Reiki II

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Prepared by Joylina Goodings Reiki Master/Teacher

Reiki II Manual

Page No.

Introduction Hand Positions Reiki Symbols Second Degree Symbols - Their Meaning and How to Draw Them: Cho Ku Rei Sei He Ki Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Tuning In - Instructions on Symbols Usage Increasing the Energy Flow Traditional Japanese Scanning Techniques Sequence for Second Degree Treatment with Clients Distant Healing Low Energy Levels Sending Reiki with the Eyes and Breath Detoxification Technique Focusing Reiki Like a Laser Beam Additional Treatments Chakra Balancing Chakra Spin Patterns Reiki and the Law In Conclusion Appendices Appendix I Appendix II Appendix III Appendix IV Appendix V Chakras further reading Aura colours and meanings Grounding, protecting yourself Kundalini Example client record form

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Thanks Our thanks to our Reiki Master Christine Burns for allowing us to base this manual on hers and her willingness to share her knowledge with us and encourage us to share it with others. Thank you Christine.

Reiki II Manual

In Reiki I (first degree) your energy system became attuned to allow you to assimilate a higher vibratory level of energy. In Reiki II (second degree) that energy system is fine-tuned by the use of symbols which result in an amplification of the energy you can channel. It is in Reiki II the student learns the three symbols - power, distance and mental/emotional. It is by the use of these symbols the student learns the skill of being able to focus healing on mental and emotional problems, together with distant healing of those not physically present. It is often stated with Reiki II comes an increase in power but we must remember we are all individuals and respond to the energy in our own way. Certainly it has been our experience that Reiki II, and the more you use Reiki, enables a stronger level of energy to flow but we are all different and so are the clients we will see. It should be remembered, therefore, they may not be ready to release the root cause of their problem and to heal themselves. This may mean you sense very little energy flowing from you to the client. It does not mean you are not channelling the energy correctly. Reiki has an intelligence of its own and will do what is for the highest good of the individual - not what the practitioner considers to be right. You may also rest assured the ideas and inspirations you have as to what energies to use at any given time will be for the highest good of the client. You may feel, if Reiki always works for the highest good of the person receiving it, and Reiki is not controlled by the practitioner, why would learning the symbols allow you to heal on mental/emotional levels or send Reiki across distances. The symbols allow a convenient point of focus, particularly for distant healing and the mental/emotional symbol is a practice of harmony. You are not so much directing the energy as focusing on an aspect of it for the good of the recipient. It is still the rule that Reiki will do what is best for the person regardless. Traditionally only one attunement is given with Reiki II but we will be giving you 1 attunement and two Reju empowerments. You may, again, go through a cleansing period and the most important thing is to ensure you continue with self-healing. Hopefully, by now, you will have discovered the benefits of self-healing and it will have become part of your everyday life.

Reiki II Manual

Reiki Hand Positions

The treatment is divided into three groups of four positions - four head positions, four body positions and four back positions. The positions are not set in stone and if you want to add or take out positions then do so - be guided by your hands. One rule to follow is to move your hands one at a time so you do not break the flow of energy or the contact with the client. You can have your hands side by side, one on top of the other (which focuses the energy) or any other way you wish. The energy is drawn through the palms and backs of the hands so it does not matter which way round your hands are - just make sure you are comfortable. Remember, Reiki is Pure Unconditional Love so smile and send loving thoughts as well. Always ask your client if they mind being touched. Remember the hands do not need to touch the body, Reiki is just as effective working in the aura. The energy will go to wherever it is needed, so the exact timing and positions are not critical - just trust your intuition, intend and ask that the healing be to the highest good of the client, and remember you can do no harm. Having said all that (because it is the standard teaching practice) as you become more comfortable with giving treatments and your intuition starts to increase, you may well sense you need to focus your healing in one particular area. In this case I would suggest you carry out the head positions, because the major energy points of the body are located there, the client will become deeply relaxed and you will ease any mental tension being experienced, and then continue with your healing in an intuitive fashion. The other point to be sure to do is finish on the feet to ground the client and be sure to sweep and cleanse the auric field when you conclude the treatment. Students sometimes ask why we need to move our hands to different positions if the energy goes to the area in most need. When the energy passes through the body to the area of most disharmony, everything in its path receives the benefits of Reiki. If we place our hands over the major organs, chakras and endocrine glands then they will receive the benefits of the energy as it passes through them. This gives what is known as holistic treatment, as we are treating the person as a whole and not just the sum of their symptoms. Reiki balances the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional bodies and balances the chakras.

Reiki Symbols

Reiki II Manual

All geometric shapes and designs give off some energy - even when just drawn on paper. As we ourselves are made of energy this energy can influence our bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual). The Reiki Symbols affect our body and our consciousness in three main ways. Firstly, they are sacred geometrical designs and, therefore, give off a much more powerful vibration than non-sacred shapes. Once the Symbols have been used they become pure energy and lose their form. Secondly is the intention for which they are used because, as we know, and is currently being proved by science, thought is energy. Because there are millions of people around the world using these symbols for a specific reason, and have been for thousands of years, a huge group consciousness has formed. Every time we use the symbols we tap into this group consciousness, which has a far more powerful energy than one single thought. The reason for the symbols power is created by the partnership of Beings in other dimensions of consciousness and their consistent use by human beings over the centuries. Although the symbols have a very powerful energy of their own, they will not work to the same extent if people are not attuned to them, as they will not be able to access the same level of consciousness where the Higher Beings (Angels, Spirit Guides) can activate them. When we have been attuned to the energy of these symbols we can more easily access these realms of consciousness. The symbols, we draw and visualise, are then transformed into three-dimensional keys which unlock and enable us to access particular vibrations of energy. I would recommend spending time meditating on each symbol, one at a time, to truly learn about its qualities. Before beginning the meditation, notice how you are feeling, any sensations within your body. Mentally draw the symbol in the air, silently chant its name three time, breath in the energy and then note once again the different sensations within your body and how you feel. The more you do this the more sensitive you will become to the energies around you and the needs of your clients. This meditation could be done as part of Hatsurei-ho.

