Birth Defects and Prenatal Diagnosis
Birth Defects and Prenatal Diagnosis
Birth Defects and Prenatal Diagnosis
Birth Defects Birth defect, congenital malformation, and congenital anomaly are synonymous terms used to describe structural, behavioral, functional, and metabolic disorders present at birth. The science that studies these disorders is teratology (Gr. teratos, monster). Major structural anomalies occur in 2 to 3% of liveborn infants, and an additional 2 to 3% are recognized in children by age 5 years, for a total of 4 to 6%. Birth defects are the leading cause of infant mortality, accounting for approximately 21% of infant deaths. They are the fth leading cause of years of potential life lost prior to age 65 and a major contributor to disabilities. They are also nondiscriminatory; mortality rates produced by birth defects are the same for Asians, African Americans, Latin Americans, whites, and Native Americans. In 40 to 60% of persons with birth defects, the cause is unknown. Genetic factors, such as chromosome abnormalities and mutant genes, account for approximately 15%; environmental factors produce approximately 10%; a combination of genetic and environmental inuences (multifactorial inheritance) produces 20 to 25%; and twinning causes 0.5 to 1%. Minor anomalies occur in approximately 15% of newborns. These structural abnormalities, such as microtia (small ears), pigmented spots, and short palpebral ssures, are not themselves detrimental to health
but, in some cases, are associated with major defects. For example, infants with one minor anomaly have a 3% chance of having a major malformation; those with two minor anomalies have a 10% chance; and those with three or more minor anomalies have a 20% chance. Therefore, minor anomalies serve as clues for diagnosing more serious underlying defects. In particular, ear anomalies are easily recognizable indicators of other defects and are observed in virtually all children with syndromic malformations. TYPES OF ABNORMALITIES Malformations occur during formation of structures, for example during organogenesis. They may result in complete or partial absence of a structure or in alterations of its normal conguration. Malformations are caused by environmental and/or genetic factors acting independently or in concert. Most malformations have their origin during the third to eighth weeks of gestation. Disruptions result in morphological alterations of already formed structures and are due to destructive processes. Vascular accidents leading to bowel atresias (see Chapter 13; p. 296) and defects produced by amniotic bands are examples of destructive factors that produce disruptions. Deformations are due to mechanical forces that mold a part of the fetus over a prolonged period. Clubfeet, for example, are due to compression in the amniotic cavity. Deformations often involve the musculoskeletal system and may be reversible postnatally. A syndrome is a group of anomalies occurring together that have a specic common cause. This term indicates that a diagnosis has been made and that the risk of recurrence is known. In contrast, association is the nonrandom appearance of two or more anomalies that occur together more frequently than by chance alone, but whose cause has not been determined. Examples include CHARGE (Colobomas, Heart defects, Atresia of the choanae, Retarded growth, Genital anomalies, and Ear abnormalities) and VACTERL (Vertebral, Anal, Cardiac, Tracheo Esophageal, Renal, and Limb anomalies). Although they do not constitute a diagnosis, associations are important because recognition of one or more of the components promotes the search for others in the group. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Until the early 1940s it was assumed that congenital defects were caused primarily by hereditary factors. With the discovery by Gregg that German measles affecting a mother during early pregnancy caused abnormalities in the embryo, it suddenly became evident that congenital malformations in humans could also be caused by environmental factors. In 1961 observations by Lenz linked limb defects to the sedative thalidomide and made it clear that drugs could also cross the placenta and produce birth defects (Fig. 7.1). Since that
Figure 7.1 A. Child with unilateral amelia. B. Child with meromelia. The hand is attached to the trunk by an irregularly shaped bone. Both infants were born to mothers who took thalidomide.
time many agents have been identied as teratogens (factors that cause birth defects) (Table 7.1).
