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Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

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Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

This is Stephen Pierce and I want to thank you for taking the time to read the Attraction Acceleration Report, which is a very special interview with Bob Proctor on The Science of Getting Rich. And unless youve been on another planet or your heads been buried in the sand, you have to know who Bob Proctor is, and thats who Ive had the privilege of interviewing for this report. If theres anybody that knows about The Science of Getting Rich, its Bob Proctor. Bob, youve been in the personal development industry since the late 60s. How did you actually get started in this entire industry? BOB: Well, first of all, Stephen, let me say its a pleasure to be doing this interview with you. I started back in 1961. People will think Im 150 years old. I was on the fire department in a suburb of Toronto, in East York, and I was given a copy of Think and Grow Rich. And Im going to tell you, Stephen, my life turned right upside down. I was earning $4,000 a year at the time. I owed $6,000, and I was not a happy camper. I mean, I had no formal education, I hadnt really gone to school, I had dead-end jobs, Id been in and out of the Navy, and life just wasnt very good.

But this was life and I thought this was all there was. You know, you try and get by. And I was given Think and Grow Rich, and the man that gave it to me told me if I would do what he said, that my whole life would change. Well, of course I didnt believe that. But I had tried a lot of other things and I had thought; Ill give it a whirl. Do you know, a year later I was earning $175,000 a year and then I took it over to a million. It took me nine years to figure out what happened to me. Thats really what got me studying. I mean, the change was so dramatic. See, in Think and Grow Rich, Hill says, Decide what you want, write it on a card, carry the card with you, read it as often as possible every day, at least every morning when you get up and before you to go to bed at night.

Decide what you want, write it on a card, carry the card with you, read it as often as possible every day, at least every morning when you get up and before you to go to bed at night.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

So, I started to do that. And I wrote on the card that I wanted to have in my possession by New Years Day of 1970, $25,000. I gave myself a decade to do it. I didnt believe it would happen. But years later, looking back, prior to the card I was thinking of debt all the time. If you're thinking of debt, thats what you're going to attract. And as I started to read this card, it got me thinking of earning money. Now, youd probably say, Well, werent you thinking of that before? No, I wasnt. I was thinking debt. Thats the polar opposite. And because I started to think about it, I started to hear people talk about it. And when I heard them talking about it, that would cause me to think more about it. And, see, my thinking changed and my life changed. STEPHEN: Thats interesting that you talk about how the thing that impacted your life is that book, Think and Grow Rich. And the reason I say that its interesting is because you're coming out with a brand new program called The Science of Getting Rich which you expect to impact peoples lives in the same way if not greater than Think and Grow Rich has impacted your life. And I want to talk about that for a minute, because for many people, that sounds a little too good to be true. So explain what The Science of Getting Rich is really all about? BOB: Well, before I answer that question, Stephen, let me explain how I got into it. I had the Think and Grow Rich book I was studying. Then I got a copy of Earl Nightingales condensed narration of the book, Think and Grow Rich, and I started to study that. Now, without going through a long story, I ended up moving to Chicago and working with Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant. And in 1968 I was sitting in Lloyd Conants kitchen having dinner with him and I asked him, How did you start this company? Because he didnt start a company, he started an

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

industry. They really started the recorded personal growth industry as we know it today. And he started telling me about this little green book and how it changed his life, how he studied it all weekend. And then on Monday, he started to do what the book suggested. Well, I wasnt interested in how he You dont get rich started the company anymore. And by doing certain then I wanted to know, Whats the little green book? And then he gave things. You get rich me a copy, and it was Wallace Wattles by doing things in a book The Science of Getting Rich. certain way. So, I started to study it. Now, you could read the book and youd think, Well, thats kind of nice. I started to study it in 1968, Stephen, and Ive never stopped. And Ive added things to it, because he said, You dont get rich by doing certain things. You get rich by doing things in a certain way. See, youll find two people doing the same thing. Ones winning, ones not. Well, how do you account for that? Well, thats what we teach in The Science of Getting Rich. And so, I began to study this like a scientist. And after 30, 40 years studying it, and based on the fact that the movie The Secret was inspired by that book, I decided I was going to teach it. So, we took creative license to add the laws to it, add the intellectual factors to it, and if you read the ordinary book and then get in the seminar, youd never know it was the same thing, because we put so much in it. And I maintain, with this program, we could take a person out of prison, we could take a person off welfare, or we could take a person in school, or a person out of an executive office and we could teach them the laws of the universe, so that they understand how Law of Attraction works. And it wouldnt matter how many critics rap it, they would understand it and they would make it work. Its like I was telling Cynthia McFadden from Nightline the other night, I said, You know, the Wright Brothers didnt care that some scientists said you cant fly. They said, I know I can, I just did. Well, thats the way I am with this information. I dont care if they're from Columbia or where they're from. You know, they had the physicist from Columbia University say, No, no, no, no, no.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

