Jsa Excavation
Jsa Excavation
Jsa Excavation
Potential Hazards/Accidents
Box Culvert Construction Employee Injury ( Falling Back Fill Around Loads, Excavation Hazards, Culvert Equipment Operations, Etc.)
Backfill Excavations
Equipment Delivery
Damage In Transit
Traffic Accidents At Site Damage To Equipment Unloading Injury To Employees Unloading Form Covers Employee Injuries ( Cuts, Power Equipment, Contusions, Lifting, Eye Injuries, Etc.) Employee Hazard ( Fall
Employee training in backfill safety procedures Qualified equipment operators No employees allowed under the loads Good supervision of employees in excavation Excavation protection as required by the depth of the excavation Employee training in backfill safety procedures Qualified equipment operators No employees allowed under the loads Good supervision of employees in excavation Excavation protection as required by the depth of the excavation A prearranged route for delivery will be made. Equipment will be properly secured during transit. Exhaust will be taped if needed Cargo will be protected against theft with prearranged rest stops. The traffic controls above will be followed and equipment deliveries will be scheduled for low traffic times if possible Permission from local authority to close road if needed The equipment will only be unloaded by qualified operator in the designated loading area. A spotter will be used to assist the operator and keep the area clear of vehicles or persons. Employee fall protection will be provided thru guarding of the work platforms where possible. Personal Fall Arrest Systems will be used where needed. Power tools to cut form work will be guarded and proper electrical protection provided including grounding
Form Walls
Employee Injuries ( Cuts, Power Equipment, Contusions, Lifting, Eye Injuries, Etc.) Damage To Other Equipment Damage To Materials Injuries To Employees
Material Handling
Rebar will be properly capped if there is any fall potential from overhead work Employees will be trained in proper lifting methods and lifting equipment used for heavy loads. Employees will be kept clear of overhead loads Personal Protective Equipment including hard hats, glasses, gloves, eye protection etc. As needed Train employees in proper lifting methods Inspection of power tools including electrical cords and guards for equipment such as saws Employee fall protection will be provided thru guarding of the work platforms where possible, Personal Fall Arrest Systems will be used where needed. Power tools to cut form work will be guarded and proper electrical protection provided including grounding Rebar will be properly capped if there is any fall potential from overhead work Employees will be trained in proper lifting methods and lifting equipment used for heavy loads. Employees will be kept clear of overhead loads Personal Protective Equipment including hard hats, glasses, gloves, eye protection , etc. As needed Train employees in proper lifting methods Inspection of power tools including electrical cords and guards for equipment such as saws Equipment will be equipped with warning devices such as back up alarms or ATB devices Only qualified and designated operator will use equipment Maintain clearance from overhead wires Equipment will be matched to the intended loads for weight, size, etc. Employees will be kept clear of loads and equipment during operations Employees involved with equipment operations will be provided proper protective equipment . Excavation and fall protection safety standards will be followed to meet OSHA guidelines The material will be unloaded and stored in a designated area .clear of the worksite on site traffic flow Storage area will be evaluated for natural loss potential such as flooding Proper fire protection will be provided Only proper material handling equipment with qualified operators will used to move materials Equipment including rigging will be inspected daily. Employees will be kept clear of equipment and loads during lifting Equipment use will include proper outriggers, mudsills, swing radius protection , etc.
Material Storage
Pour Covers
Pour Footings
Employee Injury ( Vibration Tools, Floats, Concrete Exposure, Etc. ) Traffic Controls
Pour Walls
Traffic Hazards Equipment And Material Loading Injury To Employees Unloading Blasting Damage Utility Damage Injury To Employees Equipment Damage Environmental Damage
The storage area will be secured with fence if required Materials will be delivered as needed to reduce site storage time The storage will be arraigned out of the flow of site traffic The storage area will maintain proper housekeeping including removal of nails from forms Scrap will be removed and combustibles kept to a minimum. Employee fall protection will be provided thru guarding of the work platforms with guard rails where possible Personal Fall Arrest Systems will be used where needed. Employee training in concrete safety, PPE to reduce concrete exposure to eye, skin, etc. Employees will be kept clear of overhead loads Spotter for the concrete delivery vehicles Maintain clearance from overhead wires Employee training in concrete safety, PPE to reduce concrete exposure to eye, skin, etc. Proper material handling training Inspection of tools Equip power floats with dead man controls Spotter for concrete delivery vehicles Maintain clearance from overhead wires Employee fall protection will be provided thru guarding of the work platforms where possible. Personal Fall Arrest Systems will be used where needed. Employee training in concrete safety, PPE to reduce concrete exposure to eye, skin, etc. Employees will be kept clear of overhead loads Spotter for concrete delivery vehicles Maintain clearance from overhead wires The traffic controls above will be followed and equipment removal will be scheduled for low traffic times if possible Permission from local authority to close road if needed The equipment will only be loaded by qualified operator in the designated loading area. A spotter will be used to assist the operator and keep the area clear of vehicles or persons. Blasting controls will be followed as needed including pre-blast surveys, vibration monitoring, licensed blaster, proper blasting logs, approved storage of explosives, approved transportation of explosives, vehicle and pedestrian traffic controls during blast, etc. The utilities will be prelocated an protected as previously covered Employees will be trained in blasting safety procedures, a designated competent person for excavation, soil classifications made, protection by sloping, shoring or other approved methods used where needed, proper access to and from excavations, excavations will be barricaded to protect against traffic
Equipment will maintain a safe distance from the excavation edges Topographical surveys will be made and protection provided from water run off that could cause pollution.
