Cell Disruption by Homogenization 3006 01-06-2008 US

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by Homogenization

Cell Disruption

From its very genesis APV has maintained an impeccable reputation for excellence worldwide. That standard is perpetuated in the field of homogenization and high pressure pumps. Its a tradition that dates back to our invention of the homogenizer in the early 1900s. That desire to excel in saving our customers is demonstrated today through innovative design, precision, engineering, quality manufacturing and attention to detail within the APV Homogenization Division. This division, created by the unifying of APV Gaulin and APV Rannie introduced a new era in the industry. With more than 155 years of combined experience, APV provides our customers with the greatest resource for homogenization technology ever assembled. While maintaining the distinguishing characteristics and unique designs of the GAULIN and RANNIE products, APV is now able to offer a much greater range of equipment and service from a single source. The APV Homogenizer group is ready to meet the challenges facing us in this exciting, technologically advanced world, and we look forward to serving you!

World Leader in Homogenization Technology

Cell Disruption

Recent developments in biotechnology and genetic engineering have produced many products from microorganisms. Most of these products (proteins and enzymes) are intracellular and need to be released from the interior of the cell. Cell disruption (CD) techniques for breaking cell walls have been studied for many years. Some of these methods are suitable only for small batches and can adversely affect enzymes and proteins. One of the methods that can be used for small batches and for production batches is the cell disruption homogenizer. This report discusses the development of the CD homogenizer and other disruption techniques. Also, the effects of pressure, homogenizing valve design and multiple passes on cell disruption are discussed.


In the downstream processing of fermentation products, the apparatus used for cell disruption has become very important to the efficiency of the overall process. Recent advances in recombinant DNA technology have brought about the development of new means for the production of useful enzymes and proteins. Most fermentation and recovery operations require the breakage of the product microorganism to release these enzymes and proteins for separation and purification. Along with these biotechnological techniques has come the need to disrupt cells in large scale and in an efficient and economical manner. Although CD techniques have been investigated for the past forty years, only recently has there been a need to apply these methods on a large scale. When considering the requirements of large-scale, efficient cell disruption, many methods fall short and only a few CD techniques can be applied to the rigorous demands of todays biotechnology operations. One device that fulfills these requirements is the CD homogenizer, and the purpose of this report is to describe the CD homogenizer and its use in downstream processing. At this point, it is important to define the term homogenizer. In recent years homogenizer has been applied to many different types of emulsification devices, but the original name was used by Auguste Gaulin in France to describe the machine he invented at the turn of the twentieth century for the processing of milk. Auguste Gaulins machine consisted of a positive-displacement pump forcing product through a restricted orifice (homogenizing valve), which is adjustable so that pressure can be varied. With a homogenizing valve designed to maximize cell disruption and with a pump designed for biotech applications, the machine is called a CD homogenizer.


The archives of APV Products Homogenizer, contain an interesting history of the development of the Gaulin CD homogenizer. The first mention of cell disruption in the archives relates to beer fermentation. A patent specification from 1932 proposed using high-pressure drop through an orifice for disrupting yeast cells used in the fermentation of beer. During the fermentation process, the yeast cells in the broth take up vitamins. When the yeast cells are removed from the broth, the vitamins are also removed. However, if the yeast cells are disrupted at the appropriate time in fermentation, then the cells would release the vitamins back into the beer, producing a vitamin-enriched beer. Investigation by Gaulin researchers at that time did not reveal any benefits from this process. From 1951 to 1953, the Gaulin laboratory ran many tests on yeast to determine the effect different homogenizing valve configurations had on the efficiency of cell disruption. The evaluation tests were simple procedures involving centrifuging the disrupted samples and visually examining the type and amount of various layers formed in the centrifuge tube. The conclusion was that a knife-edge type valve was best for efficient disruption. At that time this valve was called a high impact valve. In 1962, Gaulin researchers worked with a brewery to test the effect homogenization had on a brewers yeast and fermentation time. The idea was that an increase in fermentation rate would be accomplished by uniformly distributing the yeast in the broth by breaking up clusters of yeast cells or by releasing nutrients from disrupted yeast to furnish food for fresh yeast. However, these tests did not demonstrate any improvement in the fermentation process, despite some early claims that the fermentation time was reduced. By 1963 Gaulin had a homogenizing valve available specifically for cell disruption. This special valve and seat with a knife-edge configuration on the seat is now designated a CR valve. The National Institute of Health used the Gaulin homogenizer and CR valve in 1967 for disruption of E. coli, Salmonella species, clostridium and bacillus species, fungus-Neurospora crassa and Aerobacter yeast. By the early 1970s, work was being done by many research centers using the Gaulin homogenizer for cell disruption. Although there were a number of techniques for disrupting very small quantities of microorganisms, the homogenizer was a useful tool for disrupting large batches of slurry from one liter to several liters. The concern was not with the efficiency of cell disruption but rather with being able to process larger quantities of slurry than could be treated with other disrupting methods available at that time. The early sales of homogenizers were mostly to research laboratories and

