsheim
otter is not a direct ancestor to the living form [286].
The Otter, Lutra lutra Linne. The modern European otter makes its
first appearance in the Fi-Ecmian, for instance in the travertines at
Weimar, and is common enough in Late Pleistocene deposits. But it
seems to be entirely absent in the Middle Pleistocene, so that appar-
ently it immigrated in the F-Eemian. Where did it come from if it did
not evolve from L. simplicidens? Neither in China nor India has any-
thing resembling an ancestor of the species been found. Some
Pleistocene fossils from Africa have been referred to L. lutra, but to
conclude that it originated in Africa (where its present-day range is
restricted to the northwest corner of the continent) would seem rash.
Its nearest living relative is the North American L. canadensis
Schreber and perhaps a North American origin is the most likely
alternative. The main problem is that the Canadian otter, which has
a long Pleistocene history in North America, would appear to be
somewhat more specialized than L. lutra and thus is unlikely to be
directly ancestral.
To a far greater degree than minks and polecats the otter is an aqua--
tic animal; it lives almost exclusively on fish. The adaptation to swim-
ming is reflected in the long, cylindrical body, the short legs, the
powerful tail and the flattened head - a tendency to flattening of the
skull is found in all aquatic carnivores, including the seals. The otter
swims with powerful undulating movements of the body and tail,
while it keeps the short legs pressed along its sides. It is able to dive
for up to five minutes. In spite of its superb swimming adaptation, the
otter moves easily and gracefully on land. I t may perhaps be said that
the otter represents the most elegant solution to the problem of con-
structing an amphibious carnivore that Nature has so far effected.
The species is widely distributed in Eurasia, including the Indo-
Malayan region as far as Java [52].
Family Canidae, Dogs
The history of the dog-like carnivores begins in the Eocene; they have
a rich fossil record and during the Tertiary were almost as varied as the
mustelids. There were cat-like dogs; hyena-like dogs; bear-like dogs;
and dog-like dogs. But all of them except the dog-like dogs became
extinct and the Pleistocene canids of Europe constitute a rather uni-
form cohort. They are common as fossils at all levels and many species
have a long, well-documented record. Most belong to the fox or wolf
group; the exotic element is represented by the genera Nyctereutes
(raccoon-dogs), Cuon (dholes) and Lycaon (hunting dogs), of which
the two former are frequently met with in European Pleistocene
A B c D
Figure 44. Larger upper cheek teeth of canids. A, Arctic Fox, A/apex lagopus,
Recent; B, Alopecoid Fox, Vulpes alopecoides, Villafranchian, Val d'Arno; C, Red
Fox, V. uulpes, Recent; 0, Wolf, Canis lupus, Recent; E, Golden Jackal, C. aureus,
Recent. All natural size. A, C-E after Miller; B after Stehlin.
The type of dog represented by the Pleistocene and living canids in
Europe is a conservative one, close to the earliest known members of
the family. The long nose and the big nasal cavities indicate that the
dogs rely on their excellent sense of smell. In the dentition the carnas-
sial teeth are well developed in most species, but the tubercular teeth
are generally also fairly large; thus the canids may turn to vegetable
food when meat is in short supply and can survive under conditions
that would spell death to more specialized animals. In the hunt, stress
is often laid on tenacious long-range pursuit rather than stalking and
this may lead to the development ofgroup action with tactical coopera-
tion. With their moderate level of specialization, great adaptability
and high intelligence, as well as their tendency to social cooperation,
the canids have some points in common with the higher primates.
They have colonized every continent except Antarctica.
Falconer's Dire Wolf, Canisfalconeri Major. A large wolf, so far defi-
nitely identified only in the late Villafranchian (Val d' Arno), where it
is rare. It may possibly be related to the big Dire wolf, C. dirus Leidy,
which lived in North and South America in the Late Pleistocene; it
was a large-headed, very powerfully built animal, with a dental de-
velopment that may suggest hyena-like habits [57].
The Arno Dog, Canis arnensis Del Campana, A small species about
the size of a modern jackal and perhaps related to it. It has been found
in great numbers at Val d' Arno and in the Saint-Esteve cave; there
are also less certain records from Seneze and Chilhac. A cranial frag-
ment from the Red Crag in England may also belong to this species.
Perhaps the dog described as C. strandi Kormos from Episcopia,
Gombasek and Erpfingen may also be identical with the Val d' Arno
species [57].
The Etruscan Wolf, Ganus etruscus Major. Wolf-like animals of about
the size of a sheepdog are found all through the Villafranchian, but we
do not know for certain whether they were ancestral to the true wolves
of the Middle Pleistocene. The Etruscan wolf is the most common
species; it appears in the basal Villafranchian (Etouaires) and seems
to favour woodland faunas (Olivola; Val d' Arno; Erpfingen) but is
absent in the extreme steppe associations. Perhaps ecologically it
resembled the Indian wolf of the present day.
It is probable that one of the species C.falconeri, C. arnensis and C.
etruscus is ancestral to the true wolf and C. etruscus seems to be the
most likely alternative [57].
The Wolf, Canis lupus Linne. The true wolf appears for the first time
in the I-Giinz II (Hundsheim; Siissenborn) and is abundant in the
C-Cromer and 2-Mindel (Forest Bed; Mauer; Mosbach). The early
wolf in Europe was comparatively small, about as large as the living
wolf of the Near East, and is referred to the subspecies C. lupus mos-
bachensis Soergel. Small wolves, perhaps the same subspecies, are also
found in the D-Holsteinian (Tarko ; Lunel-Viel ; Heppenloch; Grays
Thurrock). The wolf of the 3-Riss (many localities; large sample in
Tornewton Cave) is transitional to the large form that lived in Europe
during the Late Pleistocene and the remains of which have been found
in almost all caves containing a representative macromammalian
fauna, as well as numerous open-air sites. There is little if any differ-
ence in size between the F-Eemian and 4-Wiirmian wolf. In Post-
glacial times the size was again slightly reduced, so that the present-
day wolf of northern Europe is on an average somewhat smaller than
the Late Pleistocene form.
Figure 45. Engraving of the head of a
Wolf, Canis lupus. Les Combarelles,
Dordogne. After Kuhn.
The wolf has a long fossil record in Asia too, starting with relatively
small forms in the 2-Mindel (Choukoutien). The species was common
in Europe at a fairly recent date and is widely distributed in Asia and
North America. It seems to have entered the NewWorld in the 3-Riss,
if not earlier; the American timber wolf is not now regarded as a dis-
tinct species.
The wolf is a good exponent of the main canid characters. I ts clima-
tic tolerance is very great, so that it is able to live in the tundra, the
forest, the steppe and the desert. It is gregarious and thanks to its
powers of tireless pursuit, strength and tactical skill is able to prey on
very large animals such as the elk (moose to Americans); during the
Pleistocene, the various kinds of deer probably were important game
to the wolf. In summer time the wolf lives mostly on small game,
mainly rodents.
The dog is a domestic wolf. It used to be thought that some species
of jackal might have contributed to the ancestry of the dog, but this
theory is now discredited. The idea that domestic animals have been
produced by cross-breeding of two or more wild species, so often
found in earlier literature, cannot be accepted any more. It has been
suggested that the dog was derived from the small wolf of the orient
and fossil finds from the Mesolithic cave deposits in Palestine have
been cited in support of this theory. But later studies have shown that
the fossils in question are true wolf, not dog, and the same seems to be
true for canid remains from the early farming village at jarmo in
Iraq, about 7000-6500 BC. Domestication is, however, suggested by
clay figurines of small dogs from Jarmo. At this time domestic dogs
were already in existence in Europe, as shown by several finds from
the Maglemose culture in Denmark. Recently, Degerbol [52] has been
able to prove the presence of domestic dog at a still older European
living site, Starr Carr in Yorkshire, 7500 BC. This is the oldest
definitely identified dog known at present [53; 187; 276].
The Golden Jackal, Canis aureus Linne. This species is now found in
North Africa and a large part of Asia; it reaches Europe only in a small
area in the southeast, partly in Russia, partly in the Balkans. Oddly
enough the golden jackal is very little known in the fossil state, al-
though its larger relative the wolf jackal, C. lupaster Ehrenberg, is
rather common in the Late Pleistocene in Palestine and North Africa.
There are however some records of C. aureus from the Late Pleisto-
cene of Italy and North Africa. In the Middle Pleistocene, small jac-
kals of the type of C. aureus occur in North Africa (e.g. Ternifine),
while other species of jackal are reported as early as the Villafranchian
in Africa [179].
The Primitive Dhole, Cuon majori Del Campana (C. dubius Teilhard).
The dholes, together with some other living canids (hunting dog, bush
dog) used to be referred to the subfamily Simocyoninae together with
some extinct canids. More recent research has shown that both the
dhole and the hunting dog are closely related to Canis and probably
diverged from that genus as late as the Astian.
In the case of the dhole the evidence is complete enough. Its history
begins with the species C. majori, which actually resembles Canis so
much that it would be referred to that genus had not its descendants
evolved into full-fledged dholes. In modern Cuon the tubercular teeth
have been greatly reduced and their few remaining cusps have become
sharply trenchant points. In C. majori of the late Villafranchian (Val
d' Arno; also in China) this trend had barely started: the molar den-
tition was still complete but somewhat reduced in size and the cusps
are more pointed than in Canis. By early Middle Pleistocene times
another step in this direction had been taken: C. majori stehlini The-
nius from Rosieres, perhaps of B- Waalian or C-Cromerian age, had
lost the last lower molar. This subspecies happens to be very large,
like a big wolf. From the Rosieres dhole the step is not long to the
oldest representatives of C. alpinus [57; 276 ; 277].
Figure 46. Skull and mandible of Dhole, Cuon a/pinus, Recent (above) and Wolf,
Canis lupus, Pleistocene, USSR (below). One-third natural size. After Grornova.
The Dhole, Cuon alpinus Pallas. This species makes its first appear-
ance at Hundsheim (I-Giinz II) and Mosbach (z-Mindel), In these
early variants the remaining lower tubercular molar still carries three
cusps but it is more reduced than in C. majori; the early Middle Pleis-
tocene dhole is called C. alpinus priscus Thenius. The change in the
tubercular teeth continued in the later Middle Pleistocene. The D-
Holsteinian C. alpinus fossilis Nehring from Heppenloch represents
an intermediate stage; in the Late Pleistocene C. alpinus europaeus
Bourguignat, the transformation of the lower tubercular into a single-
cusped, sharply trenchant tooth has been completed. This dhole is
quite modern looking except for its large size which is almost com-
parable to the wolf.
Figure 47. Mandible of Sardinian Dhole, Cuon a/pinus sardous Studiati, Pleistocene,
Tramarigli, Corsica. A small subspecies found on Corsica and Sardinia. Two-
thirds natural size. After Stehlin.
Late Pleistocene dhole has been found at eight sites in Czechoslo-
vakia, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland and on the Riviera (for instance
in Monaco). The species became extinct in Europe at the end of the
4- Wiirm; it still inhabits a large territory in Asia.
The story is somewhat complicated by the presence of Cuon-like
forms retaining three lower molars like the early C. majori as late as
the 2-Mindel (Mosbach 2, a large form resembling C. majori stehlini)
and D-Holsteinian (Grays). Whether these represent atavistic indivi-
dual variants or a separate species has not yet been clarified. A name
that occasionally crops up in connection with medium sized canids
like the Grays dog is Canis neschersensis Blainville; it goes with a man-
dible from Mt. Perrier that apparently does not come from a Villa-
franchian deposit and its status is uncertain.
As reflected in its dentition, the dhole is more exclusively carni-
vorous in habits than canids in general. It hunts in large packs which
may overpower and destroy the most powerful adversary; Kipling's
dramatic description in the Jungle Book of the hunting of the dhole is
very apt.
The record of the true dhole in China goes back to the 2-Mindel
(Choukoutien); this form resembles C. alpinus priscus [5].
The European Hunting Dog, Lycaon lycaonoides Kretzoi. The living
African hunting dog,L. pictus Temminck, might be called a wolfmodi-
fied for swift running; its limb bones are as slender as those of a
cheetah. The hunting dog hunts in packs with great speed and en-
durance; it preys on antelopes and other medium-sized, fast-running
herbivores. Eyewitnesses tell amusing accounts of how a group of
hunting dogs approaching their prey trot along assuming a pose that
will suggest some innocent herbivorous animal until, when recognized
for what they are, they explode into furious pursuit.
In Europe the genus makes an appearance during the earlier Middle
Pleistocene; unfortunately the species L. lycaonoides is little known.
It has been found at Episcopia (B-Waalian), Nagyharsanyhegy and
Gombasek (r-Gunz II) and thus has a rather short stratigraphic span.
The size of this animal greatly exceeded that of the modern species,
which attains a length of about 3 ~ ft. excluding the tail. The European
hunting dog reached the size of a large wolf. Like the African species
it was probably a steppe and savanna animal. Perhaps lack of a suit-
able biotope kept the species out of western Europe.
Fossil Lycaon have been found in the Pleistocene of North Africa
as well as within the present-day range of the hunting dogs south of
the Sahara. According to Thenius [254] the genus was derived from
Canis and probably evolved at about the same time as Cuon, so that
the three genera really form a quite closely-knit systema.ic group. The
dhole and hunting dog resemble each other ecologically so much that
it may be suspected there would be no room for both in the same area;
perhaps this is the main reason why the genus Lycaon failed to estab-
lish itself for a longer time in Europe [160; 276].
The Alopecoid Fox, Vulpes alopecoides Major (Alopex praeglacialis
Kormos). The species appears in the middle Villafranchian and sur-
vives until i -Gunz II; localities include Villaroya, Saint-Vallier,
Seneze, Val d' Arno, Beremend, Villany, Episcopia, Brasso and
perhaps Hundsheim. The eastern form has been regarded as a distinct
species belonging to the same genus as the arctic fox (Alopex), but it
does not have the dental specialization of the modern form.
The alopecoid fox is of about the same size as the living arctic fox
but resembles more the red fox in dental characters. It may be ances-
tral to the. arctic fox or the red fox or both; information on fossil foxes
postdating r-Gunz II and antedating 3-Riss is so incomplete that we
simply cannot tell.
The Pliocene ancestry of the foxes is also uncertain. In the Villa-
franchian of China there is a species that is closely allied to the alope-
coid fox [140; 265].
The Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes Linne. The common fox has been found
in the D-Holsteinian (Grays Thurrock; Heppenloch; Tarko ; Mon-
tousse ; Lunel-Viel) but records from earlier deposits are doubtful as
to species. It is also found in the 3-Riss and E-Ilford and is very abun-
dant in the Glutton Stratum of Tornewton Cave (3-Riss II). Late
Pleistocene records, both from F-Eemian and 4-Wurmian deposits,
are very common both in caves and open-air sites. Outside Europe
the history of the species extends back to the 2-Mindel (Choukoutien).
The red fox was probably derived from Villafranchian populations
of V. alopecoides or perhaps from the related Chinese V. chikushanen-
sis Young. Of course it may also be descended from some ancestor at
present unknown to us. However this may be, the ancestral form is
likely to have been small judging from the size of the red fox in the D-
Holsteinian and j-Riss. The size of the living fox varies approximately
in accordance with Bergmann's rule: the northern subspecies V.
uulpes uulpes is large, the central European V. uulpes crucigera Bech-
stein is distinctly smaller and the North African V. vulpes barbara
Shaw is quite small. A somewhat analogous variation in time may be
observed, for instance in Palestine, where the red fox increased in size
all through the 4-Wurm to a maximum in the early Postglacial (in
Mesolithic times, ca. 8000 BC); but in the next few millennia its size
was rapidly reduced and the present-day form in Palestine is very
The range of the living red fox may exceed that of all other wild car-
nivores and covers Europe, North Africa, most of Asia and North
America (introduced red fox may also be found in Australia). The
colonization of North America probably dates from 3-Riss, for the
oldest American fossils of this species have been found in fissure
deposits apparently of that age (Conard Fissure, Arkansas). The
North American red fox has been regarded as a distinct species (V.
fulva Desmarest) but this has been proved wrong.
The environmental tolerance of the red fox is very great; although
it is not found on the actual tundra, it inhabits forests, steppes and
deserts. In contrast with the Canis group the fox is not gregarious and
its hunting method depends on stalking. The staple diet is formed by
rodents but the fox also eats a variety of other foods, including birds,
medium-sized mammals (hares, rabbits, roe deer fawns), reptiles,
amphibians and fish, as well as vegetables [265; 272].
The Primitive Corsac, Vulpes praecorsac Kormos. The small present-
day steppe fox had a forerunner in the Villafranchian and Middle
Pleistocene only slightly different from the living species. It has been
found at Villany, Episcopia, Nagyharsanyhegy and Gundersheim,
which suggests a stratigraphic range from the late Astian to 1 -Gunz
II. W11ether all are the same species and whether it is really distinct
from V. corsac is uncertain. The corsacs may have branched from an
early alopecoid fox or vice versa; study of the early history of Vulpes is
still in its beginning [140].
The Corsac or Steppe Fox, Vulpes corsac Linne. This species is almost
unknown in the fossil state in Europe although it has been reported,
somewhat uncertainly, from Late Pleistocene cave deposits in
Switzerland and Bohemia. In China on the other hand it has a good
record going back to the 2-Mindel, thus linking it chronologically
with V. praecorsac.
The steppe fox, which is slightly smaller than the arctic fox, inha-
bits the south Russian and Asiatic steppes. Pikas and small rodents are
thought to be its main food [214; 265].
The Arctic Fox, Alopex lagopus Linne. This species is probably de-
scended from the Middle Pleistocene alopecoid fox but it has not been
certainly identified in deposits antedating the 3- Riss (for instance Tor-
newton Cave, Glutton Stratum). There are a few records from the F-
Eemian (Lambrecht Cave; Fontcchevadc), but it is only in the 4-
Wiirm that the arctic fox became really common; it then ranged over
most of Europe down to the Riviera and even into Spain and southern
Russia, a messenger of the Ice Age. As early as 1933 Stehlin mentioned
that the arctic fox had been found at more than 80 sites ranging from
Kiev in the east to Ireland in the west.
TIle arctic fox differs from the red fox in being slightly smaller and
in a number of dental traits, reflecting a tendency to more purely car-
nivorous habits. The tubercular teeth have a simplified pattern com-
pared to Vulpes, while the canine teeth are relatively larger. The arctic
fox mainly preys on rodents and its population is greatly boosted
during the so-called lemming years [9; 187; 265].
The Great Raccoon-Dog, Nyctereutes megamastoides Pomel, A typical
Villafranchian species in Europe, the great raccoon-dog is found at
Etouaires, Roccaneyra, Pardines, Villaroya, Saint-Vallier, Scneze and
in the Villafranchian of Hungary. Towards the end of the Villafran-
chian it apparently became extinct in Europe, since it is absent at Val
d' Arno and other sites from the terminal part of the stage.
N. megamastoides resembled the living raccoon-dog (N. procyonides
Gray) but was considerably larger. The present-day form attains a
head-and-body length of up to 23 in., which is about the same length
as an arctic fox but its short legs make it seem much smaller. The Villa-
franchian form may have been up to 25 per cent larger. Another large
species (N. sinensis Schlosser) has been found in the Villafranchian of
China; it may be identical with the European form. In China, how-
ever, the species survived in the Middle Pleistocene and its body size
was gradually reduced. Later Pleistocene Chinese forms carry through
a complete transition to the modern species, so that the evolution of
the raccoon-dog is very completely documented. Elsewhere in Asia
large raccoon-dogs may have survived to a later date; there is a form
in the F-Eemian of Palestine that may belong to this genus (N.
vinetorum Bate).
A direct forerunner of the raccoon-dog is known from the Astian,
N. donnezani Deperet ; it was almost as large as the Villafranchian
Like the modern raccoon-dog, the Villafranchian species may have
lived on fruit and other vegetables as well as meat. The tubercular mo-
lars are well developed in both species, while the carnassial teeth are
small. The modern form lives mainly on frogs in the summer but it
also takes molluscs, fish and some small rodents.
Though the raccoon-dog is mainly an inhabitant of the plains, it is
also found in open woods. Its modern distribution is primarily con-
fined to eastern Asia but after introduction into European Russia it
has spread rapidly from there, for instance into Finland and northern
Sweden [214; 302].
Family Procyonidae, Raccoon-like Carnivores
Procyonids were not uncommon in Europe during the Tertiary but in
the Pleistocene only one species has been found and it belongs to the
panda group. Most of the living procyonids inhabit the New World.
The family appears to be somewhat heterogeneous and the relation-
ships between the raccoons and coatis on one hand and the pandas on
the other has been questioned.
The English Panda, Parailurus anglicus Boyd Dawkins. The species
was originally described on the basis of fragmentary material from the
Red Crag in East Anglia, evidently of early Villafranchian date. Later
on, more complete material has been found in the Astian forest faunas
of Europe, so that the Crag record seems to represent a relict popula-
The fossil form is closely related to the living Panda, Ailurusfulgens
F. Cuvier, a forest animal living on the slopes of the Himalayas. The
panda has a curiously inverted colour pattern: the belly, which is
light-coloured in most mammals, is black; while the face, usually dark
in multi-coloured carnivores, is white; the back is a magnificent rusty
red. The diet is predominantly vegetarian (bamboo shoots, fruit, fun-
gi, etc.) but does include some animals like small mammals and insects.
The choice of food is reflected in the well developed tubercular teeth.
The Giant Panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca Milne-Edwards, is even
more specialized in this respect: bamboo forms its staple diet.
The English panda is classified in a separate genus because the re-
duction of the dentition has shifted one step further back in this spe-
cies than in A. fulgens. However, the habits of this animal probably re-
sembled those of the living panda, so that we may assume that much of
East Anglia was forest-clad in Red Crag times.
The ancestry of the Ailurus group is unknown. The modern species
has been found in the Middle Pleistocene of China (Yunnan) but it is
rare as a fossil; the giant panda, on the other hand, is quite common in
the Pleistocene of China [144].
Family Ursidae, Bears
Like the hyenas, the bears are a 'young' family; they date from the
early Miocene. The transition from the dogs is well recorded. The
earliest bears were small animals (genus Ursavus) but most forms ten-
ded to increase in size. At the same time the tubercular back teeth
tended to become larger at the cost of the 'carnivorous' part of the
dentition, so that the bears developed a marked adaptation to an
omnivorous mode of life. At first sight it may even be difficult to see
any difference between the back teeth of a bear and a pig.
The primitive bears, in which the teeth had not yet become strongly
specialized, are referred to the subfamily Agriotheriinae, of which one
member survived at the beginning of the Pleistocene. All the other
Pleistocene bears of Europe belong to the subfamily Ursinae, which
also includes all the living bears of the world except the South
American spectacled bear.
The bear family contains relatively few species, which makes it easy
to survey. Its fossil record is excellent; indeed, as regards the Pleisto-
cene bears of Europe, almost incomparable. This holds especially for
the Late Pleistocene, a time when the cave bear on the continent and
the brown bear in England used caves as winter quarters. No bear
caves of this type have yet been found from the Early and Middle
Pleistocene but open-air sites from these stages may yield great num-
bers of bear fossils. Presumably the large size of bear bones increases
the chances for their preservation and recovery.
The Hyena Bear, Agriotherium insigne Gervais (Hyaenarctos insignis).
This archaic form, which was common in the Astian, survived in the
earliest Villafranchian forest faunas (Etouaires ; Vialette). I t was a large
animal even for a bear, but its dentition retains some dog-like charac-
ters and the upper back teeth are not elongated as in ursine beats. The
name Hyaenarctos presumably alludes to the robustness of the cheek
teeth; there is no reason to assume that the habits of this animal re-
sembled that of the hyena in the least. On the other hand it is possible
that the hyena bear was less vegetivorous than most living bears.
The hyena bear was probably a forest animal, like most modern spe-
cies of bears. Its extinction in the Villafranchian may be related to the
evolution of large bears of the genus Ursus, which may have proved su-
perior in competition. The Etruscan bear was apparently the ecologi-
cal successor of A. insigne.
The genus Agriotherium has also been found in Asia and North
America but seems to have become extinct in most areas before the
end of the Pliocene [76].
The Auvergne Bear, Ursus minimus Deveze & Bouillet (U. arvernensis
Croizet & jobert ; U. ruscinensis Deperet, etc.). This small and rather
primitive species initiates the long series of members of the genus Ur-
sus that lived in Europe during the Quaternary period; in fact all the
living and fossil bears of this genus seem to have descended ultim-
ately from U. minimus. The species is typical of the Astian (Montpel-
lier; Perpignan; Wolfersheim; also in eastern Europe) but survived in
the early Villafranchian (Etouaires; basal levels of Val d' Arno). I t is
apparently the immediate ancestor of the Etruscan bear. The tendency
to size increase within U. minimus (the Etouaires form is larger than
the Astian) continued in the daughter species, U. etruscus. Again, the
Auvergne bear was ancestral to the black bears either directly or
through early Etruscan bears.
The ancestors of U. minimus may be sought among the Early and
Middle Pliocene species of the genus Ursavus. The Auvergne bear
was of about the same size as the small Malay bear (Helarctos malaya-
nus Raffles), but anatomically it resembled the black bears [76].
The Etruscan Bear, Ursus etruscus Cuvier. The typical bear of the
Villafranchian made its first appearance in the early middle part of the
stage (Villaroya; Saint-Vallier) and ranged to the end of it (Seneze ;
Val d' Arno; Tegelen). The first Etruscan bears were small, about the
size of the modern Asiatic black bear; but they tended to increase in
size and the terminal forms were as large as a brown bear. At the same
time the dentition became more specialized: the back teeth became
more elongate, forming large, grinding tubercular surfaces, while the
carnassial teeth were reduced and the anterior premolars dwindled to
small, useless pegs. All the premolars were however retained in the
Etruscan bear and it was not until the Middle Pleistocene that the
Ursus line began to lose these vestigial teeth altogether.
Closely related forms of late Villafranchian age in China are known,
but it has not been definitely settled whether they belong to this spe-
cies or whether they are early members of the Tibetan black bear line;
in any case they are probably ancestral to that species.
The Etruscan bear, itself a direct descendant of the Auvergne bear,
gave rise to two distinct evolutionary lines. One of them, localized in
Asia at the outset, gave rise to the brown bears. The other, a uniquely
European line, is that of the cave bears, of which two successive spe-
cies have been recognized [76; 283; 302].
Deninger's Bear, Ursus deningeri Reichenau. The systematics of the
early Middle Pleistocene bears in Europe are somewhat confused, but
it is clear that all of them are on the line leading to the cave bear and
most students separate the populations up to and including the 2-
Mindel as a distinct species, U. deningeri. As a matter of fact it seems
that the bears of C-Cromer and 2-Mindel could just as well be
regarded as early true U. spelaeus. This would leave only the smaller
and somewhat more primitive forms that lived during the B-Waalian
interglacial and i -Gunz II (Bacton Forest Bed, Hundsheim and other
sites) which had advanced too far beyond the etruscus stage to be re-
ferable to that species; for these forms the name U. savini Andrews is
Figure 48. Mandibular dentitions of A, Brown Bear, Ursus arctos, Late Pleistocene
or Holocene, Cambridgeshire Fens; B, Brown Bear, Late Pleistocene, Kent's
Cavern, Torquay; C, Deninger's Bear, U. deningeri, Middle Pleistocene, Forest
Bed, Norfolk. Not to scale. After Owen.
Savin's bear was well advanced in the spelaeus direction as regards
the partial loss of the premolars and the increase of the nasal sinuses,
resulting in a peculiar, deceptively intellectual-looking doming of the
forehead. This form was, however, smaller and less heavily built than
the true cave bear, especially as regards the limb bones. It represents
a transitional stage in the evolution from the last Etruscan bears (of
A- Tegelen date) to the Deninger's bears in the C-Cromerian. The re-
cord of the cave bear line in the early Middle Pleistocene is one of the
most remarkable examples of evolution in action known to us.
True Deninger's bear is found in the deposits from the C-Cro-
merian and z-Mindel (Mauer; Forest Bed; Mosbach 2); it is doubt-
less a continuation of the line of Savin's bear without any sharp boun-
dary between the two and it continued to evolve within its own span.
By 2-Mindel times Deninger's bear had in the main attained the true
cave bear level as regards size and heaviness of build [223; 313].
Figure 49. Skull of Cave Bear, Ursus spelaeus, Late Pleistocene, Gailenreuth Cavern
(above), one-sixth natural size. Skull and mandible of Brown Bear, U. arctos, Late
Pleistocene of Holocene, Cambridgeshire Fens (below), one-fourth natural size.
After Owen.
The Cave Bear, Ursus spelaeus Rosenmuller & Heinroth. We now
come to one of the best-known Ice Age mammals, whose remains have
been unearthed by the hundred thousand in the European bear caves.
The mass occurrences date from the Late Pleistocene but the species
was in existence far earlier. The Deninger's bear of C-Cromer and
2-Mindel times could very well be included in the species and at any
rate the form that lived in the D-Holsteinian was definitely U. spelaeus
(Swanscombe; Heppenloch; Lunel-Viel). In the early part of the D-
Holstein interglacial the species ranged well into England but later on
the cave bear lost its foothold in the north, apparently as a result of the
invasion of the brown bear (U. arctos), so that it is absent at the other
D-Holsteinian sites in England. Later on, only marginal populations
occasionally ranged into southern England [171].
In the Late Pleistocene the cave bear ranged northward into
Belgium, southern Holland, Harz in Germany and the Krakow region
in southern Poland. It ranged eastward to Odessa and the Caucasus
but is lacking in the greater part of Russia. (The cave bear line inhabi-
ted the Caucasus as early as the deningeri stage.) In Spain only the area
down to Barcelona was inhabited by the cave bear; in Italy the species
ranged to Cassino. The southern boundary in the Balkans is uncertain
but the species does not seem to have reached Greece. One or two un-
certain finds are reported from North Africa and Palestine.
The cave bear was thus an endemic European species and it has not
been found in the caves of Asia. Although its geographic range was
very small, the species had a strong tendency to split into local races,
which suggests limited migration movements between populations;
probably individuals of this species were quite localized in habits, un-
like most large Carnivora which tend to trek widely [165]. As a result
local populations may have been isolated from each other to some ex-
tent. In high Alpine caves (the species has been found at an elevation
of 2445 m.) and also in the Harz mountains, local dwarf races evolved.
This has no connection with sexual dimorphism: the males were much
larger than the females, so that the latter have occasionally been mis-
interpreted as a dwarf race or species of cave bear. In the true dwarf
races the males are about as large as normal females, while the females
are still smaller.
A few scattered finds in southern England (Wookey Hole south of
Bristol and Kent's Cavern in Torquay, etc.) show that the cave bear
occasionally ranged here; at both sites, however, it is greatly outnum-
bered by brown bear. Oddly enough some of the English specimens
are extremely small dwarfs, while others represent truly gigantic
F-Eemian forms are apparently on average somewhat smaller than
the full-fledged cave bears of the Last Glaciation; some of the
F-Eemian populations even retain ancient characters such as the
occasional presence of anterior premolars [201].
The cave bear was occasionally hunted by man, but the great accu-
mulation of bones in the caves represents animals that died in hiber-
nation [257]. Death in winter sleep was apparently the normal end for
the cave bear and would mainly befall those individuals that had failed
ecologically during the summer season - from inexperience, illness or
old age. As a result the remains found are mostly of juvenile, old or
diseased animals.
Figure 50. Restoration of Cave Bear, Ursus spelaeus. After a life-size model by
Koby and Schaefer (Natural History Museum, Basel).
Since caves form an ideal environment for fossilization, a large per-
centage of the remains have been preserved; but most specimens have
been trampled and crushed and the bones scattered around when
bears and other animals moved about in the caves (charriage d sec; see
Koby [130]). A complete articulated skeleton is a very unusual find
[72]. Other evidence of the presence of cave bears may be seen in
narrow spaces where the walls have been polished to a high sheen by
the passage of innumerable bears during thousands of years. Occa-
sionally claw marks show where the bear stood up to scratch the wall.
The cave bear differed from the living brown bear by its unusually
large size, rivalling that in the giant brown bears of Alaska. The head
was very large, the forehead strongly vaulted; the legs were short but
very robust [70]. The dentition is characteristic too: of the premolars
only the hindmost remain but the tubercular teeth are greatly en-
larged. The cave bear presumably was almost exclusively vegetarian
in habits.
The age distribution of the fossil remains [168] indicates that the
annual mortality of the cave bear may have been about 20 per cent but
most of this comprises the young, of which nearly 70 per cent died
before sexual maturity at four or five years. The number of young in
a litter appears to have been one or two. The oldest cave bears prob-
ably did not live to more than 20 years or so, for the teeth were worn
down rapidly as a result of vegetivorous habits. In the oldest indi-
viduals the tooth crowns are gone and even the roots are wearing down.
Pathological deformations are not uncommon: dental caries, rheu-
matism, inflammations and other maladies have been diagnosed, as
well as various kinds of mechanical damages [1]. Some of these may
be due to rocks dislodged from the cave ceiling, which could maim or
kill a bear. In several instances healed fractures of the penis bone have
been observed; it has been suggested that they might be due to fight-
ing between males in the breeding season.
Curiously enough there may be a strong disproportion between the
sexes in some caves. In the famous Drachenhohle at Mixnitz in Styria,
where it has been estimated that some 30,000 individuals of the cave
bear were represented, the males outnumber the females three to one
at some levels; but in other caves, for instance in Switzerland, female
individuals are in the majority. Generally speaking, males are more
common in large caves that served as winter quarters for numerous
individuals, while females accompanied by their young seem to have
preferred small, undisturbed caves.
The extinction of the cave bear may be followed in some detail. It
was still quite common throughout its range in the interstadial 4-
Wiirm I-II, about 30,000 years ago. But after the invasion of Homo
sapiens in Europe at about this time the number of cave bears seems
to have declined; and in Magdalenian times, near the close of 4- Wiirm
II, only a few caves in central Europe show evidence of occupation by
cave bears. There seem to have been small relict pockets in the Swa-
bian Alps, in Westphalia and in Switzerland, with broad empty tracts
in between. By the end of Magdalenian times even these straggling
populations had become extinct.
It does not seem probable that man hastened the extinction of
the species by actual hunting, for evidence of human interference
with the bear is scarce in comparison with the mass of naturally
accumulated remains, although some examples of ritualistic
behaviour involving cave bear bones have been reported [I; 71; 76;
134; 165 ; 168; 201; 204].
The Brown Bear, Ursus arctos Linne. The earliest brown bears are
known from the 2-Mindel in China (Choukoutien); these are large
animals, some even big enough to have been described incorrectly as
cave bear. The species has a continuous record in East Asia from the
early Middle Pleistocene to the present day. Doubtless it is descended
directly from U. etruscus ; anatomically the A- Tegelen bear is very
close to the Choukoutien specimens. Unfortunately the intervening
populations of 1-Gunz and C-Cromer times are little known.
The species entered Europe slightly later, by mid-D-Holsteinian
times; early in this interglacial only cave bear is found in" Europe. In
central Europe the two species existed together in the D-Holsteinian
(Heppenloch; Lunel-Viel) but in England the brown bear apparently
ousted its relative completely, for only U. arctos is found at Grays
Thurrock. From that time to the end of the Ice Age, Britain remained
a stronghold of the brown bear: it has been found at E-Ilford and later
on in deposits from the 3-Riss (Tornewton Cave) and the Late Pleis-
tocene (numerous caves). Mass occurrences are known in many
British caves, beginning with Tornewton Cave; this shows that the
species was an ecological vicar of the cave bear.
The presence of the species in central Europe is attested to by a
number of finds, though the cave bear was entirely predominant as a
cave-dweller. Rich material of U. arctos has been found in the F-
Eemian travertines near Weimar and even in spelaeus caves there are
occasional specimens of arctos in the 4-Wiirm. When the cave bear
became extinct, several of the caves were inhabited by brown bear.
The brown bear is a forest animal although it has now been driven
into the tundra in some regions. As is well known, the bear is omni-
vorous and eats almost anything that is digestible, from ants, berries,
tender grass and succulent herbs to large mammals - reindeer, elk and
horse. It also eats carcasses but is unable to crush large bones.
The present-day distribution of the species is very wide. It was
common throughout Europe in historical times. It is found in Asia
except for the northern tundra and the southern peninsulas and in the
western part of North America down to northern Mexico. The inva-
sion in North America dates back to the 4-Wiirm, but the great con-
tinental ice-sheet extending from the Pacific to the Atlantic confined
the species to Alaska during most of the glaciation; in Postglacial
times it spread southward. (All the pre-Wisconsin Ursus finds in
the US that I have checked turn out to be black bear.) At one time
the local American forms (great brown bear and grizzly bear) were re-
garded as distinct species but this cannot now be upheld, especially in
view of the fact that both races have an evident Old World origin: the
great brown bear in the broad-skulled Kamtchatka form, the grizzly
in the narrow-skulled bears of northeastern Siberia.
Figure 52. En-
graving of Brown
Bear, Ursus arctos.
Teyjat, Dordogne.
After Koby.
The largest living forms of the species are found in Alaska and Mon-
golia, while the European race is rather small. The plasticity in size of
the brown bear is extraordinary. In Europe the species varied accord-
ing to Bergmann's rule: the specimens from 3-Riss and 4-Wiirm are
veritable giants, exceeding even the largest living forms, but those in
D-Holsteinian and F-Eemian deposits are much smaller. The size
reduction in Postglacial times can be followed step by step thanks
to the excellent fossil record and forms a classical example of rapid
evolutionary change [52; 76; 169 ; 171 ; 177; 280].
The Polar Bear, Ursus maritimus Phipps. Surprisingly enough, this
species is almost unknown in the fossil state. There are a few Post-
glacial finds in Yoldia Clay from Denmark and south-west Sweden.
Pleistocene finds are uncertain, but at least one lower arm bone (ulna)
from Kew, London, appears definitely to be polar bear. It was found
in association with numerous reindeer, evidently dating from the
beginning of the 4-Wiirm.
The indication is that the polar bear is a very young species, geo-
logically speaking. I t probably evolved in the later part of the Middle
Pleistocene; it has some special resemblance with brown bear of 2-
Mindel and 3-Riss date. Perhaps the polar bear is descended from a
coastal brown bear population which specialized in seal hunting.
In accordance with its entirely carnivorous habits the dentition of
the polar bear has been modified and the cusps of the tubercular teeth
have grown high and sharp, but the dentition as a whole still bears the
stamp of its brown bear ancestry. The polar bear lives almost entirely
on seals, which are hunted on land or on the ice but not in the water.
The polar bear uses its great swimming powers only to trail the seals
when they move from place to place. The distribution of the species
is circumpolar [178].
The Asiatic Black Bear, Ursus thibetanus Cuvier. This species might
almost be regarded as a surviving but slightly modified Etruscan bear,
resembling especially the early variety of the middle Villafranchian.
Fossils from the end of the Villafranchian in China have already been
mentioned as transitional between U. etruscus and U. thibetanus. In
the Middle Pleistocene the species ranged into Europe. At first it in-
habited only eastern Europe, but in the C-Cromer it extended its
range into central Europe and in the 3-Riss into France. According
to a recent review by Thenius [259], the European localities are:
Vrhovlje and Podumci in Yugoslavia; Elba and Sistiniana in Italy;
Episcopia in Roumania; Villany and Beremend in Hungary; Laaer-
berg in Austria; Mauer, Mosbach and Bammental in Germany;
Montmaurin and Achenheim in France. The European black bear is
sometimes regarded as a distinct species, U. mediterraneus Major.
This species was evidently always predominantly Asiatic in distri-
bution and it has a well-documented fossil record in China through-
out the Middle and Late Pleistocene. The black bears apparently
entered North America in 2-Mindel, since the earliest known Ameri-
can specimens appear to date from the D-Hoisteinian. This early
form, known from a cave near Port Kennedy in Pennsylvania, is still
very similar to its Asiatic mother species.
Today the Asiatic black bear inhabits a great tract of Asia from the
east coast, including Japan and Formosa, westward into Baluchistan
and Afghanistan [282; 283].