Principles of Teratology Factors determining the capacity of an agent to produce birth defects have been dened and set forth as the principles of teratology. They include the following: 1. Susceptibility to teratogenesis depends on the genotype of the conceptus and the manner in which this genetic composition interacts with the environment. The maternal genome is also important with respect to drug metabolism, resistance to infection, and other biochemical and molecular processes that affect the conceptus. 2. Susceptibility to teratogens varies with the developmental stage at the time of exposure. The most sensitive period for inducing birth defects is the third to eighth weeks of gestation, the period of embryogenesis. Each organ system may have one or more stages of susceptibility. For example, cleft palate can be induced at the blastocyst stage (day 6),
Teratogen Infectious agents Rubella virus Cytomegalovirus Herpes simplex virus Varicella virus HIV Toxoplasmosis Syphilis Physical agents X-rays Hyperthermia Chemical agents Thalidomide Aminopterin Diphenylhydantoin (phenytoin) Valproic acid Trimethadione Lithium Amphetamines Warfarin ACE inhibitors Cocaine Alcohol Isotretinoin (vitamin A) Industrial solvents Organic mercury Lead Hormones Androgenic agents (ethisterone, norethisterone) Diethylstilbestrol (DES) Maternal diabetes
Cataracts, glaucoma, heart defects, deafness, teeth Microcephaly, blindness, mental retardation, fetal death Microphthalmia, microcephaly, retinal dysplasia Limb hypoplasia, mental retardation, muscle atrophy Microcephaly, growth retardation Hydrocephalus, cerebral calcications, microphthalmia Mental retardation, deafness Microcephaly, spina bida, cleft palate, limb defects Anencephaly, spina bida, mental retardation, facial defects Limb defects, heart malformations Anencephaly, hydrocephaly, cleft lip and palate Fetal hydantoin syndrome: facial defects, mental retardation Neural tube defects, heart, craniofacial, and limb anomalies Cleft palate, heart defects, urogenital and skeletal abnormalities Heart malformations Cleft lip and palate, heart defects Chondrodysplasia, microcephaly Growth retardation, fetal death Growth retardation, microcephaly, behavioral abnormalities, gastroschisis Fetal alcohol syndrome, short palpebral ssures, maxillary hypoplasia, heart defects, mental retardation Vitamin A embryopathy: small, abnormally shaped ears, mandibular hypoplasia, cleft palate, heart defects Low birth weight, craniofacial and neural tube defects Neurological symptoms similar to those of cerebral palsy Growth retardation, neurological disorders Masculinization of female genitalia: fused labia, clitoral hypertrophy Malformation of the uterus, uterine tubes, and upper vagina; vaginal cancer; malformed testes Variety of malformations; heart and neural tube defects most common
during gastrulation (day 14), at the early limb bud stage (fth week), or when the palatal shelves are forming (seventh week). Furthermore, while most abnormalities are produced during embryogenesis, defects may also be induced before or after this period; no stage of development is completely safe. 3. Manifestations of abnormal development depend on dose and duration of exposure to a teratogen. 4. Teratogens act in specic ways (mechanisms) on developing cells and tissues to initiate abnormal embryogenesis (pathogenesis). Mechanisms may involve inhibition of a specic biochemical or molecular process; pathogenesis may involve cell death, decreased cell proliferation, or other cellular phenomena. 5. Manifestations of abnormal development are death, malformation, growth retardation, and functional disorders. Infectious Agents Infectious agents that cause birth defects (Table 7.1) include a number of viruses. Rubella used to be a major problem, but the ability to detect serum antibody titers and development of a vaccine have signicantly lowered the incidence of birth defects from this cause. Today approximately 85% of women are immune. Cytomegalovirus is a serious threat. Often, the mother has no symptoms, but the effects on the fetus can be devastating. The infection is often fatal, and if it is not, meningoencephalitis caused by the virus produces mental retardation. Herpes simplex, varicella, and human immunodeciency (HIV) viruses can cause birth defects. Herpes-induced abnormalities are rare, and usually infection is transmitted as a venereal disease to the child during delivery. Similarly, HIV (the cause of acquired immunodeciency syndrome, or AIDS) appears to have a low teratogenic potential. Infection with varicella causes a 20% incidence of birth defects. Other Viral Infections and Hyperthermia Malformations following maternal infection with measles, mumps, hepatitis, poliomyelitis, ECHO virus, Coxsackie virus, and inuenza virus have been described. Prospective studies indicate that the malformation rate following exposure to these agents is low if not nonexistent. A complicating factor introduced by these and other infectious agents is that most are pyrogenic, and elevated body temperature (hyperthermia) is teratogenic. Defects produced by exposure to elevated temperatures include anencephaly, spina bida, mental retardation, micropthalmia, and facial abnormalities. In addition to febrile illnesses, use of hot tubs and saunas can produce sufcient temperature elevations to cause birth defects.
