956 - Est. Circular 03-2012
956 - Est. Circular 03-2012
956 - Est. Circular 03-2012
In terms of the schemes of recruitment circulated with Commission Circular No. 721 of 21 st November 1997, applicants with lesser qualifications could be considered for appointment as Probationary Lecturers under category 04 of the scheme of recruitment if candidates under other three categories are not available or found to be unsuitable by the Selection Committee after interview and evaluation as mentioned in Establishments Circular Letter No. 08/2005 of 11 th August 2005. This provision has been further amended subject to conditions stipulated in Commission Circular No.935 of 25 th October 2010. However, the Commission noted that in the recent past, recommendations were often made by Universities and Institutes for UGC approval to make appointments of candidates to the post of Lecturer(Prob) in various disciplines under category 4 of the scheme of recruitment without valid reasons being adduced to substantiate the manner in which such selections were made. Therefore, the Commission at its 822 nd meeting held on 24.02.2011 having considered the matter of recruitment of Lecturers (Prob) under category 4 of the Scheme of Recruitment decided to allow such recruitments by the Universities only under special circumstances subject to obtaining special approval of the UGC as at present. Hence, Higher Educational Institutions/Institutes are required to submit the following documents in respect of the appointments to be made under category 04 of the scheme of recruitment in future for consideration of the Commission;
1. A copy of the advertisement
Method used for short-listing of applicants A copy of the schedule of applicants with qualifications Procedure adopted for selection of candidates under category 4 Assessment of each candidate summoned for the interview Composition of the Selection Committee Recommendation of the Selection Committee 8. Decision of the governing Council 9. A copy of the marking scheme, if any 10. A copy of the schedule indicating rejected candidates and the reasons for their disqualification.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Recommendations submitted to the Commission for recruitment of Lecturer (Prob.) under category 4 of the Scheme of Recruitment without the above mentioned documents will not be entertained. Please take action accordingly.
Copies to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Secretary/Ministry of Higher Education Chairman's Office/UGC Vice Chairman/UGC Members ofthe UGC Secretary/UGC Deans of Faculties Registrars of Universities Financial Controller/UGC Bursars of Universities Librarians /SAL/AL of the HEll Deputy Registrars/Snr. Asst Registrars/Asst Registrars of Campuses/Institutes Deputy Bursars/Snr. Asst Bursars/Asst. Bursars of Campuses/Institutes Chief Internal Auditor/UGC Govt Audit Superintendents of Universities Snr. Asst. Int. Auditors/Asst. Int. Auditors of HEll Secretaries of Trade Unions Auditor-General