Chapter 11
Order Proboscidea
THE Order Proboscidea comprises the elephants and their extinct rela-
tives. This group of animals passed its acme long ago and today only
two species remain, both having a limited distribution in the Old
World tropics. But in the Tertiary and the Pleistocene the probosci-
deans were a dominant group, inhabiting the entire world continent-
that is to say, all the continents except the island continents of
Australia, Antarctica and (in Tertiary times) South America.
The earliest proboscideans appeared in the Late Eocene. Up to the
end of the Tertiary, the mastodonts were the dominant group and it
was not until the beginning of the Pleistocene that the true elephants,
with their lamellar cheek teeth, made their appearance. Mastodonts
survived for some time along with elephants, in America into Post-
glacial time. There were also the stegodonts, which are transitional
between mastodonts and elephants. The stegodonts did not reach
Europe, but mastodonts were fairly common here in the Early
But it is the elephants that dominate the scene in the Ice Age. They
evolved on two lines out of a common ancestor, the southern elephant.
The mammoth line evolved in adaptation to a steppe environment,
feeding on tough, siliceous grass; in this stock the lamellae of the
cheek teeth became gradually more tightly appressed. In the other
line, that of the straight-tuskers which were forest forms, the cheek
teeth remained little modified.
The fossil history of the proboscideans is excellent in the sense that
one can almost certainly count on finding a record if they lived in a
given area where fossiliferous deposits were laid down. Usually it is
the massively built cheek teeth that will be preserved. These teeth are
very useful for classification purposes and the rapid evolution of the
elephants in the Quaternary makes them important guide fossils. If,
for instance, one finds a transitional form between steppe mammoth
and woolly mammoth, its date is likely to be early 3-Riss. Advanced
true mammoth with tightly packed lamellae in the cheek teeth will
suggest 4- Wiirm. The elephants are also important climatic indica-
tors. The mammoths are steppe and tundra forms, Palaeoloxodon
antiquus a woodland animal.
Unfortunately it is less common to find well-preserved complete
skeletons, to say nothing of the practical and financial difficulties in-
volved in their collection. Only the advanced woolly mammoth of the
late Pleistocene is really well known anatomically; we even know the
soft parts, skin and hair, thanks to the discovery of frozen specimens
in the permafrost area of Siberia.
From the biological point of view, the Pleistocene elephant record
is of the greatest importance. It is one of the finest examples of the
gradual evolution of new species known to us. To a systematist bent
on pigeonholing his finds this is a difficult situation, for there is no
way to draw sharp boundaries between the species succeeding each
other in time. Evolution consists of a continuous, gradual shift in the
averages of various characters.
Family Gomphotheriidae, Pig-toothed Mastodonts
The Auvergne Mastodont, Anancus arvernensis Croizet & Jobert. This
species dates from the Pliocene but survived during the entire Villa-
franchian. It was common in the earlier part of this stage before the
Figure 53. Restoration of Auvergne Mastodon, Anancus arvernensis, based on
skeletons from lower Val d' Arno and Dusino, Piemont. After Osborn & Flinsch.
entrance of true elephants. Later on it became rare and is missing in
steppe faunas like that of Seneze. It reappears, however, at Val d' Arno
and some discoveries indicate that it straggled on at least into I -Giinz
II. There is one specimen from the basal layers at Mosbach and
another from Middle Pleistocene gravels at Gmunden in Austria.
By that time the species had reached a venerable age, for it was in
existence at the beginning of the Astian; finds from the Middle Plio-
cene show it to have evolved from Lower Pliocene ancestors. Like
other mastodonts it has tubercular cheek teeth, useful for the chopping
of leaves and succulent plants but not grass. The presence of the
browsing mastodonts thus indicates an environment of woodlands.
Externally the mastodonts resembled elephants, but they tended
to have shorter legs and a relatively large, elongate head. The
Auvergne mastodont was peculiarly equipped with a pair of enor-
mously long tusks which reached a length of up to 10 ft. Contrary to
the norm in proboscideans, the tusks were almost straight (Anancus,
'without curve') and would seem to have been tremendous weapons
of defense. Oddly, this character was repeated at a far later date by the
ecological successor of the Auvergne mastodon in Europe, the
straight-tusker, though there was no direct relationship between the
two species.
Two nearly complete skeletons of this species have been discovered
(they are now in Turin and Bologna). Related forms have been found
in Asia [21 I ; 279].
Family Mammutidae, True Mastodonts
Borson's Mastodon, Zygolophodon borsoni Hays. Like the Auvergne
mastodon this species is a survivor from the Astian, but it has only
been found in the early Villafranchian (Etouaires ; Vialette; Chagny).
Related species occur in the Pliocene of Asia and in China the genus
Zygolophodon survives in the early Villafranchian.
Borson's mastodon had much shorter tusks than Anancus and they
were curved upward; in addition it carried vestigial tusks in the front
of the lower jaw. It is closely related to the well-known American
mastodon, which lived in North America into Postglacial times and
had shaggy, brownish hair [21 I].
Family Elephantidae, Elephants and Mammoths
The Southern Elephant, Archidiskodon meridionalis Nesti. As a sym-
bol for a new epoch in the history of the earth, the great southern ele-
phant marched on to the European stage in the middle Villafranchian.
From the Saint-Vallier level on, into the C-Cromer, it was the domi-
nant animal in Europe and its remains have been unearthed both in
Britain (the Crags) and on the continent.
The southern elephant is a direct descendant of the earliest known
elephant, A. planifrons Falconer & Cautley. The planifrons elephant
probably evolved in Asia or Africa and gradually migrated northward.
The earliest immigrants in Europe (at Chagny, for instance) are still
very close to the mother species, but in general the European branch
is regarded as a species distinct from A. planifrons.
A B c D
Figure 54. Lower second and third molars of Elephantidae. A, Southern Elephant,
Archidiskodon meridionalis, early Middle Pleistocene, Durfort, M
; B, Straight-
tusked Elephant, Palaeoloxodon antiquus, late Middle Pleistocene, Grays, M
; C,
Steppe Mammoth, Mammuthus trogontherii, early Middle Pleistocene, Sussenborn,
; D, Woolly Mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius, Late Pleistocene, Siberia. All
one-sixth natural size. A, D after Osborn; B after Falconer & Cautley; C after
The body build of the southern elephant may have resembled the
modern Indian elephant more than the African species; the back was
horizontal or slightly arched but did not slope down from the shoul-
ders as in the African species. The tusks, however, were much larger
than in the Indian species and were somewhat curved upward. The
cheek teeth were moderately high with short, broad mastication sur-
faces, traversed by relatively few, wide-spaced lamellae. Evidently the
species was not highly specialized but inhabited both savannas, bush
steppes and woodlands; it was probably not successful in extreme
steppe environments. There is a complete skeleton in Paris (from
Durfort) and others less complete in various museums. The Paris
specimen indicates a shoulder height in life of 37 m. (12. ft.).
In the C-Cromerian there was already a tendency to a splitting into
steppe and forest forms, probably beginning as race formation within
the species A. meridionalis. In the Forest Bed southern elephant is still
found, but these animals already show characters foreshadowing the
more specialized branches. In the basal gravels at Mosbach and other
deposits of the same age (I-Giinz II) transitional forms between A.
meridionalis and the steppe mammoth Mammuthus trogontherii are
found. Early forms of straight-tusked elephant, Palaeoloxodon anti-
quus, occur in the C-Cromerian deposits of Mauer [3; 64; 65; 211;
30 2 ] .
Figure 55. Res-
toration of
Elephant, Palaeo-
loxodon antiquus.
After a statuette
by Schweizer,
based on a skele-
ton from
The Straight-tusked Elephant, Palaeoloxodon antiquus Falconer &
Cautley. This species is characterized by its great, almost straight
tusks, which in the old bulls protrude like a pair of javelins. In stature
and body build the straight-tusker was rather like the southern ele-
phant but it was longer-legged and the head was smaller in relation to
the body. The cheek teeth were narrower and more elongate than in
the southern elephant but the lamellae were about equally spaced. The
straight-tusker was adapted to a temperate climate and a parkland or
forest environment and it is typical of the interglacials in Europe, be-
ginning with the C-Cromerian. The earliest forms, at Mauer and in
the Forest Bed, still retain many meridionalis characters. The immense
size of this animal is reflected in partial skeletons from England, Italy
and Poland, indicating a shoulder height of about 4 m. (r j ft.) ; no
complete skeleton is known.
The species retired southward during glaciations and the Mediter-
ranean peninsulas served as refuges. The straight-tusker survived in
Spain in the 4- Wiirm at a time when it had already become extinct
north of the Pyrenees.
The history of the straight-tusked elephant in the Mediterranean
area has a bizarre element in the evolution of dwarf races on certain
islands. A rather uniform dwarf type, P. antiquus melitensis Falconer,
existed on Malta, Sicily and Sardinia, probably in the later Middle
Pleistocene; the islands were then in direct land connection with each
other. From the size of the upper bone of the fore-leg, the shoulder
height of this form may be estimated at 140 em., little more than one-
third of that in the continental form. Later on in the Pleistocene Malta
became isolated and as a result of the restriction of the available area
(and perhaps adverse environmental conditions) there evolved a local
form, P. falconeri Busk, which measured only 90 em. (3 ft.) at the
shoulders! This almost incredible pygmy elephant was no larger than
a pony. The Cyprus form (P. cypriotes Bate) was almost as small as the
Maltese pygmy elephant, while another species of about the same size
as melitensis has been found in Crete. All the Mediterranean dwarf
elephants belong to the straight-tusker group; whether they should be
regarded as separate species or local subspecies is uncertain.
Dwarf elephants have also evolved elsewhere in the world on is-
lands: for instance Java and Sumatra and the Santa Barbara Islands
off the Californian coast. In these instances, however, we deal with
other species than P. antiquus.
Forms related to the European straight-tusker are common in Asia
(P. namadicus Falconer & Cautley). Their systematic relationship
needs further study [211; 254; 304].
The Steppe Mammoth, Mammuthus trogontherii Pohlig. This form
initiates the line of steppe and tundra elephants that culminated in the
well-known Late Pleistocene woolly mammoth. The transition from
southern elephant to steppe mammoth is revealed by finds in southern
Germany [6]. For instance in the sands at Aalen, which contain a
steppe fauna from r-Gunz II, there occur advanced southern ele-
phants with many traits resembling trogontherii. In the slightly
younger but still r-Gunz II deposits at jockgrim, evolution has pro-
ceeded to a point where the species has to be called M. trogontherii
although retaining many meridiona/is characters. So it is to some ex-
tent a matter of taste where the boundary between the species is
drawn; what is important of course is that we have evidence of the
direct emergence of steppe mammoth by gradual transformation from
a steppe race of the southern elephant.
During 2-Mindel M. trogontherii was a characteristic element in the
fauna and the upper layers at Mosbach contain typical representatives
of the species. In size this typical steppe mammoth exceeded all other
European elephants, reaching the almost incredible shoulder height
of 45 m. (more than 14k ft.) in the largest recorded specimens.
The tusks were moderately curved and in some instances reached
great length (e.g. one specimen from Sussenborn probably 5 m.
In the upper gravels at Mosbach, from the maximum cold phase of
the 2-Mindel, variants of the species somewhat resembling the woolly
mammoth are already found; evolution had been going on continu-
ously all through the trogontherii stage in the history of the mammoths.
Early in the 3-Riss the transformation reached a stage where we have
to identify the form as a trogontherii-like primigenius rather than a
primigenius-like trogontherii. The actual transition is localized in the
early part of the 3- Riss [4].
During the long but rather cool D-Holstein interglacial the steppe
mammoth was occasionally present in England along with the
straight-tusker, but it did not range into central Europe [2; 6; 21 I;
The Woolly Mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius Blumenbach. This
species was present in Europe from the 3-Riss to the end of the 4-
Wurm; the earliest specimens still resemble the ancestral M. trogon-
therii and are often regarded as a distinct subspecies M. primigenius
fraasi. In later forms the lamellae of the cheek teeth became still more
numerous and closely appressed and the size and curvature of the
tusks tended to become more and more extravagant, while the body
size was reduced. The Late Pleistocene mammoth reached a shoulder
height of about 10 ft. or less, so that it was no larger than a modern
The mammoth did not inhabit central Europe in the F-Eemian,
but finds in Scandinavia date from this interglacial and show that the
north was a refuge for the European glacial fauna in the warm phases.
In the 4- Wiirm the mammoth returned to central Europe.
From discoveries of frozen carcasses in Siberia something is known
about the soft anatomy of the mammoth. The carcasses, of which
about 25 have been found, are remains of individuals that were acci-
dentally trapped and buried in the frozen earth. As there have been
some odd statements about the deep-frozen mammoths, it may be use-
ful to discuss briefly the best-preserved specimen that has been stud-
ied scientifically, the mammoth discovered in 1900 at the Beresovka
River. The animal had been buried by a landslide at the river bank,
with various resulting injuries; for instance the hipbone was crushed.
It had then gradually frozen; not, however, before much of the flesh
and all the entrails had rotted away. The stomach contents have been
pollen analysed and show that the Beresovka mammoth lived in an
Arctic environment and fed Of1 tundra vegetation. A radiocarbon
determination shows that this individual lived about 39,000 years ago.
Figure 56. Woolly Mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius. Engraving in ivory from La
Madeleine, Dordogne. After Breuil.
The exterior of the mammoth was very striking with the long, hang-
ing hair, the immense curved tusks, the high, peaked head and the
humped shoulders, behind which the back sloped steeply downward.
The hump, which is seen in contemporary pictures, used to be regar-
ded as a fat hump but may actually be due in part at least to the curva-
ture of the spine. The ears were small to reduce heat-loss; insulation
was also provided by the hair and by a blubber layer under the skin
about 8 ~ em. thick. The trunk was rather shorter than in modern
The mammoth was often portrayed by Ice Age artists and the pic-
tures they have given us of this remarkable animal in their paintings
and engravings are fully confirmed by the fossil carcasses. The woolly
mammoth was of great importance in the economy of some Ice Age
tribes as a game animal; the tusks and bones were used for palisades
and other structures. Even in historical times, long after the extinction
of the species, fossil ivory has been collected in enormous amounts in
Siberia and traded especially to China. It is estimated that remains of
about 25,000 mammoths have been unearthed in Siberia.
Figure 57. Late Pleistocene distribution of Woolly Mammoth, Mammuthus prtmi-
genius. After Trofimov.
The mammoth ranged to North America. In Alaska some parts of
carcasses with preserved soft structures have been discovered and
mammoth hair is said to be so common in some areas as to be a
nuisance to gold-diggers. In Europe the species became extinct at the
close of the 4-Wiirm; in Siberia it appears to have survived into the
warm Allered interstadial about 10,OOOBC. A recent study of mam-
moth carcases [94] throws further light on the extinction. It was
shown that the radiocarbon dated remains indicate a size oscillation
of the type contrary to Bergmann's rule. Specimens dating from 40-
50,000 years ago, or 4-Wiirm I, were decidedly smaller than speci-
mens with a radiocarbon age of 30-40,000 years of4-Wiirm I-II inter-
stadial age. Still younger specimens (11-12,000 years old) again show
a reduction in size. The authors suggest that the rapid climatic
changes at the end of the 4-Wiirm made it impossible for the mam-
moth herds to react by sufficiently rapid migrations, thus repeatedly
decimating the population until finally the sudden climatic deteriora-
tion of the Younger Dryas killed the remainder [85; 93; 211; 292].
Chapter 12
Order Perissodactyla
THE Perissodactyla or odd-toed ungulates comprise the horse, tapir
and rhinoceros families. The order passed its apogee long ago; several
other perissodactyl families existed in the Tertiary but later became
extinct. In the European Pleistocene only the modern families were
The name odd-toed ungulates does not necessarily mean that the
number of toes is odd, though this is the rule in most groups. It means
that the axis of the foot always coincides with the third or central toe,
which is the strongest. In the even-toed ungulates the axis passes
between the third and fourth toes, which are equally strong.
The earliest Perissodactyla appeared in the Eocene.
Family Tapiridae, Tapirs
The Tapir family was widely distributed in North America and the
Old World in the Tertiary. It is very close to the original perissodac-
tyls of the Early Eocene and so is a primitive group, unspecialized ex-
cept for the development of a short proboscis. In the Pleistocene ta-
pirs invaded South America; then the northern tapirs became extinct,
so that only South America and the East Indies are now inhabited by
tapirs. In Europe the family became extinct at the close of the Villa-
The Auvergne Tapir, Tapirus arvernensis Croizet &Jobert. This small
species of tapir was common in the Astian but has also been found in
the beginning of the Villafranchian (Etouaires; Vialette; also in Ger-
many). It was absent in the middle Villafranchian but returned to-
ward the end of the stage and is recorded at Val d' Arno and A-Tege-
len. The species does not differ much from living tapirs.
Tapirs are forest animals and partly aquatic; they live on water
vegetation but also browse on forest trees, pulling down branches and
twigs with the help of the short trunk. In fleeing from a predator the
tapir will go for the densest thicket available, which it easily penetrates
protected by its tough skin but which will stop most carnivores.
Tapirs are usually solitary in habits [83].
Family Rhinocerotidae, Rhinoceroses
The rhinoceroses form an important element in the Pleistocene fauna
of Europe. Large, robust bones and teeth are more likely to be pre-
served than small ones; as a result, the rhinos have a good fossil record.
Many species are known and show an interesting range of adaptations
to various environments from tundra to forest.
Almost all the Ice Age rhinos of Europe belong to the group of the
present-day Sumatra rhinoceros, the genus Dicerorhinus. These ani-
mals have two nose horns, the one in front being the longest. They also
have a somewhat more hairy skin than other living rhinos, which have
nearly no hair at all. The dicerorhine rhinos were common in Eurasia
in the late Tertiary and the Pleistocene forms were obviously direct
derivatives of the Pliocene ones.
The only exception is the Giant 'Unicorn', which however was
mostly distributed in eastern Europe. It belongs to a group of its own
among the rhinoceroses, with a long, separate record.
Christol's Rhinoceros, Dicerorhinus megarhinus Christol. This is the
typical rhinoceros of the Astian in Europe but it survived into the
earliest Villafranchian (Etouaires ; Vialette) in a progressive form,
trending towards the daughter species D. etruscus. In the Astian form
the nasal bone does not connect with the upper jaw in front, or in
other words there was no ossification of the septum between the
nares, which was entirely cartilaginous. As the nasal bones carry the
horns, they would be liable to breakage with the impact of a heavy
charge. Accordingly there is a tendency to ossification of the nasal
cartilages in the early Villafranchian specimens, especially in the
males with their heavier horns; such an arrangement would reduce
the risk of breakage by transferring part of the strain on to the bones
of the upper jaw. This trend continued in the Etruscan rhinoceros, in
which a firm base was formed for the horn-bearing nasal bones.
Like its successor, Christol's rhinoceros was a comparatively small,
gracefully built form [278].
The Etruscan Rhinoceros, Dicerorhinus etruscus Falconer. This spe-
cies was the sole representative of the rhinoceros family during most
of the Villafranchian in Europe; it has been recorded, for instance, at
Villaroya, Pardines, Saint-Vallier, Seneze, Olivola, Val d'Arno, Erp-
fingen and A-Tegelen. It remained common in the early Middle
Pleistocene, where it occurs both in forest faunas (Mauer; Forest Bed)
and steppe faunas (Sussenborn; Mosbach) up to the 2-Mindel. At that
time, however, a more highly specialized competitor entered the
stage in the shape of Merck's rhinoceros. Shortly after the immigra-
tion of this species and of the steppe rhinoceros slightly later, the
Etruscan rhinoceros died out.
Figure 58. Restoration of Etruscan Rhinoceros, Dicerorhinus etruscus, based on a
skeleton from Seneze.
The reasons for the extinction may probably be sought in the in-
complete specialization of the Etruscan rhinoceros. It was a relatively
small form, about the size of the smallest living species, and judging
from the angle between the occipital plane and the skull base, the head
was carried in an almost horizontal position. It has been shown that
the leaf-eating rhinos of the present day habitually carry their heads
slightly tilted upward and in their skulls the occipital plane is inclined
forward in relation to the skull base. The African black rhinoceros,
which eats grass as well as leaves, carries its head horizontally, while
the white rhinoceros, an exclusively grazing form, habitually hangs
its head. The Etruscan rhinoceros in this respect most closely resemb-
les the black rhinoceros and is likely to have had a similarly unspecia-
lized diet including leaves as well as grass. Savanna and bush steppe
would seem to have been the most congenial environments of this
form, but it is also found in faunas dominated by woodland species.
There are complete skeletons of this species, for instance from
Seneze (Basel). The head-and-body length was somewhat less than
25 m., the shoulder height about 15 m.; the animal was unusually
long-legged for a rhinoceros and probably rather fleet of foot [6; 127;
242; 278].
Merck's Rhinoceros, Dicerorhinus kirchbergensis Jager (Rhinoceros
mercki Jager). This species is the constant companion of the straight-
tusked elephant in most interglacial faunas from the D-Holsteinian to
the F-Eemian. Its first appearance, however, comes somewhat un-
expectedly in the 2-Mindel (Mosbach 2), where it is found in a steppe
association; it is, however, rare. In England Merck's rhinoceros was
particularly abundant during the D-Holsteinian (Swanscombe; Clac-
ton), while the steppe rhinoceros was scarce. At E-Ilford, on the other
hand, the steppe rhinoceros was common and Merck's rhinoceros
rare. Finally, in the F-Eemian the species was completely absent in
England, while D. hemitoechus held sway.
In central Europe on the other hand Merck's rhinoceros was com-
mon in the F-Eemian and became extinct only at the end of the
interglacial. In Spain the species persisted during the first part of
4-Wiirm I.
The ecological successor of the Etruscan rhinoceros, D. kirchber-
gensis resembles its forerunner in many respects; the skull has the
same general shape. But Merck's rhinoceros was considerably larger,
which may have given it an advantage in the competition. Like the
Villafranchian species, Merck's rhinoceros probably inhabited wood-
land, parkland and occasionally savanna environments but it does not
appear in extreme steppe milieus apart from the very beginning of its
history; such environments were taken over by the steppe rhinoceros
and the woolly rhinoceros. Unfortunately, no complete skeleton of
this species has been found to date.
D. kirchbergensis may have evolved from extra-European represen-
tatives of the Etruscan stock. A Chinese Villafranchian member of
the genus Dicerorhinus is closely allied to Merck's rhinoceros and may
well be its ancestor. Merck's rhinoceros had a great range in Asia
(southern Siberia), which may also suggest an Asiatic origin [6; 262;
The Steppe Rhinoceros, Dicerorhinus hemitoechus Falconer. This spe-
cies appears to be represented as early as at Val d' Arno but is not found
again until the D-Holsteinian, when it invaded Europe; from that
time on it occurs in the interglacials with a frequency inversely related
to that of Merck's rhinoceros. The steppe rhinoceros carried its head
in a hanging position like the present-day white rhinoceros of Africa
and its high tooth crowns are adapted to deal with the abrasive grasses
of the steppe. It may therefore be taken as an indicator of open grass-
lands, but it does not seem to have developed any special adaptation
to cold so that it was unable to colonize the tundra biotope; its main
habitat lay in temperate areas. However, a head with preserved skin
and hair of a rhinoceros found in frozen earth at a tributary of the Jana
River in Siberia in 1877 is stated to belong to D. hemitoechus. Pre-
sumably this indicates survival well into 4- Wiirm.
The steppe rhinoceros is closely related to the Etruscan rhinoceros
and may represent an offshoot from early representatives of that
group [16; 262; 316].
The Woolly Rhinoceros, Coelodonta antiquitatis Blumenbach (Rhi-
noceros tichorhinus Cuvier). The woolly rhinoceros was a highly spe-
cialized derivative of the Dicerorhinus stock, which invaded Europe in
the 3-Riss and remained a typical member of the cold fauna there until
the end of the 4- Wiirm. It apparently evolved in northeast Asia, where
predecessors of this species dating from the Early Pleistocene have
been found. Discovery of frozen remains in Siberia, and especially
the find of a remarkably well preserved cadaver in deposits impreg-
nated with salt and petroleum at Starunia in Galicia, have given de-
tailed information on the appearance in the flesh of this animal; there
is a complete stuffed specimen in the Museumof Krakow. The woolly
rhinoceros also figures in Stone Age paintings and engravings.
This rhino had a thick, woolly coat as a protection against the Arctic
cold. A fairly well-developed pelage may well have been a common
character of all the dicerorhine rhinoceroses but Coelodonta was prob-
ably unusually endowed in this respect. The ossification of the nasal
septum was extreme also; and in addition the nasals grew down in
front to fuse with the upper jaws - the resulting odd appearance of the
rostrum has led French palaeontologists to name it 'the rhino of the
closed nares'. The strengthening of the horn base corresponded to
the development of two powerful, elongated nasal horns. The cheek
teeth were very high-crowned, even more so than in the steppe
rhinoceros. Not only the head but also the neck was carried low in this
species, thus showing extreme grass-eating specialization.
Figure 59- Restoration of Woolly Rhinoceros, Coelodonta antiquitatis, based on
stuffed specimen from Starunia; original in the Zoological Museum, Krakow.
The woolly rhinoceros is perhaps mostly thought of as an extreme
tundra form, but unmistakable specimens of this species have also
been discovered in completely different surroundings. In Spain, for
instance, C. antiquitatis occurs at Cueva del Toll, north of Barcelona,
in deposits from the interstadial a-Wurm I-II; pollen analysis of the
same deposit indicates a dry, temperate climate with extensive g r a ~ s
lands and a few broad-leaved trees; there is no possibility whatever
that this could be a 'cold' steppe [259].
The Giant 'Unicorn', Elasmotherium sibiricum Fischer. The home-
land of this species was the steppes of southern Russia, but a few stray
finds indicate that it made a temporary incursion in central Europe in
the Middle Pleistocene. This species is the terminal form of an evolu-
tionary line that has its roots far down in the Tertiary; we have glimp-
ses of it in the Miocene of Spain, the Pliocene of China and the Pleis-
tocene of Russia.
It was a truly gigantic animal, far larger than any living rhinoceros.
It had no nose horn, but instead an immense horn on the forehead: it
grew to a length of two metres. This animal was thus a veritable uni-
corn. Its great, prismatic cheek teeth with their complicated enamel
pattern are as highly specialized as those of the horses and show a won-
derful adaptation to grazing habits. Knowledge of the postcranial
skeleton is incomplete [42].
Figure 60. Distribution of Woolly Rhinoceros, Coelodonta antiquitatis, in the
Pleistocene. After Trofimov.
Family Equidae, Horses
The history of the horse family in the Tertiary is often cited as a clas-
sical example of evolution demonstrated by palaeontology, though in
fact several other mammalian families have as detailed a record. The
earliest equid, the Eohippus or Hyracotherium of the Eocene epoch,
was a small animal with four-toed fore-feet and three-toed hind feet
and a very primitive dentition. These animals, which of course did
not in the least resemble a modern horse, are linked to the latter by an
unbroken evolutionary series spanning almost 50 million years. In ad-
dition various side branches of different types arose; some of them
were the dominant horses of their day and could have made a case for
II 145
Figure 61. Skull and mandible of Woolly Rhinoceros, Coelodonta antiquitatis
(above) and Giant 'Unicorn', Elasmotherium sibiricum (below), both one-fifteenth
natural size. Pleistocene, USSR.
regarding our one-toed horse as an evolutionary side-branch. One of
these earlier types of dominant horses, the three-toed Hipparion, sur-
vived in the Early Pleistocene of Europe. Otherwise one-toed horses
of modern type are predominant in the Pleistocene and their migra-
tion from North America across the Bering Bridge constitutes one of
the main faunal markers inaugurating the Pleistocene.
Crusafont's hipparion, Hipparion crusafonti Villalta. With this spe-
cies the line of three-toed horses expired in Europe after having been
a dominant faunal element for some 10 million years. The genus
Hipparion originated in North America, which was the centre of
equine evolution throughout the Tertiary. The invasion of Hipparion
in the Old World is usually taken as the event marking the beginning
of the Pliocene, so that this genus is one of the most important index
fossils of its time. The Pliocene hipparions were usually small, about
the size of a pony but lighter in build, and there were even one or two
dwarf species of gazelle-like proportions in Spain. One line tended to
gradual size increase and this trend culminated in the Villafranchian
H. crusafonti which was almost as large as a modern horse. Its imme-
diate ancestor seems to be the Pliocene H. rocinantis Hernandez-
Pacheco, a fairly large form that lived in Spain. In China, too, a large
hipparion was present in Villafranchian times.
The hipparions differ from Equus in that all four feet still have three
functional toes instead of one. In the modern horses the middle toe is
very strong and linked to the lower part of the leg by a powerful system
of ligaments which give it a spring-like action. The middle toe had the
same function in the hipparions but was more slenderly built; when
galloping or trotting, the side toes would touch the ground and assist
the main toe in taking up the impact.
This system apparently functioned well enough, especially in small,
lightly built forms such as most of the hipparions. In a large form it
must have been less efficient than the one-toed arrangement, which
may be one of the reasons why the invading Equus rapidly eclipsed its
three-toed competitors. In Europe the competition between one-
toed and three-toed horses was enacted in the early Villafranchian; in
Africa, however, hipparions survived to a much later date.
The external appearance of the hipparions probably would have
been that of a slim, delicately built horse. Hipparion crusafonti occurs
in great numbers at Villaroya. A somewhat smaller form of Hipparion
is present at Perrier (Roccaneyra, Pardines) but very rare. In
Pardines times Equus invaded Europe, and Hipparion apparently
became extinct almost immediately [108; 298].
B c o E
Figure 62. Upper cheek teeth of Equidae. A, tooth series in Crusafont's Hipparion,
Hipparion crusafonti, Villafranchian, Villaroya; B-C, isolated teeth of European
Zebra, Equus stenonis, Villafranchian; D-E, isolated teeth of Wild Horse, E. prze-
walskii, Recent; F, tooth series in European Wild Ass, E. hydruntinus, Late Pleisto-
cene, Grotta Romanelli. About one-half natural size. A after Villalta; B-F after
Zebrine Horses, Equus stenonis Cocchi and E. sussenbornensis Wiist.
The earliest Equus to enter the Old World seem to have been zebra-
like as regards their dentition, at any rate; whether they were striped
like modern zebras is, of course, unknown. But in Europe the zebra-
like Equus stenonis appears at a later date, in the middle Villafranchian
of Saint-Vallier, at a time when the 'caballine' robustus horse (E.
bressanus) was already present. Equus stenonis was abundant in the
later half of the Villafranchian (Seneze ; Olivola; Val d'Arno; Dove-
holes; Tegelen) and finally was replaced by, or evolved into, the Sus-
senborn zebra. Exactly where in the time scale the boundary between
the two species should be drawn is not clear at present. At any rate it
may be concluded that the zebras in Europe ranged in time from the
middle Villafranchian to r-Gunz II.
The European zebras were relatively small, lightly built forms. A
complete skeleton of E. stenonis (at Basel) indicates a shoulder height
of about 140 em, ; the specimen comes from Seneze. The earliest im-
migrants of this species in Europe were considerably larger, like the
Villafranchian zebrine horses found in India (E. sivalensis Falconer &
Cautley) and China (E. sanmeniensis Teilhard & Piveteau) are prob-
ably closely related to the European zebra; they are about the same
size or slightly larger. This group may be directly derived from the
North American Pliocene genus Plesippus. However, the early Villa-
franchian zebras soon gave rise to caballine and asinine horses, which
later on were to crowd out the zebras throughout Eurasia; zebras now
survive only in Africa [17; 87; 302].
Caballine Horses, Equus bressanus Viret (E. robustus Pomel), E. mos-
bachensis Reichenau, E. germanicus Nehring, E. przewalskii Poliakoff
and perhaps other species. The systematics of the 'true' or caballine
horses in Europe during the Ice Age are somewhat chaotic. A great
number of species have been proposed, but it is most improbable that
all or even a majority of them will turn out to be valid. However, as
Stehlin [265] says, it is 'plus facile de reconnaitre la faute que d'y
remedier': In brief, the following seems to be the main outline of the
history of the caballine horse in Europe.
The first invaders in Europe of the genus Equus were of caballine
type and belonged to the species E. bressanus, the so-called robustus
horse, which appeared at Pardines; later on it lived side by side with
the zebrine E. stenonis (Seneze). Other localities include Erpfingen,
Chagny, Norwich Crag, A-Tegelen. This great horse is easy to dis-
tinguish from the zebrine horse because of its enormous size, rivalling
that of the biggest living carthorses. The caballine horse type must
have evolved at an early stage from the first zebrine invaders in the
Old World.
A slightly smaller form, which has been called E. mosbachensis,
occurs in the C-Cromerian and 2-Mindel (Mosbach; Mauer; Forest
Bed; Koneprusy, etc.). Material from I-Giinz times (Episcopia;
Nagyharsanyhegy ; Hundsheim; Gombasek; Jockgrim, etc.) is some-
times referred to the robustus horse and sometimes to the Mosbach
horse (or species of their own).
The tendency to size reduction continues later on in the Pleistocene.
Horses from the D-Holsteinian, 3-Riss, F-Eemian and 4-Wiirm I
seem however to vary only moderately in average size and may
perhaps be regarded as a single species, although several names have
been proposed (besides E. germanicus, which has already been men-
tioned, E. steinheimensis Reichenau and E. taubachensis Freudenberg
belong here). These horses were inferior to the Mosbach horse in size
but were still quite powerful.
Figure 63. Wild Horse, Equus przewalskii. A group of five horses and one bison. Wall
painting, Lascaux, Dordogne. The small head, erect mane, short legs and hanging
belly are typical of this form. After Laming.
Finally, in 4-Wiirm II the modern species E. przewalskii makes its
appearance. It seems to be this rather small form that was depicted
by the Stone Age artists, for instance in the cave paintings of Lascaux.
This was also the form hunted at the famous site of Solutre.
The record suggests that the change in size was comparatively sud-
den in some instances, which would indicate replacement by immi-
gration; this is the case in the germanicus-przewalskii shift. On the
other hand a gradual transition in situ may also be possible, for in-
stance in the bressanus-mosbachensis sequence.
Przewalski's horse is the stock from which the domestic horse has
been derived and local races both in the east and in the west were
probably tamed. The horse does not appear to be among the earliest
domestic animals. In Europe the wild form became extinct long ago,
but a small population survives in the Gobi desert in Asia. Before its
recent decimation the population formed large herds led by an ex-
perienced stallion; the same holds for the European tarpan or wild
horse of Russia and Poland, which became extinct in 1918.
The extinction of the tarpan is due to human activity, but the his-
tory of the equid family contains several examples of inexplicable ex-
tinctions. As late as the end of the Ice Age the plains of North and
South America swarmed with horses and yet they all died out in the
Postglacial and had passed completely from living memory among the
American Indians. Reintroduced by Europeans, horses thrived and
soon multiplied into enormous feral herds on the prairie and the pam-
pa. Why then did their forerunners becom.e extinct? In England,
horse is missing in the F-Eemian interglacial faunas; perhaps it be-
came extinct when the island had become separated from the continent
by the high stand of the interglacial sea. The problem is made still
more intriguing by the absence of man in England at the same time
[18; 87; 187 ; 192; 265; 271; 302].
The European Wild Ass, Equus hydruntinus Regalia. This species is
somewhat intermediate between the Asiatic wild asses (E. hemionus)
and the true donkeys; for while its slender limb bones resemble those
of the Asiatic asses, the lightly built 'microdont' teeth are of the same
type as in the African form. The earliest evidence of this group in
Europe comes from the late Villafranchian; Val d' Arno has yielded a
jaw of the same type and an incomplete find (part of a shoulder blade)
from Seneze may belong to the same form. These are now regarded
as a distinct, Villafranchian form, E. stehlini Azzaroli. Finds from the
earlier Middle Pleistocene are scarce (a member of the subgenus
Asinus is reported, e.g. from Bad Frankenhausen and Koneprusy, 2-
Mindel), but in the D-Holsteinian and 3-Riss finds are common
enough (Lunel-Viel ; Chatillon-Saint-jean; Achenheim, etc.) and in
the Late Pleistocene there are numerous records from caves and open-
air sites in western, central, southern and eastern Europe. The
species became extinct at the end of the 4- Wiirm.
Reports of donkey (E. asinus Linne) from Pleistocene deposits in
Europe may be due to misidentification of E. hydruntinus, which as
we have seen had donkey-like teeth. However, a donkey-like form
has recently been described from the Late Pleistocene of Val di
Chiana, Italy, under the name E. graziosii [18]. E. asinus has been
recorded from the Pleistocene of Africa; domestic forms appear in
the Neolithic of the Near East [17].
The Asiatic Wild Ass or Kulan, Equus hemionus Pallas. This species
has been reported at several localities in Europe including Achenheim
(3-Riss) and various cave deposits from 4-Wurm. However, records
based on limb bones may represent E. hydruntinus, while some re-
cords based on teeth may represent the small Przewalski horse [243].
Finally, however, Dietrich [66] found both teeth and limb bones in
the 4-Wiirm I-II interstadial RixdorfHorizon of Berlin and was able
to substantiate the presence of kulan.
The present-day kulan has a rather wide distribution in northern
Asia, where it inhabits the steppes preferably in the neighbourhood
of rivers and lakes. Whether the herds are normally led by a stallion
(as in the case of wild horses) or an old mare (as with donkeys) is not
clear; information is conflicting.
A related but smaller species, the Onager (E. onager Pallas), which
originally inhabited the steppes and deserts from Palestine to
northern India but is now very rare, appears never to have ranged into
Chapter 13
Order Artiodactyla
IN the even-toed ungulates the axis of the foot passes between the
third and fourth toes. The first toe, corresponding to our thumb and
big toe, is missing in all except the most primitive artiodactyls. The
side toes - the second and fifth - are more or less reduced.
The artiodactyls are an old group, dating from the Eocene, but their
definitive ascendance began in the Pliocene and continues today.
Since the Pliocene the even-toed ungulates have gradually been
crowding out the odd-toed ungulates and the great majority of those
still living belong to the order Artiodactyla. Among the factors that
may have contributed to this success may be mentioned the mechani-
cal superiority of the artiodactyl tarsal joint and the ability to ruminate
(chew the cud), found in all higher artiodactyls.
The fossil record of this order is excellent. In the Pleistocene of the
area discussed here, four of the six living Old World families are well
represented: pigs, hippopotami, deer and bovids. The two remaining
families, camels and giraffes, are both represented in the Pleistocene
of eastern Europe. The camels evolved in North America and entered
the Old World at the same time as the one-toed horses, while the
Giraffidae have a long history in the Old World and were plentiful in
Europe as late as Pliocene times.
Family Suidae, Pigs
The suids are the most primitive of living Artiodactyla. Highly varied
during the Tertiary, they have since lost most of their variety, but the
few surviving stocks are vigorously holding their own. Pigs were
probably present throughout the Pleistocene in Europe, although
only one species existed at a time. Unfortunately their fossil record is
rather unsatisfactory except in the Late Pleistocene.
The pigs are omnivorous and their diet, like their dentition,
resembles that of the bears. The pig menu will, for instance, include
acorns, herbs, ferns, tubers, grubs, small rodents and other small
mammals, reptiles, amphibians and carrion. Because pigs root a great
deal of their food out of the ground, strong winter cold will limit
their geographic range and their short legs make them nearly helpless
in deep snow. They are thus characteristic members of the interglacial
and interstadial forest faunas.
Figure 64. Skull and mandible of Strozzi's Pig, Sus strozzii, Villafranchian, Val
d' Arno. One-sixth natural size. After Azzaroli.
Strozzi's Pig, Sus strozzii Meneghini. This species is typical of the
later Villafranchian of Europe (Seneze ; Olivola; Val d'Arno; A-
Tegelen); some incomplete remains from Villany may also belong to
this species. However, it was in existence in the early Villafranchian
too, for it has been found at Bethlehem in a fauna of the Villaroya type
with Hipparion instead of Equus.
S. strozzii was closely allied to the living S. verrucosus Muller &
Schlegel of the East Indies. The verrucosus group differs from other
members of Sus by the presence of a number of tufted warts on the
face (it is not, however, related to the true wart hog of Africa); odon-
tologically it may be identified by the development of the enamel
facets of the lower canine teeth. The Villafranchian species was some-
what larger than a modern wild hog. A skeleton of a young animal
from Seneze (at Basel) indicates a head-and-body length about 150
em., corresponding to a full-grown boar, while incomplete adult
specimens suggest lengths approaching 6 ft.
