Annie Besant - Theosophy
Annie Besant - Theosophy
Annie Besant - Theosophy
INDEX * .93
THEOSOPHY is derived from two Greek words Theos,
God; Sophia, Wisdom and is therefore God- Wisdom,
Divine Wisdom. Any dictionary will give as its mean
ing :claim to a direct knowledge of God and of
This inner, or esoteric, side of religion is found in all
the great faiths of the world, more or less explicitly
declared, but always existing as the heart of the religion,
beyond the dogmas which form the exoteric side.
Where the exoteric side propounds a dogma to the in
tellect, the esoteric offers a truth to the Spirit ; the one
is seen and defended by reason, the other is grasped
" "
taught by giving instruction how to pursue the methods
which unfold the life of the Spirit more rapidly than that
life unfolds in natural and unassisted evolution we ;
wisdom among them that are perfect two
as are recorded by
it is
which is the essence of Christianity. It is not a new
thing, but is in all religions, and hence we find the late
eminent Orientalist, Max Miiller, writing his well-known
work on Theosophy, or Psychological Religion.
The unburying of ancient cities, the opening of old
tombs, the translation of archaic manuscripts of both
dead and living religions, proved to demonstration the
fact that all the great religions which existed and
had existed resembled each other in their most salient
features. Their chief doctrines, the outlines of their
morality, the stories which clustered round their
founders, their symbols, their ceremonies, closely
resembled each other. The facts were undeniable, for
they were carved on ancient temples, written down in
ancient books ; the further research was carried, the
bulkier grew the evidence. Even among the most de
graded tribes of savages, traces were found of similar
teachings, traditions of sacred truths overlaid by the
crudities of animism and fetishism. How to explain
such similarities ? what their bearing on Christianity ?
Into that Europe Theosophy suddenly came, assert
ing the Gnosis as against Agnosticism, Comparative
Religion against Comparative Mythology. It declared
that man had not exhausted his powers in using his
senses and his intellect, for that beyond these there
were the intuition and the sure witness of the Spirit ;
palmy days of each religion were its early days, and that
the teachings of the Messenger were never improved
on by the later adherents of the faith, whereas the
contrary must have been the case if the religion had
been produced by evolution the Hindus founded them
selves on their Upanishads, the Zoroastrians on the
teachings of their Prophet, the Buddhists on the sayings
of the Lord Buddha, the Hebrews on Moses and the
Prophets, the Christians on the teachings of the Lord
Christ, the Muhammadans on those of their great
Prophet. Later religious literature consisted of com
mentaries, dissertations, arguments, not of new depar
tures, more inspiring than the original. Inspiration is
ever sought in later days in the sayings of the Founder,
and in the teachings of His immediate disciples. Manu,
Vyasa, Zarathushtra, the Buddha, the Christ these
Figures tower above humanity, and command the love
and reverence of mankind, generation after generation.
These are the Messengers, the religions are their messages.
Theosophy points to all these as the proofs that its
hypothesis is the true explanation of the facts, is no
longer a hypothesis, indeed, but is a truth affirmed by
history. Against this splendid array of Messengers with
their messages, Comparative Mythology cannot bring
one single proof from history of a religion that has
evolved from savagery into spirituality and philosophy ;
its hypothesis is disproved by history.
The Theosophical view is now so widely accepted that
people do not realise how triumphant was the opposing
Their most ancient literature, a part of the Vedas.
theory, when Theosophy again rode into the arena oi
the world s thought in 1875, mounted on its new steed,
the Theosophical Society. But any who would realise
the conditions then existing should turn to the literature
of Comparative Mythology, published during the pre
ceding century, from the voluminous works of Dulaurr
and Dupuis, 1 through Higgins Anacalypsis, to the
books of Hargrave Jennings, Forlong, and a dozen
others, speaking with a positiveness that led the reader
to believe that the statements made were based on facts,
which no educated person could deny. Those who
plunged into that labyrinth of discussions in their youth,
who lost themselves in its endless and intricate windings,
who saw their faith devoured by the Minotaur of Com
parative Mythology, they know and only they can
know in its fullness the intensity of the relief when
the modern Ariadne the much misunderstood and
much maligned Helena Petrovna Blavatsky gave them
a clue which guided them through the mazes of the
labyrinth, and armed them with the sword of the
Secret Doctrine" 2 with which to slay the monster.
