6 Education
6 Education
6 Education
II Semester
Paper- II : Education.
III Semester
Paper - III : Paper-IV : Education Development of Education in India Issues and Trends in Contemporary Indian
IV Semester
V Semester
Paper - V : Research Methodology in Education Paper VI : Statistics in Education Paper VII : Educational Evaluation Paper-VIII : Optional (The student has to opt for one paper i.e. A or B) A. Educational Technology B. Educational Guidance and Counseling
VI Semester
Paper-IX : Curriculum Development Paper-X : Educational Planning and Management Paper-XI : Development of Educational Thought Paper-XII : Optional (The student has to opt for one paper i.e. A or B or C) A. Project Work B. Pedagogy C. Special Education Note: Core Papers I to IV will be Electives for students of other Disciplines
4. 5. 6.
7. To understand the problems of adolescents and role of education in solving those problems.
Unit I : Educational Psychology and Development - Meaning of Educational Psychology; Relationship between Psychology and Education - Implications of Educational Psychology in teaching and learning - Meaning and principles of growth and development - Areas of development Social, Emotional and Intellectual during early childhood, later childhood and adolescence period - Piagets theory of cognitive development and its educational implications Unit II: Individual Differences and Mental Health - Meaning and causes of individual differences - Implications of understanding individual differences for teaching learning process - Mental health and hygiene: Concept, role of parents and teachers - Adjustment: Meaning and Defense/Adjustment Mechanisms Unit III : Intelligence and Creativity - Meaning and types of intelligence, Concept of IQ - Theories of intelligence: Spearman and Thurstone
Meaning and characteristics of creativity Role of education in promoting creativity Relationship between intelligence and creativity
Unit -
IV : Personality Meaning and nature of personality Approaches to personality: Type and Trait Assessment of personality: Case history, Interview, Observation, Rating scales, Rorschach Ink-blot Test and Thematic Apperception Test
Unit V : Learning - Meaning and nature of learning - Theories of Learning and their educational implications (a) Trial and Error theory of learning (b) Pavlovs Classical Conditioning (c)Skinners Operant Conditioning (d) Kohlers insightful learning Thorndikes Laws of learning - Factors affecting Learning
Suggested Reading:
Mangal, S.K.( 1985) - Educational Psychology, New Delhi : Prakash Brothers. Dececee J.P.( 1970) - The Psychology of Learning & Instruction: Prentice Hall. Eysenck H.J.( 1960) - The Structure of Personality, Methuen. Guilford J.P.( 1977) Fields of Psychology, Van Nostrand. Hilgard E.R.( 1956) Theories of Learning, Appleton Century Crofts, Hurlock E.B.( 1972) Child Development, Mc Grow Hill. Maslow A.H.( 1954) - Motivation of Personality, Harper Skinner C.E.( 1970) Educational Psychology, Prentice Hall India Torrance E.P.( 1963.) - Gifted Children & The Classroom, Mc Millan Co. Walla J.S.( 1977.) Foundation of Educational Psychology, Jalandhar Publishing, Mangal S.K.( 1993.) -Advanced Educational Psychology, New Delhi : Prentice Hall of India Sharma R.N & Sharma R.K.( 2006) - Advanced Educational Psychology. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers Distributors. Walter S. Monroe,( 2006) - Educational Psychology.New Delhi : Cosmo Publication. Devors, J.C. & Reegan, G.W. Roy, G.K.S, Roy(2008) - A Textbook of Educational Psychology. N. Delhi: Manglam Publishers and Distributors,.
Unit I:
Introduction to Educational Philosophy Philosophy meaning and definitions Relationship between philosophy and education Educational philosophy meaning and scope Role of philosophy in determining Aims of education, Curriculum, Methods of teaching and Role of a teacher
Unit -II: Some Major Schools of Philosophy and their Contributions to present day Education - Idealism Realism
Unit-III :
Naturalism Pragmatism Introduction to Educational Sociology Sociology meaning and definitions Relationship between Sociology and Education Educational Sociology meaning, nature and scope Need for Sociological approach in education Education and Change Education as an instrument of Social Change Mass media as a means of Social Change Role of education in Cultural Change Social Groups Primary and Secondary groups and their educational implications
Unit-IV : -
Unit-V : India -
Current Social Problems Relating to Education in Equalization of Educational Opportunities Education of the Backward Classes Literacy and Girls Education Freedom and Discipline
Suggested Reading:
Dash, BN (2005). Philosophical and Sociological Basis Foundations of Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors Pathak, RP (2007). Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives of Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors Biswal, UN (2005). Philosophy of Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors
Sharma, P (2005).
Philosophy of Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors Dhawan, ML (2004). Philosophy of Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors Chandra, SS (2007). Philosophy of Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors Singh, YK (2007). Sociological Foundations of Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors Das, P (2007). Sociological Foundations of Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors Taneja, VR (2005). Socio-Philosophical Approach to Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors Aggarwal, S. (2007). Philosophical Foundations of Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Bhattacharya, (2006). Philosophical Foundations of Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Siddiqui, MH. (2008). Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors
1. 2. 3.
1. 2.
