Steven Marks Tpu Rev1

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The inventor discusses the challenges he has faced with others attempting to claim his invention and spread misinformation about the technology. He also discusses the efforts of oil companies to discredit alternative energy sources.

The inventor discusses facing threats and legal warnings for discussing his technology openly. He also discusses how others have attempted to exploit the technology for profit without truly understanding it.

The inventor criticizes those attempting to replicate his work for not having a sufficient understanding of electronics and not investing in proper laboratory equipment. He also says most do not have the necessary 'intellectual caliber' to develop the technology.

Dear Lindsay, I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits.

Thank you for your letter. I did not know that my letter was posted on his web site. Usually my letters and reports about the technology are never posted anywhere. Or if they do get posted they disappear suddenly. There has been a concerted effort to eliminate anything I may have to say and to discount the validity of the technology. This is done by attacking me rather then the demonstration as viewed in the video tapes. That is because most of the demonstrations I gave were to engineers and scientists who confirmed the validity of the power generated by my technology. Lay people do not understand just how difficult if not impossible it would be to fake what is shown in the video tapes of the demonstrations. The video tapes were made with permission to record the historical events as they unfolded. However, some very misguided people took them and used them for evil. Now that the video tapes are everywhere people have been trying to claim they are the inventor or know the inventor etc. Be assured that I have no associates except the those involved with the corporation owning the technology and with Paul Stemm who has been involved with the project longer then anyone else. It is interesting that when we started to demonstrate the technology no one believed that something so small could generate so much useable power. So they hired engineers and other technical people to confirm that indeed the units did output the energy as viewed in the demonstration. Since no one could discount the demonstrations of power, over time they started to discount the validity of the technology by defaming me. At first we did not understand this. Why would people who did not see the demonstration or have never met with me, go out of their way to create lies and post them on web sites devoted to furthering alternative energy sources? After a while it became quit clear that the billion dollar oil interests have provided most of the effort to distort any potentially serious alternative to the use of fossil fuels. They even have the world governments in their pockets. The technology is now owned by a corporation not in the United States, and so that gives me a slight leverage in discussing my situation with you. I see that you are in Australia. I have had several dealings with people in Australia. Some of them good and some of them bad. There was one fellow who was claiming to be the inventor and selling 50 percent shares in his company to everyone he could find. The problem has been that everyone with a copy of the famous demonstration tapes is claming to have something to do with the

technology and is usually trying to exploit it in some way. This only helps to create additional bad publicity for the technology and certainly works for the benefit of the oil industries. I assure you that I invented the technology over 15 years ago and that I have never personally sought money for the technology. The technology is not magic and is in fact uses simple electronic concepts to achieve the demonstrated results. Therein lays the rub... I hope to hear from you again. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, SM

It has been a very long road from beginning to end. It took several years of experimentation to discover what frequencies and most importantly how to make small integrated circuits work to perform the control functions necessary to make the demonstrations you see on the video tapes available today. So in many ways we have early RCA color TV engineers to thank for my discovery of the power generator. I am sure they are all dead now but they did contribute. Perhaps a story which had impact on me at that time was told to me by my boss way back in 1970 I believe it was. He told me that around 1965 or 66 there was an explosion in an apartment in Chicago.

the authorities had concluded that for some unknown reason, a General Electric color television receiver had been the source of an explosion that killed a young black child in the apartment. My boss went on to relate that he was involved in the investigation because he was in Chicago at the time and he was invaluably experienced with television circuits and etc. He told us that what they found was, the TV had exploded with some quick furry. The explosion did in fact kill the poor child who was sitting directly in front but sparred his mother who was some distance away in the kitchen. The explosion was strange because of the absence of expected chemicals necessary to create the explosion. It appeared that the TV was the exact center of the explosion, however no one could find a reason for the explosion occurring. Also consider that there is not really much inside a TV to explode with enough force to kill people and destroy the living room a large apartment. Yes a CRT can explode and kill someone, however this was not the kind of explosion we are talking about. The most interesting part of the story is that according to our boss, metallic objects especially those containing large amounts of iron were dramatically displaced. He mentioned that some nails were actually removed from the walls and pulled toward the TV set. When they found them they were bent and shaped like cork screws! Everything in the room appeared to have moved or was moving toward the TV as it exploded, or imploded as the case may be. The child was apparently killed by way of these metallic objects traveling through his body on their way toward the center of the TV set. As far as my boss knew, there was never a good explanation for the occurrence. We found out that this was not the only unexplained explosion of TV sets worldwide. However, the fact that all the sets exploded while in operation may bear some light. Also most of the TV sets were made by the GE company or were TV sets made using GE circuits and of similar design. However, this man who had been my mentor for so many years had his own theory which he never told anyone as far as i know, except me. His theory was that the TV while in operation, somehow managed to become a receiver of more then just television waves and so for a millisecond in time became a receiver and the discharger of a huge amount of electrical and magnetic energy. This discharge of magnetic energy is vary similar to the discharge of magnetic energy during an atomic explosion. . . Now that is something I have thought about a great deal. My employer's words had great impact on me.

Not that they meant anything really, but I kept thinking about the possibility of many frequencies combining at one moment in time to produce an entirely different effect then intended by the designers. And so it goes. Some of the reasons why I thought about things the way I did and perhaps why I set out to think along the lines I did when I discovered the power generator technology. Or more appropriately, the power converter technology, because that is actually what it does you know. Sincerely, SM Dear Lindsay, Thank you so much for the kind words in your last letter to me. You cannot understand how good it does my heart to hear from someone who has an understanding of almost exactly the situation. My device is compared to batteries in order to give an idea of the power available and also to show how impossible it is to assume that I may have hidden batteries inside the unit to make the power. You would be surprised how many idiots thought that batteries could be inside making all that electric power! It is very possible to generate electric power from the earth's magnetic field. Think about the fact that in just one revolution, the Earth generates enough electric power to supply North America with all it needs for over 100 years! All we have to do is tap into that energy and all our energy wishes come true. I found the secret when I read in some books about electron tubes. I was a TV repair man as well. Back in the days of electron tubes. The good old days I think. In one of the RCA engineering manuals I read that it has been measured In a wire that there exists a slight increase in current when first electrons are caused to flow in it. This was explained because the earth's magnetic field exerted some influence on the wire and the electron flow inside it. Or rather the electrons on the surface of the wire. Even today you can find examples of discussion of this fact even in non scientific journals.

If you look in Morgan Jones book, Valve Amplifiers, 3rd edition, on page 262 he says, The inrush of current through the filament interacts with the earth's magnetic field to produce a small kick. SMALL KICK. Those words mean a great deal.

It PROVES that there is an interaction between the magnetic field of the earth and simple electrons running through wires. It may be a small influence but it is actual OVER UNITY. I have spent several years of my life thinking about that. Scientists tell us that over unity is impossible.

They say that you cannot get more out of something then you put into it. Then I think about that wire with the small kick when first turned on. . . There in lies the secret my friend. Brian Collins was a sad unfortunate human being who suffered from bad health and a tremendous desire to acquire millions of dollars no matter what he had to say or do.. **** **** was level headed but he worried me because he was a retired wing commander from the Australian Air command, and so had some extreme government connections. He was the first person to tell me about all of the shenanigans Brian was up to. I met with Scott several times in the United States before we lost touch. I do not remember anyone named *** ****. I did meet with a representative of the Western Australia Power company who was very enthusiastic about my technology. He brought testing equipment with him for my demonstration but never used it. He said that he knew more then enough about electricity to verify that what he saw with his own eyes in person was the real generation of tremendous amounts of electric power from some unseen source. I should have put that in quotes I guess. He was a wonderful guy and I shall never forget how impressed he was. Unfortunately I can't remember his name at the moment. Yes, Brian had absolutely no idea what made the thing tick. And I had absolutely no idea what made Brian go and do the crazy things he did. But one thing is certain and that is... he did a great disservice to me and my invention. No one takes it seriously no matter what kind of demonstration I may do. I have even offered to electrocute a cow to prove it works but no one even wants to see anything anymore. . . thanks to Brian Collins and others of his mind set. I would disagree with you about one point. Being that I believe there to be a concerted effort to delay any potential technology entering the market place by those who my be adversely affected. My first invention was a Highbred electric automobile way back in 1978. I knew that the automotive heat stroke engine was unbelievably inefficient. Calculations told me that it only took about 15 horsepower to keep a vehicle on the highway at 60 mph but we needed 40 hp or more to accelerate the vehicle. To accelerate it well we needed 100 HP. So if we design the automobile with a large hp engine to accelerate the vehicle adequately we waste a great deal of energy when the large heat pump engine is only required to produce 15 hp to .

cruse at 60 mph on the highway. My solution was to find the smallest and most efficient engine I could possibly find and couple it to a storage system which could be used for and to provide for acceleration to cruising speeds.. The idea was simple and elegant at the same time. I found my first experiments very encouraging. I took a 20 hp 4 stroke gasoline engine coupled to a 48 volt generator coupled to two banks of storage batteries coupled to a 48 volt aircraft starter motor connected to the transmission of a ford Fairmont automobile. The Ford worked well. It did not have blazing acceleration but was definitely adequate. You could drive it around town all day and on the highway at 60 MPH it would burn 1 gallon of fuel for every 50 miles you traveled. That is very good for a 3800 Lb. Ford at 60 MPH which on it's best day would have only achieved about 18 mpg. I had proven my idea would work so I set out to refine it. I needed a more efficient primover and I needed a more efficient electrical conversion system. I found a wonderful 2-stroke gasoline engine that would put out 25 hp on one gallon for 3.5 hours. I then coupled that engine to 4- twelve volt automotive alternators run in series into 4-12 volt banks of batteries. Now I had a super efficient gasoline engine with a very efficient electric energy conversion system. The car now accelerated very well using the extra power stored in the battery banks and cruised at 65 MPH using 18 HP and leaving an extra 5 to 7 HP output from the 25 hp Gasoline engine to keep the batteries charged up to capacity for acceleration when necessary. I added a governor to control the gasoline engine to throttle back when necessary and save fuel. You could drive it over town and high way all day. It worked wonderfully and achieved 320 MPG when driven on a trip from Los Angeles to Las Vegas Nevada, a distance of several hundred miles. The car was a great success publicly and I invited Chrysler, Ford and General Moters to come to see the car. They all sent representatives to see the vehicle, but I was surprised because they did not seem very impressed at all. I thought I had discovered the solution to the energy crises and they didn't even want to study the car I built. They were polite and they all asked me if I wanted to work for their companies but none of them were excited at all. I couldn't understand why until I met a very impressive fellow named Delorian. Yes the ex-president of Ford who tried to manufacture the Delorian motor car in Ireland. After visiting with him and meeting his chief engineer, Zora Duntoff, the father of the Corvette, I learned that the automotive companies already

knew how to make Highbred automobiles and so did not need my design! This was back in the 1970's and they are just now coming out with highbred electric automobiles for sale to the public. I find it terrible that these new automobiles are only getting 50 MPG! That was my first lesson in discovering what I thought was a break through in technologies. When I asked Mr Delorian and Mr. Duntoff why they were not making automobiles that could get 100 MPG they told me that it involved complicated economic issues involving the oil industry and the world economic system. . . And so here we are today. Obviously things haven't changed much. I told you about all this so would have a better idea of my back ground and experiences in the past. Sincerely, SM Dearest Lindsay, I have read some of the response at the web site. It is a bit more encouraging then I was expecting. I have one comment about what KOSH said in regard to the clamp meter. The meter measures anything powerful in regard to electron flow based on the strength of magnetic field. So the meter displays that there is OBVIOUSLY a LARGE magnetic field inside the coil!!!!! If the meter says five amps just from a contact high, that means there is one helava lot of power spinning around inside there! It amazes me how elementary that example is and yet the geniuses on line say, Whats the meter for?.....It aint clamped on anything... One engineer from a large American power company told me that the meter says more then anything else about the demonstration. You cant fool the meter, it must have a strong field to react and show a current. So, it aint batteries and it ant radio waves, but it is electron flow of a high order creating a large magnetic field. Or vice versa? Ha, Ha!!! Sincerely, SM Dear Lindsay, Thank you.

