Penyerahan Dan Penilaian Tugasan
Penyerahan Dan Penilaian Tugasan
Penyerahan Dan Penilaian Tugasan
MAY 2012 ________________________________________________________________________ ARAHAN KEPADA PELAJAR / INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS 1. Tugasan ini mengandungi SATU (1) soalan sahaja yang disediakan dalam bahasa modul bercetak kursus ini. / This assignment contains only ONE (1) question that is set in the language of the printed module for the course. 2. Jawab dalam Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris. / Answer in Malay or English.
3. Muat turunkan templat tugasan versi bahasa yang berkenaan daripada MyVLE untuk penyediaan dan penyerahan tugasan anda. Tugasan anda hendaklah ditaip dengan menggunakan saiz fon 12 Times New Roman dan langkau baris 1.5. / Download the language version of the assignment template concerned from the MyVLE for preparation and submission of your assignment. Your assignment should be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing. 4. Tugasan anda hendaklah antara 2500 hingga 3000 patah perkataan tidak termasuk rujukan. Bilangan perkataan hendaklah ditunjukkan di hujung tugasan anda. Jangan menyalin soalan dan arahan tugasan dalam jawapan anda. / Your assignment should be between 2500 to 3000 words excluding references. The number of words should be shown at the end of your assignment. Do not copy the assignment question and instructions to your answer. 5. Anda dikehendaki menghantar tugasan SECARA ON-LINE melalui MyVLE. Sila rujuk kepada portal untuk arahan mengenai prosedur menghantar tugasan anda secara on-line. Anda dinasihatkan menyimpan senaskah tugasan yang diserahkan untuk rujukan sendiri. / You must submit your assignment ON-LINE via the MyVLE. Refer to the portal for instructions on the procedures to submit your assignment on-line. You are advised to keep a copy of your submitted assignment for personal reference. 6. Anda hanya boleh menghantar tugasan SEKALI sahaja dalam SATU fail. / You can submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file. 7. Tugasan anda hendaklah diserahkan antara 27hb Jun hingga 9hb Julai 2012 (ONLINE) Serahan selepas 9hb Julai 2012 TIDAK akan diterima. / Your assignment must be submitted between 27th June 2012 until 9th July 2012. Submission after 9th July 2012 will NOT be accepted. 8. Tugasan hendaklah disiapkan secara individu. Anda dilarang meniru tugasan orang lain. Anda juga dilarang sama sekali memplagiat kerja orang lain sebagai kerja sendiri. / Your assignment
should be prepared individually. You should not copy another persons assignment. You should also not plagiarise another persons work as your own.
SOALAN TUGASAN /ASSIGNMENT QUESTION The van Hiele levels of geometric thinking developed in 1984 by two Dutch educators, Dina van Hiele-Geldof and Pierre van Hiele provides useful information for teachers to plan instruction on geometry that is appropriate and relevant to childrens level of thinking. The van
Hieles defined five phases in the learning process through which they believed students must undergo before advancing to the next level of geometric thinking. The five sequential phases of
instruction are: 1) Information; 2) Guided Orientation; 3) Explicitation; 4) Free Orientation; and 5) Integration. Based on the phases of instruction, you are to design an instructional model to teach the properties of cyclic quadrilaterals for Form Three students. In your model, show clearly all diagrams and describe the instructional steps and questions to be included in the five sequential instructional phases. Justify your content with the van Hiele theory. State clearly the learning objectives and learning outcomes of your proposed model. Get TWO experienced mathematics teachers to evaluate your model and report their comments. State the weaknesses and strengths of your model. Discuss how you can extend and modify the example given in your model to teach the properties of angles, properties of circles, sum of interior and exterior angles of polygons and trigonometric ratio. Show the modified diagrams.
