Proii Workbook
Proii Workbook
Proii Workbook
PRO/II Getting Started Workbook The software described in this document is furnished under a
License agreement and may be used only in accordance with the
terms of that agreement. Information in this document is subject
to change without notice. SIMSCI-ESSCOR assumes no liability
for any damage to any hardware or software component or any
loss of data that may occur as a result of the use of the informa-
tion contained in this document.
Copyright Notice Copyright 2004 SIMSCI-ESSCOR All Rights Reserved. No
part of this publication may be copied and/or distributed without
the express written permission of SIMSCI-ESSCOR, Rancho
Parkway South, Lake Forest, CA 92630.
Trademarks PRO/II SIMSCI, and SIMSCI-ESSCOR are registered marks of
Windows, Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windowns
XP, and MS-DOS are registered marks and/or trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
All other products are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.
Printed in the United States of America, April 2004.
Getting Started Workbook i
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Launching PRO/II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Exploring the PRO/II Desktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Simulation Made Easy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Building the Process Flow Diagram (PFD) . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Setting the Input Units of Measure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Defining the Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Selecting the Thermodynamic Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Supplying Process Stream Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Supplying Process Unit Operations Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Using Specification and Define Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Distillation Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Setting up a Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Working with Keyword Input Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Running the Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Generating Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Customizing the Flowsheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Getting Started Workbook 1
PRO/II is SIMSCI's steady-state flowsheet simulator, a product of four
generations of development. Like its predecessors, PRO/II is a steady-
state heat and material balance simulator - only better. PRO/II delivers
rigorous and comprehensive engineering power in an intuitive user envi-
ronment. The super-responsive graphical user interface gives PRO/II the
flexibility of a true Windows environment. PRO/II helps you solve the
widest range of industry applications with the greatest ease.
History of
SIMSCI designed its first flowsheet process simulator, SSI/100, after the
distillation program SP05. Marketed in 1974, SSI/100 had break-through
capabilities for its time.
A few years later, SIMSCI created the PROCESS simulation program.
PROCESS expanded the component and thermodynamic databases. It
added more unit operation calculations as well as flowsheet tools, like an
optimizer and a calculator, which has in-line FORTRAN capabilities.
This program made flowsheet simulators accessible, since it ran on
nearly every mainframe and personal computer. Engineer-friendly terms
became the standard for keywords and free formatting made data input
Nevertheless, PROCESS eventually bowed to progress. Over time, the
program's limitations became clear: it had a rigid architecture; it ran in
batch mode; it was not interactive.
PRO/II - The
That is when SIMSCI created PRO/II - the calculation engine of the
future. It is easy to install on almost any computer. With a flexible archi-
tecture, PRO/II will adapt to future needs, since there is no limit to the
number of components, streams, units and recycle loops it can handle.
With larger component databanks and enhanced thermodynamic data
methods for chemical, refinery and gas processing systems, PRO/II gives
you many powerful options for simulating your systems.
PRO/II technology includes:
A state-of-the-art chemical distillation algorithm with reactive and
electrolyte distillation capabilities
Flexible and powerful refinery capabilities, including a flash-zone
model, two types of thermosiphon reboilers and multiple assay
blending options
2 Introduction
Regression and data management tools
Solids handling
Modeling ability for electrolyte-hydrocarbon systems
Flexible modeling capabilities for reaction kinetics
Advanced flowsheet sequencing capabilities
And much more.
PRO/II - The
User Interface
The graphical user interface opens PRO/II's architecture to a true Win-
dows environment. This PROVISION interface displays your process
flowsheet diagram with unprecedented clarity and flexibility.
PRO/II features include:
Short learning curve because of its easy-to-remember color scheme
A true 32-bit Windows-based application
Multiple view windows on your flowsheet
Graphical output: phase envelopes, assay curves, column profiles,
Interactive execution
On-line help with hypertext jumps into the reference manual
Flash hotkey quickly determines feed stream phase compositions
Generate graphs, tables, and charts, and export your results to
Excel, AutoCAD and the Windows Clipboard
Flowsheet printing on multiple pages
OLE/DDE Functionality
And many more.
This comprehensive range of features enables your company to use one
simulator for all phases of business.
Getting Started Workbook 3
Where to Find Additional Help
User manuals are shipped with your copy of PRO/II. A complete set of
documents is provided on the CD in the form of .PDF files that are most
conveniently viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader, supplied on the
installation CD. If you required additional manuals, contact your sales
Online Help
PRO/II comes with online Help, a comprehensive online reference tool
that accesses information quickly. In Help, commands, features, and data
fields are explained in easy steps. Answers are available instantly,
online, while you work. You can access the electronic contents for Help
by selecting Help/Contents from the menu bar. Context-sensitive help is
accessed using the <F1> key or the What's This? button by placing the
cursor in the area in question.
PRO/II is backed by the full resources of Simulation Sciences Inc. (SIM-
SCI), a leader in the process simulation business since 1966. SIMSCI
provides the most thorough service capabilities and advanced process
modeling technologies available to the process industries. SIMSCI's
comprehensive support around the world, allied with its training semi-
nars for every user level, is aimed solely at making your use of PRO/II
the most efficient and effective that it can be.
SIMSCI offers technical support for PRO/II for all questions sent by fax,
E-mail or regular mail. In North America, call our hotline support at 1-
800-SIMSCI1. When contacting Technical Support, please include the
following in your correspondence:
Name and company, phone and fax numbers
Product version number
Problem description, including any error messages that you received
and the steps necessary to duplicate the problem
If you are e-mailing your problem, please include an electronic copy
of the .INP or .PRZ file.
When calling in a request, please have this workbook available and
be near your computer to be able to walk through any difficulties.
4 About This Workbook
About This Workbook
This workbook complements SIMSCI's Introduction to PRO/II training
course. Since much of the course time is dedicated to hands-on exam-
ples, you will not necessarily go through the document page by page.
The workbook does, however, follow the course sequence and you may
want to jot notes in the margin. We strongly recommend that you read
this workbook from cover to cover once and then use it to refresh your
memory later on.
Before you begin this workbook, you should be aware of several conven-
tions. These include:
Text written in the SMALLCAPS style is used to denote unit operation
names. These items appear on the PFD palette. For example, FLASH,
Italicized text denotes menu items, dialog box names and fields, and
lists. For example, File, Save As..., the Source Data dialog box, and
Composition Defined.
Buttons within dialog boxes are represented as gray-filled boxes
with white overlaid text, such as , , and .
Text in < > brackets indicates keyboard strokes.
The , icon indicates a cautionary note or a useful tip.
SIMSCI has made great efforts to ensure that PRO/II is compliant with
Microsoft Windows. As a result, much of what follows will be familiar
to experienced Windows users.
Click, Highlight or Select: Place the pointer on the item and press the
left mouse button.
Double-click: Same as click except you press the left mouse button
twice with only a very short pause between clicks.
Open: To open a dialog box or object, place the pointer on the object
and click or double-click the mouse.
Drag: Move the mouse while holding the left button down
Specific PRO/II features include:
"..." Ellipses indicate items that, when selected, bring up a window
or dialog box, for example, and .
OK Status Add ->
Modify... Enter Data...
Getting Started Workbook 5
Underlined words that appear within non-Help windows denote
"linked text". Clicking on an underlined word will open a new win-
dow or dialog box. A good example of linked text appears in the
Flash Drum dialog box when you select Product Specification:
Parameter = value within the default tolerance
If you click on the word, value, for example, a dialog box will open
that allows you to enter a number.
Underlined words that appear in one of PRO/II's Help screens are
"jump text". If you click on the underlined text, you will jump to that
section of the Help documentation.
Dotted, underlined words that appear in PRO/II's Help screens pop-up
a short definition window when pressed. They differ from jump text
in that they do not change the current Help window, they simply add
an additional window to the screen.
Note: Save your work often! PRO/II does have an autosave feature
but you should still save regularly to the simulation database.
6 Launching PRO/II
Launching PRO/II
To initiate a PRO/II session:
Click Start on the taskbar, select Programs and then SIMSCI.
Click on PRO/II.
A Welcome to PROVISION dialog box appears describing how colors
indicate data entry status.
Figure 1:
Welcome to
Dialog Box
Click , then choose File from the menu bar.
The File menu is described below.
Table 1: File Menu Options
Option Function
New Initialize a new simulation
Open Open an existing simulation
Close Close the active simulation
Save/Save As Save the active simulation to a file with the same name, or to a new file
Delete Delete an existing simulation
Copy Create a new simulation as a copy of an existing one
Import Load a keyword input file into PRO/II
Export Export the active simulation to a keyword input file, or the flowsheet drawing
to the Clipboard, Autocad DXF, or Postscript file
Run Batch Run an existing keyword input file without loading it into PRO/II
Print/Print Setup Print the flowsheet drawing or output report
Exit Close the active simulation and exit the program
Getting Started Workbook 7
Exploring the PRO/II Desktop
The visual engineering of PRO/II makes building a simulation easy.
Functional colors, menu-graphics and picture icons guide you every step
of the way. On-line references refresh your memory on equations and
guidelines. And if you encounter trouble, Help is available when you
need it.
The PRO/II main window, shown in Figure 2, is your primary work-
space. This window forms the interface between you and the PRO/II pro-
gram. This is where you will build and run all your simulations, as well
as open files, save the current data, or exit the program.
You will use all the familiar Windows features such as multiple views,
toolbar buttons, menus, dialog boxes, drop-down lists and hotkeys.
Figure 2:
PRO/II Main Window
8 Exploring the PRO/II Desktop
Menu Bar Directly below the title bar of the main PRO/II window you will find the
main menu bar. It gives you easy access to the command menus.
Many of same commands are available through the buttons on the tool-
Table 2: PRO/II Main Window Components
Component Description
Title Bar The window title contains the name of the current simulation and view.
Menu Bar All functionality can be accessed through the menus.
Toolbar Shortcut buttons for many commonly used PRO/II operations are
provided. These include data entry window buttons, pan and go-to buttons,
run function buttons and PFD tool and drawing buttons.
Primary Workspace This is where you draw your flowsheet. You can have multiple views of the
flowsheet open at the same time.
Scroll Bars The vertical and horizontal scroll bars enable you to move vertically and
horizontally through a window.
Status Bar The bar at the bottom of the window gives quick help on the highlighted
button or window.
