Sba Manual 2012
Sba Manual 2012
Sba Manual 2012
Assessment Model Moderation Regulations and Procedures Applicable to SBA The Schools Role in SBA Reminders to Principals The Compilation and Submission of SBA Scores Guidelines to Teachers for Submitting SBA Samples SBA Requirements Subject Guidelines Additional Mathematics Agricultural Science (Single Award) Agricultural Science (Double Award) 10 12 14 1 2 3 3 5 5 7 8
Biology Building Technology Option I: Woods Option II: Construction Caribbean History Chemistry Economics (iii)
16 18
21 23 25
Electrical and Electronic Technology Electronic Document Preparation & Management Geography Home Economics: Clothing and Textiles Food and Nutrition Home Economics: Management Information Technology Integrated Science (Single Award) Mechanical Engineering Technology Music Office Administration Physical Education & Sport Physics Principles of Accounts Principles of Business Religious Education Social Studies Technical Drawing Theatre Arts Visual Arts
27 30 32 34
36 38 40 43 45 47 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 69
External Assessment
Multiple Choice
Practical Other
External assessment is under the direct control of CXC and is usually conducted using a set of multiple choice items and a set of essay or short response questions. However, some subjects, for example, Electronic Document Preparation and Management and Visual Arts have different types of external assessment modes. Internal assessment is usually described as School-Based Assessment (SBA). Its main activity includes teachers assessment of specified assignments set according to guidelines provided by CXC. Although the format of assignments may differ for some subjects, there are a number of common requirements as follows: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) candidates must undertake specified assignments over a given period of time, fulfilling specific skills as outlined by the syllabus; class teachers must assess the work and submit the marks to CXC; CXC moderates the marks awarded by the teachers; and candidates final grades include the marks awarded as a result of this process.
CXC ensures adherence to a common standard and consistency by: (i) (ii) (iii) the use of moderation procedures; providing assistance to territories in mounting orientation workshops for teachers in setting assignments, guiding students and assessing assignments; and providing feedback reports for teachers on the moderation results.
2. MODERATION CXC moderates the SBA in order to ensure that the assessment of the work of different schools carried out by different teachers using sometimes different tasks, is aligned to the standard of assessment defined by CXC. 2.1. Moderation Techniques The three major strategies used to accomplish this objective can be described as follows: 2.1.1. Visiting Moderation Moderators or trained CXC assessors, visit the schools or centres and mark tasks on site. The assessment may involve observing process skills, or evaluating the product or both. In some instances, all the tasks are assessed; in other instances, only samples of tasks are assessed. 2.1.2. Moderation by Remarking Trained examiners remark samples of assignments, practical work or projects during the Marking Exercise. These samples are carefully chosen so as to analyse the quality of the marking and the consistency with which the teachers at the centres apply the Marking Scheme. First, teachers are required to rank the scores of candidates assignments in order of quality. Second, teachers are required to send to CXC the assignments of candidates at the top, the middle and the bottom of the range of scores, as well as those midway between the top and the median, and midway between the median and the lowest score. This method is the one predominantly used by CXC. Besides providing a moderation procedure, the remarking of the SBA has another critical purpose. It is intended to assess whether teachers have understood CXC procedures. CXC provides moderation feedback reports to teachers with comments designed to help teachers to improve their professional expertise in assessment. This diagnostic concept is a critical feature in the development of the teachers of the region.
CENTRE MODERATION From June 2008, all CSEC SBA samples have been CENTRE-MODERATED. Each centre is required to submit ONE SAMPLE CONSISTING OF THE WORK OF FIVE (5) CANDIDATES. FOR VISUAL ARTS, each centre is required to submit ONE sample (5 pieces of work) for EACH OPTION. The sample should consist of the work of five candidates, (Piece 3 from each of the five candidates) 2.1.3. Oral Examination Approved examiners conduct oral examinations at a school or a centre using a set of tasks or examination questions prescribed by CXC. (There is no moderation of these scores because the assessors have been trained to do these tasks.) 3. REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES APPLICABLE TO SBA The CXC Regulations and Procedures applicable to SBA are given below. (Regulations for the Conduct of the Councils Examinations, Definitions, Regulations and Procedures, 2008) Regulation 2.1.10: Candidates presented by recognised Educational Institutions must submit within the year of the examination, their SBA assignments as required by the syllabus. Procedure 13.4.3: Candidates will be reported UNGRADED: NO SBA RECORDS/SAMPLES RECEIVED if the required SBA was not submitted by the presenting institution on their behalf or if, the Council having requested samples of the work done by the class, none was submitted by the presenting institution. 4. THE SCHOOLS ROLE IN SBA 4.1. The Teachers Role in Assessing Student Achievement The teachers role is central in assessing the students achievement for a number of reasons listed below: (i) Tests prepared by the teacher responsible for a subject provide the most appropriate measure of the students achievement of the objective of a unit of work or of a period of instruction. 3
The relevance of teacher assessment is high since the teacher is the best judge of what has been done with the student. Teacher assessment allows observation to be made on a wide sample of student behaviour, in a more natural setting than would occur in a single externally assessed paper. In subjects with high practical elements, the teacher is in the best position to observe not only the students manipulative skills, but also their general work habits. Teaching and testing go hand in hand. Teachers measure the effectiveness of their instruction on the assessment of the students grasp of the objectives of the instruction. Feedback from testing allows teachers to refine their objectives, rethink their teaching strategies, select the most appropriate instructional materials and plan their next unit of work.
Tasks selected by teachers provide the opportunity for self-directed learning in which the student can assume responsibility for work on aspects of the subject area.
4.2. Integrating SBA into the Schools Curriculum External assessment ensures that all candidates are assessed identically. SBA ensures a better match between what is done in individual schools by individual students and what is being examined. It can also generate more meaningful assessment scores. 4.2.1. Validity Validity of CXC examinations requires that the teacher should be involved in assessment. School-based assessment provides opportunities for the teacher as assessor to assess skills which cannot be adequately assessed externally by means of written tests. Skills such as those linked to activities that require time for exploration, investigation and planning are best assessed internally (through SBA) by teachers. However, all teachers as managers of SBA need guidance and orientation in order to ensure that internal assessment in every school for every subject is planned and conducted appropriately and that positive achievement is emphasized.
