Zone of Peace

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Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN) As blocks that can be deemed non-communists in Southeast Asia, ASEAN actually

hold to the policy of neutrality. Malaysia has urged the creation of public areas, free and exception (Zone of Peace, Freedom and neutrality or ZOPFAN) has been accepted as the ASEAN stance. Concept and this policy were announced by the Kuala Lumpur Declaration. On 27 November 1971, the five ASEAN Foreign Ministers met in Kuala Lumpur and signed the Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN) Declaration which is better known as the Kuala Lumpur Declaration of 1971. The ZOPFAN Declaration was a statement of political intent to be achieved by building national and regional resilience over the years following the establishment of ASEAN. The ZOPFAN Declaration committed all the ASEAN Member Countries to "exert initially necessary efforts to secure the recognition of and respect for Southeast Asia as a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality, free from any manner of interference by outside Powers." Furthermore, ZOPFAN called on all of Southeast Asian countries "to make concerted efforts to broaden the areas of cooperation which would contribute to their strength, solidarity and closer relationship."

Establishment ZOPFAN

There are several factors and important events that have occurred in Southeast Asia has prompted the emergence of the concept of this ZOPFAN. Among the factors is the position of Southeast Asia is quite strategic to the major powers in the context of East-West political tensions, political unrest in Vietnam and the results of British withdrawal of troops from Southeast Asia and the United States from Vietnam in the early 70's. These developments have caused some anxiety among the ASEAN countries as it may affect regional stability. The second factor due to the wars in Korea and Vietnam, ASEAN convinced that the intervention and support of military forces in conflicts the smaller countries of Southeast Asia are often threatening the stability of the region. The last factor is the spirit of 'regionalism' time have resulted in the ASEAN regional economic cooperation organization that can be used as a vehicle for achieving the goals ZOPFAN. The Objective of ZOPFAN is to make Southeast Asia a region of peace, freedom and exception of political disputes particular major powers the United States, Russia and China. To ensure that the objectives of ZOPFAN several implementation strategies have been planned. Among the key strategies that have been enacted and implemented is to get approval, recognition and assurance of the great powers of the objective or efforts to make the withdrawal of foreign troops from the South-East Asia in the long run and make the area of Southeast Asia free from nuclear weapons. ZOPFAN would not be possible without the willingness of great powers to recognize and guarantee ZOPFAN and full support of all ASEAN member countries. However, ASEAN's efforts in Kampuchea a political solution based on UN resolutions and the Declaration of the United Nations International Conference on Kampuchea (1981) reflects ASEAN's determination to continue to pursue the concept ZOPFAN.

Antarctica Prime Minister raised the issue in his speech at the session of Antarctica to the 37th United Nations (UN) in September 1982. This issue was raised once again the summit of the Non-Aligned in the month of March 1983 in which Malaysia has managed to get confirmation and support for these countries to require the UN to make a thorough study of the Antarctic to the 38th session of the UN. Subsequent to the insistence that a resolution has been taken in the session to the 38 UN Secretary-General to make a comprehensive study on the issue of Antarctica, including "Antarctic Treaty System and the distribution of natural resources available. In November 1984 Malaysia will manage to get the UN resolution to include the issue of distribution of natural resources in Antarctica in the UN agenda in the future. However, due to objections from the countries 'Antarctic Treaty System, especially the United States and Russia, Malaysia have not managed to get the resolution for the establishment of the United Nations to replace the' Antarctic Treaty System available. Malaysia considers the continent of Antarctica as an important influence on the 'Ecology' and the nature and weather around the world. In Antarctica for example there are 90 per cent of the world's fresh water available in the form of ice and snow. It also contains the potential supply of foodstuffs and raw materials minerals such as iron, coal, uranium, nickel, cobalt, Zeng, copper, tin, gold, silver, platinum, chromium, oil and gas. In Antarctica there are animals and plants that are rare in other places. The Antarctic continent is also considered as strategic in terms of its relationship surrounded by four oceans. Based on these facts, Malaysia called for the continent of Antarctica as common heritage for the common good (common heritage for the common benefit) for the whole world. At this time the management of the affairs of Antarctica made by the representatives of countries that are members of the Antarctic Treaty (December 1959). Malaysia feels that the system can only benefit a small group of members of the Antarctic Treaty System. The membership structure of the form of two levels (two-tier) is not just because the results can only be made by 16 countries, members of the original agreement, although 12 other countries are the members together. Instead of 12 of these countries are allowed to study without having the power to vote or make decisions. This is contrary to the objectives of the original agreement in which the Antarctic should be managed by an international regime for the benefit of all mankind. Furthermore, the position in 1959 in the Antarctic Treaty System is a very different decision from a position now. The UN is currently comprised of 160 countries in which most of them are from developing countries. Therefore, the rights and aspirations and their views should be considered in the international regime of Antarctica. Management system based on the Antarctic this privilege is not satisfactory. The original member countries have held several private meetings for the establishment of a mineral regime (regime minerals) for the purpose of mineral mining in their specific areas. Nonmember countries are not told directly about the outcome of the meeting of this closed meeting. To the Convention on the Law of the United Nations Sea (Seabed Convention on the Law of the Sea) and the proposed construction of an