PFD Palette Also known as the Unit Operations Palette, you use this to add unit
operations and streams to your flowsheet. You can show or hide this
palette and change its position on the screen.
Run Palette Use this palette to run your simulation interactively. You can show or hide
this palette and change its position on the screen. Usually, the shortcut
buttons on the toolbar are used instead.
Control-menu Box The standard Windows control-menu in the top left corner can be used to
move, resize or close the application window.
Table 3: PRO/II Menu Bar
Menu Main Functions
File File operations: open, close save, import, etc.
Edit Manipulate objects on the main window
Input Add input data - all data can be entered from this menu
Output Define, create and view simulation output
Tools Flash streams, binary VLE curves, output to spreadsheet
Draw Add text, lines or objects to the drawing
View Specify what appears on the main window
Options Customize the working environment
Window Create and manage views on the flowsheet diagram
Help Access the on-line help functions
Getting Started Workbook 9
Toolbar The toolbar appears just below the menu bar on the main PRO/II win-
dow. Using the mouse, you can initiate many actions by clicking the but-
tons on the toolbar.
If you have a low resolution screen, such as 640x480 VGA, you can
change this standard toolbar to the compact toolbar (which contains
fewer buttons) by selecting the Toolbar option on the View menu.
Table 4: PRO/II Toolbar Buttons
Button Description Button Description
Open a new flowsheet view
Search for a unit in the current
Hide or display the PFD palette
Search for a stream in the current
Provide a description for the
Flash the selected feed stream
Select units of measurement
Create a binary VLE plot
Select components
Run the simulation
Specify component data
Stop the simulation
Select thermodynamic methods
View the results for a selected unit
or stream
Specify assay cut point data and
characterization methods
Generate an output report
Define reaction data
Delete the currently selected
flowsheet object
Enter kinetic reaction procedures
Zoom in or out
Define a case study
Display the entire flowsheet in the
main window
Select calculation sequence
Zoom in on a region of the
Specify recycle convergence
Clear extraneous lines and dots
from your PFD
Display the pan view window
Display help for the selected object
(main window only)
10 Exploring the PRO/II Desktop
Data Entry
PRO/II provides dialog boxes that allow you to enter data in a logical
manner. Throughout this workbook, you will see examples of data entry
windows. Within these dialog boxes, there are many different types of
data entry devices including check boxes, radio buttons and drop-down
Grayed buttons indicate that the feature is not currently available.
Color Cues PRO/II uses color cues to inform you of the status of your simulation.
Colors are used to indicate:
Completeness of data supplied for units, streams and overall simula-
tion parameters
Real-time execution status of each of the unit operations.
The significance of the colors you will encounter while working with
PRO/II are summarized below.
Table 5: Data Entry Window Buttons
Button Description
All data are saved and the dialog box is closed.
All data entered or modified are lost when the dialog box closes.
Displays context sensitive help for the active data entry field, or for the dialog
box itself (if there is no active field).
Displays the main help dialog box for the data entry window.
Displays the results of the data consistency checks performed for the main
dialog box.
Selects a units of measure set for the selected data entry field.
References one stream or unit parameter value to another stream or unit
Displays the valid range of values for the active data entry field.
Table 6: Color Significance During Data Entry
Color Significance
Red Required data
Green Default data
Blue Data you have supplied or modified
Yellow Questionable data: supplied data value is outside the normal range
Gray Data field is not available to you
Black Data entry is optional
Getting Started Workbook 11
Palettes PRO/II provides two palettes: a PFD palette and a Run palette. Both are
displayed in Figure 2.
PFD Palette
You add unit operations and streams to the flowsheet with the icons on
the PFD palette. You can show or hide the PFD palette using the PFD
Palette button on the standard toolbar.
Run Palette
For most simulation calculations, the Run and Stop buttons on the tool-
bar, which start and stop the calculations, are all you will need. The Run
palette allows you to take more control of the calculations by calculating
units one at a time or introducing breakpoints.
Viewing the
PRO/II allows you to pan over the flowsheet, search for a specific unit or
stream, and view multiple views of the same flowsheet.
You can pan the contents of the flowsheet using the Pan View window,
which is opened by clicking the Pan View button or by selecting View/
Pan View from the menu bar. This window gives a panoramic view of the
entire flowsheet. A bounding box identifies the area of the flowsheet vis-
ible in the active view. You can move the bounding box to view a differ-
ent region of the flowsheet, or you can change its size to adjust how
much of the flowsheet is visible in the active view.
Table 7: Color Significance During Execution
Color Significance
Pale Green Unit operation has not been calculate
Green Unit operation is in the process of being calculated
Blue Unit operation has been solved
Red Unit operation has failed to solve
Magenta Unit operation is at a breakpoint
Dark Blue Unit operation was solved in a previous run
12 Exploring the PRO/II Desktop
Figure 3:
PFD with Pan View
Searching for a Unit or Stream
PRO/II builds two lists to identify and locate flowsheet units and
streams. The Unit List stores unit operation names, while the Stream List
stores stream names. To search for a unit or stream, click on the appro-
priate Search for button on the toolbar, or select View/Unit List from the
menu bar. Highlight the unit or stream of interest. This centers the object
in the active view.
Multiple View Capabilities
If you have a large flowsheet, you may want to take advantage of
PRO/II's multiple view capabilities. With these capabilities, you can
view different portions of your flowsheet at the same time. To get an
additional view of your flowsheet, click the Multiple Viewport button on
the toolbar, or choose Window/New View from the menu bar. You can
change the region of the flowsheet, as well as the magnification level
without affecting the original flowsheet view.
The Window menu also contains options for cascading and tiling your
flowsheet views. Simply choose Cascade, Tile Horizontally, or Tile Ver-
tically from the Window menu. To change the active view, click on the
title bar of the desired view, or highlight the name of the view from the
Window menu.
Getting Started Workbook 13
Editing the
You can use the options on the Edit menu to modify your flowsheet dia-
gram. Most of these commands are accessible upon selecting (highlight-
ing) one or more appropriate flowsheet objects. Table 8 describes these
Edit options in more detail.
Table 8: Edit Menu Options
Option Function
Undo Allows you to undo or redo the last action, if possible.
Cut Removes a single selected feed stream from the flowsheet. The cut
stream and its data are stored in the Clipboard.
Copy Copies selected stream data or stream property table data to the
Paste Pastes feed stream data from the Clipboard into a flowsheet stream.
Paste Special Pastes feed or product stream data into a flowsheet stream.
Select All Selects (highlights) the entire flowsheet.
Select None Deselects all flowsheet objects.
Insert Object Inserts pictures or other objects onto the flowsheet.
Delete Deletes any highlighted object(s).
Rotate Rotates the selected object(s).
Flip Flips the selected object(s) either horizontally or vertically.
Restore Icon Size Restores the size of the selected icon(s) to their default size for the
current magnification level.
Align Text Left, right, or center justifies the selected text items.
Display Style Changes the style of a highlighted unit operation icon.
Reroute Redraws an unobstructed path for the selected flowsheet stream(s).
Collapse Collapses the selected units into one unit, as a block diagram (sub-
Expand Expands a block diagram (sub-flowsheet), converting a single unit into
its components.
Rename Renames a block diagram (sub-flowsheet).
Move Up With an external feed or product stream selected in a sub-flowsheet, the
free end of this stream is moved up to the next flowsheet above the
current sub-flowsheet.
Move Down With an external feed into a sub-flowsheet or an external product stream
from a sub-flowsheet, the free end of the stream is moved down to the
sub-flowsheet. The stream no longer appears on the main flowsheet,
only in the sub-flowsheet.
14 Simulation Made Easy
Simulation Made Easy
Now you will learn how to set up simulations, run them, and analyze the
results with PRO/II. When setting up a simulation, you can supply data
in a number of ways. The color codes in PRO/II alert you when data are
required, marking the pathway towards a completed simulation.
A Systematic
Because some options depend on others, you should establish a routine,
logical approach for entering the data. For instance, you cannot enter the
stream composition or composition-based process specifications before
declaring the components in the process. You may want to change the
input set of units of measure before entering user-defined components
and streams. All calculations hinge on your choice of thermodynamic
When using PRO/II to develop a simulation, we recommend that you
follow these steps:
Build the Flowsheet
Draw your process flow diagram (PFD) by selecting and positioning the
unit operations. Next, draw the feed and product streams for each unit.
Often a product stream from one unit is the feed stream to another unit.
Entering such streams connects the flowsheet together and establishes
the transfer of information within the simulation.
Check the Input Units of Measure
Almost every quantity has a unit of measure. Initially the global default
for units of measure set is English. You can change this set for this simu-
lation only, or change the global default for all simulations. You can also
locally override individual dimensional units in data entry windows.
the PFD
Check the
Units of
Simulation &
View Results
Getting Started Workbook 15
Define the Components
You can directly define your components by typing their library compo-
nent names, by selecting from lists of components, or by entering user-
defined components, pseudocomponents, solids with associated particle
size distributions, and polymer components.
Select the Thermodynamic Method
Selecting the proper thermodynamic methods is a critically important
step in the solution of a simulation. For most simulations, a predefined
set of thermodynamic methods for calculating K-values, enthalpies,
entropies, and densities can be used. PRO/II offers numerous categories
of method sets. Normally you will want to use one of the thermodynamic
systems in the list of Most Commonly Used methods.
Supply Process Stream Data
For feed streams, you must supply thermal conditions, flowrates, and
compositions for all external feed streams to the flowsheet. For assay
streams, you must input the thermal conditions, flowrates, distillation
curve data and average API or specific gravity. It is usually desirable,
although not necessary, to provide estimated data for recycle streams to
speed convergence of recycle calculations.
Supply Process Unit Data
Supply process data for each unit in your flowsheet. Unit operation iden-
tifiers for which data entries are needed are marked with red borders. To
enter information for a unit operation, double-click its icon to open the
Unit data entry window.
Run the Simulation and View the Results
Before you try to execute the simulation, check that there are no red-bor-
dered fields or red linked text. If all the borders are blue, green, or black
on the toolbar buttons, unit operation labels, and stream labels then you
have supplied enough information to run the flowsheet.
Output is written to the output (*.OUT) file. You can view your results in
a variety of ways ranging from plots and tables to pop-up windows with
values for each stream and unit.
