Return of The Annunaki: Illian e Rmond

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Return of the Annunaki

Gillian Dearmond

The Return of the Annunaki

Long long ago in the far reaches of space a light shone forth and a great creation came into being. A Time was created and within that time Light touched the Dark Matter, everywhere the Light touched it brought forth life. Eventually all the potential of the dark matter of that universe was made manifest by the light and all the power of the light was used and the light faded into darkness once more. It was then that the universe had completed itself, fulfilling all the possibilities of its potential, and all its great creation was drawn from the fading light into the dark gaping maw of a giant black hole. Waiting at the end of that black hole there was a vast cosmic emptiness and it was into this emptiness that the Black Hole poured forth all its content of light.

Gillian DeArmond

Part I
In the beginning the magnificent life giving Light of the Source pours forth. Who or what then is the Source of all this wonder? We do not know. We still search for answers to this greatest mystery of all. We still ask the question who is God? We observe and this is what we have seen. This magnificent Light filled with all the Intelligence of the previous creation was now scattered throughout the great Void. Coalescing at the centre of the Void was an energetic sun whose rotational field created a vortex which gradually drew to it the molecules of intelligence that were freely scattered throughout the void. The time came when that Central Sun, the Source, was completely encased with those intelligent particles. Eventually the energy buildup within the Source, exploded out into the Void, shooting great Beams of Light in many directions. Each of those Beams of Light, as it passed through the outer covering of the Source, picked up and carried with it the Intelligence therein. Our universe is made of this Light carrying intelligence or Intelligent Light. It is the Push of Light Force from the Source which brings the creation into being and

The Return of the Annunaki

it is only when this pushing Light Force weakens that the Pull of the Black Hole, which is the hidden face of the Source, begins to exert its effect on that creation, gradually drawing it to extinction. We believe that the duration of any creation is dependent upon the energetic force of the light from which it is created. It is here that the spiritual world impacts upon and joins forces with the world of science, where truly there is no difference between the two except our understanding. The workings of the source itself are much like cold chain nuclear reaction. When the explosive burst of a new creation takes place it is one of extreme cold, a cold in which one would imagine no movement could take place, but that explosive force is so great that it propels the particles of light through the shield of intelligence and out into the Void at great speed. As these particles travel they connect with each other, coalesce, and begin the formation of matter. The heat increases and mass is gained. It is out of these masses of coalesced matter that suns and moons and stars begin to form and eventually to cool and when sufficiently cool, life begins to appear. Now we have a physically real creation, subject to the laws of physics, operating within the

Gillian DeArmond

concept of time, time being a way of observing the passage in sequential order from one stage of being to the next. But we may wonder, during this period of a developing creation, what is happening with all the unused Intelligence remaining at the Source? Can we see what that Intelligence, being at One with the Source and of One mind, has collectively decided in relation to this universe? Our view is this: That the Intelligence first thought this new creation was more beautiful and magnificent than anything ever seen before and so the One decided to separate from the whole individual aspects whose function would be to sing the praises and glory of the magnificence of the source from which all had sprung. With this decision they brought into being the Species Angelicus, and what glorious creatures they are, forever turned to the Light of the Source to sing its praises, a great choir of angels, and a true hierarchy of the high heaven.

The Return of the Annunaki

The creation below continued to expand, the light overcoming the dark and turning it into created matter, and soon it seems the Intelligent One had a desire to know more of the development of its creation and so it decided to divide of itself and create a new species of Being. These new creatures were sentient Beings of Light and Immortal from the beginning. They were granted the gift of individuality with separate souls and the ability to choose for themselves without reference to the One. They were called the Messengers of God, Angels. In these earliest days of creation those who in the distant future came to be known as the Annunaki, were the immortal beings of First Light. At the request of the One they came down into the new creation as observers with the intent to watch over the evolution of the creation, returning their observations to the Source. Many chose to descend into the creation only so far, staying on the higher, less dense planes of existence barely knowing the attractions of sensory life, but still within the new three-dimensional reality. Some chose to stay on the eighth plane of

