MWD Mud-Pulse System SperrySun

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The key takeaways are the development of a mud-pulse measurement-while-drilling tool that can operate at temperatures up to 195°C and the completion of field testing on prototype tools.

The overall program objective is to develop a mud-pulse measurement-while- drilling (MWD) tool for oil and gas drilling operations that can be used where downhole temperatures are as high as 195oC (383oF).

The objectives of Phase I were first to identify critical components of existing MWD systems that can or cannot operate at 195oC. For components not able to meet the higher standard, one of several strategies was pursued: 1) locate high-temperature replacement components, 2) develop new designs that eliminate the unavailable components, or 3) use cooling to keep components at acceptable operating temperatures (under 195oC).

Development of a Mud-Pulse High-Temperature Measurement-While-Drilling (MWD) System

Final Report
September 31, 1999 January 31, 2002

By: John H. Cohen (Maurer Technology Inc.) Greg Deskins (Maurer Technology Inc.) William Motion (Sperry Sun) Jay Martin (Sperry Sun)

January 2002 DE-AC26-97FT34345

Maurer Technology Inc. 2916 West T.C. Jester Houston, TX 77018 Sperry Sun 3000 North Sam Houston Parkway East Houston, TX 77032 TR02-16

This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, m anufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect t ose of the h United States Government or any agency thereof.

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary..................................................................................................................iv Project Objectives......................................................................................................................1 Project Background...................................................................................................................1 System Description ...................................................................................................................3 Accomplishments ......................................................................................................................5 Project Tasks and Work Completed .....................................................................................8 Field Test ....................................................................................................................................14 Economic Analysis ..................................................................................................................15 Benefits to the MWD Industry...............................................................................................17 Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................................................18

Appendix A: Field Test Report

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Executive Summary
The overall program objective is to develop a mud-pulse measurement-whiledrilling (MWD) tool for oil and gas drilling operations that can be used where downhole temperatures are as high as 195C (383F). The work was planned to be completed in two phases: Phase I and an optional Phase II. The objectives of Phase I were first to identify critical components of existing MWD systems that can or cannot operate at 195C. For components not able to meet the higher standard, one of several strategies was pursued: 1) locate high-temperature replacement components, 2) develop new designs that eliminate the unavailable components, or 3) use cooling to keep components at acceptable operating temperatures (under 195C). New designs and components were then tested under high temperatures in the laboratory. The final goal of Phase I was to assemble two high-temperature MWD prototype tools and test each in at least one low-temperature well to verify total system performance. Phase II was also envisioned as part of this development. Its objective would be to test the two new high-temperature MWD prototype tools in wells being drilled in the United States where the bottom-hole temperatures were 195C (or the highest temperatures attainable). The high-temperature MWD tool ( igure i is designed to send directional and F ) formation data to the surface via mud pulses, to aid in the drilling of guided wellbores. The modules that comprise the tool are housed in sealed barrels that protect the electronics from exposure to down-hole fluids and pressures. These pressure barrels are hung inside a non-magnetic collar located above the drilling assembly. A number of significant accomplishments were achieved during the course of the Phase I project, including: Tested two MWD strings for function in an oven at 195C Conducted field test of prototype 195C MWD tool (at well temperatures up to 140-180C)

Figure i. High-Temperature MWD Tool

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Tested ELCON hybrid chip with processor, clock, and memory in a custom package for 700 hours at 200C Contracted with APS Technology to conduct study of thermoelectric cooling of downhole electronics Conducted successful Peltier cooling test with APS Technology Tested and improved the electronics of Sperry Suns Geiger Muller-based gamma detector for operation at 195C Developed two high-temperature magnetometers (one in-house, one with Tensor) Encouraged outside source to develop lithium/magnesium high-temperature batteries (operating temperature of 125 to 215C)

One of this projects greatest achievements was improvement in Sperry Suns current tool with changes made as a direct result of work performed under this project. These improvements have resulted in longer life and a more robust MWD tool at the previous temperature rating of 175C, as well as at higher temperatures. A field test of two prototype 195C MWD tools was conducted in Lavaca County, Texas. The purpose of this operation was to provide directional services on a sidetrack of a straight hole. The sidetrack was to intersect the formation up-dip above the water/gas interface. In addition, the gamma tool provided formation data including seam tops and thickness. Results from these field tests indicate progress in the development of a 195C tool. Although the pulsers failed downhole in both tools, failure of the pulsers was determined to be from mechanical rather than electrical causes. Analysis of the economics of the 195C tool highlights the greatest obstacle to future commercialization. Costs to screen individual components, then subassemblies, and finally completed tools for high-temperature operations are very high. Tests to date also show a relatively short life for high-temperature tools on the order of 300 hours. These factors mean that the daily cost of the tool will be higher (3 to 5 times more) than a conventional tool. Sperry Sun and the MWD industry have benefited from this program in the following areas: Pulser Improvements. Several improvements were implemented in O ring selection, oil selection, and other areas. Magnetometer and Calibration Improvements. Work on the magnetometer included upgrades to Sperry Sun magnetometers. This has led to improvements to the design of Sperry Suns existing magnetometers, which will be beneficial across all directional work.

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Software Improvements, Resetting and Power-Up Problems. Software changes that were required in the downhole code and tool programming code provided another opportunity to improve the robustness of the downhole tool string. Identification of Circuit Design Weaknesses. While screening components for high temperatures, unexpected problems were observed, including voltage reference drift problems and capacitor failures. Voltage reference drift is another candidate for high-temperature semiconductor technology. The capacitor issue identified a failure in the QC process of production. The project has helped in clearly demonstrating the limitations of the methods Sperry Sun is currently using to produce high-temperature tools. Based on this work, they are considering the available high-temperature technologies and looking at approaches for introducing these technologies over the longer term.

Conclusions and Recommendations

1. Results of this development effort showed that, while it is possible to build a mudpulse MWD tool that can operate at 195C, performance of the current tool is probably not sufficient for commercial success. 2. Industrys current R&D goals and perception of future MWD requirements do not focus on operations in hotter and deeper formations. 3. Due to the extensive testing required and the high percentage of failing components, use of a binning qualification process to build high-temperature (195C) MWD tools is cost-prohibitive. 4. Increasing the operating temperature of current MWD tools to 195C and above will require development of a new platform for the electronics used in these tools. This new platform will be based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) components. 5. There are several hindrances to the development of SOI tools for the MWD industry. Most are economic, rather than technological factors. 6. DOE leadership and partership with industry can play a significant role in encouraging the development of high-temperature MWD tools to prepare for the future. 7. A critical leadership role for the DOE is to convince the industry that future gas reserves will be produced from high-temperature reservoirs.

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Development of a Mud-Pulse High-Temperature Measurement-While-Drilling (MWD) System

Project Objectives
The overall objective of this program is to develop a mud-pulse measurementwhile-drilling (MWD) tool for oil and gas drilling operations that can be used where downhole temperatures are as high as 195C (383F). The tool is to include a hightemperature (195C) gamma-ray detector to serve as the formation identification component of the MWD system. Other components in the assembly include triaxial accelerometer and magnetometer suites to provide directional data. The work was planned to be completed in two phases: Phase I and an optional Phase II. The objectives of Phase I were to: Identify critical components of existing MWD systems that can or cannot operate at 195C For those components that cannot meet the new 195C limit, employ one of the following strategies to achieve required performance: 1) locate high-temperature replacement components, 2) develop new designs that eliminate the unavailable components, or 3) use cooling to keep components at acceptable operating temperatures (under 195C) Test new designs and components under high temperatures in the laboratory Assemble two high-temperature MWD prototype tools and test each in at least one low-temperature well to verify total system performance

Phase II was also envisioned as part of this development. Its objective would be to test the two new high-temperature MWD prototype tools in wells being drilled in the United States where the bottom-hole temperatures were 195C (or the highest temperature attainable in current U.S. deep drilling operations, although at least 185C). Up to five directional/horizontal wells were planned to be used for the field tests to establish system reliability and the tools mean-time-between-failure (MTBF) performance.

Project Background
This project was co-proposed by Maurer Technology Inc. (MTI) and Halliburton Energy Services (HES) through its Halliburton Drilling Systems Division. During the course of the project, HES and Dresser Industries merged. The Federal Trade Commission, in their approval of the merger, required Halliburton Drilling Systems to be spun off as a separate company. This new company, called Pathfinder, continued with
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the improvement of HESs MWD tools, but had limited funding and could not meet the programs cost-sharing requirements. Halliburton's MWD and LWD services would now be handled by Sperry Sun, a former Dresser Industries company. This significantly impacted the project. Under the original proposal, HESs HDS-1 MWD tool was to be upgraded for operation in temperatures up to 195C. HES had significant corporate motivation to achieve this objective since their standard tool could only be operated up to 150C and w below the latest industry standards in reliability. The engineering as approach to increase temperature limits was to first test the existing tool using highlyaccelerated life testing (HALT) equipment to identify components that would function at higher temperatures and components that would fail at higher temperatures. Once components that fail were identified, improved replacement components were to be located and tested. If these could not be found, new designs were to be developed to replace the missing components. This MWD system development process was well under way when Halliburton and Dresser Industries merged. The first effect of the merger was a complete work stoppage on the project. Halliburton-Sperry Sun now owned the Solar 175 tool previously developed by Sperry Sun. This tools upper operating temperature is 175C. The new company thus had different incentives with respect to continuing the project. It took one year to resolve how the contractual obligations were to be meet. In the end, Halliburton-Sperry Sun decided to continue with the project, but would upgrade the existing Solar 175 tool for operations to 195C. The new engineering approach was a continuation of Sperry Suns current binning process. In this method, tool components are tested at the desired working conditions. Component lots found to perform satisfactorily are set aside (binned). Lots not meeting required performance levels are returned to the manufacturer or discarded. After binning, assemblies and sub-assemblies of components are then tested. This process is very costly, since many components and sub-assemblies must be tested to find enough components that meet acceptable standards. Assembly testing also includes determining failure modes by post-mortem examinations. In cases where component binning or change-out would not achieve required performance, the board design was modified. However, this was considered a last resort, and only minor changes were to be acceptable. The objective was to produce an upgraded Solar 175 tool, not a new 195C tool. The effort was also impacted by a complete change in Halliburton personnel assigned to the project. As would be expected, it took time before the new team came up to speed on the goals and objectives of the project, and progress could resume. This was further complicated as changeovers in tools and procedures were enacted under the merged companies. In addition, since the Sperry Sun tool was already rated to 175C (best in the industry at that time) compared to 150C for HESs HDS-1 tool, the high-temperature MWD market was considered after the merger as a niche market rather than as an opportunity to become the industry leader in high-temperature MWD. These factors led to minimal resources being allocated to the project and slowed its progress. Fortunately, interest in the effort was soon heightened after an important


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customer independently approached Sperry Sun and requested MWD tools with higher temperature capabilities. The merger resulted in some of the work accomplished previously during the project by HES later becoming superfluous to the Halliburton-Sperry Sun effort. That work is still reported here since it was good science and the knowledge gained could help in development with the Solar 195 tool. Other planned activities no longer needed to be pursued since a solution already existed in the merged companies. An example of this was the development of a high-temperature gamma detector based on Geiger Muller tubes. Sperry Sun already had this type of detector available, so that effort was stopped after the merger. At the end of the effort, Sperry Sun constructed two prototype MWD tools that were successfully tested in the laboratory at 195C and then field tested in Phase I. Results of these field tests are described in this report.

