NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology Thesis for the degree of philosophiae doctor Faculty of Engineering Science & Technology Department of Marine Technology Damir Radan ISBN 978-82-471-6633-8 (printed ver.) ISBN 978-82-471-6647-5 (electronic ver.) ISSN 1503-8181 Theses at NTNU, 2008:37 Printed at Tapir Uttrykk
This doctoral thesis presents new ideas and research results on control of marine electric power system. The main motivation for this work is the development of a control system, power management system (PMS) capable to improve the system robustness to blackout, handle major power system faults, minimize the operational cost and keep the power system machinery components under minimal stress in all operational conditions. Today, the electric marine power system tends to have more system functionality implemented in integrated automation systems. The present state of the art type of tools and methods for analyzing marine power systems do only to a limited extent utilize the increased knowledge available within each of the mechanical and electrical engineering disciplines. As the propulsion system is typically consisted of the largest consumers on the vessel, important interactions exists between the PMS and vessel propulsion system. These are interacted through the dynamic positioning (DP) controller, thrust allocation algorithm, local thruster controllers, generators' local frequency and voltage controllers. The PMS interacts with the propulsion system through the following main functions: available power static load control, load rate limiting control and blackout prevention control (i.e. fast load reduction). These functions serve to prevent the blackout and to ensure that the vessel will always have enough power. The PMS interacts with other control systems in order to prevent a blackout and to minimize operational costs. The possibilities to maximize the performance of the vessel, increase the robustness to faults and decrease a component wear-out rate are mainly addressed locally for the individual control systems. The solutions are mainly implicative (for e.g. local thruster control, or DP thrust allocation), and attention has not been given on the interaction between these systems, the power system and PMS. Some of the questions that may arise regarding the system interactions, are as follows: how the PMS functionality may affect a local thruster control, how the local thruster control may affect the power system performance, how some consumers may affect the power system performance in normal operations and thus affect other consumers, how the power system operation may affect the susceptibility to faults and blackout, how various operating and weather conditions may affect the power system performance and thus propulsion performance though the PMS power limiting control, how propulsion performance may affect the overall vessel performance, which kind of faults can be avoided if the control system is re-structured, how to minimize the operational costs and to deal with the conflicting goals. This PhD thesis aims to provide answers to such questions. The main contributions of this PhD thesis are: A new observer-based fast load reduction system for the blackout prevention control has been proposed. When compared to the existing fast load reduction systems, the proposed controller gives much faster blackout detection rate, high reliability in the detection and faster and more precise load reduction (within 150 miliseconds). New advanced energy management control strategies for reductions in the operational costs and improved fuel economy of the vessel. Load limiting controllers for the reduction of thruster wear-out rate. These controllers are based on the probability of torque loss, real-time torque loss and the thruster shaft
accelerations. The controllers provide means of redistributing thrust from load fluctuating thrusters to less load fluctuating ones, and may operate independently of the thrust allocation system. Another solution is also proposed where the load limiting controller based on thrust losses is an integrated part of DP thrust allocation algorithm. A new concept of totally integrated thrust allocation system, local thruster control and power system. These systems are integrated through PMS functionality which is contained within each thruster PLC, thereby distributed among individual controllers, and independent of the communications and dedicated controllers. Observer-based inertial controller and direct torque-loss controller (soft anti-spin controller) with particular attention to the control of machine wear-out rate. These controller contribute to general shaft speed control of electrical thrusters, generators and main propulsion prime movers.
The proposed controllers, estimators and concepts are demonstrated through time-domain simulations performed in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The selected data are typical for the required applications and may differ slightly for the presented cases.
This thesis is the main result of my doctoral studies, undertaken in the period September 2004 through December 2007 at the Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU). My funding has been provided by a scholarship from the Research Council of Norway (NFR), and in part also by the project on Energy Efficient All-Electric Ship (EEAES), sponsored by the NFR. The work of this thesis has been supervised by Dr.Ing. Alf-Kre dnanes and Professor Asgeir J. Srensen, both from the Department of Marine Technology and Professor Tor Arne Johansen from the Department of Engineering Cybernetics. I would like to thank my supervisor, Professor Asgeir J. Srensen at the Department of Marine Technology for taking me in as a PhD student and for guiding me through the PhD. I would like to thank him for his guidance and enthusiastic encouragement, for backing me up and providing advices both within research and life in general when needed. I would like to thank to my supervisor, AlfKre dnanes for introducing me to the design of marine electrical power systems and sharing from his immense knowledge of marine power plants. I also want to thank him for finding time for meetings even in the times when he was in short visit in Trondheim. Special thanks also to my supervisor, Professor Tor Arne Johansen from the Department of Engineering Cybernetics for the guidance on the PhD work and collaboration on papers. I would like to thank him for fruitful discussions throughout this project. I have received valuable help from Professor Roy Nilsen and PhD student William Gullvik, from the Department of Electrical Power Engineering, NTNU for the discussions related to modeling of marine power systems and marine electric thruster drives. I also need to thank to Mr. Jan-Peter Westergard from the Wrtsila for his help in defining the engine responses with regards to blackout prevention and for valuable discussions. I would also like to thank my fellow PhD students for a good working environment, and especially yvind Smogeli, for collaboration on joint publication. Thanks also to Jostein Bakkeheim, Eivind Ruth and Luca Pivano for discussions on control of propulsion systems. Thanks to the MSc students to whom I was advisor: Terje Arntsen for the work on optimization of power management load dependent start tables, and to Haakon Ellingsen for the work on speed control of marine engines. I would also like to thank my colleges and in particular the administration Marianne Kjls for the organization and help. I would like to express my gratitude to all my family for their support and patience, and especially to my parents Boris and Ana for their continued support in my choices. Finally, to my wife Lejla and children Dominik and Lana for their love, patience and encouragement when it was most required. Trondheim, December 3rd, 2007 Damir Radan
Abstract Acknowledgments Nomenclature 1 iii iv xiii
Introduction 1 1.1 Background ...................................................................................................1 1.2 Problem statement .........................................................................................5 1.3 Main contributions ........................................................................................6 1.4 Organization of the thesis..............................................................................7 Design of power management system and power plant 8 2.1 Functionality of power management system ................................................. 8 2.2 Overall fault vulnerability and redundancy ................................................... 8 2.2.1 Power system fault vulnerability........................................................ 8 2.2.2 PMS fault vulnerability...................................................................... 10 2.3 Generator allocation control.......................................................................... 11 2.3.1 Single point failure and maximum transient load step ....................... 11 2.3.2 Load depended start of generating sets .............................................. 12 2.3.3 Load depended start/stop of generating sets ...................................... 15 2.3.4 Available power ................................................................................. 15 2.4 Load limiting control .................................................................................... 17 2.4.1 Consumer groups and limiting priority .............................................. 17 2.4.2 Propulsion load limiting..................................................................... 18 2.4.3 Effect of feedback filtering on propulsion limiting............................ 20 2.4.4 Propulsion load rate limiting.............................................................. 22 Blackout prevention control 24 3.1 Blackout ........................................................................................................ 24 3.2 Engine shutdown and trip of generating set .................................................. 24 3.3 Blackout dynamics ....................................................................................... 25 3.4 Quantity of load reduction............................................................................. 28 3.4.1 The excessive transient load step reduction ....................................... 28 3.4.2 Full transient load step reduction ....................................................... 29 3.4.3 An optimal transient load step reduction ........................................... 30 3.5 Fast load reduction control methods.............................................................. 32 3.5.1 Available power-based load shedding ............................................... 32 3.5.2 Frequency based load shedding ........................................................ 33 3.5.3 Event Based Fast Load Reduction System ........................................ 33 3.5.4 Frequency Phased Back System ........................................................ 35 3.5.5 Observer-based fast load reduction ................................................... 38 3.5.6 Case study ........................................................................................ 40 3.6 An overall functionality of blackout prevention control ............................... 44
Minimization of fuel consumption and operational costs 47 4.1 Background and motivations ........................................................................ 47 4.1.1 Economic dispatch problem .............................................................. 49 4.1.2 Unit commitment problem ................................................................ 49 4.2 General optimization problem ...................................................................... 51 4.2.1 Instantaneous fuel consumption ........................................................ 51 4.2.2 Unit start/stop effect on the fuel consumption .................................. 52 4.2.3 Constraints of the optimization ......................................................... 53 4.3 Operational costs and constraints ................................................................. 54 4.3.1 High load cost ................................................................................... 54 4.3.2 Low load cost .................................................................................... 55 4.3.3 The load variation cost ...................................................................... 56 4.3.4 Unit switching cost and unit availability ........................................... 56 4.3.5 Environmental cost ........................................................................... 57 4.3.6 Running hours.................................................................................... 58 4.4 Long term unit commitment ......................................................................... 58 4.4.1 Classification of optimization variables ............................................ 58 4.4.2 Definition of fuel cost function ......................................................... 58 4.4.3 Equal percentage of load sharing ...................................................... 61 4.4.4 Optimization procedure ..................................................................... 62 4.4.5 Case study ......................................................................................... 63 4.5 Probability based long-term unit commitment ............................................. 68 4.5.1 Load dependent stop ......................................................................... 68 4.5.2 Switching units between modes ........................................................ 69 4.5.3 Optimization procedure .................................................................... 71 4.6 Short-term unit commitment and real time generator allocation .................. 71 4.6.1 Short-term unit commitment costs .................................................... 72 4.6.2 Results of short-term optimization .................................................... 74 4.6.3 Discussions and conclusions ............................................................. 77 Propulsion load limiting control 78 5.1 Motivations ................................................................................................... 78 5.1.1 Risk of the blackout .......................................................................... 78 5.1.2 Diesel engine transient fuel consumption ......................................... 79 5.2 Classification of network load disturbances ................................................. 80 5.2.1 Propeller loads and losses ................................................................. 81 5.2.2 Other loads ........................................................................................ 82 5.2.3 Active heave compensation ............................................................... 82 5.3 Propeller loads .............................................................................................. 82 5.3.1 Propeller loads and power system dynamics ..................................... 82 5.3.2 Propeller thrust and torque losses ..................................................... 83 5.4 Probability of propeller torque losses ........................................................... 85 5.4.1 Torque loss occurrences .................................................................... 85 5.4.2 Results and discussion ...................................................................... 87 5.5 Quasi-static thruster load limiting control .................................................... 89 5.5.1 Load fluctuations sensitivity to thrust ............................................... 89 5.5.2 Thruster load limiting controllers ...................................................... 90 5.5.3 Load limiting controller based on the probability of torque loss ...... 91 5.5.4 Load limiting controller based on the real-time torque loss .............. 92 5.5.5 Load limiting controller based on the thruster acceleration .............. 93
5.5.6 Simulation results .............................................................................. 94 5.6 Discussion and conclusions .......................................................................... 98 6 Power Redistribution Control 99 6.1 Motivations .................................................................................................. 99 6.2 Possibilities for reducing network power load fluctuations .......................... 99 6.2.1 Thrust allocation algorithms ............................................................. 100 6.2.2 Frequency demand switching control ............................................... 101 6.3 Local thruster control effects ........................................................................ 102 6.3.1 Effects of local thruster speed control ............................................... 102 6.3.2 Effects of local thruster power control .............................................. 104 6.3.3 Combined control concepts for thruster control ................................ 105 6.4 Network loading problems with existing control technology ....................... 107 6.5 Power redistribution control (PRC) .............................................................. 108 6.5.1 Concept of power redistribution control (PRC) ................................ 108 6.5.2 Load dependent PCR gains ............................................................... 111 6.5.3 The mechanical torque limits ............................................................ 112 6.5.4 Case studies PRC vs. standard thruster speed control .................... 112 6.5.5 Case studies PRC vs. quasi-static load limiting controllers ........... 118 6.5.6 Discussions and limitations ............................................................... 123 Integrated network power control 125 7.1 Improved propeller shaft acceleration control for PRC ................................ 125 7.1.1 Controller gains dependent on thruster load and thrust losses ........................................................... 126 7.1.2 Thruster gain dependent on sensitivity of shaft speed fluctuations .......................................... 127 7.1.3 Results of simulations ....................................................................... 128 7.2 Frequency-based load limiting control ......................................................... 131 7.3 Integration aspects of PRC with DP thrust allocation .................................. 133 7.3.1 Real thrust estimation and thrust fluctuations ................................... 133 7.3.2 Constrained control allocation with sensitivity to propeller speed fluctuations ................................. 134 7.4 Integrated network control concept for increased robustness to faults and blackout .................................................. 137 Speed control of generators and thrusters 138 8.1 Motivations .................................................................................................. 138 8.2 Effect of noise on shaft speed control .......................................................... 141 8.3 State estimation for improved noise filtering ............................................... 143 8.3.1 Proportional observer (PO) ............................................................... 143 8.3.2 Proportional-integral observer (PIO) ................................................ 145 8.3.3 Modified Proportional-integral observer (PIOM) ............................. 146 8.3.4 Noise trade-off possibilities .............................................................. 147 8.3.5 Case study simulations ...................................................................... 147 8.4 Dynamic gains for noise-control tradeoff strategy ....................................... 152 8.5 Inertial control .............................................................................................. 152 8.5.1 Inertial control concept ..................................................................... 152 8.5.2 Inertial observer ................................................................................ 153 8.5.3 Response to noise .............................................................................. 154 8.5.4 Simulations ....................................................................................... 156
8.6 Direct torque-loss controller ......................................................................... 159 8.6.1 Motivation ......................................................................................... 159 8.6.2 Estimation of the thrust loss factor .................................................... 160 8.6.3 Direct torque-loss controller ............................................................. 161 8.6.4 Simulations ....................................................................................... 163 8.7 Conclusions .................................................................................................. 166 9 Conclusions and recommendations 167 9.1 Conclusions .................................................................................................. 167 9.2 Recommendations for future work ............................................................... 169 171
A Modeling of marine power system a-1 A.1 Power generation ............................................................................................ a-1 A.1.1 Rotor dynamics of synchronous generator ........................................... a-2 A.1.2 Generator power and coordinate system transformation ...................... a-3 A.1.3 Field winding ....................................................................................... a-7 A.1.4 Generator in the multimachine system ................................................. a-8 A.1.5 Multimachine system model ................................................................ a-10 A.2 Diesel engine model ....................................................................................... a-11 A.3 Control of generating set ................................................................................ a-13 A.4 Consumer load ............................................................................................... a-14 A.4.1 Electric loads ........................................................................................ a-14 A.4.2 Electric thruster model ......................................................................... a-15 A.5 Simulations of marine power system ............................................................. a-15 B Control plant models a-18 B.1 Control plant model of power generating system ........................................... a-18 B.2 Basic control plant model of thruster ............................................................. a-19 B.2.1 Control plant model with filtering ........................................................ a-19 B.2.2 Cascaded control structure of electrical thruster control ...................... a-20
CO2 CPP CPU DP EB-FLR EMS FLR FPBS FPP GES HVAC IACS I/O ITO LCU LNG Low pass LSC NOx Obs-FLR OSV Qmg-Luen Qmg- Sliding PCS PI PO PID PIO PIOM PLC PRC PS PSV PWM-VSI DC Carbon dioxide Controllable pitch propeller Control processing unit Dynamic positioning Event-Based fast load reduction Energy management system Fast load reduction Frequency Sensitive Phased Back System Fixed pitch propeller Globally exponentially stable Heating ventilation air-conditioning International association of classification societies Input/Output Inertial torque observer Local control unit Liquefied natural gas Butterworth second order low pass filter based PI controller Local speed controller Nitrogen oxides Observer-based frequency sensitive fast load reduction system Offshore supply vessel Mechanical torque Luenberger observer Mechanical torque Sliding mode observer Process Control Stations Proportional integral (controller) Proportional observer Proportional integral derivational (controller) Proportional integral observer Modified proportional-integral observer Programmable logic controller Power redistribution control Processing station Platform supply vessel Pulse width modulated voltage source inverter Direct current
Power management system Root mean square Remote Processor Units Specific break fuel consumption Sulphur oxides Sea state Transit Vessel management system
aj,gi amax,g be,gi c0 dx, dy d e0 g h0 k k1g, k2g kFLR,p kthp1 kPp, kIp, kDp kgp kc kiner,p k,,p l1g, l2g l1p, l2p m m0 m1 m2 ncrit qh rp rpa1/ 3 s BSFC approximation constant for each generating set i maximum permitted engine load constant specific brake fuel consumption for each unit sensitivity constant for the high load cost faults or disturbances appearing in state and output equations respectively speed measurement noise constant for emission cost acceleration of gravity nominal propeller shaft immersion measured in still water number of generating sets online sliding observer gains controller gain for FLR controller gain for quasi-static load limiting controller proportional, integral and derivative control gains controller total gain for PRC proportional gain for PRC inertial controller gain direct torque loss controller gain observer gains for generator FLR control observer gains for thruster load torque observer designating number of the vessel operating mode maintenance cost when the unit is unloaded linear constant between m0 and m2 is the specified maintenance cost in an ideal case critical speed of the propeller when the ventilation occurs threshold for the relative torque values i.e. torque loss factor harmonic vertical relative displacement of the point P(xb, yb, zb) significant response amplitude of the propeller Laplace operator (time derivative)
time or the number of new time step recorded (for discrete time) time to execute the load reduction response time of the fast load reduction (FLR) system time response of the frequency converter time response due to communications and computations number of thrusters connected on-line to the network thust configuration vector input vector constant for the load variation cost weighting terms for the generators maximum loading individually set for each thruster (consumer) installed power ratio for generators weight factor for propulsion participation in the available power control state vector state estimation error vector state estimation vector output vector absolute vertical displacement of the point P
A B Bgi t CHL
state matrix input matrix status of the breaker and the generator load sharing generator high load cost generator low load cost generator load variation cost generator stand-by cost generator switching cost generator exhaust emission cost generator damping coefficient output noise vector vector of thrust forces total instantaneous fuel consumption for the engine (generating-set) instantaneous transient fuel consumption for the engine set of generators available to start inertial time constant for each generating-set in seconds, significant wave height
t Cstand-by
t sw
t e
Dg E F FCg tran FC gi G Hi Hw
Jcomb JFC JFCyear Jp K KQ, KT LP, LI L* ,thp s Ncomp Nf Ng Np Np,loss OP Pap P0p Pcp Pgf Pgi Prg Pr,gi Prsg Pstart,gi (k) Pg Pr,av (k) Pth Pav Pc-ns Pav,start Ps,thp Pd,thp Qdg Qeg Qmg Qmp Qap Qfp Qcf Q0p Qiner , p Rmg-un
combined cost function cost function for the instantaneous fuel consumption cost function per year of vessel operations thruster moment of inertia set of generators selected to start propeller torque and thrust constants respectively proportional and integral observer gain vector optimized limit per thruster determined by DP controller number of separated compartments (sub-systems) number of faulty generators total number of installed units per system total number of zero-crossings per hour expected number of times per hour that the thrust loss will occur time spent in the selected operational mode of the vessel thruster load power thruster nominal power reference (set-point) commanded power on thruster load for the generators at the moment of trip (pre-fault load) generator load installed generating power capacity generator power rating required power generating capacity unit power when the next unit starts total consumed load, available power is based on the maximum power capacity total propulsion load available power sheddable consumers other consumers then propulsion available power based on the start dependent load tables power limit (static) per thruster dynamic part of the load limiting control system damping torque system electrical torque system mechanical torque motor torque of thruster load torque of thruster friction torque of thruster low pass filtered commanded torque nominal propeller torque inertial torque on propeller power slew rate magnitudes for generator unload
Rmg-up R Sgi(k) SRg SRp S() Tmp Tmg Tf,th Tstart-up,gi TQf T() T0p T
a, p
power slew rate magnitudes for generator loading weight matrix in thrust allocation algorithm load sharing constant engine load torque rates propeller (thruster) load torque rates wave energy spectrum time constant for the thrust motor time constant for the generator filter time constant time to start the unit low pass filter time constant for the thrust loss factor filtering thrust configuration matrix thrust force per thruster
Vs W
thruster azimuth angle torque loss factor of the propeller average propeller torque loss factor frequency deviation between the mean and the nominal speed constant used to avoid singular solution weighting terms for the combined cost function Jcomb torque deviation on thruster engine maximum load step capability maximum power available for the FLR load to be reduced by the FLR relaying control limit load shedding limit permitted frequency drop during load reduction class rule permitted frequency deviation from nominal 0gi oscillating frequency deviation from the nominal speed deviation on thruster efficiency of thruster (propulsion drive) load dependent stop constant vessel-wave heading angle
max FLR , g
p , p
weights in thrust allocation algorithm penalty constant time constant for the network frequency low pass filter total required thrust wave amplitude wave frequency vessel-wave encounter frequency nominal engine speed (frequency) mean rotor angular speed for all generators in the system maximum limit frequency for FLR activation filtered network frequency
Chapter 1
1.1 Background
Electrical installations are present in any ship, from powering of communication and navigation equipment, alarm and monitoring system, running of motors for pumps, fans or winches, to high power installation for electric propulsion. The concept of electric propulsion is originated more than 100 years ago. However, with the possibility to control electrical motors with variable speed in a large power range with compact, reliable and cost competitive solutions, the use of electrical propulsion has emerged in new application areas during the 80s and 90s (dnanes, 2004). Typically, ships with electric propulsion tend to have more system functionality implemented in integrated automation systems, partially because such functionalities are regarded to be necessary for safe and optimal operation, but also because the electric propulsion plant enables the use of such functions. In the commercial market the offshore vessels in addition to cruise ships and ice breakers have been technology drivers concerning automation, power and propulsion systems. They are characterized by the required ability to conduct complex marine operations, operational availability, safety focus, cost effectiveness and flexibility in operational profile concerning transit, station keeping, maneuverability and to some extent also a significant vessel or process load system. These rather complex power plants opened up for an increasing use of fully all-electric ships and the introduction of fully integrated computer-controlled systems in order to operate safely and cost efficiently. Such concepts are today applied in an increasing number of ship applications (Hansen, 2000; Srensen and dnanes, 2005). Power Management System (PMS) is a crucial part of the automation and power systems on marine vessels, and in particular for ships with electric propulsion and station keeping thrusters. The PMS controls the power system in order to maximize the blackout prevention capabilities and minimize the fuel consumption. It also serves to decrease the maintenance costs through protecting the equipment against faults and malfunctions; see e.g. Hkkinen (2003). Through interaction between the PMS and other control systems, the performance of the vessel can be maximized. The purpose of the PMS is to assure adequate and reliable electrical power supply to the various consumers. This is achieved by the following main tasks (May and Foss, 2000): 1. Generator allocation control (generator auto-start and auto-stop): The PMS will control the number of generators online according to the available load on the network and operational conditions; 2. Propulsion load limiting control: Under normal operating conditions (i.e. generator loading less than 100 %) the PMS will prohibit an excessive load increase by controlling the maximum individual consumption of e.g. thrusters, drilling units, and compressors. The power limit signals also features a load increase rate function (slew rate limits); 3. Fast load reduction: The power consumption of variable frequency drives (thrusters, drilling) is controlled in order to avoid overloading the generators. Should an overload
5. 6.
occur e.g. caused by a shut down of a generator set, the PMS will force load reduction of some or all of the variable frequency drives until the situation is recovered; Regenerated power control: regenerated power from e.g. the drilling drawworks is limited to avoid a reverse power situation for the generators. The draw works on drilling vessels is able to generate power which in some installations may be regenerated to the network. To prevent tripping of generators on reverse power, the amount of re-generated power will be limited by the drilling control system in accordance with signals from the PMS; Blackout restart: The PMS will perform blackout restart of the power system in the event of a total or partial blackout; Further, the PMS includes the Redundancy and Criticality Assessment system, an operator support system that monitors the health of the electric power system. All generators, switchboards and thruster drives, including all auxiliary systems, are monitored and compared with specific requirements for the defined operational modes of the vessel. Any important alarm or non-conformance with respect to equipment condition or set-up is reported to the engineers as well as to the DP-operators.
This thesis deals mainly with first three PMS functionalities, namely: generator allocation control, propulsion load limiting control and fast load reduction. Electric propulsion is an emerging area where various competence areas meet. Successful solutions for vessels with electric propulsion are found in environments where naval architects, hydrodynamic and propulsion engineers, and electrical engineering expertise cooperate under constructional, operational, and economical considerations (dnanes, 2004). However, the present state of the art type of tools and methods for analyzing marine power systems do only to a limited extent utilize the increased knowledge available within each of the mechanical and electrical engineering disciplines. The todays solutions are kind of adhoc approaches in overall optimization, and analytical approach to large extent has been missing in the design. The complex interaction between vessel sub-systems is demonstrated in Fig. 1.1. In Fig. 1.1 the overall propulsion control structure is presented for typical dynamically positioned (DP) vessel, equipped with electric propulsion. The control structure consists of: DP controller; Thrust allocation; Local thruster controller; Power plant with generators frequency and voltage controllers; PMS distributed controllers with relevant functionalities for the propulsion including: Generator allocation control; Available power based propulsion static load control; Propulsion load rate limiting control; Blackout prevention control (fast load reduction). The high level controller, which can be a dynamic positioning (DP) controller, position mooring (PM) controller, or joystick controller, computes the forces in surge and sway and moment in yaw needed to counteract the environmental loads and track the desired path. The thrust allocation controller calculates the thrust set points for each propulsion unit according to a given optimization criterion, e.g. minimization of power consumption, see Fossen (2002) and references therein. The low-level thruster controllers control the thrusters to produce the thrust forces given by the set points from the thrust allocation system. The PMS is limiting
and redistributing the power on consumers in order to avoid the blackout, see e.g. Kallah (1997), Lauvdal and dnanes (2000), May and Foss (2000), Savoy (2002), May (2003). As the PMS is affecting the overall propulsion, its action has to be coordinated between a number of controllers in the control loop, as shown in Fig.1.1. Moreover, the controllers have to be set with regards to the level of system protection and selectivity. This has to be done in opposite direction as well, i.e. the protection must be set to comply with the operation of power system in various operating conditions. Spurious trips of the equipment have to be avoided during normal operation transients but the protection system must be sensitive to the real faults. These possibly conflicting goals have to be accomplished by careful coordination between various controllers and protection systems. The protection system, other then the fast load reduction (FLR) system, has not been dealt in this thesis. However, the PMS performance has been analyzed in order to improve the robustness to faults and the speed of the fault/ blackout detection. The interaction of all controllers must be coordinated in order to obtain an optimal operation of the vessel. A special responsibility lies with the system integration responsible, and experience has shown that it might be a challenging work to coordinate the overall system robustness and optimization. One of the important controllers for the blackout prevention is FLR system. Various types of FLR algorithms have been applied on board the marine vessels, see e.g. May and Foss (2000), Kundur (1994), Lauvdal and dnanes (2000), Savoy (2002), May (2003). The frequency based FLR algorithm will be triggered regardless to the real cause of the frequency drop. This FLR algorithm may execute during normal operations involving transients, such as e.g. propeller load fluctuations. Another type of FLR algorithm is based on the signal received from the switchboard, i.e. circuit breaker. This one is considered to be prone to the transmission noise in the cables, dependent on the communication and computational delays and faults within the PMS control system. A new hybrid type of the FLR algorithm, integrated in the system but with distributed functionality, has been proposed in the thesis. In dynamic positioning (DP) of the vessel, the propeller loadings will change depending on the various factors, among the most important are: the controller modes, weather conditions, vessel performance and the tuning of the DP controller, see e.g. Fossen (2002), Johansen (2004), Johansen et al. (2004a), Johansen et al. (2004b), Fossen and Johansen (2006), Nguyen et al. (2007a), Nguyen et al. (2007b), Ruth et al. (2007) and the references therein. Fast load fluctuations, continuously present during a storm, are mainly responsible for the network frequency fluctuations. These are also generated by the propeller thrust losses, see e.g. Srensen et al. (1997), Smogeli et al. (2004a), Smogeli et al. (2004b), Smogeli (2006), Ruth (2005), Ruth and Smogeli (2006), Bakkeheim et al. (2006), Bakkeheim et al. (2007a), Bakkeheim et al. (2007b), Radan et al. (2006b), Radan et al. (2007a), Pivano et al. (2007a), Pivano et al. (2007b) and references therein. The interconnecting point for all installed power equipment is the power distribution system. By starting and inrush transients, load variations, and network disturbances from harmonic effects the load and generators are interacting and influencing each other. Optimum operation and control of the power system is essential for safe operation with a minimum of fuel consumption. The optimization-based power and energy management strategies are mainly introduced to improve the fuel economy on on-land vehicles equipped with energy storage device (battery), see e.g. Aoyagi et al. (2001), Lin et al. (2003), Emadi (2003), Barsali et al. (2004), Sciarretta et al. (2004), Koot et al. (2005), He and Jang (2006), 3
Guzzella and Sciarretta (2007), Sciarretta and Guzzella (2007) and references therein. These methods had limited application on board marine vessel despite the need for improved frequency control of generators. These issues are considered in this thesis and as an outcome a new idea for the complete functional integration of consumers and generators has been proposed. Due to relatively low number of units installed and low variety of prime mover types and fuels used, the energy management control found today in the marine vessel is fairly simple, see Hansen (2000), Arntsen (2005), Davey (2005), and Levander (2006). The generators are committed according to pre-set load dependent start and stop tables, as explained in e.g. Hansen (2000), Radan et al. (2005), Radan et al. (2006a). The extensive knowledge contained in the literature for the on-land power generation and distribution has limited use in the marine application. These methods may provide potentially significant operational cost savings together with the improvements in planning and intelligent handling of the power plant; see e.g. Wood and Wollenberg (1996), Tupper (1996), Michalewicz et al. (1996), Olsbu et al. (1988), Karnavas and Papadopoulos (1999), Watson (2002), Klimstra, (2004b), Klimstra, (2004c), Matt et al., (2005), Perez-Guerrero and Cedenio-Maldonado (2005), Bansal (2006), Lee and Chen (2007). Therefore, the important aim of this thesis is to make a contribution towards decreasing operational costs of the marine vessel and to increase the level of automatic control in the marine power plant.