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density and became the mathematicians of the new universe, forever calculating the available universal energy, measuring the life and death of the stars. Others chose to descend deeper into the dense mass of creation in order to serve as guardians over the evolving species. It was in this way that a new Hierarchy of Heaven came into being. In those early days, long before the time of Earth, there were those among the mighty Elohim, for this was the collective name of the descending angels, who chose to experience this universe by taking on the most dense form, that of flesh, living on the planets themselves. Wherever in the universe the Elohim found life they tended it and nurtured it with loving care, sending back through the planes an ongoing report of all the great and wonderful things that were happening within this new creation. But eventually those in flesh on the lowest planes began to be affected by the density of their form and their sense of separation from the One, which was the price of being an individual soul with free will. A time came when they began to quarrel and argue amongst themselves about the issues of right and wrong. There were those who felt it was wrong not

The Return of the Annunaki

to give assistance to the life they found, especially when it was asked for, and there were others who said No, No. Our rule is that we must not interfere with the development which has been set in motion by nature within this creation. With hindsight who is to say which was right and which was wrong, but the result of this quarrelling was that more than half of the Elohim decided they no longer wished to remain within the creation and they returned to their eternal state of Timelessness with the One. The remaining Elohim continued their work, traveling amongst the stars, aiding life wherever they found it as they themselves were becoming more and more attached to the creation. As time went by their sense of separateness from the One increased and they began to feel, not just that they should give assistance when asked for, but that they should offer their knowledge, guidance and service through rulership on many planets where sentient life evolved. Countless eons passed in this way and they lived and ruled and saw civilizations rise and fall, watched planets live and die. And they became known as The Watchers.

Gillian DeArmond

Eventually they came to think of themselves almost as a species within and of the creation and as such decided to settle on a planet of their own. What followed was perhaps the worst time in their long history. They were so far removed from the magnificence of their beginnings that wars broke out amongst them as they became greedy for power and control. Although many tried to stay true to their original purpose of service they all paid a terrible price for their behavior. Having destroyed their home they were in need of another place to settle and finally made a new home for themselves on the Crossing Planet, Nibiru, whose great orbital path crosses our solar system and returns home every three thousand, six hundred earth years. It was in this way that the Elohim, those who came to be called the Annunaki, eventually came to reside on a planet near to the new Earth. For millions of years there was no real interest in the Earth itself, but whenever the orbit of Nibiru passed too close to Saturn that planets powerful magnetic field attracted vast quantities of the atmospheric material from Nibiru. This material can still be seen today in the rings of Saturn.

The Return of the Annunaki

This loss of atmospheric integrity became a serious problem to Nibiru and it was decided that an atmospheric shield was needed. The chosen material for this purpose was to be powdered gold because of its non-magnetic and incorruptible qualities. Although the Elohim had long been settled on their own planet they had never stopped fulfilling their original function of observing and recording the events within the creation so they were fully aware of the vast quantities of gold on planet Earth. The great difficulty was that a previous cosmic event had resulted in the solar systems planets being divided into two distinct areas, the inner planets being separated from the outer planets by a barrier of disorganized and lethal asteroids. One day, one of the Elohim, wishing to make a hero of himself, took a great risk and discovered a way through the deadly spinning rocks, essentially turning his ship into a giant water cannon, and it worked. Once this pathway to Earth was opened then it was possible for the Elohim to descend to the surface and begin the search for gold.