Toxoplasmosis and syphilis cause birth defects. Poorly cooked meat; domestic animals, especially cats; and feces in contaminated soil can carry the protozoan parasite Toxoplasmosis gondii. A characteristic feature of fetal toxoplasmosis infection is cerebral calcications. Radiation Ionizing radiation kills rapidly proliferating cells, so it is a potent teratogen, producing virtually any type of birth defect depending upon the dose and stage of development of the conceptus at the time of exposure. Radiation from nuclear explosions is also teratogenic. Among women survivors pregnant at the time of the atomic bomb explosions over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 28% aborted, 25% gave birth to children who died in their rst year of life, and 25% had severe birth defects involving the central nervous system. Radiation is also a mutagenic agent and can lead to genetic alterations of germ cells and subsequent malformations. Chemical Agents The role of chemical agents and pharmaceutical drugs in the production of abnormalities in humans is difcult to assess for two reasons: (a) most studies are retrospective, relying on the mothers memory for a history of exposure; and (b) pregnant women take a large number of pharmaceutical drugs. A National Institutes of Health study discovered that pregnant women took 900 different drugs, for an average of 4 per woman. Only 20% of pregnant women used no drugs during their pregnancy. Even with this widespread use of chemical agents, relatively few of the many drugs used during pregnancy have been positively identied as being teratogenic. One example is thalidomide, an antinauseant and sleeping pill. In 1961 it was noted in West Germany that the frequency of amelia and meromelia (total or partial absence of the extremities), a rare hereditary abnormality, had suddenly increased (Fig. 7.1). This observation led to examination of the prenatal histories of affected children and to the discovery that many mothers had taken thalidomide early in pregnancy. The causal relation between thalidomide and meromelia was discovered only because the drug produced such an unusual abnormality. If the defect had been a more common type, such as cleft lip or heart malformation, the association with the drug might easily have been overlooked. Other drugs with teratogenic potential include the anticonvulsants diphenylhydantoin (phenytoin), valproic acid, and trimethadione, which are used by epileptic women. Specically, trimethadione and diphenylhydantoin produce a broad spectrum of abnormalities that constitute distinct patterns of dysmorphogenesis known as the trimethadione and fetal hydantoin syndromes. Facial clefts are particularly common to these syndromes. Valproic acid also causes craniofacial abnormalities but has a particular propensity for producing neural tube defects.
Antipsychotic and antianxiety agents (major and minor tranquilizers, respectively) are suspected producers of congenital malformations. The antipsychotics phenothiazine and lithium have been implicated as teratogens. Although evidence for the teratogenicity of phenothiazines is conicting, that concerning lithium is better documented. In any case, it has been strongly suggested that use of these agents during pregnancy carries a high risk. Similar observations have been made for the antianxiety agents meprobamate, chlordiazepoxide, and diazepam (Valium). A prospective study showed that severe anomalies occurred in 12% of fetuses exposed to meprobamate and 11% in those exposed to chlordiazepoxide, compared with 2.6% of controls. Likewise, retrospective studies demonstrate up to a fourfold increase in cleft lip with or without cleft palate in offspring whose mothers took diazepam during pregnancy. The anticoagulant warfarin is teratogenic, whereas heparin does not appear to be. Antihypertensive agents that inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors produce growth retardation, renal dysfunction, fetal death, and oligohydramnios. Caution has also been expressed regarding a number of other compounds that may damage the embryo or fetus. The most prominent among these are propylthiouracil and potassium iodide (goiter and mental retardation), streptomycin (deafness), sulfonamides (kernicterus), the antidepressant imipramine (limb deformities), tetracyclines (bone and tooth anomalies), amphetamines (oral clefts and cardiovascular abnormalities), and quinine (deafness). Finally, there is increasing evidence that aspirin (salicylates), the most commonly ingested drug during pregnancy, may harm the developing offspring when used in large doses. One of the increasing problems in todays society is the effect of social drugs, such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), PCP (phencyclidine, or angel dust), marijuana, alcohol, and cocaine. In the case of LSD, limb abnormalities and malformations of the central nervous system have been reported. A comprehensive review of more than 100 publications, however, led to the conclusion that pure LSD used in moderate doses is not teratogenic and does not cause genetic damage. A similar lack of conclusive evidence for teratogenicity has been described for marijuana and PCP. Cocaine has been reported to cause a number of birth defects, possibly due to its action as a vasoconstrictor that causes hypoxia. There is a well-documented association between maternal alcohol ingestion and congenital abnormalities, and these defects, together with mental retardation and growth deciency, make up the fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) (Fig. 7.2). Even moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy may be detrimental to embryonic development. The central nervous system is particularly sensitive to alcohol, and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) may result from exposure. The incidence of FAS and ARND together is 1 in 100 live births. Furthermore, alcohol is the leading cause of mental retardation.