Vessel possition
Thrust losses
Thrust losses
DP controller
Total thrust
Power plant
Thrust allocation
Torque, Qp Thrust
Thruster drive
Chapter 2
Functionality of power management system
2.1 PMS functionality
The Power Management System (PMS) is a crucial part of the automation and power systems on marine vessels, and in particular for ships with electric propulsion and station keeping thrusters. The PMS controls the power system in order to maximize the blackout prevention capabilities and minimize the fuel consumption. It also serves to decrease the maintenance costs through protecting the equipment against faults and malfunctions. Through interaction between the PMS and other control systems, the performance of the vessel can be maximized. In order to give an overview of the functionality of existing PMS, as well as to propose new challenges and ideas, the main topics of the design and operation of the marine power plant have been described.
where Prg is the installed generating power capacity, Prsg is the required power generating capacity, and Ncomp is the number of separated sub-systems. The generating sets, thrusters and their auxiliaries are housed in separate compartments. Eq. (2.1) is based on equal capacity in each of the sub-systems, which is commonly applied in ship designs. According to (2.1), the amount of installed power decreases with the number of split subsystems or number of the engine compartments. The highest Prg is obtained with two subsystems, Ncomp=2, where Prg = 2 Prsg. As the Ncomp increases, Prg becomes closer to the Prsg , Prg Prsg.
The design optimum lies in the point where the reduction in the installed power capacity Prg fully compensates for the increase in the cost of additional compartments, each with auxiliaries and services. The following conflicting objectives and constraints are part of the optimization trade-offs: Constraint: vulnerability to single faults with the possibility to extend to multiple faults; Constraint: mission accomplishment (operational and weather conditions); Objective: minimize the installed power; Objective: minimize the complexity of the power system and costs of additional auxiliaries; Objective: minimize the operating costs, among the highest is the fuel consumption. The mission accomplishment is specified as the most severe environmental conditions for the vessel to perform operations, e.g. 10 years winter storm conditions (May and Foss, 2000). In order to obtain more flexibility in satisfying these objectives, the component-based optimization can be used, as shown in Fig. 2.1 (dnanes, 2004). Several levels of power system redundancy for one or two engine rooms have been defined: Power generation level: defines the number of generating sets; Power distribution level: defines the number of switchboards, bus-ties, etc.; Electric part of propulsion system: number of frequency converters, electric motors, etc.; Mechanical part of propulsion system: number of shafts, gears, propellers, etc. For each of these levels, the objectives and constraints, defined above, can be included in the optimization. The design constraints are influencing the power availability in the vessel operations. The design constraints also influence the reliability of machinery systems; see e.g. Hkkinen (2003), and Conachey (2005). Thus, the PMS operation will depend to a large extent on a number of fixed parameters, such as: the power system configuration, DP class, the installed power, number of generating sets, and similar; see e.g. Hansen (2000), Arntsen (2005), Davey (2005), Radan et al. (2005), Levander (2006), and Radan et al. (2006a).
Single system Multiple system Multiple system R1, R1+, R1-S, R1-S+
Diesel Electric Generator Diesel Electric Generator
Fig. 2.1. Various levels of power system redundancy for one or two engine rooms, dnanes, (2004)
Figure 2.2. Functional integration and information distribution in PMS, Savoy (2002)
where Pgf is the load for the generators that are tripped. The main requirement from the class societies is the resistance to single failure. In that respect, the limits are usually calculated for the situation in which the unit with the highest loading fails:
where Pgi is the current load of the generator. Each generator contributes an amount of power proportional to its inertia, i.e. its inertial time constant Hi and power rating Pr,gi. Assuming that the generators remain in the synchronism, the following equation to calculate the load step per generator can be used (Machowski et al., 1997):
Ptran,gi (k , N f ) =
i r , gi kN f i =1 i
H P (k )
r , gi
Ptran (k , N f ) ,
where Hi is the inertial time constant for each generating-set in seconds, and Pr,gi is the generator power rating. When the fault occurs, the Nf faulty generators will be disconnected and kNf generating-sets will remain on-line. The transient load per generator is determined as the sum of the generator load and transient load step: Ptran,gi (k , N f ) = Pgi + Ptran,gi (k , N f ) . (2.5)
max tran, gi
max, g
, t FLR ,i
max min amax, g Pr , gi Pgi , Pgi , without FLR system = max with FLR system Ptran, gi ( tFLR ,i ) ,
max PFLR , gi =
i r , gi kN f i =1
H P (k )
i r , gi
max PFLR , g ,
where: max PFLR , g is the maximum power available for the FLR, dependant on the load of the consumers available for the FLR. Through out the thesis, it will be assumed max max max PFLR , g Ptran, gi amax, g , t FLR ,i , so PFLR , g will be omitted in eq. (2.6);
amax,g is the maximum permitted engine load constant; max Pgi is the engine maximum load step capability, defined in the text below; tFR,,i is the FLR system response time needed to reduce the load on the consumers. The permitted transient load step, for the systems equipped with the FLR system, is dependant on the time needed for the control system to reduce the load on consumers tFR,,i. This will be defined later in this Chapter.
Without the FLR system the maximum transient load could not be higher than the maximum permitted engine load amax,gPrg,i. The constant amax,g differs among the different engine manufacturers and depends on details in the engine design. It is typically:
1.1 amax, g 1.15 .
Typically, diesel engines are not capable to accept at once the load step higher than 0.25Prgi to 0.33Prgi, see e.g. MAN Diesel SE (2006). Due to engine limitations in the load step acceptance, the following limit must be included:
max Pgi (k , N f ) Pgi .
Therefore, special problem represents operating with only 2 generating sets on-line, since for two equal rated units: Pgi (k=2, Nf=1) = 0.55Prgi. The maximum continuous safe loading limit (blackout limit) for the generator is determined when (2.6) is substituted in (2.5) according to:
With respect to k number of generating sets online, the next unit must start before the load reaches the maximum continuous safe limit. Thus, the safe generator operational region Pgi (k) for starting units is limited to:
max Pgi (k ) Pstart, gi (k ) min ( Pcont, gi (k , N f ), Prgi ) ,
where Pstart,gi (k)is the power when the next unit k+1 starts for the situation with k units online i.e. Pstart,gi (k) = Pgi (k) = Pgi (k+1). The min function determines the minimum value among maximum continuous safe limit and rated power. Although the maximum permitted engine load determines maximum engine load capability, continuous operation is not allowed in the region: amax,g Prg,i > Prg,i. The maximum permitted continuous load is usually pre-calculated in the so-called load dependent start tables, as shown in the example given in Table 2.1 (MAN Diesel SE, 2006). The table shows the situation when one of the equally rated units fails. It is assumed that the load sharing between generating sets is equal, i.e. all units are equally loaded.
Table 2.1. Load dependent start table for equally rated generators
Number of generators connected 2 2 4 5 6 7 Generator loadpre fault Pgi(k)/Prgi 0.55 0.60 0.74 0.80 0.82 0.86 Generator load post fault Pgi(k, Nf)/Prgi 0.55 2/1= 1.10 0.60 2/2 = 0.90 0.74 4/2 = 0.98 0.80 5/4 1.00 0.82 6/5 1.00 0.86 7/6 1.00 Maximum load step, Pgi (k, Nf)/ Prgi 0.55 0.20 0.24 0.2 0.17 0.14
Load sharing
The load per unit depends on the load sharing constant, determined by the PMS:
Pgi ( k ) = S gi ( k ) Pg ,
where Sgi(k) is the load sharing constant which depends on the number of on-line units k. The following equation must hold in order to avoid the load limiting or the reverse power condition on any generator:
Pg = S gi (k ) Pg = Pgi (k ) ,
i =1 i =1
which means that the total contribution from all generators that share the total consumed load Pg must be equal to that load. Then, the main load sharing constraint must be fulfilled:
i =1
(k ) = 1 .
According to the class society rules, equal load sharing between generating sets must be obtained:
Pgi (k ) Prgi (k ) = Pg ,i +1 (k ) Prg ,i +1 (k )
where Ng is the total number of installed units per system, which means that the following equation must hold in normal steady conditions, according to class society rules:
S gi (k ) Prgi (k ) = S g ,i +1 (k ) Prg ,i +1 (k )
According to (2.15), if Pr,gi(k) = Pr,gi +1(k), then Sgi(k) = Sgi+1(k). Then (2.12) becomes: Pg = S gi (k ) Pg = k Pgi (k ) .
i =1 k
Usually, all generating sets installed in the vessel are supplied from the same manufacturer. Therefore, equally rated generators will have the same inertia time constant Hi =Hi+1. The load step per generator for equally rated units is calculated from (2.4). If all units have equal ratings, inertias, and share load equally, the (2.4) simplifies to:
Ptran , gi (k , N f ) = Pr , gi (k ) kPr , gi (k , N f ) N f Pr , gi ( k , N f ) N f Pgf (k , N f ) .
Finally, the simplified equation for the load step with equally rated units when one unit fails is obtained:
Ptran ,, gi (k , N f = 1) = 1 Pgi (k ) . k 1
One can notice that the safe operational region will increase with the number of generators online k due to decrease in the transient load step per generator Ptran,gi (k, Nf).
where Pstop,gi (k) is the power when the next unit in the sequence k1 stops for the situation with k units online i.e. Pstop,gi (k) = Pgi (k) = Pgi (k1). The amin,g is a constant that determines the recommended minimum load on the engine, as described above. For diesel engines a continuous operation below 0.15 Prg,i is not recommended (MAN B&W, 2004). Thus, the minimum engine load can be defined as:
0.15 amin, g 0.30 .
If the engines are to be loaded down to this low load constraint, the total power system load would be too low before one unit is stopped making all engines to run on relatively low load. Therefore, the existing criterion is that the load dependent stop tables must not coincide with the load dependent start tables:
Pstart, g (k ) Pstop, g ( k + 1) Pstart , g ( k + 1) .
where Pr,g is the generating capacity or sum of the power ratings Pr,gi for all the generators on-line, Pg is the total consumed load, shared among generating sets, each loaded Pgi. In the real applications, the power generating capacity is calculated from the status of the generator breakers (ON/OFF) and the power ratings of the generating sets according to:
Pr , g (k ) = Pr , gi Bgi ,
i =1
where Bgi is the checking status of the breaker and the generator load sharing. If the generator is ON but does not share load equally according to (2.15), its power capacity will not be included in the total power capacity calculation. This requirement is to assure that recently started generator can not participate in the available power calculation.
The minimum available power, based on the generator failure cases is determined according to:
min max Pcont, av (k , N f ) = min ( Pcont, gi (k , N f ), Prgi ) Pgi , k k i =1 i =1
where the number of generator on-line k is determined from (2.24). The available power for the unit start, based on the load dependent start tables is defined as:
The next generator in the sequence will be started when the available power drops below zero. In this case the following equation holds: Pstart, g (k ) = Pg ( k ) = Pg ( k + 1) . Accordingly, when auto-stop is initiated the following equation holds: Pstop, g ( k ) = Pg ( k ) = Pg ( k 1) .
Available power for equally rated units
For equally rated units, the maximum load step is determined from (2.19). Maximum continuous generator safe loading for equally loaded units is found after inserting (2.19) into (2.9) and assuming equal load sharing between units (2.17):
max max Pcont, gi (k , N f ) = Ptran,gi ( amax, g , t FR ,i )
k 1 , k
general, a limited number of consumers in the vessel really belong to this group. The reason why only some consumers can be used for load limiting is explained in Fig. 2.3. Fig. 2.3 shows all divisions of loads with respect to load priority, energy dependence, and controllability. In order to reduce the load, the load must be sheddable and, if possible, also controllable. Then such a load can be used for temporary network power reductions when is needed from the overall blackout prevention control. Hence, the best suitable load will rely on energy rather than power.
The propulsion capacity will depend on the power system available power Pav and the total propulsion power Pth, according to: Ps ,th ( Pth , Pav ) = Pth + wth Pav , (2.30)
where Pth is the total propulsion load, Pav is the available power, and wth is the weight factor for propulsion participation in the available power control. If wth = 1 then only propulsion power will be limited in order to control the available power. The propulsion load Pth will be limited when the available power becomes lower than zero, Pav < 0. The propulsion load Pth can be directly measured or determined by subtracting the nonsheddable loads (e.g. hotel load and auxiliaries) from total power demand on generators Pg (Savoy, 2002):
Pth = Pg Pc ns ,
where Pc-ns means non-sheddable consumers, which are other consumers then propulsion. Depending on the operational PMS philosophy, the available power Pav can be based on the start load tables Pav,start or maximum power capacity, Pr,av. The propulsion load limit can be expressed as a non-dimensional ratio of total propulsion power:
Ls ,th = Ps ,th Pth
, Ls ,th 1 .
The load propulsion limit can be distributed on individual thrusters in two different ways, through: Direct load limiting, faster but not optimized i.e. proportional; Indirect load limiting, slower but optimized in DP thrust allocation algorithm. When using the direct load limiting, the power can be reduced to all thrusters proportionally: Ps ,thp = wp Ls ,th Pthp , (2.33)
where Ps,thp is the power limit per thruster and wp is the maximum loading individually set for each thruster (consumer), allowing a priority selection between the consumers. With the indirect load limiting, the load propulsion limit can be distributed to all online thrusters according to: Ps ,thp = L* ,thp Pthp , s (2.34)
where L* ,thp is optimized limit per thruster determined by DP controller, 0 L* ,thp 1. The s s following constraint must be satisfied:
p =1
* s , thp
= Ls ,th .
The available power is calculated from measured total power on generators Pg. However, the load may be distributed in different ways between generators. Thus, to improve the blackout prevention capabilities for the system, the load limiting may be initiated if the individual load on any of the connected generators crosses the upper limit for the safe operation, according to eq. (2.10). Then, the allowable propulsion capacity will be determined by the available power and maximum limit crossing per individual generator, according to: Maximum blackout limit:
max max Ps ,th ( Pth , Pav , start , Pcont, gi , Pgi , Prgi ) = Pth + min Pav , start , min min Pcont, gi ( k , N f ) , Prgi Pgi i
( (
)) ;
(2.36) (2.37)
)) .
Since the starting load is lower or equal to maximum permitted, the unit starting limit is always lower than the blackout limit. Which one will be selected depends on the design preferences and operational philosophy. It may be important to notice that these constraints may not be always achievable, e.g. due to operational constraints of the intact system after a single fault: after the loss of one switchboard due to a single fault, there may pass some time
before the system is back to normal operation with at least two generating set on-line and blackout constraints imposed.
The nominal propulsion power could be calculated from the nominal speed of the propeller 0p, see e.g. Srensen et al. (1997). However, the load limiting control will rather rely on the feedback signal from the switchboard which will give higher accuracy to the control i.e. assure that the average propulsion power is really as received (Savoy, 2002). Otherwise, the speed set-point reference may not give corresponding power output due to e.g. faults or excessive thrust losses and this would increase the risk of blackout for such systems.
Electrical power feedback
As the vessel operates in harsh weather conditions and the propeller is subjected to excessive thrust losses, the electrical propulsion power output Pth, measured on the switchboard may fluctuate significantly about the average. These load fluctuations may be responsible for the unnecessary periodical load limiting of the propulsion, although there is sufficient power online. Hence, in order to avoid unnecessary periodical load limiting of the propulsion, when there is sufficient power on-line, Ps,th should be filtered before entering the load limiting algorithm. The following equation should be used instead of (2.30) in the load limiting algorithm:
Ps ,th ( Pth , Pav ) = Pth + wth Pav , and the low pass filter (e.g. double first order) can be used:
1 Pth = P , T s + 1 th f ,th
where, s is the Laplace operator, and Tf,th is the filter time constant. This filter can be substituted with e.g. any other order low pass filter or similar, see e.g. Fossen (2002). The available power Pav can be filtered in the similar way. The described load limiting control is also called sustained load limiting control (Savoy, 2002). Due to sustained load limiting control, in addition to computational and communication delays, the time required for the DP and PMS load limiter to calculate and transmit the thruster load limit to the Thruster PLC is typically 1 to 2 seconds (May, 2002). The thruster controller needs additional 2-3 seconds to reduce the power on thruster. This is partly due to
gain settings of PI controller. The low pass filter is required at the controller output to filter a noise introduced by the speed measurement; see Chapter 8. This filter contributes to most of the drive dynamics; see Fig. 2.4. Moreover, the communication delays between PLCs may also significantly contribute to decreased speed of response.
Generating-set Qeg
+ g
Qmg +
1 Jgs
DP Controller (DPC)
Load limitier
Ld ,th
Thrust reference
PI thruster controller
Torque limit
Qcp Drive
Shaft dynamics
Electrical Thruster
Fig. 2.4. Existing load limiting control and DP controller within power system
Within DP thrust allocation algorithm, the average Pth should be mapped to nominal propeller output P0,p: P0,max p = g P0, p ( Ps ,thp ) , which can be defined as follows: P0,max p = Ps ,thp dp , for Ps ,thp Pthp (2.41) (2.40)
where pd = pd (Pthp) is the efficiency of the propulsion drive, and accounts for the mechanical and electrical transmission losses: transformer, drive, motor, mechanical. Here, it may be assumed that the thrust losses are not accounted in most of the DP thrust allocation algorithms. However, if this is the case the following mapping may be obtained:
P0,max, p = Ps ,thp
dp , for loss , p
Ps ,thp Pthp
where loss,p is the torque loss factor of the propeller. This value can be estimated offline or online (in the real-time), as will be seen in Chapter 5. The maximum allowable speed reference for each propeller can be calculated using, see e.g. Srensen et al. (1997); Smogeli (2006):
1/ n0,max, p = 1.84 K Q 01/ 3 1/ 3 D 5/ 3 Psth,3p
= g n0 max, p ( Psth, p ) ,
1/ 2 D p KT 0 p 2 / 3 Psth , p 2 K Q 0 p
where f () stands for the functional dependence. An increase in the ON state of the breakers indicates a higher online power generating capacity according to (2.24). With higher power generating capacity, the load rate limits for the thrusters can be increased, allowing thrusters to accelerate faster. Different load rates have to be determined for all possible breaker i.e. generating capacity combinations. Careful tuning is required to obtain desired thruster and engine responses. In order to obtain an even power change, the load rate limits can be higher on low thruster speed and lower on higher thruster speed. The main goal is to obtain the fastest possible increase in the thrust with minimum frequency and voltage drop on generators.
Bus-tie breaker
Electrical Thruster
Fig. 2.5. Example of the existing load limit control system for marine thrusters
Once the fixed load rate limits have been determined for the normal vessel operations, the controller will have limited possibilities to accommodate the various detrimental effects experienced in vessel operations, such as hull and propeller fouling and decreased performance of the diesel engine. Moreover, the existing load limit control system for marine thrusters, shown in Fig. 2.5 is not robust to the number of possible faults. If the communication between switchboard (breakers) and the thruster PLC is lost, the controller will assume that the breaker is permanently disconnected (OFF). Since SRp depends on k, the lower load rate limits will be selected and the thruster will accelerate slower than the actual engine torque can develop. The final effect is a decrease in the propeller thrust and deteriorated vessel performance in the seaway.
Chapter 3
Blackout prevention control
3.1 Blackout
Blackouts in electrical power systems are normally caused by short circuits/ground faults and overloads or by faults in the active or reactive load sharing systems. Short circuit/ground fault protection of the power system is provided by the proper selection and application of circuit breakers and protective devices. Proper selection and setting of these devices are required to obtain a selective coordinated system, which will isolate the faulty circuit and minimize the damage at the fault point. It should be noted that selectivity coordination is based on stationary calculations of the fault currents, applying margins in the settings of the protection relays to account for tolerances in the instrumentations and dynamic variations. It must be assumed that there may occur transient variations in the network, e.g. generator oscillations that may lead to unselective actions by the protection system. Overload occurs when the generating power capacity is lower than the electrical power demand. The system can be overloaded in the several ways (May, 2003): Circuit breaker on faulty generator is disconnected: due to short circuit or ground fault and the system load is distributed to remaining generators on-line; Generating set long-term overload: when the engine loading exceeds its power rating Pgi > Pr,gi amax,gi Pr,gi, the generator may become overheated. The generator produces excessive current and the risk of short circuit increases. This may increase the tendency to short-circuits/ground (earth) faults in the future. If the prime mover is loaded beyond the recommended limits, an increase in the rate of mechanical faults may also be expected in the near future; Prime mover fault: although, the shut-down of prime mover can be predicted within reasonable time (pre-warning alarm), there may be some faults that may occur unexpectedly; Functionality of PMS and power system operation: when the available power becomes low, the PMS will allocate (start) new units and/or limit the load to consumers. The overload may occur if the PMS functionality is not coordinated to an acceptable level or due to faults within the PMS.
Pre-warning alarm An important PMS function, which increases the overall blackout prevention capabilities, is called the pre-warning alarm. It is a function used to prevent a sudden engine loss situation. The pre-warning alarm should automatically initiate a start of the next available generator if any conditions which will lead to a shut down of the engine are getting critical near the shut down limit.
where FLR,gi is the permitted frequency drop during the load reduction, and PFLR,gi is the load to be reduced by the FLR. According to (3.2), the time limit for the load reduction will be extended if the load to be reduced PFLR,gi is low. The load to be reduced by the FLR depends on the maximum transient load scenario, and is defined as follows:
PFLR , gi = Ptran, gi (k , N f ) Pgi min amax, g Pr , gi Pgi , Pgi = Ptran,gi (k , N f ) min amax, g Pr , gi Pgi , Pgi ,
(3.3) where the maximum transient load Ptran,gi(k, Nf) depends on the scenario (worst case scenario) that may include various combinations with k on-line units and Nf units that fail. The prime mover can accept part of the transient load step. This is defined by Pgi, and its maximum value is defined in eq. (2.8). Due to engine time-lag the frequency drops to en,gi(Pgi). Fig. 3.2 shows the results of the simulation with 2 generating-sets (gen-sets), with H1 = H2 = 2.5 seconds In case a) in Fig. 3.2, the pre-fault scenario is: Pg1 = 0.8 Pr,g1, Pg2 = 0.8 Pr,g2, and PFLR,g1 = 0.8 Pr,g2. In case b) in Fig. 3.2, the pre-fault scenario is: Pg1 = 0.57 Pr,g1, Pg2 = 0.57 Pr,g2, and PFLR,g1 = 0.57 Pr,g2. Then, the tSL is much longer than in case a). However, this is also due to gen-set is operating close to the engine load capacity of 110% Pr,g1 and due to the delayed engine response.
Fig. 3.1. Fast load reduction with part load accepted by the prime mover of the on-line generating set
max The permitted frequency drop depends both on the frequency drop limit gi defined by
the class society rules and the additional frequency drop that occurs when the engine takes part of the system load Pgi, as defined:
max FLR , gi = gi en , gi Pgi .
An increase in the inertial time constant Hi, will provide an increase against the underfrequency trip of the generator and more resistance to blackout due to abrupt load increase. The main drawback of increased inertia on the generating sets is that the time to recover from the transient will also increase due to increased energy store in the rotating masses (Klimstra, 2004).
Fig. 3.2. Frequency drop when gen-set 2 is disconnected from the network in t=15 seconds, H1 = 2 seconds a) Pg1 = 0.8 Pr,g1, Pg2 = 0.8 Pr,g2, b) Pg1 = 0.57 Pr,g1, Pg2 = 0.57 Pr,g2.
max en , gi
) =
Typical limits are (Westergard, 2007; MAN Diesel SE, 2006; IACS, 2006):
max 0.25 Pr , gi Pgi Pgi
( ) (
0.33Pr , gi ,
(3.6) ,
0.030 gi en , gi 0.25 Pr , gi
max gi = 0.10 gi ,
) 0.06
0 gi
where 0gi is the nominal engine speed. gi=0.1 0gi, according to class rules. The inertial time constant H, for the marine diesel and/or gas generators, is typically between H = 0.7 to 2 seconds. (Westegard, 2007, Klimstra, 2004; MAN Diesel SE, 2006). The engine frequency respond to load step may vary from 3 to 6% nominal (Westegard, 2007).
Then, the time to reduce the load when the maximum engine load step capability is utilized can be calculated from the following equation:
max tSL ,i = gi en , gi
Pr , gi .
The time to reach the under frequency limit, tSL, must be set higher or equal than the time necessary for the fast load reduction, tSL tFLR. The speed of response of fast load reduction system tFLR depends on the PMS and FLR design, as will be explained later on. The FLR execution time may be in the range: 0.25 tFLR 0.5 seconds, see e.g. Lauvdal and dnanes (2000); May, (2003). After equalizing tSL = tFLR and adding Pgi on both sides of (3.7) and rearranging, determines the maximum permitted transient load:
max max Ptran,gi ( t FLR ) = gi en, gi
The maximum transient load depends on the initial loading of the generator Pgi, the ability of the engine to accept the load step Pgi, and response time of fast load reduction system tFLR,i.
PFLR , gi = Ptran,gi (k , N f ) ,
max FLR , gi = gi ,
since Pgi = 0 ,
Then, the time to reduce the load when the full transient load step is reduced and zero engine load step capability is utilized can be calculated from the following equation:
max tSL ,i = gi
2Hi Pr , gi . Ptran,gi (k , N f )
After equalizing tSL = tFLR and adding Pgi on both sides of (3.10) and rearranging, determines the maximum permitted transient load:
max Ptran,gi ( tFLR ) = gi
Select nearly optimal load step for the engine; Maximize the required time to reduce the load (load limit) tSL. Optimal load step The maximum allowable load step for a supercharged diesel engine, as required from the classification societies, is defined using the following piecewise linear function (MAN B&W, 2005; IACS, 2006):
0.33 0.303Pg 0.3 0.217 Pg = 0.068 + 0.444 Pg 1 Pg , 0 Pg < 0.33, , 0.33 Pg < 0.56, , 0.56 Pg < 0.74, , 0.74 Pg 1.
max g
(P )
(3.12) Together with the engine manufacturer, a similar function can be obtained for the particular engine type. The nearly optimal response to load steps for the diesel engine is shown in Fig. 3.3. In order to find the optimal engine load step responses, the following objective function is proposed in this thesis:
max P ( P ) en, gi gi g = max max Pgi ( Pg ) en, gi Pgi ( Pg Pgi
where the solution must be found within the following constraints: max Maximum load step within allowable limits, Pgi ( Pg ) Pgi ( Pg ) ; Maximum frequency drop, en , gi Pgi ( Pg
) )
max en , gi
The load steps and frequency deviations are normalized with respect to their maximum
* * values. The en , gi Pgi and Pgi are the optimal values i.e. the solution of the optimization
in (3.13). The prerequisite for the optimization is available engine simulation model. This is due to en , gi Pgi ( Pg
load and the post-fault load step. The easily build engine models are available based on the engine testing data, see e.g. Appendix A.
Real time control algorithm
Then, the following algorithm can be used in the real time control to maximize the required time limit for the load reduction tSL:
P* Pgi = gi , 0
* Pgi en , gi Pgi = en , gi 0
where the algorithm is selecting between strategy 1 and strategy 2. The tSL curves for the strategy 1 and the strategy 2 are compared in Fig. 3.3. The time to reduce the load tSL is calculated for Hi=1 seconds. When using strategy 1, the engine load step is Pgi = 0.33Pr,gi and frequency drop gi (Pgi) = 0.05 0g. When the transient load Ptran,gi is relatively low (lower than 140%), then the FLR control strategy 1 (with load step) allows to operate generators on higher load than when using strategy 2 (initial load), see Fig. 3.3. However, if the tFLR = 0.5 seconds, the allowable maximum transient load step becomes very low. The curves in Fig. 3.3 show that two equally rated engines should not operate on higher load than Ptran,g = 110% Prg if strategy 1(-----) is used. Then, the maximum permitted continuous load per generator is Pcont,g = 55% Prg. In order to operate both units on full Prg, i.e. Ptran,gi = 200% Prg, the load reduction must be faster than tSL = 0.2 tFLR seconds when using strategy 2, or tSL = 0.15 tFLR seconds if using strategy 1. Hence, strategy 2 is preferred when the transient load is very high, while strategy 1 is preferred when the transient load is lower, as indicated in Fig. 3.3.