I would like to point out that there have been many, many large offers for me, my technology the company, you name it. The offers have come from several of the largest companies in the world most of them you would recognize. We have received offers from some of the worlds most prestigious billionaires, etc. However, Lindsay.... the offers are for complete acquisition of the technology in its entirety. If someone owns it lock stock and barrel then there is absolutely no guarantee that it will ever get into the world domain for the good of the planet. I could be a millionaire ten times over if i would say OK. I am poor because I will not give in. Thank you, SM Dearest Lindsay, I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. I have read you latest letter. What Web site went down? I am sorry that you had the experience with your associates in your workplace, but I have found that to be basic human nature, unfortunately. it is a shame really. However, your personal experience gives you an understanding of all the problems I have had to face in my life. I hope to come to meet with you one day if Paul will permit. Thank you for the song. I can not download to the PC here, however i did load it on to a magzip and will enjoy it when I can get to a private PC. You mention that you find the inertial effects of my technology as being interesting to you. All I can say is, MY GOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA JUST HOW INTERESTING!!! Do you remember our brief discussion about if it could provide a motive force? I am not sure if I should comment more at this time. It is not that I am apprehensive about you, it is that I am pleased with what we have managed to get away with so far without intervention by higher sources. So why tempt them too much. I have read more of Stefan's web site postings about my technology and I can see much good coming from it all. Some of them are almost right on. You have not posted all of my letters to you? Have you posted some of the engineers reports I sent to you? Did I send you Dr. Schinzinger first report? Let me know your thoughts? I would like to answer a few questions I have read on Stefan's web site..

I would like to mention Stefan and Freedom fuel and Bushwacker and Mica individually but instead I will just make statements that can be relevant to whomever as needed. First of all: 1 There are several parts of the power unit which have patents. Remember that the power unit technology is owned by the UEC corporation and I have to be very careful about not stepping on their toes. I am not afraid of them or anything like that. It is just that they are the legitimate owners of the patents and most of the research ect. I would not like to break my trust with them. However, I can, and will give to all of you as much information as I can. I believe that I will be able to give you enough information to begin research on your own. I just have to pass it in front of my attorney first so I do not get myself into trouble, that's all. 2 I will in time give out a basic Hardware diagram which you may find helpful. 3 No I will not publish a schematic diagram of the control circuit. It is proprietary information owned and controlled by the UEC corporation, so I won't go there. 4 I will tell you about my initial experiments and what Electron tube circuits I used to control the frequencies that gave us our significant breakthroughs way back when. 5 Yes, Stefan I do intend to point you in the right direction. You deserve at least that much for all of the good effort you have put forth for so long. And especially your kindness to me. 6 About the Flame like Discharge. Yes it does cause RF burns. I was going to tell about that, but I decided to wait and see how long it would take one of you to realize this on your own. Bravo! 7 The patents are in several segments pertaining only to the control units not the collector coil itself, so I will send you examples of the hardware diagrams. however, I do not have access to a PC at all times so it will take some time for me to be able to scan things and send them off, be patient please. Also I am not spending all my time sitting in front of a PC reading and sending. I must travel to a public place in order to safely send any information at all. 8 YES, torodial transformers have some very weird factors.. Study the strange factors. 9 Your interest in the harmonic resonance is also stepping toward the right direction of things.

But then again it depends on your viewpoint about exactly what harmonic resonance is and how it relates to mag fields and converting energy as does my power unit. 10 We have done a great deal of experimentation with permanent magnets with some very astounding results. I could stop now and start over again with that subject alone. Has anyone ever read any of the reports about our experiments with what was called, the Magnetic shadow casting material? No it wasn't some kind of paint. But you would be fascinated with the amount of renewable energy you can extract from a permanent magnet! We went through about ten thousand dollars worth of Neodymium and Super Cobalt 404 magnetic material in our experiments. I could write volumes of information about that stuff. Those experiments tie in to our development of the power unit. 11 Yes, I agree, why does everybody assume that magnetic fields are so single dimensional? they are not . . .they can't be. 12 Who ever it was that said there might be possibly military applications for this technology is a very wise man. We believe that is probably the primary government interest followed by the ever popular oil industry trying to stop it. 13 I am sorry, they are not piezo stacks. However, they do look like it. And some of what you said is not far off at all. 14 Both Freedomfuel and bushwacker have good and relevant points. 15 Yes there is an inertia. 16 Yes there is a genuine gyroscopic effect when the units are on. Everybody has noticed that when held and in operation, the units have a definite vibration and have a gyroscopic effect. They seam to resist being moved through the air. When placed on a smooth surface it is very pronounced. Some of you should think about that. 17 Rotation of field. . . How many people think about that. If you could have a field that you could think of as a big ball. And you could rotate it in two directions what would the ramifications be? I hope some of you will appreciate this info, my direct response and the spirit in which it is given. Sincerely, SM DEAR LINDSAY, PLEASE POST THIS RESPONCE TO THE QUESTIONS HE HAS ASKED. >Hallo Steve Mark,

i hope that you still read here because this weekend my head was smoking an i would like to ask you something. In one of the videos you demonstrate your device which ist connected to a measuring instrument. When you turn it top down the voltage decrease and you had no explanation for it. Now my question: did you try your device already on the earth south site?< YES NORBERT, WE DID TRY THEM SOUTH OF THE EQUATER, WORK IN REVERSE. CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHY? THEY

>I was also thinking about the exploding TV and the wire found in the the wall. The position in the TV of this wire is NOSW at the CR tube and also the small coils inside at your device. These small coils are enclosed of a big coil like the primary coil of the tesla transformer. May be the direction of winding the small coils is also important. Starting the first "kick" comes from the magnets and the kick is a result of the initial inertia of the free electrons is in the cable. About the control, sure there are condensators, but i dont know how to build it. It could be so, that the small coils successively counter clockwise be induced, so that there it a rotating magnetic field. regards Norbert Kner< YES THERE IS A ROTATING FEILD WHICH CAUSES ELECTRONS TO FLOW IN COPER WIRE AND BE USED TO PROVIDE USEFULL WORK FORSE. THERE ARE MANY WIRES PERPINDICULAR TO THE MAIN COLECTOR. THIS IS A NECESSARY PART OF THE DEVICE. SINCERELY, SM. Dear Lindsay, I Hope this letter finds you well. I am just a bit busy here at the moment. I am sorry if I am not able to answer your letters in a timely fashion, however give me time and I will always get around to answering you.

I hope that will be alright. Thank you for witting to the German fellow. I appreciate that very much. You know Paul Stemm was drawing up an agreement with a German Millionaire named Gerhling, or something like that, who owned a large company in Europe. He was VERY enthusiastic and wanted to save the world, then one day he just stopped communicating. He wouldn't give Paul an answer for why he all of a sudden did not want to proceed. I called him and spoke to him at his residence and he told me that the German government instructed him not to get involved. In regard to your query about the pulse DC conversion and the potential use of the coil to provide motive force: You could describe the useable current output of my coil as DC but with some hash in it. It really doesn't have any convertible AC component which could provide a mechanical motive force as you suggested. The multiple frequencies traveling around the coils are of too high a frequency to provide for any motive effort. They are only a means to achieve an end. The multiple frequencies begin to feed themselves and the multiple kicks become a combined big kick. I call it resonating. That is why if you notice in the video tapes that it takes just a few seconds for the coil to begin to function at maximum effort. You see, one little kick amounts to nothing. However imagine if you had hundreds of thousands of little kicks combining into one big current kick . . . I originally got the idea from electron circuits which use vacuum rectifiers like the 5U4 GB or 5AR4 etc. The plate has a high voltage potential with lots of useable power available. You cant get to it or use it for anything without applying a heating voltage to the cathode or what is the cathode potential of the tube. So, you put in a small voltage of 5 volts AC 60 Hz which heats up the cathode and welcomes the electron stream from the plate. Or actually the other way around, but not important for this example of my thoughts. Now the high voltage power goes through the cathode and travels through the coils of the 5 volt transformer along with the 5 volt AC.

if the plate voltage is not rectified then it is AC with a potential 60 Hz frequency. That combines with the 5 volt 60 Hz in the coil of the htr transformer and generally amounts to nothing. In fact the power of the 5 volt transformer amounts to nothing. It is an insignificant power supply, except when the two transformers get slightly out of phase with each other, or when they are connected in reverse of one another. Then you can measure all kinds of things going on. You can generate all kinds of hash and multiple frequencies, and I do mean all kinds. What I measured during this process was very interesting. All these frequencies occasionally met at the same time with a much larger kick at the output. I was working at a laboratory at the time with much more sophisticated equipment then is available to even most manufacturing companies. I was able to analyses everything coming out of this simple two transformer AC high voltage circuit. In most power supplies there is lots of hash coming out and designers use a .05 or so to short out as much as possible before it gets to the smoothing capacitors. This hash comes from the mains supply and especially from the transformers themselves. Then the smoothing capacitors take out the rest of the multiple frequency hash along with the gigantic 60 Hz ac left in the B+. I became interested in the interaction between the two AC transformers. The interaction can be very reveling, trust me. Also, there is another interesting analogy. We seem to overlook so many things in our society. They are right in our faces but we just look around them without interest at all. When I began to study the effects of multiple frequencies combined together I found out that when you deliberately strive to create the worst case scenario of frequencies you start to get some very measurable kicks. In themselves they are not much. But if you make enough of them fast sendoff, you get a collectible power spike that is more then the power available to begin with. The destructive heating caused by the eddy currents ,

become the problem we face when we make a really large powerful coil. Now you understand more about the heating problem and why using a fan does not work. I must go for now. I am sure I am hitting a lot of bad keys here but I am short for time and I am not going to look over what I have written. So please excuse my mistakes. Sincerely, SM Dear Lindsay, I hope this letter finds you well. I have read the postings on the site. I am again saddened by the things some people say. I tell you categorically, I have never met any of these people who claim to have met with me or seen a demonstration. Raymond Dale is someone I have actually tried to contact many times in the past to ask why he maintains disinformation. He never answered anyone who has inquired as far as I know. I even sent him the facts concerning the disinformation he posted on his site. Some of the lies posted about me are that I was born in Pennsylvania on such and such a date and I now live in Anaheim at some address on Humming Bird Lane etc. The fact is that according to Pennsylvania state records, no one named Steven Marks or any possible derivation of that name, was ever born on or around that date. Obviously that information was just made up. Also, the address was also made up by someone. According to the US postal service and the Anaheim police department there is no such address in existence in the city of Anaheim. After proving these two main statements false I went on to prove virtually everything was made up as a lie, Dale did nothing. He didn't remove the lies or even post my response. I find that very suspect. All these years I have been supposedly conning people out of their money and yet I haven't been arrested? In fact why is it that there is not one single police report with my name on it? Surely you would agree that if these people were really conned out of any money at all, they would have run screaming to the authorities, right? However, if you check with public records you will find that there has never been one single complaint concerning me in any way. Even people who invested money with the enterprising Brian Collins admit that they never once met with me, or that if they did meet with me in fact I never once asked them for money.