A Pliocene species from Roussillon, S. minor Deperet, is now re-
garded as the immediate ancestor of S. strozzii; it is somewhat smaller
and slightly more primitive. A small form at Etouaires has been
known for a long time under the name S. arvernensis Croizet & jobert,
but the material is not well enough preserved to show whether this is
a suid of the verrucosus or the scrofa group. If, as is most likely, it rep-
resents the surviving S. minor stock, it may be ancestral to S. strozzii.
Generally speaking, the fossil record indicates that the wart-
bearing verrucosus swine were widely distributed in Eurasia up to the
end of the Villafranchian. Since then, however, they have been
gradually driven out by competition with S. scrofa, finally losing
their entire foothold on the Eurasian continent and surviving only as
insular relicts.
The habits of S. strozzii probably were rather similar to those of
the living Eurasian wild hog, though its slightly broader feet and
shorter legs might suggest adaptation to swampy ground and pos-
sibly to a partly aquatic mode of life, paralleled in some living popu-
lations of S. scrofa [14; 108].
The Eurasian Wild Hog, Sus scrofa Linne. The first appearance of the
modern species comes in the early Middle Pleistocene (Siissenborn;
Gombasek; Mauer; Mosbach). It is also found in the D-Holsteinian
(Grays; Lunel-Viel; Steinheim) and is very common in later deposits,
especially of interglacial date. The Pleistocene form was markedly
larger than the living one and is regarded as a distinct subspecies, S.
scrofa priscus De Serres; it grew to even larger size than S. strozzii.
The species also appeared in the early Middle Pleistocene of China,
at Choukoutien. So far, its precise origin has not been determined.
Thehistoryofthe genus Sus as a whole goes back to the Early Pliocene.
The Recent geographic range of the wild boar originally included
most of Europe except the north, but it has since been extirpated in
many areas. Domestication probably took place independently in
several different regions. Very early material of domestic pig comes
from jarmo in Kurdistan, Iraq; it dates from about 6500BC. Domes-
tic specimens are easily identified by the much smaller size of their
back teeth compared with those of the wild form [184; 222].
Family Hippopotamidae, Hippopotami
This family has only two living species, the hippopotamus (Hippo-
potamus amphibius) and the pygmy hippo (Choeropsis liberiensis Mor-
ton), both in Africa. The fossil species in Africa and Eurasia are also
very few. The history of the family goes back to the Pliocene. It was
formerly thought to be derived from the Suidae, but more recent work
indicates that the Hippopotamidae probably emerged from a group
of animals called anthracotheres - a primitive artiodactyl group
resembling the pigs in some respects.
The Hippopotamus, Hippopotamus amphibius Linne. The European
form is sometimes regarded as a distinct species (H. antiquus Des-
marest) but it is more likely to represent a subspecies of the living
species. The hippopotamus appeared in Europe at the end of the
Villafranchian (Val d' Arno) and made repeated incursions in later
interglacial faunas; in Italy it seems to have been present throughout
the Pleistocene. In interglacial times it probably migrated northward
following the river valleys and coasts. The Rhone, Danube and Rhine
seem to have formed important highways for this species. In addition
the modern hippopotamus is known to make long cross-country treks
which may aid its dispersion and help it to cross some water divides.
The species was fairly common in the early Middle Pleistocene,
where it appears both in the forest faunas (Mauer; Abbeville; Forest
Bed) and the cool steppe fauna at Mosbach. The latter find indicates
that the climate was not cold enough for the Rhine and its tributaries
to freeze over in winter. With the increasing cold of the 2-Mindel the
species became extinct.
In the D-Holsteinian there is a record. from Lunel-Viel, but after
that the species is absent to return only in the F-Eemian, when it
seems to have been very numerous in England. Particularly rich ma-
terial, including a complete skeleton, has been found at Barrington
(Cambridge). Several Late Pleistocene records from France indicate
the route along which the hippopotamus migrated to England, but
finds in central Europe are scarce (there is a record from the Balver
Hohle in Westphalia).
The European form differed from the African one mainly by its
larger size, which is remarkable enough considering that the largest
modern hippopotami may reach a length of 4 m. and weigh more than
4 tons. An archaic character found in some individuals of the Euro-
pean form was the presence of three incisors in each lower jaw half
instead of two, the normal number in H. amphibius. Only a few
individuals have this atavistic trait ('hexaprotodonty') in which they
resemble the Villafranchian hippopotami of Asia.
Though the fossil record shows that the species could survive for
some time in a cool-temperate climate, it is probably significant that
the hippopotamus did not reach England in the relatively cool D-
Holsteinian interglacial, whereas the climate of the C-Cromerian and
F-Eemian, when the species was common there, was warmer than
that of the present day.
Dwarf races of hippopotamus evolved in several Mediterranean
islands. They have received various specific names - H. minor Desma-
rest in Cyprus, H. pentlandi Meyer in Crete, Sicily and Malta, and H.
melitensis Major in Crete and Malta. Their relationship to each other
and to the European form remain to be elaborated. As in the case of
the insular dwarf elephants the reduction in size may have given the
species a chance to keep the number of individuals over a certain
critical level (ensuring, for instance, the need of genetic variability) in
spite of a limited food supply.
The hippopotamus feeds on water plants like reeds and lotus as well
as grass. I ts only dangerous enemy is man, but fights between males
during the breeding season may occasionally have fatal results [62;
7 ;
Family Cervidae, Deer
The deer have evolved from a group of Miocene ruminants, the
Palaeomerycidae; the same group apparently also gave rise to other
higher artiodactyls including the giraffes, which are the closest living
relatives of the deer. The earliest real deer in the Miocene and Pliocene
lacked antlers or had simple, bifurcated antlers (Dicrocerus) or a pe-
culiar arrangement with a saucer-like, tine-rimmed plate at the end
of a short beam (Stephanocemas). In the Pliocene, forms representing
the three major living groups in Europe (red deer, roe deer and elk)
had already appeared, but the majority were so-called pliocervines
(Damacerus, etc.), of which several forms survived in the early Villa-
The deer have a rather primitive dental battery with low-crowned
teeth; they are more or less confined to woodlands. The reindeer is an
important exception; this is the only member of the deer family that
has been able to colonize the Arctic tundra biotope.
The deer family is abundantly represented throughout the Pleisto-
cene in Europe, but the fossil deer pose numerous problems to the
palaeontologist. The dentition is rather stereotype, so that the syste-
matics are mainly based on the antlers. Unfortunately skulls with
attached antlers are relatively rare, while shed antlers are fairly com-
mon. It may then be difficult to combine the antlers and the remainder
of the skeleton as the fauna may contain more than one species of
about the same size. Individual and age variation in the antlers is
great and doubtless many species have been based on such variants.
Much remains to be done to unravel the history of the deer in the
Pleistocene, especially in the Villafranchian and Middle Pleistocene.
Figure 65. Frontlet with antlers of Ramosus Deer, Anoglochis ramosus, Villafran-
chian, Saint-Vallier; two views. One-twelfth natural size. After Viret.
Etouaires Deer. A number of primitive deer species have been de-
scribed from Mt Perrier. 'Cervus' ardei Croizet & jobert, 'C'. issio-
dorensis Croizet & Jobert and 'C.' cladocerus Pomel apparently be-
came extinct in the early Villafranchian, whereas 'C.' cusanus Croizet
& Jobert has been identified also in middle and late Villafranchian
strata (e.g. Chilhac) and 'C.' perrieri Croizet & jobert has been ten-
tatively reported in the late Villafranchian as well [39].
The Ramosus Deer, Anoglochis ramosus Croizet & jobert. This is a
fairly large form which ranges from the early Villafranchian (Perrier;
Villaroya) throughout the stage (Saint-Vallier ; Erpfingen; Saint-
Esteve). The somewhat flattened, evenly curved beam carried a series
of tines pointing forward and subequal in size; each antler carries up
to seven tines. The terminal part of the beam tends to be lobated. A
subspecies of the same species (A. ramosus pyrenaicus Deperet) has
been reported from the Astian of Roussillon. It is probably a direct
descendant of the typical earlier Pliocene 'pliocervines' of the
Damacerus group [13].
Figure 66. Skull and antlers of Seneze Deer, Eucteno-
ceros senezensis, Villafranchian, Seneze. After Viret.
The Tegelen Deer, Euctenoceros ctenoides Nesti (E. tegulensis Dubois).
The genus Euctenoceros has medium-sized to large antlers with rela-
tively few long, straight or slightly curved tines, openly arranged.
Several species related to the Tegelen deer have been described, for
instance E. senezensis Deperet and E. tetraceros Dawkins, but it re-
mains to work out the species taxonomy. All are large, powerful ani-
mals. The Seneze form has been tentatively identified as early as
Roccaneyra and Pardines. Other localities include Saint-Vallier, Val
d'Arno, Chilhac, Peyrolles and the Cromer Forest Bed [13].
The Bush-antlered Deer, Eucladoceros dicranios Nesti. In this genus
the antlers reach a stage of almost fantastic complication, as seen in
the magnificent skull from Val d'Arno (at Florence). The highly
digitate antlers carry a total of 12 tines each and their great length and
dense arrangement give this head adornment a tangled, bush-like
appearance. This animal reached the size of an elk.
Figure 67. Skull and antlers of Bush-antlered Deer, EucLadoceros dicranios, Villa-
franchian, Val d'Arno.
A closely related group is represented by E.falconeri Dawkins from
the Villafranchian (Red Crag; Norwich Crag; the Poederlian in the
Netherlands; and the Belgian Kempen) and its probable descendant
E. sedgwicki Falconer from the early Middle Pleistocene (Forest Bed;
Saint-Prest). The main distinction between the two successive species
lies in size, for E. falconeri is considerably smaller than its successor.
The antlers resemble those of E. dicranios but have a greater tendency
to flattening and the brow tine is higher in position. A Chinese form
(E. boulei Teilhard & Piveteau) also belongs to this group.
Dentitions of Euctenoceros and Eucladoceros are difficult to separate
and there are various records both from the Villafranchian (Erpfin-
gen; Villany) and even the Astian (1vanovce ; Hajnacka) which cannot
be definitely determined [10; 13; 189].
The Philis Deer, Cervus etuerarium Croizet & Jobert. A small deer
with three-tined antlers has been described under various names from
different localities (C. philisi Schaub, C. rhenanus Dubois). Their re-
lationships to each other and to modern species is not well under-
stood. Localities include Etouaires, Saint-Vallier, Chagny, Seneze,
Erpfingen, Doveholes, Tegelen. In the 2-Mindel remains of a form
of this type have also been recovered (C. elaphoides Kahlke from Mos-
bach). These animals may have resembled the axis deer or sambar but
whether they should really be classified accordingly (in the genus Axis
or the subgenus Rusa of the genus Cervus) is still disputed. The spe-
cies is very common at Seneze and a complete skeleton is to be seen at
Basel; the shoulder height is about 100 em. The comparatively low
crowned teeth indicate a browsing mode of life, perhaps in shrubs and
spinneys [123; 239].
Figure 68. Restoration of European
Sambar or Philis Deer, Cervus
etuerarium, based on skeleton from
The Red Deer, Cervus elaphus Linne. We now come to the genus
Cervus proper. The earliest known specimens of this species are some-
times separated as distinct species, for instance C. acoronatus Beninde.
The acoronate (or 'crownless') deer differs from typical European
stags in that the terminal part of the antler carries a simple fork; the
cup or 'crown' formed by three or more tines in typical red deer is
absent. But although this type is frowned upon by sportsmen, it still
occurs as an individual variant in the European stag and several races
of the living species normally have antlers of this type, for instance
the Asiatic red deer and the American elk.
Figure 69. Restoration of 'acoronate'
type of Red Deer Cervus elaphus,
from Sussenborn and Mosbach,
early Middle Pleistocene.
According to Dietrich [63], the acoronate deer may have evolved
from an early Villafranchian species at Perrier, Metacervocerus par-
dinensis Croizet & Jobert. That form also carried a simple fork, but
more primitive than in the acoronate deer, for one of the tines was
simply formed by the straight termination of the beam. This animal
had a total of three or four tines on each antler, including the terminal
fork. The acoronate deer carried up to five tines.
While M. pardinensis was approximately as large as a modern
European stag, the Middle Pleistocene red deer tended to be as large
as the big Asiatic forms. Acoronate deer have been found in deposits
from I-Giinz II (Sussenborn) and 2-Mindel (Mosbach). 'Coronate'
forms with a cup formed by three or four tines also appeared in 1-
Gunz II at Hundsheim at a time when acoronate forms occurred fur-
ther north. In the C-Cromerian (Mauer) the red deer of central
Europe carried a 'crown' of modern type; in the 2-Mindel the acoro-
nate form returned and coronate forms are again seen in the D-Hol-
steinian (Steinheim). This alternation is evidently caused by environ-
mental changes: the acoronate forms are found in cold, continental
phases, the coronate ones in warmer and more oceanic phases. Each
new cold phase tended to send into Europe a wave of the acoronate
deer that still populate the Asiatic taiga today. I t would seem that no
valid specific distinction can be made between the t\VO forms.
The red deer is very common in the Late Pleistocene all over
Europe. Cave art from the Palaeolithic often features a stag motif; a
famous example is the beautiful frieze at Lascaux showing five
swimming red deer.
Dwarfed forms of this species have evolved in various islands. The
modern British subspecies is comparatively small, but still smaller
forms existed on the islands of Jersey (in the Eemian: C. elaphus
jerseyensis Zeuner), Capri (C. tyrrhenicus Azzaroli), Sicily (C. siciliae
Pohlig), Malta and Pianosa; the last-mentioned was the smallest,
with a shoulder height less than two-thirds of that of the living
Scottish red deer.
The red deer feeds mainly on leaves and twigs, herbs and fruits, as
well as spruce bark and hanging lichens in the winter. Its modern
geographic range includes the temperate forests of Eurasia, North
Africa and North America. The American form, the wapiti or Ameri-
can elk, is very large; the Asiatic race, too, is larger than the European.
The entrance of the species in North America may possibly date from
the 3-Riss, for the earliest American fossils occur in deposits of that
age or from the F-Eemian (e.g. the Conard Fissure in Arkansas) [15;
122; 123; 126].
The Verticornis Deer, Praemegaceros verticornis Dawkins. This enig-
matic form, the first of the giant deer, flourished in the earlier Middle
Pleistocene approximately from the B- Waalian to the 2-Mindel
(Rosieres ; Solilhac; Siissenborn; Mosbach 1-2; Forest Bed; Kone-
prusy, etc.). Whether it inhabited Europe in the Villafranchian is not
quite clear; specimens from Leffe, the Red Crag, etc., have been
tentatively referred to this group. It became extinct on the continent
in the z-Mindel but survived in dwarfed forms in the Mediterranean
islands up to the Late Pleistocene.
This species, an important guide fossil, used to be referred to the
giant deer genus (Megaloceros) but has such peculiar and aberrant
antlers that a separate genus has been created for it. The beam jutted
out laterally from the burr; the brow tine was reduced or absent, the
other tines very small. The outer part of the antler extended backward
and upward at right angles to the beam and was digitate or slightly
palmate, terminating in a number of small tines. The details of these
antlers are highly variable and a great number of species have been
based on individual variants, but all the types seem to be linked
together by intermediate forms.
The whole arrangement (the right-angle bend of the beam and the
terminal palmations) is faintly reminiscent of that in some reindeer
but the details are wholly different. The size of the verticornis deer
was about the same as that of a wapiti.
Dwarf types of verticornis deer have been found in Corsica (P.
cazioti Deperet), Sardinia, Sicily (P. messinae Pohlig) and the island
of Candia (P. cretensis Simonelli). Some of these are evidently Late
Pleistocene. The last-mentioned is an example of extreme dwarfing,
with a shoulder height of only 60 or 65 em. [15; 120; 123].
Savin's Giant Deer, Megaloceros savini Dawkins (Praedama sussen-
bornensis Kahlke). This species is a forerunner of the true giant deer;
some authors consider it directly ancestral to the latter, while others
regard it as an early offshoot of the line. If the latter alternative is
correct, Praedama may be valid as a subgenus. Contrary to later giant
deer, this species does not have palmate antlers; the tines are long
and cylindrical, but relatively few in number and openly arranged.
It has been suggested that this type is derived from Euctenoceros. But
the brow tine has a very peculiar spoon-like form, which is typical of
Megaloceros. Evidently this is the beginning of the trend towards
palmation of the antlers which is so evident in later giant deer.
Figure 70. Giant Deer, restorations. Top left, Verticornis Deer,Praetnegaceros
uerticornis ; bottom left, Savin's Giant Deer, Megaloceros savini; top centre, early
form of Irish Elk, M. gtganteus antecedens; right, Late Pleistocene Irish Elk, M. g.
giganteus. After Knight & Thenius.
The species occurs at Siissenborn; Forest Bed; Mosbach 2 and in
southern Russia [126], but continued study will probably show it to
be present at many other sites [13; 15; 122].
The Giant Deer or Irish 'Elk', Megaloceros giganteus Blumenbach.
This species is very common in the Late Pleistocene; it has, for in-
stance, been found in great numbers in the Irish bogs, so that many
skeletons are in existence. But the species dates back to the D-Hol-
steinian (Steinheim, etc.). The early forms are regarded as a distinct
subspecies, M. giganteus antecedens Berckhemer, which is slightly
smaller and in which the antlers are deflected backward.
In the typical Late Pleistocene form, the antlers extended laterally,
sometimes with a total spread of four metres. The main part of the
antler was formed by the great palmation, the rim of which carried a
series of tines. Unlike the true elk antler, which lies in the same plane
as the forehead and muzzle, the palmation of the giant deer lay in a
plane almost at right angles to the long axis of the head, so that the
tines along its front pointed upward. The Irish 'elk' grew to the same
size as the great American moose but in posture probably rather re-
sembled the red deer, the head being held in a raised position. The
western and northwestern forms of Ireland and Denmark surpassed
those from central Europe in size.
The species was widely distributed in Europe and northern Asia.
A related form, perhaps a local race of tile same species, lived in China;
the earliest Chinese specimens date from the 2-Mindel. The giant deer
is not found in the steppe faunas of the Carpathian basin. In the plains
of eastern Europe the species became extinct at the close of 4- Wiirm I,
but in the Crimea it survived to the end of 4-Wurm II. In western
Europe it existed in the Allerod interstadial, 10,000BC, and certain
finds from Styria and the Black Sea area may suggest that it survived
until 700 or 500BC; some authors have tried to identify it with the
'schelch' of the Nibelungen Lied.
A very peculiar character found in giant deer and a few other cer-
vids was a thickening of the lower jaw, so that the jawbone may be al-
most circular in cross section. The evolution of this character may be
studied in the antecedens stage at Steinheim. The long series of de-
posits at Choukoutien in China also permits us to trace this character,
the specimens from the earliest deposits have a flat jawbone, but in
younger strata it gradually grows thicker [30; 119; 224].
Nesti's Fallow Deer, Dama nestii Major. This species occurs in the
late Villafranchian (Val d' Arno ; Olivola; Erpfingen) and ranges into
the early Middle Pleistocene (Forest Bed). According to Azzaroli
[13] it represents an early type of fallow deer with four tines but no
terminal palmation. Its relationship with Dama has been questioned
by other authors.
The Clacton Fallow Deer, Dama clactoniana Falconer. This species
was very common in England during the D-Holsteinian interglacial
(Clacton; Grays Thurrock; Swanscombe). However, some fragmen-
tary finds from the Forest Bed (Upper Freshwater Bed) and Abbeville
may also represent this species, which would then be present in the
The Clactonian species was about 20 per cent larger than the living
one and carried one more tine on its beam. In the living fallow deer the
beam carries two tines, the brow tine and the bez tine, and terminates
with the characteristic triangular palmation with its lobate rear edge.
But some individuals do carry three tines just like the Middle Pleisto-
cene form.
Dama clactoniana was evidently directly ancestral to the living
fallow deer. It may be questioned whether it merits specific distinction
at all [9; 210; 248].
The Fallow Deer, Dama dama Linne. This species appears in the F-
Eemian and has been found in many caves in England, France, Spain,
Germany, Poland and especially in Italy, as well as in deposits of other
types (river gravels at Barrington, last interglacial terrace of the
Thames, travertines at Weimar). The F-Eemian form exceeded the
modern in size but was not as large as D. clactoniana (the material
from Fontechevade, however, was referred to that species). Evidently
there was a gradual transition from D. clactoniana to D. dama.
In the 4-Wiirm fallow deer were only present in the south and even
here they became extinct later on. In Palestine they are abundant
throughout 4-Wiirm. The modern distribution of the fallow deer was
originally limited to Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, but it has been
successfully introduced in various European countries. This species,
which is highly gregarious in habits, lives on grass, twigs and bark
[271] .
The Roe Deer, Capreolus capreolus Linne. The earliest roe deer in
Europe differ from their living descendants mainly by their larger
size; the antlers, like those of the present-day European form, usually
carried three tines. The living Asiatic subspecies C. capreolus pygargus
Pallas is as large as the fossil form.
The earliest records come from the I-Giinz (Sussenborn ; Hund-
sheim; Voigtstedt); other early Middle Pleistocene finds date from
the C-Cromer (Forest Bed; Abbeville; Mauer) and 2-Mindel (Mos-
bach). It is also found in the D-Holsteinian (Bruges; Tarko ; Stein-
heim; Heppenloch), 3-Riss (Achenheirn ; Montmaurin, etc.) and is
very common in the Late Pleistocene.
The distribution of the roe deer today encompasses the greater part
of Europe and the forests of southern Siberia as far as northern China
and Korea. The roe deer prefers woodlands and dense bush but occa-
sionally will seek open ground, especially by night. In Scandinavia
the roe deer has spread in a remarkable way during the last 100 years.
About 1850 there was only a small local herd in Scania in southern-
most Sweden; by now, however, the species has invaded the greater
part of Sweden up to southern Lapland, a massive advance of at least
1000 miles. The spread was evidently favoured by the extirpation of
the wolf in most of the area, as well as the climatic amelioration. This
is an interesting example of the rate at which a species is able to
colonize a new area as soon as an obstacle to its dispersal is removed.
It throws new light on the migration of species in geological time.
The roe deer feeds on leaves, twigs, fruits, fungi, and tender grass.
The ancestry of Capreolus is little known [9; 122].
The Gallic Elk, Alces gallicus Azzaroli. Here is the beginning of the
history of the true elk (moose to Americans) in Europe. This early
species is known from the later part of the Villafranchian (the Crags;
Seneze, Erpfingen), but a possible forerunner has been found at
Perrier (Roccaneyra). A fine skeleton from Seneze is mounted in
Figure 7I. The Pleistocene Elk sequence. Left to right: Gallic Elk, A lees gallicus
Villafranchian; Broad-fronted Elk, A. latifrons Middle Pleistocene; modern Elk,
A. alces, Late Pleistocene and Holocene.
The Gallic elk was about the same size as its living descendant but
the shape of its antlers was quite different. Each antler was formed
somewhat like a spoon with a long handle. The small palmation was
cupped upward and rimmed with small tines; the beam was enor-
mously long. The antlers were spread horizontally and reached the
enormous span of three metres or more. Obviously these structures
would have been a real encumbrance in any forest and it seems quite
evident that the Gallic elk must have kept to open ground of the park-
land or savanna type.
Together with A. latifrons, this species may be classified in the sub-
genus Praealces. Ancestral elk (Alces) are found as early as the Early
Pliocene, but details in their history are as yet unknown. In North
America the true elk group was represented in the Late Pleistocene by
the remarkable genus Cervalces which may be descended from early
representatives of the Praealces group [12].
The Broad-fronted Elk, Alces latifrons Johnson. The transition from
Gallic elk to broad-fronted elk is shown by some interesting speci-
mens from the earliest Middle Pleistocene (Mosbach 1; B-Waalian
fauna of the Forest Bed). In these specimens, which are still regarded
as A. gallicus by some authors, the 'spoon bowls' are still relatively
small and the beams longer than in typical A. latifrons. In the slightly
later and better-known populations from the C-Cromerian and 2-
Mindel stages (Forest Bed; Mauer; Mosbach 2, etc.) typical broad-
fronted elk is found, with the beam and the bowl each making up about
one-half of the total length of the antler. The reduction in length of
the beam was approximately made up for by the increase in size of the
bowl or palmation, so that the total span of the antlers remained very
great. Apparently this animal, like its predecessor, was foreign to the
deep forest.
There is great size variation in the early Middle Pleistocene Praeal-
ces elks and some specimens reach truly gigantic proportions, exceed-
ing even the great American Cervalces; whether these are individual
variants or representatives of, for instance, a temporal subspecies (P.
latifrons reynoldsi Azzaroli) remains to be seen. This animal stood 190-
200 cm. at the withers. Its skull was very heavily built, but the limbs
are long and slender as in other elks [13; 126].
The Elk or Moose, Alces alces Linne. In the modern elk the beam of
the antler is short and the palmation tends to extend fore-and-aft
rather than laterally so that the total spread of the antlers has been
somewhat reduced, evidently in adaptation to the forest environment.
In connection with the change in shape, the scoop-like palmation
tends to divide into two parts, a larger in the rear and a smaller in the
front; the latter has sometimes been regarded as an equivalent of the
brow tine of the stag, but this interpretation is negated by the evolu-
tionary history of the antlers.
Apart from palmate or shovel-like antlers, cervine or digitate antlers
may occur. This is something quite new in the history of the elk,
though it may perhaps be viewed as an extreme result of the tendency
to lobation. The cervine elk is not admired by game managers, but
there may be some selection in favour of this type. During pairing
fights a cervine elk may in exceptional instances kill its rival by thrusts
in the body or neck, a feat which is hardly possible for a palmate elk;
in the long run this may contribute to the increase of cervine types at
the cost of the palmates, though selective hunting probably has been
an .even more important factor. So far, however, this has only hap-
pened in southern Scandinavia and especially in Finland, where the
cervine type is predominant.
Figure 72. Geographic distribution of the Elk CAlces alces) in Pleistocene times
(vertical hatching) and in the Recent (horizontal hatching). After Trofimov,
The elk appears in the j-Riss (Achenheim) and is common in the
temperate faunas of the Late Pleistocene (F-Eemian and 4-Wiirm
interstadial). It may probably be derived from Ai latifrons but this has
not yet been directly demonstrated. Many representations of the elk
are known in cave art. The modern range of the elk comprises north-
ern Eurasia and North America; as with the red deer, the American
form, called moose, reaches exceptional size. There are no definite
data on the immigration in North America, although the 4- Wiirm may
perhaps be accepted as a tentative date; it seems that the endemic
Cervalces was the sole representative of the elks in North America
during most of the last glaciation.
The Pleistocene elk in Europe was larger on average than its modern
descendant (150-210 em. at the withers in living European elk) and
Postglacial finds in Scandinavia also tend to have very large dimen-
The main habitat of the living elk in Europe is the coniferous forest
and bogs of the north. It browses on willow, ash, birch and pine and
also eats various herbs, grass, lichens, fungi and berries [120].
The Reindeer, Rangifer tarandus Linne. The oldest fossil of a reindeer
known at present is an antler of tundra reindeer type from the sands of
Siissenborn, thus evidently of r-Gunz II date. That the species is so
old may seem surprising as it is a highly specialized form, but of course
there is no definite proof that the reindeer had acquired all of its
modern adaptive characters at that early date.
Figure 73. Reindeer,
Rangifer tarandus. En-
graving, Kesslerloch at
Thayngen, Switzerland.
After Maringer & Bandi.
Reindeer are next met with in the 2-Mindel (Mosbach 2, Bad Fran-
kenhausen; Steinheim basal gravels, etc.); there does not appear to be
any certain record from the Forest Bed. The species also occurs in the
3-Riss (for instance in the terraces of the river Saale). Its range in
Europe in the 4-Wiirm is very extensive; it is found in Spain, Italy
and southern Russia. Reindeer is particularly abundant in the Mag-
dalenian deposits from the late part of the 4- Wiirm II just before the
end of the Ice Age: at that time and in the early Mesolithic it was the
main game animal for many tribes. The supply began to get low
during the Mesolithic, when reindeer definitely retired to the north.
In contrast with conditions in other deer, both sexes usually carry
antlers (though a proportion of woodland reindeer females may be
antlerless). The shape of the antlers is highly variable but there is
some superficial resemblance to Praemegaceros, for instance in the
angulation of the beam, the formation of terminal palmations and the
shortness of the tines; the resemblance may have ecological sig-
nificance. The tundra form usually has cylindrical, digitate antlers,
while those of the woodland form tend to be more flattened and more
highly palmate. In the American form, often called the caribou - espe-
cially the woodland form - the beam forms a smooth curve rather than
an angle, and the Pleistocene reindeer of Europe are in this respect
more nearly similar to the caribou. In spite of the great variation, all
the Pleistocene and living reindeer belong to a single species.
The present distribution of R. tarandus is circumpolar. The earliest
American specimens date from the 4- Wiirm and have been found in
An important feature in the ecology of the reindeer is the seasonal
migration between forest and tundra; an engraving found at a Mag-
dalenian site (Teyjat) gives a striking picture of an advancing herd of
reindeer. The reindeer feeds on grass, herbs and leaves during sum-
mer and mainly on lichens in the winter [20; 122; 124].
Family Bovidae, Bovids
The bovids evolved in the Miocene; their closest relatives are the
American pronghorns. In the Pliocene, the bovids increased enor-
mously in numbers and variety so that now they are the dominant un-
gulate family of the world. Bovids may be found in almost any en-
vironment inhabitable to terrestrial mammals - Arctic tundras, high
mountains, tropical rain forest, savanna, steppe, desert and so on. We
even know a cave-dwelling bovid, the Pleistocene Myotragus.
The Middle Pliocene steppes of Europe swarmed with gazelles and
antelopes of every kind, but the forest episode at the end of the Plio-
cene drove most of them out of Europe. Only a fraction of the ante-
lopes returned to people the Villafranchian steppes and in Europe the
dominance passed to other groups of bovids - goats, musk oxen and
The Bourbon Gazelle, Gazella borbonica Deperet, The true gazelles
are among the most primitive of bovids. The Early Pliocene gazelles
still had an archaic low-crowned dentition and were apparently
browsing woodland animals. In the Middle Pliocene typical steppe
gazelles with high-crowned cheek teeth evolved. The Bourbon gazelle
is of this type but is not an extreme desert form like some living spe-
cies. Its horns were rather long and moderately divergent, slightly re-
curved as in the living Indian or Mountain gazelle (G. gazella Pallas),
except that in the latter the points curve forward. The Bourbon ga-
zelle was of about the same size as most living species, for instance the
Dorcas gazelle which has a shoulder height of about 60 ern.
The first Bourbon gazelles are known from Etouaires, but there is
an allied species in the Astian of Roussillon which may be ancestral.
G. borbonica has also been found in the younger deposits at Perrier and
at Villaroya, Saint-Vallier and Val d' Arno. Other finds of gazelle (for
which other species have been erected) come from the Crags in East
Anglia and the Villafranchian of the Netherlands.
Figure 74- Bourbon Gazelle, Gazella borbonica, Villafranchian, Saint-Vallier ; side
and front views of skull. One-quarter natural size. After Viret.
The species became extinct before the A- Tiglian and since then
gazelle has not been found in western Europe [106; 302].
The European Gazelle-Antelope, Gazellospira torticornis Aymard. A
representative of the gazelle-antelopes with spiral horns, this species
is a guide fossil of the Villafranchian. It is absent in the Etouaires
fauna but appears at Roccaneyra, Pardines, Villaroya, Seneze, Olivola,
Val d' Arno, Villany and Erpfingen; the species has also been found
in the Near East (Bethlehem).
Probably its external appearance was rather similar to the blackbuck
(Anti/ope cervicapra Linne) with which it was closely related, but the
horns diverged more than in the living species. The European form
stood about one metre at the withers; its limb bones are slim and the
teeth high-crowned. Related forms, mostly with less high-crowned
teeth, are known from the Early and Middle Pliocene, a time when the
eastern shores of the Mediterranean seem to have been a veritable
centre for the evolution of spiral-horned antelopes [108; 217].
Figure 75. European Gazelle-Antelope, Gazellospira torticornis, Villafranchian,
Seneze ; front view of horn-cores. One-quarter natural size. After Pilgrim & Schaub.
The Saiga Antelope, Saiga tatarica Linne. This peculiar, short-leg-
ged antelope with its oddly swollen muzzle existed in Europe during
the 4-Wiirm and ranged into England, Belgium and France. It has
been gradually forced eastward during the Postglacial and is now dis-
tributed from the steppes of southern Russia to Mongolia; as late as
the eighteenth century it still ranged to the Carpathians. The saiga
also crossed the Bering Bridge and inhabited Alaska during the last
The saiga, which stands 75-80 em. at the withers, forms large herds
that seem to thrive well not only on grass but also on the sparse vege-
tation of the saline barrens in Siberia. The earlier history of the saiga
group is obscure. Aclosely related form, the chiru antelope (Pantholops
hodgsoni Abel), lives in Tibet and has never been found in Europe, but
Dorothea Bate [26] suggested that the enigmatic 'fabulous beast' in
one of the wall-paintings of Lascaux shows great resemblance to this
Figure 76. The 'fabulous
beast' from Lascaux
(left) and the head of the
Chiru, Pantholops
hodgsoni, to show resem-
blance. After Bate.
The Chamois Antelope, Procamptoceras brivatense Schaub. This is a
small chamois-like goat or goat-like chamois with rather peculiar
horns. They grow out backward and upward in line with the eye but
are slightly curved forward; in the male they were rather thick and so
closely appressed that the animal probably looked almost like a uni-
corn. Of course as in other bovids only the horn-core has been pre-
served in the fossil state and we do not know the exact shape of the
outer, horny sheath, which usually does not fossilize. Although some
anatomical characters suggest a relationship to the goats, its normal
attitude seems to have more nearly like that of the chamois, with head
held well forward rather than raised. What is known of the slim limb
bones also indicates relationship with the chamois. The size of this
animal is intermediate between the gazelle and gazelle-antelope of the
Villafranchian fauna.
The chamois antelope has been found in the Villafranchian, rang-
ing from Roccaneyra and Pardines to Olivola and Seneze ; it has also
been found at Csarnota, Villany and Beremend [233; 237].
The European Goral, Gallogoral meneghinii Rutimeyer. This is also a
member of the Villafranchian fauna of Europe. It occurs at Etouaires,
Seneze, Chilhac, Olivola, and Val d'Arno, or almost throughout the
Age. The material from Seneze is particularly good; two skeletons
may be seen in the Basel collection.
The Villafranchian form is related to the living Goral, Nemorhaedus
goral Hardwicke, and the Serow, Capricornis sumatrensis Bechstein;
probably all these species could be fitted into a single genus (Nemo-
rhaedus). The Europeanformwas however larger than the livingforms;
the head-and-body length was about 2 m., or I! times that in the liv-
ing Goral. It also had longer horns; as in N. goral they are directed
backwards and lie close together, but they are long and recurved. The
neck is somewhat longer but the limbs relatively shorter than in the
living species.
The modern goral, which inhabits mountainous country in Asia, is
an agile and fearless climber and has been observed at altitudes up to
12,000 ft. It lives in small herds up to a dozen individuals, feeding on
grass and shrubs; when resting and chewing the cud it seeks wildly
inaccessible positions like isolated rock pillars, trees growing at an
angle over an abyss and the like. The Villafranchian goral probably
lived in the same way, for all the sites that have produced remains of
this species are in mountainous areas. Probably both the living and the
fossil goral may be regarded as vicars of the chamois, to which they
are related. Like the chamois, gorals have small horns lying fairly close
together [90 ; 235].
The Sardinian Goral, ?N emorhaedus melonii Dehaut. The exact syste-
matic position of this form is still in doubt. It is found in Sardinia
from the Middle Pleistocene to the Postglacial together with Prolagus,
Nesiotites and other members of the Tyrrhenis fauna.
The Chamois, Rupicapra rupicapra Linne. The earliest finds of this
species are no older than the F-Eemian; afterwards it occurred in
Alpine caves like Wildkirchli and the Drachenloch. During the 4-
Wiirm it was widely distributed ill the mountainous areas of Europe;
north of its present range it then inhabited the French Massif Central,
the Vosges, Black Forest and even the Ardennes; it ranged southward
to Elba and Palmaria. Towards the end of the 4-Wiirm II, however,
the species became extinct in these areas and it now survives in the
Pyrenees, the Cantabrian Mountains, the Alps, Apennines, Abruzzi,
Carpathians, and some of the Balkan mountains; it also ranges east-
ward to the Caucasus. The origin and evolutionary history of the
Chamois remain a mystery; though the species today is confined to
Europe, there is no evidence that it evolved in this continent.
The chamois inhabits mountain slopes except the highest. It lives
mainly on clover and various other herbs, or mosses and lichens in the
winter. The high-crowned cheek teeth of the chamois wear out very
slowly and the potential length of life in this animal is unusually great.
The longevity of most mammals is strictly limited by the durability of
their teeth, so that senility may be said to consist in the wearing out of
their dentition. In chamois under natural conditions the teeth are ex-
cellent even in animals enfeebled with old age. The horns, which are
small and moderately divergent, rise vertically from the crown of the
head and curve backward at the end. The shoulder height is about
Figure 77. Skull of
Chamois, Rupicapra
rupicapra, Recent. One-
third natural size. After
The chamois is highly gregarious; summer groups are compara-
tively small but in winter, when the chamois migrate to the lower
valleys, they unite to form large herds [49].
The Cave Goat, Myotragus balearicus Bate. This very aberrant spe-
cies, which may have some relationship with the chamois-like bovids,
is only known from the Baleares. It is very common in the caves of
Mallorca and Menorca, occurring both in Pleistocene and Postglacial
deposits. A very large material has been found in association with Neo-
lithic pottery, human remains, and bones of Domestic Goat. Most
other samples are evidently Late Pleistocene in date, but at one
locality, Cala Morlanda, the relationship to interglacial shore lines
permits the dating of cave goat as D-Holsteinian. The stratigraphic
range at present established thus extends from the D-Holstein to the
The cave goat was a relatively small animal, only about 50 cm.
high at the shoulders. I t had very short cannon bones (the long bones
of the middle fore- and hind feet) which must have given it an odd
appearance when moving. Curiously, the same shortening of the
metapodials is also found in the cave bear and cave hyena. But the
most remarkable trait in the cave goat is the development of its in-
cisors. As in other bovids the upper jaw lacks teeth in front, but the
middle pair of incisors in the lower jaw grew into huge, chisel-like
teeth with open roots; they grew constantly throughout life, as in ro-
dents. The other incisors were usually missing, though a vestigial
Figure 78. Skull of Cave
Goat, Myotragus balea-
ricus, Pleistocene,
Mallorca. One-half
natural size. After
second pair has been observed in one or two cases. Just what the cave
goat used to gnaw 011 we do not know, but suggestions range from
lichens and mosses on rock-faces to bark of bushes and trees and tough
wood fibre. That the food was highly abrasive is also shown by the
strong wearing down of the very high-crowned cheek teeth [8].
An ancestral form has recently been discovered at Genova near
Palma de Mallorca, apparently dating from the Villafranchian. This
form, M. bateae Crusafont, was less advanced in many respects, al-
though it shows an incipient stage of the typical incisor specialization.
However, it still retained the full number of three incisor pairs, and
the premolar series is less reduced than in true cave goat.
Somewhat similarly specialized antelopes occur in the late Tertiary
of Italy, but they are not related to Myotragus [8].
The Arde Antelope, Deperetia ardea Deperet. (I t may be mentioned
that the genus Deperetia was named by Schaub; Deperet described
the species as a member of the genus Oryx.) With this species we re-
turn to the Villafranchian. I t has been found at Etouaires, and ranged
up to Seneze and Erpfingen; its geographic range extends from
France to Roumania.
The horns of the Arde antelope differ from those of all other bo-
vids: they are rather short and implanted immediately above the eye-
socket, from where they jut out in a broad V. There is a suggestion of
slight spiraling. The head was very broad, the jaws powerful. A few
remains of the postcranial skeleton indicate a very large animal: the
radius measures 50 em. in length and the metacarpal cannonbone 40
em., figures in the size class of the elk (Alces). Neck vertebrae from
Oltenie in Roumania indicate that the neck was relatively short. The
Arde antelope is enigmatic in many respects, both as regards its
mode of life, its systematic position, and its origin [33; 233].
