Music 3 RD
Music 3 RD
Music 3 RD
Hello ! My name is Liz Melvin, your childs general music teacher. Here is a small overview of what your child has been doing in music class this quarter. I have happily discovered a new music curriculum, GamePlan, that I really enjoy and believe the students do too! GamePlan has over 200 activities that help children learn about the elements of music in an active way. I appreciate how the lessons are organized into a logical sequence and a yearly plan categorizing objectives in five conceptual areas: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Form, and Timbre. With GamePlan your child will gain experiences in musical imitation, exploration, improvisation, and visualization. The music activities we have done so far this year spark creativity and higher-level thinking skills. This curriculum is meant to be coupled with Orff Instruments which consist of xylophones, glockenspiels, and metallophones). Thanks to the generous folks who contributed to our Sunshine Fund and the Save the Arts programs which have allowed me to afford these amazing instruments for our children. The students enjoy making music on them. Lets look at some of the musical repertoire your child has taken part in this past quarter. Musically yours, Liz 3rd Grade first quarter conceptual areas
1. Rhythm-Pulse, two half notes= whole note, whole rest 2. Melody- vocal technique, repertoire- Staff, SoLaMiReDo 3. Harmony- Mallet Technique on Orff instruments- Xylophones, Glockenspiels, Metallophone Ostinato, Major/minor, simple bordum(crossover mallet technique 4. Form- Phrase 5. Timbre- Crescendo, decrescendo