Ptran,gi, %
Fig. 3.3. Time to reduce the load using different fast load reduction strategies, for H=1 seconds, the load step is Pgi = 0.33Prg and gi (Pgi) = 0.05 0g
where ss is the load shedding limit, and s is the shedding priority, typically s = 1, 2, or 3. It is important to notice that the load shedding control functionality must not interfere with auto-start. Less important consumers will be the first to shed if the available power continues to decrease, after the auto-start has been initiated. The main drawback when working with high number of sheddable consumers is difficulties in the prediction of their behavior.
Control action:
57 Hz
0.6 Hz/sec split bus (open bus-tie breakers) 57.5 Hz 0.7 Hz/sec drilling drives will shut down, PMS independent 25% reduction by PMS thruster drives reduced to 50 % of load reference, PMS independent
58.5 Hz
1.33 Hz/sec
10 Hz/sec
Fig. 3.4. Tripping logic for frequency based load shedding control relay
The PMS program is set to perform the load reduction on thrusters in 0.05 seconds (50 milliseconds); Then a reduce load command is transmitted to the frequency converter, which reduces the load to zero. The execution time and load reduction time in the converter is approximately 50 to 100 milliseconds.
Fig. 3.5. Event-based fast load reduction (Lauvdal and dnanes, 2000)
The Event Based Fast Load Reduction System will typically decrease the load to the prefault value, so the time limit to reduce the load can be determined from (3.10). The total time from breaker is tripped until load is reduced is theoretically 0.2 tEBFLR 0.25 seconds. Following issues may limit the effectiveness of Event-based FLR: The communication delays: in the communication network or PS, or PLC. The delay may also vary especially if control software code and communication code are not synchronized; The execution time of the PMS controller (PLC); Transmit of the signal to the frequency converter; Various interface/communication problems. The time necessary for the Event-based FLR to reduce the load depends on the known time delay to execute the load reduction tcom, time delay in the frequency converter tmp, and the time delay due to communication problems t,com, which is uncertain and includes unknown response dynamics:
The main constraint for the successful blackout prevention is that the FLR execution is faster than the safe time limit, according to:
tSL tFLR .
The minimum load to be reduced is determined from (3.11) where tFLR is determined from (3.16) and tSL from (3.10).
(3.18) where Pcp is the commanded power on thruster, kFLR,p is the controller gain kFLR,p 0, g is max the network frequency, and FLR , p is the fixed maximum limit frequency below which the
max fast load reduction is activated, typically FLR , p = const = 0.9660g or fFLR,p = const = max 0.966f0g and f FLR , p = 58 Hz if f0g = 60 Hz. max If g FLR , p 0, then the FPBS will not be initiated. Thus, always is Pmax,p Pcp. Each
thrusters PLC will initiate the load reduction Pcp Pmax,p independently from the others, depending only on the network frequency drop:
max PFLR , p = Pcp Pmax, p = Pcp k FLR , p ( g FLR , p ) .
When using FPBS, the total actual load reduction will be equal to the sum of all load reductions per thruster:
max PFLR , g = PFLR , p = Pcp k FLR , p (g FLR , p ) . p =1 p =1 th th
where th is the number of thrusters connected on-line to the network and used for the propulsion. The load reduction is limited to the frequency region:
So, the maximum load reduction within the maximum possible region of operation is:
max max max PFLR , g = PFLR , p = Pcp k FLR , p (FLR , p 0 g + g ) . p =1 p =1 th th
The frequency will recover if the transient load step is lower than permitted. Hence, the feedback loop will make the FPBS to load the generators according to:
Pg = min amax, g Pr , gi Pgi , Pgi .
i =1 k
With FPBS, this constraint always holds due to the control feedback from network speed (frequency) measurement, as shown in Fig. 3.6. It is important to notice that Pg is inherently selected through feedback, without the need for calculating this value, in contrary to the Event-based FLR:
Ptran,g = Ptran,g k , N f min amax, g Pr , gi Pgi , Pgi .
i =1
The time for the FLR execution depends on the frequency dynamics i.e. time passed before FPBS is initiated, the speed of response for FPBS, and the response time of the thruster drive tmp, according to:
max tFLR ( FPBS ) = 0 g FLR
2H k Pr , g + * Ptran, g
2H k
Pcp kFLR, p
p =1
Pr , g + tmp ,
max max max where FLR , p is usually set equal for all FPBS, i.e. FLR = FLR , p . The response time for
most thruster drives is known to be in the range 0.05 tmp 0.1 seconds. From (3.25) it can be noticed that increasing kFLR,p the time needed for FPBS to reduce the load will be reduced. However, kFLR,p may be limited due to other reasons, as will be explained later. The difference between the safe time limit and the time to execute the load reduction:
max * max tSL t FLR = g en , g 0 g + FLR
2H k Pr , g * Ptran,g
2H k
Pcp kFLR, p
p =1
Pr , g tmp ,
must be higher or equal to zero in order to have a blackout resistance. The maximum possible load reduction is determined after substituting (3.26) into (3.27) and setting tSL = tFLR, in (3.26):
2H k Pr , g . tFLR
After the FPBS has been triggered, load recovery on the individual thrusters must be slow in order to avoid frequency drop on generators due to fast loading of power network. Otherwise, the network frequency would drop again which would trigger the FPBS again. The acceptable speed of network loading will depend on the number of generators on-line and the system inertia. The speed of thruster loading is controlled by propulsion load rate limits, as described in Chapter 2.
Since the FPBS is triggered by the frequency drop, it can also prevent the excessive frequency deviation in the normal faultless conditions. This means that FPBS may be triggered by any frequency drop, no matter what was the reason for frequency drop. In many cases, heavy consumers and thrusters subjected to bad weather conditions operate under fast and large variations in power. In order to prevent too fast frequency drop and blackout, the rate of thruster limiting must be max higher then the frequency decrease rate. This determines the kFLR gain. Setting FLR , p close to
0g can increase the blackout prevention capabilities since tFLR will be reduced. The drawback is possible increase in the false blackout detection rate; for fault detection, isolation and control of dynamical systems see e.g. (Blanke et al. 2003). The false blackout detection will initiate the fast load reduction on thrusters when this is not required from the blackout prevention functionality, and thereby possibly increase the thruster wear-out rate. With a high number of fault detections, a wear-out rate on the thrusters increases.
If the control gain of the FPBS kFLR,p is set high, then the load on thrusters will be decreased faster than necessary. This may induce unnecessary torque stress in the shaft and the power transmission parts of the thruster. Thus, too fast load reduction should also be avoided in order to reduce damages on the thrusters.
The motion equation for the mean acceleration of the power generating system may be expressed as follows (Anderson and Fuad, 2003; Kundur, 1994):
d g dt d g
= g 0 g ,
= = Qmg Qdg Qeg 2 H Non
0 g
0 g
2 H Non
Dg (g 0 g ) Qeg , Qmg 0 g
where g is the mean rotor angular speed for all generators in the system (in per unit - pu), 0g is the nominal speed, Qmg is the mechanical torque, Qeg is the electrical torque, and Qdg is the damping torque. The torques is expressed in per unit system (pu). The damping coefficient Dg accounts for the electrical load damping and the mechanical damping in pu. HNon is the system inertial time constant in seconds. The frequency deviation between the mean and the nominal speed gives the derivative of the rotor angle g(t) in radians.
The main idea for the improved blackout detection
An improved algorithm for the blackout detection is proposed in this thesis. The algorithm is used to estimate the status of the generator circuit breakers on the network i.e. to sense if there are any openings of the circuit breakers on the generators that may propagate to the blackout. The algorithm is based on the estimation of mean acceleration of the power generating system (3.28). The proposed idea for the fast detection of circuit breaker opening is based on the comparison of network electrical and mechanical torque. Although the total network mechanical torque is not measured, it can be estimated using an observer. The mechanical torque is directly proportional to the mean acceleration of the network. Thus, the speed of blackout detection may be significantly improved. The proposed blackout detection algorithm compares the network torque deviation with the pre-defined threshold:
* * where Qeg Qmg is the torque deviation sensed, and Qmg = Qmg Qdg is reduced mechanical
torque due to friction and damping, see eq. (3.28). The electrical torque Qeg or power Peg is available from the measurements. Sometimes, the torque deviations are approximated by the power deviations; see e.g. Anderson and Fuad (2003). As the mechanical torque is not * known, it will be estimated using an observer. Thus, Qmg is the estimated torque. When the threshold qFLR is crossed, the relay time q,FLR counting is triggered:
Qeg ( t + q , FLR ) Q (t +
* mg q , FLR
) q
where q,FLR is the relay time set to detect the opening of the generator breaker, q,FLR 0. The main properties of improved detection algorithm are: If the generator breaker is opened (by the protection relay), then the mechanical torque * Qmg will suddenly drop. The electrical torque Qeg will remain almost constant in the required time interval q,FLR if no control is used to reduce the frequency drop. Therefore, * the difference between the mechanical and electrical torque Qeg Qmg will be large.
When the generator breaker opens, the mechanical torque drops. Then, the torque * deviation is non-negative, Qeg Qmg qFLR > 0 . The similar situation occurs if the electrical torque Qeg suddenly increases but this can not happen if load rate limiting controller functions properly. However, if this happens then the power redistribution controller (PRC), described in Chapter 6 can handle this problem; * If Qeg Qmg < 0 , then the frequency will rise. The fast load reduction system will react only if the network situation is such that the frequency drops, and the load has to be * reduced. Therefore, the fast load reduction reacts only when: Qeg Qmg qFLR > 0 .
The following observers are analyzed as candidates for the observer based fast load reduction: Luenberger observer (Chen, 1999); Sliding mode observer (Slotine et al., 1987; Drakunov and Utkin, 1995; Utkin et al., 1999). The mechanical torque is estimated from the network frequency g and the electrical torque Qeg using a mechanical torque observer. Based on the control plant model in (3.28) a Luenberger observer is proposed:
g =
0 g
2 H Non
Qmg *
0 g
2 H Non
Qeg + l1g ( g g ) ,
Qmg * = l2 g (g g ) ,
* * where Qeg is the system electrical torque, and Qmg Qmg = Qmg Qdg is the estimated
mechanical torque reduced due to friction and damping. The estimated mechanical torque is determined using the observer, where l1g, l2g are the observer gains used to make the correction of the state estimation. The sliding observer may have significantly faster response to sudden changes in the input or measurements due to better convergence properties in the so-called sliding mode than the Luenberger observer (3.31). Based on the Slotine et al. (1987), the following sliding observer is proposed in this thesis:
g =
0 g
2 H Non
Qmg *
0 g
2 H Non
Qmg * = l2 g (g g ) + k2 g sgn (g g ) ,
where k1g and k2g are the sliding observer gains, while l1g and l2g are the observer gains, defined in (3.31).
Another important feature is the speed of change of the load. The measured frequency signal is changing slower than the estimated mechanical torque as can be seen in Fig. 3.11. To reduce 1/2 (half) of the load on the thrusters the following time will pass: 150 milliseconds or less for the Sliding mode observer-based FLR, as Qmg hits the value of 0.4 in t=25.150 seconds; 300 milliseconds for Luenberger observer-based FLR, as Qmg hits the value of 0.4 in t=25.300 seconds; 950 milliseconds for the FSPB as the frequency hits the value of 54 Hz in t=25.950 seconds. Usually, the FSPB system is set to reduce the 50% of the load, see May (2003). This means that the load reduction will be commanded with much faster rate when using the proposed observer-based FLR.
Table 3.1. Observer and power system parameters Type of the observer used 1. 2. 3. Real power system Luenberger observer Sliding mode observer Observer gains HNon = 3 seconds l1g = 10; l2g = 200; HNon = 2 seconds l1g = 400; l2g = 600000, k1g = 0.05; k2g = 1E-5; HNon = 2 seconds
The proposed Observer-based fast load reduction controller is a hybrid controller combined of: * Proportional action, based on the torque deviation, Qeg Qmg qFLR . The similar action can be noticed in the FPBS which is based on the frequency deviation; Switching control logic, based on the blackout detection signal. This is similar to the Event-based FLR, which is using the blackout signal (breaker open) received from the switchboard and processed by the PMS controller.
* When a blackout is detected i.e. torque deviation crosses the threshold Qeg Qmg qFLR , the
switching logic can initiate e.g. 20% or higher load reduction on each of the thrusters. More load can be reduced if necessary by the proportional action based on the torque deviation, * Qeg Qmg qFLR .
freq, Hz freq
58 56 54 25 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 t, (sec.) 25.6 25.7 25.8 25.9 26
Fig. 3.7. Upper diagram: Mechanical torque estimation using Luenberger observer (dashed-dot) and Sliding mode observer (dashed, ) versus real unmeasured torque (solid) Lower diagram: system frequency in Hz
Figs. 3.8 and 3.9 show the response of the system when one of two equally rated generators is disconnected from the network. Then the load must be reduced on the consumers in order to avoid large frequency drop. The load is reduced using the FPBS and Observer-based FLR. The results of the comparison between the FPBS and Observer-based FLR with Luenberger type of observer is shown in Fig. 3.8, while the similar comparison when using the Sliding mode type observer is presented in Fig. 3.9. The time to detect the condition leading to blackout is 70 milliseconds and after that, the Observer-based FLR initiates the load reduction. The Observer-based FLR is having 20% initial load reduction from the control logic in addition to its proportional action. From Figs. 3.8 and 3.9 it can be noticed a lower frequency drop when using the Observerbased FLR compared to the FPBS. The frequency for each of the controllers after the control action is: f = 55 Hz for FPBS; f = 57 Hz for Observer-based FLR, with Luenberger observer; f = 59 Hz for Observer-based FLR, with Sliding mode type of observer. Using the Observer-based FLR with sliding mode type of observer about 5 times lower frequency drop is accomplished than using the present FPBS technology. The main reason for the lower frequency drop is the combined action of the hybrid Observer-based FLR controller with very fast blackout detection, and the proportional control action based on the
mechanical torque estimation. As the mechanical torque is better estimated i.e. converge faster to the real value, the control action will be better i.e. faster. Thus, using the Observer based FLR with sliding observer significant improvements in the blackout prevention control can be accomplished. Slower speed of the Luenberger observer can be compensated by higher contribution of the switching control logic triggered after the blackout detection.
62 bus frequency 60 58 56 54 80 x 10
82.5 83 t, (sec.)
3 load on generators
82.5 83 t, (sec.)
Fig. 3.8. Fast load reduction using FPBS and Observer based FLR designed with Luenberger observer
f, Hz bus frequency
60 58 56 54 52 80 x 10
82 t, (sec.)
85 Observer FPBS
P , kW load on ggenerators
82 t, (sec.)
Fig. 3.9. Fast load reduction using FPBS and Observer based FLR with Sliding mode observer
1 Jgs
Fig. 3.10. Controller structure for the marine power system blackout prevention functionality
After the control action is initiated, the available power may continue to decrease due to the following reasons: The power system is not equipped with such a functionality; The control response time is not enough to prevent available power decrease; Faults in the sensors, actuators, control equipment, PMS, or elsewhere.
The actions of the PMS are based on the available power. The typical time required for the control system to perform the action is given approximately in Table 3.3. The control response time can differ depending on the system configuration, equipment manufacturers, communication between controllers, etc. The regions with different PMS response and risk levels are identified in Table 3.3. Shaded areas represent regions of increased blackout risk.
Table 3.3. Proposed levels of blackout vulnerability for the marine power system
Available power: PMS action: Control response time, Tcr: Available capacity: Consequences (blackout risk levels): Blackout-proof
None Starting next unit Waiting for unit(s) to share the load Load limiting (direct) Load limiting (indirect) Load limiting fault Load limiting fault Fast load reduction < 0.5 seconds 30 to 40 seconds
Pr,av > Pav,start > 0 Pgi < Pstart,gi Pr,av > 0 Pgi < Pstart,gi Pr,av > 0 Pgi < Pstart,gi 2 to 3 seconds 3 to 6 seconds
Blackout-proof Blackout-proof - Unit that is just connected online can not be considered in the online capacity calculation The risk of blackout - Blackout prevention capability is lost but - no blackout occurs in faultless situation The risk of blackout further increases if the load limiting can not be performed The risk of blackout further increases if the load limiting can not be performed Load reduction - due to frequency drop below threshold for the FPBS Blackout - due to frequency drop below limit for the system without FPBS - e.g. drilling operations stopped, - vessel unable to perform maneuvering, - possible loss of heading and position, - severe risk for vessel and environment
Pr,av > 0 Pstart,gi < Pgi < Pr,gi Pr,av < 0 Pstart,gi < Pgi < amax,giPr,gi
Pav,start < 0
Blackout restoration
1 to 2 minutes
As can be seen from Table 3.3, the system is blackout-proof until Pav,start + start,g=0. Then the load limiting must be performed in order to maintain the blackout resistance of the system. If Pav,start+ start,g<0, and Pr,av > 0, the blackout will not occur under the condition of faultless system operation. However, a blackout would occur in case of generator trip. If the load is not limited, due to e.g. an actuator fault, the available power may continue to
decrease. When the load on generators becomes higher than the maximum load Pgi > amax,giPr,gi, the frequency will start to drop. Systems equipped with frequency sensitive phased back system (FPBS) are capable to prevent the blackout in such a case. The indirect load limiting is performed through combined action of PMS/DP controllers. The DP controller receives the available power signal from the PMS load limiter and re-calculates new speed settings for the thrusters. As explained in the Chapter 2, the indirect load limiting is slower than direct load limiting.
Chapter 4
Minimization of fuel consumption and operational costs
4.1 Background and motivations
Ship versus on-land power generation When optimizing the costs in the marine vessel operations, the comparison with the on-land power generation system is of interest. These two similar but different optimization problems are summarized in Table 4.1. Traditionally, the on-land power generation is centralized, and electrical power is produced within large centralized power plants. The power at these plants is typically natural (hydro), combustion (coal, gas, oil), and nuclear generated. The units are committed (started) in order to satisfy the load demand, see Wood and Wollenberg (1996), Bansal (2005), Bansal (2006) and the references therein. As apparent in Table 4.1, the important difference between centralized on-land power generation and the vessel power generation is the variation in the load demand. The load demand in the vessel may change from the full power to almost none nearly instantaneous, due to changeable operational conditions; e.g. operations of offshore supply vessels (ABB AS, 2003). Besides, a large number of consumers in the vessel are susceptible to weather conditions, e.g. Radan et al. (2006b). In dynamic positioning (DP) of the vessel, the propeller loadings will change depending on the various factors, among the most important are: the controller modes, weather conditions, vessel performance and the tuning of the DP controller, see e.g. Fossen (2002), and Fossen and Johansen (2006) and the references therein. Fast load fluctuations on thrusters, continuously present during a storm, are mainly responsible for the network frequency fluctuations. These are also generated by the propeller thrust losses, see e.g. Srensen et al. (2005), Srensen et al. (1997) and Smogeli (2006), Radan et al. (2006b) and the references therein. Due to relatively low number of units installed and low variety of prime mover types and fuels used, the energy control found today in the marine vessel is fairly simple, see Hansen (2000), Arntsen (2005), Davey (2005), and Levander (2006). The generators are committed according to pre-set load dependent start and stop tables. In addition, the blackout constraint is imposed for the power management systems (PMS) with the blackout prevention capabilities see e.g. Radan et al. (2005) and the references therein. The load dependent start/stop tables, as presented in Chapter 2, are usually fixed and do not change with the dynamics of the vessel operations. The extensive knowledge contained in the literature for the on-land power generation and distribution has limited use in the marine application. However, these methods may provide potentially significant operational cost savings together with the improvements in planning and intelligent handling of the marine power plant. Therefore, the main aim of this Chapter is to make a contribution towards decreasing
operational costs of the marine vessel and to increase the level of automatic control in the marine power plant.
Table 4.1. Comparison of the on-land power generation and the power generation on marine vessel
On-land power generation (centralized) Power demand certainty: High, depends on large consumer groupscan hardly be controlled but is very predictable. Low, difficult to control but possible e.g. through pricing and in extreme cases by disconnection. Very High, must be served, and outages must be avoided. Power generation in the isolated marine vessel Low, although depends on smaller consumer groups.
High, can be controlled using load limiting PMS functionality. Depend on the operations Medium, - if vessel operations may adapt temporarily to power unavailability (e.g. decrease DP capability or vessel speed). Very High - if the risk for loss of vessel is high (e.g. risk of collision or grounding). High, depend on the vessel type and service (high for Supply Vessel, low for Cruise Vessel). High, due to changes in the operational modes and weather conditions; these may change several times every hour.
Power demand variations due to operational conditions: Power demand variations due to weather conditions (long-time periods):
Low, but depend on the service. High, -storms periods: due to increased number of faults, - year periods: depend on the season (summer/winter) - day periods: high consumption in the afternoon, low in the night. Low - hour and minute periods: the load variations are relatively low.
High consumers are susceptible to weather conditions that may change every approx. 6 to 20 seconds (wave periods) (e.g. propeller loads, drilling loads, active heave compensation, etc.). Low, typically from 4 to 8 units. Low, but increasing, (typically diesel engine, DF engine, but combined plants are also used: COGES, CODAG, etc.). Low, but may increase (typically heavy fuel oil or gas). Fixed (pre-selected), depending on the expected load demand, expected operational costs, and maintenance/operational practices.
Number of generating units in the system: Variety of types of generating units in the system: Fuel cost variance:
High High, (e.g. centralized: nuclear, thermal, hydro + distributed: solar, microturbines, fuel-cells, etc.). High, (e.g. nuclear, coal, gas, oil, biodiesel, etc.). Optimized every hour, depending on the load demand, operational costs, fuel market price, etc.
Operational costs and constraints The limits defined in Chapter 3 define the region of blackout-proof (resistant) operation of the power system. The optimization problem is to find the load dependent start/stop tables and the ratings of the generating sets in order to: Minimize the fuel consumption in the vessel operational life; Minimize other operational costs of the power generating system, subject to the following constraints: Given installed power or selected rating of the units; Blackout-proof operation; Class societies rules, e.g. DNV; Pre-defined design limits, e.g. power system configuration, design preferences, and operational philosophy and constraints. The power system configuration and design preferences will determine the number of generators per engine-room (compartment) and the total number of the engine-rooms in the vessel, as described in the Chapter 2. The optimization procedures proposed in this Chapter assume that the generators operate connected at the same bus. For vessels with split bus configurations, the optimization procedure can be repeated for each bus.
Given that there are a number of subsets of the complete set of k generating units that would satisfy the expected demand, which of these subsets should be used in order to provide the minimum costs? The time interval between updates of a plan is called the planning interval. The number of intervals into the future, over which the plan is specified, is called the planning horizon. With respect to the length of the planning horizon (the time of forecasting), two types of the unit commitment optimization methods will be distinguished in this thesis: Long term unit commitment optimization for marine vessel is proposed in this thesis. The goal of the optimization is to find the best design parameters of the power plant, such as unit ratings and power plant configuration, see e.g. Olsbu et al. (1988). The planning horizon is typically one year of the vessel operation. In this thesis, the proposed unit commitment method aims to decrease the risk of committing (starting) and decommitting (stopping) another unit in the specific vessel operations and weather conditions, while keeping the minimum operational costs, Radan et al. (2005), Radan et al. (2006a). Another contribution in the thesis is the definition of operational costs of the marine power plant. These costs are used in the trade-off optimization case studies provided at the end of each Section; Short-term unit commitment optimization for marine vessel is also proposed in this thesis. It is based on the real-time load demand Pg feedback. The planning interval (measured time interval) and the planning horizon (predicted time interval) may extend from several hours to several days. This will depend on the type of the vessel and the load demand variations. The proposed method can be used as a very convenient way to re-adjust the load dependent start/stop tables continuously in the vessel operations. This is demonstrated in the case study for offshore supply vessel (OSV). Thus, the vessel may change the route, area of the operation, the operational policy, weather conditions (summer/winter), along with a number of other factors, while keeping the optimum performance. The unit commitment problem for the marine power system with the blackout prevention capabilities has been presented in Radan et al. (2005). In the long term unit commitment, a probability is typically used to forecast the load demand. The long term unit commitment based on the operational profile of the vessel has been proposed in Radan et al. (2006a). The optimization of unit commitment takes into account the expected load demand with calculated probability dependant on the changeable weather conditions of the vessel and the specific types of operations. It is proposed to start and stop units when the vessel changes the distinguishable modes of operations. The distinguishable operational modes will have a load demand for which high probability of occurrence is expected. The convex optimization methods can be mostly used to solve such problems, see e.g. Fletcher (2000), Rao (1996), Stephen and Vandenberghe (2004). The short term unit commitment problem is more complex and is much more difficult to solve (Wood and Wollenberg, 1996). The solution may also involve the economic dispatch problem as a sub-problem. Due to changeable load demand and switching of units, the cost functions may become non-smooth (discontinuous) and non-convex, as will be seen later in this Chapter and demonstrated in the case study. Due to unit starting/stopping, the problem involves integer variables, that is, the generating units must be either on or off. For the shortterm unit commitment the solution is provided in this thesis using Evolutionary based methods, see e.g. Bansal (2006), Michalewicz et al. (1996) and the references therein.
Other methods to solve the unit commitment problem can be used. In Olsbu et al. (1988) and Karnavas and Papadopoulos (1999) the mixed-integer programming model is used for the optimization of economic operation of autonomous dieselelectric station. The short time unit commitment problem is usually extended over some period of time, such as 24 hours or the 168 hours of a week. It remains a challenge to determine the suitable planning interval/horizon for the marine vessels. The sensitivity of changing planning interval and planning horizons with changes in the cost functions has not been performed in this thesis due to lack of practical data. The application of short term unit commitment problem has been proposed in this thesis and the results for the Viking Energy offshore supply vessel are presented. The fuel savings of more than 6% are obtained using the optimized PMS load dependent start/stop tables and more than 8% fuel savings if the rating of the engines is changed e.g. for another new built vessel of same type, similar dimensions and bollard pull force. The optimization procedure that takes into account a variety of aspects of vessel operation is established, and the performance successfully demonstrated.
where Pgi is the generated power on unit i, and be,gi is the specific brake fuel consumption (SBFC) for each unit, usually indicated in g/kWh, see e.g. MAN B&W (2005). For medium speed diesel engines be is typically a convex curve with a minimum value at about 80% rated power, 0.8 Pr,gi. The SBFC, be,gi is to be defined from the values given by the engine manufacturer using polynomial approximation as follows:
where aj,gi are approximation constants for each generating set i. The unit power load is dimensionless, as can be seen from the term in the brackets. The 3rd or 4th degree polynomial (Ma = 3, or Ma = 4) is usually sufficient for the adequate approximation. The load sharing factor depends on k, as defined in (2.11) is repeated here for the convenience:
Pgi ( k ) = S gi ( k ) Pg ,
where it is important to notice that the load demand Pg comprises the load of the consumers and the power transmission losses. The power transmission losses are in general very low for marine vessels, as they are operating in the islanding conditions; see e.g. Kundur, P. (1994). After (4.3) is substituted into (4.2), the instantaneous SBFC dependant on the load sharing is obtained:
S gi (k ) Pg be , gi ( S gi ( k ) , Pg ) = a j , gi P j =0 r , gi
and the total instantaneous fuel consumption is determined as a summation of the individual fuel consumptions:
The challenge is to minimize the total fuel consumption subject to the various constraints and operational costs.
When the unit starts, the load per unit and the total load are determined from:
k k+1:
Pstart, gi ( k ) = Pgi ( k k + 1) , Pstart, g ( k ) = Pgi ( k k + 1) .
i =1 k
It is important to notice that the generated power must always equal the load demand, as defined in (2.12). Thus, when one of the units starts the percentage of loading on the individual units will usually decrease:
Pgi ( k ) Pr , gi Pgi ( k + 1) Pr , gi
as can be easily noticed for equally rated units with equal load sharing Sgi where: k k+1:
Pstart, gi ( k ) = Pgi ( k + 1) = Pg ( k k + 1) k Pg ( k k + 1) k +1
, .
This will affect the specific fuel consumption be,gi(Pgi) in (4.4) and the total fuel consumption in (4.5).
wr , gi > 0 ,
i =1
r , gi
Load sharing constraint According to (2.12) and (2.13), the load sharing constraint can be used to distribute the exact amount of load sharing on generators. If the equal proportion of rated power on generators is required, then the load sharing is determined from:
S gi (k ) =
Prgi (k ) Pr , g (k )
= Prgi (k )
i =1
r , gi
where t is the number of new record, as shown in Table 4.5. c0 is the constant to determine the sensitivity when approaching the constraint.
t LL
for 0.5
(4.13) where m0 is the maintenance cost when the unit is unloaded, the m1 is the linear constant between m0 and m2, and m2 is the specified maintenance cost in an ideal case, i.e. when the unit does not operate in the low load conditions.