Reiki II Manual

Reiki Second Degree Symbols

Traditionally there are three Second Degree (Reiki II) Symbols but many people add other symbols into their Second Degree courses. There are over 230 sacred symbols which have come from similar healing practices like Reiki although, in this country, there is little evidence to show which symbols relate to which traditions. Some of these symbols have been channeled by different people and given to them to pass on. Most are related to some form of Seichem, some trademarked, some not. We are teaching the 3 traditional symbols but those who may in the future go on to become Masters will encounter more. Most teachers of Seichem insist you are attuned to their symbols by doing a Seichem First Degree course and a Seichem second degree course as well as your Reiki but it is using all the same energy whichever symbols you use. Sometimes people are Divinely given a personal symbol, which resonates specifically with their own personal energy pattern and vibration. Sometimes they choose to share these symbols with others and it is our view that used correctly, group consciousness can form and the energy of these symbols begins to resonate more closely with a wider range of people. When practicing, a variation of one of the symbols (or a different symbol) may appear to you. This is because the Higher Beings have sent it as being appropriate at that moment for that client and you should not hesitate to use it. If on the other hand you come across symbols given to others, bear them in mind. If they are appropriate they will come to you, if they are not you will forget them. Do not worry for you will be guided via your intuition what is right and appropriate at any given time. Unfortunately some people teach these as lost or new Reiki Symbols and many have named their own system of Reiki saying that it is the most powerful form because of these extra symbols. The truth is no single form is any more powerful than any other - all Reiki is Universal Life Force Energy. I think this is when ego starts to become involved. I believe these personal symbols should be kept to those to whom they appear - I feel it is wrong to use them as a marketing gimmick and an excuse to charge more for their courses. The traditional way to use the symbols is to contract the Hui Yin (please see details on next page) and draw the symbol with the dominant hand (the energy comes through the palm chakra and the finger chakras) whilst visualising the symbol and silently chanting its name three times. By doing this we focus our energy on the symbol using all three major senses, feeling, sound and vision. If you do not have a free hand then you contract the Hui Yin, visualise the symbol and silently chant its name to yourself three times. I feel I should add here that although many teachers now include use of the Hui Yin in the earlier levels of Reiki, it is a Chi Kung (Qi Gong) exercise. Dr. Usui was an expert in Chi Kung and may well have used this exercise and the Microcosmic Orbit in order to strengthen the level of energy channelled to clients. There is, however, no evidence at this time that students were instructed in this until they reached the level of Shinpiden or Master training.

Reiki II Manual

The symbols are sacred and it is suggested they should not be shown to those who are not attuned to them. I have to say, however, there are books where the symbols have been published and they can also be found quite easily on the Internet. What is most important, to my mind, is that your intention is pure when using them. I also believe the symbols are more powerful when treated with respect and this is why I believe they should remain confidential. I would also like to add here that I have included in this manual usage of the symbols as I believe there were traditionally taught. I must admit however that when actually practicing and following my intuition sometimes I am called upon to do them in reverse or even sometimes only using one symbol on particular hand positions. I mention this in case you, too, find there are occasions when the symbols do not flow easily, in which case allow your intuitive guidance to tell you what is needed. The Hui Yin The Hui Yin or perineum, which is located at the pressure point, which is the small hollow between the anus and genitals. The Hui Yin needs to be contracted as if trying to pull it up gently into the body and held (for you ladies who have children it is the pelvic floor exercise). As always practice will increase the strength of the muscles and they can be contracted for considerable lengths of time and should be contracted for a whole attunement. During attunements high frequency Ki (Chi in Chinese) energy enters your system and passes through the body. Contracting the Hui Yin keeps the energy in the body and prevents it from escaping. To complete the circuit, press the tongue to the roof of the mouth maintaining pressure throughout. You can often feel the increased energy immediately.

Reiki II Manual

Reiki II Manual

1. Cho Ku Rei
It is pronounced Show Koo Ray and translated it means: I Put the power of the Universe Here, Now This symbol is related to the Earth and the physical body and is for directing and increasing energy, it breaks through stagnant or blocked energy and transforms negative energy to positive energy. Its shape represents a conch shell calling to the Heavens with the energy flowing from the Universe, entering the crown chakra, flowing down through the centre of the chakras to the base and spiraling out through the other chakras, balancing, harmonising and healing. It is mainly used in conjunction with the second Reiki symbol as together they harmonise as well as empower. To Use: Contact your Hui Yin and visualise the symbol whilst chanting its name to yourself three times. Imagine the energy spiraling down through the Cho Ku Rei into whatever you are empowering - always ask that the energy be used for the Highest Good. Cho Ku Rei can be used to empower and cleanse anything from remedies, vitamins, seeds, herbs, food so more of the nutrients and less of the toxins absorbed; when driving to ensure a clear journey. Traffic jams are only blocked energy! I can certainly testify to the effectiveness of this; if you find people tailgating when driving, place a Cho Ku Rei behind your car, the offending vehicle soon drops back; send it out at the beginning of your journey to find a parking space; draw it under stamps to ensure letters arrive safely; excellent for bridging scars on wounds; place into the corners of a room to dispel stuck energy and empower with positive energy; place a large Cho Ku Rei around you as a protection; use it to protect your purse or credit cards; enjoy discovering as many uses as you can.

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Reiki II Manual

2.Sei He Ki
It is pronounced Say Hay Key and translated it means: Balance, Harmony and Protection The translation is self-explanatory. It is the energy that forms the protection in the attunement. Sei He Ki is related to the Moon and mental and emotional issues. It has a very loving, gentle and protective feel to it. Traditionally you always empower Sei He Ki with Cho Ku Rei but there have been occasions when clients have been in particular need of really gentle energy and I have found it to be just as effective when not empowered. To use: Contract your Hui Yin and visualise Sei He Ki (2) whilst chanting its name to yourself three times, then (still contracting your Hui Yin) visualise Cho Ku Rei (1) whilst chanting its name to yourself three times. Imagine the energy spiraling down through the Cho Ku Rei and into the Sei He Ki, flowing through into whatever you are healing - always ask that the energy goes to the Highest Good of all concerned especially as emotional issues usually involve other people. Sei He Ki can be used: visualise 2, then 1 on your palms when healing; draw 2 then 1 beneath your treatment couch; use 2 then 1 on your feet to ground you; draw 2 on its own on your solar plexus to balance emotions, heal emotional wounds and guard against energy vampires; visualise throughout your house to harmonise the atmosphere and protect your home; draw on paper and place under your bed - helps insomnia; In fact use Sei He Ki then Cho Ku Rei on or around anything, or anyone, to balance, harmonise and protect, e.g. electrical or dangerous appliances, cars, luggage, mail, pets and people, when visitors arrive and leave. There are no limits so be creative.