System Description
The high-temperature measurement-while-drilling (MWD) tool (Figure 1) is designed to send directional and formation data to the surface via mud pulses, to aid in the drilling of guided wellbores. The modules that comprise the tool are housed in sealed barrels that protect the electronics from exposure to down-hole fluids and pressures. These pressure barrels are hung inside a non-magnetic collar located above the drilling assembly. Descriptions of the modules and their functions are presented below.

Figure 1. High-Temperature MWD Tool

Telemetry Module (TM). The telemetry module controls the entire tool. It communicates with other modules over the communications line. Data are gathered from the gamma module and directional module, formatted for transmission, and stored in random access memory (RAM) on the TM board. These data can be downloaded at the surface even if they are not relayed via the pulser. The TM also conditions the electric power from the pulser/generator for use by the other modules. The TM uses 512 kB of static RAM divided into 8 kB blocks for continuous memory storage.
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Gamma Module (GM). The gamma module measures naturally occurring gamma radiation from formations encountered. It incorporates Geiger Muller tubes because they are rugged and able to survive high temperatures. Conventional gamma sensors based on scintillation technology cannot be used in high-temperature environments because detector performance degrades rapidly at elevated temperatures. Three stacked banks of four Geiger Mueller tubes each make up the sensor section of the GM. None of these tubes are redundant, but are what is required to achieve a statistically accurate count. The Geiger Muller tubes contain a gas that becomes ionized when gamma energy passes through it. This allows high voltage to pass between an anode and cathode, which is recorded as a single pulse. The pulses from all the tubes are added to provide the gamma count. The gamma count is used to determine formation type and transition depths between formations. In horizontal drilling, gamma data are used to steer the drilling assembly within the producing formation. Pulser/Generator. The pulser module has two functions: to generate electrical power and to restrict the mud flow to create a pressure pulse that can be detected at the surface. It is always connected to the TM and is unique among the modules in this aspect. The pulser contains turbine blades that are driven by the flowing mud to turn a generator and a small hydraulic pump. Power from the generator is sent to the TM for conditioning prior to being sent to the remainder of the tool. The hydraulic pump is used to operate a poppet valve that blocks the flow of mud in the drill string, thereby creating a pressure pulse. The TM controls the pulser operations and encodes data into the pulses that are received and decoded at the surface using a pressure transducer and computer. The pulser is typically found at the top of the MWD stack. Battery Module (BM). The battery module provides power to the tool when there is no flow of drilling fluid to operate the generator. The MWD tool can operate without a BM, but then could not store data when the rig pumps were off. The BM allows operation during these periods. High-temperature lithium batteries are used in the BM. Halliburton worked with Battery Engineering to develop higher temperature batteries for this project. Directional Module (DM). The directional module uses magnetometers and accelerometers to measure the compass direction of the bottom-hole assembly and the angle of the hole. These data along with depth are then used to calculate the trajectory of the well. The DM is usually placed near the bottom of the MWD stack so that it will be as close as possible to the drill bit.


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A number of accomplishments were achieved during the course of the project. These are listed below. (More detail is provided in other sections of this report.) Tested two MWD strings for function in an oven at 195C Conducted field test of prototype 195C MWD tool (at well temperatures from 140 to 180C) Tested ELCON hybrid chip with processor, clock, and memory in a custom package for 700 hours at 200C (see Figure 3) Contracted with APS Technology to conduct study of thermoelectric cooling of downhole electronics Conducted Peltier cooling test with APS Technology Tested and improved the electronics of Sperry Suns Geiger Muller-based gamma detector for operation at 195C Developed two high-temperature magnetometers (one in-house, one with Tensor) Encouraged outside source to develop lithium/magnesium high-temperature batteries (operating temperature of 125 to 215C)

One of this projects greatest achievements was improvement in Sperry Suns current tool with changes made as a direct result of work performed under this project. Table 1 lists many of the modifications. These have resulted in improved life and a more robust MWD tool at the previous temperature rating of 175C, as well as at higher temperatures. Table 1. Solar 175 System Upgrades to Increase Operating Temperature to 195C
I. Directional Module (DM) Increased the life of the DC-DC converter and reduced the amount of 5-volt drift via modifications to the DM power board. Special software was used to create the thermal models at 195C. Developed magnetometer that Cheltenham Engineering Center. operated at 200C at


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Worked with Honeywell to develop and test magnetometer package for operation up to 200C. Worked with JAE to provide accelerometer package for operation up to 200C. Changed the download of HC811 code. The appropriate code is stored in all 4 banks of the external EEPROM. This corrects reset problems at temperatures above 175C. Added a brown-out monitor to the power board to insure that HC811 is reset properly. Upgraded the CMOS analog switch on the power board.


Processor Board No hardware was changed in the processor board to reach the 195C temperatures. Changed software to add additional time delay during initialization to allow processor to recover from a Power On Reset when operating above 190C. The only circuit that does not operate reliably temperatures above 180C is the Real Time Clock. at


Power Board To solve problems with voltage drift of the precision 5 -volt reference with time and temperature, it was necessary to decrease the amount of output current the device must source. This increased the life of the reference to approximately 150 hours at 200C. A reference manufactured by a different vendor was located, that required minor modification to work in Sperry Sun circuit. Five-volt reference used in the power supply circuits prevents drift with temperature and time. Tested three different parts; the ceramic part did not fail after approximately 500 hours at 200C. Built two 195C telemetry modules and gamma modules using the new reference chip. Increased main power input electrolytic capacitor life to 300 hours at 195C by lowering the generator supply from 24 volts to 22 volts.


Gamma Module (GM) Screened timer chip to operate at higher temperatures. During tests on the first GM's built, we discovered that the high-voltage supply would shut down at temperatures above 183C. A timer chip used in the high-voltage supply circuit was found to be the cause. We screened different date -6Maurer Technology Inc.

codes on these devices to find those that would work above the required 195C. Also tested two other timers from different vendors that will also work in this circuit. Qualification of these new devices is still in process. The GM's built for this project used the screened timers. V. The 5-volt reference chip was changed to the new type.

Battery Module Changed 5-volt reference chip to a Maxim brand. Changed 5-volt supply from just a reference chip to a reference chip with a buffer and current pump system. Change of voltage measurements for Battery and Sub-bus by the PIC A/D. Changed divider networks from high impedance to less than 10 k-Ohms. Changed instantaneous current measurement impedance to PIC A/D by decreasing from 50 k-Ohms to 10 k-Ohms. Added 10 k-Ohm input impedance lines to PIC on the pulse accumulation measurement. This improves long-term average current draw measurement reliability in the PIC.



There were three areas (wear, oil compensation, and sealing) where improvements were made to the pulser for high temperatures.


Wear Conical rams redesigned with increased contact area for reduced wear Conical rams retained with anti-rotation spider to eliminate coil spring wear Angle plate bearing races changed to high-grade M50 bearing steel Angle plate bearing elements changed to Silicon Nitride balls and precision machined cage Tapered roller bearing mounting mechanical shock related spalling changed to minimize

Oil changed to Mobil SHC 1025 to eliminate viscosity breakdown 25-micron filter and auger to circulate oil and trap particles


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Metal screen (70 micron) oil filter with conical rams


Oil Compensation Piston pressure compensation system replaced boot-style design Kemlon caps to reduce oil volume Pump outer case


Sealing Changed to 90-durometer O-rings Tee-seals on the bulkhead HPHT feed-through connectors for the bulkhead

Project Tasks and Work Completed

Following are listed the Phase I tasks with a discussion of the work conducted under each task. Work on many tasks was accomplished both before and after the Halliburton/Sperry Sun merger. To clarify this distinction, work performed before the merger is referred to as Halliburton and work after the merger as Sperry Sun. Task 1. High-Temperature Characterization of HDS-1 MWD/Gamma Tool Both Halliburton and Sperry Sun used HALT (highly-accelerated life testing) to characterize the HDS-1 and Solar 175 tools. Figure 2 shows the HALT equipment used by Sperry Sun. HALT allows accelerated life testing of components by subjecting them to vibration and temperature fluctuations. HALT equipment allows desired cycles and rates to be programmed for each test. The product is monitored during the test for function. When components fail, they can be replaced and testing continued, if desired. Good correlation between HALT and field life has been observed. Halliburton and Sperry Sun were both able to identify components or circuit designs that failed as temperatures were increased to 200C. For circuit design failures, eliminating components or altering the design addressed the shortcomings. Other failures required that new components be substituted for those that could not meet the temperature requirements.
Figure 2. Sperry Sun HALT Equipment -8Maurer Technology Inc.