The Giant Musk Ox, Praeovibos priscus Staudinger. This species
ranges from i -Gunz II to 2-Mindel in Europe. Only eight finds are
known, of which three come from the Forest Bed in East Anglia and
the remainder from Stranska Skala and Koneprusy in Czechoslo-
vakia, Bielszowice in Poland and Mosbach 2 and Bad Frankenhausen
in Germany. The species used to be regarded as ancestral to the living
musk ox - which accounts for the generic name - but now true musk
ox has been found in deposits of the same age, so that this theory has
to be modified. Probably both species had a common ancestor in the
Villafranchian and the giant musk ox represents a conservative hold-
over of this primitive type.
P. priscus was notably less specialized than the modern species.
Though larger in size, it had much longer and less massive limb bones
in proportion and probably it was more fleet of foot. Perhaps this spe-
cies never developed the tendency to massive herd co-operation which
is so typical of the modern musk ox.
Musk ox-like animals are known as early as the Early Pliocene, but
to what extent they were really allied to Ovibos and Praeovibos is not
known. The forms that have hitherto been found seem too specialized
in various ways to be directly ancestral to the Pleistocene and living
musk oxen [125].
The Musk Ox, Ovibos moschatus Linne. On the basis of two finds from
Sussenborn and Obergunzburg in Germany, Kahlke has recently
[125] shown that this species is of great antiquity, dating back in the
scheme used here to the I-Giinz II. An English specimen, unfor-
tunately without locality data but with the fossilization typical of the
Forest Bed may perhaps date from the C-Cromerian. In the later
Middle Pleistocene and Late Pleistocene the musk ox was quite com-
mon in Europe and it did not become extinct there until the end of the
Ice Age. Its geographic range was circumpolar in the late Ice Age; it
may have reached North America in the 4-Wiirm. Since the Ice Age,
however, it has become extinct in most of its former range and it now
lives only in northeastern Canada and Greenland. The musk ox
appears to be one of the species that now live in an entirely different
part of the world than its place of origin.
Figure 79. Figurine of
Musk Ox, Ovibos mos-
chatus. Kesslerloch at
Thayngen, Switzerland.
After Koby.
Everybody knows the peculiar appearance of the musk ox with its
hanging fur, its thick-set build and its doubled-down horns, enor-
mously thick at the base and with points turned upward. The adapta-
tion to tundra life is completed by the strong gregarious instinct of
these animals. The adults shelter their young in the form of a living
wall, not only against enemies but against wind and cold as well. In
the summer, the musk ox puts on a thick layer of fat, which helps it to
withstand the rigours of the Arctic winter.
The ecological success of the musk ox may be the explanation of its
great longevity as a species; it is interesting that its first appearance
coincided with that of another well-adapted Arctic herbivore, the
reindeer. But the 'living wall' defence, though effective against most
carnivores, is harmful rather than the opposite for a species confront-
ing man; a small group of hunters with long-range weapons, spear-
throwers or bows and arrows, are able to slaughter whole herds mak-
ing such a stubborn stand. Perhaps this contributed to the extinction
of the species in the Old World [125; 230].
The Giant Sheep, Megalovis latifrons Schaub. This rare species dates
from the Villafranchian and has, somewhat doubtfully, been identi-
fied as early as Villaroya; the undoubted records are from Seneze,
Erpfingen and a Roumanian locality. Allied forms, perhaps the same
species in actual fact, are known from China.
In size and also in the general shape of the head, the giant sheep re-
sembled the musk ox; the horns, however, grew out in sheep fashion,
behind the eyes at the side of the head. The dentition, too, resembles
that of the sheep. Limb bones indicate a powerfully built animal. Per-
haps this species was an Alpine form like so many other Villafran-
chian bovids in Europe, like the living mountain sheep [233].
The Mouflon, Ovis musimon Schreber and other true sheep. Fossils
of the genus Ovis are among the most rare in the Pleistocene of Europe.
A late Villafranchian specimen from Seneze, probably from the
uppermost deposits, indicates the presence of a true sheep at this date.
Other fossils from the Middle Pleistocene have been described under
different names: O. antiqua Pommerol from Pont-du-Chateau (Puy-
de-Dome) and O. savini Newton from the Forest Bed at Overstrand.
In the Late Pleistocene, mouflon is not uncommon in Italy and North
Africa and one specimen has been identified from a cave in the Fran-
conian Jura. The present-day distribution of the species originally
comprised only Corsica and Sardinia but it has been successfully
introduced on the mainland.
The domestic sheep is known in Europe since the Neolithic but the
earliest domestic sheep known so far come from Zawi Chemi Shani-
dar in northern Iraq, where Perkins has found evidence of domesti-
cation in deposits from about 9000 BC. On this basis it would appear
that the sheep is the oldest domestic animal in the world [216].
Soergel's Goat, Soergelia elisabethae Schaub. This species from the
earlier Middle Pleistocene (I-Giinz II, Sussenborn ; Erpfingen; 2-
Mindel, Koneprusy) is not very well known. It is a goat of the size of
a cow, with short, thick, lateral horns which bend downward and for-
ward but do not show true spiralling. The cannon bones indicate a
thick-set, heavy build. Perhaps this extinct giant goat was an ecologi-
cal successor of the giant sheep, Megalovis [244].
Merla's Goat, Hesperoceras merlae Villalta & Crusafont. This form is
only known from Villaroya, where an incomplete skull has been
found. It was a goat- or sheep-like animal the size of a modern goat
but its horns, which grew obliquely upward and backward, were
curved forward. According to the Spanish authors, this species prob-
ably represents an African element in the Villafranchian fauna of
Spain [299].
The Ibex, Capra ibex Linne. Although various Middle Pleistocene
(Solilhac, Hundsheim, etc.) and even earlier finds (a large Capra sp.
at Saint-Esteve) have been regarded as related to the ibex, the docu-
mented history of this species begins with the early part of 3-Riss
(glacial terraces in Thuringia; Achenheim). The oldest finds are
often put in a distinct species, C. camburgensis Toepfer. Whether this
species is upheld or not depends on how the systematics of the living
ibex are interpreted. The Camburg ibex combines characters that
nowadays separate different local 'species' or subspecies such as the
Pyrenean ibex (Capra pyrenaica Schinz), the Alpine ibex and others.
If these are regarded as distinct species, the Camburg ibex must ob-
viously be a distinct species too; but if they are only given the status of
local subspecies in keeping with modern trends in taxonomy, it is best
included as a subspecies of C. ibex. However this may be, it seems
evident that the Camburg ibex is ancestral to the whole group of mo-
dern forms; so that they must have diverged and differentiated during
the lapse of time since the 3-Riss glaciation.
In the F-Eemian, the ibex is found in the Alps, for instance in the
Wildkirchli and Drachenloch caves. Like the chamois it was widely
distributed in the mountainous areas of Europe during the F-Eemian
and 4-Wiirm. In Spain it ranged to Gibraltar and it was also present
in southern Italy, the south of France, Belgium, Germany to the Harz
Mountains and in England as far north as Yorkshire (Victoria Cave,
etc.). Abundant remains have been found in and around the Alps. The
species extended eastward to Austria, Moravia, Transsylvania and so
on to the Crimea and Palestine.
In modern times this species is an even more extreme Alpine form
than the chamois. It had been exterminated in most of its European
habitat except the I talian Alps and the Pyrenees, but was then re-
introduced in Switzerland, Bavaria, Austria and Yugoslavia. Outside
Europe the ibex is common in the mountains of Asia and eastern
North Africa, where it ranges to Ethiopia. The male is characterized
by its immense, curved horns which may reach a length of I metre or
more and are slightly recurved. As a mountaineer the ibex is quite un-
paralleled; it seems, for instance, to be the only mammal able to ascend
between two vertical cliff faces by successive leaps from side to side.
The menu of the ibex is about the same as that of the chamois, ex-
cept that more grass is eaten by the ibex.
The domestic goat is descended from the wild goat C. aegagrus
Erxleben, which is distributed from the Greek Islands and Asia
Minor eastward to India. Various finds of this species have been re-
ported from caves in Europe, e.g. Ireland, Belgium, France, Austria,
Italy, Bulgaria and Hungary, but in many and perhaps all instances
:: '. - ~
Figure 80. European Tahr, Hemitragus bonali (upper figure) and Ibex, Capra ibex
(below). Cave painting, Cougnac. After Koby.
either the specific determination or the Pleistocene date is doubtful
[284]. The earliest domestic goats have been recovered at jarmo and
Jericho and date from about 6500 BC [222].
The European Tahr, Hemitragus bonali Harle & Stehlin. Fossil goats
of tahr type make sporadic appearances in Europe at two different
points in time. There seems to have been an early invasion from the
end of the Astian to the early Middle Pleistocene. Most of the finds
are from Hungary (Csarnota, Villany, Nagyharsanyhegy) but the spe-
cies ranged into Austria in the r-Gunz II (Hundsheim). This early
form of the tahr may be a distinct species, H. stehlini Freudenberg,
but its status is uncertain. A second tahr invasion occurred in the Late
Pleistocene at the end of the F-Eemian or the beginning of the 4-
Wiirm. This time the species penetrated into France (a cave in the
Ceou Valley near Sarlat; also a couple of uncertain finds). A cave
painting in Cougnac seems also to represent a typical tahr [13 I]; if
this identification is correct, the species persisted well into 4- Wiirm II.
The European tahr was considerably larger than the living Hima-
laya tahr, H. jemlahicus H. Smith, which attains a shoulder height of
about 100 em.; the horns are of the same general type as in the ibex
but much shorter (about 30 em. in length) and somewhat more
curved. The hanging hair gives the animal an entirely different
appearance, very realistically shown in the Cougnac painting it would
seem. The modern species lives on the southern slopes of the Hima-
laya from Kashmir to Sikkim and moves skilfully over the rocky
ground [237].
The Perrier Ox, Leptobos elatus Pomel. The true cattle and allied
forms, constituting the subfamily Bovinae, were represented in
Europe during the Villafranchian by the genus Leptobos. The true
Perrier ox is only known from Etouaires but its successor in the middle
Villafranchian, L. stenometopon Rutimeyer, is rather closely similar
and probably no more than a subspecies of L. elatus. It persisted to
the late Villafranchian; it has been found at Villaroya, Saint-Vallier,
Seneze and Val d'Arno.
The Leptobos cattle were probably rather reminiscent of large ante-
lopes in the flesh, for they were smaller and lighter in build than most
living bovines. The females were hornless. The cranial anatomy indi-
cates a close relationship with the bison group.
The bulls carried rather long horns, which in this species were
strongly curved forward and upward so that their points actually
faced inward. At the base the horns pointed almost straight out to the
side, but in the Etouaires form they were slightly inclined upward and
in stenometopon slightly depressed. The teeth had rather high crowns
but were less robust than in later bovines and generally speaking the
species makes an 'archaic' impression, even compared to other
The genus Leptobos is also found in the Villafranchian of Asia - for
instance in the Siwalik mountains - and is generally thought to be
Asiatic in origin [302].
Figure 81. Skulls of Etruscan Ox, Lept obos etruscus, Villafranchian, Val d' Arno (left)
and Steppe Wisent, Bison priscus, Pleistocene,US S R (right). Both one-twelfth
natural size. After Gromova.
The Etruscan Ox, Leptobos etruscus Falconer. In this species the horns
of the male sweep backward in a long curve; they lie in the same plane
as the frontal profile, the total effect being somewhat reminiscent of
water buffalo. This form is somewhat heavier of build than the Perrier
ox and on the whole more progressive and bison-like. All allied
Chinese form seems already to represent the genus Bison.
The Etruscan ox has only been found in the late Villafranchian
(Seneze, Val d' Arno, Tegelen) and possibly the C-Cromerian (Abbe-
ville). Recently another species with lower tooth crowns has been de-
scribed from Val d'Arno under the name L. vallisarni Merla. This
may have been a browsing woodland form [242].
'The Steppe Wisent, Bison priscus Bojanus. The earliest members of
the genus Bison are known from the Villafranchian of India (B. siva-
lensis Lydekker) and China (B. palaeosinensis Teilhard & Piveteau). At
least the latter form is late Villafranchian in age. They were com-
paratively small, slender forms not far removed from the Leptobos
type. In Europe the first bisons appear in the Middle Pleistocene,
evidently as invaders from Asia.
I t is generally reckoned that there were two species of this genus in
the Pleistocene of Europe, the steppe wisent and the woodland wisent,
of which the former became extinct at the end of the Ice Age, while
the subsequent history of the latter has been debated, as will be noted
later on.
Figure 82. Restoration of Steppe Wisent, Bison priscus. After a painting by Franz
TIle steppe wisent, Bison priscus, is very common in Pleistocene de-
posits, starting with 1-Gunz II (Hundsheim, Sussenborn, etc.). It
ranges through the 2-Mindel (Mosbach, etc.), D-Holsteinian
(Heppenloch, Lunel-Viel, etc.), j-Riss (Achenheim, etc.), F-Eemian
and 4-Wtirm (numerous cave, loess and travertine deposits ranging
from Yorkshire to Spain, Italy, Palestine, and Siberia). I t vanished in
Europe at the end of the 4- Wiirm, but in Palestine it survived into
Mesolithic times.
It was a most powerful animal, larger than the living wisent which
may stand 195 em. at the withers and reach a head-and-body length
of some 270 em. The horn-cores of the steppe wisent have a span of
up to 120 em., which is almost twice as much as in the living wisent.
These broad horns (the outer, horny sheath of course increased the
spread greatly) would have been cumbersome In the forest, so it
seems likely that B. priscus kept to open ground.
It was apparently the steppe wisent that was portrayed by the
Palaeolithic artists during the later part of 4- Wiirm, for instance in
the famous paintings of the Altamira Cave in northern Spain or the
ivory sculpture from the Vogelherd in Wurttemberg. The long horns,
the gigantic shoulders and the slender hind quarters are very charac-
teristically rendered.
The mode of life of the steppe wisent probably resembled that of
the modern American bison, B. bison Linne. Only a century ago enor-
mous herds of these animals roamed the prairies, where they made
long seasonal treks, foraging for food. The abundance of fossil steppe
wisent bones in European Pleistocene deposits may indicate that this
animal too congregated into large herds [4; 188; 253].
The Woodland Wisent, Bison schoetensacki Freudenberg. This spe-
cies, which is much rarer than the steppe wisent, appeared in the early
Middle Pleistocene where it has been recorded from the B- Waalian
(Episcopia), I-Giinz II (Gombasek), C-Cromerian (Mauer) and 2-
Mindel (Mosbach 2; Koneprusy). Sporadic later records date from
the D-Holsteinian (Steinheim), 3-Riss (Achenheim) and even 4-
Wiirm I (Wallertheim). The species is often but not always associated
with a fauna of woodland type. It was much smaller than the steppe
wisent, with shorter horns. It has generally been regarded as the im-
mediate ancestor of the modern wisent and has even been called a sub-
species of B. bonasus; but the most recent studies indicate that the
Pleistocene woodland wisent became extinct without issue and that
the modern wisent is a late immigrant from North America [188 ; 253].
The Wisent, Bison bonasus Linne. Several finds of Pleistocene date
have from time to time been referred to this species but it seems that
only the Postglacial material in Europe may be definitely so deter-
mined. A specimen from the 4-Wiirm has been regarded as transi-
tional between B. schoetensacki and the living species and has been
described under the name B. bonasus mediator Hilzheimer. However,
it now seems more probable that the wi sent is a late immigrant from
North America.
A great number of different species of Bison are known from the
North American Pleistocene; they apparently stem from an ancestral
form that got there from Asia in the 3-Riss or perhaps even earlier.
They developed a variety of forms: large and small, long-horned and
short-horned, with straight or curved horns.
One of the sequences in North America shows in some detail the
evolution of the modern B. bison out of a somewhat larger ancestral
form (B. crassicornis Richardson). It is known that the living wisent of
Europe and the American bison are really very closely related, al-
though their external appearances are rather different; many authors
contend that the two forms are but subspecies of a single species. The
subspecies B. bison occidentalis Lucas, which was in existence some
10,000 years ago, is regarded as ancestral to both the American and
the European form. Thus it would seem that the living wisent in
Europe is the descendant of a line that invaded the New World in the
3-Riss and returned to the Old at the end of 4-Wiirm.
The modern European wisent is a typical forest animal, unlike its
American ally, but this mode of life was evidently adopted at a fairly
recent date. As has been shown by Degerbel and Iversen [55], the
earliest Postglacial wisent in Denmark lived during the younger Dryas
age in a so-called park tundra - that is to say a tundra with occasional
groves in sheltered places. When this environment was succeeded by
forest in Pre-Boreal times the wisent, far from multiplying in this
seemingly more congenial milieu, became extinct; so this form was
certainly not a woodland animal. Yet it is anatomically identical with
B. bonasus.
Very near extinction in the recent wars, a population of the wisent
has survived in the Bielowice Forest shared by Poland and the USSR
and in various zoological gardens and parks [55; 253].
The Murr Buffalo, Bubalus murrensis Berckhemer. This European
water buffalo takes its name after the river Murr, a tributary to the
Rhine, in the waters of which it swam during the D-Holsteinian inter-
glacial. It has been found in deposits of this age at Steinheim and
Schonebeck. It is closely allied to the modern Asiatic water buffalo B.
bubalus Linne and evidently was an invader from Asia. The living
water buffalo prefers muddy shores and never strays far from rivers,
lakes or the seacoast [29].
Stehlin's Buffalo, Syncerus iselini Stehlin. A buffalo of African type
has been described from Val d' Arno. Unfortunately it is an isolated
find without associated fauna, so that we cannot be entirely sure that
it dates from the Villafranchian [267].
'i- .

A .. -,
U "J"
Figure 83. Horn-cores of Val d' Arno Buffalo, Syncerus iselini, compared with skull
of Recent African Buffalo, S. caffer. The age of S. iselini may be Early or Middle
Pleistocene. One-ninth natural size. After Stehlin.
The Aurochs, Bas primigenius Bojanus. In contrast with the wisent,
the aurochs is relatively rare in Pleistocene deposits but very common
in the Postglacial. The apparently low numbers of aurochs in the Pleis-
tocene may have some connection with its more stationary habits
compared with the bison. I t would not have made the long seasonal
migrations that may have made it possible for the latter to inhabit the
steppes and tundras in spite of the low food production of these barren
areas. The aurochs would have been confined to more densely over-
grown grasslands and open woodlands. In historical times in Europe
the aurochs lived in forests but this cannot be taken as the primary
biotope of the species; more probably it was a last refuge, just as the
Scandinavian brown bear was driven out of the woods into the fields
in the present century.
The earliest aurochs in Europe date from the D-Holsteinian inter-
glacial (Steinheim, Swanscombe, etc.). These were gigantic animals,
much larger than the specimens populating Scandinavia in the Post-
glacial and the latter were certainly of no mean size. The enormous
horns of the Steinheim aurochs were less curved than in more recent
forms and also tended to be somewhat flatter in cross section.
During the interglacials that followed (E-Ilford and F-Eem) the
size of the aurochs gradually decreased, but as late as the 4-Wiirm
immense forms of this animal were still in existence south of the Alps.
In the Postglacial this species was particularly common. It survived
in Scandinavia to the times of the Vikings, while the last aurochs, a
cow in the Jaktorow Forest near Warsaw, died in 1627.
The aurochs has been portrayed both by Palaeolithic man and in
historical times. The cave paintings, for instance at Lascaux, tend to
emphasize the differencein size and colour between the bulls and the
cows; the former are often depicted as black and the latter as red.
Apparently the cows were in fact a reddish brown, while the bulls
were much darker.
Figure 84. Aurochs, Bas primigenius, cow and bull. Teyjat, Dordogne. After Breuil.
The aurochs may have descended from the Asiatic B. narnadicus
Falconer of the early Middle Pleistocene, which in turn originated
from the Villafranchian species B. planifrons Lydekker of the Siwaliks.
The last-mentioned species was a relatively small animal for a Bos, but
there was a gradual size increase through the namadicus stage. The
bodily magnificence of the line culminated in the great Middle Pleis-
tocene form that invaded Europe; then, as we have seen, it gradually
decreased in size again.
The species is also found in the Pleistocene of North Africa and to
the east of the Mediterranean. Domestic cattle, easily identified by
their smaller dimensions, are met with for the first time at Banahilk in
northern Iraq in deposits that seem to date from at least 5000 BC [32;
185; 186; 222].
Chapter 14
Order Rodentia
THE Rodentia are richer in species and individuals than any other
order of mammals and so in a way may be termed the most successful
mammalian order. The earliest known Rodentia date from the Paleo-
cene, but it was only in the Middle Tertiary that the rodents multi-
plied to overshadow other orders in numbers and taxonomic variety.
The Rodentia are characterized by a single pair of chisel-formed,
gnawing incisors in both the upper and lower jaws and by various
other characters correlated with this basic adaptive trait. Though uni-
form in this respect, the order is greatly varied in many others and con-
tains mammals of aquatic, subterranean and arboreal habits as well as
forms adapted to every conceivable terrestrial environment. The
range of size is also great, from some of the smallest of mammals to
extinct rodents as large as bears.
The infraordinal classification is difficult; at present there is no
agreement on how to group the various superfamilies and families. As
regards the fossil Rodentia, taxonomy on the species level is also in its
infancy. We know for the time being very little about the infraspeci-
fie variation in osteology, dental morphology and size that may exist
in rodent populations. The great number of species in many genera
increases the difficulties and makes this order singularly difficult to
survey. Much of the current taxonomy on fossil rodents is evidently
typological classification that cuts through natural populations in an
artificial way. This is perhaps an unavoidable early stage in the study
of any group of organisms; it will in time be superseded by a more
realistic classification.
When this has been achieved, the Rodentia will probably surpass
all other mammalian groups in stratigraphic importance because of
their ubiquity, large numbers, rapid evolution and great ecological
significance. They will probably furnish better evidence on the de-
tails of past environments than any other mammals because of the
narrow adaptive ranges of most species of the order. The study of the
Rodentia is thus expected to gain greatly in breadth and impact in the
future. It is the more regrettable that only the barest outline can be
given here.
Family Sciuridae, Squirrels and Marmots
One of the smaller rodent families, the Sciuridae are incompletely
known in the Pleistocene. The tree squirrels are seldom found in the
fossil state. The marmots have a fairly good record but only for the
Late Pleistocene. The only group with an extended representation are
the sousliks.
The sciurid family dates back to the Miocene.
White's Squirrel, Sciurus whitei Hinton. This squirrel, originally de-
scribed on the basis of a single fourth upper premolar from the top of
the Forest Bed (C-Cromer), would seem to be ancestral to the living
red squirrel [117]. The difference between the two species lies mainly
in the anterior part of the mentioned premolar. Material from the late
2-Mindel or early D-Holstein (Tarko) is transitional between S. whitei
and S. vulgaris.
The genus Sciurus has apparently existed in Europe since the Mio-
cene. An Astian form, somewhat larger than S. vulgaris, has been de-
scribed from Poland as S. warthae Sulimski ; this form may have sur-
vived in the Villafranchian (Rebielice). Various other records are only
determinable as Sciurus sp. (Seneze, Sackdilling, Episcopia, Schern-
feld, etc.).
The Red Squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris Linne. The modern species ap-
pears in the F-Eemian (Lambrecht Cave, Cotencher, etc.) and has
been found sporadically in the 4-Wiirm and Postglacial, but is not
common in the fossil state presumably because its arboreal habits are
not conducive to fossilization.
The red squirrel is now found throughout the temperate forest belt
of Eurasia and is the most commonly seen wild animal in this area.
Numerous different subspecies may be separated on the basis of size
and colour; probably a true appreciation of the position of S. whitei
must await a study of the odontological variation throughout the
modern population.
The European form has a body length of about 25 em. with an
additional 20 cm. for the long, bushy tail. The squirrel is predomi-
nantly a woodland animal, although vagrant individuals have been
noticed on the moors. In coniferous forests the squirrel subsists on
cones, spruce buds and the like, while a more varied diet is available
in mixed forests; although vegetable food predominates, grubs, in-
sects, eggs, etc. are also eaten. The size of the population is variable,
mass occurrences being produced at odd intervals. They may lead to
massive migrations of the same type as in the lemming, sometimes on
a broad front tens of kilometres across.
_ Y , " ' ~
" ' ~ ~
B c E F
Figure 85. A-C, Red Squirrel, Sciurus 'Vulgaris; D-F, Alpine Marmot, Marmora
marmota. A, D, mandibles; B, E, upper tooth rows; C, F, lower tooth rows. A
natural size; B-C five times enlarged; D three-quarters natural size; E-F I t times
natural size. After Gromova.
In the British Isles the red squirrel has been ousted from part of
its range by the introduced grey squirrel (S. carolinensis Gmelin),
externally separable by its colour and tuftless ears [119].
The Alpine Marmot, Marmota marmota Linne. This species is found
as early as 3-Riss (Chatillon-Saint-jean, Achenheim, etc.) but be-
comes common only in the Late Pleistocene [185]. A useful osteologi-
cal character is the course of the temporal lines, which form extended
curves in M. marmota but are more nearly transverse in the related M.
bobak. The Pleistocene marmot used to be regarded as a species of its
own (M. primigenia Kaup) ancestral to both M. marmota and M. bo-
bac, but it is now clear that the separation between the two modern
species goes back to their first appearance in the fossil record in
Evidently the marmots are immigrants from Asia, where represen-
tatives of the group appear in the late Villafranchian and early Middle
Pleistocene (Choukoutien). This form is referred to M. bobak. Origin-
ally the marmots arose in North America.
At present the Alpine marmot inhabits disjointed and restricted
areas in the Carpathians, the Alps and (introduced by man) the
Pyrenees, but in the Pleistocene its range was much wider, including
large parts of Spain down to the coast of Granada, the greater part of
France, southern Germany and the territory south of the Alps and
Carpathians to Yugoslavia and Italy at about the 42nd parallel.
The species also inhabits Asia, where it ranges east to Kamtchatka.
The Alpine marmot is a fairly large rodent, about 55 ern. in length
with an additional 15 ern. for the tail. It inhabits the high mountains
above timber line, preferring the sunny southern slopes, where it dens
in subterranean tunnels forming the centres of individual territories
up to 50 m. in diameter. The marmot lives mainly on grass and herbs
and stores hay for the winter; but it hibernates during most of the
The Grey Marmot (M. caligata Eschscholz) which inhabits the moun-
tainous areas of northwestern North America is now regarded as con-
specific with M. marmota [221]. No information on the date of its
migration across the Bering Strait is available. The related woodchuck
(M. monax Linne) is known in North America since the 3-Riss [200].
The Bobak Marmot, Marmota bobak Muller. This species appears
well back in the early Middle Pleistocene in Asia (Choukoutien) and
seems then to have gradually progressed to the west, attaining its
maximal range in the 4-Wurm when it entered Central Europe. At
that time the area inhabited by the bobak marmot extended in a cor-
ridor from southern Russia through Poland and Germany to the
~ Figure 86. Geographic ranges of European Marmots. Alpine Marmot, Marmora marmota : black, present range; horizontal
hatching, Pleistocene range. Bobak Marmot, M. bobak: stippled, present range; vertical hatching, Pleistocene range. Data from
Rhine, where it overlapped with the range of the Alpine marmot. The
bobak has later become extinct in this area and it is now found only
north of the Black Sea and further east to Himalaya, China and
The bobak marmot, which is slightly larger than M. marmota and
differs from it in some osteological details, resembles the latter species
in its mode of life. Its main enemies are the fox, wolf and eagle [200].
Kormos's Souslik, Citellus primigenius Kormos. This early form
differs from modern European souslik by its larger size. It occurs in
the Villafranchian and early Middle Pleistocene of eastern Europe
(Villany ; Episcopia; Nagyharsanyhegy ; Chlum). Like other sousliks
it probably was a gregarious form with a biology not unlike that of the
marmots. These they also resemble externally, though the sousliks
are much smaller [145].
The European Souslik, Citellus eitellus Linne. Sousliks of modern
type make their appearance in the I-Giinz II (Hundsheim) and are
also found in the 2-Mindel (Tarko), 3-Riss (Achenheim) and through-
out the Late Pleistocene, when the range of this species extended to
England (Kent; Somersetshire); it is also found in cave deposits in
Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc. Its modern distri-
bution is more reduced and extends from southeast Germany to the
Aegean and Black Sea.
The European souslik is a steppe animal and also inhabits cultivated
areas. It digs subterranean nests which it stocks with provisions car-
ried in the cheek pouches; it lives on grass, herbs, roots and grains but
also insects, eggs and other animal foods and it hibernates in winter
The Spotted Souslik, Citellus suslieus Gueldenstaedt. This species,
easily recognized in the flesh by its numerous white spots on a grey
(males) or brown (females) ground-colour, is much rarer in the fossil
state than C. eitellus. It has been recorded from the Kesslerloch in
Switzerland (4-Wiirm). It is now found in southeastern Europe
(Poland, Roumania, southern Russia) [312].
The Red-cheeked Souslik, Citellus major Pallas (C. rufeseens Keyser-
ling & Blasius). This species, now living in Transvolgan Russia and
parts of Siberia, occurs sporadically in Pleistocene deposits in Hun-
gary, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Switzerland and France, evidently
mainly or only in the 4-Wiirm. Its most dangerous predator is the
steppe polecat [312].
The Flying Squirrel, Pteromys volans Linne. This species is now dis-
tributed eastward from the Baltic Sea through the wooded parts of
Siberia to Sakhalin, Korea and China. Its fossil history is almost un-
known; it is found in cave deposits in Siberia and a related form has
been described from Choukoutien (z-Mindel), The small size and the
habits of this animal combine to render it very rare in the fossil state,
so that negative evidence is most unreliable in this case.
Like other flying squirrels this species is nocturnal in habits. It lives
on nuts, fruits, green bark, insects and grubs.
Another genus and species offlying squirrel, Petauria helleri Dehm,
has been described on scanty material from the early Middle Pleisto-
cene of Schernfeld, while Astian and Villafranchian deposits in Po-
land have yielded still another genus and species (Pliosciuropterus
schaubi Sulimski) [56; 270].
Family Castoridae, Beavers
Unlike most other rodent families, the beavers have an excellent fossil
record. This is presumably due to the mode of life of these animals as
well as their comparatively large size, factors that combine to make
them common in river and lake deposits. Beavers occur as early as the
Oligocene. The living beavers all belong to the genus Castor and form
the culmination of a long line of dam-building forms, while another
(extinct) group seems to have been somewhat intermediate between
castorine beavers and sea-cows in mode of life; these latter include
some of the largest known rodents, for instance the American Casto-
roides which reached the size of a black bear.
The Beaver, Castor fiber Linne. All the Pleistocene members of the
genus Castor in Europe seem referable to the living species, though
Villafranchian forms are occasionally separated as C. plicidens Major.
The species may be present at Etouaires and is certainly so at Haj-
nacka, Villaroya, Saint-Vallier, Val d' Arno and various other late
Villafranchian deposits (Tegelen; Erpfingen). There is then a con-
tinuous record all through the Middle and Late Pleistocene (e.g.
Gombasek, Siissenborn, Forest Bed, Mauer, Mosbach 2, Koneprusy,
Tarko, Grays, Chatillon-Saint-Jean, Achenheim, Montmaurin, the
Eemian travertines, various 4- Wiirm caves and numerous Postglacial
deposits). The beaver has long been hunted for its fur but also for its
meat and the medicinal value of the castoreum. Intense hunting has
seriously reduced its modern range. The original population has sur-
vived in some parts of Scandinavia, especially Norway, in the rivers
Rhone and Elbe and in eastern Europe; the species is being reintro-
duced in various areas. In Asia its range extends to Siberia and Mon-
golia. The closely related North American C. canadensis Kuhl is also
found in the Late Pleistocene.
The beaver is the largest living European rodent; it is about 80 em.
long, with an additional 32 em. for the tail, and weighs up to 30 kg.
The famous dams serve to regulate the water level, keeping the exits
of the beaver lodges safely flooded. In winter, when the river is ice-
bound, the beavers will make a notch in the dam so that an air reser-
voir is created between the ice and the water. The construction of the
dam is, of course, wholly instinctive; it has been found that the beaver
reacts by dam-building on the sound of gushing water and goes on
building until the noise stops.
Remains of fossil beaver dams are not uncommon, for instance in
the Forest Bed, and it can even be shown that the dams have trapped
floating carcasses of various animals and thus helped to create accu-
mulations of fossils. The beaver ponds will gradually silt up and the
site may finally wind up as a meadow.
The beaver collects branches of willow, aspen and other trees, the
bark of which forms its main food; in the summer it will also feed on
shore vegetation. It always gets out of the water to feed [219; 247;
30 2 ] .
The European Giant Beaver, Trogontherium cuvieri Fischer (Cono-
dontes boisvilletti Laugel). Several species of Trogontherium have been
described from time to time, but a comprehensive modern study of
population variation must be made before any definite taxonomic con-
clusions can be drawn; until then I prefer to follow the writers who
regard boisvilletti as a western subspecies of T. cuvieri. Remains of
trogontheres have been found both in the Villafranchian (Chagny ;
Erpfingen; Tegelen; the Crags) and especially in the early Middle
Pleistocene (Episcopia; Saint-Prest; Gombasek; Sussenborn; Forest
Bed; Abbeville; Mauer; Mosbach 2). The last records come from
the D-Holsteinian (Swanscombe lower gravels; Bruges ; Ingress
Although no complete skeleton of Trogontherium has been found,
the rich material from Tegelen represents all the skeletal parts. It has
not been possible to determine the length of this animal but it was
apparently slightly larger than a modern beaver.
Figure 87. Skull and mandible of Giant Beaver, Trogontherium cuoieri, Villafran-
chian, Tegelen (left) and Recent Beaver, Castor fiber (right). Both one-quarter
natural size. After Van der Vlerk & Florschutz.
It has been suggested that the bipartite form and rough surface of
the premaxillary beneath the nasal opening indicate the presence of a
muscular, prehensile, bipartite upper lip. The giant beaver may have
used this lip, manatee fashion, to snatch the water plants while swim-
ming in the pools and abandoned channels of the great meandering
river delta [224]. It is highly suggestive that the Tcgelen flora in-
cludes various succulent aquatic forms (Euryale, Potamogeton, Najas,
Trapa natans, Sagittaria, Alisma, Stratiotes, water-ranunculus,
water-mint, etc.). It is thus likely that the trogontheres, unlike true
beavers, fed while swimming. However, Trogontherium may also have
fed on rhizomes, tubers, and the bark of trees like Castor, especially
in winter.
Trogontherium also occurs in the Villafranchian and Middle Pleisto-
cene of Asia (e.g. Choukoutien). It is not found in the New World
9 ;
9 ; 247]
Family Hystricidae, Old World Porcupines
The history of the porcupines in the Old World goes back to the Oli-
gocene. In these animals the hairs on the upper side of the body have
been partially or entirely developed as spines, while the limbs carry
strong digging claws. Porcupines often gnaw bones, leaving charac-
teristic markings, so that their presence may sometimes be documen-
ted even if their own bones have not been found.
The Crested Porcupine, Hystrix cristata Linne. Various species of
porcupine have been described from the Villafranchian (H. refossa
Gervais, H. etrusca Bosco) and their relationship to each other and to
the recent species is not clear. Remains of Hystrix are known through-
out the Villafranchian (Etouaires ; Villaroya; Saint-Vallier; Olivola;
Val d'Arno ; Erpfingen; Villany, Tegelen).
Figure 88. Geographic distribution of Porcupines of the genus Hystrix. Recent
range hatched; dots indicate Pleistocene finds. After Janossy.
In the Late Pleistocene a relatively small form is predominant; it
may be a distinct species (H. vinogradovi Argyropulos). The earliest
find of the small form comes from Brasso and thus dates from the early
Middle Pleistocene, but other finds are F-Eemian and 4-Wiirmian.
European records of porcupine come from Gibraltar, the Pyrenees,
Italy, Germany, Austria, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and
southern USSR. Most of these are of the small species, but occa-
sional larger specimens are also found, e.g. at Montrejeau in the
Hautes-Pyrenees. Outside Europe, Hystrix fossils occur in North and
East Africa and at various localities in Asia, including Choukoutien
The living crested porcupine, which mayor may not have descen-
ded from the Pleistocene form in Europe, is now only distributed in
part of Italy (with Sicily) and in northern Greece; its main range lies
in northern and eastern Africa. The crest or mane is formed by the
ordinary hairs covering the shoulders and back of the neck; the hind-
most two-thirds of the back are covered with powerful spines up to 40
em. in length, forming a highly effective defensive armour. The
length without tail is 57-68 ern. The crested porcupine frequents dry,
open ground and hill slopes. It is nocturnal in habits and grunts and
rattles its spines to frighten off predators; it returns to its hole to
spend the day in sleep [I 19; 302].
Family Zapodidae, Birch Mice and Jumping Mice
This family comprises the Eurasian birch mice, Sicistinae, and the
jumping mice or Zapodinae which are mainly distributed in the New
World. The birch mice appear as early as the Oligocene in Europe.
A B c o
Figure 89. Teeth of Birch Mice, jerboas, and Mole Rats. A, B, upper and lower
cheek teeth of Southern Birch Mouse, Sicista subtilis, Recent, thirteen times en-
larged. C, D, upper and lower cheek teeth of Great jerboa, Allactaga jaculus,
Recent, five times enlarged. E, upper cheek teeth of Primitive Mole Rat, Prospalax
priscus, Pleistocene, ten times enlarged. After Gromova.
The Northern Birch Mouse, Sicista betulina Pallas, and the Southern
Birch Mouse, Sicista subtilis Pallas. It is almost never possible to
separate these two species in a fossil assemblage. The earliest Pleisto-
cene finds in Europe are referred to a third species, S. praeloriger Kor-
mos, and come from the early Middle Pleistocene (Episcopia; Sack-
dilling; Nagyharsanyhegy; Kovesvarad ; Koneprusy, etc.). There are
also a few finds in the later Middle Pleistocene (Tarko, etc.); it then
occurs in the F-Eemian (Lambrecht Cave; Subalyuk) and 4-Wiirm in
Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. The
very small teeth of this animal will usually escape detection unless the
matrix is washed and screened. Fossil Sicista are also found in the
Pleistocene of Asia.
The length of the Northern birch mouse is 52-70 mrn., tail 79-106
mm.; the Southern birch mouse is about the same size but has a
slightly shorter tail. The Northern species occurs in more or less iso-
lated populations in Scandinavia, Finland, Germany, Poland, Russia
and Siberia; the Southern form in steppes of southeastern Europe and
Asia. The Northern form also prefers open country, especially hilly
and mountainous land. It lives on buds, shoots, grains, berries and
insects, and hibernates in nests underground [117; 118; 119].
Family Dipodidae, Jerboas
The jerboas are bipedal rodents with greatly elongated shins and feet;
the three middle toes are powerful, the side toes reduced or absent.
This family has an exclusively Old World distribution; it appears in
the Pliocene.
The Great Jerboa, Allactagajaculus Pallas (A. major Kerr). This spe-
cies makes two brief incursions into Europe in the Late Pleistocene,
one at the end of the F-Eemian and the other at the end of the 4-
Wiirm, each time in a strongly continental steppe phase [119]. It ex-
tended westward with a distribution about similar to that of the bo-
bak marmot, to reach the Rhine as the western extreme of a corridor
from southern Russia north of the Black Sea. Its present-day distri-
bution lies east of the Volga in a belt to the Altai steppe.
This species is the largest of the jerboas, with a body length of 180
mm. and a tail of 260 mm. The powerful hind feet still carry the ves-
tigial first and fifth digits; the claws are hoof-like. The great jerboa is
a nocturnal formwhich prefers clayey ground; its food consists mainly
of bulbs, especially Gagea, which it digs out with its teeth, but it will
also eat grains and bark. I t moves in rapid bipedal jumps with the
short fore-feet tucked in under the head. It uses its teeth to dig a sub-
terranean nest with an additional emergency exit. Often several indi-
viduals hibernate in the same nest.