The remaining chapters will explain each of these steps in extensive
16 Building the Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
Building the Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
The first step in any simulation, no matter how small or large, is to draw
the process flow diagram. While there is a close correspondence
between an actual flowsheet and its simulation flowsheet, there are some
notable differences. These are:
Time dependencies
Combined units
Because PRO/II is a steady-state simulator, process equipment that con-
trol time-dependent phenomena are not directly relevant to your simula-
tion. The depressuring unit is the only exception. Omit units such as
control valves and instrumentation. However, consider the instrument
settings when you are deciding on the specifications to make in your
simplifies to
All the control valves, pressure and temperature indicators have been
eliminated. You can also eliminate utility systems such as cooling water
(as here), steam and refrigerants from the simulation if you are only
interested in the duties they provide.
Getting Started Workbook 17
Certain unit operations can be combined to simplify your PFD. For
instance, the COMPRESSOR unit in PRO/II includes an aftercooler and
most unit operations include a downstream separator.
The second compressor's aftercooler and separator have been eliminated
because they are incorporated in the COMPRESSOR model. The first com-
pressor's aftercooler has been eliminated but we cannot eliminate the
first separator because of the recycle from the second compressor.
Figure 4 shows the default stream designations for the simple heat
exchanger, the flash drum, and the column unit in PRO/II.
Figure 4:
PRO/II Unit Defaults
18 Setting the Input Units of Measure
Setting the Input Units of Measure
Almost every item of data you will enter in PRO/II will have Units of
Measure. For simplicity, units of measure in PRO/II have been arranged
into three standard pre-defined sets: English, Metric and SI. You select
the set that nearest matches the needs of your simulation and then over-
ride the pre-defined units for individual quantities. For example, you can
select the Metric Set and override the Celsius temperature unit with
You can set the units of measure on a global, simulation, and/or field
The easiest and most efficient way to enter data involves setting the input
units of measure for the active single simulation, and then proceed to
change the units of measure for a specific field of a unit dialog box, if
To change the default units of measure set for a simulation, click the
Units of Measure button on the toolbar to open the Default Units of Mea-
sure dialog box.
Figure 5:
Default UOM for
Problem Data Input
Dialog Box
To change the default set, click , select a
set, and click .
Make any changes to individual units, as desired.
Initialize from UOM Library
Getting Started Workbook 19
You can also use this dialog box to override the true vapor pressure tem-
perature basis, the Reid vapor pressure calculation method, and standard
vapor conditions.
UOM Library
You can define and save your own customized sets by selecting Units of
Measure Lists from the Options menu.
By default, the standard English set is the global default used to start
each simulation. You can change this global default with your own mod-
ified set so that every subsequent simulation starts with that set.
Select Simulation Defaults/Units of Measure from the Options menu
and select your set from the list.
Figure 6:
Default Sets of Units
of Measure
Output Units of
Normally, the output report is in the same units as the input set. How-
ever, you can define a different set of units for the output.
Select Simulation Defaults/Units of Measure from the Options menu
and select from the lists.
If you do want output in a different set of units it is good practice to get it
in the input unit set as well, so that you can check the correctness of your
input data.
Select Same as Input for the First Output and your required output
set for the Second Output.
the UOM for
a Single
When entering data in a data entry window, you can still enter individual
data items in any appropriate unit.
Place the cursor in the field for the item whose units you want to
Click at the top of the dialog box to open the Convert Units of
Measure dialog box.
20 Setting the Input Units of Measure
Here you can choose to change the units and retain the value you entered
in the field, or to convert the value to the new units.
Figure 7:
Convert Units of
Measure Dialog Box
Notice, however, that the next time you open the data entry window the
value will have been converted to the defined global unit of measure.
The units of measure in the standard sets are shown below.
Table 9: Standard Units of Measure
English Metric SI
Temperature F C K
Pressure psia kg/cm
Weight lb kg kg
Time hr hr hr
Length ft m m
Fine Length in mm mm
Velocity ft/sec m/sec m/sec
Energy Btu kcal kJ
Work hp kW kW
Duty 10
Btu/hr 10
kcal/hr 10
Heat Transfer Coefficient Btu/hr-ft
-F kcal/hr-m
-C kW/m
Thermal Conductivity Btu/hr-ft-F kcal/hr-m-C W/m-K
Viscosity cp cp Pa-sec
Kinematic Viscosity centistoke centistoke centistoke
Surface Tension dyne/cm dyne/cm N/m
Liquid Volume ft
Vapor Volume ft
Petroleum Density API gravity kg/m
Getting Started Workbook 21
Defining the Components
Types of
In PRO/II, you can enter the chemical species, or components, that exist
in the flowsheet in six ways:
As library components
As petroleum components (or an assay curve)
As user-defined components
As solid components
As polymer components
As ionic components
The PRO/II component libraries provide easy automatic access to prop-
erty data for nearly 2000 pure components. When running a simulation,
you can retrieve the thermophysical properties for a library component
from the PRO/II database simply by using an access name or alias. Many
components have more than one alias. For example, you can retrieve
information on methane, using any of the following:
PRO/II contains extensive component databanks as well as comprehen-
sive methods for component property prediction. In general when
PRO/II retrieves component data from one of its libraries, it also
retrieves the necessary component properties to successfully complete
your simulation. If PRO/II has incomplete property information for a
particular component, you can either "fill in the gaps" with established
property prediction methods that are based on structural data or input
your own component property data.
Note: As a general rule, if you have water in your system, it is wise
to add it as the first component.
22 Defining the Components
Click the Component Selection button on the toolbar or select Input/
Component Selection from the menu bar and select your components
using the Component Selection dialog box.
Figure 8:
Component Selection
Dialog Box
If you don't know the exact name or alias of a desired component, you
can click and search through the available lists.
Figure 9:
Component Selection
- List/Search Dialog
Components are listed alphabetically, and then by case. For example, the
component ammonia (NH
) would be listed as H
N. Calcium would be
listed as Ca, not CA.
Select from Lists...
Getting Started Workbook 23
The PRO/II component library is actually a composite of several estab-
lished databanks.
By default, PRO/II searches the PROCESS databank first and the
SIMSCI databank second. All the components in the PROCESS data-
bank are in the SIMSCI databank. To change the order in which PRO/II
searches for your components, click in the Com-
ponent Selection dialog box.
A component breakdown for petroleum-based streams, such as crude oil,
is difficult to obtain, because they contain thousands of distinct com-
pounds. Usually these hydrocarbon streams are characterized in terms of
laboratory test data (known as assay data). This typically includes distil-
lation data, gravity data, and an analysis of the low-boiling pure compo-
nents (the lightends). PRO/II derives a set of petroleum components
from this assay data by using industry standard characterization tech-
niques. These derived components are used to model the streams given
by assay data. This technique is discussed in the Process Stream chapter.
PRO/II allows you to enter individual petroleum components, which are
represented as cuts or sections of a hydrocarbon stream with defined
average boiling points, specific gravities, and other thermophysical prop-
erties. You can define individual components as petroleum components
by specifying at least two of the following three properties for each com-
Normal boiling point
Molecular weight.
Click in the Component Selection dialog box and enter
the data.
You can provide names for the individual cuts, or have PRO/II define
names based on the cuts' NBPs.
Table 10: Pure Component Databanks
Bank Description
PROCESS The PROCESS pure component databank.
SIMSCI The SIMSCI pure component databank.
DIPPR The AIChE DIPPR databank, available as an optional PRO/II add-on.
OLI The OLI databank, available as an optional PRO/II add-on.
bankid User databank, created and maintained using the Property Library Manager.
Databank Hierarchy...
24 Defining the Components
Typically, normal boiling point and gravity data are available to define
petroleum components and assays. If you do not supply the molecular
weight for a petroleum component, PRO/II uses a method developed by
SIMSCI to estimate molecular weight. This method is most effective for
components within the 300F to 800F boiling temperature range and is
based on the Watson K-factor. In order to ensure accurate characteriza-
tion, you should supply the molecular weight, especially if the PRO/II
correlation range is not valid for your data.
PRO/II generates all other properties using methods in the API technical
databook. You can select these methods or have PRO/II use default
methods for all component properties required for the simulation. If you
want to change the methods used, click the Assay Characterization but-
ton on the toolbar or select Input/Assay Characterization from the menu
bar, then click .
Petroleum components are useful in PRO/II simulations. Here are a few
You should save petroleum components that have been characterized
from assay data in a previous run, if you intend to run the simulation
often, since this will reduce run time.
If you lack adequate assay data for environmental applications, you
can choose to model heavy hydrocarbon contaminants as petroleum
Some companies process their own assay streams because they have
proprietary procedures for calculating properties such as molecular
weight. In this case, instead of entering assay data you can directly
enter the petroleum components and any other proprietary thermo-
physical properties (e.g., critical properties).
When simulating a process with primarily light hydrocarbons, you
may want to use a petroleum component to represent all of the
hydrocarbon components that are heavier than a certain defined
component. This is often the case in gas processing applications
where the majority of components are typically C5 or lighter.
Characterization Options...
Note: If you lump the heavy components of a mixture into a single
petroleum component, you will most likely lose accuracy.
Since the dew point is very sensitive to the heavy components
in a mixture, the lumping together of heavy components should
be minimized in simulations where the dew point is important.
Getting Started Workbook 25
For the vast majority of PRO/II simulations, you will select components
from the pure component library or define them as petroleum fractions.
Occasionally you may want to use a component not in the PRO/II
library. In this case you must supply all the properties that the simulation
requires. These will depend on the needs of the thermodynamic system
you select and the unit operations you use. For example, if you have a
rigorous heat exchanger in the flowsheet you will need to supply trans-
port property data.
Click in the Component Selection dialog box and
name your component.
Click the Component Properties button on the toolbar and from the
Component Properties dialog box open the Fixed Properties and
Temperature Dependent Properties dialog boxes to enter the proper-
ties (or to replace data for individual properties of a library compo-
Figure 10:
Properties Dialog Box
Property Prediction
Whether you are supplying a user-defined component or supplementing
property data for an existing component, the quality of the results is sig-
nificantly enhanced if you use reliable experimental data. If such data are
insufficient or unavailable, you can access the property prediction capa-
bilities of PRO/II. These estimation methods are valid for organic com-
ponents that have molecular weights below 400 and fewer than 20
unique structural groups. Click in the Component
Properties dialog box to select the component(s) you want filled then
click to define the UNIFAC groups.
