Robotech RPG
Robotech RPG
Robotech RPG
I. Player Introduction
The Year is 2036 and humanity is on the brink of extinction. Two years ago, a mysterious alien race known as the Invid arrived and attacked without warning. They easily swept aside the last remnants of the armed forces of Earth, who had been shattered fighting recent wars defending the planet from the previous invasions of the Zentraedi and the Robotech Masters. In the time since their arrival the Invid have built monstrous hive-like structures around the world and crushed all organized resistance to their rule In some areas they have slaughtered humans indiscriminately or enslaved them, while in others they have enlisted human collaborators to maintain control. In those areas left relatively untouched by the Invid anarchy and tribal warfare reign. By all appearances, the war is over and humanity has lost. But some hope yet remains. Scattered groups of resistance fighters continue the struggle against the Invid with whatever weapons they can scavenge. And on the far side of the galaxy, the legions of the Robotech Expeditionary Force under the command of Admiral Hunter have finally defeated their foes and now plan to return home to Earth in a series of waves. These battle-hardened veterans many of them too young to remember the Earth, will fight to the last to purge the Invid from their home planet!
2.1. Skill Tests This game system is skill-based and uses only six-sided dice. For every action in the game where some possibility of failure exists, a skill test will be required. Every skill is quantified by the number of dice the player gets to roll when making a skill check (typically abbreviated so that it looks like 5D to represent using 5 six-sided dice). In every instance, the player will attempt to roll combined total equal to or more than the difficulty number set by the GM based upon the difficulty of the task attempted. Below a chart summarizing the difficulty ratings of various tasks: Task Difficulty Very Easy Easy Difficulty Range 1-5 6-10 Task Difficulty Chart Description Almost anyone should be able to do this most of the time. Examples: Shooting a weapon at point-blank range, Driving on a good road, knowing the capitol city of ones home country. A little tougher, but most characters should be able to do the task most of the time. Examples: Firing a weapon at short range, driving off-road while keeping control, knowing who is in political and military control of the capitol city. This kind of task requires some skill, effort, and concentration. Examples: firing a weapon at medium range, driving through an obstacle while keeping control, knowing which neighborhoods of that capitol city are safe and which arent. Normally only professionals will be able to pull off this kind of task. These kinds of tasks require thought, effort, and luck wouldnt hurt either. Examples: Firing a weapon at long range, driving at high speed around moving pedestrians and other obstacles, knowing a safe place to hide in that capitol city. Even professionals have to really work at succeeding at a task like this. Only the most talented and best trained individuals will succeed with any regularity. Something thats almost impossible to do and calls for extraordinary effort and luck.
a is
21-30 30+
Tests for actions that fall outside of the parameters of an applicable skill (or if the character lacks the appropriate skill) are made using the most appropriate attribute.
In some situations, a character will use a skill in a way that is directly opposed by another character (for example when 2 characters are gambling with each other). In these situations, both characters make skill checks and whoever rolls higher succeeds. In some situations, one character will have an advantage over the other (such as one gambling character using marked cards), in which case they will receive a bonus determined by the nature of their advantage. Actions that dont require skill checks are considered free actions and include speaking, taking a weapon out of safe mode, chewing gum, and other similarly trivial tasks. Free actions can be taken while doing other things as well, without any penalties. 2.2 The Wild Die Whenever any roll is made, one die of a different color from the rest should be designated the wild die. If this die rolls a 6 it counts in full and an additional die may be rolled. If this extra die also rolls a 6, repeat the process as long as 6s are rolled. With enough luck, anything is possible, even if the odds are vanishingly small. At the GMs option, a roll of 1 on the wild die will result in a mishap. This could mean that both the wild die and the players highest die roll dont count, or it could mean that a complication of some sort arises. See the Star Wars rulebook pages 53-54 for examples and details. 2.3 Character Points Every character has a certain number of character points, which can be expended to obtain an extra die to roll in a particular situation. No more than one character point can be used at a time in this way. Like a wild die, character point rolls that come up with a 6 let the player keep the 6 and roll another die. Players should note that character points spent are gone forever, although they are given out at the end of every game session as explained in Section IV, below. Outside of combat, character points can also be spent to improve skills. 2.4 Combat: Rounds In situations where time is important (such as combat) gameplay is divided into rounds. Each round is approximately 5 seconds long, and is broken into 4 phases: Step One: Initiative - Each side picks the character with the highest Perception attribute, who then rolls a Perception attribute check. Whichever side gets the highest roll gets to decide who declares and acts first in the roundtheir side or the enemy. Note that the side that declares second can react to the declarations of the side that declares first, but that the side that declares first gets their actions resolved first! Step Two: Declaration After initiative has been decided, each character on the side that declares first says what actions theyre taking. If the players declare first, they tell the GM what their characters are doing. If the NPCs go first, the GM tells the players what the NPCs are doing. All skill uses and all movement are announced at this stage. Neither the Players nor the GM are allowed to hesitate during this stage (or else their characters hesitate and lose all of their
actions, too!), and no one is allowed to change their mind afterwards. If characters take multiple actions, they must specify the order in which they will take them. Step Three: Rolling Defensive Skills - Characters roll all of their defensive skills now (see Defensive skills in Section 2.6, below), before any other actions are rolled. Characters can choose to use character points after they make their rolls, but have to decide before the next player makes their rolls. Step Four: Rolling Actions Rolls are made in the order that they were declared. Each character rolls for the first action they declared, and after every characters first action is resolved, every character that took a second action will resolve those actions, and then every character that took three will resolve their third, et cetera. Once all actions are resolved, the round is ended and a new round begins with initiative. Note that actions are taken in turns a split second apart and are not simultaneous, so if a character dies or is incapacitated before taking an action, the action does not take place. Characters can choose to use character points after they make their rolls, but have to decide before the next player makes their rolls. 2.5 Combat: Hitting Things Characters in a Robotech game will see a lot of combat, and their success will rely heavily on their skills, tactics, and ability to work as a team. To hit a target with a ranged weapon, the Character must make a skill check for the type of weapon he is using, and the difficulty will be based on the range. Every ranged weapon will have a list of range brackets separating short, medium, and maximum range for that weapon in a format such as: 350/100/400. The first number is short range, and from that to the second number is medium, and from that to the last number is maximum. Anything less than the first number is point blank, anything between the short and medium number is medium, and anything between the medium and maximum numbers is long range. The base difficulties for hitting a target at those ranges are listed in the chart below. Note that, as always, a player must roll equal to or higher than the target number to hit. Range Pointblank Short Medium Ranged Combat Chart Difficulty Base Target Number Very Easy 1-5 Easy Moderate 6-10 11-15
Note that the base target numbers above are given as a range, and that the actual number will be determined by the GM based on the exact circumstances. Using Melee Weapons, the difficulty of hitting with the weapon is listed with the weapon, based upon the speed and maneuverability of that weapon. Grenades work slightly differently. All grenades come with electronic fuses that can be set to explode on impact or on a fuse. Fuses set for under 5 seconds work the same as an impact fuse and go off the round they are thrown. Longer fuses will detonate on later rounds. Players roll normally to hit when they use grenades, but if they miss, the grenade still goes somewhere! The direction it deviates from the target point is random and can be determined using a Warhammer scatter die or other similar means. If the grenade was thrown at point blank or short range, it scatters 1D meters from the intended target. If it was thrown medium range, 2D meters, and if long range, 3D meters. Many grenades have blast radiuses, specifying the damage done at different distances from the center of the blast. Non-grenade blast weapons can be much larger scales (see Scales, section 2.10, below) but work the same way. Some weapons have a Scatter Modifier characteristic by which the scatter distances above are multiplied. 2.6 Combat: Not Getting Hit The base target numbers needed to score a hit in the cases described above that is just that bases, onto which modifiers get stacked. Few targets have the courtesy to stand still and let you shoot or bludgeon them. A character can (and should!) use the defensive skills Dodge and Parry to increase an attackers difficulty in hitting them: Dodge is used against any ranged attack, including firearms, energy weapons, and thrown weapons. Parry is used when a character is in hand to hand combat, either with or without a weapon. If one character in a combat has a melee weapon (or improvised weapon of some sort) in his hands and the other is unarmed, the armed character gets a +1D bonus to both parry attempts and attack rolls against the unarmed one. Characters can use these defensive skills in two different ways: full use or normal use. When a character makes full use of a defensive skill, they roll the applicable defensive skill and add it to the difficulty of hitting them. However, during rounds in which a character is in full defensive mode, they may only make one normal (half speed) movement and cannot make any other
actions, including attacks or the use of any other skill. Yes, this means that a character cant both full dodge and full parry in the same round. When a character makes a normal defensive skill use, the defensive skill counts only as one action (see multiple actions in section 2.8, below), but they lose some of the benefits provided by full usewhen a character makes a Normal Use, the character rolls their skill dice and then decides to use either their skill roll as the difficulty for ALL attacks against them that round OR to use each attackers normal difficulty. Later sections will list additional modifiers that can also affect the odds of hitting a target and variations on these rules as they apply to vehicle and mecha combat. 2.7 Combat: Injuries When characters are hit by an attack, they roll to see how badly they are injured. The attacker rolls the Strength of his attack, and then the defender rolls his strength to resist the damage (rolling to resist is a free action and does not count as an action). If the attackers damage roll is higher than the defenders, find the applicable result on the Character Damage Chart below: Damage Roll Strength Roll By 0-3 Result: Character Damage Chart Game Effect:
4-8 9-12
Wounded Incapacitated
Mortally Wounded
Character suffers a penalty of -1D to skill and attribute rolls for the rest of the round and the next round. If a character is stunned more times in 30 minutes than they have D in strength, the character is knocked unconscious for 2D minutes. Character falls prone and can take no actions for the rest of the round. The character suffers a 1D penalty to skill and attributes until healed. A second wound incapacitates the character. Character falls prone and is knocked unconscious for 10D minutes. The character cant do anything until healed. An incapacitated character who is wounded or incapacitated again is mortally wounded. Character falls prone and is unconscious. Character cant do anything until healed. At the end of each round, roll 2D, and if the result is less than the number of rounds that the character is mortally wounded, the character dies. If incapacitated or mortally wounded again, the character dies. Character is killed immediately.
Remember, characters can spend character points to increase their strength to resist damage!
Some weapons are specially designed to knock characters unconscious, and therefore only do stun damage. These weapons work the same as above, but treat any damage result more serious than stunned as unconscious. The targeted character is then knocked unconscious for a number of rounds equal to the number by which they failed their strength check. A successful first aid skill check can wake a character up early if the first aid provider can roll equal to or more than the number of rounds the unconscious character will remain unconscious. A 1 on the wild die always results in the character remaining unconscious. Armor: Some characters will wear armor, and some creatures have natural armor. Armor adds to a characters strength roll to resist damage, although some armors may reduce a characters dexterity while it is worn. Some armor, such as vests and helmets, may only afford protection to specific parts of a characters body, in which case the following hit location table below should be used: Hit Location Chart Die roll: Location 1 Head 2-3 Torso 4 Arm 5 Left leg 6 Right leg
Armor can be damaged while in use. When characters are wounded while wearing armor, armor is damaged according to the Armor Damage Chart, below: Injury Suffered Wounded Incapacitated Armor Damage Chart Damage to Armor Effect Lightly damaged Loses 1 pip of effectiveness Heavily damaged Loses 1D of effectiveness 9
Mortally Wounded Severely damaged Loses 2D of effectiveness Killed Mangled Becomes useless, destroyed on a 5+ on wild die
2.8 Multiple Actions Characters may attempt to do more than one thing in a round. However, doing more than one thing at once is harder than concentrating on a single task. For each action in a round beyond the first, the character loses 1D on all skill and attribute checks that round other than free actions. For example, if a character shoots their weapon twice and uses their dodge defensive skill, they have taken three actions, and suffer a -2D penalty on each skill check. Note that some weapons have a rate of fire characteristic labeled as Max ROF setting a maximum number of shots that it can fire in a turn.
2.9 Special Combat Rules Preparing/Aiming A character can improve a skill roll by 1D if they spend one round preparing for the task or aiming. Some skills cannot be prepared, and these are noted in their descriptions. Some weapons are equipped with scopes that allow bonuses of more than 1D for aiming, and these are noted in the weapon descriptions.