5. REMINDERS TO PRINCIPALS Principals should ensure that: (i) adequate facilities and equipment are available for the conduct of the SBA, for example, computers and laboratories; teachers are using the appropriate syllabus; teachers and Heads of Department receive the appropriate guidelines; teachers are aware of the relevant materials, such as Guidelines for the Submission of SBA Samples and the Moderation of SBA Form required for the administration of the SBA; adequate quantities of the DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY CXC are available; teachers offer assistance to candidates only as permitted in the syllabus; teachers verify that the work submitted is that of the candidate;
(viii) a completed Declaration Form is submitted indicating each subject for which submissions are made; (ix) teachers complete all the relevant information on the appropriate forms and submit the SBA marks and SBA samples by the deadline dates; and the SBA marks (electronic) and samples are submitted to the Local Registrars Office by the dates stipulated by the Local Registrar. The Local Registrar will forward the SBA marks to the Registrar, CXC Headquarters, Barbados, and despatch the samples to the relevant CXC marking centres by the date prescribed by CXC. 6. 6.1 THE COMPILATION AND SUBMISSION OF SBA SCORES Online SBA
The submission of SBA marks electronically was piloted in 2007. From 2008, all centres were required to submit SBA marks, the Estimated Grade and Order of Merit electronically. The SBA Data Capture Module of the Online Registration System (ORS), web-based application, which was implemented from 2010, must be used for the submission of ALL SBA marks. This online application displays all candidates registered for a given subject. Teachers must immediately report to the Principal any errors or omissions noted. Teachers will be allowed to enter the scores for the candidates who are registered for the SBA component. The application will not permit the input of any data for candidates registered as Resit
Candidates or those registered for the Alternate Paper. The SBA marks may be submitted using the import/export menu. The programme will not permit the submission of marks unless SBA marks, Order of Merit and Estimated Grades, have been entered for all candidates for all subjects. The relevant documentation is available online for download from the Councils website ( and all enquiries concerning the programme may be directed to the Local Registrars Office. 6.2. Great care should be exercised in the recording and totalling of all SBA marks submitted. SBA marks must be whole numbers. 6.3. The teacher(s) preparing candidates MUST submit the SBA mark, Estimated Grade and Order of Merit for each candidate in the centre who is registered for the SBA component of the subject. 6.4. Teacher must ensure that the Order of Merit and the Estimated Grade submitted are based on the candidates overall performance in the subject and not the SBA component only. 6.5. Principals and teachers should ensure that all candidates registered for subjects with SBA components, either (i) (ii) (iii) have scores for the current year; are Resit Candidates from the PREVIOUS year, or are private candidates, offering the alternative to the SBA Biology, Caribbean History, Chemistry, Economics, Electronic Document Preparation and Management, Geography, Integrated Science, Office Administration, Physics, Principles of Accounts, Principles of Business and Social Studies only. This applies only to the May-June Sitting.
6.6. Candidates who did no work for the current year and have no SBA scores from the previous year must be indicated by selecting the No SBA checkbox on the SBA Data Capture Screen. Zero scores must not be recorded for these candidates. 6.7. SBA marks must be submitted to the Local Registrar, by the date prescribed by the Local Registrar. 6.8. The school must obtain from the Local Registrar, confirmation that the SBA marks submitted online were received.
7. GUIDELINES TO TEACHERS FOR SUBMITTING SBA SAMPLES 7.1. Teachers of subjects which include a SBA component must also submit, to the Local Registrar, the SBA work of a sample of candidates in accordance with the guidelines set by CXC. 7.2. After the SBA marks have been entered online, a list of the candidates whose work should comprise the sample for the centre, must be generated using the SBA programme. 7.3. The work of each selected candidate must be submitted together with the completed SBA Moderation Form. The printed list indicating the sample selected by the SBA programme must also be enclosed. 7.4. The SBA Moderation Form must not be used as a SBA record sheet. The moderation form should be used to record the registration numbers, candidate names and scores for the candidates whose work is being submitted as part of the sample and must be submitted with the SBA sample ONLY. 7.5. If a teacher is unable to submit the work of particular candidates or samples of the candidates work, a full explanation of the schools non-compliance with the Councils regulations must be submitted by the Principal to the Registrar by June 15. 7.6. Each item of the selected samples of work must be clearly identified with bold inscriptions of: (i) (ii) (iii) the candidates name the candidates complete registration number as assigned by the Council, and the subject and the Proficiency
7.7. All samples of work in a particular subject must be secured together in ONE package or envelope. 7.8. The package or envelope must be clearly marked with the: (i) centre code; (ii) name of the subject and the proficiency; and (iii) name of the teacher(s) who marked the sample of work. Labels will be provided by the Council for this purpose.
7.9. The Principal must obtain from the Local Registrar, receipts detailing the centre, number of samples, and the name(s) of the teacher(s) for ALL samples of work submitted. 7.10. The teachers must indicate if they wish the samples of work to be returned. This information must be submitted no later than June 30. The cost of returning samples of work must be bourne by the school or Local Registrar. 7.11. Random Sampling Random Sampling has been implemented in the following CSEC subjects: Biology Physics Technical Drawing Chemistry Principles of Accounts Caribbean History Principles of Business
For these subjects Samples MUST only be submitted IF requested by CXC Samples must be selected in accordance with the procedures (Centre Moderation) Principals will be provided with Moderation Feedback Reports on the samples which are submitted Results will be withheld for those centres which do not submit the samples requested 8. SBA REQUIREMENTS 8.1. Issue of SBA Documents All SBA documents are available on the CXC website. ( 8.2. Deadlines for Submission The deadlines for submission that are listed for each subject indicate when the data/documents should reach CXC and in some cases supersede deadline dates provided in the syllabus. Failure to submit SBA data/documents by the deadline dates will result in candidates receiving a status of ungraded. In order to meet CXCs deadlines, Local Registrars will set their own deadline dates for submission of records and samples from schools. 8.3. Retention of Assignments The work of the candidates should be retained at the school for at least 3 months following 8
the publication of results. 8.4. Examination Work Copyright All assignments, projects and assessment sheets are part of the examination records and will be considered the property of CXC. 8.5. Resit Candidates SBA marks can be carried forward only ONCE and only for the year immediately following the first sitting. Candidates are only eligible to register as Resit Candidates if the moderated SBA mark (SBA mark awarded after review by CXC) obtained is at least 50% of the total SBA marks obtainable for the subject. Candidates wishing to register as Resit Candidates must ensure that their registration information is identical to that submitted for the previous Junes examination. Preliminary result slips include notation indicating the subject(s) for which the candidate is ineligible to carry forward SBA marks.