Gillian DeArmond

Part II
At the start of this story I talked about Intelligent Light. This Light flows from the Source in much the same way as sun flares erupt periodically in the solar system and serves to regenerate the creation, allowing for expansion, in seemingly regular intervals of approximately fifty thousand years. The mathematics of pi is the measurement of re-creation. The three denotes that which already exists, and the following decimal points of pi denote the degree of expansion. In other words, the three is original creation and the rest is a little bit added as the expanding universe moves ever outward towards the Rim. The Rim is the outer limit to which the given quantity of Light can reach, much like the limit to which the light of a flashlight can extend its beam. When the universe is young Intelligent Light Force is strong and gobbles up the dark matter of the void to make manifest all its wonders, but as the universe ages the light weakens and the process slows down.

The Return of the Annunaki

The strength of the Light Force depends upon the available cyclical flow of Light from the Source and the quality of light produced in situ by the living beings within the creation. Each living creature uses the light to maintain life with every breath they take. Humans have the ability to choose to follow a Way of Right Living. When this Way is chosen the mind, body and spirit come into perfect balance. In this balanced, or enlightened, state the spin within the cellular body nears the speed of light and one emits light out into the world, thereby helping to maintain the universe. In this way an enlightened being is truly acting as a co-creator and it is this state of perfect balance for which all must strive. With every passing minute Life is soaking up the strength of the Light and the Light grows weaker. The weaker the light, the shorter the wave, the slower the time and paradoxically, the faster the end of time is reached. Once the universe has gone to the limits of its Light Force, the Rim of the Void, then the pull of the Black Hole begins to draw the universe into its irresistible darkness, just as death draws each of us into the grave. But once inside, the Black Hole becomes the nurturing womb that pushes all the knowledge of that now dying universe into a new Void, and the Intelligent Light

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once again flows out to begin a new creation, each time with more knowledge, more power, and more strength than the time before. Creation learns! And like the creation, we who are humans on planet Earth are not intended to moulder in our graves but to spring out of the darkness of death and into new life. It is for this reason that I wish to tell this story about the Return of the Annunaki.

Part III
Now I pick up the story about 14,000 years ago. The rulership of An through his sons, daughter and grandchildren, was well-established on earth. Gold had been mined out of Africa and sent home, an ice age was ending, a flood was becoming imminent and earths indigenous human population had been genetically altered forever, with some disastrous results. The new humans had already spread from Sumeria across much of the planet and were inter-breeding energetically with local populations wherever they went, also with disastrous results.

The Return of the Annunaki

At the beginning when the upright hominid species, which were seen as part of the naturally developing flora and fauna indigenous to earth, were chosen as candidates for the genetic engineering project in hopes of providing an intelligent work force, it was viewed in much the same way as we view training animals as helpers today. It was anticipated that the newly altered species would be incapable of reproducing, have a long lifespan and then die. The further genetic tinkering done by one of the Annunaki lords, wishing to more rapidly increase the supply of these new people was never approved by the general council. The problems were further compounded when it was discovered that the genetic engineering, which had removed four genes from the earthlings and replaced them with two Annunaki genes, was faulty and had left the new humans vulnerable to a wide range of auto-immune diseases which reduced their usefulness and caused them much suffering. With all this in mind, the council decided not to issue any warnings of the coming great flood, but to let nature take its course. The new humans would be lost to the flood waters. It did not quite turn out that way as one of the council, the lord who had done the tinkering in the first place, had qualms

Gillian DeArmond

of conscience about letting the new humans die, especially as he had fathered sons amongst them (as had many of the Annunaki by that time), and so he broke his word to keep silent about the flood and told his earth son about what was coming. He gave him and his family instructions on how to build a submarine, for the Annunaki are great submariners, and suggested he get as many people as possible on board together with some animal breeding pairs. In this way he saved his earth family. Many others carrying the Annunaki gene also survived around the planet because they were in high mountainous areas when the disaster struck. And so the New Humans continue to today, still with the defective gene count and sadly still suffering from the results of that original faulty engineering. Some time after the flood, and after several uproars, fighting and general disagreement amongst themselves about who should be in charge, the Annunaki council made the decision to pull out. Up until this period the Annunaki had directly ruled the planet themselves through city states, using chosen individuals who were trained into a priesthood to act as emissaries between themselves and the people at large.