Figure 90. Geographic distribution of Great jerboa, Allactagajaculus. Recent range
horizontally hatched; dots and vertical hatching indicate Late Pleistocene finds and
range. After Janossy.
Various other species of Allactaga live in Asia, where the history of
this genus goes back to the Villafranchian.
Family Spalacidae, Mole Rats
This family has a short history, involving only the Pliocene and
Quaternary. The mole rats are highly adapted for a subterranean life.
The arms and legs are short; the digging is performed with the teeth
and hands. The eyes are covered with skin as in some moles and the
external ears are reduced.
The Primitive Mole Rat, Prospalax priscus Nehring. This species
appears in the Astian (Csarnota, Podlesice, etc.) and su-rvives in the
Villafranchian and early Middle Pleistocene (Beremend; Rebielice;
Figure 91. Geographic distribution of Mole Rats of the genus Spalax, Recent range
hatched; dots indicate Pleistocene finds. After Janossy.
Villany ; Nagyharsanyhegy), It has some primitive characters, mainly
in the shape of its mandibular processes [153].
The Lesser Mole Rat, Spalax leucodon Nordmann. Specific deter-
mination of fossil mole rat specimens is difficult and the Greater
mole rat, S. microphthalmus Gueldenstaedt, may also be represented
in the fossil material. The mole rat is not uncommon in the Late
Pleistocene within its present-day area of distribution; finds have
been made in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Roumania,
Bulgaria and USSR. The earliest finds of modern Spalax come from
the later part of the early Middle Pleistocene (Villany 8, Tarko, etc.).
The similarity between the fossil and recent ranges of the species is
striking and presumably is correlated with its subterranean habitat,
making the nature of the soil the most important environmental fac-
tor in its life. The mole rat feeds mainly on roots and bulbs, and re-
quires fertile, dry steppe or garden soil. The length of S. leucodon is
185-270 rnm.; S. microphthalmus is a little larger, 242-310 mm. [119].
Family Gliridae, Dormice
The dormice form one of the most ancient rodent families; they arose
in the Eocene. They are small to medium sized rodents, mostly arbo-
real, and are restricted to the Old World. The name alludes to the fact
that all the glirids of the temperate area hibernate. The fossil record of
this group is relatively good, probably because these animals are fre-
quently caught by owls so that their remains find their way into the
deposits formed by owl pellets.
In the Eocene and Oligocene, Europe was inhabited by primitive
forms belonging to the subfamily Gliravinae. The modern subfamily
Glirinae arose in the Oligocene and is particularly well represented in
the Miocene, when its first great radiation took place. More modern-
ized glirines evolved in the Pliocene and Quaternary, but relicts of the
Miocene radiation survived locally in the Pleistocene, for instance on
some of the Mediterranean islands.
Heller's Dormouse, Glirulus pusillus Heller (Amphidyromys pusillus).
The genus Glirulus is at present restricted to Japan but was present in
Europe from the early Miocene to the Villafranchian. This species is
known from the Astian (Podlesice; Csarnota) and Villafranchian
(Gundersheim; Schernfeld). Members of Glirulus are very small and
the scarcity of finds may be due in part to inadequacy of collecting
technique [157].
The Pliocene Dormouse, Muscardinus pliocaenicus Kowalski. This
species is so far known only in the Astian (Weze ; Podlesice) and early
Villafranchian (Rebielice) of Poland; it is a member of Muscardinus
slightly smaller than the living M. avellanarius, which it otherwise re-
sembles; it seems clearly ancestral to the modern form, since the
material from Rebielice is transitional between the Astian and the
living Dormouse [149; 157].
The Dormouse, Muscardinus avellanarius Linne. This species, which
is descended from the Pliocene dormouse, makes its first appearance
in the early Middle Pleistocene (Kadzielnia; Sackdilling; Koneprusy;
Moggaster Cave); it is then recorded in the later Middle Pleistocene
(Tarko, Breitenberg) and Late Pleistocene (various fissures and caves
in France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria).
The living dormouse is 60-90 mm. long, tail 55-75 mrn.; it weighs
15-40 g. and is the smallest of the living European glirids. Its modern
distribution extends from England, southern Sweden, the Baltic
countries and the Moscow region in the north to the Pyrenees,
southern Italy and Asia Minor in the south; it ranges eastward to the
Volga. It prefers shrub vegetation and is a skilful climber; its food con-
sists of nuts, acorns, fruits, berries, shoots and tender bark. It builds
elaborate nests in the shrubs or trees [157].
The Dacian Dormouse, Muscardinus dacicus Kormos. An extinct spe-
cies slightly larger than M. avellanarius and dating from the early
Middle Pleistocene (Episcopia, Kovcsvarad) ; a specimen from the
Astian of Podlesice has also been tentatively referred to this species
The Fat Dormouse, Glis glis Linne. This or a closely related species
(G. sackdillingensis Heller) is fairly common in the early Middle Pleis-
tocene (Sackdilling ; Schernfeld ; Gombasek; Sussenborn ; Hund-
sheim; Podumci; Verona; Koneprusy; Kovesvarad ; Kamyk ; Uk-
raine; Dalmatia, etc.); the early form is slightly smaller than the
recent. Numerous finds of the modern form come from the later inter-
glacials (D-Holstein, F-Eem) in France, Belgium, Germany, Poland,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, Yugoslavia and Rou-
mania. Records of G. glis in a tundra faunal association probably result
from stratigraphic contamination and should not be taken seriously.
The species is now found in southern and central Europe (only in
the north of Spain; introduced in England) and ranges eastward to
the Volga and south to Asia Minor, Palestine and northern Persia. It
is the largest of the living glirids with a body length of 130-19 mm.
and a tail of 110-150 mm. It resembles a squirrel to some extent be-
cause of its bushy tail, but the ears are rounded and tuftless. The fat
dormouse' is originally an inhabitant of mixed and leafy woods but is
also found in parks and gardens. Its diet is varied and includes chest-
nuts, acorns, young shoots, berries, insects, eggs, etc. ; it is mainly noc-
turnal. Drowsiness is rapidly induced by sinking temperature and the
fat dormouse hibernates longer than any other mammal in its geo-
graphic range.
B c o E
Figure 92. Mandibles of A, Fat Dormouse, Glis glis, I . ~ . times natural size; B, Forest
Dormouse, Dryomys nitedula, 2 ~ times natural size. Lower cheek teeth of C, Dor-
mouse, Muscardinus avellanarius, ten times enlarged; D, Forest Dormouse,
Dryomys nitedula, 7 ~ times enlarged; E, Fat Dormouse, Glis glis, ten times enlarged.
A, B, Dafter Gromova; C, E after Miller.
The origin of the fat dormouse is not certain. A smaller species, G.
minor Kowalski, is present in the Astian (Podlesice; Weze; Csarnota)
and early Villafranchian (Rebielice) but seems to be more progressive
than G. glis in that its P4 and M
are relatively more reduced, so that
it is not likely to be ancestral [157].
The Garden Dormouse, Eliomys quercinus Linne. Early (Astian to
early Middle Pleistocene) finds of Eliomys have not been identified as
to species (Sete ; Villany ; Erpfingen 2). Later records, probably of the
living species, come from the D-Holstein (Tarko, Lunel-Viel), F-
Eemian and 4-Wiirm (various caves in France, Germany, Spain,
Italy, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia). The present-day distribution
covers almost all of Europe except the British Isles, Fennoscandia and
the coasts of the North Sea and the Baltic; it ranges east to the Ural
The garden dormouse is 100-17 mm. long, tail 90-125 mm. It is
found in both coniferous and leafy woods and is practically omni-
vorous; both small birds and mice are eagerly hunted and eaten in
addition to insects, fruits and grains. It builds nests rather like the
dormouse [102; 265].
The Forest Dormouse, Dryomys nitedula Pallas. This form is un-
known in the earlier Pleistocene and apparently makes its first ap-
pearance in the D-Holsteinian (Tarko ; Lunel-Viel). Other records in
France, Belgium, Hungary, USSR and Austria evidently date from
the F-Eemian. The species now inhabits southeastern Europe, rang-
ing to Switzerland in the west, as well as large areas in Asia. It is some-
what smaller than the garden dormouse and like that species is found
both in coniferous and leafy woods [I 16; 119] .
Figure 93. Mandibles of A, Maltese Dormouse, Leithia melitensis, Pleistocene,
Malta; B, Balearic Dormouse, Hypnomys morphaeus, Pleistocene, Mallorca; C,
Garden Dormouse, Eliomys quercinus, Recent. All Ii times natural size. After Bate.
The Maltese Dormouse, Leithia melitensis Leith Adams. A giant form,
probably with a body size like that of the hamster, this is an aberrant
species, probably a relict from the Miocene radiation of the dormice.
The species is present at several sites in Malta, probably both from
the Middle and Late Pleistocene, and is also found in Sicily [21].
The Balearic Dormouse, Hypnomys mahonensis Bate and H. mor-
phaeus Bate. Two closely related species differing only in size: H.
morphaeus, on Mallorca, was about as large as Glis glis, while H. maho-
nensis, on Menorca, was still larger, intermediate in size between Glis
and Leithia. These species are probably relict forms like Leithia. It is
an interesting fact that, while large mammals tend to be dwarfed when
isolated on oceanic islands, small mammals tend rather to increase in
size [21; 192].
Family Cricetidae, Hamsters
We now come to the large group of muroid rodents sensu stricto.
Many authors combine the mice, voles and hamsters in a single
family. However, the number of species and genera in that single
family would then become so enormous that it would seem more use-
ful to divide it up.
True hamsters are known since the Early Pliocene; they probably
descended from the Oligocene to Pliocene cricetodonts. The ham-
sters are small to medium-sized rodents with a short tail and three
cheek teeth in each jaw half. They have a fairly good Pleistocene
The Common Hamster, Cricetus cricetus Linne. The earliest members
of the genus Cricetus appear in the Pliocene of Europe. The modern
species is first found in the late Villafranchian or early Middle Pleisto-
cene. At this time no less than three distinct species of the genus
Cricetus were present in Europe. Originally described as so many
subspecies of C. cricetus [236], they form three well-separated size
distributions; the evidence shows that the three forms coexisted with-
out crossing and hence by definition belong to separate species [173].
The largest of the three Middle Pleistocene forms has been tenta-
tively referred to the modern species as an early, large subspecies (C.
cricetus runtonensis Hinton). It occurs at Villany, Erpfingen, Episco-
pia, Gombasek, Hundsheim, Sackdilling, Forest Bed, Koneprusy,
Figure 94. Mandibles of Cricetidae. A, Dwarf Hamster, Cricetus nanus, B- Waalian,
Episcopia; B, Schaub's Dwarf Hamster, Cricetulus bursae, Late Villafranchian,
Villany ; C, Giant Hamster, Cricetus cricetus runtonensis, l-Gunz II, Brasso. All
15 times natural size. After Schaub.
Tarko, Heppenloch, etc., and thus ranges well into the D-Hoistein-
ian. Another large subspecies, the giant hamster (C. cricetus major
Woldrich) is found in the F-Eemian and 4-Wiirm at numerous loca-
lities from Belgium and France to Siberia; it grades into the modern
type of C. cricetus. The fossil members of the species tend to vary
according to Bergmann's rule, the largest forms occurring in the
coldest phases.
The living common hamster is found in steppe areas in central and
eastern Europe and eastward to Yenisei. Its body length is 215-280
mm., tail 28-60 mm. It is a heavily built, short-legged animal which
stocks its underground nest with large winter stores. It is practically
omnivorous and eagerly hunts mice, voles, young birds and other
small animals to supplement the vegetable diet; stores are carried in
the big cheek pouches [97; 99; 159].
The Preglacial Hamster, Cricetus praeglacialis Schaub. This species
is about as large as the living common hamster from which it differs,
however, in some dental characters. It was distinctly smaller than the
large race C. cricetus runtonensis with which it was contemporary. It
occurs from the late Villafranchian or early Middle Pleistocene to the
D-Hoisteinian (Villany; Episcopia ; Sackdilling; Nagyharsanyhegy ;
Kovesvarad ; Koneprusy; Chlum; Gaisloch; Heppenloch) [173 ; 236].
The Dwarf Hamster, Cricetus nanus Schaub. This form, the third of
the 'preglacial' species of Cricetus, has so far only been identified in
the early Middle Pleistocene (Episcopia; Nagyharsanyhegy ; Chlum)
and possibly Villafranchian (Villany) [173; 236].
Schaub's Dwarf Hamster, Cricetulus bursae Schaub. The species was
originally made the type of a genus Allocricetus, which however
appears to be identical with Tscherskia, a subgenus of Cricetulus. This
is a small form, about the size of C. migratorius (see below), and quite
common in the fossil record. It appears in the late Villafranchian and
early Middle Pleistocene (Villany ; Beremend and numerous other
localities in Roumania, Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland
and Germany). Later records come from the D-Holstein (Tarko) and
F-Eemian (Campana del Pinar in the Pyrenees; Cotencher in Switzer-
land; and Lambrecht Cave, Hungary). The only living member of the
subgenus Tscherskia is C. triton de Winton from northeastern Asia
[119; 236].
The Migratory Hamster, Cricetulus migratorius Pallas. A small form
(body 87-1 17 mm., tail 22-28 mm.), little known in the fossil state;
material from the Late Pleistocene in England, Germany, Switzer-
land, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and USSR has been referred to this
species. According to janossy [116], this or a related species also made
brief incursions in eastern Europe in the early Middle Pleistocene and
D-Holsteinian. Its modern distribution extends from Greece through
southern Russia to the east. It inhabits park steppes, gardens and
cultivated fields; it does not hibernate.
Ehik's Dwarf Hamster, Rhinocricetus ehiki Schaub. This species may
belong in one of the living genera, but until this is settled it may re-
main in the genus Rhinocricetus created for it by Kretzoi. It appears
in the late Villafranchian (Villany ; Beremend) and persists to 1-
Giinz II (Episcopia ; Nagyharsanyhegy ; Brasso), It is intermediate
in size between Cricetus nanus and the small Cricetulus bursae and was
originally referred to the genus Allocricetus [236].
Family Microtidae, Voles
The Microtidae arose in the later Tertiary, perhaps in North America,
but they reached their apogee in the Quaternary and dominate the
Pleistocene and Recent rodent faunas of Europe in numbers and
A central evolutionary trend in the Microtidae is the gradual de-
velopment of rootless, very high-crowned cheek teeth that grow
throughout life and are well adapted to a highly abrasive diet. The
rootlessness was achieved by increasing the age at which roots began
to form and this change can be followed in the fossil record. In the
Astian and Villafranchian mostly forms with rooted teeth are found,
while in later faunas the dominance passed to progressive voles with
rootless cheek teeth.
Nehring's Snow Vole, Dolomys milleri Nehring. An Astian and Villa-
franchian species, at present little known (Csarnota; Beremend). It
has been thought that this genus and species survived in a living form,
but the identification of the species is evidently incorrect and the
identification of the genus doubtful [I 16].
Martino's Snow Vole, Dolomys bogdanovi Martino. This species, now
found only in the mountains of Dalmatia and obviously a primitive
relict, has been tentatively referred to the genus Dolomys (and even
to the species D. milleri). Others contend that the modern species
belongs in a separate genus, Dinaromys, provided by Kretzoi. It is a
medium sized vole (body 99-148 mm., tail 74-119 mm.) [296].
The Episcopal Vole, Pliomys episcopalis Mehely, This is one of the
most common voles in the earlier part of the Pleistocene (Villany ;
Episcopia ; Sackdilling; Brasso ; Hundsheim; Podumci ; Kadzielnia ;
Koneprusy, etc.). The genus Pliomys is sometimes regarded as a sub-
genus of Dolomys; its members differ from that genus by their some-
what smaller size and details in M]" A second species, P. coronensis
Meheley (P. lenki Heller) appeared in the early Middle Pleistocene
and probably survived to the D-Holstein (Episcopia; Sackdilling;
Brasso ; Kovesvarad ; Tarko; Breitenberg Cave) [150].
The Bank Vole, Clethrionomys glareolus Schreber. While the genus
Pliomys became extinct in the Middle Pleistocene, the allied genus
Clethrionomys, also with closed roots on the cheek teeth, survives to the
present day. The bank vole is known in the early Middle Pleistocene
(Forest Bed; Koneprusy; Kovesvarad, etc.) and both Villafranchian
and Astian fossils have also been tentatively referred to this species or
to the 'glareolus group' (Csarnota ; Berernend; Villany), Several other
species of this genus have been described from the earlier Pleistocene;
of these, C. acrorhiza Kormos (Erpfingen 2, Brasso, Kovesvarad) is a
close relative of the bank vole.
In the Late Pleistocene, the bank vole is found at many sites from
England to Poland and US SR. The species now occurs throughout
Europe except Ireland, northernmost Scandinavia and the Mediter-
ranean peninsulas; it ranges eastward in Asia to Lake Baikal.
The bank vole is a medium sized vole (body 81-123 mm., tail 36-72
mm.) which prefers open woodlands. It is partially tree-living and eats
nuts, fruits, berries, bark, etc., and also various kinds of animal foods.
The other Recent European species of Clethrionomys, the Large-
toothed Redbacked Vole (C. rufocanus Sundevall) and the Northern
Redbacked Vole (C. rutilus Pallas) are absent in the Pleistocene of
Europe; their present distribution is Arctic and Subarctic. An early
Middle Pleistocene form, C. esperi Heller (Sackdilling) is thought to
be related to the redbacked voles. A redbacked vole has been identi-
fied at Choukoutien in China (z-Mindel). The Northern redbacked
vole is also a member of the modern fauna of North America [97; 98;
The Mimomys Voles. The predominant vole genus of the Astian and
Villafranchian was Mimomys, which then played the same role as
Microtus today. A very great number of species of this genus have
been described but it is most unlikely that all of them, or even a
majority, will withstand critical revision. A primitive form, M. stehlini
Kormos, is found only in the Astian and earliest Villafranchian.
Among later species, some forms of different size and comparatively
great range may be mentioned. M. newtoni Major is a small form from
the later Villafranchian and early Middle Pleistocene to the C-Cromer
~ 1
... ../ -A
----------_.... '.\
Figure 95. Mandibles of Microtidae. A, Mimomys pliocaenicus, nine times enlarged,
to show rooted cheek teeth; Villafranchian. B, Water Vole, Arvicola terrestris,
Recent, I ~ times natural size. C, Field Vole, Microtus agrestis, Recent, twice natural
size. After Gromova.
(Seneze ; Villany ; the Crags; Tegelen ; Kadzielnia; Kamyk; Kislang,
etc.). M. pusillus Mehely, also a small form, ranges from the early
Villafranchian to the I-Giinz II (Etouaires; Pardines ; Seneze; Vil-
lany; Episcopia; Sackdilling, etc.). M. reidi Hinton, another small
form, is early Villafranchian to C-Cromerian (Rebielice; Villany ; the
Crags; Verona; Kislang ; Kadzielnia; Kamyk, etc.). M. intermedius
Newton is a medium sized form ranging from the late Villafranchian
to the 2-Mindel (Val d'Arno; Villany ; Beremend; Tegelen; Epi-
scopia ; Forest Bed; Kovesvarad ; Koneprusy; Kadzielnia; Kamyk,
etc.). M. pliocaenicus Major appears in the Astian (Sete) and persists
through the Villafranchian and to the C-Cromerian (Villaroya; Saint-
Vallier; Villany ; Seneze ; Val d'Arno; Beremend; Tegelen; the
Crags; Episcopia ; Kadzielnia ; Kamyk, etc.). M. rex Kormos was a
large but not very common form (Villany ; Nagyharsanyhegy). The
North American Cosomys closely resembles Mimomys but may
represent a separate Nearctic line of evolution [224].
The genus Mimomys was becoming rare in the C-Cromerian and
at the same time the first members of Arvicola were appearing,
apparently descendants of Mimomys. A small form of Mimomys, M.
cantianus Hinton, survived into the D-Holsteinian (High Terrace at
Ingress Vale, Greenhithe, Kent) [101; 105].
A B c D E F
Figure 96. Lower cheek teeth of Microtidae. A, Mimomys pliocaenicus, Villafran-
chian; B, Water Vole, Arvicola terrestris, Recent; C, Field Vole, Microtus agrestis,
Recent; D, Gregarious Vole, Microtus gregalis, Recent; E, Norway Lemming,
Lemmus lemmus, Recent; F, Arctic Lemming, Dicrostonyx torquatus, Recent.
A, C, nine times enlarged; B, E, F, six times enlarged; D, eleven times enlarged.
After Gromova.
The Water Voles, Arvicola terrestris Linne and A. amphibius Linne
(A. scherman Shaw). Authorities still debate whether the western
form (A. amphibius) is specifically distinct from A. terrestris. They
differ a little in mean size, A. amphibius being slightly larger (body
162-220 mm. versus 120-200 mm.; tail 98-144 mm. versus 56-104
mm.), but are similar in morphology as well as habits and are usually
not separable in fossil material.
A number of fossil species have been described; the earliest are A.
greeni Hinton, which ranges from I-Giinz II to D-Holstein (Hund-
sheim; Bacton; Mauer; Mosbach 2; Koneprusy; Heppenloch) and A.
mosbachensis Schmidtgen with approximately the same range (Hund-
sheim; Bacton; Brasso ; Sackdilling; Mauer; Mosbach 2; Kone-
prusy; Swanscombe). Later Pleistocene material is mostly referred to
the living species or to A. antiquus Pomel (A. abbotti Hinton) which
may be identical with the living subspecies A. terrestris scherman.
Water vole is found in Late Pleistocene deposits within most of its
modern range. Malta harboured a form of water vole which has been
described under the name A. melitensis Bate.
The water vole is one of the largest of voles. Its present-day distri-
bution covers almost all of Europe except Ireland, the Mediterranean
islands, southern Italy and southeast Balkans. In Asia it ranges to
Lena in the east and Palestine and Himalaya in the south. This spe-
cies is mainly found near the streams and lakes, where it may become
perfectly amphibious in habits, but it also occurs in drier biotopes and
is then subterranean. It is mainly vegetivorous but may subsist on the
most varied foods, including leaves, shoots, buds, roots and tubers.
The adaptability of this species is thus unusually broad [105; 116].
The Pannonian Steppe Lemming, Lagurus pannonicus Kormos. The
earliest microtines with open roots on the cheek teeth belong to the
steppe or sagebrush lemmings. They flourished in the Villafranchian
and early Middle Pleistocene (Villany ; Beremend; Episcopia; Brasso ;
Kislang ; Nagyharsanyhegy ; Stranska Skala). The Pannonian steppe
lemming differs only in minor dental details from the living L. lagurus
and is almost certainly ancestral to the latter; a transitional form has
been found at Tarko (D-Holstein) [117; 148].
The Steppe Lemming, Lagurus lagurus Pallas. This species, of which
an ancestral form is present in the D-Holsteinian (Tarko), is common
in the Carpathian Basin up to the end of the F-Eemian (Subalyuk,
etc.) but temporarily ranged as far west as Devon (Tornewton Cave).
Steppe lemming also occurs in the Pleistocene of Asia. The present
distribution of this species is in the steppes of southern Russia and
western Siberia; another species of Lagurus takes over further east
and the genus is also represented in North America. The steppe lem-
mings resemble the true lemmings externally, with their thickset
bodies, short tails and small ears; but they are generally regarded as
more closely related to voles such as Mimomys and Microtus than to
lemmings. The lack of cement in the folds of the evergrowing cheek
teeth distinguishes Lagurus from Microtus [117; 159].
Kormos's Steppe Lemming, Allophaiomys pliocaenicus Kormos.
Various species of the extinct genus Allophaiomys have been de-
scribed; it belongs to the Lagurus group. All the known specimens
(from Italy, Roumania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia,
Ukraine) date from the Villafranchian and early Middle Pleistocene
[116; 139].
The Common Vole, Microtus arvalis Pallas. The genus Microtus
superseded Mimomys during the Middle Pleistocene as the leading
genus of voles. A great number of extinct species have been described;
many of them may prove to be only subspecifically distinct from living
Forms closely related to M. arvalis (M. arvalinus Hinton, M. sub-
arvalis Heller, M. coronensis Kormos) are common in the Middle
Pleistocene, beginning with 1-Gunz II (Brasso ; Nagyharsanyhegy ;
Gombasek; Hundsheim; Forest Bed; Kovesvarad ; Koneprusy ;
Mosbach 2; Tarko ; Lunel-Viel; Swanscombe; Heppenloch). The
modern species has been found at numerous Late Pleistocene sites
from England, France and Spain in the west to eastern Europe; it has
since become extinct in the British Isles except for a relict population
in the Orkneys and also in Spain and Italy except the north. It now
inhabits the remaining part of Europe except the north and ranges
east to Mongolia.
A comparatively small species (body 95-120 mm., tail 30--45 mm.),
the common vole inhabits open woodland, glades and cultivated land;
it feeds on grass, sedge and roots and may store large amounts of food
in its subterranean burrows [116].
The Field Vole, Microtus agrestis Linne. This species, which is
closely related to M. arvalis, is difficult to separate from its relative in
fossil assemblages. More or less definite identifications of M. agrestis
have been made at F-Eemian and 4-Wiirm sites within the same
range as M. arvalis. Earlier records are mostly given as 'arvalis-
agrestis' group, but a form from the D-Holsteinian of Grays has been
described as M. agrestoides Hinton.
At present the field vole inhabits Europe north of the Pyrenees,
Alps and Carpathians (but is absent in Ireland and present in north-
western Spain). It is of the same size as ~ \ 1 . arvalis, from which it
differs externally by its slightly darker colour and longer fur. It pre-
fers moist, open ground and open woodland and feeds on grass,
leaves and seeds, of which it may store large amounts in its burrows
The Mediterranean Vole, Microtus guentheri Danford & Alston. In
this species are collected various comparatively large voles found in
the mountains of Spain, the Balkans, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine and
North Africa [296]. The Mediterranean vole is somewhat larger than
M. arvalis, which it otherwise resembles. It has been recorded from
the Late Pleistocene of Palestine.
The Root Vole or Tundra Vole, Microtus ratticeps Keyserling &
Blasius (M. oeconomus Pallas). A closely related form, M. rattice-
poides Hinton, occurs in the Middle Pleistocene from r-Gunz II to
D-Holstein (Sackdilling; Nagyharsanyhegy ; Kovesvarad; Forest
Bed; Swanscombe). It may be noted that the records from Hungary
and southern Germany fall in the cold phases only, while in England
the species is found in interglacial deposits. Late Pleistocene finds of
M. ratticeps (from England to eastern Europe north of the Alps)
seem to date from cold phases only (4- Wiirm).
The modern distribution of the root vole in Europe is of relict type
with various isolated populations (the Frisian coast, the south coast
of the Baltic, patches on the Danube and in Scandinavia). It ranges
eastward through Asia and into North America; a form closely related
to M. ratticepoides occurs in the Middle Pleistocene of North America
(M. paroperarius Hibbard). The distribution pattern in Europe is
probably typical of earlier interglacials as well.
The root vole is a fairly large form (body 118-148 mm., tail 40-64
mm.). It resembles M. agrestis externally but has a characteristically
shaped MI. It keeps to moist, reedy or boggy ground and swims or
digs with equal facility. It feeds mainly on herbs and roots and stores
food for the winter [115].
The Snow Vole, Microtus nivalis Martins. Early members of the
snow vole group have been referred to a series of extinct species (M.
nivalinus Hinton, M. nivaloides Major, M. subnivalis Pasa). Sites in-
clude Nagyharsanyhegy, Gombasek, Sackdilling, Kovesvarad, Forest
Bed, Koneprusy, etc. Late Pleistocene records are widespread from
England and France in the west to Italy in the south and Czecho-
slovakia and Hungary in the east. The species is found at present in
the mountains of central Europe from the Pyrenees to the Balkans
and in the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Palestine. Its habitat is the high
slopes above timber line and it has been observed at an altitude of
4700 m. near the summit of Mont Blanc (4810 m., the highest peak in
Europe). The snow vole is relatively large (body 117-140 mm., tail
50-75 mm.). It lives on roots, seeds and the like [105; 118].
The Gregarious Vole, Microtus gregalis Pallas (M. anglicus Hinton).
This species is present during cold phases in Europe, beginning with
the z-Mindel (Kovesvarad ; Koneprusy; Tarko), Late Pleistocene
records date from the 4-Wiirm of Germany, England, Switzerland,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland. At present this species, with
an Arctic distribution, ranges from the shores of the White Sea in the
west to the Bering Straits. A related form inhabits North America.
Osteologically the gregarious vole is characterized by its narrow skull
[117; 118].
The Gregarious Pine Vole, Pitymys gregaloides Hinton. This and
various other species of pine voles (P. arvaloides Hinton, P. dehmi
Heller, P. hintoni Kretzoi, etc.) have been described from the Middle
Pleistocene. They first appear in the B-Waalian (Episcopia) and the
genus is then very common from the i -Gunz lIon (Hundsheim;
Sackdilling; Nagyharsanyhegy ; Brasso; Gombasek; Kovesvarad ;
Koneprusy; Marjan Peninsula; Heppenloch; Tarko, etc.). A record
from Kent's Cavern probably comes from the Middle Pleistocene
basal horizon in the cavern [105].
The Pine Vole, Pitymys subterraneus De Selys Longchamps. Fossil re-
mains of this species (or of the related P. multiplex Fatio, which is mor-
phologically similar but differs in chromosome number) occur in the
F-Eemian of central and eastern Europe; in the 4-Wiirm Pitymys is
absent in the east, but present in England and Germany. Its modern
distribution forms a comparatively narrow zone to the east from
France and Belgium through southern Russia to the Caucasus, Asia
Minor and Persia. The pine vole is a small form (length 75-106 rnm.,
tail 25-39 mm.) which inhabits high ground and open woodlands; it
is both a good swimmer and a burrowing form.
"[he related modern species, P. duodecimcostatus De Selys Long-
champs and P. savii De Selys Longchamps, have a Mediterranean
distribution. Late Pleistocene finds from Spain and Italy may rep-
resent these species; they are difficult to separate from P. subterraneus,
which they resemble also as regards biotope and habits.
The genus Pitymys has been represented in North America since
the Middle Pleistocene [I 16].
The Norway Lemming, Lemmus lemmus Linne. The earliest finds of
this species date from 1-Gunz I I (Sackdilling) ; it has also been re-
corded from the 2-Mindel (Koneprusy) and the Middle Pleistocene
of Ukraine. In the Late Pleistocene the Norway lemming occurs in
cold associations in Ireland, England, Belgium, Germany, Austria,
Czechoslovakia and Poland but it did not reach Hungary [106]. Its
modern distribution is restricted to the mountains in Fennoscandia
and the Kola Peninsula; it may have had a similar relict distribution
in earlier interglacials. Other species of Lemmus occur in Siberia (also
in the Pleistocene) and North America.
The Norway lemming is a fairly large form (body 130-15 rnm.,
tail 15-19 mm.). It is characterized, like other lemmings, by a thickset
body, very short tail, high-crowned cheek teeth and powerful zygo-
matic arches.
This species is found mostly in the mountain birch woods and the
zone immediately above timber line, where it feeds on grass, mosses,
lichens, leaves of various trees and shrubs, bark, fungi and insects.
The lemming is famous for its mass occurrences, which occur with an
average periodicity of about 4 years and may lead to a spectacular mass
exodus that often results in the death of almost all the migrating
animals. In other cases the migration may lead to colonization of a
new area, while the original area may be left almost devoid of lem-
mings, to be repopulated in another lemming year [97; 98].
The Wood Lemming, Myopus schisticolor Lilljeborg, This species is
almost unknown in the fossil state. In a cave in the Irkutsk region a
specimen was discovered in frozen earth with soft parts preserved.
The wood lemming has a patchy distribution in Fennoscandia,
northern Russia and Siberia. It is a very small form (body 85-95 mm.,
tail 15-19 mm.) which inhabits forests of taiga type.
The Arctic or Varying Lemming, Dicrostonyx torquatus Pallas. The
genus Dicrostonyx occurs in Europe in the 4- Wiirm, when it is a
common element of the periglacial tundra faunas from Ireland and
France in the west (there is also a Scottish record from the Uamh
Cave, Sutherland) to Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Poland in the
east. It has been assumed that the Pleistocene Arctic lemming of
Europe differed specifically from the living form and in fact two
different species used to be separated (D. .guilelmi Sanford and D.
henseli Hinton) on some details in the dentition. It has since been
shown that these are only individual variants of a single population
and that the European form is inseparable from the living species.
The Arctic lemming now inhabits the Arctic coasts of the USSR
from the White Sea eastward; the North American form, which used
to be regarded as a separate species (D. groenlandicus Traill) is now
referred to the same species [221]. The habitat of the Arctic lemming
is the treeless tundra; it feeds on Salix, Polygonum, etc. The nest of
the American form is frequently lined with musk ox wool, otherwise
with grass. Mass occurrences like those of Lemmus have also been
observed in the Arctic lemming [152; 265].
The Tyrrhenian Vole, Tyrrhenicola henseli Forsyth Major. This is
also a member of the endemic Tyrrhenian fauna, whose remains have
been recovered in great numbers from cave breccias in Corsica and
Sardinia, ranging in date from the Middle Pleistocene to the Post-
glacial. Originally described as a member of Arvicola, it is now regar-
ded as more closely related to Microtus and Pitymys, of which latter
genus Tyrrhenicola may be a subgenus. There seems to have been a
tendency to size increase in this species during the later half of the
Pleistocene; Postglacial forms average about ten per cent larger than
those of the Middle Pleistocene [193; 289].
Family Muridae, Mice and Rats
The murids are less common in the Pleistocene than the microtids,
but seem to have increased greatly in numbers as late as in the Post-
glacial. It is now an intensely vigorous family with some 90 extant
genera but only a few extinct ones. The murids are characterized ex-
ternally by their pointed nose, large ears and long, scale-covered tail.
The cheek teeth are three in each jaw half but differ completely from
those of the voles in being comparatively low crowned with closed
roots and rounded cusps. The family arose in the Old World, prob-
ably in the Early Pliocene.
Schaub's Field Mouse, Parapodemus coronensis Schaub. The genus
Parapodemus arose in the Early or Middle Pliocene; early members
of the genus are close to the ancestry of Apodemus. The genus Para-
podemus flourished with several species in the Astian, among them
the very small P. coronensis (Podlesice); later records come from
Schernfeld and Brasso, indicating that the species survived to I -Giinz
II [238].
Figure 97. Skull and mandible of A, B, Striped Field Mouse, Apodemus agrarius,
Recent; C, D, House Mouse, Mus musculus, Recent. 2t times enlarged. After
The Common Field Mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus Linne. The genus
Apodemus, which probably arose from Pliocene members of Parapode-
mus, appears in the Astian. The earliest finds of A. sylvaticus seem to
be late Astian (Sete; Csarn6ta); later records come from the Villa-
franchian and early Middle Pleistocene (Hajnacka 2; Villany; Schern-
feld; Episcopia; Sackdilling; Verona; Forest Bed; Koneprusy, etc.),
D-Holsteinian (Tarko), 3-Riss (Chatillon-Saint-Jean) and Late
Pleistocene (many localities from Ireland and England to Gibraltar,
Italy, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Poland). The field mouse is
absent in the cold-continental phases of 4-Wiirm in the Carpathian
The species is now distributed in the British Isles, Iceland and con-
tinental Europe, but is absent in the north. It also has a wide Asiatic
range to Korea, Japan and Formosa. It differs from the closely re-
lated A. fiavicollis in being slightly smaller (body 77-110 mm., tail
69-115 mm.). The common field mouse inhabits open ground, dunes
and shrubs along the edges of woods; it eats mainly seeds and the like,
but also insects [97].
The Yellow-necked Field Mouse, Apodemusflavicollis Melchior. This
species is larger than the common field mouse (body 88-135 mm.,
tail 92-138 mm.). Large field mice of this type have been described
from the Villafranchian and early Middle Pleistocene (Villany ;
Schernfeld; Beremend; Kadzielnia) under the name A. alsomyoides
Schaub. The modern species occurs in the Late Pleistocene of
England and Germany. It is now found in central, northern and
eastern Europe except the Arctic, but is mostly lacking in the west
(Spain to Holland, Britain) except for relict pockets that have been
variously interpreted. In Asia it has a wide distribution to China in
the east and Kashmir in the south.
The habits of this species resemble those of A. sylvaticus but it is
also found in forests, where it leads a semi-arboreal life. It lives on
acorns, nuts, cones, etc., as well as insects, grubs and spiders [56;
238] .
The Broad-toothed Field Mouse, Apodemus mystacinus Danford &
Alston. This species, which now inhabits a limited range in Yugo-
slavia, Greece, Asia Minor and Palestine, is very rare in the fossil state
but has been recorded from the early Middle Pleistocene of Podumci.
It is a comparatively large form (body 128-150 mm., tail 115-146
mm.) which lives in woods and shrubs on rocky ground [151].
The Striped Field Mouse, Apodemus agrarius Pallas. Though this
species is very rare in the fossil state, there are a few records from the
Late Pleistocene in Germany and Czechoslovakia and recently the
species was identified in the early D-Holstein at Tarko [117]. This
species is about as large as A.fiavicollis but has a shorter tail (body 97-
122 mm., tail 66-88 mm.) and short ears. It inhabits birch woods,
forest skirts, steppes and tilled land; it is now widely distributed in
Asia and eastern Europe and also inhabits northern Germany as well
as adjoining parts of Jutland and Holland.
The Harvest Mouse, Micromys minutus. This is the smallest of the
murids and extremely rare in the fossil state. It has been identified in
the Breitenberg Cave (D-Holsteinian ?). Its modern distribution ex-
tends from France and Great Britain in the west to Korea, China and
Japan in the east. It inhabits grassland and shrub country, where it
uses its prehensile tail in climbing. It feeds on seeds, grains, insects,
etc. [45].
Hensel's Field Mouse, Rhagamys orthodon Hensel. This is an extinct
form related to the field mice rather than the rats, but intermediate
between the two groups in size; it differs from other murids in the
development of high-crowned cheek teeth. Remains of this species
have been found in caves on Corsica and Sardinia, where it seems to
have been a common faunal element from the Middle Pleistocene
well into the Postglacial. This species probably arose from Apodemus-
like ancestors but evolved in a quite different direction during its
isolation in the ancient Tyrrhenis [238].
Figure 98. Skull and mandible of Hensel's Field Mouse, Rhagamys orthodon,
Pleistocene, Sardinia; twice natural size. After Schaub.
The House Mouse, Mus musculus Linne. Though extremely rare, re-
mains of this species have now been found in Middle Pleistocene de-
posits probably of D-Holsteinian age (Tarko; Breitenberg; traver-
tines at Budapest). Other finds may date from the F-Eemian (Kirk-
dale Cave; the Binagady asphalt deposits), but most of the remains are
evidently subfossil and date from the Postglacial. The wild form
occurs in eastern Europe and Asia from the Volga to the Yellow Sea;
the commensal form is world wide through introduction by man. In
the wild state the house mouse lives mainly on seeds and grains; the
commensal form is omnivorous.
Early members of the genus Mus have been found in the Pleistocene
of Asia (Choukoutien). Several species of the genus now live in Asia
The Black Rat, Rattus rattus Linne, and the Brown Rat, R. norvegicus
Berkenhout. Both species have probably entered Europe in Postglacial
times as human commensals. The genus Rattus is known in the
Middle Pleistocene of Choukoutien and at Late Pleistocene sites in
Uzbekistan. Wild forms of both species exist in Asia; R. rattus comes
from southeastern Asia, R. norvegicus from China and eastern Siberia.
Chapter 15
Order Lagomorpha
THE Lagomorpha, or 'duplicidentate' rodents, are characterized by
the presence of two pairs of gnawing incisors in the upper jaw. They
first appeared in the Paleocene in Asia and thus seem to be of ultimate
Old World origin, whereas the Rodentia may have arisen in the New
World. Successful on a more modest scale, the lagomorphs never
attained anything like the variety and numbers of the true rodents.
All the Lagomorpha except the earliest primitive forms may be re-
ferred to one or the other of the two extant families, the Ochotonidae
and Leporidae.