General 20% Profile 1: Conceptual Knowledge Profile 2: Algorithmic Knowledge Profile 3: Reasoning One Research Project presented in the form of a report (Choice of Project A or B). Record of Marks for SBA Guidelines for submitting SBA Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Form Cover Sheet for the project (Each project has its distinct cover sheet) Mark Scheme Candidates SBA marks Moderation Form (for SBA sample) Sample projects, each with Individual Cover Sheet
TYPE OF ASSIGNMENT DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE (These may be downloaded from the CXC website:
Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the projects/assignments of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark. The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the Highest mark Middle (median) mark Lowest mark Mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark Mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, submit the work of ALL candidates for that proficiency. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (Pages 31-46) Candidates should complete ONE project, either Project A or Project B. The Project to be set by the teacher and based on CXC guidelines. Project A: A single project which is based on applying the mathematical concepts, skills and procedures from any topic (s) contained in any of the sections in the syllabus or their combinations in order to understand, describe or explain a real world phenomenon.
Project B: A single project which is based on applying the mathematical concepts, skills and procedures from any topic(s) in order to understand, describe or explain a real world phenomenon. This project is experiment based and involves the collection of data.
Assignments are to be marked in accordance with the Marking Scheme set by CXC. The materials specified by CXC in the SBA booklets should be used for the construction of projects wherever possible. At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are being used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 40% Profile 1: The Business of Farming Profile 2: Crop Production Profile 3: Animal Production 10 field practical assessments 2 Cost Analyses Record of Marks for SBA Guidelines for submitting SBA Moderation of SBA Sample External Moderators Report form Candidates SBA marks Moderation of SBA Sample (by the External Moderator)
DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT 30 April of the examination year AT CXC Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of SELECTION OF SBA the work of FIVE (5) candidates to the External SAMPLES Moderator for reassessment. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark.
The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. The External Moderator will reassess the work and submit the completed Moderation of SBA Form and the External Moderators Form to the Local Registrar by the stipulated deadline. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (Pages 38 -49)
Assessment of 10 distinct skills - based on CXC criteria each made on a separate occasion. One Cost Analysis on broilers
One Cost Analysis on a crop produced At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are being used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 40% Profile 1: The Business of Farming Profile 2: Crop Production Profile 3: Animal Production 10 field practical assessments 3 Cost Analyses 1 Research Project
Record of Marks for SBA AVAILABLE Guidelines for submitting SBA (These may be downloaded Moderation of SBA Sample from the CXC website: External Moderators Report form DOCUMENTS OR INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT AT CXC SELECTION OF SBA SAMPLES Candidates SBA marks Moderation of SBA Sample (by the External Moderator)
30 April of the examination year Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates to the External Moderator for reassessment. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark.
The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the
highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. The External Moderator will reassess the work and submit the completed Moderation of SBA Form and the External Moderators Form to the Local Registrar by the stipulated deadline. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 36 -43) RESIT PROVISIONS Assessment of 10 distinct skills based on CXC criteria - each made on separate occasion One Cost Analysis on broilers, one on layers and one on a crop produced. One Research Project no more than 1500 words long.
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record of Marks for SBA (Ag. Sc. 1), if this document is used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 20% Profile 2: Use of Knowledge Profile 3: Experimental Skills 18 practical assignments testing 5 practical skills
Record of Marks for SBA Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Form
30 April of the examination year SBA marks 31 May of the examination year SBA Samples SBA RANDOM SAMPLING Teachers will be notified as to whether they are required to submit SBA samples to CXC. If requested, the centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark.
The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the
highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. The Marking Scheme must be submitted with the sample. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 6 8, Appendix1) Each candidate is required to keep a laboratory workbook containing all the practical exercises done over the two-year period. Teachers at the centre must collaborate, set tasks and devise the Marking Scheme. Detailed Marking Schemes for work assessed for CXC must be submitted. There must be an average of at least two assessments completed for each skill. At least 18 laboratory practical exercises must be completed.
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination. 17
EFFECTIVE FOR EXAMINATIONS FROM: MAY/JUNE 2010 PROFICIENCY WEIGHTING PROFILE DIMENSIONS TYPE OF ASSIGNMENT Technical 40% Profile 3: Practical Ability 2 Projects: Individual/group practical, set by the teacher. ONE written project set by the teacher (1000 1200 words)
DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE (These may be downloaded from the CXC website:
For each Option: Project Plan Sheets Record of Marks Instructions to Schools on the SBA Laboratory Exercises Notes to External Moderators of Projects and Laboratory Exercises Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Report (after results issued)
N.B. A sample of assignments must be reassessed by the External Moderator The Moderator will submit: One completed copy of the Moderators Rating/Comments on SBA LAB; 5 completed process and product evaluation forms 1 for each of the candidates assessed in the sample.
The teacher(s) at each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates to the Moderator for reassessment. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark. The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the
highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
After the sample of practical projects and written assignments of FIVE candidates has been selected, the teacher(s) must complete the Moderation Form and submit it with the candidates work (laboratory books/exercises, plan sheets and practical projects) to the External Moderator for reassessment. The Teacher and Moderator must ensure that the candidate chosen to represent the lowest mark has completed ALL assignments.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted.
Assignment 1 Project: The practical Project to be set by the teacher and based on CXC guidelines.
Option I Woods A single project which encompasses the concepts, skills and procedures contained in Modules 4, 5, 6 and 7. Project ideas include the following: cabinet with carcass or frame constitution, table, wall unit with shelves and drawers, bookcase, stool, display cabinet. Option II Construction Two projects which encompass concepts, skills and procedures contained in Modules 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
ONE project showing a combination as follows: partition with door set, floor with stairwell, wall and roof (cable, hip or hip and valley), strip foundation and concrete floor upgrade.
Assignment 2: Written Option I - Woods Set by the Classroom teacher(s) in keeping with the guidelines outlined by CXC and based on the Common Modules C1, C8 and C9. Option II - Construction Set by the Classroom teacher(s) in keeping with the guidelines outlined by CXC and based on the Common Modules D1, D14 and D15. Assignments are to be marked in accordance with the Marking Scheme set by CXC. The materials specified by CXC in the SBA booklet should be used for the construction of projects wherever possible. RESIT PROVISIONS At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 21% Profile 2: Use of Knowledge, Enquiry and Communication 1 research project (a report of 1200 1500 words to be submitted). Record of Marks for SBA Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Form
Candidates SBA Marks Sample of projects of 5 candidates with the completed Moderation of SBA Form 30 April of the examination year RANDOM SAMPLING Teachers will be notified as to whether they are required to submit SBA samples to CXC. If requested, the centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the project reports of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark.