My job was to demonstrate the technology to technical people who were to report about the validity of the device. Not one single scientist or engineer ever left a demonstration claiming the demonstration was a fake. I think the eminent Dr. Schinzinger's report is conclusive and definitive that I did not fake the demonstration. He would be an absolute authority on the subject of electrical generation and he was interested enough in the technology to suggest that he be permitted to work on it with me. I believe people like to say sensational things. They like the feeling of making up things they know nothing about and convincing others they have some importance. I have never asked anyone for money. I never met any of the people who have recently written to the web site. And why for God's sake would I drive up to a demonstration in a Rolls Royce if I was a con man trying to milk money out of people? That is just foolish talk. They are lying for some personal devious purpose. I assume that they are mentally ill, I do not know. Why is it that no one who claims to have met with me can agree on my name. Is it Steven Marks, Stephen Marks, Marx, Mark etc. I would think that if these people actually met with me and saw a demonstration they would remember my real name, especially if I ask them for millions of dollars. The reason they can't remember is because they were never there. Every single person who came to one of my demonstrations was checked out by a professional security organization to make sure of who they were and that they had a legitimate reason for being present. Records were kept concerning all of my demonstrations by the company owning the technology. They are still available if you are interested. All of the people posting things and claiming to have been present are simply lying. They were never there. Now about the video tape showing the device being cut into pieces. That was a demonstration I did many years ago for two technical people. One of them was the famous Dr. Roland Schinzinger. He is the older gentleman with the gray beard you can see in the video. I cut the power unit into pieces with a jig saw myself to show once and for all that there were no batteries inside the thing and to let people know what was inside as a reference. At the end of the demonstration I gave pieces of the unit to everyone present. However, more then anything, how can Mr. Reed or others explain to you and the readers how they know all about me or met with me at an address that doesn't even exist?

These people need to check up on facts before they use information they have seen posted on the net to propagate their own myths. In the end I believe it will only make them look foolish. Sincerely, SM Dear Lindsay, I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. I have a moment to write you and thought I would do so. Something that has always bothered me is a statement that was made to me by a gentleman who is the head of a security firm here in the US. He used to keep track of all the postings on the Internet concerning alternative energy developments. He mentioned that in almost every other circumstance where a technology has been displayed or discussed, it is usually the demonstration that is discredited. An example would be -- look at all the wires going over the table. They must go to some hidden power source, etc. However, he mentioned to me that in the case of my technology no one has ever managed to create a credible argument that my technology demonstration was faked. That is why he believes there has been a concerted effort to attack me personally. Some statements trying to discredit the technology were made by what appears to be nit wits and are easily recognized. The following for example: The inventor claims that the output of the unit is high voltage DC with a frequency component of around 5k Hz. Then the person trying to discredit me goes on to say that I am trying to fool people because you can't have DC and AC together, etc. My dear Lindsay, there is something more sinister about some of the simple statements that have been made about my comments on the video tape. That one statement and others like it were all over the place for while. It appeared as though the person writing it felt it was very important to get his viewpoint across to as many interested people as he could. Why would that person keep harping about the frequencies not being possible within a DC output power? I have made a great study of Vacuum tube power supplies as I have told you. It is all very interesting. Please remind me to tell you why Nicola Tesla used Vacuum tubes in his most powerful demonstrations of his power conversion technologies.

Anyway, I have taken a high voltage power supply as follows: 500 v-0-500 v 300 mV plate transformer run it through a full wave silicon circuit then run it through a 5U4 electron tube rectifier. Now you know that the 5U4 requires 5 volts AC at 3 amps for its heater to gather the electrons and complete the circuit. Well, I measured the output from the tube and the result is 500 volts DC at 250 mV. The loss is due to the high impedance of the tube and its limited ability to dissipate more than 250 mA.. The point I wish to make here is that also along with the 500 volt DC is, yes, you guessed it, the 5 volts three amp AC current! They are both completely independent of each other except for some very interesting things I will mention to you some other time.. First of all, obviously you can have several different output components in the power output signal. You can have DC and AC together without any problem. Why did that mystery person claim that it was a foolish to say DC output with a 5k Hz component? Because he was deliberately trying to mislead anyone who might want to figure out what I was doing. My security man tried to contact the person at his email addresses but with no response. In his opinion it does not seem logical that someone so energetically trying to disprove the validity of my technology would simply never answer any of his e-mail inquires. What I am trying to say here is that believe I am not the only person who knows about the reality of the technology. There are others who know it can be done and have a desire to see to it that it's application is delayed for as long as possible.

Now about the DC output with AC signal. There is a book about Nicola Tesla "The Man who Had lightning in his hand". I suggest that you find a copy of that book and read it. In that book it is related that Tesla states that you can have all kinds of electrons flowing through a wire traveling in different directions relating only to their potential power source. He even said that you could have different electron flows through a single wire completely separate from each other. I tried it and he is right! On to another point. HE said that one day in his laboratory he was noticing that there were some reactions on his magnetometer for no reason he could understand. The next day he had many magnetometers brought into his laboratory and he began additional research. He found that the measurement of the earth's magnetic field was fairly straightforward.

You have a device, which measures a very small magnetic force which comes from the generation of magnetic waves as the big iron ball we call the earth rotates. If you look at a scientific display of the earth you see that it resembles a big power generator. It has poles, a magnetic field, rotation, everything. Now I am you know that anytime you have a magnetic field moving past a wire you have electron flow in that wire or more precisely on the surface. So the earth is generating the most unbelievably huge amount of power all the time and we can't tap into it?! I don't believe it! Neither did Nicola Tesla. He found a way to tap into the earth's power potential and he demonstrated it often. Did you know that every single one of his patents was purchased by Edison and Westinghouse? He had a very large amount of patents and they purchased all of them but only utilized one for transmitting electric power via 60 cycle AC and step down transformers, which became the standard of power transmission throughout the earth to this day. Anyway, back to his research in the laboratory. He noticed that most of the time the magnetometers stayed relatively sedate and around the same level. They would fluctuate just slightly. however one day he noticed that the meters jumped quite unpredictably. It attracted his attention and he began to find that the meters were reacting to a thunderstorm many hundreds of miles away. Interesting isn't it? Then he continued his experiments and found that as a thunderstorm moved closer the magnetometers would register larger and larger fluctuations until they were off the scale and useless. He was fascinated and consumed by this. He acquired better magnetometers and his research found that you could tune the magnetometers to certain specific frequencies and tap directly into, large magnetic waves. When I say large, I am referring to huge. That was useable power. However, you had to find a circuit potential in order for the electrons to flow.

That was the difficulty which he overcame to produce his famous demonstrations of power from nowhere. Please let me make another point. Let us say that you have a magnetic field perhaps it is only a small permanent magnet. Now, you have a single copper wire twelve inches long. If you move the magnet across the surface of the wire from left to right at a certain speed you create an electron flow which is DC and it has a power potential based on how strong the field is and how fast the magnet if moved. So, if you increase the size of the magnet or the speed it moves you create a larger flow of electrons, larger as in higher voltage or more currant. Everyone tells us that the earth's magnetic field is measured as being too insignificant to generate any useable power, that is not so. Let me give you something to think about... If you had a short wire and you moved a magnet across it you would always have limited potential because the length of wire was so short. OK now what if we increase the length of the wire to many miles in length even with a very weak magnetic field moving across the wire you still have a much greater potential flow of power available. If we put it into a perspective of power per inch it may be easier to understand. If you have a small magnetic field moving across a wire twelve inches long it can generate an electron flow equal to lets say one millivolt per inch. If you move the magnet twelve inches at the same speed you get 12 millivolts as you transgress the twelve inches of wire. Understand that I am trying to convey a principal that you can understand for use in the future. So, you have a wire twelve inches long and you can make 12 millivolts moving a magnet across it.

If you have a wire 1000 feet long and you move the same small magnetic field across the length of it you can create much more voltage potential perhaps 12,000 millivolts lets say. So, you have managed to generate a significant amount of electric power with a weak magnetic force. OK, how does this help us? where am I going with this? Suppose you have 1,000 pieces of wire twelve inches long and you run the same weak magnetic field over them all at the same time..... you get the same flow of electrons. If the wires are run in series then you will get the 12,000 millivolts etc. If you connect the wires in parallel you will get higher current but lower voltage. However, the power potential is the same whether you run the wires in series or parallel. If you know how to find the circuit potential, you tune into the frequency and you have enough short pieces of wire you can convert as much power as you wish in a given space. Things are more complex then what I have told you but I am just trying to give you an idea of how the technology works. How it IS POSSIBLE to use what appears to be a weak magnetic force to generate large useable amounts of power. By the way, when I met with Dr. Schinzinger many years ago we discussed a point you may find invaluable in your thought processes. Did you know Lindsay, that it is a scientific impossibility to play a vinyl record with a diamond needle? Well it is. Science tells us that if you were to use a diamond, the hardest natural substance to play the soft groves of a vinyl record you would destroy the record with just one playing, but, as you know that is not the case. They have made millions and millions of vinyl records and people used millions of turntables equipped with diamond needles to play them repeatedly over and over again. How could something that could not possible survive one playing continually be played over and over again? Science can not explain this. I say that if you run a diamond across a plate of glass you will invariably make a serious scratch in it with very little force, but if you play a vinyl record there is no damage or at least very little discernable wear. Something to think about, isn't it? The reason the diamond needle phenomenon exists today is because of ignorance. You see when they started making grooved records back in the beginning of this last century they were using cactus needles to play the records. The cactus needles would wear down and need to be sharpened. So enterprising young men came up with steel needles.

Unfortunately, they too would wear down and need to be sharpened. Eventually these enterprising men continued to use harder and harder materials eventually arriving at diamond to make their playing needles -about the hardest thing they could come up with. They didn't know that according to science only one playing of the shellac disk would destroy it. They didn't know so they just kept on making and selling diamond needles for not only shellac disks but the new soft vinyl ones as well.. Trial and error is the best way to make new discoveries. If we rely completely on what we are told by scientists and engineers we will never make any relevant discoveries because we are told not to try, that they are impossible. Lindsay, I hope that you got something out of all this. I am very tired now and I have to go. I will talk to you again. Next time I will try not to be all over the page. It is just that I have so much information to convey. It is more important that I get you to understand the concept more then anything else I could convey to you. I am sorry. Sincerely, SM Dear Lindsay, You are getting the right ideas I believe. I am certain that if I publish the schematics of my various units that it would be a disaster. I am quite certain that they would not be duplicated. The reason is because most of the people who would attempt to duplicate my experiments would not have enough technical experience to successfully build much of anything. Those who have great technical experience would make the mistake of changing too much to suit themselves and subsequently fail also. Leading ultimately to postings all over the place saying that the units can not be duplicated therefor there is no validity to the technology, etc. Also, please keep in mind that these things are dangerous. Very dangerous. We are talking about several hundred volts at a potential of an amp or more. The average experimenter can not deal with anything like that. I do not want the average person actually coming across one of the correct frequency components and using both hands to measure the field frequency not realizing there is five hundred volts and zap, their heart is stopped. Lindsay, I tell you this from my experience. Personal experience involving others. The reason I will talk to you is because I feel certain that you have

enough experience with high voltage and that you are not fool hearty enough to just barge right in without thinking about everything first. Also I can tell that you have the ability and mechanical reasoning to understand the significance of the concepts I convey. If someone is not familiar with high voltage vacuum tube rectifier circuits, than he or she should not under any circumstances attempt to duplicate any of my experiments. If something as elementary as an ETR circuit is not understood by the experimenter and if the experimenter has never had any experience with high voltages, especially voltages that can easily kill you, then he should get out and not attempt to recreate anything like my technology. During my experiments and even during my demonstrations, several people were badly hurt. Perhaps you read the report by a gentleman who was told NOT to touch the two leads coming out of the small coil because the same voltage was there as would be at the 120 volt mains wall socket. At some point he decided the only way for him to know for sure that my demonstration was real was to touch the two leads leading directly out of the small coil. He was badly burned and needed medical attention. However he became an instant believer. Sincerely, SM Dear Lindsay, I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. Jesse printed some of the discussion going on at the web site for me to see. I want to comment on several things I read from Stefan and others. I would like to carefully give the idea of the operating characteristics of my devices. Listen to what I say here...... I am going to state just characteristics. I don't want people to get over excited and start arguing again too much. My units behave exactly like common radios in one way. With a radio you have many different stations broadcasting at different frequencies. Yes I know about the difference between Frequency Modulation and Amplitude Modulation, etc. That is not relevant for our conversation here. You tune your radio to the station you desire and the closer you tune to the ideal frequency the stronger the amplification of the signal will be and the better the radio will collect and amplify the signals for their entertainment value.

