The Back: History and Examination
The Back: History and Examination
The Back: History and Examination
Interesting Facts
Backache second only to common cold as a cause of days of sick 80-90% adults will have backache at some point in their lives. Most prevalent age 30-50 years In 1994, 14 million GP consultations, 7 million physio sessions and 800,000 in-patient bed days.
Aims of assessment:
To distinguish between benign mechanical back pain and sinister causes of back pain.
95% will be due to mechanical back pain, <5% nerve root irritation from disc prolapse <1 more sinister pathology
Red Flags
Red Flags
Age < 20 or >55 Recent violent trauma Constant, progressive with no relief from postural modification Severe morning stiffness Unable to walk or self care Thoracic pain No change with 2-4 weeks treatment
PMH Malignancy Corticosteroids Drug abuse HIV, Immune suppressed Systemically unwell Unintentional weight loss Fever Widespread neurological symptoms (cauda equina syndrome S234) Structural deformity.
referral is mandatory
Yellow Flags
Yellow Flags
These are factors which predispose to chronic pain and long term disability.
These are:
Belief that pain and activity are harmful sickness behaviours eg extended rest Low/negative mood Past history of back pain with time off Poor job satisfaction or other problems with job. Over protective family or lack of support Heavy work, unsociable hours Problems with claim and compensation
Ideally with back and legs exposed. Posture ?Scoliosis ? Kyphosis Skin caf-au-lait spots, hairy patches, signs of psoriasis. Prolapsed disc may cause a lumbar scoliosis, flattening or reversal of normal lumbar lordosis
Check for bone tenderness this may indicate serious pathology eg infection, fracture, malignancy With patient leaning forwards check for tenderness between the vertebral spines and paraspinal muscles. Eg prolapsed disc, mechanical back pain SI joints Palpable steps may indicate spondylolisthesis
Ask patient to bend forward Lightly percuss spine from neck to sacrum Significant pain is a feature of infections fractures and neoplasms Beware exaggerated response may be a non organic problem
Flexion schobers test <5cm = abnormal Extension pain and restricted extension in prolapsed disc and spondylolisthesis Lateral Flexion Rotation seated, movement is thoracic
Functional overlay
Ask patient to sit up on the couch If genuine will have to flex knees or it causes too much pain.
Axial loading: apply pressure to the head. Overlay suggested if this aggravates back pain.
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