To help students understand the development of education in India in historical perspective. To understand the salient features of education in ancient, medieval and British India. To acquaint them with significant points of selected educational documents and reports of these periods.
To have an adequate knowledge of the recommendations of various Commissions and Committees on Indian Education. To help students understand the development of education in Mizoram in historical perspective.
Unit-I :
Education in Ancient India Vedic and Brahmanic Education-Aims of Education, Curriculum, Methods of Teaching and Educational Organisation / Institutions Buddhist Education Aims of Education, Curriculum and Educational Organisations / Institutions
Unit-II: Education in Medieval India - Salient Features of Muslim / Islamic Education - Objectives and Curriculum Unit-III:
Types of Educational Institutions State Patronage in Educational Endeavour Education in British India Indigenous Education in India at the beginning of the 19th Century Growth of Modern System of Education up to 1947 AD i) The Charter Act-1813 ii) iii) iv) v) Downward Filtration Theory Macaulays Minutes 1835 Woods Education Despatch 1854 Hunter Commission 1882
vi) Lord Curzons Policy 1902 (University Education Commission of 1902) vii) Movement for compulsory Education-Gokhales Bill 1913 (Govt. of India Resolution on Educational Policy 1913) Unit-IV: Education in Independent India up to 1960s
Development of Indian Education during the PostIndependence period with special reference to major recommendations of: i) ii) iii) University Education Commission 1948-49 Secondary Education Commission 1952-53 Education Commission 1964-66
Unit-V: Education in Independent India after 1960s and Development of Education in Mizoram - Development of Indian Education during the post Independence period with special reference to major recommendations of : National Policy on Education 1986 and its revised formulation 1992 Development of Education in Mizoram :
(a) Zawlbuk as a centre of Learning, (b) Brief introduction of Elementary Education in Mizoram
Suggested Reading:
Mukhopadhyay, M. (2004). Ancient Indian Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Chand, J. (2007). Education in Ancient and Medieval India. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Chand, J. (2007). Education in India during British Period. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Chand, J. (2007). Education in India after Independence. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Pruthi, RK. (2005). Education in Modern India. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Gupta, A. (2007). Education in the 21st Century. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Dash, BN. (2009). Development of Educational System in IndiaGuwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Thakur, AS. (2008). Development of Educational System in IndiaGuwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Pawar, NG. (2004). Development of Educational System in IndiaGuwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Garg, B.R.( 2004) Educational Documents in Free India, Ambala Cantt: The Associated Publishers,
Dr.N. Chatterjee Zawlbuk as a Social Instution in the Mizo Society, Tribal, Aizawl, Mizoram: Tribal Research Centre. Lewin, Thomas H.A(1977) fly on the wheel or How I have to govern India, Aizawl: Firma KLM Verghese C.G. & A History of the Mizo. Vol-I,New Delhi :Vikas Publishing,House Thanzawna R.L. Lalbiakthanga, (1978) The Mizos - A study in racial personality, Guahati:United Publication, Sangkima (2004.) Essays on the history of the Mizos, Gauhati: Spectrum Publication, Agrawal, S.P (1993-94) Development of Education in India : Select Documents
Govt. of India(1986) New Education Policy.
Elementary Education Universalisation of Elementary Education. Role/Functions of : a) National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT) b) State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT) c) District Institute of Education & Training (DIET)
d) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
Unit II -
a) National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA) b) Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) c) National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT) d) State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT) Unit III : Higher Education - General and Technical Education. Types of Universities. Role/Functions of : a) University Grants Commission (UGC) b) All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) c) National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) Recommendations of National Knowledge Commission (NKC) on Higher Education
Unit IV : Alternative Schooling - Non-Formal Education (NFE) Adult Education Global and Indian Context National Adult Education Programme (NAEP) 1978 National Literacy Mission (NLM) 1988 Use of Mass-Media in Non-Formal and Continuing Education
Unit V : Modern Trends in Education. - Population Education - Sex Education - Value Oriented Education Work-Experience and SUPW
Suggested Readings:
Rao, BB. (2008). Distributors Elementary Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers &
Krishnamacharyulu. (2008). Elementary Education 2 vols. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Mukhopadhyay, M. (2007). Education in India. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Dash, M. (2004). Education in India- Problems and Perspectives. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Joshi, R. (2008). Education in India- Scope and Scenario. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Tiwari, S. (2007). Education in India- 4 vols. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Kumar, A. (2004). Current Trends in Indian Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Rao, DB. (2003). Current Trends in Indian Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Khan, IA. (2006). Education in the Modern Indian Context. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Dash, BN (2008). School Organisation, Administration and Management. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors. Rao, DB (2004). School Education in India. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors Sharma, RS (2007). Higher Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors Tomar, M (2004). Secondary Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors
Unit I: -
Fundamentals of Educational Research Meaning, Need and Scope of Educational Research Types of Educational research ( Concept only ) Qualitative and Quantitative; Basic, Applied and Action Research Steps in Educational Research (concept only) Identifying a Problem, Formulating Objectives and Hypotheses, Deciding the method of research, Collecting the data, Analysing and Interpreting the data and Writing the Report
Unit II: Variables, Hypotheses and Literature Review Variables Concept and Types of Variables Hypotheses Meaning, Types, Characteristics and Importance of Hypotheses
Unit III: Sampling Concept of Population and Sampling Advantages of Sampling Principles of Sampling Important Sampling Designs Simple Random, Stratified Random, Cluster and Purposive
Unit V: Research Project - Concept and Importance of Conducting Projects - Types of Project - Writing the report
Suggested Readings:
Best J.W. &Kahn J.V.( 1989) Research in Education (6th Edition), New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd. Sukhia S.P. & Others(1974) Elements of Educational Research. Bombay: Allied Publishers Kaul L.(1984) Methodology of Educational Research. New Delhi:Vikash Publishers Singh, A.K.(1986) Testing, Measurement & Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences. New Delhi :Mc Grow Hill. Wilkinson & Bhandarkar(1994) Methodology & Techniques of Social Research. Bombay: Himallaya Publishing House. Good, Barr & Scates(1962) Methodology of Educational Research. New York: Appleton Crofts Best J.W.&Kahn J.V.(1989) Research in Education (Sixth edition), New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, Private Ltd. Fox D.J. (1969) The Reasearch Process in Education, New York:Holt Rinehart and Winston, Inc. Van Dalen D.S. & Meyer W.J.(1979) Understanding Educational Research : An Introduction, New York : Mc Grow Hill Co. Kerlinger F.N.( 1978) Foundations of Behavioral Research, Delh: Surjeet Publications. Sukia S.P.& Others(1974) Elements of Educational Research, (3rd revised edition), Bombay: Allied Publishers Koul L.(1984) Methodology of Educational Research, New Delhi :Vikas Publishers, Meyer W.J.,. Sax G.( 1962) Empirical Foundations of Educational Research, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Good, Barr and Scates(1962) Methodology of Educational Research, New York: Appleton Crofts. Buckman B.W.( 1978) Analysing and Designing Educational Research, New York: Harcourt Brace Javanovich Inc. Tuckman B.W.( 1979) Conducting Educational Research, (2nd edition), New York: Harcourt Brace Javanovich Inc. Bruce, Tuchman(1978) Conducational Research, New York : Harcourt Brace Inc. Buch M.B.( 1974) Survey of Research in Education, Baroda : CASE, M.S. University. Englehart, Max D.( 1972) Methods of Educational Research, Chicago:Rand Mc Nally Meyer W.J.and Co. Wilkinson & Bhandarkar(1994) Methodology and Techniques of Social Research, Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House. Singh, Arun Kumar(1986) Tests, Measurement and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences, New Delhi:Mc Grow Hill.
Unit- I: Fundamentals of Statistics - Meaning and definition of Statistics - Advantages and Limitations of Statistics - Types of Statistics Descriptive and Inferential Statistics -
Frequency Distribution Graphical Presentation of Data : Histogram, Frequency Polygram, Pie gram
Unit II: Measures of Central Tendency - Mean : Concept, Definition and Computation (from ungrouped and grouped Data) - Median : Concept, Definition and Computation (from ungrouped and grouped Data) - Mode : Concept, Definition and Computation (from ungrouped and grouped Data) Uses of Mean, Median and Mode
Unit III: Measures of Variability - Range Concept - Average Deviation (AD) Concept and Computation (from ungrouped and grouped Data) - Quartile Deviation (QD) Concept and Computation (from ungrouped and grouped Data)
Standard Deviation (SD) Concept and Computation (from ungrouped and grouped Data) Uses of Range, AD, QD & SD
Unit-IV: Normal Distribution - Concept of Normal Distribution and Characteristics of Normal Distribution Curve - Concept and Computation of Skewness & Kurtosis - Applications of Normal Distribution (concept only without computation) Unit-V: Correlation - Concept, Types and Uses of Correlation - Computation of Correlation: Rank Difference Method and Product Moment Method (ungrouped data only ) and interpretation of results
Suggested Reading:
Garrett, H.E.( 1966) Statistics in Psychology and Education (Sixth Edition), Bombay: Vakils, Feffer & Simons, Ltd., Mangal, S.K.( 2004) Statistics in Psychology and Education, (Second Edition)New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd., Rajamanikar, M.( 2001) Statistical Methods in Psychological and Educational Research, New Delhi: Concept Publishing Co., Cohen, L. & Statistics for Education and Physical Education. London: Holliday, M.(1979) Harper & Row Publishers Garrett H.E.(1988) Statistics in Psychology and Education, Bombay: Vakils, Feffer and Simons Ltd. Kurtz A.K.&Mayo S.T. (1980) Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology, New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House. Blalock H.M.(1981) Social Statistics, New York: Mc Grow Hill. Siegal, Sydney (1978) Non - Parametric Statistics for Behavioral Science, New Delhi: Mc Grow Hill. Bowley,A.L.(1937) Elements of Statistics,6th ed. London: P.S. King and Staples Ltd. Croxton,F.E, Cowden DJ Applied General Statistics,3rd ed, New Delhi:Prentice & Klein,S.(1975) Hall of India Pvt. Ltd,. Fiebleman,J.K.(1972) Scientific Method, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague Ghosh, B.N.(1982) Scientific Methods and Social Research, New Delhi : Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.,. Guilford, J.P.( 1954) Psychometric Methods, New York : Mc Graw Hill,Inc,.