If the radio signal is too strong the radio receiver might be overloaded and distortion or other bad effects will take place. By tuning slightly off frequency we can weaken the signal the radio is receiving and amplify and produce the sound for entertainment purposes. However, the music will not be of high quality. The music will be lacking in response and timbre, etc. OK let us compare this story of the common radio. Think of the power unit as a device similar to a radio receiver. No I do not want to hear feed back informing me that I am trying to convince the world my unit works on radio waves!!!. But it behaves very much like a simple radio receiver except for the fact that radio waves need to be amplified before they can be of any use to us. My units behave as though they are variable tuning devices, and we are tuning them to a frequency just like a radio. The closer you get to the center frequency the more power you permit the collector to dissipate into a load. the important difference here is that in the case of the radio, you tune into the frequency and amplify it for use. In the case of my power unit, you create several frequencies within a space of the collector coil's circumference. The frequencies are directly related to the circumference of the collector coil. You can begin to collect the current and dissipate it with no need for amplification because the signal source also becomes the feed for the power source and has the natural tendency to run with gain. It is important that you note that you can never tune too closely to the exact frequencies of power conversion because the power received by the collector will instantly destroy it. We instead must deliberately tune off the frequencies of conversion in order to make the thing properly work. Remember that it is like a furnace which feeds itself. The hotter it gets the more fuel it gives itself to burn. that is why the control units are so very important. Without the control unit constantly monitoring the frequencies of operation and making the necessary changes to keep the whole thing off exact conversion frequency, then the unit would very quickly destroy it's self.

By the way, have you seen the video of the compass turning violently in the center of the unit while in operation? Notice that when I first turn the unit on that the compass starts to spin very slowly. it speeds up faster and faster until it just stops. When it stops the unit is always operating at about it's design maximum. We never found out why any of this occurred. It tended to reinforce what I observed as the turbine effect. When the unit is shut off the compass starts to revolve again and slowly comes to a rest. By the way, the fire discharge everyone sees in the video is after the output of the device is switched through a large high value resister! I hope that will wake up a few of you to the danger potentials. Stefan is quite correct about the amount of power necessary to pull the nails out of the walls during the GE color television explosion in Chicago. Actually Dr. Schinzinger told me that it would have required much more power then that. We theorized that the TV set must have become for a split second, a power unit very similar in operation to one of my own making. Except for the fact that it wouldn't have been designed to collect and convert the available power in a useful way. Instead, the TV just stumbled for one millisecond on the correct combination of frequencies necessary to cause the phenomenon of magnetic collection. But unfortunately the TV set had no way to control the function and began to absorb and discharge both the electric and magnetic factors caused by the influence of the strong field. It was during this discussion with Dr. Schinzinger that he pointed out that during an atomic explosion aside from the gigantic blast wave and heat produced there is also an extremely large magnetic force which is so strong that it travels way out into space during the explosion. The magnetic wave is so strong that it will completely destroy any unprotected electronic circuits of solid state design. That is why solid state radios will be useless after an nuclear attack on your country. Let us ponder where the huge magnetic field comes from when you explode an atomic bomb. It is just created? Is it converted? Is it part of the earth somehow? Is it just a by product of the fabric of time and space being ripped into pieces in a fragment of a second? I am curious as to where this unbelievably huge magnetic force comes from during an atomic explosion... It is something else to think about. perhaps in connection with my power technology.

Dr. Schinzinger said that it is explained as being the result of the splitting of the atom. However, that is a very short explanation and not really a satisfactory explanation of what generates the force. He agreed with me and said it would also mean that in reality we know very little about magnetic fields and magnetic property. Sincerely, SM. I must tell you that I am disappointed in the folks on the web site. I have given everyone some serious secrets and they have just missed the whole point of everything I have given up. Some of the stuff I told them is positively golden and they are just sitting on there asses doing nothing but asking for someone to give then demonstrations they can easily recreate. You seem to be the only one who is more then capable and way out in front of the pack. I have been here reflecting on all the responses I have read and I am just amazed at all the important things they are missing. Some of the important ideas are so unbelievably obvious it makes me cry to think that they could be so easily misinterpreted. The very FIRST example I gave you was that; It is common scientific knowledge that if you have a piece of wire and first run electricity through it you will have a small kick when first energized. The kick is universally attributed to the earth's magnetic field. OK the point is; YOU CAN GET SOME ENERGY OUT OF THE EARTH! Next point; YOU CAN DO SOMETHING VERY SIMPLE WITH A WIRE TO SHOW THIS. Next point; YOU CAN SEE THAT YOU CAN GET MORE OUT OF A PIECE OF WIRE THEN YOU PUT IN TO IT. WE are not talking about a coil or a transformer or anything developing a primary to secondary flux. We are just talking about a straight piece of wire, some electrons and a method of measuring what comes out of it. I even gave you some easy to obtain references to this phenomenon in a few technical journals. Did anyone look for these journals? Did anyone look in basic scientific publications to see any of this information? Did anyone get some sensitive measuring equipment and do this experiment? Must be too simple and beneath the dignity of those on the web. Some people just sit back and say, well that isn't very much power, we want to make much more. In order to run you must walk first.

I told you that the simplest form of over unity is a piece of wire and a voltage source. Anyone can actually connect it and measure. See for yourself the kick. NO coil no xmrs, just a kick. That should tell you learned gentleman that there exists a form of energy convertible and useable which is directly related to a simple piece of wire and instantaneous electron flow.. No one appears to be willing to get off their asses and do anything except ask and demand more information before they will start to experiment. Yes I am disappointed. You know it is common knowledge in the electron tube world that aside from the fact that a cold filament conducts more electricity then when hot, one of the things that destroys the filament in electron tubes for that matter is this kick when you first turn on the juice. The kick is there wether the filament is hot or cold. The kick helps destroy the filament and cathodes integrity. So everyone knows about the kick and accepts that it somehow comes from the earth's magnetic field. So do something with this information! Don't sit on your asses waiting for someone to explain what this means. Not even Edison explained what this means! In his memoirs he said that it was a fact that we all had to contend with, but that he did not understand why it happened. If you call yourself experimenters then start to experiment. I had only this to go on when I started and little by little I figured out how to make many several thousands of kicks per second. . . AND YOU KNOW WHAT, IT ISN"T DIFICULT AT ALL. No, I take that statement back. Actually it is difficult if you refuse to start thinking. Some of the information I have given to you is golden. I have certainly given you enough information to move in the right direction. I will continue to give you more information but I am so disappointed with the complete lack of ability I see in most everyone so far. Sincerely, SM. Dear Lindsay, I am perplexed that everyone thinks that GOOGLE is an accredited reference source. It is NOT. Google is a search engine.

It is different then a reference library. And it is very different then a SCIENCE LIBRARY. NO accredited scientist does any serious reference work sitting at home with GOOGLE. Google is comprised of information specifically put into in by interested parties. No scientific information placed there by libraries. People need to realize this before they die from lack of serious information. Go to a library! Sincerely, SM Roland Schinzinger Ph.D. 29 Gilman St. Irvine, CA 92715-2703, Phone & FAX: (714) 786-7691 Dear Stephen, Thank you for your kind words of sympathy regarding my loss. We both share similar feelings. In your letter you asked my opinion: I think it is a miracle that your device works. Exactly how it converts energy is elusive to both of us at this time. That does not mean we shouldn't apply ourselves to know for sure. My offer to work with you still stands. I understand your difficulties with the gentlemen you work for and I will not take your decision personally. I will be glad to talk to you and help you all I can. My offer to work on the project was made with the greatest respect and not as some kind of justification to the Foremost Corporation. I told them that from what I could see of your units they did supply substantial amounts of both voltage and current. I told them I could not give any indication of the value of the discovery without knowing more about it. I did recommend that they invest necessary funds to continue working on the discovery and that I was interested in working with you. That is about all I said to them on the subject. Anything you may have heard to the contrary is not true. To further our discussion, the reason you can not use small transformers within or at close proximity to your unit is because of the leakage fields of magnetic flux. They induce currents into nearby circuitry and most likely cause frequency changes in the operating point of the control unit.

Remember when you inject even a small frequency component into sensitive frequency dependant equipment you can have a disaster. That is exactly what I believe is occurring when you try to use a transformer close to your units. There will be all kinds of harmonics present within this field extending past the radio frequency range. If I were to compare the two I would say that toroidal transformers would be more susceptible. This may be contrary to common thought. Toroidal transformers have all their flux aligned with the grain of the steel used in them. This is the reason for their reduced size as compared with E I cores. When operated at higher flux density you can permit a smaller core. Toroids will always saturate quickly, however, E I transformers ramp up to saturation levels slowly. If anything, I would suggest you work with E I rather then Toroids. In either case I believe you will find that you will have to place the inverter well outside the collector coils. You may also leave a message for me at my office at the University of California Irvine. Sincerely, Roland Lindsay, That is the reason why the power inverter is always placed well outside the coils of the power units shown in the videos.

Post by: tao on March 31, 2006, 07:59:34 AM

As a gesture of good faith towards you and the rest I'll throw out some insights... Lets talk about the 'kick.' When the old Edison DC generators were turned on, back in the day, they released this 'kick' and killed many workers in the process. A man by the name of Tesla had seen this. He wondered how and why this 'kick' would occur. So he experimented with wire and disruptive discharges from capacitors. It was found by him that this kick could be made so powerful that it could explode wires instantly. This kick came out of the wires perpendicularly. He dischargered capacitors into stout wire and through a spark gap. The key to the kick's strength and appearance was in how fast tesla discharged the capacitors into the spark gap AND how fast Tesla STOPPED the flow of current AT the spark gap. Tesla used all types of devices to stop this flow of current, magnets, a flame, counter-rotating engines. His goals were to get the time in which the discharge is STOPPED to be much quicker. As Tesla did this he found that the perpendicular radiations, the ones from the wires, caused electrical effects to appear in wires and other copper/metal materials near the STOPPED current/discharge.

These electrical effects could be made to create electrons on other wires and copper around his STOPPED current/discharge wire. So, based on those things, lets look at the Mark device. Lets say Steven put one big stout cable around or in the rings,and all around these he had many many windings. Now, if Steven put into that stout cable a current and before the current could get to the end of the wire, he stopped it's flow abruptly, then perpendicular radiations (the KICKS), the same Tesla observed, would appear and spread from this stout cable, this would cause Tesla'a copper charging effect, which would hit all the other wires in Steven's coils. Now, if Steven wired the coils right and stopped the discharge of the current through the coils he would be able to extract a lot of extra energy from the tap points on the coils. This is basically how Tesla's magnifying transmitter works. Capacitors discharged ABRUPTLY into a wire, then the current flow is stopped ABRUPTLY before the current makes it to the end of the wire, and this KICK comes out of the wires perpendicularly. This KICK would then charge copper with electrons(hot electricity) or their opposites(cold electricity). It just depends on how you setup the device. So, I would say that Steven's KICKS have a direct relationship to Tesla's Magnifying Transmittor, its REAL operation.

