Crude Unit Corrosion and Corrosion Control
Crude Unit Corrosion and Corrosion Control
Crude Unit Corrosion and Corrosion Control
This paper reviews fundamental corrosion issues There may be a flash drum in the middle of the
concerning the Crude Unit process. It is, in concise desalted crude preheat, which will allow lighter
form: a description of the process and major vapors and water to be removed from the crude
equipment found in the Crude Unit; types of corro- and sent into the upper part of the crude tower.
sion and where they occur; corrosion monitoring This design helps to prevent accumulation of
and inspection advice; and a list of related refer- water hardness on the preheat tubes as a precur-
ences for further reading. Keywords: Crude Unit, sor to fouling. If there is no flash drum, at 450°F to
Atmospheric Column, Vacuum Column, desalting, 550°F (230°C to 280°C) the crude may enter a Pre-
inorganic salts, sulfur compounds, organic acids, flash Column. The Preflash Column typically has
organic chlorides, naphthenic acid, caustic addi- no reboiler section or bottoms stripping steam, so
tion, pH control, corrosion inhibitor, water wash- with no upward moving vapors from any source
ing, corrosion rate measurement other than the crude preheat, the crude will enter
below the bottom tray. In the Preflash Column,
Crude Unit Process Description most of the light naphtha and all of the lighter
components are removed from the crude oil,
In the petroleum refining process, the Crude Unit yielding a “flashed crude.” Preflashing the crude
is the initial stage of distillation of the crude oil into unloads the top of the Atmospheric Column and
useable fractions, either as end products or feed the Crude Heater, thus increasing throughput and
to downstream units. The major pieces of equip- reducing heater coking. A Preflash Column will
ment found on crude units will vary depending on often operate at a temperature low enough that
factors such as the assay of the design crude, the condensation of water can occur inside the tower,
age of the refinery, and other downstream units. which often leads to corrosion of the tower inter-
The unit discussed in this paper has all of the nals. Some units process a crude heavy enough
major pieces of equipment found on crude units that they do not have a Preflash Column, and
including double desalting, a preflash section, an crude is directly fed to the Atmospheric Column
atmospheric section, a vacuum section, and a following the preheat and crude heater.
stabilization section.
In a Preflash Column, butane and lighter fractions
Cold crude from storage is transferred from tank- will go overhead. Liquids which distill overhead
age by the unit charge pump and is preheated in are most often sent to a Debutanizer and the
a series of heat exchangers. It then passes gases are sent to the Saturate Gas Plant or plant
through the desalters and another series of heat fuel gas. Light naphtha may be drawn off the side
exchangers. The operation.of the desalter is spe- of the Preflash Column, or taken overhead,
cial enough to warrant a separate section follow- depending on the refinery configuration. The light
ing this crude unit process overview description.
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Figure 1: Generic Crude Oil
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Heavy vacuum gas oil is drawn off the lower part 1. Remove chloride salts, typically calcium, mag-
of the column, is combined with the light vacuum nesium, and sodium to minimize corrosion in
gas oil, and sent as feed to the Cat Cracker. The the crudeunit overhead system. This corrosion
column bottoms residuum is sent to a Coking Unit is caused by hydrochloric acid which is formed
or to plant fuel oil. Vacuum towers may also be by hydrolysis ofthe magnesium and calcium
used to produce feedstocks for lube oil plants.
salts during the distillation process.
In the stabilization section, the Naphtha Splitter 2. Remove solids and sediment that cause ero-
bottoms go to the Catalytic Reformer and the sion or abrasion of equipment. Deposition of
overhead liquid to the Debutanizer Column. From solids in thepreheat exchanger train can lead
the Debutanizer Column, the overhead liquid goes to plugging of tubes or fouling which results in
to the Saturate Gas Plant or to plant fuel and the
reduced heat transferand higher energy con-
bottoms to the Isomerization Unit.
Crude Desalting 3. Minimize unit upsets by preventing water
slugs from tankage to be charged directly to
Crude oils are complex mixtures obtained from the distillation column.
many parts of the world, and all crudes contain
varying degrees of impurities. These impurities A detailed description of how desalters operate is
consist of naturally occurring water, salts, solids beyond the scope of this paper. However, a sum-
and metals as well as added contamination from mary of the major variables and their expected
well stimulants, gathering methods, storage and effect on the desalter operation follows:
transportation. Adverse effects of these impurities • Crude oil properties - Because desalters rely on
are excessive corrosion, fouling and unit upsets. the density difference between oil and water,
These effects can result in shortened unit run lower gravity (higher density), higher viscosity
lengths and reduced equipment reliability. To crudes make it more difficult to separate water
minimize these effects, the refiner often washes from the crude, and hence more difficult to
the crude oil with water, and uses a desalting ves- desalt.
sel to remove the added water and most of the
• Desalting temperature and pressure - Gener-
inorganic contaminants from the crude prior to
ally desirable desalting temperatures are in the
distillation in the crude unit. Common desalter
range of 250°F to 300°F (120°C to 260°C). The
types and a brief description of them are given
upper temperature limit is to avoid vaporiza-
tion of the crude oil in the desalter, or to pre-
• Electrical desalting - an electric field is induced vent damage to the electrical grid insulator
by AC or DC current in the oil and water mix- bushings.
ture to enhance water coalescence.