Figure 7.2 A. Characteristic features of a child with fetal alcohol syndrome. B. Child with fetal alcohol syndrome illustrating many of the features in the drawing. These children may also have cardiovascular and limb defects.
Cigarette smoking has not been linked to major birth defects, but it does contribute to intrauterine growth retardation and premature delivery. There is also evidence that it causes behavioral disturbances. Isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid), an analogue of vitamin A, has been shown to cause a characteristic pattern of malformations known as the isotretinoin embryopathy or vitamin A embryopathy. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of cystic acne and other chronic dermatoses, but it is highly teratogenic and can produce virtually any type of malformation. Even topical
retinoids, such as etretinate, may have the potential to cause abnormalities. With the recent support for the use of multivitamins containing folic acid, there is concern that overuse of vitamin supplements could be harmful, since most contain approximately 8,000 IU of vitamin A. How much is potentially harmful is controversial, but most scientists agree that 25,000 IU is a threshold level for teratogenicity.
Hormones Androgenic Agents. In the past synthetic progestins were frequently used during pregnancy to prevent abortion. The progestins ethisterone and norethisterone have considerable androgenic activity, and many cases of masculinization of the genitalia in female embryos have been reported. The abnormalities consist of an enlarged clitoris associated with varying degrees of fusion of the labioscrotal folds. Endocrine Disrupters. Endocrine disrupters are exogenous agents that interfere with the normal regulatory actions of hormones controlling developmental processes. Most commonly these agents interfere with the action of estrogen through its receptor to cause developmental abnormalities of the central nervous system and reproductive tract. For some time it has been known that the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol, which was used to prevent abortion, raised the incidence of carcinomas of the vagina and cervix in women exposed to the drug in utero. Furthermore, a high percentage of these women had reproductive dysfunction due in part to congenital malformations of the uterus, uterine tubes, and upper vagina. Male embryos exposed in utero can also be affected, as evidenced by an increase in malformations of the testes and abnormal sperm analysis among these individuals. In contrast to females, however, males do not demonstrate an increased risk of developing carcinomas of the genital system. Today environmental estrogens are a concern and numerous studies to determine their effects on the unborn are under way. Decreasing sperm counts and increasing incidences of testicular cancer, hypospadias, and other abnormalities of the reproductive tract in humans, together with documented central nervous system abnormalities (masculinization of female brains and feminization of male brains) in other species with high environmental exposures, have raised awareness of the possible harmful effects of these agents. Many are formed from chemicals used for industrial purposes and from pesticides. Oral Contraceptives. Birth control pills, containing estrogens and progestogens, appear to have a low teratogenic potential. Since other hormones, such as diethylstilbestrol, produce abnormalities, however, use of oral contraceptives should be discontinued if pregnancy is suspected.
Cortisone. Experimental work has repeatedly shown that cortisone injected into mice and rabbits at certain stages of pregnancy causes a high percentage of cleft palates in the offspring. However, it has been impossible to implicate cortisone as an environmental factor causing cleft palate in humans.