Rushing Characters can attempt to perform an action that normally takes more than one round faster than normal. By rolling half the dice they should, they can perform the action in half the time. Actions that normally take less than a round cannot be rushed. Cover cover provides a certain D penalty to be hit. If the shot would have hit, but didnt because of the cover modifier, the target still takes the hit, but the strength of the cover is added to the targets roll to resist damage just like armor. Cover Modifier Chart Cover provided Modifier to Hit Difficulty 1/4 cover +1D 1/2 cover +2D 3/4 cover +3D Full cover Cover must be penetrated Cover Material Strength of Material Flimsy wood +1D Standard wood +2D Sheet metal +3D Earthwork Trench +3D Reinforced door +4D Armor slab +6D Cover Material Strength Chart
Also like armor, cover can be damaged from each shot it fails to stop, and this reduces the protection provided, as per the armor damage chart in Section 8, above, to a maximum of -2D effectiveness. Going Prone Lying prone gives an attacker a -2D penalty to hit that does not stack with cover modifiers. Dropping prone counts as an action, and while in the prone position making a normal (half) move counts as making a full move. No further movement is possible. Prone characters dodge at -3D. Called Shots a specific body location can be targeted with a called shot for a 1D penalty at short range or closer, 2D penalty at medium range, or 3D penalty at long range. Wounds (or vehicle/mecha damage) caused by called shots to the head or other sensitive spots count as one degree worse than the normal. Lighting Modifier Chart Lighting Condition Modifier to Hit Difficulty Light Smoke +1D Thick Smoke +2D Very Thick Smoke +4D Poor Light +1D Moonlit Night +2D Complete Darkness +4D Darkness lighting conditions can also result in penalties to hit a target: 11
Sustained Fire if a characters only action the previous turn was to shoot at one target, all attacks on that target with the same weapon this round will receive a +1D bonus to hit. Note that Normal (half) movement does not count as an action. Burst fire Some weapons descriptions specify that a weapon is capable of burst fire. At the firing characters option, the character can accept a -1D penalty to hit a target within short range, a -2D penalty to hit a target within medium range, or a -3D penalty to hit a target at long range, however the firing character may re-roll if he misses. If either attempt hits, target takes D3 shots, rolled separately. A burst counts as a single action. Because energy weapons have no recoil or muzzle rise, those capable of burst fire incur no penalties in rolls to hit using the burst fire rule. Suppressive fire - Some weapons description specify that a weapon is capable of suppressive fire. If a character with a weapon with this capability declares first in a given round of combat, that character may declare that they will spend the full round providing suppressive fire. No other actions can be taken while providing suppressive fire other than free actions. Subject to the GMs discretion, the character laying suppressive fire may fire a burst (see burst fire, above) at every character within his designated arc of fire that does not dodge (either full or normal) this turn. The firing character does not aim precisely and therefore cannot receive bonuses for preparation or sustained fire, but suffers no penalties for multiple actions if he takes shots at multiple targets. Normal burst fire penalties do apply. Characters behind full cover cannot be hit, including characters enclosed within vehicles or mecha. Drawing Weapons counts an action, so it reduces all other actions taken that turn by 1D, as per multiple actions in Section 2.8, above.
Reloading for most weapons, this also counts as one action. If it takes longer, this will be noted in the weapon description. Surprise if characters are surprised, such as in an ambush, the attacker can take their first action before the defenders are allowed to roll their defensive skills. Surprise is usually determined by a Perception check made against the ambushers hide skill, and characters on guard against ambush may be entitled to bonuses at the GMs discretion. Reach in melee combat, some weapons have a characteristic referred to as reach. Unarmed characters or characters armed with weapons lacking reach must, as an action, make an opposed brawling or melee weapon skill check in order to come close enough to attack. If they fail this check, the character with the reach weapon may attack as normal and the character without cannot, even if they declared attacks this turn. On the following turn, the character with a reach 12
weapon may attempt to move back out of reach by making an opposed brawling or melee weapon skill check. 2.10 Movement Every character and vehicle has a move rating in meters/round format (typically 8 or 10 for most human characters). When players declare movement for their characters (or vehicles or mecha piloted by their characters) the move rating tells the GM how much distance the character can cover. A character may make up to 4 moves per round, but each one will count as an action, like shooting or making a skill roll (see multiple actions in Section 2.8, above). This works out to mean that a character with a move of 10 can sprint (quad move) roughly 20mph. A move of half or less than a characters move rating counts as a free action under most circumstances (unless a character has taken another move, or is attempting to move over terrain rated as difficult or worse). When a character moves, the player must roll to see if the character successfully ran or drove over the terrain. Running characters use their running skill or dexterity attribute. Swimming characters use their swimming skill or strength attribute. Terrain is given a difficulty rating assigned by the GM: Terrain Difficulty Very Easy Easy Moderate Examples Running/driving over paved streets, swimming in calm water, flying in clear skies or open space. Running/driving over flat but uneven natural ground with minor obstacles, swimming in water with obstacles or moderately strong currents, flying near other aircraft. Running/driving over rough ground with many obstacles, swimming in a constricted space, driving in heavy traffic or in a bad storm that obstructs ones view, flying in crowded space or through a narrow canyon. Running in a panicked crowd, through a small minefield, or over very rough ground with dangerous hazards, Swimming during a rough storm, driving up a mountainside or through a crater field, flying in space through an asteroid/debris field. Running through a dense minefield or through a starship breaking apart, or climbing over a truck maneuvering erratically. Driving through a city during an earthquake or orbital bombardment, flying at ground level through city streets to avoid radar detection. Doing the impossible such as swinging from handhold to handhold around the side of a building, or flying through ventilation tunnels in an Invid hive. Difficulty at Half Speed N/A N/A N/A
Very Easy
In the event that a character fails a movement roll, there is a chance of an accident or injury. Find the number of points by with the movement roll was failed and apply the results of this chart:
Character Running Movement Failure Chart Result Stumble. -1D to all actions for rest of round Slip. -3D to all actions for rest of round, -1D to all actions next round. Fall. Character loses all actions for rest of round, becomes prone. Standing in the next round counts as a move action. Bad Fall. As fall, above, but character must make strength check to avoid impact damage determined by the terrain and nearby obstacles. -2D to fall damage. Nasty Fall. As bad fall, above, but with full falling damage. Face Plant. As nasty fall, above, but with +2D to fall damage.
If a character falls, the GM should roll on the following table to determine if they take damage: Falling Damage Chart For Running Characters: Number of moves Running Falling Damage declared for that round Normal/Half speed 1D 1 full move 2D 2 moves 2D+1 3 moves 2D+2 4 moves (human max) 3D 2.11 Healing Characters can heal damage over time, with field treatment, or with intensive treatment. In order to heal naturally, characters must rest for a length of time determined by the level of wound and then roll a Strength check. Interrupting the specified rest period results in a -1D penalty to the Strength roll. Wounded: requires 3 days of rest prior to the check: Strength Result Roll: 2-4 Character worsens to incapacitated. 5-6 Character remains wounded. 7+ Character is fully healed. Incapacitated: requires 2 weeks of rest: Strength Result Roll: 2-5 Character worsens to mortally wounded. 6-7 Character remains incapacitated. 8+ Character improves to wounded. Mortally wounded: requires 1 month of rest:
Result Character dies. Character remains mortally wounded. Character improves to incapacitated.
A character with a medpac or equivalent gear attempts a first aid check (or technical attribute roll if they lack that skill) they may attempt to heal a character one level. The difficulty varies depending on the degree of the injury: Degree of Injury Stunned or Unconscious Wounded Incapacitated Mortally Wounded Difficulty of First Aid Skill Check Very Easy Easy Moderate Difficult
Advanced and intensive medical care will heal characters faster and more reliably, but facilities providing such services are few and far between in post-Invid invasion Earth. In the rare event that advanced care is available, the GM will determine healing results.
2.12 Scales Character will often have to deal with vehicles, mecha, and buildings, which have combat stats similar to those of characters, but are on a far different scale. This is reflected in the scale system, which affects the ability of characters and mecha of different scales to hit each other, dodge each others attacks, damage each other, and to resist damage inflicted.
To use the following charts, find the scale of the thing that is doing the shooting along the left hand row (up/down) and find the scale of the target on the column across the top (left/right). The number where the row and column cross is the die cap. When the dice are rolled to reach the target number for a check, those dice that roll higher than the die cap only count as the die cap. For example if the die cap in a certain situation is 4, and a player rolls a 2, 4, and 6 on 3D, this counts as a 2, a 4, and another 4 because the die cap reduces the 6 down to 4. Wild dice that roll 6s where 6s are over the cap count as the cap, but still allow the character rolling the 6 to roll another die. Scale Chart: To Hit shooter target Character Cyclone Mecha Structural/Capital Character 6 6 6 6 Cyclone 4 6 6 6 Mecha 3 4 6 6 Structural/Capital 3 6 Scale Chart: To Dodge shooter target Character Cyclone Mecha Structural/Capital Character 6 5 2 cannot dodge Cyclone 5 6 4 2 Mecha 3 4 6 4 Structural/Capital cannot dodge 6 6 6 Scale Chart: To Damage shooter target Character Cyclone Mecha Structural/Capital Character 6 3 1 cannot damage Cyclone 6 6 4 1 Mecha 6 6 6 4 Structural/Capital 6 6 6 6 Scale Chart: To Resist Damage shooter target Character Cyclone Mecha Structural/Capital Character 6 6 6 6 Cyclone 4 6 6 6 Mecha 1 4 6 6 Structural/Capital cannot resist 1 4 6
2.13 Vehicle and Mecha Combat Taking place in a setting marked by constant war with advanced alien races, most combats in a Robotech game will involve vehicles or mecha or vehicles. Mecha and vehicles move, shoot, and take damage using much the same rules that characters do, but with a few modifications and additional rules detailed in this section. Generally, vehicles move as described in Section 2.10, Movement, above and can perform up to four move actions per turn. In addition to normal straight line movement, vehicles can perform a number of maneuvers with a successful piloting skill check: Vehicle Maneuver Chart Maneuver Drift sideways Bootlegger Reverse Turn (up to 45) Double Turn (45 -90) Climb (up to 45, flyers only) Extreme Climb (45 - 90, flyers only) Dive (up to 45, flyers only) Extreme Dive (45-90, flyers only) Loop (flyers only) Roll (up to 45, flyers only, +1D to hit difficulty) Rotate in Place (VTOLs only) Ascend/Descend in Place (VTOLs only) Difficulty 1-5 6-15 1-5 11-15 6-10 11-20 1-5 6-15 15-30 +5/45 5-15 1-5
Characters use their applicable pilot skill or mechanical attribute to make movement checks, although the consequences of failure are somewhat different. In the event that a character operating a vehicle fails a movement roll, there is a chance of a collision or other accident. Find the number of points by with the movement roll was failed:
Vehicle/Mecha Movement Failure Chart Result Slight slip in control. Pilot has an additional penalty of -1D to all actions for rest of round. More serious control problems. Pilot has an additional penalty of -3D to all actions for rest of round and -1D to all actions for the next round. Spin. Vehicle goes spinning out of control. Vehicle or mecha makes its move but it is spinning wildly and goes in a random direction (use scatter die). After the spin, the vehicle or mecha must sit still for one full round, and if there was no collision, it may then resume movement at normal speed. Minor collision. The vehicle or mecha glances off another vehicle or nearby obstacle. Subtract -3D from normal collision damage (See Collisions, below). Collision. The vehicle smashes into another vehicle or nearby object, doing normal collision damage (see Collisions, below). Crash, smack, ouch! Major collision or accident. The vehicle or mecha runs into an obstacle at full speed and at a bad angle, increasing collision damage by +4D
Collisions The damage from a collision depends upon how many moves the piloting character declared that turn, as per the chart below. When colliding with objects of different scales, the appropriate die caps apply as per the scales rules in Section 2.12, above. If the Collision is with another moving vehicle, the following modifiers apply: Head-on crash: +3D, T-bone +0D, Rear end -3D, Sideswipe -3D. Collision Damage Chart: Number of moves Collision Damage declared for that round Normal/Half speed 2D 1 full move 3D 2 moves 4D 3 moves 6D 4 moves 10D
Vehicle Damage Vehicles take damage from collisions, shooting, and melee combat as characters do. The strength of vehicle or mechas hull will be noted in its description, but pay attention to differences in scale as noted in Section 2.12, above. Use this vehicle/mecha damage chart to determine results of damage: Damage Roll Strength Roll By 0-3 4-8 Result Shaken Vehicle/Mecha Damage Chart Game Effect
Vehicle or mecha loses 1D from its maneuverability and fire control for the next turn. Lightly Vehicles or mecha can be lightly damaged any number of damaged times. Roll 1D to determine effect: 1-3: vehicle loses 1D from its Maneuverability rating 4: one on board weapon is destroyed 5-6: vehicle loses 1 from the number of moves it can make in a turn, when it cannot make 1 move it can only make a half move, and if it can only make a half move, it becomes immobilized. Heavily If a vehicle or mecha is lightly damaged or heavily damaged damaged again, it becomes severely damaged. Roll 1D: 1-3: vehicle loses 2D from its Maneuverability rating. 4-6: Vehicle loses 2 from the number of moves it can make per turn, as per lightly damaged, above. Severely A severely damaged vehicle or mecha is destroyed if it is damaged damaged again. Roll 1D to determine the damage done: 1-2: Destroyed power plant! If vehicle is moving more than half speed, it crashes adding +3D to the normal damage for the speed it is going, otherwise it just stops. 3: overload! Engine will overload and explode in 1D+1 rounds. 4: Disabled weapons. All weapons are shut down. 5: Structural damage. Vehicle will break up in 1D rounds if not stopped/landed. 6: Destroyed. Vehicle is destroyed or crashes due to complete loss of control. Destroyed Vehicle or Mecha is immediately destroyed, all crew and passengers take full damage as per Passenger Damage rules, below.