I have been working with this. I have demonstrated it all over the globe. Weve worked in Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia, to Kentucky, to Canada, to the U.S., to the Nordic countries. We work all over the world with this. But Ive been teaching this now for 38 years. And when The Secret came out, what The Secret did, it brought it together in such an organized, dynamic way that its waking the world up. And we're teaching this now all over the world. And so, The Science of Getting Rich program is the most complete program that youll ever find, Stephen, on money, how its earned, what its for, how to use it. See, I think earning money is the simplest thing in the world once you learn how to do it. Its like driving a car. Its simple if you know how to do it, or riding a bike But if you dont know how, and 96% of the population have never learned how, school doesnt teach us how, then you say, You know, it sounds like its too good to be true. But it isnt. Its real. STEPHEN: Well, lets talk a little bit about money. What would you say to a lot of purists who believe, Money is the root of all evil. BOB: I would agree with them, if the person that has it is evil. Money will make you more of what you already are. If you're not a nice person, moneys going to make you a despicable individual. If you're a good person, moneys going to make you a better person. Money magnifies, Stephen, it just magnifies what you already are. See, the love of money, you know, letting money control you, is what the root of evil is. But if you control money its the greatest medium for good that you're ever going to find. Money is only used for two things. One, its to make you comfortable, and the more comfortable you are the more creative you will become. And the other purpose is it enables you to extend the service you provide far beyond your own presence. If you have more money you can do more good. Like I always say, I always need more money, and I earn millions of dollars, because I spend millions of dollars. Im doing more good. I wanted to build programs worldwide to wake people up. Thats my purpose here, and thats what Im doing. And thats what the moneys used for.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

So, its an interesting subject to study and thats what this program does. But it also shows you how to earn it. And weve got a machine built into this to help people earn it, not just study it, but actually earn it. STEPHEN: Now, staying on the lines of money, there are people that feel all of us folk that are becoming incredibly successful, making millions of dollars and getting rich, are somehow smarter than the average person, or just plain lucky. Can you explain the real difference between the high income earners and the masses that just watch the other people accumulate wealth? BOB: Absolutely. has nothing to do Some of the in the world, brilliant, are could graduate in economics and youll find whos illiterate, they nor write and multimillionaires. a reward received rendered. Its got superior intellect.

Earning money has to do with rendering service. And the more service you render, the more money you're going to earn.

See, earning money with being smart. smartest people absolutely broke. You with a Masters and be broke, somebody else functionally can neither read they're Earning money is for service nothing to do with a

See, we're raised the wrong way. Were raised to deify the intellect, and the intellect doesnt cut it. Thats why you're finding real smart people who arent very happy. Now, some of them are, but some of them are not. Earning money has to do with rendering service. And the more service you render, the more money you're going to earn. You're going to find there are two areas in our mind. Ones the conscious mind, ones the subconscious. Well, the conscious mind is what the education system is concerned with. Thats where they feed information to you, and if you retain it and repeat it, then you get the grades or you get the mortarboard and the sheepskin and youve got the degree. But that doesnt control your behavior. And your behavior is controlled by a paradigm, or the conditioning, in the subconscious mind. Now, that paradigm is both genetic and environmental. You see, what happened to me in 1961, I shifted my paradigm. I didnt know what I had done, but thats what I did, and my whole life changed.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

I had a man come up to me at the Waldorf Astoria in New York many years ago when I was doing a seminar. It was a 3-day seminar, and at the end of it he said, You know, Bob, I really want to thank you. He said, This is the first time Ive ever understood how I did what I did. And I said, Well, what did you do? And he said, I won the Gold Medal in the decathlon on the Olympics. His name was Milt Campbell. And he said, I never really understood it. And I said, I can understand why you didnt. Many of the top performers in some of the biggest companies in the world cannot understand why they're top performers.

You see, its not what we do; its how

Sales managers, if they could find out why their sales stars are stars, theyd bag it, or can it, and give it to everybody.