universities. By 1973, Gaulin had sold 66 homogenizers for cell disruption. Of these machines, 62 were laboratory units and only four were small pilot lab or production units. Of the 24 units sold in the United States, 18 were for universities. The advent of recombinant DNA techniques in the 1980s brought many new products from microorganisms which now necessitated not only that larger quantities of cells be disrupted but that it be done continuously and efficiently in a processing system downstream from the fermenter. These demands initiated a re-examination at Gaulin of the CR valve and the homogenizer pump design for biotech applications. From this research, the CD valve replaced the old design CR valve, and a modified pump design was developed for special biotech applications (Figure 1). To date, Gaulin and Rannie have sold hundreds of homogenizers for cell disruption.

Cell Disruption

Single-cell organisms (microorganisms) consist of a semipermeable, tough, rigid, outer cell wall surrounding the protoplasmic (cytoplasmic) membrane and cytoplasm. The cytoplasm is made up of nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes, inorganic ions, vitamins, pigments, inclusion bodies and about 80% water. In order to isolate and extract and of these

Figure 1
Valve Impact Ring Seat Standard



Three different homogenizing valve designs. The standard or conventional style is used for most emulsion and dispersion applications, and the CR and CD styles are used for cell disruption.

substances from inside the cell, it is necessary to break the cell wall and protoplasmic membrane. In some cases the cells may excrete the desired substance; but, in most cases, the cell wall must be disrupted to release these substances.

Over the years, many different techniques have been developed to disupt cells. One of the early references to cell disruption4 describes the use of a pressure vessel with discharge through a needle valve. The slurry is placed in the vessel and a plunger in the vessel is used to bring the pressure up to 20,000 psi (137.9 MPa). The material in the vessel is released to atmosphere through the needle valve. The pressure change causes disruption of cells. This type of device was the precursor to the modern-day FRENCH Laboratory Press (from a method developed by Dr. French). This apparatus is limited to small sample sizes but can reach high pressures. However, no special technology is involved in the design of the needle valve. One problem associated with this technique is the large temperature rise in the sample after passing through the valve. Duerre and Ribi5 cooled the valve and removed heat from the product but still found degradation of protein when operated in the range of 25,000 to 55,000 psi (172.4 to 379.3 MPa). Wimpenny6 found that Gram negative rod-shaped bacteria and Mycobacteria were the easiest cells to disrupt, and the Gram positive cocci and the alga chlorella were the hardest to break. Garver and Epstein7 used hand grinding to break cells. They scaled the process up by mixing glass beads with a cell slurry and processed the mix through a colloid mill. After 15 minutes, 99% of E. coli cells were ruptured; and, after 20 minutes, 99% of bakers yeast was ruptured. Rodgers and Hughes8 disrupted cells with glass beads also. In 1961 and 1962 Hughes9,10 reported on the use of an ultrasonic probe, generating liquid cavitation at 20,000 Hz, for disrupting cells. The formation and collapse of cavitation bubbles can produce large temperature and pressure gradients in proximity to the collapsing bubbles. The theory was that the cells were disrupted due to the shearing forces from turbulent eddies produced by collapsing bubbles. The amount of disruption depended on the type of organism and the time of treatment. A one-hour treatment of E. coli produced a significant amount of disruption. Tannenbaum and Miller11 in 1967 made one of the first references to the use of the Gaulin homogenizer for cell disruption. The purpose of using the homogenizer for cell disruption was to release protein from cells that were being used in feeding experiments with rats. Compared to feedings with whole (unbroken) cells, the disrupted cells increased protein digestibility and net protein utilization and increased total body lipids. Other authors also described the benefits of using cell disruption to improve

