Trapping Concepts
Reference Points
1. Outside to Outside (Both Sides)
2. Inside to Outside (Both Sides)
3. Inside to Inside (Both Sides)
1. Closed gate
2. Open Gate
3. High and Low
Reference Points are points of possible contact between two participants in a physical confrontation. These
Reference Points were originally designed by the late Bruce Lee and were further developed by Guro Dan Inosanto.
This training method will give you a basic understanding of trapping and will promote:
1. Structural Examination
2. Muscle Memory
3. Power Base
4. Speed
5. Flow
Objectives of Trapping (Reasons to Trap)
1. To limit your opponent's offensive potential
2. To set up your major tools (a big shot)
3. To create space for a hit (referring to both physical space and also timing)
4. To change the Attribute Set (to favor a trained Martial Artist)
5. To use your opponent's energy against them
6. You'll end up there anyway
Standard Trapping Sequences:
1. Pak Sao - (Rear Hand Barrier - Past Centerline) - Lop Sao - Gum Sao
2. Pak Sao - (Rear Hand Barrier - On Centerline) - Loy Pak Sao - Sut Sao
3. Pak Sao - (Lead Hand Barrier) - Lop Sao - Sut Sao
4. Pak Sao - (Rear Hand Barrier) - Wedge - Pak Sao
5. Pak Sao - (Rear Hand Barrier) - Wedge - Lop Sao
6. Pak Sao - (Rear Hand Barrier) - Gaun Sao
7. Pak Sao - (Lead Hand Barrier) - Biu Sao - Gua Choy - Gum Sao
Follow-Up Combinations:
1. Jik Chung Choy (Straight Blast )
2. Chung Choy - Sut Sao - Chung Choy
3. Cross - Hook - Cross/Hook - Cross - Hook
4. Headbutt - Knee - Elbows (HKE)
5. Push Elbows - Fade Away - Jut Tek (Side Kick)
6. 2 Right Kicks
About Trapping
There are a number of very good drills that can be used to develop the kind of effective trapping skills enjoyed
by Bruce Lee in what I like to call his personal art. This simply means the way "he" did it. The principles and
mechanics that he used and what made him so astoundingly effective.
To be sure, there are different kinds of trapping for different systems. For instance, Filipino martial arts make
use of extremely effective trapping, designed around its structure, tools, and strategies. The same holds true for
other martial arts like American Kenpo where trapping is a component of the system. Bruce's trapping was born
from Wing Chun Gung Fu, an art that is very much different in nearly every respect to other arts, including its
trapping methodology.
When Bruce trapped you there was a lot more going on than opening a line of attack and/or tying up your
arms. He disrupted and broke down your structure, a key strategic point. He corrupted your balance, froze your
timing, and sent shock into your body like electricity through copper wire. By virtual of his technique, he was able
to automatically measure the correct distance for optimal striking power and accuracy, the kind needed for deep
penetration to attack the body's nervous system. While he re-angled his attack to open new lines, he took away the
distance that you needed to be effective in your counter attack. And to make all of this work, he depended on body
structure, proper mechanics, a variety of carefully forged tools, and a high degree of tactile sensitivity and
knowledge of energies. To put is simply, he trapped with the entirety of his body, not just his hands.
Bruce's inner body structure had been uniquely developed for the most part from his earlier Wing Chun
training. Yet he still had some knowledge of other gung fu arts, including Tai Chi and, to a lesser degree, Preying
Mantis. Although he later modified his fighting stance, you can be sure that his inner structure did not change. It
still afforded him the kind of grounding needed for exerting and holding pressure while jamming and trapping,
along with all of those special mechanical advantages that were so often mistaken by observers as sheer acts of
strength. These mechanical advantages constituted many of the details that not only went into Bruce's trapping,
but also into every phase of his personal art. In other words, the way he did it.
One of the things that made Bruce so different from other martial artists in the US was that he more directly
faced his opponent. Rarely, if ever, was Bruce caught in a position where he would be forced to give away one side
to his opponent. At the same time, he would always be in position to gain control of either the opponent's side or
his center, both basic strategies of Wing Chun. This facing principle was a central part of Bruce's method fighting
method and of core importance to his trapping and striking, in particular. So that I might narrow this discussion a
bit, I'll limit myself to just a few of the mechanical advantages enjoyed by Bruce that made his trapping so
incredibly effective. Of course, this requires a brief mention of his tools.
