Gerotor Geometry
Gerotor Geometry
Gerotor Geometry
Scientific Technical Review, 2010, Vol.60, No.1, pp.30-38 UDK: 621.63:519.61:621.914.016 COSATI: 13-11, 13-09, 12-01
EOMETRY of the trochoids and their coupled envelopes is defined and analyzed in detail in [1-3]. Modifications of the trochoids and definitions of geometrical limitations are analyzed in [4-6]. A kinematic analysis of the trochoidal gearing in the gerotor is presented in papers [7, 8]. The application of the modern theory of gearing in the generation of cycloidal gearing is presented in [9-14]. The methodology for the selection of the optimal shape profile of teeth for lubrication pumps is described in paper [15]. This paper deals with the gearing of the trochoidal pump gearing pair where the outer gear has one more tooth than the inner one. The inner gear profile is described by peritrochoid equidistant while the profile of the outer gear is described by a circular arc with rc radius. For trochoidal gearing, meshing of all teeth is obtained, at the same time, with theoretical profiles of gearing. This is the reason that general equations of profile point coordinates need to be established, so that they could be applied for all teeth. Towards derivation of coordinates equations for any Pi contact point, it was needed to generalize the geometric relations between the rotation angles of the trochoidal gearing couple elements. A kinematic pair model with the fixed gear shaft axes was adopted, whereby the drive shaft is connected to the inner gear. Further on, forces and moments that act on the gearing pair of the rotary trochoidal pump are discussed. A modified analytical method presented by Colbourne and Maiti in their papers [16, 17] is applied for the analysis of forces and moments. For the verification of the analytical method, as well as for the calculation of current moments and support reaction, the finite element method was used [18, 19].
1) 2)
Gearing geometry
Before the analysis of trochoidal profiles meshing, the applied coordinate systems and the geometric relations between the rotation angles in different coordinate systems will be presented. The basic geometric relations for the generation of peritrochoid, which is adopted for defining the basic profile at the observed gear pump, are shown in Fig.1. The center and the radius of movable (generative) circle are marked as Oa and ra , respectively, while Ot and rt denote those values for the stationary (main) circle. The eccentricity of the trochoid, marked as e , represents the distance between the two centers of the circle. The generative coordinate system Oa xi yi is tied to the center of the movable circle. The generative Di point is the point that describes the trochoid and is placed at the xi axis at the d distance from the Oa center and represents the size of the radius of the trochoid. The reference line is determined by the line that connects Ot and Oa centers and that goes through the contact point of the two circles, that is, through the kinematic pole C . In order to represent the trochoidal profile in the analytical form, the coordinate system Ot xt yt of the trochoid is introduced and its start is set up at the center of the stationary circle, while the abscissa goes through the starting contact point of the given kinematic circles. The coordinate system Oa xa ya of the envelope is tied to the center of the movable circle. The stationary coordinate system O f x f y f is tied to the center of the kinematic circle of the trochoid, that is, O f = Ot . All coordinate systems are of the right orientation. At the starting instant, the positive part of the xt axis for the inner
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Unviersity of Kragujevac, Sestre Janji 6, 34000 Kragujevac, SERBIA Faculty of Engineering, Universit Sad Dahleb Blida, ALGRIA
gear is tied to the tip of the starting tooth, while the positive part of the xa axis for the outer gear concurs with the centerline of the hollow between the meshing teeth.
x i+1 2/z Di+1 rc F i+1 Pi+1 B R d rs
yt ya yf i+1 i
i+1 xi S E i Pi xt xa Di i
Ai Ki
a t C
where M fa is the transformation matrix from the envelope coordinate system into the stationary coordinate system as
cos sin e M fa = sin cos 0 , 0 0 1
yi yi+1
Ot Of
Figure 1. Schematic presentation of the gearing pair of the trochoidal pump and of the basic geometric variables for the Pi contact point and for the Pi+1 contact point
The position vector of the Pi contact point in the coordinate system of the trochoid can be written in the form of the following matrix relation:
(t )
After defining the gearing geometry of the gerotor pump gearing pair and after establishing a basic kinematic model, calculation of forces and moments, which act on the gears, is enabled.