Task 2. Evaluation of High-Temperature Components Work under this task highlighted a fundamental difference in the approaches of Halliburton and Sperry Sun. Halliburtons goal was to identify, test, and use components that were either designed to operate at higher temperatures or had been specially modified to operate at higher temperatures. Sperry Sun chose to keep the same components (when possible), but identify batches from the manufacturer that functioned at elevated temperatures. One reason for the difference in this philosophy is that Halliburtons then-current tool was initially only rated to 150C and they realized that their product was falling behind the industry standard as a whole. Sperry Suns tool currently achieved a rating of 175C and was a leader in the industry for temperature capabilities. Sperry Sun believed that they had already identified components with superior temperature performance and that the projects goal to increase temperature capability to 195C could be accomplished by locating exceptional batches of components that could survive even higher temperatures. Halliburton was successful in finding several components that demonstrated improved high-temperature performance. Many of the components were radiation Figure 3. ELCON Hybrid Processor hardened. A major concern at the onset of Chip for Test the project was the performance of the microprocessor and memory chips. Halliburton located a hybrid chip manufactured by ELCON Technology of Phoenix, Arizona, that was successfully tested at 200C for over 700 hours. The test was halted at the time of the merger, and was never completed or repeated. Since the chip did not meet Sperry Suns configuration, it was not considered in their development. Figure 3 shows the hybrid chip on a test board. It has been isolated so that only the chip will be placed in the test oven and not the circuit used to operate the chip. Design of Active Cooling System At part of the contract, Halliburton undertook and paid for the work under this subtask, which involved analytical and experimental work on an active cooling system. Halliburton contracted this work to APS Technology of Cromwell, Connecticut. They developed an analytical model to simulate cooling of an MWD system and a dummy board, using resistance heating to simulate electrical components. Figure 4 shows

Task 2a.

Figure 4. TEC Test Setup Maurer Technology Inc.

the test set-up employed by APS; Figure 5 summarizes temperatures during the test. Thermoelectric coolers (TEC) were used to remove heat from within a pressure barrel containing the dummy MWD board. Temperature and power data were recorded as the assembly was operated in an oil bath. The oil bath represented fluids in a hot well just as the dummy board represented the heat generated by MWD components. The data show that TECs can reduce the temperature inside the pressure barrel and on the circuit boards to acceptable levels. Table 2 summarizes the test data. The temperature of the oil bath was manually controlled and held at 200C while temperatures where measured at two locations on the housing 180 apart at the inside surface of the pressure housing at the TEC and on the dummy board. Figure 5. Thermoelectric Cooling Tests Power to the TEC was monitored, as was power to the dummy board. The heat that leaks into the pressure barrel is estimated from the analytical model, and the efficiency of the thermoelectric device (ratio of heat pumped to thermoelectric power consumed COP) calculated. The data show that the thermal model effectively represented the test. Results indicated that the TEC can reduce the board temperature from 40 to 54C below ambient temperature. Since this is a sufficient reduction to keep the board cool in wells that are 195C, it was found that a TEC is a possible solution. Table 2. Thermoelectric Cooling Test Data
Temperatures Time (min) 4 48 72 105 131 173 Oil 202.4 200.0 200.5 200.5 201.3 200.8 Housing @TEC 203.1 201.1 202.3 202.6 204.6 204.9 Housing @180 202.9 200.6 201.5 201.8 203.2 203.2 Shell 162.3 173.0 148.3 161.9 143.2 155.2 Board Max. 162.5 178.3 148.8 167.6 144.5 162.0 Board Avg 162.4 175.7 148.5 164.7 143.8 158.6 T TEC 40.8 28.1 53.9 40.7 61.4 49.7 Thermoelectric Coolers Amps 4.5 4.5 7 7 9.5 9.5 Volts 8.25 9.52 14.26 14.06 18.96 18.78 Watts 37.125 42.84 99.82 98.42 180.12 178.41 Board 0 15 0 15 0 15 Power COP Leak 21.4 14.7 28.3 21.4 32.2 26.1 Total 21.4 29.7 28.3 36.4 32.2 41.1 0.58 0.69 0.28 0.37 0.18 0.23

The test data also show that a TEC would consume considerable electrical power, thus requiring the use of a turbine generator. Power would then only be available when the pumps were operating, so a Dewar-type pressure housing would be
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needed to insulate the MWD electronics and keep them at rated temperatures for acceptable periods of time while the pumps were off. Both the generator and housing increase the cost of this system. In addition, to achieve higher efficiency, the inside of the Dewar would need to be filled with a dielectric fluid. This makes assembly more difficult since the normal potting medium is not a good heat conductor and space would need to be provided for the dielectric when potting the system. Despite these drawbacks, a cooling system should be considered in the future for high-temperature MWD systems. The market size for these systems will likely remain small and the potential for development of new high-temperature components is not well defined. Both of these factors will dictate whether cooling is a more economical approach. Task 3. Design of a High-Temperature Gamma-Ray Detector Many MWD suppliers, including Halliburton, normally use solid-state gamma detectors. Unfortunately, these devices cannot be used at high temperatures because materials used in their construction will break down. The best way to measure gamma radiation at higher temperatures is with Geiger Muller tubes. One advantage to the Halliburton/Sperry Sun merger was that Sperry Sun already had a gamma detector based on Geiger Muller tubes. Halliburton had received designs from two different companies, but neither of these systems was constructed before the merger. CBG group in Austin, Texas, was one of the companies that quoted on the construction of a Geiger Muller-based gamma detector. Halliburton was preparing to release a purchase order at the time of the merger. Instead, Sperry Sun later performed HALT to determine changes needed to upgrade their Geiger Muller unit to 195C. Testing highlighted problems in the units electronics which were modified and repaired successfully. Task 4. Selection of High-Temperature Components for Use in MWD/Gamma Tool Both Halliburton and Sperry Sun used HALT to identify components or batches of components that performed adequately at high temperatures. Halliburton sought to develop new components and designs while Sperry Sun identified areas that could not be addressed through the batch process and redesigned the circuits to eliminate these components. Halliburton had selected many different high-temperature elements before the project was temporarily halted (due to the merger). The processor and memory selected would likely have been the ELCON hybrid chip set. High-temperature passive components such as resistors and capacitors had been purchased. In addition, board, solder, and potting materials for the 195C tool had all be selected. Halliburton had made progress on developing high-temperature magnetometers and accelerometers. ATEC agreed to manufacture high-temperature magnetometers at no cost in return for test data from the project. Japan Aviation Electronics in Tokyo completed tests on accelerometers and it appeared that they had solved problems with long-term drift. Halliburton had also located a radiation-hardened hex buffer IC that was test to 250C (the limit of their oven).

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Halliburton ran HALT on the TCM (telemetry communications module), which developed failures at 160 to 165C due to E-prom read or write errors. This problem had been anticipated and would have been solved by using flash memory in place of the E-prom. Halliburton, working with Battery Engineering Inc. of Hyde Park, Massachusetts, had developed a lithium-magnesium battery that would operate in the temperature range of 125-214C. Lithium thionyl chloride batteries are normally used to provide power for MWD tools. Unfortunately, lithium has a melting point of 180C, and standard lithium batteries are normally limited to operating temperatures of 160C and below. If magnesium is alloyed with the lithium anode, operating temperature can be increased, although with a reduction in current capacity (Table 3). Table 3. Temperature Performance of Li-Mg Batteries (DD size)
Anode Type Lithium Li-Mg Li-Mg % Magnesium 0 10 25 Melting Point (C) 180 202 220 Max Oper Temp (C) 160 180 200 Current Capacity (A-hr) 26 20 15

Battery Engineering developed high-temperature batteries based on the lithium/magnesium alloy. A size DD battery with 25% magnesium can be safely used to 200C (as required for this MWD development). Current capacity, while reduced to 15 A-hr, is sufficient for at least 250 circulating hours downhole. The primary disadvantage of this recipe is that power output below 100C is poor. At the time the project was paused due to the merger, discussions were taking place to decide if heaters would be used to maintain the temperature of the lithium/magnesium batteries at minimum operational levels, or if a sacrificial nickelcadmium battery pack would be used to power the tool at lower temperatures. For the approach incorporating a sacrificial battery, a low-temperature battery pack would shut down and the high-temperature batteries come on-line as the tools temperature rose above 125C. The low-temperature batteries would be replaced after each run. Sperry Sun had difficulty in proving two directional packages (magnetometers and accelerometers) for the test. These were the last individual components proven. One was from Sperry Suns internal research department in Cheltenham, England and the other from Tensor in Austin, Texas. Work with Tensor began under Halliburton, but no contract was ever placed. Tensor had indicated that they could build the 195C directional package, but never provided a quote to Halliburton. Only one of three units supplied to Sperry Sun was found to qualify at higher temperatures. This area remains as a key item requiring additional work. The problem components identified by Halliburton for the directional package (magnetometers and accelerometers) were never tested because they did not fit the
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form that Sperry Sun needed. However, the manufacturers felt confident they had succeeded in developing high-temperature components. Task 5. Design High-Temperature MWD/Gamma Tool Both Halliburton and Sperry Sun took advantage of the opportunity presented by the project to make changes in the design of their MWD tools. Sperry Sun enhanced many areas of their tool (Table 1 presents a list of major changes that were made and incorporated into their current line of tools). Halliburton was ust beginning this task j when the merger took place; however, through HALT testing they had identified many changes that would be required to meet the temperature goals. Task 6. System Fabrication Halliburton did not have the opportunity to advance as far as system fabrication. Sperry Sun was, in one sense, working on fabrication throughout Tasks 4 and 5 since they used their current system as a base and were only modifying and substituting parts that qualified for higher-temperature service for existing parts. Figure 6 shows the Sperry Sun tool being loaded into an oven for a high-temperature proof test. Figure 7 shows the temperature controller during the test. The temperature is 193C with a set point of 195C. Both tools were tested and proven in this oven before field testing.

Figure 6. Sperry Sun MWD Tool Being Prepared for Oven Test

Figure 7. Oven Controllers

Task 7. Laboratory Testing The Sperry Sun tool was under constant laboratory testing during the proofing process. Task 7 was originally conceived for the Halliburton MWD tool since it was basically a new tool (in contrast to Sperry Suns tool, which had already undergone significant development and testing). Task 8. Low-Temperature Field Test A field test was conducted with the two Sperry Sun MWD tools prepared under this project. Originally, this test was to be a shake-out of a new Halliburton tool and therefore was to be conducted at lower temperatures so that problems not related to temperature could be identified. Since the Sperry Sun tool was much closer to a conventional (market-ready) tool, the first test was conducted at elevated temperatures (180C). While not the tools limit, this temperature range still represented an ambitious test. (See next section for details on field testing.)
- 13 Maurer Technology Inc.

