032 - Geithner Subpoena
032 - Geithner Subpoena
032 - Geithner Subpoena
. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth. John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle? I Corinthians 14:8
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at the time of the Lehman collapse. http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO20120216-722070.html Geithner has a problem. He will not be able to fool lawyers the way he fooled Congress about his tax returns. He will not be able to blame it all on TurboTax software. They will get him on the witness stand, at some point. He will be forced to tell the lawyers what the chain of events was in the biggest bailout in history. If he takes the Fifth Amendment, he will find himself unemployed. In any case, he is now facing legal fees that we would not wish on anyone. If the lid is ever taken off this can of worms, the public will find out about the nature of crony capitalism. With lawyers involved, and millions of dollars at stake, the lid will be taken off. Over time, the voters trust in the existing system will disappear. Then will come a political day of reckoning. It will take an economic crisis to accomplish this, but that crisis is coming.
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