= d
i =
( 2i 1)
i = arctan
sin ( i ) . cos ( i )
In the coordinate system of the Oa xa ya envelope, the position vector of the Pi contact point is given as in the equation:
rPi = M at rPi
(a) (t )
separates the suction inlet chambers from the pressure outlet chambers is a continuous force that can be represented by the equivalent concentrated pressure force Fp , whose vector's direction coincides with the centerline of the line segment AB that connects two contact points at the separation borderline between the suction inlet chambers and the pressure outlet chambers zones, as shown in Fig.2. In accordance with this, the equivalent pressure force
= pbk f AB
where p is the pressure drop at the pump and b is the gear width.
yf a
By putting equations (17) and (18) into (15), the equivalent pressure force moment in the pump can be expressed in the form of the following relation:
if jf kf 1 x( f ) + x( f ) 1 y( f ) + y( f ) = 0 CA CA 2 CB 2 CB (f (f (f (f pb yCB) yCA) pb xCB) xCA) 0 pb 2 2 CA CB k f 2
xt xa P1 Fn1
, (19)
ya yt
1 p1(in)
Pi 2 wni
t Pi
Ot Of
Fn6 A C
p5(out) P5
ni xf
M (pf ) =
The resultant of all the contact forces that act on the inner gear is obtained as their vector sum:
p3(out) 4 P4 p4(out)
Fn =
contact line
Figure 2. Fluid pressure force and contact forces that act on the inner gear at a random instant ( a = 55 ) [18]
The vector AB that connects two contact points at the separation borderline between the suction inlet chambers and the pressure outlet chambers zones can be expressed as a difference between the position vectors for these points in a stationary coordinate system as:
( ( AB( f ) = rB ) rA
f f)
When equation (13) is inserted into equation (12) the following resulting expression is obtained:
The moment of the equivalent pressure force, in relation with the current center of the rotation C can be expressed in the following form of the vector multiplication equation:
( M (pf ) = CS( f ) Fp f ) ,
whereby its vector endpoint coincides with the kinematic pole C. After the realised procedure and with the application of the obtained expressions for calculating external load, the analysis of load distribution can be started. Two cases are distinguished as follows [17, 18, 19]: 1. case I, when the vector line of pressure force goes between the centers of the gears; 2. case II, when the vector line of pressure force does not go between the centers of the gears. For both cases, a position exists for which the vector line of pressure force goes through the center Oa , which points to the moment when, theoretically, the contact forces do not exist, i.e. some teeth leave the contact and contact load is transferred to another teeth. Then, in case II, the moment of contact forces changes its sign. Unlike with models with planetary movement, where fluid pressure force is balanced by the resultant of contact forces, the support reaction, denoted as F1 , is included in equilibrium equations for the model used in this paper. Unknown forces that act on the gear, including the support reaction, are determined from the conditions of equilibrium, for the two-dimensional system of forces, i.e. it is necessary for both the resultant force and the resultant moment to be equal to zero. For the observed pump model, the force equilibrium equation in a vector form can be written as:
Fp + Fn + F1 = 0 .
where S is the central point of the vector AB (Fig.2). Based on the geometric relations shown in Fig.2, the following vector relations can be written as:
CS = 1 ( CA + CB ) . 2
Then, the moment of equilibrium equations can be written, in relation to the point Ot :
M Fp ( Ot ) + M Fn ( Ot ) + M1 = 0
Starting with equation (12), the equivalent pressure force can be expressed by the next form:
When the moments from the previous equations are expressed in a form of vector multiplication equations, the following expressions are obtained:
t S Fp + Ot C Fn + M1 = 0
a S Fp + O a C Fn = 0
M 1 = M Fp ( Ot ) + M Fp ( Oa ) z 1 , z
From equations (24) and (26), the moment of contact forces can be expressed as:
( M (Fn )( Oa ) = M (Fp)( Oa ) = O a S( f ) Fp f ) .
f f
and then the moment of equivalent contact force can be determined, in relation to the center of the inner gear, Ot , which is necessary for the calculation of the contact forces.