[Total: 40 marks]
Van Hiele tahap pemikiran geometri yang dibangunkan pada tahun 1984 oleh dua orang pendidik Belanda, Dina van Hiele-Geldof dan Pierre van Hiele memberi maklumat yang berguna untuk guru-guru untuk merancang pengajaran kepada geometri yang sesuai dan relevan kepada tahap kanak-kanak berfikir.Hieles van yang ditakrifkan lima fasa dalam proses pembelajaran di mana mereka percaya pelajar perlu menjalani sebelum mara ke peringkat seterusnya pemikiran geometri.Lima fasa pengajaran yang berurutan adalah: 1) Maklumat; 2) Orientasi berpandu; 3) Explicitation; 4) Orientasi Percuma; dan 5) Integrasi. Berdasarkan fasa arahan, anda adalah untuk mereka bentuk model pengajaran untuk mengajar sifat quadrilaterals kitaran bagi pelajar Tingkatan Tiga. Dalam model anda, menunjukkan dengan jelas semua gambar rajah dan terangkan langkah-langkah pengajaran dan soalan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam lima fasa pengajaran yang berurutan. Mewajarkan kandungan anda dengan teori Van Hiele. Nyatakan dengan jelas objektif pembelajaran dan hasil pembelajaran model yang dicadangkan anda. Dapatkan DUA guru matematik yang berpengalaman untuk menilai model anda dan melaporkan komen mereka. Menyatakan kelemahan dan kekuatan model anda. Bincangkan bagaimana anda boleh melanjutkan dan mengubah suai contoh yang diberikan dalam model anda untuk mengajar sifat-sifat sudut, sifat-sifat bulatan, jumlah dalaman dan luaran sudut poligon dan nisbah trigonometri. Papar rajah diubah suai.
PENILAIAN / EVALUATION Tugasan ini akan menyumbangkan 40 % markah kepada kursus tersebut dan akan dinilai berdasarkan kepada Rubrik. / This assignment accounts for 40 % of the marks for the course mentioned and shall be assessed based on the Rubrics. Anda akan dimaklumkan tentang markah tugasan ini sebelum Peperiksaan Akhir Semester bermula / You would be informed of the assignment mark before the Final Semester Examination commences.
PLAGIARISME : POTONGAN MARKAH / PLAGIARISM : MARKS DEDUCTION Amaran : Tugasan yang diserahkan secara automatik akan disemak untuk persamaan. Jika plagiarisme dikesan, markah akan dipotong seperti berikut: / Warning : The submitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity check. If plagiarism is detected, marks would be deducted as follows: Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan antara 10 - 30 % : potongan 20% daripada jumlah markah yang diperoleh. Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan antara 31 - 50 % : potongan 40% daripada jumlah markah yang diperoleh. Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan lebih daripada 50%: Markah sifar akan diberikan. Assignments with 10 - 30 % overlap with others: 20% deduction from the total marks scored. Assignments with 31 - 50 % overlap with others: 40% deduction from the total marks scored. Assignments with more than 50% overlap with others: Zero mark would be given.
RUBRIK TUGASAN / ASSIGNMENT RUBRICS KOD KURSUS / COURSE CODE : SEMESTER / SEMESTER : Criteria Learning objectives and learning outcomes Weight ing 0.5 HBMT4103 MAY 2012 Missing Item 0 Not given. Weak 1 Only the learning objectives or the learning outcomes are given. Partially Meets Standard 2 Both learning objectives and the learning outcomes are given. Meets Standards 3 Both learning objectives and the learning outcomes are clearly and correctly written. Exceeds Standard 4 Both learning objectives and the learning outcomes are clearly and correctly written and have connection to the five phases of instruction. Diagram is clear, appropriate and relevant. Question asking students to name the diagrams. Total Score 2
Phase 1: Information
No diagram.
The properties of cyclic quadrilaterals are correctly stated. Questions that invite chorus answer only.
The properties of cyclic quadrilaterals are correctly stated. Questions about the properties of quadrilaterals, circles, etc. Questions that invite individual answer.
Weak 1 Discussion questions are not relevant to the properties of cyclic quadrilaterals.
Partially Meets Standard 2 Discussion questions are relevant to the properties of cyclic quadrilaterals but answers cannot be indicated explicitly in the diagram.
Meets Standards 3 Discussion questions are relevant to the properties of cyclic quadrilaterals. Answers to the questions can be indicated explicitly in the diagram.
Exceeds Standard 4 Discussion questions are not relevant to the properties of cyclic quadrilaterals. Answers to the questions can be indicated explicitly in the diagram. Discussion questions used specific words such as exterior angle, interior angle, corresponding to, and equal to, etc. Additional examples with clear instruction. A variety of diagram structures are given to enrich learning. Discussion question is thoughtprovoking and requires extra construction.