From Steven, Lindsay, this guy definitely has the secret. I do not know if he will be able to duplicate power generation, but he does have the secret. Do you think he knows it? The only part he doesn't have any idea about is that by starting the oscillation you cause the current to flow in the collector which causes the magnification of the process within the collector which will ultimately produce the greater voltage and power in usable amounts during operation. Lindsay, it is so VERY hard to describe things with words! Sincerely, SM Sent to: tao on: June 28, 2006, 04:04:44 AM Tao,By the way.. When Steven said that you have the secret he said in

another mail among other things that you have the collector and contol winding relationship the wrong way..Ie excitation into control... allows the collector the perform magnetic conversion.

Post by: Mannix on August 16, 2006, 10:41:54 PM Hi all, Looks like things need shakup around here, Somebody who does not want to enter the fray of "discussion" sent me this: Greetings, Mr. Mannix: My name is Not for publication. For several years I have been building my own designs for motors and replications of mainly Bedini-type energizers and circuits. Indeed, I have about five iterations running at any one time. I have closely followed the efforst of Stefan Harman, Edwin Badertscher, Jean-Loius Naudin, Marcus Wagner, Paul Lindemann, and several others through different cooperative building groups and have contributed myself. I believe through my own building efforts and research, I have learned a great deal about electromagnetic circuits. I took about a week and pored through every single post in the long string of posts concerning Mr. Steven Mark and his invention. The simple elegance of his device left me speechless. It makes perfect sense to me. (I was educated a long time ago as a EE) Here is what I preceive in his power toroidal device, and I will try to make this concise and sensical: 1. When one builds a bifilar coil, using one winding for power, and one for trigger, and drive this with a transistor, there is a certain point, when you bring a magnet close to one end of the coil, you will get a loud squealing noise from the coil. This feedback is the result of the trigger and power coil constantly switching the power transistor used to drive that coil off and on again. It is also a point where that coil/transistor combination produce a high voltage output which one can gather from the collector of the transistor. If left unchecked, this resonant frequency of on/off switching will burn up the transistor, and thus a resistor must be put into the trigger winding circuit to lessen the voltage produced in the winding. It is one element of what I believe is happening in the Mark device.

2. When one places several coils around a toroid, one can think of switching from one to the next, preferably sequentially, the minimum number of coils being three. In this case one could use the trigger winding from one coil to turn on the power of the second coil, the trigger from the second to the third power, the third trigger to the power winding of the first coil. 3. Flux can switch directions within a ferrous material instantaneously, and some say superluminally. It takes very little switching power to flip flux "bundles" from one direction to another, given that there is a good path for the flux to move through. The toroid is perfect for this. If one were to turn on a magnetic field in one coil, that flux permeates most of the toroid, but more importantly is perceived by the next coil. This in turn triggers that coil to operate, and the first coil field is shut down. In this way, one could use coils to move the flux in PULSES around the toroid. This switching from coil to coil, accomplished with low power, high voltage pulses occurs at a natural frequency of the circuit and that frequency that can be handled by the power transistors. 4. The high voltage, low power is a result of the "kick" whereof Steve Mark speaks. It was most clearly described by Nikola Tesla, when he observed a very high voltage spike at the VERY INSTANT a DC switch was closed. In fact he spoke of people being killed by this spike. Such a spike (though lower in magnitude) happens within a transistor at the very instant its gate is closed to allow power to course through it. I learned of this in vacuum tubes from my dad when he taught me how to build my first Heathkit shortwave radio in 1963. He said: "Whenever possible, leave the radio on - it doesn't consume much power, but the startup surges will quickly burn up your tubes." 5. When a coil is thus activated, initially it creates a very powerful magnetic spike. Imagine that this can even be more amplified if the transistor is turned on only to close the gate of a silicone controlled rectifier, in order to dump a small capacitor very suddenly through the coil. 6. It becomes easy to see that when one talks about the switching ability of transistors, 5kHz is perfectly reasonable, switching from one coil to the next. 7. Next we have the challenge of making the many pulses of magnetic power unidirectional. As we all know current running through a wire creates a circular magnetic field centered about that wire.

This also anwers the old question you posed on one of your posts as to why a set of jumper cables jumps when chorted across the battery terminal. Well, first, the direction of current is opposite in the two leads, thereby quadrupling the magnetic force in the narrow space between the two wires. This powerful magnetic "linear" flux concentration between the cables then tries to orient itself to the ambient earths magnetic flux lines, and hence, jumps. Note, however, that there is more at play here. The VERY INSTANT you connect the cable to the battery, you also have that very high voltage spike whereof Tesla spoke. This spike has a large Radiant Energy component to the electricity. It contributes a great deal to the powerful magnetic pulse. 8. Back to unidirectional flux in the toroid. In order to create a mainly DC current in windings around part or all of the toroid, we must now ensure the flux moves in ONE direction. Well, the placement of a magnet at right angles to the flow around the toroid would tend to make the flux take a preferential direction. The flux of a controlling coil in a flux-gating device such as some of the Joe Flynn devices is quite weak, but exerts enormous diretional control on even very powerful flux. This is the concept exploited in the design of the newest patent of the Magnetic Power Module. (Interestingly, it appears to be a derivation of Steven Mark's efforts....) Thus, instead of using additional small coils to make the toroidal flux take one preferred direction as compared to the other can be acco0mplished by the use of a ferrite magnet, as seen in the videos (I, too have watched them numerous times.) 9. Now to the question of the little pieces of wire and the magnet. I don't remember anyone anwering this to your or Mr. Mark's satisfaction. Let me have a go. When you move a magnet across a wire you generate a current in that wire. However, what was not iterated is that the amount of current generated is not only a matter of the strength of the magnet, but rather the SPEED and distance at which that magnet is moved across that wire. Thus when we speak of moving the magnet across a small piece of wire at the speed of a gunshot, you generate a very sudden, high voltage spike in that little piece of wire. Conversely, if you could move that wire crossways through even a weak magnetic field with few flux likes, you could generate a voltage spike. In essence Mark is doing this in his toroid. He states he is running at about 5kHz.

For four coils (like the one that is open on the cardboard box in his garage with two lamps), he may be banging two opposed coils simultaneously with spikes, with the magnet forcing one direction, or he is running them sequentially. For the sequential version, that would mean the "magnetic flux North" (for lack of a better way to describe it) passes one spot in the toroid 1250 times per second. The RPM of the flux would therefore be AT LEAST 75,000RPM. Can you imagine the kind of power you might generate from Neo mgnets in an armature near windings if you COULD rev that puppy up to 75,000RPM? Only this toroid has no back EMF when a load is put on the wires. 10. Remember I was talking about SPEED of the magnet passing the wires playing a significant role in the voltage produced. If we take the above example of 75,000 RPM, it is easy to calculate for a 14" diameter totoid, that the actual speed of the magnet "flying"past the wires at a very close range would be 3,123.74 statute miles per hour or 4,581.5 ft/second. Compare this to the bullet of a high powered rifle at 2,800 ft/sec. 11. One need only to add all the little pieces of wire, which are now individual loops of wire around the toroid's ring itself to see why the toroid generates such enormous voltages and currents. Needless to say, toroidal coils, like any coil have a preferred resonant frequency. If the toroidal coil is tuned to the "kick" frequency or pulsed frequency, one can see that this thing would put out scary amounts of power. 12. I shall make a stab here and say that these toroids DO NOT heat up until a load is put on the output wires. It would intuitively make sense that this heating is not only due to current flow within the toroid off-take winding, but also due to the new magnetic field that would result within the toroid, due to the DC current now flowing around it. Strangely, using the left hand rule for magnetism, this toroid is an abberation. Because when one thinks of the current beginning the flow through a load, the magnetic flux this winding creates is ADDITIVE to the pulsing magnetic flux created by the coils. 13. When we look at the earth's magnetic field, there are some weird things to look at. Does a high-speed rotational flux field draw or lense or concentrate flux lines into a Mark device? Maybe that is exactly what it does. This simply ADDS more density to the field. However, something else strikes me more simply.

Mark has set up his terrific sequential pulsed magnetic field with a small battery (who cares if there is a battery - that point is moot when you look at the power out) which rotates nearly twice as fast as the bullet from a high powered rifle. It creates enormous numbers of flux lines crossing wires per second. That is key and it takes little power. Once power is established, one could take a tiny amount from the output and run the circuit, so again the battery is moot. The main thing is the device's strange reaction to physical movement. I attribute this to the ENORMOUS impact of the SPEED at which the magnetic flux moves. 14. We see how even small flux density, when accelerated to very high speed, can STILL generate current in conductors, be they wires or even flat surfaces. When we talk about these effects, we understand that ANY magnetic device, be it a simple magnet compass or object, will try to orient itself to the earth's magnetic field. Try and experiment. See how a magnetized needle in a match turns slowly to north in a cup of water. Now take a strong neodymium magnet and tape a piece of thread to it and let it hang. Note how QUICKLY and how STRONGLY it orients itself to the earth's field. What Mark appears to have proven is that one can create the effect of higher strength of a magnet through speed of movement of the field. And the field appears to be strengthened drastically by the ADDITIVE pulses of the coils pumping the toroid up to saturation. 15. To me the reason that the toroid appears to "judder" as one attempts to move the toroid across the table is straightforward. As the field rotates, there is a point in the device where the rotating field (perhaps rotating is the wrong word) better, field in its racetrack, is oriented in direct opposition to the Earth's magnetic field. On the diametrically opposite side, the field is perfect attraction to teh earth's field. This means that pushing the device North and South would have the most pronounced juddering or washboard effect. However, going crossways to N_S may also have weird effects, the flux lines moving at right angles to one another. I would tend to say this might be even more pronounced when a big load is put on the output coil, if my above assumption is correct with the inner ADDITIVE flux under load. 16. It makes sense that if we are moving a relatively weak magnetic field

at very high RPM or lap rate, then perhaps we are now also talking about a gravitic interaction. Since it appears that gravity and spinning superconducting magnets are related, and we are spinning this field at a VERY high rate, then the orientation on startup is most likely also directly interacting with "gravitons?" I won't go there, as I know too little about the field. Suffice it to say, that gravity is directional, be it into the earth or into space from the earth's center. Either way it is directional. Inverting the toroid MAY then be affected in operation or stopped when it is inverted. Has Steven Mark solved this? It sounds SOOOOO interesting. And naturally, with smaller toroids, he is also talking about higher angular acceleration of the field, due to the smaller diameter. Maybe this also has a bearing on the trait? 17. The imploding television story is very interesting. Could Mark's device be close to tapping into or creating such a powervul magnetic vortex? Has he seen any evidence of magnetic attraction of any objects in or near the toroids? Well, another sleepless night. I am sure everyone has gone through that. I am sending this to you in the blind, not knowing if you check this Email account, but needed to share these updated thoughts. Having worked a lot with Bedini circuits, i am very much aware how much POTENTIAL one can work with when using even a small battery. I pondered the four coil, two ring model in the garage on teh cardboard box - again and again. Then it struck me. Use capacitors and very short ON times on transistors to KICK the coils. It only happens in the first few microseconds or so, this is where the high voltage spike happens. It is all potential and not current. But it makes a nice big magnetic pulse. Then it also struck me. These coils don't only operate in one direction. After the pulse there is collapse. This orients the coil poles in the opposite direction.