Bruce compared a tool like tan sao (palm up hand) to a car jack. "If you want to lift a Cadillac," said Bruce,
"use a jack made to lift a Cadillac, not a Volkswage". What Bruce was saying here is that your tools must be
strong enough to do the biggest jobs. At less than 135 pounds, Bruce jacked up a professional wrestler holding him
pinned to a wall with double tan saos.
Trapping Principles
So, to make the tools strong requires a number of important factors and attention to some small details. Here
are a few:
1) Immovable Elbow Principle. The elbow must be maintained on or close to your centerline, and should never be
positioned less than one fist length from your body. "If your elbow gives," I recall Bruce saying, "then your
structure is destroyed". About this, Bruce was adamant!
2) Structure Softening. Learn to soften and concave the chest so that you are all shoulders, back, and forearms.
This allows structural strength and firmer grounding while reducing tension in the body. It keeps your mid-body at
further reach from your opponent while, at the same time, naturally extending your reach to him. The soft
curvature of the body face is also used for setting up gaps that you may need for exercising powerful mechanical
advantages in the use of your tools.
3) Sealing down the shoulder. Raise it and your structure will be both offensively and defensively weakened. This
is not only important while jamming and trapping, but also in striking. The Sil Lum Tao form teaches how to weld
down the shoulders so that your structure will powerfully unitized, rather than weakly disjointed.
4) Triangle structure. Bruce's structure was based on triangles. A number of triangles beginning at the feet work
all the way up the body and end with the tools. For instance, even the simple tan sao if done correctly provides the
angles for five separate triangles. See if you can you find them.
5) Chi. (physiopsychological mumbo jumbo) To improve chi energy for greater strength in your tool you must be
sure to keep open a space between your index finger and middle finger, particularly in tan sao, jut sao, bon sao, wu
sao. In tan sao, keeping the palm flat up and angled slightly will also create a natural mechanical advantage and
line of deflection. Bruce believed in chi!
6) Wrist Mechanics. The practice of wu sao, huen sao, and jut sao (as in the Sil Lum Tao form) teaches powerful
and indomitable wrist mechanics. Pay close attention to the drilling and adduction principles using the joints of
ankles, knees, hips, forearms and wrists. These are the mechanics that will move a bigger man around with
seemingly little effort on your part. A Bruce specialty!
7) Ball Principle. If you were to roll around on a big ball, you would be rolling on multiple planes of movement.
You can go under, over, around on either side and in either direction, or at any one of 360 degrees of direction, or
push straight through. Learn to use these planes to your mechanicaladvantages. For instance, you might lift or
push down the opponent's arms or elbows to break down and move his structure. Bruce was great at this!
8) Switching. The switching movements both at the heels and the balls of the feet offer certain mechanical
advantages. For power and uprooting your opponent switch on the heels. For instance, a bon sao that not only
deflects an attack, but also serves to put shock into the opponent and disrupt him, switch on the heels. To create
angles and cover single ground in a single movement switch on the toes. To cover ground, as in snake-stepping
alternate switching on heels and toes. Bruce could either come straight at you or retreat without ever taking a step!
9) Falling Step Power. True Bruce picked this one up from Jack Dempsey's book, but he was also quite familiar
with its principle from his gung fu training. It has to do with landing your punch or trapping a hand in timing
with your lead step and weight transfer. Actually, there is an exercise that develops this power. It's one of those
tricky things that looks like a feat of strength, but also provides a clearer understanding of how to optimize the
falling step effect. (See: "Falling Step Drill"). I still wear Bruce's palm print on my chest! ;-)
10) Bow Action of Hip. Here the hip acts like a bow (as in bow and arrow), flexing and building tension, then
releasing it directionally. A fundamental power source provided by the wing chun structure and well known to
Bruce. It's the very kind of thing that you don't see, but you can be sure it's there! (see: "Hip Loading Drill)
11) Tactile Sensitivity. Bruce developed this mostly from Wing Chun's Chi Sao's sticking hands, but also from Tai
Chi's pushing hands. The only way to learn this correctly is to learn it from a good instructor, hands on. When
Bruce trapped he became one with his opponent. But one trap is not always enough. The highly skilled
practitioner will be able to go to the next move, and the next move, and whatever is needed to finish the job. Bruce
did not get stuck after the first move!
12) Helping Hand. Sometimes a single tool is just not enough and you need a little help. This is where the other
hand comes into play, a mechanical reinforcement or engine for maximizing results. It made Bruce's traps
13) Third Hand Principle. Tactile sensitivity teaches how to use the full arm as a tool. Often times you will be in
a position to trap or jam down with your opponent by using your upper forearm while, at the same instant, freeing
both of your hands. This is how Bruce fought with three hands.
