Old Mayport 4
Old Mayport 4
Old Mayport 4
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South Broad
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The per*' :i^<.. : T"*? *-&ai and social. proTn1npr.ee ,,t b^n *U'i principals-in the 1f tragedy, anu iLe- r r.iiJential connections, ii. 0 comprenending sc^re^ of people here and elsewhere in Georgia, render the case one ait fi r n u r of absorbing public interest. Dr. Worsham "t'ji-.-l ball;* maint ji i^ii i.y ^ * r h. .us came-here from Monroe county a few years, the greatest y m v> .i--:i- *-> . ago where hia family Is one of the best;, FURNACES AMD FACTORIES RESUME. "If the j his brother, Hon. W. A. Worsham, repreGOSSIP OF BASEBALL AND BILLIARDS. with perfectpia,"' ' .tdutttj - i i^-Ui-'.,' l tuut-h them "HONEST" 40HN KELLY MAKES HIS KICK FD& THE KItLING OF OB. J. the cue ;..s..-t 'juj-ct senting his county in the last general asare sp..-:^ he . sembly, .and another brother is'a leading Some Mills Are Increasing Their Capacity* the center of gravitation, at. I n-.f weight of the balls will keep ihem in iuac^ tehouia Idllian Lewi. Work an "Ad." Out of th* tfff TbJ*te*a HoatH Bot 8S&M wholesale merchant of Macon. Dr. WorSomething About Genial Teddy Sullivan New Plant* Are Being ErectedFrom the plaver touch the arst ot^ect bail too sham was also a brother-in-law of John R. Beady-Th* *rial Ma Sim-Joe Vendm Doe* tiome TalkAtlanta's Manag =-rTha "Anchor" ' Erery Point Good Hews Comes. full, or with the thousandth degree too Shaw, of Amerlcus, and through him contor Two Week* ing Through jklu Hi Etc. great a force, the center of gravitation is Shot Goes from Now On. nected with the large and influential famlost and the balls drift apart. ily of ex-Mayor John B. Felder. "Achievement in this specialty is only Dr. J. B. Hinkle is one of the most widely ABirmingham, Ala., Jannary 2fr(Special.)rriven to those who possess the keenest Amerieus, Ga.. January Jackso: rfllr, Fla., January 20.The Duval season of industrial prosperity seems to Now that matters are fast approaching eyesight, most delicate touch and extraorknown physicians and surgeons |n the state; the heating point ia the preliminary action dinary control of nerve. At this pJBsUlar Athletic Club tonight furnished the South- Cto December a. 1883, one of the bloodiest has been prominent in his profession, and is be dawning. The business men of norta tragedies that ever between the Duval Club and Governor play Schaefer beats all living men. and ern Associated Press correspondent the fol- was enacted on the shocked a community related to the Butts family, of Macon, by Alabama have no reason to feel disstreets of Amertcus, his marriage. Dr. A. B. Hinkle, a young couragedin fact they have every reason to . . ... Ives is an easy second. Patient, studious, lowing; Mitchell the probable outcome of the club's players like George and "Tha Duval Athletic, Club wishes to iust as the day was closing, sending to in- man of twenty-three years, married about feel jubilant. Since January 1st a remarkatfeSance ot Florida's, chief executive and clodding Daly, for instance, Slossonnever could state emphatically that the stage of doubt stant death one of the m^st prominent and two years ago a Miss Lewis, whose family ble improvement has been experienced in the determined starfd made by the gentle- Mauriceit. master young men of city, and conis passed. The club desires to make no ccpular to jail to t-wait thetrial for murder is among the best citizens of Amerieus and every branch of trade in this section of the n.an who wears the gubernatorial garments signing a become morS and more interesting. Every Thomaston, Ga. state. Every day reports come in of new "It was by the 'first anchor* nurse, shown more manifestos as continual rushing into The trial is expected to last two weeks enterprises resuming work. A furnace fires effort has been made by the club to get in figure 1where one object ball is slight- print might nausea*,* the public, but it de- two of the best known physicians, of southof a jury may Governor Mitchell to consent to the fight, ly moved from the cushionthat Schaefer sires to state for the last time that the Four pistol shots were fired m QOlefc suc- or more, as .the selectionto the size of the up one day, another day a mine resumes, of 566; the lake-up some days, owing and even slight subterfuges have been in- made his record-breaking run object balls contest will take place on January 25th." another brings news of a cotton factory, 'second anchor'-J-where berth cebsion in front of the entrance of Drs. In spite of the above, however, trouble i J. B. & A. B. Hinkle's omce.va squtre from panel to be stricken, and the examination increasing its capacity, and so on down th dulged in by the enthusiastic memoers ot are wedged against the. cushion, as shown the atWetic association. But no, the gover- in figure 3was employed by Ives when he seems to be camping on the trail of the - the Windsor hoteL The first to reach the of the 100 witnesses that have been sub- line. / made his then unbeaten record run of 45ti club. No sooner does the club remove one scene of the killing found Dr. J. J. Wor- penaed. , nor had staked his word upon the result of In proof of this statement of north AlaThen the speeches Chicago. the little hitch and is determined that not at"A particular reason urged for tae aboli- obstacle to the Corbett-Mitchell mill,-than sham lying on his face and with three days, and while thewill take up several bama's prosperity The Constitution's correnumber and order spondent submits the following evidences: upon the soil of his semi-tropical state tion of the anchor shot is- that in the course it finds itself confronted by another. Hav- ptetol bullets in vital parts and *&e two of these have not yet been arranged, is sl);Jl the brutal-fisticuff, as he is pleased of nursing indentations or 'holes/ as 'Na- ing given up the idea of a public fight in Drs. Hinkle standing near as the chief ac- believed that at least three speeches toitthe Huntsviile, Ala., January 12.As soon as to designate it, "com* off." In truth, in poleon* Ives put it, are made in the table- Jacksonville and arranged a plan to cir- tors In the tragedy. ' side will be made. Judge H. D. D. Twiggs, .houses can be erected for tfre additional cloth, and that order for the meeting to take place between cures the anchorthe player who first se- cumvent the governo**nd sheriff by bringAmong the first to arrive were Chief of the famous criminal lawyer, will, of course, operators, the West Huntsviile Cotton Comcannot it Corbett and Mitchell, the governor of the if he possesses any nervepossibly losetne ing the men together in secret, the club Police liaro^ and two officersWjieeier conclude for the defense, while Hon. Rob- pany will work its mill double timebotfc at all, as orange state must first "come off," object balls secure a sort of foundation found itself met by a kick from Charley and Borrowwho immediately took the- ert. Xi.. Berner will certainly close for the day and night. This is necessary to enafrom which only carelessly strong touches Mitchell about the string tied to the JfcJO.WH). Drs. Hinkle into custody;~Tjbey, claimed; prosecution^ Judge Allen Fort, Hon. W. A. ble the factory to keep up with its orders, There have been various rumors as to the can root them. I hardly think that this Ana Kovr Kelly "Kielcs." that Dr. J. B. Hinkle had shot? in. defense, -little.!arid Colonel I*. J. Blalock may all None of the three cotton factories at Huntsexact, or real cause, of Governor Mitchell's argument holds good. Having satisfied him about the string of his son, Dr. A. B. Hinklev ~an<i asked spieeik .for- tEe defense, and Solicitor General viile have been idle a day since they wen unexpected but decided opposition to the me club now finds itself facing a to be taken before Judge James B^tterry, .Hudson; and- -probably Colonel Edgar F. erected. "Certainly a ball, if pounded continuousboxing match taking place in Florida. It is ly, though even gently, against a given story fwm "Honest" John Kelly, who holds who was that weels fcoldinrcourt hfre tor- Hlntson wlBL be, heard for the prosecution. Anniston, Ala., January well known that he has good friends among spot for a lengthy period is almost sure to kick purse and who will referee th fight. Judge W. H.-F^sii, that bond might be ~ The trial', premises to be one of the most Cordage Company has just12.The Annistoa the the head men of the Duval Clubmen who make an indentation in the cloth, and Kelly got here xhis evening, and tke nrst arranged for their release. As ,the.police noted in the annals of the courts of Georgia, in two new and improved finished putting have been prominently identified with the thus aid a player, in a measure solidifying word he said in relation to the fight was started with the prisoners towarfls Jujse; <sad ;iffttl.be watched with intense interest The company is in fine fix,webbing looms'. and is making an anchor for the being, but that governor's clique, and who helped him into could not obtain in timesecond game of a that absolute police protection must be wuerry's hotel an exeHtei mob th^t-ejid by thousands o people. a money; his present dignified position. It comes tournament, as the tablecloth is changed guaranteed by gathered began to cry, "Lynch, IS A Florence, Ala., January IS.After having from high authority that the governor was every m?ht and no "hole" could be in the act as referee. the ciuo or be would not them! burn them!" following Kelly makes this demand been thoroughly repaired the Cherry Cottoa He Gets An Easy Place and a Cell in forced, virtually, into the antagonistic posi^ new cloth." , _, to the Allen hou^e, where^ Judge. _ does not want to mills, at this place, are being put "Hence, maintain that Schaefer his tion he now occupies toward the Duval great run I fairly and squarely in madelast because be position of having be put .ia the was found In his room. The prisoners, were . . ', - ' -'-';-". Bonkers* Row. unpleasant the O., iJanuary 20.(Special.) in operation. " They will employ about Club. This authority says tha.t the people night of the recent tournament, and that purse in an unfinished fight. to award the taken before him and made their,, state* thousand bands. The Pump Bsdwine, once the lion of Atlanta's two who have been fighting Governor Mitchell Ive's insinuation that the cloth was "holed" and bail. But; hearl|iff>,the iielly says that in sucn an event a great mentsof herequest for aad around-the _notel,. creme d la creme, and chief manipulator factory jhere is also getting dowa to work are particularly inimical to the Duval was decidedly unjust. If balkline billiards howl would go up. The club would hksly cries crowd In again alter a season of idleness. It is said Club. These people know that the governor ia to continue, the ambition of the "an- make a big kick and every man who .had Judge Guerry ordered, the prisoners ,at; Of the < funds of the Gate City Ntttonai to be a certainty that our second furnac* chor" shot is the part of wisdom. Many has friends in the club and have forced once to the jail for their protection/as an .bank, ^as spent his fourtfa day in the big will go into blast in a very short while. who him to assume his very arbitrary attitude. plans have been discussed by eminent bll- money on the manfrom. Kelly decided against immediate session of Judge. Lynch's court Ohio.prison, and begins to feel as he him- It is stated as,a fact that Mr. Moore, of liardists for getting around it, but I think heard Kelly prides himthe Cherry In fact, the governor is afraid to allow the the simplest way is the best. I would sug- would bethe sobriquet of "Honest" John, seemed threatening. A carriage was. called self .expresses it to the chief of fas depart- Philadelphia, the man who buLt at a very nulls, will commence, self on semi-circle Of, say, six fisht to occur for fear of the strictures of gest that a small drawn about each dia- and he does not care to Jeopardise it by to the front? entrance-of ttoe..hotel,"and-th0- jnejit, Ralph K. Paige, "Moah at home." cotton date, the erection of a stave ana radius, be Redwine is now fully installed in his posi- early factory on Sweetwater creek tw* his enemies. It Is au instance of "the devil inches of the table, as shown in Figure 3, having to make an awaid in an unfinished chief of. poliqe, with hid assistants,, -with barrel mond and deep blue sea." Tnis explanation may and that one of the object balls be forced fight. Kelly ptopoaoa to see Corbett and the deputy sheriff who had just > arrived, tion of assistant clerk in the office of the miles-from here. The citizens of Florence b2 accepted as the truthfulness of the out of the semi-circle afterjthe execution Mitchell immediately and nnd out what started to take the prisoners otit to the car- secretary of the board of managers, and, feel greatly reassured. Russellville, Ala., January 20.(Special.) boldlns such a position, is under the supersituation. of a single shot. they would demand if the fight was not riage- But they saw it meant deattf-to the vision oLPajse, the Painesville, O., banker. The Perkins ore mines have resumed work Drs. Hinkle or to some of the; crowd, and Many of the 6'ad game sports appear to "This would at once prevent "anchors," finished. As far as the club is concerned on the judge's advice the; prisoners; .were, When firstibrought in Redwine was placed after a season of idleness. A large force \ hands is emproyed. The resumption of "straddles" and unlimited rail play. A man it will guarantee anything, provided it can have entire confidence in the statement of in one of-the sky parlors ia a block in the of large furnace at Florence, Ala., to whlcfc a would really be compelled to study the get the crowd on the scene and scoop in the quietly slipped out the back; way through, :fiew hall, but wSken, transferred to the poai- Mr. .Perkins furnished ore, caused him to Bowdeu and his ability to carry it out, to game then and it would be made decidedly an alley and side street.. They wer^ within' ' tion in the secretary's ofi&ce he is reported start again. ; the effect that the fight will take place at cash. interesting by diversified and open play. a square of the jail, about threeV1 hundred: to ^i3Ve objected fctremtpusiy to his abode.. Vendifc'a Scheme. Opelika, Ala., January 20.(Special.) the time advertised despite the opposition "As I said before, however, I am in favor of a complete change of rules. It must be of <J over nor Mitchell. It would appear to Joe Vendig stated tonight that on Tues- yards distant Jtrom the; Allen .house,, before He bad been iti the prison long enough to Opelika is beginning to feel her oats again* more satisfactory to the players and the day he would apply to the ^jnited States the mob heard that the'sup ha3;|jeefc giveji. leam of the aristocratic portion of the AH of the machinery has just been purrrie that the officers of the club are a little chased for a 100 horse power incandescent public. Cushion caroms "soon" with their announcement of the most scientific and most is the prettiest, court here for an injunction to restrain the them. A rush, was made to, head the party prison known-as "bankers' row," and was electric light plant, and by Februarv 15th interesting of all off, and aa exciting race begaa/&ir .life .aad certainty of the fight's occurring. The first billiard games and should be given a trial. state authorities from interfering with the death. The police wf% the raefeby a. hair's somew8iat indignant that he bad not been ..the.city will be lighted like a ballroom. That it is the most popular is evidenced by fight. Vendig is a lion-resident of Florida placed there forthwith. He associated with, ^The construction of a telephone svstem question that arises Is, where could it be the fact that Ives, in his first game with and he says he will make the application breadth and the prisoners were'saved from gentlemen" in th% day time and he wanted will -be equipped and put in operation as brought off suceessfulfy? There is the fight soon as men and accomplish it. at Kichburg, when Sullivan hammered Kil- Slosson in the tournament, evoked long and Tuesday. If Vendig makes the applica- the howling rage of the mob. - jhiefr;I*amar to live with them at night. Accordingly ite * Anniston. Ala,, money can 20.(Special.) January prolonged applause whenever he easayed stood at the door, pistol in hand, and defied was moved to "bankers' row" and now The Anniston Manufacturing Company haa rain until now the defeated man Is little brilliant all-around-the-table shots. tion it is a good bet that he will be summansion in that row, contracted for $50.000 in improvements to better than an invalid. The most extramarily sat upon. No United States court the crowd, while the other officers placed occupies a In a few days Ted Sullivan will begin his is going to interfere with a governor who the prisoners in one of the steel cages, and Chief Harris, the head of the convict fire, its cotton mill an<J"work on them has alordinary precaution was used by the people in charge of the fight and thfr most elabo- tour to get together for Atlanta an aggre- is trying to prevent what ia claimed by tne posted a half dozen guards with Winches- department, a life man, being- moved out to ready been commenced. Bridgeport, Ala., January 19.The stov make room for the distinguished Georgian. rate arrangements were made In regard to gation of ball players that will walk away attorney general of the state to be aa in- ters inside the jail for the night. with the Southern League pennant this fraction ot the police provisions of the Decided to .Be Murtite*. Redwine" exprtness as an accountant is manufacturers, Loivman Bros., have deterthe special train. Yet in fifteen minutes be him of great use in the mined to materially increase their facilities after the fight had begun a sheriff was on vear like a lot of three-year-old coltsand state, "Prize righting is under a legal and --In the meantime the body of Dr. Wor- said to Themakingis very congenial to him 'for -making "stoves. With this end ia view all of them will be thoroughbreds. office. work they -have contracted for the enlargement the field with the proper papers. He was juuge will sham was carried to the Davenport drug take charge moral ban, and no United Statesis "talkulg store, two doors from where it lay, and and in conversation with one of the officials, of their plant-to double its present size. prevented by force from using his au- ofSullivan has been selected tocull the very give it his protection. Vendis the Atlanta team so The Birmingham district comes thority to stop the match, but the principals best of the baseball and will He doesn't uu-oush bis hat," and if the club pulls otf Drs. Darby and McLendon made a hasty he remarked that "it -wasn'tall, very much fully its share of the improvement in for cream. like being in prison after except for were made to suffer. It can be wagered on intend to*"get a lot of men who have won I the ngiit it \vill have to do it secretly. examination. Soon afterwards the body this (holding up his stripe*encircled arm), dustrial .conditions. The Tennessee in inCoal, that the Duval Ciub people won't take too reputationsin many Instances merely loThe only obstacles in the way of the was removed to the .residence of Mr. John, and over there," (jerking his thumb toward; Iron and Railroad Company, is having two much privilege with men armed with the cal in extension, but a reputation to sume ngut now are he governor ot .Florida, R,, Shaw, a brother-in-law, a coroner's jury the hatt). -Redwine doesn't enjoy the lux- of its big- furnaces a-t Bessemer relined, this strength of law. It is not numbers that extent for all thatbut young rar>n who "Honest" John Keliys Demand for police empanneled, and .the inquest and post mbr-, ury of of a, "biled'^shirt with accompany-' which will be put into blast as sooa asSteel and are* necessary, but vigilance. A try may have reputations to win and who will -work protection and the laiiure ot the club to tern began. Three fatal balls had stcucjc ing'collars and^ cuff s-as yet, and is forced to 1a accomplished.it The SIoss Iron another of is put be made for Mayport, which is about with that intention in view. It is hardly dispose of enough, tickets to come out. about Dr. Worsham's left side. One broke the. content himself with a coarse woolen gar- Company - wsl?, into stated, at once. The their furnaces blast twenty miles from Jacksonville, but that S likely that many of the old faces will be even. Should the club satisfy Ketty, suc- collar bone and lodged, in the spinal col- ment like the others, Georgia is pretty same company is arranging to erect without nearly out of the question. The road to seen in Atlanta, or in the Southern league ceed in eluding the governor, ^eritfs aad umn. Another shattered.the left shoulder, well represented up here in that respect. delay three large -washers at its ore mines state troops audpo^etenougn money from and a third struck, a rib and passed through There are five other prisoners in the instir in the -district. At Ensley City, five miles Mayport can b secured to the extent that for that matter, but the ball playing will to oe iinanciaiiy sate, tae _ all the trains can be chartered, thus leaving nevertheless be as good and as near pertution. Three of them, at least; enjoyed away, the Tennessee Company is making the heart. take p-ace. ii not, there Will : through the A fourth bullet had passed the reputation of; being prominent men. final preparations for blowing in one of the the sheriff to shuiile for himself. But, fect as it can be made. hat crown, just grazing the largest furnaces in the world. It is stated Manager Sullivan has under consideration bearing inlalnd that the road to Mayport is a side of the head. Two of the bullets were They aift hail from Dodge-county. The here today that a communication from the * cfuD* has been badly damaged by found, but the l&ird, that had 'broken the most prominent >man, Ccftosel laither H. majority-owners In Louisville of the Birsomething splendid and the animosity of the a lot of fine and promising youngsters, but Governor Mitchell's attitude, in *jap sheriff to "Die club reaches the tragical,- is watching his chances without saying anyHall, once represented Dodge county in mingham "noiling Mill Company bave isits many manifestoes and deiiaiices thing. His strings are'Well laid, however, crowu is showing up very slim. .In spite collar bone and spinal column was not, al- the Georgia leglslatsre and ad an attorney,of sued an edict that the mill shall be put in this place is "no go." Before the rin^ though Df. Worsham's body was cut to at once. All this means a could be laid the sheriff and hfe posse and many a manager who thinks that he of the bold front of the club, the--Soutnrjv pieces in the fruitless effort to find it. The ability was knows -throughout the state, operatkm Birmingham, and for north great Alahas a start in hand, will find that Sullivan Associated Press correspond^ has mwdtf ; He has beea the prison florist since Itis en*- deal for would be on the gsound. A try down the has overreached him and secured the prize. coroner's jury, after examining various wit- trance, and is accorded as many privileges bama, when one stops to consider that a Information that there is a "blue feeling? nesses, decided the killing to be murder,, St, John's river would lie just as disastrous furnace or rolling mill employs five or sis ibout tnts prospects for a crowd. hundred hands on good wages. The *:er3 the> possibility'Of the fight being "pulled and thus the celebrated case began its ca- as any man about the pen. . It is very likely that the Atlanta team TicltetM on Sale. chants and other business men te*l greatly off." The club could get a lot of little will be called together by the last of March the courts. NORWOOD OK HIS DEFEAT. reassured and confidence is fast being reThe box and reserved tickets for the con- reer introuble thiCt had led up $0 the killsteamers, for the river is full of them, but and training commenced at once. ManaThe stored. The impression is that unlps SOPit is doubtless whether a crowd that would ger Sullivan is noted for the rapid manner" test, printed by the American' jaw* Note ing originated in a 565 law suit, in which He Give* General Gordon tbexrrertlt of . ag unexpected happens north Alabama Company, were received this naorning by the pay expenses could be secured. Even If in which he gets his discipline acknowl- club ana are now on sale. The first issued Dr. J. B. Hinkle was defendant, he having will soon be herself again. Accomplishing It. the crowd materialized, so would the edged among his men under him, and carbeen sued and pleading failure of considera?Savannah, <3a., January 20-.(Special.) MORRISON STILL AT LARGE. sheriff. To come across the line into the ries out his views in an unostentatious way, were for three boves" (.twelve seats), Nos. 5, tion on a dental bill of Dr. W. P. Burt for ow G, which for in state of red hills would mean no fight, too, but is exceedingly in earnest when he says 7 and 0, inThe tickets arewere paidon thm that amount. Dr. Worsham, who was a "What have you to say about the contest He Is Reported to Be Badly for Governor Northen has taken just as a thing must or must not be. In fact, he $300 cash. and are aboutprinted card board 2x5 inches to dentist, had been'summoned by Dr. J. B. for the cellectorship of Savannah?" was But Still Moving. decided a stand as the governor of Florida. is a very jewel of a manager, and is probdimension. Both front and back are hand- Hinkle as an expert witness for his side. asked .of Cokme: T. M. Norwood today. Birmingham, Ala., January 20.(Special.> He hasn't told what he is going to do, but ably the best known in the United States; somely and intricately engraved and very Dr. Hinkle expected to win his case -on "I had. not thought of applying for it," it is quite evident that he ia well up in the ior wherever baseball is a quantity on the Jim Morrison, the convict who, with six to known side of the equator, there you will difficultmust counterfeit.byIn addition, each Worsham's testimony, but when the evi- he saW "until a few weeks ago. Certain others, dynamited the guard and escaped game and can. checkmate any move made ticket be signed B. H. McMillan, dence was given it caused the jury to de- developments, which I cant state, induced find that Ted Sullivan's genial face finds the club's recording secretary. Just after the by the Duval Ciub. cide against Dr. Hinkle. He accused Wor-> some one to remember it, and many who I made no from Pratt mines Thursday night, and who know him by the reputation that lie has sale of five tickets, two gentlemen entered sham of having perjured himself and some me to ask the president for it. him; orally yesterday killed Deputy Sheriff Dexter ia wan d Here's what one of the sports who claims formal -application. I stated to the office to purchase five more. They ^f the fight between, his posse and the escapes, that he is right up to snuff on the Duval won and that belongs to him Justly. He a guarantee of front seats, but this* Mr. high words had passed several, days, before why I desired it; told' him there was no is a man that has traveled extensively aid the fatal December day. Considerable ill Club's game, says; is still at largre. A negro woman reported Bowden would not give them, at the same feeling had been engendered, though no- other office I would accept; told him I was and wide. "Say, I'm dead onto dere racket. De he is acquainted far had to move He tas that the managed clubs that in the time intimating ail tickets price might be body seemed to expect any serious results, no't hunting an office but this, and .only at Bloctoa this morning that Morrison guv's me pard and I know his cards by de fastest class, and his ability has shown raised, but that purchased now had come to her house, several miles from backsee? Bis is wot de mugs are up to: him to be everything that his friends claim would be honored at the arena, regardless as the matter was regarded as too insignifi- this, and told him w&y I didn't ask . any Of the admission fee at that time. At the cant for anything beyond a possible ns'ltuif. one to help me, and L would haver gotten there, late last night seriously wounded and Bowden, he's rcakin' a holler about de him to be. Some of the wealthiest and bleeding. She bousd up Els wounds and be Tlie Commitment Trial. scrap sure ter come off. Dat's fer ter sell best known baseball players are proud to ac- same time, the club's manager emphatically the place but for the opposition of General :' A commitment trial was held Jan- Gordon. He told several gentlemen he in- left. de tickets an' collar all de long green he knowledge that he taught them the.rudi- declared .that no seat would be sold for. less A report has reached here that Morrison than $25. uary 3, 1893, before County Court tended to aefeat me, and he did it, and I can fer ter play even on wot he's got in. ments of the game and that he was their Den when he ketches all de suckers he can tutor. met near Elodton today a cousin who had , . If the crowd does not increase very large- Judge J. C. Uathews, from which everyHe has an eye like an eagle and is a man | ly tickets will likely be advanced to $0. If body was excluded except the bar, persons am not complaining. I take it as one of the been instrumental in causing his last arhe'll make a sneak wid about er hundred fortunes of war. It was a revival of our er so, wot he kin handle dead easy, an' oagle-eye capaciy. The wariest of man- the club cannot get in enough money at that directly Interested and the press. In this figure to prevent a big deficit it is safe trial w&ii 5tsstd all day, testimony was contest in K90. Tes, the only objection rest and shot him dead. This report, howpull off de scrap somewhere on de strict agers are afraid of him when they find him laying about in their territory, for he is to say that the sponge will be tlirowtt- up introduceCTtSJ; the defense to show that in- raised by the president during- our interview ever, has not been verified. Bodies of men 4. t. and there will be no fight. ' are still scouring the woods of Bibb county stead of the killing UeLng an assassination, "Wot kin de mugs say wots left? Nuthin'. credited with being probably the best Judge A Portable Platform. of a baseball player in the country today. and the other as haft been: supposed by the mob that night, was his fear that I caisht not be confirmed in search of ilonison Dey kin kick dere legs off, but it won't do Not only that, but he knows the game from Everything has already been arranged by it resulted from, an attack made by Dr. on account of General Gordon's opposition. escapes. THe wounded convict who waa 'em no good. Dey can't sue him 'cause de the club for tne*%rectibn of the ring and the Worsaam "on J>r.'A, B. Hinkle, at Hinkle's Still, he said he would see the senator, and whole thing's dead again de law and he center to circumference,a and could follow it several miles out on tangent without accommodation.of- the people,and according office dour, in, which the latter was knocked he did. Secretary Carlisle told me tfce presi- caught is still alive. kin claim he sent 'em de tip But it missed fear of a rival. This is Atlanta's genial to a Duval Athletic Club- ofiicial the entice down by brass knncfcs in Dr. Worsbam's dent said some very kind things about me No Caanse at Corona. : 'emsee? Bowden has de cinch any way manager for 1S94. By birth Teddy is a complete witain two Corona, Ala,, January 20.(Special.) you put it. Dat's why he's so keen fer ter Missourlan, and he is a graduate of the arena can be finished upon which the ring hands/ mstintly. followed by four pistol the>.penlor Dr. Hinkle, who to him when he was speaking of this office. There is practically no change in the affairs sell dem tickets and gives de guys such er St. Louis university. He stepped forward hours. The platformalready been completed shots from have held and fired two -pistols "Mr. Carlisle raise'd but one objection. will be pitched, has claimed to coal aiines and its strikers. jolly 'bout de fight sure ter go. I'm onto Into baseball prominencefirst, when he and will be of the regulation size. It is simultaneously* his son being unarmed. He asked me if Mr. Lester would object to cf the Corona day with the company ano This -was pay his curves and here's a Jay he don't rtail. had control, having organized them, of the built in sections, each numbered, and It is The pistols had been found by the police posted a. bulletin notifying all miners "I've got roe stufi in me kick and dere she St. Louis Browns; it was in 1883. He pull- the work of only a few minutes to put it in a desk in Dr. Hinkle's office Immediately ; my appointment I told him Mr. Lester 1 were not ready to return to work undei stayssee?" ed together a team of youngsters and together. A plank foundation will be laid after the shooting, three chambers in one was a strong supporter of Captain Wheacreated a sensation by the way he handled and the horses strongly built and thor- and one chamber in the other discharged. ton, but supposing the question narrowed the .old rules *hat they would be settled them. In fact, Ted taught his young team oughly braced on which the platform will? A witness was also introduced to show that to felt assured Mr, Lester had with in full and discharged. However, 3 a discipline that had never before teen seen rest, and are about eight feet in height, the knucks had /alien from Dr. Worsham's , no myself, I objection to my appointment, such action was taken. The company has personal on the diamond, and there was noting thus raising the boxers to a point in fuU. person when his body was lifted from the been forced to get some of its pressing orand at the request of Mr. Car-isle Lester ders filled by other mines. The strike no* "fake" about their .dash and energy. The view of the entire audience. The platform sidewalk. young team won twenty-three oat of twen- will be about thirty-two feet square, allowDr. Horine, th* occulist whose office was so told him, but insisted on the appointment t^ems certain to extend. The company ty-five games. In this team were suich men ing a four-foot projection entirely around two doors above, testified for the prosecu- of Captain Wheaton, 'to whom he was thinks it will soon be ready to resume work, as Latham, Comiskey and Mullane. The the ring upon which the referee, timekeeper, tion, that he was in the middle of the street earnestly loyal to the last minute. Isn't but the strikers show no signs of weakenno f . work of this team stamped Sullivan at once and seconds will stand. just opposite Dr. Hinkle's office at the moing aad say they are prepared to coatinJM as one 67 the greatest baseball generals in At a proper distance from the platform ment of the shooting, saw the Hash of the it funny how some fellows here fume and on the remainder of the year unless theii the business. The next year *he great will be placed a barbed wire fence, enclosing two pistols and recognized the parties. His pop away at men wKe&ever I offer for any * Union Association was formed and Sullivan a number of stalwart guards, whose duty testimony was that the pistol flashes were office? Why, I believe if I ^?ere to run demands are granted. was put at the head of the St. Louis deb. ft will be to protect the ring from all inter- from opposite sides of Dr. Worsham and for CJaPTADC DODSOX RE-ELECTED.' th'e , office of fool-kHler they His instructions were to win. He won ference. The wire fence has already been that both the Drs> Hinkle did the shooting, would -object for dear life. The president North Carolina Society met Friday night is thirty straight games before losing one. constructed in sections, the wire being at- standing upon their veranda about two feet Teddy then gave up baseball for awhile and tached to posts sharpened at both ends, above and some ten feet from Worsham, is more dependent on senators than on the city engineer's office. The attendance traveled abroad. When he returned he which cabe driven in thirty minutes, con- who was on the sidewalk and making no representatives. He cannot disregard their was very large and much enthusiasm was manifested. The following of&cers were was pounced on by' the management of the. stituting a formidable barricade. Next to attack on the Hinkles. > . " Washington team and nothing must do but the wire fence will be placed the newspaper Dr. C. K. Chapman, another dentist, said preference. Senatorial courtesy you ofhear elected: President, John A. Dodson; first the vice president, Captain R. iL Clayton; secthat he was to take charge at orxe. In reporters in attendance. the day before the killing, Dr. Worsham so much of Is a lion in the path f. 1892 Sullivan came south and jrave to the Manager Bowden says that toe club is had exhibited brass knucks to him and said president. It is a dangerous limitation to ond vice president, Walter P. Andrews; secSouthern League -one of the fastest and prepared to handle 6,000 people witfc celer- he was prepared to do the Hinkles up if his powers. I6k at .the Hornblower case. retary, William W. Davies; treasurer, A. cleanest clubs ever seenthe Chatta- ity and comfort. they bothered him. Other witnesses testi- The president did ndT regard the wishes E. Woodell; warden, R. O. Foard. Captait noogaswinning the first season pennant. Everybody, of course, is guessing where fied on both sides confirmatory of this evi- of Senators. Hill and Murphy and hence Dodson, over his modest protest, was re-, Manager Sullivan is popular in the south- the contest will be held, Jjut the club people dence, and upon conclusion, Judge Mathews elected president, it being the unanimous ern cities from the fact th*t he makes his rare keeping their mouths,shut as to the site promptly remanded the Drs. Hinkle for bis . choice ^wls defeated." opinion that no abler, more patriotic, 01 men play ball from the start to the ^nlrt. selected. They know a good deal more than trial by the superior court upon the charge more faithful officer could anywhere b< BQ&JU, and fights gamely until the last man ia out they did some weeks ago and one result of of murder. found. The society adjourned at a lat< There is a decided revolution on In billiard in the ninth. It has been said of Sullivan have resolved Augusta, Ga., January &)>(Special.)The hour after many -reminiscences of the ok Bail Refused. circles, and it Is Ifeeing helpetl on, by the that he would rather lose the United States that knowledge is that they publication at to do no more talking tot Two unsuccessful attempts were made to community was grieved to &ear of th days and many jokes and stories full a people who have hel the championship, treasury than a game of baseball. oT least. obtain bail from Judge Fish, of the superior deatu of Mrs. P. Edge worth Eve,thisAufn- the North Carolina flavor. and by some who aspire to obtain that murnIt ia probable, however, that it has been court, on~ the grounds bota of the feeble ta. which occurred at Thomson toe She. in bad health for severtitle if the "anchor" shot is barred out and Randolph, anil St. Clalr Counties. chosen on Florida soil. If the club ever health ot both the Drs, Hinkle and the al montha has been some time past her life DID NOT GO >N A BOND.Mrs. Dai and, for a complete return is made to the cushion Gadsden, Ala., January 20.(Spec!aL>The cad any intention of bringing the fight off character of the evidence favorable to the has been despaired of by her family. Her Coursey denies the published statemen carom, -where, instead, the balk line has Jeftersonians, of Randolph county, elected In Georgia, they probably have abandoned prisoners, but both was refused on both disease has been a peculiar one in which that she went on the bond of a relativ. been in complete vogu3. fourteen delegates today and .instructed that idea, in view of the information re- occasion*. Each time evidence was intro- 'tee nerves' center was shattered and skilled charged with house burning. She says slothem to vote for Kolb. Among the delegates ceived here that Governor Jiorthen is notify- duced to show *hat T>r. 3, B. HJnkle was tfcvskaans were unable to do anything to, west on no such bond; that she was a w;-. Here is what ex-Champion W. M. Sex- are six old-line republicans. R. E. Merrill, ing the sheriffs of all counties adjoining the suffering "With fTnght's disease and Dr. A. r. Mrs. -Eve's character was & ness, but had no other connection with xh ton has to say in an Interesting article: ana both as the beautiful Miss but the showand prevent of Randolph, announces for attorney gen- Florida line .to be on the alert Georgia soil. B. Hlntte with consumption, aa authorizing ^ of Columbia county, and later ease; "That the anchor shot should be barred eral on the Kolb ticket. ing was not regarded the meeting being fought on life, she has craae many - TJie delightful entertainment gives fcj is a proposition that few will gainsay. The bail by Judge Fish. The betting is still slow. There seems not "The Kolbites of. St. Clair county, at element of luck enters too largely into it. Broken Arrow today and nominatedmet S. to be much Mitchell money at the present Since the last effort for ball some months the Girls* Co-operative Club, of West End W. Say two players of equal merit participate odd? Pools were sold on the contest to- ag'o the p'rlsonen* have lain quietly in jail, was faisbly successful in every way Foreman for representative, *N. B. Spradley m a game wJhen thousands of 40uar3t jjeS*.ven pools in all were sold, the and It ft =AM that thHr health haa so imreflects credit indeed, upon the rour brinsrin* $#> m each case, and proved that they are both fully able to s.aea theof championship are at stake. It is for county superintendent of education, B. : Notasulsra- Macon county, cues ia charge. "vTiile the clur '<= a matc il. HU1 and H. D. Bridges for cummisend s^PHawSng bf*tw****n $20 and stand trial, for which the def*ne announces i*svl He yf-ars. He was organization it h&s. aecosse y.. . ^ 6> points. One player catches -I "' -s JJ . r year. $4ii only one pnol on the c ' say at th fifth or .sixth inning. very short wiiie. Tee object ;' r.- ut e rthly cl array of legal talent on both pide is Brained with a Hatcliet. brought (40. however. * *aaee has the other fellow a -good onedearie;"a.:id _ ^ * - \ Tlie Florid* Sfcon ftTi**f tmd stjme of the mnst ex -It'njf if the \SA-- , Tex., January 20.A horrible murJLJIIInn I.etvU'a *t*rx. first-namedhas conand Geor- cruing from dues, il-^s A~. . ' .ever witnessed in a courthouse are nerve atig- vesti- Wi" and extreme dencafiy of w,ts i ornmitted here this morning The Manager Burbriil^e, uf the 1'ary expected next woek. For the state are SnV
:: '. vestibule
--v.liS Uilll
That was proved in the last of the recent tournament betwef i 'i iefer and Ives. The youn " i-l L.i:t fifty points up when tbphenomenal run of :. 34 he -had already on " the score. -Take -> 't in fur n thousand -,. . ' ' ''i wouitl r- - \, , ... .' ,.; r;L . \
Gen'l Pass.
t, and neither
i- t < [-, .it present unknown, aetur^J MI- tin LISP, received a letter from Lillian ' ' to t - , ^enral n t . . j . - of I- Lipschlti, wh i playa here nrxl week, fitat:np that Intended to see the fight If H tucf place u i l k i i ' . ^ u 'liTina.il. and ciilled him to tloor. AH i.r optne-J t h e d'njr he was and asking whether It waa Mkely If UuPariHm t<io Mitchell would hav her arrested fur BO dot f c \vith i hatchet atiil brained, flylnjf i n luit:y. T !>' nurdertr t h e u passed Into ing- Tonight John E. HartridK*. who in atUic ru.tfu W!I.TC Aisv. I.i paohits waJi getting torney for th* club, left for Tallahassee to vip :LII! firucit her also <n the head, ln- see the governor, having been summoned fl!"tlT!J< fatal wounds. About thirty trampi there by the executive. It l understood hnve been nrvested today, but tLr ! no that *e subject of consaluUop will b tie proposed Sgttt. * evidence asalcst any of them.
i!c:tor C. E. Hudson, a veteran r-f th* bar; Hon. Robert L,. Berner, of Forsi-*h, and Colonels EdKar F. Hlnton, E, A. Hawkiri*. and W. K Wheatl^y, of the Am*rLcus bar. For th* d*fenw will appear Mmra. Fort A WaUon;T5bflKm & Son. L, J. Blalock. J. B. Hudson, Pitlabury A Winchester. J. A. Anley and Judft H. D. D. Twins, lately of AturoU. o"w of tfefe citr, and Uttit. WorreQ awS Wtmbteh, of Cohnntm*. Both
trtlf* tO
. 3- riick-
Chattanooga. T-Tri , January y- - S'h*-. t a t f ev Sam P. J u n e ? an i ili-jrg-- ;-; H' i-iri 1 ctty t-jr.iprht. They it a . - i.inijrare in th*
a* oonftd*at 91
for ~!fa*hvUle r where tii^y open i rifteen-da? rruta.de against Sit tan and the Rock City's eril waj-s. Thence they so to HopfclnBviil*. K}*., wbere Kr, Jones opn* hla course of ten lectures through the south.
