Artificial Neural Network Seminar Report
Artificial Neural Network Seminar Report
Artificial Neural Network Seminar Report
This seminar is about the artificial neural network application in processing industry. An artificial neural network as a computing system is made up of a number of simple and highly interconnected processing elements, which processes information by its dynamic state response to external inputs. In recent times study of ANN models have gained rapid and increasing importance because of their potential to offer solutions to some of the problems in the area of computer science and artificial intelligence. Instead of performing a program of instructions sequentially, neural network models explore many competing hypothesis simultaneously using parallel nets composed of many computational elements. No assumptions will be made because no functional relationship will be established. Computational elements in neural networks are non linear models and also faster. Hence the result comes out through non linearity due to which the result is very accurate than other methods. The details of deferent neural networks and their learning algorithm are presented its clearly illustrator how multi layer neural network identifies the system using forward and inverse modeling approach and generates control signal. The method presented here are directed inverse, direct adaptive, internal model and direct model reference control based ANN techniques.
Artificial neural networks have emerged from the studies of how brain performs. The human brain consists of many million of individual processing elements, called neurons that are highly interconnected. Information from the outputs of the neurons, in the form of electric pulses is received by the cells at connections called synapses. The synapses connect to the cell inputs, or dendrites and the single output pf the neuron appears at the axon. An electric pulse is sent down the axon when the total input stimuli fro all of the dendrites exceed a certain threshold. Artificial neural networks are made up of simplified individual models of the biological neuron that are connected together to form a network. Information is stored in the network in the form of weights or different connections strengths associated with synapses in the artificial neuron models. Many different types of neural networks are available and multi layer neural networks are the most popular which are extremely successful in pattern reorganization problems. An artificial neuron model is shown below. Each neuron input is weighted by W. changing the weights of an element will alter the behavior of the whole network. The output y is obtained by summing the weighted inputs to the neuron and passing the result through a non-linear activation function, f ().
Multi layer networks consists of an input layer, a hidden layer are made up of no. of nodes. Data flows through the network in one direction only, from input to output; hence this type of network is called a feed-forwarded network. A two-layered network is shown below.
Learning rules are algorithm for slowly alerting the connections weighs to achieve a desirable goal such a minimization of an error function. The generalized step for any neural network leaning algorithm is follows are the commonly used learning algorithm for neural networks. Multi layer neural net (MLNN) Error back propagation (EBB) Radial basis functions (RBF Reinforcement learning Temporal deference learning Adaptive resonance theory (ART) Genetic algorithm Selection of a particular learning algorithm depends on the network and network topology. As MLNN with EBP is most extensively used and widely accepted network for process application, namely for identification and control of the process.
Using ANN carries out the modeling of the process by using ANN by any one of the following two ways: Forward modeling Direct inverse modeling
to provide data points throughout the range of manipulated variables.The PRBS must be a multilevel sequence.This kind of modeling of the process play a vital role in ANN based direct inverse control configuration.
The limitation of using this configuration is that one must have the some knowledge about the plant dynamics i.e. Jacobin matrix of the plant. To solve the problems; initially, Psaltis al proposed a technique for determining the partial derivatives of the plant at its operating point Xianzhang et al and Yao Zhang et al presented a simple approach, in which by using the sign of the plant Jacobin. The modifications of the weights are carried out.
In direct learning the neutral controller, it is well known that the partial derivatives of the controlled plant output with respect to the plant input (plant Jacobin) is required . One method to over come this problem is the use NN to identify the plant, and to calculate its Jacobin. Since the plant emilator learning converges before the neutral controllers learning begins, an effective neutral control system is achieved.
For the development of NN based IMC, the following two steps are required: Plant identification Plant inverse model
Plant identification is carried out using the forward modeling techniques. Once the network is trained, it represents the perfect dynamics of the plant the error signal used
to adjust the networks weights is the difference between the plant output and the model output. The neutral networks used to represent the inverse of the plant (NCC) is trained using the plant itself. The error signal used to train the plant inverse model is the difference between the desired plant and model outputs.
Applications Modeling of stirred tank system and interpretation of bloser sat data Cart pendulum identification Biomas and penicillin estimation for an industrial fermination Inter operation of biosensor data Fault detection and control of reactor Temperature control of reactor Type of ANN control architecture MLNN Learning algorithm EBP Remark Nonlinear
Nonlinear Networks are trained to learn process nonlinearity from process input\output to develop estimators BP network is used for quantitative interoperation problem Simulation study on nonlinear model of reactor Offline training of the controller is carried out to learn the inverse dynamics of planet Use of fuzzy logic is made along with neural control Makes use of look up table for calculating the control actions It makes use the sensor data for decision purpose Nonlinear control
Ship course keeping control Tracking control of DC motor Mobile robot control Nonlinear air handling plant
Direct adaptive control Direct inverse control Direct inverse control Predictive control
This paper presents the state of ANN in process control applications. The ability of MLNN to model arbitrary non linear process is used for the Identification and control of a complex process. Since the unknown Complex systems are online modeled. And are controlled by the Input/output dependent neural networks, the control mechanisms are robust for varying system parameters. It is found that the MLNN with EBP training algorithm are best Suited for identification and control since the learning is of supervised nature And can handle the nonlinearity present in the plants with only input/output Information. However, there are difficulties in implementing MLNN with EBP. Like selection of learning rate, momentum factor, selection of network size etc Thus it becomes very much essential to have some concrete guard Lines for selecting the network. Further, there is lot of scope in developing Different effective configurations based on ANN for identification and control of the complex process.
[1] L.M. Waghmare, Dr. Vinod Kumar & Dr. Saxena, Electrical India Januvary 1998. [2]