Family Ochotonidae, Pikas
The pika family has been in existence since the Oligocene. The main
part of its history is confined to the Old World, mainly Eurasia,
though stray forms have invaded Africa. In the Pleistocene, pikas
entered North America. The pikas of the present day are burrowing
mountain and steppe forms, short-legged and short-eared in contrast
with the Leporidae. The only living genus is Ochotona, which dates
back to the Pliocene, but the genus Prolagus survived well into the
Postglacial and probably in historical times.
The Sardinian Pika, Prolagus sardus Wagner. The genus Prolagus
arose in the Miocene. A species in the early Pliocene, P. elsanus
Forsyth Major (from Tuscany), is probably ancestral to P. sardus.
The Sardinian pika has been found at numerous localities in Sardinia
and Corsica, ranging stratigraphically from the earlier Middle Pleisto-
cene to the Postglacial. The most recent remains are from historical
times and it is possible that the species survived as late as the eigh-
teenth century, since F. Cetti in 1774 mentions the presence 'des rats
geants dont les terriers sont si abondants, qu'on croirait la surface du
sol recemment remuee par des pores' on the small island of Tavolara
off the Sardinian coast.
A gradual size increase seems to have taken, place in the history of
Prolagus, for the Miocene forms were much smaller than P. sardus,
which probably attained a length of between 20 and 25 em. This
change may also be traced within the time span of the Sardinian pika,
for the Postglacial forms average some 15-20 per cent larger than the
Middle Pleistocene ones. In the same interval the microtid Tyrrheni-
cola henseli also increased in size, although at a more moderate rate,
while in contrast the murid Rhagarnys orthodon tended to decrease in
size [289].
The Steppe Pika or Mouse-Hare, Ochotona pusilla Pallas. The genus
Ochotona is not uncommon in the time range from the Astian to the
Middle Pleistocene in Europe (Podlesice; Weze; Schernfeld; Kad-
zielnia ; Kamyk; Kovesvarad ; Mosbach 2; Koneprusy; Tarko, etc.)
but identification with O. pusilla is not certain and it is possible that an
additional species, perhaps related to the Northern pika (0. hyper-
borea Pallas), may also be represented. Later Pleistocene finds (F-
Eemian and 4- Wiirm) seem to belong only to steppe pika. The Late
Pleistocene expansion of this species carried it westward to England
and southward to Switzerland, Austria and Roumania. Crimean Pleis-
tocene material also belongs to this species.
The steppe pika now ranges from the Volga to western Siberia. It
is a very small form, less than 15 em. long (the northern pika is only
slightly larger) which inhabits brushy valleys. It is nocturnal and lives
on grass and herbs.
Several other species of Ochotona are now found in Asia and North
America; the migration across the Bering Bridge cannot yet be dated
[I IS].
Family Leporidae, Rabbits and Hares
The Leporidae differ from the Ochotonidae in the development of
long hind legs and long ears; they have three molars in the upper jaw,
the pikas only two. The primitive Palaeolaginae, of which a few relicts
still survive, appeared in the Eocene; Hypolagus, a member of this
subfamily, survived in the earlier part of the Pleistocene of Europe.
(Some authors recognize an additional subfamily, the Archaeola-
ginae, which would include Hypolagus.) The modernized forms, the
Leporinae, arose in the Pliocene.
The Beremend 'rabbit', Hypolagus brachygnathus Kormos (Pliolagus
beremendensis Kormos; P. tothi Kretzoi). The genus Hypolagus arose
in North America in the Miocene and invaded the Old World in Plio-
cene times; it survived in North America well into the Middle Pleis-
The Beremend rabbit ranges from the Astian through the Villa-
franchian and Middle Pleistocene up to the C-Cromer (1vanovce I;
Podlesice ; Weze; Casrnota ; Rebielice ; Schernfeld; Beremend;
Kadzielnia; Villany ; Tegelen; Episcopia ; Kovesvarad ; Kamyk ;
Marjan Peninsula; Chlum, etc.) ; it is absent in the southwest, where
Oryctolagus lacosti acted as its vicar. Several different species and even
genera have been described, but it would now seem that they are
nothing but artificially separated variants of a single population.
The Beremend rabbit was intermediate in size between the modern
European rabbit and the brown hare, being not unlike the latter in
general proportions, but its fore foot was adapted for digging and
scraping as in the rabbit. There was a tendency to gradual size in-
crease in this species from the Astian to the Middle Pleistocene [273].
The Arno Rabbit, Oryctolagus lacosti Pomel (Lepus etruscus Bosco, L.
valdarnensis Weithofer). This species ranges from the beginning of
the Villafranchian almost to the end of this stage (Etouaires; Pardines;
Saint-Vallier; Seneze ; Val d'Arno). It was about as large as the brown
hare but belongs to the rabbit genus. The lower incisors are of rabbit
type, i.e. they are less curved and relatively broader in cross section
than in Lepus. The length relationship between fore- and hind limb
also agrees with Oryctolagus (the rabbits actually have longer arms in
relation to the leg, when the fore- and hind foot are not considered;
the great length of the hind leg in the hare is due to the elongation of
the foot, especially its phalanges) [133].
The Rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus Linne. Some records of the modern
rabbit evidently date back as far as the D-Holstein (e.g. Lunel-Viel in
southern France) but more definite identifications of this species refer
to the F-Eemian deposits (e.g. the Pinar Cave, Granada). In general
the identification of fossil Leporidae is tricky even for a specialist on
the group and although the list of localities containing Late Pleisto-
cene rabbit is very long (with a geographic range from Ireland to
Siberia, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Portugal) the possibility of con-
fusion with other forms cannot be excluded, especially as regards the
older literature. Several records from North Africa would seem to give
reliable evidence of the presence of this species in the Pleistocene.
The rabbit probably had its primary modern range in southwestern
Europe and North Africa but has since advanced to the north and east,
partly with the help of human agency. It now ranges to the British
Isles, southern Sweden, Poland, the Carpathian Basin and Italy.
The body length of the rabbit is 60-71 em. It prefers dry, sandy
ground, in which it digs a complicated system of burrows. It feeds on
a variety of vegetable foods, including grass, roots, leaves, bark, nuts,
acorns, etc. The various races of domestic rabbit are all descended
from o. cuniculus [312].
Figure 99. Skull and mandible of Varying Hare, Lepus timidus (left) and Brown
Hare, L. europaeus (right). Two-thirds natural size. After Miller.
The Varying Hare, Lepus timidus Linne. Members of the genus
Lepus appear in the early Middle Pleistocene (Hundsheim; Sack-
dilling; Gombasek; Koneprusy; Mosbach 2, etc.). A form at Bere-
mend, Villany and Nagyharsanyhegy has been named L. terraerubrae
Kretzoi. The relationships of these early members of Lepus are not
yet well understood; they are in some respects intermediate between
modern L. timidus and L. europaeus, in others closer to one or the other
of these species.
In the F-Eemian, material definitely referable to the varying hare is
known (Lambrecht Cave, Cotencher, etc.). The species is quite com-
mon in the 4-Wiirm. However, the difficulties in separating the two
species of hare on the basis of fragmentary fossil material are often
insuperable and some published records, especially in the older litera-
ture, are doubtless incorrect. Reliable records of L. timidus include
those already mentioned and, for instance, numerous Magdalenian
stations from the Pyrenees in the west to Hungary in the east.
The varying hare retreated northward in the Postglacial but a local
population maintained itself in the Alpine area, so that there is now a
relict subspecies, L. timidus varronis Miller in the mountains of central
Europe. The main population extends in a northern belt including
Iceland, Ireland, northern Great Britain, Fennoscandia and Europe
east of the Baltic Sea to Kamtchatka, Korea and Japan. The related
North American snowshoe hare (L. americanus Erxleben) dates back
to the 3-Riss.
The varying hare has a body length of 52-60 em. Its main biotope
is the boreal and arctic forest belt, but it also occurs on the open moors
and above timber line in the mountains. It feeds on grass, leaves,
bark, etc. It has a white winter coat except in the oceanic climate of
Ireland [132 ; 133].
The Brown Hare, Lepus europaeus Pallas. As in the case of L. timidus,
definite records of this species begin with the F-Eemian. Its Late
Pleistocene range extends from Ireland to Poland, Yugoslavia, Italy
and southern USSR. In Asia the species has also been recorded in the
Late Pleistocene (Choukoutien Upper Cave).
The brown hare at present inhabits the main part of Europe but is
absent in the Iberian Peninsula, Ireland and Iceland as well as
northern Fennoscandia; it is now advancing east of the Ural Moun-
tains and ranges southward to Palestine, Syria and Persia. In Fenno-
scandia the species is gradually ousting the varying hare except in the
deep forest, where the latter is superior. Introduction by human
agency has contributed to the success of the brown hare.
The body length of L. europaeus is 48-68 cm. It prefers open fields
and its expansion has been greatly accelerated by its ecological success
in areas under cultivation [132 ; 133].
The Cape or Tolai hare, Lepus capensis Linne. (L. tolai Pallas). If
Ellerman [73] is right in uniting the Asiatic Tolai hare with the
African Cape hare in a single species, the modern geographic range
of that species is tremendous; it includes great areas of Africa down
to the Cape; Spain, Portugal and Sardinia in Europe; and south-
western, central and eastern Asia to China and Mongolia.
This is a relatively small species with a body length of 40-54 cm. It
inhabits fields and mountain slopes but is also found in woodlands.
Fossil finds in Europe have occasionally been referred to this species,
e.g, Fuchsloch in Germany, the Lambrecht Cave in Hungary and
Grotta Reale in Italy, all of these Late Pleistocene in age. It is also re-
corded from Asia, e.g. the Mousterian fauna of Teschik-Tasch
Even more uncertain are records from the Middle Pleistocene of
small forms that may belong in the ancestry of this species (Verona;
Podumci ; Monrupino) [119].
Part Three
The Changing Fauna
LOOKING back at the survey of the Ice Age mammals of Europe, it
must of course be remembered that it is still far from complete. Many
forms are still unknown to us and others have left but few traces of
their presence. Species like Hesperoceras merlae or Syncerus iselini
must have had a long evolutionary history and may have lived in
Europe for 100,000 years or more although we have only one or a few
skeletal fragments of each, perhaps representing only a point in time.
Still, we do know much of the life histories ofa multitude of species.
We have seen them in perpetual change, migrating back and forth as
the climatic belts moved over the continent; we have seen them evolve
and become extinct, immigrate from distant areas or give rise to de-
scendants that populated other continents. A survey of this kind be-
comes an impressive demonstration of evolution, not as a theory but
as a fact of record [194]. Zeuner wrote asfollows : '1 am convinced that
a thorough investigation of the Pleistocene fauna will, in the long run,
provide most valuable information concerning the evolution of new
species' [318].
Individual instances of evolution and migration have been de-
scribed in the preceding part; in this part some general aspects of
evolution and migration will be touched upon.
Chapter 16
The Species Problem in the
I T has long been a tradition to use the genus as the basic taxonomic
unit in palaeomammalogy, especially in the Tertiary. Stratigraphic
zones in the Tertiary generally represent lapses of time long enough
to make the genus usable in correlation, although of course the use of
species will give greater precision and an increasing emphasis on that
taxonomic level is highly desirable. Actually, many Tertiary genera
are monotypic (that is to say they contain only one valid species each),
so that through over-splitting on the genus level the genus is doing the
work of the species.
The Quaternary divisions of time are much shorter than the
average in the Tertiary and far shorter than the length of life of most
mammalian genera. This makes the species, and even in some cases
the subspecies, the basic unit for correlation in the Quaternary and
we have to concentrate on this category to a much greater extent than
tradition has prescribed for the study of fossil mammals in general.
There is a great literature on the topic of how to define a species and
the role of the species in paleontology [114; 25I; 274]. In the past bio-
logists used what is now called a typological species concept, taking
little heed of the variation in morphological characters found in any
natural population. This primitive concept has now been long de-
funct and the species is now regarded as a population or interbreeding
group of populations, prohibited from gene exchange with other
populations by the existence of isolating mechanisms,
Although this definition is genetical in principle, practical work on
most living and all fossil mammals is based on morphological and
ecological criteria rather than on direct observation of breeding be-
haviour, so that this species concept may also be used in palaeontology.
The main difference between neontology and palaeontology is the
introduction of the time dimension and the fact that species change in
time. The species of neozoology are 'transient species', practically
frozen into immobility by their restriction to a single plane in time.
In palaeontology, too, we may find transient species: our entire
material of a species then comes from a single horizon. Sometimes we
may find a sequence of transient species from successive levels, each
ancestral to the next but sufficiently separated from it in time to have
evolved into a new species. This type of record is very common in the
Tertiary and older deposits.
In the Pleistocene on the other hand our information on evolving
lineages is much more extensive and may approach the ideal con-
dition when we have an unbroken sequence of temporal populations
showing the change from species to species; these are termed 'suc-
cessional species'. This raises the acute practical problem of how to
draw the boundary between the species.
The problem might be overcome deftly by uniting the whole
lineage into a single species and this is sometimes done with some
justification when the ancestral and descendant forms are not too un-
like each other. Yet there are many cases when the ancestral and de-
scendant forms differ from each other fully as much as two related
present-day species and to unite them in a single species would falsify
the record of evolution and reduce their usefulness in correlation.
A lineage evolving steadily in one direction as indicated in figure
IooA may be divided on morphological criteria (line a-a) or tem-
porally (b-b). The former is a typological method and it results in the
recognition of two distinct species during the entire period of transi-
tion, although in fact there is only a single population at any given
time. The latter method must be preferred, although it makes the
record show the new species to arise through a sudden 'jump' or salta-
tion rather than a gradual transition. We must still use a morphologi-
cal criterion but we now classify the population as a whole, depending
on whether its mode (c-c) has crossed the morphological boundary
(a-a) or not.
Practical considerations may help in fixing the morphological boun-
dary for the population mode. If the record should show an episodic
increase of the rate of change, this might well be selected (figure roofs),
On the other hand episodes with reduction or reversal of change
should be avoided (figure root"), Even with the best selection of the
boundary for each transition there will be a period when single speci-
mens from an unknown horizon cannot be certainly classified as to
species. A statistically respectable sample, however, can always be
classified and used in correlation.
b .. ~ ~ ; : . b
Morphology "
B c
Figure 100. A, diagrammatic representation of a continuously evolving population, changing evenly in mean
character as it moves through time. The line c-e is generated by the population mean; dots represent individuals.
The axis a-a represents the boundary between successive morphotypes , b-b the boundary between successive
species. B, analogous instance with an episode of rapid evolution, suitable for species boundary. C, instance
with temporary reversal of evolution, unsuitable for species boundary.
Another problem is the evolution of two distinct daughter species
out of a single ancestral form. (One of the two branches may, of
course, remain in the ancestral species.) Again, population analysis is
necessary. At each level we should consider whether we have a single
variable population or two populations that do not interbreed any
Simple univariate analysis may be quite sufficient. Figure 101
shows distributions for the mandibular tooth row length in various
cricetid (hamster) species with special regard to the late Villafran-
chian - early Middle Pleistocene (see also figure 9). The Recent sam-
ple of common hamster (C. cricetus) shows the typical pattern of a
homogeneous population in a cricetid species and indicates that each
of the peaks in the fossil material represents a separate population.
Populations A and B are found together at several levels, indisputable
proof that they coexisted without interbreeding and thus were good
species; the same is true for populations C and D, and D and E. It is
thus evident that C, D and E are three separate species of Cricetus and
not, as originally assumed, merely three subspecies of common ham-
ster. Species A and B are well separated at the Brasso level but merge
more closely together at earlier levels, suggesting a common ancestry
at a still earlier stage; but they do form two distinct peaks at Villany
and Beremend and thus were fully separate species at that stage.
The variation within a population is often under-estimated;
modern texts in quantitative zoology should be consulted [252]. For
instance, the great variation in size found in limb bones of the cave
lion (Felis leo) has been regarded as evidence of the division into a
larger and a smaller race of this form; the extreme values in a sample
of 14 third metatarsals and 10 radii diverged from the mean by some
8 or 9 per cent. However, the data form in each case unimodal distri-
butions and the best measure of variation, the Pearsonian coefficient
of variation (standard deviation in per cent of mean) was found to vary
between 5.2 and 8-2 for different measurements of these bones (table
2). Generally such values for bones of adult mammals of one species
range from 4 to 9, so that the variation found in the cave lion is quite
normal for a wild species.
To take another example, it has been suggested that the two species
Hyaena perrieri and H. brevirostris were simply variants of one spe-
cies [302]. Material of both forms has been found in a series of de-
posits from the late Villafranchian and early Middle Pleistocene,
showing that the two forms coexisted in Europe for a long time. If, for
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Figure 101. Distributions of the length of the mandibular tooth row in temporal
samples of five cricetid species, arranged in stratigraphic sequence from late Villa-
franchian (Beremend) to I-Giinz II (Brasso), Inserted, Late Pleistocene and Recent
samples of C. cricetus. Identification of distribution modes: A, Cricetulus bursae; B,
Rhinocricetus ehiki; C, Cricetus nanus ; D, C. praeglacialis; E, C. cricetus.
instance, a coefficient of variation is calculated for the length of the
upper carnassial in homogeneous hyena populations, the result has
been found to vary between 2'5 and 4'9; the combined H. perrieri-
brevirostris sample gives a value higher than 10 which clearly shows it
to be heterogeneous.
In principle, coexistence without crossing is the surest test of
specific differentiation. But this should not be confused with sexual
dimorphism, which may produce bimodal or separate distributions
in a single species (figure 102). Knowledge of the condition in related
forms will help to unmask these instances; we should know, for in-
stance, that sexual dimorphism in size is the rule in bears, mustelids
and cats, but not in hyenas.
Table 2. Pearsonian coefficient of variation for skeletal measurements in
cave lion, Felis leo spelaea. Data from Koby [128].
Metacarpal III, length
Radius, length
width (proximal)
width (distal)
A more difficult problem is presented by the vicarious forms. We
may find one form in Europe, a closely related but slightly different
form in Asia, a third in North America and so on. Should these be
regarded as separate species, or just as subspecies of one and the same
In such a situation it is useful to reword the question as follows:
could the two forms in (say) East Asia and Europe have been connec-
ted by a series of interjacent populations so that they formed segments
of a single interbreeding populations; or is it more likely that this was
not the case? A direct answer can only be provided by finds from the
territory in between, but a study of geographic variation in related
species, of the earlier history of both populations and so on may give
useful hints. It is also possible to supplement the orthodox morpho-
logical investigation by the use of various indices of similarity or
differentiation [258] (two types of indices specially devised for fossil
mammals are described in Kurten [170; 181]).
10 CD
Ursus spelaeus
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Width of lower canines
Figure 102. Distributions for the width of the lower canine teeth in local samples of
Cave Bear, Ursus spelaeus, showing division into two groups representing males and
females. In the small form of cave bear from Dachstein a similar sex dimorphism is
found, but these specimens average smaller than the normal males and females from
Mixnitz and Odessa. After Kurten,
Chapter 17
Size and Numbers
THE Quaternary record ofmany species is so detailed that evolutionary
changes within the species may be observed. Numerous examples of
changes of this type have been mentioned in the previous pages, for
instance the evolution from the antecedens type of giant deer with re-
curved antlers to the Late Pleistocene subspecies with laterally ex-
tended antlers; from the Middle Pleistocene aurochs with nearly
straight horns to the Postglacial form with horns curving forward;
from the early Issoire lynx with a two-cusped carnassial to the later
one with three cusps.
The simplest character to study in this way is that of size, either of
the animal as a whole or of selected skeletal parts. Various types of
size change have been observed in many Quaternary lineages. For
instance, the dirk-toothed cats tended to grow larger throughout the
Pleistocene, while the cheetah and raccoon-dog tended to become
smaller. Bovids ancestral to the aurochs show a size increase culmi-
nating in the gigantic form that invaded Europe in the D-Holsteinian;
at that point, however, the trend was reversed and the great ox tended
to decrease in size throughout the later Pleistocene. Perhaps future
studies will indicate that the great majority of the Pleistocene mam-
mals tended to change in size in some manner.
An excellent example of size change in the animal as a whole against
an absolute time scale is given by Heintz & Garutt [94]. These authors
compared the skeletons of radiocarbon dated mammoth carcasses pre-
served in the permafrost of Siberia (figure 103). From the size of the
front leg as figured the total shoulder height (and with fair accuracy
also the weight) of these animals may be estimated. There is a distinct
oscillation in size, the mammoth of the interstadial (4-Wiirm I-II)
being up to 20 or 25 per cent taller than the ancestral and descendant
forms that lived during 4- Wiirm I and 4- Wiirm II respectively; it
probably weighed about twice as much.
Oscillation in relation to the temperature is probably very common.
In this case the 'cold' form was smaller than the 'warm' form. The
converse relationship is somewhat more common (Bergmann's rule).
It is related to heat-loss, since the increase in size will reduce the ratio
between the surface and the bulk of the animal so that the relative
area from which heat is given off becomes smaller. The cricetids
(figures 9, 101) are good examples. In the Late Pleistocene and Post-
glacial history of the common hamster a gradual reduction may be
observed throughthe sequence Mousterian - Magdalenian - Recent
(figure 101). The oscillation in the Middle Pleistocene was of the same
relative magnitude.
38,500-33,100 _ - - - - - - - - - - - - 34,500-32,500
em __ --- --_ _...
::-- --- __ ---------4
4Z500-4Q500 : -> <, ,11700-11,200
/' /' /' /" . ) ! ( ~ ?' <, "-
ISO /i)-
T-170 T-299 T-169 T-171 T-298 T-297
Figure 103. Radiocarbon age and size of fore-leg in Woolly Mammoth, Mammuthus
primigenius, from Siberia, showing oscillation in size. The small forms T - 170 and
T -299 date from 4.;.Wtirm I; the large forms T -169, T -171 and T -298 from the
interstadial; the final specimen T -297 dates from the final 4- Wiirm stadial. After
Heintz & Garutt.
The history of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Europe shows size
oscillation in relation to the alternation between glacials and inter-
glacials (figure 104). But this history is valid only for Europe. The
brown bear population of Asia must have had an entirely different his-
tory; the form now inhabiting northeastern Asia is almost as large as
the largest Pleistocene brown bears in Europe. On the other hand the
size of the brown bear in Palestine culminated in the F-Eemian at a
time when the brown bear in Europe was much smaller; these inter-
glacial bears in Palestine were giants comparable to the great 4-Wiirm
130, 1 130
-. '
Ursus arctos
o Palestine
o China
" .....
...... -
2Mindel D''Hotstein 3Riss FEem 4Wurm
4. Oscillation of size in Pleistocene and Recent Brown Bear, based on the relative lengths of the lower molars
( = 100 in living Scandinavian form). The time scale is not absolute.
U. arctos
M. martes
F. silvestris
C. lupus
- - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ) It-- ~
V. vulpes
F. lynx
L. lutra
Age B C 15 10 5 0 2 A D
Figure 1
5. Size changes in the late 4-Wiirm and Postglacial within various European carnivore lineages, relating mainly to
central, western and northern Europe. Size, based on dental and other skeletal measurements, given in relation to mean size
in living form.
bear of Europe. In contrast, the 4-Wtirm bear in Palestine was com-
paratively small, only slightly larger than the present-day brown bear
of neighbouring Asia Minor. So it seems that the size change here was
inverse to that in Europe in the Late Pleistocene.
A comparative study of size changes in various lineages at the same
time in different parts of the world is an interesting and promising pro-
ject, but data for such a study are not available at present. Figures 105-
106 show a comparison between size changes in some carnivore spe-
cies in Europe and Palestine during the Late Pleistocene and Post-
glacial [174; 179; 181]. Trends are based on changes in size in the
dentition or other skeletal parts and are brought to a common scale by
assigning a size index of 100 to the terminal form of each lineage. The
significance of such trends may sometimes be illuminated by other
types of population studies, as will be shown below.
EEM EarlyWurm Main Wurm Postglacial
60 50 40 30
Years x 10
20 10 o 2
Figure 106. Size trends in the Late Pleistocene and Postglacial among lineages of
Carnivora in Palestine; representation as in figure 105 but time scale more com-
pressed. After Kurten.
Population trends
While information on size and size changes in evolving lineages is easy
enough to obtain - in principle at least - measurement of the standing
population at any time is difficult. The relative number of individuals
of different species represented in the Tischofer Cave, a typical bear
cave in the northern Alps, is shown in table 3; the values are based on
a total of about 420 individuals. But it is clear that these numbers say
nothing whatever of the actual size of the populations of these animals.
Europe was not flooded by cave bears in the Pleistocene; the numbers
reflect the preferences and habits of the mammals and the ecology of
the cave.
Table 3. Relative number of individuals of different species represented
by fossil remains in Cave Earth Layer C, Tischofer Cave, probably dating
from the interstadial 4- Wiirm I-II. Data from Gross [88].
Ursus spelaeus (Cave Bear)
Vulpes vulpes (Red Fox)
Capra ibex (Ibex)
Canis lupus (Wolf)
Rangifer tarandus (Reindeer)
Crocuta crocuta (Cave Hyena)
Felis leo (Cave Lion)
Rupicapra rupicapra (Chamois)
On the other hand, other factors being equal, trends in the relative
representation of a single population (or of ecologically similar popu-
lations) may give valid evidence of actual changes in the size of the
standing population. Alternation between 'cold' and 'warm' or forest
and steppe forms indicate oscillations of the local climate, while the
petering out of old forms and the increase of new will help to date the
sequence. Very good results have been obtained by such studies of
microtine rodents, the so-called 'vole spectra' [162] of which an ex-
ample is shown in figure 17; it is based on the succession in the early
Middle Pleistocene deposits of the C71 8 cave near Koneprusy [82].
Layers B-F on top of the sequence are loessic in origin and contain
a cool fauna with a predominance of pine vole of the Pitymys grega-
loides group; here are also found snow vole (Microtus nivalinus group),
tundra vole (M. ratticepoides) and gregarious vole (M. gregalis). On
the other hand the representation of M. arualinus, a relative of the
common vole, declines in these deposits.
In contrast the layers G-H7, which consist of a fossil soil, contain
a temperate fauna with voles of M. arvalis type (M. arvalinus, coronen-
sis), bank vole (Clethrionomys) and the genera Mimomys and Pliomys.
Norway lemming however also occurs at these levels. With layer H8
(bottom) we enter an early cold episode with tundra vole and Arctic
lemming (Dicrostonyx) in a loess matrix. Although dominated by the
oscillation from cold to warm and back to cold the sequence also shows
the gradual petering out of the archaic Mimomys and Pliomys forms.




:JCJ) o, .!!!

'c ro

+oJ '-

0: co
x E
E 0
CJ) 0
:J t) 0c;
.s (5 U

Figure 107. Vole spectrum from the stratified sediments of the early Midd lePleisto-
cene cave C718 at Koneprusy. After Fejfar.
Another local sequence, this time based on the Carnivora in a num-
ber of caves in Palestine covering a time span from the F-Eemian to
the Postglacial, is shown in figure 108 [179]. Various types of popula-
tion trends are evident. One of the most interesting is the alternation
between ecologically related, probably competing species, of which
now one and now the other gains the upper hand. The spotted hyena
(C. crocuta) versus the striped hyena (H. hyaena) is a good example.
The former entered the area in the 4-Wiirm I and rapidly crowded
out the latter, but became extinct in the Postglacial, whereupon H.
hyaena returned and is still present. A second case is that of the wolf
(Canis lupus) and wolf jackal (C. lupaster). These two species are
ecological vicars' at the present day; the boundary between their
ranges is now not far from Palestine. Oscillation of this boundary
back and forth across the area would produce an alternation like that
seen in the record.
i --..--------i
Figure 108. Relative representation of species of Carnivora at successive levels in
Palestine caves from the Late Pleistocene and Postglacial. After Kurten.
Several different species show a long-range increase, like badger
(M. meles) and red fox (V. vulpes), or decrease, like the spotted hyena
in the interval from the Interstadial to the Postglacial, the leopard (F.
pardus) and the brown bear (U. arctos). All of the Carnivora that are
now extinct in Palestine have a record of decline dating back in some
cases to the beginning of the 4- Wiirm and certainly to the interstadial.
Analogous results were obtained in a study of the Late Pleistocene
Felidae of Florida [180]. Two successive faunas could be distin-
guished (see table 4); three felid species were numerous enough to be
analysed in this manner. Of these, the bobcat (Felis rufus) shows popu-
lation increase and survives in the modern fauna, while the jaguar (P.
onca) and sabre-tooth (Smilodonfatalis) both show population decline
and are now extinct in Florida.
1 See note on p. 45.
A combined study of changes in size and population may be very
illuminating. In some instances a population decline is clearly associa-
ted with dwarfing, for instance in the Post-glacial spotted hyena of
Palestine (figures 106, 108), the brown bear in the same area and the
jaguar in Florida. I t may be suspected that the main factor at work
here is the same that resulted in the evolution of dwarf forms on
islands: the necessity to keep up an adequate population density in
spite of a severe limitation of habitat and/or food supply. In the case
of Palestine a remarkable decrease in size is evident during the Meso-
lithic, a time when human hunter-gatherers probably made serious
inroads on the available game: the decrease is seen in three species
(wolf, wild cat and spotted hyena). On the other hand, the red fox
actually reached its apogee both in size and population during the
Mesolithic. Perhaps it profited from a scavenging role in conjunction
with Mesolithic man, perhaps from the decimation of the other car-
nivores in the area. Later on, with the development of cultivation in
the Neolithic and later, the red fox was also dwarfed.
Table 4. Relative number of individuals in species of felids in two suc-
cessive Late Pleistocene faunas of Florida. Data from Kurten [180].
(approx.) 4- Wurm Recent
Felis rufus (Bobcat)
F. onca (Jaguar)
Smilodon fatalis (Sabre-Tooth)
Chapter 18
Origination of Species
Arctic forms
VARIOUS other aspects of evolutionary trends might be mentioned,
but one peculiar to the Pleistocene deserves special study: the rise of
various species adapted to a cold environment. Palaeomammalogists
have stated repeatedly that only the 4-Wiirm fauna has a decidedly
High Arctic stamp, while there is little evidence of cold climates in
earlier mammalian faunas [146; 265].
In this reasoning it has been overlooked that there probably were
few if any Arctic land mammals before the Ice Age, so that this eco-
logical type had to evolve in various separate lineages before we can
expect to meet it in the fauna. Environments for Arctic land mammals
must have been very restricted in the time before the Pleistocene. The
climate was apparently warmer over the entire earth than now and the
seas stood higher, flooding the northern margins of the continents. It
was not until the Pleistocene that a sudden enormous expansion of
Arctic biotopes took place, thereby stimulating the evolution of suit-
able adaptations among both plants and animals. The adaptation
could not be produced at a moment's notice though and so the lack of
some Arctic mammals in the faunas of the 2-Mindel and 3-Riss may
simply be due to evolutionary lag.
In actual fact the great majority of Arctic or Boreal species make
their appearance well before the 4-Wiirm. As early as r-Gunz II we
meet the first Arctic mammals: the reindeer, musk ox, a form related
to tundra vole, the Norway lemming and possibly also a member of the
Arctic lemming genus Dicrostonyx. The steppe mammoth also ap-
pears at this time, as well as the snow vole, a cold-adapted Alpine
form. This is quite a large collection to have before the 2-Mindel,
usually regarded as the first great continental glaciation.
The roster of northern forms was increased during the 2-Mindel by
the appearance of glutton, woolly rhinoceros (the latter in Asia) and
Alpine shrew. Additions in the 3-Riss are woolly mammoth, Arctic
fox and elk (or moose) ; this is also the time when the woolly rhinoceros
entered Europe. Varying hare may also be present in the 3-Riss, but
this requires further study.
This leaves only one species on our list to appear in the 4-Wiirm:
the polar bear (U. maritimus) of which the earliest known specimens
date from the late F-Eemianor early 4-Wiirm. The evidence on the
cold forms is summarized in table 5, which clearly indicates that the
Arctic faunal type is of long standing in Europe.
Table 5. First appearances of Northern forms in the Pleistocene (mainly
in Europe).
4-Wurm or F-Eem
1-Gunz II
Age of living species
1 or 2
4 or 3
This brings us to the question of when the living species of mammals
in general originated, not only those adapted to .a cold climate. The
first appearance of species that are still in existence seems to have
occurred in the Astian, when we find pygmy shrew, pond bat, long-
winged bat, common field mouse, and possibly bank vole and steppe
pika - a total of six species out of the 119 living forms with a fossil
record; these species are probably over 3 million years old. Some
seven species are added during the Villafranchian, most of them in the
later part of the stage (beaver, yellow-necked field mouse, hedgehog -
though uncertain if recent species -, Mediterranean horseshoe bat,
hippopotamus, badger and striped hyena, the two last-mentioned
outside Europe). These, too, are oldtimers in comparison with the re-
mainder of the fauna; they are probably between one and three million
years old.
About 51 modern species make their appearance in the early Middle
Pleistocene (r-Gunz to 2-Mindel inclusive); they represent some 43
per cent of the recent species, while about 1 1 per cent arose in pre-
Gunz times. Twenty-seven modern species, or 23 per cent, were
added in the late Middle Pleistocene (D-Holstein and 3-Riss); the re-
maining twenty-eight species (24 per cent) with a Pleistocene record
appear in the Late Pleistocene. A more detailed listing, with a cumu-
lative percentage showing the growth of the modern fauna, is given
in table 6. In addition to the species listed here there are some 24 living
species of mammals in Europe without a fossil record; if included,
they would bring the total up to 120'2 per cent.
Table 6. First appearance of modern species in the Pleistocene faunas
(including appearances outside Europe).
1-Gunz II
1-Gunz I
Late Villafranchian
Early Villafranchian
If it is assumed that the present-day species originated at a constant
rate, the cumulative numbers would increase in accordance with the
curve shown in figure 109 in which the rate of increase is measured
by the time of duplication, i.e.rthe time in which a given number of
species is doubled. The successive stratigraphic phases would then
be spaced temporally as shown in the figure, according to the
percentage values in table 6.
If two points on the curve can be given an absolute date, a chron-
ology for the entire succession can be constructed (still assuming that
the rate of origination is constant). The final phase or 4- Wiirm may be
given a mean age of about 30,000 years; for earlier phases a few radio-
metric dates are available (table 7). In alternative A the absolute
chronology has been constructed on the basis of the D-Holstein date
of 230,000 years; alternative B shows a chronology based on the early
Villafranchian date of 29 million years (average of two dates).
Ast. a A 1-1 B 1-1 I C 2 0 3 F 4
Figure 109. Diagram of the number of modern species present at various stratigraphic levels, numbered as in Appendix. The shape
of the curve.. and the snacinz of the temoorallevels.. is made to corresoond to the assumotion of a constant orizination rate.
The two chronologies are obviously not equal. That based on the
D-Holsteinian date gives good values for the Late and Middle
Pleistocene back to the z-Mindel but much too low values for the
Villafranchian, while that based on the Villafranchian date tends to
make the Late Pleistocene too long. If the radiometric ages are correct,
the assumption of a constant rate of origination must be wrong. Evi-
dently the evolution of present-day species was relatively slower in
the Villafranchian than in the Middle and Late Pleistocene.
The mean age of the living species is approximately equal to 1-
Giinz II: about 650,000 years in the short chronology and I I million
in the long.
Table 7. Alternative absolute chronologies for the Pleistocene based on
the appearance of modern mammalian species, as explained in the text.
Absolute Age
Radiometric Alternative A Alternative B
1-Gunz II
1-Gunz I
Late Villafranchian
Early Villafranchian
The evolution of new species
Do species evolve gradually or by sudden steps? The old idea that
species evolved by sudden great 'systemic' mutations has been totally
discredited, but there seems to be no theoretical difficulty in the idea
that new species may arise as a result of a rapid, episodic 'spurt'
bringing the population to a new adaptive plane [250].
That rates of evolution may vary has long been established. If all
the present-day species evolved at the same rate they would have
originated at exactly the same time, which is obviously not the case.
In actual fact some of them have persisted unchanged for several
million years, while others have arisen from ancestral forms within
the last 200,000 years. It follows that the rate of evolution may be
markedly different in different lineages. The rate within a single
lineage may also change from time to time, as has been shown in many
cases and notably in the history of the horse family [250]. Population
geneticists have devised various models showing the possibility of
greatly increased rates of evolution [195].
The Pleistocene fossil record may in future solve the problem
of how species originate. In the following instances the transition
between two species is actually recorded:
Macaca t/orentina ---70- M. sylvana
Felis issiodorensis ---70- F. ct. pardina
Gu/o sch/osseri ---70- G. gu/o
Cuon msjori --* C. a/pinus
Ursus minimus -+ U. etruscus
Ursus deningeri ---70- U. spe/aeus
Ursus etruscus -+ U. thibetanus
Archidiskodon p/anitrons ---70- A. meridiona/is
Archidiskodon meridionalis ---70- Peleeotoxodon antiquus
Archidiskodon meridiona/is ---* Mammuthus trogontherii
Mammuthus trogontherii - ~ M. primigenius
Dicerorhinus megarhinus --+ D. etruscus
Dama clsctoniens - ~ D. dama
Lagurus pannonicus ---+ L. /agurus
In many other cases the phyletic connection between ancestral and
descendant species is clear enough, although the actual transition
has not yet been recorded. Instances are as follows:
Sorex praea/pinus -+ S. a/pinus
Ta/pa tossi/is ---+ T. europaea
Talpa minor :> T. caeca
Rhinotopbus de/phinensis ---70- R. terrum-equinum
Homo heide/bergensis ----+ H. neandertha/ensis
Hyaena perrieri -----+ H. brevirostris (as side branch)
Fe/is /unensis -+ F. silvestris
Martes vetus -+ M. martes
Martes vetus -+ M. toina
Vorme/a beremendensis -+ V. peregusna
Mustela stromeri -+ M. putorius
Mustela pa/erminea ---+ M. erminea
Mustela praenivalis ---+ M. nivalis
Canis etruscus ----+ C. lupus
Vu/pes alopecoides -+ V. vulpes
Vu/pes praecorsac --.+ V. corsac
Ursus etruscus -7 U. deningeri
Ursus etruscus ---+ U. arctos
Ursus arctos ---+ U. msritimus (as side branch)
Equus stenonis ---+ E. sussenbornensis
Equus bressanus --+ E. mosbschensis
Equus mosbachensis ---+ E. germanicus
Equus stehtini - ~ E. hydruntinus
Orthogonoceros verticornis ---+ O. cezioti
Alces gallicus ---+ A. latifrons
Alces latifrons ---+ A. alces
Sciurus whitei ---+ S. vulgaris
Sicista praeloriger ---+ S. betulina, subtilis
Muscardinus pliocaenicus -7- M. avellanarius
Additional items might easily be found, for instance among transi-
tions that took place outside Europe (the evolution of Bos namadicus
into B. primigenius, or of Acinonyx pardinensis into A.jubatus) or if the
Pliocene ancestry of various Villafranchian species were included.
Although transitions between species are known in many cases, the
actual record of the transition may not be detailed enough to permit
analysis in terms of evolutionary rates or else has not yet been analysed
in this manner. The elephant lineages are probably better documented
than any others but it would be necessary to study all the existing
collections. In the glutton sequence there is some evidence that might
suggest a rate increase in the C-Cromer to 2-Mindel; as regards the
evolution of the cave bear line on the other hand the trend appears to
have been steady, without marked rate changes.
Perhaps a stepping-up of the rate of evolution is a sign that the new
species has changed its mode of life, as the glutton indeed appears to
have done in the 2-MindeL
Chapter 19
Faunal Turnover
Evolution of the fauna
THE fauna was changing in composition constantly throughout the
Pleistocene: new species were introduced by local evolution or immi-
gration, while old species vanished through extinction or by evolving
into other species.
The rates at which the origination and extinction take place are not
always exactly similar. For instance, out of 122 species recorded in the
I-Giinz II, 27 make their first appearance, while 22 become extinct in
or immediately after this stadial. The rate of origination is thus 22 per
cent, while the rate of extinction is somewhat lower or 18 per cent. But
in the long run the two processes, origination and extinction, will tend
to balance out so that the fauna contains roughly the same number of
species from age to age. The most useful measure of faunal change
would then seem to be an average of the origination and extinction
rates. This may be termed the rate of faunal turnover and in this case
it is 20 per cent.