WEW8. Pnma Cliy, VI*., Fri., Feb. 22, 1957 WDLP 590 on your dial Bible Verse i
ported back: "l can't get Marilyn By GEORGE DIXOX WASHINGTONFor nine years Monroe. They tell me she's in Perry. r. the Louisiana State Society held a England, having a baby or someKew*tr, March It, 1W nice, sedate Mardi Gras Ball thing. How about Linda Darnell nl-i (tteejt Buntoy) W B County Publisberi. Inc. here, with members of the state's Or Dorothy Lamour? Dorotny's a t *it Ottle*. PMUtt City. Florid*. M <cond clu congressional delegation taking New Orleans girl." turns at staging and directing. Humphrey, a gallant fellow, said This year it became the turn of they might do in a pinch, Senator Russell B. Long. A meta- and" Long gave orders to his staff i&d United Press morphosis that might have come to try to locate the cinema acPicture Service out of Bullfinch's Mythology fol- tresses by telephone. But whilt this was going on, he decided the lowed. The usually subdued young ball would have still more class if __. . Titr statesman had a weird attack of he bagged an established society Month* _ atavism. He became his rip-roar- leader, so he called Mrs. Marjorie Uoatht Month ing father, the late Huey Long, Merriweather Post. . all over again. He decreed a car- "I'd love to come," cooed JoCopy.~D*Ur. **: undJ *wi-Hld. lOePaybl in nival extravaganza beyond any- seph E. "Misson to M o s c o w'' Herald New-Herzad Vt-ut and Ken. Herald thing the Kingfish ever imagined. Davies' ex. "but I have a house and Sunday Sun. Oo3f Bund*? tad Sunday By PETKR KDSO.V $12.00 t 5.20 $u.o Senator Long imported masked guest. Could I bring her with 415.00 I Tr _ SO 3.00 S.JS XEA Washington Correspondent , |-lfontbi krewes from New Orleans, Dixie- me?" S.M 1.73 4.2S 1 I Months 1.50 . .... . WASHINGTON - < NEAi -See-1 1.75 land musicians from Bourbon "I guess we could make room.' 1 Month to.the.ntJ adTert!S! field by Jota H. Wffi Ablates. 1. | retary of Commerce sindai Street, and then went about re- conceded Senator Long. "What's w "iwk. Braneh offices in principal cities. 0 1 o w 2 d bTwrU. of syndicated attlefe publuhed in the Panama Weeks' press conference statement cruiting the nation's "Big Names"' her name?" CltyNtwi a tttf awn aad do not neceaaartly rtprwent opinions entertained that the Eisenhower administrato prance around in fancy cos- "Princess Emily Vitteto." tump, with their famous faces "A Princess! Did you say, 'A l!0t*ub!Sft wto fall to recelT* their New ahould telephone SO S-EM3 tion had no plans, no studies and before I <T "Fen wek uy. The complaint vtrnc* office is cloaed alter thu no disposition to take the road back masked, but not enough to escape Princess?' Oh. boy, that's t h e hour. _ !to government controls of prices bsbe for Humphrey!I mean w recognition. | and wages isn't the whole story. ] i He sweet-talked Vice President would be deeply honored to have j His statement may have applied! Nixon into aide-de-camping for the the Princess Vitteto, Mrs. Post." j accurately to his own Department! Queen; Chief of Naval Operations Long called his senatorial chum. r of Commerce. But it overlooks tv. ot Admiral Arleigh Burke into cap- "I've got a Princess for you!" he There have been men throughout history who have important studies of inflationary'! taining the Guard of Honor, and crowed. d Senator George Smathers, of Flor- "Wonderful!" cried Humphrey. been gifted with the vision and strength to be great lead controls. These have been going ida, into "Calling Out" the ladies "How did you talk Margaret into "gm&T^* difficult circumstances than on in Washington for a long time' in the Office of Defense Mobilizathat the maskers asked to dance coming over?" Hgt Washington. Ls have left as great or endurmg an tion and the Federal Reserve with. But then he figured some; Senator Long explained painBoard. example to mankind. wallflowers might sneer t h a t stakingly to this buddy that there Weeks amended his repudiation, "Calling Out" was a Democratic are princesses other than English In Washington's last hours, the Father of His Country of direct inflationary control stumonopoly, so he wheedled Sen- ones, and Humphrey finally capitirl "I die hard but I am not afraid to go. dies by saying that the Federal, ator Barry Goldwater, of Arizona, ulated. He promised to be in the He had no reason to be afraid. He had lived his life Reserve Board \\as an independ-' a \iolent Republican, interjoining Mayflower ballroom in mask and honestly. His display of moral strength is his mot vital ent agency, not a part of Ike's adSenator Smathers at the dame- wig, this coming Saturday night ministration. calling. n plenty of time to make sure flgacy to modern-day Americans. But for over a year, the board But Senator Long's grandiose Princess Vitteto, possessor of He did all things with methodical precision and sober has been studying consumer r-red-j craving was yet not satisfied. He an Italian title, gets "Called Out" judgment Hi mind wasn't easily confused with thoughts it controls at President Eisenhowcornered his closest friend, Sena- to dance. tor Hubert Humphrey, of Minne- The Minnesota lawmaker also ^Tearing directly on the sublet at hand. F- would er's own request, relayed through but all will call him j his Council of Economic Advisers. sota, and informed him he had to submitted to tutoring from h i s call him brilliant, ** war or m peace, can ruin L/A lAiio^iw, in - - -, j j _ Summary of the stuclv will be i conceal his face, but reveal his Louisiana colleague on the ettietaunch. And that kind of person can be depended on eleascd in mid-March, if thev get ^ . I chassis in royal tights. quette of the "Call Out." He learnprinted b y then. I t will b e i n ~ ~ i "But I've never gone in lor any ed that only a female who is Washington's farming was profitable, his ive big volumes. _. ..,. .. ..*__ of that fool nonsense!" pleaded paged at the behest of a masker successful, and his presidency acceptable. But the . Nobody, but nobody, will reacl|6eorgC Washington i ;he Minnesotan, now a dignified can dance at a genuine Mardi thing about the unwavering course he steered was that ill five volumes. But they will i ! . " f t f I r~ A _ l * LI pillar of the Senate's Foreign Re- Gras Ball. 5 mos? other helmsmen would have gone on the rocks in lations Committee. But Senator Humphrey looked I "I'll get you a movie queen to askance upon being instructed short order. Senator that tradition calls for the gentledance with." coaxed Rarely has a more disorganized, embittered Long men of the royal court to give the P FRB's i 1 v"or >* under Ralph Young, head of and bickering group than the American "Who?" asked- Senator Humph- ladies favors. He said his studies . economic research. He has work| not exhibit greater prescience than, duty and its interest. a successful war to gain independence. There was of palace history had led him to rey, suspiciously. GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY d in consultation \\ith the con or whether it should ^d in cnnsil a ion \ \ l t h the COn- "~ vr^\.n\\ju *- tj (those who today can find.it morej it would seem as though Presi- "How about Marilyn Monroe?' believe it was the other way agreement on the method of the war gressional economic and banking In our prolonged history as a na- moral to apply sanctions against ident Eisenhower and Secretary of Senator Humphrey admitted around. be waged at all. committees. tion, now 169 years since the adop- Israel for invading Gaza t h a n ! state John Foster Dulles and Am- that he could be interested, but (Copyright, 1957, King Features There will be no rccommcnda- tion of the Constitution, we have against Is'ehru for invading Kash- j bassador Henry Cabot Lodge two days later Senator Long re- Syndicate, Inc.) But this was only a problem to be si ion from the FRB's board of gov- not been blessed by an extraordi- mir. might have read that sentence and Washington. "Shall we after this whine and cry for relief ernors, however, on whether connarily large number of statesmen The oft-repeated references t o j the several paragraphs of warnwhen we have already tried it in vain?" he asked. trols should be applied now. In an or political philosophers. It is as- George Washington's Farewell Ad- ing that follow it when they flew During that ragged and nearly disastrous revolution, mpartial, d e t a c h e d manner tonishing, however, to note how dress rarely remind the reader down to Georgia to discuss the they're leaving the answer to that many really great minds were he was the steady man. His character buttressed not only 40-billion-dollar annual question to active in preparing the Declara- that this was a renunciation of a Suez-Gaza situation in the peaceBy UMTED PRESS third term in the office of the ful atmosphere of George Humphthe army but the country as well. He steered the unw.ver- the President and Congress. tion of Independence and the Con- presidency. He could not be dis- rey's shooting lodge. This sentence WASHINGTON President Ei- met." The studies of price and wage stitution and in charting the new suaded from his decision not to ring course. have helped them too: controls which the Office of De- government through the earliest run again. He was assisted in the might. . Sympathy for the favour- senhower, in his speech to the na". tion on Israd: When the feeble republic needed a president, there fense Mobilization (ODM) has been years of its history. UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. - Dr. formulation of this document by ite Nation, facilitating the illusion Wild be no question that Washington, the leader, the prao making are much more specific. All these men, of whatever phi"I believe the Hitzig, on the collapse o! Madison, Jay and Hamilton but of an imaginary common interest, ests of peacethat inUnitedinter- William V. K. Krishna Menon aftBut these planned controls arc in- losophy, Thomas Jefferson as well the Na- India's 'tical man, should be the one. in cases where no real common the original is in his handwriting. Today we do not have a Washington. We do not need tended for use'only in time of war. as Alexander Hamilton, Sam There was, of course, no Twenty- interest exists, and infusing into tions has no choice but to exert cr a speech in the U.N, Security Under Edward F. Phelps. assist- Adams as well as John Adams. pressure upon Israel to comply Council: one Our substitute is the moral strength of a united peoant director for stabilization. ODM; Thomas Paine as well as John Second Amendment, limiting the one the enmities of the other, be- with the withdrawal resolutions."( ,.j [e had a bout o[ (.oronary in. J?e We can keep our independence and hold our heads high has now developed full plans jresidency to two terms then, but trays the former into a participasufficiency, complicated by a cir'Marshall recognized the genius. Washington did not regard him- tion in the quarrels and wars of if we believe in the act upon the principles George WashTwo years a<*o uhen Arthur S.i the competence, the wisdom of self as irreplaceable. In the rather the latter, without adequate in- WASHINGTON Senate Demo- culatory collapse in which hi! ington established a century and a half ago. ounded language of the period, ducement or justification: It leads cratic Leader Lyndon B. Johnson blood pressure did not adjust itFlcmming. ODM director, was pre-1 George Washington. _ on President Eisenhower's self to an erect position." also to concessions to the favour- (Tex) paring to ask for renewal of the! The fact that George Washing- le said: "I rejoice, that the state of your ite Nation of priviledges (sic) de- call for pressure on Israel if it Defense Mobilization Act. there j ton pronounced a doctrine does LONDON Bolivian tin heir does not withdraw from Egyptian was a plan to have Congress give,not give it validity for all time, concerns, external as well as in- nied to others, which is apt doubly Jaime Ortiz Patino testifying on ternal, no longer renders the pur- to injure the Nation making the territory: the President stand-by authority to but it is to be noted that few "I regret that the administration what broke up his marriage with (Jacksonville Journal) impose "these controls in ' time of ! statements of national purpose suit of inclination incompatible concessions eels that there is no choice but American cover girl Joanne Conllavp had H morc emergency. profound effect with the sentiment of duty, or pro- Surely excessive partiality for o bring pressure on one side of nelly: Like the tourists, the big carriers are moving South. Before this could be done, how-;upon our historic policy than those priety; and am persuaded what- Nehru's India, Tito's Yugoslavia two-side dispute in the Middle) 'It was mother, the same old Announcement of location of the monster ships m Jack- ever President Eisenhower back-'enunciated in Washington's Fare- ever partiality may be retained and Nasser's Egypt would have last unless certain terms are mother, always mother." 1 appeared to George Washington sonville and elsewhere in the state are coming in regularly ed a'way from it. lie decided that well Address. Although it must be for my services, that in the presif controls ever became necessary, conceded that the doctrine of non- ent circumstances of our country, as unseemly, for of such partiality now. Congress would grant him the au-j entanglement grew increasingly you will not disapprove my de- he said: The "big one " the USS Saratoga, largest warship afloat. " . . . Real Patriots, who may j unpopular after Roosevelt's Quar- termination to retire.'' thority without question. w was announced 10 days ago as moving to Mayport pei- It can be stated authoritatively'antine Speech in 1937 and t h e It is in this Farewell Address, resist the intrigues (sic) of the manently this summer. She will join the USS Lake Cham- that there is no change in this ( word, isolationist, became a term in which Washington rejected a favourite, are liable to become plain and the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt as Jacksonville- policy today. The Defense Mobili-iof opprobrium and even shame third term, that he laid down a suspected and odious; while its By BENNETT CERFzation Act' expires again next ( during World War II, the failure of foreign policy for this country, one tools and dupes usurp the apbased vessels. , , f that to a greater or lesser degree plause and confidence of the peopolicy to SARCASTIC CONGRESSMAN, appraising a hostile colThe USS Antietam has now been assigned here foi an June 30. Congress will be asked j American foreign for another renewal by new ODM' a c h ; eve not only its goals but any was followed closely by most of ple, to surrender their interests.' league, concluded with this mild censure, "I won't say he's indefinite period, though she will not be formally home- Director Gordon Gray, but there goa's. the reckless outpouring of his successors: I can quote no more for want ol based at Mayport. Eventually she will move to Pensacola is no intention of asking Congress W ealth of the people into bottom The Nation, which indulges room, but in this year of fatefu dishonest, but if he had been in George Washington's shoes, or stand-by price and wage con-'i ess coffers in many distant coun- towards another an habitual errors, it would be sound for citi- he'd have double-crossed to be used in training Navy fliers there. Rumors are in the air of several more carriers which ,rol authority. 'tries, the tlirtation* of the present hatred, or an habitual fondness, zens to read George Washington's the Delaware." Most of the ODM plans arc administration with Communists. is in some degree a slave. It is a Farewell Addressa legacy to his * might be based here, permanently or otherwise. classified as secret. But there is Jildjctators and slave-owners, does slave to its animosity or to its people. It all adds up to the fact that Jacksonville, which nab There's one commuter on affection, either of which is suffi- (Copyright, 1957, King Features long held air superority over all other Atlantic coast naval iecling amour: ODM planners that caui!e some wonderment as to cient to lead it astray from its Svndicate. Inc.1 the Harlem Division of the some day their proposed economic' whether George Washington did bases, is now beginning to make its move to get sea supei- control system should be made, New York Central who is iority as well. It still has some distance to go to catch Isor- public as a matter of national prestrictly barred from all lolk. but if the carriers keep coming, perhaps some d a j paredness. bridge games. "He's the It isn't considered wise to scare | this area will stand atop the entire heap as the greatest to sign a formal treaty incorpo kind of player," explains a people w i t h this kind of informa-, By C'HARLKS M. McCANN (have long dreamed of such a plan all-type Navy base of the entire coast. tion now. But gradually, over thc|i; n jted Pre^ Staff Correspondent .have pointed out that economic rating the common market plan grim f e l l o w - p a s s e n g e r , next generation, economists tigurci Six European countries have de- rivalries sometimes lead to wars. Then experts will start the Ion; "who calls a spade three it will become fashionable to bei C ided to work out a plan for eco- The official name for the new tedious job of working out the de spades." tails. These details will include 'nomic unity which statesmen have plan is "Common Market". * the gradual abolition of tariffs and! Shortened to "Euromarket" The important point is that ceo-1 dreamed of for many years. Qn a roadside nar Pittsnomic control planning The prime ministers of France,', This has been shortened tcchnic- customs duties which the coun- field, Mass., Karl Tausig spot(The Ft Myers News-Press) going on in Washington, in spite of West Germanv. Italy Belgium i all - v 'mo "Euromarket" in keeping tries now impose on the products In most cities and counties the $5.000 homestead exempdenials. There is simply no inten- The" Netherlands and Luxembourg I w i t h the modern tendency to ap- they exchange. bis, MOTaign reading-Blue Heaven." Directly beneath the lign tion is considered a handicap by officials hunting for more establish ~*>i-,ta1 qprviccs tion to use these Luinn.i.- now to agreed Wednesday to establish a Pb' trick words to simple "<*" i . The customs bloc will rank in was another which added "No Vacancies." IHL-M- controls "v- agrerd \\eclnesclav KM ""-'^ ^^ . -f; tongs. - :'. ~;~~ ""r" ,"",- -T vernmental services ^ , The atomi c pool is called "Eura- importance with those of the bnitrevenue to finance the additional governmental s e i x i c c . i n f ,. l t ] o n u n d c r cx , stm , con , * ,;r)i _ *_~_ nrl C r r a T o e ? States, V r v t n a t t?iicrci3 arm tnC> Soviet Russia and the which are constantly demanded. But not in Fort \\ a ton ditions of full employment and high eventually will lead to a * virtual I tom * Whined * sneak-thief who had been caught in the act by an alert The prime ministers who reach- British Commonwealth. *feeach, a resort town on the Gulf Coast in West Florida. demand. merger of their economics. ed the agreement in Paris intend But its great significance lies in pi ain-clothesman. 'Tin gonna go straight after this. I Just can t President Eisenhower may nave Thev also agreed to establish a There they have doubled it. to meet in Rome next month the fact that it is a big step to- take it any more." The city council has passed an ordinance Banting a had all this pluiin.nc; m mind when pool for cooperation ,n the use o f , ^ - ~ , a 1957. by Bennett Orf. Distributed by K,n S J'eature. Syi.dic.te. ward the unification of Europe. press conference t n a t atomic nnwor fnr npprpfnl pur- f" " $10,000 homestead exemption from city taxes to certain he toldbusiness and labor exercise jtiimir power for peaceful mirunless Antwer to Yeitrdy' Pul property-owners. The extra $5,000 homestead exemption is estramt. the government may poses. CROSSWORD PUZZLE if that; "\Ve have taken a major step being granted to all who can claim two or more exemp- have to move in even _. _ S9Tip ACROSS tions on their federal income tax returns-that is, those chances the American free ccono-Mo\\ard a united europc." Chancel41Moccasin 43Repair 1Sickness rn\. who are married, or if single, are over 65^ _______ Germany said after the meeting!44Oriental nurse 7Earthquake That Fort Walton Beach can grant such a tax conces4SA nate (abbr., 13Biblical of premiers in Paris. [ iDali's latest brainstorm is an art By HAL BOYLE 40Comfort mountain sion to property-owners is due to the present trend ^ch! Georgia P c n s l O n SOTransaction Climax Of Long Talks ' j^y yORK (!f>Things a col- form he says is based on the 14Having siJog branches finds most cities, Fort Myers among them, deriving tl en , Revjved : Negotiations tor the customs tin- umnist might never know if he patterns made bv electrons and 53People of t 15Pulverized roik revenues more and more from sources other than he t acountry ion took 20 months io complete, d j.j.,-. on,,n v,i<: maili , ISBritish !ncutrons dun atomic ex en 55Items of streetcar ATLANTA. >'eb HI (UPWTh:, Thcse I1CJ:o , utlpns . however '^ ^ , . H ,"S P ' ditional ad valorem property tax. Fort Mvers counts .at property 3JBurmese demon That the phrase _ red Jape ments. r 56Topics less on the ad valorem tax revenue now than it used to..^,, Financr Conduce _toda> ,i WC1T the [ru j t of plan , which date ! vrt n -t T-I i T-* t~r thrt -arinftvincr flPiaVS- Ol IPDirk i -11 bill _ i i, That actor Walter Slezak gives 20Grate DOWN and this city probably could grant a $iu,wu "| this appraisal of most modern' 21Native metal 22Cry like horse m emption without too much difficulty if it 1 Churih service equal to two-ihirds o> i t< lt > countries concerned will estab art: "It can't be as bad as it's! 24Preposition 2Island off 25New Deal thrr which is does not. 6Metallic Ireland P^"sont agency labbr.) <- j - retircplpment The purpose of the gimmick at Fort Walton S-rath serve 160 niiiiion people. That you are a born poet if. off- rsKeprret 7Wasne matter 4T,ast name of That Maine is the only - 21Sailing vessel The niPiiMirc was ..ricndcd hoxx- Latcr . it ,s proposed'to bring in uiai .iu.t-_ > u,,_ u..... -state" in, hand . you can t h i n k up words that of course to serve as bait for new settlers. especia!J> SIntlined famous one TOPisfieure ] rhvrnc Wlth office of coba or Tennyson ."4Display elderlv people living on pensions and annuities. It now can evei. to kccu an> oifK- al nrawmg r_ other countne.-. exicnding from!the union which adjoins onl\ 9Printer's sailor 35Merits the neiT-'on fr^m M I S ' loceiving i ce land to Turke\. 'other state. 'award advertise to prospective residents that they won t h a % e to measure 5Pistnct SRNight before r r M.ito employes The new plan can not romoete' That a honeybee can vibrate its ' . . . . **n nnfi ~t *voiT- Vior ssesbhome assess-; benetiis from the 10Sameness of Attorney "7Pine ,o,- te^, witn the more dra-;^ings -MU toes pay any city taxes on the first 510,000 o the'reti-emor* b>=tcm .u-d tir-ci for headlines ^ *,'} L-;-,nSs 4*nuif S a . second. ,nd JJj, ^ ^u^ ^ ,,,cn 33 That is Ubbr.) tabbr.) ItKskers ment,. which probably will cover most JTO]^-^ ^.^.^^ .^ wii:^u uivwaua^v T i** - . -i-^ ; nnp Undorr ano',hp,- amondmcm. the nia tic developments m world pol-,that's some buzzin'. cousin. 12Nerve network same bait has been used for some time by certain cities m U'^ ,.u:d luvo i,> -k fcr^ltira. ' Thai the Black Sea isn't black.'tors to the Empire Slate 17Rant ;:'.1? mistaken a bid to attract industries-tax concessions are made to 20 >ears in one or more] Its complexity is shown by ^4Mohammtdan nan]* of the 1- elective offices to bo eh-' fact that it will no: be plants. 2,-,_pnrm But the cities which have lured industry on this basis p i b l p ,,,: ,,.p rcn,.cn 2fiKciiHe sefrt :-*-Xntives of have found pretty generally that it didn't pay-that busi- The measure - oxivc-icd 10 b e i < of up for floor acf.on in ihr donate 'years 23Man' nam* Moncke. a London blacKsmnn. i 30 5o!i;h inj A Ko MOMi That U.S. government publica-. That some sleepless fellow American ooo sorrfl must be much the same as corporatjons in this re^pec. 1; ^^^ L ,; urencevi; - t ,, t,harcec) But assuming the plan tions, which usually bear titles as Australia has figured out his counSIfond!* S3Xumber moaisulv is not likely that citizens attracted to a town because ^ nil . rt , ull . .,irnouni, to spcciai worksand the oountr.es involved', long-winded as a marathon inn- try now has 139 million sheep. ,. ... .,_.... excuses them from paying their way would be very much j b o l , c f l t s {pr a p r i x i i c g 0 d class." Ho seem to be determined to make it ner. now include a booklet that is. That the Fisherman s magazine, To VasfaK 0 S HSFruit (r/!.) I said the bill is "unjust" because work-it is one o! the most im- simply called "beer". Wonder]which has its offices in the Salmon worth having either. 4"Experience in inter-1 what in the world it could be tower, here has a boating editor it does not require the officials to portant moves n 41South named Clinton R. Hull. national cooperat.on. 'about? American Arabian eifts to European medieval society contribute a percentage equal tc mderit Eventually, it ;s hoped that the' That Arthur Murray says to That one can get 'a divorce in rt of fortification, knightly tournaments, the ,the state's contribution as requned 4!Word of sorrow art 01 loriincduu", B j i under the retirement system rule? whole farming and industrial pro-1 learn to dance the cha-cha all you only seven states on the grounds 4"Encounter <Srripnte duct of participating countries will'have to do is wave goodby\vith- a mate is a drug addict. troubadour, and chivalry itself. 54 tlr-riuirv pl&nt In the u s be merged. ; out using your hands: | J*""6**?*?" comf ^ *,- -u-u tv, - - Marine Corps WornIt is calculated > Uise l i v i n g j That Sportscaster Mel Allen was| the Indian word, dungri. the name 2Svmhol foff Peninsula was granted to Michigan by the en.g Reserve overweight lady reThe "" " " - tooj. MExclatnauon federal . ( 5 , . ..^.. up arms agains stalks. They lose weight fast. ' Statesmen and economists who! The surrealist painter *> history between two individual states These things have 1 spoken, unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your! joy might be jull. John 15:11.\ . . . Yet many refrain from a ' devoted life because they imn- . gine it would exclude the joys oj l i f e . I
Washington Notebook
"he staff study is bcmg .epa.edip Citizens to Read the Farewell Address
Tax Exemption
^Xi^^^J.>5p'; --;,
mm is A am
said that Florida lands money to the acre than i|*M of any other state In the Unto*. IB swwy THOUSANDS OF ACRM MINO county and In almost SOLD TO NEW BETTLERt AND ity in^the state out-door flourish In every month of i MONEY AND BRAINS AID LAV- It Is probable that more WMs of fruits and vegetables and MM np ISH NATURE. of all varieties can be sunh'asafrtly Florida, In many respects, Is one ol grown in Florida than any otkfr secthe most interesting ot all the tali tion or state In the entire Halted sisterhood of ates In th Union States New fruits and other prodFrom the time that Ponce de Leon, ucts ar being constantly added to the * X T T 0 with his band of adventurous wa- list that can be successfully grown llers landed at St Augustine tout In Florida, but which have not Ham hundred years ago. In search ot the tried before fountain of youth, there seems to The state is rich In its annual prohave been an air of mystery, romance duction ot its great citrus crops of and legend connected wtlh this land 4,500,000 to 6,000,000 boxes of Jtttay oranges, rich grapefruit and delicious of flowers and wonderful climate. Ponce DeLeou, failed to find the tangerines. The pineapple grows to wonderful spring which he sought, but Its highest type of splendid flavor In the people of the 20th century have Florida. The gnava. pear, (sherry, the discovered that here in its magnif- lime, the lemon, the pecan and nearly icent climate is to be found a per- every kind of fruit grown will do well TanerMedi petual source of health and enjoyment In this state, when given proper atof life and hither tens of thousand! tention'and cultivation. All Kinds of of people from all sections of thll vegetables flourish here. The cereals great republic now gather, as well at do well. Sea Island cotton grows many from foreign lands to spend well here and all these products and several months during the rigorous many others of the soil are well repwinter season and thus prolong their resented in the State a wonderful valives as well as make life worth the riety of products. The possibilities living Like the birds of passage, of Florida in the production of all when the chilling winds begin to form kinds ot agricultural products seem the Ice and bring the snows to the well-nigh limitless and its developmore northern climes a steady stream ment along this line appears to have of humanity begins to move down on just fairly begun. Its pine lands Florida to remain till the warm sun- have for generations brought and are shine of spring melts the snlwt n< still bringing fortunes to their ownagain brings warmth, when they re- ers in the naval products as well as turn home for the summer. in lumber. Strange, that though having tbe old- Nature is lavish In every TV ay with est settlement and the earliest history this wonderfully favored peninsula after the discovery by the white man and its profusion of streams and of of this country that Florida should lakes not equalled by any other state, be among the very last to be devel- are filled with choice flsh of all kinds, oped by the progressive commercial while its great stretch of coast line, WITH ME AND "BE SECURE greater than that of any other state, spirit of the 20th century There Is no doubt now that this furnishes salt water flsh of all van O n l y t h e Best spirit Is thoroughly abroad In the state etles, oysters, and then to add the Fire InsBfEMt CMMiwrin from Jacksonville, the Queen City, finishing touch to wealth producing R e p r e s e n t e d and gateway from the north, to Key products, filled many of the coast West, in the southern sea, and from waters with commercial sponges Fernandlna and St Augustine on the whicb are a source of considerable Atlantic Coast to Pensacola and Tam- evenue pa on the Gulf coast, development and While the development ot field and growth are manifest everywhere forest have been and are most reThousands of acres of lands are markable they do not approximate being sold to new citizens In every the phenomenal urban development part of the big state, pine lands, ham Towns and cities have sprung Into NEW SMYRNA : FLORIDA mock, muck and even the Everglades, existence during the past decade and about which so much has been said a bait like magic. The hustling proof late and which caused a congres- gressive city of Tampa on the west sional Investigation, are being brought coast made the most remarkable between the census of MOO and 1910 Into cultivation, and smiling with growth of any u\ the United States The purchase ot large bodies of land the laying off of small (arms and town sites Is constantly going on in all parts of the state. The other settled and wealthy states north are contributing both money and citizens and help along this remarkable development Thousands of people in the north are getting winter homes in Florida while the luxurious and palatial hotels in all the cities of the state furnish winter homes for the rich who do not care to be burdened with home keeping through the winter months Florida Is literally the winter playground ot the nation.Jacksonville Journal
EAST CUST Mil fUJIS Tl EUSTIHtl BROS. ME SUIT Utt $tsnvmet iriui *MY
CITY COUNCIL OF M A Y P O R T PftEBCRIMD f ROORAM WILL QUANT* ORDINANCE PERMITTINA LATINO OF TRACKB ON PRINCIPAL JtTREETB. What to generally regarded as the first step ot the Florida Bast Coast railway to electrify its road from Jacksonville to noarbj* seaside resorts, has been taken at Mayport, where the city council has passed an ordinance granting the railroad company the us* of all of Its principal streets for the laying of tracks. In addition to the street railway improvements, plans are on foot by the railroad company officials and several capitalists, to build an immense dock and flsh warehouse at Mayport. together with a commodious Ice plant, thereby Insuring the preservation of the flsh taken from the sea. According to the report no time will be lost in starting the laying of tracks and the erection ot the dock and warehouse. It Is reported that J. P. Beckwlth, vice-president of the Florida Bast Coast railway, and Robert Gamble, president of the Atlantic Ice and Coal corporation of Jacksonville, have gone to New York, tor the purpose ot arranging plans tor the contemplated Improvements. It is understood that the Florida East Coast railway will move Its present terminal station Into the main portion of the town and build a handsome depot CARRIED OUT IN LOOM ROOM THE DAY MUM MOM ttENRALLY OMMVID. There will be no public celebration of Flag Day. by Dayton* Lodge No. 1144 B. P. O. Elks this year, but the annual observance of the day will be held In the lodge room ot the Elks' home tomorrow evening, June 14th, falling upon Saturday. The regular program prescribed by the grand lodge will be carried oat and at Its close then will be the usual refreshments. The national flag day Is now quite generally observed throughout the country not only by the Elks, but by all patriotic and many other societies, being a day fostered by the American Flag association, organised for the purpose of promoting reverence for and to prevent the desecration of the country's flag.
L.W* *T SaMl
IHtiMI Sort for ay M fits**
Real Estate and Insurance
TOWN OF PORT ORANGE IS NO* INCORPORATED. One of the late bills signed by Governor Park Trammel! was the one legalising the Incorporation of the town of Port Orange and the pretty little town on the Halifax now becomes a real town. Last winter the citizens of P^ort "Orange called a mass meeting and decided to have the town incorporated. A full set ot officers were selected to serve the town until the time for the regular election. The bill passed by the "legislature and signed by the governor merely legalises this action taken by the Man's Debt to the Beast*.' Men have received valuable hint* dtisens. and learned many things of Importance from beasts; such as gratitude Erratic Traveler. from dogs, vigilance from the crane, Opportunity is slowest thing In Foresight and frugality from the ant, the world when itthe approaching yon; is tonesty from the elephant and loyalty but when It Is going in the other difrom the bont*.Don Quixote. rection it travels raster than light.
Brick Plasterer Cement Worker
: FOR :
Before You Invest that $1000 See the $885 Studebaker "25"
Th"25" . IJAVE you ever asked yourself EQUIPMENT what more you oould want In ' an automobile than t h e $ 8 8 5 Studebaker "26" gives you? Real ejiw yearajM the reojsiiilei of a fiae $885 Stodebaker car-Hvasjajets fcr aay trip, BMchaajcaj efficiency. "25" asy naaaf
Saves Trouble, Saves Muss, Saves Worry, Saves Time.
THE COUNTRY CHURCH. Tlw limit uwfnl cttUtni ID any coniunumy is me man MIO ||ve* on the mud Be produces the ruiidnuientiil nm emnty-fo 4 Be wndx hid hov nod glrhtoo uytny or them-to the city to maintain Itx vigor with their country bred vitality Be totms wltb niii fellows tbe backbone of Amerlran n-nnomic and cl II life Tbe Voting Men's CBrtsttaa association Is doing great work today In norae counties, hot there IK another force that must b* en(luted by tbe tanners themselves, in thrlr effort* to get their aharsi or U> uwewury benefits of cWl-v lEstlnn Thin Is the country churcb. now aertonsly lacking In vitality Hnd the touch with the ' problem of country Ufa that It ought to nave and that tt can be made to get-OUTord Plnenot
Free "25" fMb ye* Mental ektare. Yet IMS tays this ear, ceaeMa fraai sift BNhalr 31-2hMhhm5iKli tepte extra re* $treke. T M the eajal of the "25" and perFew ar, aric. ptwm ft. ef the Stwhfcifcer Jiffy Cartain "******** hi** _** electric lira
are hw,-N I* taw M idee that SUM weM alert Eenheee ewk a car, m eeN say to yea tees tkw a* etraBtft ST* JTM te leek ever the SMS -- - --*^^
Makes life more enjoyable for the housewife, as well as all members of the family. We deliver the loe and plaoe K in your loe Box or Refrigerator.
Wa Even Mora Upset 1 cant understand how TOW ** the presumption to think I wornM permit my daughter to become your wife." "It does seem rather surprising. I suppose; but cheer up, You're not half so bjdly upset as I WM whan she sufn-psuri it t me,"
Smyrna :
TWy hi/MM talking M they wda> od. at* had remarked yatheUeaUyt "Ofc. tt mat he terrible to a man ta> M rejected by a woman!" -Indeed K asMt" WM ate response. Then, aftor wan*, with sympathetic lagsnooegMM, she exclaimed: "It dossnt ssMs that I ooald over have the heart to It" And there came a sllenc* b*. (WM them M he thourtt tt over.
mr Mno* tbe OoMM fttts of 17M Ik* Baak of Baghad has had Mints*? it*****. The mtuy WMOB to eN twtr tight At Eve o'ctoek tt tuna** Mf AMI tko
The Weather
consumer can demand a written estimate on any job costing over $25. The final cost can not be more than 10 per cent higher without the customer's written or spoken consent. Estimates also have to describe the problem and whether or not the proposed repairs are guaranteed to fix it. Estimates have to be good for five days in case the customer wants to shop around for a lower estimate. The invoice also must state whether any used, rebuilt or reconditioned parts are used. The llth rule approved Thursday deals with contracts for future services such as those by dance studios, health spas and
job-training schools. It allows the customer three days to change his mind and cancel the contract if the customer's physician says he cannot physically receive the service or if he dies. Trade schools are prohibited from misrepresenting their academic accreditation or other affiliations. They cannot mislead the public as to their job-finding potential and cannot advertise in juch a way as to indicate they are offering a job, unless they are. The law allows Florida Attorney General Robert Shevin to go to court to enjoin unfair and deceptive practices and to force a refund of money.
Henry Block has 17 reasons why you should cone to us for income tax help.
Reason 5. If the IRS should call you in for an audit, H & R Block will go with you, at no additional cost. Not as a legal representative... but we can answer all questions about how your taxes were prepared.
No. 21M1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SAINT LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 73 982-CA IN RE: The Marriage of JOHN HENRY SIMON, JR., Husband, and TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (UPD The desegregation of Florida's Lorlne Williams public schools system has been accomplished, but the students put SIMON, wife. NOTICE Tp DEFEND together in the classrooms are not getting along too well. TO: LORINE WILLIAMS SIMON That is the message of a phonebook - sized report adopted TuesPlace of residence and post office address: day by Gov. Reubin Askew and the cabinet, sitting as the state LORINE WILLIAMS SIMON Board of Education. 1113 Falrfleld Street The report was made in the form of a grant application to the U. Aiken, South Carolina You are hereby notified that a S. Office of Education, for $152.501 to prevent "resegregation" and Petition for Dissolution of your Marriage has been filed against you promote racial harmony in the newly integrated schools. In the above styled Cause and you Tom Todd, an aide to Education Commissioner Floyd T. Chrishereby required to file with the Clerk of the above styled Court, the tian, told the board "A unitary school system has been established, original of your answer or other but we still have a problem of human relations." defenses to said petition on or before He said some schools have "rap rooms" where students can go to February I, 1974; and immediately thereafter serve a copy of said discuss social problems, and that others have formed bi - racial answer or other defenses upon committees to promote inter- action among students, teachers and Charles P. Benton, attorney for husadministrators. band, P.O. Box 3447, Fort Pierce, "While there is some resegregation, and while there are a few Florida, herein fail not, and/or other allegations of said petition will incidents of racial isolation, the task of establishing unitary school be taken as confessed by you. Dated this 21st day of December, systems throughout the state has been substantially completed." A.D.1973. the rpoort said. ROGER POITRA5, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT, SAINT LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGA'-S LEGALS By: / S / M A R Y NEIL Deputy Clerk IN RE: ESTATE OF NO. 21652 (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) ' EDGAR R. BROWN, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Charles P. Benton Deceased. THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL P.O. Box 3447 NOTICE OF PROBATE CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND Fort Pierce, Florida 33450 TO: ALL PERSONS INTERESTED FOR ST. LUCIE COUNTY. Attorney for Husband IN THE ' E S T A T E OF S A I D IN PROBATE. December 28, 1973; January 4, 11, DECEDENT: NO. 74-t-CP and IE, 1974 You are hereby notified that a written instrument purporting to be the Last Will And Testament of s*k) MVfft A COVEfl. MINIMUM CK ADMISSION CHARGI decedent has been admitted^.to DANCING TIL 2 A.M. probate in this Court. You are hereby commanded within 'Six OPEN 7 DAYS calendar months from the date*of T mil' IEAUIIFUL NEW SWIHGIN1 the first publication of this nolice'to appear in this Court and show cause, if any you can, why the action of this Court in admitting said will .N to probate should not stand unrevokJ.M. FIELD'S PLAZA SUNDAY ed. 1 P.M. SHOPPING CENTER /s/ James E. Alderman TIL JAMES E. ALDERMAN 12 A.M. 2840 SOUTH U.S. 1 Circuit Judge Where You Are Never Alone RAYMOND E. FORD P. 0. Box 3307 ANY BRAND ANY DRINK ANYTIME Fort Pierce, Florida 33450 ALL ONE PRICE 48' Attorney for Co-Executors, ALL 79 ABC COCKTAIL LOUNGES IN FLORIDA JOSEPHINE BROWN and EDGAR A. BROWN, of the Estate of EDGAR R. BROWN, deceased. Published on January 4, 11, 18 and
FOR PERIOD ending 7 a.m. EST Saturday. Friday night will find snow falling across most of the Rocky Mountain region, changing to rain over the southwest corner of the nation. E Isewhere, clear to partly cloudy skies should be the general rule. The freezing line will again bite deep into the Southland. Minimum temperatures include: (approx. max readings in parenthesis) Atlanta 36 (54), Boston 21 (35), Chicago 12 (28), Dallas 28 (49), Denver 5 (28), Duluth -7 (9), Jacksonville 52 (72), Kansas City 15 (27), Houston 37 (64), Los Angeles 48 (51), Miami 66 (80), New Orleans 48 (63), New York 25 (35), Phoenix 42 (50), San Francisco 39 (49), Seattle 26 (34), St. Louis 18 (34), Washington 25 (40).
High Low
High 6:50 a.m. 6:54 p.m. Low 12:16 a.m. 12:53 p.m. warm through Saturday (Jetty Tides Two Hours Earlier) low 80s and lows low to mid 60s. Southerly winds around 10 LOCAL DATA YESTERDAY m.p.h. 79 High Zones 20, 22: Fair and warm Low 69 Rainfall .07 through Saturday with highs Jan. To Date .09 near 80. Low tonight near 70. Barometer 30.10 Southeast winds 10 to 15 m.p.h. 5:43 p.m. Sunset Today Sunrise Tomorrow 7:08 a.m. Zones 18, 19,21: Partly cloudy and continued warm through Saturday. Highs low to mid 80s and lows tonight mid 60s. Southeast winds 10 m.p.h.
MIAMI (UPI)-Dense morning fog will make driving hazardous today and Saturday. Mostly cloudy today with southerly winds around 10 m.pJi. Highs low to mid 70s and lows near 60. Rain probability 60 per cent. Zones 8, 9 : Morning fog likely. Partly cloudy through Saturday with a 40 per cent chance of rain. Highs around the mid 70s and lows near 60. Southerly winds 10 m.p.h. Zones 10,11,12,13,14,15,16, 17: Partly cloudy and continued
25, 1974.
No. 21705 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the und e r s i g n e d , pursuant to the provisions of Section 865.09 of the Florida Statutes, will register with the Cierk of the Circuit Court in and for St. Lucie County, Florida, upon receipt of proof of publication of this notice, the fictitious name, to wit: ASSOCIATES COMPANIES, under which he is engaged in business. DATED at Fort Pierce, Florida this 7th day of December, 1973. S/ LEON CASTER Owner Publish: Dec. 14, 21, 28, 1973; January 4, 1974
Zone 23: Partly cloudy through Saturday. Highs near 80 and low tonight low 70s. Southeast winds to moderate chop on the wat10 to 15 m.p.h. ers. Zones 1, 2, 3, 4: Cloudy with Exposed coastal waters from a 50 per cent chance of rain. Cedar Key southward: Mostly Northerly winds 7 to 10 m.p.h. southerly winds 10 to 15 knots. Highs low 70s and low tonight Seas two to four feet. upper 40s. Shoal and inland waters from Boating Forecasts: Port Canaveral northward: South Exposed coastal waters from to southwest winds 10 knots. Port Canaveral southward: Seas two to three feet and inSoutheast winds 10 to 15 knots. land waters will have a light Seas two to four feet. chop. Inland waters from Lake Pensacola to Apalachicola Worth southward: Southeast Variable winds 10 to 15 knots winds 10 to 15 knots and a light through Saturday.
Parkview's Pulpit:
My fellow Americans, our country has come through many crises in our short history. We have had the crises of wars upon wars, crises of murdering presidents, crises of pollution, crises of population explosion, and now the crises of energy spelled OIL. But none of these above crises are as great as the crisis of people. All of the above crises are created by people. But God has an answer for all of these crises. (II Chronicles 7:14) God says, "If my people, which'are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land." God has some better things for us the Bible says and they can be found in His Son. "He that hath the Son has life (John 3:36)"; "And this is life eternal, that theymight know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3) Join us this Sunday as we worship the Christ of every crisis. James C. Wright, PH.D., Pastor
By United Press International Today is "Friday, Jan. 4, the fourth day of 1974 with 361 to follow. The moon is approaching its full phase. The morning star is Mercury. The evening stars are Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Those born on this date are under the sign of Capricorn. Sir Isaac Newton, who discovered the law of gravity, was born Jan. 4, 1642. On this day in history: In 1885, Dr. William Grant of Davenport, Iowa, performed the first appendectomy. The patient made a complete recovery. In 1937, about 10,000 Italian troops landed in Spain to help the Nationalist forces in that country's civil war. In 1948, Burma became an independent nation after centuries of influence and control by Great Britain. In 1967, speedboat racing driver Donald Campbell was killed when his jet-powered boat exploded in northwest England.
A thought for the day: Irish poet James Stephens said, "Women arc wiser than men because they know less and understand more." \
By Kenneth Friedman STC/MP OF CrP&ttS T2EJE, car DOWA/ YAS AGO, ST/IL ~ l/VS
barked o n a d e e p s e a fishing e x pedition to t h e nearby snapper banks. They c a m e h o m e with a good catch of fish a n d s a y they h a d t h e time of their lives. Mr. a n d M r s . Alvln G r a n t , of Donaldsonville, G a . , s p e n t t h e week-end v i s i t i n g f r i e n d s In Lynn Haven. B. F . Duncan, w h o h a s spent the past two months in D o n a l d s o n v i l l e , r e t u r n e d h o m e with them. Mr. a n d M r s . C l a u d e E. Lister a n d M r s . L. O. C a r r o l l m o t o r e d t o D o t h a n S u n d a y a n d visited h e r sister, M r s . L . S. Sewell. O n their return, a t Cottondale they attended a baseball game b e tween t h e Lynn Haven a n d Cot tondale teams. T h e latter won, 5 t o 3. Oliver G a r r e t t , w h o h a s b e e n seriously ill t h e p a s t t h r e e weeks, is r e p o r t e d c o n v a l e s c e n t . Miss K a t i e G r a n t of D o n a l d sonville, Ga., i s s p e n d i n g t h e week w i t h h e r c o u s i n , M r s . B o b bie E a s o m . Mrs. J o h n A. A n d e r s o n h a s a s h e r g u e s t s t h i s week h e r little grandchildren, Whitfield a n d B e t t y J e a n A n d e r s o n , c h i l d r e n of Mr. a n d Mrs. E u t i s A n d e r s o n of Port St. Joe. Mr. a n d M r s . L e l a n d P . C u r t i s a n d M r . a n d M r s . B e n D a v i s of C i n c i n n a t i , O., a r r i v e d S u n d a y for a t e n - d a y v i s i t "with r e l a t i v e s a n d friends. I t is p l a n n e d t h a t t h e W P A w o r k e r s will b e g i n h a r d s u r f a c i n g of t h e city s t r e e t s W e d n e s day. V e t e r a n J. R. D a v i s s p e n t S u n day with his m o t h e r , M r s . Vir g i n i a Davis, i n Millville. Mrs. W. B . B o z e m a n a n d l i t t l e d a u g h t e r , Dolores, a n d s o n , P a t , who have spent t h e past t e n d a y s visiting h e r p a r e n t s , R e v . a n d M r s . W. H a r v e y W a g e s , h a v e r e t u r n e d to t h e i r h o m e i n A t lanta, Ga. Little George J o r d a n is visit ing his g r a n d p a r e n t s , Mr. a n d Mrs. George P a l a z z o , i n A p a larhicola. Rev. W. H a r v e y W a g e s left M o n d a y for G r a c e v i l l e , w h e r e h e will c o n d u c t r e v i v a l services i n the Baptist church during t h e c o m i n g week. Miss C h a r l e e n W r i g h t e n t e r tained a t a chicken dinner S u n day a t h e r home on Georgia ave n u e . G u e s t s w e r e M r s . Alice D a vis of M a r i a n n a a n d Misses R u t h a n d Louise K y s e r .
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P.M. 3:00 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:25 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 A. M.
C h a r l i e Barnett'.s O r c h e s tra, NBC Affairs of A n t h o n y . NBC NBC C o n c e r t O r c h e s t r a , NBC J i m m i e Dor.scy'.s O r c h e s tra, NBC P r e s s Association News, NBC P o w e r of Life a n d D e a t h , NBC Box Score E x t r a . NBC P l e a s u r e T i m e with F r e d W a r i n g , NBC In T h e Groove, Loc. Cloytier Calling, NBC T h e M a r c h of Melody, Loc. All Aboard for V a c a t i o n l a n d , Lor.. Sports Chats with Chalk, Loc. R h y t h m Roundup, Loc. "Shall We S e n d O u r Y o u t h to W a r , " a n a d d r e s s by H e r b e r t Hoover, NBC Idea Mart, NBC K a y Ky.ser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge, NBC B a s e b a l l G a m e , Loc. H a l K e m p ' s Orch., N B C L i g h t s Out, N B C Sign-Off THURSDAY
H a n k the Hired Hand,! 6:30 Loc. j P r e s s Association News,' 7:00 NBC Hank the Hired Hand,; 7:05 Loc. FordviUe M u s i c a l News, 7:15 Loc. 7:30 B r e a k f a s t C l u b , NBC 8:00 Story of t h e M o n t h , NBC ! 8:15 J o s h Higgins, NBC 8:30 Originalities, NBC ; 8:45 S w e e t h e a r t s of t h e Air, NBC 1) 00 Viennese E n s e m b l e . N E C 9:15 Next Door N e i g h b o r , Lo :. 9.30 C o m m u n i t y Bulletin B o a r d . Loc. 9:45 Wife Saver. NBC i 10:00 In T h e Groove. Lo*\ 10:15 Bailey Axton. NBC 10 30 F a r m and H o m e Hour. NBC 11:30 P e a b l e , T a k e s Charm-, NBC 11:45 Rosa Lee, NBC 12 :Cn Rueov'; Orch . N B f P. M. 12:15 Rueov'.; Orch , NT?'' ! 12:30 Light Opera I-jelPe'ion..,' NBC Florida League A c e Fights Last Night Extra Inning Games 12:45 Kaengei' S e r e n a d e , I ,oc 1 00 NBC Dance O r c h , NBC Suffers First Loss Don't Worry Fliers 1:15 P i a luv. R u m a n i a n S o (By t h e Associated P r e s s ) p r a n o , NBC NEW YORK Lew J e n k i n s , | < By T h e Associated Press > M O N T G O M E R Y , Ala., J u l y 19. 1:30 Hossier Hop, NBC i J a m e s H e n r y "Dizzy" Dean, a c e 133, S w e e t w a t e r , T e x . , o u t p o i n t - ' (/P) P e n s a c o l a ' s S o u t h e a s t e r n 1:45 T e d Malone 'Between \_\v ot t h e lirst place S a n t o n l Look ed Q u e n t i n Brcesc, 138, M a n h a t l e a g u e l e a d e r s d o n ' t l e t e x t r a Bookend.s," NBC 2:00 Social Security S p k o a k r r , ' o u t s p i t c h i n g t:it! h a d t h e first, t a n , K a s . , <81. i n n i n g d u e l s worry t h e m . Davenport, Ia. J o h n n y P a y Loc. del eat ol hi.s Florida S t a t e league cheek, 192, Dcs Monies, l a ,', T h e fliers i n c r e a s e d t h e i r l e a d 2:05 J i m m v W a l s h ' s Music, c a r e e r chalked u p a n a i n s t h i m k n o c k e d out. Ed ( u n k n o w n ) W i n - e r s h i p t o four a n d a half g a m e s Loc. t.oflav. sloii, 205, Clevelnnd, < 1 >. t a k i n g a 13-inning decision, 4 - 3 , 2:15 W o r d s a n d Mu.sic, l/><It was t h e \ h a n d Red H a t s 2:30 R h y t h m Auction. NBC Lo;, A n n e l c . - Richie Lemos, from G a d s d e n a f t e r tloing t h e 3 0 0 J i m m i e Dorsey.s O r c h e s '.wlio d u a l l y b'-at t h e u n b e a t a b l e 125, I / J S Aimele.s, o u t p o i n t e d Kd- .score in t h o n i n t h i n n i n g . t r a , NBC j D e a n a l t e r he h a d t u r n e d m 17 die M a r c u s , 127 1-2, Los Angeles, S e c o n d - p l a c e J a c k s o n fell b e (10). 3:30 T h e Aifuir.s ol A n t h o n y , I consecutive victories fore S e l m a , 9-5; l a s t - p l a c e M e NBC F r e s n o , Calif S h i e k R a n j ' i l , ridian d e f e a t e d M o n t g o m e r y , 53:45 N B C Salon Orch., NBC 144, F r e s n o , s t o p p e d J o h n n i e 3, a n d Mobile took a n 8-6 v e r d i c t a n d T o m T h o m a s . NBC 4:15 P a t r i c i a G i l m o r e . NBC S m i t h , 145, L a s Vegas, N. M., fr(jni A n n l s t o n in y e s t e r d a y ' s 6:30 S p o r t s C h a t s with C h a l k , (4). 4:25 P r e s s Association News, ! other games, Loc. NBC P h i l a d e l p h i a M a y o n P a d l o . j T o d a y ' s g a m e s : 4:30 S t u f f S m i t h ' s Orch., NBC 6:45 West Hill C h u r c h o l 148, Philadelphia, o u t p o i n t e d !| S e l m a a t J a c k s o n , Christ. Loc: 4:45 B o x Score E x t r a . NBC D a n n y Devlin, 149, A l l e n t o w i , !! M o n t g o m e r y a t M e r i d i a n . 5:00 E i i n i o BoloKiiini's Orch., 7.00 P r o m e n a d e .Symphony : Pa., ( 8 ) . j A n n i s t o n a t Mobile. ; O r c h e s t r a of T o r o n t o , NBC NBC I Garfield, N. J. J o e Wagner, i Gadsden a t Pensacola. 8:00 K r a f t Mu.sic Hall, NBC 6:15 I n T h e G r o o v e , Loc. '174, N e w a r k , N. J., o u t p o i n t e d ! ~ 9:00 Baseball G a m e , L o c 6:30 C h a m b e r of C o m m e r c e 10:00 E r s k l n e H a w k i n s , NBC B u d d y R y a n , 170, Roselle, N .J..; w e e d , 166, N e w H a v e n , Conn. Presents, Loc. 10:30 K e n B a r b e r ' s Orch., NBC I (8). l a n d Art McAlplne, 169, Spring5:45 M a r c h of Melody, L o c .