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Reiki II Manual

3. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

It is pronounced Hon Shar Zay Show Nen and it means: No past, no present, no future The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (3) allows us to connect and heal at the deepest level - the soul level. Linking with the soul enables us to transcend all time and space, so we can send Reiki to others, or ourselves, at any time - past, present or future. We cannot change the past but we can change how it affects us, enabling healing of past traumas - even past lives to heal the present. To use: Contract your Hui Yin and visualise Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (3) whilst chanting its name to yourself three times, then (still contracting your Hui Yin) visualise Cho Ku Rei (1) whilst chanting its name to yourself three times. Imagine the energy spiraling down through the Cho Ku Rei and into the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen flowing through into or to wherever and whomever you are healing. If healing any mental or emotional issues at a distance or in a past life add the Sei He Ki. - always ask that the energy goes to the Highest Good of all concerned especially as emotional issues usually involve other people and at a soul level what is presumed right in one lifetime or for one person may not be to the highest good overall. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen can be used: to link with another person in the same room - tune into yourself and then tune into the third eye of the other person. This can also apply to linking with spirit guides and angels should you be involved in psychic work; to link with another being using a photograph - tune into yourself and then tune into the third eye of the photo; to link by using visualisation - tune into yourself, visualise the persons face and then tune into their third eye; to link with an affirmation - tune into yourself and then tune into the affirmation; to link with and send Reiki to anything from affirmations, to emotions, to objects, to experiences; to send Reiki to the other side of the world and it will arrive instantaneously; if you feel any emotional issues currently affecting your client are related to issues raised in past lives, you can send Sei He Ki back to the first time your client encountered this problem or person in a past life and heal the issue from there. This has often brought about amicable and peaceful solutions to emotional problems within a few days or weeks of the treatment. The only difference between good and excellent sending is practice. The sequence is the same whoever or whatever you are sending to, so experiment but always send to the Highest Good.


Reiki II Manual

Tuning In

Instructions on Symbol Usage

Tuning in to yourself:If you do this once at the beginning of the day you will be able to link easily to your client, friends, family, colleagues or to whatever situation you would like to send Reiki. I personally have had excellent results with sending it to all people attending important meetings prior to the meetings taking place. Whilst chanting its name to yourself three times, draw and visualise the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Symbol No. 3) over your third eye. Then whilst chanting its name to yourself three times, draw and visualise the Sei He Ki (2) over your third eye. Then whilst chanting its name to yourself three times draw and visualise the Cho Ku Rei (1) over your third eye. Imagine the energy spiraling through the Cho Ku Rei into the Sei He Ki and flowing through the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen into your third eye. Tuning in to others:To link into your client prior to starting a healing session, or to a situation, place etc.:Whilst chanting its name to yourself three times draw and visualise the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (3) over the other persons* third eye. Then whilst chanting its name to yourself three times, draw and visualise the Sei He Ki (2) over their* third eye. Imagine the energy spiralling through the Cho Ku Rei into the Sei He Ki and flowing through the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen into their third eye. * If it is an object, label, etc. then tune in to its own form and follow procedures of Distant Healing on page 18.

Increasing the Energy Flow


Reiki II Manual

Earlier in this manual you were given details concerning the Hui Yin point. If you wish to increase the flow of energy through your hands at any given position - or at every position - you should contract the Hui Yin, place your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind the front teeth. This should be held throughout the healing session and, indeed, if you would like to increase the flow even more, pump the Hui Yin point 9 times, visualise or draw your chosen symbol(s), stating the name 3 times, and feel the energy flow through you. It may seem as if it would be uncomfortable when first beginning to use this posture but I can assure you it is well worthwhile. (As well as being extremely good for bladder control especially in later life). There are times when I also use a mantra of my own, which is a variation of a Huna healing mantra I read about. I have found that this aids the flow of energy between 2 specific points considerably as well as helping me keep focused. The mantra is: I channel this energy in Love use it for your highest good. The mantra used by my Reiki Master is Be strong, be safe, be loved, be healed, be free. But you can use any mantra that comes to mind in each specific circumstance sure in the knowledge that it is the most appropriate for your client at that time. My mantra will change according to circumstances. It may also change in the middle of a session as I intuit more meaningful sentiments for the particular client. Mantras are not obligatory and should be chanted silently.


Reiki II Manual

Traditional Japanese Scanning Techniques

The following are the scanning techniques taught in the Usui Reikie Ryoho Gakkai (The Reiki School/Clinic set up in Japan at the time of Dr. Usui). There are two related scanning techniques that are an integral part of the Reiki training with the Gakkai. The Japanese scanning technique is called Byosen Reikan Ho and the intuitive scanning technique is called Reiji Ho A Gakkai trainee would expect to have developed either the Reiji or Byosen ability before moving onto Okuden (Second Degree Reiki). Reiji and/or Byosen are developed through regular practice and exposure to a large number of clients and Reju empowerments. The Byosen scanning technique can through long practice lead to these abilities: 1. To develop sufficient sensitivity in your hands you can detect energy imbalances, so you will know where to put your hands and how long they should be in place for a particular client. 2. To develop sufficient knowledge concerning the sensations your hands produce in different circumstances and conditions, so you can use the information coming from your hands to diagnose disease. Please remember in the UK and the Western world we cannot diagnose. The simpler ability (1) described above is quite easy to develop and just takes some practice. This is usually the extent of Western style scanning and is the type of scanning taught in Reiki 1. The advanced Byosen ability (2) is developed through regular practice and exposure to a large number of clients. The technique requires you to focus your attention on the sensations in your hands in a dedicated fashion. As well as requiring regular practice to be developed, it seems these skills are only maximised, they will only reach their full potential, through receiving regular Reiju empowerments. Byosen Reikan Ho Technique This is the information has been passed to the west from Hiroshi Doi (a current teacher at the Usui Reikie Rhyoho Gakkai in Japan today who comes to the west to teach traditional Japanese methods). When a person has a disease, you can feel something transmitted from the source of the disease. This is called Byosen. What you feel as Byosen varies depending on the type, severity and status of the disease and from client to client and healer to healer. Some samples are: sensations of something moving, pulsating or piercing, or of a bug crawling, biting or of pain, numbness, heat, coldness, tickling, tingling etc. (The sensations you have in your hands are called Hibiki or Resonance and you can judge by it the cause of the disease, the status of it and the time it will take to heal. When you are very experienced and as we keep saying practice makes perfect. As long as a person has a disease (even if the person is not aware of it) there never fails to be a Byosen. If you are careful enough and practiced enough to detect the Byosen, it is possible to treat the disease a couple of days before it actually shows up. Also, there could be a Byosen in people who are said to have recovered completely from his/her disease. If you get rid of the Byosen in these cases you can prevent the