Traffic Controls
Damage To Existing Utility Line Or Damage To Existing Structures Potential Electrical Shock, Fire, Or Water Damage Vehicle Accidents Employee Injuries
Locate the utilities thru the local 1-call service or utility companies If located utilities present exposure work with the agencies to have them rerouted, shut down, protected, etc. Insure that all operators are aware of the utility locations and established clearance distances
Wreck Forms
Traffic controls will be arraigned to meet uniform manual standards including signs, warnings, etc. Barricades will be used to protect the site area and employees if needed Flagmen will be provided and trained in the proper procedures for the job hazards including communications, duties, etc. Personal Fall Arrest Systems will be used where needed. Personal Protective Equipment including hard hats, glasses, gloves, eye protection etc. As needed The area will maintain proper housekeeping including removal of nails from forms Scrap will be removed and combustibles kept to a minimum Equipment storage will be prearranged for the phase of the job and proper protection will be provided. All equipment will be locked at nights with key controls in place. Smaller equipment will be locked in trailers or removed from the site to reduce theft potential. Provide materials handling equipment where needed. Use of proper lifting methods Gloves used while unloading materials Material Storage areas will be arranged prior to delivery to avoid traffic conflicts and provide secure storage at the site. Materials stored on site will be limited to those that are necessary for the current work. Traffic controls will be set to Uniform traffic control standards including warning signs, trained flagmen and other controls during loading, unloading or crossing of roads. Equipment will be kept a safe distance from overhead wires. Equipment off loading will be done by qualified operators with all other personnel cleared from the area. Spotters for unloading will be provided. Check completed work for sharp edges and correct when found. Check all hardware for proper fit, sharp edges, proper closing, etc.
Equipment Storage
Material Unloading ( Back Strains, Cuts From Sharp Objects) Material Storage
Unloading Equipment
Finishing Work
Electrical Shock
Ensure GFCI on temporary wiring. Ground all portable electrical generators over 5 kw. If scaffold are used for duct erection follow these guidelines: Follow manufactured instructions on setup and use of scaffolds. Proper anchoring procedures Secure scaffold footing, base and adjusting screws if needed Proper planking of platform Guard rails or other fall protection Barricade or protected area below scaffold Regular inspections and maintenance of scaffolding, ladders, hoist and ropes If ladders are used, use only approved ladders and secure ladders from slippage. If using bucket lifts follow manufactures instruction, properly train operators and use personal fall protection. Train employees in proper lifting techniques. Provide materials handling equipment. Provide properly protected tools such as guarding of saws. Provide PPE to reduce cuts and contusions Adequately brace all construction and secure Trusses against the wind. Use proper equipment for hoisting the materials and inspect equipment daily. Require barricades or covers for roof, wall, floor or other openings.
Where ear plugs where needed Where protective gloves Proper lifting techniques
Keep flammable liquids in approved containers. Use no-flammable adhesives or liquids where possible. Keep easily accessible ladders, stairways or ramps to site Provide adequate exits for the work areas Arrange site for easy access and safe maneuvering of materials Keep site clean of sawdust, wood scrap and debris Store combustibles well away from the structure. Use only approved liquid fired heaters with safety fuel shut off devices Study The Job Hazards, Pre-Job Study the job site to determine hazards, exposures or unusual conditions. Planning Electrical Exposures Etc. Locate and mark electrical utility lines/electrical power equipment prior to starting work Construction Inspection And Materials Sampling At The Following Operations Personnel Or Equipment Hit By Be alert and think safety for yourself and for other individuals Construction Equipment Or Wear florescent vests Asphalt Hot Public Motor Vehicles Park FS vehicle in areas designated by the contractor Mix Plants & Ensure that all construction equipment has OSHA approved back up alarms that are operational Placement Operations Wear gloves to protect hands and leather boots to protect feet. Require the contractor to take Burns From Hot Materials samples from his equipment, except when demonstrating correct sampling procedure Bituminous Chip Seal Wear approved non conductive hard hat. Be aware of electrical cables and moving machinery and Projects Falling Objects And Electrical mechanisms that pose hazards Shock & Machinery Rock Crushing Back Injury From Lifting Obtain assistance with samples that are too heavy, or put large samples into multiple containers such Plants & Heavy Samples that each one weighs less. Placement Operations Noise Wear approved ear plugs Housekeeping Flammable Adhesives Or Liquids Access To Site Debris Accumulation Storage Of Combustibles Temporary Heat Concrete Plants & Placement Operations Working On Or Adjacent To A Road Surface. Dust Wear approved protective mask
Be alert and think safety for yourself and other individuals Set up temporary signs and florescent cones to warn vehicles of the work site hazard. When possible select sample sites on tangents where good sight distance exists Wear florescent vest and hard hat Utilize FS vehicle as a shield from oncoming traffic as often as practical
Require the contractor to take samples from his equipment, except when demonstrating correct sampling procedure Ensure that all construction equipment has OSHA approved back up alarms that are operational Obtain assistance with samples that are too heavy, or put large samples into multiple containers such that each one weighs less.
Follow established work/rest guidelines, a 12 hour work day is the maximum allowed for any activity (non-emergency), of which only 10 hours may be spent driving. When driving, stop for a break at least every 2 hours or as needed. Take short breaks from driving or take a short nap in the vehicle when fatigue or falling asleep appears to be a hazard. Drive defensively. Take defensive driver refresher training course every 3 years.
The Emergency Evacuation Procedure will include all items listed on the back of the JHA Instruction form. Communication with emergency personnel will be done by radio or cell phone if ground line phones are not available. Park vehicles in location so as to not impede traffic. Use emergency flashers to alert oncoming vehicular traffic. Remain alert at all times as to the traffic outside the vehicle. Use rear view mirrors to ascertain vehicles approaching from behind. (Maintain clean mirrors and windows). Before opening doors, turn head around to view road in blind spot of vehicle. Exit with caution. Wear Fluorescent Orange Vests when outside the vehicle. Avoid stopping on blind corners if possible. When possible, have the passenger exit the vehicle to collect the information. After task is completed, proceed when safe Ensure vehicle is in proper functioning condition prior to leaving the office. Walk around vehicle and check tires, engine fluid levels, lights, etc and immediately report any problems that need professional servicing.