Passenger Damage When a vehicle or mecha takes damage from combat or collisions, there is a chance that any passengers or crew will take damage. Once you have determined how badly the vehicle or mecha is damaged, roll the damage indicated in the chart below: Vehicle/Mecha is: Damage to Crew/Passengers: Lightly damaged 1D Heavily damaged 3D Severely damaged 6D Destroyed 12D Defensive Skills Characters operating vehicles (including mecha in non-battaloid modes) can dodge like characters on foot can, but this requires use of the relevant piloting skill instead of the dodge skill. Note that this ability applies only to characters with the appropriate piloting skill. Unskilled characters can NOT parry or dodge while operating a vehicle or Mecha. In the battaloid mode of a mecha, characters enjoy the full benefits of the mind-machine link provided by robotech mecha, and therefore use their own dodge and brawling parry skills. This ability also applies only to characters with the mecha pilot skill, since unskilled characters will be too preoccupied with keeping the battaloid upright to be able to parry or dodge effectively. Skilled characters operating vehicles or mecha are able to make either regular or full use their vehicle/mecha defensive skills as per section 2.6, above. Maneuverability All vehicles and Mecha have a maneuverability score. These dice are added to pilot skill checks, including attempts to dodge. Vehicle Weapons Vehicle and mecha weapons have several important characteristics. First is their scale, which unless otherwise noted will be the same as the vehicle/mecha it is mounted on. Many weapons have a fire control score, which is added to the users gunnery score when determining hits. If more than one person is needed to crew the weapon, this will be noted as well. Vehicle weapons will also have designated firing arcs, though battaloids are assumed, like characters, to have 360 capability with all weapons. Ramming Characters can choose to ram their vehicle or mecha into a target, which may cause the target to lose control and crash. To ram, the ramming pilot must declare a ramming attack in the normal declaration phase. This counts as a move and does count towards the four move per turn limit. The ramming vehicle moves its normal move, but tries to ram into the target vehicle as part of the move. If it can make contact, the ram attempt is possible. The difficulty of the ram
attempt is determined either by the targets dodge or difficult of the normal skill check for the speed and terrain of the rammers movement plus 5. If the ram attempt fails by more than 5, a movement failure results as per the table above. If the attempt is successful, the ram attack succeeds and vehicles take damage as per the Collision damage chart above. Keep scale differences in mind if needed. Falling Damage Whenever anything falls and hits the ground, it suffers damage at its own scale. Falling damage can increased at GMs discretion by the speed of impact, dangerous ground conditions, etc. Base damage is determined by the distance of the fall: Falling Damage Chart: Distance Fallen Damage (in meters) 3-6 2D 7-12 3D 13-18 4D 19-30 5D 31-50 7D 51+ 9D Transformations As an action, the pilot of a transformable Mecha can switch modes. This typically changes the stat profile for the mecha, and will often allow the pilot to optimize his ability to handle certain situations. For purposes of resolving attacks against the mecha during the action of the transformation process, treat its strength, maneuverability, or other relevant characteristics as the lower score of the two modes. All subsequent actions are resolved using the appropriate score for the current mode. Mecha HTH- Mecha in Battaloid or Guardian modes have at least some capability in hand to hand combat using the operators hand to hand skill. Unskilled operators are helpless in hand to hand and may not attack, parry, or dodge. Missiles Many vehicles and mecha carry missiles. Missiles do not utilize the firers gunnery skill, and instead have a fixed gunnery score assigned based upon the missile type. Base Difficulty to hit with a missile is 15 regardless of range. Missiles can be fired in multiple missile volleys as a single action. Unless otherwise noted missiles always move 1200m/turn (Mach 3). Point Defense Fire As an action a character piloting a battaloid (or other vehicle or mecha) with a weapon with the point defense special rule can attempt to shoot down incoming missiles. The result of point defense fire is determined by making an opposed gunnery skill check against the missiles targeting roll. Every 5 points by which the characters roll beats the missiles will result in 1D incoming missiles being destroyed. Note that normal use of this action can be combined with a regular dodge. Characters have the option to make full use of point defense fire, allowing the user to roll their gunnery check twice and use the highest roll.
Mecha Gunnery This skill is used whenever one character uses ranged weapons mounted to a Mecha to attack another character, with the exception of missile attacks. Specializations available are based upon specific mecha type. Melee Combat - This skill is used whenever one character attacks another in hand to hand combat with a weapon. The difficulty is determined by the weapon type as listed in each weapons description. Specializations are available based on weapon type. Skilled characters have the option to take a 1D penalty to hit and to parry for the full turn in exchange for a +1D bonus to damage for one attack. This penalty/bonus can be taken up to twice per turn. Parry - This skill is used by a character to parry a hand to hand attack by another character. The use of defensive skills is fully explained in Section 2.6. Pick Pocket This skill is used to pick the pockets of other characters or to plant an object without being noticed. Running Used for skill checks when a character moves at more than half speed as per Section 2.10. Thrown Weapons - This skill is used to determine hits with thrown weapons. The difficulty is determined by range and other modifiers explained in Section 2. Specializations available include rock, knife, hatchet, and spear. KNOWLEDGE SKILLS Bureaucracy This skill involves a characters knowledge of bureaucracies and their procedures, and allows a character to predict responses of bureaucracies, speed processes, and generally navigate within the system. Specializations are available based on locale. Time taken: one round to several days. Business The character has a working knowledge of businesses and business procedures, and is capable of running a profitable business. The character also knows how to manipulate business decision makers to get their way and to gather information about particular enterprises. Available specializations are areas of business. Time taken: one round to one day. Intimidation The characters ability to scare or frighten someone. Through fear, the character can force others to obey commands, reveal information, or otherwise push people around. Intimidate rolls are generally made in opposition to the victims willpower skill. Time taken: one round to one minute. Law Enforcement The character has a working knowledge of law enforcement and police procedures. Because of this, the character knows how to deal with police officers and can use this skill to know when to cooperate, when to resist, and when to attempt bribery. Streetwise A character uses this skill when he wants to make contact in the criminal underworld, to purchase illegal goods or services, or to find someone to do something illegal.
Successful use of this skill also allows characters to recognize dangerous situations and likely sources of trouble. Time taken: one round to one day or longer. Survival This skill provides knowledge about how to survive in hostile environments, and allows players access to knowledge about the environment around them. The skill allows characters to improvise shelters, find food and water, and recognize medicinal plants. Time taken: one round to check knowledge, one hour or more to find necessities.
Value This skill represents a characters ability to gauge the fair market value of goods based on local economies, and to judge quality and function of goods. Willpower A characters strength of will and determination. Used to resist intimidation attempts. Also, when a character fails a stamina skill check, the character can make a willpower check at one level higher difficulty to drive themselves on through sheer force of will. When a character using willpower in this way fails a check, they are completely exhausted and must rest double the normal length of time. Xenology: Zentraedi This skill involves knowledge of the Zentraedi aliens, including tactics, mecha types, attitudes, ranks, capabilities, and customs. Xenology: Robotech Masters This skill involves knowledge of the Robotech Masters aliens, including tactics, mecha types, attitudes, ranks/castes, clone types, capabilities, and customs. Xenology: Invid This skill involves knowledge of the Invid aliens, including tactics, mecha types, evolutionary stages, hives, and behavior. MECHANICAL SKILLS Capital Ship Gunnery This skill covers the operation of all capital-scale weapons on starships and in emplacements. These ships normally require large well-coordinated crews for efficient operation. The difficulty is determined by range and other modifiers explained in Section 2. Capital Ship Piloting This skill covers the operation of large starships such as those of the REF. These ships normally require large well-coordinated crews for efficient operation. This skill is
also used by a character piloting a capital ship to dodge any ranged attack. The use of defensive skills is fully explained in Section 2.6. Capital Ship Shields This skill covers the operation of barrier and pinpoint shields present on some capital vessels. These ships normally require large well-coordinated crews for efficient operation. Communications This skill covers the use of telegraphy, radios, lasers, and other types of communications devices. The skill includes knowledge of common encryption systems, descrambling, and interception of enemy signals. Driving This skill covers the operation of wheeled and tracked land vehicles, from motorcycles to Main Battle Tanks. This skill is also used by a character driving a land vehicle to dodge any ranged attack. The use of defensive skills is fully explained in Section 2.6. Specializations available: motorcycle, automobile, truck, tank. Horse Riding This skill is used to ride a horse or other live mount. This skill is also used by a character riding a horse to dodge any ranged attack. The use of defensive skills is fully explained in Section 2.6. Hovercraft Operation This skill is used to operate hovercraft, Ground Effect Vehicles (GEVs), and hovercycles. This skill is also used by a character piloting a hovercraft to dodge any ranged attack. The use of defensive skills is fully explained in Section 2.6. Hyperspace Fold Operation (A) This skill is used to determine successful plotting and execution of hyperspace fold jumps, the only known form of faster than light travel. Prerequisite: Capital Ship Piloting. Time taken: one minute to one hour. Pilot Aircraft This skill is used to fly conventional aircraft including planes, helicopters, gliders, jet packs, and ultralights. Specializations are available by specific aircraft type. This skill is also used by a character piloting an aircraft to dodge any ranged attack. The use of defensive skills is fully explained in Section 2.6. Pilot Mecha This skill is used to operate all models of mecha in both aircraft and battaloid modes. Specializations are available by specific mecha type. This skill is also used by a character piloting a mecha to dodge any ranged attack. The use of defensive skills is fully explained in Section 2.6. Sensors This skill allows characters to use sensors of all kinds, including radar, sonar, IR, UV, thermal, etc. One scanning roll can be made per round, and the character making the skill check
will detect everything detectable with a difficulty equal to or less than the characters roll. Sensors can be used to detect and to identify. Vehicle Gunnery - This skill is used whenever one character uses ranged weapons mounted to a Vehicle to attack a target, with the exception of missile attacks. Specializations available are based upon specific vehicle type. PERCEPTION SKILLS Bargain This skill is used whenever characters want to haggle over prices for goods. Time taken: one minute. Command This skill is a measure of a characters ability to convince non-player characters and subordinates to do what they are told. The skill is also used to coordinate the actions of large numbers of people to accomplish specific tasks. Con This skill is used to trick characters, or otherwise convince them to do something that isnt in their best interest. Time taken: from one round to several minutes or more, depending on how long it takes the character to say what he needs to. Conceal Characters with this skill are good at hiding objects from view. This skill is used when hiding weapons on ones person, hiding goods within luggage, hiding objects in a room, etc. The Conceal characteristic on weapons and other equipment show what bonus, if any, the concealing character will receive while attempting to hide the item on their person. This skill is also used for purposes of long-time concealment and resisting searches. When characters attempt to spot concealed objects they must make an opposed search or perception check, including modifiers deemed appropriate by the GM. Forgery This skill is used to falsify printed or electronic documents to say what the character wishes, such as permits, ID, or photographs. Time taken varies wildly with the nature of the item to be forged, but will almost never take less than hour. Gambling This skill is used to increase a characters chances of winning games of chance. Purely random games are not affected by this skill, but games requiring opposed skill rolls, such as poker, are. The skill is also used if a character attempts to cheat or spot cheating attempts by other gamblers. Time taken varies according to game.
Hide This skill is used to conceal oneself from view, and determines the difficulty of the opposing search or perception check. 27
Investigation This skill is used to gather information and analyze it. Use of this skill will be role-played wherever possible. Persuasion This skill is used to convince a character to go along with the users request without paying them (which would be bargaining) and without tricking them (which would be conning). There is some overlap with those skills however, as potential rewards can be offered, etc. Time taken: one round to one hour. Search This skill is used when the character is trying to spot hidden objects or individuals. If the subject of the search has been purposefully concealed, then the skill check will be opposed. If not, the difficulty is determined by the appearance of the object or person and the characters knowledge of the object or person. Sneak This is the characters ability to move without being seen or heard. This skill is used to oppose the perception or search check of a character searching for them. STRENGTH SKILLS Brawling This is the characters ability to hit in hand-to-hand without any weapons. The base difficulty for an unarmed attack is Very Easy. Characters have the option of grappling their opponents rather than just hitting them. When grappling, a character attempts to subdue their opponent so that they cannot fight back, which increases the difficulty of the attackers brawling check to Moderate. If the attacker achieves a stun result or better, the defender is pinned in some fashion and their movement is restricted. To escape, the defender must make an opposed strength roll at +1 to their difficulty for every point by which the grappler succeeded in his brawling skill check when the pin was achieved. Characters in hand to hand may choose to take a 1D penalty to hit and to parry for the full turn in exchange for a +1D bonus to damage for one attack. This penalty/bonus can be taken up to twice per turn. Climbing/Jumping This skill is used when the character attempts to leap a distance, climb a tree or wall, etc. Difficulty is based on the distances involved, gear available, and degree of agility required. Lifting This skill is used for lifting and carrying heavy objects. The difficulty depends on the weight of the object and how long it will be carried. The lifting chart in the Star Wars book, page 86 will be used as a guideline. Stamina Stamina checks are made when characters exert themselves for long periods of time. Whenever a character fails such a roll, they are fatigued and are at a -1D penalty to all actions until they rest for a time equal to the amount of time spent exerting themselves. Stamina checks are used only when a character is being pushed to his or her physical limits, so they should be rare. A willpower roll will allow a character to keep going despite the failure. A second failed stamina check causes a further -1D penalty to all actions, and on a characters third failure the character collapses and may be injured (at GMs discretion).