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disease from developing again. A Byosen could show up in the obvious problem area but also could be sensed in areas different from the problem area. For example, the Byosen for stomach disease often show up in ones forehead, roundworm under ones nose, liver problems in the eyes etc. or within the chakra the disease relates to. Remember the term disease really relates to dis - ease in the body and is usually the body reacting to some form of mental or emotional imbalance in the clients life. The type of disease and its location can be related to the appropriate chakra to help establish what the cause of the disease might be. Treating the cause at the same time as treating the symptom can be more effective than treating the symptom. For further reading I recommend Emotional Intelligence by Debbie Shaperal. At first the ability to sense Byosen differs depending on individuals but as you practice so your ability will improve. Do not rush this process, take your time and get used to the feeling, not just in your hands but notice the thoughts that come into your mind, or sensations in your body. Get used to using your intuition. Remember whatever thoughts and feelings come to mind trust your intuition, what does not make sense to you may make perfect sense to your client. I personally have had many experiences of this. Do Byosen at the start and finish of a treatment and the finish will help to re-balance the aura after you have been working in it. Once you have developed Byosen, it will automatically be decided where and how long your hands should be put in place. Since you do not feel anything until you develop Byosen, use standard hand positions for healing yourself and treating others. Reiji Ho There is another intuitive scanning technique called Reiji Ho which means indication of the spirit. By contrast with Byosen, Reiji is most certainly not an intellectual activity, and involves emptying your head, getting you and your intellect out of the way, just merging with the energy and allowing the energy to guide your hands directly to the right places to treat, even before you have scanned the body to what is going on! I have found that the vast majority of people who try this technique find that it works for them almost straight away. Anyone can do it with a bit of practice. So Reiji Ho is the name given to an intuitive technique which through long practice leads to these abilities: 1. To allow the flow of Reiki through your hands to guide you to problem areas, even before the patient has been scanned 2. To know intuitively what the problem is, to intuit or to see what the disease is.


Reiki II Manual

Sequence for Second Degree Treatment with Clients

The sequence for giving a Second Degree treatment with clients is exactly the same as First Degree with the exception that you will now include the symbols. Ground and Protect yourself (see exercise in appendix 2) 2. 3. Stand at the head of your client (or behind them if they are seated). (Hand positions page 3). Scan body. Ground and center yourself, place your hands lightly on the shoulders of the client, (if they are seated) or on their head if they are lying down, ask for guidance from the Circle of Reiki Masters and any other healing guides or angels you have, and state that the healing is for the Highest Good of the individual. Tune in to yourself, tune in to your client (see notes Tuning In page 13). Tell your client you are going to place your hands over their eyes and it is at this point the technique changes from Reiki 1 because you will now start to use the symbols. When your hands are in place draw the Sei He Ki and then the Cho Ku Re over each hand, repeat each name three times as you draw the symbol and say Reiki On. You can draw the symbols in the air over your hands with your eyes, with the end of your nose, or visualise them fully drawn but always repeat their name three times on each occasion. Continue the whole treatment in this manner.

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The above is the basis of the way I was taught to use the symbols. As already mentioned, however, there are times however when your intuition will guide you to do something different. I have since discovered that other Reiki Masters have found it beneficial to be selective in the use of symbols, dependent upon the needs of the client. As you become more familiar with the use of symbols and the energy derived from them, you may wish to try using them in different ways. As an example, if someone visits you for a treatment and they are suffering from stress due to mental/emotional problems, try a complete healing using only Sei He Ki. Alternatively, if the stress is caused by a physical ailment, e.g. arthritis, try using Cho Ku Rei throughout the healing. The reasoning behind this approach is that we are dissipating the energy by using different vibrations when using both symbols together and, therefore, a stronger, more focused energy is channeled when selecting just one of the symbols. Do remember, though, that you can do no harm whatever method you choose. Regular practice and your intuition will guide you.


Reiki II Manual

Distant Healing
Introduction That Distant Healing works there is no doubt. It is an integral part of the Reiki system, but is not, by any means, unique to Reiki. Using Reiki for distant healing is very powerful. In practice you should attempt to send Reiki for 3 - 5 days in a row at the same time of day, for 10 - 15 minutes each session. If that routine is difficult then sending some Reiki with the intention that it arrives at your set time is better than not doing it at all. Permission Many students ask, can I send distance healing to anyone I know is unwell? The general rule is that those in need should ask. It is suggested we would be interfering with the free will of an individual by sending healing without permission. It is not always possible, however, to gain permission personally. The person may be unconscious or in a coma; it may be a young child who knows nothing about healing, or indeed, animals are unable to request healing. My own view is I never turn down a request for distant healing and always stipulate the energy received by the individual is used for their Highest Possible Good. Bear in mind that the Highest Good may be to help them make their transition. Also remember some of your nearest and dearest may have a different belief system than yours and you could be violating that belief if you sent healing un-requested. Personally I ask my healing guide (or the Circle of Reiki Grand Masters) to request permission from the persons highest self (Soul) and should the healing be acceptable to use it for their highest good and if not to pass it on to those on the planet who need it. I usually get an instinctive answer to this question whenever I have used it. An immediate either yes or no and if it is no I feel the energy bounce off. Creative Distant Healing Uses of Distant Healing are only limited to your imagination. As already mentioned, you can use it to send healing to someone who is not close enough to touch, e.g. across a room. Because distant healing works outside of time and space, your can also send distant Reiki to: yourself as a child, your inner child, difficult episodes in your past; yourself in the future, in an anticipated difficult situation (e.g. job interview); your past life/lives, or future life/lives; someone who has passed on; heal a relationship between two people, but always for the highest good; global crises; the planet earth, nature, your garden. There are groups of healers using different technique sending healing to the planet at certain times each day. Most Reiki practitioners (in the UK) send Distant Healing at 10 p.m. and at that time

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you will link into the global consciousness of Reiki Healers. If, however, this time is not suitable for you, do as suggested above and send the healing with the intention that it goes out at 10 p.m. Try an experiment Try this experiment on another Reiki person, or another willing volunteer particularly if they are quite sensitive to the energy. For one week, send distant healing at 10 p.m. or whatever time you agree upon with the other person. The recipient should lay quietly with no distractions and be aware of any sensations they experience. For 2 - 3 days, send Reiki at the agreed time For 2 - 3 days, dont send the energy at all For 2 - 3 days send the energy ahead of time, and intend that it will go out at the agreed time. Both keep a note of experiences and compare them after the experiment. Distant Healing Books Send distant healing to multiple recipients by having a distant healing book. Write down a list of names in the book, review the list before you start, and then channel Reiki into the book with the intention that it will be sent to everyone in the book. Reiki will work even if you do not know the recipient personally. There are a number of healing networks where names of those in need of healing are sent out to volunteer healers worldwide and when feedback is given the results can be quite outstanding. Distant Healing Boxes Alternatively, use a distant healing box containing pieces of paper with names written on them, photographs etc. Reiki the box with the intention that the energy will be sent to everyone represented in the box. Reiki Your Day Send Reiki to your day using Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. One lady that does this finds that the hours seem to expand to allow her to get through everything she needs to do. If she does not get everything done, she does not worry too much about it! Reiki Your Bed Another lady sends Reiki to her bed, with the intention that the energy will wait there for her, and flow into her when she gets into bed at night. Or Sei He Ki your bed before getting in to it asking that it relieve all emotional and mental stress and allow you a good refreshing sleep. Some of the standard methods for sending Reiki are given on the following pages but there are no hard and fast rules. Be imaginative and always send for the Highest Possible Good of ALL CONCERNED. Photo Technique Sit down in front of the table with a photograph of yourself and a photograph of