You see, its not what we do; its how we do it. Two people could come and give you something, Stephen. One is rewarded because theyve given we do it. it to you, and the others not. See, ones trading, the others giving. Giving is letting go of it completely, abandon with no thought of return. Givers gain. The other persons trading. They're giving to you with the hope that you're going to give something back to them thats as valuable or more valuable. Well, you can become very wealthy, just strictly on a competitive plain, and not be very happy. But the multimillionaires who are well-balanced and most fulfilled, they understand these laws, or they're following the laws either consciously or unconsciously. We teach the laws so that you consciously and deliberately understand how to do this, and then youve got something thats transferable. It has to do with paradigms. It has to do with the right programming. Its like the software in our mind. If we could look at ourselves as a computer, this is the software, and it really makes things happen. STEPHEN: Now, you're talking about laws, the laws that you teach people to understand and to be able to live within. I know that The Science of Getting Rich talks specifically about the Law of Attraction, and thats been on the forefront of the consciousness of the entire world because of The Secret.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

In Amazon, The Secret DVD is #1, the book is #1. And you look at the New York Times bestsellers list and the Wall Street Journal bestsellers list, you see it at the top. You look in iTunes and the audio book is at the top of the list. You look in audible and the audio is at the top of the list. The Secret has has swept up an entire world. Now, the Law of Attraction has been around for a long time, and we're talking about that right now, but it wasnt until the release of The Secret that it rushed into the consciousness of this entire world. Now I know youve been teaching the Law of Attraction in seminars for the past 30 years. So, if anybody really understands this Law and is able to help people to understand it and use it, its you. So, tell us a little bit about the Law of Attraction and how it actually works. BOB: I will. Let me first explain why I believe this has gone into the phenomena that it has and it is #1 everywhere. I believe, Stephen, that you and I are a soul. I believe in God and I believe the laws are Gods motos operandi. Its why everything happens the way it does. Nothing in this universe happens by accident. You are a soul. You dont have one, you are one. And the soul is perfect. Thats why theres perfection within every one of us, and that perfection is seeking expression with and through us. Thats why theres something in us that wants us to do better.

You are a soul. You dont have one, you are one. And the soul is perfect.

If we run, we want to run faster. If we jump, we want to jump higher. If we sell, we want to sell more. That is spirit wanting to express itself, because spirits always looks for expansion and fuller expression. I believe The Secret. I believe Rhonda Byrne had the genius of putting this together the way she did, and it resonates with the soul. Thats why people have to listen to it again and again. The soul is screaming to be fed. It wants to express itself in a greater way. Well, this resonates with the soul. Now, to understand the Law of Attraction, you must understand the laws of the universe. The Law of Attractions a secondary law; its not a primary law. The primary law is the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration decrees that everything vibrates, nothing rests. Do you know that a body in a coffin is moving? Its not still, its not dead. First of all, there is only two sources of reference to go to, to find out about

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

ourselves. One is science and the others theology. Both of these areas teach us nothing is created or destroyed. That just postulates the theory of life. So, the soul has moved out of the body thats lying in the coffin. But if you pick the body up and look under a proper microscope, youll see the body moving. And if it werent moving, how would it ever change to dust?

Everything that
The Law of Vibration decrees that comes into your life everything moves. We live in an ocean of motion. Well, your body is a or into my life molecular structure. Your body is a comes through the massive energy at a high speed of Law of Attraction. vibration. Your body is casting off millions of cells every second. So, the more we Your brain is an electronic switching understand this, the station. Now, you are not a brain, but you have a brain. And you, the soul, better off we're have the ability to activate brain cells, going to be. the positive or negative pole in any cell. And when you do, the brain is an electronic switching station. It alters the vibration you're in. The vibration you're in is going to cause you to act the way you act, but its also going to determine what you attract to you. If youre in a negative vibration, Stephen, you're going to attract negative people to you, and you're going to attract bad situations and uncomfortable circumstance. But if you're in a positive, a very highly evolved positive vibration, youre going to attract positive things. See, I know Im a positive guy. I know you must be, too, or we wouldnt be here doing this interview. We have been attracted to one another. Everything that comes into your life or into my life comes through the Law of Attraction. So, the more we understand this, the better off we're going to be. And as you get into The Science of Getting Rich, in the second lesson in it, there are 15 lessons and 2 summarizing lessons, the second lesson teaches the laws, and the laws are perfect. Youve got the Law of Relativity, the Law of Vibration, Law of Polarity, Law of Rhythm, Law of Cause and Effect, which Emerson said was the Law of laws and the law of gender. Now, these laws we get into, we get into in some depth, and you start to understand them. And because you understand them, then you start to understand how to use them.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