Analyses of the turnover rate have been made for all the stages and
substages recognized in the species list (table 15); that is to say, the
Villafranchian was divided into six substages beginning with the
Etouaires phase and ending with the A-Tiglian, and so on.
The rate of turnover in the Villafranchian stages varied between 3
and 24 per cent, but most values were between 10 and I I and the
average was 108 per cent. For the five phases of the early Middle
Pleistocene (r-Gunz I to 2-Mindel) the corresponding average was
found to be 14 I per cent, while the figure for the four final phases
(D-Holstein to 4-Wiirm) is 9.2 per cent. The grand mean is 114. The
phases, whatever their temporal duration, seem thus to have been
roughly equivalent with each other as regards evolutionary change,
though with some concentration of activity in the early Middle
The total of 15 phases recognized corresponds to a time lapse of
about 3 million years, so that the average length of each phase is
200,000 years. The mean longevity of a species corresponding to an
average turnover of I 14 per cent per 200,000 years is slightly more
than 3 million years.
However, this measure is an average covering both the Villafran-
chian and the 'glacial' Pleistocene. If the analysis is limited to the se-
quence from the D-Holsteinian to the 4-Wiirm, quite different
figures are obtained. The average phase length is only about 75,000
years and the average turnover rate 92 per cent; this corresponds to a
mean species longevity of about 16 million years, or only about one-
half of that for the Pleistocene as a whole. This would seem to reflect
a general intensification of the rate of evolution in the later Pleistocene
as compared to the Villafranchian. If exact figures for the duration of
the Villafranchian and the early Middle Pleistocene were available, a
more detailed analysis would be possible.
Mean longevity

. ~
/.' \:
L , ~ / ~
~ -
o. ",
~ /
Figure 110. Diagrammatic representation of the history of a temporal stratum of
species (cross-hatched) in a fauna with constant turnover rates through time. The
relationship between half-life and mean longevity of species is shown. After Kurten.
The species that are in existence at a given point in time may be said
to form the faunal stratum of that time; for instance, table 6 records
the history of the Recent faunal stratum. But we might also study the
history of some earlier stratum, for instance the C-Cromerian. In
faunas preceding or succeeding the C-Cromer in time, that stratum
will make up a certain percentage which will generally dwindle with
increasing temporal distance from the culmination of the stratum. It
has been shown [172; 173] that the stratum will wax and wane accord-
ing to the curve shown in figure I 10 provided that the rate of turnover
is constant. The rate of change may be expressed by the half-life, or
the time in which the fauna is halved or doubled. The mean longevity
of the species is approximately 29 times the half-life; the relationship
between these parameters is shown in figure 110.
In figure 1 I I, which shows the rise and fall of the C-Cromerian
faunal stratum, the temporal position of the C-Cromerian has been
determined on the basis of the date of 230,000 years for the D-Hol-
steinian and the assumption of constant rates of change. This puts the
C-Cromer at about 500,000 BC but also necessitates the assumption
that rates of change were much slower in pre-Cromer times. The pre-
Cromer curve in figure 1 I I has a half-life of about 15 million years,
while the post-Cromer curve has a half-life of about 400,000 years.
The C-Cromerian faunal stratum is of special interest because it
divides the Pleistocene into two approximately equal parts as far as
the amount of evolution is concerned. I t makes up about 36 per cent
of the living fauna and almost the same amount, 33 per cent, of the
early Villafranchian.
Rates of evolution in different orders
As soon as we have a stable Pleistocene chronology, faunal rates of
evolution may be studied with much greater precision than has been
possible here. Meanwhile, a comparison between absolute or relative
rates in different orders of mammals is quite feasible. Table 8 shows
a comparison of this type based on the faunal history of the later
Pleistocene (D-Hoisteinian to 4- Wiirm). The absolute chronology for
this part of the Pleistocene is probably reliable, so that the species
half-life may be expressed in absolute time. The half-life found in the
various orders may be compared with the value of 540,000 years for
the fauna as a whole. The lower the figure, the higher the average rate
of evolution within the order.
The highest average rate of evolution is not unexpectedly found in
the Proboscidea, represented at this time only by the Elephantidae,
Figure I I I. History of the Cromerian faunal stratum. The provisional chronology is based on the assumption that species half-life
was I' 5 million years in pre-Cromerian times, and 0'4 million years in post-Cromerian. Stratigraphic levels numbered as in table 2.
Provisional chronology
20 1-5 1-0 o
which evolved rapidly in contrast with the mastodonts. Next come
the Primates with high rates of human evolution and the Perissodac-
tyla with their rapidly changing horse and rhinoceros species. The
Rodentia, Artiodactyla and Insectivora form a group with almost
average evolutionary rate, while rates in the Lagomorpha and Car-
nivora averaged a little slower. The Chiroptera take an extreme and
separate position with a half-life about three times as long as the
faunal average: the bats are a very conservative, slowly evolving
Table 8. Half-life of species in different orders of mammals, based on
faunal turnover during the time span from the D-Holstein to 4- Wiirm
Total fauna
The results are tentative and probably somewhat biased especially
for the Rodentia and Insectivora, in which mostly long-range species
have been included. Inclusion of all the described species would
greatly modify the results, shorten the apparent half-life and indicate
much greater intensity of evolution [173]. Unfortunately, the taxo-
nomic situation in these orders is very unstable; discovery and de-
scription of new species are proceeding at such a rate that any attempt
at definite evaluation would be premature.
It is possible that future studies may vindicate the opinion voiced
in Kurten [173] that evolution on the species level tends to be correla-
ted with length of generation. The data of table 8, however, do not
support that contention but rather that of Zeuner [315] that other
factors are of greater importance in determining the evolutionary
Chapter 20
Animal Geography
MOST mammalian species in the Pleistocene fauna of Europe ranged
well beyond the geographic boundaries of this continent. Many fossil
species are only known from European deposits, but it is very hard to
prove that they were actually endemic to Europe and the probability
is against the assumption in most cases.
One group of species may however be regarded as endemic: the
aberrant inhabitants of ancient Tyrrhenis, the Mediterranean islands.
Here belong the species of Nesiotites, the dwarf elephants and hippo-
potami (if given specific status), the dwarf deer Praemegaceros cazioti
etc., the cave goat genus Myotragus, the Sardinian pika Prolagus sar-
dus and the aberrant rodent genera Hypnomys, Leithia, Tyrrhenicola
and Rhagamys. Even if the elephants and hippos are not regarded as
separate species, this gives at least eight distinct endemic forms in the
Mediterranean area.
Otherwise species may only be regarded as endemic to Europe if
clearly distinct vicarious forms are found in the surrounding areas. At
present the cave bear (Ursus spelaeusi is almost the only certainly en-
demic Pleistocene species, but Hipparion crusafonti may also be ende-
mic and some of the Villafranchian bovids, for instance, may turn out
to be so. In the living European fauna there are several endemic spe-
cies, most of them insectivores and rodents, but also two larger
animals, Felis pardina and Rupicapra rupicapra.
Europe is part of the Palaearctic faunal province, which also in-
cludes Africa north of the Sahara and Asia north of the Himalayas.
Most of the present-day European mammals range beyond Europe
into some part of the remaining Palaearctic region. A small number of
species have mainly African associations (Macaca syluana, Genetta
genetta, Herpestes ichneumon, Hystrix cristata and the locally extinct
Hippopotamus amphibius), but most have an appreciable distribution in
Asia. Fossil European species of this type are Homo neanderthalensis,
Hyaena brevirostris, H. hyaena, Megantereon megantereon, Homo-
therium sainzelli, Felis issiodorensis, Acinonyx pardinensis, Cuon majori,
C. alpinus, Vulpes alopecoides, Nyctereutes megamastoides, Ursus thi-
betanus, Zygolophodon borsoni, Palaeoloxodon antiquus, Mammuthus
trogontherii, Dicerorhinus kirchbergensis, D. hemitoechus, Coelodonta
antiquitatis, Equus przewalski, E. hemionus, Sus strozzii, Megaloceros
giganteus, Bubalus murrensis (?), Bos primigenius, Trogontherium
A few species range widely both in the Palaearctic and Ethiopian
(African) region. Of these, Crocuta crocuta, Felis leo and F. pardus are
now extinct in Europe, while Felis silvestris, F. chaus, Capra ibex and
Lepus capensis remain as European members of this select company.
Many fossil forms are related to both African and Asiatic species (for
instance the small-clawed otters) but the precise taxonomic relation-
ships remain to be worked out.
Finally, there are some species with a circumpolar distribution. The
Palaearctic and Nearctic (North American) provinces may be grouped
together, forming the Holarctic faunal province. Both Saiga tatarica
and Ovibos moschatus have had a Holarctic distribution, which has
been diminished since the Pleistocene. Mammuthus primigenius was
certainly Holarctic and Archidiskodon meridionalis probably so;
Homotherium latidens of Europe may possibly be the same species as
H. serum in North America. The wisent, Bison bonasus, is now often
regarded as conspecific with the American bison. Other living, defi-
nitely Holarctic species include glutton, ermine, least weasel, wolf,
red fox, brown (and grizzly) bear, polar bear, red deer (wapiti, Ameri-
can 'elk'), true elk or moose, reindeer, marmot, tundra vole and Arctic
Data on geographic distribution have been brought together in
table 9, giving the ranges in 119 living and 45 fossil species. The rela-
tive distribution in the fossil group is almost exactly the same as in
the living, but it should be remembered that the main part of the
fossil endemics consist of Mediterranean island forms.
The geographic origin of a species does not always coincide with its
range in later times. The origin of several European species is known
or may be inferred with high probability (table 10).
In most instances the ancestral form is also found in Europe, so
that the evolution of the species appears to have taken place in situ,
perhaps as part of an evolutionary process occurring simultaneously
all over the range of the population. A second group is formed by the
Table 9. Geographic distribution of Quaternary species of mammals.
Europe, endemic
Europe and Palaearctic
Europe and Holarctic
Europe, Palaearctic and Ethiopian
Europe and Ethiopian
Total species considered
immigrants from Asia; future studies of Asiatic faunas will probably
result in a great increase of the percentage of this group. As it is we
have direct evidence for the Asiatic origin of some species (Crocuta
crocuta, Ursus arctos, U. thibetanus, Dicerorhinus kirchbergensis, Coe-
lodonta antiquitatis, Bison priscus, Bubalus murrensis, Bos primigenius,
Marmota bobak, Allactagajaculus) and good circumstantial evidence
for many others.
Forms of African origin appear to be decidedly rarer; more or less
well-documented examples include Genettagenetta, Herpestes ichneu-
mon, Hyaena hyaena, Canis aureus (?), Lycaon lycaonoides, Hippopota-
mus amphibius, Hesperoceras merlae and Syncerus iselini.
A few species may have originated more or less directly in North
America (though they probably immigrated by way of Asia). This may
perhaps be suggested for Equus stenonis and very tentatively for Hypo-
lagus brachygnathus and seems fairly certain for Bison bonasus.
Again, the distributions for the fossil and recent forms are fairly
similar, indicating that no radical long-term changes of migration
Table 10. Geographic origin of European memmel species.
North America
Total species considered
routes took place in the Pleistocene, whatever the short-term effect of
glaciation barriers and interglacial transgressions.
The migration between the Old World and the New has been re-
peatedly discussed [182; 224; 232; 249]. It is generally assumed that it
followed the route across the Bering Straits. Generally, the migrations
may be assumed to have taken place during glacial regressions which
exposed the Bering Bridge. For this reason, appearance of a migrant
in an interglacial fauna may probably be taken as evidence for migra-
tion during the preceding glaciation. All of the forms recorded as
migrants during glacial phases are evidently hardy northern types,
well equipped to withstand the rigours of life in this area.
The earliest migration came at the very beginning of the Villa-
franchian, when at least three different lineages crossed from North
America to Eurasia. Two of the populations reached Europe in the
shape of Felis issiodorensis and Equus stenonis, while the third (ances-
tral camels) colonized Asia, eastern Europe and Africa but did not
reach western Europe. The distribution of the camels supports the
idea that the Bering Bridge was the route for this interchange.
Also perhaps at the beginning of the Villafranchian, a form of hunt-
ing hyena reached North America to give rise to the American Chas-
maporthetes. Whether this migration followed the same route is un-
certain, for Euryboas has not so far been found in Asia but of course
such negative evidence is not conclusive.
Perhaps at a somewhat later date in the Villafranchian some ele-
phant at the Archidiskodon meridionalis level seems also to have
entered North America.
Migrations in the I-Giinz are uncertain, but it is probable that
steppe mammoths of Mammuthus trogontherii type entered the Nearc-
tic at about this time and the same holds for the Mimomys voles.
In the z-Mindel, black bears migrated to North America, where
they gave rise to Ursus americanus. A dirk-tooth of the Megantereon
group also migrated, giving rise to Smilodon. It is also possible that
scimitar-toothed cats (Homotherium) crossed from Asia to North
America at this time, for we know no homotheres in Asia in post-
Mindel times. There is no record of a migration in the opposite
Migration items in the 3-Riss from the Old World to the New com-
prise Gulo gulo, Mustela erminea, Canis lupus) Vulpes uulpes, Cervus
elaphus and some form of Bison, destined to give rise to the highly
varied bison fauna of the Late Pleistocene in North America. In the
other direction there is a possible migrant in Lutra lutra, which
appears in the F-Eemian in Europe.
Two species appear to have migrated from America to Eurasia in
the 4- Wiirm: Mustela lutreola and Bison bonasus. Migrations in the
opposite direction are numerous and include Homo sapiens, Alopex
lagopus, Ursus arctos, U. maritimus, Mammuthus primigenius, Alces
alces, Rangifer tarandus, Saiga tatarica and Ovibos moschatus.
The data are summarized in table I I. It may be noted that the
number of migrating species tended to increase for each new glacial
phase. The impression may well be spurious, since we do not know
enough about faunal exchange during the earlier glaciations. On the
other hand it is possible that the increasing adaptation of many spe-
cies to a cold climate tended to make the Bering Bridge climatically
acceptable to an increasing number of migrants as time went by.
Finally, it should be noted that the bridge probably grew broader for
each new glacial phase as the sea level has receded more deeply every
Table 11. Mammal migrations between Eurasia and North America in the
America to Eurasia to
Eurasia America Total
4-Wurm 2 9 11
3-Riss 1 ? 6 7
2-Mindel 3 3
1-Gunz 2 2
Villafranchian 3 2 5
Total 6 22 28
Chapter 21
Man and the Fauna
HUMAN BEINGS have been present in Europe ever since the C-Cromer
Interglacial. During the earlier glaciations, man probably was forced
to retreat to the southern peninsulas. In the 4- Wiirm he was able to
cope with the Arctic environment.
But wherever he lived, the mammals that have been surveyed here
formed the dominant element in his environment. This is especially
true for the large game animals. From the earliest times man in Europe
was a hunter. He was also, naturally, a food collector with a richly
varied diet including berries, fruits, fungi, snails, grubs and other in-
vertebrates, lower vertebrates and so on. As early as the C-Cromer his
main tool was the hand-axe, made for the skinning of game. I t seems
almost certain that the first tools were made to help pierce and cut the
hide of a dead animal about to be eaten, whether killed by man himself
or by something else.
The all-encompassing importance of the game to Ice Age man is
very evident when we study the Late Pleistocene cave paintings, en-
gravings and sculptures. Almost all of the pictures represent animals
and usually animals that were used for food: deer, wild horse, bison,
aurochs, rhinoceros, mammoth. The large predators are also fairly
common in cave art - lion, bear, wolf: the powerful, dangerous ene-
mies or rivals. On the other hand, the small animals, whether carni-
vores or small game, playa quite subordinate role. And pictures of
human beings are not only scarce but also in most cases quite clumsily
done in comparison with the beautifully executed animal pictures.
Different tribes had different favourite game. The selection of
game was perhaps mainly dominated by availability but doubtless
tribal tradition also played a role. We find, for instance, evidence of
specialized mammoth hunters, who even used the bones and tusks of
their prey to build palisades and huts. Other tribes were horse hunters
and their middens contain the remains of thousands of wild horses. In
yet other instances the reindeer was the all-important game.
Sometimes we find evidence that men at different times but at
exactly the same spot may have selected quite different types of game.
In the Vogelherd Cave near the township of Stetten in Wurttemberg
[187] almost all the fossil bones are midden remains from the human
occupation, so that we get a very good idea of what these people used
for food (table 12). The Neandertalers that lived here in the 4-Wiirm I
Table 12. Relative distribution of the three main forms of game (horse,
mammoth and reindeer) at different levels in the cave of Vogelherd
(Wurttemberg). Data from Lehmann.
Mousterian Aurignacian Magdalenian
(4- Wiirm 1) (Interstadial) (4- Wiirm II)
% % %
Wild Horse, Equus germanicus 45 0 0
Wild Horse, E. przewalskii 0 23 22
Mammoth, Mammuthus
primigenius 13 24 6
Reindeer, Rangifer tarandus 2 12 22
Other mammals 40 40 50
were evidently specialized wild horse hunters; their main prey was the
large, powerfulgermanicus-type horse. Next comes a deposit from the
early time of Homo sapiens in Europe, containing Stone Age tools of
Aurignacian type and probably dating from the later part of the 4-
Wiirm I-II interstadial. These people also hunted wild horse but the
species of that time was the small Equusprzewalskii and it does not
predominate in the same way. There is in fact an equal number of
woolly mammoth, and of course the total biomass of mammoth rep-
resented greatly exceeds that of horse. There is a possibility, however,
that mammoth teeth were collected as souvenirs or prizes.
Finally, in the uppermost strata, with a Magdalenian industry (end
of 4- Wiirm), reindeer has increased to parity with horse, while mam-
moth is scarce.
At the end of the Ice Age the Arctic mammals once again retreated
northward and a woodland fauna of interglacial type became estab-
lished in central Europe. In comparison with the F-Eemian fauna,
however, it was much impoverished. This is also true of the present-
day Arctic fauna of northern Europe compared with that of the 4-
Species present in the Late Pleistocene of Europe but now extinct
include three species of Nesiotites ; Neandertal man; scimitar cat,
Corsica otter, cave bear; straight-tusked elephant, woolly mammoth;
Merck's rhinoceros, steppe rhinoceros, woolly rhinoceros and Euro-
pean wild ass; Myotragus (cave goat), Bonal's tahr, steppe wisent,
woodland wisent ; Hystrix vinogradovi, Leithia melitensis, two species
of Hypnomys, Cricetulus bursae, Rhagamys orthodon and Prolagus sar-
dus ; a few of these survived well into the Postglacial and even into
historical times. Furthermore, a great number of species have become
extinct locally in Europe though they survive elsewhere; these are the
striped and spotted hyenas, steppe cat, lion, leopard, dhole, wild
horse, kulan, hippopotamus, saiga, musk ox, great jerboa, Arctic
lemming and steppe pika.
Table 13. Extinction of mammals at the end of the Pleistocene and in the
Postglacial, compared with modern European fauna. Relative ordinal
distribution of species in both samples.
Extinct Living
% %
Insectivora 8 12
Chiroptera 0 22
Primates 3 2
Carnivora 25 18
Proboscidea 6 0
Perissodactyla 17 0
Artiodactyla 17 9
Rodentia 22 35
Lagomorpha 3 3
The great preponderance of large mammals in these lists is striking.
Table 13 gives the ordinal distribution of the extinct species in com-
parison with that of the living European fauna. I t is clear that the Post-
glacial mass extinction took a much heavier toll, relatively speaking,
of the large mammals (Carnivora, Proboscidea, Perissodactyla, Artio-
dactyla) than of the small (Insectivora, Chiroptera, Rodentia).
The mass death can hardly be ascribed to climatic causes alone, for
there was no similar mass extinction in earlier interglacials. It seems
fairly certain that modern man has played a dominant role in the wip-
ing out of many species, although perhaps by indirect influence as
much as by actual hunting. Species like the cave bear may have been
seriously affected by competition for living sites (caves) with humans.
Perhaps also a rapid climatic change contributed to the outcome by
reducing the size of some populations to such a low number of indi-
viduals that they became especially vulnerable. However, the effect
of man on his environment may be the main factor. This problem may
Table 14. Length of hindmost lower molar in aurochs (Bos primigenius)
and in domestic cattle, all from Denmark, showing temporal decrease in
size. The material from the Ertebelte culture is intermediate between
aurochs and domestic cattle. Data from Deqerbel.
Stone Age
be studied further by combined study of changes in mean size and
population numbers of wild animals accompanying the evolution of
human cultures, as shown above. Probably a common denominator
can be found for the general trend of size decrease since the Pleisto-
cene, and the extinction of the large mammals.
There is quite another way in which man influenced the fauna: by
domesticating part of it [319]. Trends and changes in this connection
may be studied by the same quantitative methods that have been out-
lined here. Often it can be shown that a sudden character shift rep-
resents the actual period of domestication, as in the case of the taming
of cattle in Denmark where Degerbel [54] has shown that the Erte-
belle levels give us the very transition (see table 14).
Seen in a longer perspective, the Pleistocene as a whole becomes a
faunal revolution. Geologists have long recognized some turning
points in the history of the earth's fauna, when as it were a great edi-
fice would topple over and new structures are built upon the ruins of
the old. Such was the case as the Permo-Carboniferous Ice Age was
at its height and again when the reptiles of the Cretaceous died out
and the relay was picked up by the mammals. In the Pleistocene we
have such another revolution at our very geological doorstep.
Stratigraphic Range of
THE stratigraphic ranges of the nearly three hundred species described
here have been set forth in table 15. They are recorded by the total
span as established, continuously from first to last appearance, even if
not actually found in deposits of all the intervening phases. In actual
fact the record of many species is spotty, either because of the incom-
pleteness of the fossil record, or because they were absent during times
with unsuitable climate. Nevertheless, they must have been in exis-
tence somewhere. One type of migration has, however, been noted in
the table: if a species was in existence outside Europe well before its
appearance in the European fauna, or if it survived elsewhere after its
local extinction in Europe, this is indicated by a separate symbol.
Six phases of the Villafranchian and most of the glacial and inter-
glacial phases of the Middle and Late Pleistocene have been recorded
separately in the table, excepting the incompletely known E-Ilford
interglacial. Astian records are given only for species that survived in
the Pleistocene; no full recording of the Astian fauna is intended.
Table 15. Stratigraphic span of Pleistocene mammal species in Europe.
Astian Phases Middle Pleistocene Pleistocene Recent
a b c d e A 1(i) B 1(ii) C 2 D 3 F 4 G
Erinaceus sp.
x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Sorex minutus
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
S. araneus, etc.
x x x x x x x x x x
S. praealpinus
x x x
S. alpinus ?
x x x
S. runtonensis
x x x x x x x x x x x x
S. kennardi ?
x x x x
S. margaritodon, etc.
x x x x x x x
Neomys fodiens, etc.
x x x x x x x
Beremendia fissidens
x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Petenyia hungarica
x x x x x x x x x x x
Soriculus kubinyi
x x x x x x x x
Suricus hungaricus
x x x x x x x
Crocidura leucodon
x x x x x
C. russula
x x x
C. suaveolens
x x x x x
C. kornfeldi
x x x x x x x x x x
Nesiotites spp. ? ? ?
x x x x x x
Desmana moschata
x x x x x x x
D. thermalis
x x
Talpa fossilis
x x x x x x x x x x x x
T. europaea
x x x x x
T. gracilis
x x x x x x x x x x x x x
T. caeca
x x x
T. episcopalis
x x x x x
? ?
Rhinolophus euryale
x x x x x x x x x x x x x
R. delphinensis
x x x x x x x x
R. ferrum-equinum ? ? ? ?
x x x x x
R. hipposideros
x x x x x
Myotis daubentoni
x x x x x x x x x
M. dasycneme
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
M. mystacinus
x x x x x x x
M. emarginatus
x x x x x x x x x
M. nattereri
x x x x x x x x
M. bechsteini
x x x x x x x x
M. baranensis
x x x x x x x
M. myotis
x x x x x
M. oxygnathus
x x x x x x x x x
Plecotus auritus
x x x x x x x x x
P. crassidens
x x x x x x x x x
Miniopterus schreibersi
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Barbastel/a barbastel/a
x x x x x x
x x x
0 0 0 0
Pipistrellus pipistrellus
x x x x x
Vespertilio serotinus
x x x x x x
V. nilssoni
x x x x x
V. murinus
x x x
V. praeglacialis
x x
Nyctalus noctula
x x x x x
Macaca tlorentlne
x x x x x x x x x x x
M. sylvana
x x x x x
Dolichopithecus arvernensis
x x x x x x
Homo heidelbergensis
x x
H. neanderthalensis
x x x x
H. sapiens
x x x
Table 15-continued
Astian Phases
Middle Pleistocene
Pleistocene Recent
a b c d e A 1(i) B 1(ii) C 2 0 3 F 4 G
Genetta genetta
0 0
Herpestes ichneumon
0 0
Hyaena perrieri
x x x x x x x x x x
H. brevirostris
x x x x x
H. hyaena ? ? ? ?
0 0 0 0 0 0
x x x
0 0
Euryboas lunensis
x x x x x
Crocuta crocuta
x x x x x x x
Megantereon megantereon
x x x x x
Homotherium sainzelli
x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x
Felis lunensis ? ?
x x x x x x
F. silvestris
x x x x x
F. manu! ? ? ? ? ?
F. chaus
0 0
F. issiodorensis
x x x x x
F. pardina
x x x x x x x x x x
F. lynx
x x x
F. toscana
x x x x x x x x x x x
F. pardoides
x ?
x x x x x x
F. pardus
x x x x x x
Acinonyx pardinensis
x x x x x x x x x
Gulo schlosseri
x x x
G. gulo
x x x x x x
Martes vetus
x x x x
M. martes
x x x x x
M. toine
x x
Baranogale antiqua
x x x x x x x x
Vormela beremendensis
x x x x x x x x x x
V. peregusna 0 0
Enhydrictis ardea
x x x x x x x x x
Pannonictis pliocaenica
x x x x x x x x x x x
Mustela lutreola
x ? x
M. stromeri
x x x x x x
M. putorius
x x x x x x x
M. eversmanni
x x x
M. palerminea
x x x x x x x
M. erminea
? ?
x ? x ?
x x
M. praenivalis
x ? x ? x ? x x x x x x x
M. nivalis
x x x x x x
M. rixosa
x x
Meles thorali
M. meles o? o? o?
x x x x x x x x x x
Aonyx bravardi
x x x x x x x ? x ? x ?
A. antiqua
x x x x
Lutra simplicidens
x x
L. lutra
x x x
Canis falconeri
C. arnensis ?
x x x ? x ? x ?
C. etruscus
x x x x x
C. lupus ?
x x x x x x x x
C. aureus 0 0 0 0 0
Cuon majori
x x x x
C. alpinus
x x x x x x x
Lycaon Iycaonoides
x x
Vulpes alopecoides
x x x x x x x x
V. vulpes
x ? x ?
x x x x x
Table 15-continued
Astian Phases Middle Pleistocene Pleistocene Recent
a b c d e A 1(i) B 1(ii) C 2 D 3 F 4 G
V. praecorsac
x x x x x x x x x x
V. corsac 0 0 0
x x x
Alopex lagopus
x x x x
Nyctereutes megamastoides
x x x x
Parailurus anglicus
x x
Agriotherium insigne
x x
Ursus minimus
x x
U. etruscus
x x x x x
U. deningeri ?
x x x x
U. spelaeus
x x x x
U. arctos 0
x x x x x
U. maritimus
x x x
U. thibetanus
x x x x x x x
0 0 0
Anancus arvernensis
x x x x x x x x x x
Zygolophodon borsoni
x x
Archidiskodon meridionelis
x x x x x x x x
Palaeoloxodon antiquus
x x x x x x
Mammuthus trogontherii
x x x x
M. primigenius
x x x
Tapirus arvernensis
x x x x x x x
Dicerorhinus megarhinus
x x
D. etruscus
x x x x x x x x x x
D. kirchbergensis
x x x x x
D. hemitoechus
x ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
x x x
Coelodonta entiquitetis
0 0
x x x
Hipparion crusafonti, etc.
x x
Equus stenonis
x x x x
E. siissenbornensis
x x x
E. bressanus
x x x x x
x ? x ?
E. mosbachensis ? ?
x x
E. germanicus
x x x x
E. przewalskii
E. hydruntinus x ? x x x x x x x x x x x
E. hemionus
x x x
Sus arvernensis
x ? x
S. strozzii
0 0
x x x
S. scrofa
x x x x x x x x
Hippopotamus amphibius
x x x x x x x x x x x
'Cervus' ardei
'C. ' issiodorensis
'C. ' cusanus
x x x X
'C. I perrieri x x x x x x
Anoglochis ramosus
x x x x x x x
Euctenoceros ctenoides
x x x
E. senezensis, etc.
x x x x x x x x x
Eucladoceros dicranios
E. falconeri -sedgwicki
x x x x x x x x
x ? x ?
Cervus etuerarium
x x x x x x
? ? ? ?
x ?
C. elaphus
x x x x x x x x
Praemegaceros verticornis x ? x ? x ?
x x x x
P. cazioti, etc.
x x x x x x-
Megaloceros savini
x x x
M. giganteus
x x x x x-
Dama nestii
x x x x x x x
D. clactoniana ? ?
x x
Table 15-continued
Villafranchian Late
Astian Phases Middle Pleistocene Pleistocene Recent
a b c d e A 1(i) 8 1(ii) C 2 D 3 F 4 G
D. dama
x x
Capreo/us capreolus
x x x x x x x x
Alces gallicus
x x x x
A. /atifrons
x x x x
A. a/ces
x x x x
Rangifer tarandus
x x x x x x x x
Gazella borbonica
x x x x x
Gazellospira torticornis
x x x x
Saiga tatarica 0
Procamptoceras brivatense
x x x x x x
Gal/ogoral meneghinii
x x x x
?Nemorhaedus me/onii
? ?
x ? x ?
x x x x-
Rupicapra rupicapra
x x x
Moyotragus balearicus
x x x x
Deperetia ardea
x x x x
Praeovibos priscus
x x x
Ovibos moschatus
x x x x x x x
Mega/ovis latifrons
x x x
Ovis spp.
x x x x x
Soergelia elisabethae
x x x
Hesperoceras mer/ae
Capra ibex ? ? ?
x x x x
Hemitragus bonali
x x
H. stehlini
x x x x x x x x x x
Leptobos elatus
x x x x x
L. etruscus
x x x x ? x ? x ? x ?
Bison priscus
x x x x x x x
B. schoetensacki
x x x x x x x x
B. bonasus
Bubelus murrensis x
Syncerus iselini x ?
80S primigenius
x x x x x
Sciurus white; ? ? ? ? ? ?
x x x
S. vulgaris
x x x
Marmota marmota
x x x x
M. bobek
0 0 0
x x x
Citel/us primigenius
x x x x x
C. eitel/us
x x x x x x x x
C. suslicus
x x
C. major
x x
Pliosciuropterus scheubi
x x x x
Castor fiber
x ?
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Trogontherium cuvieri
x x x x x x x x x x
Hystrix refossa
x x x x x x
H. vinogradovi
x x x x x x x
H. cristata
x x x
Sicista praeloriger
x x x x x
S. betu/ina-subti/is
x x x
Allactaga jaculus
x x
Prospalax priscus
x x x x x x x x x x
Spa/ax leucodon, etc.
x x x .x x x x x
Glirulus pusil/us
x x x
Muscardinus pliocaenicus
x x x
M. ave/lanarius
x x x x x x x x x x
M. dacicus
x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x x x
Glis glis
x x x x x x x x x x
G. minor
x x x
Table 15-continued
Villafranchian Late
Astian Phases Middle Pleistocene Pleistocene Recent
a b c d e A 1(i) B 1(ii) C 2 D 3 F 4 G
Eliomys quercinus
x x x x x
Dryomys nitedula
x x x x x
Leithia melitensis ? ? ?
x x x
Hypnomys spp. ? ? ?
x x x
Cricetus cricetus
x x x x x x x x x x
C. praeglacialis
x x x x x x
C. nanus
x x x x x
Cricetulus bursae
x x x x x x x x x x
C. migratorius
x x x x x x x X x
Rhinocricetus ehiki
x x x x x
Dolomys milleri
x x x x x x
Pliomys episcopalis
x x x x x
P. coronensis
x x x x x
Clethrionomys glareolus
x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ?
x x x x x x x
C. esperi
Mimomys stehtini
x x x
M. pusillus
x x x x ; x x x x x
M. reidi
x x x x x x x x x x
M. newtoni
x x x x x x x
M. pliocaenicus
x x x x x x x x x x x
M. intermedius
x x x x x x x
M. rex
x x x
M. cantianus
Arvicola greeni
x x x x
A. mosbachensis
x x x x
A. terrestris-amphibius
x x x x x
Lagurus pannonicus
x x x x x x x ? x ?
I tnrntrus:
x x x x x
Allophaiomys sp.
x x x x x x x
Microtus arvalis, etc.
x x x x x x x x
M. agrestis group
x x x x x
M. guenther; 0
M. ratticeps group
x x x x x x x x
M. nivalis group
x x x x x x x x
M. gregalis
x x x x x
Pitymys gregaloides, etc.
x x x x x
P. subterraneus
x x x
Tyrrhenicola henseli
x ? x ?
x x x x-
Lemmus lemmus
x x x x x x x x
Myopus schisticolor 0
Dicrostonyx torquatus
x ? x
Parapodemus coronensis
x x x x x x x x x x
Apodemus sylvaticus
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
A. f1avicollis group
x x x x x x x x x x x x x
A. mystacinus
x x x x x x x x
A. agrarius
x x x x x
Micromys minutus
x x x x x
Rhagamys orthodon
x ? x ? x x x x-
Mus musculus
x x x x x
Prolagus sardus
x ? x ? x x x x-
Ochotona pusilla
x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x x
Hypolagus brachygnathus
x x x x x x x x x x x
Oryctolagus lacosti
x x x x x
O. cuniculus
x x x x x
Lepus terraerubrae
x x x x x x
? ?
L. timidus ? ?
x x x
L. europaeus
x x x
L. capensis
x ? x ? x ? x ? x ? x ?
x x
a-e, Villafranchian phases. Glaciations enumerated 1-4, interglacials A-G. Stadials separated for 1-Gunz only. x denotes existence, - no
record, 0 presence in extra-European deposits only.
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Numbers printed in italics refer to the figures.
Abbeville, 24
Acinonyx sp., 89, 90 (see also Cheetah)
Agriotherium insigne Gervais, see Bear, Hyena
Ailuropoda melanoleuca Milne-Edwards, see
Panda, Giant
Ailurus fulgens F. Cuvier, see Panda
Alces sp., see Elk
Allactaga sp., see Jerboa, Great
Allophaiomys pliocaenicus Kormos, see Lem-
ming, Kormos's Steppe
Alopex sp., see Fox
Alpine Shrew (Sorex alpinus Schinz), 43
anterior teeth, 16
Alps, 4
glacial terraces, 15
Amphibious mammals,
relative numbers in Villafranchian, 6
Anancus arvernensis Croizet & Jobert, see
Mastodont, Auvergne
Anoglochus sp., 159 (see also Deer)
Saiga (Saiga tatarica Linne), 173-4
Chiru (Patholops hodgsoni Abel), 174
head, 76
Chamois iProcamptoceras briuatense
Schaub), 174
Arde tDeperetia ardea Deperet), 178
Ramosus Deer, 65
Seneze Deer, 66
Bush-antlered Deer, 67
Aonyx sp., 105 (see also Otter)
'Ape', Gibraltar, 58-9
Apodemus sp., 223 (see also Mouse)
Archidiskodon sp., 13, 133 (see also Elephant)
Arctic species,
origination of, 253-4
first appearances in Pleistocene, Table 5
Arno valley, 4
Artefacts, 29, 60
early European, 59
pebble-tool industry, 60
Artiodactyla, 153-90
stratigraphic range of species, 281-3
Arvicola sp., 216 (see also Vole)
European Wild (Equus hydruntinus Rega-
lia),15 1
Asiatic Wild (Equus hemionus Pallas), 151-2
Astian, caves, 16
Astian faunas, 9
I vanovce fissure, 16
Weze fissure, 17
Astian floras, 9
Astian stage, see Late Pliocene stage
Auroch (Bos primigenius Bojanus), 30, 188-
Australopithecinae, 59
Bacton, 23
B a d g e ~ 36,251,254
Thoral's (Meles thorali Viret), 103-4
skull and mandible, 42
Thoral's (Meles meles Linne), 104-5
Banahilk, 190
Baranogale sp., see Polecat
(Barbastella barbastella Schreber), 56
Asiatic (Barbastella leucomelas Cretzsch-
Barrington, 30
Bat (see also Barbastelle, Noctule)
Blasius' Horseshoe (Rhinolophus blasii
Peters), 51
Mehely's Horseshoe iRhinolophus mehelyi
Marschie), 51
Mediterranean Horseshoe (Rhinolophus
euryale Blasius), 51, 254
Greater Horseshoe (Rhinolophus ferrum-
equinum Schreber), 51-2
teeth, 20
Bat (contd.)
Lesser Horseshoe (Rhinolophus hipposi-
deros Bechstein), 52
Water (Myotis daubentoni Leisler), 52
Pond (Myotis dasycneme Boie), 52-3, 254
Whiskered (Myotis mystacinus Leisler), 53
teeth, 20
Geoffroy's (Myotis emarginatus Geoffroy),
Natterers (Myotis nattereri Kuhl), 53-4
Bechstein's (Myotis bechsteini Leisler), 54
Large Mouse-eared (Myotis Myotis Bork-
teeth, 20
Lesser Mouse-eared (Myotis oxygnathus
Monticelli), 54
Long-eared (Plecotus auritus Linne), 54
mandibles, 21
Grey Long-eared (Plecotus austriacus
Fischer), 55
Long-winged (Miniopterus schreibersi
Natterer), 55-6, 254
mandible, 21
Common (Pipistrellus pipistrellus
Schreber), 56
Serotine (Vespertilio serotinus Schreber ),
Northern (Vespertilio nilssoni Keyserling
& Blasins), 57
Parti-coloured ( Vespertilio murinus Linne),
European Free-tailed (Tadarida teniotis
Rafinesque), 57
Deninger's (Ursus deningeri Reichenau),
mandibular dentition, 48C
Cave (Ursus spelaeus Rosenmuller & Hein-
roth), 122-7, 265
skull, 49
restoration, 50
geographic distribution, 51
width of lower canines, 102
Brown (Ursus arctos Linne), 127-8
size oscillation, 245, 248, 104
mandibular dentition, 48A, B
skull and mandible, 49
engraving, 52
Hyena (Agriotherium insigne Gervais), 119
Auvergne (Ursus minimus Deveze & Bouil-
let), 119-20 '
Etruscan (Ursus etruscus Cuvier), 120
Polar (Ursus maritimus Phipps), 128--9,254
Asiatic Black (Ursus thibetanus Cuvier),
129, 268
B e a r c a v e ~ 33, 36, 14
Bear stratum,
Tornewton cave, 33
(Castor fiber Linne), 10, 197-8, 254
skull and mandible, 87
European Giant (Trogontherium cuuieri
Fischer; Conodontes boisvilletti
Laugel), 198-9
skull and mandible, 87
Beresovka, 137
Bergmann's Rule, 27, 211
and mammoth, 138
Beremendia fissidens Petenyi, see Shrew,
Bering Bridge, 268, 269
Bering Straits,
migrations, 268
Bison, 268
in Villafranchian, 8
Bison sp., 186, 187 (see also Wisent)
Blancan, 21
Bobcat, 25 I, 252
Bore holes,
Leffe, 5
Bos sp., 189 (see also Auroch)
Boswell's sequence, 22
Bovidae, 171-90
Bovids, cattle-like, in Villafranchian, 8
Brasso- z s
Brentford, 30
Bresse Plain, 12
Brown's Orchard, Acton, 30
Bubalus murrensis Berckhemer, see Buffalo,
Murr (Bubalus murrensis Berckhemer), 187
Stehlin's (Syncerus iselim Stehlin), 187,235
horn cores, 83
Calcareous tufas, 31
Canidae, 108-17
Canis sp., 109, 113 (see also Dog, Jackal,
Cannstatt, 31
Capra sp., 181, 182 (see also Ibex)
Capreolus sp., 166 (see also Deer)
Carnivora, 62-129
stratigraphic range of species, 278-80
Carnivores, size oscillation, 105, 106
Castor sp., 197 (see also Beaver)
Castoridae, 197-9
Castoroides, 197
Cat (see also Tiger, Leopard, Dirk-tooth,
Lynx, Panther, Cheetah)
Greater Scimitar (Homotherium sainzelli
Aymard), 75-6, 268
restoration, 29
Lesser Scimitar (Homotherium (Dinobastis)
latidens Owen), 76-7
Cat (contd.)