Swimming A characters ability to move through water. Failure indicates that the character is beginning to flounder and drown. Roll 2D at the beginning of each round after the failed swimming check. If the result is less than the number of rounds that the character has been drowning, the character drowns and dies. While drowning, all non-swimming actions are subject to a -3D penalty. A character can attempt to save themselves once per round by making a swimming check at one level of difficulty higher than the one they originally failed. TECHNICAL SKILLS Armor Repair This skill is used to perform maintenance and repairs on armor. The difficulty depends on the degree of damage. Time taken: fifteen minutes to two hours, depending on the degree of damage. At GMs discretion, this skill may be used to modify and improve armor. Capital Starship Repair This skill is used to perform maintenance, repairs, and upgrades on capital starships. The difficulty depends on the degree of damage. Time taken: fifteen minutes or more, depending on the job. At GMs discretion, this skill may be used to modify and capital starships. Capital Starship Weapon Repair This skill is used to perform maintenance, repairs, and upgrades on capital starship weapons. The difficulty depends on the degree of damage. Time taken: fifteen minutes or more, depending on the job. At GMs discretion, this skill may be used to modify and capital starship weapons. Computers This skill is used to repair, operate, and program computers. This skill also covers security procedures and how evade them. When a character attempts to defeat computer security and get access to restricted data or programs, the difficulty is determined by the level of security on the target system. Failure may cause a warning to be sent to the administrator of a system. Time taken: one round to one hour. Demolitions This skill represents a characters ability to set explosives and his knowledge of how to place them to achieve desired results. Difficulty depends on the toughness of the target, amount of explosive available, and other complications. Time taken: one round to several hours depending on the complexity of the task. Energy Weapon Repair This skill is used to perform maintenance and repairs on energy weapons. The difficulty depends on the degree of damage. Time taken: fifteen minutes to two hours, depending on the job. At GMs discretion, this skill may be used to modify and improve energy weapons. to
Firearms Repair This skill is used to perform maintenance and repairs on firearms. The difficulty depends on the degree of damage. Time taken: fifteen minutes to two hours, depending on the job. At GMs discretion, this skill may be used to modify and improve firearms. First Aid This skill covers the application of medpacs and other emergency lifesaving procedures. Time taken: one round to one minute. Healing rules are listed in Section 2.11. Mecha Repair Bio-maintenance Engineer training. This skill is used to perform maintenance and repairs on mecha. The difficulty depends on the degree of damage. Time taken: fifteen minutes to several days, depending on the job. At GMs discretion, this skill may be used to modify and improve mecha. Specializations available by type of mecha. Medicine (A) Prerequisite: First Aid of 5D. Allows players with access to advanced facilities to provide intensive medical care beyond treatment of battle injuries. Includes surgery skills and installation of cybernetics. Specializations available by field of medicine. Also boosts first aid skill. Time taken: one minute to many hours. Protoculture Science (A) Prerequisite: Mecha Repair of 5D. This skill provides an in depth understanding of the technology that allows protoculture-powered mecha to work, and an understanding of the unique properties of protoculture. This skill boosts mecha repair skill rolls. Time taken: fifteen minutes to many hours. Security This skill provides expertise in physical security systems, including locks, alarms, traps, and other exotic systems. This includes installation, operation, maintenance, and evasion of such mechanisms. Specializations available: locks, alarms, safes, traps, snares. Time taken: one round to several minutes. Vehicle Repair This skill is used to perform maintenance, repairs, and upgrades on nonprotoculture powered air and ground vehicles. The difficulty depends on the degree of damage. Time taken: fifteen minutes to several days, depending on the job. At GMs discretion, this skill may be used to modify and improve vehicles. Specializations available by type of vehicle: motorcycle, automobile, tank, GEV, plane, etc.
REF Pilot
Character Name: Sex: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Skin: Background: You grew up among the stars, a passenger aboard the REF armada sent to explore the galaxy. At an early age you were selected for training as a Mecha Pilot, and even among your elite peers you have stood out for your skill. Objectives: Although you have no memory of your homeworld, you shared in the fleets rage upon learning of the invasion and are as eager as any of your elders to liberate Earth. Quote: Tower, this is Ghost Rider requesting a flyby. DEXTERITY: Dodge Energy Weapons Melee Combat Parry Running KNOWLEDGE: Intimidation Value Willpower MECHANICAL Communications Mecha Gunnery Pilot Mecha: Pilot Mecha: cyclone Pilot Aircraft Pilot Spacecraft Sensors Vehicle Gunnery 3D PERCEPTION: Command Con Gambling Search STRENGTH: Brawling Stamina Swimming TECHNICAL Energy Weapon Repair First Aid 4D
Equipment: CVR-3 body armor, REF uniform, medpac, Mars Gallant H-90 kit, VR-052 Battler Cyclone, $500. Also has access to REF Mecha of choice.
REF Infantry
Character Name: Sex: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Skin: Background: As an REF soldier, you have had an up close and personal view of what war against the Invid is like. The news that Earth itself has been invaded shocked you and your comrades in arms to the coreyou know the devastation they must have wrought and the carnage that is certain to result from this campaign. Regardless, you have been given the most important mission of your life, and you will complete it. Objectives: To carry out your orders and liberate the Earth from the Invid, at any cost. Quote: Come on you apes! You wanna live forever?!!! DEXTERITY: Dodge Energy Weapons Grenade Melee Combat Parry Running KNOWLEDGE: Intimidation Survival Value Willpower MECHANICAL Communications Driving Mecha Gunnery: cyclone Pilot Mecha: cyclone Sensors Vehicle Gunnery 4D PERCEPTION: Command Con Gambling Hide Search Sneak STRENGTH: Brawling Climbing/Jumping Lifting Stamina Swimming TECHNICAL Armor Repair Demolitions Energy Weapon Repair First Aid 3D
Equipment: CVR-3 body armor, REF uniform, medpac, Mars Gallant H-90 kit, Cyclone model of choice, comlink, 2 frag grenades, 1 plasma grenade, field knife, $500.
REF Tech
Character Name: Sex: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes:
Background: Your whole life has been devoted to the study and care of the most sophisticated machinery humanity has ever produced. You have little interest in actually using the weaponry sent to you for service, and you know that your knowledge makes you too valuable to be risked in the field. Objectives: To free the Earth, to keep everyones gear running, and to keep your hide intact. Not necessarily in that order. Quote: For the past seven years I have done nothing but travel around the world getting shot up, locked up, blown up and all I have to show for it are a couple of empty rolls of duct tape. DEXTERITY: Dodge Energy Weapons Melee Combat Parry Running KNOWLEDGE: Bureaucracy Intimidation Value Willpower MECHANICAL Communications Mecha Gunnery Pilot Aircraft Pilot Mecha Sensors Vehicle Gunnery 2D+2 PERCEPTION: Command Con Gambling Search 3D STRENGTH: Brawling Lifting Stamina Swimming TECHNICAL Armor Repair Computers Demolitions Energy Weapon Repair Mecha Repair Protoculture Science Vehicle Repair 2D+1
Equipment: CVR-3 body armor, REF uniform, medpac, Mars Gallant H-90 kit, comlink, 1 demolition charge, advanced tool kit, pickup truck or cargo truck, $3000.
Freedom Fighter/Mercenary
Character Name: Sex: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Skin: Background: You are a man at arms, either selling your services to the highest bidder or dedicated to the cause of human freedom. You have weapons, training, and the will to use them. No other qualifications are necessary. Objectives: As a mercenary, to stay alive to collect your paycheck in your unusually hazardous line of work. As a freedom fighter, to liberate humanity from alien oppression. Quote: Remember, you have to make it home to get paid! DEXTERITY: Dodge Energy Weapons Firearms Grenades Melee Combat Parry Running KNOWLEDGE: Intimidation Streetwise Value Willpower MECHANICAL Communications Driving Sensors Mecha Gunnery Pilot Aircraft Pilot Mecha Vehicle Gunnery 3D PERCEPTION: Bargain Command Conceal Gambling Hide Search Sneak STRENGTH: Brawling Climbing/Jumping Lifting Stamina Swimming 3D
3D+2 TECHNICAL Armor Repair Demolitions Energy Weapon Repair First Aid Vehicle Repair
Equipment: one set of body armor of players choice, comlink, energy weapon of players choice, firearm of players choice, 2 frag grenades, 2 smoke grenades, medpac, jeep or motorcycle. $2000.
Character Name: Sex: Age: Height: Weight:
Hair: Eyes: Skin: Background: You learned to be independent and capable at an early age, either by learning on your own or from loved ones. You tend to avoid civilized places unless you need to barter for supplies, and plan carefully for the future. Until now youve done your best to keep out of the Invids way, but it is becoming clear to you that there can be no peaceful coexistence with them, and if any humans are to survive, the Invid must be fought and defeated. Objectives: To defeat the Invid and preserve your independent way of life. Quote: Some day someone like me is gonna kill you and your whole ****ing race! DEXTERITY: Dodge Energy Weapons Firearms Melee Combat Parry Pick Pocket Running Thrown Weapons KNOWLEDGE: Intimidation Survival Value Willpower MECHANICAL Driving Horse Riding Mecha Gunnery Pilot Aircraft Pilot Mecha Vehicle Gunnery 4D PERCEPTION: Bargain Con Conceal Hide Search Sneak 3D
STRENGTH: Brawling Climbing/Jumping Lifting Stamina Swimming TECHNICAL Energy Weapon Repair Firearms Repair First Aid Vehicle Repair
Equipment: Energy weapon of choice, hunting rifle or pump shotgun, field knife, misc. survival gear (including clothes, tent, climbing gear, fishing equipment, compass, maps, etc.), choice of horse, motorcycle, or jeep. $400.
Character Name: Sex: Age: Height: Weight:
Hair: Eyes: Skin: Background: You were raised in a tribal society far from the remaining human cities and have little experience with technology. Although nave, you are dignified and noble. You are amazed at the wonders you have encountered in your travels and dream of someday sharing them with your people and restoring humanity to its lost golden age. Objectives: To fulfill your duty to your tribe by defeating the Invid invaders and returning to them with knowledge, medicine, and money theyll need to make better lives for themselves. Quote:Even a poisonous snake isnt bad. You just have to keep away from the sharp end. DEXTERITY: Dodge Firearms Melee Combat Melee Parry Parry Pick Pockets Running Thrown Weapons KNOWLEDGE: Intimidation Survival Willpower 4D PERCEPTION: Bargain Conceal Hide Persuasion Search Sneak 4D
STRENGTH: Brawling Climbing/Jumping Lifting Stamina Swimming TECHNICAL First Aid Security: snares & traps
Equipment: spear, knife, net, fishing gear, some nice shiny beads, carved idol of local deity.
Espionage Operative
Character Name: Sex: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Skin: Background: You are trained by either the REF, the UEG, or another nation in the arts of gathering and analyzing intelligence. You have been laying low and biding your time, waiting for the right moment to begin your war against the Invid, but it is clear that humanity cannot afford to wait any longer. Your people need you to tell them when, where, and how to strike back. Objectives: To gather as much information as possible about the Invid, find their weaknesses, and destroy them. Quote: Oh, I travel a sort of licensed troubleshooter. DEXTERITY: Dodge Energy Weapons Firearms Melee Combat Parry Running 3D PERCEPTION: Con Conceal Forgery Hide Investigation Persuasion Search Sneak STRENGTH: Brawling Climbing/Jumping Stamina Swimming TECHNICAL Armor Repair Computers Demolitions First Aid Security 4D
KNOWLEDGE: Intimidation Law Enforcement Streetwise Willpower Xenology (Invid) MECHANICAL Communications Sensors Pilot Mecha Mecha Gunnery Vehicle Gunnery
Equipment: body armor of choice, energy weapon of choice, hold out pistol, video camera, comlink, audio recorder, camouflaged cloak. Motorcycle or jeep. $2000.
Old Timer
Character Name: Sex: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Skin: Background: You are a veteran of one or more of the previous Robotech wars. Your hands have gotten shakier, but you still remember your training and have dusted off your old gear. You may be old, but youve still got plenty of fight left in you. And besides, better to die on your feet fighting for your people than in bed. Objectives: To keep the fight going so that the sacrifices of your old comrades wont be in vain. Quote: Get off my lawn! And my planet! DEXTERITY: Dodge Energy Weapons Firearms Melee Combat Parry KNOWLEDGE: Bureaucracy Value Willpower Xenology: (_________) MECHANICAL Communications Driving Mecha Gunnery Pilot Mecha Pilot Aircraft Pilot Spacecraft Sensors Vehicle Gunnery 2D PERCEPTION: Command Con Gambling Persuasion Search STRENGTH: Brawling Climbing/Jumping Stamina Swimming TECHNICAL Armor Repair Computers Demolitions Energy Weapon Repair First Aid Mecha Repair Vehicle Repair 4D
Equipment: body armor of choice, energy weapon of choice, firearm of choice, 2 frag grenades, old-fashioned uniform, bottle of cheap whiskey. $500. Move: 8 Character Points: 5 Wounded Incapacitated Mortally Wounded 40
Character Name: Sex: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Skin: Background: You are an educated and trained scientist. You have always aspired to make the world a better place for humanity, but now it is clear that you must leave the safety of your laboratory and take action. Objectives: To help humanity in its struggle by attaining a greater understanding of protoculture and the Invid. Quote: We have to get even with the Invid. Its a moral imperative. DEXTERITY: Dodge Energy Weapons Firearms Parry Running 2D PERCEPTION: Bargain Command Hide Investigation Persuasion Search STRENGTH: Brawling Climbing/Jumping Stamina Swimming 3D
KNOWLEDGE: 4D Bureaucracy Survival Value Willpower Xenology (Invid) Xenology (Robotech Masters) Xenology (Zentraedi) MECHANICAL Communications Driving Sensors Vehicle Gunnery 3D
TECHNICAL Computers Demolitions Energy Weapon Repair First Aid Firearms Repair Mecha Repair Medicine Protoculture Science
Character Name: Sex: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Skin: Background: You are a businessman, not a criminal. Or so you insist. You keep moving from town to town, making sure that people get the goods they need (for a price). Youre smart and independent but as cynical as they come. Objectives: To make an honest living from the opportunities left to an enterprising young man on the Invid-ravaged earth. Or, failing that, a less than honest living. Quote: Never tell me the odds! DEXTERITY: Dodge Energy Weapons Firearms Grenade Melee Combat Parry Running KNOWLEDGE: Business Intimidation Streetwise Value MECHANICAL Communications Driving Pilot Vehicle Gunnery 3D PERCEPTION: Bargain Con Conceal Forgery Gambling Persuasion Search Sneak STRENGTH: Brawling Climbing/Jumping Lifting Stamina Swimming TECHNICAL Energy Weapon Repair First Aid Vehicle Repair Vehicle Weapon Repair 4D
Equipment: Cargo Truck or Small Plane, comlink, deck of cards, large debt to local crime boss, hold out pistol, heavy pistol, armor vest, $500.