Rapidly Approaching Vehicles, Posing A Threat To Personnel And Public. Risk Of Injury And/Or Collision
Primary concern is the safety of personnel. Get out and get away from vehicle. Use extreme caution in suppressing this type of fire because of highly flammable fluids. Vehicles shall be equipped with fire extinguishers Wear proper clothing. Do not approach animals. Use caution and composure when encountering animals. Wear proper field boots with ankle height of at least 4 inches.
Asbestos Blasting Compressive Foot Injuries Concrete Placing Operations Cutting/Grinding/Chipping/ Sawing Drowning Electrical Shock Electrical Shock Entanglement In Lines Entanglement In Moving Machinery Exposure To Hazardous Wastes Exposure To The Elements Exposure To The Elements Eye Injuries Falling On Slippery Or Rugged Terrain Fire And Explosion Hand Injuries Head Injuries Insect Bites And Stings Lifting Moving Equipment Noise
Do not enter any abatement area until clean air samples have been documented. Carry a fitted respirator in case of an emergency. Keep out of blasting zones unless authorized and escorted by a qualified person. Know evacuation plans and procedures. Wear appropriate safety shoes/boots that meet ANSI Z 41. Wear proper clothing, gloves, and eye protection. Wear appropriate protecting clothing, gloves, and eye protection. Ensure all saws are guarded properly and all airline joints are correct and are properly secured. Wear life vest, know where life saving equipment is located. Ensure equipment is properly maintained and grounded and has GFCI protection. Ensure all extension cords are the correct type and are protected from damage. Ensure equipment is properly maintained and grounded and has GFCI protection. Ensure all cords and equipment are protected from damage. Inspect all lines before use. Remove/replace worn or damaged lines immediately. Avoid pinch points and stay clear of lines under strain. All points requiring lubrication during operation shall have fittings so located or guarded as to be accessible without hazardous exposure and all moving parts shall be guarded when exposed to contact. Wear appropriate level of protective clothing and equipment. Be knowledgeable of procedures to follow when on hazardous waste sites. Maintain certification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.120. Wear proper clothing. Be aware of exposure duration and limit duration if necessary. Be knowledgeable of the symptoms of exposure related illnesses. Wear proper clothing. Be aware of exposure duration and limit duration if necessary. Be knowledgeable of the symptoms of exposure related illnesses. Wear appropriate eye protection as necessary. Wear proper field boots and be observant of terrain. Use Safety lines when necessary. Use good housekeeping practices. Ensure proper segregation and ventilation of materials/chemicals. Be knowledgeable of fire fighting equipment and techniques. Wear appropriate gloves. Wear hard hat when exposed to overhead hazards. Hard hats are required to be worn at all times when in Hard Hat Areas. Knowledge and avoidance of such insects. Caution and knowledge of any allergies to such bites or stings. Do not wear perfume or cologne. Know where to obtain first aid. Use proper lifting techniques. Get assistance when necessary. When lifting, keep the load close to the body and lift with the legs. Keep alert and out of the way of heavy equipment. Wear proper hearing protection devices.
Vessel Damage/Sinking Welding Burns/Flash Working Around Suspended Loads Working In Confined Spaces
Knowledge and avoidance of such plants. Wash after contact. Use good housekeeping practices. Be observant of walking/working surfaces. Wear proper footwear. Maintain good housekeeping. Remove grease and oil from working surfaces. Stumbling hazards will be painted yellow and slippery deck areas will be coated with an anti-skid surface. Wear proper field boots or snake chaps. Do not harass/kill snakes. Stay out of unsupported trenches. All trenches/excavation shall be evaluated and shored accordingly. Ensure barriers/barricades are provided to prevent equipment, vehicles, and pedestrians from accidentally falling into a excavation or trench. Be familiar with egress points and evacuation plan. Obey navigation rules and weather warnings. Be familiar with all emergency evacuation procedures. Avoid welding operations. When exposure is unavoidable, wear proper clothing, gloves, and eye protection. Do not enter an area within the radius of swing when there is a suspended load. Obey posted warning signs. Be alert for and obey verbal instructions from the designated signal person. Ensure that proper equipment and procedures are being used by persons conducting the lift. Know signs and symptoms of oxygen deficient and poisonous/explosive gases. Have available and use, when necessary, respirator gas mask and/or portable air supply. Know and understand rescue and evacuation procedures.