r :
I help to m a k e it safe and clean "No!" "Yes! I'm sure I recognized him I enough to bring guests in." as the same m a n . Whatever will ! They w e r e interrupted then by | other guests who wanted to talk, we d o ? " "Urn. Nothing we can do but so that s h e forgot the matter u n lay low and wait. And listen, | til the following evening after Roselee don't you lose any sleep ! supper w h e n she w a s alone in h e r CHAPTER VIII i room w i t h Christine. Counting ^ L T H O U G H efficient Mrs. Hogan about it, see? I'm hired to do the money a n d comparing mental worrying. My 200 pounds can had established Dick a n d worry better than your 100." notes on t h e day's activity, Rose lee remembered what the tourist Franklin comfortably in bunks "I T v e i g h 119, Richard Bancroft, had said. S h e also saw a note on down t h e street in t h e Grand so there!" her work calendar, reminding h e r Central barber shop (called T o n l i e grinned. "Scram, small fry. to look into t h e dungeon matter sorial Parlor on its sign) Dick h a d I got work to do." this night. never yet slept there. But h e didn't take it as lightly "We simply must prepare it for "Listen. Frank," h e h a d told his as h e pretended to. H e did r e show, Christy," Roselee declared. sume normal work, b u t h e kept "People a r e asking about it. May friend that first night, "just don't thinking about what she said. be we can get the Indian men and bother to mention it to t h e girls, He thought about it again that the two old cowboys they're because they'll be jittery, but I'm night, and n e x t day, and on the dears!to help w i t h t h e work gonna camp up there in the bank. second night he made u p his mind there." I've got this light canvas cot. It he should take a precaution. The burlap sack in t h e vault n o w was "Let's go look a t it' now and folds u p easily, and these nights a dummy, all right, but five peo plan what to do," Christine said. a r e warm so that I don't need a ple, including Mrs. Hogan, knew When they got outside, though, t h e y discovered a fragile filament lot of cover. I'll just flop inside where t h e real money sack w a s . of light, curved a n d beautiful, the teller's cage and boo at any I It occurred to Dick that this was etched in t h e green-black sky just I an unhealthy situation. Franklin body that might happen in. See?" I had gone in to Flagstaff on busi- above S q u a w Mountain to t h e "I see. I sure do see! Have you i ness for the night, and so h e had east. Christine began humming, nobody to consult. B u t presently t h e n singing in low tone. got a gun?" "In June, with yenin, in a caI t h e young m a n m a d e u p his mind "I have a pistol. I t belonged to noon, under the moon, ta-tumI to take action alone. our football coach; t h e timers tum-tee." * * used it in games, remember. B u t :T>OSELEE DALE told herself "Silly!" said Roselee. "Getting it shoots real .38's as well as ' that she h a d never seen a romantic?" "Let's sit a while and watch it blanks. I got two boxes of shells." group of customers as enthusiastic "Load it and keep it handy, a n d as this one she guided now. She rise, Roselee. We'll rest only o n e had 20 m e n a n d women in tow, half hour. I promise." I'll take turns with y o u sleeping leading them through t h e old * * * up there." Bucket of Blood saloon, t h e H u m ''T'HEY s a t in t h e shadows and "No. Nope, Frank, I'd r a t h e r mingbird B a r a n d Gambling E m m u r m u r e d girl talk m u r lay for that robber myself. I out p o r i u m (strangely contrasting mured it so as not to break t h e weigh you by 50 pounds. I could names!) with its faro tables and delicate spell of evening. They bear-hug him to death if need be." chairs still there, t h e Twentieth h a d wandered u p their deserted "We have no proof it's a robber, Century Club which w a s just a n ghost street not far from t h e mine other barroom with famous nudes shaft opening, for t h e jail dungeon yet." "We have no proof it isn't. Who on its walls, t h e several "Genl. w a s up this way, too, d u g back in else would it be? This money Mdse." stores, P r y ' s Photo Gallery t h e rock of t h e same mountain, its wouldn't have been left here by (with a lot of old negatives and cells m a d e of bars surrounded by anybody else. I'll just sleep by t h e prints still t h e r e ) , McGonigle's t h e hardest of stone. They sat Saddlery, t h e Goldcrest Hardware v e r y close, in the precious inti vault and keep watch." and Mining Machinery Company macy of friendship and youth, * * * A N D so he had slept there, b u t warehouse, t h e Goldcrest City resting, thinking, d a y dreaming by nothing had happened. No i n Bank (front p a r t only), five or six night, T h e y h a d been there 20 timation of the possible return of residences, t h e Mohave Opera minutes o r so w h e n they heard a the robber, nor of any other than House, these a n d several more step. normal tourist interest in Gold- picturesque relics of yesteryear's Instantly t h e t w o girls looked a t crest, came until the morning prosperity. S h e gave her little each other, then t u r n e d to look at Roselee came running to Dick, talk a n d answered questions in t h e mine shaft, shrouded in d a r k calling him. She had received a each place, a n d steered them ness. T h e sound o footsteps came flattering offer from a business finally to M r s . Hogan's refresh from it unmistakably. man. she explained. The m a n has ment and souvenir counter in the They said nothingsilenced by wanted to buy the place, and had Ace High Hotel. a n as y e t unjustified alarm. A n d oflered her up to S3000! "I thought there was an old jail while t h e y remained silent in the "He said he was from the West up here, dug back in a mountain," shadows, they s a w Dick Bancroft er: i M. & M.7" Dick asked. " T h e one m a n mentioned, there in the come from t h e shaft. H e w a s car corporation you bought t h e place Ace High. " I ' d heard about that. rying a b a g , and they knew it con from''" A sort of dungeon for their tough tained t h e mystery money. They "Ye.-!" criminals." watched h i m go straight to t h e jail "Nuts. He's lying. I bet. I'd bet "There is," Rosalee admitted. dungeon, pull open t h e heavy old a horse he's int'-rested in that "But t h e truth is, it isn't ready to iron gate a n d disappear inside. money, Ro;e!er.' \\ would pay him show. It w a s so very dirty, and And t h e n abruptly they heard to buy you out, to get us out of so dark, that it was positively from inside a subdued but star 1ho way." fearsome. I have set, aside tomor tling waila blood-chilling noise, Dirk, he v.-i" here once before. row night, when t h e people stop as of a h u m a n being, in the great With a toun.-,t party just a d a y coming, to go in it and see just est of agony. what it needs. I m a y have to hire or two ago." (To B e Continued)'
j 1
F O R T M Y E R S , Fla., J u l y 19. (#>)County a u t h o r i t i e s asked N o r t h F l o r i d a a n d G e o r g i a offi cers t o d a y t o a s s i s t i n a p p r e hending Mrs. Thelma Rice, s o u g h t in c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e slaying of E a r l H a s k e w , 3 3 - y e a r old b o o k k e e p e r . A corner's jury which investi g a t e d t h e f a t a l s h o o t i n g of H a s kew a t F o r t M y e r s B e a c h early S a t u r d a y r e t u r n e d a verdict l a t e y e s t e r d a y t h a t h e c a m e to h i s d e a t h b y a pistol fired by M r s . Rice. D e p u t y Sheriff L. H. F u r e n e x pressed belief M r s . Rice w a s e n r o u t e t o R o c k m a r t , G a . , or A t l a n t a to see relatives. M e a n w h i l e a w o m a n listed a s G e r t r u d e D a v i s a n d said by of ficers h e r e to. h a v e b e e n a c o m p a n i o n of M r s . Rice a t t h e B e a c h Maureen O'Sullivan and Johnny Weissmuller in Saturday, was detained a t Cedar"Tarzan Finds a Son!" t o w n , G a . , o n t h e r e q u e s t of t h e s h e r i f f ' s office h e r e . Deputies s a i d s h e p r o b a b l y w o u l d n o t be r e t u r n a b l e h e r e u n t i l M r s . Rice was located. Mrs. Davis, 25, w a s a r r e s t e d a t (By MR. A N D MRS. CHARLES R. BOOSTROM) R o c k m a r t , G a . , a t t h e h o m e of (Mr. a n d Mrs. Boostrom Also Receive W a n t Ads.) her father, C. Lowry, Deputy Sheriff W i l l i a m T. McCown s a i d a t Cedartown. He quoted h e r as Detroit Visitors t h a t h i s m o s t c h e r i s h e d posses saying she "wasn't the one who Mr. a n d M r s . E. L. P a n g b o r n sion w a s a c a r d of t h a n k s from did t h e k i l l i n g " a n d t h a t s h e h a d n o t b e e n in F o r t Myers in ol D e t r o i t , Mich., a r r i v e d S a t u r Q u e e n V i c t o r i a o n receiving h i s William a b o u t five weeks. T h e officer day for a s h o r t visit w i t h M r s . p a i n t i n g of P r e s i d e n t said, h o w e v e r , h e s a w a l e t t e r Ada Rose a n d family, r e t u r n i n g M c K i n l e y . w r i t t e n b y h e r to h e r f a t h e r a n d M o n d a y . T h e y c a m e v i a New O r Birthday Celebration p o s t m a r k e d a t F o r t M y e r s July l e a n s a n d P e n s a c o l a s i g h t s e e i n g 14. Miss M o n e t t a Cox c e l e b r a t e d mroute. Mrs. Pangborn is a of t h e l a t e W i l l i a m h e r 15th b i r t h d a y J u l y 12 from D e p u t y McCown q u o t e d M r s . d a u g h t e r Davis a s s a y i n g s h e left M r s . Rice R o i i \ n o t e d local a r t i s t , a n d t h e 8 t o 11 p . m . G a m e s w e r e played in T a m p a a b o u t 2 p. m . S a t u r d a u g h t e r w a s a n x i o u s to see h e r a n d r e f r e s h m e n t s of c a k e a n d day when they separated t o f a t h e r ' s p a i n t i n g s . T h e y s a w t h e cold d r i n k s w e r e s e r v e d . M r s . hitchhike northward. beautiful p a i n t i n g , " T h e A s c e n Cox, assisted by M r s . W. A. L a n d T h e c o r o n e r ' s j u r y b l a m e d Mrs sion." in t h e M e t h o d i s t c h u r c h , a n d M r s . G o l a B a r e , were c o Rice for t h e s h o o t i n g a f t e r h e a r w h i c h h e gave w h e n h e first h o s t e s s e s in t h e s e r v i n g . T h o s e ing t e s t i m o n y by H u b e r t McClel- cuine to L y n n H a v e n . T h i s h a s p r e s e n t were Lloyd L a n d , S e l m a l a n , 24, t h a t s h e h a d told h i m s h e been h i s gift to h i s c h u r c h w h e r e W r i g h t , Bill a n d J o h n W r i g h t . shot Haskew w h e n " h e got h.' h a s r e s i d e d . T h e y also s a w t h e I r e n e Jarvis, Hattie Foster, r o u g h a n d s t a r t e d to b e a t m e . " l . autiful m u r a l s in t h e F. L. L a - C h a r l e s R e g i s t e r , E r n e s t R e g i s M c C l e l l a n testified M r s . Rice R o r h e h o m e a n d t h e large o n e t e r , M a r g a r e t N i q u e t , I n e z R e g picked h i m u p on a h i g h w a y ot Chief Osceola a b o v e t h e m a n ister, Evelyn ' T a y l o r , Clycie n e a r T a m p a S a t u r d a y a n d that, tle, w h i c h e x p l a i n s t h e beautiful R o d g e r s , J e a n a n d F c r n i e F l o w ho s p e n t t h e n e x t 36 h o u r s in honic b e i n g S c a l e , J o e Byers, named Osceola ers, G l e n d a h e r c o m p a n y . H e .said t h e y were Lodge. 'I h e y also s a w t h e s t a g e O t i s B a r e , D a v i d W a r d , T h o m a s g u e s t s S a t u r d a y n i g h t of a friend u r t a i n in t h e C o m m u n i t y House B a r e , Lois A n n P a u g h a n d R u t h of M r s . Rice. S h e a d m i t t e d s h e o f Florida .scenery. T h e y were B r y a n t of Millville. h a d s h o t a m a n but s h e didn't unabic to .see t h e l a r g e o n e in k n o w if h e w a s d e a d w h e n s h e (-.. A. R. h a l l , also d o n e by A r t i s t Mr. a n d M r s . J a c k Cooke a n d sped a w a y in hi.s far, McClellan Lose .scene of a l a k e in S c o t Miss M a r i e M i d d l e t o n left M o n asserted. l a n d a n d only a t r u e artist H a s k e w ' s a b a n d o n e d a u t o m o could h a v e done t h a t in 24 h o u r s d a y for New Y o r k City t o visit bile w a s found M o n d a y n e a r I n with t h e p a i n t s a n d colors a v a i l t h e World's F a i r a n d will also visit Mrs. C o o k e ' s r e l a t i v e s in t h e verness. able in t h e little n e w town, t o s t a t e . T h e y will r e t u r n i n a b o u t Without CalomelAnd You'll Jump Out of Bed ia the Morning Rario' to Go h a v e it r e a d y for t h e first C h a u four weeks. M r . a n d M r s . L. O. Tho liver should pour out two pounds of t a u q u a . M r . P a n g b o r n is e m p l o y - C a r r o l l will h a v e c h a r g e of t h e i r liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowlngfreely, your food doean'tdlgeBt. r in t h e Ford M o t o r p l a n t of p l a c e of b u s i n e s s d u r i n g t h e i r It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up A m u s e m e n t s your stomach. You get constipated. Your D?troit in t h e L i n c o l n - Z e p h y r d e - a b s e n c e . whole system is poisoned and you feci sour, .-i'-iiimg d e p a r t m e n t a n d s t a t e d sunk and the world looks punk. "TARAN FINDS A SON" that they a r e now working on A mere bowel movement doesn't set at Deep S e a F i s h e r m e n KHz i t h e 1940 model. Mr. a n d M r s . takes those good, old L a s t S u n d a y C h a s . F o s t e r , Gola the cause. ItPills to g e t these twoCarter's (Thursday-Friday) i P a n g b o r n were f a v o r a b l y i m Little Liver pounds B a r e , W i l l i a m S w e e n e y , W a r r e n of bile flowing freely and make you feel P r a c t i c a l l y all t h e c o n v e n i - ' pressed w i t h L y n n H a v e n a n d J. B r a d l e y , J o s e p h W e b e r , H e n r y "up and up." Harmless, gentle, yet amaz e n c e s of a P a r k Avenue p e n t - 1 Florida. M r . Rose, a r t i s t w h o d i e d ing in making bile flow freely. Ask for h o u s e were i n c o r p o r a t e d in t h e | t h e past y e a r , told t h i s w r i t e r Robey, W. S . L y n t , M r . F a g a n . Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. 26 cents. O t i s B a r e a n d T h o m a s B a r e e m - Stubbornly refuse anything else. a m u s i n g t r e e t o p h o m e of t h a t 'j famous jungle man, Tarzan, as j s e e n in t h e n e w a d v e n t u r e s of j 3 S S J o h n n y Weissmuller a n d M a n - 1 r e e n O ' S u l l i v a n in " T a r z a n F i n d s ! a Son," opening Thursday at j t h e Ritz t h e a t r e . S i n c e t h e l a t e s t d r a m a of t h e j u n g l e k i n g a n d hi.s m a t e m t r o - i d u c e s a " T a r z a n , J r . " in t h e p e r - ! son of five-year-old J o h n Shef- ' field w h o e m u l a t e s W e i s s m u l l e r ' s ' athletic a n d underwater swim-, m i n g f e a t s in t h e new story, p r o - : vision h a d to be m a d e in t h e i t r e e t o p b u n g a l o w for a p l a y - ; room. The jungle penthouse, com prising a four-room " a p a r t m e n t " b u i l t of b a m b o o a n d p a l m s , s w a y e d p r e c a r i o u s l y 50 feet i n t h e a i r , a t t a c h e d to t h e limbs of t h r e e o a k trees a t B r e n t ' s M o u n t a i n C r a g s in t h e S a n t a "A Big Store In A Big Community" M o n i c a M o u n t a i n s . Ascent to t h e d o m i c i l e w a s by way of a b a m PHONE 195-J MILLVILLE boo c a g e d r a w n u p by h e a v y v i n e s t w i s t e d rope fashion. T h e p o w e r w a s Quee.nie, a s e v e r a l ton elephant. The bungalow contained a b e d r o o m , d i n i n g room, k i t c h e n a n d p l a y room for little T a r z a n , all m a d e of b a m b o o a n d p a l m s . O r c h i d s a d o r n e d clay jardiniers a t t a c h e d to t h e wells. L e o p BEJLFAST SUITING a r d s k i n rugs w o r t h a f o r t u n e ALL C O L O R S , P E R Y A R D in civilization were strewn C a r o u n d like b a t h m a t s . BENSON BATISTE SPECIAL, P E R Y A R D I n o n e c o r n e r was a n i n v e r t e d j g i a n t t u r t l e shell, with a d o z e n c Jispater Broadcloth ! b e a u t i f u l o s t r i c h plumes, s e r v A I L COLORS, P E R YARD l i n g a s B a b y Tarzan'.s b a s s i n e t t e . J j T o y s for t h e baby in t h e T a r z a n Lawn Cloth inc IK OJj [ m e n a g e i n c l u d e d a dozen rat-1 I ties of o n e design or a n o t h e r , ! FINE Q U A L I T Y , P E R Y A R D * " ^ ^ I all m a d e of b a m b o o a n d a w h o l e , GOOD GRADE. YARDS a r m y of wooden .soldiers, also of > bamboo. j 'EX' SHEETING I n Miss O'SulIivan'.s k i t c h e n IMI.K'S was r u n n i n g w a t e r from a c r u d e - j $1.00 COKTLEY D R E S S SHIRTS w SoIoBS d E a c h ly f a s h i o n e d clay barrel. A c l a y , stove b u r n e d wood. P o t s a n d p a n s w e r e m a d e of clay, r o u g h but p r a c t i c a l
; i
1 10
Market Specials
DRY SALT SIDE MEAT, Choice Cuts lb 12c BACON, Per Pound 17c BREAKFAST BACON, Per Pound 20c BREAKFAST BACON, Sliced, Per Pound 25c PORK CHOPS or PORK HAM, Per Pound ..20c No. 7 or CLUB STEAK, Per Pound 16c LOIN or ROUND 3TEAK, Per Pound 1 . 25c HENS, on Foot, Per Pound :.. 20c HENS, Dressed and Drawn, Per Pound 25c HAMBURGER 2 lbs FRUIT JARS, Qts., Doz. FRUIT JAR CAPS, Dozen 25c | SAUSAGE MEAT 2 lbs 85c
Lipton's Tea VA lb 20c Vi lb 40c I g S J 8 . WITH GLASS FREE I APPLE SAUCE, Each LUZIANNE COFFEE, IhTCatt . . . ,
f* 10c . 20c
This Is a Full ASSOCIAf ED PRESS Newspaper
VOL. XXXI. NO. -182.
NYACK, N. Y., Oct. 17. (/PiThe romance of Rote Pastor Slokes and Jamei Graham Phelps Stokes, millionaire philanthropist, came to an unexpected end today when Stokes was granted an interlocutory degree of divorce by Justice Arthur S. Tompkins.
crew of. S2 and its engines'_hiJ-2 an indicated horsepower of 3 " The boat n-as driven, by piocating engines of , _ expansion. The boat carried boilers, with 200 pound
WHATWith taxes three times what they were in 1915 and with a people just awakening to that trying fact, it looks as if the appioaihing legislative sessions should be almost entirely do-
Daughter of Wilson Dies Millionaire Stokes j From Diphtheria at Lo- | Gets His Divorce i . _<; cal Hospital Yesterday f.
! shortly after three o'clock this ifrr" Solicitor Nolprossed Case Comanche Bound Frnm!' tevnoon bound for Charleston. I t r icachet' Jacksonville yesterday;: Against Defendant for and discharged 136 Jacksonville to Charles- {The Comanche was built in '. Deat hof Wife dolphin in 1805, measuring ton Wtih Heavy Pasfeet in length, 46 feet in br> D U R H A M N. C CM 17(AD and drawing 18.9 feet. senger List Roboit H. Wile* Ictt thU c-it\ today It was u>ffii=teied as ^carry .- ^
hound foi his home in Columbia, S. C., a ficc man. Wiles \\iis acquitted tin- morning of the chatge of the m u t r l c r of Ralph Gordon, aho of Columbia, in a local boarding house, after the j u t v had renuimtd out <unei> yesterday morninc, at a little after 10 o'clock. A nol pro-, \\IH guuitcd m the case against the defendant for the death of .Mis Drom Wiles, his wife, follow - recommendation of the solicitor
teis in the tiial of Albert Dority ami Corbett Wilson charged with the murdei of Mrs, Monte AmerGlare of Burning Vessel points out tlie large sur- 50 n. The case is scheduled to be JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Could Be Seen in Jack- 17.(fl>)Three Clyde L rttjl called tomorrow .morning at 9.30 plus in the tieasury of the o'clock. It will in all probability steamers have gone to ^ United States \\hieh he says consume at least two days. sonville 20 Miles Jones" locker in the past yea'r.^s^J Mr. Dority has been in the was not the result of economj Away. Late last year the MoKawk WaS^f since_his arraignment lost off the Delaware coast. Therec| but over taxation. He be- county jail his bond having been 4 last week, MAYPORT, Fla., Oct. 17.(/P) was a large passenger list h" " -"' lieves the Republicans will withdrawn f autnmatically upon his Ten persons, seven men and I here \\eic no lives lost. n^ enil'v He has SIMLA, India., In May of'this year, the Me fight a too great reduction, in! p'ea ofthe ciue 01 a physicianbeen The British and Oct. 17.(JP) three women, are missing from under foi Indian govthe passenger list of the Clyde can, a vessel tiansfcrred JS taxes, holding back until just rtip past several davs for a trou- ernments have formally recognizpassenger to freight service, bil liner Comanche which was desCape Canaveral, before the next election. Pol-ble reported to be of minor na- ed the succession of General Ratroj ed by fire off this port today, ed ofl of Jacksonville. 1301 ture. Mrs Dority has visited him jah Sir Han Singh, nephew of south The according to information as ,the was saved. itics should never be mixed in almost daily since he was placed the late Maharajah of Jammu There is a possibility that Wal- tanker P. Reaper and its tug Tonight the steamer, in jail. and Kashmir to the throne of his Poor Man With Large Famrevenue measures. It is too Locarno Treaty Happiest! ter Johnson, the famous baseball boat assistant reached here. life- one time pride of the Clyde Mr. Wilson was not brought in- uncle, at informal dinner here, expensive. ily To Be Exempt UnThe Comanche sent two pitcher who of total disji to the court for arraignment be- Sii John Wood, British resident Event Since The War i his popularityhas lost nothing sad boats, one to the Reaper and OTIC fleet, lies a off thewreck by aMay-" because ot his in Kashmir, conveyed to the raastrous lire coast of der New Plan cause he had come in contact with experience in the final game of to the Mo la. pHATThere isn't much a diphtheria case and was under jah the British regime's approval port, a little town at the mouH NHW YORK, Oct 17.lAP)MaJ. J. Gaudet, the chief engineer of the St. John's river. the recent World's series, will wonder that the people quarantine 111 for several days of the succession. rion T Hernck, ambiihsiuloi to stop over in Florence for a short of the liner, wa.s the hero of the Sir Hari Singh brought on himthe Florence infirmary C. L. France. ~aik-d today on thc hnci while when he passes through this days disaster, survivors bay, reof the frozen northern regions \"rt}^ Jr., 6-year-old son of Mr. self world wide notoriety a year NEW YORK, Oct 17.{/ ilson, P<m<>, declaring that the Local no scuing Captain Curry and nine The Clyde liner Comanche Si ago as the famous "Mr. A." cenparlev uas "one of thp most unpoi- city enroute to Florida. are migrating south as win- j and Mrs. Wilson, died yesterday others from one of the ship's* life- from New York for Charlestqjjrjf Di. R. F. Zeigler for the basetant and happy event= -incc the 1or LUIlLLb. Trip vnhinq nn ,i ] morning :atj 8-o'clock and _t t..,n.u tral figure of a sensational blackprimps the body 1X1 illtt l O U l l l b dllli ,. _. _ t 4.1,- .ball fans of Florence last night boats, which had been swamped. and Jacksonville, Fin., with "*"Sf^ was cariied to the home at Lynch- mail case m which it was disclosWASHINGTON, Oct. 17. One of the Reaper's lifeboats, scngers and geneial cargo on lent the following telegram: wild clucks have clone that for burg for the funeral service and ed he had been mulcted of $750,- (JP) A saving of between ?300,- "And now," he said, "if we conreturning , from the fill-fated tober I S . She is a ship of 3,85|| "Walter Johnson, lipfm-p tVipm uinterment. n ,...,was u:u It reported that 000. At that time it was indica- 000,000 and $500,000,000 in the tinue immediately m the same line, many vears IJC1U1C Ultllll. itwo of the Wilson children were ted the scandal might weaken _,. ., ~n "Care Washington Baseball steamer, was eruihed as it was gross tons, 300 feet long, built federal bill riejft- for it 13 part of the snmc piece, we dashed against the side of the Philadelphia in 1895. Surely the human family is ill at noire witli the same disease his claims to succession in Kash- taxpayers' prospect in theofreven- should get all of the debt questions Club, Washington, D. C. year is in "The baseball fans of Flor- tanker. tine the consideration . and p4?aat,fpr tMs^reason it would mr. After the death of his uncle ue measure on which vyork will be settled without delay." The Reaper and pilot boat MoJACKSONVILLE, _ _. ence extend to you a hearty inJ o e impossible for 3fj-. -WiTsdmo last" mSntlT reports- ~from-> India f K comfort accorded the fowl of appear in court. It was learned told-of a movement by native stafte"d MohdayT "J " 3'T&*&' vitation to stop "over in "our'clt^ ta-with^-the 'rescued passengers 17.(JPjA vessel reported:^ last night that there is "no diph- princes to support the claims of for a night on your way to Flor- and crew members lenchtd May- the Comanche blew up five mB A. clear track has been promthe air. off Mayport, according to advice theria in the Wilson home at the late maharajah's adopted SOP, ised the bill in both the House ida, as our guest. Please wire poit at 10:20 o'clock. Captain Curry of the Comanche reaching here from Mayport. ^ Lynchburg and that Mr Wilson's a brother of the rajah of Poonch. and Senate and enactment ly number in your party, was suffeiing fiom a badly unidentified steamship has go'"'"** R. F. Zeigler." period of quarantine would end Hindu law gives an adopted son March 1, fifteen days bcfofe firit The migratory bird:, the scene, the reports safd.: Tuesday night at midnight. It all the rights of a natural v so.n. paynj(eiH5 of the new ye'ar are All the fans of this city, wheth- sprained left leg. The blast was reported t have wings that carry was stated that after that time British officialdom, er they pulled for the Pirates' or >The fire started about 7:30 however,' due, is predicted, by- .Chairman for the Senators in the recent eon- o'clock in hold number two for- Florida Times Union by J them faster than the fastest health authorities would permit throughout has recognized Sir 3reen of the House ,Ways and him to mingle with the public. Hari Singh, as the successor to the Means commi'ttee.'-- "- , . test, aie warm admfrors of Wal- ward, passengers said, and des- of the Peace. J. L., gayagan, .whl) express Rodm'an Wanna'ATLANTA, ' pet I7- (AP)~ s!a"id'in' a "long'di'stance'tS'lephonS efforts of Attorneys having" waived the right throne. ' Unlike the situation -two years ,-hief dispateliei ot the N " C $ St L. ter Johnson, the "gt'eat man of pite the heroic soon spread tKe" coifvprsation that the steiutter iw crew the blaze bemaker with his steel Ford of arraignment gn Mt- Wilson's ago,, wb.en.i- Secretary ' Mellon ad- railroad lieie today confiriiied^ re- baseball, and thay,'>' "aye hoping yond .control.' . blown up five milf>s off'^the^Sf case it would be,'possiBle for-Jinft anee|,r a.1 definite,- ptfjgsam, no ports-of u wreck"* 'of the noithhoumi Strongly- that he will" be ^abV to^ The 1 Reaper,, n far away, .an- John's river mouth; He"cbuld'nH aeroplanes will send passen- to be brought into the court'-for t.. not onjelgteybill ^has-tbeen" p_ut- for- [>me }C\pie-s at Greysville, On/, spv-' stop he-te as suggested* the in- swered' the . S.;0. S/call, sending ideijtif,;; the steamer or the-v8 " " " p/ers southward, this winter, tiial on Wednesday. ward. General agreement is per- ng: tha^the engineer and fiiemnn vitation , so that they ~cari*meet two lifeboats to the burning sel Which wasigoing to its. rcseij 'Tfiere will no doubt be large and talk, with him. ceptible, -however, amojig 'bofh. vet c 'senousl^Miijured through 'the air fast enough crowds here for the trial which MaypQvt is,at the mouth of thfe ship. Grtv 5 \\n<)_the scene of another . No .date lias been set for Johnepijblipans and damocrats, ' on J ^ '-3C| to pass the duck and wild has excited great interest. - Judge There was no panic among the St -Jphn's) rivei-. , i on's departure for Florida but it, these main provisions: " ' ) wieck of the Dixie Express nnd thc The "Clyde l Liner Comanche lef -' will return' to Flvei abolit'a month affo. The is expected he will leave the (Cap- passengers, according to the sur- Mayporf, this af tdrnoon \ a& geese even as a Caclilla'o'no\\ Johnson from Allendale, vthe city 'Reduction ol both -the normaL ; vivors. * ' tonight where he x and su.rta income'- rates chie.f dispatcher,., said, h e r o - t h a t he ita) in a few 1 days. In the event. Ed! Lawler.'of sho-uld *bp ahouf"' five1 iniles oi off'i passes its wingless brother an spent the day with his family. It Modification or abolishment $f lad no advices > as" to what caused tbathe come ! at a suitable hour one of- the* fjrst Hartford, Conn that port at.'thb time,* officials.1 _ The body of forger W.\-Ryan^ is probable that the first'busfness passengers to said. -Thpse injured arc theie Swill be hundreds at the wheels. " ' , *. t ^a 1: rj most of the jemaining miscellafi- ;oday of the court tomorrow will'Tie th'e who was killed by ' Atlantic ' Coast land, declared, that the rescue Snjyineer "Barney' Kaiser and Pire- station here to greet h'im. ' Mr. Gavapraiij said" that accord3 sentencing of the defendants Line passenger tiain 78 at Effing- mus taxes, -.including those on jnan . T ~ F Bailey/, both" of Atlanta, woik was handled in admirable ing to tlje srejppi'ts reaching^ i THATWith good roads anil found guilty durin e court -last ham fFriday eyninj|,is, being; ^hglij theatre tickets, .'club dues, auto- sevcielj scalded; .MiAs * Cpra -Khojt,~ I ',1-hat despite a thc steanier" h.a(i'blown up " ( of Biainlev^ J Tndi<in.r, v a passenger/ ( ", Waters funeral' ', parlors' pfenditig hiob.Hesah.d 'the < like. ncavysoa which was running at catching an automobile to nearly, week. fiie."' ' < the arrival, in Florence of-lnsis-. Repeal or modification of the eg bioken * <, ' : the time, the passengers wore every home in this country it fer, x a_rpsident -,'of " Baltimore.; puHicity''of taxes .provision. The1 wreck occurred about fom lapidly ,taken trom 'the sea and The passenger list of the ClyefeJ& Coroner^ Colem'ah-"'s'uCce'eded late" s 'Increasing of exemptions so as ilpi north of Ringgold on ;t curve. the open boats. ' is easy ^enough to get, away Liner , Comanche, , destroyed tfyS :o ^relieve those of small incomes The ( express car,,bagape,cnt,and one, ^ , VI.lQfMhe ve^el on'the second Cust^ onight, >vas- as folldws,-Mfi from the winter of the north. ' * "" coach turned' coipplctcl yovei while ielatiyes"'of the dettT Tnan ' "and" DARLINGTON,' Oct. ' 11. (Spe- or third-boat,." 'Mj. 'Lawler'said, dresses not being available- Jf"* Revision of the estate tax "to :Iie engine j u m p e d the truck was instiucted to hold the body It is economical 'to live in this cial): When the big soft dimk .but m that time I saw two boys C. Hass, Mrs.,Maliel Glark,:j* prevent' duplication;. in levies by here. motor tiuck in which they wesre jump overboard and drown. The L. Brownwo'od,' ' Jos." A. Jacobsvl * part of the South. The ditAn inquest was held yesterday itates* and- the federal eoverniiding turned over on the Lamai deck was practically a mass of Miss Lucile Banllus, Mrs. C. RobV'rn^nt. i-ertdering-\a, morning, ference in the coal.bill alone r ~1*~ 7* """ "*" > hold' firtson, William J.' Lawleiy ,' Pj^ highway* near MuniHs-giu yester- flames .towaid 'the" verdict' that" Ryan came "to Tils' ' Preluninary^to th^ opening,' pff ' day afternoon, Clyye'Dutton'and and was- rapi'dly' spipaiiiiig. As Tully, M. A. Malley and wife F" ^ paying board and lodgdng. HENDERSONVILLE,; N. C.. death by being struck by the public hearings " Monday by the our boat lay by,' 1 saw one boat Rau and wife, Walter Chagnofcll Louis Blackman were instantly Oct. 17.(/P)Jury 'aiguments tiain. .There were no eye wit- committee, Secretary Mellon tokilled. They were caught be- lowered impioperly and four wo- D. Freze, Bruno Bfschoff anctiS the THATThe people of thi-; qonsumed today in the trial of i nesses: >.to iV ac?idMt. ,sThe fire- day narned representatives to iicath--J,he heavy tiuck an^ciush- men ; thruwn Bonnie Brooks, barBer.'ffcirig a man on the '--""!'>''>--> - ~ - lotfdniotivfi' testified k -with 4he committee.'" Den7country are learning tK ed 'jThe truck is -' ; repo^'ted. to murder charge in connection' with that he saw,' Mr ' Ryan as he ran ocratic.members/of.the committee over 1ruth about the South. We the death ,of~ former -May'oi Sam- along-the,ti;ack in- advance^of the Wet jnformally , today ' to' discuss1 .GREEN WOOD,.,'Oct. 17.(V) have tamed forty seyeraU times in c a"ipac^ of or fifty !,feet. stui&&e. uel-Y.'-Brysons fwho'-Jvas kijfed in them' aphave to thank Florida real es- a pistol duel Iwith Brooks"' last tram and"/3ow hinl Pope," who He HI ^legislation, Wst "-of the prog-: William E.f Sweatt.'mqmbyr of Dutfon is ?aid to liave been drivcalled to Efigineei ap- pearing in accord 'with' the senior class at Furman Uni- ing when the accident occuried. plied the brakes immediately. The ram advanced yesteiday by Rep- versity, Greenvjlje,, .was seiiously I ate men for that. They have August 6. It ha. not been a^cerliuncd ^what 1 1 "Sfx attorneys had addressed spent millions in advertising the jury when court adjourned engine, however,- h'ad >pas'scd over resentative Garner 'df^ Texas', injured' late -this' aftei noqn(when caused the machine to i in n lover, the body of Mr. Ryan, cutting it ranking -'democrat J on the com-, the car he was riding in turned Florida and of course thn until'Monday. t Six m,ore planned in t\yo, a}id ^causvh^.. install^ death. mrttee. : Chairman : Ctfecn 'Jias oy,er;near Kirks,ey, J5 miles fi;om the load at thel point of "accident being btraighl- and le\el with no >f a Mr* finparielled his Pruth. While they have er-n to make'their argumeTits on''that jury of Coleriian and, completed the calle'd an executive session of the here,' 'and he was thi own som'e d's*- ditchte on citha ' The acinquest been I'Moore. C. day with indications that the caefujl committee for Monday morn- tance from a fender. He was ciden'r occiured at 3:30 ^'ctock. paid back in dividends be- would go to the'jury Tuesday. hearing early yesterday;mjipiing ingrand the heajriijas will ; be ':op- brought l{o a' local bo,sp)ta) by wli, Mrs., Mr.' Dutton .leaves a-wjdpw:and so'as not ito delay,; th'e,-, c'r_e,w of Bned'in 'the afternoon/ SKe.riff, Sam *K. ,.WJllj.s of .Greeit- two: childi oil) Mr. Blackman ^was yond conception, we, are not the 1 T.he position 'of-'fthe Treasury who'caine^along ' jcnloii- of that. It is for which was*"i id which is expected ' guide ad- ville, after the accident.a-fewnnin- unmarried.' Both the-nie/i were 3 Automobiles Come utes Sweatt's 'to ' .o'clock^ . He went.io this, addi- ministration members to a great Condition is regarded as serious, natives of'^Darlington and 'weie In (i-y ;;-id realize what is Together at Palmetto-Irby tional trouble at the request-'of extent,^ will be presented to the but-the 'extent of his injury was well kpown and popular, here. Several. Weboat^we^^rushed | ^"SBi *.' S&ld?^ Q^ Uially taking place. i,, P, ' ,.!, DU:I i- TT , ^ ""~> Coast; Line officials, who stated committee" at the opening of 'the not known late tonight, pending The Stokes Made Happy. Considerable "excitement 'was that a shortage^of-"'train- c: a fall X-ray by physicians. harrngs by .Scretary Mellon. . Incaused at 7:30 o'clock last night made it practically necessary for dicat^ons. have been given by the The overturned car was being When Charlie Gets Back when three automobiles came to- the men to be ready for service Treasury that it will, sanction driv,en by Prof. E. II. Henderson gether at the intersection of Pal- at the usual hour. reductions amounting 'to at least of the chair of philosophy at Fur- 'I her*1 wa-> rvjoiuiifr in the honv 1 metto and Irby streets. Ca'pt. J. S250,000;000 in, taxes. ', ' man, and in the car, a coupe., were of Mr M Mrs C E Stokes 'ear)y j officials ot Hie Florida C. McCle'naghan, County ' Ppljce- Robert Brooks KUIed Mr. Mellon is 'expected 'to fav- two other students while 'Sweatt Fridjn m o m i n ^ when Charlie Stoker I Cuait Kailwav order a man Barefoot and S/L." Gates, "a pecial , man. C. Evans, P. Smith, J. cut-. or a. cut in the maximum surtax and a companion were riding on icturm'd, .ifter an absence of over j t i a i n here. :ravelmg salesman of Virginia,! By Officers, Another fenders. The party was re- tun U.H-. dumijc which tli faimlj j Thc glare fiom the bin nine vcs- son*. I. Gomez. S. Charleston, A.Jtl rate from 40 'to' 20 per cent 'and tthen i n c ur were driving the cars conce'rned Thomas, ?6 the nr flir, n n n l J n n l Furman-Georgia Case Mistaken Identy to toroP/, pse,reductions inithe-.nor- game g fm timei of the accident. had hail no .vord of him Thc youni? | sol could be vecn from Jackson- T \. Potter. Charles E. Wilson, -- . *- nut rrtimo fif f h n f i r w / m the mix-up. All of the auto. at the mal rates, now two per cent 'on man arnv^l in the city on an eaih ville, more than 20 miles awav D. A formal notice of the annul- mobiles were damaged but none CHARLESTON, Oct. 17. i d !.... "fL t i a i n I r o m the north and immediment i'f lliu marriage of Miss. of the occupants was hurt. SAV-ANNAH, 'fl, Y.', Oct;'^ incomes of ?4,000 "and less,"four ately w i t home where he cceivcd ..... ,..., ,.-, alllll , sl pcriecuy' John D. Roonev, agent for Mi'igciiet Holli1:, daughter of Mr. {/P}Robert Broftks, 28, father o)' per cent on incomes between Shlp at a Clyile a \ \ a i m a n d ' i r o n u i n e l j h ^ a i t ; w r l - hnH! 'iHhft n I* ' Steamship' Company and Mis. John Hollis, and Victor 1 WALTER J. PARROTT seven, a farmer living near ,Cly'de, S<1,000 and $8,000 and six per conu c o u d which t. '',"" a turned1' Charleston, was informed E 'Flutie. has been filed in the WITH NEWS REVIEW N. Y., was shot;to death oji the cent on incomes above $8,'flOO., c ouu vh 1 the ilames "in* " Jacksonville at 9:15 Representative' Garner ' would I'lood red. office <>f Cleik E. M. Singletary highway a mile north of 4his yilnight that the company hnd Augustus Byers , o ftlie Florence county court. The News Review is pleased to liage early' to'day'by state troop- approve a maximum surtax of The^MM was. lighted for miles, two tugs to the passenger mmr a e look place ear y n nn \'J3, ' S ! ' l-' unce that Walter J. Parrott, ers mistaken for' a ' bootle'ggcr twentv-five per cent and Chairthe icscue vesseh "" * afire five J There will be an enjoyable TT,^ Spring of last year. Miss'Hol-I well known and popular citizen whom state troopers were after. man Green also approves that Gets Big Promotion!:1^;'";;! Brooks, in hisi^ai^tomobil^, ^yas figure. Mr. Garner, boweyer, musical program at the opening 1.S being on!> 15 years old the , r>f Florence, has joined the forces annulment was secured by S. J. ' of this newspaper his services to said to have been accompanied by would increase the exemptions for services of Central 'Mciv's Bible Royall actins; as attorney for the ' be largely in the circulation de- a woman neighbor when the sinele ptrsons from $1,000 to Class at 10 o'clock this morning. .__ T,.,,.-. has been j partment. Mr. Parrott will con- shooting occurred. The troopers, S3.000 and fo married persons A quartette from Immanuel BapMi?s Hollis r... ,. i-........ parpnts. tists church, composed of Mrs. of district agent foi t h - A t l a ^ u living with her parents since tinue calling' on his friends and according to W. R. Wild, "who re- from .$2,500 to $6,000. iii'iii oouumn in- lcrt '' :3 P- m the had ' The left Southern ,-, N. B. Hicks, Mrs. S. D. Revolt, branch r,t , prominent Bycn- ha, h.ui f.. ,' <]m'" to 'A -&ow flamesuuuiu , ville at Comanche this shortly after the ceremony. acquaintances in this and other sides near the scene of the shootcrt- na, niui . " e.*"., that could mi, 1 o'clock surancc t'ompan, Mr afternoons? counties in his work of securing ing, were chasing, a rum car. WILLIAM LIVINGSTONE DEAD D._T. Taylor and J. R Hicks, will \eral Man, txpericnce in thi work l)( -'- ecn "'on'the beach. The hull with what U reported to be i render a selection, tlwrc will be and hii friend^ mil be f...... to .^u.-t I st '! 1 wa5 afloat but it was" appar- fair passenger list Tha ' " WEATHER FORECAST subscriptions and is assured of a They lost the first machine and glad vu learn -- - - f r-came on Brooks' car, it was said, j a solo by Harry Thomas, and goes. The Atlant-. | cnt that ever'rthing combustible commanded by Captain Cl promotion They called on him to halt. In- DETROIT, Oct. 17(AP)William chorous singing by the' choir of In South Carolina: Mottljr clouone- of thc most important liiid been consumed. It was converted to an-oil'bujjf-l stead, it was declared, Brooks in-1 Livingstone, 61 year old banker, ves- The class will be divided into maintained by the company and in dy Sunday and Monday, cooler As early as 1739, corn was n or about six years ago whn " Sunday; moderate north and 'mportant article of export from creased his speed and the troop- scl 'owner and president of the Lak two groups for the staging of the I raminf Mr Byors. as its district JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Oct passenger accommodations ers fired. A bullet struck him Carriers' Association dj<"d suddenly attendance and membership con- [agent the company is recognizing his 17.(JP)The Clyde Liner Cowind!, 'South Carolina. augmented. , -< '*, ~; in the back. at his office h>nitht ^ , test soon- to be. put on," merit in. a substantial way. manche sailed from this port v "5 ^,. r~ ~ i tn-'' *-_'._ ...-- ' 'jLl'f'ZiZ w*.l_f,*iik -^ -il.^:,-. .,
Senator Swanson
voied to this paramount quesChief interest m the criminal tion. court for the second week cen-
3Htnl ^1 SVrWX'lM*
_. -_.!. ' shown the slightest nervousness or ansT^T(r n T ioty over the result. He has always acted JLVJl J-L-* as though , was the .-jv-o^-n loncf. inter,. , he iv.,, person least in t firested in the fight. Ho climbed out Ifiow cSrbett Won and Mitchell Lost of bed shortly after 7 o'clock, happy and cheerful and announced promptly, "I the Great Battle at Jackwant my breakfast, and I want it pretty . soTiville. quick." He went through a short series of light exercises, was rubbed down and The Details of the Mucli Advertised then turned his attention to his breakfast, which consisted of mutton chops, MillIt Was Easy For tlie a little steak, a small amount of potaChampion. toes, toast and tea.- This over, Mitchell 6r,t q-aietly in his room waiting for the Dnval Club Unmercifully Scored For time to come for his departure for the ringside. Lack of Enterprise In tlie Ar-
first and tho conviction settled itself in ; Corbetfs mind that a fight -with Mitchell that < Would Be War to tho Knife was inevitable. A long prelude of cross j firing in the press finally brought the men together. An agreement was prepared early last summer and the month of December selected for the date. The articles of agreement included a stake of $10,000 each, to be posted by the men and invitation to the then three leading clubs in America, to bid against each other for the honor of the battleground. Even before the match was made Mitchell had signed a promise with Charley Noel to give New Orleans the preference, but fighting got a black eye in the Crescent City by the Hall-Fitzsimmons fiasco and Coney Island was left to wrestle with Roby for the consent of the fighters. Judge Newton came out victor in the competition but prize fighting became an issue in New York politics. Mayor Boody signed the death warrant of Coney Island.
A tramp was found frozen to death at Pittsburg, Kan. At Homestead, Pa., all the Carnegie steel mills are running on doublo time. At McKeesport, Pa,, 1,000 men went to work at-the National Tube company works. Tho strike of the 1,200 coal miners in the Des Moines district has been declared off. Dr. Jacques, a member of the Austrian reichiath, has committed suicide by shooting himself. A cablegram has been received from Venice announcing the death of Constance Feniniore Cooper Woolson, the authoress. The remains of the late Charles G-bidding of San Francisco, who recently died of apoplexy in a carriage, were cremated at Borne. Miss Carola Livingston and Count Do Langier-Viller were married in St. Patrick's cathedral, New York, by ArcV bishop Corrigan. Mine. Laura Schiermar Mapleson, f& world famed soprano and wife of foe celebrated irnpressario, Colonel Henry Mapleson, died at New York Wednesday. Judge Mahoney of Minneapolis sustained..^ vestibule law and lined Superintendent Smith of the street railway company $75. The company will appeal. .
IRON TRADE REVIEW. Slight Betterment Is Reported, But It Is Hardly Satisfactory.
Opponents of the Income Tax Bill Try to Block Business in tlie House.
They Were Weak, However, and Failed in Their Efforts to Break a Quorum.
All Attempt to Amend the Agricultural Schedules Were Defeated Easily.
JACKSONVILLE, Jan. 25.For tho first time since he has been acknowledged head of the pugilistic fraternity of the world, James J. Corbett has defended with success the title which he won by defeating his predecessor, John L. Sullivan. Pitted against the boasted exP9nent of tho manly art in England, America's brawny representative has proven his fitness for the place of honor which his sinews and muscles won for him and the tail of the British lion has been severely stepped upon by the foot of the mighty bruiser from the West. There is exultation in the land, and Charles Mitchell is groveling in the dust of defeat, heaping imprecations on his ill luck, and mingling with them vain regrets of his inability to whip his victor. Tho British pugilist has attended his pugilistic funeral, and henceforth he will remember with permanent grief the time and place of his first defeat. It was all Corbett's battle, though Mitchell made a show in the first round.
THE FIGHT BY BOUNDS. How Mitchell Lost and Corbott Won tho Fight.
The men entered the ring and time was called at 2:50 p. m. The referee ordered them to shake hands, but neither responded. Then the fight began. First roundCorbett led with left on Mitchell's chin. They clinch. Exchanged body blows and Jim reaches Charlie's left eye, heavily. Mitchell reaches the ribs. Another exchange and Mitchell clinches. Mitchell gets in on Corbett's neck, and Jim' lands right and right again. Just as time called good body blow. Honors easy in first round. It looks as if it was to be a wicked fight. Second roundA wild exchange and a clinch. Corbett uppercuts his man as they come together. Mitchell lands Lard on ribs, and as Mitchell came in Jim caught him on' head, staggering him. Corbett uppercuts Mitchell again and lands with right on Charlie's ribs, Mitchell reaching Jim's chin as a sharp rally, with ^Corbett having all the best of it. They aro going to get at it. Mitchell got in twice on Corbett's neck. Corbett knocks him down twice in succession. Jirn floored his man clearly and knocked Mm down again as he assayed to arise. The gong saved Mitchell. Third roundMitchell rather groggy. Corbett rushed at him, swung right and left heavy on Mitchell's neck. Charlie went down. He took the full time to arise, and then Corbett rushed at him like a tiger. 'Mitchell clinched. Cortett threw him off and floored him with a stiff facer. Again he took all the time to rise, and when he advanced towards Corbett the latter swung his right with deadly effect on Charlie's nose. Mitchell reeled and fell on his face, helpless. Corbett wins easily. The referee counted 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Mitchell is knocked out. The referee declared Corbett winner of the match and champion of the world. Mitchell's face was covered with "blood. He was carried to his corner in a helpless condition. Time of fight 0 minutes.
Down at the ferry landing at Mayport a large crowd gathered to speed the parting guests on the way with cheers and good wishes. It was a motley gathering of people of both sexes and both colors. When finally the tall, lithe form of the champion, in a close fitting business suit, appeared at the head of his delegation, there was a loud cheer from the assembled throng at the station, a compliment which Corbett gracefully acknowledged with a nod of the head. There was happiness written all over his face, and as the train slowly steamed away the disappearing crowd in the distance enthusiastically waved their kerchiefs and hats and gave rousing cheers for the sake of patriotism. The trip up the river was uneventful. Down at the landing here there were carriages in waiting and a reception committee made up of_ sports, gentlemen, ragamuffins and pickaninnies. Across the river at South Jacksonville a self appointed escort of entbusiastic people had put the champion aboard the ferry.' When the boat landed on this side cr the river, Corbett and his retainers wfiked with a quick pace to the carriages, and then they were driven posthaste to the St. James hotel, running the gauntlet of hundreds of eyes as they made their way to their rooms. _0nce in the rooms only the most intimate friends of the champion were allowed to enter, and Corbett crrefully made preparations for his trip to the ringside.
CONDEMNED THE KING. Deinpsoy and Hall Demanded a Better Place to Fight In.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 26.The Democratic opponents of the income tax who believe that the internal revenue bill is to be offered as .amendment to the tariff bill, determined, in pursuance of the policy adopted at the meeting of the Koby Had a Pyrotechnic Career, New York delegation, to throw every and then Governor Matthews prepared parliamentary obstacle in its way. a shroud for the club and its backers, Accordingly, as soon as the journal and Mitchell and Corbett turned their eyes southward for money and a battle- was read, Bourke Cockran made the ground. They dickered with the Olym- point of no quorum, and the speaker, pic club of New Orleans, made their under the rules, was obliged to order a demands decisive, and finally lost the roll call. opportunity to fight without annoyance Democratic opponents of income tax and police protection. Then from among bill declined to answer to their names, a mass of offers the pugilists picked out but attempted to break quorum unsucthe one from Jacksonville for serious consideration. J. E. T. Bowden, one of cessfully. Roll call developed the presJacksonville's first citizens was east ence of 202 members. Before consideration of the tariff was when the death knell of the Coney Island was sounded. He rushed back resumed Mr. Hopkins (Rsp., His) asked here, consulted the Florida statutes, that an hour be set aside for considerafound no prohibition against boxing tion of the lead schedule. Mr. Cockran contests, sounded the oldest and the objected and the house went into combest and most influential citizens, and mittee of the whole. found backing on both sides and the Mr. Wilson tried to make an agreeDuval Athletic Club Was Born, ment to close debate on pending amendThen the commissioner of the club ments relating to the free entry of cotwent East, met the backers of the pugil- ton machinery. Mr. Cockran objected ists, talked business to them and ob- and Mr. Wilson moved that debate be tained their signatures to articles of closed. Mr. Cockran filibustered, but agreement. Under the agreement the could only rally to his support 10 New club offered a purse of $20,000 and York members, not sufficient to secure acceded to a demand of the pugilists for tellers, and the motion carried. Ferris amendment to the amendment $5,000 to cover training and incidental expenses. The Coney Island's original placing agricultural implements of all offer was 40,000 for the fight. Execu- kinds on the free list was lost, 24 to 130. Mr. Cockran made the point of no tive interference sliced the purse in two. After making the match tho Duval club quorum. Tellers disclosed the presence proceeded to advertise it " broadcast. of a quorum and the amendment was Then telegrams began; to pour into Jack- lost, 85 to 105. Hares amendment to substitute imsonville protesting against the contest. posing 35 per cent ad valorem on agriG-overnor Mitchell cultural implements,- except as against Was Driven to Action. He ranged himself in steru opposition. countries admitting similar articles free, The impolitic management hero bid in which case they shall go on the free open defiance to the authorities, and list, was also lost. The Senate. then commenced the long newspaper warfare between Jacksonville and his WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.In the senate excellency, culminating in the marshal- Senator Squire of Washington presented ing of the troops here and the institu- a resolution of the chamber of commerce tion of the action for an injunction. \ of Seattle, Wash., protesting against The club won the legal tii't, the state placing coal and lumber on the free list. gracefully yielding, and the most inter- , The resolution of Senator Allen of esting match which pugilistic history ' Nebraska, declaring contemplated issue records was permitted to proceed to its of bonds, by the secretary of the treasfinale. The fight was under Queens- ; ury unauthorized by law, and that such berry rules, with o-ounce gloves, with a ; bonds are illegal, was taken up. Senator referee selected by the club and with no Allen addressed the senate in favor of limit to the number of rounds. his resolution.
ST. PAUL, Jan. 26.Mrs.Blaisdell will remain outsido the Fergus Falls insane asylum and Frank Hoskins will go free. This is one result of .a decision handed down by the supreme court, holding that Ike law passed last winter regulating the commitment of insane persons to the asylum, is invalid bo :ause in violation of section 14 of the United States constitution and also of that section of the state constitution which provides that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. Another result is that 470 patients, at least, who have been committed to the state asylums under the new law passed last winter can, if their friends so elect, be taken from the asylums on writs of habeas corpus and returned to the counties from which they were sent f o r a second trial and recommitment, and all this at the expense of the state. Still another effect is that in all probability the friends of some of the patients could sue the superintendents of the insane asylums for damages on account of false imprisonment.
A Great Mistake.