Fill from Structure...
UNIFAC Structures...
26 Defining the Components
If some of your components exist in the solid phase you must identify
them as solid, liquid-solid or vapor-liquid-solid.
Click in the Component Selection dialog box.
By default, all non-library components are vapor-liquid. Solid library
components default to the correct phase. All properties are entered in the
same dialog boxes as for user-defined components.
If a component is molecular, you must enter its molecular weight. If it is
a non-molecular component, it can exist in only the solid phase.
Particle size distribution is a property of a stream and is explained in the
Process Stream chapter. However, you must first specify size intervals.
Click on the Component Properties dialog
box and enter distribution ranges.
Polymers Polymers are very high molecular weight, long-chain components made
up of various combinations of monomer units with a recurring chemical
structure. Using the optional Polymer add-on module, you can define the
structure of polymer segments and specify how polymer components are
constructed from these segments. The van Krevelen group contribution
method is used to predict the thermophysical properties of polymers on
the basis of the individual structural groups.
In the Component Selection dialog box, click to define
polymer components and polymer segments.
Enter particle size distribution data for polymer components in the
same way as for solid components. In the Component Properties dia-
log box, click .
Table 11: Component Property Data Required for Solid Components
Property Solid Liquid/Solid
Solid Specific Heat or Solid Enthalpy Required Required Required
Solid Density Required Required Required
Molecular Weight Conditional Required Required
Normal Melting Point Conditional Conditional
Heat of Formation (L or S) Conditional Conditional
Specific Gravity Required Required
Liquid Enthalpy Required Required
Liquid Density Required Required
Heat of Fusion Conditional Conditional
Conditional means that it may be required by some unit operations.
Component Phases...
Particle Size Distribution...
Distribution Functions...
Getting Started Workbook 27
Electrolyte models are available in an optional add-on module to simu-
late aqueous systems in a wide range of industrial applications. The
models apply to fixed component lists with a pre-defined set of thermo-
dynamic methods for K-values, enthalpies and densities.
Components in a PRO/II databank have a full range of properties. Com-
ponent properties fall into six categories:
Fixed properties
Temperature-dependent properties
User Defined and Refinery Inspection properties
Solid properties
Polymer properties
Structure data
The pure component properties that you need to run a simulation may
depend upon the selected thermodynamic method. The required proper-
ties are listed for each method in the Thermodynamic Methods section of
the PRO/II Reference Manual.
Following are a few of the most important data requirements:
With the exception of components declared to exist only as solids,
all components must have a molecular weight and a specific gravity
(which can be alternatively supplied as an API gravity or standard
liquid density).
For calculations with an equation of state method (such as Soave-
Redlich-Kwong or Peng-Robinson), PRO/II requires the critical
temperatures and critical pressures of the components. Each compo-
nent also requires either an acentric factor or a correlation for the
equation's alpha parameter.
K-value calculations with liquid activity coefficient methods (such
as NRTL and UNIQUAC) require pure component vapor pressures.
Several of these methods also require other properties such as liquid
molar volumes, solubility parameters, or van der Waals area and vol-
ume parameters.
All enthalpy and entropy methods require ideal gas enthalpies for
each component, with the exception of the Ideal and Johnson-Gray-
son methods.
28 Defining the Components
The Ideal method for liquid enthalpy requires the enthalpy of the sat-
urated liquid. Use of this method for vapor enthalpies requires satu-
rated liquid enthalpies, plus the latent heat of vaporization for each
component. Ideal liquid densities require saturated liquid densities.
Again, in most cases, you do not need to worry about such requirements
because the components retrieved from PRO/II's databanks will have
sufficient data for any thermodynamic method.
To display the fixed properties of the selected components in your simu-
lation, click in the Component Properties dialog box. Here,
you can enter user-defined component properties or replace data for
library components. Table 12 displays the sub-dialog box in which each
property is located.
Table 12: Location of Fixed Properties
Property Dialog Box / Sub-Dialog Box
Acentric Factor Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
Carbon Number Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
Critical Compressibility Factor Fixed Properties / Critical Properties
Critical Pressure Fixed Properties / Critical Properties
Critical Temperature Fixed Properties / Critical Properties
Critical Volume Fixed Properties / Critical Properties
Dipole Moment Fixed Properties / Molecular Constants
Enthalpy of Combustion Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
Enthalpy of Fusion Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
Gibbs Energy of Formation Fixed Properties / Heats of Formation
Freezing Point (Normal Melting Point) Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
Gross Heating Value Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
Heat of Formation Fixed Properties / Heats of Formation
Heat of Vaporization Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
Hydrogen Deficiency Number Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
Liquid Molar Volume Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
Lower Heating Value Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
Molecular Weight Fixed Properties
Normal Boiling Point Fixed Properties
Rackett Parameter Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
Radius of Gyration Fixed Properties / Molecular Constants
Solubility Parameter Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
Specific Gravity Fixed Properties
Triple Point Pressure Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
Triple Point Temperature Fixed Properties / Miscellaneous Properties
van der Waals Area and Volume Fixed Properties / Molecular Constants
Getting Started Workbook 29
You can enter the temperature-dependent properties given in Table 13
below in either tabular or equation form. Extrapolation of temperature-
dependent properties outside the user-defined temperature limits is per-
formed linearly, except for vapor pressure and viscosity, which are
extrapolated as ln(property) versus the reciprocal of the absolute temper-
ature. These methods are also used for interpolation and extrapolation of
tabular property data and for extrapolation of the temperature-dependent
property correlations retrieved from PRO/II's databanks.
Click in the Component Properties dialog
Click the appropriate button to enter user-defined component proper-
ties or to replace data for library components.
You can also view correlation coefficients and generate graphical plots
of temperature dependent property data. These plots are displayed in the
Plot Viewer. Each plot generated is shown in a new window, allowing
multiple plots to be displayed simultaneously. PRO/II plots can be
exported to other external applications (for example, Microsoft Excel).
Select the Phase by clicking the appropriate button.
Select Correlation Coefficients (default) and click to
display the coefficients.
Table 13: Location of Temperature Dependent Properties
Property Button
Enthalpy of Vaporization
Ideal Vapor Enthalpy
Liquid Density
Liquid Thermal Conductivity
Liquid Viscosity
Saturated Liquid Enthalpy
Solid Density
Solid Heat Capacity
Solid Vapor Pressure
Surface Tension
Vapor Pressure
Vapor Thermal Conductivity
Vapor Viscosity
Temperature Dependent...
Enter Data...
30 Defining the Components
Figure 11:
Correlation Selection
Dialog Box
To view a plot, click and select the type of plot you
want. For example, Figure 12 shows a plot of the vapor pressure of
Figure 12:
Vapor Pressure of
Butane Plot
You can view the plot in any desired unit of measure.
View Curve...
Getting Started Workbook 31
You can enter global data for Refinery Inspection Properties by clicking
in the Component Properties dialog
box. These global data will be used for all thermodynamic systems but
can be overridden in each thermodynamic system.
A refinery inspection property will not be calculated unless a method is
selected for it during thermodynamic data entry.
You can enter global data for user-defined properties by clicking
in the Component Properties dialog
box. These global data will be used for all thermodynamic systems but
can be overridden in each thermodynamic system.
All solid properties, fixed and temperature-dependent, are entered in the
same dialog boxes as for user-defined components.
Click on the Component Selection dialog box to define
polymer components and polymer segments. Enter particle size distribu-
tion data for polymer components in the same way as for solid compo-
nents. Click in the Component Properties
dialog box to enter distribution function data for polymer components.
Structure Data Click in the Component Properties dialog box to
define UNIFAC structures for selected components.
Data with
Within PRO/II you are limited to examining either the fixed component
properties given in the printout, or those which can be viewed through
the Component Properties dialog boxes. However, DATAPREP provides
you quick and total access to the PRO/II component database without
having to set up and run a simulation. Using the menu-driven interface of
DATAPREP, you can view fixed and descriptive properties as well as
temperature-dependent properties in tabular and graphical forms for all
the components in the PRO/II databanks. DATAPREP also contains the
following pure component fixed properties:
Lower flammability limit
Upper flammability limit
Auto-ignition temperature
Flash point.
Refinery Inspection Properties...
User-defined Special Properties...
Distribution Functions...
UNIFAC Structures...
32 Defining the Components
Furthermore, unlike PRO/II, DATAPREP gives information regarding
the accuracy and source of the component data, as well as the tempera-
ture limits for the temperature-dependent correlations.
DATAPREP also gives you the option of viewing properties for families
of components. You can view this data as either tables or graphs. Figure
13 shows a plot of vapor pressure versus temperature for a family of
alcohols. The axes have been set to plot vapor pressure (on a logarithmic
scale) versus inverse temperature. The top curve corresponds to metha-
nol, followed by ethanol, and then the remaining alcohols by increasing
carbon number.
Figure 13:
Vapor Pressure for
of Alcohols
Figure 14 further illustrates the type of graphical information that
DATAPREP provides for pure library components. This graph com-
pletely describes the range in enthalpy of water from the solid to ideal
gas phase, and includes several distinct stages, which are described
1. The diagram starts at the bottom, far left, with the solid enthalpy
2. The first vertical line (at the melting temperature) equals the heat of
fusion and marks the transition from the solid to the liquid phase.
3. The liquid line then continues to the right until it reaches the critical
4. At the critical temperature the liquid enthalpy curve makes a contin-
uous transition back to the left along the vapor line.
5. The vertical line connecting the liquid and vapor curves represents
the heat of vaporization at the normal boiling point.
15 20 25 30 35 40
(10E- 4)
(10E+ 3)
1/T (1/K)
Getting Started Workbook 33
Figure 14:
Enthalpy Curve for
In the Component Data section of the output file (.OUT), each compo-
nent defined in the simulation is listed, along with its component and
phase type, and nine associated fixed properties. These include: molecu-
lar weight, API, NBP, critical temperature, critical pressure, critical vol-
ume, acentric factor, heat of formation, and Gibbs free energy of
-500 -250 0 250 500 750
(10E+ 2)
Temperature F
Heat of Vaporization
at NBP
Vapor Curve
Ideal Gas
Critical Point
Saturated Liquid Curve
Solid Curve
Heat of Fusion
at NMP
34 Selecting the Thermodynamic Method
Selecting the Thermodynamic Method
Selecting the appropriate thermodynamic method for your flowsheet is a
critically important decision. Obviously, if you choose a thermodynamic
system that cannot accurately model the phase behavior of the process,
the simulation results will be invalid.