Material Unloading ( Back Strains, Cuts From Sharp Objects) Material Storage
Study The Job Hazards, Electrical Exposures Etc. Sharp Edges Open Ends
Wear ear plugs where needed Wear protective gloves Proper lifting techniques Equipment storage will be prearranged for the phase of the job and proper protection will be provided. All equipment will be locked at nights with key controls in place. Smaller equipment will be locked in trailers or removed from the site to reduce theft potential Provide materials handling equipment where needed. Use of proper lifting methods Gloves used while unloading ductwork Material Storage areas will be arranged prior to delivery to avoid traffic conflicts and provide secure storage at the site. Materials stored on site will be limited to those that are necessary for the current work. The traffic controls will be set to Uniform Traffic Control standards including warning signs, trained flagmen and other controls during loading, unloading or crossing of roads. Equipment will be kept a safe distance from overhead wires The equipment off loading will be conducted by qualified operators with all other personnel cleared from the area. Spotters for unloading will be provided. Study the job site to determine hazards, exposures or unusual conditions. Locate and mark electrical utility lines/electrical power equipment prior to starting work Check completed work for sharp edges and correct when found Wrap the open ends of duct daily before leaving the site
Hanging Duct
Proper grounding and inspection of all portable tools or extension cords. Ensure GFCI on temporary wiring. Ground all portable electrical generators over 5 kw. If scaffold are used for duct erection follow these guidelines: Follow manufactured instructions on setup and use of scaffolds. Proper anchoring procedures Secure scaffold footing, base and adjusting screws if needed Proper planking of platform Guard rails or other fall protection Barricade or protected area below scaffold
Flammable Adhesives Or Liquids Access To Site Debris Accumulation Storage Of Combustibles Temporary Heat
Lifting/Movin g Of Materials
Train employees in proper lifting techniques. Provide materials handling equipment. Provide properly protected tools such as guarding of saws. Provide PPE to reduce cuts and contusions Adequately secure all ducts and secure against falling. Use proper equipment for hoisting the ductwork and inspect equipment daily. Require barricades or covers for roof, wall, floor or other openings. Use only approved ladders and secure ladders from slippage. If using bucket lifts follow manufactures instruction, properly train operators and use personal fall protection. Keep flammable liquids in approved containers. Use no-flammable adhesives or liquids where possible. Keep easily accessible ladders, stairways or ramps to site Provide adequate exits for the work areas Arrange site for easy access and safe maneuvering of materials Keep site clean of scrap and debris Store combustibles well away from the structure. Use only approved liquid fired heaters with safety fuel shut off devices Material will be unloaded off the crew trucks. A minimum of two employees will be unloading material. We have trained employees on proper lifting techniques. If needed, employees are instructed to get assistance from another worker to lift or carry material. We instruct and require employees to follow all company guidelines. Wear eye protection & gloves, always make sure rebar caps or other protection is in place. Equipment storage will be prearranged for the phase of the job and proper protection will be provided. All equipment will be locked at nights with key controls in place. Smaller equipment will be locked in trailers or removed from the site to reduce theft potential Provide materials handling equipment where needed. Use of proper lifting methods ( back straight, knees bent, load centered) Gloves used while unloading ductwork Material Storage areas will be arranged prior to delivery to avoid traffic conflicts and provide secure storage at the site. Materials stored on site will be limited to those that are necessary for the current work. The Traffic controls will be set to Uniform Traffic Control standards including warning signs, trained flagmen and other controls during loading , unloading or crossing of roads. Equipment will be kept a safe distance from overhead wires
Masonry Construction Flying Debris, Sharp Edges Cutting Rebar Equipment Storage Deliver Materials & Equipment Material Unloading ( Back Strains, Cuts From Sharp Objects) Material Storage
Unloading Equipment
Loading Blocks
Forklift Hazards - Lifting Too Heavy A Load, Stability Of Forklifts, Etc. Stacking Blocks, Wall Stability
Flying Chips, Dust, Noise Splashing, Skin Contact, Vibrating Mortar Improper Mixture Study The Job Hazards, L Exposures Etc. Fall Hazards, Scaffold Safety Boards
The equipment off loading will be conducted by qualified operators with all other personnel cleared from the area. Spotters for unloading will be provided. Ensure that the lift Is adequate for the loads, make sure the load is evenly balanced. Watch for soft areas, open holes, etc. That may affect stability. Watch for people and other equipment Vehicle inspection and maintenance. Make sure blocks are not stacked above people, make sure the scaffolding is adequate. Keep material stacks level and low Adequately brace walls to prevent overturning. Masonry wall will have a limited access zone equal to height of wall and 4 feet opposite the scaffold side. Eye protection, hearing protection, saw guards. Require wearing of safety glasses, goggles, gloves, etc. Always wash skin after contact. Test concrete mixture, store bagged cement & lime in temperature and humidity controlled areas Mix mortar and concrete outside when possible, ensure proper ventilation Study the job site to determine hazards, exposures or unusual conditions. Locate and mark electrical utility lines/electrical power equipment prior to starting work Use all braces, pins, ladders for access, guardrails and toe boards Use approved scaffold boards. Properly anchor scaffold. Use mudsills for soft surfaces. Follow manufactures recommendations on erection . Use adjusting screws for uneven surfaces. Regular inspections of scaffolds Protect passerbys from falling materials by wire mesh and remove loose debris Use planking above sidewalks to protect public from dropped objects. Lift with legs and back, center load, make sure you have proper footing, get assistance when required, Ensure dismantling is done under supervision of a competent person. Maintain a safe platform for workers during disassembly. Use safe procedures when lowering scaffold sections Make sure all fuel and chemicals are properly labeled and stored in a designated area that is marked and proper signs are posted. Have the msds available in case a worker is injured or comes in contact with any Hazardous materials All employees are required to wear proper protective clothing while mixing, pouring and working
Public Access Safety Stacking Blocks Tearing Down The Scaffold Material Storage Back Strains, Muscle Strains, Etc. Falls, Falling Objects, Etc.
Mixing Grout
Field Office
Employees Mixing And Pouring Grout Can Come In Contact With Material. Grout Can Dry The Skin, Cause Skin Irritation And Grout Dust Can Irritate Eyes And Upper Respiratory System. Cutting Tools Electrical Shock Eye Strain
with grout as necessary. The protective clothing could include gloves, long pants, proper work shoes/boots, eye protection, if needed approved NIOSH respirator for dust particles. Foreman's truck will have a supply of water on hand if need to rinse hands, face, etc.