A recent discovery is llmt headache, fli?,zSnoss, dullness, confusion oC tho mind, etx-., arc duo to derangement of tho nervo centers which supply tho hralu-yrilh ncrvo force; that indigestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia, wind lu stomach, etc., arise from the derangement of tho nervo centers supplying tlicse orennsAvlthnorvo fluid or force. This is likewise vruo of many diseases of tlie hftartand lungs. Tho nerve syslemlslikG a telegraph system, as will ho scon by tho accompanying cut- TIio .Httlo white lines are Lho nerves which convey tho nervo f";>r:c'from t h o ne'.'ve centers to every part of tho body- ./ust as tho clec'iric current Is conveyed along t h e telegraph wires to e v e r y station, larRO or small. Ordinary physicians fail to regard this fact; Instead of treathull henervcccnlers for thecauso o f the disorders arising therefrom Iliey t r e a t t h o part affected. Franklin Miles, M. D., LL.B.,tho highly celebrated s p e c i a l i s t and student of nervous diseases, and nuthor of many noted treatises on the latter subject, long since realised tho truth of tho first statement, and his Restorative Nervine, is prepared on that principle. Its success In curing all diseases arising from derangement of tho nervous system is wonderful, as tho thousands of \irisoliclted testimonials in possession of the company manufacturing the. remedy amply prove. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is a reliable remedy for all nervous diseases, such as headache, iicrrous debility, prostration, sleeplessness, dizziness hysteria, sexual dobilitv, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. It is soldby all druggists on a positive guarantee, or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical CoEl khart, Ind., on receipt of price, SI per bottle, six bottles for S5, express prepaid. Kestorative Nervine positively'contains no opiates or dangerous drugs-
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 26.The Mississippi Valley Lumberman says: The Lumberman can safely announce this week that there is a better feeling all over in lumber centers. That is not only the case in Minneapolis, where the past week's shipments nearly equal those for the corresponding week of last year, but the reports received at this office from other markets indicate that while the volume of business in _ every instance has not increased, inquiries are more numerous and there is every sign of an improved condition of affairs. The cold weather of the last two or three days, if continued, means better progress in logging. Some difficulty has been experienced heretofore from, the soft roads, but the extreme cold weatfher will 'jut them in shape. The latest repoi\o from the logging districts indicate that work is being carried on satisfactorily. NORTHWESTERN MILLING. Output of Flour at Minneapolis, Duluth and Superior.
CLEVELAND, 0., Jan. 26.The Iron Trade Review this v> eek says: By putting stress on the tonnage., of orders week by week, and taking no account of , the still unemployed productive capacity that is causing, a, stead)' sagging of prices', the iron trade is able to report betterment. There is scant satisfaction, however, in filing up stray mills at prices that are going, except in the hope that activity will grow in every effort to keep wheels turning. It is certain tnat there have been larger sales of pig iron in the past week than in either of the two preceding, and the inquiries reported from Eastern and Southern markets indicate that buyers are more willing than heretofore to take larger lots.
A Railroad Man Injured.
Many Democrats Believe the Income Tax Rider Will Be Too Heavy.
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 26.The Northwestern Miller says: As was expected the flour output showed some increase last week. The quantity ground was 105,225 barrelsaveraging 17,537 barrels dailyagainst 'J0.775 barrels the week before, 196,590 barrels for the corresponding time in 1893, and 137,690 barrels in 1892. For the present week _ the production promises to be -a little heavier. ^ , ,, Of matters at Superior and Duluth the same paper says: The flour ; production last week was the smallest for over a year. Only cue mill was in operation. The output amounted to 8,627 barrels, against 27,361 barrels the week before and 9,983 barrels in the corresponding week of 1893. Not a wheel is turning'and the week will probably pass without the production of a barrel of flour. The stock of flour on ' hand is 50,uOO barrels, against 50,000 barrels a year ago.
THE PAULSON CASE. Confession Made at the Coroner's Inquest Admitted as Evidence.
CHICAGO, Jan. 26.Hi W. Elliott of Milwaukee, assistant superintendent of signals for the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul road, lies in the Bennett hospital here in a precarious condition, owing to an electric shock and fall. While inspecting an electric tower Mr. Elliott received a shock which rendered hiu> unconscious, and falling to the ground, 20 feet below, he alighted upon his head, receiving injuries which his physicians say are serious, 'but not necessarily fatal.
Bought a Gold Mine.
Jack Dempsey went over to the ring to inspect the arrangements. He found the floor in a shaky condition, and the posts not padded, He emphatically told the officers of the Duval club that unless the matters were remedied there would be no fight, as Corbett would not enter the ring in that condition. Jim Hall went over to inspect the ring on behalf of Mitchell, and heartily approved of the alterations suggested by Dernpsey, and intimated as Dempsey had done, that it would be wise action on the part of the clnb to get a move on itself if it cared to see his principal in a fight. This put the club almost into a fit, and it started to do things_with what passes for a hurry in this deliberate land. The nearer the contest comes the worse seems to be the management of the Duval club. Its members seemed more than ever to justify Mitchell's caustic - comment: "There ain't a man in it with brains enough to have a headache." It is selling tickets at all kinds of prices and charges are openly made that it has not hesitated to sell the desirable seats of the arena several times over. This means that the mill between Mitchell and Corbett will be the wind up of a long series of petty rows and fights among the audience.
Corbett's training was done at Mayport, a small fishing station unknown to the world at large until the advent of the pugilist and his party, and situated about 20 miles from Jacksonville and 7 from Pablo Beach, the summer resort of FLoridians. The hamlet of Mayport is but a straggling one, possessed of few if any natural attractions, but a spot well fitted for a pugilist's training. The Atlantic stretches out its broad bosom to the eastward, leaving a broad and unbroken beach of firm white sand, and the wide river St. Johns courses past it to the west. Of the few cottages of which the hamlet can boast, the Corbett party secured four, and under their roofs and on the broad firm beach the champion took his daily practice at boxing, wrestling and running. With Corbett has been Billy Delaney, his trainer, the same who made him fit to whip Sullivan; John McVey, the wrestler; Dan Creedon, the Australian aspirant for Fitzsimmons' scalp; Professor John Donaldson, New York's expert boxing instructor; Dan Tracey, W. A. Brady, Corbett's manager, and "Kid" Egan, private secretary to the pugilist. ' ... Corbett has trained hard and faithfully since he arrived in Florida and his appearance prior to his departure from his quarters fully justified the assertion of himself and his friends that he was fit to do battle for anything within the gift of man.
Mitchell's Quarters More Retired.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.A large number of Democrats in the house balieve that the adoption of the income tax as a part of the tariff bill will result in the defeat of the entire, measure. That it will be offered as an amendment there can be no doubt, 'providing recognition is received from Chairman Kichardson. Some of the income tax men fear that such recognition may not be secured, but it is pointed out that both Chairman Richardson and Speaker Crisp favor the income tax, and would recognize Mr. McMjllin for the purpose of offering the cill as an amendment. There seems little doubt that the income tax will be made a part of the bill in committee, as the Republicans will no doubt be glad to see it so added. They believe ii would result in the adoption of a motion to recommit the bill.
WIIX NOT BE Opponents of the Income Tax Will Not AMilo by Caucus Decision.
DENVER. Jan. 26.A syndicate ol English capitalists have purchased the Fisk gold mine at Black Hawk lor $500,000. The past 20 years the mine has produced from $80,000 to $300,000 a year. The ore in sight on the day of the transfer was estimated at 25,000 Ions, valued at $400,000 after all expenses of mining and milling have been paid.
HILLSBORO, N. D., Jan. 26.The evidence in the Paulson murder trial took a sensational turn when a confession made by Kelly, the principal defendant, to the coroner at the inquest, was admitted'as evidence by the court. This confession ' has been the state's trump card, and a stubborn battle took place between the attorneys over its admission, the court ruling it admissable. In this confession Kelly admits having assited in the robbery, implicating Lowe and a third party, not. caught, but claimed when the murder was committed he was not present. Kelly was put on the stand and created an unfavorable impression by denying the coroner's evidence, which 'is a part of the record of the inquest. The case will probably not be given to the jury before Friday.
Bought It Too Cheap. In fact, we will meet any and all r nmpetitlon in INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 26.Mrs. Jose- viiicli consists every class ol' Roodf in our line, of a full line of lirst-class Grocerphene McDonald, widow of Senator es, Crockery and Glassware, Joseph E. McDonald, has filed a suit against Attorneys Butler, Snow & Butler for $15,000. Mrs. McDonald charges that this firm, which succeeded Butler & McDonald, got the business for $1,800. Carter's PdospMenrine Pills When it-was in fact worth $15,000.
CHICAGO, Jan. 26.Harry Truesdell was indicted for bigamy here. It is charged that after having married Jessie Pray in Toledo, he married Hulda Howard in Milwaukee, without the formality of a divorce. Bunker Reid Jailed. KANSAS CITY, Jan. a6.Seven indictments were returned against John Reid, president of the Western Trust and Savings association by the grand jury in the criminal court. Reid was arrested and lodged in jail.
Big Cut in Grain Rates.
FOR LOST MANHOOD. We nositively uraranteo to conn any disorder of tlVo WBitvous or GBNBBATIVE Snrons, such as NERVOUSNESS, WEAK MBMonv LOSS oir HTUIN POWER, IMTOTENCY, jsSSssJoKs. * *^*af^^Sn". FUL iNDiBCiiRTioH. Take it In time and prevent comlne insanity. _____ YOUNQ MBNt REAIN THY LOST MANHO6DI OLD MINI RECOVER THY YOUTHFUL v i e O H l It your druggist docs not keep Phospho-Nervlno Pilla, we willnifl.il them to any address In tho world, securely packed in plain wrapper onreceipt o t price. One box, 11.00; Bli for 65.00. ' . Tako Carter's Phospno.Nervlno Pills.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.A Democratic houss caucus committee will be held to consider income tax. Opponents of the tax declare they will not be bound by caucus. Richard Croker of N York is here opposing income tax.
JACKSONVILLE, Jan. 26.Promptly at 12 o'clock the doors were opened, and the crowd, which had by this time swollen to fully 500, made a wild surge through the doors. They carried the one lone ticket taker entirely off his feet, and before he regasned a.standing MORNING OF THE FIGHT. position at least 20 men had passed into All Jacksonville Was Up at an Unusually the arena to view the fight without the Early Hour. necessity of going to their pockets for JACKSONVILLE, Jan. 25.This citysomething which they probably did not was up and doing earlier than it has contain. The workmen had not finished teen for many a day. It had been fairly padding the posts, and fully a dozen of lively all night long, for many of the them were placing pillows around them. The pillows, however, were much too sports were so late in getting ready for short, and a space of fully 30 inches was bed that they were afraid they might left between the bottom of the pillow miss something, so they remained up and the floor of the platform. It made and made themselves very much in an ugly place for a man to strike his evidence throughout the small hours. head upon if he should happen to be The rush toward the arena began at knocked against it. While one gang of men were working an early hour. It was long before the time set for the contest when streams of on the rosin on the floor of the ring, anbuggies, carriages and all sorts of other was laboring, to stretch canvas from the roofs to the sides of the edge of vehicles began to drift out toward the the arena. There was a feeble effort to arena. The price, of transportation keep out the rain which came down in went up with the increased fearful spurts but was death to the demand. Hard times in the North hopes of the men who had discovered Tiave made visitors fewer in the mode of entrance into the arena. It Iromber this year than for a decade., effectually prevented them from slipThe hackmen of Jacksonville, therefore, ping over the edges of the arena. prepared to accumulate" as much wealth Referee John Kelly came into the grounds later, carrying a small unpreas possible to tide them over a hard tentious-looking bundle, but it contained grimmer. Two, three and four dollars that that without which there would was asked and paid for a trip to the have been no fight here. It was in fact arena. The price carried with it the a bundle of banknotes, consisting of sevprivilege of a return ticket, but there eral $1,000 bills, a lot of $J>00 and a -was no earthly chance of finding the whole chunk of smaller denominations,, original vehicle, as the avaricious jehus the whole aggregating $20,000. The snapped up everything that had the purse which -will belong to the winner. price of a ride and let the majority of HISTORY OF THE MATCH. those whom they carried out get back to town'the best way possible. The jam The FlRht the Logical Outcome of the around the doors of the arena was dense Downfall of Sullivan. at times, but there was plenty of room The Corbett-Mitchell fight is logically iforalland no discomfort was exper- the outcome of jthe downfall of the 12ience!! by anybody. years idol of the pugilistic world. Mitchell had fought a draw with SulThe Betting: in the Morning was strong in Corbett's favor, the gen- livan when Sullivan was in his prime. each eral impression being that the little Before Mitchell and Corbett met with other in the ring, Mitchell equally Englishman would stand no show the San Franciscoan was a formidable against him. This "general impression," claimant for the laurels which Gorbett however, did not exist lo any large ex- wrested from the pride of Boston in tent among the members of the Mitchell New Orleans a year ago. When Corparty. It did not bother Mitchell him- bett was proclaimed the champion he self either. He was just as cool and had to face a-torrent of challenges. It was a public cry that Corbett confident before the fight as he has always been, Mitchell, in fact has never should maet the handsome English lad
Mitchell, the English pugilist, was in a sense more fortunate than his opponent in the selection .of training quarters, for the place which he picked out is far from Jacksonville, and, consequently, Mitchell has been subjected to fewer interruptions from visitors. His quarters were located on Anastasia island, reached by the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West railroad, and with him have 1:een Billy Thompson, his manager; Jim Hall, Tom Allen, exchampion; Bat Masterson and Steve Brodie. Mitchell's course of training has been practically the same as that followed by other pugilists preparing for an encounter, but in all of his training he has been singularly methodical and paintaking and has evidenced that intensity of purpose which has marked his career. His time has been divided between punching the bag, boxing with Jim Hall and long runs on the beach. Barring the spraining of a muscle in his ankle, Mitchell has been free from troubles during his weeks _of preparation and was in excellent trim for the, fray when he arrived here from . Anastasia island.'
Found Frozen..
MILWAUKEE, Jan. 26.John B. Koetting, cashier of the defunct South Side Savings bank, who was found guilty of receiving deposits after he knew the bank to be insolvent and whose manipulations were such as to render the bank which failed last July a total wreck, has been sentenced to a term of five years at the state prison at Waupun. A motion for a new trial for the banker was overruled. . His case will, however, be appealed to the supreme rourt.
The Khedive TV.
LIVINGSTON, Mon., Jan. 26.The jury in the Northrup murder case returned a verdict of not guilty after being out six hours. Charles Northrup was charged with killing Dau Durgen at Horr one year ago last September and has been tried three times for this offense. At the first trial the jury disagreed; at the second he was convicted: of murder in the second degree, but later secured a new trial. The defendant set up a plea of self defense.
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 26.The Santa Fe railway freight department has announced that on Jan. 29 it would make a flat rate from Missouri river points to Chicago of 10 cents a hundred on wheat and 8 cents on corn. The rates have been 24 and 20 cents respectively. BucKlen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises-Sores, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,' Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Wangler Bros.
A Suggestion To You.
We know you cannot afford to be extravagant with your
CAIRO, Jan. 26.The *. i of affairs here, arising from dive's' recent-criticisms of the E0 army and of the British officers have been instrumental in orgai,. g the Egyptians into fair fighting material, is decidedly serious, 'and if the khedive persists in his present attitude, it may i ,-en lead to his., removal from the throne. : Americans Presented. BERLIN, Jan. 26.At a reception held at the palace Wednesday, Lieutenant F. W. Harris, the United States military attache at Brussels; Mrs. Vreeland and the Misses Runyon and Pearce, were presented to the emperor and empress.
BURLINGTON, la., Jan. 26.F. G. Half the Town Burned. Tollman was found "frozen to death in SOLOMON CITY, Kan., Jan. 26.Fire the Band lumber yards. The cold is a drug here during the intense and there is great suffering starting in out halfstore business portion day wiped the reported among the poor, of the place. Eight stores were burned with their contents. f President Back In Washington. WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.The president Two Boys Drowned. arrived in Washington during the mornSOLDIERS GROVE, Wis., Jan. 26.Two ing and was at his desk at the White sons of John W. "Banger, aged 6 and la House at his usual time. Miss Rose years respectively, walked into an air Cleveland returned with the president. hole in the Kickapoo river and were drowned.' Young Boy Killed. Killed in a Runaway. ABERDEEN, S. D., Jan. 26.The 14year-old son of William Spencer, living SOLDIERS, GROVE, Wis;, Jan. 25.Ole near Detroit postoffice, this county, was Turban was killed outright and Chris accidentally killed by the discharge of a Anderson fatally injured in a runaway Bhotgun, the contents of which entered accident. Turban's head was completely ielow his chin and penetrated to the crushed and Anderson had his skull back of his head. fractured.
Minnesota A. P. A. To Equip the Soo Lino;
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 26.The state meeting of the A. P. A. opened at 55 Fourth street1 south. Societies in different sections of the 'State were represented, and the session will probably continue over another day. The proceedings are conducted with the utmost secrecy.
ST. Louis, Jan. '26.bergeant Lyon and three policemen had a desperate slugging match with two cracksmen. *W"hen the officers came upon the men a struggle followed with clubs and revolvShort 87,000. Want a Receiver Appointed. LAS VEGAS,. N. M., Jan. 26.Scipo GRAND RAPIDS, 'Mich., Jan. 26. ers, fortunately with ,no casualties, Salazar, treasurer of'Lincoln county, is Smiley, Smith & Stevens/" attorneys, though one of the prisoners who'had the short in his accounts about $7,000. Sal-filed a bill of foreclosure in the United muzzle of his gun in Lyon's face,-would azar has turned some of his property State's court asking for the 'appointment .have killed him had inot the: cartridge / . over to his bondsmen. ; The money was of a receiver for the Frankfort- and failed to'explode. _ invested-in houses and "ranches. * Southeastern railroad.
STEELE, N. D., Jan. 26.States Attorney Joseph W. Walker has received a comnltimcation1 from an English corporation advising him that it was about to close a contract to equip the Soo line to Bismarck with rolling stock, and asking his opinion as to what it should take to protect its interests after doing so.
St. Paul and Duluth Pino Taxable After Sale to Lumbermen. ST. PAUL, Jan. 26.In a decision just handed down the supreme court holds that the interest acquired by lumbermen on permits from the St. Paul and Duluth Railroad company to cut timber on the company's land grants are taxable. This is an important victory for the.state, as heretofore, the lumbermen U. S. Weather Indications. thus acquiring valuable pine land ! privileges have not been taxed on such Furnished by tlie Necly-Bryaat Lumber interests. and Coal Company. Great Western Conference. WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.For Iowa ST. PAUL, Jan. 26.A conference is Fair Friday. Probably snow Saturday now in progress between committees evening. Warmer. representing the brakemen and conductors of-the Chicago Great Western railChicago Produce Market. road and General Superintendent Shields of that road. The matter under FUXXtiHBD DAILY BY consideration is the formation of a schedule, and it is practically a continuM. D O B A N & C O . , ation of the December conference. On BANKERS AND BROKERS, account of the absence of some of the committeemen the conference was postST. PAUL, MUTOT. poned for., a day. Direct private wires to all leading markets. Rate War Predicted. OMAHA, Jan. 26.The Bee says: Un CHICAGO, Jan. 26, 1804. less a speedy agreement is reached be- The quotations on the board to-day were: tween the roads interested in transconOPENING. . tinental business, the worst passenger Wheat-Jan., 59; May, G3&. rate war on record will be inaugurated, Corn-Jan., 35; May, 33%. the Santa Fe and Union Pacific not OatE-Jan., 2GK; May, 30i4. being content or satisfied with the con- Men pork- Jan.. $13.27%; May, 13.33. cessions made the Canadian Pacific by the Great Northern, Northern Pacific CLOSING1:18 P. tf, and Southern Pacific. WheatJan., 59; May, Ky t . Cora-Jan., 3C; May, 38)4. International Sanitary Congress. NEW YORK, Jan. 26.The interna- OatsJan.. 2G& j May, 2954, tional sanitary congress, which opened Mess Pork-Jan., $13.12}$: May, $13.20. in Paris Wednesday, is attended by representatives of all the European powers WATERLOO MARKETS. and also of the United States. The WATERLOO, January 2G, 1894. delegates selected by the president are Dr. Preston H. Railbache of the United Flour, per hundred 50@C States marine hospital service, Dr. Wheat, No. 2. 232 Stephen Smith of New York city, and Oat. ~ Dr. Edward H. Shakespeare/ of Phila- Com. RT ................................................. 6 delphia. '. Potatoes...... ............ .....................
Fight. With Burglars. Beef Cattle...............- .................... 3.50@6.0 Steers.................................- ..........
Christinas Presents
We have not time, and space is too expensive to enumerate, but come and see us and we will tell you all about ittalk is cheap. Our goods are not the cheap kind,, but we are selling them VERY CHEAP.
PorkHve/choic*. ....... ....... .......... 5.005.1 7.0 HayTimothy.....^ ....................... HayPrairie .................................. 5.00@6.0 23@2 Butterbest table ...... . ...... .. ....... Lard ............................................... Hides,' Ho. 1 country 'slaughter.... " ' No. 2 country ilaughter..., , " Calf No. 1 ;..... ....... . ............ " Calf No: a .......... .'. ...... .... Tallow ............ :....... ...... "MtcV"-
1 1
or excesses and. tndtacretioii. .Wards off insan. .. ity and'consumption.^Don't let drugglsts'Jinpose a worthless substitute ', on- you. Viewnisei j t yields a greater profit, Insist/'- on bavin* V1GOKINE, or send for it. Can be carried ,1a vest pocket.., .Prepaid,plain wrapper, $1.00 per panVa^e. orTBlx packages, SSOO, -with. A, Positive* Written Guarantee to Cure or Refund the Money. Clromar free.
Youne men will regain ilielr lost manhood, and old men will recover their yotitlif uh vlor by using " VIGORINB." Absolutely Guaranteed to cure -Nervoimness, Lost VltalUy,.Invpotency, Sillfhtly JEii8*ton, JLost *"o> er. Failing i8*t " Memory /Wasting D ting DIea sen, and all eftcttnf tOj ,
Sold by J. J. \KWAPP.
T h o Qnostimi l i " A r e l ' o n Propmrcdl'^' ? I f N o t , S o m e V e r y V i i l n a b l e A d v l e f t ;i la ^'olnntcorod. Ji *
An erl'lcnilc ot the gi-lp la certain to Ijo ;gnenU j throiigliont Amcrlc.x In a very short time. AU.iailJ' ninny cnsca linvo lieon ob^ei-red 'by pliyali-linl In New York city, im well iis In other cities of tho land. i Dr Cyras 'Edsoii of the Ne-,v York tionril of Iicnlth | snyH ttiat tlio rilseaae will inftnlfest Us presence genctftlly In the very near fiitnro, nntl that It Is already here more than Is generally reall/eil. Ifo snirl: i "I think w o will hftvonftrlpoplrtemlcaoon,snil -/r. f ; there are Incllcntlona that It will he a long siege, i w - | While T do not want to crentQH scare, I wonid warn i/,.; people (o hcwaro of (t, ami to nso ^I;the precantlop*| possible Experience has aho\vn tlikt cateleaariefl* It) Imbltg and Irregnlar lioiirfl render'tlie s.vatem too weak to alantl so violent a rilaea-se. Grin flnds easy victims In oUl people and In debilitated persons." There Is hut one thing tor a n y mufk woman or child to do when tlieallg'itestaymptoiiibfgfrlp dppears end that Is to counteract It. at .once. I f . yptx feol tired, have p.'tlns In the muscles and hones, h a v e .'.;v v.adnll headache, a bud ta.sto In the mouth, are fevcfY' Ish, have no anibltlon or appetite, yon must. If yoti desire to escupo ihc grip, at once take a good, p a w .v stimulant. This alone can connteract tlio comlnf onotpvlp, kill the inlcrobea of llni dlscaM and.r-' , ! ' store yon to health. ' ' V'-., ;'^t'f j While there arc many so-called atlmtilantB th^^el '' but one v.-hlch Is pure, sclcntKlcnnd reconiniended4>y 1 physicians universally, 'nils la Duffy's Pnro l l a t t Whiskey. Do not he deceived by any drugglstflr ' grocer wlio nmy try to Iniluco yon to take aometiiihg ^ '" else. Ilemonilier that the reason nanally is that'TlW * ' . can nmko more money on cheaper and Inferior rtl-
by Judge Baker.
vials of their Rheumatism Remedy free; as a result, thousands have been cured of this disease. Dr. Munyon now proposes a shnilar plan in regard to Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, and early stages of Consump tion. Any person suffering with these dread Oov litchell Will Stop the diseases and calling at tlie office ^iri person will receive local treatment Fight if He Can. absolutely free, by the most thorou,e;h atid scientific specialist o n these dis eases in the country. Remember, not a penny to pay for Will Yield Only to Order treatment; until you are convinced we ] can help you. The treatment is mild . From Supreme Court. . and sootliing. No pain or unpleasant ; sensation.^ Any one who is suffering ' with Rheutnatism,' Dyspepsia, Coughs, Co)ds, Grip, Kidney trouble, or any Champion Jim is Picked as the other ailment, v/ill receive examination and advice" free. This companjrputa Winner by Bostonians. up a cure for every disease, which is sold by all druggists. Try a bottle and be convinced of jACnsoNViLLF,, Doo 28When D e p u t y their efficacy. If you do not receive Sherifl W . V a n Z a n t called at t h e E v e r e t t any benefit call at the offi.ce and we hotel t h i s morning and told C h a r l e y will refund your money. Mitchell t h a t h e was w a n t e d at the court Hotel Pe'lham, corner Boylston and house it was n o surprise to t h e nugillst. " P l l Tremont streets. Open,all day andgo right along," said he, a n d w l t h m live m i n u t e s M i t c h e l l , B o w d e n Thompson and , evening. Sundays, 3 to 5.
h a n d s , a n d i t will b e c o m e a b s o l u t e l y neoe., sary to r e n t t h o a p a r t m e n t s t o s e c u r e soiQ| ineomo from t h o m ; T h a t m a t t e r w i l l b e a l l On the Putnra of Orthodoxy, satisfactorily a d j u s t e d , rest a s s u r e d , " . B u t while t h i s c o m m i t t e e h a s t a k e n a l l F o g a r t y were in a carriage and spinning these things into consideration, a n d h a s Prof. C. A . BRIQQS, over t h e r o u g h p a v e m e n t s to the county decided t h a t it must r e n t t h e halls, t h e members havo cone to work nrst, last a n d courthouse. On tlie Pnture of Ohnrohes a l w a y s t o produ, o a g r o a t m e t r o p o l i t a n V a n Z a n t w e n t along b e h i n d in h i s b u g g y . c h u r c h , not a g r e a t m e t r o p o l i t a n h a l l . , ARCHBISHOP IRELAND, H e h a d served t h e w a r r a n t on Mitchell in e.Ycept w h e r e t h o two aro s i m i l a r i n t h e i r appointments. d u e form a s prescribed b y l a w , a n d t h e On the Oivilization That Will Be, T h e m a i n a u d i t o r i u m will s e a t j u s t an E n g l i s h m a n w a s supposed t o be, u n d e r ar m a n y people a s before t h o . fire., T h e seat.l rest. T h e i n f o r m a t i o n or affidavit on Prof. HUXLEY, win ho of a uitieh i m p r o v e d k i n d a n d m u o h w h i o h t h e t w o w a r r a n t s had b e e n issued, easier. One of t h e b a d f e a t u r e s of t h e old On America's Q-reat Destiny. w a s signed by George F . Acosta, a friend of t e m p l e w a s t h e lack of c l o a k a n d c h e e k rooms for o u t s i d e wrap.?. T h e c o m m i t t e e the oftioers of tlie D u v a l a t h l e t i e club, and HENRY M. STANLEY, is considering t h e a d v i s a b i l i t y o t p u t t i n g a t t a c h e d t o i t w a s a copy o^ t h e articles of t h e m into tho n e w temple. a g r e e m e n t a s s i g n e d by the t w o m e n . On England and Amerioa. E v e r y t h i n g passible will b e d o n e t o i n W h e n t h e p a r t y r e a c h e d the court 'house, sure .safety tor t h e e n t i r e b u i l d i n g , w h i c h Prof. MAX MULLER. will b e tirepioof. Tlio t o p g a l l e r i e s will w h e r e t h e r e w e r e fully 6 0 0 people con h a v e s e p a r a t e e x i t s from t h e r e s t of t h o g r e g a t e d . V a n Z a n t l e d Mitchell before WAITING- IPOR H I S WOTJHS. On the G-reat American Problem. house, a n d i n case of fire d u r i n g a p u b la u y surprise g a t h e r i n g ' those w o u l d p r o v e I n v a l u a b e . . Eemoval of Present Eeoeivers A^ked for C omn tn yJ u d ghee B a k e r .a l T h i s w a s a w a s that to a . T g e n e r impression i g EMILE ZOLA, T r i a l of J o h n IB. B u t l e r B r o u R h t t o a n T h e t aooondl l galleries, piln sttfe a d , of r u n n r n o into he wa near the a o r m will c u v tho ease would b e b r o u g h t d i r e c t l y before by the General OQunselr Abrupt Adjournment. r o u n d t o t h o platform a n d a broad flight ot On the G-reat Pity of the Age. t h e circuit j u d g e , b u t it appears that, will T h e trial of J o h n E . B u t l e r In t h e supe steps a l l e r ylead from t h e p l a t f o r m u p i n t o u n d e r t h e P l o i i d a code, a person accused tho g . PRINCE -BISMARCK, rior e r i m i n a l court, J u d g e B l o d g e t t presid of a n offense of t h i s kindan agreement WiLWAUKBlD, D e o 28A h i g h l y sensa S e a t s will also b e p l a c e d on t h e p l a t f o r m to m e e t b y a p p o i n t m e n t t o fightmust be On the Puture of Germany. ing, w a s b r o u g h t to a point y e s t e r d a y after as of old, a n d i t is very probable t h a t t h o t i o n a l t u r n w a s glveiv to t h e N o r t h e r n Panoon w h e r e i t w a s necessary to a d j o u r n be organ itself will be placed in a sort of fire- oiiio railroad receivership s i t u a t i o n t o d a y t a k e n before a c o m m i t t i n g m a g i s t r a t e , cause J a m e s E . B u t l e r c o u l d n o t testify t o proof room or hoed b y itself t o I n s u r e t h a t JULIA W A R D HOWE, w h e n H o n Silas W . P e t t i t t of P h i l a - a n d from t h e r e g e t u p to t h e circuit court a n y t h i n g w i t h o u t his n o t e s . H e left t h e m a n y possible fire in i t s h a l l n o t c o m m u n i delphia^ t h e g e n e r a l counsel of t h e t h r o u g h t h e m e d i u m of the c r i m i n a l On the Woman to Oome. a t h o m e , so J u d g e B l o d g e t t , told h i m t o c a t e t o t h e m a i n edtfifo. c o l o r a t i o n , ' appeared before J u d g e court of record. Ill t h i s case t h e c e n t e r of t h e p l a t f o r m a t h a v e t h o r a o n h a n d a t 10,80 t h i s m o r n i n g , t h e b a c k w o u l d be occupied a s f o r m e r l y ly Jenkins in the U S circuit T h i s will d e l a y the s e t t l e m e n t of the WASHINGTON GLADDEN, Butlor,who i s a n e x m e m b e r of t h o Boston an organ front, b u t i t w o u l d b e o n l y a c o u r t for t h e e a s t e r n d i s t r i c t of Wisconsin, friendly suit, b u t only for a few d a y s . d el jto On the Puture Brotherhood. b a r association, w a s on t r i a l u n d e r a n in false sfront, eatn y would e b e puesaerd n mee r ofy fase a n d filed a p e t i t i o n for t h e r e m o v a l of t h e . W h e n J u d g e B a k e r r e a d t h e i n f o r m a t i o n giro ymm r to t h ap a c d i c t m e n t c h a r g i n g h i m w i t h t h e a l l e g e d h a l l . T h e organ itself w o u l d b e a t o n e of present receivers, Messrs T h o m a s F . Oakes, a n d t h e w a r r a n t , a n d a s k e d t h e prisoner if A L P H O N S E DAUDET, t h e bank corners of t h e p l a t f o r m , a n d h i d f o r g e i y a n d u t t e r i n g of a d e e d . H e n r y c; P a y n e a n d H e n r y C. Kouse, a n d h e w a s g u i l t y or n o t g u i l t y , Mitchell Dorcas Pratt, bt (2) 2.3814; by Stamboul, dam H e is c h a r g e d w i t h forging t h e m a r k of den from t h e v i e w of t h o a u d i e n c e . for t h e a p p o i n t m e n t of o t h e r reooiveiu i n a n s w e r e d " n o t g u i l t y . " Second D a y ' s Session a t H a r v a r d U n i Cotter Center ' WlUlaras Almeo, to F.'D. Lane, Barton, Vt, S0O, his m o t h e r , Mrs C a t h e r i n e Butlor, t e a deed On the Puture'Novel, T h i s hall will bo l e t for a n y m o r a l o r t h e i r place. ., Haltbnok SuUlTan T h e r e w a s a w h i s p e r e d c o n s u l t a t i o n be Everett ot the property Hi C h a r t e r s t , w h i c h formed e d u c a t i o n a l purpose, b u t t h e l i n e wftnld Mlas Twojiibly, iiadng record 2.33J4, trotting versity M u s e u m . Goat Curley As t h e n a t u r e of h i s application b e c a m e t w e e n A. W . Cookrell, t h e a t t o r n e y for Mit Sword a part of t h e e s t a t e left b y t h e will o t h i s ho d r a w i i a t a m o o t i n g of r u m s e l l e r s o r ar. 2,381/1!, by Biiruham Knox to F, A, Gilbert, Boston, POPE LEO XIII., Heferee, O'MaUey. Timer, TurnbuU,' T h e s e c o n d d a y ' s session of t h e Goologioal noised a b o u t t h e b u i l d i n g t h e court room chell, a n d h i s c l i e n t a n d t h e l a t t e r ' s f r i e n d s , father, E d w a r d J . Butler. a m i n s t r e l show. Political c o n v e n t i o n s 200, w a s quickly tilled b y m e m b e r s of t h e b a r inside h pale, t l s society of America w a s hold y e s t e r d a y i n 1 1 Time On tho Menace to Society. M A B O - A K E T K A K B A B K A I G N B D . come nOt.apit toresmoke. b u n t h e w i r e peu lne r w Doris, bt,by Sresseiiger WUkos, 2,23, to SUiis Barta n d t h e s e i n t u r n w e r e reinforced by oiti- a n d a t its close, a s t h e a t t o r n e y m a d e no Goal 1 Won by must I short, t h e 'Basil 1 Made by I in t h e H a r v a r d u n i v e r s i t y m u s e u m , Cam Kens i n t e r e s t e d m N o r t h e r n Pacific affairs. motion, t h e .iudge c o m m i t t e d t h e prisoner lott, Lowlston, 8255, t e m p l e m u s t be ikept p u r e a n d s w e e t i n limit Hipson bridge, i n t h e Nash b o t a n i c a l lecture room Mrs. J A M E S T. FIELDS, 1,.. , Ihfl p e t i t i o n in e x t e n t is exoftedingly to t h e c r i m i n a l court of record, w h i c h spirit a n d i n t r u t h . Sister Mix, bm by Fearnauglit jr, to L, Morrison, IS OS 2 . . . BrocUton.,. Plaroo . . . . I'loice An addi'oss of welcome to t h e h a l l s of voluminous, covering 2 0 0 t y p e w r i t t e n m e e t s n e x t T u e s d a y . ' W a i v e d B x a m i n a t i o n o n t h e C h a r e e of I n t h e e l d t e m p l e t h o offices of t h o h e a d . ' 8 . , , Boston . , . , Hlpton., , . W o d t k e . , . . 4r>6 8210, pages of legal cap. On the Puture of the Indiiridual. t h e u n i v e r s i t y w a s m a d e b y Prof N . S nuartftis o t t h o B a p t i s t d e n o m i n a t i o n i n . 4 , , . BoBton Hipson., . . W o d t k e . , . . 1 2 5 Murder b y Poison. 0. W. R i c h a r d s o n of tlie D u v a l a t h l e t i c W O N I N 14 ROUNDS. limit It m a k e s serious a n d sensational charges 6... pierce , . . . tills p a r t o t t h e counti-y w e r o o n liu> t o p Shaler, T h e vice p r e s i d e n t , Prof T'.- 0, club signed h i s bail b o n a , a n d t h e l i t t l e h i t h e tnunigipal c r i m i n a l oourt yes .itory, whioh t h e y occupied i u i t s e n t i r e t y . a g a i n s t receivers a n d e x P r e s i d e n t T h o m a s (!,.. Boato'ii H i p s o n . , , . 4 86 Hipson Gliamberlain of Chicago u n i v e r s i t y w a s i n SARAH ORNE J E W E T T , limit 7... F, Oakes, H e n r y Villard a n d Roswell G. affair w a s over. Hipson t e r d a y appeared M a r g a r e t K a n e , accused It is v e r y probable t h a t w h e n t h e n e w D a n D a l y of B a n g o r K n o o k s O u t A l t h o chair, a n d about ICO w e r e present. T h e r e h a d b e e n n o t h i n g sensational or KolBtoh, p r e s i d e n t of t h e F a r m e r s loan a n d On the Lesson of the World's Fair- of eausliiK t h e d e a t h of h e r inother-in-!aw, teniplo is built those oftices will r e t u r n tn Fouls, Boston 2, Brooktau 1, Nei^t i n St Louis. t r u s t oomiiany of N e w York, a t t h e instance e v e n e x c i t i n g about t h e proceeding. tlie top floor. T h o n e w floor will b e a n ad Addresses wore m a d e by C, Willard H a y e s T h e R i v e r s i d e s of C a m b r i d g e a n d BrookE l l e n K a n e , b y poison. Mitchell a n d h i s p a r t y d r o v e to t h e h o t e l of whio V c o m p a n y t h e bill for a receiver S T LOUIS, Deo 28Dan D a l y of Bangor, o t W a s h i n g t o n on t h e geology of t h e Coosa ditional one evou to t h e p r e s e n t buildiiiK, a t once, a n d a t 1 o'clock t h e y a l l w e n t t o ton G a z e t t e s p l a y e d a t w o - i n n i n g g a m e be Me, a n d Al Neist o t t h i s city, feather valley, Georgia a n d F l o r i d a : bv M. R. w a s filed. Since t h e t l e f e n d a n t ' s former arraign a n d will b e roaohed from t h e s t r e e t by a e No charges are m a d e , h o w e v e r , a g a i n s t St A u g u s t i n e , w h e r e r e g u l a r t r a i n i n g will foreh t h e l e a g u e gm mn .outclassed t h e young w e i g h t s , m o t in a l i v e r y stable i n t h i s oity Campbell on some v e r y curious paleozoic m e n t i n court t h o e l d e r w o m a n d i e d , a n d v e r y quick elevators. T e Brockton e receivers P a y n e a n d Kouso, a n d t h e i r b e b e g u n on A n a s t a s i a i s l a n d tomorrow. overlaps i n M o n t g o m e r y a n d P u l a s k i coun On t h i s floor will b e a l a r g e luill w h i c h so t h e c h a r g e o n w h i c h t h e younit Mrs Mitchell staid over one t r a i n on purpose sters from . C a m b r i d g e a n d b y t h o u s e of last n i g h t tor a purse of $300. Neist w a s t i e s , ' V i r g i n i a ; by N. H . D.arton on geologic n a m e s are i n c l u d e d i n t h e g e n e r a l petition can bo lot for purposns of l a r g e g a t h e r i n g s K a n e w a s h e l d w a s c h a n g e d to i n u r d o n for removal solely because t h e y are nomi to h a v e t h i s court business over. Corbett, r u b b e r rollers won C to 8. T h e g a m e will k n o c k e d o u t in t h e 1 4 t h round. relations in t h e belt from Green pond, Now such a s t h o social g a t h e r i n g s of t h o church, t h r o u g h some raisundorstandinK a b o u t t h e be t h r o w n out, a s i t w a s d u l y p r o t e s t e d by Upon t h i s she w a s y e s t e r d a y r e m a n d e d t o itself. I t will be used for c h u r c h s u p p e r s , n a t e d by t h e coterie a g a i n s t whom t h e Jersey, t o S k u i i n o m u n k m o u n t a i n , N o w jail w i t h o u t bifil to a w a i t t r i a l i n t h e upper m e e t i n g s of tho Baptist social u n i o n a n d proceodiugs a r e d i r e c t e d a n d a r e conse s e n d i n g of a d e p u t y sheriff to Mayport, d i d t h e C a m b r i d g e boys. York i by Prof C l - I , H i t c h c o c k on a n c i e n t R a c i n g a t N e w Orleans. q u e n t l y a s s u m e d to b e subject to a n d n o t show u p t h i s m o r n i n g . H e d i d s h o w e r u p t i v e rooks in t h o W h i t e m o u n t a i n s , W. D, Howails, Congressman Boutelle, court. Throe governmont,, w i t n e s s e s wero all such g a t h e r i n g s , w h i c h h a v e h e r e t o f o r e working under t h o control of t h a t up, h o w e v e r , a t i o'clock, a c c o m p a n i e d b y a n d b y Prof George H u n t i n g t o n W i l l i a m s also ordered to recognize for t h e i r appsar- been hold downstairs. T h i s is b u t a n o t h e r N e w B e d f o r d 1 . 'Woroeater 0. N E W OKI/BANS, Deo 28-^Only t w o favor Honry Irving, Congressman Jerry MeVey, P o r t e r Ashe of California a n d influence. anco a t t h e trialm o a n s of r e v e n u e , a n d i t will b e a d v a u t a N n w B E H F O B D , D e o 28Worcester a n d i t e s carried off t h e puies t o d a y , a n d t h e y on a n c i e n t volcanic rocks along t h e e a s t e r n T wa dr i gooiiH also for t h e u s e o t t h o c h u r c h . O n W. T , Stead. Simpsen, Hummarized, t h e road applied for a Brady. t h eh e party s h i p .s t o i v etn e r a p od lry N e w B e d f o r d p u t u p a fast p o l o , g a m e to w o n in v e r y close finishes. T h e track w a s b o r d e r of N o r t h America. from ferry h c u t FOB DAVID QUASH'S DEATH. tl. is floor will bo a set ot rooms t o b e u - s e d change of r e c e i v e r on t h e g r o u n d t h a t a t house, a n d t h e r e a b o u t Both Prof Hitohcook a n d Prof W i l l i a m s Cardinal Gibbons, the s a m e n i g h t . R o b e r t s d i d n ' t play, C a n a v a n doing fast a n d good t i m e w a s m a d e , n o t a b l y , Senator fl/lorgan. for purposes o t worship, s u c h a s p r a y o i t h e t i m e t h e receivers w e r e appointed i t proceeding w a s gone t h r o u g h w i t h a s i n an tes a lavas, t h e r u s h i n g w i t h McPeok. L a t i o n s played l,66V,t in t h e fourth race for one m i l e a n d oonsidored.t gtrh e isurfaces u volcanice atmos Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Congressman Bland, practically h a d n o h e a r i n g ; t h a t its m a n t h e soliditied a nder th B a r n e y . Aconsetl of X b r o w i u e a L a m p , m n o t i n g s a n d t h e like. Sm h t h e Duval a g e r s h a d i n less t h a n 1 y e a r s a d d l e d clubm o r n i n gt. h e C. H .bondi ta n dofCorbett w a s center, E, W h i t i n g going i n t o goal a n d a i r e i g h t h . T h e .summaries: pheres e x i s t a n t a t t h e t i m e of - t h e i r erup T h e now teniplo will b e first a safe fire signed bail Congressman Springer, Held in $10,000 Bonds. Ward, doing s p l e n d i d w o r k for h i s t e a m . F i v e it with t h e interest ot 860,000,t i o n s ; n o t igneous, a s t h e y iiavejiro viously proof s t r u o t u r e , a n d second, i t wilt bo b u i l t tho c First race, threo-quartora of a mileCloe first, been classed. 