Character Name: Sex: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes:
Background: Unsurprisingly, large numbers of politicians, bureaucrats, and government functionaries found ways to survive the Invid Invasion. Some have prospered and achieved power, while others have been forced to make a life on the road due to their lack of useful skills. Objectives: To gain influence and prestige wherever he happens to be and position himself as a hero if the Invid are defeated. Quote: Im sorry, too, Dmitri Im very sorry *All right*, youre sorrier than I am, but I am sorry as well I am as sorry as you are, Dmitri! Dont say that youre more sorry than I am, because Im capable of being just as sorry as you are So were both sorry, all right?... All right. DEXTERITY: Dodge Energy Weapons Firearms Melee Combat Parry Running Vehicle Gunnery KNOWLEDGE: Bureaucracy Business Intimidation Law Enforcement Value MECHANICAL Communications Driving Sensors Pilot 2D+1 PERCEPTION: Bargain Command Con Conceal Hide Investigation Persuasion Sneak 4D STRENGTH: Brawling Climbing/Jumping Stamina Swimming 4D
Equipment: Dress clothes, comlink, car or truck, light pistol, personal data assistant, $4000.
Blank Template
Character Name: Sex: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Background:
Mars Gallant H-90 Multi Weapon System The Mars Gallant is a modular particle beam weapon that can be used as either a pistol or a rifle. Because of its versatility and power, it is the standard issue personal weapon for REF. It was designed during the after the expedition left (with assistance from Tirolian engineers), so the only examples to be found on Earth were those few that carried by the first waves of the returning REF fleet. The Mars Gallant is therefore extremely rare, and no non-REF character can start with one as a beginning energy weapon choice. In its pistol mode, the Gallant derives its energy from a small battery (or E-clip as they are commonly known) stored in a compartment located under the forearm grip which holds sufficient power for 24 shots. When mated to a special buttstock housing a separate and larger E-clip, the weapon becomes far more formidable. In rifle mode a good shot from this weapon can pierce the armor of many types of mecha. The larger E-Clip holds power for 48 shots, and the circular fixture on the rifle stock is a dial indicating the charge remaining.
The Gallant incorporates a laser and 1-5x variable power optical sight, both of which interface with the Cyclone mechas targeting computer and head-up display. While not operating Cyclone Mecha, this sight is used through a small flip-up viewfinder positioned above the grip. In addition, a collimator-magnet barrel extension can be added to the weapons aperture. This barrel dramatically extends the effective range of the weapon. The barrel can be used in both pistol and rifle modes (The profiles listed below assume the use of the attachment only in the rifle mode. Without this attachment, the rifle uses the same range brackets as the pistol, and if you opt to use the extension in pistol mode, the long range bracket is doubled to 200m) Scale: character. Skill: energy weapons: pistol (in pistol mode) or rifle (in rifle mode). Ranges (pistol): 3-10/50/100 (rifle): 3-75/150/ 600 Damage (pistol): 7D (rifle): 10D, Ammo (pistol): 24 (rifle): 48, Conceal (pistol): 1D, (rifle): N/A, Availability: 4, Cost: Pistol only: ~10,000 cr. With the buttstock, ~25,000 Special (pistol): Bust fire (no penalty), suppressive fire. Special (rifle): can get +2D from preparation Laser Rifle (ex: LR-30) The LR-30 was the final variant in a series of laser rifles developed by the armies of the Southern Cross prior to the Second Robotech war, and saw extensive use as a sniper and designated marksmans rifle. Like most similar laser rifles, it features long range accuracy and massive damage potential. Skill: energy weapons: rifles. Ranges: 3-50/200/700 Damage: 10D, Ammo: 50, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 3, Cost: $5000 Special: can get +2D from preparation. Laser Carbine (ex: FAL-2) The FAL-2 was developed by the REF shortly before its departure from the earth, but production for national militaries continued for years afterwards. Similar weapons, such as the LR-20 carbine, were widely used by the Armies of the Southern Cross. Laser carbines lack the range and power of true laser rifles such as the LR-30, but cycle much faster and are therefore capable of burst firing. Scale: character. Skill: energy weapons: rifles. Ranges: 3-50/150/600 Damage: 8D Ammo: 50, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 3, Cost: $5000 Special: Bust fire (no penalty), suppressive fire
The RDF light laser rifle was the first man-portable energy weapons system available and became standard issue prior to the Zentraedi invasion. By modern standards it is unimpressive, but it is widely available and offers some advantages over firearms. Scale: character Skill: energy weapons: rifles. Ranges: 3-50/200/600 Damage: 8D, Ammo: 40, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 2, Cost: $2000 Laser Pistol (ex: Owens) Laser pistols take the miniaturization of energy weapons to the next level. The Southern Cross never made wide use of such weapons, although various models were specially issued to certain units, particularly the Global Military Police and Tactical Corps special forces units. Like the FAL-2, the Owens pistol was developed on Earth before the departure of the REF, and was used by the REF in large numbers prior to the adoption of the Mars Gallant. Large numbers were also produced after the departure of the REF and these weapons can be found nearly anywhere in the world. Often an Owens pistol will serve as something of a badge of rank due to their lethality and scarcity. NOTE: A carbine version is also available, which has the same stats as the FAL-2 laser carbine described above. Scale: character Skill: energy weapons: pistols. Ranges: 3-10/50/75, Damage: 7D, Ammo: 20, Conceal: 0D, Availability: 2, Cost: $2500 Special: Burst Fire (no penalty), suppressive fire. 5.2 Support Weapons Like energy weapons, support weapons are a broad category ranging from mortars to emplaced plasma cannons to flamethrowers. These are weapons designed for purposes other than targeting individual enemy foot soldiers, and are often highly complex. A certain degree of military training is usually needed to competently operate weapons of this kind. Unless mounted on a vehicle or Mecha, these weapons must be set up or braced before firing. Assault Cannon (ex. PM-5) The PM-5, used primarily by the Southern Cross but also to some extent by the REF, was designed to provide close quarters anti-mecha support for infantry troops. The PM-5 discharges 48
bursts of plasma from a magnetically stabilized bottle magazine located on the left hand side of the weapon, but similar weapons exist using lasers, particle beams, and 30mm projectiles. In all cases, they offer mecha-killing firepower at close range, but diminish in effectiveness at longer ranges. These weapons are designed for firing from fixed positions or vehicle mounts, but are generally light enough to be moved by one man. Skill: Support Weapons or Vehicle Gunnery. Scale: cyclone. Ranges: 320/50/100, Damage: 9D, Ammo: 12, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 4 Cost: $10,000. EP-37 Beam Cannon A handheld particle beam cannon intended for use by the VR-052 Battler cyclone, but functional as vehicle-mounted or emplaced weapon. Skill: Support Weapons or Mecha Gunnery or Vehicle Gunnery. Scale: mecha. Ranges: 3-30/300/1000, Damage: 7D, Ammo: 10, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 4 Cost: $25,000. Light Rocket Launcher (ex. RL-2) The Light Rocket Launcher is a lightweight, disposable anti-tank/antimecha weapon system that can be moved and fired by a single man. The RL-2 was an REF model, but comparable weapons were widely used by the Southern Cross and national militaries. Skill: Support Weapons, ammo: 1 mini-missile, min. range: 15m, max. range: 3km, scale: mecha, targeting skill: 6D, Damage: 7D, ROF: 1 Conceal: N/A, Availability: 3 Cost: $6,000. Special: Reloading requires full turn. Magazine-fed Rocket Launcher (ex. RL-6) The REF RL-6 and similar weapons fielded by other militaries are heavier versions of the Rocket Launcher listed above, and designed either to be mounted on a vehicle or fired from a fixed position. They are loaded with a 6 round magazine, and can fire rapidly. Some versions feature multiple separate tubes. The RL-6 is standard issue armament for the VR-038 cyclone. Skill: Support Weapons, Vehicle Gunnery or Mecha Gunnery ammo: 6 mini-missiles, min. range: 15m, max. range: 3km, scale: mecha, targeting skill: 6D, Damage: 7D, ROF:3 Conceal: N/A, Availability: 4 Cost: $12,000.
80mm Mortar 80mm Mortars or their equivalents have been in use for nearly a hundred years to provide mobile indirect fire support to nearby infantry. The 80mm mortar uses ammunition equivalent to grenades but cost is +20% and availability is 1 point higher each (to a max of 4). Skill: Support Weapons Scale: personal, Range: minimum 50m. 75/300/2000, Scatter Modifier: x10, Damage: by ammo type ROF: 1, Ammo: 1, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 2 Cost: $4,000. Grenade Launcher A lightweight, short barreled, single shot grenade launcher designed to be mounted under a rifle. Uses specialized grenade ammunition that costs the same as standard grenades and has the same availability rating. Skill: Support Weapons or Vehicle Gunnery Scale: personal. Ranges: 3-20/50/100, Damage: as per grenade type, Ammo: 1, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 2 Cost: $1,000. Special: Takes one round to reload. Flame Thrower Rare, obsolete weapons designed to fire a jet of burning napalm at a target. Particularly effective against bunkers and other confined spaces. Skill: Support Weapons Scale: personal. Ranges: 320(short range only), Damage: 5D, ROF: 1, Ammo: 12, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 3 Cost: $2,500. Special: When a target is hit, they continue to take full damage for 1D rounds as the fuel burns off of them. When used in confined spaces, the flame thrower hits all targets in inside the space automatically. Ignores cover modifiers for all targets within range. Takes 2D rounds to reload.
5.3 Firearms Firearms are good old fashioned projectile launchers powered by chemical explosives. The designs listed below have changed little over the past hundred years, but are more than adequate for combat with unarmored or lightly armored human foes. Holdout pistol (ex: Kel-tec P32) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: handguns. Ranges: 3-4/8/12, Damage: 3D, Ammo: 6, Conceal: 3D, Availability: 2, Cost: $300 Light pistol (ex: Beretta 84) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: handguns. Ranges: 3-10/20/40, Damage: 4D, Ammo: 13, Conceal: 2D, Availability: 1, Cost: $450 Service pistol (ex: Glock 17) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: handguns. Ranges: 3-10/30/50, Damage: 5D, Ammo: 17, Conceal: 1D, Availability: 1, Cost: $600
Heavy pistol (ex: Colt 1911A1) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: handguns. Ranges: 3-10/30/50, Damage: 6D, Ammo: 8, Conceal: 1D Availability: 2, Cost: $850 Hunting revolver (ex: S&W Model 29) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: handguns. Ranges: 3-15/50/75, Damage: 7D, Ammo: 6, Max ROF: 2, Conceal: 0D, Availability: 2, Cost: $600 Special: takes a full turn to reload (rather than an action).
Machinepistol (ex: Vz61 Skorpion) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: SMG. Ranges: 3-5/15/25, Damage: 4D, Ammo: 20, Conceal: 0D, Availability: 3, Cost: $600 Special: Bust fire, suppressive fire SMG (ex: HK MP5) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: SMG Ranges: 3-50/100/150, Damage: 5D, Ammo: 30, Conceal: -1D, Availability: 1, Cost: $900 Special: Bust fire, suppressive fire
Assault Rifle (ex: M-16) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: rifles. Ranges: 3-50/100/400 Damage: 6D, Ammo: 30, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 1, Cost: $1000 Special: Bust fire, suppressive fire
Battle Rifle (ex: FN-FAL) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: rifles. Ranges: 3-50/200/600 Damage: 7D, Ammo: 20, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 2, Cost: $1250
Hunting Rifle (ex: Mauser Kar98k) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: rifles. Ranges: 350/200/700 Damage: 7D, Max ROF: 3, Ammo: 5, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 1, Cost: $500. Special: can get +2D from preparation, takes a full turn to reload (rather than an action), or can reload one round as an action.
Sniper Rifle (ex: Remington M700) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: rifles. Ranges: 350/200/700 Damage: 8D, Max ROF: 3, Ammo: 5, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 2, Cost: $900 Special: can get +2D from preparation.
Anti-Materiel Rifle (ex: Barrett M82) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: rifles. Ranges: 450/300/1000 Damage: 9D, Max ROF: 2, Ammo: 10, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 3, Cost: $4000 Special: can get +2D from preparation, -2D to hit while if not braced due to weight.
SAW (ex: M249 Minimi) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: machinegun. Ranges: 3-50/100/ 400 Damage: 6D, Ammo: 100, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 2, Cost: $2500 Special: Burst fire, suppressive fire, -1D to hit while if not braced due to weight
LMG (ex: FN-MAG) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: machinegun. Ranges: 3-50/200/ 500 Damage: 7D, Ammo: 100, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 2, Cost: $3000 Special: Bust fire, suppressive fire, -2D to hit while if not braced due to weight
HMG (ex: Browning M-2 HB) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: machinegun. Ranges: 450/200/500 Damage: 9D, Ammo: 100, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 3, Cost: $4000 Special: Bust fire, suppressive fire, cannot be fired if not braced due to weight.