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the person you wish to send healing to. Ground and center yourself asking for guidance from the Circle of Reiki Masters and ask that the energy go to the highest good of all concerned Visualise the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (3), Sei He Ki (2) and the Cho Ku Rei (1) on your third eye, saying each name 3 times. Draw the three symbols with your fingers, or visualise them being drawn, on the third eye of the person in the photograph, again chanting the names 3 times as you draw them. Place the photograph of the healee between your hands. Silently say to yourself I now send Reiki to (name of recipient) for their highest good in entirety. You can also use this method to send a self treatment via your own photograph Send Reiki for about 10 - 15 minutes. To stop, simply lift your hands off, thank the Universe for the energy and the Circle of Reiki Masters for their guidance. The Knee - Pillow - Teddy Bear Method You can use other symbology to represent the recipients body, such as a doll, or anything else you wish. The basis of this method is the intent the object represents the person. If you are using a pillow you would intend the top part represent the crown, the middle the waist, and the bottom the feet. A teddy bear is a direct representation. With the knee method, use the right knee and thigh to represent the back, and the left knee and thigh to represent the front of the person. The knee corresponds to the head, the base of the thigh would be the feet. Use the same method quoted above for visualising and chanting the names of the symbols over your third eye and over the object representing the person in need of healing. Finger Method The finger method is another way of using a representation of the person to whom you are sending distant Reiki. It is useful if you want to send distant healing but are in a place where you do not want to attract attention to yourself. Basically, this procedure uses one of the fingers of one hand to represent a person or situation that you want to send distant healing to. Wrap your fingers of one hand around the finger that you are using as your representation. Intend that you are sending distant Reiki to that person or situation. As you do Reiki on your finger you are doing Reiki on the person or situation. Remember, you only have to think Reiki and it will follow. Beaming Technique Visualise the symbols on your third eye, then draw them in the air, chanting their names to yourself. State the name of the person you wish to heal and any other details about them you need to feel connected. Intend the person will receive Reiki as you send. Hold both hands at chest height, palms facing outward from you. Then simply send Reiki. You will feel it pour through your hands. As you send they will be receiving Reiki healing.


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Sending Reiki to a List of Recipients In this method you are doing Reiki on an entire list of people, with the intent that each is receiving a complete Reiki treatment. This is a useful technique when you have a number of people who have requested distant healing. When creating your list include, if possible, their name, age, location and what needs to be treated. Once you have completed the list, empower the paper with the symbols and the intent that it be filled with a Reiki treatment for each. You can place your list inside a box, a folder, or a small container if you wish and send Reiki by holding the container in your hands. When I am traveling around I use a plastic container that once held a roll of film. Its small enough to fit into my bag or pocket and I can send Reiki to it at any time, with the intention that the healing be received at the most appropriate time for the individual. This was past on to me by my Reiki Master and proves very effective. The ideal way to send Reiki is to a consenting recipient. Arrange a time for them, if possible, when they can be relaxed and open to receiving the energy. If it is impossible for you to agree on a time, e.g. a recipient who is overseas, then ensure that you state that the energy is to be received by them at the most appropriate time.


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Low Energy Levels

Being Reiki is an energy healing system it is very powerful for dealing with any energy difficiency type problems such as: Simple exhaustion at the end of a busy day, Tired and have a lot to get through in the day Always tired with never enough energy to get everything done Connecting to Reiki will always give you and your client a boost. I personally cannot do Reiki at night because it raises my energy level so high I cannot sleep. Reiki is also gaining a reputation for being beneficial for those with ME and other energy related deceases. I personally am undertaking a study with a number of ME sufferers to ascertain the direct benefits. It must be remembered however that Reiki works on the emotional and physical level and if the ME is doing something specific for the client then they may not unconsciously wish to improve. It has been found that it is also useful to open the foot chakras when treating someone with low energy. After having cleansed the body with Reiki in the usual manner you can channel the energy up the body from the feet. Remember to close the foot chakras to ensure the energy does not seep away when the client stands up.


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Sending Reiki with Your Eyes and Breath

Write up by Taggart King This section deals with two related techniques that are practiced by the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in Japan. Basically, they demonstrate the power of intent. If you intend that Reiki travels with your breath then it will do so, taking on some of the characteristics of breath in the process, if you intend that Reiki travels with your gaze then it will do so, taking on some the characteristics of sight in the process. Practical Benefits of the Eye and Breath Techniques 1 2 3 4 The benefits of conveying energy the eyes or breath as well as the hands are as follows: You can touch more bases at one time: you can direct the energy with your hands into two locations, and direct it to a third place using the eyes or the breath. You can intensify the Reiki effect by directing Reiki using your eyes or your breath onto your hands. You can direct Reiki to places where it would be inappropriate to touch. Use your imagination! You could treat burns in the same way, for example, while not touching.

Healing with the Eyes: Koki-ho The key to directing Reiki with the eyes seems to be to: Defocus the eyes; look with soft focus 1 2 Look through the area where we want to send the therapy You should look with a loving state of being behind you.

As an exercise, sit with any partner center yourself, and look directly and lovingly through your partners forehead for a while. What does your partner notice? Now stare through another part of their body, what sensations are they feeling now? Now visualise Sei He Ki over your partner face and see if there is any change in the sensations they experience. What happens if you use Cho Ku Rei? This technique can be used with photographs as a way of sending distant healing.


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Healing with the Breath: Gyoshi Ho The key to directing Reiki using your breath seems to be: Place the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and inhale 1 2 As you inhale, draw down energy through your crown As you exhale, be conscious of energy flowing with your breath.

As an exercise, sit with any partner, center yourself and direct your Reiki breath onto your partners forehead for a couple of times. You do not need to blow a gale and they do not need to feel air movement on them - the intent is the important thing here. What does your partner notice? Now breath Reiki onto another part of their body, what sensations do they feel now? Now you can repeat the exercise, but this time, as you inhale, draw one of the Reiki symbols on the roof of your mouth with your tongue (practice!). Put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and hold it there as before. Exhale as before onto your partners face/head. Can your partner feel a difference now, and can they feel a difference between two symbols (Cho Ku Rei and Sei He Ki)? Try breath Reiki onto other parts of the body. What is the response? Breath Reiki onto your pets and your plants! As an alternative to the above, just visualise the symbols on the roof of your mouth, it will work just the same.