Hollander,Myles and Nonparametric Statistical Methods, New York: John Wolfe,Douglas A,( 1973)Wiley,. Karson, Marvin J(1982) Multivariate Statistical Methods, Ames,Iowa: The Iowa State University Press. Morrison, Donald F(1967) Multivariate Statistical Methods, New York:McGrawHill. Roscoe,John T(1969) Fundamental Research Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences,New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,Inc, Runyon, Richard P(1977) Inferential Statistics, Philippines: AddisonWesley Publishing Company, Inc. Siegel, S(1956) Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, New York:McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Inc. Ullman,Neil R(1978) Elementary Statistics, New York: John Wiley&Sons, Inc.,
To develop an understanding of the need and importance of Evaluation in To develop an understanding of various types of measuring scales. To develop an understanding of the various characteristics of tests. To develop knowledge about the process of constructing different types of items for tests. To develop understanding of the process of standardizing the test. To develop knowledge about the new trends in evaluation.
Measurement and Evaluation Concept of Measurement and Evaluation Relationship between Measurement and Evaluation Need and Importance of Evaluation in Education Functions of Evaluation in Education : Placement, Formative, Diagnostic and Summative
Unit-II: Measuring Instruments - Types of Scale in Measurement Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio - Measuring Instruments and their Classification - Characteristics of Good Measuring Instrument :
i) ii)
Validity-Concept, Types and Methods of Determining Validity Reliability- Concept, Types and Methods of Determining Reliability Objectivity
Unit-III: Tests - Classification of Test- Teacher Made and Standardised - Difference between Teacher Made Tests and Standardised Tests - Types of Items in a Test Essay Types and Objective Types. Difference between the two Types of Items - General Principles of Constructing Essay Type Items - General Principles of Constructing Objective Type Items Unit-IV: Standardisation of Tests. Steps in Standardisation of a Test: - Planning the Test - Preparing the Test - Trying out the Test - Evaluating the Test Unit-V: New Trends in Evaluation - Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation Concept, Importance, Advantages and Limitations - Grading Concept, Advantages and Limitations - Question Bank Concept, Need and Importance, Procedure of Developing a Question Bank
Suggested Readings:
Anastasi A (2010) Psychological Testing (7th edition) New Delhi: Eastern Economy Edition Freeman F.S(1976) Theory & Practice of Psychological Testing, rd (3 edition), New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Pub.Co., Edwards A.L.(1975) Techniques of Attitude Scale Construction,Bombay:Vakils, Feffer & Simons private Ltd. Tuckman B.W.( 1975) Measuring Educational Outcome : Fundamentals of Testing, New York: Harcourt Brace,Jovanovich,. Harper E.S.(1990) Students and Examiners, New Delhi:Prentice Hall of India, Pvt., Ltd. Singh (Ed)( 1990) Criterion- Referenced Measurement,(Selected readings, New Delhi:NCERT
Sax G(1974) Principles of Educational Measurement and Evaluation, California: Woodworth publishing, Gronbach L.J.(1970) Essentials of Psychological Testing, (3rd edition), New York: Harper & Row Publishers Tenbrink T.D.(1974) Evaluation - A practical Guide for Teachers, New York: McGraw Hill, Book Company,. Ebel,R.L. and Essentials of Educational Measurement, New Delhi: Prentice Hall Frisbei D.A.(1986) Thorndike R.L. Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education, & Hagen E.P.(1977) (4th edition) New York: John Wiley and Sons. Bloom B.S Handbook of Formative and Summative Evaluation of Student & Other(1971) Learning, New York: Mc Grow Hill, Book Co.
Smith, D. (2005) Publishers. Singh, B. (2004)
Theory of Educational Measurement, New Delhi: Commonwealth Modern Educational Measurement and Evaluation System. New Delhi: Anmol Publications, Pvt. Ltd,. Measurement and Assessment in Teaching. Pearson in Education, New Delhi: Shree
Gronlund, N.E. Education, Delhi: & Linn, R.L.(2000) Patparganj,. Singh, R.R(2004) Measurement Evaluation Publishers and Distributors,
Unit I -
: Introduction to Educational Technology Concept and Scope of Educational Technology Types of Educational Technology (Teaching Technology, Instructional Technology)
Approaches to Educational Technology (Software, Hardware and Systems Approach) : Communication in Teaching-Learning.