Maternal Disease Diabetes. Disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism during pregnancy in diabetic mothers cause a high incidence of stillbirths, neonatal deaths, abnormally large infants, and congenital malformations. The risk of congenital anomalies in children of diabetic mothers is 3 to 4 times that for the offspring of nondiabetic mothers and has been reported to be as high as 80% in the offspring of diabetics with long-standing disease. The variety of observed malformations includes caudal dysgenesis (sirenomelia). Factors responsible for these abnormalities have not been delineated, although evidence suggests that altered glucose levels play a role and that insulin is not teratogenic. In this respect, a signicant correlation exists between the severity and duration of the mothers disease and the incidence of malformations. Also, strict control of maternal metabolism with aggressive insulin therapy prior to conception reduces the occurrence of malformations. Such therapy, however, increases the frequency and severity of hypoglycemic episodes. Numerous animal studies have shown that during gastrulation and neurulation, mammalian embryos depend on glucose as an energy source, so that even brief episodes of low blood glucose are teratogenic. Therefore, caution must be exercised in managing the pregnant diabetic woman. In the case of non-insulin-dependent diabetes, oral hypoglycemic agents may be employed. These agents include the sulfonylureas and biguanides. Both classes of agents have been implicated as teratogens. Phenylketonuria. Mothers with phenylketonuria (PKU), in which the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase is decient, resulting in increased serum concentrations of phenylalanine, are at risk for having infants with mental retardation, microcephaly, and cardiac defects. Women with PKU who maintain their low phenylalanine diet prior to conception reduce the risk to their infants to that observed in the general population.
Nutritional Deciencies Although many nutritional deciencies, particularly vitamin deciencies, have been proven to be teratogenic in laboratory animals, the evidence in humans is sparse. Thus, with the exception of endemic cretinism, which is related to iodine deciency, no analogies to animal experiments have been discovered. However, the evidence suggests that poor maternal nutrition prior to and during pregnancy contributes to low birth weight and birth defects.
Obesity Prepregnancy obesity, dened as having a body mass index (BMI) >29kg/m2 , is associated with a two- to three-fold increased risk for having a child with a neural tube defect. Causation has not been determind but may relate to maternal metabolic disturbances affecting glucose, insulin, or other factors. Hypoxia Hypoxia induces congenital malformations in a great variety of experimental animals. Whether the same is valid for humans remains to be seen. Although children born at relatively high altitudes are usually lighter in weight and smaller than those born near or at sea level, no increase in the incidence of congenital malformations has been noted. In addition, women with cyanotic cardiovascular disease often give birth to small infants, but usually without gross congenital malformations. Heavy Metals Several years ago, researchers in Japan noted that a number of mothers with diets consisting mainly of sh had given birth to children with multiple neurological symptoms resembling cerebral palsy. Further examination revealed that the sh contained an abnormally high level of organic mercury, which was spewed into Minamata Bay and other coastal waters of Japan by large industries. Many of the mothers did not show any symptoms themselves, indicating that the fetus was more sensitive to mercury than the mother. In the United States, similar observations were made when seed corn sprayed with a mercury-containing fungicide was fed to hogs and the meat was subsequently eaten by a pregnant woman. Similarly in Iraq, several thousand babies were affected after mothers ate grain treated with mercury-containing fungicides. Lead has been associated with increased abortions, growth retardation, and neurological disorders. MALE-MEDIATED TERATOGENESIS A number of studies have indicated that exposures to chemicals and other agents, such as ethylnitrosourea and radiation, can cause mutations in male germ cells. Epidemiological investigations have linked paternal occupational and environmental exposures to mercury, lead, solvents, alcohol, cigarette smoking, and other compounds to spontaneous abortion, low birth weight, and birth defects. Advanced paternal age is a factor for an increased risk of limb and neural tube defects, Down syndrome, and new autosomal dominant mutations. Interestingly, men younger than 20 also have a relatively high risk of fathering a child with a birth defect. Even transmission of paternally mediated toxicity is possible through seminal uid and from household contamination
from chemicals brought home on workclothes by the father. Studies also show that males with birth defects themselves have a greater than twofold risk of having an affected child.