So, its absolutely fascinating. Like, when I first started to get into this, I thought Id discovered something that nobody knew. But then, I started to understand that, no, other people do know it, and I was attracted to them and they were attracted to me. Ive had some of the most phenomenal teachers in the world. Now, the mentors, most of my mentors are gone now. There is one still alive, but hes old and hes retired. Now, Im 73, but Ive got more energy than most people 23. Ive got no intentions of slowing down. First of all, I dont think we have to slow down. We're massive energy. What we have to do is calm down. We want to live in a very calm, confident state and let this powerful energy flow freely through us in a positive vibration, and then we start to attract positive things to us. So, when a person gets into this program, thats what they start learning. STEPHEN: Wow Bob! Now, lets talk a little bit about gratitude, because I know that in your program, The Science of Getting Rich, you speak about gratitude. In fact, theres an entire chapter in the program thats allocated to it. So, elaborate on gratitude for us.

BOB: Well, first of all, gratitude, I believe is faith in action. The seventh lesson in here is all on gratitude. Gratitude hooks you up to your source of supply. We want to be grateful for everything we have, grateful for the fact we can breathe. Im grateful just for the beautiful energy and life around me and the creation that Im surrounded in. Im grateful for everything that happens to me. When I eat, I pray and I give thanks, and Im always grateful for the abundance thats in my life and coming into my life. See, gratitude is an attitude, and attitude is our thoughts, our feelings and actions. Attitude affects the whole person, the triune being, the three levels of our personality. Gratitude is an attitude that hooks us up to our source of supply. And the more grateful you are, the closer you become to your maker, to the architect of the universe, to the spiritual core of your being. Its a phenomenal lesson.

See, gratitude is an attitude, and attitude is our thoughts, our feelings and actions. Attitude affects the whole person, the triune being, the three levels of our personality.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

And when we start to understand it and truly become grateful for everything, we're going to find that we have actually accelerated the source of supply and the greater abundance comes into our life. And everybodys got something to be grateful for. You know, I used to speak in maximum security prisons. I havent been speaking in one for a long time, but I used to. I used to speak to, and I still do, to welfare groups and children, and I said: Listen, it appears like you havent got anything, but relative to many people in the world, you're living like Solomon in all of his splendor and glory. So, lets start with what we can be thankful for and get our mind into that vibration, and then watch the good that starts to come, because one thought leads to another thought. We get in a train of causation and its a flow of thoughts. And when you get your brain hooked onto a positive vibration like gratitude, you're going to find the energy that flows through you is incredible Stephen. STEPHEN: Let me ask you this Bob, whats one tip that you can give that will help people to control their focus? I understand what you're saying about the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration and understanding gratitude, but some people feel so overwhelmed with all the Most people are not negative thats going on in their life or their environment or their going after what they circumstances that they find it want. Even some of the very difficult to be focused so that they can have the Law of most serious goal Attraction work in a positive seekers and goal way in their life and express gratitude as you're saying it. So, setters, theyre going whats one thing that people can after what they think do to focus?

they can get.

BOB: First of all, what people want to do is start to understand that they are not the plaything for whats going on around them, and what goes on around them has got nothing to do with whats going on inside of them, unless they let it. And lets understand that we have been programmed to live to our senses, to go by what we see, hear, smell, taste, touch. And by doing that, the outside world is controlling us. But we have higher faculties. You know, in Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill said, An educated person is not necessarily a person with an abundance of general or specialized knowledge. An educated person is a person who has so developed the faculties of their mind, that they can develop anything or acquire anything that they want, or its equivalent, without violating the rights of others.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