Field Test
A field test of two 195C MWD tools was conducted in Lavaca County, Texas (Figure 8). Sperry Suns field report is presented in Appendix A. The purpose of this operation was to provide directional services on a sidetrack of a straight hole. The sidetrack was to intersect the formation up-dip above the water/gas interface. In addition, the gamma tool provided formation data including seam tops and thickness. Conventional Solar 175 tools were used in the beginning of the operation. The well temperature at 16,500 ft was 160C. The prototype 195C tools were then run instead of the standard Solar 175 tools. The first prototype tool went below the rotary table on August 1, 2001 at 17:30 hours (Figure 9). Thirty minutes later, a shallow test was conducted to check for Figure 8. Rig Site proper operation. At 11:45 hours on August 2, 2001, the tool reached bottom and drilling was begun. (The long trip time is the result of a rig shut-down for BOP repair.) The first recorded temperature was 178C. The tool stopped pulsing on August 4, 2001 at 23:00 hours, after operating on bottom for 59 hours. Data downloaded at the surface at the end of the test showed that the tool continued to record data until 1:44 hours on August 5, 2001 an additional 27 hours. The tool was pulled from the well at 2:30 hours on August 6, 2001. Total downhole hours (from the time the tool moves below the rotary table until it is returned to the surface or fails down hole) was 115 hours. The second prototype tool was run into the well at 3:30 hours on August 6, 2001. Gamma logging of a missed interval from the previous run was begun at 18:30 hours the same day. At 22:00 the tool was on bottom drilling. At 5:30 hours on August 7, 2001 the tool stopped pulsing. The highest temperature recorded was 187.2C. Drilling continued blind and the tool was pulled from the well on August 13, 2001 at 22:00 hours. Total time below the rotary table was 186.5 hours. Total time before data transmission was lost was 26 hours.

Figure 9. Tool Preparation

Each of the tools was given a post-mortem examination. The first tool was found to have a failed pulser. Drilling fluid had entered the tool past the poppet seals. The poppet bearings also showed unusual wear. Although the barite content of the field mud was high, the amount of wear on the bearing was unexpected. A typical tolerance for this bearing is 0.003 inches. The
- 14 Maurer Technology Inc.

bearing in the first tool was found to have a clearance of 0.015 inches. This allowed the poppet to move laterally and damage the seal, ultimately leading to the failure of the pulser. Data from the tools telemetry module were successfully downloaded after the operation, demonstrating that the electronics had not failed during this run. Battery voltage was very low (which could have been caused by exposure to high temperatures). The special high-temperature batteries do not begin functioning at full voltage until they reach 125C. On the second tool, the pulser was also found to have failed. However, a bearing that had been inadvertently left out during assembly caused the premature failure. It was also found that the back-up battery in the telemetry module had vented, which damaged wiring and electronic components. After the battery was removed, attempts to unload memory were unsuccessful due to damage from the battery fluid. Data from this run were determined to be lost. It was not apparent why the battery had vented. Heat could have been a factor, although these batteries should have been capable of operations up to 214C. Results from these field tests indicate some progress in the development of a 195C tool. Failure of the pulsers appears to have been from mechanical rather than electrical causes. The vented battery may indicate that more work is needed in this area, but only further field tests would conclusively highlight the weakness(es). It was particularly unfortunate that the second tool was improperly assembled. Even with a vented battery, data collected from the run would have helped determine how the electronics were performing under elevated temperatures.

Economic Analysis
Analysis of the economics of the 195C tool highlights the greatest obstacle to future commercialization. Costs to screen individual components, then subassemblies, and finally completed tools for high-temperature operations are very high. Tests to date also show a relatively short life for high-temperature tools on the order of 300 hours (as compared to approximately 1000 hours for a commercial MWD tool operating at temperatures up to 150C). These factors mean that the daily cost of the tool will be much higher than a conventional tool. In addition, high-temperature MWD tools are difficult to prepare. For these development efforts, the engineering department made use of highly trained technicians and engineers to prepare these tools. While the normal production staff is well qualified to manufacture tools for conventional applications, it would be difficult for them to prepare, trouble-shoot, and maintain the 195C tools on a continuing basis. Table 4 summarizes costs for the extra labor required to produce 195C tools. These data are then used to calculate a daily cost for the tool. Daily costs are based on an operating life of 300 hours, which was determined from the laboratory testing of the 195C tools. Table 4 shows additional screening costs to run HALT on components to find those that will function at 195C.

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Maurer Technology Inc.

Table 4. Screening Costs for Higher Temperature Components

Tool Module Pulser TM DM GM BM Expendables (flow gear, interconnects) TOTAL Standard Cost $129,062 Additional Screening Cost $48,000 Total Cost $177,062

Table 5 shows the recovered costs after a field run. This is calculated by subtracting the standard (expected) repair costs from the new equipment cost. The cost of a nonmagnetic drill collar to house the tool is approximately $30,000. Table 5. Recovered Costs
Tool Module Pulser TM DM GM BM Total Standard Cost $119,753 Repair Costs $104,248 Total Recovered Costs $6,927 $1,300 $2,426 $2,426 $2,426 $15,505

The total cost to operate the tool, excluding manpower, will be the cost of a standard tool plus the cost for additional screening minus the recoverable costs or; Operating Cost = $129,062 + $48,000 $15,505 = $161,557 The operating time of 300 hours is equivalent to 12 days; thus, the day rate will be $13,463. This cost does not include the cost of capital to build the tools or the cost associated with the loss of technical personnels time when they are needed to keep these tools operating. Other costs include depreciation ($282/day) and crew charges (estimated at $1000/day). The total estimated daily cost for the new tool is $14,745/day. This cost compares to $3,000 to $4,000/day for a Solar 175. Thus, the cost of the 195C tool is 3 to 5 times more than a conventional tool. It is unlikely that many operators will be willing to pay this price, making the 195C tool uneconomical to offer commercially. These estimates are based on an operating life of 300 hours, high costs of screening parts, and a highly technical labor force needed to maintain the prototype
- 16 Maurer Technology Inc.

tools. It is difficult to determine whether operational experience could increase operational life and reduce manufacturing and maintenance costs, and thereby reduce the daily rate. Currently, Sperry Sun d oes not foresee sufficient market size to justify the expense to estimate these parameters. However, it is clear that new gas discoveries will be from increasingly deeper and hotter wells, and that the DOE should aid in the development of tools for these applications. It is also clear that an important area for additional work is to determine what is possible in reducing the costs and extending the life of the 195C tools.

Benefits to the MWD Industry

Sperry Sun and the MWD industry have benefited from this program in the following areas: Pulser Improvements. Several improvements were implemented in O ring selection, oil selection, and other areas. Many improvements were made to the positive pulser as a result of the 175C programs, which had taken place before this contract was started with Sperry Sun. Based on project tests, relatively few components of the system needed to be upgraded. Magnetometer and Calibration Improvements. Work on the magnetometer included upgrades to Sperry Sun (i.e., Tewkesbury) magnetometers in response to higher temperature requirements. This has led to improvements to the design of Sperry Suns existing magnetometers as used in the Tewkesbury tool family, which will be beneficial across all directional work. Further work was done with Tensor (then Honeywell) in Austin to obtain high temperature. This work showed clearly some of the limitations in the screening strategy Sperry Sun was following. Tensor has included a redesign of the magnetometers with some hightemperature electronics. It proved very difficult to get magnetometers built that perform consistently. This work in turn revealed deficiencies in the modeling methods used to correct errors introduced by temperature. Required modifications to address these findings are still ongoing within Sperry Sun. They are re-evaluating calibration methods for all of our directional tools used in the USA and internationally. Software Improvements, Resetting and Power-Up Problems. It was discovered as part of this effort t at the processor Sperry Sun was using has h anomalous behavior when being reset at high temperatures. This required software changes to be made both in the downhole code and tool programming code. The changes that were required provided another opportunity to improve the robustness of the downhole tool string. This is one of the indicators that translating the processor to a high-temperature semiconductor would be very beneficial in producing a new range of high-temperature tools. Identification of Circuit Design Weaknesses. As the process of screening MWD components for higher and higher temperatures was conducted, unexpected problems were observed, including voltage reference drift problems
- 17 Maurer Technology Inc.

and capacitor failures. Voltage reference drift proved difficult to solve because of its impact on the power supply. (This is another candidate for high-temperature semiconductor technology.) The capacitor issue identified a failure in the QC process of production and led to a re-evaluation of tantalum capacitors and testing under high-stress conditions. This work was undertaken independently (not as part of this contract) with a company, which Sperry Sun subcontracted to investigate this issue. A further conclusion regarding capacitor problems is that only improving the silicon is not enough. To make high-temperature tools, we need to develop designs which eliminate the need for these types of capacitors or work with manufacturers to build very high-temperature (high-capacitance) capacitors. Sperry Sun believes the temperature range of some low (<100,000 pF) capacitor technologies can be extended; however, they are less certain that it will be possible to economically extend high value technologies. The project has helped in clearly demonstrating the limitations of the methods Sperry Sun is currently using to produce high-temperature tools. Based on this work, they are considering the available high-temperature technologies and looking at approaches for introducing these technologies over the longer term.