14) Expanding Triangle. One of the greatest forces throughout the universe is the Principle of Compression and
Expansion. Compressing and expanding the body's structure and the use of its tools was a powerful component to
Bruce's art. The Expanding Triangle involves setting up a triangle structure with the arms, backed by the triangle
structure of the body and expanding it. The effect is unbelievably incredible mechanical forces, but with very little
15) Needless to say, this list does include all of the principles and mechanics used by Bruce, such as grounding,
slipping, poling, vectoring, oscillation, plyometrics, slanting, joint selectivity, jing (final power), simplicity, and
more. I always find it amusing to think how utterly simple Bruce's art is if you understand all that complexity of
Trapping Drills
Drill #1 Falling Step
Standing in front of your partner fully extend your right arm at chest level with fingers pointed upward, palm
facing his chest. Now stand on your left leg, hooking your right leg behind the knee. You are not punching, as this
is only an exercise to better understand an important principle. Fall forward until your palm strikes his chest. Be
sure to keep the arm straight. At the same instant that your palm lands, your foot hits the ground. It is this timing
of hand and foot striking simultaneously that maximizes weight transfer at the critical moment. If done correctly,
your partner will be hurled backward, if not knocked flat on his back. Be careful with this and have him wear a
protective pad. Important points to remember are don't hit, just fall forward keeping arm straight. Most
important, don't bend the knee when your foot impacts the ground, as this will absorb shock. Be sure you are
standing far enough away so that your impact takes place at the point of maximum acceleration. Think of a big
oak tree falling. The closer it comes to the ground the more the acceleration and the greater the impact.
Drill #2 Bow Hip Power
To get an idea of what it feels like and just how powerful it is. . . try this: Place both palms on a wall, shoulder
width apart. Step back about 4 or 5 feet with your left leg, while dropping your left hip and lifting your right foot,
extending it out in front of you as though you are taking a huge step forward. The closer you reach your extended
foot to the wall, the greater you will exert force.
Now have your partner brace both of his arms parallel at chest level. Placing your palms on his arms tell him to
resist your effort to push him back. As you step back about 4 feet with your right leg, lift your left foot and extend
it beyond and slightly to the side of him. You should feel the power build before hurling him backward.
Now, have him push against you. As he pushes, simply lift that same left leg and extend it past him. See if you
can hold against his pressure. If done correctly you will be able to accomplish this with little, if any, effort.
Learn how to use this power source in your trapping. It will crush your opponent's defenses because you are
now trapping with the mechanics of your body, not just your arms.
The construction of the hip joints and connective tissues backed by the large muscle groups are capable of
exerting tremendous power.
When striking or trapping, the bow action of the hip can be applied with the falling step. Add rotation to this,
and you have three power sources with accumulated effect. Very powerful, indeed!
Drill #3 Immovable Stance
A good wing chun trick is to pick up the long teak pole (very, very heavy) and lift it at chest level, holding your
arms straight out in front of you. Likewise, Bruce was able to demonstrate this technique with very heavy
dumbbells. The secret is not in strength, but mostly in correct hip structure. Put to practice in combat it becomes
an effective way of uplifting your opponent and breaking his structure, or holding against his pressure.
But even without this incredible mechanical advantage you can easily perform the following trick, or drill:
Have your partner place both hands on your chest or shoulders. He will easily be able to push you backward.
This time, place your palms facing upward under his elbows. As he pushes, lift his elbows upward. No matter
how hard he tries, he will not be able to push you backward. If this is not interesting enough, tell him to push as
hard as he can, as if he were pushing a car down the road. Only this time, you stand on just one leg.
Drill #4 Contact Sensitivity
Chi Sao drills develops sensitivity throughout the body and tools. But here is a good solitary chi sao drill that
Bruce used to help develop his proprioceptive sensitivity, proper neuro-efficiencies, drilling and adduction
mechanics, non-intention movement, contraction and expansion triangles, third hand, ball principle, switching,
final power (Bruce called it "sparking"). It's one of my favorites, too.
Stand crossing your wrists at chest level, palms facing inward. Now circle your arms away from you (out,
down, back, and up to original position). Repeat until you get the natural flow of this. Now try it alternating your
wrists. For example, you begin with the right wrist on the inside. At the end of a full revolution you have switched
to the left wrist on the inside. As you speed up the movement, work on relaxing the arms. Feel the contact where
the arms touch. Begin to put on and take off pressure. At any given instant, suddenly fling your hands apart
snapping into double fuk saos, or a tool punch combination. Try it watching television. Every time the camera
cuts from one scene or view to another you let your hands fly. You will be amazed at how this will build speed and
jing power.