000 for prrtnerties w h i c h were of orderedu eto aappear hin only v r irm itn a ' court fouls w e r e called, Woroesters m a k i n g ex T sd T e i Richard Groker, I n t h o m u n i c i p a l crltnlnal oourt yes w i t h a n e y e to its u t i l i t y a s a c h u r c h a n d Charles A, Dana, n o value to i t , b u t in m a n y of whioh t h e y nh e t Mitchelly . proceeding i n at hae i o no r from t h r o e of t h e m a n d losing t h e i r only goal on Kva'B Kid second, Tld Bits third. Time l.SBVa, Prof G. K. Gilbert t h e n spoko o n t h o t e r d a y Dn^vid B a r n e y w a s a r r a i g n e d on a n o t aa a public hall. w e r e personally i n t e r e s t e d , a n d o u t of t a s t h e a p p e a r a n c e in court of m n i n g t h a t a c c o u n t . Second race, llvo and one-halt furlongsTop Gal c h e m i c a l eauivalonco o t crystalline a n d Samuel Smiles, Senator Hawley, Solicitor Considerable e x c i t e m e n t w h i o h t h e y m a d e large profits, a n d t h a t w ohareo of m a n s l a u g h t e r i n c a u s i n g t h o Christie of t h e c r i m i n a l court. H e said w a s c a u s e d b y Cunningharii a n d I^ations lant flrst. Emperor,Billet second, Ike S. third. Eodimontary rocks. H o g a v e a s a r e s u m e Sir Edwin Arnold, Ex Senator Ingalls, w h e n t h o insolvency w a s produced b y t h i s of 180 d i i t e r o n t a n a l y s e s o l crystalline d e a t h of D a v i d Quash, a n d w a s h e l d in . at t h articles of a I r a u d a n d m i s m a n a g e m e n t , t h e president t h t a c t h e copyhofw a re a n t a s n o t g r e e m e n t c o m i n g t o g e t h e r for a w r e s t l i n g m a t c h . Time l.OOVi. llvo and one-half furlongsSt I'at rooks t h e following t a b l e ot p e i c o n t a g e s : Alexander Dumas, Senator Stewart, r a correct Third race, $10,000 for trial J a n C. of t h e c o m p a n y a n d t h e president a t e ; hte d ttoitt e a d been i n t e r l i n e d so a s t o T h e s u m m a r y ; Oxygon 47,;), silica 27,2, a l u m i n u m 7.8, on ha h first, Wckota second, Hulbcrt, third. Time 1.00'AI t is allowed t h a t B a r n e y t h r e w a l i g h t e d Gov. Flower, of the tnistoe of the mortgage iron C.G, c a l c i u m ,'t,8, m a g n e s i u m 2.7, potas Prof, Pasteur, tha t e h d h rig t NKW BlibPOTtDS iVonCHSTERS Fourth race, one mile and an eighthIllume llrst, s i u m 2.4, s o d i u m 2 , 4 ; total 00 percent of litmp a t Qiiash, Ilea 23, a n d t h a t t h o l a t t e r S m a l l p o x C l a i m s A n o t h e r Victim a t t h e w h o h a d p a r t i c i p a t e d in t h e fraud a n d r e a d fight t ifh a t referee e a t bte cea m e hb rt o astop any tim i ut l. Prof. David Swing, Jules Simon, Cunnhigham,,... m i s m a n a g e m e n t colluded t o g e t h e r to p u t t h e w a s so h a d l y iujured t l i a t h o d i e d Wudues. } K , i s . , e r s { ' - - v ; ; ; , - C a n v a n Michel second, Little Nell third. Time 1,66Vi. t h e e a r t h ' s crust. C a n t e r b u r y S t H o s p i t a l N a m e of P e r Doo t h e road in t h o h a n d s of receivers w h o day, Senator Cullom, A t t h o request of h i s a t t o r n e y , A. W . Fifth race, ebc fiu-longs Eyelet llrst, Service . . . Center Lations L a s t n i g h t t h e m e m b e r s h a d a ban Francis Coppee, w e r e n o m i n a t e d by t h e m for t h e juirposa Cockroll J r . Corbett addressed t h e court, O F Smith i h e original complaint a g a i n s t Barney s o n Kept S e c r e t . . .Halfback H Wblting second, Capt Wagner third. Time IMVl. Flt,-,peid quet a t t h o T h o r n d i k o a n d today t h o George W, Cable, Senator Peffer, of a n d w i t h t h e effect of p e r p e t u a t i n g t h e exiilaining t h a t u n d e r t h e rules t h e con J Snilf.i w a s for assault a n d ImttoiT, Goal E Whiting president will deliver his a n n u a l a d d r e s s Tho fourth v i c t i m to die of s m a l l p o x a t s a m e control w h i o h h a d b r o u g h t about t h e test could n o t become b r u t a l , a n d t h a t i t Pliflho a n d Maud S m i t h w e r e e a c h h e l d Referee, Harry D, Btovey. Timer, C. O. Brightinan, Congressman Holman, Max O'Rell, on " S o m e R e c e n t Discussions in Geology," banknintoy. j A r l i n g t o n B . O. S m o k e T a l k . in $200 a s witnesses. m a d e n o difference w h e t h e r t h i s proviso t h e C a n t e r b u r y st hospital w a s t a k e n o u t nt t h e hall of t h e Boston society of n a t u r a l The Duke of Argyll, The Marquis of Lome, fTlmt w a s in t h e original c o n t r a c t or not, , ABLINOTON, Dec 28Mayor W i l l i a m A, history. y e s t e r d a y inorniiig. Wlio it w a s c a n n o t b e Rush l\Iade by 1 m s Goal 1 Won by Bancroft ot C a m b r i d g e addressed m e m b e r s Corbett drove from t h e court house t o Lewis Morris. Hotel Eoynolds Clerk Held, OU EKGIiISH INTERESTS. l e a r n e d , a s t h o board of h e a l t h refuses to A m o n g those present a t t h e b a n q u e t Secretary Morton, t h o St J a m e s hotel, w h o r e h e will spend 1,.. Worcester , Cunnlngh'm Canavan, . ^ 2 2 of t h e Arlington boat c l u b a t a smoke t a l k were H . Ries, T h e o d o r e G. W h i t e , ,1. F . Charles P. Miller, c h a r g e d w i t h defraud d i v u l g e t h e n a m e o t t h o person. limit Worcester . Cunnlnph'ni Secretary Lament,. the night, , , , limit of t h e club t h i s e v e n i n g upon physical K o m n , J . J . Stevenson, N e w Y o r k ; Robert V.'orcester . Cmmlngh'm ing J o h n r. Reynolds of t h e h o t e l R e y n o l d s A strict s u r v e i l l a n c e is b e i n g k e p t o v e r AtohlBon B o n d b o l d e r s W i l l b e W e l l T h i s suit is a perfectly friendly one. I t 3 . . . 7 CO c u l t u r e . H e w a s pronounced in favor T . H U l . C W . H a y e s , k. H. Camnbell, J . N Bedford, Mcl'eok... . 4... out of divers sums a m o u n t i n g t o 1500, t h e houses from w h i c h p a t i e n t s h a v e b e e n was i n s t i g a t e d b y t h o friends of t h e D u v a l 0 . . . N Bedford, Cuninngh'm / J u a r d e d Abroad. ta Whitman s limit of e v e r y m a n t a k i n g such recfeation So n n l e y Browne, AVilliams, Cross, W a. h i n g a t h l e t i c club in order to test t h e l e g a l i t y of was in t h o m u n i c i p a l court y e s t e r d a y . J u d g e r e m o v e d a u d t h o m o s t s t r i n g e n t c a r e to t ; George H. Harry F Reid, LONDON, Deo 28Tho financial editor of t h e coming contest. stops, Whltjng 20, Smith 20. Fouls, McPeck li, e v e r y d a y a s should g i v e h i m a ' l u n d of B a l t i m o r e ; Frodoriok D., A d a m s and wife. E l y found probable cause, a n d Miller w a s p r e v e n t t h e spread of t h e disease is b e i n g t h e WeBtminster G a z e t t e says t h i s after ood T h e n e x t step is t h e application for a w r i t Cunningham, Smith, Whiting. good h e a l t h upon w h i c h to d r a w in after Sir J , \V. Daw.son, M o n t r e a l ; N . H . h e l d for further e x a m i n a t i o u u n t i l J a u 2. t a k e n . noon, in a n article on t h o affairs of t h e of h a b e a s corpus upon w h i c h to h a v e t h e Kefreshmonts wore served to t h e D a r t o n , W a s h i n g t o n ; H e n r y M. Auir, fife. Bail w a s fixed a t $2000, Atchison r a i l w a y s y s t e m : prisoners absolutely released frt)m t h e a; Fuller, Worces Its -work foreoasted by its most T h o doctors in c h a r g e of t h e free s t a t i o n s S t a n d i n g R o l l e r Fold L e a g u e . m e m b e r s a n d g u e s t s a t t h e close ot t h e O trt:a w W i l l i aH o m e r T . Bico, M i d d l o t o n ; jurisdiction of t h o court. T h i s will b e te m North for vaofciiiatlon a r e k e p t b u s y e v e r y d a y . " A l t h o u g h w e l u U v recognize t h a t M r Post Percent exercises. prominent members. m a d e t o J u d g e Call of t h e circuit court, H. C. Hovey, N o w b u r y p o r t ; C. H. H i t c h fully 2000 persons b e i n g t r e a t e d d a i l y . T h e Dandy Hamilton Fined. R e l n h a r t , a s p r e s i d e n t of a r a i l w a y com a n d t h e one essential point will t h e n be Won Lost Played poned won Clubs cock a n d d a u g h t e r s , H a n o v e r , N If; H e n r y n hus fa vacc na e i s B, A . A . jEtedeeming B o n d s . D a n d y H a m i l t o n , colored, w a s found t o t a l a tu m b e r tfree s t art i o n s i i s tmd r e n t t h in p a n y s t a n d i n g m a precarious position, b r o u g h t u p lor a r g u m o n t , New Bedford . 1 8 1* 32 .B62 S. W i l l i a m s , E . 0 . H o v e y , N e w H a v e n ; . ! , city those o ha T h e Boston a t h l e t i c association h a s posted L. K i n g , S, h. Peniiold. Syracuse; H, L. Boston .IT 10 33 g u i l t y a n d sentenced y e s t e r d a y to p a y a 15,000. m a y find i t n e c e s s a r y t o b o v e r y r a t i c o n t .oin i'ha s t a t e prohibits " F i g h t i n g b y previous Worcester,.. .17 HI 38 .B15 a n o t i c e on t h e b u l l e t i n board a t t h e club Fttirchild, R o c h e s t e r ; Prof M'. II. Niies, fine of S05, b y J u d g e S h e r m a n , i n t h o in d e a l i n g w i t h a n i n t e r v i e w e r on t h o posi a p p o i n t m e n t , " a n d provides " P u n i s h m e n t Broolcton.... .lis Dr McGollom, t h e c i t y p h y s i c i a n , r e c o m 18 ;i3 .164 superior c r i m i n a l court for a s s a u l t a n d bat- m e n d s t l i a t %vomen a n d c h i l d r e n g o t o t h o t i o n of t h a t c o m p a n y , y e t w e feel t h a t a for tlie priuoipalB, seconds, surgeons a n d Providence.. .10 18 33; ,404 h o u s e c a l l i n g for .SOOOO of t h e i r flrst issue C a m b r i d g e ; T. C, Chaiiibcrlin, C h i c a g o ; spectators.' ot b o n d s a n d SIOOO of t h e i r issue qf bonds J o h n H, A l l a n . Brooklyn; I, C. '\Vhite, MorAll alioivt tho peonllar little hoodoos and t e r v on George W . D r o w n , A u g Ifi last. H y d e school house on H a m m o n d s t t o b e m a n m a k i n g such m i s s t a t e m e n t s as appear i'he law was ye.ars on t h e B l a g d e n st property. A p r o m i n e n t g a n t o w n , W Va, fetiolioa of Booioty glrhin other words, tho W i l l i a m Hensou. w h o w a s a c o d e f e n d a u t v a o o i n a t e d , a s i t is q u i e t t h e r e a n d t h e r e is in t h e official report of t h e position of t h e w a s beyond allpassed overe3 0a t d u eago ga. n d ealem 2517, 999th ArtiUery 2312. doubt aim d llin n o t n e a r l y t h e rush t h e r e is a t s o m e o t t h e latest fashions in rabhito' foot, garter oharms, w i t h H a m i l t o n , w a s a c q u i t t e d . company, is n o t e n t i t l e d t o t h e confidence SALEM, Deo 28The Salem bowliii!? t e a m m e m b e r of t h e c l u b i s a u t h o r i t y for t h e o t h e r s t a t i o n s . T h e doctors a r e i n a t t e n d T h e contention of t h e pugilists' a t t o r statement t h a t t h e earnings are quite as H A K V A R O D'BNTISTS. d a n c o t h e r e from ;).30 t o 6, a n d h e r e , a s i n of t h e s h a r e h o l d e r s . n e y s will b e t h a t " b o x i n g wit h five ounce d e f e a t e d t h e 900th a r t i l l e r y aKKregationof Inoky Btonos, oto,, eto, fact a t all t h e free v a c c i n a t i o n stalrions, t h o gloves for points a n d a p u r s e " is n o t "fight C h a r l e s t o w n t h i s e v e n i n g . T h e features large a s a t a n y t i m e i n t h o history of t h e W e h a v e welcome information t h a t I N BXEOUTlVffi C O U N C I L . club. gi'oate.st a m o t m t of care is t a k e n i n all steps are to b e t a k e n t o d a y to form a Lon ing b y previous a p p o i n t m e n t " as contem They Aro Told W h y Homeopathy is All of t h e g a m e w e r e t h e b o w l i n e of B u r t o n ot w o r k performed. plated i n t h e .statute. don c o m p a n y t o protect t h e interosts of t h e W r o n g a n d Should Fail. B i n k P o l o Notes, nondholdors. T h e n a m e s of thcise u n d e r A special to t h e D a i l y Citizen from t h o C h a r l e s t o w n s a n d Carter a n d Broadloy A p p o i n t m e n t s M a d e b y G o v BuBsell T h e H a r v o r d odontological society, com t a k i n g the t a s k iv ill ropresout t h e l a r g e s t T a m p a says; " G o v Mitchell r e t u r n e d to of Salem. T h e score: T h e C a m b r i d g e press t e a m h a s t a k e n t h o posed of g r a d u a t e s of tlio H a r v a r d d e n t a l yesterday. STEAMBB H A V B B SEIZED. n i g h t from a d a y ' s h u n t o n t h e Alafia E n g l i s h i n t e r e s t s in A t c h i s o n . " place of t h e I ' a r i s t e a m in t h o Masaaohu]3o.stoii::.uB who Lftvo travolofl in iniiny oUmOB river. H e w a s shown a disiiatch request T h e oxocutive council m e t y e s t e r d a y , school, resident in N e w E n g l a n d , held i t s 3 Tls St Sp MS Botts a m a t e u r association. 1 ing h i m to direct t h e a t t o r n e y g e n e r a l t o will diecuBB our jieouliar Now England (lOv Russell presided, a n d b u t l i t t l e busi Passoncora C o m p l a i n e d t h a t T h e y "Were Keoeivor for C, O & S Hallway. .. ir.3 182 103 D28 As r u b b e r rollers aro strictly forbidden b y m o n t h l y m e e t i n g a t Young's last ov.ining, associate himself w i t h t h o prosecution in Hull . . 1 8 1 187 1H7 r.sr. woathor in Tho Sunday Gloho. NACHVILLK, T e n n . i J e c ^ S A t C l a r k s v i l l e t h o Corbott-Mitchell case i n J a c k s o n v i l l e , Carter P u t on Short Rations. tho rnlcs, tho two last g a m e s played by t h o Pros Forrest (i. Ed'dy of P r o v i d e n c e in tlie ness of importance w a s t r a n s a o t e d . . . 2 0 3 ir.H 17B fian Uroadley.,. t o d a y U ,S J u d g e L u r l o n appointed G e n a n d said; Brockton Ua/.ettoa will n o t count in t h o chair. . , 141 111) W5 405, TreadwoU . His excollOncy r e u o m i u a t o d F r a n c i s II. N K W Oiti.nANK, Ueo as T h e F r e n c h a m a t e u r association race. Johii E c h o l s a n d St J o h n Boyle vecoivers . .103 170 174 C13 " "1 a m doubtful if m y authority' Is suffi lirophy . . . Appletoii of Peabody a n d W i l l i a m W h e e l e r s t e a m e r H a v r e w a s seized t h i s m o r n u i g on Tlie after-dinner exeroisea were opened for t h o C h e s a p e a k e , Ohio & Soutliwostern cient to m a k e any sucli order, a n d I shfiU of Concord, t r u s t e e s of t h o M a s s a c h u s e t t s With a impor read b y H r Cliiirlcs M. Koop Team totals. .841 822 854 2,017 Many ttmlo of tho man and of all tho frlondfl a g r i c u l t u r a l college. Mr C h a r l e s W a r i e n , a suit b r o u g h t b y t h o s t e e r a g e passengers, railroad c o m p a n y . T h e appliciitio}i w a s not do it, a t a n y r a t e , before c o n s u l t i n g S p o r t i n g Miscellany, on "A T e w Words on llonicopatliy," T h o li;ii)TH AirriLMtur of tho man who has boon vaooinatedand of private secretary to t h o governor, w a s ap- w h o coiiiplainod t h a t t h e y h a d r e c e i v e d m a d e b y C. P . H u n t i n g t o n , .hidgo L u r t o n witii Oen Launir. As to m y w i t h d r a w i n g essayist said t h e principles on wliicli t h e J, H . MahoneyMarch 10,1S88, my t t h e e v e n of 187 175 171 533 fixed t h o r e c e i v e r s ' b o n d s a t Sfio.ooo e a c h . an opposition to J h e gfight, in releasing tt h o liurlon school is founded e tho girl, too I hut eomi Boston girls do not nointod n o t a r y putilic a n d s e n t i n for con- insufiiciont food, t h a t t h o w a t e r f u r n i s h e d order from u d e Call Loilng 143 187 184 5 1 4 Tl.iere is a l e t t e r i n t h i s oflico for Billy hoinooimthic a r e so donionstrated a ry all Urination. H e n r y .1. Kardwell ot Boston thorn w a s u n w h o l e s o m e , a n d t h o food inwrong, a n d b all T h e road will probably bo .sold by oi'dor of men, 1 will say t h a t t h e Florida s u p r e m e Urno I ' l l 125 128 4 1 4 lot tho dootor vncoinato thorn on their arm I was reappointed by tho g o v e r n o r a s a mem Henry. ^ scientists. sullicient a n a often r o t t e n , so t h a t t h e y court, and t h o Louifivillo & Nashville h a s court, t h e coui't of last resort, is t h o only Ford - . . 1 5 8 138 111 407 ber ot t h o district police, inspection depart wero p u t o n s h o r t r a t i o n s for a portion o l T h e r e aro l e Y t c r s a t t h i s oi'iico for J o h n Chapln 137 182 325 444 T h e school is not h o l d i n g its own, t h e in iinnounood t h a t i t will bo a b i d d e r . one 1 will yield to in t h i s i n s t a n c e . ment. B u t l e r of L y n n a n d J i m m y Koardou, crease d u r i n g t h o past few years b e i n g only tlio v o y a g e , " ' T h e r e a r e seven circuit j u d g e s , a n d Team totals.. . 7 8 0 807 711) 2.312 J. MuldoonNov 3 , 18na, t h e C a m p a n i a 7 p e r c e n t compared w i t h a 30 iierceiit inT h e oomniissioiiB of Messrs Bard well. Apeach one may h a v e a difl'eront opinion; a t Thoi'o in whcro tho froaka ot fashion aro A t c h i s o n Kooeivera A p p o i n t e d . m a d e t h e passage from N e w 'York t o cieas? in t h o p r a c t i t i o n e r s ol t h e old Capt L a p n t o w a s a r r e s t e d , c h a r g e d w i t h nletou a n d W h e e l e r expire on ,lan 1, 1(UI4, a n y rate 1 k n o w t h e law a s well a s a n y o n e school. H e expected t o live to see homeop Quoenstown in 5 d a y s l a hours 7 m i n u t e s , ' playing just nowtho slioulders ot tho pasti I'hat of Tilly Hayiios o f t h e J l e t r o p o l i t a n v i o l a t i n g t h e l a w s of tlio U n i t e d S t a t e s , .Judge Nelson in t h o U H circuit court circuit j u d g e . I shall therefore d o a l l in O x f o r d Club T o u r n a m e n t , a t h y become only a m e m o r y . A t e l e g r a m received from Florida yester y e s t e r d a y afternoon appointed t h o same re my power to s t o p t h i s f i g h t u n t i l a m a n d a t e sewerage commission e x p i r e s on t h e s a m e w h i c h roouires t h a t pas.sengors shall b e proBoiit and future, LY.N-N, Deo 28Teams 1 a n d 4 played a Dr George F . G i read a paper upon d a t e , b u t Gov Russell wiU l e a v e t h o ques Iirovidod w i t h proper food, a n d t h o s h i p ceivers for t h o Atchison railroad company ot t h o s u p r e m e court compels m e to g a m e i n t h e b o w l i n g t o u r n a m e n t ot t h e d a y s t a t e s t h a t t h e iirst tarpon of t h e sea porcelain contours, a n t n o w metliod ot re a son w a s c a u g h t by Alfred f. Camaoho, tion ot successor to t h o governor elect. w a s sued tor d a m a g e s . as were appointed b y t h o court iti Arkan desist.' " storing fractured t e e t h , a n d (icorge E , Oxford club t h i s e v e n i n g . I t is expected I t w e i g h e d 100 pounds. Nothing w a s done i n relation to sas, The application w a s m a d e by Williiun S h e w a s seized t h i s m o r n i n g , b u t b o n d e d Hodco e x h i b i t e d a w o r k i n g electric d e n t a l t h a t t h e s e t w o t e a m s will b e t h e real rivals th nomination th J e r r y Marshall, t h e colored feather e n g i n e a n d various connected anplinnces, CORBETT T H E FAVORITE. 'What thall bo done with tho woman who of e Commissioner H aot a w a y eof tsucce.ssor l a t e r in t h e d a y . F . W h a r t o n , a n d t h e r e w a s n o opposition. th h o Modin t h e t o u r n a m e n t a n d t h o gauio was w e i g h t w h o c a m e from Australia some Dr Jo.sepli T, P a u l a n d Dr N a t h a n P , H . Vi'. Swift represented tlie company. lieaV m o n t h s a g o , is matpliod t o fight J e r r y iiold itLsane a s y l u m . Gov Russell will act JOINED T H E FEDERATION. Wyllie, both of t h i s city, were elected to Boston SnortiiiE M e n P i o k H i m aa t h e w a t c h e d w i t h m u c h interest. Tlie score: S w e e n e y a t San Francisco, J a n 10. on t h i s m a t t e r at t h e n e x t m e e t i n g of t h o membership. TI':.\3! 4 council. W i n n e r of t h o P i c h t POBTLAND. J i n i m y IJiiuo, t h e Now York l i g h t w e i g h t 2 3 Tls St Rp JIS 1 M a n y of t h e E m n l o y e s of t h e L y n n S t r e e t I n order t o find half a dozen out-and-out Todd 154 120 3 27 401 3 12 7 w h o is well known in t h i s city on account SACO. Fashion's latest odiot on thin interooting H E N K Y W . PAIWE'S FUI^EBAL. 7 7 11 of d e f e a t i n g Hilly F r a z i e r a n d J a c k Green, 122 112 181 415 Eailroad Leave Union 60. T h e r e is g r e a t i n d i g n a t i o n felt h e r e a t Mitchell m e n one m u s t d o a deal of t r a v e l Clarke 7 0 5 r e c e n t l y k n o c k e d o u t J i m m y G a l l a g h e r ot Bubjoot, llandall 151) 157 lOO 422 t h e course of a n u n k n o w n , a n d a s yet u n inu in Boston, a n d t h e u i t i s d o u h t f u l if t h a t Arm 'lead L Y N N , Dec 2(iUnion GO, surface r a i l r o a d 4 10 31 P i t t s b u r g in 10 r o u n d s a t Niles, O. 122 138 148 408 Miss H a r r i e t F . Townsond, d a u g h t e r ot P r i v a t e Services at. H i s H o m e i n C a m d e t e c t e d m a n . w h o h a s of l a t e i u s u i t e d half dozen could b e found. Hutchinson IIB 116 115 845 I'he m e m b e r s of t h e Central A. C. of Dor Joseph S, T o w n s e n d , a n d I.ee I., R o b e r t s of employes of t h o L y n n & Boston s y s t e m , m a n y ladies. W e d n e s d a y n i g h t an indig bridgeNear F r i e n d s P r e s e n t . There are a great many who have no n a n t citizen m a d e prisoner of a m a n . a n d TcolU totals. .072 042 077 1,001 21 38 84 c h e s t e r h a v e formed a bowling l e a g u e , a n d t h i s city were m a r r i e d a t t h e h o m e o f t h e h a s lost a large n u m b e r o t m e m b e r s . a l r e a d y ' 1 0 tennis h a v e e n t e r e d , ' i h e first T h e funeral of H e n r y AV. P a i n e , t h e n;AM 1 m a r c h e d h i m u p to two l a d i e s w h o h a d j u s t particular likinir far t h e b i g Califoniian A b o u t 300 meinbers of t h e o r d e r h e l d a b r i d e , 8 D y e r st, y e s t e r d a y . R e v P h i l i p II, g a m e in t h e t o u r u e v will ho played this e m i n e n t lawyer, w a s h e l d 154 145 4:i(! yesterday received t h e a t t e n t i o n of tiui rough w h o a n d would hail his downfall a t a n y h a n d s Snillh.. . ..137 m e e t i n g a t Lasiers' h a l l t h i s e v e n i n g a n d e v e n i n g , w h e n leamfi 3 a n d 4 will be p i t t e d Moore officiating. h a d troubled so m a n y o t h e r s . One l a d y with a good deal ot satisfaction. B u t t h e y Keene . . 434 . .120 1111 147 a t t h e (amily residence, tKi Sparks st, a g a i n s t each other. At t h e P a v i l i o n p a r s o n a g e y e s t e r d a y voted t o join t h o A m e r i c a n f e d e r a t i o n of , . 127 120 130 377 t h o u g h t h e w a s t h e m a n , Irat ooulil n o t bo h a v e a w h o l e s o m e respect for his powers, .\llen. . . :i50 afternoon Gilliert O o l d t h w a i t o a n d Mi.ss labor. . . 1 1 7 131 108 T h e B. A. A. are g e t t i n g a n d posting on C a m b r i d g e . positively sure, h a v i n g been too m u c h a n d t h i n k , while g i v i n g t h e s t u r d y E n g RndcUfle 303 . . 1 0 2 140 115 Collins ., T h e service was p r i v a t e . Only i m m e d i Grace G o l d t h w a i t e , both of Biddoford Pool, t h e i r bulletin board d a i l y reports of t h o ioe liiKlitened w h e n addressed to p.ay much at T h o employes h a v e h a d n o t r o u b l e w i t h were m a r r i e d by Kov T, A r t h u r F r e y . on t h e varions ponds in a n d n e a r t h i s city. a t e relatives were present. T h e sei-vico the company a n d do not anticipate a n y . t e n t i o n t o h i s apnoaranct'. As t n e y could lislnnan full credit lor b e i n g n o c h i c k e n or Team totals..000 720 042 1,074 27 37 40 Y e s t e r d a y ' s b u l l e t i n s t a t e s t h a t t h e ice on w a s c o n d u c t e d by Kev l''i-aucis G, P e a b o d y Special ollicer tJlaronco B u r n l u i m ot t h i s w e a k l i n g , t h a t Corbett will win, Two proiiiinent m e m b e r s o t u n i o n 00 .iro n o t identify h i m h e was allowed to go. .lamaica poud is good. Fresh nond fair, of H a r v a r d . city, w h o w a s notified t o a p p e a r before charged with c a l l i n g a .snap m e e t i n g o n t h e III order to feel t h e public pulse a n d d r a w Charles river a t D e d h a m good, Back B a y T h e only floral olTeriiig wa.s u w r e a t h J u d g e B u r b a n k i n t h e police court for fish e v e n i n g ot tlio '_'lst, a t w h i c h I h o y or o n e J, AV. Trefetlien reports tlie arrival of t h e Bachelors 2225, W a r r e n 2156. fens rough. w h i c h c a m e from t h e t a m i l y . Tliero wore ing S u n d a y , will resign his ollico iiistoiul of ol t h e m a t least m a n a g e d t o k e o i i h i m s e l f following fishermen: Lucy Dyer with 12,- conclusions from i t s impulses on t h e o u t T h e E o x b u r y Bachelor a n d ^Varreu bowl n o pallbearer.i. T h e burial w a s in t h e fam c m n g before t h o court a u d jiaying a tine. in power. 000 pounds o t cod, h a d d o c k a n d h a k e . comu of t h e m a t c h between these two g r e a : T Worcester t c club w-ill g ing c l u b s p l a y e d a m a t c h g a m e in t h e Rox- set h e in-door h a na tih laep ig a m e s on t h e i v e a ily lot a t Mt Auburn, Ho w a s g i v e n his c h o i c e o t d o n i g one or the A l b e r t W. Blackafi.OOO nounds, J . G. Craig figlitiiig m e n , t h e writer took a t u r n a b o u t of d c even Jlaiiy of t h e m e m b e r s s a w n o w a y of g e t o t h e r by t h e m a r s h a l . Among t h e personal friends o t t h e family b u r y a m a t e u r bowling association league ing ot J a n 13, w h e n t h o foUowmg e v e n t s 10,000 pounds. Uncle .Joe in.OOO pounds, town y e s t e r d a y a u d m a d e k n o w n h i ting t h e m o u t a n d t h e y d e t e r m u i o d t o r e V'ho a t t e n d e d t h e funeral were II n Clias T h e r e m a i n s of Geo. W, C l a r k of Chiconee sign a u d join t h o federation, E m m a 18,000 pounds. Contest 10,000 mission. last e v e n i n g . T h e Bacheloi-s w o n b y C will be c o n t e s t e d : Fifty y a r d s dash, 380 Theodore Russell, Prof 'J'liayer ot H a r v n r d , O Falls, Mass, wero b r o u g h t h e r e y e s t e r d a y y a r d s r u n , 1-mile r u n , 3-milo r u n , 1-inile oundfi, E v a a n d Mildred 10,000 pounds, H e found lovers of m a n l y sport a s pins. D o v e r rolled 612. T h e score: a n d placed i n t h e r e c e i v i n g t o m b a t Laurel w a l k , pole v a u l t a n d soma special e v e n t s . D r Morrill W y m a n , B e n V a u g h n a n d Wil!ora E . S m i t h COOO p o u n d s , E m m a J a n e th ir CONVICTED O F ASSAULT. hill, , IlOXllURV HACHBLOllS All e n t r i e s should b e sent to H a r r y D a d - liaui Vaughn. 8000 pounds. N a t h a n B . Cleaves 10,000 g u a r d e d tof a y eare opinions a s out-of-work men of o d of t h e i r spare c h a n g e man. Tls St 2 1 i 'Douncfs. Nellie Burns 7000 pounds, a n d Here are some of t h e forecasts: 374 4 L o c a l Iiinets. . . . 1 1 0 331 127 Qulnn E A E R I B T HAYDEK'S WrLr.. A m y W i x o n 10,000 pounds. All of t h e E . J . H o l l e n b e c k of B u r l i n e t o a S o n J a m e s Stevenson, o w n e r ot t h e Casino Spencer T. W i l l i a m s , o n e ot t h e best Norto'. . ,... 126 335 167 417 5 above vessels a r e Maine coast fishei'ineu, j u d g e s of boxers in t h e city, said: r i n k , said last n i g h t t h a t t h o b o x i n g exhi Fifteen-year-old W i l l i a m W e l c h , whoso t e n e o d t o 1 0 Yeai-s i n P r i s o n . 0'U'-;cn.. . . . . 1 5 2 172 100 400 7 no Gloucester fishermen b e i n g reported, b i t i o n for t h e benefit of t h o poor, a n E s t a t e L e f t t o H a r v a r d College t o F o u n d "Corbett o u g h t t o win. Y o u t h , agility, i>ever . . . h o m o i s a t ati Longwooil a v , Koxhury, i s a t 153 103 100 012 11 BuKLiNCiTON, Dee 28K. ,i. H o l l e n b e c k n o u n c e d to t a k e place in his b u i l d i n g n e x t higlit a u d leng;th of r e a c h a r e all m liis Wulvee . t h e oity ho.spilal sulToring from s e v e r e . . . . 1 0 7 121 204 432 7 a Scholarship. S a t u r d a y n i g h t , w a s postponed for a week favor. Should Mitchell be fortunate soalds aliout t h e neck a n d chest. T h e h o y of t h i s city w a s t o d a y convicted cX c r i m i AUBURN. Mrs H a r r i e t Hiiydon, a colored w o m a n Team totals . 053 722 850 2,225 3 4 or 10 days, a n d t h a t a c o m m i t t e e of ar euough t o m i x i t u p w i t h Corbett, t h a t is, was p l a y i n g i n K i n g ' s brewery o n Couant nal assault on Mary (iiliuau a n d s e n t e n c e d r a n g e m e n t s would be appointed from t h o a n d t h o wife of t h e l a t e Lewis H a y d e n , h a s should ho h a v e an opportunity to d o some Kt,Roxhury, yestotday afternoon wiien h e to 10 years in s t a t e pris-.m. T h e board of h e a l t h h a s been notified of inligliting h i s chances would be as good or Barbour . . . well-known c h a r i t a b l e societies in a few bequeatlied h e r e s t a t e v a l u e d a t some w a s ai'cidently h i t by a s t r e a m o f hot .147 140 148 4;i5 h d xceplion days. b e t t e r t h a n Corbett's. 444 water f r o m a hose u,seu i n wa.-^hiiig bottles. t h His coiuibcl 1 0 ah e esupreiue s n o t e d , a n d 11 (,; McColib ..300 135 140 a case of d i p h t h e r i a o n P u l s i t e r st. e ease goes t court. S4000 or SCOOO t o H a r v a r d college, to toiiud .140 340 123 412 "B t a ance o o n T h e t r a p shooters of A u b u r n a n d Lewis- will u te u h wti sc he n o u gI dto ng itvt h ih ik ,Corbett TavUir S t a n t o n Abbott, t h e E n g l i s h l i g h t w e i g h t a scholarship for t h e beiieiit of poor a n d At r>.iB yesterduv afternoon Daniel 4 10 . 1S.^ 3 3B 337 u ^ e m conse K 1-MeCohli w h o is to box J a c k F a l v e y at t h e Metropole M c C a r t h y wa-* passing t h r t m g h S w e t t st ton h a v e b e e n i n v i t e d by t h e Massachu q u e nbl y I repeat w h a th I said a t t h e begin Kelley .100 356 131 456 t club .Ian 8. writes t o some friends in Lon d e s e r v i n g colored s t u d e n t s . By t h o t e r m s w h e n h e stepued into a hole a n d w a s setts gun c l u b t o contest a t tlie New Vear's n i n g . Corbett o u g h t to w i n . " thrown heavily t o tho ground, lireakiog Team tolais . 7 0 0 708 070 2,158 2U 55 40 don t h a t t h e people a n d preias ot America 01 t h e will, a medical s t u d e n t is to be pre Bhoot a t W e l l i n g t o n n e x t Blonday. J a m e s H . Walsh, a well-known a m a t e u r a r e bO prejudiced a g a i n s t t h e English ferred. his t h i g h bone. H e is 7 2 y e a r s o l d a n d T h o Turf puoli.sliiug c o m p a n y lias been a t h l e t e , shot putter, r u n n e r , ball player fighters t h a t t h e y a r e badly h a n d i c a p p e d , lives a t 25U E u s t i s st, R o x b u r y . City hos Should n o colored s t u d e n t appear in t h e nwanized iti A u b u r n , for t h e jnirpose of a n d boxer, w h o h a s often been m i s t a k e n D E F E N D S O N H I S SHO'WINGr. A b b o t t h a s been t r e a t e d better t h a u most couito of B year a l t e r h e r d e a t h , t h e pital. for Corhott, h a d t h i s to s a y : of t h e American boxers, a n d h e shows in Edward M. F l a h e r t y of 8 V a l l e y st, " M i t c h e l l is a splendid specimen c.l S m i t h W i l l K o t Be Signed to F i g h t O ' B r i e n g r a t i t u d e w h e n h e eeuds such s t a t e m e n t s e s t a t e , b y t e r m s of t h e will, bo g i v e n to t h e h o m e for Aged Colored W c n i e a on Medtord, called on a friend a t ,S2 Harri.son physical m a n h o o d . H i s b u t t r e s s ne<3k across t h e water. Myrtle st. av, last n i g h t , a u d w h i l e t h e r e g o t i n t o a U n t i l A f t e r K y a n Matoh. d o n a t e s g r e a t bodily s t r c u g t h . H e is a dispute Willi o n e of t h e b >ardi.u-s, -Jauies E, 'I'liere are n o o t h e r speciiications in t h e Fairfield treasurer. I t is t h e successor of whole encyclopedia of r i n g tactics a u d M a n a g e r J o h n S m i t h ot t h e Metropole McDonald. T h e t w o c a m e t o blows, a n d will b e q u e a t h i n g a n y m o n e y o r ' a n y t h i n g iigliting tricks, b u t I t h i n k Corbett will club w a s in t h i s city y e s t e r d a y a u d had a Young Newton Editors Dancid, t h e old A u b u r n ( i a z e t i e oomptiuy. it is alleged McDouald s t r u c k F l a h e r t y a to a n y p-srson. T h e directors of t h e A u b u r n stove foundry w h i p h i m . K E W T O K V I L L E , D e c 28A p l e a s a n t social lieavy It u\v on t l i e f o r e h e a d , c u t t i u g a h a v e decided to repair t h e i r brick foundry, " h e is taller, fully as h e a v y , livelier a n d t a l k w i t h F r a n k D u n n , t h e m a n a g e r ot e v e n t t h i s e v e n i n g w a s t h e a n n u a l receiig a s h wh e h reiiuiiud ^eveIal siiiclies t o recently b u r n e d , a t once, a n d toiaalce t e m - of longer reach. Bui ho m u s t n ' t be c a u g h t Billy .Smith, r e l a t i v e to a fight w i t h Dick iiou a n d dance u n d e r the* auspices of t h e M a s t e r Plimabers E l e c t Offlcere, close. Flaheriy's wound w a s d i e s s e d at ijonirv reimirs on t h o wooden factoij-, s-o us n a r p i i i g . " At a r e g u l a r m e e t i n g of t h e J l a s t e r O'Brien. D u n n said t h a t h o w a s r e a d y to Ktiitioii 4, a n d McDonald w a s looked u p on to ftart ui> t h e works a s ,-oou as iiussitle. .kiliii .1. Murphy d i d n ' t h a v e to w e i g h t h o m a k e a m a t c h w i t h O'Brien for t h e SliOOO editorial stafl of t h e N e w t o n h i g h school P l u m b e r s association of IJoston a n d vicinity t h e eliurge of assault a n d b a t t e r y . R e v i e w . Tho a i l a i r took place in t h e hall yefterday t h e following ofticcrs Tiie county commismoiiers h a v e dccideu (luestion a m m n e i u . were oilered b y the c l u b a f t e r S m i t h h a d sparred of t h e large school g y m n a s i u m on AVaUiut e l e c t e d : J , Warren F r e n c h pies, Diivid to iiostjionc :icti( n on t h e petil iuii to discon John Walsh of Is'orth C a m h r i d i t e w a s 'it will be just like .iuko .SciinefTer play t i n u e a imrt of t le cputity io:ui iieia tlic ing vdu a g a m e oi billiards," he saiU. Kyiiu. st, w h i c h was e l a b o r a t e l y decorated w i t h S m i t h first vice pres. H . II. Collins becuud crossiiib'of t h e Grnnd I m u k a n d P o n l i i n d "Corbett is suic to win. 1 don't Be,u how he 2^Sn&^"erfay w^j^a"aliinr'^ i KVEOl.ASS.KS r o l l ;^UW T K A K - s . J l a n n g e r S m i t h decided it w a s best n o t e v e r g r e e n aud b u n t i n g . About S I couples vice pres. Chas. M. Brorawicli third vice & Kumford Falls railroad. can lose. s m u t hhx^on l l ^ & i i U . m n g 1 \ i J - ^ o,'i^':il^^.'gif Si ' ^ " - ' " u ' J S ' S i S S f ' S to d r a w u p a n y articles u n t i l a l t e r t h e bout w e r e preseut.and participated in t h e dance. pres. W . A. T u c k e r reo bee, E. C. KcUy cor "Of course," m i d ilohn, " t h e r e is a c h a n c e a u d b a c k . H e w a s luketi t o t h e ,Ma.ach,.- ' for J l i t t h e l l , just a s t h e r e would be ior you b e t w e e n R y a n a n d S m i t h , w h i c h is to b e Tbe-noor was u n d e r t h e direction of editor- sec, J , W . Cusden lin sec, Daniel S h a n n o n s e t t s g e n e r a l hospital, w h e r e In.-, w o i u u l s i uioiu. s,-ii,t loiCHAIO^JIW, W ii.st>S llKus, tupjUK in a g a m e of balkliiie Inlliiirds w i t h decided on i t s m e r i t s a t t h e C a s i n o .Ian ii. in-ciiief .Tamei'F. K n o x of t h e Review staff. '.reus. TWO -NKW COLLAP.S.
Sensational Charges in a Petition Filed. Northerri Pacific Affairs Again Figure in the Federal Courts.
Sohaoffer. .Take m i g h t miss t h o first shot a n d drop d e a d . T h e n you w o u l d h a v e t h o tImY'olntLfvhotlior%h'o"^^^^ will Kivfe t h e purse i t hftHpieviousyoftored "lii." Aiiui.w xixjmxxjj. (tame all t o yourself. J u d g i n g from tlio w a y S m l t h ' i s gottuiK " M i t c h e l l is a good fellow a n d doesn't deserve h a l f w h u t h a s h e e n said a d v e r s e l y roiidy.tor R y a n ho will g i v e a Rood aodnnc ahout h i m , b u t h o is outclassed. Corbett o{ .... i n t h a t contest, .and t h o Samo 5 himself is too big, younger, livelier, a n d h a s t a k e n , m a y b e said of Kyan, a s h i s m a n d g e r writes b , e t t e r caio of himself." from Bridgeport t h a t h o is t r a i n i u g . h a r d iloe L a n n o n , t h o h e a v y w e i g h t , w h o for a e v e r y d a y a n d expects t o g e t t h e deoislon. l o n g t i m e w a s a sparring p a r t n e r cf J o h n Neither man was in any shape w h e n they L. S u l l i v a n , h a s a wholegome respect for sparred a t t h e Coney i s l a n d club, a n d con Mitchell, b u t h e believes Corbett will b e s e q u e n t l y were n o t able t o show u p to t h e i r the winner. s t a n d a r d . T h e y are n o t going t:o t a k e a n y " T h e y a r e t r y i n g too m u c h b u l l d o z i n g . " ehanoos t h i s t i m e a s b o t h a r e ^o6k^ng for said Tom E a r l y t o d a y , " a n d I d o n ' t b l a m o contests a n d defeat m e a n s considerable t o t h e people for g e t t m g disgusted w i t h t h e m . t h e m . ' T h e r e n e v e r w a s so m u c h t a l k b e t w e e n t h e old t i m e r s w h e n t h e y were going t o fight. SPARBING AT T H E LAFAYETTE. " T h e i d e a of Corbott's wife figuring so p r o m i n e n t l y in t h i s m a t c h is s i o k e n m g . ' ^ h e B o u t B e t w e e n Asho a n d R o b i n s o n D e - No One Can Now Piok t i e Winner of c o n t i n u e d . " I believe Corbett a n d M i t c h e l l olare'd a D r a w . the Six-Day Bioyole Eace, i n t e n d t o fight, b u t I would not, b e sur prised if t h e m a t c h wa-i stopped on a c c o u n t T h e r e g u l a r m o n t h l y b o x i n g m e e t i n g ot of t h e i r n e w s p a p e r l i g h t i n g . I a m a Cor b e t t m a n , t h o u g h Mitchell is a friend a n d t h e L a f a y e t t e club w a s h o l d a t t h e club N E W Y O R K . Deo 28Tho m a n who can c o u n t r y m a n of m i n e , \ rooms last e v e n i n g . A b o u t .'300 m e m b e r ^ If t h i s w a s iive or six years a g o I would were present, a n d t h e y enjoyed four good pick t h e w'inner o t t h e six-day bicyle race in Madison sq g.T.rden h a s n o t y e t b e e n bo on t h e M i t c h e l l e n d , forI b e l i e v e h o w a s t h e n a t h i s best. Ho h a s dissipated b o u t s . ^ : found. too m u c h , a n d I do n o t believe h e c a n g e t W h e n t h o crowd loft t h o b i g b u i l d i n g a t T o m M a g u i r e of t h e Coopers m e t George b a c k h i s old-time speed a n d s t a y i n g Murciliy of tl^e Loyolas in t h e first b o u t ot 1 2 o'clock W e d n e s d a y n i g h t Martin h a d powers." L P a t s y SheppWd looks to see M i t c h e l l t h e e v e n i n g . T h e y w e i g h e d 112 pounds. s u c h a b i g l o a d t h a t h e w a s looked upon a s m a k e a good fight w i t h Corbett, b u t h i s For t h e first thre'e r o u n d s M a g u i r e h a d t h e a sure w i n n e r , b u t d u r i n g t h o m o r n i n g m o n e y w i l l go.on t h e A m e r i c a n . best of t h e contest, usfng h i s left on t h o h o u r s t o d a y h e w e a k e n e d perceptibly, a n d w i n d a n d t h e r i g h t o n t h e j a w . M u r p h y ' s s p e n t 8 0 m u c h t i m e o n h i s couch t h a t a t UVEJliIHIST O F T H E S E A S O N . 4.64 o'clock W a l l e r overtook a n d passed c o u n t e r s falling short. M u r p h y took a b r a c e a n d e v e n e d mat h i m , a n d Schook d i d t h e samo s h o r t l y t e r lip i n t h e last t h r o e rounds, landilig afterward. M a r t i n scored 1 0 0 0 miles a t 2 B r o c k t o n P o l o T e a m Put U p a StrOne some good left jabs on t h e m o u t h , a n d it G a m e b u t w a s B e a t e n b y Boston. t h e end o t t h e s i x r o u n d s t h e referee de o'clock i n t h e m o r n i n g . At noon. W a l l e r h a d a l e a d ot t h r e e miles, I n one of t h e liveliest g a m e s of t h e season cided t h e contest a d r a w . e ne t t w w e e n S u Ashe of t h e Brockton t e a m w a s defeated b y t h e t hT hWestx e nb o u n d a s b e tRobinsonn o t Law a n d Martin Was 2 7 m i l e s b e h i n d Shock. e d a Blllv T h e crowd i n t h o e v o n i n g w a s t h o largest Bostons l a s t e v e n i n g a t t h e Casino r i n k . rence, Ashe woighod a b o u t 115 pounds y e t . I t n u m b e r e d more t h a n BOOO, a n d t h e Robinson e e It w Two t e a m s n e v e r p u t u p more clean, a n d c o n t e s t of wh i g h v d n i118. Ashe a s t h e noise w a s consequently e a r s p l i t t i n g w h e n best t e e e hg, forced sharp polo t h a n d i d t h e s e m e n for t h e first t h e b o x i n g i n t h e o p e n i n g roundis of t h o a n y one of t h e c o n t e s t a n t s spurted. V a n Emberg w s e favorite w i t h i n n i n g of 16 m i n u t e s , w h e n t h e y r e t i r e d contest a n d some p r e t t y e x c h a n g e s took everybody. a H clearly t ha boviah looking e is such _ for a f e w seconds' r e s t w i t h o u t h a v i n g place w i t h honors e v e n , fellow t h a t i t is h a r d t o b e l i e v e t h a t h o h a s As h e h a d s o m e w h a t t h e b e s t o t h e fifth scored a goal. a n d s i x t h r o u n d s a n d Robinson w a s pretty stood t h e l o n g strain so w e l l . P h y s i c i a n s w e r e oolled i n t o look after Referee O'Malley w a s r a t h e r s e v e r e a n d t i r e d , called t w o fouls on t h e h o m e players i n Robinson forced t h e b o x i n g i n t h e n e x t M a r t i n , Meixell a n d A s h l n g e r about 8 short order. E v e r e t t h i t t h e ball accidentally t h r e e r o u n d s a n d e v e n e d u p m a t t e r s . I n o'clock, a n d t h e y prescribed some m a g i c w h e n f a l l i n g t o t h e floor, a n d Cotter com t h e last r o u n d some good boxing a t short t o n i c t h a t m a d e t h e r i d e r s ' h a i r s t a n d u p m i t t e d a deliberate foul in holding P i e r c e . r a n g e w a s i n d u l g e d i n . T h o contest w a s a n d p u t t h e m i n fair s h a p e a g a i n . Barton, D u r i n g t h e rest of t h e g a m e t h e Boston declared a d r a w , a s t h e m e n a g r e e d t h a t if w h o w i t h d r e w from t h e race early yester m e n w e r e v e r y careful a b o u t m a k i n g t h e b o t h wore a b l e t o c o n t i n u e a t t h e e n d of d a y m o r r i l n g i o a m o b a c k a g a i n late In t h o t h i r d foul, a s t h e s b o r e was too close t o t a k e t h e 10 r o u n d s no decision, should b e g i v e n . d a y a n d p l o d d e d a l o n g a s if h e d i d n o t k n o w w h e n h e drop to e a r t h , chances. ' J E d Russell of Brooklyn w a s g i v e n a tryHosnier, Go den. F o r s t e r a n d A s h i n g e r T h e h o m e t e a m d i d some c l e v e r paHsing o u t b y J o e Waloott. Waloott disposed of labored a n d coked l i k e agony, b u t t h e r e a n d t h e w o r k of Pierce a n d M e n a r d w a s of h i m i n t w o rounds, a o t tt e n d e qui , an e x t r a quality, while S u l l i v a n a n d J o e D o n o v a n of M a i n e a n d E d MoGlory w h s rn i n g rto u n d n c y tro u n d t ina n d t h e y k e p t and o dizzy fashion. W i l l i a m s blooked well. of t h i s city were thfi n e x t contostnuta. w i l Meixell is i n b e t t e r t r i m t h a n m a n y per T h e b e s t playing of t h e g a m e , h o w e v e r , N e i t h e r of t h e m e n k n e w m u c h a n o u t box w a s d o n e b y E v e r e t t of t h e B o s t o n s ; h i s i n g a n d for t h r e e ' r o u n d s t h e y w a l k e d sons b e l i e v e a n d m a y prove a d a r k liovso work w a s c h e e r e d t i m e a n d a g a i n , b u t it a r o u n d t h e r i n g . D o n o v a n m a d e a Wwce after a l l . A l b e r t is n o t voiy far b e h i n d t h e n e v e r bothered t h i s q u i e t y o u n g m a n , w h o in t h e n e x t round a n d h a d m a t t e r s all h i s l e a d e r s a n d is g a i n i n g fast. I n t h e 10-ml^o race, a t IL.'BO o'clock, Berlo k e p t a cool h e a d . o w n w a y , a n d h e w a s g i v e n t h e decision i n w a s first a n d N e w h o u s e second. "The flret goal w a s m a d e in 18 minutes t h e s i x t h r o u n d . T h e soure a t 1 o'clock w a s a s follows: a n d w e n t t o t h e visitors. Pierce p o k e d t h e ball close t o t h e Hasten cage a n d Sword, i n PRICES CONSIDERED FAIR. t r y i n g t o k e e p i t out, k i c k e d i t i n . 048 .Sohoek 1,230 4 Golden Hosinor (140 T h e second i n n i n g was n e a r l y u p a n d t h e Waller 1,210 B 900 1,103 3 For'tor h o m e t e a m p u t on extra, s t e a m to t r y t o t i e H i g h Class T r o t t i n g Stook Sold a t A u c Martin 813 Albert 1,128 0 Ashlnger t h e score. W o d t k e sent t h e ball i n only t o 703 Meixell 1,029 1 Barton tion i n A u b u r n . see i t come rolling o u t a g a i n . Van E m b u r g . . , . 1,020 0 After a few passes W o d t k e j u g g l e d t h e A u B C B N , Me, D e e 28The stook of t h e Berlo w o n t h e final h e a t in a half m i l e b a l l b y S u l l i v a n a n d rftiood i t over Curley's colt f a r m , Charles C u s h m a n proprietor, w a s race i n I m 16 S-5s. foot i n t o t h o o o m e r of t h e Brockton cage, a sold a t tlie covered t r a c k a t t h e farm, a t J a c k P r i n c e w o n t h o 16-inilo race from v e i 7 p r e t t y play. T h e t h i r d goal w e n t t o Boston i n short a u c t i o n t h i s afternoon. T h e h i g h class of Dick H o w e l l i n 46m 3 4-6s. T h e finish w a s , , order, W o d t k e s e n d i n g t h e ball from In t h e stock offered, t h e f a o t t h a t t h e s a l e was very close. A 10-mile s c r a t c h race w a s won by Berlo. front of h i s own cage i n t o t h e visitors'. a b s o l u t e a n d u n o o n d i t i o n a l , d r e w a crowd It w a s a g r e a t shot a n d t h e crowd c h e e r e d of over 1000 b u y e r s a n d spectators. T h e N e w h o u s e w a s second. T i m e 20m 30 4-5s. heartily. prices w e r e considered fair for t h o t i m e s W o d t k e placed t h e b a l l t w i c e i n t h e Still they go. "Harmonized Melo Brockton n e t t i n g , b u t i t came o u t e a c h t h o u g h l o w for t h e q u a l i t y of stook sold. t i m e . T h e n after a p r e t t y double pass. T h e m o s t p r o m i n e n t sales w e r e ; dies," our great music book, Is Cotter t o W o d t k e , Hipson took t h e b a l l Catciilli, bg (S) record 2.33, by Kockofolter, to Luke a n d p u t i t t o sleep in t h e visitors' n e t t i n g . already in thousands of New England Sword m a d e some p r e t t y stops d u r i n g t h e Lelghlon, Exeter, N H, S115. Royce, be (2) 2.30%, by 'Wnrrener, dftm~ Almee, homes. last 10 m i n u t e s . T h e h o m e t e a m felt sure Jf you haven't a copy send of t h e g a m e , a n d h e l d t h e ball most of t h e by Del Sur, to F. P. Fox, Cornish, g51B. time until the gongsoundod. See our music Almoo, dttni of Royce, bought by Mr CUBbman in or call for It at once. T h e Brockton t e a m s h o w e d m u c h im 1 8 0 0 at N o w York, iviHi fo.^! by Stamboul, for offer. p r o v e m e n t over t h e i r w o r k e a r l i e r i n t h e glBlO, to J. E. Thayer, Manchoster, Mass, 8.100, season. T h e s u m m a r y : Narcns and Narca, pair by Messenger Wilkes 2.S3, BOSTON BnociCTON GEOLOGISTS I N ASSEMBLY. to B. F. Briggs, Auburn, S410 each,
H A F T U ]ROPS B.llHIitD.
Sunday Globe
It Was in Matter of Pawn brokers' Returns. Law is Clear, but He Says the Depart ment Does Ilfot Observe It.