Methods for Cell Disruption

the digestibility of cells from single cell protein (SCP) fermentation12-15. Although much attention was focused on SCP as a potential food source, activity in this project declined because of increased petroleum prices, lack of taste or visual appearance and lack of approval from health authorities for animal or human consumption of SCP16. Wiseman17 and Zetelaki18 in 1969 reviewed some of the different methods used for cell disruption and reported on the relative efficiencies of the various techniques. By 1971, Jakoby19 indicated that the two devices used for large-scale cell disruption were the bead mill and the high-pressure homogenizer. Follow, et al.20 and Hetherington, et al.21 reported on detailed studies using the Gaulin homogenizer for disruption of bakers yeast. Follows used the homogenizer in a recycle mode to extract seven enzymes and protein from the cell slurries. Hetherington produced the most detailed study, up to that time, on the use of the high-pressure homogenizer for cell disruption. A first-order equation was derived from the data relating pressure and number of passes to yield. The other results of this test were: 1. Protein release is temperature dependent (higher is better). 2. Protein release is independent of yeast concentration. 3. Protein release is pressure dependent (higher is better). 4. A knife-edge seat is better than a standard seat. Whitworth22,23 also used the Gaulin homogenizer for cell disruption. In these tests, it was found that the extent of disruption was dependent on the operating pressure and the number of passes through the homogenizer. The homogenizer, operating at high pressure, did not denature protein. In a report by Cunningham et al.24, different techniques for cell disruption of SCP were discussed and evaluated. The conclusion was that the highpressure homogenizer is the most feasible apparatus for scale-up of all the methods studied. Also, as mentioned earlier, cell disruption is a necessary step for the release and solubilization of intracellular proteins. If the whole cells are ingested, the tough cell wall may allow the cells to pass through the digestive tract intact with no utilization of the cell protein25. At this point it would be useful to review all of the methods used for cell disruption (Figure 2). As can be seen from the list, there are many nonmechanical methods for cell disruption. These techniques have been described in the literature, and they will not be reviewed here in detail26, 27. However, it can be said that some of the problems associated with these methods include high cost ingredients, denaturing of proteins, destruction of enzyme products, small-scale batches and lack of scale-up to continuous operation.

Some of the items listed as mechanical methods, such as sonification and the French press, have been covered here already. Freeze pressing involves pressurizing a chamber of frozen slurry until a phase change occurs, allowing the slurry to pass through a fixed orifice. Ice crystals in the mix may contribute to the grinding an disrupting of the cells28. Repeated cycles of freezing and thawing have been used to release cell components29. Decompression simply involves placing a cell slurry into a pressure vessel, charging with nitrogen gas to the desired pressure and then releasing the pressure while either retaining the slurry in the vessel or ejecting it through an orifice. Most of these mechanical methods, except for two, have

Figure 2


Non-Mechanical Methods
CHEMICAL TREATMENT Acid Base Solvent Detergent ENZYME LYSIS Lytic Enzymes Phage Infection Autolysis PHYSICAL TREATMENT Freeze-Thaw Osmotic Shock Heating & Drying

Mechanical Methods

limitations with respect to batch size and scale-up. The only two that can accommodate large slurry batches are the high-speed bead mill and the homogenizer. Wet milling methods include the use of high-speed mills. The slurry is pumped through a chamber containing beads and agitator discs30. The discs run at speeds of 1500 to 2000 rpm, and cell disruption is caused by grinding between the beads, collisions between the beads and the organisms, and shear forces due to velocity gradients caused by the beads movement. The beads are loaded into the chamber at 80 to 85% of the free volume of the chamber. Glass beads at a diameter greater than 0.5 mm are best for yeast, and beads at a diameter less than 0.5 mm are best for bacteria. Figure 3 lists some of the parameters that affect the disruption efficiency of a bead mill31. Some of the problems associated with bead mills include large temperature rise, poor scale-up and contamination of the product by bead material. Another technique for cell disruption that has been investigated involves the use of supercritical fluids (SCF) and explosive decompression. A supercritical fluid is a gas that is pressurized above its critical pressure, giving it unique properties of solvation and transport. The gas and cell slurry are introduced into a pressure cell. The pressure is held for a period and then the gas is released. The slurry is then analyzed for released proteins. One investigation reported the following results. At 25C, with bakers yeast and carbon dioxide gas, the maximum yield from CD occurred after 15 hours at 1000 psi, 12 hours at 3000 psi and 5 hours at 5000 psi32. This approach to cell disruption may be beneficial in preserving the released cell constituents because thermal and mechanical effects are minimized33. Of the different methods for cell disruption discussed here, the homogenizer satisfies most of the requirements for large-scale cell disruption. The homogenizer can be operated at high pressure; the