International Committee of the 'seabed' (International Seabed Authority), the regime minerals (Minerals Regime), which proposed by the members of the Antarctic treaty is found contrary to most other countries. In the opinion of Malaysia, the regime minerals (minerals regime), this is another attempt by members of the agreement to expand their power. Moreover, the activities of mining, mineral compounds, if not carefully controlled conditions can and probably ruined the system 'Ecology' located there, and this will involve the whole world. The objectives of the concept of common heritage are expressed by Malaysia, the raw materials used for the benefit of mankind Antarctica together, defended ecological environment, international cooperation and coordination in research and other scientific and Antarctica are used to promote a ceasefire, denuclearization and demilitarization . Apart from the members' Antarctic Treaty System, other countries have given support to the establishment of Malaysia. This is evidenced by the success of Malaysia include the issue of mineral distribution in the Antarctic on the agenda of the United Nations to come in 1985. In the opinion of the members of the agreement, attempt to change a system that has been managed for 24 years may cause the instability of the Antarctic. Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) The nation of a Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) dates back to 27 November 1971, when the original five members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Kuala Lumpur signed a Declaration on a [ASEAN] Zone of Peace, Freedom, and Neutrality (ZOPFAN). The first major component of the ZOPFAN pursued by ASEAN was the establishment of a Southeast Asia NuclearWeapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ). However, due to the unfavorable political environment in the region, the formal proposal for the establishment of such a zone was tabled in the mid-1980s. After a decade of negotiating and drafting efforts by the ASEAN Working Group on a ZOPFAN, the SEANWFZ Treaty was signed by the heads of states/governments of all 10 regional states in Bangkok on 15 December 1995. First original members that declared first declaration from ASEAN membership in a Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) were Brunei (8 January 1984), Cambodia (30 April 1999), Indonesia, Laos (23 July 1997), Malaysia, Myanmar (23 July 1997), Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. It also included one observer from Papua New Guinea. Then, from ASEAN Regional Forum members joined this Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) which are Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Canada, China, European Union, India, Indonesia, Japan, Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Russian Federation, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor Leste, United States, and Vietnam. On 29 November 2011, this treaty was agreed by the five countries, P5 (China, France, Russia, United Kingdom and United States) after negotiated in 10 years. This protocol was signed by them to establish their respect the status of the South East Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone and agree not to use, threaten to use nuclear weapons against 10 states party to the Zone Treaty. It showed commitment from United Kingdom to nuclear non-proliferation and

disarmament. From this signing, their hopes that are to build some trust between Nuclear and NonNuclear weapon States and responsible to reduce the number of nuclear weapons worldwide. Chronology: 2011: During the annual conference of ASEAN foreign ministers, held from 16-23 July, a working group on the SEANWFZ called for a meeting between ASEAN arms control specialists and representatives of the P-5 countries to be held in August. Participants in the meeting, which ASEAN representatives envisioned as a "direct, informal consultation," were charged with finding a solution to the 10-year stalemate between ASEAN and the P-5 countries over the SEANFWZ treaty's protocols. From 7-8 May, the 18th ASEAN Summit was held in Jakarta, Indonesia. Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the Chair of the Summit, issued a statement noting that participants agreed to "continue pursuing international efforts to achieve a nuclear-weapons-free world," as well as a reiteration of "the early implementation of the Plan of Action on the implementation of the SEANWFZ Treaty." After mentioning the March 2011 Fukushima incident, Yudhoyono also emphasized that participants should "engage as appropriate in information-sharing and promote transparency on relevant nuclear related issues in the region." 2010: On April 30, the Second Conference of States Parties and Signatories of Treaties that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Mongolia and Mongolia was held in New York. The conference adopted the Outcome Document which reiterated the final declaration of the 2005 Conference and welcomed the entry into force of the African and Central Asian NWFZs as well as the efforts of Mongolia to institutionalize its nuclear weapons free status. The Conference welcomed the heightened commitment of the ASEAN to preserve South-East Asia as a NWFZ and recognized its efforts in promoting and strengthening the implementation of the Treaty as the region's contribution to achieving a nuclear-weapon-free world, also noting the progress made by the Treaty's Plan of Action (2007-2012) in sharpening the focus of regional collaboration against nuclear weapons. It further called on the nuclear-weapons states to sign all relevant protocols and withdraw existing reservations. At the Eighth NPT Review Conference in May, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that the United States is prepared to consult with SEANWFZ Parties in order to reach an agreement regarding the treaty protocol. On 24 September at the 2nd ASEAN-U. S. Leaders' Meeting in New York, ASEAN welcomed an announcement by the United States at the NPT Review Conference that it is prepared to engage in consultations to resolve issues which have prevented it from acceding to the SEANWFZ Protocol. Then, on 28-31 October, the 17th ASEAN Summit was held in Hanoi, Vietnam, where participants recognized the SEANWFZ progress and reaffirmed its importance. 2009: In a joint communiqu of the 42nd ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting in 19-20 July reaffirmed the importance of SEANWFZ and resolved to engage NWS regarding protocol ratification. 2008: On 17-24 July, the 41st ASEAN Ministerial Meeting was held in Singapore. On 21 July, the Commission on SEANWFZ issued a Joint Communiqu which noted Thailand as the incoming commission