• Residence time - Adequate residence time is
• Chemical desalting - surfactant chemicals are essential for oil-water separation. Heavier cru-
used to aid water coalescence desrequire longer residence time because the
• Chemical and electrical desalting - a hybrid of gravity difference between the oil and water is
electrical and chemical methods reduced.For low gravity crudes, the required
• Gravitational separation - typically a large tank water residence time can be two hours.
or drum which allows water and water borne Chemical emulsion breakerselection may have
contaminants to separate due to density a significant effect on oil undercarry in the
difference between the water and oil phases. water which is caused by inadequateresidence
The type, size and series stages of desalting facili- • Wash water quality and rate - Variables in
ties chosen is dictated by the individual refiner water quality, particularly pH can affect the
based on refinery specific requirements and limi- effectiveness ofdesalting and the transport of
tations. The fundamental functions of desalters water and ammonia into the crude or oil into
are the following: the desalter brine water. Sufficient added
Tp1105 Page 3
water must be provided to ensure good coa- To minimize fouling in the raw crude preheat train
lescence of the water in the crude. from the deposition of salts in the crude, it is
• Wash water mixing - To ensure the added advisable to utilize a portion of the wash water for
water is dispersed well so that it can be avail- injection immediately downstream of the crude
able tocombine with the contaminants in the charge pump. This water is referred to as “pri-
crude, a controllable mixing is required. This is mary” water. While testing and adjusting to find
typically accomplished by a mixing valve with and maintain the optimum primary water rate is
adjustable pressure drop. Location of the wash advisable, a good starting point is an even split.
water injection may vary, normally into one or For example, 5% (v) wash water would be split into
more places between the raw crude charge 2.5% each for primary and secondary locations,
pump and the mix valve.Injecting desalter with an injection at the desalter mix valve as the
water into the suction of a crude pump is not most common secondary location. Tighter control
recommended because this mixing can not be on mixing valve adjustments is required while in
controlled. Over mixing can prevent adequate this mode of operation.
water coalescence. Another item that may improve desalting is wash
Some of these items are discussed in more detail water pH control. Chemical desalters are more
in the paragraphs which follow. efficient with high pH water, somewhere around
8.0 to 9.5. While electrical desalters function much
The source of desalter wash water is governed by better in the 5.5 to 7.0 pH range. Low pH’s result in
the refiner’s needs, environmental requirements, excessive corrosion while high pH permits ammo-
anavailability of reusable process waters. How- nia to migrate into the crude. Excessively high pH
ever, the purer the water, the easier it is to wash can aid in stable emulsion formation. Typical pH
the crude. Thvolume of water can be from 3 - 10% control, if required, is done with sulfuric acid or
with typical usage at ~5% based on total crude caustic into the water as far upstream as possible,
charge. Lowering the waswater rate below 3% of with pH controllers monitoring results. Quills for
total charge reduces the rate of coalescence and injection of the acid or caustic are necessary to
often makes water removal more difficult. A low avoid mix point corrosion. Spent acids and caustic
water rate in conjunction with high mixing energy are not advisable. They may return impurities to
will likely further degrade desalter performance. the crude stream that can promote equipment
fouling and corrosion.
For the wash water to be effective in removing the
impurities from the crude, it must make good con- Chemical assistance is extremely important for
tact.with the crude. Controlled mixing is achieved the desalting operation. Chemicals, when properly
most often by use of a mixing valve which permits applied, will not only enhance the speed of sepa-
varying degrees of water/oil contact. The higher ration, but will assist residence time, improve sol-
the pressure drop ∆P) across the mix valve, the ids removal, minimize water carryover/oil
greater the mixing energy. However, if the ∆P is undercarry, and reduce the emulsion layer (cuff, or
excessive, a tight emulsion will form which cannot rag) to a manageable thickness. The chemicals
be easily resolved in the desalter. Poor water used are termed emulsion breakers, wetting
separation increases the BS&W (Basic Sediment agents, and/or demulsifiers. They can be oil solu-
and Water) carryover with the crude and high oil ble, water soluble, or water/oil dispersible and in
entrainment in the effluent brine. If the ∆P is too varying forms of chemistry. However, they all
low, the crude/water contact will be insufficient serve a common goal, to enhance separation of
for good desalter efficiency. Typical mixing valve impurities from the crude. The chemicals are sur-
∆P is 10 to 20 psi. The only sure method for de- factants which migrate to the oil/water interface
termining the optimum DP for operation is by test- to rupture the stabilizing film around the water
ing and adjusting while monitoring the desalter. droplets that allows them to merge and coalesce.
Many variables dictate mixing valve ∆P require-
ments and must be considered before adjust- Chemical usage rates vary widely with crude type,
ments are made. equipment and operating parameters. It is usually
in the range of 1 pint (3 vppm) to 1 gallon
(25 vppm) per thousand barrels of crude. Several
Page 4 tp1105
test methods are available for chemical selection The Atmospheric Column is commonly lined more
on a cost/performance basis. Chemical vendors extensively than the Preflash Column because the
are best equipped to assist with these evaluations, feed, at about 690°F (365°C), is not only hotter, but
as refinery laboratories are not normally equipped also contains larger amounts of HCl and H2S. The
for these tests. top of the column is often lined with UNS 04400 to
protect against condensing HCl. Even though the
For the chemical to be effective, it must be well top temperature may be above the water dew
dispersed before it arrives in the desalting vessel. point, the addition of “cold” reflux can cause local-
The oil soluble/dispersible types are normally ized condensation and conditions extremely cor-
injected into the crude charge pump suction or rosive to carbon steel.
upstream of the wash water inlet point. Water
soluble/dispersible chemistry injection is preferred Typically, the lower 2/3 to 3/4 of the column will
with the wash water, in the wash water pump be lined with 12% chrome cladding to protect
suction, or before the flow controller. against high temperature sulfur corrosion.