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Detoxification Technique
Taken and amended from a Write up by Taggart King Keteuki Kokan: the Blood Exchange Blood Exchange techniques are referred to in Chujiro Hayashis manual and seem to be mentioned in Mrs. Takatas diary. The techniques are based on the stimulation of the meridian system in such a way that the blood system is said to be replenished, with old red blood cells being eliminated and new ones created to replace them. Interestingly, some research mentioned on William Rands web site (www. suggests that Reiki treatments can increase the hemoglobin levels in patients. The Blood Exchange techniques are also seem a way of encouraging the body to detox and self-cleanse and can be used routinely at the end of a Reiki treatment, for example. There are three variations of the Blood Exchange technique. The first one is well suited to be carried out at the end of any Reiki treatment. Keteuki Kokan (Blood Cleansing Technique) Place one hand at the tope of the spine and keep it there. With the other hand, stroke firmly but gently down the spine (hand flat against the back) from where the fixed hand is, all the way down to the base of the spine/coccyx. Repeat this 10 - 15 times. Leaving the hand at the top of the spine, leave the other at the base of the spine at the completion of the last downward movement and wait until the energy in both hands feels the same - may half a minute or so. This technique had ended up being diluted in the few lineages where it has survived at all, as a single stroke down the spine. Running down the back are the Bladder, Gall Bladder and Governing Vessel meridians and moving the hand along the back in the way described above would have the effect of stimulating those meridians and dispersing stuck energy, purifying and cleansing. There are special points along the length of one of these meridians, which connect with all the major organ systems and these would be triggered off too. In addition, various branches of the sympathetic nervous system emerge from between the vertebrae on either side of the spine, so they would be affected by your actions as well. The energy touches all bases through this technique. Hanshin Koketsu (Half Body Blood Cleansing) Stroke down the arms from the shoulder down to the fingertips 10 - 15 times. Then stroke down the legs from the hip to the toes 10 - 15 times. You could do this on yourself. Zenshin Koketsu (Full Body Blood Cleansing) This represents the normal hand positions on the head, chest and abdomen.


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Focusing Reiki like a Laser Beam

Taken and amended from a Write up by Taggart King Frank Arjava Petter describes a technique which it is claimed to be an original Usui technique by a Japanese Reiki stream that is separate from the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. The Gakkai do not seem to have heard of it. This technique does not have a special name. Interestingly, Petter claims that a holy man in India has been seen using just these hand positions in treating someone for toothache, so perhaps the technique is a universal one, not related specifically to Reiki energy. The effect of this technique is to convey the energy in a focused form, like a narrow pencil beam torch, or a laser beam, focusing the energy on a very narrow area. It allows greater precision when treating a small area or a specific acupuncture point, a meridian or a foot reflex point, for example, and accelerates the flow of Reiki. Instructions: 1 With your dominant hand, place the tips of your ring finger and middle finger on the tip of your thumb, with your fingers straight (not curved), leaving your index finger and little finger raised into the air With your non-dominant hand, bunch together the tip of your thumb with the other four fingertips and hold the fingers pointing upwards, by way of receiving energy from above (this part seems to be optional) Use the dominant hand to convey energy in a precise, focused way, concentrating the energy on a small area of need.

You may find that shortly after assuming the position described above, you can feel the palm of your dominant hand tingling, as the finger position leads to the energy intensifying and accelerating. Try holding your laser beam fingers 20 cm (9) away from the palm of your other hand; draw shapes on your palm using the energy emerging, trace lines of energy up and down your fingers one at a time. Some people can see energy emerging from the three fingertips

Additional Treatments

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Specific Problems Close eyes and center yourself. Ask in your mind which symbols and how many of them are needed to heal this problem. It is also useful to ask how many sessions will be necessary as sometimes specific problems require a series of treatments. Place your hands on the client and ask the specific number of symbols to go to the affected area to assist with the healing process for the highest good of the person concerned. Visual the symbols traveling through the affected areas and healing the problem. Infections Using the same method above (asking which symbol and how many of them will be necessary to heal the infection) close your eyes and center yourself. Visualise the exact number of symbols going through the body and capturing all the infection and taking it out of the body through the usual elimination channels. It is also helpful to ask and to visualise all the infection and negativity held in the body to transformed back into positive energy for the world. Emotional Balancing Often when we experience an emotional trauma it becomes locked into the cellular memory of our body. At any time during the Reiki treatment your client may experience and release deep feelings. This is something of which your client should be forewarned. You can gently interrupt your hand positions and, keeping contact with the client, move to your clients head. Place your non-dominant hand on your clients shoulder and with your dominant hand draw the Sei He Ki over the clients upper four chakras - heart, throat, third eye and crown. Then place this hand on the other shoulder. Visualise the Sei He Ki and Cho Ku Rei on each hand and imagine the energy clearing and healing the emotion. This technique clears negative energy from around the spine and perineum area and balances the Kundalini (see appendix V). It can also be used as a separate treatment. Creating Ki Balls This can be quite a powerful form of healing for specific needs and can be carried out at any time. A Ki Ball is a ball of energy that with your hands or your intention, you will place or send to an area in need of healing. To create a Ki Ball: hold your hands, palms facing, about body width apart; imagine a beam of Reiki energy traveling backwards and forwards between your palms gradually bring your hands together until you can feel the pressure between your palms; imagine this energy is formed into a perfect ball; put your chosen symbols into the ball of energy; place it in the area of healing, or send it to the recipient. I often create Ki Balls whilst I am watching TV and then gently place them into my knees or hips if theyre feeling a bit stiff. I also create and blow a ball of energy to places of crises, or friends or family in need of some extra energy. Be creative, the main thing is to get used to creating them.


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Chakra Balancing
This can be done during a healing or as a separate treatment. It is better if the client lies on their front so that you work on the back of the body when balancing chakras. Place one hand over the crown chakra and the other over the base chakra. Visualise Sei He Ki and the Cho Ku Rei on each hand and imagine the energy balancing and healing the chakras Moving hands one at a time, place one hand over the third eye chakra and the other over the sacral chakra. Visualise Sei He Ki and then Cho Ku Rei on each hand and imagine the energy balancing and healing the charkas. Moving hands one at a time, place one hand over the throat chakra and the other over the solar plexus chakra. Visualising Sei He Ki and then Cho Ku Rei on each hand and imagine the energy balancing and healing the charkas. Moving hands one at a time, place both hands over the heart chakra. Visualising Sei He Ki and then Cho Ku Rei on each hand and imagine the energy balancing and healing this chakra. Either continue with the treatment or brush down the aura and allow the client to come to gently. Change positions every three to five minutes if you cannot feel the energy flowing. If you have a dowsing pendulum you can check the state of the charkas before and after balancing and notice any changes.