Therefore the minimum number of coils should not be three as I said before, but FOUR, as one needs pairs of coils to set up full magnetic circuits in the toroid. The trick here is that the magnetic flux does not go round and round the toroid as we would think. It goes from one coil to the next. Then when a coil's field collapses, and the poles are reversed, the flux enters that coil from the other side. This creates the effect or appearance of a rotational field, when in fact we are talking about a PULSED field going first from coil one to two, and between coil three and four. Upon collapse the direction is the same, but it goes from coil two to three and from four to one. The magnets placed on top of opposing coils ensure the pulsed magnetic flux goes in one direction around the toroid. The elegant thing is that this happens both on the bottom toroid and the top one. This appears to be why Steve Mark continually insists it is DC at 5kHz. To the windings on the toroid, the pulsed magnetic flux always comes from the same direction, even though it is produced by switching back and forth between coil sets. What this also means is that not only is this a kind of RF energy, but because we have these extremely sharp pulses of magnetic flux, what he is creating here is Tesla's own pulsed, longitudinal wave direct current. It also explains why, when he touches the contacts to strike an arc, he gets the brilliant, flaming arc. I would not be surprised if anyone in the room reported what Tesla did: A light stinging sensation on their face or skin. (Although this supposedly was mitigated by having pulses of short enough duration. What Steve Mark has done to crack the code is staggering. Elegant. Fairly straightforward. Genius. Who the hell cares if a small battery kicks something like this into motion. Since I firmly believe he has built the ultimate pulsed DC dynamo, just IMAGINE the experiments in longitudinal wave elctricity and transmissions that can follow. The mind boggles. It couls also explain why this thing is either buried or wrapped up in miles of red tape and legal matters.

I pray Steve Mark has the fortitude and maintains his dignity and sanity through such tribulations. Best regards Carl From Steven: I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. Please forgive the fact that I have not been able to write to you as of late. You can tell I think by my style of writing that you are actually communication with me not someone else attempting to interrupt our correspondence. Another reason I do not want to write to you too often without good reason. However, the letter you sent to me is proof that it will not be long before the technology gets out into the world. Carl is absolutely correct about most everything in his letter. You I am sure have already realized that. There are exact points of interest in 9 and 13. Yes we are definitely spinning the field at an unbelievable high rate. But I thought people would have guessed that by now. no one realizes how everything changes in physics when velocities become extreme. If you take a small piece of lead the size of a rifle bullet and throw it at the door of your automobile, nothing will happen except it will bounce off. Now, load the bullet into your riffle and propel the lead at high velocity. It will not only go through the metal of your car door but probably through the entire car and out the opposite door and even then continue on for some distance. Has anyone ever done any research on what happens when we create a magnetic field and revolve it faster and faster. What changes and at what speed or frequency of the pulsed field do things suddenly change? Also, #17, YES. This is very interesting. Dearets Lindsay, I have just received your second letter where you start off with, OH MY GOD! I am pleased that you can clearly see the turbine... The interesting thing is how with the right combination of frequencies, you can actually create a revolving field with inertial!

That is what I have referred to as , The inertia effect, do you remember? I do plan to send you more information and some diagrams if needed but I must be very careful, as I told you. The good news is, you have such a clear picture now that you actually have all you need to make one of these things. It may take you a long time to stumble on all the correct frequencies necessary to have a really good super power generator, but you CAN do it... Because I did. You wrote: Is it likely that self feeding cold occur thru the self resonant values of the exciters? EG even shut off? If I understand your question correctly, YES. You Wrote: Other that the cut out and over voltage is there any other recommendations .EG is using a smaller one more dangerous than a larger one? Larger collectors have a much greater ability to collect and dissipate more energy then the smaller ones. However, if they turn into a bomb it will not make much difference... There is no such thing as a small lightning strike. Perhaps a smaller one is safer because the only thing that will stop a red collector is the disintegration of the matter acting as a receiver. IE. the wires all burn up. You wrote: I assume that some early units had 2 collectors? We built many, many units with various combinations of collectors during our experimental days. My colleagues and I have a recollection of about thee hundred being crushed up because they were not the best designs. Ha,Ha!!! Sincerely,SM Have you ever heard of the Geneses system? There is some fellow who is asking people for money to develop what he calls his Geneses system.

He sounds very much like a fellow who tried to see one of our demonstrations a few years back. He was very upset and abusive when we refused him a look see. He told us he knew how it worked and that we should pay him for copying his discovery. We asked him to explain how our unit worked and it was very amusing to listen too. Suffice it to say, he never got a penny from us, or anyone else I ever knew about. About the collector: It is three separate coils of multi strand copper wire laid one on top of the other, not interleaved. Three is important. You can do many things with three coils. You can run them in parallel, you can run two in series and one in parallel, or etc. You can run a separate frequency into each coil for better control on large power units if need be. The control wiring is vertically wound in several segments around each of the horizontal collector coils. Other control wires are wound around all of the horizontal collector coils together. Through the different control wire and coil wire arrangements you can keep complete control of the unit most of the time.

However, you must have an emergency KILL switch.

A way of cutting off all the control frequencies simultaneity. This kill switch must be, manual and also connected through a heat sensor buried within the collector coil. it should automatically stop the function of the unit before it self destructs on it's own. This is important for obvious reasons. Also the kill switch should also be connected to cut off whenever it measures over voltage. If that should ever happen, you would never have enough time to hit the kill switch before the inevitable explosion occurred.

You know, it is very similar to the idea of a long garden hose. Picture a hose with water in it. If you pick up one end and move along the length of the hose you will move the water constantly along in the direction you are moving. You could also squeeze the hose in the direction to move the water along as well. And you could do both to control the movement of the water more precisely. You can think of the movement of water as the movement of electrons through the collector coils. hope the things I share with you give you ideas about how my unit works. As you know, I am a great believer in understanding, not copying. Sincerely, SM. Dear Lindsay, I want to touch on some points here. I think that you see how difficult it is for people to visualize things. That is why there are so few individual developers of new potentially fantastic technology. When I told you about the GE Color TV explosion in Chicago it was a test. A test for anyone who could easily have seen some fantastic possibilities for a new power conversion principal. Something very out of the ordinary happened there. And it was so similar to my power conversion technology. But the folks have apparently not realized anything useful as of yet. I have great respect for Stefan for example, however after reading about the Color TV incident and my statement about it having great effect on me and my thinking in regard to my technology, he may have began to think in the wrong direction. He started to discuss how the TV could have converted the electric from the wall outlet into the electromagnetic phenomenon observed at the scene of the explosion. He even went so far as to state that the AC mains circuit breaker or fuse would have blown way before conversion was possible. But that was the obvious point of the story. The TV had to have been an important reference point of the explosion and the creation of the strong magnetic field. It obviously had to have been a converter very much like mine, and luckily only for a quick second. And obviously the power had to come from somewhere other then the AC wall outlet.

I was trying to show among other things that there HAS to BE power from somewhere!!! And this power has to be available all the time, everywhere. The TV must have stumbled on some of the correct frequencies necessary to cause a focusing of power from the Earth's magnetic field or from some other place. I mean we believed very strongly that the power we converted came from the earth's magnetic field. We believed that mainly because it is the obvious choice. However please consider that we had no way of confirming exactly where the power comes from. I am not sure how anyone would confirm that at this point. And it isn't really important at this juncture. All we can do is build bigger and better power units and continue our experiments till we do know for sure exactly what we are dealing with. This is exactly what I said to Dr. Schinzinger the first day I met him. I blatantly admitted that we knew how to make the music but had no idea how the violin worked. He told me that he understood fully what I meant and that he wanted to work on the solution with me if I would be willing. I agreed and was excited with the thought, but the gentlemen I worked with did not think it was such a good idea. People are so quick to be suspicious and controlling. But that is another part of the story for some other time. I have always studied strange phenomenon since I was very young. There is more in Heaven and earth then we shall ever know. I think one of the big influences on me and my desire to experiment with my newly discovered technology was all of the unexplained things I had read about when I was young. There are so many facts that can not be explained by the scientific minds of our society. We record the events but find no explanation. Has anyone an explanation for the Oregon vortex? There is no verifiable explanation that I am aware of. If there are completely unexplained phenomenon occurring in several places there then why do people insist that my power conversion technology should fit within established convention of thought? I went to the Oregon vortex and saw the spinning compasses, etc. I know that there is more to life then can explained by the great minds of our society. I am very pleased with you because almost at once you began to grasp the significance of my major points. There is a wealth of knowledge in almost everyone of my letters. You seem to be the only one who has the ability to absorb and digest the information the way it is intended.

After rereading my letters to you I became aware that in fact I have already sent you enough information to duplicate my power units. I have certainly given you more to go on then I had when developing it. Good for you. Yes, I may be up for another video. We will see. By the way, we found that ordinary multi strand lamp cable worked very well for use as a collector. Thick gage wire can dissipate the heat very well but there are two problems. First the heavy gage wire isn't as efficient as the multi strand copper and also there is a safety advantage in using the multi strand lamp cable. If the unit goes too far on frequency it may begin to convert too much current and try to dissipate way too much voltage. The multi strand wire will just burn up and open the circuit whereas the heavy gage wire will continue to conduct until there will be the equivalent of a lightning strike of the unit. That of course ends the operation of the unit but can also prove to be rather dramatic and also somewhat dangerous if you are in close proximity to the power unit. You thanked me for everything I have done for you. . .Why? I haven't done anything but force you to feel the pain of ridicule and see the negative side of human behaviour? I wish I could be responsible for something better for you. As long as are dreaming, I tell you this, If I ever do get some money I will set you up in your own large laboratory there in Australia and you can be the Australian arm of the power generator research company. That would be nice for you I hope? I have a good feeling about you and I believe that of all the people I have talked to, you are the one best suited to continuing where I left off. You have the right frame of mind and the right heart. Talk to you soon. Dear Lindsay, That brings up some more information I want to convey. Some of the units in the demo videos did in fact have one or two 9V batteries to provide a separate controllable DC source for the solid state control circuit.

We eventually learned how to make the power converters start with only the flick of a permanent magnet across the coils. You may find it humorous that we had to find a way to make the things work without any batteries purely because UEC needed us to honestly answer the question >Does it have any batteries inside of it?< They wanted us to be able to truthfully answer NO, to anyone who asked that question. You would be surprised how difficult it can be to explained to a lay person how impossible it is to convert a 9V battery into the juice needed to light a single 100 watt 120 volt light bulb, let alone make toast with an electric toaster!!! Sincerely,SM Listen, you need to make three coils or so one on top of the other. But the important thing is to wrap the control coils perpendicularly around the collector coils. There need to be three of them all the way around. start them up one at a time each. First frequency then second harmonic component into the second, then the third. when you eventually strike the cord look out. you will know what has happened at that point. In the mean time you can measure a slight output even if you do not strike the exact cord. Dear Lindsay, I hope this letter finds you well and in the best of spirits. I am doing OK today. In many of our designs we use three coils as the collector. they can be run parallel to give higher current lower voltage output at excitation. They can be run in series to create high voltage, lower current when reaching the point of excitation. We have used other multiples of run of wire as well in various units construction. Most of the most successful units we made had control wiring run or wrapped vertically over the horizontal collector wires. You can se them in the units in some of the videos under black plastic covering. They were run perpendicular to the travel of the collector wires. They were run in multiple segments.

each segment could be fed a different frequency individually and or from a collector section to help perpetuate the oscillationand control. It must be close to impossible to see all this in your head. That is why i have been concerned about HOW to explain anything using just words. Dear Lindsay, I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. I am sorry that you have not gotten enough sleep. I have a great deal of trouble sleeping, myself. I cant get comfortable at all. Everything hurts now! I have been thinking about all of your questions regarding your endeavors of late. It is obvious that you are putting out a lot of effort for this. I commend you for your fortitude and tenacity. You have the secrets and given enough time you will succeed. I spent years perfecting the generator. Now I look back on it and say how stupid I was, and how easy it really is. I think it is easy because I know exactly how to do it now! For you it is not so. You don't even have the simplest clues to head you in the right direction mechanically. Lindsay, please understand that I have given my word to others that I will not tell you how this process is done. It is not that I would not like to tell you, because I would. It is because I am a man of my word, and I gave my word I would not. I gave my word to my Keepers (the company that pays me) and I gave my word to the federal government. I have been told by my keepers, that when an understanding concerning Australia comes to fruition that you will be given an opportunity to become involved with the Australian laboratory. I made them promise me that. In the mean time I will give you some information I hope will help make it easer for you to head in the right direction. I will write back in a little while. Sincerely, SM Dearest Lindsay, Thank you for understanding my situation so completely. I am in the process of sending you the design requirements for the simplest version of collector to excite.