The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained
the highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 22 25) Areas of research for the project may be selected from the Core, the Themes or some area of Local History. Candidates can work either in groups or individually to research a topic, but independent reports must be submitted. Teachers must assess the completed work in accordance with the Mark Scheme provided on page 26 of the syllabus. Marks given for each task as well as the total score are to be clearly indicated on the last page or inside cover of the candidates research paper folder. At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are being used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 20% Profile 2: Use of Knowledge Profile 3: Experimental Skills 16 practical assignments testing 4 practical skills. Record of Marks for SBA Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Form
SBA Marks - 30 April of the examination year SBA Samples - 31 May of the examination year RANDOM SAMPLING Teachers will be notified as to whether they are required to submit SBA samples to CXC. If requested, the centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark.
The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the
highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. The Marking Scheme must be submitted with the sample. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 63 73) Each candidate must keep a practical laboratory book containing all completed practical exercises done over the two-year period. Teachers at the centre must collaborate, set the tasks and devise the Marking Scheme. Detailed Marking Schemes for work assessed for CXC must be submitted. There must be an average of at least two assessments completed for each skill. At least 16 laboratory practical exercises must be completed.
At registration, the previous years registration number (from the June sitting) must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are being used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 20%
PROFILE DIMENSIONS Profile 1: Knowledge and Comprehension Profile 2: Interpretation and Analysis Profile 3: Application TYPE OF ASSIGNMENT DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE (These may be downloaded from the CXC website: DOCUMENTS OR INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT AT CXC SELECTION OF SBA SAMPLES One research project ( a report of 1000 1200 words to be submitted) Guidelines for Selection of SBA sample Record of Marks for SBA Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Report (Completed forms will be sent to schools after results are issued) Candidates SBA Marks Sample of projects with completed SBA Moderation Form
30 April of the examination year Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark. The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark
mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the projects of ALL candidates must be submitted. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 26 -30) Candidates research projects must be based on (or related to) economic issues and problems. Issues and problems to be investigated must be approved by the teacher. A research report of 1000 1200 words must be submitted. The report must include qualitative or quantitative data or both and may include graphs, charts or tables. Candidates can work either in groups or individually, but independent reports must be submitted. Teachers must assess the completed work in accordance with the mark scheme provided on pages 29-30 of the CXC syllabus.
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record of Marks, if these are used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
Technical 40% Profile 3: Practical Ability Terms 4 and 5 5 laboratory exercises selected from a list of eight (8) set by CXC Written assignment set by the teacher (1000-1200 words) Laboratory Exercises Laboratory books with Marking Scheme Record Sheet Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Report Form Candidates SBA Marks
N.B. A sample of assignments is to be reassessed by the External Moderator. The Moderator will submit: One completed copy of the Moderators Rating/comments on SBA-LAB; Completed Moderation form
30 April of the examination year The teacher(s) at each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates to the Moderator for reassessment. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark.
The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the
highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
After the sample of practical projects and written assignments of FIVE candidates has been selected, the teacher(s) must complete the Moderation Form and submit it with the candidates work (laboratory books/exercises, plan sheets and practical projects) to the External Moderator for reassessment. The Teacher and Moderator must ensure that the candidate chosen to represent the lowest mark has completed ALL assignments.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (Pages 2 and 3 of Amendment) Candidates are required to complete two assignments during Terms 4 and 5 (Terms 1 and 2 of the examination year). Five laboratory exercises to be selected from a list of eight published by CXC. A written assignment set by the Classroom teacher in keeping with the guidelines outlined by CXC and based on the Common Modules A1, A7 and A8. The conduct and findings of each exercise should be recorded in the candidates laboratory book.
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 40% Profile 1: Accuracy Profile 2: Speed Profile 3: Presentation and Use of Technology Three production assignments One Reference Manual Record of Marks for SBA Moderation of SBA Sample Guidelines for the Submission of SBA Moderation Feedback Report Candidates SBA Marks Sample of Assignments and Sample Reference Manuals with the completed SBA Moderation Form
30 April of the examination year Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark. The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the projects of ALL candidates must be submitted. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES
(pages 19 28)
Assignments Three assignments prepared, administered and marked by the subject teacher(s). The teacher(s) will have responsibility for preparing the keys and the mark schemes. Suggested assignments are outlined in the syllabus. Reference Manual Candidates prepare a personal file of reference information that should contain specimens of each of the tasks listed in the syllabus. (Pages 26-28) The tasks should be completed under the guidance of the subject teacher(s). Teachers must assess the reference manual in accordance with guidelines provided by CXC.
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 20%
PROFILE DIMENSIONS Profile 1: Practical Skills Profile 2: Knowledge Profile 3: Use of Knowledge TYPE OF ASSIGNMENT DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE (These may be downloaded from the CXC website: DOCUMENTS OR INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED Field Study (a report of 1200 1500 words to be submitted) Record of Marks for SBA Field Study Strategy Sheet Individual Mark Sheet (Cover Sheet for Field Study Report) Moderation Feedback Report (Completed forms will be sent to schools after results are issued) Candidates SBA Marks Moderation Form (for SBA Sample) Sample of 5 candidates Field Study Reports with the Strategy Sheets included at the beginning of the reports and Individual Mark Sheet at cover.
(N.B. Field specimens, for example, insects, soil or other field material are NOT to be submitted) DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT AT CXC SELECTION OF SBA SAMPLE 30 April of the examination year
Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the Field Study Reports of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark.
The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the
highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the Field Study Reports of ALL candidates must be submitted. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 22 34) The Field Study report should be a clear account of a manageable geographical question or problem. The Field Study can be either an independent study or a group effort. If it is a group effort, candidates may work on the same general topics but must submit independent reports. Teachers must assess the report in accordance with the Marking Scheme set in the syllabus (pp 26 32).
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates, with their previous years registration numbers, must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are used. Candidates who obtain moderated marks equal to 50% of the total SBA may choose not to repeat the SBA provided they rewrite the examination in the year immediately following the first sitting. Candidates who obtained moderated marks less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks must repeat the Field Study.