Relieving operation method
Some vessels operate the same number of engines k for low and high load demands. Then the engine load Pg may become low in e.g. DP conditions, e.g. Pgi 0.2 Pr,gi. It is critical to have sufficient power after a single point failure, which is defined in the blackout limit (2.20). When the mode changes to e.g. transit mode, the operator increases the vessel speed and the load on the engines, typically in the range 0.7 Pr,gi Pgi 1.0 Pr,gi. The engines may be loaded up to the maximum load in order to blow-out the soot accumulated inside during the low load running. The diagrams in Fig. 4.1 show the time limits for part load operation on heavy fuel oil, on the left and duration of relieving operation on the right side (MAN diesel SE, 2006). According to these diagrams, the engine is allowed to operate for example on Pgi 0.1 Pr,gi for tLL 19 hours (arrow a in Fig.4.1) if the relieving operation necessary to blow-out the soot accumulated during the low load running is longer than trel,LL 1.2 hours on Pgi 0.7 Pr,gi (arrow b in Fig.4.1). The main advantage of the relieving operation method is permanent availability of selected units. The main drawbacks are increased fuel costs and environmental costs due to running engines on low load. Other drawbacks may include an increase in high load costs when engines are highly loaded in the relieving operation and an increase in the load variation costs due to frequent change in the load demand.
Fig. 4.1. Time limits for part load operation on heavy fuel oil (left) and duration of relieving operation (right) (MAN diesel SE, 2006)
where v0 is a parameter to be set. The value of v0 wil depend on the engine resistance to variations in load. It may also depend on the state of the engine maintenance or similar. The load variation cost is typically opposing to the load switching cost, meaning that the load variation per individual unit decreases if more units are connected on-line, as can be seen from Fig. 4.10 in the results of simulation of short term unit commitment optimization.
Stand-by cost
The cold engine start should be avoided as this is regarded as one of the worst engine transients. Hence, a usual practice is to keep the engines preheated and lubricated, see e.g. MAN diesel SE, (2006). However, this increases the unit stand-by cost. The stand-by cost refers to the cost of keeping the engine in the stand-by mode of the operation, where the engine is not running but should be pre-heated, pre-lubricated and in some occasions in the slow-turning mode. The stand-by engine mode can consume some amount of energy that can be determined from:
pre-heating t P stand-by slow-turning OP , the unit is stopped pre-lubricating = 0 , the unit is running.
t stand-by
Definition of unit switching cost
It is important to notice that the risk of unit unavailability and the reliability of the control system (risk costs), are the costs that may be very difficult to express in the cost units, i.e. $, or . Although the start-up cost, shut-down cost and the stand-by cost can be quantified, these costs may be low for the diesel-generator power plant, and hence of less importance than the risk costs. Therefore, the switching unit cost proposed in this thesis depends on the following: the total number of unit switching in the selected time period (planning horizon), the time needed to start-up the unit Tstart-up,gi and the time spent within the power demand OPt(Pg):
C = 1 e
t sw
t OPt Pg
( )
t t Tstart up , gi k Pg k Pg 1
( ) (
Similar reasoning can be found in Lee and Chen (2007). As the time spend in certain load demand increases OPt(Pg), the switching of units becomes more justified. The switching cost is increasing with the number of units to switch k ( Pgt ) k ( Pgt 1 ) .
When the units start, the load demand remains the same, Pg(k+1) = Pg(k). However, the load per individual unit decreases Pgi(k+1) < Pgi(k) and the total fuel consumption may increase with k+1 units on-line FCg(Pg(k+1)) > FCg(Pg(k)).
300.00 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 BSFC (g/kWh) 250.00 240.00 230.00 220.00 210.00 200.00 190.00 180.00 170.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4
Fig. 4.2. BSFC for different load dependent start tables, Arntsen, T. (2005)
Based on the results of Arntsen, T. (2005) and considerations presented in Fig. 4.2, the following cost function can be used to find the optimal load demand when the unit starts Pg,start(k)=Pg(k k+1) in order to minimize the fuel consumption FCg for the long-term, as defined in Radan et al. (2005), Radan et al. (2006a):
k k +1 min J FC = min FC gi ( Pgi (k + 1) )wg ( k ) FCgi ( Pgi (k ) ) wg ( ( k ) ) , Pstart , g ( k ) Pstart , g ( k ) i =1 i =1
Pg (k + 1) = Pgi ,
i =1
k +1
where k is the number of units on-line, Ng is the number of installed units, and wg(k) are the weighting terms. FCgi(Pgi(k)) is the instantaneous specific fuel consumption (tons/hour) for each unit with k units on-line. Pgi(k) is the load on the individual unit when the next unit in the sequence starts. The optimal cost JFC* (4.18) is determined when the optimal decision variables Pstart,g are found. The following properties of the optimal cost JFC*, may be noticed: The cost function JFC is non-convex. It is concave, as can be noticed in Fig. 4.3. It should be noticed that 2 minima exist for the concave cost function. The easiest solution to this problem, when using classic convex optimization techniques, is to commit units when they operate in the upper operating region;
The optimal cost JFC* will give the optimal solution Pstart,g for minimum total fuel consumption FCgi(Pgi). Thus, the fuel consumption is minimized by minimizing the difference in the instantaneous fuel consumptions for all units with k and k+1 units online; For the unconstrained problem, the optimal solution is found when JFC* = 0. Sometimes, due to constraints imposed (blackout limits), JFC* = 0 can not be obtained; The cost function should be constraint non-negative, JFC 0. This is due to the available power Pr,av(k) will be higher when JFC 0: Pr,av(JFC < 0) < Pr,av(JFC 0), for possibly equal fuel consumption, and FCgi(JFC < 0) FCgi (JFC 0); The weighting terms wg(k) can be used to increase the importance of fuel minimization in some preferable situations e.g. when heaving low number of units on-line and/or to avoid optimization for e.g. k=1, when only one unit is on-line.
100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -250 -300
Another cost function can be used to minimize the fuel consumption, (Radan et al., 2006a). The fuel consumption per year is based on the operational profile of the vessel and defines the probability based fuel minimization according to:
Pr , g
J FCyear =
( FC ( P ) OP( P ) ) dP
g g 0
where OP(Pg) is the operational profile of the vessel. The following properties of cost function JFCyear defined in (4.19) can be noticed: JFCyear gives more flexibility in optimizing the fuel consumption since the fuel can be distributed in a way that more fuel will be spent in modes where the vessel will operate for a very short time per year; The main drawback when using JFCyear is the optimization dependence on the load demand probability. As the probability may change, the optimization would become incorrect. Thus, the optimization certainty will be higher if JFC in (4.18) is used.
A cost function for a long-term optimization is proposed in this thesis. It is a combination of cost functions defined previously:
min ( J comb ) = min ( 1 J FC + 2 CHL + 3 J FCyear )
k k +1 = min 1 FCgi ( Pgi (k + 1) )wg ( k ) FCgi ( Pgi (k ) ) wg ( ( k ) ) i =1 i =1
+ 2e
1 P
k =1 i =1
c0 i
r , gi
Pr , g
+ 3
( FC ( P ) OP( P ) ) dP
g g g 0
k [1, Ng], where 1, 2, 3 are the weighting terms and J comb = 1 J FC + 2 CHL + 3 J FCyear .
The decision variables of the optimization are: 1. Load demand when starting the next unit Pstart,g(k) = Pg(kk+1); 2. Installed power ratio wr,gi = Pr,gi/Prg (4.10): it may be pre-selected according to design preferences and practices, maintenance practices, engine availability, or similar; 3. Allocated units (units selected to be committed for each k), K G, where G = {1, 2,..., i, i+1,.., Ng}. Generators selected to be committed will belong to sub-set K G. For each k generators operating on-line, only one of these combinations will be optimal in given conditions. This determines the decision variable, the sub-set K G.
Solution to non-convex problem
As the problem is actually concave, 2 solutions (minimums) may exist for every unit committing situation, k k + 1. Thus, the solution may converge to lower Pg(k) where the fuel consumption FC(Pg) is actually higher. To prevent this, the Pstart,gi(k) should be limited, e.g. Pstart,gi(k) 0.5 Pr,gi. The proposed area is indicated in Fig. 4.3. This is well in accordance to the low load and the high load costs. This method will assure that the unit will be optimally committed when classic convex optimization techniques are used, (Wood and Wollenberg, 1996; Fletcher, 2000; Rao, 1996; Stephen and Vandenberghe, 2004).
The optimal load sharing may decrease the load on some units to minimum permitted. Then, the blackout limit may decrease for these units; The equal percentage of load sharing constraint gives nearly-optimal load sharing, as can be noticed in Fig. 4.2 (Arntsen, 2005); The load sharing constraint simplifies the general optimization problem since the number of decision variables becomes significantly reduced.
The sequence of optimization procedure can be followed in this order: 1. Select the total installed power for the power system Prg; 2. Select the initial ratio of the rated power, wr,gi = Pr,gi/Prg; 3. Select the unit allocation candidate K for each k and selected wr,gi; 4. Using the numerical optimization, find the starting load demand Pstart,g(kk+1) using the cost function (4.18) or (4.20). Other decision variables, K and wr,gi will be held fixed in the numerical optimization; 5. Repeat the procedure from the step 3 for another unit allocation candidate K and provide solutions for several candidates; 6. Repeat the procedure from the step 2 for another installed power ratios wr,gi and provide solutions for all selected wr,gi and unit allocation candidates K; 7. Compare the fuel consumption per year of operations using JFC,year (4.19) and select the preferred solution that gives: Nearly-lowest fuel consumption JFC,year; Adequate power plant configuration and design philosophy; Starting load demand Pstart,gi (k), possibly further from the blackout limit; In general, explore the sensitivity to various operational costs between the solutions.
All prime movers are medium speed diesel engines burning the same type of fuel (heavy fuel oil). Break specific fuel consumption, BSFC (4.2):
be, gi ( Pgi ) = 298.015 310.54 Pgi Pr , gi Pgi + 210.65 Pr , gi
Number of engine rooms (compartments): Ncomp=2; Number of installed units is selected, Ng=4; Inertial time constant for unit: Hi=1 seconds for all units; Time to reduce the load: tFLR (event) = 0.3 seconds; wr,gi = Pr,gi/Prg is manually pre-selected and listed in the table; Total installed power Prg = 7 000 kW.
Decision variables
The decision variables of the long-term optimization are: 1. Load demand when starting next unit Pstart,g(k) = Pg(kk+1); 2. Installed power ratio wr,gi = Pr,gi/Prg (4.15); 3. Allocated units, K G, where G = {1, 2,..., i, i+1,.., Ng}. . In Table 4.3, K and wr,gi are manually selected for the design solutions 1 to 7. For the design solutions 8 to 9, they are outputs of the numerical minimization with Jcomb.
Constraints of the optimization
The low load maintenance constraint: amin, g Pr , gi Pstop, gi (k ) Pgi (k ) , The low load constraint is used instead of the low load cost; (4.23)
Blackout constraint:
max Pgi (k ) Pstart, gi (k ) min ( Pcont, gi (k , N f ), Pr , gi ) ,
The blackout constraint is based on the unit failure anticipated scenario and performance of the FLR, as will be defined more detailed later; Installed power constraints:
Prg wr , gi Pr , g = 0 ,
i =1 Ng
wr , gi 0.1 ;
i =1
r , gi
Identical engine-rooms constraint: The installed power per unit ratio wr,gi is fixed due to the design preference (constraint) that units in all engine rooms must have the same ratings:
wr , gi = wr , gj
i[1, Ng(c=1)],
j[1, Ng(c=2)],
c[1, Nc],
where c is the engine compartment index. The installed power per unit ratio will be different for different cases. For the solutions 8 and 9 this constraint is relaxed, see Table 4.2; Auxiliary constraint: In addition to the problem constraints, defined above, the auxiliary variable is introduced in order to provide comparable results for the fuel consumption per year JFCyear: Pstart,gi(k=1) = Pstart,gi(k=2) 0.05Pr,gi, This constraint is imposed on all solutions except 9 in Table 4.2. (4.29)
The blackout limit is based on the fault scenario and the FLR system performance. The load scenario is defined as the worst case scenario i.e. the unit with the highest power rating fails as defined in (2.3). Then, the transient load step on the remaining units (2.4) is determined from: Ptran,gi (k , N f ) = H i Pr , gi (k ) max Pgi (k ).
H i Pr , gi max Pr , gi (k )
i =1 i
The maximum possible load reduction will depend on the selected FLR design method and the selected load reduction strategy. In this case study the following design is used: 1. FLR method: Event-based FLR system; 2. FLR control strategy: Strategy 2 in Section 3.4.2 Full transient load step reduction. Then, the following equations determine the capabilities of the FLR system:
max max Ptran,gi amax, g , t FLR ,i = gi
2Hi Pr , gi , tSL ,i
tFLR ( event ) = tcom + t ,com + tmp . Finally, the maximum continuous safe load limit (2.9) is determined from the anticipated scenario and the fast load reduction system capabilities (4.31):
max max Pcont, gi (k , N f ) = Ptran,gi (k , N f ) Ptran, gi ( amax, g , t FLR ,i ) max = Pgi (k , N f ) + Ptran,gi (k , N f ) Ptran, gi ( amax, g , t FLR ,i )
= Pgi (k , N f ) +
H i Pr , gi (k )
i =1
i r , gi
max Pr , gi (k )
2Hi Pr , gi . tSL ,i
Optimization results for case 1
Results of the optimization for case 1 with tFLR = 0.5 seconds are compared in Table 4.2. Due to relatively slow response of load reduction with respect to inertia dependant time limits, the max maximum allowable power load step Ptran,gi amax, g , t FLR ,i will be relatively low and the units
will have to operate further from the optimum operational point in all 6 design solutions max the Pcont, gi (k , N f ) 0.4 Pr,gi, as can be seen in Table 4.2. Case 1 is the highest fuel consumption case.
The solutions for case 2, namely solutions: 2, 3 and 4 with tFLR = 0.3 seconds are given in Table 4.2. If the fast load reduction can operate faster, i.e. with tFLR 0.3 seconds, then the fuel consumption will be reduced, compared to case 1. In this case the maximum allowable max power load step Ptran,gi amax, g , t FLR ,i will be higher, so the engines can be loaded more than
in case 1, meaning that the engines can operate closer to the optimum operating point and more fuel can be saved.
Optimization results for case 3
The solutions for case 3, namely solutions: 5 to 9 with tFLR = 0.1 seconds are given in Table 4.2. In this case the fast load reduction system acts extremely fast (this may be considered as a hypothetical case with the present available CPU capacity of PLC controllers) and the max allowable power load step Ptran,gi amax, g , t FLR ,i will be considerably higher than in cases 1
and 2. The blackout constraint is not active for the whole operational region, meaning that the units operate far from the blackout constraint. The instantaneous fuel consumption FCg(Pg) for various design solutions has been compared in Fig. 4.4. The break specific fuel consumption (BSFC) for various design solutions has been compared in Fig. 4.5. It can be easily noticed from Figs. 4.4 and 4.5 that lower fuel consumption is obtained with the design solutions 7 and 8 than with the solutions 1 and 2, for the whole region of operation.
4.4.6 Conclusion
From the case study (last raw in Table 4.2), it can be noticed that more than 6% of fuel can be saved if the fast load reduction technology is improved (tFLR =0.1 seconds instead tFLR =0.5 seconds) and the proposed optimization method is used. The exhaust gas emissions will also reduce along with the fuel consumption.
1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 data1 data2 data3 data4 data5
<======================== Hi = 1 seconds =======================> tFLR = 0.5 tFLR =0.3 seconds tFLR =0.1 seconds seconds wr,gi= same eng. rooms wr,gi 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 wr,gi 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 wr,gi 0.300 0.200 0.300 0.200 wr,gi 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 wr,gi 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Pstart,gi/Pr,gi, % wr,gi 0.300 0.200 0.300 0.200 wr,gi 0.200 0.200 0.300 0.300 wr,gi= optimal wr,gi 0.236 0.139 0.314 0.311 wr,gi 0.212 0.223 0.237 0.327
0.00 4.64 1.16 4.61 6.14 6.34 6.41 6.41 6.47
where Pg,start(k) is determined using the load dependent start optimization algorithm, defined in Section 4.4. Fig. 4.6 shows the corresponding hysteresis due to the load dependent stop table. Two extreme situations when stopping units can be distinguished in the (4.33): If = 0 in (4.33), then Pg,stop(k+1)=Pg,start(k). By stopping the units near the lower limit, Pg,start(k), the blackout prevention capability will be increased due to high spinning reserve and low possible Ptran,gi (k, Nf). However, the engines will operate on low load, with increased fuel consumption and maintenance costs. An increase in the specific fuel consumption due to unit stop on low load can be noticed in Fig. 4.6; f = 1 in (4.33), then Pg,stop(k+1)=Pg,start(k+1). The unit is stopped immediately after the load becomes lower then the staring load, in the load decreasing operations. Then the fuel consumption for unit stopping will be equal to the fuel consumption for the unit starting, defined in the optimized load dependent start tables, Pstart,gi(k). Then, the overall fuel consumption may be the lowest. However, it may be uncertain how long the load Pg (k) will be lower than the stopping load Pg,stop(k). If this is short, than a high number of unit starting and stopping can be expected, and the unit switching cost will increase.
270 260 250
BSFC i, g/kWh.
240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
PL, kW
In the long-term unit commitment, the unit switching cost may be difficult to estimate. Thus, in order to trade-off between the excessive unit switching and the large load variation, the
Pg,stop(k+1) may be set about the middle between Pg,start(k) and Pg,start(k+1), as shown in Fig. 4.6. This is done in real applications as well.
Mg Ng 1, where Pgm is the selected load demand between 2 distinct modes: m and m+1. The m+1 mode is a higher power consuming mode than the m mode. Since the units can be started and stopped between the switching modes m, the fuel consumption for stopping units can be minimized. When a low number of units operate online, the blackout risk decreases if the units switch-off when the vessel change the operation to lower load demanding mode. It is important to notice that the proposed idea will not affect the existing PMS unit start/stop philosophy. The units can still be stopped at lower received load Pg than started, as explained in (2.22). Then the PMS unit start/stop algorithm will be defined with hysteresis, as shown in Fig. 4.6. The difference is that the proposed probability based load switching can be used to select the size of the units and the starting load per unit Pg,start in order to achieve load based start/stop between the switching modes m in (4.34). Then, the units will behave as Pg,start is equal to Pg,stop for most of the time although the PMS start/stop tables may be set according to (2.22), i.e. Pg,stop (k+1) < Pg,start (k+1).
Example of the proposed idea
The summary of electric load analysis for the drilling vessel Nereus is presented in Table 4.3, for more details see Design Team (2003). The load demand Pg in kW is estimated for the PORT, DP and TRANSIT mode of operation. The vessel is required to operate in weather conditions of sea state 7 (SS7). Hence, the load demand is determined for DP mode and three distinguished weather conditions: SS3, SS5 and SS7. From Table 4.3 it can be noticed that the highest load demand in DP mode is close to Pg(DPSS7)16 000 kW, is still significantly lower than the load demand in the Transit mode, which is Pg(TRAN)26 000 kW. This is 10 000 kW difference of consumed load when the vessel change the mode of operation, and well enough to be distinguished by the PMS algorithm, as proposed above.
The probability of time spent in operating modes for drilling vessel Nereus is presented in Fig. 4.7. If the units are required to switch between selected modes, a low number of units switching may be achieved. For instance, one may want to commit 1 or 2 additional units only when the vessel is in the transit mode. If the same units are always committed, then the units would operate only 10% of the time per year, or about 8760 hours 0.1 876 hours/year. Then, these units may have possibly higher ratings than those used in a DP mode.
Table 4.3. Electric load analysis for drilling vessel Nereus (Design Team, 2003)
Normal drilling capacity PORT DP-SS3 DP-SS5 DP-SS7 kW kW kW kW kW thrusters( 6 x 5500 kW) 33000 1254.2 2065 3485 drilling drives 5140 5140 5430 480V distribution 23125 2234.6 7046 7046 7046 Total load: 56125 2234.6 13440.2 14251 15961 Consumer capacity utilization, % 3.98 23.95 25.39 28.44 Description Per engine capacity: Number of units: Total generating capacity: Generating capacity utilization, %: 7780 6 46680 4.79 28.79 30.53 34.19 55.44 TRAN kW 19540 6340 25880 46.11
The maximum number of preferable modes is Mg which is lower than the number of installed units Ng, since at least one unit must always operate. Pg(OP, m) defines the load demand per hours of operations OP in the m mode. The load demands Pg(OP, m) and Pg(OP, m+1) should be distinguished, meaning that the difference must be larger than some value: Pg(OP, m+1) Pg(OP, m) Pg,sw.
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Fig. 4.7. Probability of time in operating modes for drilling vessel Nereus estimated for following scenarios: SCENARIO 1 (full line): PORT=1%, DP=90%, TRAN=9%; SCENARIO 2 (dotted line): PORT=5%, DP=70%, TRAN=25%
The sequence of optimization procedure should be followed in this order: 1. Select the total installed power for the power system Prg; 2. Select one of the preferable mode switching combinations and select m; 3. The bus load demand when the unit starts Pg,start(k) is determined from the constraint Pg,start(k)=Pgm; 4. Find the optimal power ratio wr,gi and starting combination using the cost function (4.18) or (4.20); 5. Repeat the procedure from the step 3 for another switching mode combinations; 6. Compare the fuel consumption per year of operations for various combinations using JFC,year and select the preferred solution that gives: Nearly-lowest fuel consumption JFC,year; Adequate power plant configuration and design philosophy; Starting load demand Pstart,gi (k) possibly further from the blackout limit with low k; In general, explore the sensitivity to various operational costs between the solutions.
4.6 Short-term unit commitment and real time generator allocation control
The time the vessel will spend in each mode and the corresponding load demand can be obtained from the operational profile of the vessel, as proposed in the proceeding section. However, the operational profile may not be fully accurate. When using the operational profile to predict the vessel behavior, the following problems may be encountered: The vessel route, the weather conditions, and the vessel operations may change in the life of the vessel, and the operational profile may become different from the time when the vessel was designed; The operational profile may have frequent variations e.g. due to changes in the weather conditions per season (summer/winter) or hull and propeller fouling, etc; The operational profile is obtained from the statistics of the vessel operations, meaning that the number of mode switching and the load demand variations are not known. Due to described reasons, most of the operational costs previously defined may have limited use in the long-term planning. In order to minimize operational costs and have increased flexibility in operations planning, the continuous update of the load dependent start/stop tables can be based on the feedback measurements of the vessel load demand. Based on the load demand feedback (planning interval) the load demand is forecasted for about the same time interval (planning horizon). This real-time control is defined as the short-term unit commitment optimization and is proposed in this Section.
All defined costs can be used in the short-term (real-time) optimization where the data will be available from the load demand measurements. The proposed short-term unit commitment cost function is a combination of operational costs defined in Section 4.3. The same decision variables are used as in the long-term unit commitment optimization. Two main purposes of the optimization may exist: 1. The long-term unit commitment optimization to design the power plant and find the optimal unit ratings Pr,gi based on the typical daily operations recorded in the short time interval (few days); 2. The short-term unit commitment optimization to continuously update the load demand information, provide a short-term forecast and re-calculate the load dependent start/stop tables. The short-term cost function will change due to vessel operations. Then the start tables Pstart,gi(k) can be recalculated for a new OPt(Pg). The optimization procedure can be repeated in a short time periods of days, or weeks depending on the vessel operational plan, route, weather conditions, etc. Two methods of short-term optimization are proposed: Method 1: The operational costs are defined and a combined cost function is used to obtain the optimal solution; Method 2: The fuel cost and the number of unit switching is defined. Other costs are represented as constraints. Method 2 is more intuitive and practical than Method 1 if the costs are difficult to estimate. Therefore, Method 2 can be used for the optimization of the operational costs on the vessel until enough data are collected for Method 1 to become feasible.
Method 1
The fuel cost function depends on the fuel consumption in the selected planning interval (measurement time interval) TEM:
t J FC = FC ( Pg ) OP t ( Pg ) = FC ( Pgi ) OP t ( Pg ) , t =1 t =1 i =1 TEM TEM k
where the OPt(Pg) is the time the vessel spend in the particular load demand Pg, given in minutes or hours. The planning interval can be selected from hours to days or weeks depending on how fast the planning horizon should change i.e. how fast the PMS load dependent start-stop tables will be optimized. The following combined cost function is defined in the short term optimization:
t t t t t J comb = J FC + HL CHL + LL CLL + v Cvt + sw Csw ,
where the s are the weighting terms. The gas emission cost is contained within the low load cost.
Method 2
As operational costs may be difficult to estimate, the constraints may be defined in order to explore the sensitivity of fuel costs to other operational cost in an intuitive manner. Then, only the fuel cost is contained within the combined cost function (4.36):
t t J comb = J FC ,
where other costs can be controlled by setting different constraints: High load constraints:
min P max (k , N ), P P f r , gi cont, gi start, gi ( k ) LHL , i , Pr , gi (k )
LHL ,i 0 ;
start, gi
(k ) amin, gi Pr , gi LLL ,i ,
LLL ,i 0 ;
The non-smooth cost functions arise in economic dispatch studies due to valve point loading effects, prohibited operational zones, and fuel switching effects, see e.g. Perez-Guerrero and Cedenio-Maldonado (2005). The short-term fuel cost function for the Viking Energy vessel is shown in Fig. 4.8. It can be noticed that the cost function is not smooth since sharp transitions from one state to another can be noticed. As can be noticed from Fig. 4.9, the switching cost is a non-convex function i.e. concave and discontinuous. The low cost switching areas are indicated in Fig. 4.9 for
k=1, 2 and 3, suggesting the load demand Pg(k) for which the units should switch in order to have a low switching cost.
