Marriage: in Scotland
Marriage: in Scotland
Marriage: in Scotland
Where families are strong and working well, Scottish Ministers believe that the government should not get involved. Family life should, wherever possible, be a matter for the families themselves. They believe that the government should help families by supporting good values in family relationships (things like trust, tolerance and fairness), not tell people what to do or tell parents how to bring up their children.
Family law helps the government to do this by providing legal rules about responsibilities and rights between couples and between children and their parents and other people who have an interest in the childrens welfare. Over the last 20 years or so there have been major changes in the way families are formed and how people think and feel about families. Families now come in all shapes and sizes and every family is important no matter how it is formed. With effect from 4 May 2006 the Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006 (after this we say the 2006 Act) updates the law to reflect the way families live today. Three core principles guided these reforms: safeguarding the best interests of children promoting and supporting stable families updating the law to reflect the reality of family life in Scotland today.
Another source of information is the Family Law Association website at The Family Law Association is a group of solicitors who either specialise in family law or have considerable experience or interest in all aspects of family law.
incapable of understanding the nature of the marriage ceremony and of consenting to marriage or were forced into marriage. A marriage will be considered void (it does not exist) if, at the time of the ceremony, any of these circumstances were the case. A party to a marriage cannot tacitly withhold consent to the marriage at the time it is solemnised. This means that a person cannot go through a marriage ceremony with secret reservations about the marriage and depend on this to get the marriage declared void later. For more information about who can get married contact your local registration office or visit the General Register Office for Scotland website, Your local Citizens Advice Bureau can also help or visit their website at
The Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006 made changes to the rules about which relatives can marry. It removed the last restrictions on former in-laws marrying one another. Previously, for example, a man and the mother of his former wife or a woman and the father of her former husband could only marry if both of their previous partners were dead.
There are detailed rules that must be followed about giving notice, about arranging a marriage and about marriage ceremonies. For more information contact your local registration office or visit the General Register Office for Scotland website, Your local Citizens Advice Bureau can also help or visit their website at A number of organisations and faiths provide marriage preparation support for couples. If you want to know more you could contact Scottish Marriage Care. Their website is at or you could contact your church or faith group.
Marrying abroad
You may decide to get married abroad. For the marriage to be recognised as valid in Scotland, it is very important that you ensure that the ceremony and all paperwork is completed in accordance with the laws and requirements of that particular country. You can get information on this from an Embassy or official representative of the country in Scotland or the UK. Sometimes you need a declaration from your local registrar that you are free to marry. If, in the future, you discover that your marriage was not valid, this may affect your legal rights. If you think you may be in this situation, you should seek legal advice. If you want information about whether or not a marriage outside Scotland will be recognised in Scotland, contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau, or visit their website at or you may wish to seek advice from a solicitor.
occupational pension schemes must offer equal benefits for husbands and wives. They also generally offer benefits for dependants; husbands and wives are taxed separately from one another and they can each claim a personal allowance where at least one person in the couple was born before 6 April 1935, a married couples allowance can be claimed as well as the personal allowance; prior and legal rights in succession for the surviving spouse when a spouse dies. This makes sure that a spouse inherits some of the estate (property); if one partner dies the widow or widower may be able to claim a special pension or a retirement pension; a financial settlement on divorce based on the principles of section 9 of the Family Law (Scotland) Act 1985. These principles are: the fair division (usually but not always equal) of matrimonial property; fair account to be taken of economic advantage/disadvantage suffered by either party in the interests of the other party or of the family; the fair sharing of any economic burden of caring for a child under 16; reasonable financial provision for a period of not more than three years for a party who has been dependent to a substantial degree on the other party; financial provision to relieve hardship over a reasonable period. For more information contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau or visit their website at, or you may wish to seek advice from a solicitor.
Domestic abuse
If your partner or an ex-partner is abusing you, then you have the right to go to court to get protective orders for your and/or your childrens safety.
Domestic abuse is a very serious issue and you may decide that you wish to contact someone to give you support, information or safe temporary accommodation. Or you may decide to seek legal advice from a solicitor. The Scottish Executive provides a secure website with information about domestic abuse at or you can phone the free helpline number in confidence at any time: 0800 027 1234. The helpline can put you in contact with local support and give you immediate practical advice on the options available to you. Victim Support also run a helpline in Scotland: 0845 603 9213. The emergency number for your local Scottish Womens Aid office can be found in the phone book.
Exclusion orders
You can apply to the court for an order excluding your abusive partner from your home.
The law says that young people over 12 are old enough to have views about, and will increasingly take responsibility for, things that affect them.
If a childs parents were not married, then only the mother got PRRs. An unmarried father can get PRRs by: marrying the childs mother; signing and registering a Parental Responsibilities and Parental Rights Agreement (PRPRA) with the mother. (The mother needs to agree and the form needs to be registered in the Books of Council and Session, a public register kept in Edinburgh); or asking the court to give them to him. Other people with an interest in the child can also apply to the courts for PRRs, for example step-parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles. When making a decision about a child, the sheriff will be concerned about what is best for the child not for the adults in the childs life. The sheriff will ask the child what they would like to happen and will take the childs views into account. Where more than one person has PRRs, they dont have to ask each other about everything they want to do for the child, only about major decisions. But they must agree if one of them wants to take the child away from Scotland, even on holiday. It is expected that people with PRRs will always do whats best for the child.