Inappropriate choice of thermodynamic model is the largest single
source of error in process simulation and it is always a good idea to ver-
ify your selection of a thermodynamic system by comparing simulation
results with actual plant operating data. Since it is not possible to
develop a single thermodynamic method to model all chemicals under
all conditions, PRO/II uses several different models. Each works well in
some situations and poorly in others. It is up to you to select the most
appropriate methods for your particular flowsheet. Polar components at
high pressure should not be simulated with a thermodynamic method
that was designed to model low pressure hydrocarbons. Just because a
computer reports convergence to great precision does not mean you
should believe that the answers accurately model your actual process.
Use your experience and engineering judgment to check that results are
and Systems
PRO/II offers numerous methods for calculating thermodynamic proper-
ties. Generally you must select methods for calculating these thermody-
namic properties:
Equilibrium K-values
In PRO/II, thermodynamic methods are arranged into systems. When
you choose a thermodynamic system, PRO/II will provide default meth-
ods for each of these thermodynamic properties. You can override these
defaults. For example, if the Soave-Redlich-Kwong thermodynamic sys-
tem is selected, the default liquid density method is API. You can replace
this with another method, for example, Lee-Kesler, should you feel Lee-
Kesler will predict the liquid densities more accurately for your simula-
Click the Thermodynamic Data button on the toolbar or select Input/
Thermodynamic Data... from the menu bar.
Getting Started Workbook 35
Click on a Category and choose a Primary Method from the selec-
tion shown.
Transfer your choice by clicking .
Figure 15:
Data Dialog Box
To change a default, click in the Thermodynamic Data
dialog box and make the desired changes.
Figure 16:
Dialog Box
The thermodynamic methods available in PRO/II can be classified into
seven categories:
Ideal methods
Generalized correlations
Equations of state
Liquid activity methods
Add ->
36 Selecting the Thermodynamic Method
Special packages
Ideal Methods
Ideal methods calculate the mixture properties as weighted sums of the
pure component properties. Each component's contribution is propor-
tional to its quantity in the mixture. While ideal methods often provide
good approximations for enthalpies and densities, more sophisticated
methods are almost always required for K-values.
Generalized Correlations
Generalized correlations are empirical or semi-empirical methods,
mostly based on the principle of corresponding states. They generally do
not contain any adjustable binary parameters and are primarily useful for
nonpolar hydrocarbon mixtures. Examples of generalized correlations
include the Braun K-10 (BK-10) and Grayson-Streed (GS) methods.
Equations of State (EOS)
Equations of state are mathematical expressions relating the density,
temperature, pressure, and composition of a fluid. From an equation of
state, you can calculate component K-values as well as the departures of
enthalpy and entropy from their ideal gas values. Well-known examples
of equations of state are the ideal gas law and the Van der Waals equa-
tion. More modern equations of state include the Soave-Redlich-Kwong
(SRK) and Peng-Robinson (PR) equations. These equations often
involve the use of binary interaction parameters (usually denoted by k
to account for interactions between different components. These param-
eters can be:
Obtained from PRO/II's databanks or internal estimation techniques
Supplied by the user
Fit to experimental data.
The basic SRK and PR equations are useful for systems of nonpolar
hydrocarbons; more sophisticated modifications are available to better
represent systems containing polar components and to calculate rigorous
vapor-liquid-liquid equilibrium.
Liquid Activity Coefficient Theory (LACT) Methods
LACT methods calculate K-values by starting with an ideal solution and
correcting the result with activity coefficients. The activity coefficients
are calculated from a model for the excess Gibbs energy of the liquid
Getting Started Workbook 37
mixture. The most commonly used methods are NRTL and UNIQUAC.
Binary interaction parameters are usually necessary. They can be:
Obtained from PRO/II's databanks
Estimated using the UNIFAC method
Supplied by the user
Fit to experimental data.
Dissolved gases can be modeled with Henry's Law, and a heat of mixing
option can be used to correct for nonideality in the liquid enthalpy. If the
necessary parameters are available, LACT methods can successfully
describe a wide variety of nonideal mixtures (particularly mixtures of
components having similar volatility) including mixtures exhibiting two
liquid phases.
Special Packages
PRO/II contains several special packages designed for thermodynamic
calculations on specific systems. These include:
The Glycol package uses the SRKM method to calculate phase equi-
libria for glycol dehydration applications.
The Sour package and the GPA Sour Water package were developed
for sour water applications.
The Amine package can be used to model the removal of H
S and
from natural gas streams using aqueous amine systems.
The Alcohol package uses the NRTL liquid activity method to calcu-
late phase equilibria for systems containing polar compounds, such
as alcohols and water.
A special add-on of PRO/II is available for systems in which aqueous
electrolyte chemistry is important. Consult your SIMSCI representative
for further details.
The polymers add-on provides special thermodynamic packages which
are calculated by a variety of empirical methods including three activity
coefficient K-value models using ideal enthalpy and density and two
equations of state which predict all the required thermodynamic proper-
38 Selecting the Thermodynamic Method
All simulations require selection of a thermodynamic method. Some also
require transport properties, which are accessed through the Modifica-
tion dialog box by clicking .
The unit operations that need transport properties are:
Column (hydraulics)
Rigorous heat exchanger
Depressuring unit
Output tables.
Transport properties include:
Thermal conductivity
Liquid diffusivity
Surface tension.
Four calculation methods are available for computing transport proper-
The Pure option applies simple mixing rules to the temperature-depen-
dent pure component values available in the selected databanks to calcu-
late mixture transport properties. Saturation values are not pressure
corrected. The Petroleum method uses predictive correlations, including
pressure corrections, that apply to bulk hydrocarbon mixtures. The Trapp
option uses a one fluid conformal model to calculate vapor and liquid
viscosities and thermal conductivities for hydrocarbons; it uses the
Petroleum method to calculate surface tension. The User-defined option
allows you to provide up to five subroutines to compute transport proper-
Transport Properties...
Getting Started Workbook 39
PRO/II provides a default method for each transport property when you
select a transport method (except User-defined). You can choose to over-
ride these methods if necessary. For example, you can select the API
Technical Data Book liquid viscosity method to replace the default Pure
liquid viscosity method. Refer to the PRO/II Reference Manual and the
PRO/II Application Briefs Manual for selection of the proper transport
property method.
Handling in
PRO/II can perform three-phase flash calculations for hydrocarbon-
water mixtures. These calculations can be conducted either rigorously
using VLLE thermodynamics or semi-rigorously using VLE thermody-
namics with the water decant option.
Water Decant Option
The free water option is a convenient, efficient method to simulate the
three phase behavior of hydrocarbon-water systems. This option should
be used when the solubility of hydrocarbons in the liquid water phase is
small and not important for the simulation. There are two product
streams: the first is a liquid hydrocarbon phase with dissolved water, the
second is a free water phase. The free water phase contains no dissolved
hydrocarbons or light gases. If the amount of dissolved hydrocarbons in
the water phase is important (for example, an environmental compliance
application), use a rigorous three-phase calculation, such as SRKM or
Using the free water option will result in a semi-rigorous three phase cal-
culation. The vapor phase is saturated with water at a fixed pressure, and
water is dissolved in the hydrocarbon liquid up to its solubility limit.
Any remaining water is decanted as a pure water phase. PRO/II com-
putes the solubility of water in the hydrocarbon-rich liquid phase using
one of its three water solubility correlations:
SIMSCI (based on SIMSCI proprietary methods)
KEROSENE (based on the data for the solubility of water in kero-
sene from API Technical Data Book Figure 9A1.4)
EOS (based on computing the water K-value with the equation of
state as the VLE K-value method).
A pure water liquid phase is formed when the partial pressure of water
reaches its saturation pressure at the flash temperature. Details of the cal-
culation are given in the PRO/II Reference Manual.
Click in the Modification dialog box to switch on
water decanting and to select the solubility calculation method.
Water Options...
40 Selecting the Thermodynamic Method
Rigorous Vapor-Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (VLLE) Calculations
Some thermodynamic systems have the ability to model VLLE as well
as VLE systems. PRO/II can perform rigorous three-phase equilibrium
calculations using the FLASH unit if you select the VLLE option for such
a thermodynamic system. Rigorous thermodynamic calculations can
predict the existence and compositions of two immiscible liquid phases.
In this case, the second product stream is designated as the second liquid
For a hydrocarbon-water system, the water product stream is no longer
pure, it does contain some dissolved hydrocarbon. This liquid water
phase is considered as the denser of the two liquid phases.
A discussion on selection of the appropriate thermodynamic set for
three-phase systems is given in the PRO/II Reference Manual.
Solid-liquid equilibria can be used with all thermodynamic systems. The
van't Hoff solubility method calculates solid-liquid equilibrium K-values
for nearly ideal non-electrolyte systems. The solute and solvent should
be of a similar chemical nature. Select this method from the K-value
(SLE) list on the Modification dialog box.
Alternatively, you can enter solubility data correlated as a function of
temperature. Select User-supplied Data from the K-value (SLE) list on
the Modification dialog box, and click .
Precipitation of solid salts and minerals from aqueous solutions can be
calculated rigorously using the PRO/II Electrolytes add-on module.
Table 14 shows some applications for the most common forms of ther-
modynamic methods.
Enter Data...
Table 14: Thermodynamic Methods and Application Examples
Form Application Examples of
Low pressure crude systems involving heavy
hydrocarbons: vacuum and atmospheric crude
BK-10, GS, IGS
Equation of State Light hydrocarbon systems, hydrogen-rich
systems: reformers and hydrotreaters
Liquid Activity
Coefficient Method
Non-ideal chemical systems: aromatic/non-
aromatic extraction, chemical systems with small
amounts of supercritical gases
with Henry's law
Getting Started Workbook 41
Because the accuracy of the simulation hinges largely on the selection of
the correct thermodynamic method, you should exercise great care in
choosing a method. Though these guidelines give advice on which ther-
modynamic sets best suit which process systems, it is always advisable
to check that the results of your specific simulation are reasonable.
Application guidelines are available in the PRO/II on-line Reference
Manual, supplied on the distribution CD, or are accessible through the
Help system. Alternately, in the Thermodynamics Data main dialog box,
click on the toolbar to access the Help topic for that dialog
box. Click on Application Guidelines on the first Help screen.