Fig. 4.9. Switching cost, showing the function non-convexity and low cost switching areas for unit start
1 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 2 4 5
.2 4
.9 9
.9 9
.8 4
.0 9
.2 6
.8 4
.9 3
.5 9
.3 4
.7 6
.5 1
.9 3
.4 3
.7 6
.0 1
Fig. 4.10. Time results of load variations per engine for real time solutions: 1, 2, 4, 5
.0 1
Table 4.4. Results of fuel optimization study for OSV Viking Energy using the real time generator allocation control (Method 2)
Design solutions original Low switch 2 1950 0.30 0.61 0.68 NA NA NA 16.62 0.00 2.00 0.52 0.31 2.19 0.40 600 2400 4000 16.34 1.66 15 0.42 0.18 2.48 0.51 High switch Min fuel 3 1437.5 0.75 0.70 0.81 1075 2000 3500 15.29 8.03 37 0.62 0.12 2.33 1.11 Low switch 4 1454 0.41 0.83 0.92 600 2400 4000 15.63 5.95 15 0.56 0.24 2.48 0.51 original PMS solutions - real time generator allocation, Pr,gi = fixed Low switch 3 1950 0.43 0.60 0.68 840 2340 4000 16.21 2.44 23 0.45 0.14 2.29 0.78 High load cost Constr. higher load Min fuel 5 1950 0.98 0.88 0.84 1916 3449 4928 15.6 6.17 27 0.60 0.16 1.76 0.83 Constr. blackout 6 1950 0.80 0.76 0.68 1560 2964 3971 15.76 5.19 34 0.54 0.11 1.95 0.92
Solution: Pr,gi, kW = k=1 k=2 k=3 k=1 k=2 k=3 total FC, tons= % orig. Nk,sw = aver (Pgi = Pg/k)= STD(Pgi = Pg/k)= Average(k) = STD (k) =
1 1950
k >=2 1 2 1950 1950 Pstart,gi(k) / Pr,gi 0.31 0.62 0.68 Pstart,g (k), kW NA 600 NA 2400 NA 4000 16.62 0.00 2 0.52 0.31 2.19 0.40 16.34 1.66 15 0.42 0.18 2.48 0.51
4 1950 0.52 0.60 0.68 1008 2340 4000 15.93 4.14 29 0.49 0.11 2.14 0.91
Table 4.5. The real time optimization for the PMS solution 4 defined in Table 4.4 (Method 2)
Time record t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mode Mode TRAN TRAN TRAN DP TRAN DP TRAN DP TRAN DP TRAN DP TRAN DP TRAN DP TRAN DP TRAN DP TRAN Operat. profile OPt hours 1.33 0.67 6.08 1.33 1.83 1.75 1 0.85 1.25 1.25 0.42 3.17 0.33 1.58 0.75 3.92 1.42 0.5 0.33 0.25 10 Time passed OP (t=t+1) hours 1.33 2 8.08 9.41 11.24 12.99 13.99 14.84 16.09 17.34 17.76 20.93 21.26 22.84 23.59 27.51 28.93 29.43 29.76 30.01 40.01
Total Load demand Pg(t) kW 2420 2400 3490 600 3340 750 3250 755 3640 760 3900 980 3180 1450 3450 1000 3950 1170 2200 950 1720
Prop. Load demand Pth, kW 1670 1600 2700 0 2590 0 2340 0 2840 0 2850 0 2460 0 2620 0 2720 0 1620 0 1100
Power on unit Pgi p.u. 0.41 0.41 0.60 0.31 0.57 0.38 0.56 0.39 0.62 0.39 0.67 0.50 0.54 0.37 0.59 0.51 0.68 0.30 0.56 0.49 0.44
Spec. fuel consump. be,g1 g/kWh 205.85 206.26 183.73 222.23 186.83 206.45 188.69 205.92 186.71 205.40 185.08 195.10 190.14 209.08 184.56 193.86 184.77 223.81 187.66 196.96 202.54
Fuel consump. FC, tons 0.662544 0.331669 3.898572 0.177342 1.141939 0.270964 0.613242 0.132151 0.849527 0.195126 0.30316 0.606093 0.19953 0.479001 0.477537 0.759924 1.036353 0.13093 0.136239 0.046778 3.483702
k (Pg(t))- k (Pg(t-1)) 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 1
Chapter 5
Propulsion load limiting control
5.1. Motivations
Depending on the consumer type, operation and susceptibility to weather conditions, consumers might draw different levels of load from the network and thus induce load fluctuations with different oscillation frequencies. For some of these load fluctuations, the generators may not be able to keep steady frequency. This is demonstrated through the simulations. Higher frequency load fluctuations, not considered in the optimization of operational costs in Chapter 4, may make high frequency and voltage fluctuations in the marine network. These fluctuations may have detrimental effect on the consumers supplied from the network. Moreover, the power fluctuations may increase the mechanical and thermal stress on prime movers, in addition to an increase in the fuel consumption. A quasi-static load limiting control strategy is proposed in this thesis. The proposed controller can be used to reduce the frequency and power fluctuations in the power electrical network and to prevent excessive mechanical stress on the individual thrusters. The proposed quasi-static load limiting controller is based on the measurement of the frequency fluctuations on the network, thruster shaft accelerations, and off-line prediction and on-line real time estimation of propeller thrust losses.
osc where gi is the oscillating frequency deviation from the nominal 0 gi in the normal (i.e.
pre-fault) conditions, initiated only by the load variations due to external disturbances. When network load and frequency fluctuations are present, tSL and Ptran,gi(tFLR) defined in (3.7) and (3.8), together with the equations defined later on in Chapter 3 will be reduced due osc osc to the oscillating frequency deviation gi . If gi is not introduced into the calculations, as is the typical practice today, the limits determined in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 would be
correct only for the steady (static) network loading. Thus, the risk of blackout will increase with limited ability of the generating sets to respond to a variable power demand. Having more generators operating online will lower the load osc variations sensed by the generators, decrease gi and thus decrease the risk of blackout due to: Increase in the system inertia Hk; Disturbance distribution on generators i.e. lower load participation per generator. However, the fuel consumption may increase as the engines are required to operate further from their optimal operating regions. Moreover, an increase in the fuel consumption may be generated by large load fluctuations on the engines. In addition, load fluctuations on diesel engines are directly responsible for increased thermal and mechanical stress.
where FC is the fuel consumption, superscript tran in (5.2) is used for engine transient conditions and stat for static i.e. steady state conditions, as determined in Chapter 4. CR is the correction factor for transient operations. In Lindgren (2005), the effects of transient loads on the fuel consumption were investigated in the full scale. The additional fuel consumption due to transients on engines for agriculture tractors varied from 0.3% for the fairly static transport operation up to approximately 13% during front end loading. The two other operations studied, resulted in a decreased fuel efficiency of approximately 3 and 7% respectively. One can notice that the real fuel savings will be even higher than calculated here, as demonstrated in Lindgren (2005) on the full scale engine trials. The simplified model that accounts for the load dynamics, taken from He and Jang (2006), is defined:
be, gi ( Pgi ) = bes, gi ( Pgi ) + bed, gi ( Pgi ) = bes, gi ( Pgi ) + bes, gi ( Pgi ) k d Pgi 3600 dt
s e , gi
(P ) = c
+ c1
Pgi Pr , gi
Pgi + c2 P r , gi
Low-frequency disturbances Low-frequency disturbances are typically disturbances due to thruster loadings. Thruster loading is commanded from the thrust allocation system in the DP control system or from the navigating bridge to set speed of the vessel. The DP system keeps the vessel heading and position where the heading and position are affected by 2nd order wave loads, wind and current loads, with periods higher than about 15 seconds. The level and frequency of these disturbances are mainly determined by the DP controller response to vessel disturbances and the load rate limits set on the thrusters. The load rate limits can decrease the load variations to an acceptable level, as described in Chapter 2. Medium-frequency fluctuations Medium-frequency fluctuations or wave encounter frequency fluctuations are caused by the vessel motions in waves. Medium frequency fluctuations are in the range of the vessel wave encounter frequency; typical motion periods are 4 to 12 seconds. For a vessel operating in harsh seas, these fluctuations may result in fatigue and failure of the mechanical parts, while the mean available thrust may be considerably reduced (Koushan, 2004). These disturbances may also cause large frequency variations on generators and affect the blackout resistance. Typically, the proportional-integral (PI) controller is used to keep propeller speed on thrusters close to the reference, see Srensen et al. (1997); Smogeli (2006) and the references therein. High-frequency fluctuations High-frequency fluctuations in the range of the propeller-blade frequency will be mostly filtered by the power system due to the motor and generator inductances and inertia of the rotating parts. Therefore, high-frequency fluctuations will not be part of the network load analysis scheme since they do not affect the blackout risk or the fuel consumption. However, these fluctuations induce vibrations and increase the wear-out rate on transmission components on thrusters, engines and generating-sets. In this way, high frequency fluctuations may increase the risk of component failure. Problems related to speed control of thrusters with regards to high frequency and medium frequency torque fluctuations will be described more in detail in Chapter 8.
where Jp is the moment of inertia of the shaft, motor, gear, propeller, and added mass of the propeller, Qmp is the motor torque, Qap is the load torque, and Qfp is the friction torque. The following propeller load torque model, as given in Smogeli (2006), is used for the analysis:
Qap = Q0 p loss , p (Vap , p , hp ) = 1 4
2 2 K Q 0 p D 5 0 p loss , p (Vap , p , hp ) , p
where loss is the torque loss factor for the ventilation, in-and-out-of-water effects, and inline water inflow losses. The torque loss factor can also be denoted as loss = Qa/Q0. Different notation is used to distinguish a modeled real value of torque loss from its statistics-based expectation. It is important to notice that loss will not be influenced by the change in Q0p if the vessel speed does not change significantly, as is the case in DP. With torque loss substituted, (5.4) is written:
d 1 p = dt Jp 1 5 2 Qmp 2 K Q 0 p D p 0 p loss , p Q fp . 4
If perfect shaft speed control on thruster is assumed, dp/dt = 0, and the friction is assumed to be insignificant Qfp = 0, the following equation holds:
1 3 3 K Q 0 p D 5 0 p loss , p = k10 p loss , p , p 4 2 1 k1 = KQ 0 p D5 . p 4 2 Pmp =
It can be noticed that the power fluctuations on the network will increase with third potential of the propeller nominal (desired) speed 0p. In other words, as thruster operates on higher load, it will have a higher potential to pollute the network with large load fluctuations. These fluctuations will be generated when the propeller is subjected to thrust losses operating in harsh waves.
(5.9) where Q0p is the nominal torque on the propeller, and Qa / Q0 = loss,p is the torque loss factor that, when multiplied with nominal torque Q0, will give the estimated (predicted) torque amplitude peak during the ventilation.
The coefficients for an open propeller are: a1 = 0.143 = b1, a2 = 3.55, b2 = 3.5 if n = nmax (Q0/Qa = 0.3 if hp/R = 1.1) and a1 = 0.17 = b1, a2 = 3.226, b2 = 3.255 if n ncrit (Q0/Qa = 0.36, hp/R = 1.1). The vessel in DP operations and maneuvering will be subjected to strong ventilation propeller loss effects due to low propeller advance number Ja, i.e. low vessel speed and high propeller shaft speed, n > ncrit, where typically ncrit = 0.4 - 0.5 nmax. When the vessel is in the transit mode, the propeller will have mostly high Ja and in-and-outof-water torque loss effects will become more pronounced. With high Ja, the propellers will be in the partially ventilated regime or sub-critical regime (Young & Kinnas 2003, Koushan, 2004). Based on the representation of thrust loss effects given in Minsaas et al. (1983) a simplified piecewise linear approximation is given:
0, hp / R < 0.48, ( Qa / Q0 ) pv = 0.32+0.523hp / R, 0.48 hp / R 1.3, hp / R >1.3. 1,
Fig. 5.1. Propeller submergence hp on vessel fixed point P(xb, yb, zb)
p = a cos(e t
xb cos ) ,
where a is the wave amplitude, is the wave frequency, e is vessel-wave encounter frequency, is the relative vesselwave heading angle, and g is the acceleration of gravity. The harmonic vertical relative displacement rp, of the point P(xb, yb, zb) fixed to the ship coordinate system, with respect to the undisturbed wave surface, can be obtained from:
rp = p z p = p z + xb yb = rpa cos(e t + rp ) ,
where zp is the absolute vertical displacement of the point P. The spectral density of the vertical relative displacement at the point P is given by:
rpa Srp ( ) = S ( ) , a
where S() is the wave power spectrum. The spectral moments are:
mnrp ( ) = S rp ( ) en d , with: n = 0,1,2,
Using the Rayleigh distribution, the short term probability of propeller thrust loss in a given storm condition is:
( h k R )2 0 v Pr {rpa > h0 kv R} = exp 2m0 rp ,
where h0 is the nominal propeller shaft immersion, measured in still water, as shown in Fig. 5.1. The expected number of times per hour Np,loss that the thrust loss will occur due to water surface proximity in a certain sea state can be determined from the short term probability (Price and Bishop, 1974):
N p ,loss = N p Pr {rpa > h0 kv R} ,
Np =
3600 m2 rp . m0 rp 2
The mean period for the total number of zero-crossings in one hour can be calculated using:
Tzp = m0 rp 3600 = 2 . Np m2 rp (5.18)
( Qa / Q0 ) =
f (hp / R ) .
In (5.15) kv[-1,1.3] is the selected value of hp/R. The relative submergence can be expressed as the inverse of relative torque:
hp / R = ( Qa / Q0 ) (hp / R) ,
and the relative propeller submergence can be directly related to the relative torque in the probability:
( h0 ( Q / Q ) R ) Pr {( Qa / Q0 ) < qh } = exp 2 m0 r
1 a 0
This is the probability that the relative torque Qa/Q0 will be lower than a certain threshold qh [0, 1]. Using the inverse functions in the probability allows using the thresholds expressed through the relative torque values qh instead of h0 kvR as in (5.15). The inverse function for the partial ventilation torque loss effects in (5.10) is:
1, = 1.91 ( Qa / Q0 ) 0.61, 1,
/ R ) pv
(Q (Q
/ Q0 ) <0,
0 ( Qa / Q0 ) 1,
/ Q0 ) >1.
The inverse functions for other torque loss effects can be derived in a similar way. The expected number of thrust loss incidents is calculated by:
N p ,loss = N p Pr {( Qa / Q0 ) < qh } .
DP mode, zero speed Vs =0 knots, presented in Fig. 5.4; Transit mode, Vs =13 knots, presented in Fig. 5.5.
Fig 5.4 presents the mappings for the number of all torque loss occurrences Nloss for aft propeller, with respect to ship's heading and torque loss factor Qa/Q0, for the offshore supply vessel in transit operation, speed Vs =13 knots, waves Hw=4.9 m. Fig 5.5 presents the Nloss mappings for the same propeller and the same weather conditions, but for DP operations with zero vessel speed, Vs =0 knots. It can be noticed from Fig. 5.4 that the most of torque losses will have low torque loss factor Qa/Q0, i.e. about Nloss = 35 torque losses will occur per hour, where each will be higher than Qa/Q0 > 0.9, meaning that 35 fluctuations cannot be higher than 10% nominal torque. About Nloss = 15 per hour torque losses will have Qa/Q0 > 0.8, i.e. the load fluctuations lower than 20% nominal torque. In Fig. 5.5 it can be noticed that about 150 torque loss occurrences per hour will have Qa/Q0 > 0.3, i.e. the load fluctuations lower than 70% nominal torque. This is due to special effect of ventilation where the abrupt torque loss of more than 70% happens with every ventilation occurrence. When the vessel is in DP operations, subjected to following waves, = 300 to 60 deg, significant increase in number of torque loss occurrences Nloss can be noticed from Figs. 5.4 and 5.5. In addition, the torque losses are more pronounced, and the expected torque loss factor Qa / Q0 = loss,p for the ventilation occurrence may be higher than 70% nominal. It appears that most of the thrust losses in DP are generated when the vessel is in the following waves (i.e. = 270 to 90 deg,). However, when the vessel is in transit operation, then the head waves will transfer more thrust loss effects, as expected.
Fig. 5.2. Number of ventilation occurrences per hour with Qa/Q0<0.3(Qa/Q0)max for the two nearby main aft propellers, OSV, L=70 m, speed Vs=0 knots
Fig. 5.3. Number of ventilation occurrences per hour with Qa/Q0<0.3(Qa/Q0)max for stern propeller () and bow tunnel thruster (-o-), OSV, L=70 m, speed Vs =0 knots
Fig. 5.4. Number of all torque loss occurrences Nloss for aft propeller, with respect to ship's heading and relative torque loss Qa/Q0, for OSV in DP operations, L=70 m, speed Vs =0 knots, waves Hw=4.9 m
Fig. 5.5. Number of all torque loss occurrences Nloss for aft propeller, with respect to ship's heading and relative torque loss Qa/Q0, for OSV in transit, L=70 m, speed Vs =13 knots, waves Hw=4.9 m
D p KT 0 p
1/ 2
The dependence of power load fluctuations to thruster speed in found from (5.8). Thus, the sensitivity of the power fluctuation amplitude to changes in the propeller speed is expressed:
Pmp p 3 k102p (1 loss , p ) ,
where the changes in the friction torque may be disregarded. The nominal propeller thrust is expressed as (Srensen et al., 1997):
T0, p = 1
2 4 2 2 D p KT 0 p n0, p = k20, p ,
4 4 k2 = D p KT 0 p ,
and the thrust sensitivity to changes in the speed can be compared through:
T0, p p = 2k20, p .
From the above equations, it can be noticed that the power load fluctuations on the network will drop with the square of propeller nominal speed 0p, while the thrust will drop linearly with 0p. Comparing the changes in the power fluctuations (5.26) with the changes in the nominal thrust (5.28) the following equation is obtained:
Pmp T0, p
Thus, the sensitivity of decreasing thrust to reduce the load fluctuations on the network will linearly increase with the nominal speed of the propeller.
(5.30) where the dynamic part depends on the sensitivity of the power load fluctuations to nominal thrust Ppm / T0 p , network frequency fluctuations g, and torque losses loss,p or propeller shaft speed fluctuations p. The static part is determined in the (2.30). The dynamic part of load limiting control law will be determined for each propeller independently:
Pd ,thp = Ld ,thp Pthp .
All proposed controllers will be based on the network frequency fluctuations. Although the frequency is easily available to measure, the problem may be to know which thruster is injecting more disturbances to the network and requires higher load reduction than the others. Thus, the controller design will be based on the analysis conducted in the proceeding section as:
= kthp1 ( Ppm / Tp )
(5.32) where kthp1 is the controller gain, and Qmg and Qeg are the mechanical and electrical torque on the generators, respectively, defined in Chapter 3. The proposed controller theoretically accounts for a variety of important effects, as depends on the following: Sensitivity of power fluctuations to developed thrust; Propeller shaft accelerations; Energy loss in the network due to network frequency fluctuations. In the following sub-sections, these effects will be quantified i.e. available from the measurements. The energy loss in the network can be directly obtained from the generator torque balance i.e. shaft acceleration.
( q ) const. ( q
h, p 0p
h, p
The proposed load limiting control law is based on the probability of torque loss:
Ld ,th = kthp1 0 p N p ,loss ( qh , Vs , H w , )
2 1 ( Qmg Qeg ) dt , t0 t
where qh,p is the threshold to account for high intensity fluctuations and disregard low intensity fluctuations. The vessel speed Vs, observed wave height Hw, and heading to the waves , are to be provided from the vessel management system (VMS). A high accuracy of the required information is not necessary for the controller. The Hw can be related to the wind speed assuming wind generated waves, see e.g. Journee (2001). In the proposed control law, the sensitivity of power fluctuations to changes in propeller thrust is expressed using the probability of thrust loss occurrence, i.e. parameter Nloss,p, derived in Section 5.4 (Radan et al., 2006b).
loss , p = qh , p loss , p .
The average relative torque loss loss , p can be calculated knowing only the propeller speed
1 d loss , p g dt , t 0 dt
loss , p = qh , p loss , p ,
loss , p = Qap* 4 2 = Qap* , 5 2 Q0 p K Q 0, p D p p
p 0 ,
where TQf is the low pass filter time constant, Qap* is to extended load torque estimate obtained from the propeller load torque observer:
p = 1 Qmp Qap* + l1 p ( p p ) , Jp
Qa , p* = l2 p ( p p ) , where and l1p, l2p are the observer gains, and Qap* is the extended load torque that includes the friction: Qap* Qap* = Qap + Q fp . (5.38)
The equilibrium point of the observer error dynamics can be shown to be globally exponentially stable (GES) in the case of a constant load torque if the observer gains l1p and l2p are chosen according to:
l1 p > l2 p / J p , l2 p > 0 .
In the propeller low speed regime the standard PI speed controller should not have any problems to keep the desired speed, thus:
d p 0 dt Qmp 1 4 2 K Q 0 p D 5 02p loss , p + Q fp . p
As 0p increases, the load torque also increases, and the standard PI shaft speed controller may have problems to keep the speed p close to desired 0p. In this case, the shaft acceleration dp/dt increases proportionally with the torque unbalance Qmp Qap , which is more pronounced for low inertia propellers, with low Jp:
d p > 0 dt
The torque unbalance in (5.41) is responsible for the propeller wear and tear indicating that the propeller load torque is not completely balanced by the motor torque. Thus, the shaft is subjected to fluctuations of torque. These fluctuations can induce shaft vibrations and potentially increase the fatigue and wear-out rate of power transmission parts. One very useful property for the load limiting controller can be noticed from the above analysis. As the load torque fluctuations on the propeller become more pronounced, the shaft acceleration increases and load fluctuations with higher magnitude are transferred to the network. Thus, the load limiting controller can be based on the shaft acceleration, as an indication of large propeller load and generator torque fluctuations:
Ld ,th = kthp1 0 p = kthp1 0 p
2 1 1 ( Qmp Qap ) dt t ( Qmg Qeg ) dt t0 0
1 d 1 d dt p dt t dt g dt. t 0 0
t t
1 Jgs
Qmp Qap
Ld ,th
one is Thruster 1. Then, the frequency fluctuations will reduce as can be seen in Fig. 5.9. The propeller shaft accelerations are also controlled with these controllers, as can be seen in Fig. 5.10. The benefit of controller based on the thruster acceleration is that the excessive acceleration threshold can be set for the controller. This safes the thrusters extending their operating life and reducing the maintenance costs. As the engine load fluctuations decrease, the fuel consumption will proportionally decrease. This is demonstrated in Figs. 5.11 and 5.12 where the reductions in the fuel consumption of 9 kg per hour on 2.72 MW engine is accomplished this is equivalent to 226 217 / 226 4% fuel savings. For 10 MW power plant the savings would be 33 kg per hour, or nearly 800 kg per day, or 80 tons saved fuel for 100 days/year of bad weather conditions. Assuming the cost of one ton of heavy fuel oil (HFO, 380 cSt) to be about 2100 NOK or about 350 USD this would bring the cost reductions of 80 2100 = 168 000 NOK per year of operations with one 10 MW propulsion vessel. It is very important to notice that the set-point reference correction is much larger when the thruster is highly loaded and subjected to large thrust losses than when the thruster is on the low load and/or with low thrust losses. This is consistent with the analysis provided in this section. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the set-point correction signal can be properly filtered, preventing introduction of additional dynamics in to the control loop, see Fig. 5.7.
0.8 speed reference1, p.u. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 no control prop acceleration based torque loss based 0 50 100 150 200 t, (sec.) 250 300 350
Fig. 5.7. Thruster speed reference on thruster 1 (upper) and thruster 2 (lower)
Fig. 5.8. Thrust on thruster 1 (upper, T1) and on thruster 2 (lower, T2)
64 bus frequency, Hz 62 60 58 56
0 x 10
Fig. 5.9. Network (bus) frequency (upper) and network active power filtered (lower)
400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 t, (sec.) Plot 250
instant average
Fig. 5.11. Fuel consumption for torque loss based controller and average thrust
240 220 200 180 160 instant average 0 50 100 150 200 t, (sec.) Plot 250 300 350
0.55 0.5
Fig. 5.12. Detail of fuel consumption for torque loss based controller and average thrust
Chapter 6
Power Redistribution Control (PRC)
6.1 Motivations
In Chapter 5, the proposed quasi-static load limiting control is based on the measurement of frequency fluctuations on generators and thrusters and thruster torque/thrust losses. These strategies aim to limit the bad performing thrusters from injecting fluctuating loads to network and from increase in wear and tear due to excessive propeller shaft torque fluctuations. The quasi-static load limiting control strategies allow the use of non-fluctuating thrusters with standard PMS available power based static limits, described in Chapter 2. These slowly changing limits are fed back to DP thrust allocation algorithm which recalculates new set-points within the prescribed limits. It has been demonstrated in the simulations in Chapter 5 that the proposed strategy can reduce the load fluctuations on thrusters and network with limited success. In this chapter, a new strategy to completely attenuate the frequency and voltage fluctuations on the network is proposed. The main idea is that the frequency control on marine vessel can be improved by using the dynamic feedback from the power system to the electrical thrusters. The proposed control is termed the Power Redistribution Control (PRC) as the control will redistribute power around nominal on individual thrusters, depending on the network frequency fluctuations.
DP thrust allocation algorithms: optimization algorithms capable to find optimal distribution of power (thrust) on marine thrusters, usually reducing the total power consumption on thrusters and proportionally reduce the fuel consumption. These control strategies have been applied or considered for the application in the marine systems, see e.g. Johansen (2004), Johansen et al. (2004a), Johansen et al. (2004b), Fossen and Johansen (2006), Ruth et al. (2007) and the references therein. The thrust allocation algorithm implies that the smooth change in the thrust references will provide smooth power transients on the power system. However, this may not be the case when propellers are subjected to large thrust and torque losses. The algorithm is limited to propulsion loads while other loads that may produce significant load fluctuations on the network have not been considered. Besides, faults and malfunctions that may affect the overall vessel response are not handled by thrust allocation algorithm. Energy storage: some form of energy storage devices such as batteries, capacitors, flywheels, etc. are used to compensate for fluctuating energy demand in the network. The optimization-based energy management systems are typically proposed to control hybrid electric (automotive) vehicles, see e.g. He and Jang (2006), Aoyagi et al. (2001), Koot et al. (2006) and references therein. The energy storage technology has not been widely applied on the marine vessels, mainly due to large size and weight considerations involved although this technology can provide energy savings and significant improvements in frequency and voltage regulation; Frequency demand switching control: utilizes control devices which will turn off and on the machine/appliance in response to frequency deviations in order to restore the supply/demand balance (Black and Ilic, 2002).
A new power redistribution controller (PRC) is proposed in the thesis. PRC is reducing the load fluctuations on the vessels network generated by vessels consumers. It is based on the demand-based frequency control, and fast load reduction. The main idea is that the frequency control on marine vessel can be improved by using the dynamic feedback from the power system to the electrical thrusters. Due to relatively large inertia of the vessel, fast power modification on the thrusters, introduced by PRC will not have a significant effect on vessel responses. Other consumers which rely on energy can be used for the control as well.
mapped to desired speed (speed control) or desired power (power control) and control error will be minimized. Depending on the design of controllers and tuning, the power load will be transmitted to power plant where the load fluctuations may make problems for the generators to keep the required frequency and voltage. The standard conventional PMS static load controller, widely used on the installations today, is based on the slowly changing signal of low pass filtered available power, measured from the switchboard, as explained in the Chapter 2.
Wind, waves, current Thrust, Tp
Vessel possition
Thrust losses
Thrust losses
DP controller
Total thrust
Power plant
Thrust allocation
Torque, Qp Thrust
Thruster drive
Qcp = k Pp e p + k Ip e p d , e p = 0 p p
t 0
where 0p is the thruster speed reference, and kPp and kIp are the nonnegative proportional and integral control gains, respectively. Assuming the frequency deviation is produced by only one thruster and, for the simplicity, the speed controller is only proportional, the following controller output is obtained:
Qcp = k Pp e p = k Pp (0 p p ) ,
Due to small value of Tmp, the thruster dynamics may be disregarded to simplify the analysis, then Tmp Qmp = 0. The electrical torque on the power generating system is generated when supplying current to all consumers, including thrusters:
Qeg = 1 Ton Qmp p + Pc p , g p =1
where Qmp is the electrical motor torque and p is the shaft speed on each of the running thrusters in the system and Pc-p is power summation for all other consumers then thrusters. Network load effects with propeller speed controller The motion equation for the mean acceleration of the power generating system is presented in (3.28). In present simplified closed-loop analysis it is assumed that the thruster is the only one consumer in the system. Since Qeg is expressed in per unit, in equation (6.4), the following equation to map Qmp to Qeg follows:
Qeg =
Prg g
Qmp ,
After inserting (6.2) into (6.3) and disregarding the thruster dynamics i.e. Qcp=Qmp, and then into (3.28) the following closed-loop equation is obtained: for p 0p:
Dg k pp p (g 0 g ) P (0 p p ) , Qmg 0 g rg g Qeg
d g = 0 g 2 H Non dt
From the generator motion closed-loop equation (6.6) the following control properties can be noticed: The thruster loading is opposing the engine mechanical torque. The generator speed deviations are produced when the electrical load torque Qeg is high and can not be balanced fast enough by the engine torque Qmg; For fixed pitch propellers (FPP), the load torque increases with thruster shaft speed p and shaft speed deviations 0p p are more sensed by the network when p is high. The disturbances on generators Qeg will increase proportionally with the propeller speed p for the same error 0p p and kPp. This also shows that the FPP thruster can not produce large load torque on the generators when operates on low speed; The response of power system will depend on tuning of propeller shaft speed controller on thruster. This is easy to see as the proportional term in PI speed controller kPp is decreased in (6.2) the generator shaft acceleration will tend to diminish, dg/dt 0 in (6.6). The drawback is decreased thruster shaft speed control performance, as the error of 0p p will increase; Network load effects with perfect propeller speed controller Assuming perfect speed control on thruster with very high value of kPp (and no measurement noise) may completely diminish the propeller shaft accelerations dp/dt 0. Disregarding the friction torque Qfp = 0 and assuming dp/dt = 0 in (6.6), the following closed-loop equation is obtained: for p = 0p:
Dg k1 3 (g 0 g ) P 0 p loss, p . Qmg 0 g rg g Qeg
g =
0 g
2 H Non
As can be seen from (6.7), propeller load torque will be almost directly transferred to the electrical network i.e. generators. This means that the sensitivity of the network to propeller thrust losses loss,p will increase with the 3rd degree of the propeller speed. This may induce large disturbances on the generators, and potential problems with excessive frequency fluctuations.
When using the power control, the load power is equal to the desired power (Srensen et al., 1997):
Pap = P0 p ,
and the actual speed, dependant on desired power is obtained from (6.8):
1 P p = 1/ 3 0 p k1 loss , p
1/ 3
Thus, as the power increases, the shaft speed fluctuations will also increase, depending on the torque losses more if torque losses are higher, i.e. torque loss factor loss,p is low. Considering loss , p as average torque loss factor, the average shaft speed fluctuations can be determined from:
p = 1 P0 p k11/ 3 loss , p
1/ 3
P01/ 3 . p
The sensitivity of shaft speed fluctuations to desired propeller power with various loss , p is shown in diagram in Fig. 6.3. It is important to notice that the slope of the curve in diagram in Fig. 6.3 will decrease with the propeller power (thrust), e.g. for higher power, the sensitivity to speed fluctuations will become lower. This means that thruster load increase for highly loaded thruster will have much less effect on shaft speed fluctuations (and accelerations) than load increase for low loaded thruster. Diagram shows that the sensitivity to speed fluctuations is higher on low load. Moreover, the intensity of speed fluctuations and the sensitivity will increase with thrust losses. As average torque loss factor loss , p is lower, indicating higher thrust losses, the sensitivity to propeller shaft speed fluctuations will increase. Then, an increase of the load for propeller subjected to high thrust losses ( loss , p is low) can be penalized in the control low.
loss , p = 0.6
p , p.u. p
loss , p = 0.7
loss , p = 0.8
loss , p = 0.9
loss , p = 1.0
0.6 0.8 1
P mp0 p P
Fig. 6.3. Sensitivity of propeller shaft speed fluctuations to desired power and average torque loss factor
For the power control the Pmp = Qmp p and the close-loop equation of motion for the network load effects is obtained:
0 g d g = dt 2 H Non
Dg (g 0 g ) P 1 Pmp . Qmg 0 g rg g
The network accelerations will be significantly diminished if the P0p = const. Pmp = const. i.e. dP0p/dt = 0 dPmp/dt = 0. This means that the generator shaft accelerations will not be suppressed if the set-point references P0p change fast (from DP thrust allocation), i.e. dP0p/dt >> 0. This, among other factors, initiated the development of advanced thrust allocation algorithms, see e.g. Johansen (2004), Fossen and Johansen (2006), and the references therein.