Trial of John E, Butler Brouscht to an Abrupt Adjournment.
iTudge S h e r m a n y e s t e r d a y , i n t h e supe rior criminal court, scored t h e m e t h o d s ot t h e pollco d e p a r t m e n t i n t h e m a t t e r of re t u r n s received from t h e city p a w n b r o k e r s of articles t a k e n a s collateral for loans. T h o court s t a t e d t h a t i t w a s a v e r s e t o criticising a n o t h e r d e p a r t m e n t o l t h e gov e r n m e n t , b u t in tlie ease on t r i a l , a s well as t h e custom ot t h e d e p a r t m e n t a s p u t in evidence, tho laws of t h o s t a t e , city a n d t h a t d e p a r t m e n t were n o t enforced i n lettor or in spirit. T h i s was in open court in t h e course of t h e jiidgo'a ohai'ge t o t h e j u r y w h i c h t r i e d p a w n b r o k e r Joseph Stone, c h a r g e d w i t h receiving about 10 d o z e n silver spoons, alleged to h a v e b e e n stolen from t h e hotel Brunswick by Charles W e s t r y , colored, A'Vestry i s now s e r v i n g a s e n t e n c e in t h e house of correction for t h e l a r c e n y o l t h e tableware. T h e spoons w e r e a l l e n g r a v e d w i t h t h e words "Hotel B n m s w i o k , " a n d i n h i s re t u r n t o t h e police t h e n a w n b r o k e r s t a t e d t h e l u m p n u m b e r of spoons w i t h 6 u t a n y f u r t h e r description of t h e p r o p e r t y . T h o police did n o t object t o t h i s descrip tion, a n d Inspector L o g g e t t testified t h a t t h i s w a s all t h e description of p a w n e d arti cles t h a t t h e d e p a r t m e n t r e q u i r e d . T h e s t a t u t e law, t h e city ordinaiices a n d t h o police rules all specially r e q u i r e t h a t e v e r y p a w n b r o k e r shall r e n d e r a r e t u r n of t h e articles t a k e n b y h i m a s a p l e d g e w i t h a view ot a i d i n g t h e police in anpreliendi n g t h i e v e s in case t h e a r t i c l e s should prove to b e stolen. T h e court t h o u g h t t h o c o n d u c t o t t h e police d e p a r t m e n t r a t h e r e x t r a o r d i n a r y in v i e w of t h o r e q u i r e m e n t s a n d purpose of t h e laws. In t h e case before t h e j u r y t h o spoons were p a w n e d b y Westry i n s m a l l lots a n d tho pawnbroker made his r e t u r n , t o t h e police d o p i u t m o n t after.each p l e d g e . T h e i n d i c t m e n t a g a i n s t S t o n e cotitainod 10 counts, a n d t h e jury acqiiitted h i m upon each ot them, and h e was disoharged.
(Continued f r o m t h e F i r s t F o e o . 'Ji ' ,j i% :
. ,i ' ;
Woman's Superstitions.
A Delicate Question.
W h y ?
P e a r l i n e t h e only
Vaee 1 . LlUian Kuasell and Perugini married at Hoboken. Looks like a flunk; Mitchell getting cranky; will not agree to new arrangements of Duval A. C. for the Interuational iiglit. Small blaze in Music hall. Yanopolus dies at Lowell hospital from injuries received In explosion. Crew of the Hodge arrives safely In New York. . Party of thoatrloal folk spilled from tallyho in Baltimore. Death of Com Colt. ; Thousands gather near Providence MUslc hall, oxpcotlng a bomb explosion. Ex King Milan returns to t h e Servian capital,, Pr Talmage resigns the tiastorate of Brooklyn tabernacle. News for the. horsemen. New union station at Concord Junction. Baseball gossip. Kind words of Charley Bennett,, _ PaKe 9 . Statistics of Boston church membership. Bketoh of the members of the Hartwell family of Lexington. Believed in Lynn that John F. MoOarty will be the next pogtmaster. Pae-4. Leaders of both parties looking forward to 00. Rear Admiral Belknap retire's from active service today. Work of t h e Morgan chapel on Shawmut av. People's lawyer.
L I _BE EM i l
u p
that befell t h e groom It was postponed. ! Ryan was discharged from the hosmtal sonic time ago. His face is badly scarred, and the wound on his leg la healed badly. Ho is able to got about, but Is uncefcaln whether he will bo able to play this season or not. " '
Mitchell Begins to Make Things Lively.
Will Not Agree to the Club's Plans, International Contest . Lpoks DnMons. Englishman Now Has Sprained Ankle.
. ,
Manufacturer He Has
JA0KsoKv.t,K, Fla, Jan 21-^A special to the Times-Union from Puntagbrda, Fla, says! Com G. Colt, son of the famous Colt of arms fame, and com modore of t h e New York and Larohmont Yacht club, died In the hotel Puntagorda this evening. His yacht has been here several weeks. In his party were Lieut Henn of the British navy and A. F. Oamancho. The commodore's homo was in Hartford, Conn. He was a multi-millionaire.
Pierre Yanopolus, a Greek of Tripoli, Dies at S t John's Hospital-Girl Suf fering from Fright Shook. '
Kisses All Around When tlie Knot Was Tied. Famous Sinsrer Now Becomes SIme Perngini.
Price, 2 0 C e n t s Per P o u n d
Follow dlro ctlons on the package. Tor sale by principal wholeanle and retaU grooora.
Paare B . NEW YORK, Jan 21In ^ d r i z z l i n g rain The coolness and courage whloh this morning, about the hour when,^ood South Boston citizens watit the L st free sometimes characteristic of a gathering; 4f people were going to ohurolj and lai^y peo bath improved and made better. mon and women in trying moment^^eta Will Have Been Pastor 25 ple were rolling over for a last nap. Lllllttn Babbi Bchlndler's last lecture. ' given commendable illustration yesterday Russell, otherwise Helen Lepnard.^ ahd Eva Galarheau commits suicide at Spring' afternoon In Music hall. I n consequence, ft , John Obattorton, otherwise Slg Petti- field. fire that for a moment looked sorlons was Years in Spring. ' giiii, went to Hoboken and goit married. Washington* st Window smashed and quickly subdued, and a panic that would , III./ This was la accordance with the arrange goods stolen, possibly have resulted in loss of Ufa was on 8atvu;day Central labor unioii happily averted. He Thinks That long Enough for One wents made was a very, night.,party that dent political action. decides ou Indeptn. While it lolly NO LACK OF COURAGE. It was almost 2,30, and the halLwas tut- . crossed the riVer, the oeremony Was very Bostou Woman's Christian ' temperance ' Minister in One Place. idly filling up with people to attend and 1'jfferent froro'tJie gorgeoiis pne that; was union holds Its 19th annual meeting. About 8 0 0 0 Gather Expecting a Boi)ih participate in the grand service of maaie originally planned, V' ,; ' ; Pacte e . and song which was to couuaonoe half a n ^Explosion-It W a s at Provldenccl Has JTot Developed His Plans for'the There were .nly 10 persons and the fam Standing of teams In the three divisions hour later. Round the M u s i c Hall. ily of t h e justice who performed the Jflari of the Massaohusetts bowling league; in There wore ahout 300 people in the ball ^ Tuture, Biit Will. riage whoj knew where the wedding was dividual work. etc. . at t h e time, and t h e steady stream:of PROVIDBNCB, J a n 81About Music hall going te take place, apd they were the oqly humanity was growing larger, aS t h e hour ' New literature'.; <it 8 o'clock tonight 8000 people gathered, witnesses., approached for t h e beglnnlngof t h e sirrherehad been a threat to blow up Music Panes. 'BiiooKX-YN, Jan 21-Bov Dr T. Do Witt Saturday night was an eventful one tor vices. ' hall, where Moody and Sankey are hold Talihage announood in his ohuroh, the Big Perugiiii. He had not: acquired t h e ; News from national,capital. ing their revival meetings. There was no thought o possible dansei. Brooklyn tabcrnaolo, toniwht t h a t this hdbit of getting married, and he thought Conduct ot Lieut Flllette of the Ports During the past week the chief of police In t h e minds ot those Who were assembled Bprlne he would resisn, Mr Talmage said: to wear off a bit of the>preliinloarynM. mouth navy yard to,be investigated. and others have received letters notifying there. There was no sound save t h e sub '"This oomins Bpnnu I will have been vousness by giving a bachelor supper at 63 Palds i n Roxbnry and other parts of t h e them of such an act. One ot the recipients dued whispers of t h e ushers as they P(stovoftbisoUurch2S years, and a quar and 84 West 35th 8t. city. ol a letter wasan occupant of the Western showed the newcomers to their seats. T h e ter of a century is long pnongh for any There were 18 at t h e spread. 'Among Butcher stabs Cleveland at Providence Union building at Turk's Head, Today A f t a r tli T r o u M s * grand old hall, home of melody and scene unJnJster to preach in any one place. them were Hilary Bell, Eugene Cowles; in a quarrel about a girl. the Western Union building took fire. The "At that anniversary I will resin tWg George Xederer, Charles . Alfred Bynie, Prof L. P. ToWnsend sues John D. Odams over socurluct a club that would guarantee of the triumphs of some of t h e world's fire marshal and .department officials oan DUlpit and it will he occupied by such par LeanderRichardson.H. C Barnabee, Ohelro for criminal libel. the fighters protection when W. A. Brady greatest singers, was a picture ot repose l a discover no cause." son as yoummy select. . Ed Stokes' former partner dying in a wagered $100O with Mitchell that the keeping with the occasion. E. Favor.and,Teddy Piper. The notereceived by the chief of police There was a sudden cry of fire, and for a l"Xhou(jh the work has heen arduous be latter would not appear at the ringside. By way ot suggesting his nearness to the Chicago hospital. read! O b e w a r e U V O S . MrOhild-lCeop cause of t h e unparalleled , neoessltiy of delights of housekeeping, probably, some Death of cashier Edward 0. Brooko. JACKSONVIHK, Jan 2l~This sporting "Ike" Thompson put up the money for moment tho people in the bail looked Nnw YORK, J a n 21The steamer La all people away from the place called Music startled and glanced around-them hwcbuildins three great uhurches, two of theni ot t h e friends presented a variety of gro Bretagne, from Havre, which arrived here hall Sunday night, i s it is to bo blown up nightmare of the nineteenth centurythe Mitchell. dtestroyed by fire, the iield has heen de oerles to him as Corbett-Mltohell fight, has developed still Referee John Roily went to Mayport to riedly in expectation of seeing the flames BEAUTY SPILLED OUT. this evening, brought Capt'^lUiam I-Iar- with dynamite. It will be useless for you another stumlilinK block. lightful and blest of God. No other conday to see Corbett. A train load of'local burst forth froni some part of the hall. won and crew ot 16 men of the Gloucester to try to find the bomb. Wo have no grudge Weddlnit Freaents. B'refation has ever been called to build The duli will probably settle the check andnorthernsuoi'ts wont with him. and a Soou a tiny oloud of smoke,became vis Party of Theatrical" Folk Tipped from fishing schooner Susan L. Hodge, who were against any one, but want the place de three ohurphes, and I hope no other pastor , i t was 4 o'clock before the hilarious gath buBinea^j up tomorrow night, but It will later train was packed with otlier'^'ofiarsons ible up In the right-hand comer of t h e Tallyho-Men and Woman Shaken, rescued at sen Friday last in let 43 2!)', stroyed. Tbo Big S i x will ever be called to such a fearful tt9der- ering broke up and Bi^ Feruglnl went take'more time to smooth the creases out anxious to taks a look ut the big Callfor- upper balcony, bnt It did not emanate from long 60 24'. , ' it was decided to take precautionary of t h e new entanglement, Mitchell re nlail. the hall itself. hope. . , taking. ' Up, But No One Badly Hurt. The Hodge left Glotioefiter foftflshirig measures. A big detail of police was at ceived the following letter todflv; Some of the people sitting In that comer The first rendezvous of the wedding. '"Myplansaftor resignation have not been Kelly wanted'to learn just what Corbett BALTIMORE, Jan 21A party of actors trip on Dec 18 with a oreW oorapbsed as Music hall, inside and out: In t h e assem Xo OlmrlnsMltolioU: developed,'but I shall preach both by voice Party was to be at the 14th st ferry on the thought ot the ohocli; buflluBSB. .Too Vendig started up to investigate, and found that a and actresses, members of William H. follows: Capt William Harnioii,^ actimen blage were many Italians, Armenians andand newspaper press as long as my life and New York side, and that was to' be com In answer to your telagiciutt ot even date, vUl >ay was with him to represent the club. Cor brisk blaze was raging in a small oloset on posed only of'Perugini and thetaale guests. Crane's company, the Francis Wilson com Peter Brown, Thomas Clausen, Ttoinas other foreigners, some of whom appeared thut we Imil prOTldeil a uro plan by whioh yqu bett said that while he felt confident he the third floor over the Tremont st en i hfealth are continued. pany and the Davies combination company, Murray, Knute IClostej', Peter Olsen.Cyifus excited. . ' "Fi'om first to last we have been a united The tip had beeji given only fo those In could liBvo reaohed the battle ground In Bafety ftom would be fairly treated by the Dnval club, trance and just outside tho balcony enarrest and Intcrferenae, find wlitch you Itare re- ho wonted the string ramoveU from the trance to the hall. peol6,and my fervent thanks are due to all, vited. For bnbe Miss Russell said she Were spilled out of a tallyho ooaoh early, Pulki Fred Winneberg. Mai'tln Johnson. this morning, after a night's fro' to, and sev Edward Christiansen, .Edward Stevens, jeotod, You will ploMO report to tlil dub, 03/<j check. The fire got quite a start when discov BACK AT BELGRADE. the boards of trasteesaud elders, whether would fool folks. p d Hoffman. John Eog^ejcsOn;' Gharles Wert Buy Bt, on tli motnlng ot Jan 25. Ytmrt rory Peruginl did not come until 10.80. With eral of them brvilsed and injured. , of the present or past, and to all the oonThe proper thln,to do, hethought.would ered, and tho flames were lioklnK t h e Adams, William Kann ahd Gebrge'Cole; : (Signed) ., IlAitnir SUsos, Dr EmerSon of this city gavetlie party to him were Thomas. S. Daly and' fidward eteffafcion and to Brooldyii. Ex King Milan R e t u r n s - C a b i n e t , M.Jni^^^ truly. ]i6 to put a new check to Kelly's credit or walls and woodv.;orfc his friend, Parson Davjies, and told J^^pj to ' Pfl Jaai^, vfien lii l a t ii? so;. Ion! 57 " I have Jvo vocabulary intense enough,to HJoff,,the tenor w,lthJ;heBp(!t9^^ I n an Alitriutjiiit Manner. 20', a furious gale swept dowh'On the little ters Resigned When They XeaVned Ipviteltlsf^rlends, , ,' Figuratively Mitchell threw hahd^^r^ug^ ^rn'|i6,0dQ over to hlin tohold until the express mygratituda to the newspaper i The carriage for Miss Russell, WUB at lier I fight la settled. A sailor, in regulation costume and with Th-e.three.coinMnies closed tli'pU'^^Jagage,- .Asheoney.,,,; At,ilrpt.1jhe 5?liiaMli*B<)WtlieA^^ . when be flnlslifld the reading. ''''^ H e u W a s Coming,,,.;. |)t%OT'*ifeS-;TO*rfeenerouB^ m in which door at lOtfcKick; She <air**#t*w" ,, ,Gorbeitt,wilu!iedlt' distinctly understCCd, his coat on Ills ttrui. was one of t h e f l i s t t o , but it soou hauled :roUnd5 if: ^ett'iJiorth* . t^^Jiavotreiitod-.mo and,anerniented my and, 10 minutes 'l,ter; phe^.;6tfme,"(iiti^<^^^^ ip9li,t here lust night arid after theperlbrn)- west arid rapidly increased i'n violence. ViBNtfA, Jan2iExKlngMilauotSevvla : '.'J. will, will I? The bleeding4di6tn,'Vh&? |ioHv)t;(ir,lhfiit the"kiok" on the point Was se6~the fire, ted afterward said that U ha shouted, ''Will_oleaSe report at:Oo'e|bckih' lowed by her riioth.er, MrsjLepaard, and her aiibtis t h e tlleatribal' people Invited their work-for this qxiaiter of a centui'y.' ultimately decided to proceed to Belgrade ndt to'cbinol'rom himMitchell mu^t make had had a pail of water there he could easi The was "After such ia. lone pastorate it is a pain sisters, filrsFted S'ohultsaad Miss;Hattie friends afad gsithlbred a;t t h e academy of trysailschoonerhands hove t i under storm and left last night for the Servliin capital. the morning. Wliiit a lot of bloody chumps It;, Jim waiited the public to know that ho ly have extinguished it, but there was no and all we^e lashed, to their Music. thov are." , ful thing to break the ties of affection, but Leonard. Tlie Servian cabinet ministers were In apparatus at hand, and Henry S. Por Mitchell's langnage Was more forcible was too anxious to meet tho ,Englishmaiito fire who was standing iioar, hurried down to Just as th e oarri age was driven off p, long ; A moonlight drive had been expected, places on deck to prevent t h e heavy seas formed of his purpose as soon as he started . , I hope our frieridshiiP will lie in heaven reallow this matter to Interfere with the ar ter, yoUng man hustled up to the Jiouse. H e but the sky WAS clouded and the night was from wishing them oyerboafd. 4 newed." . Tremont st and turned in an alarm from from Buda-Posth. At midnight t h e oouncil than that, but the above must suffloe, rangements for tho fight. wore a big white chrysanthemum In the dark'when the jolly crowd piled Inside and ' T'ime and again it seemed as If she would was convened hi haste and the radical Mitchell Was so angry J h a t he had lio Hcru As the case now stands Brady says the box 42. be overwhelmed, but the little craft gal MOKTGOMiBKy'e GOOD TIME." buttonhole of his frock coat. He turned on top of the coach. , leaders resolved to raslgn forthwith. Gen pies about teiUug everything In regard to club has all the protection and the men i t was but a few minutesuntll the.arrivnl A drive of several miles out to tlie fa lantly ifose to the crests, and t h e crew, Qruitch tendered their resignations to King the telegram that drew out tills reply. . and saw the oaiTingo go. He went on and "They wanted me to leave here on the none In case ot a draw or the failure of tlie ot tho firemen, some of whom a t first Trial Board Says 19.056 Ktiots, "Which asked the maid where Miss Russell was. mous old Plmllco road brought the party drenched with flyingspray, bi'eafchod easier Alexander this morning, saying that he thought that the fire was in tho hall itself.. She said that Miss RUBBOU had just started to a hotel near the racetrack. There a sup for a few seconds. night of tho 24th," said he, "and to go hi a blub to carry out its promise. ; Means a Bonus of $800.000., At last an enormous wave bdre dowti on and his colleagues were unwilling: to re train to the north. They expected me to Joe Vendig assured Corbett, Brady and They were told that there were 800 people' ; per of oysters and terrapin with wine j was NEVT LONDON, J a n 21The Montgom for Hoboken. ihe craft and seemed to hAng overhead for tain the responsibilities of office after the sleep domewhere in the woodsall night and Kelly that there need be no uneasiness in there, and they needed no further incent ery today liolds the first place in point of "What do they mean?" he demanded,, enjoyed. arrival ot Milan. ^ regard to tho check. There are only si:c ive to prompt wovk. After supper there was singing and story a second, and then, as Oapt Harmon e^eed among the 2000-ton cruisers built "by inviting a mail to a wedding and then The ex king reached Belgrade this after to fight across t h e line in Georgia in the actual iiieuibors of the club, ho declared, In nlmust less time than it takes to tell it for t h e government. Her average speed leaving him in the lurch like that? Why, telling, and it wis nearly 4 this morning uttered t h e warning, "hold fast, faen," it noon and was wolooined joyfully by his morning. What do you think of that'," broke across the deck with the force ot a "I'll go to any place Corbett will to fight and three ot these were in favor of doing there wore several lines of hose laid per hour in the test of Friday was this noon I was invited to attend their wedding at When the start was made for the city. son. as tho pugilists desired. These wore treas through the corridors of the building, a The party was in lively spirits. Nearly Niagara, snapping ofiE both masts close to announced by Admiral Walleor, president 10 o'clock sharp, and herethci run off and The Skuptsohina will meet tomorrow but I don't want to go to Georgia. I don't urer Smith, Biohardson and liiniselt. Ho chemical engine being the first to send up 6f the trial tioard, to have been lO.OCO leave me. I'm blamed if t'll go to Hobo- all had gathered on the top of the coach on the declc, breaking the bowsprit short off, and some decisive stop is likely to be taken know anything about that place, and It's a had no doubt Bowdou, Mason and the out a lino. carrying everything movable overheard Ken to see them or any one else married," the homeward spin. All wont well until cinch, I don't want to sleoo In the woods knots, , King Alexander has With an energy and promptness that were and he trotted oft. His invitation was for the journey was nearly ended. When from anchors to companion hatches, and at once. his intention to adheref^iven nssur- tlie night before I'm going to fight a battle. sider would acquiesce. There would bo a ttuce of strictly to P r contract calls for a speed of 17 knots the wedding reception at 10 o'clock in the within a few blocks ot t h e academy the heaving the schooner on her beam ends. "I answered them that I wouldn't have meeting ot the club tomorrow night, and creditable they soon had two streams the constitution, but nobody feels sure of the whole thing would bo settled satlsfac- turned^on the burning closet, and eo;faras Biid the govornmont will pay a premium of evening. The crew, though deluged! and h a l t driver pulled his team too suddenly a t a any ot It iu mine, and now thoy send me $26,000 for every quarter knot in excess of the fire was concerned the excitement was drowned, caught their breilth and waited his policy, and the excitement and anxiety this, .lust think of it; report at the club's torily, Tlio carriage got to the ferry about 11 turn and over went the coach. run very high In Belgrade, Kelly said he would go and sbe Mitchell over. Thefirewas out in logs t h a n ao mlntifat speed. The Columbian iron works, The girls screamerj and several police for the boat to right, but she ma.intained oflioo/ 08 VJ West Bay st, at 0 o'clock on the o'clock. Mr Joe MOBS was there Wjaitirlg There is a rumor that M Slmltch, Servian the Baltimore company that built the men hurried to the scene to render asslat- her listed position, and it was evident that minister to Austria - Hungary, has been monilng of the fight. How many thousand tomorrow and have n ohat with him, nnd ntD.<i. Stontgoitnery, will therefore receive a bonus for It, and he took charge of the convey inoe. And the congregation? the ballast had shifted. ' men do you suppose will be around there? tomorrow night he would have a oonsultaance ! ol $200,000. Whether it was from a vague knowledg* Cries of anguish issued from' the cabin, called to form a cabinet. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt. They will be laying up therg to follow any tlon with the club officials. Out f t h e State. "I hope," said Kelly to your correspond of tho real extent of t h efire,and a leelinBr Bessie Cleveland of the Wilson company and when Capt Harmon and: two inen made ot tho gang when they see who they know X S S Montgomery at Baltii^ore. T ; Justice ot the peace August JloHer. wko M U S T OBEY BLINDLY. bnt, "that the affair will be straightened that there was no immediate danger, or Is sure to he at the ringside." " !ljALTlkoB.B, J a n SIThe new cruiser lives at S13 Garden st, Hobokeni has been had'her taoj cut and bi'a.lsed and one eye their way aft on the almost perpendicular out. The money must be in my hands by utter Indifference en their part, js jindeck to the hatchway, they found Edward In every sentence Mitchell showed that Montgomery arrived at the Columbian Iron selected to perform t h e ceremony- His, injured. over a ton of plglron ballast Bules of Anarohliit Societies Bevealed by ho looked upon tho niaimgorB ot t h e club Tuesday. That alone will put the business cortaln, but it is a fact that compan^tlTety Works, at Locust point, at B.80 this after house is In a very quiet neighborhood. He, Parson Dsivles' hand was spraineil. Wil Stevens with of him. Blood was issuing Seized Papers. piled on top as a lot of blockheads, then he continued: on fair, square, Bportsmanlike footing for few people left their seats, and tboi^atho noon. _ Her speed for the trip from New had pledged his word that everyth'ing liam Carlton washurtslightly. Dr Emerson from his eyes, nose, mouth and ears.' ROME, J a n 21The rules ot anairchlst "Does any sane man suppose that If the all concerned. If the club dees not do that did gp passed out quietly as If nothing fitid , I^ndon, Conn, was about lOVn knots per should be done as quietly as anything can aiyl W, J. O'Brien Jr were out and bruised, happened. As quickly as possible the ballast was societies have been found among tho whole crowd got a peep at me going into i t may queer tho fight." and Mr Onuvley of the Crane company. be done in Hoboken. hour, without forced draft. "Corbett Is certainly In graud shape," While the few people on the third floor papers seized recently by the police. These The justice was a trifle new, and once or Miss Cecil ISissing and others of the Wil lifted aside and the injured man ti^as car rules require that all now members swear that clubhouse stvld Kelly, in answer to a question, "and is were tiylng to keep the fire within t h e bunk. Although a very A,t O O'clock i tlt IHCarnlnii,' twice during the morning be went out on son compan;- were badly shaken up, but ried to hisno bones appeared ho hadbroken, solemnly In tlio presence of their colleagues about 80 pounds heavier than when he limits of the closet, before the ftremen LOOAli rOEBOAST. call, to there Avould be a chance In the world ot the front stoop and looked n p and down aijie to walk to their homes and leave t h e closehe was able to tell between be and gasps that to labor mentally and physicaJly to effect Oorbett and mo earning together? Not fought Sullivan; hut," ho added, diplo came, while the firemen were laying t h e city'today. hose and fighting back the fismes, t b o For Now England, an-Kiously, fearing apparently that some the ballast had broken through the floor, the triumph ol tlic social revolution. mueli. I want to fight, arid I am willing to matically, 'It isn't always tho big, atrong thing had happened to delay the party. TO P E P O B T JJBOBOES. ' when the boat keeled over, and caught greater part of the congregation Botoro tho attainment of onarchio conv go to any length t'j help this lot of fnols M i i n W | i o W i l l * a ITlRlit. Monday; Cloudy and His neighbors saw him, and they thought him. munism, however, tlie meinbors must obey out, hut I'm not going to be messed about at VerteeOy MttU, I my act fairly between the unsettled with ocoa- something had happened, too, appdreutly, OoBiRany Organized to Traasport Them It was impossible to replace the ballast hiindly the orders of their superiors, even and made a monkey of by anybody. You two, will docan best,tlnitU am utterly with although keeping a watchful eye cm t h e for they took seats by their windows and B'rom South, to Ijlberie. and I say filohal light rains on wftlohod. so as to briug the vessel to an even keel, at the risk, of life and without respect to can put it down as a sure thing t h a t ! won't out prejudice hi this contest, Tho best corner in whioh tho olOset was located. BiuMiNOitAM. Ala, J a n 21The inter and the only hope their dearest affections. Thoy must recog the coast, slight Just before Perugini and his party came national immigration society has boon iu- a passing steamer. lay Iri bolntf rescued by nize in ad vanco the justice ot puiiiahiliff go to that oluhhouBa." nian will win. The jiublio oan rest as The door leading to the balcony seats out Tlio moiiiboifi of the Duval club wore sured." off tho view considerably, hut t h e uncer change iu toropora- some of the justice's frionds called, but he cbrporated here under the laws ot Alabama From Saturday to the loUowine Wednes all who break Iheiv oaths to maintain the astounded when thoy learned that Mitchell would not see them. That was not his Among the men wlio went to Mayport tainty ot what M'as going on behind them ture, variable winds; usual style, and thoy went down to the cor by J. L. Daniels and associates with a capi day night the 1 men saw nothing of any strictest seoresy. had given out Mason's letter for publioa today to see Corbett wore "I'ittsljurg" Phil scoiiiod to cause no uneasiness. There was tal stock of 8000,000. vessel, but on tluitulBhl; the far-off gleam generally fair Mon ner and appointed a committee of Inquiry, tion. Gen Elmile Mellinet Dead. and Bob Akin. They want t o get a line The objocr is to sand negroes from the Bteamor'.s mast appeored, CoiilliiuocI on t h e fliecaiid I*aii. They watched the house until Perugini and southern states to Africa, and the company of a shortly afterwardsheadlight could see It any man in the United States pro- on the two iigliters t o kliow just how to PAKIS. J a n 21Gen ISmilo Molliiiot died day evening. and tne crow his carriage arrived. at his homo in Nantes last night. Ho was vents this fight taking place," said J. T. E. place their money. Phil likes long shots, will operate a line ot steamers between hur sidelight. Then some more people caiiie along and Anionca and Africa, charging a imlform Bowdon, "that man will bo Mitchell. H e but h o thinks so much ot Ai Smith's jmlgThe Temperature 'ireatorday Torches and lautoriis were quickly born on.June 11,170S, at Nantes. Ho held mont that ho as Indicated by tliethoimometeratThomp joined the friends. They, with the nolgh- rate ot $20 per head, including passage and lighted, and every effort was made to at BOveral high commands before his retire, has violated one ot the common lows of 'if Up gets a fairwill probably hot on Corbott price. borij in the windows, made quite a son's spa: S a m 2 6 . 0 a m 2 4 , 9 a m 2 6 , "house" allthe time Miss Russell's carriage board. Oontributiona are eyoooted from tract atteution, but to no iiurpose. Tho ment hi 1800. Ho had tho gr.and cross of decency In giving out our confidential comby miinicutions. the Legion ot Honor. There doesn't suom to bo much chance of 12roSA", 3 p m 34, G p m 32, 9 pra83, arrived with Teddy Piper on the box with all over the south, and the company will steamer never slowed her engines. There never was an Intention on-our .that. ,Froni present appearances it will bo 12 mid 33. Average temperature yester- the driver. He jumped down and opened call un congress for an appropriation. Friday afternoon the smoke of a distant part to have tho fight in Georgln, Our to 1 against Mitchell it the situation The company proposes to provide all with steamer was seen, but she did uotapproacb jB'Aia S'VNVS T O DI'VXDB. dfty SO 8-21. the door. ' proposition to Mitchell was this: We doesn't change, homes and employment in Liberia, and near enough to see the Hodge. Mrs Leonard got out first, and as she did .negroes are already contracting for pas would Place a puUman buffet car at his Al Smith, in conversation with Billy WOBKlNa INDIANA BAWKB. About 0 o'clock that evening t h e La No Hope That Btookholders 'Will Get disposal on Wednesday and have him and Thompson,Mitchc)r8 raanttger,s,aid; "Billy, the door ot the house opened and Big sage. More Than 10 Percent. Bretagne hove in sight, and bore down appeared, into I hear the men who are BnHevpristng Xnd Speaulator Olaima to Peruginivery wide, bowing very low and upon the wreck. The big 1 iner stopped, and CHICAGO, Jan 21Auditor Baixington of this tparly taken over the line a run Georgia, going a lot of talk about follow. For every H * B U T F E W HOUKB. BmlHiiK of only to bet on your the expoBltl<ni company issued yesterday h u at the proper time after Ooxne BVom Boston. inlnutes a boat was lowered Next came Mrs Sohultz and thei( Miss Death in 3,averhiU of Sirs Ijouise Thomp- In A few and pulled to, the rescue. I tand hl{f monthly stntemiint of receipts and dis five minutes we Would have him taken $600 you find that will bo wagered against VAI^ABAISO, Ind, Jan 21-A bogus land manned was Leonard and Anally Miss Russell. back Into Florida and to the battle ground. $1000 ot mine I will present you with a \ necesaai-y to make two trips to take off all bursements up to ilan 12. speculator wiccessfuUy worked t h e State HattleRussell wore a poacU-bloasom silk "sonPhjradolan's Statement fine suit of clothes. Miss We were to pay all expenses. bank o Valparaiso during t h e past week suit and a-little French bonnet of t h e HAVKEHiti., Mass, Jan 21~Mrs Louise the l i i ^ . Mr Barrington shows that at the date 'He replied: 'I will not sleep in a pull"Go right ahead. on two forgttd notes, and ho is supposed to same color. She wore a lace l?^rtha, and Thompson, a young woman, died in a Capt Harmon and his men express t h e mentioned 820,740,420 had been expended man car.' Then we decided to brhig him I'll take pleasure in If you ere successful buying more olotbos have worked the banks .it l.a Porte and over all a sealskin oape, trimmed with boarding house on Men'imac st this morning highest appreciation of the pluck and kind on the Vite World's fair. He figures the to time. Mason wrote him the letter which for you than you can wear out in the rest of Mlohigan City, as he paid each of them a astracUan. Bhe looked neither to the after an illness of only a lew hours. ness of Capt Bupe of the La Bretagne and net assets at $1,2!13,707. he has given out. Now we intend to com your life." visit. If there were no further expenditures to pel him to keep to his controct. According Tighter to the left as she went up the No return of the cause ot death has been his ofBcers. Perhaps to draw book .jtevens, t h e injured man. is able to be inonrred tliie would represent the sum to the articles of agreement he must place maker Ike Smith was trying good-slzod bet. wade, but the attending physicwn reported He gav^ his name as Thomas Palue of steps. stand, but is still very sore and weak. His available to bo returned <is a dividend on himself in our charge on the day ol the Thompson Thompson into a betting thou Boston, and claimed to represent a syndi The bouse door was closest and lofked as to the police that death resulted from an eyes are very much bloodshot and his face is talking about the stock. The capital stock ot the com- fight. If he refuses to do this the world sands upon thousands on Mitchell. cate of Chicago, Cincijmati and eastern soon as the party was iu. As the party had attempt at a crlmitia! operation. is bruised as it pounded with a mallet. pany.lncluding tlio $5,000,000 given by the will know what that means. A bottle of medicine found in the room capitallBts who wanted to purchase a largo conie UP the steps Sig Perugini had backed Clerk tiruhttui, who ws one of Josiah Capt Harmon states that the Hodge had city, amounts to S10,f'.0(l,415, so that if the tract of land m the north part of this into the parlor, and he.stood there to was taken by the police, and an effort will "Our plans have been laid with every Quincy'H assistants in tho state depurtYou iMve come down into 1894 a s county to establish a niaimfaoturing town. receive his bride, The greeting was in bo made to find the druggist who sold the IB.OOO pounds ot codfish in her liold, of whole surplus woie distnlmtcd the stock promise of success. Now this man comes nient, is iu town. He was sitting chlimiiig which 10.000 pounds was jettisoned after holders and the city would receive 11 cents compound. The amount seouied from the Valparaiso formal. with Atty Gen Lamar iu Tallahassee u few one of the few persons who have, not out and tries to spoil all. the masts went by the hoard. on the dollar. bank was between SBOO and 90QO. "All of this talk about the 920,000 check days ago and meulionod fact tliat h o luul 5'et taken advantage of the low prices "Hello, Jack," she said to the signer. TSaJSPHONJBa W E B B ALL 81LBKT, The crew chopped away t b " I angled rlgr The net assets will, however, be further We will put on Architectural Bedsteads, and hence " H u w l>i> T o t i W e e l l " ging and tried, but without success, to rig reduced, and there can be no hope of a re is nonsensical. We have tried the cash In Kelly's hands. to do everyvvsmJa, OF. JUDGE THOMPBON. Continued o n t h e EleiitU P a g e . "To tell the truth, my dear," said Per Fire in the Central Offlfie Benderod jury masts. do not know the blessings of a light, turn ot more than 10 percent. thing that is fair and honorable. Jflvery Lino Useless. ugini, "I only had a couple of hours ot All the boats were swept overboard, as clean, beautiful bed. UI ooui'se, we have made mistakes, but XwiU be a Day of MouminK for the sleep. Did not get to bed till 4 o'clock, but LouiBviLUc, Ky, Jan 21At 12.20 o'clock well as all tlie beef and salt iioik and most T-WO VirOMEW HELD H I S ABM8. If Mltclioll and a few others would try to Time was once when the price of a Citizens of Qlouceater. I feel all right," this morning the terminal and operating of the watir supply.' There was nothing on Just at this moment there was a little rooms of t h e Ohio vaijey telephone com board to eat but brine-soaked biscuit, and Long Inland Man Telia How H e 'Was aid us instead of doing all they can to Brass Bedstead made it almost pro* Gl-ouo8TEB. Jan ai~Tomorrow will be thwart our plans our course would bo Waylaid and Beaten. a; general day of mourning for Gloucester, commotion in t h e hall. Mr Piper's voice pany were gutted by fire, which originated this the men subsisted on for five days and hibitive, but within a year has como made much easier, This fight will bo all PATOHOOUK, L I, ,lBn 'JlMre Grady, right yet if Mitchell does his duty, and we and the remains of Judee CbarleAi P. was heard without suyiue. "We belong io trom au electric light wire, and every tele nights, carefully husbanding the Supply ot the advent of these architectural fntmea phone in the city was rendered useless. water meanwhile. Thompson will be given what is practically the party." Miss Mary Grudy and Lea Saoco were intend to have him do it." "Yes, we belong to the party," said Joe It is estimated that the loss, including of decorative iron, finished in enam-.; i public funeral, despite the wish of the Willie the torch signal was being pre accused before Justice Hoyman today ut Veiidiff was more severe. "If Mitchell Moss' voice. rentals, will reach 80,000 or *10o.000. pared at 0.30 o'clock last Friday night the murderously assaulting John Frolizio. It !a.mlly to have the obsequies private. Than having the Grip, and it died ivory white, and completely " 0 , no. you are reporters," said a female There is S2S,p0O insurance on the fixtures. kerosene oil can exploded and in an in is said his skull is cruslicd ana his jaw and does not report as we in.structed liiiii," he Distinguished members of the bench and declared, "he will lose *0000, The referee is easy enough to avoid the mounted in burnished brass. stant the tiohooner was on fire. wrist broken. t>arand prominent men from si) parts of voice. will against him, and he Tbcusands Have Tbem. We want to see the judge." said Mr Grif) arid other winter epi 11 makes a beautiful bedstead. R u o The accident happened amidships, and V Ho says ho was waylaid at the F.ast that decide bet off] 000 and that will lose the state will be present, and i t is hardly Brady side bet Be sure to call at room e. Globe build by the merest chance none of the cieiv was Pfobnble that all those who so desire can Mo.w. demics, by taking Hooa's over the 11 adjectives that describe i t ing, today. Shepp's World's Fair Phoito- hurt. Tho flames gaioed headway too Ptttehogue railroad cixiBSing at 5 last niitht. of SBOOO. Mitchell has given away every "The judge is not here." said the female be accommodated in the little BplsoopiU The women iield his arms while the man thing we have told Iiiui. Sarsaparilia which will keep light, strong, tubular, ventilated, n ^ t , voice. graphed for S2.2C. Bhopp's Photographs of rapidly to be extinguiBhed. cliureh baildmg. It isn't that wav with Corbett. Every "Wo want to see Miss Russell," said Mr World 2, Atlas for 81.75 and Globe Cook It was at thi point that the Hodge was clubbed him. sunk to the ground uncon Tbo Interment will be at Oak Grove oeiayourbloodpureandhealthy, V-lean, portable, convenient, beautiful," He iiually thing we>have said to him has been kept .Moss. book for 10 cents, with the necessary cou seen by the otficers ot the La Bretagne. etery. retain your strength and enduring, low-priced. "Miss Russell is not here. No! no I Now pons. Capt Harmon and crew saved only the scious, and Iny where lie hud tuUon until secret. He bus acted honorably in every daylight, when he was tukcn t o his home wa;-. Mitchell cannot run this club, and if The pattern here shown is oSered These books should be in every New clothing they wore when rescued. They appetite and enable your ACCIOm'S TO MONTEEAIi TBADS. go out. You have no right here." le does not put himself iu our hands let This will tell you who l a m . " said Mr England home Call or send for them at will probably return to Gloucester. The a t Boomertown b y a milkmun. this month at only S6.7Ssystem to throw on all Frolizio r e f u s e s to suy whi' he was us- tho public Place lost Bclioouor was owned by Hodge & Engine Wheel Breaks and is Stopped on Piper's voice. Just then the judge ap once. ^ w Ut'ucriLl Catalogue, niMiao octavo, M S pp,. o a u l t c d , but his nicw,, who kept house fur peared, th^curtains were loosened and Mr T h e B l a m e WItere it eloUB." germs of disease. Be sure 300cillU6triUims. Buut to any addret* w> tefitlfLW Poole of Gloucester. the Sdee at m Emb&nkizieQt. Mr CbUda Not ao WeU. him, says it was b e c a u s e of a family feud. Piper was disclosed blushing deeply and Tlie news uf the new turn iu affairs has PouTLANU, Jan 21-Tfae Montreal train to get Hood's because live 2-iit stamps. I'liiLADELPHiA, ,Ian 21At 4 o'clock to The pri-soners will be held to await the been kept as horrot as passible. The great last night waa detained four hours by the tryinc to hide a cigarette picture he had day Urs J. M. DaCosta and .Toseph Leidy, Jimmy Byan to Join the Benediots. result of his injuries. ^ httilsof the bt James and Windsor hotels breaking of an_.engine at JJrompton, Can. shoved at the justice's daughter in place of the nhysiiiians attendiiig Mr G. W. Childs card CHICAGO, Jan 21 Byau, t h e are crowded tonight with sporting men, The forward truck wheel broke, but the the Moss h e thought It was. Mr Piper and reported: "Mr Chllds is not so well tonUcht; Chicago outfielder, willJimmy G wed MIRH Death of Qldeat Inhabitant Mr were admitted, and then every on Feb Only the ielect have been told oftheaffair. brakes held and the triin was stopped just thing was ready; there has been some slight rise iu his tern-. Ida A. Bradbunj of ,1601 Prairie av. The BmTNSwic'K, Me, Jan 2 1 - M a r y Thomp They look upon It a s a scheme of Mltobell's iu time to keep tt irom goiivg over a high P^raturc. Dr Leidy will remain with him wedding day had been set for early in the son, aged 06, died yesterday of heart dhsHood's PMIC an pruiupl aiiC eiticieut,} et euy } to wriggle out of the matcliembankment and bridge. during the night." , fall, but owing to the rjllroad acoidenl ease, Slie wag the oldest Inhabitant. in MitlOQ. Sold by ifcU diu^guu. C o n t i n u e d o n t h e F t f Ut Pace* Here is the real secret of Mitchell's _ 1 _
: I
LowKLi;, Jan 21Miss Lucy Walls, houaoelrl a t Mrs Swansoy's, on Paige st, is suffer ing from fright as the result of the explo sion, and is attendodby a physician tonight for heart trouble. Pierre Yanopolus, tho victim of last night's (^plosion, died tonight at 10.30, in St John's hospital. All attempt to get from him what'ho was doing when the explosion occurred failed. The minister In charge of t h e Greek class in tho First Congregational church visited the patient today. The dead man, lie says, came from Tripoli and attended the evening sohools of Lowell. '
aotlon: Ho wrenched his ankle while run ning up and down the lighthouse stairs three days ago. Tlio ankle is now In band ages. Ho has kept the fact from every per son he oosslhly could, but It was discovered today, Tlie wrenching would not have been serious to an ordinary person, and there was no perceptible limp In his walk ing, but it weakened one of t h e tendons, and any one who knows anything ahout Drle fighting knows what a weak tendonmenus in such a contest os the CorbettMltohell affair promi.ses to be. Col. John D. Hopkins, Dan Oroodon's backer, was amozed when he learned the news. "If this Is all true as I heard it," said ho, "Mitchell's reputation Is ruined. I hope tho thing Is not as reported. Biit Masterson told me only two days ago that Mitchell was all right. Btit would not be a party to such a scheme as this appears to bo. "It was wrong for Mitchell to give out that letter. It will queer the whole busi ness. 'Ilust think of the hundreds ot men who have oome here to see this fight and the hundreds on the way. Why, It Is a ishamo. Corbett cannot be a loser. l a m glad the club gives him credit for his honesty of pur pose. This will be great a injury to glove OontiSsts. It Is too bad." Charles H, Tliompson,' better known as "Butchi" who is Al Smith's partner, said; "Corbett would pay iWltchell a good sum to fight. It isn't t h e purse Corbett la after. Ha-wonts to whip Mitchell, I know that. He alid all the others at Mayporthave heen fearful that something like this wotild happen." 1 Walmply meant that ho would go lame In t h e fight and that he would be at Corbett's mercy. To prevent this Mitchell ha? resorted to tho trlok of giving out the letter. In the light of ail that has oome Cut today, it looks afl though Billy Dolaney Was right. When a weeic ago he prophesied that Mltoholl would resort to any subter fuge to escape a meeting with Corbett. , To Illustrate how quiet the news ot Mitchell's actions has been kept, some of tho men who arrived today from Yankeeland have been'sending messages home to night telling their friends to come along to JaoksonvlUo, as everything is all right. "They will have a rude awakening in the nidrhihg. Mitchell will not lose one penny of his own money m the case, as 'Vendig ixpeots Corbett Will go uito the ring, and Mitchell falling to appear, the referee de cides agaia.st the Brltlsligr, and t h e bets how in the hands of Dave Blanohard of Boston ot the $10,000 a side originally posted'Mitchell's was'put up by .Squire Ablngtou Baird, This bet was reduced to $5000 a side.