Cut in the direction away from hands and body. Do not reconfigure wiring in systems furniture panels. Ensure equipment is properly maintained and grounded. Protect electrical cords from damage by using cord covers. Do not overload outlets. Ensure proper lighting. Ensure computer monitor and document copy stand are at approximately the same height and distance. Reduce computer screen glare by installing anti-glare/anti-static screens. Use a step stool. Do not use climb on furniture. To avoid tipping, fill the bottom file first. Do not open more than one drawer at a time. Place heavy objects in the bottom shelves/drawers. Use proper lifting techniques. Get assistance when necessary. When lifting, keep the load close to the body and lift with the legs. Ensure video display terminals are properly adjusted so that the top of the screen is slightly below eye level and the screen is between 18 and 28 inches away. Document or copy holders should be at the same height and distance and the screen. Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry. Be cautious when making mylar copies (hot). Use good housekeeping practices. Secure tripping hazards (cords) to floor. Do not leave file drawers open when unattended. Be alert of walking surface, wear flat shoes with a non-skid sole. Ensure computer keyboards are adjusted so that the elbows are at a 90-degree angle and arms and hands are parallel to the floor. Use wrist rests or other supports so that wrists are maintained in a neutral position.
Excessive Dust Traffic Control Public Safety Moving Concrete Trucks Splashing Of Concrete
Make sure dust control is taken care off and water trucks, hoses etc are operational follow all job specifications for traffic control review these specs with workers public safety is always top priority walk or ride job site periodically each day for any exposure that might effect the public Make sure workers are aware of pouring in Process, trucks have audible back up alarms Make sure everyone is wearing proper Eye protection, and rubber boots, gloves if Needed Check to make sure all tools are equipped with the proper safety devices, check saws and grounding and cords
Hand Tools
Fuel Storage
Injury Or Damage While Unloading Equipment Traffic Accidents At Site During Delivery
Follow recommended operating procedures for operating cutting torch Check for and remove flammable material from the area Use proper PPE Secure and store gas cylinders Have fire extinguisher available There will be no on site fuel storage. Fuel trucks will be arraigned for deliveries as needed. If fuel storage is required properly grounded, diked and marked storage tanks will be used. MSDS will be provided for fuel Equipment will be unloaded by experienced operators following established procedures. All other personnel will be cleared form the unloading area Arrange for a safe loading area at the site that is out of the flow of traffic. Use side roads or less traveled streets where possible. If traffic must be stopped due to trailer size, etc. Get local permission and establish traffic controls (signs, flagmen , etc.) Equipment will be stored in a secured area. All equipment will be locked at the end of working day with proper key controls. Operator's cabs and fuel intakes will be locked where available. Smaller equipment will be removed daily or locked insecure storage trailers Security will be arraigned if theft or vandalism problems arise Follow recommended procedures for operating pile hammer Allow only qualified operators Inspect equipment before using Have fire extinguishers ready when fueling Keep hands and feet clear of moving parts of hammer Locate existing utilities using 1-CALL, & Check plans for underground lines
Driving Pile
Possible Electrical Shock, Fire Or Water Damage From Utilities Traffic At Site While Loading
If located utilities present exposure work with agencies to have them reroute, shut down, etc. Insure that all operators are aware of utility locations and establish clearance distance Traffic controls as outlined above including flagmen and signs,
Handling Pile
Fall Exposures
Keep hands and feet clear when lifting or setting down pile Keep unnecessary personnel from area Barricade swing radius of crane Check rigging prior to lifting Do not swing loads over workers Loading will be done by qualified operators in a safe area. All equipment will be properly secured from moving during transport. Follow recommended procedures for operating welding machines Check and remove flammable material from the welding area Use proper PPE including goggles, gloves, sleeves, etc. Inspect and maintain welding equipment and leads Handrails on all stairs, scaffolds and elevated platforms 100% tie off when working in unprotected area Provide continuous safety cable for full length of leads When climbing leads use full body harness attached to wire rope grab mounted on safety cable Locate existing utilities using 1-CALL,
Possible Electrical Shock, Fire Or Water Damage From Utilities Equipment Or Operator Injury Due To Equipment Failure Or Operator Error Equipment Striking Employees Or Other In Area Falling Off Equipment Riders On Equipment
If located utilities present exposure work with agencies to have them reroute, shut down, etc. Insure that all operators are aware of utility locations and establish clearance distance All operators will be qualified and equipment is on preventative maintenance schedule with daily inspections Only experience and qualified operators will be allowed to operate equipment. All heavy equipment will be equipped with audible reverse warning alarms Spotters will be used if equipment must be used in areas where employees presents a danger. Operators will be alert for others at all times. All equipment will be equipped with proper stairs and rails No riders on equipment at any time Operators will be protected in enclosed operator environment will roll protection Growth will be removed in direction away from operators or other employees. Employees will stand away from any trees being removed until they are on ground. There will be no on site fuel storage. Fuel trucks will be arraigned for deliveries as needed.
