Instrument Toolkit: Instructional Manual
Instrument Toolkit: Instructional Manual
Instrument Toolkit: Instructional Manual
Instructional Manual
The following instructions will walk you through installing Instrument Toolkit. First, you will need to install the Full Install version of Instrument Toolkit.
Full Installation
1. Run the Toolkit setup executable file from the Toolkit CD. 2. Click the nEXt button on the Welcome screen. 3. Read the license agreement on the License agreement screen. Click the YEs button to accept the agreement and continue with the installation. 4. Read the product information on the Product information screen. Click the nEXt button to continue with the installation. 5. If you wish to change the location of your Toolkit installation, click the BRoWsE button on the Installation destination window and choose your preferred installation location from the browse window that appears. After you have your installation location selected, click on the nEXt button to continue the Installation. 6. In the Choose World Area window, highlight the radio button of the World Area in which you are located.
NASA = North America/South America EMEA = Europe/Middle East/Africa AP = Asia Pacific China = China
Click the nEXt button to continue installation. 7. Click the FInIsH button on the Finish Installation screen to finish the Installation.
2. A download progress screen will appear. Once the file is downloaded, the Toolkit installation wizard will begin. 3. On the Welcome screen, click the nEXt button to begin the installation. 4. Click on the FInIsH button on the complete screen to finish the Installation. A restart of your computer may be required.
GEttInG staRtED
The information below will get you started with basic Toolkit user information that will help you create, organize, print and share Toolkit data. The following items are located in the < FIlE > menu.
new Project*
1. Enter your project name in the < PROJECT NAME > field, (required). 2. Select the appropriate < WORLD AREA > (i.e. NASA = North America/South America) from the World Area combo box, (required). 3. The < CUSTOMER, CONTRACTOR, DESTINATION, SITE NAME, QUOTE NAME, CURRENCY, FACTOR, SYMBOL, and PROJECT DESCRIPTION > fields can be filled in to add detail to the project, (not required).
new area*
This functionality is used to differentiate a new or different area inside a plant. Adding a new area creates a new section of tags labeled by the Area Number. 1. Enter in the < AREA NUMBER > (this is what the area will be named in Toolkit Does not have to be a number). 2. The < CUSTOMER, CONTRACTOR, SITE NAME, and AREA DESCRIPTION > fields can be filled in to add detail to the new area.
After you have Instrument Toolkit installed, a registration screen will appear the first time you launch the Toolkit software. Please complete the registration form and leave the Registration number field empty (the software will automatically assign you a registration number). After you have the form completed, click on the sUBMIt REGIstRatIon button to begin using Instrument Toolkit.
new tag
An instrument, sensor, or transmitter in Toolkit is called a Tag. A tag is data in Toolkit that represents a physical tag on Rosemount or Micro Motion products. 1. Highlight the radio button for the type of Rosemount or Micro Motion product that you want to configure. 2. Double-click the device type from the list below.
*Field names in Red are required. Field names in Blue are not required.
1. Click on the BRoWsE button next to the Filename field and browse to the .tlk file that you want to import. 2. Click on the IMPoRt button.
Report Rollup
This functionality Rolls Up multiple reports to an Excel file allowing you to compare reports from multiple tags at one time. 1. Highlight the tag that you want to run a report on. Click nEXt Click sElEct all taGs button to highlight all available tags. 2. Check the box next to the report(s) that you wish to run. 3. Choose a location to save the reports (click on the BRoWsE button and select a location). 4. Click on the BEGIn button and the reports will be saved to the specified location.
Export tag
1. Choose your tag type (product type) from the Tag Type combo box to bring up your saved tags. 2. Highlight the tag that you want to export in the Select Tags to Export box. 3. Click on the BRoWsE button next to the < SAVE AS FILENAME > field to choose the location to export the tag to. 4. Click on the EXPoRt button.
Print tags
1. Choose the Tag Type (i.e. DP Flow Transmitters) from the combo box. 2. Check the box or boxes of the report type(s) that you wish to print. 3. Highlight the tag(s) you wish to print in the Select Tags to Print box Check the Select All Tags box to select all available tags. 4. Click on the PRInt button This will send the reports directly to your default printer.
Unit Preferences
Use the Unit Preferences window to set your Toolkit preferences for units of measure. 1. Select your preferred units of measure from the drop-down boxes in the window. The selected units will be your default units when you open a new tag. 2. Use the radio buttons to change unit selection options to US Units, Metric Units, or both. 3. When the Unit Conversions check box is checked, process information will automatically convert when you change units of measure. If the Unit Conversions check box is not checked, process conditions will not automatically convert when you change your units of measure.
Decimal Points
Use the decimal points window to set your Toolkit preferences for the number of characters you want after the decimal point. This will affect the values on the results screens, not the values on reports. 1. Choose the number of characters you want for each item (Flow rate, Temperature, Viscosity, Distance, etc) from the combo boxes on the window. 2. Click the oK button to save those preferences.