Aug 1212 Bul
Aug 1212 Bul
Aug 1212 Bul
am Worship Service Monday 08/13 6:30 am Y Camp Tuesday 08/14 All day Elections 6:30 am Y Camp 8:15 am ROMEOs will meet at Dennys I-75 & SR 40 10:00 am Worship Committee 7:00 pm Boy Scouts Wednesday 08/15 6:30 am Y Camp Thursday 08/16 6:30 am Y Camp 12:30 pm MODELs 5:30 pm Girl Scouts Friday 08/17 6:30 am Y Camp 6:30 pm Kids, Inc. - FH & Ed Bldg. Saturday 08/18 3:00 pm Eagle Scout Ceremony - Sanctuary & FH Name Tags Please remember to wear your name tags in church AND during the fellowship time after church. A basket will be provided in the Fellowship Hall to place your name tag in it after fellowship time. Name tags will only be made every two (2) weeks. Offering placed on the communion rail today during Holy Communion is used to help those in need in our church and the community. September Newsletter articles are due next Sunday, August 19. Sisterhood/Brotherhood Sunday, August 19 - we are collecting gently used & clean clothes for the Sisterhood/Brotherhood outreach. You can put the clothing into the baskets on the front pew. MODELs (Mostly Older Debutantes Eating Lunch) will meet at 12:30 pm on August 16 at Caf Havana, 923 N. Magnolia Ave. If you plan to attend, please email your reservation to or call the office by Tuesday. Dont forget to bring a dollar to be donated to a charity at the end of the year. New Member Class - On Sunday, August 19th at 12:45 P.M., I will host a new member class in my office. If you have been attending Druid Hills for at least three months and would like to take that next step in becoming a member of this church, this class is for you! To register for this class, either call the church office at 629-5688, or email me at This is a one session get together where we will discuss what it means to be a United Methodist, what it means to be a member of Druid Hills UMC, and offer you a little background on the history of this church. If this interests you, I hope you will make plans to attend.
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Please remember these people in prayer this week: Geneann Apodaco, Carolyn Bailey, Carol Bendle, Hilda Bolomey, Jason Bonell, Brittany & baby, Eric Brombacker, Edie Caroleo, Rose Carroll, Eunice Charles, John Clayton, Fred Coder, Tyler Cox, Tiffany Critchfield, Cynthia & Jim Dekersky, Raymond & Violet Dyer, Lisa Faulk, Mary Frye, Brad Fuller, Chris Garris, Tina Gorski, Evalyn Gouge, Ruth & Jim Griffith, Joey Hager, Peg Hamilton, Tola & Emil Hass, Robert Hildenbrandt, Jean Hoesman, Eva Mae Hosey, Ariana Hutchinson, Marissa Janowski, Watson Joseph, Ellen Keller, Linda Kinsey, Tom Klotz, Joanne Knepp, Alene & Les Krouse, Flo LaVine, Jim Lawson, Shirley Linton & family, Michael MacPherson, John Martin, Berniece Mason, Sandi Moore, Sue & Karen Murray, Lilly Nettles, Keith Norman, Landon Parish, Doris & Bill Pitts, Wayne Pratt, Kathy Puskar, Jan & Don Ridley, P. R. Rion, Ilene Rittmayer, Wilhelmina Rogers, Joe Scott, Joe Scott, Jr, Henry Seavers, Harvey Singley, Floy Smith, Wayne Smith, Jim Stevens, June Stiefel, Adele Stipp, Kenny Tumblin, Eileen Zimmerman