For some complex processes, you may need to use different thermody-
namic systems for different sections of the flowsheet. PRO/II allows you
to define multiple thermodynamic systems for use in a single simulation.
Click the Thermodynamic Data button, which is now blue to show
that you have already made a selection.
Click on a Category, choose a second Primary Method from the
selection shown, and click . Any method from any category
is satisfactory.
Do this for as many different methods as you wish.
You can then select any of these Defined Systems for use within any unit
operation. If you do not make an explicit selection in a unit operation,
the unit will use whichever system you designate as the default. Desig-
nate the default by selecting from the drop-down Default System list on
the Thermodynamic Data dialog box.
Using Multiple
Using multiple thermodynamic systems within a single simulation pre-
sents no complications when the materials flowing through the process
are not mixed. For example, you might use different methods for the hot
and cold sides of a HEAT EXCHANGER. On the other hand, if you are feed-
ing a product stream from a unit operation that uses one thermodynamic
system into a unit that uses a different system, you must be careful not to
introduce discontinuities in the flowsheet.
For example, a stream at a known pressure whose temperature has been
calculated from its enthalpy by the Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of
state is fed to a constant pressure adiabatic flash unit which uses Peng-
Robinson as its thermodynamic set. If nothing is done, the adiabatic
flash will calculate a different temperature from the enthalpy of the
Add ->
42 Selecting the Thermodynamic Method
To avoid this inconsistency and maintain the same stream temperature,
insert a dummy isothermal "reset" unit which maintains the temperature
and pressure but re-calculates the enthalpy using Peng-Robinson.
The adiabatic flash now receives a feed at a temperature, pressure and
enthalpy consistent with the method it is using and there will be no dis-
continuity. The difference between the two methods is represented by the
duty of the dummy flash unit.
In this example it is appropriate to use a fixed temperature and pressure
FLASH to reset the enthalpy. In other situations, you might need to spec-
ify the reset FLASH to produce a bubble or dew point or a fixed liquid
fraction. It is your responsibility to decide what stream characteristics
need to be preserved in order to avoid errors in the downstream unit and
to set up the reset FLASH accordingly.
L H*
V H*
Q = (V H*
+ L H*
) - F H*
Insert reset
flash unit
Getting Started Workbook 43
Supplying Process Stream Data
Streams and unit operations are the building blocks of a flowsheet. For
each unit operation you must define at least one feed stream and at least
one product stream. By defining the product from one unit operation as
the feed to another, you establish the connections between the various
units in the flowsheet.
Types of
Even simple flowsheets can contain several different types of streams.
External Feed Streams
External feed streams originate outside the flowsheet. You must provide
their thermal condition (e.g., temperature and pressure), their composi-
tion, and their flowrate. The components in your feed streams can come
from PRO/II's component library, from assay data, or from user-defined
or petroleum components.
You do not have to worry about resetting external feed streams. PRO/II
automatically flashes these streams prior to flowsheet execution. Each
stream is flashed using the thermodynamic system associated with the
unit it feeds. Other user-supplied streams, such as initial estimates for
recycle streams, are also flashed to be consistent with the units they feed.
Internal Feed Streams
Internal feed streams are the product of one unit operation and the feed
to another. Their properties are calculated by PRO/II and although you
can provide data for their attributes these data will be overwritten by
PRO/II as soon as the unit operation has solved.
Product Streams
Product streams exit the unit. No data entry is necessary, for any attribute
you provide will be overwritten by the calculated values.
44 Supplying Process Stream Data
Recycle Streams
Recycle streams are special internal feed streams that connect down-
stream units to upstream units. PRO/II automatically recognizes recycle
loops and adjusts its calculations appropriately. You can provide esti-
mates for recycle stream properties to help accelerate the solution but it
is not usually necessary and a poor estimate is usually worse than no
estimate at all.
Recycle Convergence
PRO/II accomplishes recycle convergence by solving the flowsheet
sequentially using iterative techniques. PRO/II's default iterative method
is direct substitution. In this technique, the units are calculated sequen-
tially many times. For example, if a recycle loop contains units A, B, and
C, then the calculational sequence would be: A,B,C, A,B,C, A,B,C, ...
Each pass through the loop constitutes an iteration. In the first iteration,
the recycle stream has a flowrate of zero, unless you explicitly provide
an estimate. At all other iterations, the recycle stream has the values that
were calculated at the end of the previous iteration. The recycle loop has
converged when the recycle stream changes are sufficiently small
between two iterations. The magnitude of sufficiently small is deter-
mined by the various recycle convergence tolerance parameters that
PRO/II uses (you are free to provide these values).
You must be aware that iterative methods are usually not guaranteed to
converge. Direct substitution, however, is fast and reliable for many
problems, although it sometimes needs your help. If you can provide a
good initial guess for a recycle stream, the loop is likely converge faster
and more reliably.
Because of the greatly increased number of computations, converging
recycle loops can require large amounts of time. For this reason, PRO/II
provides two methods to accelerate convergence. These are the Wegstein
and Broyden methods. As is typical with many iterative techniques, they
work well for some problems and might not work at all for others. Both
of these methods seek to accelerate the direct substitution method by
providing better estimates of the recycle stream at each iteration. Accel-
eration methods can often help with problems which tend to oscillate
when using direct substitution alone or with problems which approach
convergence asymptotically. These methods are described in more detail
in the PRO/II Workbook, Flowsheet Control and Optimization.
Another way you can control recycle loop convergence is by specifying
the calculation sequence. PRO/II provides three sequencing options:
The default method, Minimum Tear Streams, orders the calculations
to minimize the number of tear streams. You can think of a tear
Getting Started Workbook 45
stream as a stream whose estimate you (or PRO/II) provide to break
a recycle loop.
The Alternate method sequences the calculations roughly in the
order that the units were entered. This was the default method in ver-
sions earlier than PRO/II 3.30.
The Explicitly Defined by User method allows you to choose the
ordering of the calculations.
Before you enter data for a stream, you should have placed the unit oper-
ations on your flowsheet and connected them together with feed, prod-
uct, and recycle streams. You should also have declared the components
that will be present in your simulation and specified the thermodynamic
methods you want to be used.
To define a stream completely you must specify its:
Thermal condition
To open the Stream Data dialog box, double-click on the stream, or
right-click on the stream and select Data Entry from the menu.
Figure 17:
Stream Data Dialog
46 Supplying Process Stream Data
PRO/II requires that you provide the thermal condition for all external
feed streams. You must also supply the stream thermal condition if you
choose to enter a recycle estimate. To define the thermal condition, you
must specify two of the following three properties:
Temperature and/or Pressure
From the First Specification drop-down list select either Temperature or
Pressure. If you want to supply both, select Temperature here and Pres-
sure as the Second Specification. Enter values in the fields supplied.
Phase data are supplied as the Second Specification after you have sup-
plied temperature or pressure. When defining the phase, you can specify
the stream as one of:
a saturated liquid at its bubble point
a saturated vapor at its dew point
a mixed phase stream at a liquid fraction between 0.0 and 1.0, on a
molar, weight or volume basis. Enter the value in the field provided.
For example:
If you do not define the phase, PRO/II will determine it with a phase
equilibrium calculation at the specified temperature and pressure.
Getting Started Workbook 47
and Flowrate
PRO/II requires you to specify the composition and flowrate of all exter-
nal feeds and estimated recycle streams. You can enter the composition
of a stream in one of four ways:
Using defined components
Using assay or distillation data
By referencing to another defined stream
By defining a stream as containing only solids
Select the stream type in the Stream Type group box. You define the
flowrate after choosing the stream type.
Compositional streams are made up of pure components: library, user-
defined or petroleum. You must always provide the composition.
Click to open the dialog box.
Figure 18:
Flowrate and
Composition Dialog
If you select Individual Component Flowrates, PRO/II adds the individ-
ual component flowrates to get the total rate.
If you provide a total stream flowrate, the sum of individual composi-
tions entered should be 1.0 (fractions), 100 (percentages), or the flowrate
that you supply. If not, check the Normalize Component Flowrates
Based on Specified Fluid Flowrate box and PRO/II will adjust them for
If a component does not exist in a particular stream, enter a zero value
for that component, or leave blank.
Flowrate and Composition...
48 Supplying Process Stream Data
Both composition and flowrate can be given on a molar, weight, standard
liquid volume or standard gas volume basis. You can mix bases. For
example, you can enter the total flowrate on a molar basis and enter the
component rates on a weight basis.
To change the basis, click in the relevant field and click at the top
of the dialog box.
Standard Conditions
If you enter data on standard liquid or standard vapor volumetric bases,
PRO/II will use the density of the phase you specify, regardless of the
actual physical state of the stream at the specified thermal condition.
For liquid volume, PRO/II determines the molar flowrate using the liquid
densities of the components at standard conditions (60F and 1 atm). In
cases where a component is a vapor at standard conditions, the estimated
density value comes from the GPSA handbook. If the GPSA value is
unavailable, PRO/II extrapolates from the density of the saturated liquid
at atmospheric pressure.
For vapor volume, PRO/II uses the defined standard vapor conditions to
determine the molar flowrate. The actual values of the standard tempera-
ture and pressure (and therefore the computed flowrate) depend on the
default units of measure that you are using. For the metric and SI sys-
tems, STP defaults to 0C and 1 atm of pressure. For English units, the
STP default is 60F and 1 atm of pressure. You can change the standard
vapor conditions for your simulation using
in the Default Units of Measure for Problem Data Input dialog box.
After determining the molar flowrate, PRO/II performs an internal flash
to bring the stream from STP to the thermal condition that you have
Assay Stream
Assay streams differ from compositional streams by the way in which
their compositions are entered and referenced. When you input an assay
stream, instead of explicitly stating how much of each species is present,
you provide simple experimental data. PRO/II uses that data to charac-
terize the stream's composition in terms of petroleum components.
Typically, a laboratory-scale batch distillation analysis, such as the
ASTM D86 procedure, is performed to characterize a crude stream.
Standard Vapor Conditions...
Getting Started Workbook 49
Generating Assay Curves
The beaker is charged with the crude sample and heated. The tempera-
ture increases as the lighter fractions boil out of the mixture. While the
liquid is boiling, the temperature (T) and the total condensed volume (V)
are periodically recorded, as are quantities such as gravity. Gravity data
are commonly reported.