As the Theosophical system of thought is an immense,
an all-inclusive, synthesis of truths, as it deals with God,
the Universe, and Man, and their relations to each other,
be best to divide its presentation under four heads,
it will
" "
I use the word to indicate the whole extent of
matter belonging to a definite type, i.e. built of atoms of one
sort. See under "Atoms" in Section VI. There may be several
worlds in a sphere ; thus the heaven-world is in the mental sphere.
The word plane has been used in this sense, but it is found that
people do not readily grasp its meaning.
be noted in its place are made as results of investiga
tions carried on in such spheres by the use of such bodies
by the writer and other Occultists ; we all received the
outline from highly developed members of our humanity,
and have proved it true step by step, and have filled in
many gaps, by our own researches. We, therefore, feel
that we have the right to affirm, on our own first-hand
experience stretching over a period of twenty-three
years in one case, and twenty-five in another that
super-physical research is practicable, and is as trust
worthy as physical research, and should be carried on
in similar ways ; that investigators are subject to errors,
both in physical and super-physical spheres, and for
similar reasons, and that these errors should lead to
closer research and not to its discontinuance.
The following table presents a view of the spheres
related to and including our earth, of the bodies used in
investigating them, and of the states of consciousness
manifested through them by their owner, the Man.
The Eternal Man, a fragment of the Life of God, is
called the Monad, a l
he is verily a Son of
" "
oneness ;
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or l.
matter, he retains for ever under all conditions ; the
implicit has become explicit, the potential the actual.
It is his own Will to live in all spheres, and not only in
one, that draws him into manifestation.
of the etheric matter has also been driven out, the bridge
of communication is broken, and trance is produced ;
consciousness returns It
sleep brings
counsel," better sleep on
and the like. A problem
quietly placed in the mind sleep will gener on going to
ally be found answered in the morning. All these
people do not work consciously in the astral world ; for
this it is necessary that the attention should be turned
outwards, not inwards. Where a man is pure and self-
controlled, and shows helpfulness in the physical world,
he is awakened in the astral world by a more
" "
fall into
" "
in the astral
world, the place for which he has fitted himself. re A
arrangement of the matter of his astral body takes place
automatically, unless he has knowledge enough to
present it. During the life of the physical body, the
astral particles from all the seven astral subdivisions
of matter move freely about among themselves, and
some of all kinds are always on the surface of the astral
body ; sight of the whole astral world depends on the
presence on the surface of the astral body of particles
drawn from all the seven subdivisions, which answer
to our solids, liquids, gases, and the four states of ether.
These particles are not gathered together and fashioned
into an organ of vision, like the physical eye ; when
the Man turns his attention outwards he sees
all over
him," through all these particles, or through such of
them as are in the direction of the object towards which
his attention is turned. 1 If the rearrangement of the
New-comers in the astral world always look through the astral
Both these religions, while ordinarily speaking of hell as
everlasting, have passages in their Scriptures which contradict the
wears away, and the man loses sight of this sphere of
astral life and begins to perceive the next, having learned,
by the sad lesson of bitter suffering, that the pleasures
he valued on earth are verily wombs of pain".
for all useful work is part of the divine Activity, and all
workers are organs of that Activity, the Hands wherewith
the divine Worker accomplishes His work. Production
and distribution agriculture, mining, manufactures,
commerce, the pettiest trade are God s ways of nourish
ing humanity, and are the means of evolution. When a
man, a woman, see their little daily tasks as integral
portions of the one great work, they are no longer
His Face."
1 As George Herbert
drudges but co-workers with God.
is the causal
lectively the
coloured cloud surrounding his dense body. The
etheric portion of the aura can be seen by Dr. Kilner s
1 The reader is advised to refer to the table on p. 25.
apparatus ;
an ordinary clairvoyant usually sees this
and the astral portion ; a clairvoyant more highly
developed sees the etheric, astral, and mental portions.
Few are able to see the portion consisting of the causal
body, and fewer still the rare beauty of the intuitional,
and the dazzling light of the spiritual, vehicles.
The clarity, delicacy, and brilliance of the auric colours,
or their opacity, coarseness, and dullness, show the
general stage of advancement of the owner. Changes
of emotion suffuse the astral portion with transitory
colours, as with the rose of love, the blue of devotion,
the grey of fear, the brown of brutality, the sickly
green of jealousy. The pure yellow of intelligence, the
orange of pride, the brilliant green of mental sympathy
and alertness, are equally familiar. Striations, bands,
streaks, flashes, etc., give a multiplicity of forms for
study, all expressive of certain qualities in the mental
and moral character. The child s aura, again, differs
much from that of the adult. But we must pass on,
as space is limited.