Materials of Construction In the area of the feed inlet, or flash zone, Type
316 stainless steel may be required in those plants
The majority of the equipment in a Crude Unit is processing crudes high in naphthenic acid con-
made of carbon steel regardless of whether the tent.
crude slate is “sweet” or “sour.” The term sour
It is important to make sure that the nozzles in
refers to the release of H2S, but is often applied to
each area are lined with the same material as the
a crude oil based on its sulfur content, with less
shell. After exposure to service, the shell immedi-
than 0.5 wt% sulfur called “sweet” or greater than
ately above and below the cladding should be
1.0% called sour. This use of carbon steel is possi-
closely monitored for wall loss. It is not uncommon
ble because at temperatures below about
to find that the original clad areas need to be ex-
450°F (230°C), except for the preflash and atmos-
pheric column overhead systems, the streams are
essentially non-corrosive to carbon steel. Where In the absence of naphthenic acids, the Vacuum
temperatures exceed 450°F (230°C), problems Column is typically lined with 12% chrome, with
with high temperature sulfur attack and the exception of the top few feet and head. The
naphthenic acid corrosion may begin. In the over- flash zone is often one of the worst naphthenic
head system, the formation of acidic deposits of acid problem areas. For highly naphthenic crudes,
condensates occurs below about 250°F (120°C) Type 316 or 317 stainless steel cladding may be
and often necessitates the use of one or more required in all areas of the column operating
highly alloyed materials. above 450°F (230°C).
The purpose of this section is to point out where In sweet crude plants, the side-stream strippers
problems occur in major equipment and systems, are usually unlined even though the diesel and
and to discuss the materials commonly used to atmospheric gas oil feeds are 550°F (285°C) and
alleviate those problems. 650°F (345°C). In plants running sour crude, these
hot strippers might require a 12% chrome lining.
Columns The Naphtha Splitter and Debutanizer are nor-
mally not lined.
In a Crude Unit designed to process “sweet” crude,
the Preflash Column will typically have UNS 04400
Exchangers and Piping
cladding in the top zone which operates near or
below the dew point. The remainder of the shell Heat exchanger metallurgy varies with stream
will be bare carbon steel. This Ni-Cu alloy will be composition and temperature. The majority of the
corroded by sulfur compounds above about exchangers are 100% carbon steel. In fresh water
350°F (177°C). Since the inlet temperature is about cooled exchangers, admiralty brass tubes have
500°F (260°C), crude units typically have a 12% been used to prevent water-side fouling and cor-
chrome lining in the bottom to protect against sul- rosion. Due to the cost of the brass bundles and
fur corrosion. improvements in cooling water treatment, many
Tp1105 Page 5
brass bundles are being replaced with carbon nium. Where chloride salt fouling and corrosion
steel. Where sea water or brackish water are occurs, titanium exchanger tubes have worked
used, admiralty brass, cupro-nickel, UNS 04400, well. The unlined carbon steel exchanger shells
titanium, and some of the super ferritic (e.g., may be strongly attacked, particularly around the
26 Cu-1 Mo) and duplex stainless steels have been inlet nozzles. This may require UNS 04400 clad-
used successfully where carbon steel failed to per- ding or weld overlay in this area. If the pH of the
form. The use of austenitic stainless steels has system is well controlled, as measured at the
been limited in water service due to their suscep- overhead receiver, and inhibitors are properly
tibility to chloride stress cracking and under- used, the remainder of the piping and exchangers
deposit pitting. downstream can be carbon steel with few serious
In hot hydrocarbon service, the use of 5% chrome
materials in heat exchangers is common. As the The overhead vacuum condensers may have ad-
sulfur content in the crude increases, the use of miralty brass tubes and Type 316 stainless steel
high chrome tubes and 12% chrome shell and lined shells and Type 316 SS outlet lines. The
channel linings becomes necessary. Austenitic stainless steel may be needed because of CO2 and
stainless steels are also used to great advantage H2S in the condensing vapors. However, carbon
in this service. steel is often used successfully. Sometimes 90-10
or 70-30 copper-nickel tubes are used in the vac-
Generally, the most severe corrosion problems are uum condensers as part of standard vendor
in the areas of initial condensation in the atmos- steam ejector packages. In some case, 90-10 can
pheric column and preflash column overhead sys- experience accelerated corrosion since copper-
tems. This may include the top of the column, the nickel alloys are not highly resistant to H2S. Mate-
overhead vapor line, the naphtha exchangers, rials such as Admiralty or Aluminum brasses may
coolers and interconnecting piping. As was men- be considered.
tioned previously, these are the areas where HCl
vapor, formed by the hydrolysis of the magnesium Fired Heaters
and calcium chloride salts in the preheat, dis-
solves in the condensing water to form hydrochlo- The fired heaters have corrosion and material
ric acid. HCl, along with hydrogen sulfide which is problems due to the elevated temperatures ex-
also present, creates a very corrosive environ- perienced both on the process side and in the fire-
ment. Usually the UNS 04400 lining and trays in box. The Atmospheric Heater receives flashed
the tops of the columns are effective in resisting crude at about 500°F (260°C) and sends it to the
the acid attack unless chloride salt deposits form. Atmospheric Column at about 690°F (365°C). For
The overhead vapor line, which is typically carbon sweet crude, the radiant tubes and lower rows of
steel, can be severely attacked if unneutralized convection tubes are typically 5% chrome with
condensate is present. A good pH control program carbon steel in the upper rows of the convection
in conjunction with corrosion inhibitors can be section. In the Vacuum Heater, with a 680°F
very effective in protecting the bare steel line. (360°C) inlet and 720°F (380°C) outlet the radiant
tubes and convection tubes would be 5% chrome
The chlorides in the overhead receiver water for sweet and 7 - 9% chrome for sour crudes.
should be kept below 25 WPPM, which can usually Some plants running very sour crudes have Type
be accomplished with effective desalting of the 316 austenitic stainless steel radiant tubes. This
crude oil and judicious use of caustic addition to material would also be used where naphthenic
the desalted crude. This will go a long way toward acid attack is severe.
solving the acidic condensate corrosion problems.