The quantities measured in this batch distillation experiment constitute
the assay data for the sample. PRO/II then uses correlations to translate
the assay data into TBP data from which all physical and thermody-
namic properties are calculated.
The assay is represented as a plot of the temperature versus the cumula-
tive percent distilled. PRO/II uses this distillation curve, along with an
analysis of both the light pure components (e.g., propane, butanes, and
pentanes) and the gravity data, to develop a set of petroleum components
for the stream. These derived components are then used within the flow-
sheet simulation to model streams that are characterized by assay data.
PRO/II uses petroleum components in its internal calculations and can
translate the simulation results back to assay data for output.
Burner V
% Distilled
50 Supplying Process Stream Data
Assay Data Entry
In the Stream Data dialog box, Select Petroleum Assay in the Stream
Type group box. Click to open the dialog box.
In addition to the thermal conditions, you must provide:
Distillation Data
Gravity Data
Enter a value in the field.
Figure 19:
and Assay Dialog
Distillation Data
Click to open the Assay Definition dialog box.
Select a distillation type from the list:
True Boiling Point (TBP)
ASTM D1160
ASTM D2887
Note that the D86 and D1160 data are almost always reported on a liquid
volume basis while the D2887 data are always reported on a weight
basis. Your flowsheet can include different types of assay streams (e.g.,
one stream on a D86 basis and another on a TBP basis).
If your distillations data has been collected at a pressure other than atmo-
spheric (760 mm Hg), you must supply that pressure.
Enter the data in the Percent Distilled vs. Temperature table.
Flowrate and Assay...
Define/Edit Assay...
Getting Started Workbook 51
Gravity Data
You must supply at least the average gravity for an assay stream,
expressed as API gravity, Specific Gravity or Watson K-factor. If, in
addition, you have a gravity versus percent distilled data curve, you
should enter it for greater accuracy. Click to enter the
Figure 20:
Assay Definition
Dialog Box
Optional Data
The following data are optional:
Light Ends Analysis
Molecular Weight Data
Refinery Inspection Properties and User-defined Properties
Light Ends Analysis
Often you can identify and accurately measure the quantity of a few of
the lighter components that are present in the petroleum stream. You can
supply their rate and composition in terms of library components. Such
precisely measured data naturally improves the accuracy of the charac-
terization. If the light ends are included in the average gravity of the
stream, enter them here by clicking and entering the data.
If the light ends are not included in the average gravity of the stream,
enter them as a separate compositional stream and mix with the assay
Gravity Curve...
52 Supplying Process Stream Data
Molecular Weight Data
If possible, you should provide measured molecular weight data because
the molecular weight correlations are traditionally the least accurate of
those used in hydrocarbon characterization. You can supply a molecular
weight curve without supplying an average value by clicking
Refinery Inspection Properties and User-defined Properties
If available, you can include refinery inspection properties, such as cloud
point, pour point, sulfur content, and kinematic viscosity, in assay form
by clicking . To include custom-defined
special properties, click .
Assay Processing Methodology
In order for assay data to be useful in a flowsheet simulation, they must
be converted to a discrete set of petroleum components. The flowchart in
Figure 21 describes the procedure that PRO/II uses to interpret and trans-
form the assay stream data into useful compositional information.
Figure 21:
Assay Processing
This section explains the processing required to convert the assay data to
its corresponding set of petroleum components.
Molecular Weight...
Refinery Inspection Properties...
User-defined Special Properties...
Characterize Other
Thermophysical Properties for
Determine Average NBP, SPGR
and MW for Pseudocomponents
Process Light Ends
Determine Moles, Mass and
Volume for Each Cut
Distribute Assay Curve
into Cuts
Convert Data to Equivalent TBP
Curve @ 760mm Hg
Distillation Data
Light Ends
in Stream
Set of
Petroleum Components
Getting Started Workbook 53
Convert Data to Equivalent TBP Curve
Although ASTM assay data are much easier to obtain than TBP data,
they are less valuable and must first be converted to 760 mm Hg true
boiling point (TBP) curves. The next step is to fit the TBP data to a con-
tinuous curve. This step is necessary because the supplied data points
will not necessarily correspond to the desired cutpoints.
PRO/II offers three methods for interpolating distillation curves:
The default is the cubic spline method (known as the SPLINE
option). Cubic spline interpolation usually provides an excellent fit,
however, instabilities can arise if the input data contain a large jump.
Such jumps are usually the result of an error in your distillation data.
In the rare cases where a spline fit is unstable, PRO/II can interpolate
the data using piecewise quadratic approximations (known as the
QUADRATIC option).
The Probability Density Function (PDF) method is recommended
when you suspect significant errors or random noise in your assay
data. It differs from the SPLINE and QUADRATIC methods in that the
curve is not required to pass through all of the supplied points. You
can force the curve to pass through the initial and/or end points by
using the Include in PDF option. This option has a strong effect on
how incomplete distillations are extrapolated, and you are encour-
aged to refer to the PRO/II Reference Manual before using it.
For incomplete distillations (i.e., distillations that do not range from 0 to
100% distilled), PRO/II uses the first two data points to extrapolate the
TBP curve back to 0.01% volume and will similarly use the last two data
points to extrapolate the TBP curve out to 99.99%. The extrapolation
feature is particularly valuable for heavy ends distillations, which can
terminate with over 50 volume percent of the initial charge not distilled.
Distribute Assay Curve into Cuts
As an option, you can define how to partition the TBP curve into discrete
pseudocomponents, or cuts, by setting the desired number of compo-
nents within a given temperature range. Table 15 lists the default cut-
points used by PRO/II, when user-supplied cutpoints are not provided.
Table 15: Defining Cutpoints
Temperature Range Number of Components
100-800F (38-427C) 28
800-1200F (427-649C) 8
1200-1600F ( 649-871C) 4
54 Supplying Process Stream Data
Here, 28 pseudocomponents should exist in the temperature range 100-
800F; thus, these components each have a boiling range of 25F. Note
that the defaults in Table 15 were originally designed for partitioning
crude oils. Material that boils below the first cut is combined with the
first cut and material that boils above the last cut is combined with the
last cut.
Determine Moles, Mass, and Volume for each Cut
Based on the sample's average gravity (or gravity curve, if you provided
it), PRO/II calculates the number of moles, the mass, and the volume
contained in each cut.
Process Light Ends
Hydrocarbon streams often contain significant amounts of light hydro-
carbons. While there is no universal definition of light, hexane is a com-
mon upper limit. Simulation of such systems is more accurate if these
components are considered individually rather than lumped into
pseudocomponents. PRO/II offers several techniques for processing your
light ends:
Match to TBP Curve: By default, PRO/II will match your light ends
data to the TBP curve. The rates for the light end components are
adjusted up or down, all in the same proportion, until the NBP of the
highest-boiling light end component intersects the TBP curve.
PRO/II then discards all of the cuts from the TBP curve that fall into
the region covered by the light ends data and uses the light end com-
ponents in subsequent calculations.
Fraction of Assay: This method allows you to specify that the total
light ends flowrate be a prescribed fraction (or percent) of the overall
stream flowrate.
Use Compositions as Actual Rates: Here the compositional entries are
used as the actual component flowrates. The total light ends flowrate
is the sum of the individual components. The flowrates are not
scaled to match the TBP curve.
Light Ends Rate: Here you provide the total light ends flowrate and
the individual light ends components are given as fractions or per-
cents. If your individual component values do not sum to 1 or 100,
you can use the normalize component flowrates option.
Figure 22 shows graphically how the petroleum components are gener-
ated and how the light ends data are matched to the assay curve.
Getting Started Workbook 55
Figure 22:
Light Ends Matching
Determine Average NBP, SPGR, and MW for each Pseudocomponent
Once PRO/II has defined the cuts in terms of moles, mass, and volume,
and incorporated the light ends, it determines the normal boiling point
(NBP), specific gravity (SPGR), and molecular weight (MW) for each
Computing the Normal Boiling Point
PRO/II determines the NBP for each pseudocomponent as a volume or
weight fraction average by integrating across the cut range:
x represents the percent liquid volume or weight distilled in cut j. PRO/II
uses these average boiling points as correlating parameters when calcu-
lating other thermophysical properties for each pseudocomponent.
Computing Average Gravity
If, in addition to the required stream average gravity value, you have
entered a gravity curve, PRO/II will calculate the average gravity for
each cut. If you supply only the average gravity for the stream, then
PRO/II uses the Watson-K factor to calculate the average gravity for
each cut. As you may recall, the Watson-K factor is a function of NBP
and specific gravity:
T x ( ) x d
---------------------------- =
1 3
------------------- =
56 Supplying Process Stream Data
Using the average NBP and average gravity for the stream, PRO/II com-
putes a Watson-K factor for the entire stream. The Watson-K factor is a
measure of the paraffinicity of a stock. The factor is relatively constant
through the entire boiling range of crude oils, so computing one factor
for the entire stream is a valid assumption. PRO/II then uses the Watson-
K factor and the NBP for each cut to back-calculate each cut's average
gravity as illustrated in Figure 23, where:
Computing Molecular Weights
As the next step in characterizing the pseudocomponents, PRO/II deter-
mines the molecular weight using a correlation that relates it to NBP and
gravity. Keep in mind that PRO/II's molecular weight correlations tend
to be biased toward crude oils. Whenever possible, you should supply
molecular weights to obtain a more accurate set of components. You can
supply a molecular weight curve and, if available, an average value. If
you supply both a curve and an average value, the average takes priority
and the curve will be adjusted and extrapolated to match the average.
Figure 23:
Computing the
Component NBP's
and Gravities
1 3
--------------------- =
First, Integrate
to Get NBPs . . . .
Volume % Distilled
. . . .Then Use Watson K Factor
to Compute Midpoint Gravity
for Each Cut.
Percent Distilled
Getting Started Workbook 57
Characterize Other Thermophysical Properties for the Pseudocomponents
All other physical and thermodynamic properties (e.g., critical properties
and enthalpy curves) required by PRO/II can be calculated from the
molecular weight, the NBP, and the gravity data by using correlations.
To change methods for property estimation, curve fitting and intercon-
versions, click and make the appropriate
selections in this dialog box (Figure 24).