PROFILE DIMENSIONS Profile 3: Practical Skills TYPE OF ASSIGNMENT Assignment 1 set and marked by teacher Assignment 2 set by teacher, jointly assessed by teacher and External Examiner Assignment 3 set and marked by teacher Record of Marks (to be completed by the teacher) Record of Marks (to be completed by the External Examiner) SBA Marking Scheme Guidelines to Teachers and External Examiners for the conduct of SBA Candidates SBA marks submitted by the teacher Record of Marks completed by the External Examiner
SELECTION OF SBA Teachers are NOT required to submit samples. However SAMPLES CXC reserves the right to request specific samples. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 70-72) The teacher should set and mark a minimum of 16 practical assignments over the two-year period. These should enable candidates to develop their practical skills. THREE of these, one per Terms 3 to 5, should be assessed for the SBA. Each assignment must test the skills identified in the syllabus, namely, Planning and Preparation, Manipulation, and Evaluation and Presentation. Assignments should be assessed by the teacher using the mark schemes provided in the syllabus.
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record of Marks, if these are used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 33.3% General: Profile 1: Theory Profile 2: Productivity Tools Profile 3: Problem Solving and Programming
General: 1 project General: Record Sheet Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Report (after results are issued) SBA Marks - General Sample projects with the completed Moderation Form General Teachers Marking Scheme
30 April of the examination year Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the projects/assignments of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark.
The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, submit the work of ALL candidates for that proficiency.
(pages 23 35)
SBA will comprise a project covering Sections 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8. Candidates will be allowed flexibility in the choice of their project. Teachers must assess the project in accordance with the Marking Scheme provided in the syllabus. The project should be of a size and complexity to enable the candidate to complete it satisfactorily in approximately 35 hours spread over a 25-week period.
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates who earned moderated marks less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination. Candidates may choose to do a new project or improve on the project done in the previous year.
General 20% Profile 3: Practical Skills Minimum of 24 practical assignments testing 5 practical skills Record of marks for SBA Record Book Guidelines for Submission of the SBA Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Form
NB: The Record Book is the teachers record of the assessments done of each skill. The average mark, for each skill for each Term should be used to arrive at the final mark (to the nearest whole number) and transferred to the Record Sheet. The Record Book should not be submitted. DOCUMENTS OR INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED Candidates SBA Marks Sample Practical Notebooks with the teachers Marking Scheme, statement of tasks, and the completed Moderation Form.
SBA Marks - 30 April of the examination year SBA Samples - 31 May of the examination year Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the practical notebooks of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark.
The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the highest mark
middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, submit the notebooks of ALL candidates. The teachers Marking Scheme must be submitted with the sample. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 31 39) Candidates are required to keep a practical notebook. Teachers set their own tasks and devise their own Marking Schemes. Practical skills must be tested twice yearly and at least 4 times over the two-year period. At each point, the mark for a skill must be the average of at least two separate assessments of that skill. The set of samples submitted should be accompanied by -
a statement of the tasks set the corresponding detailed marking scheme used. Teachers are advised that students must use books to record practical work. Loose leaf folders and files are not acceptable
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are being used. Candidates who obtained moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks will not be required to repeat the SBA provided they rewrite in the subsequent year. Candidates who obtained moderated marks less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks, must be reassessed during Terms 1 and 2 of the examination year. The marks will be pro-rated.
Technical 40% Profile 3: Practical Ability TWO Projects ONE practical project set by the teacher ONE written assignment (1000 1200 words) Plan Sheet Record of SBA marks Instructions to Schools on the SBA lab exercises Notes to Moderators Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Report Candidates SBA Marks
DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE (These may be downloaded from the CXC website:
N.B. A sample of assignments must be reassessed by the External Moderator. The Moderator must submit: One completed Moderators Rating/Comments on SBALAB; Completed Moderation form; 5 completed mark schemes, process and product evaluation 1 for each of the candidates assessed in the sample.
The teacher(s) at each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates to the Moderator for reassessment. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark. The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the N.B. highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark 7+*mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
After the sample of practical projects and written assignments of FIVE candidates has been selected, the teacher(s) must complete the Moderation Form and submit it with the candidates work (laboratory books/exercises, plan sheets and practical projects) to the External Moderator for reassessment. The Teacher and Moderator must ensure that the candidate chosen to represent the lowest mark has completed ALL assignments.
Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted.
Assignment 1 Project: One practical Project to be set by the teacher and based on CXC guidelines. Assignment 2: Written Set by the Classroom teacher(s) in keeping with the guidelines outlined by CXC and based on the Common Modules B1, B10 and B11. Assignments are to be marked in accordance with the Marking Scheme set by CXC. The materials specified by CXC in the SBA booklet should be used for the construction of projects wherever possible.
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are being used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 26% Profile 1: Listening and Appraising (LIAP) Profile 2: Performing One research project (Listening and Appraising) One solo performance One ensemble Guidelines for selection of SBA sample Record of marks for SBA Declaration Form Moderation of SBA Sample Composition Analysis External Moderators Report Form SBA Marks for ALL candidates at the centre Moderation of SBA sample
30 April of the examination year Teachers should discuss the requirements of the project and guide candidates in selection of a project. Reports should be concise but carefully compiled to show the candidates interpretation of musical knowledge, research and reporting skills. Teachers must use CXCs Mark Schemes to mark the candidates projects, solo and ensemble performances.
Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates to the External Moderator for reassessment. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark. The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the
highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. The External Moderator will reassess the work and submit the completed Moderation of SBA Form and the External Moderators Form to the Local Registrar by the stipulated deadline. RESIT PROVISIONS At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheets, if these are being used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 25% Profile 2: Application An entry level task developed by the student with assistance from the class teacher. Record of Marks for SBA
Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Report (after results are issued) Guidelines for Submitting SBA Candidates SBA Marks Sample of projects with the completed SBA Moderation Form.
30 April of the examination year Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the projects of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark. The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 38 - 44) RESIT PROVISIONS Information must come from organizations or literature and sources must be noted. Teachers must assess the completed work in accordance with the Marking Scheme provided by CXC.
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are being used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 50% Profile 1: Theory Profile 2: Practical Class Project Practical Skills Record of marks for SBA and Practical Examination (Paper 02) Guidelines for School-Based Assessment Guidelines for External Examiners and Class Teachers for the Practical Examination (Paper 02) General Instructions for Candidates for Practical Examination (Paper 02) Moderation of SBA Sample External Examiners Report on Practical Examination (Paper 02) Moderation Feedback Report Form
Candidates SBA Marks and Practical Examination marks Moderation Form External Examiners Report on Practical Examination (Paper 02) to be submitted by the External Examiner
30 April of the examination year After the Practical Examination: Marks for Paper 02 Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the Class Projects of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark.
