BRP Dark Sun House 2012
BRP Dark Sun House 2012
BRP Dark Sun House 2012
Levels are used to track how much your character can reasonably carry. 1 ENC is roughly 1/6 of a SIZ point. Encumbered characters find it hard to be effectively mobile, and are slowed by their carried equipment.
Physical, and Combat skills are rolled at -20% or difficult (whichever is less of a penalty; this does not stack with penalties from wearing armor). Checks made to resist fatigue are -20% or difficult (again, whichever is less harsh).
Dodging while encumbered: Subtract your ENC value from your Dodge skill.
Levels are used to track how fatigued your character is. Fatigue is also gained by not getting enough food or water. Fatigue levels are as follows:
Very Fatigued: Skill checks are at -20% (or difficult, whichever is less). -2
MOV (minimum MOV 1).