Pump Shotgun (ex: Remington 870) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: shotguns. Ranges: 320/30/50 Damage: 8D, Max ROF: 3, Ammo: 5, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 1, Cost: $350. Special: buckshot ammo: reduces targets dodge bonus by -1D, but strength is halved against armored targets. Takes a full turn to reload (rather than an action), or can reload one round as an action.
Semi Shotgun (ex: Benelli M1 Super 90) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: shotguns. Ranges: 3-20/30/50 Damage: 8D, Max ROF: 4, Ammo: 8, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 2, Cost: $700 Special: buckshot ammo: reduces targets dodge bonus by -1D, but strength is halved against armored targets. Takes a full turn to reload (rather than an action), or can reload one round as an action.
Riot Shotgun (ex: USAS-12) Scale: character. Skill: firearms: shotguns. Ranges: 3-20/30/50 Damage: 8D, Ammo: 12, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 3, Cost: $2000 Special: buckshot ammo: reduces targets dodge bonus by -1D,but strength is halved against armored targets. Burst fire. 54
5.4 Grenades Grenades have time delay and impact fuses. They can be thrown by hand or launched. Smoke Grenade Creates 50 diameter cloud of smoke, providing 2D cover to those in the cloud and reducing laser damage by 1D per 25 of smoke. Available in many colors. Skill: Grenade. Ranges: 3-7/20/40, Conceal: +1D, Availability: 2, Cost: $75 Variation: CS Gas Grenade same as above but those in the cloud without protection must pass difficult stamina roll or be incapacitated for 2D rounds. Those that pass are at -2D to all actions for 2D rounds. Availability: 3, Cost: $300 Frag Grenade Basic hand thrown explosive grenade with 5 second or impact fuse. Scale: character. Skill: Grenade. Ranges: 3-7/20/40, Blast Radius: 02/4/6/10, Damage: 5D/4D/3D/2D, Conceal: +1D, Availability: 2, Cost: $100 White Phosphorous Grenade Similar to a smoke grenade, a WP Grenade emits an incendiary chemical that burns at 5000 degrees Fahrenheit for 60 seconds. These grenades can be used to screen tactical movement as a smoke grenade, or to burn exposed flesh in the blast radius. Due to the intense heat, smoke generated by WP grenades last much less time than normal smoke. Scale: character. Skill: Grenade. Ranges: 3-7/20/40, Blast Radius: 15, Damage: 3D, Conceal: +1D, Availability: 3, Cost: $250 special: only damages characters not wearing environmentally sealed armor. Plasma Grenade Grenade containing a small quantity of magnetically stabilized plasma. Useful against armored infantry and vehicles. Scale: cyclone Skill: Grenade. Ranges: 3-7/20/40, Blast Radius: 10/15/20, Damage: 6D, Conceal: +1D, Availability: 3, Cost: $2000 Super Plasma Grenade Grenade containing a not-so-small quantity of magnetically stabilized plasma. Intended for anti-Mecha use, so you probably dont want to be around when these puppies go off Scale: mecha Skill: Grenade. Ranges: 3-7/20/40, Blast Radius: 0-10/15/20, Damage: 6D, Conceal: +0D, Availability: 4, Cost: $20,000
5.5 Melee Weapons Any weapon intended for use in hand to hand combat is classified as a melee weapon. Of the myriad varieties used by humanity, all but a few exotic examples will fall into one of the categories listed below. Weapon Punch/kick Club/Baton Knife Spear Hatchet Bayonet** Sword Nunchucks Frogbat Chainsaw Stunner Damage STR STR+1D+1 STR+1D STR+2D STR+1D STR+1D+2 STR+3D STR+2D STR+2D STR+4D STR+2D *** Difficulty Very Easy Very Easy Very Easy Easy Easy Easy Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Cost Availability Conceal Reach N/A N/A N/A No 15 1 +0D No 25 1 +2D No 50 1 N/A Yes* 35 1 +1D No 50 2 N/A Yes 150 2 N/A Yes 40 2 +1D No 20 2 N/A Yes 200 2 N/A No 300 2 +1D No
*The wielder of a Spear has a +1D advantage in opposed melee weapon/brawling checks to pass through reach, but has a -1D penalty to move back out of reach if reach is passed. **Bayonet counts as a knife if not mounted to rifle or shotgun ***Stunner does stunning damage only, as per the rules in Section 2.7. 5.6 Thrown Weapons Missile weapons reliant on human muscle power for propulsion. While nearly anything can be thrown as a weapon, most thrown objects count as one of the categories listed below. Weapon Small Rock Large Rock Knife Hatchet Spear Ranges 2-3/6/16 2-3/4/8 2-3/5/10 2-3/4/8 2-3/6/12 Damage Cost Availability Conceal STR 0 1 +1D STR+1D 0 1 +0D STR+1D 25 1 +2D STR+1D 35 1 +1D STR+2D 50 1 N/A
5.6 Armor Personal body armor has benefited from constant improvement in materials technology made over the past fifty years. To survive on a modern battlefield against energy weapons and mecha, infantry must wear the toughest armor available. Modern armors offer strong protection against small arms and even some chance of surviving direct hits from mecha or vehicular weapons. Modern armors also offer excellent mobility and full environmental containment, which older armor types could not. CVR-3 Armor The Cyclone Veritech Ride 3 body armor is the standard issue of the REF. Developed while the SDF-3 was on its mission to Tirol, the CVR-3 incorporates materials technology used by the Masters in their construction of Bioroid Mecha. The armor is made from a durable blend of metal alloys and ceramics that is lighter and far stronger than earlier armors, and allowed for the inclusion of many additional features such as an environmental control computer, an independent oxygen supply, and a powerful tactical radio. The CVR-3 was also an integral part of the Cyclone Mecha, which cannot operate in battaloid mode without the armor. Thousands of suits made it to Earth with the returning REF fleet, and the armor was highly prized by human forces on Earth when available. A suit of CVR-3 does not offer 100% protection against conventional weapons, much less modern energy weapons, but it does dramatically improve a soldiers survivability on high tech battlefields. Protection: +5D damage resistance to physical and energy attacks with no dexterity or skill penalty, Availability: 4, Cost: ~$20,000 when available. This armor must be worn in order to operate a Cyclone Mecha in Battaloid mode. Southern Cross Armor: The Armies of the Southern Cross utilized over a dozen types of armor specific to the various branches and countless stylistic variations, all of which are derived from the basic Tactical Corps suit and share the same capabilities. Although developed independently after the REF departed, this armor provides similar protection to that afforded by CVR-3 armor (although it will not function with a cyclone). Many variants incorporate a ceremonial shield, providing a 2D bonus to melee parry rolls.
Protection: +5D damage resistance to physical and energy attacks with no dexterity or skill penalty, Availability: 3, Cost: $8,000. Armored Vest: A wide variety of armored vests using advanced materials were produced by countless manufacturers between the First and Second Robotech Wars for both military and civilian purposes. Such units provide good protection to vital areas without restricting mobility. These vests are comfortable, durable, and prized by their owners. Protection: +4D damage resistance to physical and energy attacks to torso and abdomen only, with no dexterity or skill penalty, Availability: 3, Cost: $2,500. Concealment Vest: A rare variant of the armored vest, above, designed for discreet wear and concealment under normal clothing while providing comparable protection. Protection: +4D damage resistance to physical and energy attacks to torso and abdomen with no dexterity or skill penalty, Conceal: 1D, Availability: 4, Cost: $3,000. Advanced Helmet: A military style helmet constructed with cutting edge ceramics and laminates Protection: +4D damage resistance to physical and energy attacks with no dexterity or skill penalty to head only., Conceal: N/A, Availability: 3, Cost: $500 Archaic Helmet: Old fashioned Kevlar helmets such as PAGST-1 are widely available. Protection: +2D damage resistance to physical and energy attacks with no dexterity or skill penalty, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 2, Cost: $100 Archaic Vest: Old fashioned Kevlar vests such as Interceptor Armor are commonly available, but buyers must be careful. Due to their age and exposure to sunlight the materials often deteriorate, reducing the protection provided. Protection: +2D damage resistance to physical and energy attacks with -1D dexterity skill penalty, Conceal: N/A, Availability: 2, Cost: $400
5.6 Miscellaneous Personal Gear In addition to the items listed in each template, all characters are assumed to start out with normal clothes, a backpack of some kind, a hygiene kit, boots, 5 reloads for every weapon they carry and holsters/web gear appropriate for their starting load. Anti-Mecha Mine: Powerful explosive designed to detonate when stepped on by a mecha or tank of designated size. Scale: mecha, damage: 5D, blast radius: 5m. Conceal: N/A, Availability: 3, Cost: $2,000. Binoculars: Diminishes difficulty of perception checks at long ranges by 1D. Conceal: 1D, Availability: 1, Cost: $150. Bionics: Cybernetic replacement limbs and organs. Adds up to +1D to strength, -1D dexterity. Conceal: 1D, Availability: 4, Cost: $20,000+ Bio-Scanner: Compact handheld device that detects movement and heat, and displays this information on a screen. Adds +3D to perception rolls if the user makes a sensors test appropriate for the conditions. Conceal: 1D, Availability: 3, Cost: $6,000. Camera: Compact digital camera capable of taking thousands of high resolution photographs or hundreds of hours of video. Features high powered zoon lens, some internal editing capability and is fully interoperable with most PDAs and computers. Conceal: 2D, Availability: 1, Cost: $500. Climbing Gear: Adds +2D to climbing rolls. Conceal: 1D, Availability: 2, Cost: $400. Claymore Mine: roughly 500 BBs packed into a molded plastic matrix, filled with explosive. When detonated by command or tripwire, a Claymore acts as a giant shotgun, covering a wide arc with deadly shrapnel. Scale: personal. Damage: 8D radius: (60 arc shaped): 25m (full) / 50m (half) / 150m (quarter). Conceal: N/A, Availability: 3, Cost: $600. Comlink: Basic hands free radio communications device with multiple channels and some encryption capability. Maximum range is 20km. Conceal: 2D, Availability: 2, Cost: $250.
Demolition Charge: Advanced plastic explosive bricks with electronic timer. Various types are available with different levels of destructive power: Scale: Cyclone, 1D per brick. Conceal: 2D, Availability: 2, Cost: 300. Scale: Mecha, 1D per brick. Conceal: 0D, Availability: 3, Cost: 1000. Scale: Structural/Capital, 1D per brick. Conceal: N/A, Availability: 4, Cost: 2500. Dress Clothes: Fashionable and elegant clothes appropriate to a given culture/locale. Availability: 1, Cost: 200+ Flashlight: reduces perception penalties in darkness by 1D, but increases perception rolls of characters trying to spot the user by 2D. Conceal: 1D, Availability: 1, Cost: $20. Variant: Super bright flashlight, can be used in darkness as a weapon at ranges of up to 15m to blind characters, making all actions at -1D for that round. Conceal: 1D, Availability: 2, Cost: $200. Gas Mask: cheap, mass produced, environmentally sealed breathing masks with a one hour air supply. Available with a full chemical suit for an extra $40. Conceal: N/A, Availability: 1, Cost: $100. Geiger Counter: compact electronic unit that warns user if he is approaching a dangerous radiation source. Conceal: 1D, Availability: 1, Cost: $300. Handcuffs: simple steel handcuffs with a key lock. Conceal: 2D, Availability: 1, Cost: $40. Flare Gun: handheld flare launcher useful for signaling at distances of up to 20km. Conceal: 0D, Availability: 1, Cost: $75. Jet Pack: The Southern Cross developed lightweight jet packs for widespread use by Infantry Units (primarily civil defense units), and many of these units are still operational. They will interface with any Southern Cross Armor suit. Type: jetpack, Scale: personal, Skill: pilot aircraft, Crew: 1, Passengers: none, Cover: none, Cargo capacity: 100lbs., Move: 150, Maneuverability: 1D, Body Strength: 4D, Weapons: none standard, Range: 15 miles. Cost: $100,000. Availability: 4 Limpet Mine: Armor piercing shaped explosive charge with adhesive and/or magnetic backing designed to be placed by hand on weak points of a tank or bunker. Scale: mecha, damage: 3D, blast radius: 3m. Conceal: N/A, Availability: 3, Cost: $1,000. Lock Picks: required for lock picking skill checks, high quality sets add up to +2D to checks. Conceal: 3D, Availability: 2, Cost: $100.