The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 31 - 39) Teachers should discuss with candidates and explain the criteria under which they will be assessed. Candidates are responsible for their individual projects and completion of the class projects. While candidates may choose to perform the same roles, exact wording in two or more projects could result in candidates being penalised. Candidates should be assisted with: attainment of goals and the development of a time frame for completion. Candidates will be assessed on: communication of information in a logical manner; and the ability to express themselves in writing using correct grammar and spelling.
CONDUCT AND ASSESSMENT OF PRACTICAL SKILLS The assessment of practical skills for each option must be conducted by the class teacher. The assessment criteria provided are intended to assist teachers in awarding marks that are reliable assessments of the achievement of students on EACH report they select. The criteria are: Skills (Individual Performance) Application of skills in a competitive situation Tactics application in a competitive situation Laws/Rules of the game/event and their application
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are used. Resit candidates who have earned 50% of the marks for the Internal Assessment (Paper 03) may elect not to repeat this component, provided they rewrite the examination no later than the year following their first attempt. Candidates who have obtained less than 50% of the maximum marks for the Internal Assessment component must repeat the component at any subsequent sitting.
General 20% Profile 2: Use of Knowledge Profile 3: Experimental Skills Minimum of 16 practical assignments testing 4 practical skills Record of Marks for SBA Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Report Form
Candidates SBA marks (online) Sample of laboratory workbooks Moderation of SBA Sample Form
30 April of the examination year SBA marks 31 May of the examination year SBA samples RANDOM SAMPLING Teachers will be notified as to whether they are required to submit SBA samples to CXC. If requested, the centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark.
The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. The Marking Scheme must be submitted with the sample. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 63 70) Each candidate must keep a practical notebook containing all the practical exercises done over the two-year period. Teachers at the centre must collaborate, set tasks and devise the Marking Scheme at the centre. Detailed Marking Schemes for work assessed for CXC must be submitted. There must be an average of at least 2 assessments completed for each skill. At least 16 practical exercises must be completed.
Teachers are advised that students must use books to record practical work. Loose leaf folders and files are not acceptable. RESIT PROVISIONS At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are used. Candidates who obtained 50% or more of the total SBA marks, may choose not to repeat their SBA provided that they write in the subsequent year. Candidates who obtained less than 50% of the total SBA marks, must be reassessed at points III and IV. These marks will be pro-rated.
General 20%
PROFILE DIMENSIONS Profile 1: Knowledge Profile 2: Application Profile 3: Interpretation TYPE OF ASSIGNMENT One project (a report between 1000 and 1200 words to be submitted). Record Sheet Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Form
Candidates SBA Marks Sample of Projects with the completed SBA Moderation Form
30 April of the examination year RANDOM SAMPLING Teachers will be notified as to whether they are required to submit SBA samples to CXC. If requested, the centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark.
The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the
highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 27 30) One research project involving the manipulation of accounting data in real-life situations, obtained through the simulation or actual operation of a business. Candidate can work individually or in groups, but individual reports must be submitted. Teachers must assess the completed work in accordance with the Marking Scheme provided in the syllabus.
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates, with their previous years registration numbers, must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 20%
PROFILE DIMENSIONS Profile 1: Organizational Principles Profile 2: Production, Marketing and Finance Profile 3: The Business Environment One Project (a report between 1000 and 1200 words to be TYPE OF submitted). ASSIGNMENT Record of Marks for SBA DOCUMENTS Moderation of SBA Sample AVAILABLE (These may be downloaded Moderation Feedback Form from the CXC website: DOCUMENTS OR INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED DEADLINES FOR RECEIPT AT CXC SELECTION OF SBA SAMPLES Candidates SBA Marks Sample of Projects with completed SBA Moderation Form
30 April of the examination year RANDOM SAMPLING Teachers will be notified as to whether they are required to submit SBA samples to CXC. If requested, the centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark. The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark
mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 34 -37) One project comprising a business plan for a specific functional area of a business: EITHER Production, Marketing OR Finance. All entrepreneurial activities selected must be within the law and must lend themselves to research and application of principles identified in the mark scheme. Candidates can work either in groups or individually, but individual reports must be submitted. Teachers must assess the completed work in accordance with the mark scheme provided by CXC. At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 20%
PROFILE DIMENSIONS Profile 2: Interpretation and Analysis Profile 3: Application TYPE OF ASSIGNMENT DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE (These may be downloaded from the CXC website: DOCUMENTS OR INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED Research paper (a paper of 1000 1200 words to be submitted) Record of marks for SBA Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Form
Candidates SBA Marks Sample of Research Papers with the completed SBA Moderation Form
30 April of the examination year Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the Research Papers of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark. The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark
mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the Research Papers of ALL candidates must be submitted. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 75 - 85) Teachers should assist students in selecting topics related to one of the religions specified for guided research (Pages 76 78 of the syllabus). The research paper should include the following: Specific title/theme/topic/area of research; Brief statement outlining the aim/objective/purpose of the research; Main features of the religion; Candidates evaluation of research in relation to everyday Caribbean life; References.
The completed work must be marked in accordance with the mark scheme provided by CXC in the syllabus. RESIT PROVISIONS At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are being used. Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
General 20%
PROFILE DIMENSIONS Profile 2: Application, Evaluation and Problem-Solving TYPE OF ASSIGNMENT DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE One Research Project (a report of 1000 1200 words to be submitted) Record of marks for SBA Moderation of SBA Sample Moderation Feedback Form
Candidates SBA Marks Sample of Projects of 5 candidates with completed SBA Moderation Form
30 April of the examination year Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the Project Reports of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark. The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, submit the Project Reports of ALL candidates. Guided research project based on Section A or B of the syllabus. Candidates will be required to conduct guided research, write their findings and submit their project. Group investigation is permissible, but each candidate must produce in writing an independent report. Teachers must approve the research topic and assess the completed work in accordance with the mark scheme provided in the syllabus. Marks given for each task as well as the total score are to be clearly indicated on the last page or inside cover of the candidates research paper folder. At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet. June: Candidates who have earned moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the total SBA marks may elect not to repeat the SBA component, provided that they rewrite the examination during the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the maximum SBA marks for the subject, must repeat SBA requirements at any subsequent sitting of the examination.