The effects of speed, power and combined speed/power control concepts are considered with regards to wear and tear effects on thrusters and generators in addition to providing the required thrust, as shown in Tables 6.1 and 6.2. Table 6.1 is based on the quantitative analysis of proceeding sub-sections, and Table 6.2 is just a qualitative overview. The speed control on thrusters will transfer a significant part of propeller load torque fluctuations to the network and will increase the frequency fluctuations on the generators. However, good propeller shaft speed control will increase the life of the thruster, as will reduce the torque fluctuations on the power transmission parts and reduce the potential thruster wear and tear.
Table 6.1. Effect of various control concepts on thruster control and generators quantitative overview Prop. speed Load power Gen. torque balance
p =0 p = const.
Speed control
p 0 p = 0
1 P p = 1/ 3 0 p k1 loss , p
1/ 3
Pmp const.
Power control
Pap P0 p = 0
Pmp = const.
p 0 p >> 0
Combined speed/power (trade-off)
1 P0 p = 0 Prg g
p 0 p 0
Pmp const.
k pp p Prg g
p ) 0
Table 6.2. Benefits for thrusters and generators of various control concepts with local thruster control qualitative overview <=== Existing ===> <======== proposed ========> Power/speed Load limiting Combined Thruster Speed Power control control, power/speed/load control control control => potential (Chapter 5) limiting control Effect to: Thrusters Generators Thrust capacity Good Bad Good Bad Good Good Medium Good Good Good Medium Medium Good Good Good
Contrary, the thruster power control, as shown in Srensen et al. (1997) will be very beneficial for the network, as the network load fluctuations will be minimized if thruster setpoints are changed slowly. However, the thruster power control will increase the speed and torque fluctuations on thrusters and thus increase thruster wear and tear. The desired features of thruster speed and power control can be obtained, as will be presented later in this Chapter.
The proposed control law is based on the correction of the propeller shaft speed deviations 0p p using two different control strategies (Radan et al., 2008): Strategy 1: the feedback from the network frequency deviation:
e p = 0 p p + k gp Qmg * Qeg ,
where kgp is the feedback gain.
The reduced mechanical motor torque accounts for the generator damping, as can be seen from (3.28). The state estimator i.e. the observer in (3.31) is used to provide the noise filtering of the frequency and torque measurements. The PRC concept for the Strategy 2 is presented in Fig. 6.4.
Closed-loop analysis and network load effects Strategy 1: Using the feedback from the network frequency deviation in (6.13), the thruster motor torque becomes:
Qmp = k pp (0 p p ) + k pp k gp ( g 0 g ) .
with the thruster dynamics disregarded. After inserting (6.15) into (6.5) and then into (3.28), the closed loop equation is obtained:
0 g d g = dt 2 H Non
It can be noticed that the thruster feedback from the generator frequency deviation increases the damping in the closed-loop frequency equation. The frequency fluctuations will be reduced due to cancellation of the load i.e. increased stability. If the generator frequency increases, the thrust reference will temporarily increase and dump the excessive system energy. If the frequency decreases, the thrust reference will decrease, therefore decrease the system load. The change in the load reference will occur temporally until the mechanical torque Qmg becomes available from the engines and new load balance is obtained.
Strategy 2: Using the feedback from the generating system torque deviation in (6.14), the thruster motor torque becomes:
with the thruster dynamics disregarded. The disregarded dynamics is all included in the simulation model, used to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed PRC concept. Using eq. (6.14) and (3.28) the second term in eq. (6.17) can be rearranged:
Qmp = k pp (0 p p ) + k pp k gp 2 H Non d . 0 g dt g
This makes the thruster controller dependent on the generating system acceleration. After inserting (6.18) into (6.5) and then into (3.28) the closed loop equation is obtained:
d g = dt Dg p Qmg (g 0 g ) P k pp (0 p p ) . 0 g p rg g k k 2 H Non 1 + P pp gp rg g
0 g
The frequency fluctuations will be reduced due to virtual increase in the system inertia. This control method has been known as the acceleration feedback (Fossen, 2002) or inertial response control (Morren et al., 2006).
For two or more thrusters operating in the same system, the following closed loop equations are obtained:
Strategy 1: With the feedback from the network frequency deviation:
g =
0 g
2 H Non
Dg (g 0 g ) P 1 Qmg 0 g rg g
p =1
p ( 0 p p )
1 Prg g
Ton 0 g ) k gp k pp p p =1 (6.20)
Strategy 2: With the feedback from the generating system torque deviation:
dg dt = D 1 Qmg g ( g 0 g ) Ton 0 g Prg g 1 k k 2 H Non 1 + P p pp gp rg g p =1 1 Prg g
0 g
p =1
k pp (0 p p )
p =1
p =
1 Prg g
p =1
2 p = 2, etc. If 1 decreases due to propeller load increase and 011>0, then the controller will act to balance the load by increasing 02 and making 022 < 0.
Discussion on PRC control strategies
While strategy 1 is very easy to implement and can offer immediate improvements in the frequency regulation, the strategy 2 implements faster correction of the speed setting signals and thus better frequency regulation with less control effort. Moreover, strategy 2 provides the ability to set fixed load rate limits directly on the engines. For both of these strategies, improved frequency filtering using the state estimation observer is proposed. Another problem is the droop control of the generating system. If the system operates in the droop mode, i.e. the steady state frequency depends on the steady state load, the 0g can vary by 2.5%, i.e. from 58.5 to 61.5 Hz on 60 Hz system. This may introduce the steady state error in the control and the thrust may be decreased more than necessary. It might be difficult to estimate the exact value of the droop for the distributed power systems, as described in Black and Ilic (2002). Although the 0g can be accurately determined in the isolated power system such as marine vessel, using strategy 2 another feedback (steady state droop) is avoided and robustness of the controller is increased. Hence, due to improved robustness properties the strategy 2: feedback from the generating system torque deviation will be further analyzed in the thesis and case study. For the strategy 2, the observer is needed. It will be shown through the simulation that the observer is robust to parameter data inaccuracies and suitable for the control.
Diesel Generator no 2
Diesel Generator no 1
g,i 0g,i
PID Engine
Mechanical torque observer
/ x
Qmg *
Rmg-up / + Qeg
kc Qmg * Qeg
From available power gQ0(
0p )
Pmax,p / + +
PI thruster controller
Torque limit
Fig. 6.4. Power redistribution controller within the marine power plant (Radan et al., 2008)
where kc is the proportional gain, and Q0p is the expected nominal torque (or desired torque reference) for each propeller p:
Q0 p = 1 K Q 0 p D 5 02p = g Q 0 p (0 p ) . p 4 2
The torque reference for each propeller p can be calculated directly from the thrust reference (Sorensen et al., 1997):
Q0 p = Dp KQ 0 p KT 0 p T0 p = gQ 0 p (T0 p ) ,
gi g
+ + + +
where KT0p and KQ0p are the thrust and torque coefficients, as previously defined, but for zero advance coefficient, i.e. Ja=0, where Ja=Va / n D. If the nominal torque increases, the gain will also increase, therefore providing stiffer protection for the power fluctuations. When the nominal torque decreases, the PI controller will have a higher proportion of control, since the reference correction will become low.
Rmg un
0 g
* Rmg un
0 g
where the power slew rate magnitudes are divided by the nominal gen-set speed 0g obtaining the torque slew rate magnitudes.
A case study for the typical platform supply vessel (PSV) presented in Table 6.3 has been made. The system is shown in Fig. 6.5. One side of the two split system is simulated. Two thrusters are in the operation, the 2.3 MW aft thruster and the 1 MW bow thruster together with auxiliary loads. Two gen-sets, each 1.5 MW are online, so 3.0 MW is the power generating capacity in the system. The simulation scenario is as follows: t=0 second: The speed reference for the aft thruster is set to 30% rated speed, 0p1=0.3r1 and for the bow thruster 0p2=0.2r2 , where rp is the thruster rated power; t=30 second: 0p1=0.65r1; t=50 second: 0p2=0.60r2; t=100 second: 0p1=0.3r1 while the 0p2=0.60r2, remains constant.
Table 6.3. Main characteristics of the vessel and power plant Vessel main particulars: L=69.7 m, B=16.8 m, T=6.1 m, Vol..=3950 m3, max speed 16 knots, service speed 13 knots Thrusters: Aft thrusters: 2 x 2 300 kW Bow thrusters: 2 x 1 000 kW Auxiliaries and winch loads: 400 kW Generators: 4 x 1 500 kW
The following control systems are compared: 1. Power redistribution control, based on the system mechanical torque observer with fixed slew rates on the system mechanical torque (PRC). 2. Local speed control on thrusters and fixed slew rates on thrust references (LSC).
Using the proposed PRC, significant reductions in frequency and power fluctuations can be noticed from Fig. 6.6. The frequency deviations with PRC are mainly within 0.2 Hz, while when using conventional LSC are more than 2 Hz. The reduced load fluctuations indicate that is possible to increase the engine load without risking the fuel actuator to hit the torque limiter. Thus, the thrust capacity can be increased with improved blackout prevention capabilities. The speed, power and thrust are compared in Figs. 6.7, 6.8, and 6.9 respectively. The main characteristic of the proposed PRC are presented in Fig. 6.7. The power redistribution among the consumers, namely thrusters, provides the smoother power output sensed by the generators and engines. When the thrust allocation algorithm command the thruster to be loaded, then the PRC will use the excess of energy on the network to load the thruster in order to minimize the frequency fluctuations on the network. The excess of energy on the network can be produced by other consumers or thrusters subject to thrust losses. The benefit of having PRC is e.g. the thrust loss on one thruster may speed-up the loading of the other thruster. Thus, a fast loading of the thruster is achieved with low frequency deviation on the power network. This can be noticed in Figs. 6.6 and 6.7 at about t = 50 second. Reducing the power transients may increase the shaft speed fluctuations on thrusters, as explained in this Chapter. The proposed PRC will increase the network stability with low increase in the propeller shaft speed fluctuations. Moreover, the power fluctuations are compensated by several thrusters, and hence, the speed fluctuations on individual thrusters may be slightly increased. This can be noticed in Fig. 6.8. Before t = 50 second, only one thruster operates and the speed fluctuations are somewhat higher than after t = 50 second when both thrusters compensate for the network load fluctuations.
CASE 2 - One of two thrusters compensates for the load fluctuations
In Figs. 6.10 and 6.11 the results of simulation for the same system are presented, but in this case the aft thruster is not controlled by the proposed PRC. Somewhat higher fluctuations in the frequency and electrical load can be noticed in Fig. 6.10, compared with the system presented in Fig. 6.6 where both thrusters compensate for the load fluctuations. From these observations, it can be concluded that the success in the reduction of network load fluctuations with proposed PRC will depend on the power used for redistribution, i.e. number of controllable consumers used to compensate for the network load fluctuations and their nominal load. In Figs. 6.10 and 6.11 it can be noticed that the frequency fluctuations are still high in t = 30 second, due to low load i.e. low nominal speed of the bow thruster. When the nominal load on bow thruster increases in t = 50 second, the network stability increases and the frequency fluctuations become compensated. When the nominal speed on bow thruster is increased, the load also increases and, after t=50 second, the frequency fluctuations are reduced. PRC is using bow thruster to redistribute the excess of energy in the system generated by aft thruster subject to large thrust losses. The success in reduction of fluctuations is limited since the bow thruster has low power output compared to aft thruster. 114
Fig. 6.6. Bus frequency (higher) and electrical power load on generating system (lower) for proposed PRC (FSPRC) and standard LSC, with 2 fast power controllable consumers
Fig. 6.7. Thruster power output with proposed PRC (higher) and with LSC (lower), with 2 fast power controllable consumers
Fig. 6.8. Thruster shaft speed (in per unit) with proposed PRC (higher) and with conventional LSC (lower), with 2 fast power controllable consumers
Fig. 6.9. Real thrust (in per unit) with proposed PRC (higher) and with conventional LSC (lower), with 2 fast power controllable consumers
Fig. 6.10. Bus frequency (higher) and electrical power load on generating system (lower) using PRC on bow thruster without PRC interference to the LSC of aft thruster
Fig. 6.11. Thruster power, shaft speed (pu) and thrust (pu) using PRC control on bow thruster without PRC interference to the LSC controller of aft thruster
64 bus frequency, Hz 62 60 58 56
0 x 10
Fig. 6.12. Network frequency (upper) and total electrical active power (lower) with various controllers: no control (.), propeller acceleration based quasi-static controller (------), torque loss bases quasistatic controller (-.-.-.), and power redistribution controller (______, PRC)
1.5 thrust, T1, p.u.
0.8 thrust, T2, p.u. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 50 100 150 200 t, (sec.) 250 PRC no control 300 350
Fig. 6.13.a) Thrust on propeller 1 (upper) and propeller 2 (lower) with PRC controller (_____) and without controlling network load fluctuations (-------)
Fig. 6.13.b) Detailed view of thrust on propeller 1 (upper) and propeller 2 (lower) with PRC controller (_____) and without controlling network load fluctuations (-------)
0.4 acceleration1, p.u. 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4
0.15 acceleration2, p.u. 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 PRC torque loss based no control
Fig. 6.14.a) Propeller shaft acceleration on propeller 1 (upper) and propeller 2 (lower) with PRC controller (_____), with quasi-static torque loss based controller (-.-.-.-.-), and without controlling network load fluctuations (-------)
Fig. 6.14.b) Detailed view of propeller shaft acceleration on propeller 1 (upper) and propeller 2 (lower) with PRC controller (_____), with quasi-static torque loss based controller (-.-.-.-.-), and without controlling network load fluctuations (-------)
1 speed reference2, p.u. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 t, (sec.)
Fig. 6.15. Speed references on thruster 1 (upper) and thruster 2 (lower): PRC controller (_____), with quasi-static torque loss based controllers (-------, -.-.-.-.-), without controlling network load fluctuations (..)
Fig. 6.16.a) Fuel consumption in kg/hour (upper) and total thrust average-low pass filtered (lower)
no control prop acceleration based torque loss based PRC
0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 0 50 100 150 200 t, (sec.) 250 300 350
Fig. 6.16.b) Detailed view of fuel consumption in kg/hour (upper) and total thrust average-low pass filtered (lower)
Thrusters used for the compensation of disturbances generated by other consumers will provide a limited success in the frequency regulation if operating at low load. When FPP thruster is operated on low load, i.e. low speed, the change in the speed must be very high in order to obtain sufficient power change, see Fig. 6.17 for a typical propeller load curve. When the propeller speed is lower than about 60% rated speed, the power change will be very low due to small value of the slope dPmp/d. This is the reason why the load compensation was inefficient in Figs. 6.10 and 6.11 for t = 30 to 50 second. However, if thrusters that produce load fluctuations are variable speed, fixed pitch propellers (FPP), each will provide a self-compensation for the loads and thus significantly improve the network stability. The load on the individual thrusters can be increased using increased zero thrust. This requires the coordination with the thrust allocation algorithm; see e.g. Fossen (2002). However, the load compensation may be inherently provided in most of the cases. The network load fluctuations depend on the vessel operations and the sea states. When the sea state increases the required thrust will also increase due to increase in the forces of external disturbances, i.e. 2nd order waves, wind and current. Then the thrusters will be highly loaded and increase in zero thrust may not be necessary. If zero thrust is used, the total load and fuel consumption would increase. The zero thrust can be minimized if using strategies and concepts proposed in the Sections that follow, e.g. concerning integration of DP with the power system and thrusters.
Fig. 6.17. Power curve for the thruster operating with zero vessel speed (Ja=0)
Another limitation that should be mention is the reduced ability to compensate for the network load fluctuations when the thruster operates close to the maximum load. Since the thruster load can not be increased above the maximum load limit, the load compensation with PRC is reduced. However, as can be noticed from Fig. 6.17, thruster load Pmp is very sensitive to the speed change p when thruster is highly loaded. Thus, the thruster speed reference can be slightly reduced 0p in order to provide a non-constraint region for the thruster load compensation. The reduction in the nominal thrust will be very small in this 123
case, e.g. 5%. This behavior will be implemented in the thrust allocation algorithm, as proposed later in this Chapter.
Chapter 7
Integrated network power control
7.1 Improved propeller shaft acceleration control for PRC
The PRC described in Chapter 6 can be integrated with quasi-static load limiting control, described in Chapter 5. This may provide an increased robustness to the faults in the control system as the quasi-static load limiting controller is contained within the thruster PLC, operate based on the measurements, and does not depend on the communication with other controllers, such as DP thrust allocation. The concept of the proposed integration of PRC with quasi-static load limiting controllers is shown in Fig. 7.1. The signal from the load limiting controller Ld,th is fed to power redistribution controller (PRC) where the dynamic correction to thrust speed reference is calculated for the individual thruster.
1 Jgs
Ld ,th
Ld ,th Qap
Qmp Qap
Fig. 7.1. The concept of integrated PRC with quasi-static load limiting control
In (5.35):
Ld ,th kthp1 0 p loss , p 1 d g dt 0 ; t dt 0
t 2
In (5.42):
Ld ,th = kthp1 0 p 1 d 1 d p dt g dt 0 . t dt t 0 dt 0
t t 2 2
PRC controller gains dependent on average load torque Thus, the following control law is proposed to be used with PRC (Radan et al., 2008):
k gp = kc Q0 p loss , p ,
where loss , p is the average relative load torque, 0 < loss , p 1 . The average relative load torque is obtained using low pass filtering of the estimated load torque in a similar way as described in (5.36) of Chapter 5:
where TQf is the low pass filter time constant, and Qap* is to extended load torque estimate
obtained from the propeller load torque observer, stated in (5.37). After inserting (7.5) into (7.4), the final equation for the dynamic gain is obtained:
k gp =
2 k c 0 p 5 2 4 2 Qap TQf Q , p K Q 0, p D p p . 2 4 2 p
2 In (7.6) it can be noticed that the factor 02p / p will amplify the fluctuations in the kgp gain
proportionally with the thruster shaft speed fluctuations i.e. it will introduce the dynamics of the shaft speed fluctuations into the control low. The kgp gain will decrease when the p increases. This is desirable behavior of the controller since less power will be distributed to 2 the thruster as the propeller shaft speed fluctuations increase i.e. 02p / p is high (the opposite holds as well). Based on the analysis in the Section 6.3, the speed fluctuations on thruster may indicate decreased thruster performance, both for the cases of the limited ability to control the shaft speed or having increased thrust losses. If the PRC is used on thruster, speed fluctuations may only indicate that the thruster is having high thrust losses. This gives natural sense of the thrust losses for the PRC controller and consequent load fluctuation injections to the network. Thus, the following dynamic PRC control gain is proposed:
n k gp = kc Q0 p loss , p TQf loss , p ,
where n = 2, 4, 6,
p P0 p
1 1 1 = 1/ 3 k1 3 loss , p
P0 p loss , p
2 / 3
P0p2 / 3 .
If the sensitivity to shaft speed fluctuations increases, the load increase on this propeller can be penalized. Then, the thrust would be re-distributed to other propellers.
PRC controller gains dependent on sensitivity of shaft speed fluctuations
k gp
1 = kc loss , p
P0 p loss , p
2 / 3
P0p2 / 3 + 1 Q0 p ,
where the last term in (7.9) is used to neutralize the load compensation for thrusters that have very low thrust losses, loss,p 1. Thus, the thrusters that do not experience thrust losses will depend on Q0p only.
Fig. 7.2. Propeller shaft accelerations with PRC when using PRC controller gains dependent on average load torque
0.4 acceleration1, p.u. 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 speed fluctuation based no loss sensitive
0.06 acceleration2, p.u. 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 0 50 100 150 200 t, (sec.) 250 300 350
Fig. 7.3. Propeller shaft accelerations with PRC when using thruster gain dependent on sensitivity of shaft speed fluctuations
Fig. 7.4. Propeller shaft speed with PRC when using thruster gain dependent on sensitivity of shaft speed fluctuations
Fig. 7.5. Frequency and electrical network power when using proposed PRC controller gains
The propeller speed control is obtained using PI controller (6.1). Hence, when using the feedback from the generating system torque deviation in ep (7.10), the thruster commanded torque becomes:
Qcp = k pP (0 p p ) + k pP k gP
2 H Non d g 1 d g + k pP k gI 0 g dt gI s + 1 dt 2 H Non
+ k pI (0 p p ) d + k pI k gPg
0 g
+ k pI k gI
1 dg d . 0 gI s + 1 dt
Thus, if k pI k gP
2 H Non
Qcp = k pP (0 p p ) + k pP k gI g + k pI (0 p p ) d + k pI k gI g d ,
0 0
for gI =
k gP 2 H Non . k gI 0 g
In (7.14) the thruster commanded torque does not depend on the mean acceleration of the power generating system, as suppose when using PRC control strategy 2 (6.14) on thruster PI speed controller, i.e.:
Qcp = k pP (0 p p ) + k pP k gp
t 2 H Non d g 2 H Non + k pI (0 p p ) d + k pI k gp g , (7.15) 0 g dt 0 g 0
acceleration and consequent behavior of increased system inertia. As gI is increasing, the thruster controller becomes more dependent on the generating system speed than the acceleration. Assuming that one thruster is the only consumer in the system the motion equation for the mean acceleration of the power generating system may be expressed as:
dg dt =
0 g
2 H Non
Dg p p d Qmg (g 0 g ) P k pP (0 p p ) P dtg 0 g rg g rg g
2 H Non k pP k gI gI k pP k gP 0 g
t p p k pP k gI g k pI (0 p p ) d Prg g Prg g 0
p Prg g
2 H Non k pI k gI gI k pI k gP 0 g
t g p k pI k gI g d Prg g 0
(7.16) where the feedback acceleration term will be responsible for the increase in the system inertia, as shown when assuming Qcp = Qmp and g = g :
p 0 g gI p k k k k 1 + Prg g pP gP 2 H N Prg g pP gI on dg 0 g = dt 2 H Non Dg Qmg ( g 0 g ) 0 g
p Prg g
2 H Non k pI k gI gI k pI k gP 0 g
t p k pI k gI g d g Prg g 0
0 g
2 H Non
k gI gI , the system inertia will become lower than without the PRC
controller, and the overall control performance will deteriorate. This equation indicates the value limits for tuning the PRC controller with respect to accuracy in the control responses.
Alternate mappings are also possible, for details see Smogeli (2006) and references therein. The altered expected nominal thrust can be fed back to the thrust allocation algorithm, as proposed in Fig. 7.6. The estimated thrust can be filtered using a low pass filter as proposed: Ta , p = hTp ( s )
hTp ( s ) =
KT 0, p D p K Q 0, p
Qa , p . (7.19)
1 , Tp s + 1
where low pass filter may have many alternative designs, see e.g. Fossen (2002).
The sensitivity to shaft speed fluctuations shown in Fig. 7.7, is proposed in this thesis to be implemented in the DP thrust allocation algorithm developed by Johansen et al. (2004b) for constrained control allocation with azimuthing thrusters. Then the following DP thrust allocation cost function is proposed to be used with the proposed power redistribution controller (PRC):
Np J = min p T0 p f , , s p =1
3/ 2
+ s T Q s + ( 0 ) ( 0 ) +
+ det (T ( ) W 1T T ( ) )
p ,min p p ,max ;
p ,min p p 0 p ,max ,
p =1
T0 p
3/ 2
on degree of 3/2, see (5.25) where: P0 p = const. T0 p 3 / 2 , p are positive weights p > 0 ;
T0 p1/ 2 p 1/ 3 T0 p1/ 2 represents the proposed speed fluctuation included in the last p =1 loss , p
term of the cost function when P0 p = const. T0 p 3 / 2 is substituted in (6.11), p are positive weights p > 0 ; sT Q s penalizes the error of the constraint T ( ) F = + s . The weight matrix Q is chosen so large that the optimal solution s 0 is whenever possible; T ( ) F = + s , where is the total required thrust, s is the slack variable of the optimization, T() is the thrust configuration matrix and F is the vector of thrust forces, as defined later (Fossen, 2002); T0 p ,min T0 p T0 p ,max is used to limit the thrust force;
det (T ( ) W 1T T ( ) ) = 0 as this would will be strongly penalized in the cost function J in (7.20). W is the positive definite cost matrix and is the penalty constant. T() is the thrust configuration matrix and F is the vector of thrust forces as define below:
T01 T 02 T ( ) F = t1 t2 ... t N p , T0 N p
+ det (T ( ) W 1T T ( ) )
where tp is the thust configuration vector and T() is the thrust configuration matrix (Fossen, 2002) and F is the vector of thrust forces. Inside F, the T0p is thrust force per thruster. The thrust force T0p is used in most of the thrust allocation algorithms, e.g. Fossen (2002), Fossen and Johansen (2006), Johansen, (2004) and the references therein.
Fig. 7.7. Control sensitivity map to shaft speed fluctuations when using PRC with DP and thrust allocation
Strategy 2 - propeller shaft speed fluctuation sensitivity included as the constraint in thrust allocation
The proposed propeller shaft speed fluctuation sensitivity is implemented in thrust allocation as the constraint. Within the allowed constraint, the individual thrusters are allowed to fluctuate. Then, crossing the predefined threshold is penalized in the thrust allocation cost function as shown:
Np J = min p T0 p f , , s p =1
3/ 2
+ s T Q s + ( 0 ) ( 0 ) +
+ det (T ( ) W 1T T ( ) )
+ psT R ps } ,
subject to the same constraints as in (7.20) and the following additional constraint: th = p + ps ; where psT R ps is used to penalize the error of the constraint th = p + ps . The weight matrix R is chosen so large that the optimal solution ps 0 is whenever possible. The vectors in the constraint are defined as:
th = 1
2 N p
and p = p1
p N p
, (7.23)
1 P0 p p = 1/ 3 k1 loss , p
1/ 3
7.4 Integrated network control concept for increased robustness to faults and blackout
When using the power redistribution controller (PRC), a number of other controllers are not necessary. This can be seen by comparing the PRC presented in Fig. 7.8 with the existing controller structure presented in Fig. 3.10. The PRC utilizes a low number of sensors and communication feedbacks and is using distributed controllers, as shown in Fig. 7.8. This increases the robustness of power plant to faults and blackout. The following aspects of the integrated power network control are proposed in this Chapter: 1. Power Redistribution Control (PRC) proposed in Chapter 6: The control redistributes the power among consumers that generate load fluctuations and thrusters that generate and compensate for the fluctuations. Significant improvements in the network frequency and voltage control are achieved; 2. Frequency-based load limiting control proposed in this Chapter: It is based on the extended functionality of PRC with fast control adaptation to changes in the structure of the power plant, e.g. open/closed generator circuit breaker, open/closed bus-tie, new consumers start/stop. The controller is independent of the communication and information share about the circuit breaker status; 3. Quasi-static load limiting control proposed in Chapter 5: It is based on the estimated thrust losses on the propeller and implicative indications of network load fluctuations generated by individual consumers. The controller is independent of the communication. The integration with DP thrust allocation is accomplished simply by providing a new limits for thrust allocation algorithm; 4. DP thrust allocation control proposed in this Chapter: It implements the existing thrust allocation algorithms with the sensitivity to propeller speed fluctuations. In this way, the commanded thrust on bad performing thruster will be reduced and the thrust will be reallocated to other thrusters. 5. Observer-based fast load reduction (Obs-FLR) proposed in Chapter 3: It is capable to recognize the generator trip from the network frequency and power (current, voltage) measurements. There is no dependence on communication with PMS controller and the switchboard about the breaker status. The blackout detection algorithm, within the controller, is capable to sense the breaker status without heaving communication links from the switchboard. Although similar to controller under 2, it will react much faster in order to prevent the blackout. Obs-FLR is based on the hybrid control concept consisted of the network frequency sensing and detection of breaker switching. The main feature of integrated control concept is that the problems with communication delays and faults are avoided and the number of sensors and communication between controllers is minimized. Moreover, as the control is distributed in the power system, high level of redundancy and reliability is achieved i.e. robustness to faults and blackouts.