Based on the geometric relations shown in Fig.2, the following vector relation can be written:
Ot S = 1 ( Ot A + Ot B ) , 2
Contact forces
During the gear motion, total normal load is transferred by synchronous teeth meshing of the gearing pair. The influence of the normal force Fni on the meshing teeth provokes the appearance of the local deformation of the tooth and shifting of the contact point of wni magnitude, in direction of the force action. The consequence of the deformation is the angle of the displacement and based on Fig.2, the relations can be established between them as follows:
( wni = rPi f ) sin Pi
That is,
( ( Ot S( f ) = 1 x (Af ) + xBf ) i f + y (Af ) + yBf ) j f . 2
with an assumption that the elementary angle of the displacement is equal for all contact points [20]. In equation (42), Pi is the angle between the direction that connects the center of the inner gear, Ot with the contact point Pi and of the vector line of the normal force Fni . The normal force is proportional to the deformation in the normal direction as:
Fni = kwni ,
By putting equations (14) and (32) into (27), the moment of equivalent contact force in relation to the point Oa , can be expressed in a form of the following vector relation:
if jf kf 0 0
where k is gear rigidity and is considered to be a constant. Based on the geometric relations that apply to the triangle Ot PC according to Fig.2, the following can be stated: i
( rPi f ) = e ( z 1)
sin ni sin Pi
pb ( f ) 2 ( f ) 2 f (f r r + 2e xB ) x (A ) 2 B A
. (34)
The moment of equivalent contact force in relation to the point Ot , can be written in a form of the following vector relation:
f M (Fp)( Ot )
where ni is the angle between the x f axis and the CPi vector, as given in Fig.2. For the determination of the ni angle, it is necessary to define the CPi( f ) vector. The position vector of the point C in the O f x f y f z f coordinative system can be written in the following form:
( rC
= Ot S
which, by putting equations (29) and (14) in it, results in the following form:
if M (Fp)( Ot ) =
= e ( z 1) i f
Going from the geometric relation given in Fig.2 and equations (11) and (45), the CPi( f ) vector can be expressed as:
kf 0 0
( ( CPi( f ) = rPi f ) rC f )
In equation (22), only the vector of the fluid pressure force, Fp , is completely defined. Because of that, it is suitable for further calculation to write equation (23) in a scalar form as:
ni = arctan
(f y CP) (f xCPi)
If the deformation wni in the contact point Pi is larger than zero, it means that contact is realised in that point. However, if the deformation wni in the contact point Pi is negative or equal to zero, contact is not realised and those contact points do not participate in load distribution. A total moment of normal forces is equal to the sum of the moments of normal forces for individual teeth pairs, around the gear center as:
M Fn ( Ot ) =
The results are presented in the function of the reference angle a, for a period corresponding to the phase difference between two adjacent chambers, ie. a=2/z, where the calculation repeated for nine angular positions.
z=6, =1.575 1,6 1,4 1,2 Torque [Nm]
i= p
Fni ( Ot )
= k
e ( z 1) sin
2 2 2
-Mt Ma -Mnt M1
i= p
where p and q are ordinal numbers of the starting and the final tooth of the outer gear, which transfer load and k is an introduced constant equal to k = k . The constant k , whose value is necessary for the calculation of the contact forces, is obtained by the iterative procedure of solving equation (49) with the application of the following condition:
M Fn ( Ot ) = z 1 M Fp ( Oa ) z
. (50)
30 Reference angle []
After the identification procedure of the teeth pairs that transfer load and contact forces calculation, an appropriate contact stress calculation is realised by using methods presented within references [16, 17]. A graphical representation of the analytical calculation of torque moments is given in Fig.3 and of contact forces in Fig.4.
1,6 1,4 1,2 Torque [Nm] 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 -0,2 0 12 24
(b) Figure 3. Results of the analytical calculation of the torque: (a) z=6 and (b) z=5
z=6, =1.575 25 20 15 10 5 gear tooth 1 gear tooth 2 gear tooth 3 gear tooth 4 gear tooth 5 gear tooth 6
z=5, =1.85
-Mt Ma -Mnt M1
0 0 15 30 Reference angle []
z=5, =1.85 25 gear tooth 1 gear tooth 2 gear tooth 3 gear tooth 4 gear tooth 5
Contact force [N]
20 15 10 5 0 0 12 24
Reference angle []
In order to illustrate the proposed procedures for the analysis of load trochoidal gear pairs as well as the comparative analysis of the results, two gear sets are selected, with their geometrical parameters given in Table 1. Other parameters are: e=3.56 mm, b=16.46 mm, rs=26.94 mm, p=0.6 MPa, f=900 kg/m3, nt=1500 rpm, t = 2 nt = 50 s 1 .
Table 1: Geometrical parameters for the two gear set Parameters Gear set I Gear set II z 5 6 1.85 1.575 c 3.75 3.95
Reference angle []
Figure 4: Results of the analytical calculation of the contact forces: (a) z=6 and (b) z=5
Other parameters are: e=3.56 mm, b=16.46 mm, rs=26.94 mm, p=0.6 MPa, f=900 kg/m3, nt=1500 rpm, t = 2 nt = 50 s 1 .
After the comparison of charts for various models of pumps, it can be concluded that the model with an odd number of teeth (z = 5) has a different character torque ripple from the model with even numbers of teeth, and the different distributions of the contact force. This is the implication of changing the sign of the contact force
moment during one phase of the work process. The highest values of the contact force are realized in the initial stages of the working process and they are increased in the pump with an odd number of chambers. It can be seen in Fig.4, where the teeth denoted with 4 and 5 do not make contact during the consideration phase.