However, if the chlorides exceed about 30 PPM High fire-box temperatures of >= 1500°F (815°C)
(mg/L), the solution to the problem may be quite also create materials problems. Tube supports
difficult. It is sometimes necessary to install a and hangers suffer excessive oxidation and pre-
UNS.04400, or UNS 04400 clad, vapor line. The mature failure if they are not sufficiently alloyed.
heat exchangers closest to the point of initial con- Historically, HH casting alloy (25% chrome -
densation or chloride salt deposition may require 12% nickel) was the industry standard. This mate-
alloy tubes, ranging from admiralty brass to tita- rial did well in the cooler convection section, but
Page 6 tp1105
failed in the radiant section. The substitution of HK approximately 95% of the MgCl2 and 15% of the
alloy (25% chrome - 20% nickel) added extra life in CaCl2 have hydrolyzed. The chemical reaction is:
the hot areas. Higher nickel materials give excel- MgCl2 + H20 2HCl + MgO (1)
lent service where low sulfur fuel is burned. How-
ever, where sulfur is high, these alloys suffer from A similar reaction occurs for the CaCl2. The NaCl,
sulfidation. This is also true for the high nickel being more temperature stable, does not hydro-
welding electrodes commonly used to fabricate or lyze to any appreciable extent.
repair the Cr-Ni castings. Units which burn fuel oil
high in sodium and vanadium may have refrac- The HCl vapor thus formed is not corrosive at tem-
tory lined HK alloy or solid 50 Cr-50 Ni supports to peratures above the water dew point. For this rea-
resist fuel ash corrosion. son, there is no corrosive acid attack in the
preheat system where no liquid water is present.
The transfer lines from the heaters to the columns However, in the preflash and atmospheric col-
are usually alloyed much the same as the heater umns, the HCl is carried up the columns with the
tubes. The vacuum heater outlet piping and trans- hydrocarbon where, being highly water soluble, it
fer line may be severely attacked by naphthenic dissolves in the condensing water to form hydro-
acid, requiring the use of Type 316 stainless steel. chloric acid. This highly corrosive acid can create
severe corrosion problems in the top of the col-
Materials and Corrosion Problems umn, the overhead line, the overhead exchanger
and condensers. The source of the condensing
Crude oil is a mixture of many different chemical water can be the crude oil, stripping steam, or
compounds, generally combinations of carbon carryover from the desalters. The resulting corro-
and hydrogen, all with their own unique physical sion reaction with steel is:
properties. Crude oil as such is not considered to
be corrosive to carbon steel. However, crude oils Fe + 2HCl FeCl2 + H2 (2)
all contain some impurities, several of which can The presence of H2S (which will be covered later)
be extremely corrosive under crude unit operating keeps the reaction going as follows:
conditions. The more common of these potentially
damaging impurities are: FeCl2 + H2S 2HCl + FeS (3)
1. Inorganic salts The formation of additional HCl thus perpetuates
2. Sulfur compounds the cycle.
3. Organic acids Above the water dew point, HCl can also react
4. Organic chlorides with NH3 to form solid ammonium chloride (NH4Cl).
The temperature at which NH4Cl forms is depend-
Inorganic Salts ent upon the partial pressures of HCl and NH3.
NH4Cl is hygroscopic so may absorb moisture
Inorganic salts are present in brine produced with even though water is not condensing. Wet NH4Cl
the crude oil or picked up as a contaminant from is highly corrosive to many materials. Ammonia is
tanker ballast. The bulk of the salts present in the often added to neutralize HCl. Other sources of
water are sodium chloride (NaCl), magnesium ammonia include carry-over from desalter wash
chloride (MgCl2) and calcium chloride (CaCl2), com- water and streams imported from hydrotreating
monly reflecting the composition of sea water units. NH dependent upon the partial pressures of
(~85%, 10%, 5%, respectively). However, these HCl and NH3. NH4Cl deposition can occur in the
ratios can vary widely. The total salt content by tops of the columns as well as in overhead and
weight can vary from less than three pounds per reflux piping and overhead condensers. Some
thousand barrels of crude oil (PTB) to 300 PTB or chloride salt characteristics of commonly used
more. neutralizing amines can be found in the Corrosion
When the crude oil is preheated, most of the Control Measures discussion on Overhead pH con-
MgCl2 and a small amount of the CaCl2 begin to trol.
hydrolyze at about 250°F (120°C) and form hydro-
gen chloride (HCl) vapor. At 700°F (370°C),
Tp1105 Page 7
Sulfur Compounds severity are pH, chloride ion concentration, and
sulfide ion concentration. The types of corrosion
Some forms of sulfur are found in virtually all control programs described in the discussion on
crude oils. Sulfur contents up to 6 wt% are not inorganic salts also apply to corrosion control in
unusual, but most crudes fall within the range of H2S containing sour water.
0.5 - 3.0 wt%. The most important sulfur related
corrosion problems are caused by hydrogen sul- Organic Acids
fide (H2S), both below the water dew point (aque-
ous) and above 500°F (260°C). While small Many crude oils contain organic acids, but seldom
amounts of naturally occurring H2S may survive do they constitute a serious corrosion problem.