Meaning and Characteristics of Communication Types of Communication (Verbal and Non Verbal) Factors affecting Classroom Communication Process of Communication Educational Objectives Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Cognitive, Affective & Psychomotor) Instructional System Designing (Concept & Components) Developing Physical and Human Resources Programmed Learning Concept and Development of Programmed Learning Principles of Programmed Learning Types of Programmed Learning (Linear, Branching and Mathetics) Advantages and Disadvantages of Programmed Learning Emerging Trends in Educational Technology Personalised System of Instruction : Concept and Nature Computer Assisted Instruction Simulated Teaching Distance Teaching
Suggested Readings:
Khanna, S.D.,Saxena,V.K.,(1688) Technology of Teaching and Essentials of Teaching Learning Lamba, T.P., Murthy,V., (Educational Innovations) Delhi: Doaba House,(Four Authors) Nai Sarak,
Bajpal A.D. & Part IV, Leedham J.F.(1970) Bloom B.S.(1974) Handbook 1, CogLtd., , Chauhan S.S(1978) Delhi: Sterling Deceeco J.P(1970) Technology,
Aspects of Educational technology, New York: Pitman Pub. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, London: nitive domain, Longman Group
A textbook of Programmed Intruction, New Publishers Pvt.,Ltd. The Psychology of Learning and Instructional
New Delhi:Prentice-Hall of India, Pvt. Ltc., Flanders N.(1971) Analysing Teaching Behaviour, London:Addison Wesley Pub. Co., Jose Chander N (1991) Management of Distance Education, London:Sterling Publishers Joyce B and Models of Teaching(4thed) London: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Weil M.(1974) Sharma R.A.(1982) Programmed Instruction; An Intructional Technology International , Meerut:Publishing House Sharma R.A.(1991) Technology of Teaching, Meerut: International Publishing House Skinner B.F.(1968) The Technology of Teaching, New York: Appleton Century- Croft, Thiagara Jan R(1984) Computers for Beginners, New Delhi:Starling Publishers, Ltd. Haseen Taj. (2009) Educational Technology, Agra : Rakhi Prakashan, Anuradha Joshi(2009) Models of Teaching, (Agra) Rakhi Prakashan, Prasad(2003) Advanced Educational Technology,Guwahati: DVS Publishers Sharma RN.(2003) Advanced Educational Technology (2vols ), Guwahati: DVS Publishers, Joyce et al(2009) Models of Teaching 8th Edition, , New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, Connought Circus Mangal & Mangal(2009) Essentials of Educational Technology, New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, Connought circus.
5. To understand the concept of mental health and processes of healthy adjustment and good interpersonal relationships. 6. To understand the qualities of an ideal counselor. To help the adolescents in facing their problems to develop a positive self-concept, self-confidence and an optimistic attitude towards life, through proper counseling. To develop interest in one`s own personal and professional growth.
Unit I Concept and Types of Guidance - Concept of guidance - Bases of Guidance : Philosophical, Psychological and Sociological - Principles of guidance Unit II
Educational, Vocational and Personal Guidance Meaning, purpose and functions of Educational Guidance Meaning, and needs of Vocational Guidance Difference between Educational and Vocational Guidance Meaning and importance of Personal Guidance
Unit III Job analysis and occupational information Job Analysis meaning, needs, methods and limitation Job satisfaction Meaning and factors affecting job satisfaction
Unit IV Students Appraisal Achievement test, Ability test, Aptitude test, Interest inventory, Attitude test and Personality test meaning, importance, and limitations in guidance - Case Study as a technique for collecting data - Meaning and uses of Cumulative Record Card Unit V Counseling
Meaning and importance of Counseling Techniques of Counseling Directive, Non-Directive and Eclectic Communication Skills in Counseling Role of Counselor in Secondary Schools
Suggested Reading:
Saxena,A . (2006). An Introduction to Education and Vocational Guidance. Guwahati: DVSPublishers & Distributors Allan, S. (2008). Basic of Guidance and Counselling. Guwahati: DVS Publishers& Distributors Bhatnagar, Dr. R.P. & Guidance and Counseling in Education and Psychology. , Meerut Rani Seema(1997) R. Lall Book Depot, Booksellers & Publishers, Sharma, Dr. Ram Nath(1999) Guidance and Counseling,Surjeet Publications, Delhi, Aggarwal, J.C.(1997) Educational Vocational Guidance & Counseling, Delhi, Doaba House, Booksellers & Publishers, Mittal, H.C. (1977) Elements of Educational Psychology and Guidance, Delhi: Dhanpat Rai & Sons Kochhar, S.K.(1999) Guidance & Counseling in Colleges and Universities, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., , Pasricha, Prem(1976) Guidance & Counseling in Indian Education, New Delhi: NCERT, Khanna, S.D.,Lamba, T.P.& Educational Vocational Guidance & Counseling Delhi: Doaba Steffire, Steward(1989) Jones, House, Saxena, V.K.,Murthy, V.(1979) Principles of Guidance, 6th Edition, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co, Ltd., Sharma, Ram Nath(1999) Guidance & Counseling, New Delhi: Surjeet Publications
Shah Alam.(2008) Pandey, V.C.(2005) Books, Nibedita Dash & B.N. Dash(2009) Sarla Gupta(2001)
Basics of Guidance and Counselling. N. Delhi :Global Vision Publishing House. Educational Guidance and Councelling. Delhi : Isha Career Information in Career Guidance & Counselling. New Delhi: Dominant Publishers and Distributors. Career and Counselling Education. Delhi: Klpaz Publications.