What we want to do is start to understand these faculties. Thats in this program. Its in the fifth chapter. Thats that you have perception, the will, reason, imagination, intuition and memory. These are higher faculties. So, through imagination we want to build a picture of what we want. This is the goal, Stephen. This is where the goal comes in. Most people are not going after what they want. Even some of the most serious goal seekers and goal setters, theyre going after what they think they can get. They say, Now, if Stephen would do this for me, and if this happens, and if that happens, and if that money comes in, and if I could get this, and if I could understand that, then I could do this. So, they're setting a goal to do what they think they can do based upon the plan that they have reasoned out. That isnt how Hillary got to the top of the mountain. That isn't how Edison built the light. That isnt how the Wright Brothers got the plane off the ground. They fantasized. They built an image in their mind. They had absolutely no idea how it was going to happen. But they build the image in their mind, and then they focus on that image. And by focusing on that image, they move into a new vibration, and they start to attract thoughts to them thats going to get them there. And when somebody starts to laugh at them, they just think, God Bless them, they dont understand what you're doing. And youve got to develop mental strength. And you develop mental strength with the will. The will is the mental faculty that gives you the ability to hold one idea under the screen of your mind to the exclusion of all outside distractions. Ive got a couple of statues of Napoleon here in my home, and Ive got great books on him written by his personal aide, who was with him from the time he was a boy. But, at any rate, Napoleon, one of his biographers called him organized victory. Another one said Napoleon had immense capacity for sustained concentration. Napoleon said, Circumstance, hell, I make them. He also said, I see only the objective, the obstacles must give way. Well, thats what we want to do. We want to develop that kind of mental strength. And thats what this program is designed to do. We show you how your will works. The will in the mind is something like a magnifying glass is with the sun, Stephen. It takes the energy of the sun, marshals it, and brings it to white hot bead, and we can start fires with it. And most of us as kids did that.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

Well, the will takes the energy that flows through you and it brings it in like a focus on one thing. And when you focus, you move into a higher vibration, the attraction is accelerated, and everything starts to flow. People dont do this because they dont understand how to do it. And their paradigm has got them letting things outside control them. Weve got to take control. STEPHEN: You said something that I think everybody reading this should take the time to evaluate. You said most people dont go after what they want they go after what they think they can get. BOB: Its true. If you're not going after what you want, the first little bump in the road that comes along, Stephen, people have lost it. You see, when you really want something and then you couple with that an understanding of your nature, of your spiritual being, and the laws that govern you, you will keep going, regardless of whats happened. Nothing will stop you. See, one person with God is a majority. You're in tune with the architect of the universe, with the power that sustains everything. Thats where your awesome power comes from. You dont do anything. Spirit does everything with and through you. There are people afraid, you know, If I quit my job, Ill lose my income. Their income doesnt come from their company. It comes through the company. The income comes according to their consciousness. And if its not coming from one source, itll come from another. Theres only one source of supply. It doesnt come from a company. It comes through the company. And if you want to change your income, its not by doing this or doing that. Its by altering your conscious awareness. Alter the paradigm. You see, I get pretty worked up about this because Ive been teaching it for so long. And I think its so pathetic that people that are in positions of authority are laughing at it. This is what will change the face of the earth. Theres only one problem in the world. We see all kinds of problems, wars and strife and everything, one problem. Its called ignorance. Spirits arm the present. Its in every one of us. We have awesome potential. Steve Bow, with Metropolitan Life, years ago said that, Gods gift to us is more talent and ability than well ever hope to use in our lifetime. Our gift to God is to develop as much of that talent and ability as we can in this lifetime.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

STEPHEN: Now, you're talking about ignorance. I have where you said that not many people dont have the awareness required to manifest wealth. What did you mean by that? BOB: Well, how long have you been studying this kind of information, Stephen? STEPHEN: Maybe five years now, definitely not as long as you. BOB: Okay, but, you know, we have not sat down and talked. We havent met personally, but I know something about you that came to me from somebody else. Brian Wong and Vishen over in Malaysia, and Mike Reining, were telling me about you. And youve got a very good reputation. But if you go back 10 years and ask, What was I earning then and what am I earning now? I would imagine that there was a considerable difference, See people dont earn is that right? STEPHEN: A very considerable difference. Its like night and day, two different worlds.

BOB: Okay. Now, why is there a considerable difference? You have altered your level of awareness. See people dont earn $50,000 a year because they want $50,000 a year. They earn $50,000 a year because they're not aware of how to earn $50,000 a month.

$50,000 a year because they want $50,000 a year. They earn $50,000 a year because they're not aware of how to earn $50,000 a month.

