Dance Clinic Flyer 2012
Dance Clinic Flyer 2012
Dance Clinic Flyer 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012 9:00 A.M. 2:00 PM *** in the SAHS Gym
includes a t-shirt!
***All dancers will perform for family and friends starting at 1:00 PM
WHAT TO BRING: a sack lunch and a water bottle. WHAT TO WEAR: dance shoes or tennis shoes, dance clothes or sweat pants, and a t-shirt.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: call Ashley at 541-990-2194 or SAHS 541-967-4522 or email ****************************************************************************
FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW, DETACH IT, AND RETURN IT WITH PAYMENT to South Albany High School, 3705 Columbus St. SE, Albany, OR 97322. Make checks payable to Southern Belles. The registration deadline is April 27, 2012 in order to ensure a t-shirt the day of the clinic. Registrations after April 27, 2012 should be made at the door. Limited quantities and sizes of late registration t-shirts may be available for purchase at the door the day of the dance clinic.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Cell
Parent/Guardian Home
Parent/Guardian Work
Email Address
Relationship to child
Work Plan/Group #:
I want my son/daughter to have the privilege of participating in athletics/camps at South Albany High School. He/she has my permission to participate in those activities approved by the Greater Albany Public School District and/or South Albany High School. While I expect school employees and authorities to exercise reasonable precautions to prevent injuries, I understand that they assume no financial obligations for injuries that might occur and carry no insurance coverage for student medical care. I also understand that students are responsible for all player equipment owned and issued by the school and will assume the financial burden for any lost or destroyed items.