Childrens views
Where any big decisions likely to affect the child are being taken, parents should ask their children what they think and listen to what they have to say. As children get older, parents need to listen carefully to their views. This doesnt mean that parents have to agree with what their children say. It also doesnt mean that children should be made to make decisions or say what they think if they dont want to. It does mean that parents have to give their children the chance to say what they think and then they have to consider their childrens point of view. The law says that young people over 12 are old enough to have views about, and increasingly take responsibility for, things that affect them. However, children under 12 should still be listened to. How much importance their parents give to their views should depend on how much the children understand about what is going on. For more information about registering a birth contact your local registration office or visit the General Register Office for Scotland website, For more information about PRRs contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau or visit their website at Or you may wish to consult a solicitor for legal advice.
In your will, you can appoint an executor, a person who will be responsible for taking care of your estate after your death. For example, you can appoint your spouse, your partner, your adult children or close friends or relatives to be your executor. In some cases, it may be advisable to appoint a solicitor as executor. For more information you may wish to seek advice from a solicitor. It is usually advisable to seek the help of a solicitor to complete a will. The Scottish Executive produces leaflets: What to Do After a Death in Scotland and Rights of Succession which can be requested by phoning 0131 244 2193.
living apart for 2 years (where one party does not agree to the divorce).3
The Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006 changed these times from 2 years and 5 years respectively to 1 year and 2 years. If a couple started divorce proceedings in court before these changes were made the court will continue to use the old rules.
Application must be made to a court. Either the wife or husband can apply, normally it would be to the local sheriff court. The court will want to be satisfied the couple have made arrangements for any children who are under 16. The court will normally expect parents and their children to have come to an agreement about what these arrangements should be. The papers presented to the court must include the details and proposed arrangements for the childrens future care. These should include details of who the children will live with in the future, what future contact the children will have with both parents and how relationships with both parents will be maintained.
is important to their child and how they will help them to stay in touch. As an aid, the Scottish Executive has produced a Charter for Grandchildren to highlight the important role grandparents and the wider family can play in a childs life and how during difficult times, they may be a source of support and stability. Family Mediation is a service for family members to help them make arrangements for their children through meetings with a trained mediator. Mediators can also help couples to reach agreement on property matters. There are a number of organisations who can help, and details are to be found at the back of this booklet. Collaborative family law is another way of helping couples to work out financial and child issues after their separation. Collaborative family law helps separating couples to work together with their lawyers and, if necessary, other professionals, to reach solutions tailored to their needs, rather than going to court. This service is designed to make the process of separation and divorce less traumatic and, in most cases, less expensive. Details of collaborative lawyers can be obtained from the Law Society of Scotland and the Family Law Association.
Legal aid
Legal aid is intended to help individuals on low and modest incomes gain access to the legal system. In relation to family matters, there are two main types of legal aid. These are Advice and Assistance and Civil Legal Aid. Advice and Assistance enables persons of limited means to obtain legal advice from a solicitor, or where appropriate, from counsel, on any matter of Scots law. Applications for this type of legal aid must be made to a solicitor. The solicitor will carry out a test to see if you are financially eligible to receive Advice and Assistance. You may have to pay a contribution to your solicitor. Your solicitor will let you know the size of any contribution when the financial eligibility test is carried out.
Civil Legal Aid may be available for a solicitor to represent you in most civil proceedings in courts and in a number of proceedings before tribunals. Applications for Civil Legal Aid must be made through a solicitor who will assist in the completion of the application form and send this to the Scottish Legal Aid Board (SLAB). SLAB carries out statutory eligibility tests for Civil Legal Aid. You may be may be required to pay a contribution to SLAB. The opponent in any case where you receive Civil Legal Aid will be informed and given the chance to object to the application. Information on eligibility limits can be found on the SLAB website:
One Parent Families Scotland 0131 556 3899 Helpline - 0808 801 0323 One Plus 0141 333 1450 Scotlands Commissioner for Children and Young People (SCCYP!) 0131 558 3733 Scottish Child Law Centre 0131 667 6333 Helpline - 0800 328 8970 Scottish Marriage Care 0141 222 2166 Scottish Womens Aid 0131 514 9981 Shelter Scotland 0808 800 4444 Stepfamily Scotland 0131 514 9981 Helpline - 0845 122 8655
The Law Society of Scotland 0131 226 7411 The Scottish Legal Aid Board 0131 226 7061 Young Scot 0131 313 2488
BBC Parenting Homepage Citizens Advice Scotland or Domestic Abuse The Family Law Association
ParentLine: 0808 800 2222 ChildLine: 0800 11 11 Domestic Abuse: 0800 027 1234
Further copies of this document are available, on request, in audio and large print formats and in community languages. Please contact 0131 244 3581.
0131 244 3581
The information in this booklet is correct at May 2006. It provides general information about family law. Specific issues should always be checked with the appropriate agencies or legal advisers. The Scottish Executive has produced a range of Family Matters documents. These are available from, by e mail or by phoning 0131 244 3581 ISBN: 07559 4900 5 Crown copyright 2006 Produced for the Scottish Executive by Astron B44323 4/06 This document is printed on recycled paper and is 100% recyclable