Prevention of Birth Defects Many birth defects can be prevented. For example, supplementation of salt or water supplies with iodine eliminates mental retardation and bone deformities resulting from cretinism. Placing women with diabetes or PKU under strict metabolic control prior to conception reduces the incidence of birth defects in their offspring. Folate supplementation lowers the incidence of neural tube defects, such as spina bida and anencephaly. Avoidance of alcohol and other drugs during all stages of pregnancy reduces the incidence of birth defects. A common denominator for all prevention strategies is to initiate interventions prior to conception. Such an approach also helps prevent low-birth-weight babies. It is important for physicians prescribing drugs to women of childbearing age to consider the possibility of pregnancy and the potential teratogenicity of the compounds. Recently hundreds of children have been born with severe craniofacial, cardiac, and neural tube defects produced by retinoids (vitamin A embryopathy). These compounds are used for the treatment of cystic acne (isotretinoin, 13-cis-retinoic acid) but are also effective topically (Retin-A) for common acne and reducing wrinkles. Oral preparations are highly teratogenic, and recent evidence suggests that topical applications may also cause abnormalities. Since patients with acne are usually young and may be sexually active, these agents must be used cautiously. Prenatal Diagnosis The perinatologist has several approaches for assessing growth and development of the fetus in utero, including ultrasound, amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, and maternal serum screening. In combination, these techniques are designed to detect malformations, genetic abnormalities, overall fetal growth, and complications of pregnancy, such as placental or uterine abnormalities. Their use and development of in utero therapies have heralded a new concept in which the fetus is now a patient. ULTRASONOGRAPHY Ultrasonography is a relatively noninvasive technique that uses high-frequency sound waves reected from tissues to create images. The approach may be transabdominal or transvaginal, with the latter producing images with higher resolution (Fig. 7.3). In fact, the technique, which was rst developed in the 1950s, has advanced to a degree where detection of blood ow in major vessels,
Figure 7.3 Examples of the effectiveness of ultrasound in imaging the embryo and fetus. A. 6-week embryo. B. Lateral view of the fetal face. C. Hand. D. Feet.
movement of heart valves, and ow of uid in the trachea and bronchi is possible. The technique is safe and commonly used, with approximately 80% of pregnant women in the United States receiving at least one scan. Important parameters revealed by ultrasound include: characteristics of fetal age and growth; presence or absence of congenital anomalies; status of the uterine environment, including the amount of amniotic uid (Fig. 7.4A); placental position and umbilical blood ow; and whether multiple gestations are present (Fig.7.4B). All of these factors are then used to determine proper approaches for management of the pregnancy. Determination of the fetal age and growth is crucial in planning pregnancy management, especially for low-birth-weight infants. In fact, studies show that ultrasound screened and managed pregnancies with low-birth-weight babies reduced the mortality rate by 60% compared with an unscreened group. Fetal age and growth are assessed by crown-rump length during the fth to tenth weeks of gestation. After that, a combination of measurements, including the biparietal diameter (BPD) of the skull, femur length, and abdominal circumference are used (Fig. 7.5). Multiple measures of these parameters over time improve the ability to determine the extent of fetal growth. Congenital malformations that can be determined by ultrasound include: the neural tube defects anencephaly and spina bida (see Chapter 19);
Figure 7.4 A. Ultrasound image showing position of the fetal skull and placement of the needle into the amniotic cavity (arrow) during amniocentesis. B. Twins. Ultrasound showing the presence of two gestational sacs (S).
Figure 7.5 Ultrasounds showing measures used to assess embryonic and fetal growth. A. Crown-rump (C-R) length in a 7-week embryo. B. Biparietal (B-P) diameter of the skull. C. Abdominal circumference. D. Femur length (F-L).
abdominal wall defects, such as omphalocele and gastroschisis (see Chapter 13); and heart, (see Chapter 11) and facial defects, including cleft lip and palate (see Chapter 15).