Conclusions and Recommendations

1. Results of this development effort showed that, while it is possible to build a mud-pulse MWD tool that can operate at 195C, performance of the current tool is probably not sufficient for commercial success. The current temperature limit of 175C is apparently the practical limit for conventional electronics. This conclusion is further supported by Sperry Suns decision to market two tools, one for service up to 150C and another (the Solar 175) tool for service from 150 to 175C. This decision was made based on the additional costs to screen components for the Solar tools, which make if more difficult to compete with lower temperature tools from other manufacturers. Currently, the bulk of commercial MWD work is at temperatures below 150C. 2. Industrys current R&D goals and perception of future MWD requirements do not focus on operations in hotter and deeper formations. Sperry Sun (for example) is pursuing the larger segment of the market (operations at less than 150C). Their corporate vision is not in strict agreement with the DOEs vision that future gas needs for the USA will be met with gas produced from deeper, hotter reservoirs. However, businesses almost always trend toward the highvolume sector(s) of business. This apparent difference in vision may indicate that the service industry does not currently recognize what the future needs will be. The DOE can help bridge this gap in perception by presenting data that demonstrate how much gas is located in high-temperature reservoirs. If this information describing future markets is not readily available, the DOE could fund a study to highlight the quantity and location of current and future hightemperature reserves. These data may then serve to encourage the MWD industry to place resources into development of tools for high-temperature operations.
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3. Due to the extensive testing required and the high percentage of failing components, use of a binning qualification process to build hightemperature (195C) MWD tools is very costly. Costs to screen individual components, then subassemblies, and finally completed tools for hightemperature operations are very high. Tests also show a relatively short life for high-temperature tools. These factors mean that the daily cost of an MWD tool developed through binning processes will be much higher than a conventional tool. 4. Increasing the operating temperature of current MWD tools will require development of a new platform for the electronics used in these tools. This technology already exists in a limited number of components, and has been used to develop some special geothermal tools. Sandia National Laboratory has taken the lead role in this area and is developing or interested in the development of tools based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology to overcome high geothermal temperatures. Oilfield MWD could make use of SOI technology to develop the next generation of tools that could allow raising the current temperature limit (175C) not marginally (as seems to be the limit with conventional electronics), but to as high as 300C. 5. There are several hindrances to the development of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) tools for the MWD industry. First is the size of the task at hand. Since this represents a new platform, programming would have to be extensively modified. Sperry Sun and MTI estimate that this is at least a 2-man-year effort. This does not include testing and debugging after programming. Completely new circuits would have to be developed to use the SOI chips now available. In addition, some components still need to be improved for high-temperature use including magnetometers and accelerometers needed for determining direction and trajectory of the well. This project has advanced the development of these components, but more work is needed, including examining other nonconventional technologies to measure primary MWD parameters, angle, and direction. Perhaps one of the most challenging obstacles to the development of the next generation of MWD tools is the (understandable) reluctance of service companies to make obsolete their current inventories of tools. 6. DOE leadership and partership with industry can play a significant role in encouraging the development of high-temperature MWD tools to prepare for the future. If the DOEs prediction of future requirements for higher and higher temperatures is correct, then the oil and gas industries could find themselves without proper means to exploit reserves to meet the nations demand. This could have a significant impact on the US economy. The price of oil and gas is very volatile, and an inability to meet demand can result in rapid price increases. If reserves from hotter reservoirs were soon needed, it could require 2-3 years to develop the tools to efficiently recover them. During this period, prices would continue to rise, increasing the cost of US products and the costs to maintain the current standard of living. The DOE can encourage industry to develop critical components needed to construct new high- 19 Maurer Technology Inc.

temperature platforms. Providing funding will help reduce the risk and offset the loss for obsolescence of current inventories. Critical components include the magnetometer and accelerometers, as well as the new circuits that implement SOI technology. The final critical area for DOE assistance is in programming required for the new platform. MTI and Sperry Sun believe that the best area to start this work is to develop the primary processor chip using SOI technology. It may be possible to build the current processor u sing this method, which could reduce reprogramming time. Development of high-temperature directional packages is equally important since these are common to all MWD tools.

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Appendix A Field Test Report


Maurer Technology Inc.

Technical Services
Job Number: HD-MJ-10113

Solar 195

Lavaca Co., Texas <1 Aug to 14 Aug 2001> Tech Services Engineers: Harvey Mueller

TS01-001-HT195: <Solar 195> 01 Aug 2001 14 Aug 2001


Objectives___________________________________Section 1
Purpose Goals Test Plan NEPA Information

Summary and Post Run Evaluation______________Section 2 Recommendations ____________________________Section 3 Job Report __________________________________Section 4 LWD Logs __________________________________Section 5 Mud Reports ________________________________Section 6 Digital Data _________________________________Section 7 Miscellaneous _______________________________Section 8

Technical Services Job Report

TS01-001-HT195: <Solar 195> 01 Aug 2001 14 Aug 2001

Purpose of Job This well was a sidetrack to the original straight hole. The target zone produced only water. The well was sidetracked to intersect the target payzone updip and above gas/water contact. The open hole sidetrack was done using Solar 175 directional tools. Directional tools were run to maintain directional control of the wellpath and the Natural Gamma Ray logging tool was included to correlate with offset wells, determine formation tops and payzone thickness. Goals The development Solar 195 tools were run in this well to test the operation and survivability of these tools. Anticipated BHT was expected to be 360 F at a depth of 18400 ft. using 18.5# oil base mud. This would test of the operational capabilities of these tools. Test Plan BHT was 321 F at a depth of 16500 toward the end of run 400 using Solar 175 tools. The Solar 195 tools were run on the following and all subsequent runs. The Solar 195 tools are a drop in replacement and will provide surveys and Gamma data. NEPA Information 4. Project/Activity Description: The proposed action involves field testing a n drilling services system, ew specifically a Solar 195 Directional Gamma MWD tool, in order to assess the system's performance level. DOE's contractor is responsible for identifying field test opportunities, i.e., a well, and arranging all logistics with the operator (owner) of the well to conduct the drilling system performance test. A wellbore or section of wellbore will be drilled with the motor/bit combination for an appropriately permitted well.

Drill cuttings (sandstone, shale, & limestone fragments) will be generated during operation/testing of the product. These cuttings, however, are not incremental waste. The cuttings will be generated by the well owner's own actions (drilling operations), whether testing of the DOE-sponsored product(s) occurs or not. The well operator/owner is responsible for proper treatment and disposition of the cuttings.

The DOE-sponsored drilling product will be "on location" (at the wellsite) for varying lengths of time. It is anticipated that the drilling system will be on location for about 1 weeks, beginning on or about 24 Jul 2001.

Technical Services Job Report

TS01-001-HT195: <Solar 195> 01 Aug 2001 14 Aug 2001

5. Brief Description of Affected Environment: Field performance testing of the drilling system will occur in an appropriately permitted well. Testing of the motor/bits will take place in the John W. Hancock, Sr A-1 ST, a new well, located 29 18' N Latitude and 96 38' W Longitude. The well is owned/operated by Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas and will be located 10 mi SE of Hallettsville, TX. The surface environment in the immediate vicinity is gently rolling grassland associated with local farms and ranches.

The affected environment will be primarily below ground level (subsurface, as a well is being drilled). The drilling, using the Solar 195 Directional Gamma MWD tool, will take place in an appropriately permitted well, thus all penetrated strata will be treated in an approved manner, e.g., aquifers isolated, etc.

Technical Services Job Report

TS01-001-HT195: <Solar 195> 01 Aug 2001 14 Aug 2001

Run 500 Timeline
01 Aug 17:30 Below rotary 01 Aug 18:00 Shallow test 02 Aug 11:45 On bottom and start drilling; First recorded temperature- 353 F 04 Aug 23:00 Tool quit pulsing; Drill ahead blind 05 Aug 01:44 Last good data point in Gamma memory; After this point all Bank A, B and C were filled with 7590 or 7650. 05 Aug 01:54 Gap in gamma data 01:54:42 to 01:58:41 05 Aug 10:16 Gap in gamma data from 10:16:13 to 12:49:49 05 Aug 15:13 Gap in gamma data from 15:13:11 to 06 Aug 02:57:02 06 Aug 02:30 End of run

Run 500 Post Run Evaluation

Mk 8 Pulser 8176 Incoming: Passed resistance test but failed poppet extension and bench test. No signs of mud leaking out of the tool.

Tear down: The pulser was full of drilling fluids. The origin of the drill fluid intrusion was the seal pack and the oring seal on the poppet shaft. The o-rings in the seal pack was nibbled. Where the poppet shaft rides on the seal pack the shaft showed some pitting on it. The o-ring on the poppet shaft was extruded and blown inward into the pulser. All the case seal o-rings looked good. The o-rings on the kemlon feedthru's were still sealing but showed some sign's of extrusion. The intermediate case was checked and it had no cracks.

Over view: The upper bearing was also very worn. The upper bearing in this pulser measured .4491. The old bearing was worn out so far it couldn't be pressed out. A new bearing in the end plug measured .4341 This leaves a gap of .015. This upper bearing ring ID has an extreme amount of wear. We control the ID to within a

Technical Services Job Report

TS01-001-HT195: <Solar 195> 01 Aug 2001 14 Aug 2001 .0003" tolerance. It wore .015" oversized diametral in a relatively short amount of time. The wear would have allowed for more and more lateral deflection of the poppet.

A new end plug assembly was picked out at random and was measured. New housing New bearing O.D. New bearing I.D. = .5650 = .5675 = .4353

New bearing I.D. installed = .4341 Poppet shaft O.D. = .4341

BM 146746 Incoming: Downloaded memory data successfully using INSITE. Manually enabled sub bus power from the batteries. Sub bus power was ~10 V. and would fail once CIM I/O card power was removed from the SBM. It appears the batteries were depleted, perhaps due to the short in the end plug. Tear down: Tested the SBM electronics at 195C. The board is still working as it is supposed to. It is measuring the battery voltages, currents, and temperature correctly. The battery over-current protection is also still functioning as specified.

The cells do appear to be near dead from room temperature evaluation. In the next 2 weeks I plan on getting the cells heated up and tested again at or above 125C. Their present poor performance could be due to the cold room temperature. Overview:

Run 600 Timeline

06 Aug 03:30 Below Rotary 06 Aug 18:30 Begin reaming to log Gamma over section lost when tool failed on previous run 06 Aug 22:00 On bottom; begin drilling 06 Aug 05:30 Tool quit pulsing; Drill ahead blind. 13 Aug 22:00 End of run

Technical Services Job Report

TS01-001-HT195: <Solar 195> 01 Aug 2001 14 Aug 2001

Run 600 Post Run Evaluation

Mk 8 Pulser 8178 Incoming: Passed resistance test but failed poppet extension and bench test. The poppet cap was broken.

Tear down: The pulser was full of drilling fluids. The origin of the drill fluid intrusion was the seal pack and the oring seal on the poppet shaft. The poppet shaft had two groves in it where it was hitting the end cap. There was no upper bearing in the end cap. This caused premature failure in the bootless top end and the breaking of the poppet cap. All the case seal o-rings looked good. The o-rings on the kemlon feedthru's were still sealing but showed some sign's of extrusion. The intermediate case was checked and it had no cracks.

Over view: The upper bearing was not installed and caused the failure of the pulser.

TM 146620 Incoming: We were unable to communicate with the TM. Tear down: Upon pulling the electronics from the case it was found that the backup battery had vented which damaged the wiring to the electronics package. The backup battery was removed and we attempted to communicate with the electronics but were unable to as the vented cell damaged the boards. Overview: The backup battery caused the failure on the TM. It has not yet been determined what caused the backup battery to vent.