the journey to the crude unit in some crudes, the However, a few crudes contain sufficient quanti-
bulk of the H2S present in the unit is the result of ties of organic acid, generally naphthenic acids, to
the thermal decomposition reactive organic sulfur cause severe problems in those parts of the crude
compounds which occurs in the heaters between unit operating over 450°F (230°C). Thus,
500°F (260°C) and 900°F (480°C). naphthenic acid attack often occurs in the same
places as high temperature sulfur attack such as
It is difficult to predict the corrosivity of a crude oil heater tube outlets, transfer lines, column flash
based entirely on its sulfur content. Generally, the zones, and pumps. In sour crude units a crude TAN
dividing line between non-corrosive and corrosive (Total Acid Number) of 1.0 (mg KOH/g) is sufficient
crudes lies somewhere between 0.5% and 1.0%. to be concerned about potential naphthenic acid
However, the determining factor is quite often not corrosion. In sweet units, a TAN of 0.5 may be high
the amount of sulfur compounds, but rather the enough to cause corrosion. Both high temperature
extent to which these compounds thermally sulfur and naphthenic acid mechanisms are
decompose to form H2S. This phenomenon strongly affected by velocity. Whereas sulfur cor-
requires evaluating each crude individually. rosion is characterized by a smooth surface with a
sulfide scale deposit, naphthenic acid corrosion
At temperatures in excess of about 500°F (260°C),
results in sharp edged, smooth grooves, gouges,
H2S reacts with iron to form iron sulfide scale. The
or holes with no corrosion scale or deposit. Those
rate at which this reaction occurs is dependent on
materials commonly used to prevent high tem-
the H2S concentration, the temperature, the
perature sulfur corrosion, primarily 5% to 12%
stream velocity, and the composition of the mate-
chrome steels, can be severely attacked by
rial. Generally, an increase in sulfide concentra-
naphthenic acid. The most commonly used mate-
tion, temperature, or velocity will increase the rate
rial is type 316 stainless steel, which does well
of metal loss. An increase in the chromium con-
because of its molybdenum content. Type 304,
tent of the material will decrease the rate, with
which contains no molybdenum, has some resis-
5% chromium being a practical minimum thresh-
tance to lower levels of naphthenic acids, but in
old level required for corrosion protection. Lower
most cases it is no better than carbon steel.
chrome alloys like 1-1/4 Cr - 1/2 Mo and 2-1/4
Cr - 1 Mo do not have significantly enhanced cor-
Organic Chlorides
rosion resistance to justify their increased cost
over carbon steel. High temperature sulfur attack Organic chlorides constitute a contaminant in
is a serious problem in the hot portions of the crude oil, often resulting from the carry-over of
atmospheric column, preflash column, the vac- chlorinated solvents which are used in the oil
uum column, fired heater tubes, hot heat ex- fields. They can also be picked up by the crude
changers and.associated piping. The problem is during transportation in contaminated tanks or
alleviated by the use of proper alloy materials, as lines. Organic chlorides are not removed in the
discussed previously. desalters. Some of them can decompose in the
heaters, forming HCl, causing erratic pH control
Aqueous phase H2S corrosion is widespread in the
and accelerated corrosion in the crude unit over-
predominantly carbon steel equipment where
head system as well as in downstream units.
water can condense. While a specific mechanism
to cover all situations is not available, it is known
that three important variables in determining its
Page 8 tp1105
Corrosion Control Measures contamination problems in downstream units if it
is not controlled properly. A typical limit for avoid-
The crude unit overhead system can benefit from ing coking problems in furnaces is to inject no
corrosion control measures other than materials more than necessary based on downstream chlo-
selection as described earlier. Several steps can ride (20 to 30 ppm [mg/L] in the Atmospheric Col-
be taken to reduce the severity of acid attack in umn overhead water) or sodium limits (20-50
the crude unit overhead circuit: wppm in the Vacuum Tower bottoms).
1. Blending Fresh caustic is preferred over spent caustic for
2. Desalting two major reasons. Spent caustic tends to have
3. Caustic addition variable amounts of “free” or available NaOH to
neutralize the HCl formed. As a result, proper con-
4. Overhead pH control
trol is very difficult. Also, spent caustic, depending
5. Use of corrosion inhibitors on its source, can be a significant promoter of
6. Water washing preheat exchanger fouling.
To minimize the negative effects of caustic injec-
tion and maximize its efficiency, thorough mixing
Perhaps the most commonly used technique for is necessary. To achieve good mixing, the caustic
corrosion control is the blending of problem cru- is often added to suction of the crude booster
des with non-problem crudes. Sometimes the pumps after desalting. Some refineries will mix by
flexibility may not exist, or blending may not pro- injecting the dilute caustic into a slipstream of
vide enough reduction of the problems, and in desalted crude oil prior to its injection into the
those cases more attention needs to be placed on main process. Injection of caustic upstream of the
the following options. desalters is not recommended because high
desalter water pH can result in the formation of
Desalting emulsions and can drive ammonia into the crude.
Also, the caustic will be unavailable to react where
As the name implies, the primary purpose of a the salt hydrolysis takes place since it will typically
desalter is to reduce the amount of salt in the be removed in the desalter brine. For units without
crude oil, less than 3 ppm (1 PTB) being a com- a desalter, to minimize potential for caustic crack-
monly targeted level. Removal of the salt reduces ing, if possible caustic should be added to the pre-
the amount of HCl produced from hydrolysis in the heat train at or about desalter outlet temperature.
preheat and flash zone of the crude tower. In ad-
dition to salt removal, the desalting process also Overhead pH Control
removes entrained solids such as sand, salt, rust,
and paraffin wax crystals which may be present in The desired result of an overhead pH control pro-
the crude. Removal of these contaminants helps gram is to produce an essentially non-corrosive
decrease plugging and fouling in heaters and pre- environment by neutralizing the acidic compo-
heat.exchangers. nents in the overhead liquid. This is done by inject-
ing ammonia, an organic neutralizing amine, or a
Caustic Addition combination of the two. The desired pH control
range depends on the concentrations of the vari-
The addition of small amount of dilute caustic ous components of the corrosive environment.
