As 2677-1983 Inflatable Boats
As 2677-1983 Inflatable Boats
As 2677-1983 Inflatable Boats
Australian Standard
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[Title Allocated by Defence Cataloguing Authority:
This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee CS/47, Inflatable Pleasure Boats.
It was approved on behalf of the Council of the Standards Association of Australia on
8 November 1983 and published on 2 December 1983.
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amendments thereto.
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Australian Standard
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should not be used outside of swimming pools and similar controlled situations.
1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . ... . 3
2 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . ... . 3
3 Referenced Documents . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . ... . 3
4 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . 3
5 General Requirements . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . ... . 3
6 Specification and Testing . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . ... . 4
7 Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . 5
Australian Standard
1 SCOPE. This standard specifies requirements for (b) They are permanently attached to the hull and inflated
the design, materials and construction of inflatable boats. independently of it.
(c) Their construction and the material used are in
2 APPLICATION. This standard is applicable to all compliance with the requirements of this standard.
inflatable boats intended for use on public waterways.
5.2 Passengeraccommodation— passengers carried.
The boat may be propelled by sails, engine or manual
means. The number of passengers carried shall be calculated as
This standard is not applicable to inflatable life rafts. a function of buoyancy and accommodation. As far as
buoyancy is concerned, allowance shall be made for a
3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. The following mass of 75 kg per passenger.
standards are referred to in this standard:
As far as accommodation is concerned, sufficient space
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ISO 1817 Vulcanized Rubbers—Resistance to shall be provided for each passenger without taking into
Liquids—Methods of Test account the area available on the floats but taking
ISO 2411 Fabrics Coated with Rubber or account of the area included under the spray hood. For
Plastics—Determination of the Coating adults, a minimum area of 0.3 m 2 shall be provided per
Adhesion passenger.
ISO 3011 Rubber or Plastics Coated Fabrics— The maximum number of passengers carried shall be at
Determination of Resistance to Ozone most equal to the smaller of the following two figures:
Cracking Under Static Conditions (a) The quotient of the internal available area, in square
ISO 4646 Rubber or Plastics Coated Fabrics— Low meters, divided by 0.3. The value shall always be
Temperature Impact Test rounded down to the nearest integer but, if the first
ISO 4674 Fabrics Coated with Rubber or decimal place is greater than 5, one child shall be
Plastics—Determination of Tear Resistance. added to the number (N) of adults thus determined;
the number of passengers will then become N + 1
4 DEFINITION. For the purposes of this standard, child. Children over 10 years are considered as
the following definition applies: adults.
Inflatable boat — a vessel which achieves its intended (b) The quotient of the maximum load capacity, in
shape and buoyancy through the medium of inflation. kilograms (less the maximum recommended mass of
NOTE: An example of inflatable boat is shown in Fig. 1. engine and fuel), divided by 75.
5.1 Maximum load capacity. The maximum load 1. For the calculation of the internal available area, account is to be
taken of the internal surface defined by a plane tangent to the
which may be carried by the boat shall be rated, in boat side and perpendicular to the floor.
kilograms, at not greater than 0.75 of the inflated 2. According to service requirements, the number of passengers
buoyancy chamber volume, at the design working may be reduced to suit State regulations.
pressure (see Clause 5.4) calculated at a proportion of 5.3 Compartmentation. The minimum number of
1000 kg/m3 of chamber volume, less the mass of the compartments shall be as specified in Table 1.
Example of calculation:
m = (0.75 × V × 1000) – M TABLE 1
m = maximum load capacity (total mass on board
including persons, equipment, motor and fuel), Maximum Dimensional factor F (d)
in kilograms power, kW F(d) < 5 5 ≤ F(d) ≤ 9 F(d) > 9
V = volume of the inflated buoyancy chambers, in
7.36 2 2 3
cubic metres 18.37 2 3 3
M = total mass of the boat as supplied by the > 18.37 3 3 4
manufacturer (inclusive of all equipment
supplied with the boat, hull, fittings and similar
items but without engine and fuel), in LEGEND:
kilograms. F(d) = L × b
NOTE: In the calculation of the maximum load capacity, account where
should be taken of the keels, thwarts and any similar inflatable L = boat length, overall, from the bow to the extremity of the
compartments complying with the following three requirements: rear float (excluding hand-holds or other fittings), in metres
(a) They provide useful buoyancy for the boat in flooded
b = boat width, overall (excluding hand-holds or other fittings),
in metres.
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