Medpac: Standard issue first aid kit containing a combination of medicines, synthetic skin, coagulants, adrenaline, and a diagnostic computer. Medpacs are single use disposable items, and the effects are described in the section 2.11. Conceal: 1D, Availability: 1, Cost: $200. Night Vision Goggles: Eliminate Perception penalties for darkness at ranges of up to 50m. Conceal: N/A, Availability: 2, Cost: $1000. Parachute: Recommended in the event that you jump out of a plane. Conceal: N/A, Availability: 3, Cost: $1000. Personal Data Assistant: Compact electronic device capable of holding large quantities of data. Features high resolution digital video camera, universal data ports, long-life batteries. Conceal: 2D, Availability: 2, Cost: $800. Portable Computer: Powerful personal computer in a durable, compact, EMP-shielded design. Conceal: N/A, Availability: 2, Cost: $1500. Shield: an archaic item, but handy in a primitive environment! Shields are usually made of wood, reinforced with scrap metal. A typical shield adds +2D to melee parry attempts and allows the defender to attempt to parry rather than dodge thrown weapon and primitive missile weapon attacks. Conceal: N/A, Availability: 1, Cost: $50. Stim Pack: a black market combat drug cocktail. Boosts Dexterity and Strength by +1D, reduces Mechanical, Perception, and Technical by 1D. Effects last one hour, and side effects include increased aggression. Frequent use often leads to addiction. Effects not cumulative with bionics. Conceal: 3D, Availability: 2, Cost: $100. Tent: Lightweight portable shelter, adds +1D to survival skill checks in most environments. Conceal: N/A, Availability: 1, Cost: $250. Toolkit: Set of general purpose hand and power tools necessary for most repair skill checks. Conceal: N/A, Availability: 1, Cost: $800. Variant: Advanced toolkit adds +1D to most repair skill checks. Conceal: N/A, Availability: 2, Cost: $3000. Water Purifier: Portable water filtration system, adds +1D to survival skill checks in most environments. Conceal: N/A, Availability: 1, Cost: $300.
Cargo Truck a large truck with an enclosed cargo container in the rear. Type: truck, Scale: cyclone, Skill: driving, Crew: 1, Passengers: 15, Cover: for driver and 1 passenger, full for those riding in rear container, Cargo capacity: 6000lbs., Move: 40, Maneuverability: 0D, Body Strength: 6D, Weapons: none standard, Range: 300 miles. Cost: $20,000. Availability: 2 APC (ex: BTR-80) basically an armored cargo truck with off-road modifications and an assault ramp allowing rapid deployment of troops from the cargo area. Type: truck, Scale: mecha, Skill: driving, Crew: 1, Passengers: 12, Cover: Full, Cargo capacity: 5000lbs., Move: 30, Maneuverability: 0D, Body Strength: 4D, Weapons: cupola mounted .50cal HMG (scale: personal, arc: turret, crew: one, fire control: 0D, range: 50/200/500, damage 10D, special: burst fire, suppressive fire), Range: 200 miles. Cost: $50,000. Availability: 3, Special: reinforced crew and passenger compartments, rough terrain modifications. Light Tank (ex: Hammer) Small tank built for reconnaissance and infantry support rather than combat in open fields. Type: tank, Scale: mecha, Skill: driving, Crew: 2, Passengers: none, Cover: Full, Cargo capacity: 500lbs., Move: 30, Maneuverability: 0D, Body Strength: 5D, Weapons: Turret mounted 35mm autocannon (arc: turret, crew: one, scale: mecha, fire control: 1D, range: 25100/300/500, Damage: 5D special: burst w/o penalty), Range: 200 miles. Cost: $150,000. Availability: 4, Special: rough terrain modifications, reinforced crew compartment, environmental seal, smoke launchers. MBT (ex: Jaeger) A typical full sized, front line tank incorporating advanced technology. Type: tank, Scale: mecha, Skill: driving, Crew: 3, Passengers: none, Cover: Full, Cargo capacity: 500lbs., Move: 25, Maneuverability: 0D, Body Strength: 6D, Weapons: 1. Turret mounted 120mm autocannon (arc: turret, crew: one, fire control: 1D, range: 25300/1000/3000, Damage: 6D) 2. coaxial .30 LMG (scale: personal, crew: one, fire control 0D, range: 3-50/200/ 500, Damage 7D, special: burst fire, suppressive fire) Range: 150 miles. Cost: $250,000. Availability: 4, Special: rough terrain modifications, reinforced crew compartment, environmental seal, smoke launchers.
GEV (ex: Galahad) Widely used among the breakaway states that succeeded the UEG, these fast and maneuverable hovercraft were developed as an alternative to Mecha, which small states lacked the resources and technology to produce. These deadly craft are ideal for reconnaissance and hit and run strikes. Type: hovercraft, Scale: mecha, Skill: driving, Crew: 3, Passengers: none, Cover: Full, Cargo capacity: 300lbs., Move: 100, Maneuverability: 3D, Body Strength: 4D, Weapons: 1. Turret mounted twin 20mm autocannon (arc: turret, scale: cyclone, crew: one, fire control: 2D, range: 25-100/300/500, Damage: 5D special: burst w/o penalty), 2. 2 sponson mounted .30 LMGs (arc: 180, one each on left and right, scale: personal, crew: one, fire control 0D, range: 3-50/200/ 500, Damage 7D, special: burst fire, suppressive fire, point defense), 3. Front mounted multi-laser (arc: front, crew: one, fire control: 2D, scale: mecha, range: range: 25-300/800/2000, Damage: 5D special: burst fire w/o penalty), 4. Vertical Launch Missile System (arc: 360, payload: 6 short range AP missiles, minimum range is 100m, maximum range is 10km, scale: mecha, targeting skill: 6D, Damage 6D, maximum volley: 2) Range: 400 miles. Cost: $500,000. Availability: 4, Special: reinforced crew compartment, environmental seal, smoke launchers. As a hovercraft, all terrain is treated as level ground, including water. Small Plane (ex. Piper Cub) small, easy to maintain single engine airplane. About the only thing still seen in the air other than Invid patrols. Type: airplane, Scale: cyclone, Skill: pilot aircraft, Crew: 1, Passengers: 3, Cover: 3/4, Cargo capacity: 500lbs., Move: 150, Maneuverability: 2D, Body Strength: 2D, Weapons: none standard, Range: 500 miles. Cost: $75,000. Availability: 3 5.2 Vehicle Upgrades The following are common upgrades available to most conventional vehicles. Amphibious: Vehicle will float and has a means of propelling itself through water at a move of 15. Cost: +25% to vehicle cost. Availability: 2.
Autopilot: Vehicle is equipped with a computer capable of piloting the vehicle indefinitely, making simple maneuvers, and avoiding collisions. Cost: $10,000. Availability: 3. Variant: military autopilot with AI. Capable of all combat maneuvers, effective pilot skill of 3D and gunnery of 3D. Cost: +30% to vehicle cost (minimum of $15,000), Availability: 4. ECM: Active Electronic Countermeasures can be switched on as a free action and reduce missile targeting skill and opposing sensor skill checks by 1D. Cost: $15,000. Availability: 4. Environmental Seal: Airtight and pressurized crew compartment offering protection from vacuum, radiation, chemical, and biological weapons. Ineffective if a vehicle suffers heavy damage or worse. Cost: $10,000. Availability: 3. Extended Range: Auxiliary fuel tank doubles the distance a vehicle can travel. Cost: +10% to vehicle cost. Availability: 1. Extra Armor: Advanced material or extra plating that improves the strength of a vehicles hull by 1D. Cost: +25% to vehicle cost. Availability: 1. Fire Control Computer: A targeting computer that assists the character firing onboard weapons. Adds 1D in rolls to hit with one mounted weapon. Cost: +20% to vehicle cost. Availability: 3. Variant: Adds 2D in rolls to hit. Cost: +50% to vehicle cost. Availability: 4. Improved Handling: Adds 1D to maneuverability characteristic of vehicle. Cost: +25% to vehicle cost. Availability: 1. Improved Speed: Adds 10% to the listed Move of vehicle. Cost: +20% to vehicle cost. Availability: 1. Variant: Adds 20% to listed Move of vehicle. Cost +50% to vehicle cost, Availability: 2. Jammer: With a successful sensors check, a jammer disables other sensors within 10km. Cost: $15,000. Availability: 4. Pintle Mount: A rotating mount for a machinegun or other support weapon that can be operated by a crew member. Field of fire between 180 and 360. Cost: $1000 + weapon cost. Availability: 1. Note that the operator will have a maximum of cover. Reinforced Crew/Passenger Compartment: Provides full cover to crew or passengers of vehicle if the vehicle does not offer such already. Also reduces damage suffered by crew or passengers as though the vehicle had been damaged by one level less than it has been per the passenger damage chart in Section II, 13. Cost: +20% to vehicle cost. Availability: 1. Rough Terrain Modifications: Active suspension, larger tires, or other device that reduces the difficulty of movement checks in rough terrain by 1D. Cost: +20% to vehicle cost. Availability: 1.
Smoke Launchers: cluster of miniature grenade launchers loaded with smoke or white phosphorous grenades, often supplemented by smoke generated by a modification to the vehicles engine. When fired (as an action) the vehicle is surrounded with 50m of thick smoke, which slowly dissipates depending on wind conditions. The smoke provides 2D cover and also reduces laser damage as per the description of smoke grenades, above. Cost: $5000, Availability: 3. Stealthy: The vehicle is coated with a radar-absorbent material, rendering it difficult to see on radar. The IR signature and noise of the vehicle are also masked, giving missiles targeting the vehicle a -1D penalty to hit and reducing the fire control of enemy vehicles targeting the equipped vehicle by 1D. Cost: +50% to vehicle cost. Availability: 4. Winch: Powerful winch capable of hauling heavy objects or freeing a stuck vehicle. Cost: $1000, Availability: 1. 5.3 Mecha The term Mecha has become the most common word used to describe humanoid and/or transformable protoculture powered war machines. Several varieties are in use as of the time of the Invid Invasion, but all share a few properties. All mecha are powered by protoculture, which provides more power than a nuclear reactor in a small, safe, and durable package ideal for military use. Also, all mecha are controlled through a mixture of conventional controls (switches, buttons, joysticks, etc.) and direct mental control via the helmets worn by pilots. The technology enabling humanity to produce protoculture fuel cell engines, the mind-machine link, and the advanced materials needed for mecha construction, are widely known to have originated from an experimental Robotech Masters warship that crashed on Earth in 1999. The first human mecha entered mass production a few years later, and were soon followed by the VF series Veritech Fighters, the first transformable human mecha. Transformable mecha take full advantage of the potential offered by the alien technologies, and allow a single unit unprecedented tactical flexibility. A Veritech fighter can intercept an alien spacecraft in orbit in fighter mode, engage landing craft as they enter the atmosphere while in guardian mode, and then switch to a humanoid battaloid mode to fight street to street defending a city under attack. In every war, human mecha forces have been vastly outnumbered by their enemies, and have compensated with superior firepower, durability, and speed.
REF Cyclone The cyclone is the newest and most advanced of the Mecha developed by the REF during its mission. The unit consists of a transformable motorcycle and a suit of CVR-3 body armor onto which it mounts to form a miniature (nearly mansized) Battaloid. The motorcycle is fairly conventional, although its performance is impressive, and the battaloid mode functions as a battlesuit, responding to the natural movement of the pilot and amplifying his strength. The system proved hugely successful on the battlefield and quickly became standard issue for all REF infantry. In trained hands, the cyclone is capable engaging both conventional infantry and full-sized mecha on their own terms.
There are 3 varieties of Cyclone: the standard VR-052 Battler, which features internal missile launchers and a variety of modular weapons systems that can be mounted on the forearms, the VR-041 Saber Cyclone, which shares the missile launchers of the Battler but has a special close combat blade system mounted on the forearms, and the VR-038 recon cyclone, which has no integral weapons, but can carry any standard hand held weapon. All versions of the cyclone have a limited flight capability in battaloid mode, which can be used to enhance jumps, hover stationary, or fly short distances. They maneuver as hovercraft when flying. In cycle mode, the same thrusters can be used to make jet-assisted leaps of up to 12 meters horizontally and 4 meters vertically without using any sort of ramp. The Cyclone is powered by a single protoculture fuel cell, which will last about two months of constant use. Frequent use of the suits limited flight capabilities will use up the cell much faster. In an emergency, conventional gasoline can be used to power the cyclone in motorcycle mode, but this will greatly diminish the machines performance. Motorcycle Mode: Type: Transformable Mecha: Motorcycle Scale: Cyclone Skill: Driving or Pilot Mecha (Cyclone) Crew: 1, 1 passenger Cargo Capacity: external boxes/bags, 250 pounds. Cover: none Cost: N/A Maneuverability: 2D Move: 100, Body Strength: 8D Special: jump as described above.
Battaloid Mode: Type: Transformable Mecha: Battaloid Scale: Cyclone Skill: Pilot Mecha (Cyclone) Crew: must wear CVR-3 Armor to access Battaloid mode. Cargo Capacity: none (external boxes ejected upon transformation) Cover: Full Cost: N/A Maneuverability: 3D Move (running): 25 (flying): 75, max altitude around 50m, Body Strength: 8D. HTH Strength: 4D Special: limited flight as described above. Weapons Loadout: VR-052 Battler (standard model) 1. Forearm/wheelhub GR-97 Scorpion plasma missile launchers (located on the front wheel hubs in cycle mode) arc: front in cycle mode payload: 4 Scorpion mini-missiles, minimum range: 10m, maximum range: 4km, scale: mecha, targeting skill: 8D, Damage: 10D, maximum volley: 2)
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2. Shoulder missile racks (located over the front wheel in cycle mode) arc: 360, payload: 12 Recluse mini-missiles, minimum range: 20m, maximum range: 3km, scale: cyclone, targeting skill: 7D, Damage: 8D, maximum volley: 12) 3. Handheld weapon of choice. Fire Control: 2D when using EP-37 beam cannon or Mars Gallant H90 since they were designed to work with the onboard targeting system.
Option: replace handheld weapon and GR-97 launchers with EP-40 pulse cannon.
