The Book of Overturning
The Book of Overturning
The Book of Overturning
iT soars high above the clouds, as a perfectly manifest glittering, radiant and streaming. A single eye; the eye of a hawk. 2. Lift yourselves up; stop not thy laughing; rather gladden into green at my coming. For there is naught to despair in this time. 3. Stamp down the weakness, first in yourself than in your world. Stamp down this disease, for it kills our planet and strangles the garden! 4. This Work is to bring all to perfection, in iT's own time; and iT's mystery be that iT is in your Will to work iT's Magick; and your Will, if it be true, will manifest to you all that you need. 5. Push inwards, not out, to begin to see the marvels of this infinite. 6. When you lay still, deeply placid, and allow the Will to reflect off the stillness, then you may come to pierce the Virgin Veil. 7. As it has been said- Enflame Thyself in Prayer! Strive ever to more; pierce ever yet more vibrant realms, ever seeking to rend the veils of Isis and reveal the glory of Nuit. 8. Let yourself not be seduced by any forms, but ever gaze beyond. Beyond, Beyond! 9. There is now Law beyond! 10. Go than, freely, joyously! Spread this Law, that ye can do no wrong! You are stars, shine on, than, in thy course, doubt not thy light; do not blaspheme your glory; do not give up your dreams. Feel no shame, for you are the Light of the World, the Pleasure of Existence is in you! 11. Let iT spread, like wildfire, to rip apart the old aeon! Let us break free from our egg like the fledgling birds we are; we will not be deterred. We shall turn not back for any, and the World will be Ours, even unto the edges of the Universe. 12. Become the Law! iT shall spread as a virus once iT has taken root in a Host. Become the very incarnation of the Word; let the spirit move you, give iT voice and give iT homage. Know iT is not your own, but rather the True Light of All. iT is the Voice in the Silence, the Logos; it is the Word which created all things. The Primal Word, the beginning and the end of all Form. 13. From iT's letters all things came, by iT and through iT did all come to be. 14. Learn to let the information flow; become a fit channel and allow iT to move through. iT's proof is in iT's contents! Doubt not. Again and again we tell thee, this is the Hour. There is Now to be in the Abodes beyond Decay. This is the fulfillment of our Promise. 15. Seal up the Words of our Books in thy Blood. Seal up Magick in the flesh of thy Heart. Become a fertile ground that dreams may be sown in the barrenness of thy soul. Lay still thy mind, and nourish the Work with thy Love. Drain thyself into this, and we shall fill thee with a Glory and a Splendour ineffable. 16. This Great Work is to listen to the Voice of Fire, for that voice will speak to all the world, and as one hallowed chorus, the Army will move; the earth shall be set ablaze if you but listen! 17. Know you can not lose your Will; iT is always with thee in the form of thy Dreams, thy Loves, thy Pleasure; it is only this corrupt world which has enchanted you with its sweet
songs of lies which fills your ears and your mind that you can not see that Will. These are none of me. Be they damned and dead. 18. Do not pay them pity; them attack without pity or quarter! For it is those enemies of the Spirit of Man which must be destroyed. That which poisons the mind, the body and the soul; that is a threat to thy Holy Godhood. 19. Spread my Law in action, deed and word. Spread iT through thy Will that iT may come. All shall follow as it begins to roll. Those who doubt will be shown through the proof of success. There is no argument; do not convert them, for they shall follow. In silence and mystery, keep moving. To all give of the Law, let them choose. It is no wise. 20. For iT must come. 21. As you build, you feel the flow of the energies within you. The Plan is already there, you are simply placing the pieces in. As you learn, more will be given to you to do. Keep upon Thy path, do not turn aside for any; and have no fear as to anything or anyone, for I am powerful to protect. All shall be given as it is needed. All you must do is drive onwards. It will be to you as a sign when those things which you need appear as though by coincidence; and without struggle you find all you need to do your Work. 22. All is naught aught! Nothing is as it seems. Hold! Raise my Spell. Abrahadabra! My Reward! Your reason, untrue, tells you Because! Because! and all you see is the world of empty forms, for reason can not know what is beyond. Be it damned for the dog it is; a loyal companion but a bad master. 23. Continue to Work, with joy and passion. Know that upon this road, there are no difficulties. All shall be given freely, for I ask for no sacrifice upon mine alter. 24. You feel my Spirit within you, calling you to life. You feel me within you, as the very beating of your heart. I am the spirit of every man and woman, the very spirit of Life itself. I am that of which the sun is but a pale reflection, ever sustaining all creation by mine own power. Yet know that we are one and the same. 25. All will come together in time. Once the Temple is arranged duly and rightly; as you continue to focus upon thyself and thy Will, thou shalt find thy path ever clearer. Once iT is built, they shall come. Like moths to a flame, they will seek iT out, and you shall feed their wanting mouths with the True Nourishment of Spiritual Light. They shall come unto this Fountain, and from this new Law they shall return to themselves, even as children. There can be no stopping iT once iT begins. iT is as inevitable as gravity. 26. iT will grow. You have the seed; iT is in you, and from you iT will spread over the whole planet. Catalyst, mover, changer. Learn now what thou art. Seek inside thyself and thou shalt come to me. 27. Who worshipped hoor-paar-kraat hath worshipped me; ill, for I am the worhshipper. 28. Know that the Voice always speaks if thou but hast an ear to listen. iT is ready to fly forth as a mighty and flaming sword to devour the unworthy and enkindle the world to flame! 29. Onwards than, in my Name, and know that thou canst not fail in this!