The document discusses how America's soul and ideals of freedom will be its most powerful force globally in the future. It argues that despite physical differences, the author is seen as American by others due to embracing American values like optimism and democracy. While America leads with both military hardware and diplomacy, its most effective weapon is promoting mutual understanding between peoples. By infusing the revolutionary spirit of freedom and democracy worldwide, America can make the global community safer for future generations.
The document discusses how America's soul and ideals of freedom will be its most powerful force globally in the future. It argues that despite physical differences, the author is seen as American by others due to embracing American values like optimism and democracy. While America leads with both military hardware and diplomacy, its most effective weapon is promoting mutual understanding between peoples. By infusing the revolutionary spirit of freedom and democracy worldwide, America can make the global community safer for future generations.
Original Description:
In the Future, America’s Soul will be Its Most Potent Force
The document discusses how America's soul and ideals of freedom will be its most powerful force globally in the future. It argues that despite physical differences, the author is seen as American by others due to embracing American values like optimism and democracy. While America leads with both military hardware and diplomacy, its most effective weapon is promoting mutual understanding between peoples. By infusing the revolutionary spirit of freedom and democracy worldwide, America can make the global community safer for future generations.
The document discusses how America's soul and ideals of freedom will be its most powerful force globally in the future. It argues that despite physical differences, the author is seen as American by others due to embracing American values like optimism and democracy. While America leads with both military hardware and diplomacy, its most effective weapon is promoting mutual understanding between peoples. By infusing the revolutionary spirit of freedom and democracy worldwide, America can make the global community safer for future generations.
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practically, to the fact that our nation was becoming in
the 20th century the most powerful and vital nation in
the world.” _______________________________________ Soon after his article appeared, the Japanese SUNDAY MAGAZINE, January 10, 1999 attacked Pearl Harbor and our nation became involved ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ in the war on the both sides of Atlantic. Yet, this great American had foreseen our destiny amid the darkest In the Future, America’s Soul will hours of our global engagement during which we were be Its Most Potent Force forced to defend freedom for others. Beyond our supremacy of hardware during World By Patrick Mendis Wars I and II, there emerged a more powerful Be Our Guest Columnist weapon. It was not the software that guided many of the weapons used recently in Iraq, Afghanistan, and W ill the next millennium be the beginning of an Sudan. The most cost-effective weapon is the American century? soulware, which is intrinsically human and spiritual. No, it is not the beginning; it has already begun Our military leaders are the best ones to testify. before our generation. Dwight Eisenhower and Colin Powell after experiencing the human cost of hardware and software In my travels through Asian and Middle Eastern are true believers in developing soulware: the use of cultures and my current tour in Europe, I have never personal diplomacy and people exchanges to promote met a single soul who would not like to mutual understanding as instruments of power in be an American. Despite my foreign defending freedom, fostering democracy, and origin, they characterize me as an protecting our Constitution. American by the way I walk, talk, eat, and laugh. I may be very different from America has the responsibility to make the world a typical American – no blue jeans, no safer for democracy. The American leadership has the particular admiration for Madonna, and no obligation to infuse the revolutionary mode necessary McDonalds, per se. Yet, I am an American to to promote freedom and democracy around the world perceptive observers. through mutual understanding. In crises in Haiti, Korea, and Indonesia, America sent our best envoys. An American in Sri Lanka detected my Mid- America has provided the leadership in Bosnia, western accent, although he got my home state wrong. Kosovo, Northern Ireland, and the Middle East while I told him that I am from Minnesota. He made me others failed. We pioneered in creating a family of nostalgic when he quickly replied: “Oh, Garrison international institutions for global governance. Keillor’s Lake Woebegone,” where all the men are good looking, the women are strong, and the children We are not the world policemen, however. But are above average. I replied: “you beccha, you’re darn we are defending our Constitution, which has no right.” boundaries because it is a spiritual document in nature. Here, our military, their families, and This raised an important question: What is an supporting services play an important role with a great American? It is neither our physical look nor the sacrifice to defend it. In essence, they are peace mannerism. Is it then with the infusing of American workers and the best ambassadors. The military has idealism and the wonder and glory of freedom? Those also created a better world where the idea of diversity who do not like Americans or have burned our flags and global unity—through interracial and cross- around the world are still yearning to see the land of national marriages—become a reality. America is a freedom, for only in America does one become an collage and a rainbow. American. This does not happen in France, Germany, Japan or elsewhere. America has a special destiny for It is not the hardware and software that will the people of world. It is the human spirit that radiates matter the most in the next millennium, but rather the from the American soul as our motto, E Pluribus human spirit in soulware that is expressed in the Unum, expresses. Constitution which binds us all. It makes me free and unique as an American. It is good news for a global In 1941, Henry Luce wrote an article on the “The century. First Great American Century” in the February 17 issue of the Life Magazine: “As Americans, we must Patrick Mendis teaches courses in public policy and accommodate ourselves now, both spiritually and international relations at the University of Maryland in Europe.
Inherited Freedom: A Grandson’S Reflection on World War Ii Through His Grandfathers’ Experiences, and the Translation of Their Service to the Privileges and Ultimate Responsibilities of Later Generations