BM 146747

Technical Services Job Report

TS01-001-HT195: <Solar 195> 01 Aug 2001 14 Aug 2001


Technical Services Job Report

TS01-001-HT195: <Solar 195> 01 Aug 2001 14 Aug 2001

Job Report
End of Well Report

Technical Services Job Report

End of Well Report for Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas

Rig: Well: Field: Country: Job No: Date: API No: H & P 89 John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST Wildcat U.S.A. HD-MJ-10113 08-Jul-01 42-285-32871-01

Table of Contents

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

General Information Operational Overview Summary of MWD Runs Bitrun Summary Directional Survey Data Service Interrupt Report

Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page ii

General Information

Company: Rig: Well: Field: Country: API Number: Sperry-Sun Job Number: Job start date: Job end date: North reference: Declination: Dip angle: Total magnetic field: Date of magnetic data: Wellhead coordinates N: Wellhead coordinates E: Vertical section direction: MWD Engineers:

Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas H & P 89 John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST Wildcat U.S.A. 42-285-32871-01 HD-MJ-10113 08-Jul-01 09-Aug-01 Grid 5.138 58.842 48529.223 01-Jan-70 29 deg. 18 min 1.640 sec North 96 deg. 38 min 34.350 sec West 122.526 K. McCoy L. Motl deg T. Bufford deg deg nt

Company Representatives: Company Geologist: Lease Name: Unit Number: State: County:

D. Patton

R. Coates

John W. Hancock Sr. Texas Lavaca

Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page 1

Operational Overview

Sperry-Sun Drilling Services was contracted to provide Solar 175 MWD and directional drilling services for sidetracking the John W. Hancock Sr. A-1 well. MWD services began 08-Jul-01. The sidetrack was completed 12-Aug at a measured depth of 17777. Run 100 was a directional only run to open hole sidetrack the well at 14153' MD. The run started 09-Jul and was completed at 14212' MD 12-Jul after 50 circulating hours. MWD tool RPM's dropped from 3200 to 2200 during the run, but caused no problems during the run. Post-run inspection revealed damaged marine bearings. Run 200 directional / gamma run began 12-Jul and was completed at 15094' MD after 136 circulating hours. MWD tool RPM's caused the intermittent pulsing during the run and ranged from 3200 at run start to 1200 at end of run. Pulser failed post-run poppet extension test. Run 300 began 19-Jul and was completed 20-Jul after MWD quit pulsing after 16.5 circulating hours. Tool sent to R & M for testing. Run 400 began 21-Jul and was completed 31-Jul after 213 circulating hours. MWD setup was changed to compensate for RPM loss during run. Tool RPM's ran from 3900 at start of run to 2200 at end of run. Post run inspection revealed damaged marine bearings. Maximum temperature during run was 332F. Pulser failed post-run retraction test. Run 500 was the first run for the Solar 195 tool. The run started 01-Aug. at 16719' MD. MWD quit pulsing after 55 circulating hours. Drilled ahead 19 hours without real-time MWD. Tool logged 2 hours after failure before short in end plug turned the subbus off. Maximum temperature prior to failure was 360F. and maximum temperature recorded in tool was 367 deg. F. Pulser failed post-run retraction test. Run 600 with Solar 195 tool began 06-Aug 17173' MD. Logged 130' of data lost on prior run and started drilling at 2200 06-Aug. MWD quit pulsing at 05:30 07-Aug. Drilled ahead to TD without MWD.

Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page 2

Summary of MWD runs

Run No.
0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0601 4000

Bit No.
0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0600 0

Hole Size (in)

6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 0.00 0.00

MWD Sensors

Start Depth (ft)

14153.00 14212.00 15094.00 15195.00 16719.00 17173.00 17173.00 0.00

End Drill/Wipe Run Start Depth Distance Date Time (ft) (ft)
14212.00 15094.00 15195.00 16719.00 17173.00 17777.00 17777.00 0.00 59.00 882.00 101.00 1524.00 454.00 604.00 604.00 0.00 09-Jul-01 20:00 12-Jul-01 14:00 19-Jul-01 12:00 21-Jul-01 01:00 01-Aug-01 17:30 06-Aug-01 03:30 06-Aug-01 03:30 09-Aug-01 16:17

Run End Date Time

12-Jul-01 14:00 19-Jul-01 11:00 20-Jul-01 23:00 31-Jul-01 13:30 06-Aug-01 02:30 13-Aug-01 22:00 13-Aug-01 22:00 09-Aug-01 16:17

BRT Oper. Circ. Hrs. Hrs. Hrs.

66.00 165.00 35.00 252.50 105.00 186.50 186.50 0.00 66.00 165.00 35.00 252.50 105.00 186.50 186.50 0.00 50.00 136.00 18.00 213.00 74.00 106.00 106.00 0.00

Max. Serv. Trip for Failure Temp. Int. MWD Type (degF)
302.00 289.00 304.00 318.00 353.00 360.00 360.00 0.00 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No Pulser Pulser Pulser Pulser

TOTALS ====>
Job No.:HD-MJ-10113 Well No.:





Page 3

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Bitrun Summary
Run Time Data
MWD Run : Rig Bit No: Hole Size : Run Start : Run End : BRT Hrs : Circ. Hrs : Oper. Hrs : 0100 0100 6.75 in 09-Jul-01 20:00 12-Jul-01 14:00 66.00 50.00 66.00 End Depth : Footage : Avg. Flow Rate : Avg. RPM : Avg. WOB : Avg. ROP : Avg. SPP :

Drilling Data
Start Depth : 14153.00 ft 14212.00 ft 59.00 234.00 40.00 2.00 2.00 3000.00 ft rpm klb fph Mud Type : Chlorides : Solids/Sand : %Oil / O:W :

Mud Data
Oil Based ppg / mg/l cp / % / % / pH / degF 15.00 TR 90/10 0.00 mptm lhf2 % 90.00 spqt 0.00 58.00 40 53.5 302.00 Weight / Visc : 18.10

gpm PV / YP :

pH/Fluid Loss: 0.00

psig Max. Temp. :

MWD Schematics
(9) (3) Component

BHA Schematics
Length (ft) O.D. (in) I.D. (in)

(8) (7)



(5) 09. 08. (4) (1) 3. MARK VII SN : 102 2. Telemetry Module (3) SN : 132003 (2) 0.00 ft Distance from Bit 1. Directional Module SN : 90554 (1) 0.00 ft Distance from Bit 07. 06. 05. 04. 03. 02. 01. 6x HWDP Cross Over Sub Drilling Jars 3x Drill collar 1 x Non-Mag Drill Collar DWD SlimHole Float Sub 4-3/4"SperryDrillLobe 4/5-6.3s Diamond 184.78 2.67 30.15 89.41 31.19 28.61 2.33 25.12 0.54 4.000 5.188 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 6.750 2.560 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.810 2.250 2.794 1.920

Time drilled to sidetrack well. POOH to change bit type and BHA. 100% MWD Run. Tool Setup: 35 IMP / 30 IFA Stator / 1.675 DT Tool OD / Type :

MWD Performance
4.75 in / HH 100.00 0.00 % % MWD Real-time%: 100.00 MWD Recorded%: 0.00 Min. Inc. : Max. Inc. : Final Az. : Max Op. Press. : 4.40 4.50 120.50 % / % / deg / deg / deg

14145.00 ft 14113.00 ft

13270.92 psig

Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page 4

Bitrun Summary
Run Time Data
MWD Run : Rig Bit No: Hole Size : Run Start : Run End : BRT Hrs : Circ. Hrs : Oper. Hrs : 0200 0200 6.75 in 12-Jul-01 14:00 19-Jul-01 11:00 165.00 136.00 165.00 End Depth : Footage : Avg. Flow Rate : Avg. RPM : Avg. WOB : Avg. ROP : Avg. SPP :

Drilling Data
Start Depth : 14212.00 ft 15094.00 ft 882.00 234.00 45.00 10.00 5.00 3200.00 ft rpm klb fph Mud Type : Chlorides : Solids/Sand : %Oil / O:W :

Mud Data
Oil Based ppg / mg/l cp / % / % / pH / degF 90/10 0.00 mptm 16.00 lhf2 % 64.00 spqt 0.00 63.00 39.44 54 289.00 Weight / Visc : 17.90

gpm PV / YP :

pH/Fluid Loss: 0.00

psig Max. Temp. :

MWD Schematics
(4) (11) Component

BHA Schematics
Length (ft) (10) (9) O.D. (in) I.D. (in)

(3) (8)

(7) 11. (2) 4. MARK VII SN : 90 (6) 10. 09. (5) 08. 07. 06. 05. 04. 03. 02. 01. 6x HWDP Cross Over Sub 3x Drill collar 2x Drill collar Drilling Jars Drill collar 1 x Non-Mag Drill Collar DGWD SlimHole Float Sub 4-3/4"SperryDrillLobe 4/5-6.3s PDC 184.78 2.67 91.90 60.00 30.15 29.41 31.19 28.61 2.33 25.10 1.00 4.000 5.188 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 6.750 2.560 2.250 2.250 2.375 2.250 2.375 2.250 2.810 2.250 2.794 2.560


3. Telemetry Module SN : 86654 (4) 0.00 ft Distance from Bit 2. Directional Module SN : 90554 (3) 0.00 ft Distance from Bit (2) 1. Gamma Module SN : 156070 0.00 ft Distance from Bit (1)

Drilled ahead with sliding to build angle. POOH to switch MWD tool failure, change bit and motor. Tool config.30 deg. stator, 35 deg. imp, 1.675 DT orifice. Tool OD / Type :

MWD Performance
4.75 in / HH 100.00 0.00 % % MWD Real-time%: 100.00 MWD Recorded%: 100.00 Min. Inc. : Max. Inc. : Final Az. : Max Op. Press. : 3.20 30.20 116.10 % / % / deg / deg / deg

14174.00 ft 15004.00 ft

13868.92 psig

Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page 5

Bitrun Summary
Run Time Data
MWD Run : Rig Bit No: Hole Size : Run Start : Run End : BRT Hrs : Circ. Hrs : Oper. Hrs : 0300 0300 6.75 in 19-Jul-01 12:00 20-Jul-01 23:00 35.00 18.00 35.00 End Depth : Footage : Avg. Flow Rate : Avg. RPM : Avg. WOB : Avg. ROP : Avg. SPP :

Drilling Data
Start Depth : 15094.00 ft 15195.00 ft 101.00 238.00 45.00 5.00 5.00 3200.00 ft rpm klb fph Mud Type : Chlorides : Solids/Sand : %Oil / O:W :

Mud Data
Oil Based ppg / mg/l cp / % / % / pH / degF 91/9 0.00 mptm 16.00 lhf2 % 75.00 spqt 0.00 60.00 40.5 54 304.00 Weight / Visc : 17.90

gpm PV / YP :

pH/Fluid Loss: 0.00

psig Max. Temp. :