(NaOH) to the desalted crude is often an effective
way to reduce the amount of HCl released in the Usually, this range is 5.5 to 6.5. However, it is
preheaters. The caustic converts the HCl to ther- important to recognize that neutralizers may have
mally stable NaCl, thus reducing the amount of only a different effect on the pH at the initial con-
free HCl produced. While the results of caustic ad- densation point. At this point, the pH could be
dition can be quite beneficial, there is a risk of higher or lower, depending on the product
crude preheat train fouling, accelerated atmos- selected. A pH above 8 must be avoided if brass
pheric, vacuum, and visbreaker or coker coking, alloys are used in the overhead system as they
caustic stress corrosion cracking, and catalyst
Tp1105 Page 9
are vulnerable to stress corrosion cracking and “filmers.” These inhibitors establish a continuously
accelerated corrosion at high pH. replenished thin film which forms a protective bar-
rier between acids in the system and the metal
The preferred injection point for the neutralizer is surface underneath the film. For maximum results,
the subject of some debate. In single overhead proper pH control of the system is essential.
drum systems, some chemical vendors advocate
injecting the neutralizer into the column reflux Filming inhibitor injection rates will vary with time
stream to help protect the tower internals. Others and between refineries. There is a surface adsorp-
discourage this practice because neutralizer- tion/desorption steady state established which
chloride salts, similar to ammonia salts, that form varies based on the aggressiveness of corrosion in
in the tower may be corrosive especially to copper the system, and the inhibitor concentration. Fac-
bearing alloys such as Monel, and may be trapped tors which affect inhibitor solubility in the liquids,
in a section of the tower. Because stability of neu- such as pH, and affect the inhibitor’s ability to
tralizer-chloride salts vary depending on the type adsorb onto the surface, such as temperature, will
of neutralizer used, the various options and their affect the effective dosage for a given situation. A
risks should be discussed with the chemical ven- typical injection rate is of the order of 3 to 5 vppm
dor prior to implementing a chemical treatment for normal operations. During startups or unit up-
program. sets, injection rates may be temporarily increased
to levels such as 12 vppm to help establish or re-
In two-stage overhead systems, the neutralizer or establish the protective film. Inhibitors also could
ammonia (or both) is normally injected upstream have a cleaning effect so they may remove some
of the second stage condensers. Generally neu- iron sulfide deposits, particularly at the higher in-
tralizers are not used in the first stage if it oper- jection rates.
ates without water condensation due to concerns
with forming corrosive neutralizer-chloride salts Because these inhibitors have high molecular
which may also be refluxed to the tower. Wet first- weights, they are non-volatile and will follow the
stage systems, however, may benefit from neu- path of other liquids present following their injec-
tralizer addition if there is a continuous water tion. Therefore, they must be independently in-
draw from the first stage drum. Neutralizers are jected into both stages of a two-stage overhead
sometimes used in vacuum tower overhead sys- system. Filming inhibitors should normally not be
tems as well, using an application point that injected in concentrated form. Inhibitors are non-
minimizes or eliminates the possibility of introduc- corrosive to equipment at treatment dosage dilu-
ing neutralizer-chloride salts into the tower. tions, but near 100% concentration they may be
corrosive to injection equipment. This should be
A variety of neutralizers and blends of neutralizers kept in mind when designing an injection system.
are available for pH control. Some neutralizer Typically, naphtha dilution is provided to help the
components in widespread use today include dispersion at the injection point.
ammonia (NH3), morpholine, ethylene diamine
(EDA), monoethanolamine (MEA), and meth- In the feed to the Atmospheric and Vacuum Col-
oxypropylamine (MOPA). All of the neutralizer salts umns, as well as in the columns themselves,
are water soluble. MOPA and MEA form liquid neu- naphthenic acid corrosion can occur. There has
tralizer salts with chlorides at elevated tempera- been some success with the use of corrosion in-
tures. NH3, morpholine and EDA form solid salts. hibitors purported to be effective in the
Liquid salts may be less prone to fouling, but they 500oF (260oC) to 700oF (370oC) temperature range
may also flow better and result in more wide- and for this type of corrosion. These inhibitors may
spread salt corrosion if they are returned to the offer some economic advantage over alloy when
atmospheric tower. the acidic crudes are charged intermittently, but
their effectiveness is hard to determine. Addition-
Corrosion Inhibitor ally, most of the inhibitors available contain phos-
phorus, which may be considered to be a poison
Most overhead corrosion control programs to some hydrotreating catalysts.
include the injection of proprietary film forming
organic inhibitors, commonly referred to as
Page 10 tp1105
Water Washing Corrosion Monitoring
Since the products of the above discussed neu- Several methods of evaluating the effectiveness of
tralization reactions, ammonium chloride or amine crude unit corrosion control programs are
chloride, can be highly corrosive and also cause employed as follows:
fouling, it is common practice to recirculate water
from the overhead receiver back into the column 1. Water analyses - for pH, metals, chlorides, and
overhead vapor line. Stripped sour water and/or hardness
other water condensates are also by some refin- 2. Hydrocarbon analyses - Inhibitor residual and
eries. Water which contains dissolved oxygen, metals
however, can dramatically accelerate corrosion 3. Corrosion rate measurement by:
and should be avoided. Water washing can be
a. Electrical resistance probe
quite effective, but must be carefully engineered
to prevent the creation of more corrosion prob- b. Weight loss coupon
lems and cause significant loss of heat exchange c. Linear polarization resistance probe
in the overhead naphtha coolers. 4. On stream non-destructive examination by UT
or RT
Water washing the vapor line can prove to be
beneficial or disastrous. Too little water can just Water Analyses (Overhead Corrosion Control)
add to the acid making process, and too much
can cause grooving of the line. The path of the The most important monitoring parameter for
grooves can be unpredictable and difficult to good overhead corrosion control is receiver pH.
locate with normal U.T. surveys. A proper spray The system pH can shift from an acceptable pH to
nozzle is necessary to prevent impingement cor- an aggressively corrosive pH in a matter of min-
rosion of the pipe downstream of the injection utes, so the overhead receiver pH should be
point. When the wash water is injected directly measured as frequently as possible on the
upstream of the condensers, a good distribution Atmospheric Column. The Preflash Column and
system is necessary to ensure evenly divided flow Vacuum Column pH will usually not shift as rap-
among the different banks of exchangers. An idly. Continuous pH monitor reliability is poor rela-
intermittent wash is difficult to optimize, may be tive to most other instruments used in refining,
neglected, and may actually increase corrosion of and so most refineries still rely on manual read-
otherwise dry and non-corrosive salts. Therefore, ings. Although pH measurements can capture a
use of water on an intermittent basis should be corrosive event and prevent extended damage,
considered only when a continuous wash is not even holding the pH in an acceptable range does
possible due to process constraints, or when a not always assure the lowest possible corrosion
continuous wash has been shown to create ero- rate. See the section on Corrosion Control Meas-
sion problems. ures, Overhead pH Control for more information.