Its like I was telling Cynthia on Nightline. I said, People dont suffer from headaches because they want headaches. People suffer from headaches because they're not aware of how to eliminate the headache. Awareness is everything. And as a person goes through this program, their awareness is heightened, and you start to become more aware of who you are, what you are, and what you're working with. If people could actually look at themselves in the light of truth and see the potential that they have, they would be astounded. I operate a company that operates all over the world. I earned millions of dollars today. I had two months high school formal education, I had no business experience, and I was sitting in a fire hole when I started to understand this. What is changed? My level of awareness of who and what I am.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

See, Napoleon Hill said, Theres a difference between wishing for something and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for something until they believe that they can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief and not mere hope or wish. Now, he said, The state of mind must be belief. Well, most people dont believe in themselves. In my analysis of what I had done, it took me nine years to figure it out. I changed my belief in what I was capable of doing. Our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something. And frequently, when we reevaluate something, our belief about it will change. Well, I started to reevaluate who I was. Do you know that the blood in your body circulates through hundreds of miles of passageways, Stephen? Every 33 seconds it carries all the food in and all the garbage out in one sweeping change. You tell me thats not impressive. Thats going on in you right now. Its circulating. Circulating is the law of the universe. Do you know that your brain is one of the most phenomenal electrical instruments in the entire universe? There has never been anything that has been made my man that will even come close to the electronic instrument that youve got locked up in your skull. If you just stop and think of the electrical currents that go flying through your body for the simple purpose of signing your name on a piece of paper, youd be stunned. We dont know hardly anything about ourself. We go all the way through school and learn nothing about ourself. We learn nothing about earning money. We learn nothing about making decisions. Thats what The Science of Getting Rich program is all about. Its about you. Its about the laws of the universe. Its about how to live the way God meant you to live, how to really bring the best out of yourself. You got me going here Stephen. STEPHEN: This is life transforming Bob. So lets keep it going. Now, speaking of earning money, youve earned a lot of money, I mean, a whole lot of money. And you have some tips about earning money that you found to be useful and successful. In fact, you mention three income-earning strategies in your

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

Science of Getting Rich program. Can you tell us a little bit more about those? BOB: Okay, there are three and its rather interesting: M1, M2 and M3. M1 is the worst income earning strategy in the world and is used by 96% of our population, and for a very good reason. School teaches us to do it, and then we're probably surrounded as infants by people that do it. Thats where you trade time for money. Now, you see, that strategy has an inherent problem. Its called saturation. You run out of time. Everybody gets the same amount of time; they get all there is. So, its what we do with it that makes the difference. If a person puts any money away or is able to invest anything working on the M1 strategy, its at the expense of a life. Theyre trying to squirrel a little bit away out of the one income theyve got. So, they have to compromise on the car they drive, the vacations they take, the clothes they buy. And they're forever making excuses. Now, because these people dont have much money, they go around saying money wont make you happy. Thats like saying you cant drive around town in a refrigerator. Money was never meant to make you happy. Just like a refrigerators meant to preserve food, its not meant to drive around town in. Well, money is not meant to make you happy. Its meant to make you comfortable. Its meant to enable you to extend your service. So, you see, the M1 strategy is not a good one, and yet, almost everybody follows it. The M2 strategy is a good strategy if you're capable of doing it and there are only 3% who follow it, and thats where you invest money to earn money. And most people that do that, theyve squirreled a little bit away out of their M1 strategy, and they try to invest it. Because they're not very well-schooled in that area, they lose it, and then, they're upset with the person that they invested it with. They didnt understand that they attracted this situation themselves. Now, there are some that do it very wisely and do it very well. If you dont really understand how to invest money, you should get advice from professionals. Thats the same with everything, from flying planes to learning how to drive a car. Now, M3 is without question the best strategy in the world. That is the strategy that, if we're going to teach our children, we should teach them. M3 is where you multiply your time by setting up multiple sources of income. And, you know, you can set up as many sources of income as you want. I have hundreds of sources of income. I earn money while Im awake and when Im asleep.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