Now, build in different techniques into the spinning motion. For instance, quan sao, kan sao, double jut sao, jut
sao/bon sao, whatever. Make up things. The more you invent the more you will learn. Feel it.
Drill # 5 - Pak Sao Drill
I will assume that everyone knows this drill. However, here are some pointers. When punching against your
opponent who pak saos, punch with your elbows in to the middle, otherwise you will be giving him bars, which are
easier to stop.
And when doing pak sao keep the elbows in so that you are giving him poles reinforced by your structure. Pak
with a cupped loose hand so that you don't take shock into the body.
Learn to drive him back with your pak saos even when he is chain punching as hard as he can. When
punching, drive him back through his pak saos.
Add different drills to your pak sao, by switching in and out of other tools. For example with your left hand, begin
with pak sao, then tan sao, then back to pak sao. Repeat with your other hand as he continues his chain punching.
As with the mechanics and principles, there are many more drills, but these all teach some very basic
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Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Grappling Arts (Original Bruce Lee's notes)
Do's: 1. Always keep moving. 2. Be prepared for counters. 3. Develop cat-like movements. 4. Make your opponent
wrestle your way. 5. Be aggressive; make your opponent think
Don'ts:1. Don't cross your legs. 2. Don't commit your arms to deeply. 3. Don't chase your opponent. 4. Don't rely
on one takedown; be ready for other openings. 5. Don't let your opponent circle you..
Joint Locks
Joint Locks may be done while standing or lying on the ground, as an immobilizing technique.
1. Outside armpit lock-to left or right stance.
2. Wrist Lock
3. Reverse Wrist
4. Reverse twisting wrist lock - to double arm lock
5. Lying across arm bar.
6. Standing single leg lock.
7. Lying single leg lock.
8. Single leg and spine lock
9. Double leg and spine lock
10. Foot twist toe.
1. Rear drop choke.
2. Lean over drop choke
3. Side drop choke
Foul Tactics:
1. Hair pulling while in-fighting
.....for control.
2. Foot stomping while in-fighting.
.....for maiming
3. Skin pinching, biting and ear pulling while in-fighting.
.....for release or control
4. Groin grabbing.
.....for maiming or release
Takedown Methods:
1. Circle step single leg tackle.
2. Drop step leg tackle.
3. Draw step leg tackle.
1. Hooking throw.
2. Reverse hooking throw.
3. Single leg tackle and trip.
4. Double leg tackle.
5. Right foot sweep -- with or without arm drag to right or left stance.
6. Left foot sweep -- with or without arm drag to right or left stance.
Closed & Open Bai Jong
All major modes of Jun Fan footwork
Offensive and defensive hand and foot tools, not excluding elbows, knees, forearms, and head.
3 Ranges of Attack
Five and three way kicking drills
Four Corner Lin SIl Die Dar
Extensive Phon Sao
Don Chi Sao
Seong Chi Sao
Inner & Outer Lop Sao Cycle Drills
Woang Pak Drill
Five Way Energy Drill
Free flowing combat sensitivity
Emotional Climate Training
Five Ways of Attack
Ground fighting (this is NOT a mat-oriented grappling school or BJJ dojo). The ground is the last place we
want to be in a real fight.
Jun Fan/ Jeet Kune Do Kickboxing Drills
Mook Ya Jong
Sparring strategy and application
Sil Lim Tao Form (Complete form as taught by Bruce Lee)
Physical conditioning
Basic Jook Wan
Theories and Principles
Centerline Theory
Mother Line
Economy of Motion Theory
Theory of Facing
The Fighting Measure
Constant Forward Pressure
Four Corner Theory
Primary and Secondary Targets
Defense Zones and Peremeters
Longest Weapon to Nearest Target
Visual Focus Principles
Relax and Explode
Zero Pressure
Triangle Structure of the Body
Positioning Drills
Judo 360 degree circle
Shooto 13 positions
Brazilian roll drills
Standing Skills
1) Bicep and arm hook to
Duck under and take the back
Arm drag and take the back
2) Basic double leg takedown
3) Neck pummeling
4) Body tackle counters, over and under
5) Rear head lock escapes
rear escape
forward roll to armlock
Front head lock escapes
Step and chuck or drop and chuck
Press and head out
Catch “A” to ankle/leg locks
Head and arm, hip throw
Victor's throw