chair, reaffirmed the importance of treaty implementation, and called upon the P5 to ratify the SEANWFZ protocol as soon as possible. 2007: On 29-30 July, the 40th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting was held in Manila, the Philippines. The meeting issued a Joint Communiqu which reviewed the progress of the treaty implementation and welcomed the Plan of Action that would prepare the treaty to respond to the evolving internal and external challenges and opportunities. On 29 July, the foreign ministers of the State Parties to the SEANWFZ Treaty met in Manila, the Philippines to review the treaty implementation and a plan of action that would guide the future implementation of the treaty. The meeting issued a Joint Statement that noted the implementation of the treaty obligations by the state parties. The statement also contained measures that would be undertaken under the Plan of Action (2007-2012). These measures include fulfillment of commitments under the treaty and accession to the IAEA safeguards, pursuing consultations with the five nuclear weapon states for the ratification of the treaty protocols, seeking cooperation with international and regional bodies in developing legal framework to meet international standards on nuclear safety, establishing regional networks for early notification of nuclear accidents, developing a regional emergency preparedness and response plan, and strengthening capacity building in the region on nuclear safety issues. 2006: On 25 July, at the 39th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, the ministers issued a Joint Communiqu wherein they reaffirmed the importance of strengthening cooperation efforts toward the implementation of the SEANWFZ Treaty. They urged the nuclear weapon states to become parties to the protocol of the treaty as soon as possible. The ministers further recalled Article 20 of the treaty, which states that "Ten years after this Treaty enters into force, a meeting of the Commission shall be convened for the purpose of reviewing the operation of the Treaty". To this effect, they directed the Executive Committee of SEANWFZ to look into the implementation of Article 20. 2005: On 26-28 April, the First Conference of States Parties and Signatories of Treaties that establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones were held in Tlatelolco, Mexico. The Conference adopted a declaration, reaffirming that nuclear weapons constitute a threat to humanity, urging nuclear-weapon states to provide negative security assurances to non-nuclear-weapon states partied to NWFZ, and stressing the importance of the right to peaceful uses of nuclear energy. On 29 July, the 12th Meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) was held in Vientiane, Lao PDR. According to the Chairman's Statement, the ministers reaffirmed their support for the concept of internationally recognized NWFZs and emphasized the contribution of such zones to enhancing global and regional peace and security. They further reaffirmed the importance of continued consultation on the Protocol of the Bangkok Treaty between the Nuclear Weapon States and the parties to the treaty. 2004: On 29-30 June, the 37th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, held in Jakarta, adopted a Joint Communiqu reaffirming the importance of further strengthening the cooperation in support of the