EP-40 Pulse Cannon Skill: Mecha Gunnery. Scale: cyclone. Ranges: 3-20/50/200, Damage: 8D, Ammo: 50 Special: Burst fire (no penalty), Suppressive Fire, Point Defense VR-041 Saber Cyclone The VR-041 is very similar to the VR-052 Battler, but replaces the GR-97 Skorpion missile launchers for a pair of forearm mounted close combat weapons. The Saber cyclone configured for hand to hand combat, and squads of these mecha were assigned to most REF capital ships for use in boarding actions and for fighting off intruders in sensitive areas where missile fire could endanger the ship. All stats except for weapons are as per VR-052 Battler. 1. Shoulder missile racks (as per VR-052, above) 2. CADS-1 Saber: This is an advanced hand to hand weapon system built into the forearms of the cyclone. When retracted, the system looks like a pair of disc-shaped shields, but each unit houses an impossible thin mediumlength blade. When extended, the units draw power from the cyclone to generate small force shields that cover the blades, making them effectively indestructible and able to cut through almost anything. Extended use of the blades will use up a fuel cell faster, much like the flight capability will. The Strength of a Saber Cyclone melee attack is 12D cyclone scale. It hits with a melee combat roll at an Easy level of Difficulty. Against enemies of Cyclone scale or smaller, the Saber counts as a Reach weapon. The Saber system provides +1D to all parry attempts. 3. Handheld weapon of choice. Can only be used when CADS-1 system is retracted. Fire Control: 2D (typically Mars Gallant H90)
VR-038 Recon Cyclone The VR-038 is faster and more maneuverable than other cyclones and has +1D maneuverability in motorcycle mode and +2D battaloid mode. It has no built in weapons, can still use a handheld weapon of choice. The RL-6 rocket launcher is standard issue, the EP-37 beam cannon and the Mars Gallant 90 are also popular choices. Otherwise, the stats of the VR-038 are the same as the VR052 Battler.
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Note that all cyclones feature a storage mode which reshapes the motorcycle component into a cube roughly 1.5m on a side. In this mode, a cyclone can fit into the storage compartment located behind the cockpit of an Alpha fighter, or inside the fuselage on a Beta fighter. This provides downed Alpha and Beta pilots with a useful emergency vehicle in the event that they are shot down.
REF Alpha Fighter The Alpha fighter is the primary mecha of the REF. Although it was manufactured in large numbers prior to the departure of the REF, only a few prototypes were left behind. Due to its own doctrinal preference for mecha specialized for particular roles, the Southern Cross elected to expand production of their own mecha designs rather than continue production of the Alpha on Earth. In the battles fought by the REF, the Alpha proved superior to the original VF series fighter used against the Zentraedi in the First Robotech War, and repeatedly distinguished itself in action against the Invid. The Alpha is agile, tough, and packs enormous firepower in the form of 60 onboard missiles. Like the VF series, the Alpha features a fighter mode, a battaloid mode, and a guardian mode (a hybrid of the two). There are several minor variants of the Alpha, but none of the differences are significant enough to have any game effect. Fighter Mode: Type: Transformable Mecha: Jet Fighter Scale: Mecha Skill: Pilot Aircraft or Pilot Mecha (Alpha) Crew: 1 Cargo Capacity: compartment for stowage of VR-052 Battler Cyclone Length: 10.25m, Height: 4.60m Wingspan: 8.20m, Cover: full Maneuverability: 2D Move: 400, Body Strength: 8D Guardian Mode: Type: Transformable Mecha: Guardian Scale: Mecha Skill: Pilot Mecha (Alpha) Crew: 1 Cargo Capacity: compartment for stowage of VR-052 Battler Cyclone Length: 8.00m Height: 5.72m Width: 4.84m Cover: full Maneuverability: 2D Move: 200 (moves as VTOL), HTH Strength: 6D (but -1D to brawling skill) Body Strength: 7D
Battaloid Mode: Type: Transformable Mecha: Battaloid Scale: Mecha Skill: Pilot Mecha (Alpha) Crew: 1 Cargo Capacity: compartment for stowage of VR-052 Battler Cyclone Length: 5.25m Height: 8.75m Width: 4.84m Cover: full Maneuverability: 2D Move: 50, Body Strength: 8D, HTH Strength: 6D Armament: 1. Alpha
Integral Multi-missile system. 60 inboard variable warhead, short range infra-red imager and active radar homing Hammerhead missiles. The launchers are located in legs, forearms, and shoulders in Battaloid mode. Arc: 360, payload: 60 Hammerhead short range missiles, min. range: 10m, max. range: 8km, scale: mecha, targeting skill: 9D, Damage: 8D, maximum volley: 60) 2. GU-13 is a mix of Piercing SpinExplosive This weapon Alphas. The mode, and in Skill: Mecha Fighter mode), Ammo: 40 penalty), three-barreled 35mm gun pod. Ammunition Tungsten-coated depleted Uranium Armor Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APSSDS), High Armor Piercing (HEAP) and tracer rounds. was most common with the early period weapon is stored under the wing root in fighter the hand in Guardian and Battaloid modes. Gunnery. Scale: cyclone. arc: front (in fire control: 3D, range: 25-200/1000/5000, Damage: 8D, Special: Burst Fire (no Suppressive Fire, Point Defense
Option: EP-13 three-barreled 80mm particle gun pod, This weapon, built into an external shell identical to that of the GU-13, was developed in 2025 by the EF, but didn't see wide use until 2026. By 2031, the EP-13 had almost completely replaced the GU-13 as the main cannon of
Alphas in the REF's inventory. Each barrel is powered by its own dedicated protoculture cell and capacitor banks. Skill: Mecha Gunnery. Scale: mecha arc: front (in Fighter mode), fire control: 3D, range: 25200/1000/5000, Ammo: 100 Damage: 9D, Special: Burst Fire (no penalty), Suppressive Fire, Point Defense
REF Beta Fighter The Veritech Beta Fighter was developed as a heavily armed and armored booster system to provide Alpha Fighters with the ability to reach orbit from the surface. While linked to an Alpha it can also utilize its high thrust capabilities to improve the Alpha Battaloids maneuverability in close combat and augment the Alpha's missile load. When operating independently, the Beta fighter relies on its excessive thrust to overcome its non-aerodynamic shape in an atmosphere. It is fast, heavily armored, and carries a massive amount of ordnance, but it sacrifices maneuverability. In all modes the Beta possesses an impressive amount of firepower, making it invaluable as heavy support in an assault. It carries devastatingly powerful long range missiles too large for other REF mecha to carry. When attached to an Alpha, the Alpha pilot has full control over all of the Betas systems, although the Beta pilot can override at any time. Linking the two fighters takes a full round, but separating is a free action for the Alpha and a single action for the Beta.
Fighter Mode: Type: Transformable Mecha: Jet Fighter Scale: Mecha Skill: Pilot Aircraft or Pilot Mecha (Beta) Crew: 1 Cargo Capacity: compartment for stowage of VR-052 Battler Cyclone Length: 9.70m Height: 6.10m Wingspan: 19.50m Cover: full Maneuverability: 0D Move: 400, Body Strength: 9D
Battaloid Mode: Type: Transformable Mecha: Battaloid Scale: Mecha Skill: Pilot Mecha (Alpha) Crew: 1 Cargo Capacity: compartment for stowage of VR-052 Battler Cyclone Height: 13.70m Length: 7.30m Width: 8.50m Cover: full Maneuverability: 1D Move: 40, Body Strength: 9D HTH Strength: 6D (but -1D to brawling skill) Armament: 1. (Fighter mode only) 1x EP-14 three-barreled 80mm particle gun pod. This gun is a 'carbine' version of the successful EP-13 gun pod in the later model Alphas, and due to its smaller size, its energy and range are appreciably reduced. The gun is mounted internally in the center fuselage intake beneath the cockpit. The center gun is not available when the Alpha and Beta are joined. Skill: Mecha Gunnery. Scale: mecha arc: front (in Fighter mode), fire control: 3D, range: 25200/500/2500, Ammo: 100, Damage: 9D, Special: Burst Fire (no penalty), Suppressive Fire 2. (Fighter mode only) 2x EP-4 single-barreled particle cannon, these two guns are mounted internally in the intakes of the leg-mounted main engines. Skill: Mecha Gunnery. Scale: mecha arc: front (in Fighter mode), fire control: 3D, range: 25200/800/4000, Ammo: effectively unlimited, Max ROF: 2 (1 each) Damage: 10D 3. (Battaloid mode only) 2x EU-35 triple-barreled Ion Pulse Cannon on the forearms. The cannons are located in the arms, with the barrels located above the Battaloid's wrists. Skill: Mecha Gunnery. Scale: mecha arc: front (in Fighter mode), fire control: 3D, range: 25300/1000/5000, Ammo: effectively unlimited, Damage: 9D, Special: Burst Fire (no penalty), Suppressive Fire, Point Defense
4. Hammerhead multi-missile system. The BIMMS uses four quintuple launchers for short range Hammerhead missiles. The quintuple Hammerhead launch racks are located in the port and starboard forward fuselage (the 'shoulders' of the mecha) behind the flip up aerodynamic covers. Arc: 360, payload: 60 Hammerhead short range missiles, min. range: 10m, max. range: 8km, scale: mecha, targeting skill: 9D, Damage: 8D, maximum volley: 20) 5. two Coralsnake missile launchers. The quadruple Coralsnake launch racks are located behind the quintuple Hammerhead racks, and pop up to fire over the Hammerhead launch tubes. Arc: 360, payload: 20 Coralsnake medium range missiles, min. range: 50m, max. range: 40km, scale: mecha, targeting skill: 9D, Damage: 11D, maximum volley: 20) 6. (fighter only) Internal bomb bay with two side ordnance ejection doors which can contain: 4 x Derringer long range missiles Arc: 360, payload: 20 Derringer long range missiles, min. range: 100m, max. range: 130km, scale: capital, targeting skill: 8D, Damage: 6D, maximum volley: 4) or 16 x 250 kg laser-guided HE bombs Scale: mecha. Skill: mecha gunnery. Ranges: 50-150/400/800, Scatter Modifier: x10, Blast Radius: 0-10/20/30/40, Damage: 8D/5D/4D/3D, Ammo: 16 Special: scatter like grenade on a miss. or 8 x 500 kg cluster bombs Scale: cyclone. Skill: mecha gunnery. Ranges: 50-100/300/600, Scatter Modifier: x15, Blast Radius: 0-15/30/60/100, Damage: 6D/4D/3D/2D, Ammo: 8 Special: scatter like grenade on a miss. or 4 x 1000 kg Armor Piercing self-guided glide bombs Scale: capital Skill: mecha gunnery. Ranges: 50-150/400/800, Scatter Modifier: x20, Blast Radius: 0-5/10/20/30, Damage: 8D/4D/3D/2D, Ammo: 4 Special: scatter like grenade on a miss. NOTE: if empty, this bomb bay can be used to store additional cargo. 7. External hardpoints on wings (optional) 12x additional hammerhead missiles or 12x 250kg bombs or 4x Derringer missiles
Index Advanced Skills Aiming Alpha Fighter Ambush Armor Armor Damage Attributes Beta Fighter Blast Radius Burst Fire Brawling Brawling Weapons Called Shots Character Points Character Templates Climbing Collisions Combat Modifiers Concealment Cover Critical Failure Critical Success Cyclone Mecha Damage Darkness Declarations Defensive Skills 6,7,21,22 Die Cap Difficulty Dodge Drawing Weapons Drowning ECM Energy Weapons Experience Falling Damage Fire Control Firearms First Aid Free Actions Full Defense 21 9 67-68 11 8, 53-54 8 21 69-71 6 10 26 52 10 4, 29 29-41 26 17 9-11 25 10 4 4 63-66 7, 18 10 4-5 14-15 3 6, 21-22 11 27 61 42-44 29 13, 20 19 47-50 13, 28 4 6, 7 Full Use 6, 7 Grappling 26 Grenades 6, 51 Grenade Scatter 6 Half Movement 10, 12 Healing 13-14 Helmets 54 Hitting 5-6 Hit Location 8 Horse Riding 24 Horses 58 Initiative 4 Injury 7 Jet Packs 56 Jumping 26 Machineguns 49-50 Maneuverability 19 Maneuvers 16 Max ROF 9 Mecha 62-71 Mecha Combat 16-20 Mecha Parry 19 Mecha Damage 18 Mecha Dodge 19 Mecha Movement 16-17 Mecha Mode Changes20 Medpacs 13, 57 Melee Combat 22 Melee Weapons 52 Mishaps 4 Missiles 20 Modifiers 9-11 Movement 11-13 Movement Failures 12-13 Multiple Actions 9 Natural Healing 13 Normal Movement 10, 12 Normal Use 6, 7 Opposed Skill Checks 4 Parry 6, 22 Passenger Damage 17 Pips 29 Pistols Point Defense Fire Preparation Prone Ramming Range Rate of fire Reach Repairs Rifles Rounds ROF Rushing Scales Scatter Die Scatter Distance Sensors Shields (archaic) Shotguns Skills Skill Tests Smoke Specialization Stun Damage Support Weapons Suppressive Fire Surprise Sustained Fire Survival Swimming Templates Terrain Transformations Thrown Weapons Vehicles Vehicle Combat Vehicle Damage Vehicle Dodges Vehicle Movement Vehicle Upgrades Wild Die Wounds 47 20 9 10 19-20 5 9 11 27, 28 48-49 4-5 9 9 14-15 6 6 25 58 50 3, 21-28 3 10 21 8 44-46 10-11 11 10 23 27 29-41 12 20 52 58-62 16-20 18 19 16-17 60-62 4 7