Equipment To Site Injury Or Damage While Unloading Equipment Traffic Accidents At Site During Delivery
If fuel storage is required properly grounded, diked and marked storage tanks will be used. MSDS will be provided for fuel Equipment will be unloaded by experienced operators following established procedures. All other personnel will be cleared form the unloading area Arrange for a safe loading area at the site that is out of the flow of traffic. Use side roads or less traveled streets where possible. If traffic must be stopped due to trailer size, etc. Get local permission and establish traffic controls (signs, flagmen , etc.) Equipment will be stored in a secured area. All equipment will be locked at the end of working day with proper key controls. Operators cabs and fuel intakes will be locked where available. Smaller equipment will be removed daily or locked insecure storage trailers Security will be arraigned if theft or vandalism problems arise Locate existing utilities using 1-CALL, & Check plans for underground lines
Possible Electrical Shock, Fire Or Water Damage From Utilities Employee Injury While Loading Debris (Muscle Strains, Snakes, Bees, Other Equipment Etc.) Fire Damage From Burning Of Debris Traffic Accidents While Hauling Debris Falling Materials
If located utilities present exposure work with agencies to have them reroute, shut down, etc. Insure that all operators are aware of utility locations and establish clearance distance Trees, shrubs or other debris will be loaded into dumps by equipment with no employees allowed in the danger area during loading Employees will war proper gloves, eye protection or other protective equipment.. Proper manual lifting methods will be used. (Bend knees, straight back, etc.) Areas will be checked for snakes, bee hives or other pest problems No burning will be allowed on site unless approved by local regulations. If burning is conducted it will be away from other structures, equipment or combustibles. A fire watch will be provided during all burning operations. Traffic will be controlled using signs and flagmen to allow trucks to enter and exit sites safely. Street will be kept clear of excess mud that could contribute to accidents Trucks will be loaded below top of side rails with no rock or material hanging materials Loading will be done by qualified operators in a safe area. All equipment will be properly secured from moving during transport. Traffic controls as outlined above including flagmen and signs,
Equipment Or Operator Injury Due To Equipment Failure Or Operator Error Equipment Striking Employees Or Other In Area
All operators will be qualified and equipment is on preventative maintenance schedule with daily inspections
Trees Or Shrubs Injuring Operator Or Employee Sprinkler Fire Protection Equipment Storage Deliver Materials & Equipment Material Unloading ( Back Strains, Cuts From Sharp Objects) Material Storage
Only experience and qualified operators will be allowed to operate equipment. All heavy equipment will be equipped with audible reverse warning alarms Spotters will be used if equipment must be used in areas where employees presents a danger Operators will be protected in enclosed operator environment will roll protection Growth will be removed in direction away from operators or other employees Equipment storage will be prearranged for the phase of the job and proper protection will be provided. All equipment will be locked at nights with key controls in place. Smaller equipment will be locked in trailers or removed from the site to reduce theft potential Provide materials handling equipment where needed. Use proper lifting methods Use gloves while unloading ductwork Material Storage areas will be arranged prior to delivery to avoid traffic conflicts and provide secure storage at the site. Materials stored on site will be limited to those that are necessary for the current work. Traffic controls will be set to Uniform traffic control standards including warning signs, trained flagmen and other controls during loading, unloading or crossing of roads. Equipment will be kept a safe distance from overhead wires Keep flammable liquids in approved containers. Use no-flammable adhesives or liquids where possible. Keep easily accessible ladders, stairways or ramps to site Provide adequate exits for the work areas Arrange site for easy access and safe maneuvering of materials Keep site clean of scrap and debris Store combustibles well away from the structure. A competent person will be designated to determine soil types and conditions. Trench protection such as shoring, sloping or trench boxes will be used to protected against collapse. Trench protection for depths over 5 feet will be determined by soil types & conditions. No employee will work in trenches 5 or greater in depth without proper trench protection Ladders will be provided with a max. Of 25 travel distance Proper walkways over excavations greater than 6 will be provided.
Traffic Controls Overhead Wires Protection Housekeeping Flammable Adhesives Or Liquids Access To Site Debris Accumulation Storage Of Combustibles Temporary Heat Trench Collapse Access In & Out Of Trenchs Water In Trench Tools Or Equipment Falling In Trench Fumes From Welding Or Gluing Of Pipes Or Other
Hazardous Atmospheres
Welding Exposures
Tools, equipment and excavated materials will be stored at least 2 from the trench edge. Testing will be conducted for hazardous atmospheres or where oxygen deficiency exist. If water conditions exist it will be removed from the trench where accumulated and conditions evaluated. Welding will be controlled including proper storage of compressed gas cylinders Welding will be restricted near flammable or before lines are purged
Excavation Of Trench
Using Ladders
Using Lifts Moving Lifts Into People/Objects On Ground Falling Out Of Lift Basket Lifting Materials Falling Material Wire Ropes & Slings
Pre-Job Planning Removing Equipment From Site Welding & Portable Generators
Study The Job Hazards, Electrical Exposures Etc. Injury Or Equipment Damage While Loading Traffic At Site While Loading Electrical Shock Burns, Eye Injuries, Etc. Compressed Gases Install Grounding For Tools Worn Or Damaged Welding & Electrical Cables
Surface encumbrances will be located and removed or supported. Nearby structures will be supported for stability Remove dirt and debris from streets or sidewalks. Controls for dust from site conditions Any excavation over 20 deep will be approved by a PE Equipment will be kept away from the edges of the excavation. Equipment will have rollover protection Ladders will be inspected for damage and unsafe ladders will be removed Ladders will be placed at a 4-1 pitch No metal ladders will be used near electrical lines All lifts will be operated following manufactures standards Lifts will be inspected daily prior to use. All lifts will have proper guard rails Full body harness and lanyards will be required when in basket. Never use ladders for additional height in basket Only qualified operators will be allowed to use lifts Lifts will be operated per mfg. Instructions Wire ropes, slings or other lifting equipment will be inspected daily for safety Defective gear will be removed from service Study job site to determine hazards, exposures or unusual conditions. Locate and mark electrical utility lines/electrical power equipment prior to starting work Loading will be done by qualified operators in a safe area. All equipment will be properly secured from moving during transport. Traffic controls as outlined above including flagmen and signs, Use GFCI breakers on all generators Ground all equipment during use Use proper PPE including gloves, face shields, etc. Secure gas cylinders and use backflow preventors for Oxygen/ Acetylene Inspect and repair damaged cables Protect cables from damage