Prevention Is Better
Full Associated Pre* Reprt By Le**ed Wire United Fres VOLUME XXXIV
Why not make President *! * Calles of .Mexico in honorary l* '. After threatening a heavy rain * Imperial Waril of <h Ku \ | and causing hopes of Bnsporiaas Ssn Antonio, Texas, July 30[refugees, the housing of nucs, \ Kins liian? < o Lyon county farmers to (* (AP)Serious outbreaks and pos- teachers and clergy became a Hse Q v Moore Gives Names o fi' i- ;,, *! !,, *i.;,, o ,.v,-:nrr Tito -\Veather Bureau Reports Virtual- sihle bloodshed will mark the clos- serious problem iu San Antonio,! State Officers I>sitc Warning i * iga, only .07 *** an inch of r. -*jv" Several heavily laden mm ! President Calle*, of Mexico. fxe. a n i rain fell early this morning. The Contributors to Senatorial ly Every Section Heceivett ing of churches throughout Mexico tatboiic authorities declared. The \ Against Mx Anuersou Whom i * runners wow lost at sea in * : ciares Catholic u,,.-. < OA!. I raia failed as a coolitg roedium under President Calles' order scnoo.s her? already aie filled and j Campaign. Enough to Save Crop. Ulan Supports. !h<> Kali.im.is tiurric.-inf. Won- * ; ),.,.<-,! il.-xic',,, iv, .,i.n i except for a short time for by excluding foreign religious lead- other quarters must be provided. ' * lior what tho wilil waves are i " " ' '' " ; 10 o'clock persons \vere steamCC AKh RCMPPITpn a Yanguard o nuns according to haf^ied-to^r^lor ing with a stickv, opnressive kb ftRir BtNti-IlbU ers and teachers, MONEY FROM"INDIANA reached DRY FORCES FOR SMITH \: & : :| THE FINfFGHT IS heat. ,, , , ,, . _ San Antonio todav. The exodus r e S> Official Circlllar o Clement Studebaker, of South | The mercury rose only to 93 Moisture lanes from Trace to! o fori ,ig ner3 !ready begun, o 'or oWabom ' AU W. C. T. L".! " Reeard* Triumph < degrees this morning and had I.-IS InchesLittle Relief Bend, Gave 20,OOO to Cause will increase after August 1, the i - tv.^ I0 . auu win Ilevolntion Kntianc^Tt-.l }>T receded to 31 degrees at 12:30 at Wichita. of "His Friend. .mi A. Smith. I date on which tbe new Mexican iunti! Tuesday, upon his r e t u r n ! t'athdlic "l;i! rairhV* o'clock. The shower sent the A STORM CENTER 'regulation becomes effective, they he i? expected to renew his efforts on their bebalf. - Topeka, July 30.Just before i >Topeka, July 30,- {AP)AI declared. Chicago. July SO _ ( \ P ) _ i;_ "uercury down to 73 early this MexK'o City, July no. (A?i""" i morning. genera! rain fell this morning in j Already, one of the refugees Replying to a statement made the primary and again just betore i s lea F. Moore, campaign In an address to .. cf>ieg2t!on ot " j Eastern Kansas weather -will the Kansas corn belt, composed of sad - *--e government is adopting by Bishop Drossaerts calling upon the elc-ion the organized prohib- j r for Frank L. Smith, successiul i be unsettled tonight and cooler tho Confederation o .LaSor Mrhica me3su e3 wbich are : working es- the San Antonio Mexican colocy j tion forces of the state, the Worn-! candidate in the- Illinois ssnatorl- temperatures will prevail, guesses tho northeastern counties, 'me I visited him ! at :h* i'-a!aes iast participating in j C3-s Christian Temperance Union ! ' al primary, decided today to fur- the weather prophet. United States weather bureau re-1 moSVf^hose^in^frSm Mexico night, to inform him thai the jaported that nearly tvery arn re-are discar(5ing theirc!erica garbs nish the senate campaign funds Lor organization supported his reToday's Forecast. ceived enough moisture to save i jo, {ear. oi molestation. The comiai'-W* names of a'.l contribuligious policy, Prosids": L'alies Kansas-Mostly fair tonight the cora crop, which had reached majority of those reaching San tor? to the Smith political fund. =>ai<1: "! bovs we have reached and Saturday, except unsett!ed_ toI Antonio are in disguise, she added. independence will be held as us- j wherever there aro more tbau ona ] Moore disc-oset! that Clement night in extreme east portion; a critical stage in its growth. the point when tho situation Is to Pastures ia those counties j With every train from the Mexi1- All patriotic Mexicans in the person seeking nomination in the Studebaker, of South Bend. Ind., slightly cooler tonight except in bo cleared u;i once- for ail time. where cattle are grazed on a largs j c a n border bringing its quota of city will participate, he said. Jjad contributed $20,00i) and extreme west portion. primaries, or ou contested places The hour is approaching ior a fiformer Representative Ira C. in the election. Tho information ! Missouri Unsettled tonight scale, also were benefited. nal ilRht, and we are goins to see cupely o Aurora. I!!., had given .and Saturday, showers or thunder has just gone out to ail of the Okeio, in Marshall county, re- j whothi-r r-jvoiution has triutupnea 'S25.000 in two ir-al! . : , -.uiio probable, slightly -,-^.v.* ceived 1.4S inches of .rain. Cen-! storms jjiuuuuiv.-, jn.,.^1.. cooler ceivea i.-is incnes oi members o these organizations. cvc-r roartioB. or \\-h-nhsr the "r:Other contributors -.ntludefl tonight and in east and south por-L , \eniaha -, ! This week the usual pre-priealu ttorney, , ion s *'* ^"a. *: Daniel Schuyler. Chicago attorney, tions Saturdav. ' I ."*""" -Nemaha. I.OB, " " "'| TO ST. L1GHT SHOWERS STOP BURN"- mary statement comes from the ?:.500: Eugene Pike. $1,000; OklahomaTonisht and Satur- m Pottamatomie, 1.20; Wamego, j *" BEGIX WORK OX LAST SKKVICKS IN" MARY'S SOON". V.- C. T. U. through Mrs. Lillian ING AX O CUKL1XG. Judge _Stransfcy of Chicago. $500. da,,. partly cloudy, local thunder- j half an inch. Concordia, one-third I Jl'AKKZ CHUKCH TONIGHT Mitchner. president, and Mrs. E. 3 Complete Will , of * inch. of a El Paso, Texas. July 30. About $250,000Exdry workers o: Kansas relativo to -Farmers Still Hope to A P I Tonight will "witness pect Many Bidders. " 1 Mai Anderson the Ku Kins Klaa Save Crops. TSa Smith .-aarager said that Weather and Roads. tho last service in the old mis| candidate for Attorney Genera!. Salina, July 30.(AP)Light -'r-lebaker met him in the Con(10 a. m.) sion, Our Lady of Guadalupe Bids for the construction, of huThe race between the rain i "About eight years ago lie- was ress hotel here ou the occasion Emporia Cloudy, light rain sprinkles that oaly increased here the new St. Mary's hospital to church ia Jua'rez, Mex., and midity and" discomfort, fell clouds and hot winds which had defeated for county attorney in the Indiana dinner last winter. night, roads slippery to good. hundreds are crowding the . . fromi clouds fcllo.!*constantly threat- be built at Kighteenth and State been' waged over Kansas corn his own county because he was Aluli V . 1 U U U O that ^.V.L^LauLi^ utucdt pid had stated that he was very, Kansas cit c.ouay, i ened ,ast nig5,t_ At Lincoln a local win be opened August 1_9 by fields for two davs was won considered wet, (by many dry ancient edifice, today to receive .touch interested in his irlend, i roads goQ the rites of the church at cae , 1 storm gave an inch of rain in a Brinkman &. Hagan. Emporia arworkers) and the AV. C. T. U. /Frank L. Smith. j oousy, very snor j time _ _ heavy rain chitects who drew the plans and Thursday night by the clouds worked against him with success hands of the Rev. Father .Ra.< "He asked me to Cll at ms ot- when .07 inch fell in Empcria. fael Ramos. ' fell at Abilene late yesterday and specifications for the building. and he was defeated. Ton years > fice, which I did and he gave 10.- j a Partly cloudy, roads showers sufficient to settle tb^e The pians call for an expendi- Although the amount was not a !lc n ;l3 tlle Father Ramos continued the { 000. Later he gave another $10,-i good. enough to save the corn crop it ! " Irom lna mdidate for con' ' res confessional and baptizing of liust extended from Solomon, a ture of approximately $250.000, afforded a rest from *h hat and > s Sixth district and COO," Moore said. | 1 cloudy, short distance south. icfants far Into the night last | an {j at east 15 contractors are the hot winds which had been Vl'as defeated because the people In making known his decision | Coffeyville Partly uf the 511 01 di;1 cot nlRht. \Vngona bringing famlto give the names of the contribu- j PHtsburg-CIoudy roads good. expected to bid on the general threatening to start in full force d' '' deem him tho Atchison. July 30. (AP)A contract. "Hos o ilovoiit Mexicans and Moore said that some of the oo~ Uu. tv,-0 previous days The rain i P">Per pcrsou t o represent t or men 'or "=ociai political and busl-i Arsansas City Cloudy, roads few drops of rain here this mornIndians from outlying hamlet? The construction work will be was general over Lyon county ! t h e m in =naress. Havins never : ing between 6 and 7 o'clock has . n three contracts: A general showers which laid the dust be- !lel? Plutarco Calles, president o along the bord-ir helped to greatest draw0 .Clear, roads good. been the only precipitation in the contract, a heating and plumbing swell the crowds in Juarez hack. Of all places this Is the White exhausted the list of wit-; OttawaRaining, rosds slip- |iast 24 hours. The sky was still contract, and an electrical wir- ing reported from all directions, place (as Attorney General) where streets today as tho religious, including a'.'adison, Hartford. Tiwes on hand and tho committee ' pery. ! overcast at 10 o'clock. Corn in mg contract. Twenty sets of Amcricus and Olpe. Farmers are we want a man who has experience, administration and tho Catholics zsa! reached its climax. adjourned the hearing until next j TopekaHairing, roacis slip- Aichison county and adjoining b:ueprints for the general conand who has been tried and proved General Roman Lope?, comstill hoping for rain which, if.it sections Is suffering badly for lack tract have been completed, and Tuesday to enable Senator Reed : Per;,-. manding officer of tho Juarez comes within a week and no hot true as an official. \Vo can not legislation is at the root ot the o moisture. to ti'l "week-end engagements in garrison, said today- that the the plans for the other contracts winds intervene, will save much in any way consent to give any Missouri and Senator-La Follatf; information to the W, C. T. U. order to disarm Catholics In Ottawa, July 30.(AP) A i will be finished soon.15 contrac- Lyon county corn. to fill such engagements in \Vis- ; women winch would in any way Juarez would bo obeyed to the l addition to the light rain fell here at S o'clock I| torsn who are expected to bid on _ _ ., . make it possible that Mr. Anderletter. consin. j f sou i this morning after a few sprinkles the general contract, at least 35 vJnVCll J\ieiHOnal Upon reconvening next Tuesday j ' should become the attorney | !a=t night. This is thefirstrain | the committee plans to go into de- rj -r-i f general of Kansas." umph ot the Mexican re-volutlon hers in more than a week. There ' companies will bid on the plumbtails of a story told ! ate yester- io rounder or i Tho \v. c. T. XT. also opposes has bsen merely ephemera!. ! is prospects of more during ths ing and heatiag contract and 10 day by Timothy P- McCarthy, an 7VT4 1 f I Frank McFarland. because tho of\ATIOXAlj LEAGrii. or more will' bid o nthe wiring "As I have said on previous ocEast St. Louis newspaperman,! l>at3Onal Virange! ficerg bavo heard it reported contract, the architects say. casions, my government has ueea he is not dry and the fact that Smith managers offered $5,-!j n Than 130 Person? Are MissAt Boston: Wichita, July 30. (AP)But deeply occupied in revolving grave Washington, 'July SO. (AP) that he was appointed by 000 to Charles Ecandry, ot East; Cincinnati-Boston: ingDamage May I\each littie relief from the excessive national problems, such as "adjustOliver Hudson Kelly, founder of Al Williams as assistant United Ft. Louis, for the support of the j Postponed: Rain. .8,000,000. heat which has enveloped \Viching tho budget, spreading public the National-Grange was "the States attorney, they maintain. Foreign Voters' league of Illinois j At New Yoi-K: _ education, industrial and agriculiita the last three days was man of destiny as far as organized i makes JleFarlaud "an" undesirable St. Louis for their candidate. j 002101.0 tural development of the country, afforded by rains the last 24 agriculture in America was con-candidate." The offer was made at a din-; DESOLATION AT NASSAU New York 000 ooo o organization of the army and varhours. The total precipitation A. ,T. Cook, Union Secretary, cerned." Louis J- Taber of i The W. C. T. U. state officers u?r attended by a number of per- } Batteries: Rhem and O'Far- ious social and economic probColumjus. Ohio, national master!then formaly give their eadorsc- rell; Fitzsimmons and Florence. sons McCarthy said and on the ! Capital Still Virtually Isolated was .19 of an inch, hardly enough Urges Immediate Negotiations the dust ana lems. Preoccupied by these enorof the order, declared today in i m e nt to Capt. \V. A. Smith, who is ... .-.,..., for Best Terms Possible. d?-v^o!!owins," Soer.dry. who was i from World. Is Prostrated !l settle ncrease the Jt Eeemed At Philadelphia-: 0111 to mous tasks, the government bad oedicating and accepting, on be-tte anti Klan candidate. The ! puUbur-h described as a Democrat, nn i Disaster I ? i discomfort. br OnO100 0 ,... .. , t i l : l l j l . i v t l I.IJI.LL11 t h n ; clerical elealmost forgotten 1 l i f v;lUllt.li cii; r-ittslm^l, nonnced the support of the league j 1 " The local weather bureau preLondon. July 30.(AP.)The half of the Grange, a granite circular reads: Philadelphia 000 400 2 mp ,, t whelli precisely at tbe most icte alr ior Smith. At the -anie time, ac-i Xa=5=u Xew pV-TdSbc9 Island .^^ther tor today, conference ot miners' delegates monument on the Kelly family lot "Well qualified for office. Has Batteries: Krempr. Nichols and d i f f i c u l t moment of my acminisbeen assistant in the attorney to . recommena in r.ock Creek cemetery here. ing to McCarthy, he exhibited .. B ,-^ m %JU '^.V ( f ( t Pl Kav:! Corn to tady need of rain, has - decided (.ration, the Catholic cleisy .ia. all f. in cash, static - ha-ve ; Battanl.. 'j u - -'J.i*1 J & '-* farmers here said. ,~ -_ ; we i, 3 vo : ^^ as j Governor Robert P .Robinson, seneral"s"olfice for four years. Gooch; Carlson ami Wilson. Si'.SCO acceptance of. the peace propoj wav a with" more At Brooklyn: ,i)atl {aiUl aml treat-hery. threw it=: bj w n ( a n ( Chlc! 0 declared for Smith." sals suggested by churchmen of i5 010 000 O cliallenge to the ' gcvernraeat o I than IDO persons missing, the Ba-j ox STAKD: the'Anglican and free churches Brooftlyn , _ , - . . 000.700J) ! thin r<\subiic. ' . ".': ': hams islands remained virtuaUr in he'ipresnt coal tie-up; Tiie Bauent-s.-T C'sbornc sr.'d don-! "This challenge was m.iaa just isolated from communication.! testifies Ajrainst Hale and Ram- proposal -will be sent back to the [ soldier and American Legion man. sales; Grimes and Harsrave. K Jat .T 'me v,-hen questions were sey in Murder Trials. with the outside world today t on,ey districts, to be voted upon; VA H. Landvoight. executor of =""""a arising of an intcrnatioHal charwhile anxious residents took furThe Evening Standard says an the Kelly estate and for many 'se~f AMKKIOAN acter, vhich were defining -whethGuthrie. Okla., July 30.(AP) extraordinary situation developed years secretary to the fonmlpr ther coimt of the toll o destruc. ircular has created a founder. er Mexico was- a sovereign counj sensation in Kansas politics. It Al Chicago: tion frora the worst hurricane in j Ernest Bcrkhart, who pleaded at the miners' conference. A. J. try or not. (The president premarks the break between the Klan 'tbe I guilty at Pawhuska last June to Cooki general secretary of the recorded history Washington sumably was referring to the-oil i'AP)The , ths , . . - _ . . . _ implication in the death of W. E. | minors federation, pleaded for , lan(I t h o organized dry forces ot Chicago MO1"' 001 0 and legislation). ' * religious freedom m tne Lnited Dianas. , i Smith, late today took the wit- ; mmediate negotiations ' to get T->MT i l u c state. The Klan has beer. Batteries: Covelnahio and "At such a tiras tbo clergy States and trie lack of prejumcc. The masonty ot those niis=.ng- neS3 stn;i to test if y against his ]e best posible terms JDlliSisetting politically into the hands Rite!; Thurston and Grabov.-Fk threw its challenge to the governgreatly impressed Cardinal | are believed to have been drowned i uncle. W K. Hale and John Ham- ' \ s tormy""scene'follo'wed some of big business in Kansas. Tho At Cleveland: 'Dubois. n rchbi5hop of Paris, whon Vi..;t-, t-aa sponge flsh 3 ng sec-tisey. on. trial in federal court! cf t h e delegates sharnlv c'rificis- Decision by Chamber of Deputies Associated Industries whoso at nient making declarations to tho ,T,,.K,V .^,1,,-ci,^ ,.? T.,^ , - n j _..-.-_ Philadelphia 000 001 I rpni-'innary press o tho capita! has written a letter to the week- { ^^.v has not beea seen since H j here for the murder of Henry j ng eook, who. according to the torney was the K!an attorney Will Greatly Kxpctlitc 000 O C o j that they did not recognise the his !y organ of his diocese concern- I s.d, t,,ree davs ^lOTC tn. West | Ro^ Osas? Indian, seems io bo controlling the Klan Clevelur.il Final Measures. " '~ J paper, admitted he was prepared Batteries: K n m m e l l ana Fox; !icn-?ra.l constitution of the Mexiws the recent Chicago E u c n a r w - j the Burkharfs testimony wa s one j jO accept lower wages rather endorsements for state offices. hllTriczno struck Shaute and U ,Sc'.vcl!. can republic and ordering all their tic congress. i . . of the expected sensations ^ ell-j Paris, July SO. ( A P ) T h e So the AV. C. T. U. breaks with "The event, was an incompar- j lands ^uuuy night, ^'"-maxes of the trial. He :pnal been | t,i,an longer hours. fcever^l * At Detroit: supporters to disobey and fight "The p..-P,,r. was an incomnar-I ** Monday mgat. has Mr. Cook later repudiated chamber ot deputies today voted the Klan. Boston 00] OH the constitution." able triumph for the Holy i weeks must elapse beiore the offi- j hel<J ia -ai, cnce fte ^ as iven a the statements at- against the submission of amendDetroit ]00 000 Catholics throughout Mexico Eucharist in that immense i cial toll of ""'" J - - = ' - ',' - - - sentence following his pl-^a o :tributed . to him bv the Evening ments to Premier Poincare's finHts The Associated Press Story. Batteries: 7ahnizer and Gas- today offered up devotions for populous city, bustling v.-ith busi- i and property damage is known. I guilty at Pawhuska. Standard. ancial measures, thereby greatly Topeka, July - ( A P I O f - ton; Whitehill and Basslor. the las?, lime u n d e r the leaderness, where all nationalities rub i while conservativo estimates Btirkhart testified Roan had expediting .he progress of the ficcrc; of tho Ktnsas Womens At St. Louis: ship o thpir priests, before the shoulders and every form of | place t h e jamas2 at ss.OOO.UU'J, i attempted io kill himself '.ate in i The peace proposals suggested bill through parliament in the Christian Temperance union made rovprnmpnt's new religious regucivilisation and religion mingle i reports have no; been received ! 192^ and Hale was ^afraid by the Anglican and free churches opinion of political observers. public today their "rating" ot g't""j oUVs" i ,, lations o i n t o effect tomorrow. together."' the cardinal wrote. The measures which will come three Republican candiciatos for j in general recommend that the Baiteriesi "n'oVt'and S^vereid" Kmlor instructions from ArchHis letter sums up the conmen accent an immediate re- tip in the chamber tomorrow attorney genera!. The "rating." ( ^-^^ and'scharc; : bishop Mora y Del Rio, priests gress ns a lesson in fsith and a ' ' ' sumption, of work on the status morning are expected to produce contained in a letter mailed by! will withdraw from tho churches strikiuf; testimony to the unity of 2.458,000,000 I Mrs. Lillian Mitchner, president,! tax receipts tomorrow in protest against the thr Cathoiic church, which made Xassau, the beautiful capital rnent charges that Hale was the quo and implies a continuance francs in 1926 aaa S.lS^.COoioOO an( l Mrs. Ed Dobbs. secretary of j the ;rovnrnrner.t's religious m?a?ure;. a strong impression, especially o the Bahamas group, with a "brains" in both the Roan slay- of the lapsed coal subsidy by na- francs in 192T. the state organizP.tion, to memgovernment. Meanwhile a The withdrawal was originally on those 'dissenting from, its doc- population of more tusa l . O , ing and the explosion in which tional bers c the local chapters, exsettlement be planned for Sunday. irir.es or belonging to no. re- presented a picture o desolation. Smith, his Indian wife and a ser- worked out within a -would not pressed the. officers' views about LAWREXCE MAX HIES. period All Catholics in tho country ligion. The cardinal was par- Debris from uprooted irees. V ant gin were killed in 1923 the attitude of Max Anderson, exceeding four months along the Frank H .ire !o be disarmed in accordance ticularly struck by the full lib- wrecked houses and splintered j general lines of the report by the Vvilliam 1. Bnliene, 76, Is Victim ! 4 Sm!UI McFarland and William with an order issued by Attorerty allowed the organizers of boats washed up by the waves, of Acute Indigestion. i- - toward prohibition. royal coal commission. ney Genera! Ortega. Seor Orthe congress, describing it as "an cluttered the stately drive ways Views about each of the three tega said this move was a conexample of the truly liberal of the ancient, city where virtually Encampment, Wyo, July 30 candidates were summarized as | William Phillips. Factory Workspirit." all business has been suspended. sequonce o reports, t h a t Catholic er,. Joins. \Vidow. iu (AP)William L."Builene, 76," of follows: _ j -Sponge Fleet Missing, groups wr ; rc meet i n g secretly si Lawrence, Kan., member o a a Anuerson: 'Aoout eight years County ,!aii. j Making efforts to repair her night and that the authorities pioneer family of dry goods mer-i so " was defeated for county in llis j confusion Nassau turned first to were fearful the g.-ithorir.gs were wn chants in Kansas City, Mo., died i Fort Smith, Ark., July 30(A i NEW EVIDENCE SECRET for the purpose o! offering oppo'search for the missing sponge A letter sent to delegates of Report 30O Dead, Injured nnd suddenly of acute indigestion here i cause ne was considered wet. McFarland: He is not dry. tieet and to ascertain conditions the district miners' convention sition to the religious laws. t n j, v Missing Thousands of Smith: "Stands for all law en- , Results from Annulment Suit on the islands under her adminAfter more than a fortnight c Homes Submerged. ? Cleveland Man Is Wanted as i istration. The other islands of here by Former President Wilforcetnent. Uses neither liquor i l ilc<I liy Utisbnnd of Former attendance upon masse;. The tawrence. July 30.(AP)W. liam R. Dalrymple. attacking the -M;ii<l in H:ill Home. Principal in MfinSer of nor tobacco." | Ii the group are . . - . to , have officers nit; Uthe organization, was known , _ f a i t h f u l again today crowded Tokyo, July 30.(AP)The L. Builene, who died suddenly toof l ,tHJla.t,lUH. *V(j , , , -^..-^.o ui I !Km R. Mellett. ! suffered greatly but inline the a ,)0mb w,llch wrecke(i , he peace meager news that trickles in from day at Encampment, \Vyo., where churches, cathedrals and shrines BULLETIN. far flung l i n e , of islands. throughout the republic. It was and harmony of todav's session. the flood in Niigita province re- he had gone about 10 days ago on | /"",..,ir> Point Pleasant. N. J., July 30. ! feared that when tho services tf r a B t o l l . Ohio. July 30.-AP) hanks "'ml Voward the c,t of "^ "r '^^ks of **i veals a terrific toll in death ana a fishing trip came to Lawrence as I ^J""111 tiss AP: r0!ln l - - ' v I ! n t r y wi,!o -arch wn s be- ! ptorida te chief damage ws* ,t| a boa^ mer,'b=r ad re'of'the o' '" truction. Latest reports lix the an infant in the late SO's and as a | Ai-niispii v^ompeiuors:.hore ' , " iile eviiiencctiiat i f,n'ie!l at I D o'CiOck tontgnt Arouses romnprifor'; ~' wa~ao , <great fe' i" or u^re wouui be thousands w h o .vu:: today or Patrick Eugene Nassau and the Isle o Gun Key, officials nlta-ked ws "granted I dead > injured and missing at boy watched ths destruction o | .,as aboi!t 30 an< 1( :--iIJcrmott. ^S, Cleveland, wanted 40 miles from Miami. the privilege" to 'defem himself I c-sumption of guilt." pointing to ! 'Vsrt , bpon n a n l ? !<> e-^tor the defend 2 *' 3 damage to I awreace by QaantriU's guerillas !Siy Wcsjrrn Roatls (o ,,8ht C[I, j 23 a principal in the murder of Only three fishing smacks were land other officials. V\"h'en Ke~n- Property at 3 million yen. . - as the murderer of her clergy- '"""-o/- and 51:rne. to worsnip Initiated l>y Minneapolis 'Don R. Mellett, Canton pub- left in Nassau harbor from 60 drickg finished James Dovle of , , , . ,. \ ror She last t i m e ia tr.e The village of Tochi'o was worst in business with his father, L. BulI man husband and his alleged ot tl]p , e , te lisher. and St. Louis Hailro;:<l. CG page T _ 0) Dewer- 0-h.ja-- dec i ared that balrj"bit of all the communities. At lene, pioneer drygoods merchant.. art, Mrs. Frances II. Hall ; Detective Ora Slater, headipg mple should not be attacked when ^ this place 1,500 houses were de- He Is survived by two daughters,! the Stark county investigation, 30.(AP)-Sis was ordered released in '?li>,'Jt.'U ; ^^ ;u ill T-\ T | molished and many drowned. In not present to defend himself. . Tffused to designate McDermPtt Jus'ice Gummere i txpects O PlCK | the wholefloodedarea some S.OOO as the man sought 'as the in and St. Louis oay. ALCOHOL HOLDUP FAILS. ; houses were submerged. Several ward of Topeka, a brother, H. B.i 'triggerman." j thousand acres of rica fields were Builene of Lawrence and a sis-; railroad in carrying grain and i protest the latter | Pictures of McDermott are to Government Employe Seriously destroyed. ter, Mrs. A. D. Weaver o Law- road's drastic reduction of ratt-;- Somc-rviile, X. J., Julv 30. (A i -fae broadcast throughout the Wounds Two of Three Bandits.' ' rence. country , today to all police sta- j St. Augustine. Fla.. July SO. --- , -uMiss Marguerite Bnliene tions ana aetective agencies, and j CAP)The Ansaldo San Giorgio Xew York, .July S.. , j her father to Wyominft to nil news picture services The Secondo. Italian steamer crippled Two of three robbers were shot j returned to Denver expet pictures are to be released "at by ihs tropical storm, off Jupiter and seriously wounded today | rejoin him in a few days. o'clock this afternoon, Slater and taken in tow by the steamer when they attempted to held up a Motor Trucks Sns * Encampment SB id. r ; West Harsnaw, was reported toi! six cents per . . , , with the body to Lawrence. hundred pounds re- : four -.-cars ago of her clergyman ! n- l th^ '' P'-11^^ - " ..-. " ..... . n - ,",""ni- r <j - i ! rtuction Of rates on such grain and GLEXXA COLLETT \VIXS. Eight Are Caught Sour shipments announced bv : wife of the sexton in her has-weigh more t h a n i rounds each. the" M'innea'poVis and""^^"^^^ :'and' churcb. i Drawliaugh say-, the'sar.i?ti --:'i the st Joh ns rivcf caplured when police trailed the Phillips, who was a night | average :>> torr.atoes on ea-::i By Moffat Cave-in - ~ ' Battle. j watchman at the Now Jersey col- p'nJ?'.^ j _^^_ .. .^ , Three Workmen Aro Knov I lesre ior women, a1 iew b l o c k s ! , "v. ^^r? !> r;:-rt,_^.j,o ,o. /" l Eastern Point, Conn., Julv SO. moved in this unusual manner. I ." , ,, ,, . . , ' t n e line crop, accorila ;o Dri-ADead in Tunnel Accident ville Harbor and dock at Carmel I rom the Hall home wben tfte, i5anj.li w.-itc'-ed i'~" 5J.. hn, A wood rig 75 feet high was (AP)Glenna Coilett of ProviOccurring Before Xoon. municipal pier. \ bodies were- found side by side nn-| r ia R s ' c,-.refu!!v~:Vr ''sul-k^-s'' j LEAVES MONEY TO HARVARD hoisted to two motortrucks with dence, R. I., national woman's PrilitS Ar ! j trailers. The trucks were side by golf champion, today won tbe -r~tr. , \r i [<ier s-crab apple tree was arrested | tomatoes whicls kc?p sarriae-i Denver. July 30.(AP) Portion of the flnrncc Estate Goes side and -when the rig was loaded Grlswold trophy from Maureen Without Val'Ue I last night as a material -witness | "-oiu seine up the s:-"u <?t tho foreman were ! Seven men and w to Big University. *-"& i^ii*crsiry. it extended more than SO feet into Orcutt ot Eugiewood, N. J.. t>? *<, c^Lci.acu mure man .tu leet i and held :n $5,000 bnil. ns i n - ; pi?--'.K-d h^s i;---? f-,^ >-:s>.^ caught in a cave-in at the west j |?efftmmpnrl fVaWrii Xew York, July n o ( A P ) I the air.- The. truck drivers, driy- one up after a terrific uphill batportal of the Moffat tunnel beJ^ecommenO CraDDB Los Angeles, July 30. ( A P ) f o r m e d investigators four years : f r c n i rar.niTiy: on che jroun;;. Augustus Coe Gurnee, of Bar ing carefully, followed the instruc- tle. Miss Collett was at one thue j Finger print experts of the police i go, ho had seen Mr*. Hall ana IHc lla/ a!ia kv't ;!l ^:a':;:i 'v':'i ins bored through James peak, ,t n Harbor, Maine, w h o died i n Baden tions of a man who walked - - - four down and onl t sis to go. dim j department announced today that j hcr fr Otb relurn ho-,H on t h e i PrneC.. " " " - - ahead, only 50 miles from here, shortly bevr Baden, Germany, on July 5, by his and the big rig was moved to a largely to poor n n l r i n f <?Y,t> TO- finrrtr msrks nli(oinn,l ! cot-! "- o . u i i i t i i t i u i - i :iu..i 1.11 mu , putting. Slic re-finger msrt-c obtained in . fore noon today, according to rey!r!gs Topeka, July 30(AP)Disfiled today disposes of nearly new location without a mishap. covered her cunning on the j tag .V. Carmel so far examined: n's " i Trim tilt. ports reaching here. Three men, barment of Fred L-. Crabbe, $4.000.000 in specific, bequests greens after that point while ic-rjciuild not ho identified a s those! SSaf e officials today soiifni | Export tree srssR?. une 'report said, are known to be Arkansas City, former superin- and left the residuary estate to en51 wo ncr - Wantcrt. opponent slumped here somewhat!of Aimee Sample McPhcrs'on cw- ' i I'frons on tendent of ths Kansas Anti- Harvard university. {Conttnoca en s-asc Two) Saturday, 8 a. m., sharp, six and the match was squared at tno j "5 to their blurred condition. I r.d'v. Saloon league, was recommended The will creates eight trust hoys. See Mr. Solonjon at office \ Buttons maflc to order; Hut- today to ihe supremo court by f u n d s oi $200,000 each for his of Kansas Electric Power Co. fifteenth hole. Bo photographed by Loomis on For rent: Office rooms, KanYou can cc b c t t r r w!i>, ion's,adv. the board of bar examiners. I rieres and nephews, For tire service, phone 100. /our birthday.adv. sas Electric Power Blg.sdv. /r.!por Gis
Refugee Nuns and Priests Uf T 11 !k u Are Crowding San Antonio ' '
1 t 1 rifne\ + ~
T - n l l t l T T
. .
V. '.
> ^ I I., MI ,
Bar Examiners
Be Disbarred
T% * T
, 4:S .m. 5:3$ p.m.; low 11:23 a.m. an 11:81 .m. MondayHjfh 6:M m.su. and 6: p.m.; low 18:81 p.m.
RIVER READINGS Chftttahoochee 1.9 today, 3.5 Monday. If .S today, 1M Monday. WDLP.AM-FM 590 ke-98 J me. VOL. 5NO. 19 SEVENTY-TWO PAGES
~ ^^^y*^^^5S***^ES..;?* 1 -y-
Most Beaatifol Bcitta
Clear to partly dta*? uU mlUL TEMPERATUBES Hirh today M-M, tow 4*44.
TELEPHONE SUnset $-8585 PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA. SUNDAY. MARCH 10. 195T ' **", uwiiiy^ii, xruvnv^n JLU, 1937
Slay Americans, Woman's Body Found Police Claim Bruised and Beaten
Search Made For Shrimper With 3 Aboard
.1 .
. .
^^ ^ I
** C
V-O.lt i
- ~
Reduction in Civilian Forces at Tyndall AFB Being Made Until June, Col. Kight Stresses
Vol. 64-No. 2117
Fair tonight and Thursday except for early morning cloudiness. Little temperature change. Low tonight, 52 degrees; high T h u r s d a y , 73. Westerly winds 10 to 20 miles per hour in the afternoon.
4 Sections
* * *
ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla. (AP)Hurricane Dora sent huge waves crashing over seawalls in this historic old city and nearby Jacksonville t o d a y , flooding nu- strike. merous streets and build- Reuther said local unions
Ss|would be informed of the set- this at 3 ' i cents an hour for The storm lashed the cities i t l e m e n t and t ,d t {o trfk every hour worked. with winds u p t o 8 6 miles an!., added that ,Iocal , , , , , Unanimously the council inLeary congratulated Reuther hour as it thrashed slowly alongP negotiations dicated it felt the threat posed the northeast Florida coast andlwould continue until settlements and termed the settlement fair by such a facility was overto everyone concerned "sharedrew a destructive bead on the were reached. exaggerated both from the employes and the pubGeorgia shoreline. j However, Chrysler spokesmen holders, are also pleased Chrysstandpoint of a drop in property lic. We Waves from a tide of seven to! values as well as personal hazeight feet swirled over the sea- isaid walkouts over local con- ler will be able to maintain the ard from the type of inmates wall along St. Augustine's Bay- tracts occurred at least at four stability it has demonstrated in Beach today, a victim of the strong .\yind and high waves f r o n t Parkway, a main plantsNewark, Del., and three recent years." to be sheltered. The men se- DORA OVERTURNS DREDGE This sand dredge lies frnm Hurricane Dora.. . (AP Wirephoto) lected for the camp would be; on its side on the bottom of the Halifax River at Daytona Reuther congratulated Chrysthoroughfare in the nation's old- Detroit area plants. largely in the category of traf-j Wins $90 Million er for conducting the negotiaest city. fie violators and non-suppor'' Water ran hip deep in many Reuther estimated that the tions "on the highest plane" cases. streets and was rising. contract was worth 54 cents an and said the talks show "that Calls Thirty miles to the north, wa- hour a year for the three-year ree labor and free manageMayor Hugh A. Wayne reter swirled knee deep two span of the contract. A highly ment can work out an equitable ported he had received teleblocks inland from the sea wall authoritiative source said the agreement through good faith along the Jacksonville beaches, total worth for the three years collective bargaining." phone calls from a number ol cutting them off from the city. would be $90 million. property owners, all in concert Other benefits included: "Off Mayport at the mouth The union scored impressive opposing location of the camp. Wages of the St. Johns River gusts gains in virtually all areas and A basic wage increase rangCouncilman K e n n e t h V a n WASHINGTON (UPI)Presi- an "upward trend" and the have reached 86 m.p.h.." the made a stunning breakthrough Gundy said that together with ng from 14 to 24 cents an hour other members of the board he A teen-age party in San Car- dent Johnson today invited con- anti-Communist forces were be- JACKSON. Miss. (UPI)Gov. Weather Bureau said. "Seas for early retirement as a or the three years. The annual gressional leaders of both par- coming stronger. The addition of Paul B. Johnson, a Democrat, are phenomenal and erosion is means of creating more jobs ncrease was rated at 2.5 per felt that the matter had been los was broken up unceremonifor younger workers. ties to a briefing on the political more American military advis- today gave his blessing to Re- continuing at a rapid rate." "somewhat exaggerated," tha publican Presidential nominee Reports from the St. Augus- The basic pension rate was :ent for the first year and 2.8 prisoners would be used to save ously by San Carlos police last crisis in South Viet Nam by ers is being felt, he said. >er cent for the third year. tine Peninsula, a narrow strip increased from $2.80 a month tax dollars in undertaking con night, with one officer being hit U. S. Ambassador Maxwell D. The Vietnamese economy is Barry Goldwater. Reuther said because of Taylor. generally favorable and the Johnson told a reconvened ses- of land across Matanzas Bay, to $4.25 a month for each year lie gains made thatfringe benestruction work on public proj in the left temple by a bottle. in The chief executive said Tay- country would be prosperous if sion of the Mississippi Demo- from the city proper, were of service up to 30 years. ects. however he added. "Wo Officer Robert G. Anselmo workers were diverting lor, who reported to Johnson there were no Communist in- cratic convention that "all loyal sketchy but indicted it was Under the plan a worker its, can't give our blessing in the was taken to. Sequoia Hospital this morning, would meet with surgents there, Taylor said. Mississippians" wanted to see a taking an even worse pounding. could retire at 60 with 30 years heir first year's wage increase face of this public opposition after the fracas, where 12 stitch- key House and Senate members On the political front, Taylor "conservative" win in Novem- T.A. Cox, 69, owner of the St. of service and draw up to $400 o help pay for the side gains. Holidays Augustine Beach Hotel, and his a month. The average was exCouncilman Albert Wisner es were required to close a half- this afternoon at the White said Premier Nguyen Khanh is ber. "very definitely head of the The governor, at odds with the four grown sons were among pected to be $381 a month for Two more paid holidays, pointed out that the final de moon shaped cut. He then was House. Taylor told newsmen after interim government." He said, national Democratic party since the few to ignore Civil Defense a worker who retires at 60 and Joed Friday and a worker's cision actually rests with the released. conferring with Johnson there however, Khanh had set a dif- a seating hassle erupted at the warnings and stay on the $391 a month for the worker irthday, bringing to nine the (Please See Page 2, Column 5 Police had received corn- was no visible sign of any set- ficult goal by trying to establish national convention at Atlantic peninsula.. lumber of paid holidays an emivho quits at age 61. plaints from neighbors and back in the military effort a provinsial government by No- City, did not mention Goldwater ''Waves have broken all the A worker also can retire at iloye gets each year. Vacations called at the party at 9:35 p.m. against the Communist Viet vember. The task is not going by name in his speech but made ground-floor windows on the age 55 with benefits up to r/0 it clear that the Arizona con- ocean side of t he hotel and One more week vacation for at the home of Lester Peters, Cong during the change of gov- to be easy even though Khanh servative was his personal waves are pouring through my aer cent of his basic pay. ernment leaders in Saigon. been get2724 San Carlos Avenue. The "I have every hope to feel we has the backing of the military, choice. lobby," Cox reported by tele- Claims Labor Breakthrough all workers. They had vacation. Buddhists, Catholics and the soReuther called the contract ing up to three weeks party was'being given for his can get over the political crisis called "Sects" in his country, Johnson was interrupted sev- phone. Survivors San Mateo county took an eral times by applause during The peninsula was cut off 'the most historic agreement without accepting a setback in Taylor added. other giant step on the way to daughter. jhis 23-minute speech. Loud (Please See Page 2 Column 2) in the history of the American Increased survivors benefits, Seeks Students (labor movement," because of winning the floral sweepstakes Officers said they were called the goals we have'set," Taylor cheers and a burst of applause widow of a Chrysler worker the breakthrough in pensions vould get S100 a month up to 12 at the California State Fair to again at 10:51 p.m. about the told an impromptu news con- "Whether he can stay on the came when the governor preference. schedule he laid out. I'm not dicted the "conservative Ameriand working conditions. day by taking a first place in noise, at which time Anselmo ears starting at age 50 until The union won a 50 per cent he was eligible for Social Sethe rose competition. Alameda called at the home. He reported The President himself notified sure, but he is pressing for a can candidate" would carry the reporters that he had asked stable government," T a y l o r , state "with a tremendous maincrease in relief time for urity at age 62. county placed second. workers on the assembly line. The total points for the sweep some 90 to 100 juveniles in at- congressional leaders to meet said. jority." Pensions stakes as of noon today showed tendance, some leaving and with Taylor later today for a The anti-communist fighting! 'Clear-Cut Choice' MANILA CAP) Typhoon They aformerly received 24 min- Increased benefits for workreview of the Veit Nam situa- in the provinces has been proutes day away from the job San Mateo with 40 points, Ala some standing around in Johnson urged that the dele- Sally lashed the n o r t h e r n tion. meda with 25. Santa Cruz, 17 groups. . ceeding without visible signs of gates put up only one slate of Philippines today with winds up and now will get 36 minutes a rs now on retirement. Their asic pension rate will be inWill Testify day. and Contra Costa and Santa slow up, the ambassador said, presidential electors and . those to 200 miles an hour. Clara counties tied with nine At about 11 p.m., Officer Paul Taylor also will testify before because the small army units pledged to President Johnson in The typhoon cut through the Chrysler figured the cost of reased $1.45 a month for each ear-they worked. They will repoints each. The competition L. Alford said he heard Ansel- several congressional commit- involved do not require central- order to give the voters a Babuyan Channel n o r t h of eive fully' paid hospital and will continue until Sunday. mo on his police radio calling tees,' the President said. ized direction from Saigon. "clear-cut choice" in November. Luzon Island on its way into the Please See Page 2. Column 2) for assistance, saying he had Taylor said the military situ-j He said he felt the Viet Cong There had been talk of putting South China Sea. There were no been hit on the head with a bot- ation in Viet Nam remained es- were not launching major at- two slates of electors on the immediate reports of damage sentially normal despite the po- tacks during the political crisis ballotone for Johnson, one for from the isolated area. tle. litical upheaval in the Southeast partially because they did not Goldwaterin addition to the Sally's fringe winds struck SAN MATEO It was reported that seven of- Asian nation. want to do' anything that might Republican party e l e c t o r s south Formosa, but no damage MUTUAL SAVINGS ficers eventually were involved. Generally, he said, there was (Please See Pajie 2. Column t) pledged to Goldwater. or casualties were reported. NO L O A N ' A S S O C t A T I O N Mustangs FOUNDED 1896 Sgt. Denny Cardott took Anselmo to the hospital. No arrests You Con SACRAMENTO (UPI) - ReDrive Home were made,ispolice said, but in vestigation continuing. publican Barry Goldwater said today increasing executive pow1964 GALAXIE ers have raised the possibility 500 Hardtop of one-man rule in the United States and declared he wants Cruisomatic :o win the presidency to "di Power Steering LONDON (UPI)High -Com- Premier Nikita Khurshchev Disarray in the ranks of Com- Peking would be tantamount to lute" those powers. T-Bird Motor - V-8 Radio, Heater munist, sources disclosed today has been warned, according toj munism was causing havoc a victory for Red China's "hard Speaking before about 2,000 1 (4JMCI04957) that international Communism the informants, that the project- among the "old-timers" and a line." This includes war with people who met his campaign And PEOPLE (YOU tec?) LIKE USI ed showdown with Red China at desire to a go-it-alone policy Today is Admission Day, but is threatened with a new major Sacramento Th.t'j the West, if necessary. Most jet at the pointed to the airport, OLDER.why WE'RE GROWING! NO FRIENDLIER, SAFER LOCAL Goldwater actions ASSOCIATION for the HIGHEST don't try to get admitted to any breakaway development that the forthcoming Kremlin-spon- among the younger generation, parties reject this idea. sored conference could split the sources indicated. of California's Democratic Gov. RETURNS per DOLLAR! state government offices. could split the world movement Communism three ways into The discontent and differences Any outright break between Edmund G. Brown as an exam:OO DOWN current To celebrate the admission of three ways. ON ARC pro-Chinese, pro-Moscow, and within the movement have been the two Red giants likely would ple of presidential powers. He rat* per annum the State of California to the A Communist "third force" independent wings. sptlighted by recent publica- cause them to try to tighten said Brown was dangling on Union 114 years ago state, coun- was said to be under considera- Some believe such a split tion of the policy document of their respective grip on their two strings, one of which was INSURED SAVINGS . $55.92 x 36 Mo. ty and city officials locked up tion by parties which want in- might cause the bulk of the Eu- the late Italian party leader supporters. In the case of Eu- pulled by President Johnson. PAID EVERY 0 DAYS shop and everybody'went fish- dependence from .both .Peking ropean and many non-European Palmiro TogEatti. In it, he pro- rope, this would mean a tighter Goldwater said "30 years of \'.r with normal down ing. Banks also- closed their and. Moscow. . parties- to choose "neutrality," claimed a virtual declaration of grip by the Kremlin on the sat- legislative neglect" have result-1 doors. These considerations were with the Asians and some Afri- independence for his party. The ellites and the bulk of the Com- ed in "powers that are sufficient THISn d lCOMMUNITY'S frie y , grcwirrg and The federal government, how- said to be thus far of a tenta- cans rallying to China. sources said this was indicative munist parties elsewhere which turn power over to one man ever, doesn't appear to think tive nature. But rumblings in The sources said that even of the thoughts and doubts chose to follow Moscow. if that one man comes along | FORD SALES there is much to celebrate. Fed- East European satellite nations now, before the showdown con- throughout parties outside Rus- Almost everywhere, the cur- who wants it." eral offices stayed open. So did and in Communist parties in ference between. Russia and sia at present, including some rent Sino-Soviet conflict coin- "I don't want the presidency! ASSOCIATION 101 CALIFORNIA DRIVE stores. the West suggested an increas- China, the trend towards inde-: of the East European satellites. cides with a rise of nationalist for power," he said. "I want the M A I N O F F I C E : S A N M A T E O OPEN EVENINGS BANK FINANCING Schools the ones that have ing desire for a. neutral position pendence from fhe big powers What worries Communists, feelings. It is most outspoken presidency to dilute power,' 4 1 7 S o B S t r e e t 01 4 US6 Burlingam* Dl 4-1111 opened the fall season .gave in the festering Sino-Soviet pow- of Communism was steadily! they, said, was- that any recon- in Romania, which already is ooldwater said, adding that he B R A N C H : B U R M N G A M E P\n er and idelogical'struggle. v. ciliation' between Moscow and (Please See Page 2, Column 7) (Please See Page 2, Column 4) 1841 El C a n - n o " O X / > . : ' < / the students a day off. *
Gen. Taylor Doubts Mississippi Viet Nam Setback Demos Back Goldwater
m i sioiw mm
Disease Germs
CaniMt harm hMlthy humar bodies. We cannot hav Heafthv bedlec untora w have pur* Moot1, -tttt kind *f Mood that Hoad'o arMparIHa rnakM.
This "first medicine h an nnequalled, uiupproached record for purifying and enriching the bljod. It cures Bcrcfula. eczema, eruption!, catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervousnew, that tired feeling, dyspepsia, losi of appetite, general debility, and builds op the whole system. V..i ii :~iiy 'J is *asl Sjall Ssas c; Sa ciocoll*l'Ubil bum cilitd SuwuU.
Economical Piano Buyers Can Make a Substantial Saving by Purchasing Pianos From
Thos.Goggan QBros.