Total Score 6
No extra example.
Additional example with clear instruction but uses similar diagram structure as the first example. Discussion question is direct and invite chorus answer.
Additional example with clear instruction and the diagram structure is different from the first example. Discussion question requires some computation using the properties of triangles, cycles, and quadrilaterals.
Weak 1 Reflection on the rule that states that exterior angle is equal to the corresponding interior angle.
Partially Meets Standard 2 Reflection on the diagram that shows exterior angle is equal to the corresponding interior angle.
Meets Standards 3 Reflection on the construction of a cyclic quadrilateral that shows exterior angle is equal to the corresponding interior angle.
Exceeds Standard 4 Reflection on the construction of a cyclic quadrilateral that shows exterior angle is equal to the corresponding interior angle. Basic construction of circle and quadrilateral are emphasized. Justification is based on van Hiele theory and is mathematically sound. Organize comments into two groups accompanied by some comparisons and justification. Modifications show all the mentioned properties. Clear diagrams with instructions are given to each modification.
Total Score 2
No justification.
Justification given is based on van Hiele theory and more than one reason is given. Organize comments into two groups.
Teachers comments
No comments.
Modification to include properties of angles, properties of circles, sum of interior and exterior angles of polygons and trigonometric ratio.
No modification.
Modifications show only more than one but not all of the mentioned properties. Diagrams are given.
Weak 1 The activity is not interesting. Fail to demonstrate any creativity. No impact on meaningful learning.
Partially Meets Standard 2 Demonstrate modest amount of creative and innovative ideas to stimulate students to learn geometrical concepts and skills of the chosen topic by discovery. The work is fairly well organized. Show little ability in discussion.
Meets Standards 3 Demonstrate substantial amount of creative and innovative ideas to stimulate students to learn geometrical concepts and skills of the chosen topic by discovery. The work is neat and organized. Show substantial ability in discussion.
Exceeds Standard 4 The creativity and innovative ideas are excellent and beyond expectation.
Total Score 2
Not relevant.
The work is neat and well organized. Show outstanding ability in discussion. TOTAL MARKS
PANDUAN PELAJAR Pelajar dinasihatkan: 1. Baca dan fahamkan dua artikel yang disertakan. Buat pencarian lain di internet berkenaan dengan van Hiele levels of geometric thinking and phases of instruction untuk mendapatkan pelbagai maklumat untuk menyelenggarakan tugasan. 2. Merujuk kepada modul dan sumber-sumber bercetak lain atau sumber dalam internet yang boleh dipercayai (contohnya sumber yang disediakan oleh orang atau organisasi yang mempunyai reputasi yang baik) diperlukan untuk memahami konsep Angles, Circles II, Polygons, and Trigonometry sebelum anda dapat memberi contoh yang tepat dan sesuai. 3. 4. 5. Membincangkan dengan guru Matematik sekolah anda bagi mendapatkan khidmat nasihat dan komen yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan mutu pengajaran pembelajaran. Menggunakan gambar foto/lakaran untuk membantu anda menjelaskan hujah jawapan tugasan. Cetak serta lampirkan muka surat pertama artikel rujukan bersama tugasan jika berkenaan.
PANDUAN TUTOR 1. 2. 3. 4. Tutor adalah diminta agar dapat membantu para pelajar dalam hal penyediaan penulisan. Mencadangkan buku-buku rujukan untuk panduan pelajar jika berkenaan. Cadangkan laman web untuk rujukan yang dapat membantu soalan tugasan adalah seperti berikut. Ding, L., & Jones, K. (2007). Using the van Hiele theory to analyse the teaching of geometrical proof at grade 8 in Shanghai. In European Research in Mathematics Education V (pp 612-621). Larnaca, Cyprus: CERME. Available at Kunimune, S., Fujita, T., & Jones, K. (2010). Strengthening students understanding of proof in geometry in lower secondary school. Proceedings of CERME 6, 756-765. Available at Mencadangkan Format yang sesuai bagi setiap sub tajuk.
Tutor perlu bimbing pelajar tentang teknik menulis rujukan sama ada buku atau laman web dengan betul. Guna gaya APA.