The Mind, working in the mental body, produces re
sults thoughts in the astral and physical bodies, in
the latter by using as its instrument the cerebro-spinal
system. In its own world it sends out definite thought-
The heaven-portion of the mental world is filled with
disearnate human beings, who work out into mental and
moral powers the good experiences they have garnered in
their earthly lives. Here the religious devotee is seen,
rapt in adoring contemplation of the Divine Form he
loved on earth, for God reveals Himself in any form dear
to the human heart ; here the musician fills the air with
melodious sounds, cultivating his capacity into higher
power ; here all that love are in close touch with their
beloved, and love gains new strength and depth by
fullest expressionhere the artists of form and colour
character," which a child brings with
faculties," the
him into the world.
superstitions by
the ordinary, modern man of the world. Yet, since the
visible world is interpenetrated and surrounded by the
invisible, it is not irrational that the influence of the
latter should play on the former. It was regarded
as a superstition at the close of the eighteenth century
to believe that there was a force which made frogs
legs move when hanging on a wire Galvani was much ;
superstition points
the way to the discovery of forces unknown to the
ordinary man. The wise will observe and investigate,
and will study before they reject.
on the facts of Nature known to these highly developed
men, though not to their people.
Deep, unalloyed,
enduring Bliss is the goal of Life the perfect satisfac ;
we happy when
are our life expands, when it becomes
more we suffer when our life diminishes, when it be
have here the two Root Emotions, Love and Hate, both
expressions of Desire the manifestation of the aspect
of Will which is seen throughout the manifested worlds
as Attraction and Repulsion, the Builder and the
Destroyer of universes, systems, and worlds, as well as
of states, families, and individuals. Out of these two
Root Emotions spring all Virtues and Vices ; every
Virtue is an expression of Love, universalised, and
established by right reason as a permanent mode of
consciousness ; every Vice is an expression of Hate,
universalised, and established by wrong reason as a
permanent mode of consciousness ; and " "
wrong have already been defined. This will at once
love is the fulfilling of the law
three main
divisions of Fear, Pride, and Scorn, may be
similarly treated.
Every human being, living in Society, is related in
evitably, by the mere fact of his being there, to all around
him, and this makes him the centre of a web of obliga
tions, of duties ; to give to each related person his due
is to be a man, and a source of social unity ;
" "
to refuse to any his due is to be a bad man, and a " "
is Love," says the Christian ; Brah "
as Morality ".
In order to inspire moral conduct in Theosophists, it
points to the great Teachers as Examples, and inculcates
the forming of a moral Ideal and the practice of medita
tion thereon. An ideal is a synthesis of true fixed ideas,
intended to be an object of attentive and sustained
thought, and thus to influence conduct. By the laws
of thought to be treated in Section III. the effect
of such thought is to transform the thinker into the
likeness of his ideal, and thus to build up a noble char
acter. Along this line of moral evolution Theosophists
not to the law of
Egyptian faith gave Philse to the world Hinduism ;
PHILOSOPHY is an explanation of Life, constructed by
the Mind and accepted as true by the Intellect. Without
an explanation which satisfies the reason, a man remains
restless and discontented. The unintelligibility of life
is torture to the thoughtful one cannot rest in the
mean death.
the candle burns out. The flame was only the result
of combustion, and with the ceasing of combustion the
flame necessarily ceases also. All materialistic philo
sophies are built on this basis.
(2) All comes forth from Spirit, pure mind, the One
Existence, and matter is merely a creation of the Spirit
engaged in thought. There is really no matter ; it is
an illusion, and if the Spirit rises above this illusion he
is free, self-sufficing, omnipotent. imagines He himself
separate, and
is separate ; he imagines objects, and is
surrounded by them he imagines pain, and he suffers ; ;
The LOGOS shows Himself in His universe or system
under three aspects the "Persons" of the Christian
Trinity those of Will, Wisdom (or Knowledge-Love),
and Creativeness (or Activity). The human Monad is a
fragment of his divine Parent, and reproduces these three
aspects in Himself, manifesting them in Man as Spirit.
Hence the human spiritual Will, being part of the one Will,
is irresistible Power, when the
Spirit realises his unity
See for the further working out of this, Section VI., "A few
Details about Systems and Worlds ".
with the LOGOS. Hence to the human spiritual Wisdom
nothing in Nature can be veiled. Hence by the human
spiritual Creativeness all can be achieved.