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Chakra Spin Patterns

There are various schools of thought re Chakra spin patterns. about many. The main ones seem to be 1 2 3 I have read and heard

Each chakra spins according to the energy of the individual. To show open they may spin clockwise or anticlockwise and they would all spin in the same direction. Each chakra spins in an alternate direction. Ie if the base was open and spinning clockwise the sacrel chakra would spin anti-clockwise, the solar plexus would spin clockwise etc up through each of the chakras. They spin clockwise for open and balanced anti-clockwise for open and imblanced with no spin at all for closed.

To account for the variations there is the possibility that each guide and pendulum are acting in their own way therefore I would strongly recommend asking your pendulum what it intends to show for what. This only needs to be done once when you use your pendulum for the first time or should you feel a different guiding energy. My experience is the pendulum does not spin at all if the chakra is closed. The degree and speed of spin indicates how open and balanced the chakra is I have come across people where the spin pattern is alternate and some when they are all in one direction both clockwise and anti-clockwise. I give below the general guideline I was given in training but it is only a guideline using your intuition will give you a greater degree of accuracy. Clockwise Anticlock Linear circular Elliptical circular Elliptical still R.Diagonal L Diagonal Vertical Horizontal Open and ideal, well balanced Open but indicating a transition from/to a greater imbalance closed with projections of reality on others closed by indicating a transition from to a greater imbalance Chakra not functioning Severe passive/aggressive split quite aggressive Severe passive/aggressive split quite passive Moving towards the spiritual to avoid interaction with others Holding energy to avoid personal interactions.

When dowsing the chakras hold the pendulum between finger and thumb and hold approximately 2 3 inches above the location of the chakra. Clear your mind and wait for the pendulum to oscillate according to the energy coming from the chakra.


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Reiki and the Law

1. A parent or guardian who willfully fails to provide adequate medical aid for a child under the age of 16 may be committing a criminal offence. Reiki is not defined as a medical aid by law so anyone who treats a child whose parents refuse medical aid could be seen to be aiding and abetting that offence. When treating a child it is advisable to secure the signature of the parent or guardian to the following statement I have been warned by (Reiki Practitioners name) that according to Law I must consult a doctor concerning the health of my child (childs name). This statement should be signed and dated by both parent or guardian and a witness and kept with the client records. 2. It is illegal to practice dentistry if unqualified. Hovering your hands over someones face probably doesnt constitute the practice of dentistry anyway! Reiki will only give temporary pain relief, the underlying disease process will continue. 3. It is advisable to not knowingly give Reiki to people who are suffering from syphilis, gonorrhoea and soft chancre. Under the Venereal Diseases Act 1917 it is illegal to treat any of these conditions for reward, whether direct or indirect. Any service must be provided entirely for free. 4. It is an offence to offer treatment or prescribe a remedy or advice for cancer. 5. Any advertising should comply with the British Code of Advertising Practice and meet the requirements of the Advertising Standards Agency. Adverts should be signified and should not claim a cure or mention any disease. 6. Except in cases of urgency or sudden necessity, it is illegal for anyone other than a certified midwife to attend a woman in childbirth without medical supervision or for anyone other than a registered nurse to attend for reward as a nurse on a woman in childbirth or during a period of 10 days thereafter. 7. Reiki practitioners should not prescribe or sell remedies, herbs, supplements, oils etc. unless they have undergone appropriate training and have qualifications which entitle them to do so. 8. Before treating animals it is advisable to seek assurance from the owner that a vet has examined the animal. The Veterinary Surgery Act 1996 prohibits anyone other than a qualified veterinary surgeon from treating animals, including diagnosis of ailments and giving advice on such diagnosis. However, the healing of animals by contact healing, by the laying on of hands and distant healing is legal. However, the Protection of Animals Act 1911 requires that if an animal clearly needs treatment from a veterinary surgeon the owner must obtain this. To give emergency first aid to animals for the purpose of saving life or relieving pain is permissible under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1996 Schedule 3. 9. It is required that cases of certain infectious diseases are notified to the Medical Officer of Health in the district in which the client is resident. The notification must be made by a GP so if a Reiki practitioner suspects that the client is suffering from a notifiable disease they should insist that the client should see a doctor. 10. Notifiable diseases under the Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984 are as follows: Cholera, Plague, Relapsing Fever, Smallpox, Typhus, Food Poisoning.


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11. Under the Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1988 the diseases are as follows: Acute Encephalitis, Acute Poliomyelitis, Anthrax, Diphtheria, Dysentery (Amoebic or Bacillary), Leprosy, Leptospirosis, Malaria, Measles, Meningitis, Meningococcal Septicaemia (without Meningitis), Mumps, Opthalmia Neonatorium, Paratyphoid Fever, Rabies, Rubella, Scarlet Fever, Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Typhoid Fever, Viral Hemorrhagic Fever, Viral Hepatitis, Whooping Cough, Yellow Fever. 12. Reiki practitioners must investigate and co-operate with local by-laws and all relevant Health and Safety legislation. Reiki in Hospitals All Reiki practitioners visiting hospitals should comply with the guidelines laid down by the British Complimentary Medicine Association (BCMA). The hospital is responsible for the patient. Reiki practitioners may only treat patients in hospital with permission from the patient, the hospital authority including the ward charge nurse. Reiki practitioners should not wear clothing which gives the impression that they are a staff member of the hospital. They may have some sort of identification such as a lapel badge. Where permission is given to provide treatment on the ward, this must be carried out without fuss or interruption to other patients and staff. If other patients request treatment, the permission of the ward charge nurse, nursing officer (and if relevant the patients doctor) must first be obtained. Reiki practitioners should never undermine the patients faith in hospital treatment or regime. Where credentials are requested, Reiki practitioners must provide their associated current membership card or other proof of membership and permission to visit. NOTE: The above information is as published by the UK Reiki Federation. The following further advice was given by Alan Sweeney, Reiki Master/Teacher. As far as the BMA/NHS is concerned, treating AIDS sufferers is no risk/minimal risk but cuts and grazes must be covered on both yourself or the patient. In a hospital the patient must ask for Reiki - you must not offer it. You are allowed to hold hands and say prayers without permission. It is against the law (Cancer Act 1984) to write an article saying that you have cured someone of cancer, and not mention chemotherapy if the patient has received it.