[CXC 13/0/SYLL 00A1] EFFECTIVE FOR EXAMINATIONS FROM: MAY/JUNE 2008 General 20 % Profile 1: Knowledge Profile 2: Application Profile 3: Practical Ability ONE design problem (Drawing assignment) SBA Assignment SBA Marking Scheme Record of Marks for SBA Instructions to Schools on the SBA Lab Exercises Moderation of SBA Sample CXC/MOD/SAM/133 Moderation Feedback Report Form Candidates SBA Marks Sample portfolios containing complete set of working drawings of Building component or Mechanical Engineering device/gadget prepared by students. Moderation of SBA Sample Form.
RANDOM SAMPLING Teachers will be notified as to whether they are required to submit SBA samples to CXC. Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates. After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark. The SBA online application will then select the candidates
highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 3 7) Teachers are required to formulate a problem and its conditions from ONE of ten (10) categories. For this exercise, EACH candidate is required to design an individual solution to the problem and prepare a portfolio containing a complete set of assembly working drawings of a device/gadget selected from ONE of TEN categories. The design Project must be done in its entirety in the classroom/laboratory under the supervision of a teacher. The portfolio MUST be prepared to show the following: name of project, category, statement of the problem, conditions, parts and materials, design justification, pictorial and assembly, working drawings.
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates, with their previous years registration numbers, must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are being used. Candidates who obtained moderated marks equal to 50% or more of the SBA total may choose not to repeat their SBA provided that they resit in the subsequent year. Candidates who obtained moderated marks less than 50% of the total SBA marks, must be reassessed during the Terms 1 and 2 of the examination year. Such candidates must enter through an approved educational institution.
General Practical 50%; Projects 20% Profile 1: Appreciating and Analysing (APAN) Profile 2: Performing (PERF) Profile 3: Creating (CREA) Practical Skills (50%) Term 3, 4, 5 Paper 02 Written Projects: (20%) Paper 03 1. Critique 500 - 700 words 2. Research Paper 500 - 700 words. Candidates must submit both assignments for completion of Paper 03.
DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE (These may be downloaded from the CXC website:
Record of Marks for Internal Assessment for each option: Forms TA 1.1-1.3d
Drama Improvisation, Playmaking, Performance Skills Dance Improvisation, Dancemaking, Dance Fundamentals Drama Improvisation OR Dance Improvisation
Stage Management OR Production Management Stagecraft Costumes Stagecraft Set Design Stagecraft Lighting Record of marks for School-Based Assessment - Form TA-1 (For Research Paper and Critique) RECORD OF MARKS FOR SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT FORM TA-1B (FOR EXTERNAL EXAMINERS) Guidelines for submitting School-Based Assessment for Theatre Arts -Form TA-2 Moderation of School-Based Assessment - Form TA-3 Moderation Feedback Report on School Based Assessment - Form TA-4 (after results are issued)
Candidates SBA Marks (Paper 030) via ORS Candidates Practical Skills Marks (Paper 020) via ORS Sample Projects with the completed Moderation Form
SELECTION OF SBA Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates. SAMPLES After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark. The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the
highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The centre must submit, by the stipulated deadlines, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the SBA online application. Where the number of candidates is less than 5, the work of ALL candidates must be submitted. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 22 41)
CONDUCT AND ASSESSMENT OF PRACTICAL SKILLS The assessment of practical skills MUST be conducted by the classroom teacher and one other specialist with guidance provided by the Council. The Assessment Criteria are intended to assist teachers in awarding marks that are reliable assessments of the achievement of students on each practical performance. OPTION 1: A - Drama Improvisation The assessment should be done during Term 3 of Year 1 Group presentations comprising 3 to 5 students.
Candidates are expected to do a 3 to 5 minute spontaneous improvisation from a given stimulus and respond to a viva voce. Candidates are expected to complete a journal documenting the process. Candidates must be given a maximum of 10 minutes to prepare. A mark out of 30 should be awarded for the performance.
This assessment will be administered by the classroom teacher and one other specialist with guidance provided by the Council. B Playmaking The assessment should be done during Term 1 of Year 2. Group presentations comprising 3 to 5 students. Students are expected to do a prepared 10 to 15 minute performance and respond to a viva voce. It is expected that the period for rehearsal will be between 3 to 6 weeks. Students must use a Caribbean Cultural form. A mark out of 30 should be awarded for the performance.
This assessment will be administered by the classroom teacher and one other specialist with guidance provided by the Council. C Production The assessment should take place during the first half of Term 2 of Year 2 Groups must comprise 3 to 10 students. This assessment will be based on a 20 to 30 minute excerpt from a Caribbean text. A viva voce will be given to ascertain the level of contribution by each group member. It is expected that the period of rehearsal will be between 6 to 8 weeks. A mark out of 40 should be awarded for the performance.
This assessment will be administered by the classroom teacher and one other specialist with guidance provided by the Council. Teachers are advised to discourage excessive use of props, costumes and set. The emphasis for the practical is acting and performing skills with symbolic and creative use of props, costumes and set. N.B While an audience will assist candidates, public performances are not encouraged for assessment by the external examiner. 64
OPTION 2 A - Dance Improvisation The assessment should be done during Term 3 of Year 1 Group presentations comprise between 3 to 5 students. Candidates are expected to do a 3 to 5 minute spontaneous improvisation from a given stimulus and respond to a viva voce. Candidates are expected to complete a journal documenting the process. Candidates must be given a maximum of 10 minutes to prepare. A mark out of 30 should be awarded for the performance.
This assessment will be administered by the classroom teacher and one other specialist with guidance provided by the Council. B Dancemaking The assessment should be during Term 1 of Year 2 Students are expected to present a 3 to 8 minute group dance, a 3 minute duet OR a 3 to 5 minute solo dance based on a Caribbean theme. The group compositions will be a joint effort; groups must consist of 3 to 5 candidates. A viva voce will be given to ascertain the level of contribution by each group member. Candidates are expected to complete a journal documenting the process. It is expected that the period of rehearsal will be between 3 to 6 weeks. The classroom teacher will recommend a choice of at least three themes for the composition based on Caribbean Cultural Forms, for example, Anancy; Ole Higue; River Mumma A mark out of 30 should be awarded for the presentation.
This assessment will be administered by the classroom teacher and one other specialist with guidance provided by the Council.
C - Dance Fundamentals The assessment should be done during the first half of Term 2 of Year 2 Assessment will be based on a group presentation of 20 to 30 minutes, structured to demonstrate technical and performance skills and based on a Caribbean Cultural Form. Groups must consist of 3 to 10 candidates. A viva voce will be given to ascertain the level of skill and practices of the selected folk dance. Candidates are expected to complete a journal documenting the process. It is expected that the period of rehearsal will be between 6 to 8 weeks. A mark out of 40 should be awarded for the presentation.