The ideal water injection rate is 5% to 10% of the Routine analysis of the overhead receiver water
overhead stream. Excessive water rates, however, for metals can be of value in some cases, particu-
can result in poor water separation in the over- larly when used in conjunction with other methods
head drum. Poor separation can result in water of measurement. Iron, copper and zinc are typi-
being returned to the tower in the reflux and cally measured, but this depends on the materials
resultant corrosion both in the tower and the used in the overhead system. If no brass, copper,
overhead line. With the proper mechanical design nickel, or UNS 04400 alloys are used, for example,
and chemical balance, the water wash can be an there is little value in determining copper, nickel,
important part of the overhead corrosion control or zinc concentrations. Much reliance has been
program. put on the iron content of the water, and very of-
ten the results are misleading. Since iron solubility
is quite dependent on pH, the iron concentration
in the receiver water may not be
indicative of the amount of iron going into solution
somewhere upstream where the pH may be
Tp1105 Page 11
lower. The only source of copper and zinc in a cal data is very useful as a check on current con-
typical system would be brass or UNS 04400 ditions. The absolute value of the metals content
exchanger bundles. If their levels increase in the will change when naphthenic crudes are proc-
water (particularly zinc in brass-containing sys- essed. Some of that metal comes from “tramp”
tems), there probably is a corrosion problem. This metals in the crude oil. Some of these metal-
has been seen very dramatically in the FCCU and naphthenates will distill, which can make even a
cokers. relative determination of the rate of corrosion dif-
ficult. The ratio of iron to nickel has been used with
Overhead receiver water chlorides are a very use- some success as a relative measure of the effec-
ful parameter to measure. Since aqueous corro- tiveness of naphthenic acid corrosion inhibitors. In
sion is almost always related to the quantity of most systems, the presence of nickel is from
hydrochloric acid or chloride salts, measuring “tramp” sources, because the nickel alloys which
chlorides can help to confirm when a corrosion are used corrode very little. The measure of iron
event began, and how long it was sustained. A will include both the tramp iron and the iron from
regular measurement of chlorides can also be active.corrosion. If the iron/nickel ratio declines, it
used to optimize caustic addition or blending of is then assumed to be due to inhibitor effective-
crudes which result in minimum corrosivity. ness. What cannot be determined using this tech-
An often overlooked measurement which can be nique is the uniformity of the protection, and
useful for corrosion control measurement is hard- localized corrosion zones remain a concern.
ness. The hardness of water condensing in an
Corrosion Rate Measurement
overhead should be zero. If any hardness is
detected, it generally will mean that a leak has Electrical resistance corrosion rate probes are
occurred in a cooling water exchanger. If a recy- widely used but with varied success. These
cled water wash is in use, a cooling water leak devices measure the change of cross section of
means that oxygenated water is being recycled. the measuring element by measuring the change
Oxygen can accelerate corrosion. Additionally, the in resistance to electric current flow. It is neces-
hardness from the water can precipitate when the sary to take a series of readings over a period of
water is injected into the overhead, causing time to establish a curve, the slope of which is
severe fouling. If hardness is detected, it is possi- indicative of the corrosion rate. This device is used
ble that adjustments will need to be made to the with good success in many instances. However,
corrosion control program, and that repairs need like all such devices, it is only indicating the corro-
to be scheduled. sivity of the measured stream at the point where
the probe is located. It is not always possible to
Hydrocarbon Analyses relate the probe readings to a pipe wall or the
For filming inhibitors used in an overhead to con- condensing surfaces of exchanger tubes. They
trol aqueous corrosion, depending on the inhibitor lend themselves well to the evaluation of a corro-
formulation, it is sometimes possible to run a sion control program which changes the environ-
“residual test” on a stream to detect the presence ment through pH control and inhibitor injection.
of the corrosion inhibitor. As mentioned earlier, They have the advantage of being read on stream.
there is an adsorption/desorption steady state Also, they can be designed to be retracted
which is affected by the environment. There must through a packing gland and replaced onstream.
be sufficient inhibitor present to continuously Electrical resistance probes are most commonly
replenish the film. This is often seen as a residual used in the tower overhead systems. They are of-
of 3 to 5 ppm (mg/L). However, for many inhibitors ten used at both the inlet and outlet of overhead
the nearest available test is total nitrogen which is exchangers and may also be installed in the bulk
not specific enough to quantify inhibitor residual. sour water draw-off from the overhead drum.