The Return of the Annunaki

At this point the Annunaki still measured the passage of time by their own count based on the three thousand six hundred year passage of Nibiru. When they reached the decision to leave they first chose among the people a man named Adapa whom they had trained for the role of Priest King and set him to rule over the people. They also established a new calendar for man to measure time by based on the orbit of earth around the sun. This all occurred about four thousand years ago. There were a number, mostly from among the flyers, who had families among the earth people and they chose to stay behind. There were others who were not politically in favor at the time who left the lands in Asia and Africa and headed for South America where they created new bases for themselves. The rest turned their craft for home, returning to Nibiru which at that time was in near earth passage.


Gillian DeArmond

Part IV
About five hundred years later, before they left the solar system, the council had a meeting to discuss the events happening on the earth they had abandoned. Their was much guilt among them and a real recognition that they needed to make amends. They realized that by giving man part of their own genetic makeup they had gifted man with all the magnificent potential of immortality, but they had also caused much pain and suffering on the planet. And who knewperhaps man had been destined to achieve immortality on his own? And so the suggestion was put forward that one of the Mighty Annunaki Lords should give up his seat on the Council and his Place in the High Heavens and return to earth, not as a mighty lord, but as a simple human and claim his place as an earthly prince and ruler, so that he might teach the people the Way of Living, in order for them to Claim their Immortality. It was immediately seen that the corrupt political systems which had developed on earth were more

The Return of the Annunaki

likely to kill the messenger than choose him as king, but it was agreed that the effort must be made, if for no other reason than to assuage their own guilt, and so a volunteer was called for. Now many of the Annunaki were saddened and shamed by all that had transpired on earth and wanted no more than to return to a life redirected to the Source in hopes of redeeming themselves and being able to return to the home of their beginning. But there were others with less exalted ambitions and one who was of high birth and held a seat on the council offered to take up the challenge and return to earth. His offer was accepted and he then stipulated that certain conditions must be met. First it was imperative that he have a human mother who carried in her mitochondria all the Annunaki race memory so that he might know who he was from the moment of his birth. The second requirement was that, in the event the people rejected and killed him, the council would promise he could return at a later date as ruler in his own right. The council, after gaining assurances that any new rulership would hold true to the principles of service to and for the people, agreed to the conditions. Once this was decided a brother of the volunteer stood up and said that as it would take some time to perfect the

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breeding lineage for a perfect Annunaki/Human mother and as it was his brother volunteering, he would himself take on the challenge of an earth human life to establish the foundation for producing the mother. A thousand or so years later the time arrived and the new Teacher was born to show The Way. But sadly power hungry politicians had him destroyed. He did his best to warn them, he told them if they did not follow his way they would die. He almost lost patience, when they sent him to die and the women stood in the street weeping, and he warned them too, telling them to save their tears because if they thought life was bad then (under Roman rule) it was nothing to what would come in the future. ********************* Well, now the wood is dry, the future is here and we can ask, has it ever been so bad? And so the Time has Come when the lords of the Annunaki will return and their chosen one will rule again. It may be as the time of Amen-Rathe hidden Lord, or it maybe as the time of the great Sun god Himself. This storyteller does not know. But a time I do have, 2017, when Nibiru makes its nearest pass to

The Return of the Annunaki

earth, will be a time to watch the skies and 2025 will be a time to be prepared to grasp your greatest opportunities. Before that we will see many societal changes, economic downfalls and geological disasters but the Return of the Annunaki will bring gifts of new hope for all humanity. It will be a time to right the wrongs of the past and set the pattern of a future filled with opportunity for every one to reach their true potential that at the next great turning of the wheel they can claim their birthright to join the immortals. The Annunaki return to Teach Love of Oneself, Love of Each Other and, above all, Love of God. May the Almighty and Everlasting Source shine Light on each One.

Copyright 2011

Gillian Dearmond Green

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