It is this last aspect in the human Trinity which can
build up all that Wisdom can conceive and that Will can
determine. As Intellect in the subtler worlds and as
Mind in the lower, it stretches out into the cosmos, to
seen that by the use of bodies Man may know the outer
universe, and consciousness may become aware of its en
vironment beginning to borrow Myers terminology
Thought being the manifestation of Creativeness,
the third aspect of the human triplicity, Theosophic
philosophy applies it to quicken human evolution.
The application of the general laws of the evolution of
mind to this quickening of the evolution of a particular
consciousness is called in the East yoga. The word
means union," and is used to indicate the conscious
is a triplicity ; desire
conceives it, thought plans it, and the final act is the
embodiment of both. Hence that final act is often pre
cipitated by favourable circumstances when desire has
grown strong, and thought has completely sketched the
carrying out ;
the mental action precedes the physical,
and when a man has dallied in thought with the idea
of a good or of an evil action, he may find himself per
forming it in the outer world
even before he realises
what he doing ; when the gate of opportunity has
our bodies, and are given new ones by our Father, the
The method is simple enough a seed of divine con
felt ; knowledgeable
than at his first birth. This is repeated over and over
again, till he has gradually but definitely arrived at
conclusions that murder and theft and other such
actions cause unhappiness, and love and kindness cause
happiness he has thus acquired a conscience, though
Every pain
that I suffered in one body became a power which I
wielded in the next." l His stay in the third world
increases in length and richness of yield as he progresses.
At last he approaches the term of his long pilgrimage ;
he enters the Path, passes through the great Initiations,
and reaches human perfection. 2 For him, Reincarna
tion is over, for he has spiritualised matter for his own
use, and while he may wear it, it cannot blind or rule him.
Looking at this long-turning wheel of Births and
Deaths, a man may feel a sense of weariness. But it
must be remembered that each life-period is new to the
one living through it by a wise arrangement, a man
Edward Carpenter, Towards Democracy, "
The Pat>>
*n Perfection and Divine Men."
down here forgets his past, at least until he is strong
enough to bear its weight, and as Goethe said rejoicingly,
we return bathed and fresh. There is no sense of
" "
Re ".
same, inside it. And so, in the larger life, we are the
same, the ever-living, ever-working Spirits. When we
realise this, pain and weariness drop away, for we see
them as belonging to that which is not ourselves. To
stand in the fixed centre, and to look at the whirling
wheel from there, is very refreshing and very useful.
If any of my readers feel tired, I would invite them to
seek for awhile this Place of Peace.
Karma," The
clear understanding of this is
needed for the grasping of the three subsidiary laws
which affect our future destiny.
But necessary to realise that karma is a law
first it is
of nature,and not an arbitrary enactment which may
be changed at will, and that it brings about results,
but does not reward or punish. A law of nature is not
a command, but a relation, an invariable sequence.
It does not reward or punish, but yields invariable, and
therefore foreseeable, results.
It may be stated generally as follows : Where A and
B are in a certain relation to each other, C will follow.
Suppose we object to C ; we must keep A and B out
of Nature does not say
that relation. You must :
plish it. :
Though the mills of God grind slowly yet they grind exceeding
small ;
Spirit to denote
the Monad clothed in an atom of the highest manifested
world, and the word to denote him clothed
" "
in an additional atom of the next lower one.
The word Religion covers Man s search for God
" "
"To know God
which makes such knowledge possible. God is all and "
in all
of the Mystic, and is the true meaning of the
word mistranslated fear which is the beginning of
" " "
Introduction ".
to be one with God, is the aim of Theosophy, as of all
true Religion. All else is means to this end.
The common doctrines of religions, that which has been
believed everywhere, at all times, and by everyone,
form the body of doctrines promulgated by Theosophy.
These are The One Existence the One God mani
vehicle :
Qualifications" ;
these are Discrimination between the Real and the
Unreal Dispassion, or Desirelessness as regards the
; (2)
Unreal (3) the Six Jewels, or Good Conduct, comprising
Initiation is a definite ceremony, conducted by
that He becomes a liberated Spirit He has reached "
See Section VI., "
religions directly or through His messengers, and places
each under the protection of a Master, He Himself
superintending and blessing all. When He becomes a
Buddha, He leaves the earth, and is succeeded by
another as Bodhisattva.
These Mighty Beings are the vicegerents on our earth
of the Supreme Lord, the LOGOS, or manifested God.
They are "ministers of His, that do His pleasure".
Thus it comes to pass that His world is guided, pro
tected, assisted, as it slowly rolls upwards, by the long
road of evolution, to His Feet.
