SAP Script
SAP Script
SAP Script
Page restrictions apply Added by deepak mathrani, last edited by deepak mathrani on Nov 18, 2008 (view change)
End of Program
Orientations in SAPSCRIPT
Each form may only have a single orientation but you can create two forms and include them in the same spool output. In your ABAP program: 1. call function 'OPEN_FORM', don't pass a value in 'FORM' 2. call function 'START_FORM', include parameter 'FORM' passing the name of your first form 3. call function 'WRITE_FORM' as normal to output each element 4. call function 'END_FORM' 5. call function 'START_FORM', include parameter 'FORM' passing the name of your second form 6. call function 'WRITE_FORM' as normal to output each element 7. call function 'END_FORM' 8. call function 'CLOSE_FORM' Repeat the 'START_FORM' ... 'END_FORM' sequence as required.
While using Scripts, if u don't want to break a paragraph text which aparts to another page i.e. if u wanna display the paragraph with out breaking in between two pages, u have to use protect...endprotect.
SapScript Question Q: We get the total number of pages as expected by using 'SAPSCRIPT-FORMPAGES' in a duplex layout. In our case duplex case is always 'Terms & Conditions'. We do not want the number of pages as in duplex printing. What is the best possible solution?
A: On the Terms & Conditions page, Change the Page counter mode to 'HOLD' to keep the page counter from incrementing when you print the Term & Conditions.