Bangkok Treaty. The Ministers welcomed China's readiness to sign the protocol and called on the NWS to show maximum flexibility and work together with ASEAN on outstanding issues. 2002: On 29-30 July, at the 35th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting ASEAN Ministers welcomed the ongoing consultations between ASEAN and the NWS and urged the NWS to sign the protocol of the treaty as soon as possible. At the Ninth Meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) on 31 July, the ministers noted the ongoing consultations between ASEAN and the NWS regards the latter's signing the protocol. 2001: On 25 July, at the Eighth Meeting of ARF ASEAN Foreign Ministers welcomed progress regarding treaty implementation as a contribution to global efforts to curb the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and noted with satisfaction the continued progress made in consultation between the States Parties to the treaty and the NWS regarding the latter's accession to the protocol to the treaty. In this regard, they welcomed the progress made at the recent direct dialogue between the States Parties and the NWS held in Hanoi on 19 May. The ministers welcomed the participation for the first time in the Philippines as a full member of the SEANWFZ Commission, having recently deposited its instrument of ratification. They also welcomed the P-5 Joint Statement concerning security assurances for Mongolia and support for the Nuclear-Weapon-Free Status of Mongolia. Having resolved the differences with China are regarding the implication of the treaty on the question of sovereignty in the South China Sea, the parties are undertaking further consultations with the remaining four NWS in order to address their concerns as a package, including the question of the formulation of negative security assurances. ASEAN hopes the remaining NWS, namely the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Russia, will keep their commitment to nuclear disarmament by supporting the treaty, and ASEAN's contribution towards nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation, through signing the protocol that guarantees NNWS in legally binding form against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons in this zone. Recognizing that the IAEA has an important role to play in assisting parties to fulfill their obligations under the treaty, a dialogue between the treaty parties and the IAEA was established. A number of issues being discussed in detailed consultations include the question of IAEA support in implementing the provisions with respect to safeguarding and handling of nuclear wastes, as well as possible assistance in terms of technical cooperation programs for the treaty parties. In addition, all treaty parties have been encouraged to conclude a full-scope safeguards agreement with the IAEA in accordance with Article 5 of the treaty. 2000: On 27 July, at the Seventh Meeting of the ARF in Bangkok the ASEAN Foreign Ministers welcomed progress toward the implementation of the treaty, which contributed to the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. They welcomed in particular the operation of the Commission for SEANWFZ and the Executive Committee for SEANWFZ, and the dialogue between the States Parties to the treaty and the IAEA, as provided for by the treaty. The ministers also expressed support for the continued consultations between the States Parties to the treaty and the NWS regards the latter's accession to the protocol to the treaty.

1999: On 23-24 July, the ASEAN Foreign Ministers convened the Commission of the SEANWFZ Treaty for the first time. The commission ordered the preparation of the draft rules of procedure and initiation of all necessary actions in compliance with the treaty, including consultations with the NWS, the IAEA and other related bodies. The States Parties committed to vigorously pursue consultations with the NWS so that they could eventually accede to the treaty's protocol. The commission meeting was held in conjunction with the ARF meeting in Singapore. Reportedly, at this meeting, China agreed to sign the protocol, as did India. (Since India does not fall within the definition of a NWS as stipulated in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), if the contracting parties accept an Indian signature to the protocol, they might be in technical violation of both the NPT and the Bangkok Treaties. On 28 November, at the ASEAN+1 Informal Summit China stated that it would support ASEAN in its efforts to establish ZOPFAN and a SEANWFZ. At the inaugural meeting, the commission directed its executive committee to initiate all necessary actions to ensure compliance with the treaty. On 12 October, the executive committee met for the first time in Bangkok and decided to launch a dialogue with the IAEA and to establish a Working Group to undertake discussions with the IAEA. 1998: On 25 July, at the 31st ASEAN Ministerial Meeting the ASEAN foreign ministers noted the report of the ASEAN senior officials on the progress made so far by the ASEAN Working Group on a ZOPFAN and SEANWFZ regarding its consultations with NWS in the context of enabling the latter to sign the protocol to the treaty. The foreign ministers reiterated that the signing of the protocol by the NWS would constitute a manifestation of their support for nuclear disarmament and nuclear-weapon-free zones. They expressed the view that the recent nuclear tests by India and Pakistan were not conducive to the full realization of the treaty. 1997: On 27 March, the treaty entered into force upon the deposit of the instrument of ratification of the eighth ratifying state, Cambodia, and was registered with the UN on 26th June. On 25 July, the participants to the 30th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting recalled that the commission to be established by the treaty would oversee the implementation of the treaty and ensure compliance with its provisions. Nonetheless, pending the establishment of the commission, they accepted the recommendation of the ASEAN senior officials to extend the mandate of the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) Working Group on a ZOPFAN and SEANWFZ, to pursue consultations with NWS pertaining to the protocol to the treaty. The foreign ministers called upon NWS to demonstrate their support for nuclear-weapon-free zones by acceding to the protocol of the treaty. In June, the United States maintained its opposition to signing the protocol to the treaty on the grounds that it contained an automatic provision of NSA to the benefit of the non-SEANWFZ countries in the ocean area of the zone and the inclusion of the EEZ in the treaty's scope of application. No specific target date has been identified for the implementation of the SEANWFZ, although the ASEAN Vision 2020 adopted in December envisioned that all of the NWS would have adhered to the protocol, and that the region could be free of all nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction by the year 2020.

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