Steel Erection Crane Hazards Tipping Crane Hit By Swinging Crane Make sure outriggers are out & secure Use Outrigger pads
Signal Errors Swinging Uncontrolled Loads Crane Failure Overloading Crane Two Blocking The Load
Level crane properly on solid ground Clear area around swing radius Only one designated signalman at any time Review and use standard crane signals Use tag lines Use only trained & experienced operators Inspect crane and rigging regularly Always confirm the weight of load and check charts and radius Secure loads from shifting with proper chokers
Equipment Storage
Material Unloading ( Back Strains, Cuts From Sharp Objects) Material Storage
Equipment storage will be prearranged for the phase of the job and proper protection will be provided. All equipment will be locked at nights with key controls in place. Smaller equipment will be locked in trailers or removed from the site to reduce theft potential. Provide materials handling equipment where needed. Check route for adequate clearance/weight limits Use of proper lifting methods Gloves used while unloading steel Keep hands and feet clear of rigging Material Storage areas will be arranged prior to delivery to avoid traffic conflicts and provide secure storage at the site. Materials stored on site will be limited to those that are necessary for the current work. Traffic controls will be set to Uniform Traffic Control standards including warning signs, trained flagmen and other controls during loading, unloading or crossing of roads. Equipment will be kept a safe distance from overhead wires Equipment off loading will be done by qualified operators with all other personnel cleared from the area. Spotters for unloading will be provided. Use full body harness with shock absorbing lanyard Tie off to secure location Do not ride the load Provide anti-fall device on vertical ladders Wear hard hats Flag or protect area under the load. No one allowed under load Do not send up loose materials Keep hands & feet out of the way Work from secure platform or scaffold Make sure temporary gear is secure Supply adequate temporary supports to brace components installed Remove any trip hazards Keep work area clean and remove debris, scrap or trash material. Keep cord out of walkways Remove flammable or combustibles where possible Limit flammables to one day supply
Unloading Equipment
Erecting Steel
Fall Protection
Falling Objects
Landing Load
Study The Job Hazards , Electrical Exposures Etc. Injury Or Equipment Damage While Loading Traffic At Site While Loading Improper Rigging
Restrict smoking near flammables Provide adequate fire extinguishers Study the job site to determine hazards, exposures or unusual conditions. Locate and mark electrical utility lines/electrical power equipment prior to starting work Loading will be done by qualified operators in a safe area. All equipment will be properly secured from moving during transport. Traffic controls as outlined above including flagmen and signs, Inspect chokers, cables, and rigging regularly & before each use Use correct size and appropriate chokers, cables, shackles, lifting lugs, spreader beams, slings and straps. Use hand-offs on bull hoses Use auto shutoffs for tail hoses & air lines (quick disconnect) Repair or replace damaged air lines Provide proper storage and secure cylinders Use backflow preventors on torches for Oxygen/Acetylene Install ground properly with good connections Use three wire electric cords Use GFCI protection Inspect and repair damaged cables Protect cables from damage Proper PPE including welding shield, gloves, aprons ( if needed ) etc. Provide guards on grinders Check air or hazardous atmospheres Provide ventilation Cover ends of vertical/horizontal dowels with rebar caps, review trip hazards with workers make sure employees wear gloves when working with wire and rebar review with employees proper lifting procedures - lift with the legs not the back Obey safety rules on common carrier transportation. Stay alert, use caution, and drive defensively. Drive with windows closed. Obey traffic laws. Adjust vehicle operation to road and weather conditions. Employ defensive driving techniques. Complete defensive driver training once every 4 years. Ensure windows/mirrors are free from snow and ice. Drive with headlights on. Reduce speed appropriately. Use studded or chained tires, reduce speed, and increase following distances. Reduce speed appropriately.
Compressed Gas Cylinder Install Grounding For Tools Worn Or Damaged Welding & Electrical Cables Burns, Eye Injuries, Etc. Confined Spaces
Tie Rebar
Tripping Over Steel, Puncture Wounds, Back Strain Airlines Deer And Other Wildlife Dust Motor Vehicle Accidents Reduced Visibility Slick, Snowy, Or Icy Roads Uneven Surfaces
Inspect all pallet loads before lifting them Check to ensure shrink wrap in place. Look at condition of pallet for defective boards is present replace pallet. Wear gloves to prevent splinters. Inspect and/or verify inspection complete for the shift Be alert to forklift traffic, keep clear of area, stay in marked zones only. Ensure forks are wide enough for load being lifted. Make sure path you are traveling is not blocked and clear of debris Keep load as low to floor as possible Make sure view is not blocked and driving in correct direction Sound horn on blind corners, intersections and when going from light to dark and dark to light areas Always follow proper operating procedures
Falling, slipping
Warn people in work area Utilize barricades, signs, cones, caution tape to keep bystanders a safe distance from work area. Always tie of with an approved body harness when working above ground. For all operations above 7.5 feet, a second person trained in emergency procedures must be present within vision or voice Always tie off with an approved lanyard, safety line and full body harness when working above ground For all operations above 7.5 feet, a second person trained in emergency procedures must be present within vision or voice Walk the sire for hazards to hose line Correct any hazards Employees are thoroughly trained in the provisions of securing hose line and tested on a regular basis Inspect all rails and planks that they adhere to all OSHA regulations Use all necessary PPE Spotter within 5 feet of nozzle man with hose in control and secure
Shot Crete Operations Running hose line Securing hose line Scaffold Shooting walls Nozzle man with 1500 PSI hose Spoils Equipment Possible cave in Working deeper than 5 feet Mechanic - Maintenance/Repair Activities Compressive foot injuries Ankle injuries Head injuries Eye injuries Hand injuries Electrical shock
All spoils piles are to be maintained at a safe distance away from working crews Vehicles are to be kept at a safe distance away from work area A competent person to be present at all times while employees are exposed to open excavation Protective systems, shields, sloping shores in place prior to entering excavation
Wear appropriate safety shoes/boots Wear proper field boots with ankle height of at least 4 inches. Wear hard hat when exposed to overhead hazards. Hard hats are required to be worn at all times when in Hard Hat Areas. Wear appropriate eye protection as necessary. Wear appropriate gloves as necessary. Ensure equipment is properly maintained and grounded and has GFCI protection. Ensure all extension cords are the correct type and are protected from damage. Ensure equipment is locked/tagged out before any work is begun.