Figure 3


Agitator Speed Proportion of Beads Bead Size Cell Suspension Concentration Cell Suspension Flow Rate Agitator Disc Design

efficiency of disruption is good; it can be placed in a continuous system and special designs are available specifically for biotechnology applications34.


As previously mentioned the homogenizer consists of a positivedisplacement pump and a homogenizing valve. The pump delivers a relatively constant flow of liquid, regardless of the pressure set on the homogenizing valve. Of course, there will be some pumping loss depending on the efficiency of the pump and the viscosity of the product. Also, the horsepower of the motor and the pressure rating of the pump determine the maximum operating pressure of a homogenizer. Figure 4 shows flow through the homogenizing valve. In the jargon of the industry, the words homogenizing valve mean the combination of the valve, seat and impact ring. The pump forces liquid through the homogenizing valve assembly. The valve is pushed towards the seat by the action of a handwheel or hydraulic valve actuator, which reduces the flow area between the valve and the seat. Since the flow rate is constant, the pressure increases as the flow area is reduced. The liquid is under pressure from the discharge manifold of the pump up to the homogenizing valve. As the liquid passes through the homogenizing valve, the velocity increases and the pressure decreases rapidly (Bernoulli theorem). An example is: At 15,000 psi (103.4 MPa) the velocity of the liquid goes from about 6.1 m/s (or 762 miles per hour!) in a distance of about 0.254 mm in 7.5 microseconds. The pressure drops from 15,000 psi to atmospheric pressure also in this time. This intense energy transformation produces the effect called homogenization. For a mixture of two immiscible liquids and a surfactant, homogenization will produce an emulsion. For a dispersion, homogenization will break up solid agglomerates and disperse particles uniformly throughout a liquid. In cell disruption, the cell wall will be broken open.

Figure 4
Valve Seat Basic Product Homogenized Product


Impact Ring

In the past the actual mechanism of homogenization was not completely defined because of the difficulty of studying a phenomenon that occurs so rapidly and at high pressure. There were many theories proposed for the homogenization of emulsions including cavitation, turbulence and shear, but no one theory was absolutely proven. Research now suggests that intense turbulence at the exit from the gap between the valve and seat causes emulsification in liquids. Some researchers have proposed mechanisms for cell disruption such as turbulence, cavitation and impingement35-41. Experimentation by this author and others strongly supports the mechanism of impingement as the cause for cell disruption. Therefore, cell disruption is governed by somewhat different hydrodynamic considerations than is emulsification. This type of information is useful in the proprietary design considerations of homogenizing valves used for cell disruption. Obviously, homogenizing valve design for cell disruption is best studied by disrupting cell slurries with different valve configurations. The APV Products-Homogenizer laboratory uses bakers yeast for the microorganism because it is inexpensive, easily obtained, nontoxic and has a relatively tough cell wall compared to an organism such as E. coli.