Mrs. Phtllipme Blum of this city, who last week enjoyed the Portcola Festival In San Francisco. Gal., has sent an elaborate account of tlie merrymaking. The ->ostals hold the Spanish colors by plctur.ng the flaming polnsettia and the California poppy. The carnival buttons bear the he.ad of a Spanish beauty and the ribbons of red and yellow. Accompanying the souvenirs .is a copy of the San Francisco Examiner, twenty-four pages, all of which are given over to the days of gladness. The festival is in honor of the discoverer of the bay Portcola, In . Oynier RoHHt. 1796. ye,t it marks the" rebirth of San At 2 p. m. tho delegates and officers, Francisco, and as such the citizens have mado the five days holidays,'and with their wives and children, repaired to the king and queen, balls, pageants and receptions, have astonished all by the mag- oyster groves down the island, where Galveston Association No. 1 had prepared nificence of the entertaining. a feast of the famous Galveston bivalves. M>tlnjt Postponed. not until nearly dark that the The meeting of the Home Mission Cir- It wasreturned, and the intervening cle of the First Methodist Church, which party were filled with pleasure, such as Hours was to have been held this afternoon at only an oyster roast of the good old 4 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Claude fashioned kind can afford. Gary, Is postponed until Friday at the One of the features was the presentasame hour. The change Is made because tion of a leather medal to Secretary Wm. of Bishop Ward's funeral today. J. Moran of Fort "Worth. In an appropriate speech G. A, teete of Qaiveston Houston Hospltnllty. So. 1 delivered this medal to Mr. Moran, Dr. and Mrs. il. W. Knox will entertain with the statement that he had earned It by his with a dancing party at their home in of well and noblyoysters. gustatory feat devouring 999 Houston next Wednesday evening in honMr. Moran stoutly contended that he or of their nieces. Miss Tarkington of had eaten 1,000 oysters, but the comKentucky and Mies Harvie Wallis of mittee whose duty it was to keep the Beaumont, and also Miss Anita Fay. a -.ount declared that he was one shy, and debutante of the Magnolia City. Rela- BO the official record remains 999. It tives In this city have received Invita- was the unanimous opinfbn that even tions to this hospitality. Mr. and Mrs. some" and Dan E. WulIIs may attend, but Mesdames 99y was "going; aggrieved that Mr. Moran feel because they H. A. Landes and Eugene A. Hawkins shouldn't credit him with even numbers. will be prevented frorri making the trip wouldn't by the horse show date, which is on the Nlffbt Session. day following-, and as Mrs. Tjandes la At the. night session, which commenced executive chairman, she will have her [lands too full to permit leaving the city. at the Carpenters' Hall at 7 o'clock, the Miss Wallis and Miss Tarkington will redlstrlcting of the state was taken up. come down here Thursday momtne and This matter was discussed until 10 will be Mrs. Landes' guests for the norse show. o'clock, when the association adjourned Home Wedding. until this morning." Mr. Richard Kelly and Miss Annie WilIt will be understood that the Brickliams were married Wednesday evening layers' Association apportion out the at 6 o'clock at the residence of the bride's territory In the stats of Texas Into disparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, 1624 tricts, with a large town or city In each Avenue N. The home wedding was at- district, at which the headquarters are tended by Intimate frlerfSs of the family maintained. Those working at the tra3e md u few invited guests. Rev. Father therein/ Poche of Sacred Heart Church officiated. in such district are enrolled important While districting is an Mr. and Mrs. Ifelly left at 7:45 p. m. for matt*r the those of the craft, the general to 5an Antonio, where they will spend their public is not interested therein, and for honeymoon. Mr. Kelly is a valued em- that did not ploye of the Suderman & Dolson Com- deem reason Secretary Moran the press it advisable pany and Is well and most favorably the details of the to give out to districting. *nown. The bride is the center of a At Wednesday's session the association arge circle of friends and has been the a telegram from G. T. Turnley favorite In her social set for several received Springs, making application for of. Cold years. the establishment of the apprentice Social Xoiei. school, which the, association contemMr. Browning Landes is here for a few plates creating at Cold Springs. This days' visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. was referred to a committee for action. H. A. Lander. Mr. Landes makes his The association hay determined to estabBOND ELECTION VOTERS home as Leesville, La., and Is here en lish this apprentice school at an early route to that place after a vlsl_at the date. There apprentices in the brickCl*y Father* Slfiln K Tax Rolls to FId McCutuheon ranch, in Western Texas. layer's trade will be sent, given a This ranch, forty-five miles from a rail- technical course and fitted for their Just \VTio Are Eligible to Cnst road. Is one of the finest in the state. " trade. The members feel that this, while while, since Improvement* Vote. Miss Patience Groce will have a few expensive, will be well worth of it will advance the standard of her friends at her home, Oakleigh, this and cause the public, to demand the work members afternoon at 3:30 o'clock for a Jenkins of the association when they need work The board of inquiry to pass upon the party, In celebration of her eleventh of this kind. qualified voters for the bond election to birthday. be held Nov. 27 began its sessions on An entertainment will be given at tho Wednesday morning In Mayor Fisher's Seamen's Bethel, Seventeenth and MeAMUSEMENTS next Thursday evening. la office at 9:30 o'clock. The board, com- chanic,arranged by several friendsThisthe being of posed of Mayor Fisher and City Commis- bethel, and will include a musical pro"A Grntletnan From MlHlnfifitpL." sioners Kempner and Austin, will con- gram. The attraction at the Grand Wednesvene dally at 9:30 a. m. up to within Miss Mary Woolford is expected in day night was "A Gentleman From Misfive days of the election to pass upon Houston this week from Kentucky, where sissippi." The play is one of the beat been visiting any question as to the qualification o* she has re ex week, her sister, und will that this season Is offering to theatervisit we, the guest o gues voters appearing before the board. None F.sII. here next the horse eshow. of Mrs. ijoere. Unlike many other productions, Colby for appeared before the board Wednesday The San Jacinto Mothers' Club w "A Gentleman From Mississippi" has a morning, but it is expected before the meet this afternoon at the school build- Btar for every character. Best of all, the mil of tho session the board will have ing at 4 o'clock. some knots to untie. Mr. Ben K. Davis has returned. home, press agent told nothing but the truth As Is generally known, all property I accompanied by Mrs. B. K. Davis, after when he said that his show was well suptaxpaying citizens who have paid their a week's visit In St. Louis with friends plied with true extracts from human napoll tax prior to Jan. 31 hist are entltied during the horse show. ture of patriotic strains. The audience to vote at iM" election. But there arc was highly pleased with the entire play. Miss different questions which continually number Barbara Shawe will entertain a T.ho curtain was worked overtime In, of her l i t t l friends Saturday satisfying the whimg of delight of tho come up. and the idea is to have ali these with a Halloween party. questions answered according to law bein repeatedly encoring Intx Mrs. George French of Baltimore, who audience Tr,nmh*>rs, fore election day. dividual One of the question,*!, for Instance, Is is so wel! known through frequent visits Mr. Robert A. Fischer William H. to Mrs, M. R M. Rosenberg, Is now tiav- T^anffdon, the con pressmanasfrom Missisthat of communliy property that is, property owned jointly by husband and ellng throuRh Europe, and recent postals sippi, could not havo been beat.en. Ho wife. The husband pays the taxes and from Paris, France, tell of many flnllght- Is an actor with n reputation p.nd gives in really tho owner, but the property fs ful days In the Old World. his audiences of genuine personMr. ana Mr?. J. Krhornsteln celebrated ality. Ho is athrills of the Mackiyn Aron the tax book*; in the wife's name. type Some of these citizens argue they should their silver anniversary Tuesday, snr- bucklo speclf-p. Mr. Fischer was seen be entitled to vote, provided, of course, runded by their sis; children. A "family hero last season with lx>uJs Mann In thoy have otherwise qualified by paying dinner was served at 6 o'clock. "The Man Who Stood Still.' Mr. Hans their poll tax. etc. The board is of the Masters Harry and Frank Hohson. tho Robf-rls who played Bud Hiilnes. the opinion that In such cnsf.fi. whore tho twin sonp 'of Mr. and Mrs. Francis ,T. nuwsp;ipfv luan. wns a close second to property is In the wife's name, the hus- Hobson, will entertain with a Halloween Mr. FfscJK-r. H:<!nes was, flrat, a newsband is rot entitled to vole at the bond T-:trtv Saturday evening nt thrlr rr^ldpnco pit per reporter wi.n ran th*- affairs c f election. Hut this question has not been on Tremont nnd Avenue M>.. Mrs. Hob- journalism nnd In an amazing short tim^, definitely decided, and the city attornov son han a gnieFt, Mrs. Talhot Francp of through f nudes of thf 1 feminine SPX, has been usked for a legal opinion on tho the City of Mexico, and ns adults as well daughters of tho congTcssninii. sprouted question. as school boys ami girls enjoy HailQU-t;en. Into politics and rul^d the nation. ITe Deputy Tex Collectors Hudson and have a few of was the. private secretary to tho conDonovan arc still working on the tax Mr. and Mrs. Hobson will their guest on gressman, and what "I3n<i" Huhies said friend* list mat Is, preparing a Hat of the prop- theiroccasion. in to meet went. this erty taxpayers and chocking this with The play deserves nil of the praise Mrs. the list of poll tax payers. Hut outside George Edward Randall, regent of tho has been Im-lshod upon it since it that had Washington Ch.ip^r, o ts of this list theree aree many w h o contend will respond to the address of D. A. R., its firpt presentation In New Vork by s er ar w conten welrcm** MeHS'i'3. Hp.rrlson RhMfs nnd Mr. Thos they arn entitled to vote, and It Is these Klven the stntp conference of tlie D. A. R. 1 who ai'" Invited to appear before the* \VI*.-. i;.s .Li-irif-Aiiiiiui.-*. In S;in Antonio. A. While tho pfpr.f-s nrr hild in W;tshlnffboard of Inquiry, which ineei.s every by Rev. S H. f\ nurgln published. Mr.s. n:ornlnpr at 3:30 o'clock in the mayor's The. official profir.im IsIs the only local to:i, so domin.itini^ !H the lending charRandall, however* office ut the city hall. actor, Senator Lsir-sdmi of Mississippi, daughter taking part. The annual elec- that the atmosphero throughout Is Southtion of officers will be held next Friday. ern. Revt-rcnee Is paid to ^vcrythinr; br>The Galveston (laughters to attend arc: low the Mason and Dixon line, and never 10,000 DKA1,. JTesdames Randall. M,ico Stewart, \\~. F. for ft. moment is the audience allowed to Ayers. J. C. Canty, and Misses Ballinger lorget that the Smith is God's chosen rhllndrtphlan Buy* 400 Acres of Mainand Noble. land Property nt A l t n l,onia. Kven when Senator Langdon Is Mias Herman Ujffy of this city is men- land.that his daufthtors are beautiful and There wns flird for record in the office told Austin of County Clerk Georgfi >. Mnrp3s or tioned in the ntten.llnffStatesman among charming ho rom.irktj th:it "Rlrls from tho members a Kappa Kappa the South usually are." Thl fit-ctlon:il Wednesday a deed sluiwin^; the transfer Gamma Sorority btiii'.iuot ;u tho DrlskiH MHiiliiifiit. U'hlrli runs throughout tho of mainland property to the valuo of Hotel in Austin. Mls. M n t t l n Gooch of comedy, cinitit-s ;i pui'l --T tlv- .imfioner to Pdlf stin*\ nn ex-Galvestonian. murle nno rrccive thr play us they u-nnhl a nieln$10.000. df the tnastK, and ATI PS Johanna Runge, nppbmsc Mr. r. X. Harris of Galvoston County MNO A former resident of .his eity, was drani;t. provoking for the artfor tho he.ro)c Jlneh ralhor than of tho plavsold 10 Mr. Paul Watson of Philadelphia, one o* thle In^flfll^s. crs. Fa., -100 acn-.i of land in OK- Palliia Lovo The ladles of the. Christian Church will "A Gentleman Fnm Mississippi" i.q the survey lor n consideration ff $10,000. give a fioclnl ionip;ht at the church, cor- kind of ;i jilny (lint IR rw;iin lo t n k o n This land Is located auoiu two and or.c- ner of Twentieth end Avenue K. firm hold on a largi> class of American
Eighteen days out from Savannah. Ga.. weathering a gale and high seas In the Kuli. lUe bfy sea-pninir dreiix* Atlantic of the North American Tireilefng Company, which !r to complete thr grid e raising fill, reached Ga!vesfn. Thfr Atlantic was damaged, principally by the IOM of her aeagolng bow, which permitted tho rough seas to break through tho dredge, washing1 movnbl apparatus Into a damaged state and putting' water in nlmost every nork and corner of the dredge, Tho principal IOSR PURtntncd was th enforced burning: of the gasoline motor boat Wink, built about three years ago In these waters at a ?oat of $6,000. The Wink was beliiff brought to Galveston In tow. In fceavy seas Sunday, the Wink became waterloseed. After a crew of four men had worked hours In an effort to rlffht the launch, and only after the men were In danger of Rolng to a watery Kruve with It. the boat was abandoned jind set afire. In order that It might not become a floating menace to navigation. Tho Atlantic is one of the most powerful find ptnm'hPFt bouts of her HmrHrter in American waters. She la an exceptionally fine dredtfc and built to withstand sre.it strain. She proved herself to be nioro than claimed for her on the trip to Galveston and t-ho damage she sustainrd, It Is 'said, was not due to iiny fault In the blfi dredge's make-up. "We left Savannah. Ga., o Oct. D," said Capt. Peterson, of Galveston, who wen* to Savannah for the purpose of piloting the dredgre to this port, "and experienced heavy seas ac soon as we struck suit waters. It was a trip I shull long remember. Leaving Savannah Oct. 9, we put in next day at Jacksonville for minor repnirs find supplies. We left Jacksonville Oct. 15, coming- to at Mayport the same day and staying there until Oct. 16. "We encountered head winds from Mayport to Key West, with choppy seas. We arrived at Key West Oct. 19. The seas were heavy with Indications that trouble was brewing. We left Key West after the weather seemed more promtsinff, on Oct. 21, ''Saturday. Oct. 23, we were struck by n hurricane. The wind was north by northwest, blowing furiously." The seas were quite heavy. Breaking over t,he bow at times. The bow of the Atlantic, as of other dredges of similar character, Is complete as to structure only when tho dredge Is undergoing a voyage. When working, the bow is so constructed that it is removed, as the ladder of the rired.ge 003 down through the bow. This bow plate was displaced by the heavy seas, partially thrown up through the ladder space, and did considerable damage. It was lost. "Througrh this space the seas washed on board. We essod off, trying tottake the seas awash, but in spite of air the water would come aboard through the! bow hole. It was frightful- yet we knew! that there was no danger, so far as losing our vessel was concerned, for the Atlantic Is a powerful dredge. "The "Winltt in tow, became waterlogged in the high seas. A crew of four men was put aboard her and they worked Jike Trojftns in an effort to keep her afloat. The towinsr bitts gave way, and el HI the four men worked aboard the Wink. But she was sinking rapidly and \ve had to take the crew from aboard her with lines. Sho was set fire to and burned on the sea In order thsft she might not become a floating raonace to navigation. "Aside from the loss of our bow plate, a hole in the deck, life boat attachments and some other apparatus, the dredge herself sustained comparatively little damage." The Atlantic is lying in the grade raising canal near the John Sealy Hospital. She came to this port n coal burner, but as oil is a cheaper fuel in' these waters. the big dredge will be changed from a conl Into an oil burner. The suction ladder, which extends down through the bow, and which was removed for the trip toGalveston, will have to he put In place. With a few minor adjustments, all of which it is thought will hardly require more than ten days, the dredge will be ready to begin operations in the sand flats east of the city. As is generally understood, the cutter dredge Atlantic is to take over tho completion of the fill at Galveston. The Atpi In antic will cut a channel from the gulf side Into the flats east of the city. The dredffc will dig a borrow pit 1,000 feet distant from the Seawall and from the pouth jetty. A pipe line will be run that distance to the Seawall and the filling pumped in the area, as desired, from Eleventh street east. The coming of the Atlantic means the passing of the hopper grade raising dredges. The dredges Nereus and Triton now at work, will cease operations as soon as the Atlantic begins work. The completion of the canal till was sublet by the grade raisin** contractors, Goedliart & Bates, some time past to the North American Dredging Company.
An' perfume In the air. How our tastes keep ehangr'n' I June seemed all sublime, >>ow we re just as happy 'Cause It's punkln time. Every passln' season Bring:, its .simr* oi1 glee, Taln't no us" o1 plnln Fur what used to be. Apple? In the orclmrd. Purple enpes that climb Up to kiss the sunlight This la punkln tim! An* gold upon the ground! Nature leaves the nuggets Jes' a-lyln' "icund! An* the world seems movln* To u merry chime. Happy jin' contented 'Ctiusn li'ti Dunkiu time. This Is not only "Punkln time," but this week is the week, above all others, when this vegetable becomes not only "he prime favorite for dinner dishes, but likewise the principal decoration tor the Halloween festivals. These punkin days start today, ns this evening the Juvenile Missionary Society of the West End Methoaist Episcopal Church will be Kiv*i a Halloween frolic at the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P. Norman. This will be given for the society's funds, which will be expended toward the maintenance of a young Mexican clrl in tho Laredo Seminary.
A Vree?c From Today. Gold up In the inn pie
In twenty different shades of silk lisle thread. Wear guaranteed.
New Upright Pianos, 150, $175. S225, $235, etc Used Upright Pianos.... $75, $100, $125, etc
When you are down town shopping and find a few idl* minutes we want you to visit our piano WFLTCfooms. You n:;ii not even want to buy, but of course ore IP always inti'rcite'l In tlio urtisUc now of fie world's recognized standards. The new utyles direct from factory are here and our salesmen, :iH timetried specialists, will take pleasure in shov/lns: those improvements tlmt delighi the musical and mnko for ariistitt res Jits. If you art- rendy 10 purchase their advice and experience should prove of inestimable aeisumce,
$1,500 in Lois
Given Away at Algoa Auction Lot Sale
Friday ind Saturday, Nov. 5 and 6
The New Chickering, Emeirson, Xrell, Goggan, Haines, Royal, Brcwster, Smith & Barnes, Foster and Emerson Angelus, etc*, are products that Hhow the work of skilled artisana.
_ n IK mums
This Thursday Is a direct contrast to the Thursday of nextrweek, as the lattnr brings the lone-anticipated horse show. Today has the monotony of the off season, and Is really the lull before tho storm of activity. Friday-the executive chairman of the horse show. Mrs. H A. Landes. with several of her assistants. will visit the Athletic Park, and will arrange sites for the various stalls, boxes and refreshment booths. Once the sites are portioned off, tho committees will turn their thoughts from the stock in hand to the arrangement for display. Mrs. L. C. Van Name, chairman of the refreshment acrvice committee, will have nineteen tables under her supervision Eighteen of these will be small tables with six covers each, and tho other will bo a long- one for the placing of fourteen covers. Young ladies will assist as servitors.
San Franclaco Merrymaking.
Red I* trie iliis of Stnie Taken XJp at the SessionConvention AY1II CloMe Today.
If you want to match parlor, library or music room furnished in oak you can find a splendid used instrument for $125 If an ebony case be desired, we have it at our price, just $75
If a mahogany case is wanted, we would ask your attention to one at our low price 'of,_ JJ5Q
The Bricklayers' Association of Texas, now In convention here, held morning: and night sessions "Wednesday. In the afternoon an oyster roast was served at Teichman's place down the Island. Th* convention will close today, with the election of officers, selection of the next place of meeting, etc. At the morning session Wednesday the report of the finajice committee was received. This showed a very prosperous condition of the association, and the members expressed a great deal of satisfaction at the progress they are making-. The grievance committee made a report, nnd action upon this occupied the remainder of time at the morning session. The grievances considered are of a nature which naturally the association does not care to make public.
If your need is for a walnut, we have it in a very sweet toned piano at. $225
Among those in this department at prices to meet every pocket book you will find the Knabe, Emerson, Ivers & Pond, Smith & Barnes, Kingsberry, Kelso, Kimball, Hienze, Jacob Bros., Wing & Son, etc.
Our Guarantee
Our warerooms are full of good reasons for a visit aside from an incomparable assortment, reliable"! qualities, startling values and the assurance of absolute satisfaction. Every piano sold is insured in your favor by our policy I Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded.
Thos.Goggan, Bros,
most prominently because of their good looks, beautiful gowns and artistic rendition of their parts, while the rest r( the cast was good, all togeihcr making a show of real merit. "The Gentleman From Mississippi' will he presented at matinee this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and again tonight.
for believing that we are on the eve of a revival of the legitimate drama. "Mr. Warde Is an eminent actor and a charming lecturer. His is a magnetic and pleasing personality, and he makes friends readily. The entertainment which he furnishes Is of a .high class and ; the entertainments at the Goodwyn In- : ! stltute are free. j i "These be factors, but they do not ac- Peoples-Majestic Theater. count for the widespread felt in ! Vaudeville Is as much an established " Mr. Warde's lectures. Tointerest an ex- j reach part of the American stage as is the planation. other hypotheses must be in- J "legitimate," and so long as such vaude- voked. Other lecturers of ability are-on ) i the platform, and they draw large j ville bills as are being presented at the ' crowds; but no one creates such a stam- j Peoples-Majestic Theater this week are pede of the public .herd as does Mr. maintained, this consecutive line of ; Warde. No one causes people to feel ; short-act amusement will continue to I such a universal and sympathetic interest j the grow in favor. True, there are better In "The lecturer. conclusion reasonvaudeville bills to be found, but this one J ablo that It Is his J^ therefore message the is strictly first-class, giving a diversity ; he bears, and this theme, and message \ theme of amusement and entertainment well i are In the people, subconsciously in most ; worth while, is Cooke and Miss Rothert rank with the ! Instances, and he andmerely the first and !; conspicuous glorious manifestabest on any vaudeville stage. Their ! moat of its Otherwise he could work Is above reproach. They present, an j tion evoke presence. which is atingle In : not spirit act really a vaudeville bill In itself. i the blood. the is the expression of a pub- i He Bright and clever throughout, with three, i lie desire for the serious and the artistic ; distinct turns in the one. "L" Amour de is the bubbling spring L/ Apache," the Parisian under- world ij He pent waters beneath." that tells of ' the dance is perhaps the most finished. Another attraction on the Peoples-Majestic bill this week far aboye the ordiThe purpose of Mr. Warde's recitals Is ' nary vaudeville offering, is Onetta, a simplify the study of handsonm young woman with a new j! to encourage and remove the mistaken Shakespeare, to 'Salome" dance and some remarkable ; profundity and obscurity and illustraU chievements in handling chairs with her ! the beauty of his poesy, the depth ol teeth. ;eui. I his philosophy, the universality of his The Mefth International Trio of strong . knowledge, and his all-pervadlnir Chris- | 1 ~ ,j , 4 f f ? ( n , i l + Tirrtwtp r\r\ t l t n i-lntrc ic "** men and difficult work on the rings. Is ! t l a n l t v a first-class attraction. The trio present something new In strong men acts. HYDRO-THERAPEUTIC INSTITUTE. Sandberg and Lee are the principal Miss Mercer, superintendent. fun makers on the program. While some and electiic baths. Massage allTurkish kinds. of their funny sayings run a little to City National Bank BuilGInK- Phone 2839. the risque, and could be cut with benefit *.o the act,, they are good. FRESH OYSTERS. , Tom Brantford In imitations, an Irish Send you*1 orders B. Marsan & Character sketch and as "A Whole Brass Co.. Galveston. The to G.Reliable. Old 3and," is all to the good. He's a jovial juss with a happy faculty for making folks laugh a real hearty round. Youngs and Brooks In a novelty muslal turn are well received. The man and ivoman are both finished musician? on rass and give something entirely new In he th "country dance." Klare de Vine, a little bit of a soprano with a great big: voice, full of melody, fits In most admirably. She sings -'Tho Last Hose of Summer" charmingly, &r, well as several others. The Majesto^raph, with good motion pictures, rounds out the bill. Matinees are given Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday afiernoous at ":30 o'clock. Night performances at S;15 'clock.
You will grow old; your earning powers will fail. Few men are so prosperous today that they can afford to overlook this. Are you getting ready for old age? The day you start a savings account you will feel younger and happier. Try it. Begin now. We will pay you 4 per cent interest on the money you put in our bank and compound the interest every six months.
If You Like Qriddle Cakes Some You'll Like Them Some More
Of the atractlon for Friday.night and 3atmday matinee and night, an advance nnticrt says: The action: Act TBachelor apartments In New York. December, J908; morning. -Act IIVilla at Battle Crock. Mich.; a drawing room; January, 1909; ifteinoon. Act. IllSumo pceno; night. Act IV"French Charley's," a road house In tho. suburbs of Battle Creek; 10 p. m. of same day. Author's note: "The Girl from Rector's," by Pnul M. Potter. IK a free verion of the famous comedy, 'Louto,' whk-h ha. had a triumphant career in I'luropc. Based en tlio strange theory that married men often le;id double live?, and thai tho saint of ihe rural horn** may 3e a Lxitlifirio of tho ciiy. Mr. Potter IIPK.tated to introduce this comedy to a community where, ho believed, in his Innocence, that marrfod men of double livos were practically unknown, but as manv recent lav -suits have tended to prove, tho, contrary, ihe management has notv dorirtPd to prod UPC tills piny, in the hope t h a t It will servo as a warning to Amoric a i i husbands nnd strengthen tho hnnda nf matrons and Tim Ids who ar<; hauling for the purity of the American homo. Of The New York Star. that could be dcplrtsl. \V, I*. CnnfloM, as the senior seniuor from Missipslppi. bore n f n i n t trace of a f f e c t a t i o n that somewhat nmrrofl Ms work, while Charles Norlnn. u* th<. r(*pr"t>i-ntHtfvr> from Mtpsisslppl. rfld noi p M y K i f M l l y convince. W l l l l f Ills ( I r f K S W!iH nut of k f f p i l l K W l ( i l tin- niuiU-ni t-Msut]ii"f*or tin- OIIKTH. ,Iamn* Gordon, UK .<:r.jtnr Pr-abo'ly, wan sirmitf, virile and coniin.iuiHiiir. w i l i i jnt f h o proper lourh nf m s n l t n t domitcim-r thni. f.'.ir nart demanded, while- A r t h u r 1! KbK->(tf>. It ( M i r U . T Kir-irl<t;v \vno ;n-p.T"able. The ladies In the east aloud out
Breakfast Syrup
The pure, clarified juice of the best sugar cane made into, the m o s t delicious syrup you ever ate.
Order a can of your grocer.
, LYo.
"nun" HAIXES.
Mr. Frederick Warde, tho eniJnenf tragedian, who wars for thirty-?l*rht yours one of the loading uutors on tho American ntafTG. --vlll ar-P"!ar on the Star COUVRO ot ihe V. M, C. A. in Rosenberg Hall Friday night 01 this week, Mr. Warde will give H. recital of Shaltpspen.ro'a piny, ''Hnmlot." HO will not loeti'ro. lv.it will recite and Impor.-mnute the Hmra<;tor of t h i s pl:v. Mr. Warde was In Memphis, 'IVnn., rr roni ly .md i.lie Memphis Nows-Scimftiir 01' Otjt. 1'2 sntd of his work: "Tho ihronps that havo lionn orowdlner in to notir Mr. Frederick Warde loeti'ro nn t h o plnyp of Slink"fn'rn j.;ive fT^Ofl. if not sufficient and convincing grounds
shakcftiienrran Hroltnl*
New Orleans
Santa Fe Excursion
Dinner On Groundi.
Rex Laundry
Phone 2000
Ask your Krocer if ho handles Kuplon Oil. If In doubt. Phnno 168. lauplon Oil only sold by Waters Fierce Oil Company.
Bant Concert
By Kenneth Friedman STC/MP OF CrP&ttS T2EJE, car DOWA/ YAS AGO, ST/IL ~ l/VS
barked o n a d e e p s e a fishing e x pedition to t h e nearby snapper banks. They c a m e h o m e with a good catch of fish a n d s a y they h a d t h e time of their lives. Mr. a n d M r s . Alvln G r a n t , of Donaldsonville, G a . , s p e n t t h e week-end v i s i t i n g f r i e n d s In Lynn Haven. B. F . Duncan, w h o h a s spent the past two months in D o n a l d s o n v i l l e , r e t u r n e d h o m e with them. Mr. a n d M r s . C l a u d e E. Lister a n d M r s . L. O. C a r r o l l m o t o r e d t o D o t h a n S u n d a y a n d visited h e r sister, M r s . L . S. Sewell. O n their return, a t Cottondale they attended a baseball game b e tween t h e Lynn Haven a n d Cot tondale teams. T h e latter won, 5 t o 3. Oliver G a r r e t t , w h o h a s b e e n seriously ill t h e p a s t t h r e e weeks, is r e p o r t e d c o n v a l e s c e n t . Miss K a t i e G r a n t of D o n a l d sonville, Ga., i s s p e n d i n g t h e week w i t h h e r c o u s i n , M r s . B o b bie E a s o m . Mrs. J o h n A. A n d e r s o n h a s a s h e r g u e s t s t h i s week h e r little grandchildren, Whitfield a n d B e t t y J e a n A n d e r s o n , c h i l d r e n of Mr. a n d Mrs. E u t i s A n d e r s o n of Port St. Joe. Mr. a n d M r s . L e l a n d P . C u r t i s a n d M r . a n d M r s . B e n D a v i s of C i n c i n n a t i , O., a r r i v e d S u n d a y for a t e n - d a y v i s i t "with r e l a t i v e s a n d friends. I t is p l a n n e d t h a t t h e W P A w o r k e r s will b e g i n h a r d s u r f a c i n g of t h e city s t r e e t s W e d n e s day. V e t e r a n J. R. D a v i s s p e n t S u n day with his m o t h e r , M r s . Vir g i n i a Davis, i n Millville. Mrs. W. B . B o z e m a n a n d l i t t l e d a u g h t e r , Dolores, a n d s o n , P a t , who have spent t h e past t e n d a y s visiting h e r p a r e n t s , R e v . a n d M r s . W. H a r v e y W a g e s , h a v e r e t u r n e d to t h e i r h o m e i n A t lanta, Ga. Little George J o r d a n is visit ing his g r a n d p a r e n t s , Mr. a n d Mrs. George P a l a z z o , i n A p a larhicola. Rev. W. H a r v e y W a g e s left M o n d a y for G r a c e v i l l e , w h e r e h e will c o n d u c t r e v i v a l services i n the Baptist church during t h e c o m i n g week. Miss C h a r l e e n W r i g h t e n t e r tained a t a chicken dinner S u n day a t h e r home on Georgia ave n u e . G u e s t s w e r e M r s . Alice D a vis of M a r i a n n a a n d Misses R u t h a n d Louise K y s e r .
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P.M. 3:00 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:25 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 A. M.
C h a r l i e Barnett'.s O r c h e s tra, NBC Affairs of A n t h o n y . NBC NBC C o n c e r t O r c h e s t r a , NBC J i m m i e Dor.scy'.s O r c h e s tra, NBC P r e s s Association News, NBC P o w e r of Life a n d D e a t h , NBC Box Score E x t r a . NBC P l e a s u r e T i m e with F r e d W a r i n g , NBC In T h e Groove, Loc. Cloytier Calling, NBC T h e M a r c h of Melody, Loc. All Aboard for V a c a t i o n l a n d , Lor.. Sports Chats with Chalk, Loc. R h y t h m Roundup, Loc. "Shall We S e n d O u r Y o u t h to W a r , " a n a d d r e s s by H e r b e r t Hoover, NBC Idea Mart, NBC K a y Ky.ser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge, NBC B a s e b a l l G a m e , Loc. H a l K e m p ' s Orch., N B C L i g h t s Out, N B C Sign-Off THURSDAY
H a n k the Hired Hand,! 6:30 Loc. j P r e s s Association News,' 7:00 NBC Hank the Hired Hand,; 7:05 Loc. FordviUe M u s i c a l News, 7:15 Loc. 7:30 B r e a k f a s t C l u b , NBC 8:00 Story of t h e M o n t h , NBC ! 8:15 J o s h Higgins, NBC 8:30 Originalities, NBC ; 8:45 S w e e t h e a r t s of t h e Air, NBC 1) 00 Viennese E n s e m b l e . N E C 9:15 Next Door N e i g h b o r , Lo :. 9.30 C o m m u n i t y Bulletin B o a r d . Loc. 9:45 Wife Saver. NBC i 10:00 In T h e Groove. Lo*\ 10:15 Bailey Axton. NBC 10 30 F a r m and H o m e Hour. NBC 11:30 P e a b l e , T a k e s Charm-, NBC 11:45 Rosa Lee, NBC 12 :Cn Rueov'; Orch . N B f P. M. 12:15 Rueov'.; Orch , NT?'' ! 12:30 Light Opera I-jelPe'ion..,' NBC Florida League A c e Fights Last Night Extra Inning Games 12:45 Kaengei' S e r e n a d e , I ,oc 1 00 NBC Dance O r c h , NBC Suffers First Loss Don't Worry Fliers 1:15 P i a luv. R u m a n i a n S o (By t h e Associated P r e s s ) p r a n o , NBC NEW YORK Lew J e n k i n s , | < By T h e Associated Press > M O N T G O M E R Y , Ala., J u l y 19. 1:30 Hossier Hop, NBC i J a m e s H e n r y "Dizzy" Dean, a c e 133, S w e e t w a t e r , T e x . , o u t p o i n t - ' (/P) P e n s a c o l a ' s S o u t h e a s t e r n 1:45 T e d Malone 'Between \_\v ot t h e lirst place S a n t o n l Look ed Q u e n t i n Brcesc, 138, M a n h a t l e a g u e l e a d e r s d o n ' t l e t e x t r a Bookend.s," NBC 2:00 Social Security S p k o a k r r , ' o u t s p i t c h i n g t:it! h a d t h e first, t a n , K a s . , <81. i n n i n g d u e l s worry t h e m . Davenport, Ia. J o h n n y P a y Loc. del eat ol hi.s Florida S t a t e league cheek, 192, Dcs Monies, l a ,', T h e fliers i n c r e a s e d t h e i r l e a d 2:05 J i m m v W a l s h ' s Music, c a r e e r chalked u p a n a i n s t h i m k n o c k e d out. Ed ( u n k n o w n ) W i n - e r s h i p t o four a n d a half g a m e s Loc. t.oflav. sloii, 205, Clevelnnd, < 1 >. t a k i n g a 13-inning decision, 4 - 3 , 2:15 W o r d s a n d Mu.sic, l/><It was t h e \ h a n d Red H a t s 2:30 R h y t h m Auction. NBC Lo;, A n n e l c . - Richie Lemos, from G a d s d e n a f t e r tloing t h e 3 0 0 J i m m i e Dorsey.s O r c h e s '.wlio d u a l l y b'-at t h e u n b e a t a b l e 125, I / J S Aimele.s, o u t p o i n t e d Kd- .score in t h o n i n t h i n n i n g . t r a , NBC j D e a n a l t e r he h a d t u r n e d m 17 die M a r c u s , 127 1-2, Los Angeles, S e c o n d - p l a c e J a c k s o n fell b e (10). 3:30 T h e Aifuir.s ol A n t h o n y , I consecutive victories fore S e l m a , 9-5; l a s t - p l a c e M e NBC F r e s n o , Calif S h i e k R a n j ' i l , ridian d e f e a t e d M o n t g o m e r y , 53:45 N B C Salon Orch., NBC 144, F r e s n o , s t o p p e d J o h n n i e 3, a n d Mobile took a n 8-6 v e r d i c t a n d T o m T h o m a s . NBC 4:15 P a t r i c i a G i l m o r e . NBC S m i t h , 145, L a s Vegas, N. M., fr(jni A n n l s t o n in y e s t e r d a y ' s 6:30 S p o r t s C h a t s with C h a l k , (4). 4:25 P r e s s Association News, ! other games, Loc. NBC P h i l a d e l p h i a M a y o n P a d l o . j T o d a y ' s g a m e s : 4:30 S t u f f S m i t h ' s Orch., NBC 6:45 West Hill C h u r c h o l 148, Philadelphia, o u t p o i n t e d !| S e l m a a t J a c k s o n , Christ. Loc: 4:45 B o x Score E x t r a . NBC D a n n y Devlin, 149, A l l e n t o w i , !! M o n t g o m e r y a t M e r i d i a n . 5:00 E i i n i o BoloKiiini's Orch., 7.00 P r o m e n a d e .Symphony : Pa., ( 8 ) . j A n n i s t o n a t Mobile. ; O r c h e s t r a of T o r o n t o , NBC NBC I Garfield, N. J. J o e Wagner, i Gadsden a t Pensacola. 8:00 K r a f t Mu.sic Hall, NBC 6:15 I n T h e G r o o v e , Loc. '174, N e w a r k , N. J., o u t p o i n t e d ! ~ 9:00 Baseball G a m e , L o c 6:30 C h a m b e r of C o m m e r c e 10:00 E r s k l n e H a w k i n s , NBC B u d d y R y a n , 170, Roselle, N .J..; w e e d , 166, N e w H a v e n , Conn. Presents, Loc. 10:30 K e n B a r b e r ' s Orch., NBC I (8). l a n d Art McAlplne, 169, Spring5:45 M a r c h of Melody, L o c .
r :
I help to m a k e it safe and clean "No!" "Yes! I'm sure I recognized him I enough to bring guests in." as the same m a n . Whatever will ! They w e r e interrupted then by | other guests who wanted to talk, we d o ? " "Urn. Nothing we can do but so that s h e forgot the matter u n lay low and wait. And listen, | til the following evening after Roselee don't you lose any sleep ! supper w h e n she w a s alone in h e r CHAPTER VIII i room w i t h Christine. Counting ^ L T H O U G H efficient Mrs. Hogan about it, see? I'm hired to do the money a n d comparing mental worrying. My 200 pounds can had established Dick a n d worry better than your 100." notes on t h e day's activity, Rose lee remembered what the tourist Franklin comfortably in bunks "I T v e i g h 119, Richard Bancroft, had said. S h e also saw a note on down t h e street in t h e Grand so there!" her work calendar, reminding h e r Central barber shop (called T o n l i e grinned. "Scram, small fry. to look into t h e dungeon matter sorial Parlor on its sign) Dick h a d I got work to do." this night. never yet slept there. But h e didn't take it as lightly "We simply must prepare it for "Listen. Frank," h e h a d told his as h e pretended to. H e did r e show, Christy," Roselee declared. sume normal work, b u t h e kept "People a r e asking about it. May friend that first night, "just don't thinking about what she said. be we can get the Indian men and bother to mention it to t h e girls, He thought about it again that the two old cowboys they're because they'll be jittery, but I'm night, and n e x t day, and on the dears!to help w i t h t h e work gonna camp up there in the bank. second night he made u p his mind there." I've got this light canvas cot. It he should take a precaution. The burlap sack in t h e vault n o w was "Let's go look a t it' now and folds u p easily, and these nights a dummy, all right, but five peo plan what to do," Christine said. a r e warm so that I don't need a ple, including Mrs. Hogan, knew When they got outside, though, t h e y discovered a fragile filament lot of cover. I'll just flop inside where t h e real money sack w a s . of light, curved a n d beautiful, the teller's cage and boo at any I It occurred to Dick that this was etched in t h e green-black sky just I an unhealthy situation. Franklin body that might happen in. See?" I had gone in to Flagstaff on busi- above S q u a w Mountain to t h e "I see. I sure do see! Have you i ness for the night, and so h e had east. Christine began humming, nobody to consult. B u t presently t h e n singing in low tone. got a gun?" "In June, with yenin, in a caI t h e young m a n m a d e u p his mind "I have a pistol. I t belonged to noon, under the moon, ta-tumI to take action alone. our football coach; t h e timers tum-tee." * * used it in games, remember. B u t :T>OSELEE DALE told herself "Silly!" said Roselee. "Getting it shoots real .38's as well as ' that she h a d never seen a romantic?" "Let's sit a while and watch it blanks. I got two boxes of shells." group of customers as enthusiastic "Load it and keep it handy, a n d as this one she guided now. She rise, Roselee. We'll rest only o n e had 20 m e n a n d women in tow, half hour. I promise." I'll take turns with y o u sleeping leading them through t h e old * * * up there." Bucket of Blood saloon, t h e H u m ''T'HEY s a t in t h e shadows and "No. Nope, Frank, I'd r a t h e r mingbird B a r a n d Gambling E m m u r m u r e d girl talk m u r lay for that robber myself. I out p o r i u m (strangely contrasting mured it so as not to break t h e weigh you by 50 pounds. I could names!) with its faro tables and delicate spell of evening. They bear-hug him to death if need be." chairs still there, t h e Twentieth h a d wandered u p their deserted "We have no proof it's a robber, Century Club which w a s just a n ghost street not far from t h e mine other barroom with famous nudes shaft opening, for t h e jail dungeon yet." "We have no proof it isn't. Who on its walls, t h e several "Genl. w a s up this way, too, d u g back in else would it be? This money Mdse." stores, P r y ' s Photo Gallery t h e rock of t h e same mountain, its wouldn't have been left here by (with a lot of old negatives and cells m a d e of bars surrounded by anybody else. I'll just sleep by t h e prints still t h e r e ) , McGonigle's t h e hardest of stone. They sat Saddlery, t h e Goldcrest Hardware v e r y close, in the precious inti vault and keep watch." and Mining Machinery Company macy of friendship and youth, * * * A N D so he had slept there, b u t warehouse, t h e Goldcrest City resting, thinking, d a y dreaming by nothing had happened. No i n Bank (front p a r t only), five or six night, T h e y h a d been there 20 timation of the possible return of residences, t h e Mohave Opera minutes o r so w h e n they heard a the robber, nor of any other than House, these a n d several more step. normal tourist interest in Gold- picturesque relics of yesteryear's Instantly t h e t w o girls looked a t crest, came until the morning prosperity. S h e gave her little each other, then t u r n e d to look at Roselee came running to Dick, talk a n d answered questions in t h e mine shaft, shrouded in d a r k calling him. She had received a each place, a n d steered them ness. T h e sound o footsteps came flattering offer from a business finally to M r s . Hogan's refresh from it unmistakably. man. she explained. The m a n has ment and souvenir counter in the They said nothingsilenced by wanted to buy the place, and had Ace High Hotel. a n as y e t unjustified alarm. A n d oflered her up to S3000! "I thought there was an old jail while t h e y remained silent in the "He said he was from the West up here, dug back in a mountain," shadows, they s a w Dick Bancroft er: i M. & M.7" Dick asked. " T h e one m a n mentioned, there in the come from t h e shaft. H e w a s car corporation you bought t h e place Ace High. " I ' d heard about that. rying a b a g , and they knew it con from''" A sort of dungeon for their tough tained t h e mystery money. They "Ye.-!" criminals." watched h i m go straight to t h e jail "Nuts. He's lying. I bet. I'd bet "There is," Rosalee admitted. dungeon, pull open t h e heavy old a horse he's int'-rested in that "But t h e truth is, it isn't ready to iron gate a n d disappear inside. money, Ro;e!er.' \\ would pay him show. It w a s so very dirty, and And t h e n abruptly they heard to buy you out, to get us out of so dark, that it was positively from inside a subdued but star 1ho way." fearsome. I have set, aside tomor tling waila blood-chilling noise, Dirk, he v.-i" here once before. row night, when t h e people stop as of a h u m a n being, in the great With a toun.-,t party just a d a y coming, to go in it and see just est of agony. what it needs. I m a y have to hire or two ago." (To B e Continued)'
j 1
F O R T M Y E R S , Fla., J u l y 19. (#>)County a u t h o r i t i e s asked N o r t h F l o r i d a a n d G e o r g i a offi cers t o d a y t o a s s i s t i n a p p r e hending Mrs. Thelma Rice, s o u g h t in c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e slaying of E a r l H a s k e w , 3 3 - y e a r old b o o k k e e p e r . A corner's jury which investi g a t e d t h e f a t a l s h o o t i n g of H a s kew a t F o r t M y e r s B e a c h early S a t u r d a y r e t u r n e d a verdict l a t e y e s t e r d a y t h a t h e c a m e to h i s d e a t h b y a pistol fired by M r s . Rice. D e p u t y Sheriff L. H. F u r e n e x pressed belief M r s . Rice w a s e n r o u t e t o R o c k m a r t , G a . , or A t l a n t a to see relatives. M e a n w h i l e a w o m a n listed a s G e r t r u d e D a v i s a n d said by of ficers h e r e to. h a v e b e e n a c o m p a n i o n of M r s . Rice a t t h e B e a c h Maureen O'Sullivan and Johnny Weissmuller in Saturday, was detained a t Cedar"Tarzan Finds a Son!" t o w n , G a . , o n t h e r e q u e s t of t h e s h e r i f f ' s office h e r e . Deputies s a i d s h e p r o b a b l y w o u l d n o t be r e t u r n a b l e h e r e u n t i l M r s . Rice was located. Mrs. Davis, 25, w a s a r r e s t e d a t (By MR. A N D MRS. CHARLES R. BOOSTROM) R o c k m a r t , G a . , a t t h e h o m e of (Mr. a n d Mrs. Boostrom Also Receive W a n t Ads.) her father, C. Lowry, Deputy Sheriff W i l l i a m T. McCown s a i d a t Cedartown. He quoted h e r as Detroit Visitors t h a t h i s m o s t c h e r i s h e d posses saying she "wasn't the one who Mr. a n d M r s . E. L. P a n g b o r n sion w a s a c a r d of t h a n k s from did t h e k i l l i n g " a n d t h a t s h e h a d n o t b e e n in F o r t Myers in ol D e t r o i t , Mich., a r r i v e d S a t u r Q u e e n V i c t o r i a o n receiving h i s William a b o u t five weeks. T h e officer day for a s h o r t visit w i t h M r s . p a i n t i n g of P r e s i d e n t said, h o w e v e r , h e s a w a l e t t e r Ada Rose a n d family, r e t u r n i n g M c K i n l e y . w r i t t e n b y h e r to h e r f a t h e r a n d M o n d a y . T h e y c a m e v i a New O r Birthday Celebration p o s t m a r k e d a t F o r t M y e r s July l e a n s a n d P e n s a c o l a s i g h t s e e i n g 14. Miss M o n e t t a Cox c e l e b r a t e d mroute. Mrs. Pangborn is a of t h e l a t e W i l l i a m h e r 15th b i r t h d a y J u l y 12 from D e p u t y McCown q u o t e d M r s . d a u g h t e r Davis a s s a y i n g s h e left M r s . Rice R o i i \ n o t e d local a r t i s t , a n d t h e 8 t o 11 p . m . G a m e s w e r e played in T a m p a a b o u t 2 p. m . S a t u r d a u g h t e r w a s a n x i o u s to see h e r a n d r e f r e s h m e n t s of c a k e a n d day when they separated t o f a t h e r ' s p a i n t i n g s . T h e y s a w t h e cold d r i n k s w e r e s e r v e d . M r s . hitchhike northward. beautiful p a i n t i n g , " T h e A s c e n Cox, assisted by M r s . W. A. L a n d T h e c o r o n e r ' s j u r y b l a m e d Mrs sion." in t h e M e t h o d i s t c h u r c h , a n d M r s . G o l a B a r e , were c o Rice for t h e s h o o t i n g a f t e r h e a r w h i c h h e gave w h e n h e first h o s t e s s e s in t h e s e r v i n g . T h o s e ing t e s t i m o n y by H u b e r t McClel- cuine to L y n n H a v e n . T h i s h a s p r e s e n t were Lloyd L a n d , S e l m a l a n , 24, t h a t s h e h a d told h i m s h e been h i s gift to h i s c h u r c h w h e r e W r i g h t , Bill a n d J o h n W r i g h t . shot Haskew w h e n " h e got h.' h a s r e s i d e d . T h e y also s a w t h e I r e n e Jarvis, Hattie Foster, r o u g h a n d s t a r t e d to b e a t m e . " l . autiful m u r a l s in t h e F. L. L a - C h a r l e s R e g i s t e r , E r n e s t R e g i s M c C l e l l a n testified M r s . Rice R o r h e h o m e a n d t h e large o n e t e r , M a r g a r e t N i q u e t , I n e z R e g picked h i m u p on a h i g h w a y ot Chief Osceola a b o v e t h e m a n ister, Evelyn ' T a y l o r , Clycie n e a r T a m p a S a t u r d a y a n d that, tle, w h i c h e x p l a i n s t h e beautiful R o d g e r s , J e a n a n d F c r n i e F l o w ho s p e n t t h e n e x t 36 h o u r s in honic b e i n g S c a l e , J o e Byers, named Osceola ers, G l e n d a h e r c o m p a n y . H e .said t h e y were Lodge. 'I h e y also s a w t h e s t a g e O t i s B a r e , D a v i d W a r d , T h o m a s g u e s t s S a t u r d a y n i g h t of a friend u r t a i n in t h e C o m m u n i t y House B a r e , Lois A n n P a u g h a n d R u t h of M r s . Rice. S h e a d m i t t e d s h e o f Florida .scenery. T h e y were B r y a n t of Millville. h a d s h o t a m a n but s h e didn't unabic to .see t h e l a r g e o n e in k n o w if h e w a s d e a d w h e n s h e (-.. A. R. h a l l , also d o n e by A r t i s t Mr. a n d M r s . J a c k Cooke a n d sped a w a y in hi.s far, McClellan Lose .scene of a l a k e in S c o t Miss M a r i e M i d d l e t o n left M o n asserted. l a n d a n d only a t r u e artist H a s k e w ' s a b a n d o n e d a u t o m o could h a v e done t h a t in 24 h o u r s d a y for New Y o r k City t o visit bile w a s found M o n d a y n e a r I n with t h e p a i n t s a n d colors a v a i l t h e World's F a i r a n d will also visit Mrs. C o o k e ' s r e l a t i v e s in t h e verness. able in t h e little n e w town, t o s t a t e . T h e y will r e t u r n i n a b o u t Without CalomelAnd You'll Jump Out of Bed ia the Morning Rario' to Go h a v e it r e a d y for t h e first C h a u four weeks. M r . a n d M r s . L. O. Tho liver should pour out two pounds of t a u q u a . M r . P a n g b o r n is e m p l o y - C a r r o l l will h a v e c h a r g e of t h e i r liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowlngfreely, your food doean'tdlgeBt. r in t h e Ford M o t o r p l a n t of p l a c e of b u s i n e s s d u r i n g t h e i r It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up A m u s e m e n t s your stomach. You get constipated. Your D?troit in t h e L i n c o l n - Z e p h y r d e - a b s e n c e . whole system is poisoned and you feci sour, .-i'-iiimg d e p a r t m e n t a n d s t a t e d sunk and the world looks punk. "TARAN FINDS A SON" that they a r e now working on A mere bowel movement doesn't set at Deep S e a F i s h e r m e n KHz i t h e 1940 model. Mr. a n d M r s . takes those good, old L a s t S u n d a y C h a s . F o s t e r , Gola the cause. ItPills to g e t these twoCarter's (Thursday-Friday) i P a n g b o r n were f a v o r a b l y i m Little Liver pounds B a r e , W i l l i a m S w e e n e y , W a r r e n of bile flowing freely and make you feel P r a c t i c a l l y all t h e c o n v e n i - ' pressed w i t h L y n n H a v e n a n d J. B r a d l e y , J o s e p h W e b e r , H e n r y "up and up." Harmless, gentle, yet amaz e n c e s of a P a r k Avenue p e n t - 1 Florida. M r . Rose, a r t i s t w h o d i e d ing in making bile flow freely. Ask for h o u s e were i n c o r p o r a t e d in t h e | t h e past y e a r , told t h i s w r i t e r Robey, W. S . L y n t , M r . F a g a n . Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. 26 cents. O t i s B a r e a n d T h o m a s B a r e e m - Stubbornly refuse anything else. a m u s i n g t r e e t o p h o m e of t h a t 'j famous jungle man, Tarzan, as j s e e n in t h e n e w a d v e n t u r e s of j 3 S S J o h n n y Weissmuller a n d M a n - 1 r e e n O ' S u l l i v a n in " T a r z a n F i n d s ! a Son," opening Thursday at j t h e Ritz t h e a t r e . S i n c e t h e l a t e s t d r a m a of t h e j u n g l e k i n g a n d hi.s m a t e m t r o - i d u c e s a " T a r z a n , J r . " in t h e p e r - ! son of five-year-old J o h n Shef- ' field w h o e m u l a t e s W e i s s m u l l e r ' s ' athletic a n d underwater swim-, m i n g f e a t s in t h e new story, p r o - : vision h a d to be m a d e in t h e i t r e e t o p b u n g a l o w for a p l a y - ; room. The jungle penthouse, com prising a four-room " a p a r t m e n t " b u i l t of b a m b o o a n d p a l m s , s w a y e d p r e c a r i o u s l y 50 feet i n t h e a i r , a t t a c h e d to t h e limbs of t h r e e o a k trees a t B r e n t ' s M o u n t a i n C r a g s in t h e S a n t a "A Big Store In A Big Community" M o n i c a M o u n t a i n s . Ascent to t h e d o m i c i l e w a s by way of a b a m PHONE 195-J MILLVILLE boo c a g e d r a w n u p by h e a v y v i n e s t w i s t e d rope fashion. T h e p o w e r w a s Quee.nie, a s e v e r a l ton elephant. The bungalow contained a b e d r o o m , d i n i n g room, k i t c h e n a n d p l a y room for little T a r z a n , all m a d e of b a m b o o a n d p a l m s . O r c h i d s a d o r n e d clay jardiniers a t t a c h e d to t h e wells. L e o p BEJLFAST SUITING a r d s k i n rugs w o r t h a f o r t u n e ALL C O L O R S , P E R Y A R D in civilization were strewn C a r o u n d like b a t h m a t s . BENSON BATISTE SPECIAL, P E R Y A R D I n o n e c o r n e r was a n i n v e r t e d j g i a n t t u r t l e shell, with a d o z e n c Jispater Broadcloth ! b e a u t i f u l o s t r i c h plumes, s e r v A I L COLORS, P E R YARD l i n g a s B a b y Tarzan'.s b a s s i n e t t e . J j T o y s for t h e baby in t h e T a r z a n Lawn Cloth inc IK OJj [ m e n a g e i n c l u d e d a dozen rat-1 I ties of o n e design or a n o t h e r , ! FINE Q U A L I T Y , P E R Y A R D * " ^ ^ I all m a d e of b a m b o o a n d a w h o l e , GOOD GRADE. YARDS a r m y of wooden .soldiers, also of > bamboo. j 'EX' SHEETING I n Miss O'SulIivan'.s k i t c h e n IMI.K'S was r u n n i n g w a t e r from a c r u d e - j $1.00 COKTLEY D R E S S SHIRTS w SoIoBS d E a c h ly f a s h i o n e d clay barrel. A c l a y , stove b u r n e d wood. P o t s a n d p a n s w e r e m a d e of clay, r o u g h but p r a c t i c a l
; i
1 10
Market Specials
DRY SALT SIDE MEAT, Choice Cuts lb 12c BACON, Per Pound 17c BREAKFAST BACON, Per Pound 20c BREAKFAST BACON, Sliced, Per Pound 25c PORK CHOPS or PORK HAM, Per Pound ..20c No. 7 or CLUB STEAK, Per Pound 16c LOIN or ROUND 3TEAK, Per Pound 1 . 25c HENS, on Foot, Per Pound :.. 20c HENS, Dressed and Drawn, Per Pound 25c HAMBURGER 2 lbs FRUIT JARS, Qts., Doz. FRUIT JAR CAPS, Dozen 25c | SAUSAGE MEAT 2 lbs 85c
Lipton's Tea VA lb 20c Vi lb 40c I g S J 8 . WITH GLASS FREE I APPLE SAUCE, Each LUZIANNE COFFEE, IhTCatt . . . ,
f* 10c . 20c