Mechanic - Maintenance/Repair Activities (contd.) Lifting Use proper lifting techniques. Get assistance when necessary. When lifting, keep the load close to the body and lift with the legs. Noise Wear proper hearing protection devices. Slips/trips/falls Use good housekeeping practices. Be observant of walking/working surfaces. Falling on slippery or rugged Wear proper field boots and be observant of terrain. Use safety lines when necessary. terrain Loss of extremities Wear clothing that will not get caught in machinery. Do not wear jewelry. Working over water Wear lifeline and harness, and life jacket. Potential fall of over 6 feet Use positive fall protection. Fumes and dust Ensure proper ventilation and wear respirator if necessary. Welding burns/flash Avoid welding operations. When exposure is unavoidable, wear proper clothing, gloves, and safety goggles. Hazardous/flammable Obey manufacturer's handling, storage, and use recommendations. Read Material Safety Data Sheet chemicals for specific hazards before use. Moving equipment Keep alert and out of the way of heavy equipment. Snake bites Wear proper field boots or snake chaps. Do not harass/kill snakes. Animal bites Wear proper clothing. Do not approach animals. Use caution and composure when encountering animals. Insect bites and stings Knowledge and avoidance of such insects. Caution and knowledge of any allergies to such bites or stings. Do not w ear perfume or cologne. Know where to obtain first aid. Poisonous plants Knowledge and avoidance of such plants. Wash after contact. Exposure to the elements Wear proper clothing. Be aware of exposure duration and limit duration if necessary. Be knowledgeable of the symptoms of exposure related illnesses. Motor vehicle accidents Obey traffic laws. Adjust vehicle operation to road and weather conditions. Employ defensive driving techniques. Complete defensive driver training once every 4 years. Uneven surfaces Reduce speed appropriately. Pedestrian/Foot Traffic Dust Reduced visibility Slick, snowy, or icy roads Stay alert, use caution, and drive defensively. Drive with windows closed. Ensure windows/mirrors are free from snow and ice. Drive with headlights on. Reduce speed appropriately. Use studded or chained tires, reduce speed, and increase following distances.
All company safety policies and procedures are enforced and will be followed at all times on the job. ANALYSIS MADE BY: Project Superintendent Reviewed Job Site Superintendent/Foreman Reviewed
Emergency Evacuation Procedures .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Stopping And Exiting Vehicle...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Prevent Vehicle Break-Downs And Or Emergency Stopping ...................................................................................................................... 8 Vehicle Fires ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 General Field .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 HVAC ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Assembly Of Duct Work ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Deliver Materials & Equipment ................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Ductwork .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Pre-Job Planning......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Finishing Work ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Hanging Duct.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Housekeeping ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Lifting/Moving Of Materials ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Masonry Construction .................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Cutting Rebar ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Deliver Materials & Equipment ................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Loading Blocks ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Masonry Sawing ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Mixing Mortar & Grout .............................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Pre-Job Planning......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Scaffold Erection ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Stacking Blocks .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Tearing Down The Scaffold ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Material Storage ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Mixing Grout .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Field Office ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Over All Job Check ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Concrete.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Pour Concrete ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Set Forms .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Cutting Pile Sheets ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Deliver Equipment To Site ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Deliver Equipment To Site ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Driving Pile ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Locate Pre-Existing Utilities Or Existing Structures .................................................................................................................................. 17 Removing Equipment From Site ................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Pile For Driving .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Set Pile For Driving .................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Welding Pile ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Working Above Grade................................................................................................................................................................................ 18 Site Clearing ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Locate Pre-Existing Utilities Or Existing Structures .................................................................................................................................. 18 Clear Existing Shrubs & Trees ................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Deliver Equipment To Site ......................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Locate Pre-Existing Utilities Or Existing Structures .................................................................................................................................. 19 Remove Shrubs & Debris From Site .......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Removing Equipment From Site ................................................................................................................................................................ 19 Site Clearing Clear Existing Shrubs & Trees ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Sprinkler Fire Protection ................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 Deliver Materials & Equipment ................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Protection Housekeeping ............................................................................................................................................................................ 20 Install New Lines & Riser .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Underground Water Supply ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Installing Overhead Lines ........................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Lifting Materials ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Pre-Job Planning......................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Removing Equipment From Site ................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Welding & Portable Generators.................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Steel Erection ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Crane Hazards ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Deliver Materials & Equipment ................................................................................................................................................................. 24 Erecting Steel.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 24 Housekeeping ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 24 Pre-Job Planning......................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Removing Equipment From Site ................................................................................................................................................................ 25 Rigging ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Welding, Grinding, Cutting ........................................................................................................................................................................ 25 Tie Rebar .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Travel.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Warehouse ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Inspect pallet loads ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Fall Protection ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Prepare work area ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Climbing ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Setting forms or similar objects .................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Shot Crete Operations ................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Running hose line ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Securing hose line....................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Scaffold ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Shooting walls ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Nozzle man with 1500 PSI hose ................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Spoils .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Equipment .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Working deeper than 5 feet......................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Mechanic - Maintenance/Repair Activities ................................................................................................................................................ 27 Mechanic - Maintenance/Repair Activities (contd.) ................................................................................................................................ 28