Test Methods

The test procedure used by this author involves the following. First, a slurry of 10% yeast (dry cell weight) in water is prepared42. The slurry is kept cold because homogenization will add heat to the broth. With water, the temperature rise through a homogenizer is 3.0F (1.7C) per 1000 psi (6.9 MPa) pressure. This temperature rise is inversely proportional to the heat capacity of the liquid and is independent of the type of homogenizer valve43. A batch of this slurry is run through the homogenizer, and samples are collected at different pressure settings. The collected samples are immediately cooled. Then the samples are diluted and centrifuged. Also, a portion of each original sample is diluted with 2N NaOH, heated to 90C and then centrifuged. The samples treated with caustic are the controls for each test condition and contain 100% of the soluble protein. After centrifuging, the samples are again diluted, and the amount of soluble protein is determining using a protein assay reagent from Bio-Rad Laboratories (California). The amount of protein in the sample is divided by the amount of protein determined from the caustic treatment. This ratio gives the percent of soluble protein released from the cell for each condition. All assays are done in triplicate. Because these analyses are performed using commercially obtained bakers yeast, variations are encountered although the yeast is fresh and the operating conditions are the same. Figure 5 shows three curves

Figure 5
100 90 80 70 Protein, Percent Yield 60 50 40 30 20 10 0




8000 10,000 12,000 14,000

Pressure, psi Pressure profile of soluble protein released from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast) from 3 different yeast batches processed in different years but using the same style CD valve and homogenizer.


indicating the percent of protein released at different homogenizing pressures. The homogenizer and the cell disruption valve were the same in each case, but the batches were processed in different years. Therefore, the variations are most likely due to the yeast. Kula30 comments on the fact that the mechanical strength of a microorganism depends on the growth conditions and history of the biomass. This means that each test done on a batch of cell slurry must be judged independently of other batches. The only way to relate results from different batches would be to run a reference sample for each batch. The reference sample might be one run with the same homogenizer, valve and pressure. This reference point could be used to interconnect different batches. However, if the lab performing the CD test grows the organism and growth is rigidly controlled, then the batches would be more consistent than those made from commercially prepared organisms.

Valve Design and Operating Conditions

Using this method for protein analysis, this author has run many tests at flow rates from 5 gallons per hour (10 liters per hour) up to 500 gph (1892 Lph) evaluating many different designs and configurations of the cell disruption homogenizing valve. For example, Figure 6 shows the difference in efficiency between the CD design and the CR design. Obviously, these results show that the CD design is more efficient than the CR design. The results from the tests on various designs have allowed APV Products Homogenizer to develop an efficient CD valve that can be scaled up to production flow rates. Along with design considerations, the effect of pressure has also been evaluated. Pressure profile studies have shown that high-pressure, 10,000 to 15000 psi (69 to 103.4 MPa), is a benefit for cell disruption. Figure 7 shows the type of results obtained when going to high-pressure with bakers yeast. It is apparent that the degree of disruption levels off above 12,000 psi (82.8 MPa). Middleberg reported a similar trend with the CD of E. coli at pressures up to 11,000 psi (75.8 MPa)44. Although this trend has been reported in the literature, no particular theory has been presented to explain it38,42. The use of high-pressure is an alternative to multiple passes. Many researchers have described the effect of multiple passes through the homogenizer21. The important consideration to make when analyzing these results is that multiple passing should be done in discrete steps. Recycling back to the original feed sample means that processed material is mixed into unprocessed material. Eventually portions of the slurry will have been homogenized several times, and other portions will not have been homogenized at all45. To be certain that all of the slurry sees at least one pass would require a much longer processing time than that for one discrete pass. Therefore, multiple-pass tests should be done without recycling.


Figure 6
100 90 80 70 CD Valve Protein, Percent Yield 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10,000 12,000 Pressure, psi CR Valve

Comparison of cell disruption for the CD and CR valve using bakers yeast.


Figure 7
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

2000 4000 6000 8000 10,000 12,000 14,000

Pressure profile for the 30CD showing a leveling off in yield about 12,000 psi (82.8 MPa).