Unit I: -
Concept and Functions of Curriculum Concept of Curriculum Functions of Curriculum Types of Curriculum Importance of Co-curricular Activities in Curriculum Concept, needs and importance of Undifferentiated and Differentiated Curriculum
Unit II: Curriculum Construction Process of Curriculum Construction : a) b) Situational Analysis Selection of Objectives
c) Selection of Content
Principles of Curriculum Construction Foundations of Curriculum Psychological foundations Sociological Foundations Philosophical Foundations Curriculum Evaluation Concept and Nature of Curriculum Evaluation Needs of Curriculum Evaluation Types of Curriculum Evaluation : Formative and Summative Evaluation Criteria of Evaluation of a Text Book Curriculum Change Concept of Curriculum Change Need of Curriculum change Factor Affecting Curriculum Change
Suggested Reading:
Bhalla, N. (2007). Curriculum Development. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Mrunalini, T. (2008). Curriculum Development. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Aggarwal, D. (2006). Curriculum Development- Concepts, Methods and Techniques. Guwahati: DVS Publishers & Distributors Bhall, B.D. & Principle of Curriculum Construction, New Delhi: Published by Kanishka Sharma, S.R.(1992) Publishing House,1st Edition, Kalra, R.M., & Curriculum Construction for Youth Development, New Delhi:,Published Singh, R.R.( 1987) by Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Vashist, S.R. Historical Development of Curriculum, New Delhi: Published by Onmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., 1st Edition (1994),
The theory of Curriculum, New Delhi: by Onmol Ltd., 1st Edition, Curriculum Innovation for 2000 A.D., New Delhi: Publishing Corporation Curriculum Improvement ; Decision Making and
Doll Ronald C.(1986) Process (6 edition), London : Allyn & Bacon, Inc. Diamond, Robert M(1989) Designing & Improving Courses & Curricular in Higher Education : A Systematic Approach, California : Jossey Bass Inc. Publishers,. Mamidi, Malla Reddy & Curriculum Development & Educational Technology, New Delhi: Ravishankar (eds) (1984) Sterling Publishers Pvt., Ltd. . Taba, Hilda(1962) Curriculum Development : Theory & Practice, New York : Harcourt Brace, Jovanovich Inc.,. Tyler, Ralph W.(1974) Basic Principles of Curriculum & Instruction, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,. Oliva, Peter F.(1988) Developing the Curriculum (2 edition), Scott : Foresman & Co.,. Whecker D.K.(1967) Curriculum Process, University of London, Press Verduin J.R.( 1967) Hall. Aggarwal J.C.(1990) Doab World Education Publishers,. NCERT(1984) Trum J. Lloyd(1973.) Boston: Allyn&Bacon Inc NCERT(1988) Secondary Education A Dewey, John(1966) University of Chicago Cooperative Curriculum Improvement : Prentice Curriculum Reform in India : World Overvies, Series - 3, Delhi : Doab House, Book Seller &
Curriculum and Evaluation, New Delhi : NCERT Secondary School Curriculum Improvement, National Curriculum for Elementary & Frame Work, New Delhi : NCERT,. The Child and the Curriculum, Chicago : The Press Curriculum - Theory & Practice, New York: Harper and
Dellay, A.V.(1977) Row Pub.Inc. UNESCO(1981) Currienla & Lifelong Education, Paris: UNESCO Bront, Allen(1978) Philosophical Foundations for the Curriculum, Boston: Allen & Unwin,.
Unit-I: -
Educational Planning Concept of Educational Planning Need and importance of Educational Planning Process of Planning Institutional Planning Educational Management Concept of Educational Management Principles of Management Aspects of Management Types of Management : Centralized and Decentralized, Bureaucratic and Technocratic Management Financial Management Concept of Financial Management Source of Income of Educational Organizations Problem of Financing Educational Institutions Factors affecting Financial Allocations Managerial Behaviour Concept of Managerial Behaviour
Unit-II: Unit-III: -
Unit-V: -
Factors affecting Managerial Behaviour Leadership Styles Supervision Concept and Types of Supervision Supervisory Procedures Principles of Democratic Supervision
Suggested Reading:
Ahuja,AK(2007) Educational management,Planning and Finance,Guwahati: DVS Publishers&Distributors Mohanty,J.(2008) Rducational Management,Supervision,School Organization, Guwahati: DVS Publishers&Distributors Agarwal, J.C.(1994) Educational Administration, Management and Supervision, New Delhi : Arya Book Depot Chhabra,T.N.(1982) Principles and Practice of Management, New Delhi:Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Rao,D.B.(2004) Educational Administration, Discovery Publishing House, Thomas J.(1987) Educational Governance and Administration,Prantice Hall, Sergiovann et al NIEPA (1986) Educational Management in India, New Delhi : NIEPA, Bhagia,H.M. et al(1990) Educational Administration in India and Other Developing Countries. New Delhi:Commonwealth Publications Singhal R.P.et al(1986) School Inspection System. A Modern approach,Vikash Publishing House, Tanner D and Lawrel T(1987) Supervision in Education Problems and practices. New York: Macmillan Publication Co., Ananda W.P. Gurugo(1984) General Principles of Management for Educational Planners and Administrators, Paris:UNESCO, Meredydd Hughes et al(Eds)(1985) Managing Education, Holt Rinehart, AIEPA (1971) Modern Management Techniques in Educational Administration. New Delhi: Asian Ins. of Ed. Planning and Administration , Hostrop R.W.(1975) Managing Education for Results, ETC Publications,
Paper XI:
Course Objectives:
1. To develop in students familiarity with the evolution of educational
thought through the ages in important societies. 2. To enable students to understand the development of educational thoughts and practices in global perspective.