Analysis of forces and moments by the application of the finite elements method
The load simulation for the trochoidal pump gears by the application of the CATIA software module for structural analysis is presented in this part of the paper. In order to realize the structural analysis, it is necessary to follow a certain procedure [18], which will be described in the following text. Geometric model A basic model used in the structural analysis corresponds to the inner cylindrical gear of the trochoidal pump. The geometric model is created within the PART module of the CATIA software package. It starts from the geometric shape of the profile of the cylindrical gear teeth based on the analytical-kinematic model [18], and by running the built computer program. The main CAD model of the unloaded gear contains 20 line segments. Grid generating During the first phase of the numerical model preparation, a three-dimensional tetrahedral grid of variable fineness is generated. A part of the grid around the contact force line is with discrete elements of the biggest fineness (0.75 mm element side length) and the rest is done with an element size of 1.5 mm. The gear shown in Fig.5 is modeled with 6779 nodes and 29260 finite elements, and the gear in Fig.6 is modeled with 6546 nodes and 27861 finite elements. Boundary conditions of the numerical model The boundary conditions are defined in accordance with the theoretical analysis of gears. The motion limit is set up on the surface that lies on the drive shaft and here all types of motion are forbidden such as: radial, axial and all rotations. In order to obtain the results, the torque moment and the support reaction force as well as the sensor in the gear section plane are defined. Mechanical loads in the numerical model During pre-processing, it is necessary to enter values for the forces that react with the gear, therefore defining all necessary parameters for processing, i.e. for the structural analysis by the finite elements method. For structure load, the relative pressure at the suction inlet and at the pressure outlet side is set up as well as the contact forces. The assumption is also made that the normal force Fni is evenly distributed along the current line of the teeth flanks contact. By this, a computation model is completely described and statically determined. The fluid pressure force is simulated by concentrated forces which act perpendicularly to the finite elements surfaces, which is illustrated in Fig.5. The presentation of the input forces for the load state with the angular position a=25 is given in Fig.6, and for a=24 in Fig.7.
Figure 6. Model of the discrete gear simulation with forces defined and the results of visualization, z=6
Graphical presentation and the analysis of computational results It was necessary to repeat the procedure of the structural analysis several times for each chosen gear model, in order to realize the numerical computation. The number of repeating was nine for the computation model, i.e. eighteen for both calculations. The analysis was done for different angular positions starting from a=0 until the final position that corresponds to the starting position of the following tooth, i.e. a=2/z (Table 2).
Table 2: Angle positions of the gears for the load calculation Positions z=6 0 5 15 25 30 35 45 55 60
a []
z=5 0 12 24 27,6155 36 44,3845 48 60 72
The comparative values of the drive moment obtained by the analytical and the numerical method are shown in Fig.8. A very slight deviation of values indicates that the previously mentioned approximation, where the continuous force is represented by the equivalent concentrated pressure force, can be used for analytical calculations of load distribution at trochoidal pumps.
Figure 7. Model of the discrete gear simulation with forces defined and the results of visualization, z=5
Within the scope of static investigations, two separate computations are made: 1. only fluid pressure is set up as a structure load in the first case, 2. fluid pressure and contact forces are set up as a structure load in the second case. The output results for the first case are the fluid pressure force and the moment which is equivalent to the contact forces moment. The obtained results are used for the analytical determination of contact forces. After the calculation of forces, the input of load to the model is done and then the calculation is realised with the drive moment and the support reaction force as output results. The second case is related to the real system, while the first case is comparatively important and issues data necessary for the load simulation in the second case. The output results are support reaction force and the drive moment as shown in Fig.7. The direct readout of the values of their projections on global coordinative system axes is enabled as well as the readout of the resulting algebraic values that has been used for the diagram drawing.
(b) Figure 8. Results of the analytical and numerical calculations: (a) z=6 and (b) z=5
The comparative values of the fluid pressure force obtained by the analytical and the numerical methods for individual angular positions are shown in Fig.9.
angular position where the interchange of load between the adjacent teeth occurs.
On the basis of the derived results, it can be concluded that the pumps with the same kinematic scheme, but with a different number of teeth, can have different static load models. Using the analytical method, the identification of teeth contact during one phase of the working process pumps is performed as well as the calculation of the contact force and the working moments. The highest values of the contact force are realized in the initial stages of the working process. They are also higher in the pump with an odd number of chambers. The values of the fluid pressure force Fp and the drive moment M 1 , obtained by numerical computation, are only slightly different from their analytical results. Both analytical and numerical method give satisfactory results necessary in analysing the influence of the variation of input parameters on the magnitude of contact forces. Further research will be focused on the analysis of contact stress changes at gerotor pumps and the development of a model to identify the optimal geometric parameters of trochoidal gearing, towards the reducing of maximum contact stress.
(b) Figure 9. Results of the analytical and the numerical computations of the fluid pressure force: (a) z=6 and (b) z=5
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(b) Figure 10. Charts of the numerical calculations as results of the fluid pressure force and the support reaction: (a) z=6 and (b) z=5
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