MATERNAL SERUM SCREENING A search for biochemical markers of fetal status led to development of maternal serum screening tests. One of the rst of these tests assessed serum alphafetoprotein (AFP) concentrations. AFP is produced normally by the fetal liver, peeks at approximately 14 weeks, and leaks into the maternal circulation via the placenta. Thus, AFP concentrations increase in maternal serum during the second trimester and then begin a steady decline after 30 weeks of gestation. In cases of neural tube defects and several other abnormalities, including omphalocele, gastroschisis, bladder exstrophy, amniotic band syndrome, sacrococcygeal teratoma, and intestinal atresia, AFP levels increase in amniotic uid and maternal serum. In other instances, AFP concentrations decrease as, for example, in Down syndrome, trisomy 18, sex chromosome abnormalities, and triploidy. These conditions are also associated with lower serum concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and unconjugated estriol. Therefore, maternal serum screening provides a relatively noninvasive technique for an initial assessment of fetal well being.
AMNIOCENTESIS During amniocentesis, a needle is inserted transabdominally into the amniotic cavity (identied by ultrasound; Fig. 7.4A) and approximately 20 to 30 ml of uid are withdrawn. Because of the amount of uid required, the procedure is not usually performed before 14 weeks gestation, when sufcient quantities are available without endangering the fetus. The risk of fetal loss as a result of the procedure is 1%, but it is less in centers skilled in the technique. The uid itself is analyzed for biochemical factors, such as AFP and acetylcholinesterase. In addition, fetal cells, sloughed into the amniotic uid, can be recovered and used for metaphase karyotyping and other genetic analyses (see Chapter 1). Unfortunately, the harvested cells are not rapidly dividing, and therefore, cell cultures containing mitogens must be established to provide sufcient metaphase cells for analysis. This culture period requires 8 to 14 days, and consequently, making a diagnosis is delayed. Once chromosomes are obtained, major chromosomal alterations, such as translocations, breaks, trisomies, and monosomies, can be identied. With special stains (Giemsa) and high-resolution techniques, chromosome banding patterns can be determined. Furthermore, now that the human genome has been sequenced, more sophisticated molecular analyses using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and genotyping assays will increase the level of detection for genetic abnormalities.
CHORIONIC VILLUS SAMPLING (CVS) Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) involves inserting a needle transabdominally or transvaginally into the placental mass and aspirating approximately 5 to 30 mg of villus tissue. Cells may be analyzed immediately, but accuracy of results is problematic because of the high frequency of chromosomal errors in the normal placenta. Therefore, cells from the mesenchymal core are isolated by trypsinization of the external trophoblast and cultured. Because of the large number of cells obtained, only 2 to 3 days in culture are necessary to permit genetic analysis. Thus, the time for genetic characterization of the fetus is reduced compared with amniocentesis. However, the risk of fetal loss from CVS is approximately twofold greater than with amniocentesis, and there have been indications that the procedure carries an increased risk for limb reduction defects. Generally, these prenatal diagnostic tests are not used on a routine basis (although ultrasonography is approaching routine use), being reserved instead for high-risk pregnancies. Indications for using the tests include: 1) advanced maternal age (35 years and older); 2) history of neural tube defects in the family; 3) previous gestation with a chromosome abnormality, such as Down syndrome; 4) chromosome abnormalities in either parent; and 5) a mother who is a carrier for an X-linked disorder. Fetal Therapy FETAL TRANSFUSION In cases of fetal anemia produced by maternal antibodies or other causes, blood transfusions for the fetus can be performed. Ultrasound is used to guide insertion of a needle into the umbilical cord vein, and blood is transfused directly into the fetus. FETAL MEDICAL TREATMENT Treatment for infections, fetal cardiac arrhythmias, compromised thyroid function, and other medical problems is usually provided to the mother and reaches the fetal compartment after crossing the placenta. In some cases, however, agents may be administered to the fetus directly by intramuscular injection into the gluteal region or via the umbilical vein. FETAL SURGERY Because of advances in ultrasound and surgical procedures, operating on fetuses has become possible. However, because of risks to the mother, infant, and subsequent pregnancies, procedures are only performed in centers with welltrained teams and only when there are no reasonable alternatives. Several types of surgeries may be performed, including placing shunts to remove uid from
organs and cavities. For example, in obstructive urinary disease of the urethra, a pigtail shunt may be inserted into the fetal bladder. One problem is diagnosing the condition early enough to prevent renal damage. Ex utero surgery, where the uterus is opened and the fetus operated upon directly, has been used for repairing congenital diaphragmatic hernias, removing cystic (adenomatoid) lesions in the lung, and repairing spina bida defects. Repairs of hernias and lung lesions have good outcomes if proper selection criteria for cases are employed, and one of these is the fact that without surgery, fetal demise is almost certain. Surgery for neural tube defects is more controversial because the abnormalities are not life threatening. Also, the evidence is not conclusive that repair of the lesion improves neurological function, although it does alleviate the accompanying hydrocephalus by freeing the tethered spinal cord and preventing herniation of the cerebellum into the foramen magnum (see Chapter 19; p. 445). STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION AND GENE THERAPY Because the fetus does not develop any immunocompetence before 18 weeks gestation, it may be possible to transplant tissues or cells before this time without rejection. Research in this eld is focusing on hematopoietic stem cells for treatment of immunodeciency and hematologic disorders. Gene therapy for inherited metabolic diseases, such as Tay Sachs and cystic brosis, is also being investigated.
