Sixth Semester B Tech (Enginee Ing) Degree Examination December 2 10
Sixth Semester B Tech (Enginee Ing) Degree Examination December 2 10
Sixth Semester B Tech (Enginee Ing) Degree Examination December 2 10
1. (a)
(b) In the design of FIR digital filters, how is Kaiser window different from other window?
(d) What do you mean by limit cycle oscillations in Digital filters? (e) What are the desirable characteristics
FFT algorithm. determine and sketch the cross correlation of the following
yen) = {I, -I,
2, - 2,4,1, - 2, 5}
H(z) ==
are represented in a number system with a sign bit a 3 data bits using signed magnitude representation and truncation. Determine the new pole locations for direct realization and for cascade realization of first order systems. (15 marks) 4. (a) (i) Obtain linear phase structure described by the equation: with minimum number of multipliers for the system
(lOmarks) (ii) What is the principle of designing FIR filter using frequency sampling method? (5 marks)
Using impulse invariant technique convert the following analog transfer digital with sampling period T = 0.2 second
H(s)== __ I__
5. (a) Explain how Hardvard Hardvard architecture. processor.
architecture as used by the Tms 320 family differs from the strict Compare this with the architecture of a standard Von Neumann
(b) Draw and discuss the block diagram and architecture of ADSP 2100 DSP processor and explain. (15 marks) (4 x 15 = 60 marks)