Unit-I : Educational Thought and Practices in Ancient Important Societies Unit-II Europe Unit-III: Greece Rome : Educational Thought and Practices in Medieval
Monastic system of Education Scholastic system of Education University Education Education for Chivalry Educational Thoughts of Indian Thinkers
M.K. Gandhi Rabindranath Tagore Educational Thoughts of Western Thinkers Rousseau Dewey Modern Educational Thoughts and Practices Open and Distance Education Globalization of Education
Unit-IV: Unit-V: -
Suggested Readings
Aggarwal, DD. (2004). Guwahati: DVS Aggarwal, JC. (2006). Guwahati: DVS Joshi, S. (2006). Publishers & Singh, MK. (2008). & Distributors Mukalel, JC. (2004): & Distributors Pandey, R. S. (1997): Allahabad: Glimpes of World History of Education, 3 vols. Publishers & Distributors Great Philosophers and Thinkers onEducation,. Publishers & Distributors Great Indian Educational Thinkers. Guwahati: DVS Distributors Gandhi on Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers Gandhian Education. Guwahati: DVS Publishers A Survey of Educational Thought, 1st Edition (1999)
Horizon Publishers Khanna, C.P.(1990): Educational Thought and Philosophy of Great Men,1st Edition New Delhi : Siddarth Publication, Sharma,Yogendra K.(2002): The Doctrines of The Great Indian Educators, 1st edition New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers & Distributors Rusk, Robert R.(1991): The Doctrines of Great Educators, Revised Edition, New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers & Distributors, Sharma,Yogendra K.(2002): The Doctrines of the Western Great Educators, New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers & Distributors
William Boyd& Charles Black, Edmub King,(1981): History of Western Education, London: Adam &
To enable the students to have practical experience of applying the knowledge gained in theoretical papers. To develop understanding of the process of selecting a research project. To develop an understanding of the process of conducting a research project in the field of education. To acquaint the students with the process of selecting tools, collecting data, organizing data, analyzing data, and interpreting data. To develop the skill of writing a report.
Each candidate has to undertake one project of theoretical/empirical nature related to any of the courses having educational significance under the guidance of a faculty member from the department of education. For timely completion of the project, the following guidelines need to be followed.
semester. Supervisors should be allotted by the Principal on the recommendation of Head of Department of Education. b) The candidates have to complete the projects and will submit report (in duplicate) of not less than 50 pages (computerized) in the college within two weeks of the last theory examination. The college has to ensure that one copy of the report submitted by each candidate is sent to the University (Examination Department) within three weeks of the last theory examination of VI semester for evaluation by the external examiner appointed by the University.
General Structure of the Report (If justified, there may be change in the structure) : Cover Page: It should contain the title of the project, name and Roll No of the student, name of the supervisor, name of the college, year of the examination. Content Pages: Details of the content and page nos., list of titles and list of figures, if any. Chapter I: Introduction a) Conceptual framework b) Literature review ( if any )
c) Rationale of the project/study
d) Statement of the project e) Objectives of the project f) Hypotheses of the project ( if any )
g) Delimitation of the project (Any other if relevant)
Chapter II: Procedure adopted / Procedure followed / Plan and Procedure a) Population and sample b) Sources of data c) Tools used ( if any ) along with the process of development of the tools d) Collection of data
e) Organization of data
a) Results b) Discussion of results c) Educational Implications d) Suggestions (if any) for improvement e) Limitations of the project
Summary References 3. Evaluation of the Project: Evaluation of the project will be done internally and externally.
1) Internal Evaluation - 25 marks: The project reports of all
candidates of a college are to be evaluated by a committee consisting of all supervisors of the college on a scheduled date (recommended by the HOD) within three weeks of the last theory examination. The date should be notified by the principal before 10 days of the scheduled date of evaluation. Viva-voce should be conducted. The marks to be awarded are: i) 10 marks by the Supervisor ii) 15 marks by the evaluation committee on viva voce.
2) External Evaluation-75 marks: All the project reports sent by
the colleges will be evaluated by one external examiner(s) appointed by the University.
Note: In case of exigencies (transfer, accident, etc.) the principal of the college may change the supervisor on the recommendation of HOD.