For naphthenic acid corrosion control measure- There are high temperature electrical resistance
ment, sometimes the only tool for measuring the probe designs which have been used to measure
aggressiveness of the environment is metals naphthenic acid corrosion. The same limitations
analysis of the oils. For this measurement, histori- with location exist for these probes. The biggest
impediment to their use is the serious safety
Page 12 tp1105
issues related to inserting and extracting an method allows the monitoring of a particular spot
instrument at the temperatures and pressures over a period of time, providing good data for cor-
involved. rosion rate calculations at that point. In this man-
ner, the routine monitoring of a relatively few
Weight-loss coupons yield a calculated corrosion representative points in a large piping system will
rate based on initial surface area and weight. They yield an accurate picture of that system. UT read-
lend themselves to visual examination as well as ings are the most important on-stream data
giving rate data. They have a disadvantage in that obtainable on a plant-wide basis. The selection of
they must be removed to give information, and representative UT points must consider differ-
they can not represent heat transfer surfaces. ences in flow rates, turbulence and fouling ten-
They can often be replaced on stream and are dencies which affect corrosion.
used in high temperature sections of crude units
with the same safety concerns as for electrical Scanning UT methods are limited to lower tem-
resistance probes. They are commonly used in peratures than spot, manual UT measurements.
overhead systems. However, they permit making a permanent record
for future comparisons. These methods are par-
Linear polarization resistance probes give an ticularly well suited to areas where localized cor-
instantaneous corrosion rate based on a meas- rosion can occur such as at high turbulence areas
urement of the probe element corrosion current. in the hot or overhead systems or in areas of the
This type of probe will work only in a conductive overhead system vulnerable to under-deposit cor-
medium. It is for on-stream measurements and rosion or impingement.
lends itself well to bulk water systems like cooling
water streams. Applications in the overhead re- While sometimes limited by accessibility and
ceiver water drum are limited but feasible. These geometry, RT is also an important on-stream
probes can be made retractable through a pack- inspection tool. It can be used to measure wall
ing gland and replaced on-stream. thickness, indicate the presence of pitting, and
under some circumstances, show thickness of
Onstream non-destructive examination by UT or deposits on pipe walls. RT provides as permanent
RT visual record, unlike some of the other measuring
NDE is normally not used for extensive routine
corrosion monitoring because of its cost. It is most Another useful on-stream inspection method is
often used on-stream on an exception basis, the use of infrared to measure temperatures of
when there is a confirmed or suspected problem heater tubes, vessel shells, electrical equipment
which is being watched closely. Since NDE is often heat exchangers, insulation damages, etc. The
used as an inspection tool, its use on and off line is ability to perform reliable remote temperature
detailed in the next section. measurement is extremely important both from
the standpoint of equipment reliability and econ-
Inspection omy of energy.
Whenever possible, corrosion rate information When the unit is shut down and equipment
should be verified by direct measurement of opened up, visual inspection can be performed.
equipment. This may not be possible on-stream This includes not only “looking,” but also checking
for items like tube bundles, but piping and vessels the depths of pits with pit gauges, calipering the
can be checked for changes in wall thickness O.D. and I.D. of exchanger tubes, looking for
using ultrasonics (UT) or radiography (RT). cracks using dye-penetrant or one of the several
magnetic particle methods, plus extensive use of
UT readings can be taken easily and quickly on UT and RT methods.
most surfaces which can be reached by the
inspector. These readings are accurate and repro- Since heat exchanger tubes, due to their geometry
ducible when taken on clean, relatively smooth and arrangement in bundles, do not lend them-
surfaces. Readings can be taken on-stream at selves to visual inspection along their full length,
metal temperatures as high as 750°F (400°C). This several inspection tools have been devised. The
Tp1105 Page 13
simplest is the borescope which allows visual ex- 7. Humphries, M. H. and Sorell, G., “Corrosion
amination along the I.D. of a tube. Since no meas- Control in Crude Oil Distillation Units,” pre-
urement can be made, this is of limited value. sented at NACE CORROSION/75.
Eddy-current equipment allows a record to be
8. Wells, R. B. and Carson, H. S. “Chemical Control
made of the ID of the tube wall, indicating cracks,
pitting and general wall thickness. Equipment of Crude Unit Corrosion and Fouling Prob-
based on ultrasonic principles is also used for this lems,” presented at NACE CORROSION/78.
purpose. 9. Merrick, R. D. and Auerbach, T., “Crude Unit
Overhead Corrosion Control,” presented at
Ultrasonic wall thickness measurements should
be routinely made at predetermined points on all
piping systems in the unit. UT measurements 10. French, E. C. and Fahey, W. F., “Water Soluble
should also be taken at a number of representa- Filming Inhibitor System for Corrosion Control
tive points on vessel shells and nozzles, exchanger in Crude Unit Overheads,” presented at NACE
shells and nozzles and at one or more points CORROSION/83.
along the length of each heater tube. If coking of
11. Edmondson, J.G. and Lehrer, S.E. “Advances in
heater tubes is a problem, radiographic tech-
Neutralizing Amine Technology,“ presented at
niques can be developed to evaluate this.
While not as common as with FCC light ends, 12. Special T-8 Symposium on Injection Equip-
there have been reports that equipment in the ment, papers presented at NACE International
overhead systems of the Preflash, Atmospheric
Vacuum, and light ends towers may be vulnerable
to wet H2S cracking. Therefore this equipment
should be included in a wet H2S inspection pro-
1. NACE Group Committee T-8 Minutes.
2. White, R. A. and Ehmke, E. F., “Materials Selec-
tion for Refineries, Pipelines, and Associated
3. Krystow, P.E., “Atmospheric Crude Distillation,”
NACE Task Group T-8-5 Refining Industry Cor-
rosion Handbook.
4. Biehl, J. A. and Schnake, E. A., “Processing
Crude Oil at Low pH,” presented at 24th Mid-
year Meeting of API Division of Refining, May
5. Couper, A. S., “Corrosion Control in Crude Oil
Distillation Overhead Condensers,” presented
at 29th Midyear Meeting of API Division of
Refining, May 1964.
6. Hausler, R. H. and Coble, N. D., “Corrosion Con-
trol in Crude Unit Overhead Systems,” pre-
sented at 37t Midyear Meeting of API Division
of Refining, May 1972.
Page 14 tp1105