I am discussing this with my friend the high school science teacher. He will write something up that will communicate the method in words. Unfortunately, I can not send you a design schematic. Please remember that I told you from the beginning that electron tube circuits work much more precisely then solid state units. Especially when first experimenting. You will be able to get some excitation with solid state units but we had to design with tubes first and then try to duplicate the functioning system with solid state circuits later. It was difficult. Solid state circuits are very dirty and imprecise. I can see no reason why I can not meet with you some time. As soon as Paul formalizes the arrangements regarding Australia a it is planned that I come over there. I will set up the laboratory and production facilities there as well. I hope that you will be a part of this history making process. Sincerely, SM. Dear Lindsay, I have some very important things to tell you. First. My attorney left several messages for me over the last week. I finally called him on Friday and he informed me of the fact he needed to set up a meeting with me in his office in as soon as possible and that I needed to be prepared to meet with someone from the federal government.. I was shaken to the bone! He also told me that I was not to mention my future meeting to anyone including the following: Paul, anyone with UEC, anyone on the Internet including you, my family, the press, or anyone in the communication business, my elected representatives and etc. It sounded as though he was reading a list off to me. He said that, he was. I told him i was a little scared to show up. He said that he understood my fear but it would be in my best interest to get into his office Monday and he would do his best to protect me. I asked him what i needed to be protected from? He said he had to respond to the authorities about their concerns regarding my possible breaking of federal laws. He said that the charges could be very serious against me and he needed to keep things from getting out of hand.

He told me that he convinced them (the federal authorities ) that I was not intentionally breaking any laws or going against their wishes in any way. He assured them that he would get me into his office for them to talk to and they would see for themselves that I am a nice little guy who would never knowingly break the law. So off i went this morning to my attorneys office in hopes of not getting arrested and placed into prison. I don't think I would like prison, Lindsay... The first thing there I was taken into a room by my attorney and told what not to say to the Feds. Also, I was told what to do if I was arrested, etc. So I was fully scared to death!!! Next, I was taken into the meeting. Therein was my attorney and his secretary with note pad in hand. I was introduced to three gentleman in business suits. One was from the FBI, ( Federal Burrow of Investigation ), one was from the Atomic Energy Commission of the federal government and the other was from the Federal Department of Justice, Washington DC. I now had to go to the bathroom at this moment of my life more then ever!!! I sat down and listen to the man from the FBI remind me that I had been given a document from the federal government several years ago informing me of the fact that I no longer had control of my power technology because it had been deemed to be in the interests of the American people for it to remain in the control of federal authorities and that I was not to talk about it directly with other people, especially nationals of foreign countries without permission from the folks in Washington DC. He also reminded me that to do so would be breaking the law and committing a federal offence, which is a big thing here in America. He went on to tell me that he was there in official capacity as an investigator from the FBI to see if i had indeed broken the law. Why had I broken the law? Because I had been discussing my technology with other people without the permission of the folks in Washington DC. I asked them how they knew that I had spoken to people about my technology and they told me that: First of all, it was not MY TECHNOLOGY. I had no rights concerning it at all. It is under the control of the federal government for the benefit of the people of the United States. Second, The ownership of the technology is highly questionable. Third, Do not play games with us Stephen, you know we know that you have been discussing the technology with anybody who will listen! They further accused me of deliberately posting information on the Internet. I said that I absolutely had not!

The man from the FBI said that i had been collaborating with a foreign gentlemen in Australia to post information and therefor had been involved in a conspiracy to dispense information which is against the law for me to do. Then he pulled out a rather large stack of papers which turned out to be copies of everything posted Internet wise about my technology for the last ten years or whatever. Then my attorney interjected and they got into a long discussion which i didn't listen to very much. I was looking at the man from the Atomic Energy Commission and noted he had a kind face. He smiled at me and we began to talk. He told me that he admired my work very much. He told me that he thought of me as a fellow scientist. He told me that as scientists we had an obligation to protect people from our findings or things we discover if they may be generally harmful to them or the public at large. He told me that it was the duty of conscientious scientists to keep the black genies in the bottles so as not to harm society any more then necessary. He mentioned the Atomic bomb and how much better the world would be if it never had been invented, right? I said , right! He went on to discuss my technology in detail and reminded me of the destructive capability when the devices reach harmonic perfection. I told him that was a good analogy, or way of putting it. He told my that he didn't think I wanted to be responsible for giving out information making it possible and moreover inevitable that someone would make a big crater of a hole where their house used to stand with resulting death of themselves and possibly their families and neighbors too. He finally finished up with, And for God sake, with the terrorists hunting for weapons of mass destruction, why on earth would you want to hand them something like this to use to kill perhaps many millions of people? Do you think Moslems are not interested in this technology? They have a lot of oil so they would be interested in it for another reason wouldn't they Stephen? I agreed with him and told him I hadn't thought of it in that perspective before. I told them all that I wasn't trying to do anything wrong at all. I didn't realize the implications of the possible results of talking to you about the technology. I told them that you were an engineer and interested in the scientific possibilities of the discovery only. The agent from the FBI said that I had no real way of knowing who you were and what you might actually be up to did I? I agreed with him.

He said that they read everything going into and out of your computer wether or not anything is posted on that web site we guys like so much... He said that the Australian government was allied with the United States regarding this matter and that the Australian authorities would deal with you as need be. However, lets hope it does not become necessary shall we? Yes of course I said? I said, I never meant to get into trouble with this. I told them I just felt bad because of all the nasty things people were saying about me and that i starting talking to you and you said that you would try and tell the straight story about me and the technology. I have a right to defend my self don't I? The answer was, NO! I am not entitled to defend myself. What i need to do is, to feel good about doing the right thing. I need to do what my government tells me is good for me to do. I need to develop pride in making the correct decision to keep quiet about technology that may hurt other people or even help terrorists to kill many, many others. I was told that With knowledge comes responsibility!!! I told them I never intended to do anything wrong. I was sorry. I asked them to please forgive me and not to put me in prison. They said they could prefer charges against me at any time but are reluctant because of my well meaning attitude as displayed during the meeting. They told me that It would be a good idea if I told you to post information saying that I had no intention of revealing anything about my experiments or how the demonstrations were accomplished to the extent that they convinced so many people of their authenticity. That the demonstrations were more for amusement then anything else and that I am making it very clear that I never intended to convince the public at large. People attempting to duplicate anything they have seen in my demonstrations will not be able to do so and should not try. I asked them if I had their permission to tell you about today and they said yes of course. So........... that is what happened to me today. How was your day Lindsay? Dear Lindsay, I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits when you receive it. I am doing OK today. I have taken a tranquilizer the last two days and I am feeling myself again. Gosh life can be exciting.

I hope you are not too disconcerted by the recent events taken place Monday here and I especially hope that you have not been bothered in any way. Life has many turns. We must always be able to make those turns in order to navigate through it properly. Be of good cheer and do not give up the ship. Paul should have received the DVD by now? Have you heard anything from him yet? Sincerely, SM Dearest Lindsay, I hope this letter finds you well, today. I am OK just. I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I enjoyed the little story you wrote and sent to me. It is very clever. Sincerely, SM Dear Lindsay, I hope this letter finds you well. I am fine today, just a little down. In regard to your question. Please do NOT put my name on the video, thanks. I simply do not want to tempt fate in regard to the people in power. I am sure that you understand. I am pleased that you and Paul are continuing your liaisons. I did not have any detailed conversation with Paul in regard to the recent events of last Monday. I hope that your upcoming week is a good one for you. Sincerely, SM Dearest Lindsay, I hope this letter finds you well. I absolutely MUST relate something I learned about today that fits in with what you conveyed to me in your last letter. In 1956 the president of the United States asked a group of the leading scientists and physicists experts to help him decide on a special project of military development. The project was the development of amplified light at frequency. or the Laser.

This panel included the absolute TOP scientists from major laboratories and universities here in the USA. It was a total of twelve men. This report is well known and copies are available on the Internet as well. In the report, the absolute TOP men of science told the president that the idea of laser emission ever becoming more then a toy is quite preposterous! Furthermore, the idea of using amplified light to perform ANY useful purpose or provide any gain to American society at all is non-existent. They advised the president not to fund and further laser projects as a waste of money. The president however took the military's advice and continued to fund projects toward the development of amplified light, Laser. Today, everybody takes Laser technology for granted. We use them for soooooo many things including the cutting of metal! The best men of science in 1956 said Laser technology was a fantasy. That was only 1956. So today you have a few people tell you that my technology is impossible? Think about it. Sincerely, SM I hope things are calmed in your life when you receive this. I fully understand your feelings of frustration. To work hard to see nothing of a positive is sometimes shattering to one's self. I know very well... I had a great deal of help and it took us years just to develop a SS control system that would work! And this is after we knew how to make generators!!! Let me tell you something which may be of some significance... When I accidentally stumbled on a device that appeared to actually pull electrons from the sky, it was the ONLY working model for many months. I showed the thing to people and eventually got enough interest to get money and other engineers involved to crack the code so to speak, and be able to make more of them. After I had the first operating unit I kept trying to make another one. It took me many many many tries just to duplicate the same unit and make it work! I thought of everything... why couldn't I make another one that would work? I decided that there must be a few more turns of wire in the collector etc. We spent months trying to duplicate the first unit. we had money and engineering staff and we couldn't do it....

I was very afraid to dismantle the first and only working example of the device, which appeared to be the only way to see what the reason was as to why we couldn't duplicate the performance. But eventually after months of not being able to duplicate the first working model, we had no choice but to take it apart in hopes of finding out what was in the first one that we couldn't duplicate in the others which followed. My point to this story is.... WE spent months and months trying in every conceivable way to duplicate a unit. The only thing that kept us going night and day was the fact that we already had one. We knew it was possible to have a working device.. It was the only thing that kept us going on the f**king project. And even then we said I GIVE UP so many times I cant count. We kept it up and eventually discovered the really STUPID reason why all of our duplicates wouldn't work. We then made many of the damn things in all sizes and shapes and then we tried to make a small control device which obviously had to be SS. Well, can you imagine how much hair we pulled out trying to figure out why we could NOT make a SS control device that would keep the Damn things on frequency!!! We, NONE of us could think of a reason why SS devices would not work. After all they did the same things as tubes, just better, didn't they? The reason it took soooooo long to make a successful SS control unit is because we maintained that attitude for so long. Finally we came to the conclusion that there must be SOMETHING that tube control devices did differently then SS devices. I had a friend who was a wiz-bang SS color TV expert. I asked him if he could give us some pointers on duplicating the tube control devices in a SS state device. His tips eventually pointed us in the right direction and we made SS control devices out of discreet devices which worked. Remember that this was before the big linear IC boom, so everything we did was with little discreet parts and big PC boards. By the way, we found out some very important things during our research that I am sure, very sure that none of the boys out their know about. The following is very interesting: # 1. PC boards made out of different materials change the operating conditions of SS devices. # 2. Soldering the components at least 1/2 inch above the board itself is essential to making a good SS control unit out of discrete devices.