IT may help the reader to understand the value of
Theosophy in its bearing on Life, if we consider how it
may be applied to the resolution of some of the more
painful problems which confront us in the present state
of Society. Many suggestions may be drawn from
civilisations founded and ruled in the past by members
of the White Brotherhood, although, under the greatly
changed conditions now prevailing, new applications
.of the fundamental principles must be devised. The
foundation of a stable Society must be Brotherhood ;
doctrine of rights ;
The suggestions which follow are the results of my
own study of what has been done in the past, and of my
own thought on present conditions. They are only
Much of interest and value may be found on the Manu s policy
in Bhagavan Das Science of Social Organisation,
suggestions, and many Theosophists might disagree
with them. My only wish is to indicate a line of change
consonant with Theosophical ideas. Brotherhood im
peratively demands fundamental social changes, and
the rapid growth of unrest, justified by the conditions
of the classes that live by manual labour, will force a
change ere long. The only question is whether the
change shall be brought about by open-eyed wisdom
or by blind
suffering. At present, Society is engaged in
trying the latter plan.
The land of a country should be used to support :
(1) the Ruler, his Councillors, Officials of every grade,
the administration of Justice, the maintenance of in
ternal Order and of National Defence ; (2) Religion,
Education, Amusement, Pensions, and the care of the
Sick ; (3) all who are not included under (1) and (2),
and who gain their livelihood by manual labour in pro
duction and distribution.
Education, free and universal, should be the only work
of the period between seven and twenty-one years of
age, so that the youths of both sexes should, on reach
ing manhood and womanhood, be ready to become
dutiful and useful citizens, with their faculties well
developed, so that they would be capable of leading an
honourable, self-supporting and self-respecting life.
The working life and all should work in one of the
three above-named divisions should last from twenty-
one to fifty years of age, unless a shorter term should be
found sufficient for the support of the nation. During
the remainder of the life, the citizen should be hi receipt
of a pension, the result of the accumulated surplus of
his working years, and therefore a repayment, not a gift ;
he should be free to devote himself to any pursuit he
Production and distribution should be organised by
such men as make the huge fortunes now becoming so
numerous, and after full provision for all concerned in
the producing and distributing, the surplus profits
should go to (1) and (2), chiefly to the latter. The
organisation of industry should be governed by the idea
that labour should be rendered as little burdensome as
possible by healthy conditions and by the substitution
of machinery for human beings in all unpleasant and
dangerous work mining, drainage, and the like where ;
long ago,
made by Fohat," the power of the Supreme LOGOS.
1 A Text-Boole of Theosophy, p. 27
81 w
Godness," or
nature". Each atom has thus its "Godness". The
measure of the vibration of the atom, imposed upon it
When this part of the work has proceeded sufficiently
far for planets to be possible within the Solar System,
a series of six globes composed of the matter of the
spheres of varying densities is formed in connection with
each planet seven globes, including the planet. Such
a series is called a Chain, and during its period of evolu
tion it passes through seven stages, or lives ; there is
thus a succession of seven Chains, and this complete
series is termed a Scheme of Evolution, and is under the
charge of a mighty spiritual Intelligence, called by
Theosophists a Ruler of seven Chains 1 There are
Revelation of
S. John". They are at different stages of evolution,
marked by the sphere of matter in which their lowest
globes exist. Thus the Neptunian and the Terrene
Chains have each three globes in the physical sphere,
for these are both at their deepest point of descent into
matter, in their middle, or fourth, life. The seven
globes of the Earth Chain include Mars, the Earth, and
Mercury ;those of the Neptunian, Neptune and his
two satellites.
Those who are interested in this part of Theosophical
study must pursue it in larger books, for it is naturally
very complicated.
Called also a Planetary Logos, but the name causes confusion.
finer kinds of matter which form the higher mental
sphere ;
matter thus infused with the second Life- Wave
is called, when atomic, Monadic Essence," because it "
is used, it is called
borrowed from the writings of mediaeval Occultists ;
it was bestowed by them on the matter of which the
bodies of nature-spirits were composed, for they spoke
Elementals," dividing them into classes
of these as
Elements of Air, Mre, Water, and
belonging to the
Elemental Kingdom". All abstract "thought-forms"
made of this, and a large and splendid host of Angels
Bodiless Devas have bodies composed of this matter.
The four lower levels of the mental sphere, suffused by
the second Life- Wave, form the
second Elemental
of this are made the bodies of the lower
Kingdom ;
ties and builds forms the third carries down the human