1 Jgs
Fig. 7.8. Integrated power network control with low number of feedbacks, and with distributed controllers
Chapter 8
Speed control of generators and thrusters
8.1 Motivations
Propeller torque losses When vessel operates in harsh weather conditions, the propellers may be subjected to large thrust and torque fluctuations. These fluctuations are generated by the propeller periodic change of submergence condition which leads to ventilation (air suction) and partial or full propeller emergence, see Srensen et al. (1997), Smogeli et al. (2004a), Smogeli et al. (2004b), Smogeli (2006), Ruth (2005), Ruth and Smogeli (2006), Bakkeheim et al. (2006), Bakkeheim et al. (2007a), Bakkeheim et al. (2007b), Radan et al. (2006b), Radan et al. (2007a), Pivano et al. (2007a), and Pivano et al. (2007b). Wear and tear Large torque variations on propulsion engines are known to produce high frequency torsional vibrations in the stern shaft which transmits to the engine bearings, gears and vessel structure. The guidelines for preventing vibrations caused by the engine combustion and interaction with propeller are given by the engine vendors, see e.g. MAN B&W, Wartsila and classification societies, see e.g. Tienhaara (2004), Carlton and Vlasic (2005), and Dahler et al. (2006). The propeller interations on electrical thrusters and causes for the increased wear-out rate of thrusters operating in hash offshore conditions have been identified using model experiments, see e.g. Koushan (2004), Koushan (2006), and references therein. Large variations in the shaft speed may be the cause of mechanical failures of the power transmission parts such as shaft bearings, gears and increased wear-out of shaft seals. Speed encoders Typically, the shaft encoder used for the shaft speed measurement produces the noise in the speed signal. If the signal is fed back to the controller, the noise will be interpreted as the disturbance, and the commanded torque may induce undesired torsional vibrations in the power transmission. These vibrations can increase the fatigue of the mechanical components and increase the risk of component failure. To obtain robustness and noise suppression in the commanded torque, speed controllers for electric machines are typically proportionalintegral (PI), while the derivative term (D) is typically set to zero. Avoiding the noise amplification in high bandwidth actuators, such as electric drives, requires special attention. For diesel engines, gas- and steam turbines, the actuator dynamics of the speed governor acts typically as a low pass filter, and the responses of the engine itself are relatively slow compared to the electrical variable speed thruster. Thus, the D-term in the controller may have low positive values improving the speed of response to large disturbances. Since the D139
term can not be set high, large diesel engines are typically equipped with fast-acting overspeed cut-out devices used to cut the fuel supply when over-speed occurs preventing possibly serious damages of the engine and stern-shaft components, see e.g. Nikolaos et al. (2000). The problems involved in speed control of large diesel engines (2 stroke) are extensively analyzed and tested in the full scale in Nikolaos et al. (2000), where the authors proposed using accelerometers and sensors to determine the proximity of the water surface to the propeller blade. D-term As the D-term can improve the control, the problem remains how to suppress the sensor noise amplified in the D-term. Moreover, the noise will also be amplified as undesired disturbance in the PI terms as well. Typically, low pass filters are used to suppress the noise in the measurements. The problem arises due to relatively large phase shift that may have detrimental effect on the control the feedback signal is filtered but delayed. Speed encoder observers One approach to improve the performance of speed control of electric machines is to use the observer (state estimator) to filter the noise from the measurement. The observers may include the machine and encoder dynamics, as proposed in e.g. Kweon and Hyun (1999), Tilli and Montanari (2001), Wang et al. (2004), Comes Sanz et al. (2004), Kovudhikulrungsri and Koseki (2006). In this thesis, several types of observers (state estimators) and controllers are proposed. The proposed observers are capable to reduce the noise from any measurement and/or estimation, including speed and electrical torque, while having low detrimental impact on the control. Noise handling separation principle In this thesis, the observers are designed and tuned with respect to controller performance, so the overall closed-loop performance is considered (Radan et al., 2007a). This is found contrary to separation principle used in the design of linear (but also some class of nonlinear) observers. Thus, semi-global stabilization under output feedback is assumed (Atassi and Khalil, 1999). The semi-global stabilization and various robustness issues will be considered in order to obtain good suppression of noise and modeling error. This Chapter demonstrates how the design and tuning of the controller will depend on the design and tuning of the observer and how non-linear controllers may provide better overall control performance with respect to mechanical stress and constraints of the cascaded control structure. Noise suppression observers - proposed Based on the Radan et al. (2007a), one of the proposed observers is termed the inertial observer, as it is used to calculate the shaft acceleration from the measured or the estimated speed with low level of noise transmitted. Other observer types are also considered for the control of electric machines and engines, namely proportional-integral observers (PIO), proposed by Shafai and Carroll (1985), Beale and Shafai (1989), Shafai and Nork (2002), and Busawon and Kabore (2001). The proposed observers are used to improve the speed control performance of electric machines and 140
engines by improving the robustness to noise and faults in the sensors. One of the important benefits of PIO observer is that it can handle the noise in the states and input, rather than only output signal - as is the case when using the speed encoder observers. The proposed observers are compared with low pass filter when used with standard PI(D) controllers. The enhanced speed control performance is accomplished when combined (hybrid) of speed and torque observers and the inertial observer (PIDO) are used with controllers. Noise suppression controllers The following controllers, used to attenuate the noise in the measurements and states, are proposed in the thesis. These are namely: PI(D) controller with dynamic gains; Inertial controller (Radan et al., 2007a); Combined inertial controller with damping; Direct torque-loss controller or soft-anti spin controller. The anti spin controller for the marine thrusters is first proposed in Smogeli et al. (2004a), and improvements in the control performance can be found in Smogeli (2006), Bakkeheim et al. (2006), Bakkeheim et al. (2007a), Bakkeheim et al. (2007b). In this thesis a modified anti-spin control is proposed. The proposed controllers combined with the PIDO observers can improve the speed control of electrical thrusters, and potentially improve the speed control of propulsion engines and generating-sets. The proposed control strategies do not require any additional sensors. The application for the thrusters is demonstrated in the case studies although the potential applicability is provided also for all electrical machines and engines.
If the standard PI controller is used Qcp = k Pp e p + k Ip e p d then the measurement noise will
k Ip0 p d + k Ip p d + k Ip d d
0 0
k Dp
d d d 0 p k Dp p k Dp d dt dt dt
(8.2) The noise entering the control loop is highly undesirable due to high bandwidth of the current controller which will interpret the noise as fast changing disturbance, see Appendix B:
d (0 p p ) is the noiseless part of dt
Qcp = k Pp (0 p p ) + k Ip (0 p p ) d + k Dp
t 0
commanded torque;
Qcp , d = k Pp d k Ip d d k Dp
d d dt
measurement noise d. Neglecting the thruster dynamics Qmp=Qcp, and inserting (8.2) into (5.4) the following closed-loop equation of the propeller shaft motion is obtained:
d 1 p = dt Jp
t d k Pp (0 p p ) + k Ip 0 (0 p p ) d + k Dp dt (0 p p )
k Pp d k Ip d d k Dp
Qcp , d
d d Qap Q fp . dt
(8.4) As can be seen from (8.4), the undesired measurement noise d(t), is transferred to the shaft motion through the control action Qcp,d. Due to noise amplification in the controller, the shaft torque vibrations will increase. Therefore, as the noise will be amplified in the controller, the speed variations ep may not be reduced to the desired level. This may result in the increased wear-out rate of the power transmission system on the thruster. The closed-loop equation of motion (8.4) clearly explains why the D-term in PID control is usually diminished or set to zero in electro-mechanical rotating machinery. By setting kDp = 0, the term that differentiates the noise d(t), in (8.4) will be canceled. The drawback is that the derivative term in the kDpd/dt(0p p) noiseless part of commanded torque (8.4) will also be canceled, and the shaft speed control, for ideal noiseless control system may deteriorate. This may be partly compensated by increasing the gains in PI-terms. When PIterms are high, the thruster acceleration/deceleration must be limited using the load rate limits described in Chapter 2. As long as the propeller is subject to moderate weather conditions, standard PI controller may cope well with the propeller disturbances. Thus, the described problems are more pronounced in the harsh environmental conditions. As the shaft torsional vibrations are induced by the torque variations, the controller gains of PI(D) controller are actually bounded with a function of torque deviation (Radan et al., 2007a):
k Pp , k Ip , k Dp f
* (s ) Qap (s ) ) ,
* * where Qmp Qap is the torque deviation sensed on the shaft, Qap = Qap + Q fp is the extended
load torque that includes friction and s is the noise frequency. The torque fluctuations are to be suppressed above certain frequency s range. Thus, the main goal, with any shaft speed control is to reduce torque deviations on the propeller shaft, which is in fact the same as reducing the shaft accelerations in (8.4).
y = Cx ,
where x R n is the state vector, u R m is the control vector, y R p is the output of the system, and A, B, C are corresponding matrices and vectors. The proportional (P) observer is:
d x = Ax + Bu + L ( y Cx ) , dt
where L is the observer gain vector. The estimation error is defined as x = x x , and differentiation of estimation error x = x x , thus the error dynamics would have the expression:
x = x x = ( A LC ) x ,
Where ALC should be Hurwitz matrix in order to guarantee the asymptotic stability (Chen, 1999).
Measurement noise dy
Now, consider the measurement noise present at the output signal. The model would be:
d x = Ax + Bu dt y = Cx + Ed y ,
where the disturbance vector d y R q represents the measurement noise vector. Using the proportional observer in (8.7), the following error dynamics is obtained: x = x x = ( A LC ) x LEd y , (8.10)
where ALC should be Hurwitz. Now, the problem arises due to LEdy present in the error dynamics. As the observer gain L increases, the error dynamics converges faster to zero for the price of amplifying the measurement noise in the error dynamics.
Thruster performance with proportional observer
If the proportional observer form in (8.7) is used to estimate p then the following observer is obtained:
d 1 * Qmp Qap + l1 p ( p p ) , p = dt Jp
d * Qap = l2 p ( p p ) , dt
Now, investigate how the proportional observer may filter the noise. When the estimated measurement is used in the control, then:
e p = 0 p p ,
and the observer will contain the noise in the estimated signal as well:
d 1 * Qmp Qap + l1 p ( p + d p ) , p = dt Jp
d * Qap = l2 p ( p + d p ) , dt
where the sensor noise d is proportional to the observer gain l1p, used to stabilize the error dynamics. As l1p increases, the noise will be more amplified. The same holds for l2p. However, a second state Qap will be integrated before entering the first state equation p. Contrary to time differentiation, the time integration of Qap will suppress some of the noise amplified by l2p.
where Lp and LI terms are the observer proportional and integral term, respectively. If LI = 0, Lp = L, then PIO observer in (8.14) would be the same as P observer in (8.7). As can be seen from (8.14) the integral is called due to LI term where:
d y = ( y Cx ) d .
0 t
which may give more flexibility than P observer in (8.10) in selecting the observer gains for adequate state convergence versus output noise dy attenuation. However, the noise dy will not be completely attenuated in the observer as will be multiplied by the proportional gain Lp.
PIO for thruster
If the PIO observer form in (8.14) is used to estimate the states for the thruster, then the following observer is proposed:
d 1 * Qmp Qap + l1Pp ( p p ) + l1Ip d y , p = dt Jp
d * Qap = l2 p ( p p ) + l2 Ip d y , dt d dy = p p dt
This linear proportional-integral observer is shown to be globally asymptotically stable (GAS) for:
l1Pp > 0 , l2 Pp < 0 , l1Ip > 0 , l2 Ip < 0 .
where dx and dy represent faults or disturbances appearing in state and output equations and E and F are corresponding gain vectors. In this analysis, it will be assumed that they are modeled as identical disturbances, i.e. dy = dx = d. The modified proportional-integral observer (PIOM) has been proposed in Shafai and Nork (2002):
d x = Ax + Bu + L p y Cx Ed + Fd , dt d d = LI y Cx Ed . dt
Setting the estimation error as x = x x , the following estimation error dynamics is obtained:
x A L C p = LI C d y
Lp E F x Lp E + F d + LI E d LI E
be decoupled from the state estimate. This means that the observer gains will not amplify the noise (or error or fault), as was the case with the last term L p Ed y in the original PIO design (8.14). The freedom of selecting E and F parameters allows one to choose low observer gains LP and LI for reducing noise amplification and at the same time to guarantee the stability of the error dynamics.
Thruster PIOM
If the PIOM observer form in (8.20) is used to estimate the states for the thruster, then the following observer is proposed:
d 1 * p = Qmp Qap + l1Pp p p e1d y + f1d y , dt Jp
d * Qap = l2 Pp p p e1d y + f 2 d y , dt d d1 = l1Ip p p e1d y , dt
, where E and F in (8.20) are selected as E = ( e1, 0)T and F = ( f1, f2)T. The PIOM is GAS for:
l1Pp > 0 , l2 Pp < 0 , f1 p > 0 , f 2 p < 0 , e > 0 .
speed of the thruster is 0p = 0.3 p,rated and after t = 30 seconds it becomes 0p = 0.9 p,rated, so the controllers can be compared with different thruster loadings i.e. regimes: low speed vs. high speed regime. The total inertial time constant for the thruster rotating parts is H = 0.5 seconds, where J = 2 H in p.u., see e.g. Kundur (1994). A low pass filter is filtering the commanded torque Qcp signal at the controller output. A low pass filter is carefully tuned in order to obtain good control response with adequate noise filtering, as follows: 1 1 Qc ; For the low pass filter: Qcf = T1 fp s + 1 T2 fp s + 1 Low pass filtering when observers are used: Qcf =
1 Qc . T fp s + 1
The noise disturbance is presented in Table 8.2. The commanded torque Qcp in all PI controllers is low pass filtered. The low pass filter constant is selected lower if the observers are used for the shaft speed filtering (estimation), as shown in Table 8.1. The results of simulation for the shaft torque fluctuations and shaft speed for thruster operating in various load regimes, namely 30% to 90% of the rated speed, are presented in Figs. 8.2 to 8.4 and Tables 8.2 to 8.4.
As explained in Section 8.2 Effect of noise on shaft speed control, the shaft torque * fluctuations Q p = Qmp Qap are defined as the main cause of increased thruster wear and tear, as they may cause increased fatigue of power transmission components in addition to increased excitation of torsional vibrations. A controller could be tuned in a way to decrease a shaft torque fluctuations for the price of increased shaft speed fluctuations p = p 0 p - up to some point. Although the torque deviations are directly proportional to speed deviations, the presence of noise may introduce such nonlinearity i.e. non-separation. In order to obtain good comparisons, the standard deviation of shaft torque fluctuations are compared to the standard deviation of speed fluctuations, as shown in Tables 8.3 and 8.4.
Table 8.2. Noise parameters Noise signal: Noise sampling rate Amplitude Speed 10 milliseconds Motor torque 1 milliseconds
Table 8.3. Standard deviation in shaft torque deviations (accelerations) for various noise filtering types Standard deviation of increase fluctuations Noise filtering w.r.t. noiseless overall torque fluctuations 1. Noiseless 0.0400 40% 2. Low pass filter 0. 0561 15.2% 3. PO observer 0. 0461 7.5% 4. PIO observer 0. 0430 10.7% 5. PIOM observer 0. 0443
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Table 8.4. Standard deviation in shaft speed for various noise filtering types Standard deviation of increase fluctuations overall shaft speed Noise filtering w.r.t. noiseless fluctuations Noiseless 0. 0328 11.5% Low pass filter 0. 0366 6% PO observer 0. 0348 2% 0. 0321 PIO observer 3% PIOM observer 0. 0338
From Figs. 8.2 to 8.4, and Tables 8.3 and 8.4 following conclusions can be made: The overall shaft torque fluctuations will be lower with proportional observer (PO) than the low pass filter, shown in Fig. 8.2; More complex observers (PIO and PIOM) may further decrease the torque fluctuations, however for the price of increased complexity of tuning, as shown in Tables 8.3 and 8.4; Although the shaft torque fluctuations are about 28% higher with low pass filter than PO, this can hardly be noticed from the shaft speed estimation, in the lower part of Fig. 8.2. Thus, small differences in the speed estimation error will be amplified with the high gain (PI) controller and transmitted to the shaft as undesired torque fluctuations; 149
The PI controller is selected with high gains (kPp=10 in p.u.) in order to enhance the speed control performance and compensate for the phase-shift introduced by the low pass filtering. This would make the thruster to respond very fast to the changes in the speed reference signal; Fig. 8.3 shows the detailed view of torque fluctuations and speed for all filters when thruster is operating on a high load. The quantitative comparison of filters is available in Tables 8.3 and 8.4 where it can be noticed that an increase in the torque fluctuations due to noise with PIO filter will be just 7.5% while the increase in the shaft speed fluctuations due to noise will be 2%. This is much lower than when using standard low pass filtering with 40% increase in the torque fluctuations and 11.5% increase in the speed fluctuations compared to noiseless case;
The proportional integral observer (PIO) may give the best performance with respect to shaft speed and torque fluctuations when used with standard PI controller. The PIO is easy to tune as the absolute values of the observer integral gains should be somewhat higher than their proportional (PO) values.
shaft speed-filtered
40 t, (sec.)
Fig. 8.2. Shaft torque fluctuations and shaft speed for thruster operating in various load regimes and using following filters: ideal noiseless (______, blue), PO filtered (-.-.-.-, red), Low pass filter (------, green)
Fig. 8.3. Shaft torque fluctuations and shaft speed for thruster operating in various load regimes and using all filters: ideal noiseless, low pass filter, PO, PIO, PIOM
0.4 shaft torque deviation 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4
40 t, (sec.)
shaft speed-filtered
40 t, (sec.)
Fig. 8.4. Shaft torque (upper) and shaft speed (lower) fluctuations for thruster operating in various load regimes when using following filters: non-filtered (----, green), Low pass filter (, black)
2 0p
where kiner,p is the control gain. With the inertial control included, the following shaft speed controller is obtained, as presented in Fig. 8.5: Qcp = k Pp e p + k Ip e p d ,
0 t
e p = 0 p p kiner , p
d p . dt
d p k Ip kiner , p p , dt
where it may be noticed that last two terms in (8.27) are due to inertial control. Neglecting the thruster motor and frequency converter dynamics Qmp=Qcp, and inserting (8.27) into (5.4) the following closed-loop equation of motion is obtained:
t d 1 k Pp (0 p p ) + k Ip (0 p p ) d k Ip kiner , p p Qap Q fp , p = 0 dt J p + k Pp kiner , p
(8.28) where it can be noticed that the proportional term of the PI controller will increase the virtual inertia due to feedback acceleration controller action (Fossen, 2002), while the inertial term will increase the virtual damping in the system. The inertial control concept is presented in Fig. 8.5. From (8.25) it can be noticed that the inertial control strategy can be obtained using direct differentiation of the shaft speed p, if an accurate shaft speed can be measured. The measurement noise in the speed p will limit the performance of the controller as the derivation of noisy measurement dp/dt may cause the increased wear of thruster components.
and is calculated using one of the previously proposed observers (PO, PIO, PIOM). Then, the inertial torque observer is used to estimate the speed differentiation. The estimated shaft acceleration is obtained from the inertial torque considering the following equation:
d * 1 * Qmp Qap = Qiner , p / J p kiner , p . p = dt Jp
The inertial torque observer (8.29) is used for the estimation of the inertial torque Qiner,p which is equivalent to the shaft acceleration. Thus, D-term of the controller is estimated through the estimation of the inertial torque, as proposed in Fig. 8.6. Then the following controller output is obtained: Qcp = k Pp e p + k Ip e p d ,
e p = 0 p p kiner , p
1 * Qmp Qap . Jp
1 Jp
d p dt
+ p
PI thruster
Qmp + Qmp
Qiner,p +
1 Jp
Fig. 8.6. Proposed inertial torque observer used to suppress the noise in the D-term
With output noise present i.e. the noise at the shaft speed measurement, the error to the inertial controller is obtained:
e p = 0 p ( p + d ) kiner , p d ( p + d ) . dt
d p is the noiseless dt
Qcp , s = k Pp (0 p p ) + k Ip (0 p p ) d k Ip kiner , p p k Pp kiner , p
Qcp , d = k Pp d k Ip d d kiner , p
measurement noise d. Neglecting the thruster motor and frequency converter dynamics Qmp=Qcp, and inserting (8.34) into (5.4) the following closed-loop equation of motion is obtained:
d 1 k ( ) + k t ( ) d k k p = p Ip 0 0p p Ip iner , p p Qap Q fp Pp 0 p dt J p + k Pp kiner , p k Pp d k Ip d d kiner , p
0 t
d d . dt
(8.35) Although, the undesirable part of the inertial controller Qcp,d (8.34) is similar to Qcp,d of the PID controller (8.3), the noiseless part Qcp,s of the inertial controller (8.35) is enhanced. It can be noticed that Qcp,s in (8.35) increases the damping(kIp part) in addition to the virtual inertia. This indicates that the damping may be increased if the I-term (kIp gain) in the PI controller is increased. Such features may give more flexibility in handling noise i.e. dirty derivatives and provide enhancements in the overall control system.
Observer output noise suppressing
In order to reduce the dirty derivatives introduced in the control loop when differentiate the speed output, the inertial observer is used:
d * 1 * Qmp Qap = Qiner , p / J p kiner , p . p = dt Jp
It can be noticed that the time derivative in (8.36) will contain less noise than if the standard observer is used in the controller.
Observer suppressing the motor torque noise
Moreover, a noise is also present in the Qmp as the motor torque is estimated within the frequency drive by e.g. current observer for permanent magnet synchronous machines and rotor flux observer for the induction motor (Utkin et al., 1999). Considering the proportional observer, as given in (8.7) with noise in the motor torque:
d 1 * Qmp + dQ Qap + l1 p ( p + d p ) p = dt Jp
d * Qap = l2 p ( p + d p ) , dt
t t d * 1 1 * Qmp Qap = Q l p = ( p ) d + dQ l2 p 0 d d . mp 2 p 0 p dt Jp Jp
It can be noticed that the noise in the time derivative of the speed can be suppressed by adjusting the l2p observer gain. Then a cancellation of the noise in dQ l2 p d d 0 can
t 0
Qcp = k Pp e p + k Ip e p d ,
t 0
1 * Qmp Qap . Jp
e p = 0 p ( p + d ) kiner , p
Then the following inertial controller with the observer estimated time derivative is obtained:
Qcp = k Pp (0 p p ) + k Ip (0 p p ) d
t 0
k Pp kiner , p
t 0
* Qap d
k Pp d k Ip d d
(8.40) When the P-term (kPp) is reduced this may directly suppress the noise transmission to the controller and the closed-loop and the control behavior improved due to increased virtual inertia and damping increased by increased kiner,p.
8.5.4 Simulations
A simulation study of electrical thruster operating in harsh environmental conditions is performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK and results are presented in Figs. 8.7 to 8.9. The simulated thrust loss peak is 95% nominal, which corresponds to almost full propeller emergence. The following filters/observers are compared in this study: Low pass: Butterworth second order low pass filter based PI controller; Inertial: Observer-based inertial controller. The noisy measurements in shaft speed p and electrical torque Qmp are simulated by adding the signal perturbations, uniformly distributed, with min/max relative error of 1 to 2% and 5% respectively. All variables, as well as the controller gains, are normalized. The nominal speed of the thruster is 0p = 0.3 p,rated and after t = 30 seconds it becomes 0p = 0.9 p,rated, so the controllers can be compared with different thruster loadings i.e. regimes: low speed vs. high speed regime. The total inertial time constant for the thruster rotating parts is H = 0.5 seconds, where J = 2 H in p.u., see e.g. Kundur (1994).
The observer gains and filter time constants are given in Table 8.5. The kPp= 3 p.u. which is more than 3 times lower then the P-gain of PI controller compared in this study. The selected inertial time constant for the observer is H = 0.8 seconds although the real H=0.5 seconds This demonstrates the robustness of the observer-based inertial controller to the parameters and data. One very interesting feature of the proposed controller is that the inertial controller gain kiner,p can be selected very high and in this case study is kiner,p = 80. This is due to good noise suppression ability of the inertial observer and cancellation of the noise term in (8.38). The results are presented in Figs. 8.7 to 8.9. It can be noticed that the inertial control can decrease the torque shaft fluctuations in all regimes, especially when discontinuous change in the thrust references are present, as can be noticed from t = 30 to 45 seconds It can be noticed from Fig. 8.9 that the inertial controller will inject into the closed-loop less high frequency component noise than the low pass filter and thus may improve the innerloop control performance of the cascade control structure.
Table 8.5. Observer, filter and controller parameters Type of the filter used 1. PI controller with Low pass filter PI controller with PIO observer Filter and observer gains T1fp = 0.1, T2fp = 0.2 l1Pp = 10; l2Pp = 50; l1Ip = 10; l2Ip = 100; H = 0.5 seconds; Tfp = 0.1 l1Pp = 20; l2Pp = 200; H = 0.8 seconds, Tfp = 0; Controller gains standard PI controller: kPp= 10 p.u., kIp = 1 p.u., kDp = 0 p.u. same as in 1. Inertial controller: kPp = 3 p.u., kIp = 1 p.u., kiner,p = 80;
shaft speed-filtered
1 0.5 0
50 t, (sec.)
Fig. 8.7. Shaft torque (top and middle) and shaft speed (lowest) fluctuations with regards to discontinuous speed reference for thruster operating in various load regimes and using filters: low pass filter PI controller (, black), PO based inertial controller (------, yellow)
shaft speed-real 1 0.5 0
commanded torque=Qc
50 t, (sec.)
Fig. 8.8. Real shaft speed (top), command (middle) and real thrust (lowest) when using: Low pass filter (, black), PIO (------, yellow)
0.2 0.15 shaft torque deviation 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 74 75 76 77 78 t, (sec.) 79 80 81
Fig. 8.9. Shaft torque fluctuations using filters: low pass filter PI controller (, black), PO based inertial controller (------, yellow)
* * where oss , p is the estimated thrust loss factor, Qap is estimated load torque (using state observer), Q0 p is calculated nominal torque from measured speed p , K Q 0 p is pre determined propeller torque coefficient, D p is the propeller diameter. The parameters K Q 0 p and D p must be known. Problems with regards to robustness to the parameter inaccuracy will arise due to real value of K Q 0 p may be difficult to know for the whole operating region as: * If the K Q 0 p < K Q 0 p then oss , p > 1 in steady state;
* If the K Q 0 p > KQ 0 p then oss , p < 1 in steady state; * If K Q 0 p = KQ 0 p then oss , p = 1 in steady state.
* * If loss , p is used directly in the control law and loss , p 1 then the steady state error will be introduced in the control, i.e. the equilibrium point of the system will change in the operating regime. In order to avoid problems with steady state error, the anti-spin control switching logic * proposed in Smogeli et al. (2004a) is mainly based on the threshold limits set on the loss , p * as the anti-spin will be initiated when loss , p loss , p ,ON . In this thesis, the washout filters are proposed as a method to remove the steady state error and reduce the dependence on the parameters of the control; for washout filters and lead compensators see e.g. Hassouneh et al. (2004), Franklin et al. (2006) and the references therein. The background for the proposed idea can be found in the controller structure of classical automatic voltage regulator (AVR), see e.g. Kundur (1994), Anderson and Fuad (2003), and references therein. Thus, the proposed estimation of the thrust loss factor is as follows:
* loss , p = h w ( s ) h w ( s ) = * Qap +1, k 2
1p p
s . s +1
2 where s term is the Laplace operator and s is the time constant. The Q0 p = k1 p p and
1 k1 p = K Q 0 p D 5 can be roughly estimated as the washout filter hw(s) will guarantee the p 4 2 steady state error will converge to zero for any reasonable value of k1p > 0. This is * demonstrated in Fig.8.10, where it can be noticed that washout filtered loss , p signal will not
g > 0, g R ,
* loss , p = h w ( s ) * Qap +1, k 2
1p p
s h w ( s ) = , s +1
* * 0 loss , p 1 1 loss , p 0 ,
where the k,,p is the controller gain for the loss,p terms. In steady state, when the thrust loss is g not present the * = 1 and k = 0. 1 *
loss , p
loss , p
Qcp = k Pp (0 p p ) + k Ip (0 p p ) d k Pp d k Ip d d
t t 0 0
k Pp k , p
2 0p
1 *
loss , p
k Ip k , p
2 0p
1 *
loss , p
d .
(8.45) The last two terms with k,p in (8.45) will increase the controller stability dependent on the * * disturbance loss , p . The loss , p is estimated using an observer and may contain some noise. * However, the noise in the loss , p can be significantly suppressed as the washout filter
introduces the phase-lead and the low pass filter (phase-lag) constants could be increased in order to attenuate noise in the wider range of frequencies. If k , p = k1 p , then the following commanded torque is obtained:
Qcp = k Pp (0 p p ) + k Ip (0 p p ) d k Pp d k Ip d d
t t 0 0
2 * k Pp k1 p0 p 1 loss , p
t 2 * k Ip k1 p 0 p 1 loss , p
(8.46) 2 = Q k ( )2 and Q = k 2 . Thus, one may assume that k 2 where k1 p 0 p 0p 1p 0p 0p 1p p 1p 0 p p 2 will increase the stability less than Q0 p term. However, k1 p0 p will not contain noise, 2 whereas the k1 p p will increase the noise level on second potential of p as p is the measured controller output. The phase-lag due to low pass noise filtering and electric motor response will be 2 2 compensated by the inclusion of k1 p0 p term instead of Q0 p = k1 p p in the control law and * the washout filtering of loss , p . Thus, the following closed-loop equation is obtained assuming Qmp = Qcp:
d 1 p = dt Jp k ( ) + k t ( ) d k d k t d d 0p p Ip 0 p Pp Ip 0 Pp 0 p
2 * k Pp k1 p0 p 1 loss , p
t * k Ip k1 p 02p 1 loss , p
d Qap Q fp .
* As the term k Pp k1 p02p 1 loss , p
k Pp
As can be noticed from (8.47), the benefits of the proposed control law may be stated as follows: The proposed controller will increase the stability in a similar way as the inertial control; The disturbance estimate is directly included in the control law; Control is very robust to parameter inaccuracies; The proposed control is non-switching, so problems involving control switching issues do not need to be considered; The proposed control is continuous i.e. it will smoothly react to all disturbances with regards to their level; The proposed control is applicable and robust in all operating regimes; The recovery after the disturbance will depend on the measured, i.e. estimated disturbance.