# 3. As you know, Large amounts of FEEDBACK is essential to frequency and control when using SS devices for everything in the electronics world, HOWEVER, it is the enemy of generators! If anyone ever gets one of these things operating, have them measure the electro magnetic and hash radio around the will blow your mind. so, what does that do to control devices in close proximity? Why do you think we HAD to place our control devices in the middle of the operating coil? Listen: when these units get going they F**K with the control units, changing the signals they put out and receive. they have no choice but to get off frequency and shut down. In most cases they will not even start up. TUBES are NOT as sensitive as SS control devices and DO NOT require the massive amounts of feed back to operate. There is an advantage in tubes just from that standpoint alone, not to mention all the other things I have mentioned in the past. I told you guys long ago... If just these two little things are important discoveries, how far off are all the guys out there trying design their own control devices? So tell them what I have said and listen to them all scream balderdash!! Haresy!!! And then you can tell them that we found out way back then... It is because the material some PC boards are made out of can absorb humidity... So.... depending on the conditions of humidity of the specific day, the boards would change the characteristics of the SS control circuits. It took us a long time just to find that little thing out... we never thought of it. No one ever thought of it.... BUT, it turned out to be a very significant thing and so we used the absolute finest PC board material the government used in missiles and rockets... You see, even though no one knows about the PC board material being important to sensitive instruments and SS devices, the government did... So we learned, and learned... And you and everybody else, God Willing, will learn too. I am sorry it is so discouraging for you and others. The only thing that kept us going is the fact that we had a working unit to keep reminding us that it is possible. otherwise, we would NEVER have succeeded. I have faith in you because you have understood from the beginning that i have reasons for telling you specific things.

I mentioned at the beginning that, it was much easer to make one of these things work if you use tubes as a control system rather then SS devices. At least you took me seriously and because of that, I have faith in you. Listen, do remember i mentioned that these things were in many ways like a COLOR TV in sophistication. Not because of a massive amount of parts and discrete components, but because if one tiny little thing is off just a tiny little bit, the whole thing will stop working. Just like a color TV. Now, how many different control systems and how many discrete devices were used in those individual control systems in the first color TVs? Now, I ask you, what are these guys thinking about when they let their ego's force them to ignore things i have said in the beginning and go off trying to design and develop their own control devices using SS units. SS units which are OUTBOARD of the collector ring i might add? Some of them have gotten results and some of them have gotten big power surges and dissipation of heat... all of which is wonderful and certainly proves the point that there is truly something going on here. BUT, i guarantee you that their SS control devices are all sitting right beside the collector... aren't they? They will probably never start the coil and get to catalyst. I am not saying it is impossible, but it will Damn difficult for these guys to get more then a big bang once in a while. And just like me, that big bang will excite them enough to continue for a while longer. Maybe one of them will read back and see where I said the SS control device must be placed inside the collector coil. then they will explode with, MY GOD, maybe that is the reason why...... and off they will go. in the right direction at least. YOU on the other hand are doing what I told you would be easer to do. use tubes from the beginning and then try to switch to SS for the control unit. And please, when you do switch to SS remember that it must be placed in the middle of the collector. My dear friend, It is possible to get results using transistors because after all, the patented control units owned by UEC are solid state. But, remember it took a long time and a lot of money to design them. It should be a lot easer to use tubes to strike the right cord and develop the right sound to make the best sound.

The sound made by that gentleman is nice and shows results however I would liken it to the comparable difference between, a small stick of dynamite and a 2000lb bomb... Let him go on. He may find frequencies which are safer and easer to control. if the unit generates more heat then power you are safe because it will destroy itself long before it blows up. we worked on that theory for a long time at UEC. Take care. By the way. Lamp cord is what I use to connect my speakers to my amplifier. You should hear my new amplifier I have made. I am using 6BQ7-A tubes for the input and phase inverter because they are VHF amplifier triodes designed to operate in Color TV at very high frequencies and so you can imagine how crystal clear my high frequencies are in my stereo amplifier. Yes, I know that they are hard to find so I have found that I can use any triode designed for color TV VHF use. That gives me many tube types to choose from. In fact I wouldn't recommend them because they are operated on a six point three volt heater so you could use another tube designed to use a 12.6 volt heater instead. I prefer using triodes because they generate less distortion. Any deviation from the original signal or addition to , Harmonic and intermodulation is not good for stereo enjoyment, you know... Stereo? I have a three channel system I listen to. Sometimes the three channels combine together to create the most magnificent sound you could imagine. A whole new sound stage opens up and suddenly you are transformed to someplace else. Gosh, the reason I just hate transistors is because they are so slow and generate so much distortion!!! I think that transistors are basically useless for listening to really good high fidelity. all those harmonics somehow get through to the music output and just ruin the music... I am sure that you know what I am referring to.

Did you know that electron transit times in some tubes approach the speed of light? They are mini particle accelerators. Did you know that the best electron transit times of transistors is about like turning on a mechanical switch for a lamp? That is probably why they use so much negative feedback in transistor amps, to keep the output signal close to what the input signal was. But, if you need all that negative feedback to lower distortion doesn't that SLOW down the amplifier even more? Gee, why not just build a tube amp to begin with. Less distortion and little need for feedback overdose. Much faster all around. You know, it would be especially suited for high frequency reproduction. Why don't you tell all of the transistor devotees what the differences are. I have designed some amps using MOSFET , etc. which sound very much like tube amps. However when I want to design a new amp I always start with tubes and when I get them perfected I move on the MOSFETS... I made an amp and had a really difficult time with a 35K resonance. I had so much trouble with it that I finally left the resonance there. I last measured it at 35.705K at a really high level. It is a good thing that I can't hear that high. But it does prove that my output transformer is capable of going up to 245K HZ. Which I measured. HEY, did you know that the frequency is proportional to the speaker's circumference? it appears that the frequency should change with the circumference of the speaker. That makes sense to you does it? No one I have talked to realizes that yet. I use 15" speakers myself. They are 15" from the dead center of the outside flange to the other sides flange. You know transistors just don't do well at those high frequencies. They try hard but they just make all sorts of harmonics all over the place. dirty things transistors. MOSFETS are better you know if you wanted to make an amplifier that behaved as though it was a tube amp but in a smaller size.

Well as soon as I get my amp finished I will let you know if I have any more problems with it. But I like the sound and the power of it already. Take care. Sincerely, By the way. I have really THOUGHT about how to help you and the others. I can not tell youtoo much about the design of the technology because the company who still owns the technology is reading my every word, as you know and just waiting to cut off my pension if I tell you too much. BUT! I want you to start and think of the generator principles the exact same way that passing the sound barrier was accomplished. Read how the engineers in this country finally developed the proper wing design to accomplish super sonic speed in aircraft. I hope it will give you a picture of what is going on inside the generator and especially the collector. Imagine that you have a cannon which fires a projectile at a velocity of 1000 miles an hour. The amount of energy held in the moving projectile until converted is lets say a figure of ten. It will never become more then our figure of ten. The energy will slowly dissipate until the projectile slows and begins to fall to the ground and it's finale dissipation will occur when it strikes the earth or the object it was aimed at. Now, we have been told that there will never be more energy available from the projectile other then what was given to it when first fired into the sky, EXCEPT for the following example: Now, there can be a further dissipation of energy if the projectile was carrying a charge of dynamite to explode on impact as well. Do you see how the different things all relate here? Let me expand your mind for a moment.... Suppose that the projectile which you fired was another cannon? Now you have another cannon traveling at 1000 miles an hour... Now, if you could fire the second cannon, the projectile coming from it would be traveling at a velocity of 1000 miles an hour after being fired. However, since the cannon is already traveling at a speed of 1000 miles an hour when you fire it, the speed of the second fired projectile is essentially now 2000 miles per hour and the energy available to convert from the second

projectile, is now twice the ten available from the first projectile! You now have energy availability of twenty to convert from the second projectile. Now, what if the projectile fired from the second cannon were another cannon and you fired it. Since the second cannon is traveling at 2000 miles per hour then the projectile you fire from it would make 3000 miles per hour, and so on and so on.... The energy released from the speed of multiple projectiles increases the energy available to be dissipated upon impact many fold! The faster the speed of ANYTHING the more energy will be available for conversion. A long time ago, i said, if you take a bullet and throw it at the side of an automobile it will bounce off. However, if you place the bullet into a gun and fire it at the automobile it, with sufficient velocity, go through the metal door and through the other side because of the inertia energy available for conversion. Speed is energy if you can convert the mass into energy quickly enough! Anything no matter how small can store enough energy to convert into huge amounts of energy. Even electrons..................................... Now, electrons can travel only so fast along the surface of the wire because of magnetic flux. What if you disable the effects of the flux? My unit operates on these principles. Now the electrons float freely without anything holding them back. Electrons at the sped of light are now a possibility! How much energy can be converted from a stream of electrons traveling close to the speed of light? Think of this: Energy conversion is different when you consider speed. 12 volts at 100 amps is slow and the energy can not dissipate quickly enough to kill you by discharge. But, it is a lot of energy especially if converted to speed. Reduce that 100 amps to 100 mA but increase the voltage (speed) to 100,000 volts and you can electrocute someone!

Think about all those frequencies traveling inside the collector coil and how they interact..... I can only talk to you guys metaphorically because the company is threatening me constantly and my attorneys have warned me several times this month to STOP writing to the web site or I must face the consequences. I wonder if any of the folks realize just what I am risking when I give them information that they just take for granted and then demand more. The people who say that tubes are exactly the same as transistors are very, very naive. And now I will tell you something very important. You remember I mentioned fast electron transit time vs molasses? Let us examine a simple audio amplifier. When you design an amplifier you try to isolate noise, or hash from the mains power supply from getting into the B+ and contaminating the output signal, etc. You can measure all kinds of noise from the mains in your B+ not to mention all the noisy spikes from the solid state rectifiers giving the direct current to the power capacitors. All of this is easily measured, or seen on a scope of most solid state audio amplifiers. NOW design and make a good tube amplifier and you will immediately find a dramatic difference in the B+ supply measurements and what you can see on the scope. No more spikes from the solid state rectifiers, almost no hash from the mains power coming in! REMEMBER, all of that noise and hash in your solid state amplifier is in the output signal ! Now tell me? What do you think is happening inside the extremely sensitive torrid generator when you use solid state devices to attempt to create the required precise control frequencies to make catalyst and produce power??? By the way, your Solid State amplifier generates so much noise that if you measure the mains wiring you can see noise from YOUR amplifier actually getting back through the transformer and into the mains input wiring!!! It is obvious that most of the people reading the web site and experimenting know nothing about reading a scope and understanding what perfect frequency is.

They also have no concept of how important the control frequencies are in order to make power from the collector. It is obvious that most of the people trying to duplicate my experiment are not of the intellectual caliper necessary to develop my technology or at the very least they need to invest in some laboratory grade instruments in order to develop any progress. I assumed that anyone working on technology this sophisticated would have a superior knowledge of electronics and an understanding of PURE frequency output being a Necessity to control the reactions going on inside the collector. Please place this on the web site and let them know that if they do not have a more then average understanding of electron flow then they should not endeavor to try and duplicate my device because they do not stand a chance. I am tired of reading their disappointments because they do not have the education or the knowledge necessary to duplicate my technology. Sincerely, SM

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