An understanding of the effects of valve design, pressure and multiple passes can be put to use in processing cell slurries. It has been demonstrated here that the CD valve design is more efficient than the CR design, and high-pressure is more effective than low or moderate pressures. Therefore, the combination of these conditions can make cell disruption more efficient. Masucci42 found that using the CD valve at highpressure eliminated multiple passing at lower pressure with the CR valve. For example, one pass at 14,000 psi (96.6 MPa) with a CD valve released as much protein from Leuconostoc mesenteroides as did four passes at 8,000 psi (55.2 MPa) with the CR valve. A similar result can be seen in the work done by Middelberg on multiple passing for CD. He shows that one pass at 9572 psi (66 MPa) is equivalent to two passes at 6525 psi (45 MPa)46. In his thesis on cell disruption, Sanchez1 found that using the Gaulin 30CD homogenizer with a CD valve gave slightly better yield after one pass at 15,000 psi (103.4 MPa) than two passes at 8,000 psi (55.2 MPa) for E. coli. The percent of protein release was 79% for 15,000 psi (103.4 MPa) and 74% for two passes at 8,000 psi (55.2 MPa). One pass at 8,000 psi (55.2 MPa) released 61% protein. Sanchez also found that, over the flow rates investigated, there were no significant differences in the amount of solids removed by centrifugation for slurries processed at 8,000 psi (103.4 MPa). This finding is surprising because high-pressure and multiple passing will increase cell debris and reduce particle size. The assumption is that this debris will make downstream separation more difficult. However, Sanchez did not find this to be the case. Along with design changes in the homogenizing valve for efficient disruption, the configuration of the pump cylinder must be considered to accommodate high operating pressures and, in some cases, biotech containment34, 47. Biotech containment may include the use of double seals on the plunger to avoid releasing any product to the environment. The cooling water to the plungers can come from a closed system that collects any product passing by the plunger packing. Because plunger packing is a dynamic seal, there will always be some product that passes by the packing. Of course, if extremely hazardous pathogenic microorganisms are being processed, then the homogenizer should be contained in a secondary cabinet. Some other parameters to consider when selecting and installing a homogenizer are the flow rate, pressure requirements and the piping arrangement. The flow rate and maximum operating pressure will determine the size of the homogenizer, because these conditions determine motor power and the size of the pumping chamber including the plunger diameter.

The feed pressure of the Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) available to the suction manifold of the homogenizer must satisfy the NPSH required by the homogenizer, so that it is not starved. Inadequate feed pressure could result in damage to the pump chamber. Excessive entrained gases can also cause damage to the pump and result in poor operating of the homogenizer. Cell disruption is usually a high-pressure application. Therefore, the homogenizer will incorporate any designs consistent with high-pressure operation. These design parameters may include the use of o-rings instead of gaskets for better sealing and special pump chambers to withstand the stresses associated with high-pressure pumping.

Cell Morphology

Researchers have reported that the type of microorganism affects cell disruption efficiency, the fermentation conditions used for culturing the cells, the structure and composition of the cell, and the pre-conditioning of the cell. For example, cells that contain protein inclusion bodies, which are dense, insoluble protein bodies formed inside the cells, are easier to disrupt than cells without inclusion bodies44. There is a decrease in disruption efficiency for E. coli cells that have been deactivated by heating to 60 to 70C48. The E. coli may be heat treated to eliminate the possibility of environmental contamination during processing. Apparently, heat deactivation strengthened the cell wall and decreased the size of the cells. Studies have shown that different batches of the same cell type can yield different cell wall strength44. Different cell strains can show differences in cell disruption efficiency. Also, it has been found that septated cells are preferentially disrupted during homogenization27. The type of cell, for example, bacteria versus yeast, will affect the degree of cell disruption. It has been reported that for some fermentations, 100% disruption of E. coli was achieved at a pressure of 9,000 psi49. For yeast cells, this degree of disruption may require more than one pass at pressures greater than 10,000 psi.


The viscosity of the slurry may influence the efficiency of disruption, but very little information on viscosity effects has been given in published literature. Considering that a high concentration of yeast does not affect efficiency of cell disruption and that the viscosity of the slurry most likely increases with the amount of yeast, it can be assumed that any effect of viscosity would be small. However, it is known that after the first pass through the CD

homogenizer, the release of nucleic acids from an E. coli slurry can increase the viscosity of the slurry. The slurry will now have a greater viscosity for the second pass through the homogenizer. It has been reported that the use of a second-stage valve on the homogenizer reduces the viscosity produced after the first pass.


Cell disruption techniques have been studied for several years; however, many of the methods cause loss of product and are not suitable for efficient processing of large batches. The CD homogenizer is suitable for efficient disruption of small or large batches of various microorganisms. The CD homogenizer consists of a pump designed for the biotech environment, usually with high-pressure capabilities, and a homogenizing valve developed to maximize cell disruption.


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