Essential elements of (a) Social interaction models (b) Personal models Different Methods of Teaching and their merits and demerits: (a) Lecture Methods (b) Demonstration Methods
(c) (d)
Meaning and characteristics of an effective teacher Role of a teacher as a Planner, Facilitator, Counselor and Evaluator Meaning, needs and significance of Professional ethics for a teacher
Suggested Reading:
Babu, AR (2008): Micro-teaching- Theory & Practice 2 vols. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors Siddiqui, MH (2008): Models of Teaching. Guwahati: DVS Publishers and Distributors Saxena,Swarup N.R.(1996): Technology of Teaching, Meerut: R. Lall Book Depot; Aggarwal, J.C.(1979): Essentials of Educational Technology: Teaching Learning Innovations in Education,New Delhi: Vikas Publishing HousePvt.Ltd Chauhan, S.S.(1979): Innovations in Teaching Learning Process, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Four Authors(1989) Technology of Teaching and Essentials of Teaching Learning (Educational Innovations),Delhi: Doaba House Sharma, R.A.(1991) Technology of Teaching; Meerut: Loyal Book Depot, Das, B.C.(1996) Educational Technology, Ludhiana: Kalyani Publishers Kochhar,S.K.(1994) Methods and Techniques of Teaching,Sterling PublishersPvt.Ltd. Sharma, A.R(1995) Educational Technology, Agra: Vinod Pustak Mandir, Sharma, L.M.(1988) Techniques of Teaching, Delhi: Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Thomas J.(1987) Educational Governance and Administration, Prantice Hall, Sergiovann et al. NIEPA(1986) Educational Management in India, New Delhi: NIEPA, Bhagia,H.M.etal(1990) Educational Administration in India and Other Developing Countries, New Delhi: Commonwealth Publications Singhal R.P.etal(1986) School Inspection System. A Modern approach, Vikash Publishing House,. Tanner D&Lawrel T(1987) Supervision in Education Problems and practices.New York: Macmillan Publication Co. Ananda,Gurugo W.P.(1984) General Principles of Management for Educational Planners and Administrators, Paris: UNESCO, Meredydd Hughes et al(Eds)( 1985) - Managing Education, Holt Rinehart,
AIEPA(1971) Administration. Administration Hostrop R.W.(1975) Publications. Ram Nath Sharma &
Modern Management Techniques in Educational New Delhi : Asian Inst. of Ed. Planning and Managing Education for Results, ETC
Advanced Educational Technology. Atlantic Publishers and Chandra, S.S.(2003) Distributors,. Sampath, K., Pannerselvam, Introduction to Educational Technology. IV Revised Edition, A.& Santhanam,S.(1998) Sterling Publishers Private Ltd. Ruhela, S.P.( 2002.) Educational Technology, Delhi : Indian Publishers, Distributors Joseph,Mukalel C.( 1998) Creative Approaches to Classroom Teaching. Discovery Publishing House, ND. Kumar, K.L. (2003) Educational Technology. New Age Internantional Publishers. Yogendra K. Sharma(2002) Fundamental Aspects of Educational Technology. N. Delhi: Kanishka Publishers and Distributors,
3. To enable the students to understand the process of educating
challenged children
4. To enable the students to understand the nature and characteristics
of gifted and creative children 5. To enable the students to know the educational provision for the gifted and creative children.
Meaning and importance of special education Objectives of special education History of special education Classification of exceptional children positive and negative dimensions
Unit II : Education for the Physically Challenged Children - Visual disorders: characteristics, identification, and their
education - Hearing impaired: characteristics, identification, and their education
Definition and characteristics of gifted children Identification of gifted children Needs and problems of gifted children Education programmes for the gifted: enrichment, acceleration and segregation
Meaning and characteristics of creative children Identification of creative children Needs and problems of creative children Conditions for nurturing and stimulating creativity in the classroom
Suggested Readings:
Kar Chintamani(1992): Exceptional Children their psychology and education New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Bhargava Mahesh(1994): Introduction to Exceptional Children their nature & educational provisions New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Dash;B.N.(1992): Education of Exceptional Children Delhi : Ajanta Prakashan. Panda K.C.(1999): Education of Exceptional Children; New Delhi:Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. Narang Dr. S.K.(1994): The Bright and their Education; Delhi : Prime Publishers. Maitra Krishna(1993) Gifted and Talented a developmental perspective; New Delhi :Discovery Publishing House;; Tripati S.N(1996): Talent And Creativity; Agra : National Psychological Corporation. Heward, William L & Orlansky Michael D(1992) Exceptional Children An introductory Survey
of Special Education Fourth Edition; New York :Merrill, an imprint of Macmillan Publishing Company;. Schwartz Lita Linzer(1994): Why Give Gifts to the Gifted? investing in a national resource; California:Corwin Press, Inc;;. Bhatt B.D & Sharma S.R(1993): Education of the Gifted and Talented Children Delhi :Kanishka Publishing House;;. Sahu Binod Kumar(1990): Education of the Exeptional Children New Delhi : Kalyani Publishers. Reddy G.Lokanadha, Ramar R, Kusuma A(2000): Education of children with Special Needs ; New Delhi :Discovery Publishing House;; Ysseldyke James E. & Algozzine Bob(1998): Special Education-A Practical Approach for Teachers New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers, Distributors. Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs(1996): The persons with Disabilities (equal opportunities, protection of rights and full participation) Act 1995; New Delhi: The Gazette of India. Maitra Krishna(1996): Parenting the Gifted; New Delhi : Discovery Publishing House. Whitmore Joanne Rand(1980): Giftedness, Conflict, and Underachievement USA :Allyn and Becon, Inc; Boston, Massachusetts. Sharma R.A.(1995): Fundamentals of Educational Psychology Meerut : R.Lall Book Depot. Advani, Lal & Chadha, Anupriya(2003): You & your Special Child New Delhi :UBS Publishers Distributors Pvt Ltd;; Dash M.(2003): Education of Exceptional Children New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers & Distributors.