y Malrotation of the bowel during fetal development may predispose infants to a volvulus, although a volvulus can occur in the absence of malrotation. y The most common cause of gastric volvulus in adults is diaphragmatic defects.
y y y A CBC count, clotting studies, electrolyte level tests, and blood glucose level tests are usually sufficient for preoperative evaluation. Abdominal X-rays may show multiple distended bowel loops and a large bowel without gas. In midgut volvulus, abdominal X-rays may be normal. In cecal volvulus, barium from a barium enema fills the colon distal to the section of cecum; in sigmoid volvulus, barium may twist to a point and, in adults, take on an "ace of spades" configuration. White blood cell count, in strangulation, is greater than 15,000/l. In bowel infarction, it's greater than 20,000/l.
y y y
Insert a n asogastri c tube, and conn ect to lo w-pressu re i ntermi tten t sucti on , i f ordered, to reli eve abdomi nal di stenti on . Prepar e th e pati ent for proctoscopy as i ndi cated. If th e pati ent i s sch edul ed for deto rsi on surgery, provi de appropri ate preo per ati ve and posto per ati v e care, as fo r any pati ent undergoin g abdomi nal surgery