Summary A variety of agents (Table 7.1; p. 152) are known to produce congenital malformations in approximately 2 to 3% of all live-born infants. These agents include viruses, such as rubella and cytomegalovirus; radiation; drugs, such as thalidomide, aminopterin, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and antianxiety compounds; social drugs, such as PCP, cigarettes, and alcohol; hormones, such as diethylstilbestrol; and maternal diabetes. Effects of teratogens depend on the maternal and fetal genotype, the stage of development when exposure occurs, and the dose and duration of exposure of the agent. Most major malformations are produced during the period of embryogenesis (teratogenic period; third to eighth weeks), but in stages before and after this time, the fetus is also susceptible, so that no period of gestation is completely free of risk. Prevention of many birth defects is possible, but it depends on beginning preventative measures before conception and increasing physicians and womens awareness of the risks. A variety of techniques are available to assess the growth and developmental status of the fetus. Ultrasound can accurately determine fetal age and growth parameters and detect many malformations. Maternal serum screening for alpha-fetoprotein can indicate the presence of a neural tube defect or
other abnormalities. Amniocentesis is a procedure in which a needle is placed into the amniotic cavity and a uid sample is withdrawn. This uid can be analyzed biochemically and also provides cells for culture and genetic analysis. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) involves aspirating a tissue sample directly from the placenta to obtain cells for genetic analysis. Because many of these procedures involve a potential risk to the fetus and mother, they are generally only used for higher risk pregnancies (the exception is ultrasound). These risk factors include advanced maternal age (35 years and older); a history of neural tube defects in the family; previous gestation with a chromosome abnormality; chromosome abnormalities in either parent; and a mother who is a carrier for an X-linked disorder. Modern medicine has also made the fetus a patient who can receive treatment, such as transfusions, medications for disease, fetal surgery, and gene therapy.
Problems to Solve 1. Amniocentesis reveals an elevated AFP level. What should be included in a differential diagnosis, and how would a denitive one be made? 2. A 40-year-old woman is approximately 8 weeks pregnant. What tests are available to determine whether her unborn child has Down syndrome? What are the risks and advantages of each technique? 3. Why is it important to determine the status of an infant prenatally? What maternal or family factors might raise your concern about the well-being of an unborn infant? 4. What factors inuence the action of a teratogen? 5. A young woman in only the third week of her pregnancy develops a fever of 104 but refuses to take any medication because she is afraid that drugs will harm her baby. Is she correct? 6. A young woman who is planning a family seeks advice about folic acid and other vitamins. Should she take such a supplement, and if so, when and how much? 7. A young insulin-dependent diabetic woman who is planning a family is concerned about the possible harmful effects of her disease on her unborn child. Are her concerns valid, and what would you recommend?
SUGGESTED READING Barlow S, Kavlock RJ, Moore JA, Shantz S, Sheehan DL, Shuey DL, Lary JM: Teratology Society Public Affairs Committee Position Paper: developmental toxicity of endocrine disruptors to humans. Teratology 60:365, 1999. Barnea ER, Hustin J, Jauniaux E (eds): The First Twelve Weeks of Gestation. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1992.
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