Martelli's Wild (Felis lunensis Martelli),
Steppe (Felis manul Pallas), 78, 79-80
European Wild (Felis silvestris Schreber),
78-9,25 1
mandible, 30
Jungle (Felis chaus Gueldenstaidt), 80
Cave deposits,
Villafranchian, 8, 15
Late Pleistocene, 31-6
Cave orientation, Hungary, 16
Cave paintings, 270
Cave sediments, Cueva del Toll, 15
Caves, bear, 33, 36, 14
hyena, 36
Cenozoic Era, 5
Cercopithecidae, 58-9
Cervidae, 157-71
Cervus sp., 163 (see also Deer)
Chagny, 10, 1I, 12, 13, 16
Chalk Sea, 3
Chalon. rz
Chamois iRupicapra rupicapra Linne), 175-6,
skull, 77
Charillon-Saint-Jean, 30
Choukoutien, 165
Cheetah, Giant (Acinonyx pardinensis Croizet
& jobert), 88-90
restoration, 35
Chelles Terrace, 31
Chilhac, 13, 16
Chillesford Crag, 22
Chiroptera, 51-7
evolution rate, 264
stratigraphic range of species, 277
Chronologies, alternative absolute, 255, 257,
Table 7
Citellus sp., see Souslik
Civets, see Genet, Ichneumon
Clacton, 29
Clethrionomys sp., 213 (see also Vole)
Cretaceous to Tertiary, 3, 4
Villafranchian, 8
Astian, 9
Climatic change, Pliocene period, 4
Climatic fluctuations,
Ice Age, 4
Pleistocene, 5-6
Leffe, 13, r 6
Cromer, 25
Climatic indicators, flora and fauna as, 6
Climatic phases, dating, Table 1
Coelodonta antiquitatis Blumenbach, see
Rhinoceros, Woolly
'Cold' deposits, 7
Conodontes boisvilletti Laugel, see Beaver,
European Giant
Coralline Crag, 22
Cordillera, 4
Primitive (Vulpes praecorsac Kormos;
Vulpes corsac Linne), 116
Crags, East Anglian, 22
Creodonts, 72
Cretaceous period, 3
Cricetidae, 29-12
size fluctuation, 27, 9
Cricetulus sp., 21 I, 240 (see also Hamster)
Crocidura sp., 48 (see also Shrew)
Crocuta sp., see Hyena
Cromer, 23
Cromer fauna, 24
Cromer interglacial, date, Table I
Cromerian, 24
faunal stratum, 262, I I I
Cromerian interglacial, 19
Csarnota, 16
Cueva del ~ r o l l , 35
sediment profile, 15
Cuon sp., 112, 113 (see also Dhole)
Dama sp., see Deer
Danube complex, 15
Dating, 19-21
from sedimentation rates, 20
radioactive, 19-21
Deep-sea sediments,
dating, 21
Deer, 157-8
Etouaires Deer ('Cervus' ardei Croizet &
Jobert; 'Cervus' issiodorensis Croizet &
joberr ; 'Cervus' cladocerus Pomel;
'Cervus' cusanus Croizet & [obert ;
'Cervus' perrieri Croizet & jobert), 158
Ramosus (Anoglochis ramosus Croizet &
joberr), 158-9
frontlet with antlers, 65
Tegelen (Euctenoceros ctenoides Nesti), 159
Seneze (Euctenoceros senezensis Deperet),
skull and antlers, 66
Philis (Cervus etuerarium Croizet & jobert),
restoration, 68
Bush-antlered (Eucladoceros dicranios
Nesti), 159-60
skull and antlers, 67
Red (Cervus elaphus Linne), 33, 161-3, 268
restoration, 69
Verticornis (Praemegaceros verticornis
Dawkins), 163-4
restoration, 70
Deer (coned.)
Savin's Giant (Megaloceros savini
Dawkins), 164
restoration, 70
Giant (Megaloceros giganteus Blumenbach),
30 , 164-5,1]
restoration, 70
Nesti's Fallow (Dama nestii Major), 165
Clacton Fallow (Dama clactoniana
Falconer), 29, 166
Fallow (Dama dama Linne), 166
Roe (Capreolus capreolus Linne), 166-7
Deperetia ardea Deperet, see Antelope, Arde
Villafranchian, 8, 15, 5
Middle Pleistocene, 5
Desmana moschata Pallas, see Desman,
Pyrenean (Desmana pyrenaica Geoffroy),
European (Desmana moschata Pallas), 48
skull and mandible, 19
Desmania thermalis Kormos, 49
Desmania tegelensis Schreuder, 49
Primitive (Cuon alpinus Pallas), 112-14
skull and mandible, 46
(Cuon majori Del Camoana), 111-12
Sardinian (Cuon alpinus sardous Studiati)
mandible, 47
Dicerorhinus sp., see Rhinoceros
Dicrostonyx sp., 221 (see also Vole)
Diluvium, see Pleistocene Epoch
Dinobastis latidens Owen, see Cat, Lesser
Dinosaurs, age of, 3
Dipodidae, 202-3
Dirk-tooth (Megantereon megantereon Croizet
& Iobert), 73-5, 268
skull, 27
mandible, 27
restoration, 28
Dog, 108--9 (see also Wolf, Jackal, Dhole,
Arno (Canis arnensis Del Campana), 109
European Hunting (Lycaon lycaonoides
Kretzoi), 114
Great Raccoon, see Raccoon-Dog
Dolichodoryceros sussenborensis Kahlke, see
Deer, Savin's Giant
Dolichopithecus arvernensis Deperet, see
Monkey, Auvergne
Dolomys sp., see Vole
Domestication, effect on the fauna, 274
Donau complex, IS
Heller's (Glirulus pusillus Heller), 205-6
Pliocene (Muscardinus pliocaenicus Kowal-
ski; Muscardinus avellanarius Linne),
Dacian (Muscardinus dacicus Kormos), 206
Fat (Glis glis Linne), 206-8
mandible, 92A
Garden (Eliomys quercinus Linne), 208
mandibley ojC
Forest (Dryomys nitedula Pallas), 208
mandible, 92B
Maltese (Leithia melitensis Leith Adams),
mandiblev yjzl
Balearic (Hypnomys mahonensis Bate;
Hypnomys morphaeus Bate), 209
mandiblev ojS
Drachenhohle, 36
Dryomys nitedula Pallas, see Dormouse,
Dryopithecus, 58
Durfort, IS
Dwarfing and population decline, 252
Early Pleistocene stage, 5
climatic oscillations in, 5-6
East Anglian Crags, I I, 22
East Mersea, 30
Eastern Torrs Quarry Cave, 33
Eemian fauna, 29-30
Joint Mitnor Cave, 33
restoration, 1 3
Eastern Torrs Quarry Cave, 33
Tornewton Cave, 33
Eemian interglacial, 19
date, Table I
Eemian Terrace, 29-30
Ehringsdorf, 3I
Elasmotherium sibiricum Fischer, see 'Uni-
corn', Giant
Elephant, 8, 13A
Straight-tusked (Paleoloxodon antiquus
Falconer & Cautley), 29, 30, 31, 134-
5, 1]
restoration, 55
Southern (Archidiskodon meridionalis
Nesti), 132-4
Dwarf, 265
Elephantidae, 132-8
Eliomys quercinus Linne, see Dormouse, Gar-
Elk, Irish, see Deer, Giant
Elk, 254
Gallic CAlces gallicus Azzaroli), 167-8
restoration, 7I
Broad-fronted CAlces latifrons Johnson),
restoration, 7I
Broad-fronted (Alces alces Linne), 168-9
restoration, 7I
geographic distribution, 72
Elk stratum, Tornewton cave, 33
Elster glaciation, 19
Endemic forms, Mediterranean, 265
Enhydrictis ardea Bravard, see Polecat, Arde
Eocene Epoch, 5
Eohippus, 145
Epimachairodus crenatidens Fabrini, see Cat,
Greater Scimitar
Episcopiav zj
Epochs, division of Periods into, 5
Equidae, 145, 147-52
Equus, sp., 150, 151 (see also Horse, Ass,
Eras, division of geological time into, 5
Erinaceidae, 42
Erinaceus sp., 42 (see also Hedgehog)
Ermine, see Stoat
Erpfingen, I I
cave deposits, 15
Eskers, 6
Etouaire Ravine, 9
Etouaires, 10, 16
Eucladoceros sp., 160 (see also Deer)
Euctenoceros sp., 159 (see also Deer)
Europe, climate in Tertiary period, 4
Euryboas, 268
new species, 257-9
fauna, 260-2
rate in different orders, 262, 264, Table 8
Extinct species of Pleistocene, 272
Extinction, rate of, 260
Astian, 9, 16
Villafranchian, 9, 16
chronological sequences, 8-9
forest, 9-10
at Leffe, 15
Pliocene, 17
Forest Bed, 23-4
Cromerian, 25-6
Faunal provinces, 265, 266
Faunal stratum, 261-2
Cromerian, 262, I I I
Faunal succession, later Middle Pleistocene,
'Faunal waves', 9
Felidae, 72-9
Felis sp., 79, 83, 84-5, 88 (see also Cat, Lynx,
Lion, Leopard, Panther)
Ferret, see Polecat, Steppe
Astian, 9
Villafranchian, 10
Fontechevade, 61
Forest Bed Series, 23
in Villafranchian, 10
and pluvials, 10
Fossiliferous gravels,
Sainzelles, 8
Alopecoid (Vulpes alopecoides Major), 114-
teeth, 44
Red (Vulpes uulpes Linne), 115,252,268
teeth, 44
Steppe, see Corsac
Arctic (A/opex lagopus Linne), 116-17,254
teeth, 44
Friesenhahn Cave, 76
Gailenreuth Cave, 36
section, 14
Gallogoral meneghinii Rutimeyer, see Goral,
Game, variations between tribes, 270-1
Gazelle, 10
Bourbon (Gazella borbonica Deperet),
171- 2
skull, 74
European (Gazellospira torticornis
Aymard), 172-3
skull, 75
Gazellospira torticornis Aymard, see Gazelle-
antelope, European
Genet (Genetta genetta Linne), 62
Geographic distribution of species, Table 9,
Geographic origin, European mammal
species, Table 10, 267
Gibraltar 'Ape', 58-9
Gibraltar macaque, 31
Glacial deposits, characteristic fauna, 6
Glacial terraces, Alps, 15
Glaciations, 6, 13, 15
Mindel, 15, 18
Gunz, 18
Riss, 18
Wiirm, 18
Elster, 19
Saale, 19
Warthe-Weichsel, 19
Glaciations (contd.)
North American, 19
Glaciers, continental, 3
Gliridae, 205-9
Glirulus pusillus Heller, see Dormouse,
Glis sp., 206, 207 (see also Dormouse)
Schlosser's (Gulo schlosseri Kormos), 90-2
teeth, 36
Glutton or Wolverine (Gulo gulo Linne), 36,
engraving, 37
Glutton stratum, Tornewton cave, 33
Cave (Myotragus balearicus Bate), 176-7,
skull, 78
Soergel's (Soergelia elisabethae Schaub),
Merla's tHesperoceras merlae Villalta &
Crusafont), 180, 235
Gomphotheriidae, 131-2
European (Gal/ogoral meneghinii
Rutimeyer), 174-5
Sardinian (Nemorhaedus melonii Dehaut),
Grafenrain pit, profile of, 7
Grasslands, in Early Pliocene, 4
Gray's Thurrock, 29, 31
Great interglacial, see Holstein interglacial, 29
Grison, 97-8
Gulo sp., see Glutton
Gunz, date, Table I
Gunz glaciation, 18
Half-life, 261, 262, 264, Table 8
Hamster, 209
Common (Cricetus cricetus Linne), 210
size fluctuations, 245
Giant (Cricetus cricetus runtonensis Hinton),
mandible, 94C
Preglacial (Cricetus praeglacialis Schaub),
21 I
Dwarf (Cricetus nanus Schaub), 2 I I
mandible, 94A
Schaub's Dwarf(Cricetulusbursae Schaub),
mandible, 94B
Migratory (Cricetulus migratorius Pallas),
Ehik's Dwarf (Rhinocricetus ehiki Schaub),
Varying (Lepus timidus Linne), 229-30
skull and mandible, 99
Brown (Lepus europaeus Pallas), 230
skull and mandible, 99
Cape or Tolai (Lepus capensis Linne; Lepus
tolai Pallas), 230-1
Hedgehog, European (Erinaceus europaeus
Linne), 42, 254
Heidelberg Man, 24
Hemitragus sp., 183 (see also Tahr)
Heppenloch cave, 3I
Herpestes ichneumon Linne, see Ichneumon
Hesperoceras merlae Villalta & Crusafont, see
Goat, Merla's
Himalayas, 4
Hipparion, 10
Crusafont's (Hipparion crusafonti Villalta),
Hipparion crusafonti Villalta, see Hipparion,
Hippopotamidae, 156-7
Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius
Linne), 24, 29, 33, 156-7, 254
Dwarf, 265
(Hippopotamus antiquus Desmarest), 156
(Hippopotamus melitensis Major), 157
(Hippopotamus minor Desmarest), 157
(Hippopotamus pentlandi Meyer), 157
Hog, Eurasian Wild (Sus scrofa Linne), 155
Holarctic faunal province, 266
Holocene, date, Table I
Holocene Epoch, 5
Holocene interglacial, 19
Holstein fauna, 29
Holstein terrace, 29
Holsteinian interglacial, 19, 28, 3I, Table I
Hominidae, 59-61
Homo sp., see Man
Homotheriini, 73
Homotherium sp., 76 (see also Cat)
Horse, 10,29,30, 145, 147 (see also Hipparion,
Zebrine (Equus stenonis Cocchi; Equus
sussenbornensis Wiist), 148-9, 268
teeth, 62B, 62C
Caballine (Equus bressanus Viret; Equus
robustus Pomel; Equus mosbachensis
Reichenau; Equus germanicus Neh-
ring; Equus przewalski Poliakoft), 149-
wall painting, 63
teeth, 62D, 62E
One-toed, 8, 10
Horseshoe Bat, see Bat
Hoxnev zo
Human remains, 30, 3I, 33
Hundsheim fissure, 25
Hyaena sp., 65, 71 (see also Hyena)
Hyaenidae, 63-72
Indian (Crocuta sivalensis Falconer &
Cautley), 71
Cave (Crocuta crocuta spelaea Goldfuss),
ivory sculpture of, 26
Perrier (Hyaena perrieri Croizet & jobert),
Brown (Hyaena brunnea Thunberg), 64-5
Hunting (Euryboas lunensis Del Campana),
mandible and tibia, 24
Spotted or Cave (Crocuta crocuta Erxle-
ben), 65,66, 69-72, 251, 252
tibia, 24
skull and mandible, 25
Short-faced (Hyaena brevirostris Aymard),
restoration, 22
Striped (Hyaena hyaena Linne), 66-8, 251,
skull and mandible, 23
Hyena caves, 36
Hyena stratum, Tornewton cave, 33
Hypnomys sp., see Dormouse
Hypolagus brachygnathus Kormos, see Rabbit,
Hystricidae, 199-201
Hystrix sp., 200 (see also Porcupine)
Ibex (Capra ibex Linne), 181
cave painting, 80
Ice Age,
climatic oscillation, 4
causes, 5
Ichneumon (Herpestes ichneumon Linne), 62
Igric Cave, 36
Ilford fauna, 29
Ilford interglacial, 19, 28
date, Table 1
Ilford Terrace, 29
Insectivora, 42-50
stratigraphic range of species, 276-7
Tiglian, 15, 19
Waalian, 19
Crornerian, 19
Holsteinian, 19
lIford, 19
Eerniany ro
Holocene, 19
East Anglian, 23
Interglacial phases, 5
Interglacial shore line, 7
Interstadials, 6, 18
I vanovce fissure, faunas, 17
Golden (Canis aureus Linne), 111
teeth, 44
Jaguar, 251
Jarmo, clay figurines from, I I 1
Great (Allactaga jaculus Pallas), 202-3
geographic distribution, 90
teeth, 89C, D
Joint Mitnor Cave, 33
reconstruction, I 3
Kadzielnia, I I, 17
Kamyk. zy
Kanjera skulls, 61
Kent's Cavern, 69
Kirkdale Cave, 69
Kulan, see Ass, Asiatic Wild
La Niche, 31
Lagomorpha, 226-31
stratigraphic range of species, 285
Lagurus sp., see Lemming
Lake sediments, Hajnacka, 17
Lascaux frieze, 163
Late Pleistocene, cave deposits, 31-6
Late Pleistocene stage, 5
climatic oscillations, 5-6
Late Pliocene stage, 9
Leffe, II, 13, 15
deposits at, 5
glaciations at, 13, 15
Leithia melitensis Leith, see Dormouse, Mal-
Pannonian Steppe (Lagurus pannonicus
Kormosi. z re
Steppe (Lagurus lagurus Pallas), 216-17
Kormos's Steppe (Allophaiomys pliocaeni-
cus Kormos), 217
Norway (Lemmus lemmus Linne), 220, 253
Wood (Myopus schistocolor Lilljeborg), 220
Arctic or Varying (Dicrostomyx torquatus
Lemmus lemmus Linne, see Lemming, Norway
Leopard, Clouded (Felis nebulosa Griffith),
Leopard, 25I
Villafranchian (Felis schaubi Viret), 85
skull, 32
Felis pardus Linne, 87-8
Snow (Felis uncia Schreber), 88
Leporidae, 227-31
Leptobos sp., 183, 184 (see also Ox)
Lepus sp., 229, 230 (see also Hare, Rabbit)
Linnaeus, 40
Tuscany (Felis toscana Schaub), 83-5
Cave (Felis leo spelaea Linne), 36, 85-7, 240
skull and mandible, 33
engraving, 34
Loess, 7
mammal-bearing Villafranchian, 3
Lower Pleistocene stage, see Early Pleistocene
Lunel-Viel cave, 3I
Lutra sp., 105, 107 (see also Otter)
Lutreola lutreola Linne, see Mink, European
Lycaon sp., 114 (see also Dog)
Issoire (Felis issiodorensis Croizet & [obert),
mandible, 31
Northern (Felis lynx Linne), 80
mandible, 31
Rexroad, 82
Pardel (Felis pardina Oken), 82-3, 265
Macaca prisca Gervais, 58
Macaque, Florentine (Macaca florentina
M achairodus, 76
Magra valley, 13
Malusteni, 9
Mammals as climatic indicators, 6
Mammoth, 8, 30, 33
Steppe (Mammuthus trogontherii Pohlig),
Woolly (Mammuthus primigenius Blumen-
bach),29, 30,136-8,254
engraving in ivory, 56
geographical distribution, 57
size variation, 244, 103
Mammutidae, 132
Heidelberg (Homo heidelbergensis
Schoetensack), 59, 60
Neandertal (Homo neanderthalensis King),
Modern (Homo sapiens Linne), 61
Fontechevadev or
Man and extinction of species, 273
Mandible, 64, 87, 98, 99, 16, 17, 18, 19,21,
23, 24, 25, 27, 30, 31 , 33, 38, 39, 40,
41 , 42 , 43, 46, 47, 49, 61, 9
, B,
93A, B, C, 94A, B, C, 95B, C, 97B, D
Mandibular dentition,
Brown Bear, 48A
Deninger's Bear, 48C
Mariupol, I I
1 2
Marine deposits, Villafranchian, 10
Alpine (Marmota marmota Linne), 194
teeth, 85D-F
geographic distribution, 86
Grey (Marmota caligota Eschscholz), 194
Bobak (Marmota bobak Muller), 194, 196
geographic distribution, 86
Marmota primigenia Kaup, 194
Marsupials, meat-eating, 72
Primitive (Martes vetus Kretzoi), 93
Pine (Martes martes Linne), 93-4
skull and mandibles, 38
Beech (Martes foina Erxleben), 95
teeth, 38
Martes sp., 93 (see also Marten, Sable)
Mastodont, 9
Pig-toothed, 131-2
Auvergne (Anancus aruernensis Croizet &
Jobert), 131- 2
restoration, 131
True, 132
Borson's (Zygolophodon borsoni Hays), 132
Mauer, gravel pit at, 24
Mediterranean, endemic forms, 265
Megantereon sp., 74 (see also Dirk-tooth)
Megaloceros sp., 165 (see also Deer)
Megalovis latifrons Schaub, see Sheep, Giant
Meles sp., see Badger
Metacervocerus pardinensis Croizet & jobert,
Microtidae, 212-21
Micromys minutus, see Mouse, Harvest
Microtus sp., 217, 218 (see also Vole)
Middle Pleistocene stage, 5
climatic oscillations in, 5-6
Migrations, 268-9, Table I I, 269
Milan, Villafranchian floras near, 10
Milankovitch, radiation curve of, 20
Mimomys cantianus Hinton, 215
Mimomys newtoni Major, 24, 25, 214
Mimomys pliocaenicus Major, 214
mandible, 95A
Mimomys pusillus Mehely, 214
Mimomys reidi Hinton, 214
Mimomys stehlini Kormos, 24,25, 214
Mindel glacial, date, Table 1
Mindel glaciation, 18, 27
Miniopterus schreibersi Natterer, see Bat,
Mink, European (Mus tela lutreola Linne), 98
Miocene Epoch, 5
Roman (Talpa romana Thomas), 50
Blind (Talpa caeca Savi), 50
Episcopal (Talpa episcopalis Kormos), 50
Mole (contd.)
European (Talpa europea Linne), 49
skull and mandible, 19
Mole Rat, see Rat
Molossidae, 57
Monkey (see also Macaque, Ape)
Auvergne tDolichopithecus arvernensis
Montmaurin cave, 31
Montpellier, 9
Moose, see Elk
Morainic deposits, 6
Morphological boundaries, 238, 100
Mortieres terrace, 3I
Mosbach, 27
Mosbach faunas, 24
Moufton (Ovis musimon Schreber), 180
Mountain chains, in Tertiary period, 3,4
Northern Birch (Sicista betulina Pallas),
Southern Birch (Sicista subtilis Pallas), 202
teeth, 89A, 89B
Schaub's Field (Parapodemus coronensis
Common Field (Apodemus sylvaticus
Linne), 222-3, 254
Yellow-necked Field (Apodemus fiavicollis
Melchior), 223, 254
Broad-toothed Field (Apodemus mystacinus
Danford & Alson), 223
Striped Field (Apodemus agrarius Pallas),
mandiblev yz B
Harvest (Micromys minutus), 223-4
Hensel's Field (Rhagamys orthodon Hen-
skull and mandible, 98
House (Mus musculus Linne), 224-5
mandible. yzD
Mouse-Hare, see Pika, Steppe
Muridae, 221-5
Mus musculus Linne, see Mouse, House
Muscardinus sp., see Dormouse
Mustela sp., 100, 101, 102 (see also Polecat,
Stoat, Mink, Weasel)
Mustelidae, 90-17
Myopus schistocolor Lillieborg, see Lemming,
Myotis sp., see Bat
Myotragus sp., 177 (see also Goat)
Nagyharsanyhegy, 16
Nemorhaedus melonii Dehaut, see Goral,
Neomys sp., 45 (see also Shrew)
Nesiotites sp., 48, 265 (see also Shrew)
Nesiotites corsicanus Bate, 48
Nesiotites hidalgo Bate, 48
Nesolutra euena Bate, 106
Newer Red Crag, 22
Niah Great Cave, 61
Common tNyctalus noctula Schreber), 57
Lesser i Nyctalus leisleri Kuhl), 57
Nomenclature, 39-41
Norwich Crag, 22
Nyctalus noctula Schreber, see Noctule, Com-
Nyctereutes sp., 117 (see also Raccoon-Dog)
Ochotonidae, 226-7
Ochotona pusilla Pallas, see Pika, Steppe
Older Red Crag, 22
Oligocene Epoch, 5
Olivola, 13, 16
Oltet, I I
Onager (Equus onager Pallas), 152
Origination, rate of, 260
Oryctolagus sp., see Rabbit
Otter, 10
Bravard's (Aonyx bravardi Pomel), 105
Corsican (Aonyx antiqua Blainville), 106-7
mandible, 43
Hundsheim (Lutta simplicidens Thenius),
Lutra lutra Linne, 107, 268
teeth, 43
Ovibos moschatus Linne, see Ox, Musk
Ovis sp., 180 (see also Moufton)
Owls, and cave deposits, 3I
Giant Musk (Praeovibos priscus Stau-
dinger), 178
Musk (Ovibus moschatus Linne), 178, 253
figurine, 79
Perrier (Leptobos elatus Pomel), 183-4
Etruscan tLeptobos etruscus Falconer), 184,
188, 189
skull, 81
Palaearctic faunal province, 265
Palaeoloxodon sp., 135 (see also Elephant)
Paleocene Epoch, 5
English (Parailurus anglicus Boyd Daw-
kins; Ailurusfulgens F. Cuvier), 118
Giant (Ailuropoda melanoleuca Milne-
Edwards), 118
Pannonictis sp., see Polecat
Panther, Owen's (Felix pardoides Owen), 85,
Parailurus anglicus Boyd Dawkins, see Panda,
Parapodemus coronensis Schaub, see Mouse,
Schaub's Field
Pardines, 16
Patholops hodgsoni Abel, see Antelope, Chiru
Pearsonian coefficient of variation, skeletal
measurements of cave lion, Table 2
Pebble-tool industry, 60
Pellets, 16
Periglacial zone, 7
Periods, division of Eras into, 5
Perissodactyla, 139-52
evolution rate, 264
stratigraphic range of species, 280-1
Permian Ice Age, 4
Perrier (Mt), II
steppe fauna, 10
Petauria helleri Dehm, 197
Petenyia hungarica Kormos, 46
mandibles, 17
Pig, 153-4 (see also Hog)
Strozzi's (Sus strozzi Meneghini), 154-5
skull and mandible, 64
Sardinian (Prolagus sardus Wagner), 226-7
Steppe (Ochotona pusilla Pallas), 227, 254
Pipistrellus sp., 56 (see also Bat)
Pithecanthropus erectus Dubois, 60
Pitymys sp., 219 (see also Vole)
Plecotus sp., 54-5 (see also Bat)
climatic change, 4
caves, 16
date, Table I
Pleistocene, Late, 29
Pleistocene, Later Middle, 28
faunal succession in, 28
Pleistocene, Middle, 27
Pleistocene Epoch, 5
Pliolagus sp., see Rabbit
Pliomys episcopolis Mehely, see Vole, Episco-
Pliosciuropterus schaubi Sulimski, 197
Pluvials, in Villafranchian, 10
Podlesice, 17
Baranya (Baranogale antiqua Pomel), 95-6
skull and mandible, 39
Beremend (Vormela beremendensis Perenyi),
Marbled (Vormela peregusna Guelden-
Arde (Enhydrictis ardea Bravard), 97-8
Pannonian (Pannonictis pliocaenica
Stromer's (Mustela stromeri Kormos), 98-9
mandible, 40
Mustela putorius Linne, 99-100
mandible, 40
Steppe (Mustela eversmanni Lesson), roo-t
skull and mandible, 40
Pollen analysis, 6, 13, 23
Population trends, 249-52
Populations, evolving, diagrammatic repre-
sentation, 100
Porcupine, 199
geographic distribution, 88
Crested (Hystrix cristata Linne), 200-1
Post-glacial Epoch, see Holocene Epoch
Postglacial, date, Table 1
Potassium-argon dating method, 20, 21
Praemegaceros sp., 164 (see also Deer)
Praeovibos priscus Staudinger, see Ox, Giant
Primates, 58-61
rate of evolution, 264
stratigraphic range of species, 277
Procamptoceras brivatense Schaub, see Ante-
lope, Chamois
Procyonidae, 118
Prolagus sp., 226 (see also Pika)
Prospalax priscus Nehring, see Rat, Primitive
Protactinium/ionium dating method, 21
Pteromys volans Linne, see Squirrel, Flying
Putorius sp., see Polecat
Quaternary Period, 5
Quaternary, species as unit of correlation in,
Beremend (Hypolagus brachygnathus Kor-
mos; Pliolagus beremendensis Kormos;
Pliolagus tothi Kretzoi), 82, 228
Arno (Oryctolagus lacosti Pomel; Lepus
etruscus Bosco; Lepus valdarnensis
Weithofer), 82, 228
Arno (Oryctolagus cuniculus Linne), 228-9
Raccoon-Dog, Great LNyctereutes megamas-
toides Pomel), 9, 117
Radiation curve of Milankovitch, 20
Radioactive dating, 19-20
Radiocarbon dating, 20
Ramapithecus, 59
Rangifer tarandus Linne, see Reindeer
'Raised beach', 7
Rat, Primitive Mole (Prospalax priscus
Nehring), 204-5
geographic distribution, 90
Lesser Mole (Spalax leucodon Nardmann),
Black (Rattus rattus Linne), 225
Brown (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout), 225
Ratte, 12
Rebielice, 1I
Red Crags, see Newer Red Crag, Older Red
Regression, 5, 7
Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus Linne), 25, 33,
170-1, 253
engraving, 73
Reptiles, giant, 3
Rhagamys orthodon Hensel, see Mouse Hen-
sel's Field
Rhinoceros, 9
Christel's iDicerorhinus megarhinus
Christel), 140
Etruscan tDicerorhinus etruscus Falconer),
restoration, 58
Merck's (Dicerorhinus kirchbergensis Jager),
29, 3I, 142- 3
Steppe (Dicerorhinus hemitoechus Falconer),
29, 33, 143
Woolly (Coelodonta antiquitatis Blumen-
restoration, 59
geographical distribution, 60
skull and mandible, 6I
Rhinocerotidae, 140-4
Rhinocricetus ehiki Schaub, see Hamster,
Ehik's Dwarf
Rhinolophidae (Horseshoe Bats), 51-2
Rhinolophus sp., 51, 52 (see also Bat)
Rodentia, 191-225
stratigraphic range of species, 283-5
Rhone Valley, mammal-bearing Villafran-
chian loess, 3
Riss, date, 20
Riss fauna, Tornewton cave, 33
Riss glaciation, 18, 28
Riss interstadial, fossiliferous sites, 3I
Roccaneyra, 16, 20 n. I
Roussillon, 9
Rupicapra rupicapra Linne, see Chamois
Saale glacial terraces, 3I
Saale glaciation, 19
Sable, Martes zibellina Linne, 94
Sabre-tooth, 25 I, 252
Saiga tatarica Linne, see Antelope, Saiga
Saint-Cosme, Villafranchian sands and clays
at, 12
Saint-Prest, 24
Saint-Vallier, 10, II, 13, 16
Sainzelles, 24, 25
Sambar, see Deer, Philis
Savannas, in early Pliocene, 4
Schernfeld fissure, I I, 25
Sciuridae, 192-7
Sciurus sp., 192 (see also Squirrel)
Sea level, 3, 7
Sediments, geological, as climatic indicators, 6
Selsey beach, 30
Seneze, 1I, 13, 16, 24
Serotine, see Bat, Serotine
.Sheep, Giant (Megalovis latifrons Schaub),
Shore line, interglacial, 7
'Short-wave' climatic oscillation, 4-5
Shrew, Common (Sorex araneus Linne), 43
anterior teeth, 16
Masked (Sorex caecutiens Laxmann), 43
Pygmy (Sorex minutus Linne), 43, 254
Kennard's (Sorex kennardi flinton), 44-5
Runton (Sorex runtonensis Hinton), 44-5
Pearl-toothed (Sorex margaritodon
Kormosf. ay
Water (Neomys fodiens) , 45
Beremend (Beremendia fissidens Perenyi),
Etruscan (Suncus etruscus Savi), 46
Bicolour White-toothed (Crocidura leuco-
don Hermann), 46
Common White-toothed (Crocidura rus-
sula Hermann), 47
Tyrrhenian, skull and mandible, 18
Lesser White-toothed (Crocidura suaveo-
lens Pallas), 48
Sicista sp., 202 (see also Mouse)
Size fluctuation, Middle Pleistocene species,
Size decrease and species extinction, 274
Skeletal measurements, Pearsonian coeffi-
cient of variation, Table 2
Skull, 18,19,21,2],25,27, ]2, ]], ]8, ]9, 40,
41, 42, 46, 49, 61, 64, 66, 67, 74, 75,
77, 78, 81, 87, 97A, C, 9
Swanscombe, 29
Kanjera, 61
Niah Great Cave, 61
Smilodon neogaeus Lund, 74
Smilodontini, 73
Soergelia elisabethae Schaub, see Goat,
Solifluction deposits, 7
Sorex sp., 43-6, 16, 17 (see also Shrew)
Soricidae, 43-8
Soriculus kubinyi Kormos, 46
Kormos's (Citel/us primigenius Kormos),
European (Citellus citellus Linne), 196
Spotted (Citel/us suslicus Gueldenstaedt),
Red-cheeked (Citel/us major Pallas; Citellus
rufescens Keyserling &Blasius), 196-7
Spalacidae, 203-5
Spalax sp., 205 (see also Rat)
nomenclature, 39-41
unit for correlation in Quaternary, 237
definition, 237
division, 238, 240
and tooth length, 240, 101
permissible variation, 240, 242
evolutionary changes within, 244
competing, 250-1
origination of Arctic, 253-4
age of living, 254-5, 257, 109
rate of increase of, 255, 109
evolution of new, 257-9
geographic distribution, Table 9, 267
geographic origin of European mammal,
Table 10, 267
stratigraphic range, 275-85
White's (Sciurus whitei Hinton), 192
Red (Sciurus vulgaris Linne), 192-3
Flying (Pteromys volans Linne), 197
Stadials, 18
Steinheimv zc
quantitative faunal distribution, 11
Steppe fauna, 10, 15, 24, 26
Villafranchian, 11
Steppe-living mammals,
relative numbers in Villafranchian, 6
Steppes, in early Pliocene, 4
Primitive (Mustela palerminea Perenyi),
27, 101, 9
mandible, 41
Mustela erminea Linne, 101-2
skull and mandible, 101-2, 268, 41
Stranska Skala cave,
faunal sequence at, 25
Stratigraphic range of species, 275-85
Subspecies, nomenclature, 40
Suidae, 153-5
Suncus sp., 46 (see also Shrew)
Sus sp., 154, 155 (see also Pig)
Sussenborn, 25, 27
Swalecliff, 30
Swanscombe, 29, 10
Syncerus iselini Stehlin, see Buffalo, Stehlin's
Systema naturae, 40
Tadarida teniotis Rafinesque, see Bat, Euro-
pean Free-tailed
Taganrog, I I
European (Hemitragus bonali Harle &
Stehlin), 183
cave painting, 80
Talpa sp., 49, 50 (see also Mole)
Talpidae, 48-50
Tapir, 9
Auvergne (T.apirus arvernensis Croizet &
Iobert), 139
Tapiridae, 139-40
Tapirus arvernensis Croizet & Jobert, see
Tapir, Auvergne
Tarpan, 150
Taubachy j r
Teeth, 16, 20A-F, 36, 38, 43, 44, 54A-D,
62A-F, 85A-C, 89A-E, 92C-D,
Tegelen, I I, 15, 24
Tegelen interglacial, IS, 19
date, Table I
Temperature changes, in geological time, 3
Temperature oscillation and size, 245 (see
also Bergmann's Rule)
Terraces, 29
Terrace relationship, in Lower Thames
Valley, 10
Tertiary Period, 3, 5
Tethys Sea, 4
Teufelslucken, 36, 69
Thames Valley, sequence of terrace relation-
ship, 10
Therailurus, 76
Hunting Hyena, 24
Spotted Hyena, 24
Tiglian interglacial, see Tegelen interglacial
Tills, 6--7
Tischofer Cave, relative numbers of different
species, Table 3
Tools, 270
Tooth length, as basis of species division,
240, 101
Tornewton cave, 3I, 33, 69, 12
Torre, 21
Trafalgar Square, 29
Transgression, 5,7
Travertines, 3I
Trogontherium cuvieri Fischer, see Beaver,
European Giant
Turnover rate, 260- I
Tyrrhenicola henseli Forsyth Major, see Vole,
'Unicorn', Giant (Elasmotheriun sibiricum
Fischer), 144-5
skull and mandible, 61
Upnorv jo
Upper Pleistocene stage, see Late Pleistocene
Uranium-lead dating, 20
Ursidae, 118-29
Ursus sp., 121, 129 (see also Bear)
Val d' Arno basin, 4
Valverde de Calatrava, I I
within populations, 240, 242
coefficient of, 242
Vernacular names, 40
Vertesszollos, 60
Vespertilio sp., 57 (see also Bat)
Vespertilionidae, 52-7
Vialette, 9, ro, I I, 16
Vicarious forms, 242
Villafranca d'Asti, 9, ro, 11,16
Villafranchian (see also Early Pleistocene)
climate, 10
deposits at Leffe, 5
fauna, 5, 6, 10, 16, 17, 24
geographic distribution, I
flora, 10
mammal-bearing loess, 3
pluvials in, 10
variations in numbers of mammal types,
marine deposits, 10
caves, 16
alternation of forest and steppe faunas, 15
date, Table I
Villany, I I, 16, 24
Villanyian faunal stage, 16
Villaroya, 10, 1I, 16
Vincelles, 12
Viverridae, 62
Vogel herd Cave, 271
distribution of game in, Table 12, 271
Volcanic eruption, Hainacka, 17
Volcanoes, Seneze, 13
Vole (see also Arvicola, Mimomys),
Nehring's Snow(Dolomys milleri Nehring),
Martino's Snow (Dolomys bogdanovi Mar-
Episcopal (Pliomys episcopalis Mehely), 213
Bank (Clethrionomys glareolus Schreber),
3, 254
Mimomys, 214-15, 268
Water (Arvicola terrestris Linne; Arvicola
amphibius Linne, 24, 215-16
mandible, 95B
Common (Microtus arvalis Pallas), 217
Field (Microtus agrestis Linne), 217-18
mandiblev oj C
Mediterranean (Microtus guentheri Dan-
ford & Alston), 2 I 8
Root or Tundra (Microtus ratticeps Keyser-
ling & Blasius; Microtus oeconomus
Pallas), 218, 253
Snow (Microtus nivalis Martins), 218-19
Gregarious (Microtus gregalis Pallas;
Microtus anglicus Hinton), 219
Gregarious Pine (Pitymys gregaloides Hin-
ton), 2I9
Pine (Pitymys subterraneus De Selys Long-
champs), 219-22
Tyrrhenian (Tyrrhenicola henseli Forsyth
'Vole spectra', 249, 107
Vormela sp., see Polecat
Vulpes sp., 115, 116 (see also Fox, Corsac)
Waalian fauna, 24
Waalian interglacial, 19, 25
date, Table I
'Warm' deposits, 7
Warsaw, 29
Warthe-Weichsel glaciation, 19
Primitive (Mustela praenivalis Kormos),
mandible, 41
Primitive (Mustela niualis Linne), 103
Least (Mustela rixosa Bangs), 103
Weybourne Crag, 22
Weze fissure, faunas, 17
Wiezchowska Cave, 36, 86
Windloch, 25
Steppe (Bisen priscus Bojanus), 185-6
skull, 81
restoration, 82
Woodland (Bison schoetensacki Freuden-
berg), 186
Woodland (Bison bonasus Linne), 186-7
Canis lupus Linne, 36, 109, 251,268
teeth, 44
engraving, 45
skull and mandible, 46
Falconer's Dire (Canis falconeri Major),
Etruscan (Canis etruscus Major), 109
Wolf Jackal, 251
Wolverine or Glutton (Gulogulo Linne), 92-3
Woodland mammals, relative numbers in
Villafranchian, 6
date, Table I
fauna, 30, 33
glaciation, 18
Terrace, 30
Zapodidae, 201-2
Zebra, 148-9 (see also Horse, Zebrine)
Zygolophodon borsoni Hays, see Mastodont,

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