Trust Declaration Format
Trust Declaration Format
Trust Declaration Format
16V, Plot No. B-23, MIDC, Thane Industrial Area, Wagle Estate, Thane- 400 604
Dear Sir/Madam, We wish to borrow a loan of Rs. ______________/- (Rs_________________________________ only) from India Infoline Investment Services Ltd. (IIISL) on the terms and conditions as detailed in the Master Financing Agreement & Power of Attorney to be executed with IIISL. The Trust do approve the draft of the Indenture of Master Financing Agreement & Power of Attorney, and appropriate letters and instructions (acceptable to IIISL) to be forwarded to the Depository / Depository Participant, Banks, Registrar and Transfer Agents or any other agencies in this regard, any other documents etc. We further state that in connection with the aforesaid Facility from IIISL, the Trust do hereby give its consent to the giving and creation of the pledge and/or negative lien and/or transfer of the shares/ debentures/ bonds/commodities/units of mutual fund and other marketable securities belonging to the Trust as may be pledged/offered as collateral with IIISL from time to time, in favour of IIISL and the Trust do hereby agree to enter a pledge/ mark a lien in favour of IIISL in respect of dematerialized securities; We further state that Mr. ___________________________________ and Mr. __________________________ the Authorised Signatory of the Trustee Company be and are hereby authorised jointly/severally on behalf of the Company to approve, finalise, execute, create or cause to be created on behalf of the Trust, the necessary security/security documents and all the necessary documents in favour of IIISL as required and acceptable by IIISL in connection with the said financial assistance;