This assessment will be administered by the classroom teacher and one other specialist with guidance provided by the Council. OPTION 3 A1- Drama Improvisation The assessment should be done during Term 3 of Year 1. Group presentation comprising 3 to 5 candidates Candidates are expected to do a 3 to 5 minute spontaneous improvisation from a given stimulus and respond to a viva voce. Candidates must be given a maximum of 10 minutes to prepare. A mark out of 30 should be awarded for the performance.
This assessment will be administered by the classroom teacher and one other specialist with guidance provided by the Council. OR A2 - Dance Improvisation The assessment should be done during Term 3 of Year 1.
Group presentations comprise 3 to 5 candidates. Candidates are expected to do a 3 to 5 minute improvisation from a given stimulus and respond to a viva voce.
Candidates must be given a maximum of 10 minutes to prepare. A mark out of 30 should be awarded for the performance
This assessment will be administered by the classroom teacher and one other specialist with guidance provided by the Council. B - Stage Management OR Production Management This assessment should be done during Term 1 of Year 2. Stage Management candidates are expected to: Function as Stage Managers or Stage Crews for a 20 30 minute excerpt from a Caribbean Text or School or Community performance. Respond to questions in a viva voce. Complete a journal documenting the process.
Production Management Candidates are expected to: Function as a production team, that is, as house or public relations management for a 20 30 minute excerpt from a Caribbean text or School or Community performance. Respond to questions in a viva voce. Complete a journal documenting the process.
C Stage Crafts: Costume OR Set Design OR Lighting The assessment should take place during the first half of Term 2 Year 2 Candidates are expected to function as a production team, that is, as lighting designers or technicians; and sound designers and technicians; set and scene designers; costume and props designers - for a 20 to 30 minute production of an excerpt from a prescribed Caribbean text or school or community performance. It is expected that the period of rehearsal and preparing designs will be 6 to 8 weeks. Candidates must do individual lights, sound; and design costumes and props. A mark out of 40 should be awarded for the performance. A viva voce will be given to ascertain levels of contribution to group concept development, house management and stage crew. Candidates are required to complete a journal (400 words) documenting the process.
This assessment will be administered by the classroom teacher and one other specialist with guidance provided by the Council. Teachers are advised to discourage excessive use of props, costumes and set. The emphasis for the practical is on acting and performing skills with symbolic and creative use of props, costumes and set. Candidates pursuing Stage Crafts may not act in the performance. NB: Students who have not been entered for the examination may not normally take part in the presentation. However, in special circumstances, for example, in the absence of a candidate due to illness immediately prior to the examination, the substitution of a non-examination student may be permitted after notification of the external examiner. SYLLABUS GUIDELINES (pages 42-48)
THE CRITIQUE AND RESEARCH PAPER Must be written in essay format 500-700 words in length Detailed requirements and marking criteria are provided in the syllabus
At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are being used. All candidates must complete Papers 01 and 02 during the examinations. Candidates who earned 50% or more of the marks for Paper 03 may elect not to repeat this component, provided they rewrite the examination no later than the year following their first attempt. Candidates who have obtained less than 50% of the marks for Paper 03 must repeat the component at any subsequent sitting.
General 22.2% Profile 1: Profile 2: Profile 3: Profile 4: Craftsmanship Design/Composition Originality Theory, Process and Practice of Visual Arts
6 practical assignments Reflective Journal List of Assignments Moderation of SBA Samples Moderation Feedback Report Form Record of marks for School-Based Assessment Candidates SBA Marks (Online) List of Assignments completed by the candidates for School-Based Assessment Sample of 5 pieces for each option taught, along with the completed SBA Moderation Form The Reflective Journal
N.B: The Reflective Journal - must be submitted through the Local Registrar the same time as the Production Papers for marking by CXC. DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT AT CXC 30 April of the examination year
SELECTION OF SBA Each centre must submit ONE SBA sample, consisting of the work of FIVE (5) candidates FOR EACH OPTION. SAMPLE Selection of SBA Sample Portfolio The work for each candidate in the sample must consist of his/her last piece for each Option taught (Piece 3). The selection MUST be done by Option.
After the candidates SBA scores have been entered online, the sample for EACH OPTION taught at the centre will be automatically selected by the SBA online application using the following procedure: FOR EACH PRODUCTION OPTION The total SBA scores for ALL candidates registered for the specific Production Option will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest mark. The SBA online application will then select the candidates who gained the
highest mark middle (median) mark lowest mark mark that is midway between the highest mark and the middle mark mark that is midway between the lowest mark and the middle mark.
The teacher(s) must then select the last piece of work (Piece 3) for each of the candidates selected by the SBA online application. The centre must submit to CXC by the stipulated deadlines ONLY the samples that have been selected by the SBA online application. N.B.
The sample for each Production Option should consist of five (5) pieces of work, the last piece of work (Piece 3) for each of the five candidates selected. The number of pieces to be submitted will be determined by the number of Production Options done. Where the number of candidates registered for any OPTION is less than 5, the last piece of work (Piece 3) of ALL candidates must be submitted.
Each piece must be clearly labelled with the name of the Production Option, the candidates name and registration number, and mark (out of 60). Teachers should also indicate whether each piece is highest mark, middle mark, or lowest mark. The portfolios should be sent to the Local Registrar.
Portfolio of SIX (6) pieces of work (3 pieces for each Option) together with preparatory drawings. At registration, the previous years registration number must be indicated. All candidates with their previous years registration numbers must be listed on the Record Sheet, if these are being used. Candidates whose moderated marks are 50% or more of the total SBA marks, may elect not to repeat the SBA, provided that they are re-sitting the same option in the subsequent year. Candidates whose moderated marks are less than 50% of the total SBA marks, must repeat ONLY the SBA option in which they did not achieve the 50%. NOTE: ALL candidates MUST write the Production Papers in the same options taken at the first sitting.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHERS OF VISUAL ARTS TEACHERS OF VISUAL ARTS MUST ENSURE THAT: 1. 2. 3. CANDIDATES ARE REGISTERED FOR THE CORRECT OPTIONS. The List of Assignments form completed by each candidate is submitted. A Moderation of SBA Sample Form is submitted with the samples for EACH option. (The candidates names and registration numbers must be included on this form.) EACH piece of work is clearly labelled. (The Labels provided by CXC MUST be used). EACH CANDIDATE COMPLETES AND SUBMITS THE REFLECTIVE JOURNAL.