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In Conclusion
If you intend to set up a healing practice you will require insurance. Many therapists who are Reiki in conjunction with other complementary therapies may well find they are already covered by their current insurance, or there may be a small increase in cost. To my knowledge, there is currently no law that says you must be insured to practice Reiki but that situation is likely to change within the next few years. If you would like to keep up-to-date with what is happening in the UK regarding the above, I would recommend contacting the UK Reiki Federation. If you have access to the internet their site can be viewed at http// Their postal address is as follows: UK Reiki Federation PO Box 261 Wembley HA0 4FP E.Mail: The Federation also offer insurance to those practitioners who have completed Reiki II (second degree). I believe the cost is just over 40.00 for one year. They will require copies of your Levels 1 and 2 certificates. Details of other Associations you could contact or insurance companies who may be able to assist you can be supplied on request. William Rand in his book Reiki - the Healing Touch includes a chapter entitled Developing your Reiki Practice. Although geared toward the American market it does give some practical guidelines on how to increase awareness of Reiki in your area and suggestions on how to market yourself as a practitioner. Useful Web Site Addresses with further links Yahoo Groups


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APPENDIX I CHAKRAS Some information re Chakras is contained in your Reiki I manual. For further information on chakras and the deceases related to them I highly recommend Frontiers of Health From Healing to Wholeness - by Dr. Christine R Page 1992 reprinted 1996 and published by CW Daniel Co. Ltd.


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APPENDIX II AURAS As you practice Reiki more and more you may well become more aware of peoples aura and the colours it shows at any one time. Everyones chakras are the same basic colour but there moods and emotions and health may well affect their aura in different ways. Below is a general outline of what the various colours mean. For further information there are many books on How to Read Auras. General meaning of Aura Colours RED Fire Passion lust, fear, anger, aggression. Money worries, obsessions, unforgiveness, anxiety or nervousness. PINK Bright and light - joy, love, purity, warmth, compassion, new or revived romantic relationship, self-respect. Can indicate intuition, clairaudience, Dark and murky immature and or dishonest nature.

Healing, ambition, self-expression, outgoing social nature, very people oriented, highly sexual nature, currently experiencing stress related to appetites and addictions (food, alcohol, drugs, etc), can also indicate an extremely creative or artistic person or a person of great passion and extremely intense emotions. YELLOW Intellect, analysis, optimism, growth, sickly. Light or pale yellow emerging psychic and spiritual awareness; positive excitement about new ideas Bright lemon yellow struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship, fear of losing control, prestige, respect, or power. Clear gold metallic, shiny and bright - spiritual energy and power activitaed and awakened, an inspired person. Dark brownish yellow or gold - a student, one who is straining at studying, overly analytical to the point of feeling fatigued or stressed; trying to make up for los5 time by learning everything at once. GREEN Change in attitude or beliefs, healing, teaching. Electric bright emerald green - a healer (may be a professional healer, a natural healer or one who is unaware of his or her healing abilities. Healing hands usually have an emerald green aura around the fingertips. Also indicates a love-centered person. Dark or muddy forest green - Jealousy, resentment, feeling like a victim of the world; blaming self and others, insecurity and low self-esteem, lack of understanding of personal responsibilities, sensitive to perceived criticism.


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BLUE Love, peace, harmony, creativity, imagination Light Blue intuitive, expressive, truthful, may enjoy a career involving communication. Bright royal blue clairvoyant, highly spiritual nature, generous, on the right path, new opportunities are coming. Dark muddy blue - fear of the future, fear of self-expression, fear of facing or speaking the truth. PURPLE Spiritual guidance or devotion luck, charm, clairvoyance, mysticism. Blue Cobalt purple - Archangel Michael is standing next to the person. Clear of bright electric purple - in tune with divine spiritual realm, enlightenment, claircognisance. Dark or muddy purple - cry for love and attention. Reddish violet - Clairaudience (the ability to hear the voice of the higher self, God, the angels ascended masters or spirit guides). INDIGO Intuition, spirituality, psychic awareness VIOLET Intuition, spirituality, psychic ability, healing. WHITE Purity and truth, enlightenment meditation, angelic qualities. White sparkles or flashes of white light - angels are nearby, can also indicate a person is pregnant or will be pregnant son. GOLD Pure intuition, psychic abilities, self-knowledge, cleansing, healing. SILVER Astral travel, strong psychic powers. Bright metallic - receptive to new ideas, intuitive, nurturing. Dark and muddy grey - Boredom, malaise, masking fear or emotion, residue of fear is accumulating in the body, with potential for health challenges. This is especially true if you see grey clustered in specific areas of the body. RAINBOWS Rainbow coloured stripes sticking out like sun-beams from the hand, head, or body, a Reiki healer and or a star-person (someone who is in their first incarnation on earth). BLACK Depression, sickness, new changes or rebirth. Usually indicates long-term unforgiveness (toward self or another) collected in specific area of the body, which can lead to health challenges, also entities lodges within a persons aura, chakras, or body alien implants, past-life hurts lodged in the body, and unreleased grief (from abortions if the blackness appears in the ovaries).


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APPENDIX III GROUNDING AND PROTECTING YOURSELF In Reiki I you will have learned methods of grounding and protecting yourself and you will by now have established your favourite method as a normal everyday practice. Now you are attuned to Reiki II and you have the symbols you can in fact use the symbols, especially the Cho Ku Rei to protect yourself. Just draw a giant Cho Ku Rei above your head and draw it down around you so you are entirely encased in the spiral. Reiki itself is a protective energy and as youa re channeling this energy you are not actually connected to the client so you do not take on board any negativity. Some practitioners do notice that there way of identifying problems is to feel them momentarily. If this is the case for you all you need to do is ask your higher self that if this pain, energy, feeling etc is not yours can it please be taken from you and returned to the universe to be changed back into positive healing energy. You can also draw this symbol over your house or car to protect it while you are away.


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APPENDIX IV Kundalini My understanding of Kundalini is a term associated with the energy which is released from the base chakra and raises up the body. It is usually described as a snake and is the result of soul energy entering matter and rising up the central energy channel through the chakras and rising out of matter. This cannot be forced but is a natural result of attaining the necessary steps in the evolution of consciousness. There are books available on Kundalini.


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Member of the UK Reiki Federation Membership Number C0759 (Optional include your own membership number if you become a member)

Client Record
Name Address Drs Name Drs Address

Tel No Email Mobile Current Medical conditions Operations in last 3 years Accidents Any medication Stress related conditions Exercise Diet Date of first treatment Feedback from client Post treatment advice (if given) Date of next appointment Any other comments



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