8.6.4 Simulations
A case study simulation of electrical thruster operating in harsh environmental conditions is performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK and results are presented in Figs. 8.10 to 8.12. Observer, filter and controller parameters are presented in Table 8.6. The simulated thrust loss peak is 95% nominal, which corresponds to almost full propeller emergence. The following filters/observers are compared in this study: Low pass Butterworth second order low pass filter based PI controller; Inertial observer-based inertial controller; Direct torque-loss observer-based Direct torque-loss controller (soft anti-spin). The noisy measurements in shaft speed p and electrical torque Qmp are simulated by adding the signal perturbations, uniformly distributed, with min/max relative error of 1 to 2% and 5% respectively. All variables, as well as the controller gains, are normalized. The nominal speed of the thruster is 0p = 0.3 p,rated and after t = 30 seconds it becomes 0p = 0.9 p,rated, so the controllers can be compared with different thruster loadings i.e. regimes: low speed vs. high speed regime. The total inertial time constant for the thruster rotating parts is H = 0.5 seconds., where J is substituted with 2 H in thruster shaft motion equation. From the results of the simulations, presented in Figs. 8.11 and 8.12 it can be noticed that with the Direct torque-loss controller the shaft speed reference will be reduced every time the thrust loss occurs e.g. propeller goes out of water. This control behavior is similar to antispin (Smogeli, 2006) and thus the direct torque-loss controller can also be called the soft anti-spin controller. As can be seen from Fig. 8.11, the shaft speed fluctuations can be significantly reduced with the direct torque-loss controller, however the overall shaft torque fluctuations (i.e. shaft accelerations) will be less with the inertial controller. The direct torque-loss controller may provide lower shaft torque fluctuations due to chattering induced by the fast reference change, compared to standard PI controller. However, the robustness to chattering will be the lowest with the inertial controller.
Table 8.6. Observer, filter and controller parameters Type of the filter used 1. PI controller with Low pass filter Inertial controller with PO observer Filter and observer gains T1fp = 0.1, T2fp = 0.2 l1Pp = 20; l2Pp = 200; H = 0.8 seconds, Tfp = 0; l1Pp = 20; l2Pp = 200; H = 0.8 seconds, T1fp = 0.1, T2fp = 0.2 Controller gains standard PI controller: kPp= 10 p.u., kIp = 1 p.u., kDp = 0 p.u. Inertial controller: kPp = 3 p.u., kIp = 1 p.u., kiner,p = 80; Direct torque-loss controller: kPp = 10 p.u., kIp = 1 p.u., k,p = 0.2; ,p = 0.5;
Plot 1.6 1.4 thrust loss-washout filtering 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 60 65 t, (sec.) 70 75 80
Fig. 8.10. Filtering of torque loss factor loss,p using low pass filter after washout filter, before wash-out filter (------, blue), filtered output (____, green)
speed reference 1 0.5 0
50 t, (sec.)
0.5 30 35 40 45 t, (sec.) 50 55 60
Fig. 8.11. Shaft torque (middle) and shaft speed (lowest) fluctuations with regards to discontinuous speed reference (top) for thruster using filters: PI controller (, blue), inertial controller (-.-.-.-, dark green), direct torque-loss controller (------, light green)
Fig.8.12. Thruster speed reference (top), commanded torque (middle) and real thrust (lowest) using filters: PI controller (, blue), inertial controller (-.-.-.-, dark green), direct torque-loss controller (------, light green)
8.7 Conclusions
Observer-based speed controllers for thrusters are proposed in this Chapter. The problem of speed control is considered with regards to noise present in the measurement and electrical motor torque for electrical thrusters. A number of noise-filtering observers (state estimators) are proposed to improve the overall closed-loop control performance of the propulsion when standard proportional-integral (PI) controller is used for the control of marine thrusters. From the simulations performed in SIMULINK/MATLAB it has been concluded that the proportional-integral observer (PIO) may provide the best improvements over the low pass filter when the noise is present. The inertial controller is proposed to improve the controller performance by inclusion of virtual inertia and virtual damping in the control law (Radan et al. 2007a). The inertial controller can also be regarded as a nonlinear PID controller with filtered D-term and further improvements in the noise suppression. The direct torque-loss controller has been proposed to improve the control performance of electrical thrusters and engines. Direct torque-loss controller is based on the anti-spin control concept (Smogeli et al., 2004a) but provides more robustness to parameter inaccuracies and to variations in the operating regimes. The torque-loss controller has been compared to the inertial controller. It appears that the inertial controller may suppress the shaft torque fluctuations still better than the direct torque-loss controller. However, the later will suppress the shaft fluctuations better. The inertial controller will have the lowest shaft torque fluctuations of all simulated controllers. This may be beneficial from the vibration aspect, as the inertial controller will induce the fluctuations with the lowest frequency compared to other controllers. The proposed control method is mainly analyzed for the speed control of electrical thrusters due to the importance of having good noise suppression in the controller output signal. Similar analysis and comparison of simulation results are possible for other applications of speed control. It is believed that the inertial controller and direct torque-loss controller could be applied on rotating machinery in general, without the need to install any additional sensors or actuators, namely: electrical motor drives, prime movers (engines, turbines, etc.), generating-sets, compressors, pumps, and similar.
Chapter 9
Conclusions and recommendations
9.1 Conclusions
This thesis has focused on control of marine electrical power system for increased overall vessel performance. In Chapter 2, the functionality and operation of existing power and energy management system had been explained. The power system modeling was given in the appendices. The main objectives and constraints of the design were presented together with concepts of redundancy, single point failures, and vessel and PMS fault vulnerability. These are important concepts, constantly repeated in the motivation and validation of proposed PMS solutions. Further, the blackout dynamics and generator allocation control had been modeled and number of constraints and equipment limitations are identified. These constraints are used in Chapter 4 to provide the energy management solutions. Important section in Chapter 2 is about the load limiting control. There, the consequences of present control philosophy have been analyzed with regards to the blackout prevention and overall system performance. Chapter 3 described the blackout prevention control. Various existing solutions are presented and analyzed with regards to speed of blackout detection and detection reliability. It has been emphasized that spurious trips of thrusters, i.e. the false blackout detection rate should be reduced, as it may potentially increase the wear-out rate of thrusters components. The observer-based fast load reduction has been proposed, and its performance was demonstrated in a case study. It was shown that the proposed controller is faster than any existing controller, i.e. the generator breaker trip (the potential blackout) is detected within 50 milliseconds. Moreover, the proposed controller is robust and reliable while the false blackout detections are minimized. Chapter 4 was about the minimization of operational costs, including the fuel consumption. The operational costs and constraints have been identified, the number of which are specific for the marine vessel operations. Some of them, such as the blackout risk cost can hardly be quantified. Despite that, the blackout risk cost can be included in the proposed cost function. The long-term and short-term unit commitment optimizations had been proposed. Classical convex optimization numerical techniques as well as relatively modern evolutionary based non-convex optimization methods are used successfully through the case studies. The main result was 6% of fuel saved for the existing OSV and 8% for newbuilds. The overall operational costs, e.g. engine start/stop, engine load variations, etc. have also been reduced. Chapter 5 presented the propulsion load control. The motivations for the load control were defined, and the network load disturbances were defined for the marine power system. Slowly varying power disturbances were separated from the dynamic disturbances and the latter were further analyzed through the propeller disturbance studies. Quasi-static load limiting controllers were proposed, based on the real-time measurements and the probability of load disturbances, i.e. pre-calculated expected number of disturbances in one hour above 167
the threshold. It was demonstrated that the controller can decrease the frequency fluctuations on the network. This is an important result for the power redistribution controller and its integration with thrust allocation, presented in the Chapter 6. It is also important for the fuel economy as the fuel consumption is proportional to the level of network load fluctuations. Chapter 6 proposed a new strategy to completely attenuate the frequency and voltage fluctuations on the network. The proposed power redistribution control (PRC) will dynamically affect thrusters and other consumers, thereby significantly improve the network stability to any kind of disturbances, including some faults. It has been demonstrated that the proposed PRC will have a minor effect on the vessel responses, e.g. effects on DP and maneuvering will be insignificant. In Chapter 7, it had been proposed that the PRC can be integrated with the quasi-static load limiting control, presented in Chapter 5, or thrust allocation. Important mechanical limits for the generating-sets and thrusters were included in the controller design. Chapter 7 also presented the proposed frequency-based precise load limiting control. The thrust allocation algorithm has been implemented with the proposed sensitivity to propeller shaft speed fluctuations when operating with PRC. Thus, it is believed that the PRC is integrated for the optimal vessel performance. Moreover, it has been discussed how the proposed integrated network control concept can be used for the increased robustness to faults and blackout. Chapter 8 was about speed control of thrusters, and propulsion engines. It dealt with the speed control for an isolated machine, e.g. thruster, propulsion engine or generating-set. The main goal of the Chapter was to find the control that will reduce the damages and wear-out rates of the mechanical components of the machine. An electrical thruster was used to demonstrate control strategies that were applicable to propulsion engines and generating-sets, as well. A number of observers were proposed in order to separate i.e. suppress (attenuate) the noise in the speed measurement. Further, several controllers were proposed that may be combined with proposed noise attenuating observers. The proposed control strategies did not require any additional sensors. The advantages of proposed inertial controller and direct torque-loss controller, combined with the proportional-integral observer were demonstrated through the case studies. This thesis has demonstrated the importance of high-level power management control to operational cost reductions and blackout prevention, in addition to controller integration between the power system and the propulsion system for the optimum vessel performance. Based on evaluation of the performance across all operating regimes for the power and propulsion control, the simulation results indicated that the proposed integrated power network control was advantageous solution for the maximum blackout prevention, minimum wear-out rate of thrusters and generators, and the minimization of overall operational costs including the fuel and environmental costs.
equipped with the frequency converter, and thus would be easier to analyze. However, the shaft torque fluctuations induced by the diesel engine periodical cylinder combustion would have to be considered.
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Appendix A
Modeling of marine power system
In order to design and test the various control solutions presented in this thesis a simulator have to be used. This Chapter describes the basic modeling principles of marine power system simulator based on the well known models used for the design, analysis and control of the on-land power system. The marine power system is modeled as an isolated power system, with small transmission line impedance between the power generators and consumers. The main goal is to design the simulator capable to have fast speed of computation and low parameter dependence (data requirement), while having the required accuracy necessary for the safe testing of ideas e.g. power management and control solutions. Thus, modeling simplifications used to reduce the data requirements and to increase the simulation speed are given.
vessel is thoroughly described in Hansen (2000). In this Chapter, simplified models of the network, derived in Lu et al. (2001), Hansen (2000) and Anderson and Fuad (2003) will be presented.
where g is the rotor speed, Mmg is the mechanical torque imposed on the shaft supplied by the prime mover, Meg is the electromagnetic (electrical) torque of the generator, and Mdg is the damping torque in direct proportion to the variations in the shaft speed, see e.g. Lu et al. (2001) and Anderson and Fuad (2003). The Jg is the moment of inertia of the rotating parts of the generator set i.e. the rotors of the generator and prime mover together. In this thesis, from this point forward, the M will be substituted by Q, so the following motion balance equation for the generator is obtained:
Jg d g = Qmg Qeg Qdg , dt
where Qmg is the mechanical (engine) torque, Qeg is the electromagnetic (electrical) torque of the generator, and Qdg is the damping torque. The rotor position with respect to a synchronously rotating reference 0g is defined by the rotor power angle g. Then, the rotor velocity can be expressed as:
g = 0 g + g = 0 g +
d g , dt
where 0g is the rotor synchronous speed i.e. 0g = 2 f0 which e.g. for the 60 Hz system is 0g = 2 60. In the per unit system, 0g = 1. The rotor angular acceleration is expressed as:
d d2 g = 2 g . dt dt
In a per unit system, (A.2) can be written as:
* Jg
where SB is the power rating of the generator, expressed in VA (volt amperes), and ng is the generator speed, expressed in revolution per second. Usually, the time t and the moment of inertia, denoted by Hg are expressed is seconds while all torques are expressed in per unit. Thus, the following motion equation is usually used:
2H g d = Qmg Qeg Qdg , 0 g dt g
Hg is denoted by the time period it takes for a rotor rotating from a totally static state to reach its rated speed as a 1.0 per unit torque is applied on the shaft from t = 0 seconds.
The electrical power is related to torque through following well known equation:
Qeg = Peg
The per unit values of Peg and Qeg are very close to each other and usually set to be equal Peg = Qeg g = 0g = 1 in (A.9), in the on-land power system studies. The isolated marine grid should have an accurate motion equation, and this approximation will not be performed here.
where va, vb, vc are the instantaneous values of the generators terminal voltages of the phase a, b and c; ia, ib, ic are the instantaneous values of the generators stator currents of three phases;
As the base value of power is PB = 3 VI = 3 vB / 2 iB / 2 , where V and I are the effective values of rated voltages and currents, and vB, iB are base the values of the instantaneous peak voltages and currents, the per unit instantaneous generator output power is:
where (A.11) is obtained when (A.10) is divided by the base power PB to obtain per unit values of Peg. In order to increase the speed of simulation i.e. reduces the calculation load, the 3-phase voltages and currents are usually transformed to d-q-0 coordinate system which is rotating with the machine rotor. In this way, the magnetic conductivity of the windings is not the periodic function of time t, but a constant for an ideal generator. Thus, every parameter of an ideal generator will be a constant and independent of time t and the mathematical model becomes the time invariant system (TI), as explained in e.g. Lu et al. (2001). Then, the transformation equations for voltages and currents together with their inverse counterparts are shown:
Vdq 0 = C Vabc , I dq 0 = C I abc ,
Vabc = C 1 Vdq 0 ,
I abc = C 1 I dq 0 ,
cos C = sin 1/ 2 cos ( 2 / 3 ) cos ( + 2 / 3 ) sin ( + 2 / 3 ) , 1/ 2
sin ( 2 / 3 ) 1/ 2
where = ( t ) dt .
t 0
According to theory of electromagnetics, when the resistances of the armature winding are ignored, the phase voltages are obtained from the flux linkages as:
Vabc = d abc , dt
where the flux is transformed using the same transformation as for the voltages and currents, and
Vdq 0 =
d d dq 0 + C ( C 1 ) dq 0 . dt dt
Ignoring the transformer electric potentials, d d / dt and d q / dt , and assuming the generator rotates with constant speed, the relations between the armature winding voltages and the flux linkages can be obtains as:
vd = q ,
vq = d .
Similarly, the following equations are obtained when the expressions for the phase flux linkages, armature currents, and excitation current are transformed in d-q-0 frame:
d = xad I f xd id ,
q = xq iq ,
where xd = Ld and xq = = Lq are stator windings self inductive reactance, Ld and Lq are inductances, and xad is the mutual inductive reactance between the stator winding and the field winding. After substituting (A.19) for the flux linkages and Eq = xad I f in (A.18) the following equations are obtained:
vd = xq iq ,
vq = Eq xd id .
The generator power is obtained from (A.11) using the transformations (A.12):
assuming balanced system conditions v0 = i0 = 0, which are the main interest in the generator control and stability studies. Substituting the equations for vd and vq in (A.21) the following equation follows:
Peg = vd id + vq iq = Eq iq + ( xq xd ) id iq ,
' ' where Eq is the electric potential behind the transient reactance xd , and in the q-axis.
When the generator is connected to the network and loaded with active power, the load current will cause an angular difference between the terminal voltage of the generator Vt ' and the idling (no-load) electric potential Eq or Eq :
va v = V t b vc sin ( ) sin ( 2 / 3 ) , sin ( + 2 / 3 )
where Vt is the amplitude of the generator terminal voltage. After transformation to d-q-0, the following is obtained:
sin ( 2 / 3 )
cos ( 2 / 3 )
v cos ( + 2 / 3 ) a v , sin ( + 2 / 3 ) b vc
(A.27) where only the first two rows of the C transformation matrix are included as the last one is not important in the balanced conditions. From (A.25) and (A.27) the d,q components of the winding armature current are determined:
id =
iq =
' Eq Vt cos ' xd
Vt sin . xq
Substituting the (A.28) and (A.27) in (A.23) the following equation for the electrical power is obtained:
' Peg = Eq
Taking the magnitudes of the terminal voltage and the armature winding current as
2 2 2 2 Vt = vd + vq and I = id + iq , the reactive power can be calculated from apparent power
2 d
2 2 2 + vq )( id + iq ) ( vd id + vq iq )
= vq id vd iq ,
(A.30) where the apparent power Seg = Vt I. Substituting the (A.28) and (A.27) in (A.30) the following equation for the reactive power is obtained:
Qeg =
' EqVt
' d
V f = rf i f +
d fd , dt
where Vf is the voltage of the field winding, proportional to the output of the automatic voltage regulator (AVR), If is the field current, fd is the flux linkage and rf is the field winding resistance. Multiplying (A.32) with xad/rf the following equation for the field winding is obtained:
E f = Eq + Td 0
' dEq
xf rf
xad fd ; xf
Ef = Vf
xad rf
In per unit values, Ef=Vf and the following dynamic equation of field winding can be used:
' dEq
1 1 Vf . Eq + Td 0 Td 0
Thus, the generator has been modeled based on the following approximations: The voltage losses caused by the armature resistances were ignored in (A.13); Flux linkages produced by the currents in the damping windings are neglected in (A.25); The damper effects are completely neglected and their effect is transferred to the damping torque in the swing equation (A.2), as will be seen later in the full model; The component of electric potential called transformer electric potentials dd / dt, dq / dt; It has been assumed that the waveform of the terminal voltage is always sinusoidal; The active power (A.29) is only valid for the synchronous operation of generators and power system due to assumption that g = 0g = 1 in (A.18). However, despite these assumptions it has been shown that the power equation (A.29) can meet the accuracy requirements of the mathematic models used to analyze the stability problems and dynamic performance of the power system.
where Yij = 1/ Z ij is the corresponding component of the network admittance matrix, I i is the
complex current vector that the generator i injects into the power network, Ei and E j are the
' ' complex vectors of the transient electric potentials Eqi , Eqj or idling electric potentials Eqi ,
Eqj , and i, j (1, k). The Yij = Y ji and the admittance matrix is symmetric.
Then the each individual generator will deliver this current to the network:
I i = Ei Yii +
j =1 j
j ij
where the current delivery will depend on the contribution of other generators, besides loads. The apparent power of the generator i, sending the power to the network in complex form is: Weg ,i = Peg ,i + jQeg ,i = Ei I i* , i, (1, k), (A.37)
where I i* is the complex conjugate of I i , and j is now used as a complex number, j = 1 . After substituting (A.36) into (A.37) the following equation is obtained:
Weg ,i = Ei Ei*Yii* + Expressing the complex admittance as:
Yij = Yij e
E *Yij* . j j =1 j
= Gij + jBij
Gij = Yij cos ij , and Bij = Yij sin ij , where Gij and Bij are conductance and susceptance of the node ij, and ij is the impedance angle. The following equation for the apparent power is obtained:
Weg ,i
' ' where ij = i j and hence ij = ji . When E is replaced with Eqj then xd should be used for the generator reactance. As defined in (A.37), the real part of (A.40) represents the active power Peg,i and the imaginary part is the reactive power Qeg,i.
Expressing above equation in rectangular coordinates for Gij and Bij the active and reactive power are obtained:
E (G
k j =1 j j k j =1 j j
E (G
due to Gij = Yij cos ij and , as defined in (A.39). The mutual admittance Yij only involves the impedances of the transformers and transmission lines (transmission lines are relatively very small on the marine vessel) and the proportions of resistance R/X in these impedances are very small, so the impedance angles are nearly 900. This indicates that the cos /2 = 0 in (A.41) and the following simplified equations are typically accepted: Peg ,i = Ei2 Gij + Ei
j =1 j j k j =1 j
sin ij , sin ij .
j =1 j
' j ij
cos ( ij ij ) ,
1 1 V f ,i . Eq , i + Td 0,i Td 0,i
where Dg,i is the damping constant from the damper and the engine, which has typically small value. The relation between q-axis transient potential and the q-axis potential is:
a - 10
' ' Eq ,i = Eq ,i + I d ,i ( xd ,i xd ,i ) .
The currents are obtained from (A.36) in a similar manner as powers in (A.40) and (A.41): I d ,i = Ei Bii + E j Yij sin ( ij ij ) ,
k j =1 j
and then inserting (A.45) into (A.44), and then into (A.34) the final equation is obtained:
' dEq ,i
' 1 + Bii ( xd ,i xd ,i )
Td 0,i
' Eq , i +
' xd ,i xd ,i
Td 0,i
j =1 j
' q , i ij
Y sin ( ij ij ) +
1 Td 0,i
V f ,i .
j =1 j
' j ij
cos ( ij ij ) ,
' xd ,i xd ,i
' 1 + Bii ( xd ,i xd ,i )
Td 0,i
' Eq , i +
Td 0,i
j =1 j
' q , i ij
Y sin ( ij ij ) +
1 V f ,i . Td 0,i
a - 11
Gas turbines, steam turbines and hydro turbines have been traditionally used for on-land power generation, and references with extensive modeling and control details can be found in e.g. Anderson and Fuad (2003), Kundur (1994), Hannett and Khan (1993), and references therein. However, the main prime mover in the marine industry is a diesel-engine (dnanes, 2003). As mentioned in Hansen (2000), the diesel engines have been modeled with different complexity. The modeling complexity will depend on the application ranging from air-flow models, cylindrical combustion models, control and/or observer models, diagnosing models e.g. fluctuating torque estimation from speed measurements, etc.
A typical model useful for the power system dynamic studies may only take into account the mechanical dynamics of the process. Thus, it may be defined by steady state data and geometrical characteristics, see e.g. Guzzella and Amstutz (1998). Based on the Guzzella and Amstutz
(1998), the following diesel engine model is proposed in this thesis to be used with power system simulations:
Qmg = Qmg ( t e ) ,
e = 1...1.125 seconds.
It is assumed that all cylinders have the same crank-angle phase difference. It should be noticed that additional delays will be introduced by the controller hardware. The engines mean torque can be determined from:
Qmg = H LHV m f ind ,
where: ind is the indicated efficiency; HLHV is the fuel lower heating value (42 707 kJ/kg for heavy fuel oil); e is the engine crankshaft speed, The engine crankshaft speed is linearly proportional to the generator shaft speed. It depends on the gear box transmission ratio. In order to reduce the mechanical losses, marine diesel-generators are usually delivered without a gearbox, so typically e = g; v = 1 for two-stroke and v = 2 for four-stroke engines; Nc is the number of cylinders; mf is the mass of fuel injected into one cylinder in one cycle; is the air/fuel ratio; Pmg is the engine load, obtained from the generator active power as Pmg = Pg /m where m is the mechanical efficiency; ai parameters to be adjusted for the engine. Air to fuel ratio can be approximately found from:
mf mca
a - 12
mf ,
where Vd is the engines displaced volume, and dmf /dt is the fuel mass flow to the engine commanded by the generating set speed controller i.e. governor. The third order model is used to relate the charging air pressure to the fuel pressure:
pca = 1 1 1 pf .
e1 s + 1 e 2 s + 1 e3 s + 1
The three time-constants can be associated with physical properties of the system, e.g. exhaust system dimension, supercharger lags, etc. The mass of the charge air can be found from the ideal gas law as:
mac = mac
mac = pac
e , v 2
VIR , Rac
where VIR is the engines displaced volume, R is the gas constant, and ac is the charging air temperature. To avoid need of extending the model dynamics the charging air temperature can be assumed to be constant.
a - 13
affecting the voltage control onboard the marine vessel may violate the class society rule constraints, and hence it may not be recommended. This is unlike the usual control strategies developed for the on-land power systems, where the field voltage control was dominating over the frequency control.
1 Jgs
Low pass filter Lead-Lag compensator PI controller exciter
The constant impedance loads are usually used in the power system studies, see e.g. Kundur (1994), Anderson and Fuad (2003). In the constant impedance model, Z is obviously treated as a fixed quantity; therefore, the constant impedance load is represented by the equation:
v = Z i , Z = RI + XJ ,
a - 14
1 0 0 1 I = , J = 1 0 , 0 1
where v and i are voltage and current vectors, and v = (Vd Vq ) , i = ( I d I q ) . The
To simulate the load behavior of a constant power load, the admittance of the load becomes a state variable with the following dynamics (Allen et al., 2001):
d 1 G = ( Pref P ) , z dt d 1 B = ( Qref Q ) , z dt
where: Pref and Qref are active and reactive power summations from all loads on the bus, i.e. desired power on the bus; P and Q are instantaneous power; z is the time constant.
a - 15
for 6% after t = 50 seconds due to fast thruster loading. The voltage drop is almost insignificant. Although in this study VSI-PWM frequency converter is used, similar behavior can be noticed with any kind of frequency drive used in marine applications e.g. CSI, cycloconverter. Fig. A.5 shows the behavior of the system when one generator is connected in the network. Only one generator, namely gen-1 operates on the network. The gen-2 will connect after being synchronized to the network in about t = 9 seconds. After the connection, the generator will slowly accept the half of the network load, and hence its load will increase to 0.4 p.u.
4 3 2 1 0
Pg Qg
40 t, (sec.)
Fig. A.3. Bus frequency and voltage (upper) and bus active and reactive power load (lower)
x 10 power on thruster 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 t, (sec.) 50 60
Pp Qp
Fig. A.4. Active and reactive power on thruster (upper) thruster speed (lower)
a - 16
Fig. A.5. Generator 2 is synchronizing with generator 1, and starting to share load equally
a - 17
Appendix B
Control plant models
B.1 Control plant model of power generating system
The motion equation for the mean acceleration of the power generating system may be expressed as follows (Anderson and Fuad, 2003; Kundur, 1994):
d g dt dg
= g 0 g ,
= = Qmg Qdg Qeg 2 H Non
0 g
0 g
2 H Non
Dg (g 0 g ) Qeg Qmg 0 g
where g is the mean rotor angular speed for all generators in the system (in per unit - pu), 0g is the nominal speed, Qmg is the mechanical torque, Qeg is the electrical torque, and Qdg is the damping torque. The torques is expressed in per unit system (pu). The damping coefficient Dg accounts for the electrical load damping and the mechanical damping in pu. HNon is the system inertial time constant in seconds. The frequency deviation between the mean and the nominal speed gives the derivative of the rotor angle g(t) in radians. The equivalent system inertia can be determined from:
H Non = H i ,
i =1 N on
Hi =
1 J gi 0 g 2 S r , gi
where Jgi is the moment of inertia for the gen-set, and Sr,gi is the rated power per generator, usually given in kVA. The equation (B.1) defines the mean acceleration of all the generators in the system, which is defined as the acceleration of a fictitious inertial center. At the instant of load impact the source of energy supplied by the generators is the energy contained in their magnetic fields and is distributed according to the synchronizing power coefficients between the generators and the bus (common node). At the end of a brief transient, the various generators will share the increase in load as a function only of their inertia constants (Anderson and Fuad, 2003).
a - 18
where Jp is the moment of inertia of the shaft, motor, gear, propeller, and added mass of the propeller, Qap is the load torque, Qfp is the friction torque, Tmp is the motor time constant. The commanded torque Qcp is the output from the thruster controller. The thruster control system is shown in Fig. B.1. In general, Qfp friction is assumed to be more significant on small thrusters typically used on underwater vehicles and in experimental setups than on large thrusters used on surface vessels (Smogeli, 2006). Thus, the friction may for most applications be viewed as a sum of a static friction torque Qs and a linear component, dependant on shaft speed:
Q fp ( p ) = sign( p )Qs , fp + k f p .
Due to small value of Tmp, the thruster dynamics is sometimes disregarded in the analysis, then Tmp Qmp = 0. For the shaft speed control, it should be considered in the control plant
where fp is filtered speed, and Tfp is a time constant of the first-order Butterworth low pass filter. It should be noticed that many different filter designs may be used to filter a speed, e.g. second order Butterworth low pass filter, notch filter, etc. (Oppenheim et al., 1997). The equation (B.6) is used only to include some of the filtering dynamics in to the control plant model. Thus, a new thruster control plant model is defined:
a - 19
where ip is armature current, kt is the torque constant, R is the armature resistance, L is armature inductance, 0 is back-EMF (electro-motor force) constant, up is terminal voltage, Qap and Qfp are load torque and friction torque respectively. One can notice the obvious analogy between DC motor dynamics in (B.8) and generic model in (B.3). In Fig. B.1 it can be noticed that the motor commanded torque Qcp is proportional to demanded current i0p where the real current ip is obtained at the output which is proportional () to real motor torque Qmp:
Qcp i0 p ,
Qmp i p .
For the speed controller in the outer loop, the current control loop is regarded as an ideal current source where the demanded current reference i0p will be tracked immediately (Utkin et al., 1999). However, if necessary, the drive behavior may be modeled as a first order low pass filter (Utkin et al., 1999; Smogeli, 2006). Since marine power and propulsion systems are relatively large inertial systems (e.g. thrusters, engines, generating-sets) compared to other applications (e.g. computer hard-disk drive) this assumption may hold for most of the cases.
a - 20
Fig. B.1. Cascaded control structure of DC motor drives, indicating the same basic structure for any electrical thruster drives (Utkin et al., 1999)
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Structural Reliability Based Position Mooring. PhD-thesis, IMT. Nonlinear Model-Based Control of Slender Body AUVs. PhD-thesis, IMT.