You see, working happens to be the worst way to earn money. Now, most people look at you kind of strange. We should work for satisfaction, not to earn money. We should spend our days doing what we love. Earning money is providing service. When Im sleeping on the opposite side of the world, Im providing service through recorded materials, etc. Well, M3 is where you multiply your time by setting up multiple sources of income. I have an affirmation that I use all the time: I am so happy and grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis. Most people are getting their money, Stephen, through the keyhole. They should open the doors and the windows and accept it from all sides. And when we start to understand this M3 strategy, and thats the basis of The Science of Getting Rich, we're going to encourage people to set up multiple sources of income. In fact, weve got one built into this program that is a bit of a mind-boggler, a person could earn a lot of money by following it. So, there are the three strategies. M3 is the strategy everybody wants to adopt and use. STEPHEN: All right. Now, the third income earning strategy, you mentioned, relates to the MSIs and you were just touching on what I really consider to be perhaps the most incredible opportunity with the release of The Science of Getting Rich program. Ive looked it over. What it is you're offering. And you know what, Ive been around for a long time, weve made millions of dollars on the Internet. Weve engineered programs. The way this program has been put together, I mean, it is an unbelievable package. BOB: Oh, Stephen, Ive organized it and worked with Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith and put it all together. But, you know, I work with this person, I work with that designer, I work with this purchaser, that packager, this engineer. I received mine and it is mind-boggling. It is absolutely beautiful. It is one of the most phenomenal packages Ive ever seen, and Ive been in the business 38 years. People will be very impressed.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

And built in with this is a money machine, its a moneymaking machine. Now, its based on an affiliate program. A person can become an affiliate for nothing. But, of course, they wont have anything to show or to work with, so they wouldnt understand it. But, you know, by law, if you have an affiliate program, a person can sign up for nothing. However, if they really want to make it happen, they get the program and built into the program is an online marketing machine that is one of the best Ive ever seen. This is a phenomenal package. Now, many people that buy this dont want to sell it. They're not looking at MSIs, theyve probably got all kinds of them going or they just dont want to, but they truly want to study the program. Thats fine. As they get studying the program they may find, as they get into the part on MSIs, maybe I should try this. Well they have at their disposal a marketing machine set up with websites, direct mail; its just one of the most phenomenal things I have ever seen. Now you, being an online guy, youve got to know this is one of the best. And so, if somebody purchases this from you, its a $2,000 package and its probably worth $50,000 or $100,000. But you earn a profit of $500. If they sell it to somebody, you would earn $250. So, its a two level affiliate, $500 and $250. Its probably one of the richest affiliate programs in the market. STEPHEN: I personally believe that everything that's going on with The Science of Getting Rich, is a message thats important. Its a message thats important, because it doesnt just give a person freedom of time, as it relates to the kind of money they can make, but it gives people a freedom of mind. There are plenty of people that have had freedom of time because of the wealth theyve created and they committed suicide because they didnt have freedom of mind. If you reading this right now, if you only buy one thing this year, invest in The Science of Getting Rich program. I think this is one of the programs thats well-engineered, well-designed, and offers people that opportunity to get freedom in both areas. Freedom of time, and freedom of mind. And I do agree with you. Its perhaps the bestdesigned program Ive ever seen. And as far as the The Science of Getting Rich affiliate program I have to sincerely say I havent seen anything like it. Before we wrap this up Bob, do you have any other comments, parting words or anything else that you want to share

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

BOB: You know, Stephen, I could speak in superlatives all day long and I would fall short in just saying what a great program this is. Everything youve said about it is true, and then some. It is absolutely phenomenal. And like you said, you start studying it, you're going to want to share it. You know, I dont care if you get a new suit, a new dress, a new car, you dont really enjoy it fully until you share it with someone and you show it to them. Or you could be sitting watching a sunset on your own. You dont enjoy it as much as if theres someone there and you can say, Isnt that beautiful? We enjoy things when we share, when we put it out there. And you're going to want to share this with people. And as you do, you get more out of it. This is absolutely incredible. And its like you say; if you only buy one thing this year, invest in one thing, for your own well-being, make this it. I always tell people, Dont think for a second you cant afford it. You can afford anything that you make up your mind to do. Make up your mind you're going to do it and the way will be shown. I always say if you have to borrow the money from your grandmother, do that and get it, because thats where I used to borrow money when I didnt have any, from my grandmother. But its a phenomenal program, Stephen. I have thoroughly enjoyed this conversation, thats mostly on my end sharing this, but I enjoyed sharing this with you and with your audience, and Im going to look forward to meeting you. Ive heard so many good things about you. Vishen just keeps raving about Stephen. So, I look forward to getting together with you. STEPHEN: I look forward to getting together with you too Bob. You continue to inspire me. I appreciate the gift you bring to this world and have an attitude of gratitude that we can work together to spread this powerful, meaningful message.

Stephen Pierce All rights reserved.

Attraction Acceleration Report An Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science of Getting Rich

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