MWD Schematics
(4) (11) Component

BHA Schematics
Length (ft) (10) (9) O.D. (in) I.D. (in)

(3) (8)

(7) 11. (2) 4. MARK VII SN : 102 (6) 10. 09. (5) 08. 07. 06. 05. 04. 03. 02. 01. 6x HWDP Cross Over Sub 3x Drill collar 2x Drill collar Drilling Jars Drill collar 1 x Non-Mag Drill Collar SOLAR DGWD SlimHole Float Sub 4-3/4" SperryDrill 4/5 6.3 stg PDC 184.78 2.67 91.90 60.00 30.15 29.41 31.19 28.61 2.33 25.01 1.00 4.000 5.188 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 6.750 2.560 2.250 2.250 2.375 2.250 2.375 2.250 2.810 2.250 2.794 2.560


3. Telemetry Module SN : 132003 (4) 0.00 ft Distance from Bit 2. Directional Module SN : 122099 (3) 0.00 ft Distance from Bit (2) 1. Gamma Module SN : 78005 0.00 ft Distance from Bit (1)

POOH for MWD. Tool flatlined after 16.5 circ. hrs.. Tool Setup: 35 IMP / 30 IFA / 1.675 DT Tool OD / Type :

MWD Performance
4.75 in / HH 90.00 0.00 % % MWD Real-time%: 90.00 MWD Recorded%: 90.00 Min. Inc. : Max. Inc. : Final Az. : Max Op. Press. : 31.00 34.20 118.60 % / % / deg / deg / deg

15036.00 ft 15131.00 ft

14055.08 psig

Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page 6

Bitrun Summary
Run Time Data
MWD Run : Rig Bit No: Hole Size : Run Start : Run End : BRT Hrs : Circ. Hrs : Oper. Hrs : 0400 0400 6.75 in 21-Jul-01 01:00 31-Jul-01 13:30 252.50 213.00 252.50 End Depth : Footage : Avg. Flow Rate : Avg. RPM : Avg. WOB : Avg. ROP : Avg. SPP :

Drilling Data
Start Depth : 15195.00 ft 16719.00 ft 1524.00 215.00 64.00 8.00 8.00 3300.00 ft rpm klb fph Mud Type : Chlorides : Solids/Sand : %Oil / O:W :

Mud Data
Oil Based ppg / mg/l cp / % / % / pH / degF 91/9 0.00 mptm 28.00 lhf2 % 90.00 spqt 0.00 74.00 41.5 53.5 318.00 Weight / Visc : 18.40

gpm PV / YP :

pH/Fluid Loss: 0.00

psig Max. Temp. :

MWD Schematics
(4) (11) Component

BHA Schematics
Length (ft) (10) (9) O.D. (in) I.D. (in)

(3) (8)

(7) 11. (2) 4. MARK VII SN : 76 (6) 10. 09. (5) 08. 07. 06. 05. 04. 03. 02. 01. 6x HWDP Cross Over Sub 3x Drill collar 2x Drill collar Drilling Jars Drill collar 1 x Non-Mag Drill Collar SOLAR DGWD SlimHole Float Sub 4-3/4" SperryDrill 4/5 6.3 stg PDC 184.78 2.67 91.90 60.00 30.15 29.41 31.19 28.61 2.33 24.40 1.00 4.000 5.188 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 6.750 2.560 2.250 2.250 2.375 2.250 2.375 2.250 2.810 2.250 2.794 2.560


3. Telemetry Module SN : 86654 (4) 0.00 ft Distance from Bit 2. Directional Module SN : 90554 (3) 0.00 ft Distance from Bit (2) 1. Gamma Module SN : 156070 0.00 ft Distance from Bit (1)

100 % MWD run. POOH to switch BHA, MWD because of hours, and test BOP's.35 impeller, 41 stator, 1.675 orifice. Tool OD / Type :

MWD Performance
4.75 in / HH 100.00 0.00 % % MWD Real-time%: 100.00 MWD Recorded%: 100.00 Min. Inc. : Max. Inc. : Final Az. : Max Op. Press. : 34.30 48.30 119.10 % / % / deg / deg / deg

15131.00 ft 16661.00 ft

15996.74 psig

Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page 7

Bitrun Summary
Run Time Data
MWD Run : Rig Bit No: Hole Size : Run Start : Run End : BRT Hrs : Circ. Hrs : Oper. Hrs : 0500 0500 6.75 in 01-Aug-01 17:30 06-Aug-01 02:30 105.00 74.00 105.00 End Depth : Footage : Avg. Flow Rate : Avg. RPM : Avg. WOB : Avg. ROP : Avg. SPP :

Drilling Data
Start Depth : 16719.00 ft 17173.00 ft 454.00 211.00 55.00 10.00 12.00 3200.00 ft rpm klb fph Mud Type : Chlorides : Solids/Sand : %Oil / O:W :

Mud Data
Oil Based ppg / mg/l cp / % / % / pH / degF 91/9 0.00 mptm 7.00 lhf2 % 63.00 spqt 0.00 48.00 41.5 53 353.00 Weight / Visc : 18.50

gpm PV / YP :

pH/Fluid Loss: 0.00

psig Max. Temp. :

MWD Schematics
(5) (11) Component

BHA Schematics
Length (ft) (10) (9) O.D. (in) I.D. (in)



(3) 5. Mark VIII SN : 8176

(7) 11. 10. (6) 09. 08. (5) 07. 06. 05. 04. 03. 02. 01. 6x HWDP Cross Over Sub 5x Drill collar Drilling Jars 1x Drill collar 1x Non-Mag Drill collar DGWD SlimHole Float Sub Integral Blade Stabilizer 4-3/4"SperryDrillLobe4/5-6.3st PDC 184.78 1.87 152.07 30.15 30.50 31.12 24.47 2.41 5.68 24.40 1.00 4.000 5.188 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.625 4.750 4.750 4.750 6.750 2.560 2.688 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 3.500 2.250 1.938 2.794 2.560


4. Telemetry Module SN : 146619 0.00 ft Distance from Bit 3. Directional Module SN : 146618 50.28 ft Distance from Bit


(4) 2. Gamma Module (3) SN : 146171 44.10 ft Distance from Bit (2) 1. Battery Probe SN : 146746 0.00 ft Distance from Bit (1)

MWD Failure. Orifice 1.6375, stator 41, impeller 35 Tool OD / Type :

MWD Performance
4.75 in / HH 70.00 0.00 % % MWD Real-time%: 70.00 MWD Recorded%: 70.00 Min. Inc. : Max. Inc. : Final Az. : Max Op. Press. : 48.30 49.10 119.80 % / % / deg / deg / deg

16662.00 ft 16757.00 ft

16434.81 psig

Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page 8

Bitrun Summary
Run Time Data
MWD Run : Rig Bit No: Hole Size : Run Start : Run End : BRT Hrs : Circ. Hrs : Oper. Hrs : 0600 0600 6.75 in 06-Aug-01 03:30 13-Aug-01 22:00 186.50 106.00 186.50 End Depth : Footage : Avg. Flow Rate : Avg. RPM : Avg. WOB : Avg. ROP : Avg. SPP :

Drilling Data
Start Depth : 17173.00 ft 17777.00 ft 604.00 230.00 55.00 5.00 5.00 3200.00 ft rpm klb fph Mud Type : Chlorides : Solids/Sand : %Oil / O:W :

Mud Data
Oil Based ppg / mg/l cp / % / % / pH / degF 90/10 0.00 mptm 9.00 lhf2 % 74.00 spqt 0.00 49.00 42 52 360.00 Weight / Visc : 18.60

gpm PV / YP :

pH/Fluid Loss: 0.00

psig Max. Temp. :

MWD Schematics
(5) (11) Component

BHA Schematics
Length (ft) (10) (9) O.D. (in) I.D. (in)



(3) 5. Mark VIII SN : 8178

(7) 11. 10. (6) 09. 08. (5) 07. 06. 05. 04. 03. 02. 01. 6x HWDP Cross Over Sub 5x Drill collar Drilling Jars 1x Drill collar 1x Non-Mag Drill collar DGWD SlimHole Float Sub Integral Blade Stabilizer 4-3/4"SperryDrillLobe4/5-6.3st PDC 184.78 1.87 152.07 30.15 30.50 31.12 28.61 2.41 4.69 25.12 1.00 4.000 5.188 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.625 4.750 4.750 4.750 6.750 2.560 2.688 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 3.500 2.250 2.188 2.794 2.560


4. Telemetry Module SN : 146620 0.00 ft Distance from Bit 3. Directional Module SN : 146617 0.00 ft Distance from Bit


(4) 2. Gamma Module (3) SN : 146170 0.00 ft Distance from Bit (2) 1. Battery Probe SN : 146747 0.00 ft Distance from Bit (1)

MWD quit pulsing after 13 circulating hours. Drilled to TD without realtime MWD. 41/35, 1.650 DT orifice. Tool OD / Type :

MWD Performance
4.75 in / HH 25.00 0.00 % % MWD Real-time%: 25.00 MWD Recorded%: 25.00 Min. Inc. : Max. Inc. : Final Az. : Max Op. Press. : 48.10 48.30 122.60 % / % / deg / deg / deg

17141.00 ft 17012.00 ft


Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page 9

Directional Survey Data

Measured Depth (feet)
14072.00 14113.00 14145.00 14174.00 14206.00 14238.00 14269.00 14301.00 14333.00 14365.00 14397.00 14429.00 14461.00 14493.00 14525.00 14557.00 14588.00 14620.00 14652.00 14684.00 14716.00 14749.00 14781.00 14813.00 14845.00 14877.00 14909.00 14941.00 14973.00 15004.00 15036.00 15068.00 15099.00 15131.00 15162.00 15194.00 15226.00 15258.00 15290.00 15321.00

Inclination (degrees)
3.68 4.50 4.40 3.20 5.90 7.80 8.50 9.40 9.80 10.60 11.20 11.60 12.30 12.70 13.40 14.20 15.70 16.80 17.50 18.50 19.30 20.20 21.50 23.00 23.80 24.70 25.70 27.20 28.70 30.20 31.00 31.60 33.00 34.30 35.80 37.00 38.10 38.80 39.50 39.60
Job No.:

Direction (degrees)
105.75 115.00 120.50 154.50 195.90 186.90 177.00 169.30 159.70 147.10 143.70 142.80 137.20 131.30 124.40 121.00 117.10 117.80 116.90 115.60 115.60 115.40 116.00 116.70 116.70 117.30 117.30 116.50 115.90 116.10 115.00 113.90 115.00 117.30 118.00 118.70 118.70 119.30 120.10 120.40

Vertical Depth (feet)

14067.00 14107.90 14139.80 14168.74 14200.64 14232.41 14263.10 14294.71 14326.27 14357.76 14389.19 14420.56 14451.86 14483.11 14514.28 14545.36 14575.31 14606.03 14636.61 14667.04 14697.32 14728.37 14758.28 14787.89 14817.26 14846.44 14875.39 14904.04 14932.31 14959.30 14986.85 15014.19 15040.39 15067.03 15092.41 15118.16 15143.53 15168.59 15193.41 15217.31

Latitude (feet)
109.35 108.31 107.16 105.86 103.48 99.74 95.36 90.43 85.31 80.28 75.31 70.24 65.18 60.35 55.94 51.82 47.95 43.82 39.49 35.12 30.64 25.84 20.90 15.52 9.81 3.84 2.41 8.86 15.48 22.16 29.18 36.06 42.92 50.74 59.00 68.02 77.39 87.03 97.04 106.99
Well No.:

Departure (feet)

Vertical Section (feet)

-78.82 -75.97 -73.49 -71.70 -70.47 -69.06 -66.82 -63.65 -59.69 -54.84 -49.27 -43.35 -37.04 -30.26 -23.08 -15.45 -7.47 1.44 10.84 20.67 30.96 42.03 53.34 65.38 78.02 91.11 104.67 118.86 133.76 148.91 165.07 181.53 197.93 215.55 233.29 252.23 271.69 291.55 311.73 331.45

Dogleg (deg/100f)
TIE-IN 2.56 1.37 8.62 12.77 6.80 5.05 4.68 5.15 7.39 2.75 1.37 4.23 4.18 5.33 3.56 5.82 3.49 2.34 3.37 2.50 2.73 4.12 4.76 2.50 2.92 3.13 4.82 4.77 4.85 3.05 2.59 4.90 5.69 5.01 3.97 3.44 2.48 2.70 0.70
Page 12


23.75 21.03 18.83 17.52 17.59 18.30 18.43 17.82 16.39 13.85 10.41 6.63 2.37 2.59 8.30 14.72 21.71 29.66 38.04 46.91 56.26 66.32 76.58 87.44 98.79 110.50 122.61 135.32 148.78 162.48 177.17 192.31 207.39 223.30 239.06 255.78 272.88 290.28 307.83 324.88


John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Directional Survey Data

Measured Depth (feet)
15352.00 15384.00 15416.00 15448.00 15479.00 15511.00 15543.00 15575.00 15607.00 15639.00 15671.00 15703.00 15735.00 15766.00 15799.00 15831.00 15863.00 15895.00 15927.00 15959.00 15991.00 16023.00 16054.00 16086.00 16118.00 16150.00 16182.00 16214.00 16246.00 16278.00 16310.00 16342.00 16374.00 16437.00 16501.00 16533.00 16565.00 16597.00 16629.00 16661.00

Inclination (degrees)
39.80 40.70 41.70 42.30 42.70 43.00 43.10 43.70 43.80 44.00 44.20 44.30 44.40 44.70 44.90 45.30 45.40 45.60 45.60 45.90 46.00 46.10 46.50 46.60 46.90 46.90 47.20 46.70 46.70 46.30 46.50 46.60 46.80 46.00 46.40 46.60 46.80 47.20 47.70 48.30
Job No.:

Direction (degrees)
119.80 118.20 117.60 117.00 117.20 117.10 117.20 116.90 117.10 117.00 117.10 116.90 117.50 117.10 116.80 116.70 116.10 116.30 115.60 115.90 115.70 115.20 114.90 115.50 114.60 114.50 114.80 116.20 117.10 118.60 118.80 119.10 118.40 119.10 118.70 118.70 118.60 119.20 118.90 119.10

Vertical Depth (feet)

15241.16 15265.59 15289.67 15313.45 15336.30 15359.76 15383.15 15406.40 15429.51 15452.57 15475.55 15498.47 15521.35 15543.45 15566.86 15589.45 15611.94 15634.37 15656.76 15679.09 15701.33 15723.54 15744.96 15766.97 15788.90 15810.76 15832.56 15854.41 15876.35 15898.38 15920.45 15942.46 15964.40 16007.85 16052.15 16074.17 16096.12 16117.94 16139.58 16161.00

Latitude (feet)
116.92 126.94 136.80 146.62 156.16 166.09 176.06 186.06 196.10 206.20 216.32 226.46 236.69 246.66 257.20 267.40 277.52 287.60 297.60 307.56 317.57 327.47 336.96 346.85 356.72 366.43 376.20 386.26 396.71 407.55 418.68 429.92 441.13 463.07 485.39 496.54 507.70 519.02 530.46 541.99
Well No.:

Departure (feet)

Vertical Section (feet)

351.23 371.87 392.88 414.20 435.05 456.72 478.47 500.35 522.38 544.47 566.63 588.86 611.13 632.79 655.93 678.48 701.12 723.80 746.51 769.28 792.12 814.98 837.20 860.24 883.35 906.49 929.69 952.90 976.07 999.20 1022.32 1045.51 1068.74 1114.27 1160.37 1183.53 1206.76 1230.12 1253.65 1277.39

Dogleg (deg/100f)
1.39 4.28 3.36 2.26 1.36 0.96 0.38 1.98 0.53 0.66 0.66 0.54 1.35 1.33 0.88 1.27 1.37 0.77 1.56 1.15 0.55 1.17 1.47 1.40 2.25 0.23 1.16 3.56 2.05 3.62 0.77 0.75 1.71 1.50 0.77 0.62 0.67 1.86 1.71 1.93
Page 13


342.02 360.10 378.73 397.75 416.40 435.76 455.20 474.78 494.50 514.26 534.09 553.99 573.88 593.21 613.94 634.18 654.57 675.05 695.61 716.25 736.96 757.76 778.06 799.08 820.20 841.45 862.74 883.85 904.66 925.18 945.51 965.84 986.26 1026.25 1066.69 1087.05 1107.49 1127.98 1148.59 1169.39


John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Directional Survey Data

Measured Depth (feet)
16693.00 16757.00 16821.00 16885.00 16949.00 17012.00 17077.00 17141.00 17777.00

Inclination (degrees)
49.00 49.10 48.80 48.60 48.30 48.30 48.20 48.10 48.10

Direction (degrees)
118.30 118.80 119.10 119.10 119.80 121.20 121.90 122.60 122.60

Vertical Depth (feet)

16182.14 16224.08 16266.11 16308.35 16350.80 16392.71 16436.00 16478.70 16903.44

Latitude (feet)
553.53 576.63 599.99 623.37 646.92 670.79 696.17 721.61 976.65 S S S S S S S S S

Departure (feet)
1190.46 1232.92 1275.15 1317.16 1358.87 1399.40 1440.72 1481.04 1879.84 E E E E E E E E E

Vertical Section (feet)

1301.35 1349.57 1397.75 1445.74 1493.57 1540.57 1589.06 1636.73 2110.11

Dogleg (deg/100f)
2.88 0.61 0.59 0.31 0.94 1.66 0.82 0.83 0.00

Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page 14

Directional Survey Data



Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page 15

Service Interrupt Report

MWD run number : Rig Bit Number : 0500 0500 Time/Date of Failure : Depth at time of Failure : Lost Rig Hours : 04-Aug-01 23:00 17015.00 ft 18.00 MWD Run start time/date : 01-Aug-01 17:30 MWD Run end time/date : 06-Aug-01 02:30 Rig Activity
Drilling ahead.

Description of Failure
Tool quit pulsing.

Action Taken
Cycled pumps, changed flow rates, changed pressure tranducer, etc... Drilled ahead 19.5 hrs without MWD.

Operation Impact
POOH for MWD. Lost 130' of data. Delayed data delivery 24 hrs. 20 hrs lost rig time.

Reason for Failure

Pulser failed poppet retraction test. BM shorted sub bus.

Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page 18

Service Interrupt Report

MWD run number : Rig Bit Number : 0600 0600 Time/Date of Failure : Depth at time of Failure : Lost Rig Hours : 07-Aug-01 05:30 17233.00 ft 0.00 MWD Run start time/date : 06-Aug-01 03:30 MWD Run end time/date : 13-Aug-01 22:00 Rig Activity
Drilling ahead.

Description of Failure
Tool quit pulsing.

Action Taken
Cycled pumps, changed flow rates, changed pressure tranducer, etc... Drilled ahead to TD without MWD.

Operation Impact
POOH for MWD. Lost 600' of data, delayed data delivery 96 hrs.

Reason for Failure

Found nut on top of poppet. Surface test revealed a broken poppet, and was unable to communicate with TM. Poppet failed poppet retraction test.

Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page 19

Sperry-Sun, A Halliburton Company

Job No.:


Well No.:

John W. Hancock Sr. #A-1 ST

End of Well Report

Page 20

TS01-001-HT195: <Solar 195> 01 Aug 2001 14 Aug 2001

LWD Logs
Gamma Ray MD log from 16610 to 16760. Last reading from Solar 175 Gamma at 16681. Depths below this point are from Solar 195 Gamma tool.

Technical Services Job Report

TS01-001-HT195: <Solar 195> 01 Aug 2001 14 Aug 2001

Rate of Penetration

feet per hr

Solar 175 Gamma Ray

0 150

Temp TM Temperature






MD 16629

INC 47.7

AZ 118.9


MD 16661

INC 48.3

AZ 119.1

MD 16681 Last Gamma reading Run 400

MD 16693

INC 49.0

AZ 118.3


MD 16719 End Run 400



MD 16757

INC 49.1

AZ 118.8

Solar 175 Gamma Ray

0 150

Temp TM Temperature






Rate of Penetration

feet per hr

Technical Services Job Report

TS01-001-HT195: <Solar 195> 01 Aug 2001 14 Aug 2001

Mud Reports

Technical Services Job Report

TS01-001-HT195: <Solar 195> 01 Aug 2001 14 Aug 2001

Digital Data
INSITE adi backup with Data directory on MO disk

Technical Services Job Report

TS01-001-HT195: <Solar 195> 01 Aug 2001 14 Aug 2001


Technical Services Job Report

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