If the default correlations do not adequately match your specific assay
data, you can try other calculation options to improve the fit. For more
information on characterization options, refer to the PRO/II Keyword
Manual and the PRO/II Reference Manual.
Figure 24:
Set of Petroleum Components
You now have a set of petroleum components, which define the assay
stream's composition and can be used in the simulation. You may be
wondering if there is any relationship between the petroleum compo-
nents discussed earlier in this chapter and the petroleum components
generated from an assay. The answer is a definite Yes. A petroleum com-
ponent, whether defined as part of a compositional stream, or generated
by PRO/II's assay processing machinery, is treated the same by PRO/II.
In this discussion we have only considered deriving a set of petroleum
components from one assay stream. In reality, multiple streams are often
used to generate a component set. The blend option allows you to gener-
ate more than one set of petroleum components from multiple streams
within a given run. This is a powerful feature for modeling a process that
has different feedstocks, particularly one that uses both virgin and
cracked feedstocks.
Characterization Options...
58 Supplying Process Stream Data
Controlling Assay Processing
You can control how PRO/II processes your assay data by clicking the
Assay Data button on the toolbar. In this dialog box (Figure 25), you can:
Modify the primary cutpoint set.
Add, modify and delete a secondary cutpoint set.
Nominate a cutpoint set to be used as the default for stream assay
processing. To do this you must have defined at least one secondary
cutpoint set.
Figure 25:
Assay Cutpoints and
Dialog Box
Then, in the Flowrate and Assay dialog box, entered from the Stream
Data dialog box, you can select the cutpoint set to use with this stream.
Click on the default set of TBP cutpoints in the linked text and select the
Secondary Cutpoint Set of your choice.
A reference stream is a feed stream whose attributes are defined in terms
of another stream (the referenced stream). The two streams have the
same composition and can have the same rate (molar), temperature, and/
or pressure.
Select Referenced to Stream in the Stream Type group box and click
the to open the dialog box.
Figure 26:
Reference Stream
Dialog Box
Flowrate and Stream...
Getting Started Workbook 59
Typically, when using this option, you transfer the composition of one
stream (the source) to another (the target) while overriding the molar
rate, temperature, and/or pressure. You may find the reference stream
feature most useful when the stream rate, temperature, and/or pressure
change, but the composition remains the same. Such is the case in a ther-
mal recycle. Figures 27 and 28 illustrate how a reference stream is used
to break a thermal recycle, which occurs in natural gas processing plants
where the cold separator gas is back exchanged with the warm feed to
the chiller.
Figure 27:
Thermal Recycle
Occurring in Natural
Gas Processing
PRO/II will attempt to sequentially solve the flowsheet in Figure 27.
Since the recycle stream (stream 5) has no calculated value, PRO/II will
set the rate of the recycle stream entering HX-1 to zero and perform a
one-sided heat exchanger calculation before advancing to HX-2. Taking
this approach, PRO/II must complete three iterations or recycle passes to
solve the flowsheet.
For a more efficient approach, you can rearrange the flowsheet by refer-
encing stream 4X to stream 2. This will result in the resequencing of the
PRO/II execution, and a new problem setup emerges as depicted in Fig-
ure 28. Because stream 4X is now an external feed, its thermal condition
must be provided. In this case, you can deduce temperature and pressure
from other flowsheet parameters. The temperature of stream 4X is the
same as the outlet temperature of HX-2, and the pressure is the pressure
of stream 2 less the cumulative pressure drop across the two heat
PRO/II can now solve the broken-recycle flowsheet, shown in Figure 28,
in a single pass.
60 Supplying Process Stream Data
Figure 28:
Breaking the Thermal
Recycle Using a
Reference Stream
Clearly you can only apply the reference stream concept when the com-
position of the source stream being referenced is available in the flow-
sheet. In the example given above, the composition of stream 2 is known
prior to the calculation of FLASH DRUM D-1 with a reference stream.
Another common usage of reference streams in a thermal recycle is
shown in Figure 29. The feed to the distillation column is preheated by
the column's bottom product. Most preheat systems have controllers,
known as trim heaters, that maintain a desired column feed temperature;
thus, this loop can be broken without corrupting the flowsheet solution.
In Figure 27, HX-2 is a trim heater.
You can use a reference stream to set up the column feed at the desired
temperature. This serves to decouple the column from the preheater and
allows PRO/II to solve the column and preheater sequentially. The
required flowrate of stream 5 is calculated after the column is solved. All
recycle calculations have been eliminated.
Note: You can use a reference stream to break any thermal recycle
where a trim heater or cooler is used to set a desired thermal
condition in a flowsheet.
Note: Each time a source stream is updated, the target stream is also
updated. For this reason, you should generally not use refer-
ence streams to provide recycle estimates. If the source and tar-
get streams are part of the same or nested recycle loops,
PRO/II will reset the target stream on each pass through the
loop. Nonconvergence of the flowsheet is likely to occur. How-
ever, if the source stream is fixed (i.e., an external feed) using a
reference stream as a recycle estimate will not cause conver-
gence problems.
Getting Started Workbook 61
Figure 29:
A) Distillation Column
with Thermal Recycle
for Preheating Feed
and B) Breaking the
Thermal Recycle
Using a Reference
At times you may want to use one set of stream properties in several
places. Though PRO/II does not allow you to use the same stream name
to feed multiple units, it does offer these time-saving techniques:
Input the feed stream once and then reference the other feed streams
to the original.
Input the feed stream once and then use the stream copy feature to
define all others feed streams.
There is an important distinction to be made between a reference stream
and a stream that has been defined using the copy feature. If you change
the original feed stream, every stream that references it will also change.
This is not true for a stream that has been copied. The original stream
and its copy are totally disconnected after the copy has been made.
Solids Stream All streams can contain solids but there are some streams which contain
only solids. These are handled differently in PRO/II. Solids-only streams
contain only components which have been defined as solid components
on the Component Phase Selection dialog box, accessed from the Com-
ponent Selection dialog box.
In the Stream Data dialog box, select Solids Only Stream in the
Stream Type group box. Click . The Stream
Data - Solid Components dialog box appears (Figure 30).
Click the appropriate to enter molar- or weight-based
solids flowrate and composition. Solid components which do not
have molecular weight defined can be entered only on a weight
(A) (B)
Stream Solids Data...
Enter Data...
62 Supplying Process Stream Data
Figure 30:
Solid Components
Dialog Box
With the exception of reference streams, you can describe attributes of
polymer components in any stream. You must first define at least one
polymer component in the Definition of Polymer Components dialog
box, accessed by clicking in the Component Selection dialog
box. You must also supply distribution data for that component by click-
ing in the Component Properties dialog box.
Then, in the Stream Data dialog box, click and
enter Molecular weight/Moment distributions, particle size distribution
and general attributes as appropriate.
PRO/II provides several utilities for obtaining stream properties and for
creating and copying streams. In this section you will learn why these
features are useful and how to use them. These include:
Flash and BVLE hotkeys
Copying streams within the same flowsheet and between different
Hotkeys The PRO/II toolbar contains two buttons that allow you to calculate
stream and thermodynamic properties at any time. These options are also
accessible through the Tools menu.
The flash hotkey flashes the selected feed stream (or recycle estimate) at
its specified conditions. Simply select the stream and click the flash hot-
key button. A window displaying the temperature, pressure, composi-
tion, and molar flowrate of each phase will appear. The flash hotkey also
reports the stream's molecular weight and heat capacity. The flash hot-
key is useful in the following circumstances:
To find the component molar flowrates of a stream that was entered
on a volumetric or weight rate basis.
Distribution Functions...
Stream Polymer Data...
Getting Started Workbook 63
s To determine the phase(s) of a stream with known temperature, pres-
sure, and bulk composition
s To determine the temperature, or pressure, of a stream with known
pressure, or temperature, and liquid fraction.
The BVLE hotkey graphically presents phase equilibrium data for pairs
of components. Figure 31 shows a sample. It also plots activity coeffi-
cients, fugacity coefficients, K-values, and compositions versus tempera-
ture, pressure, and composition. To view the graphs, click on the BVLE
hotkey and enter the desired component pair and the temperature or pres-
sure. As with any other graphic in PRO/II, you can copy the resulting
plots to the clipboard and paste them into reports, spreadsheets, etc.
Figure 31:
Sample BVLE Plot
PRO/II allows you to copy streams within the same flowsheet and/or
between different flowsheets.
Copying Streams Within the Same Flowsheet
Suppose you want to copy the properties of feed stream S1 into feed
stream S2, a stream in the same flowsheet. To do so, simply select stream
S1 and press <CTRL+C> to copy the stream. Then select stream S2 and
press <CTRL+V> to paste. All of S1's properties will be copied to
stream S2. These functions also exist on the Edit menu.
To copy the properties of a product stream, copy it as before, but paste it
using the Paste Special command on the Edit menu.
1-/- ||c: cc L1^N| ~cc .^1L| (| = . |5|^) 1-/- ||c: cc L1^N| ~cc .^1L| (| = . |5|^) 1-/- ||c: cc L1^N| ~cc .^1L| (| = . |5|^) 1-/- ||c: cc L1^N| ~cc .^1L| (| = . |5|^)
.2 .- .C .c '
|c|c |c~c:|cc L1^N| |c|c |c~c:|cc L1^N| |c|c |c~c:|cc L1^N| |c|c |c~c:|cc L1^N|
|u|||c |c|c: |u|||c |c|c: |u|||c |c|c: |u|||c |c|c:
|c. |c|c: |c. |c|c: |c. |c|c: |c. |c|c:
Note: PRO/II cannot copy petroleum components that were gener-
ated from assay data (as opposed to petrocomponents whose
properties you explicitly enter) from product into feed streams.
64 Supplying Process Stream Data
Copying Streams Between Different Flowsheets
PRO/II's Stream Data Link feature lets you transfer stream data between
simulations. It establishes a link between a stream in the active simula-
tion and a stream in another simulation database, allowing you to copy
data from the other database to your open simulation. Unlike the refer-
ence stream feature, this link is not dynamic, i.e., the target stream is not
updated automatically every time the source stream changes. The data
are copied only when you select the Update Stream Data Links com-
mand from the Input menu, or when you activate the Update Now box in
the Define Stream Data Link dialog box.
Assume that flowsheet APP1.PRZ contains a stream, S1, that you want to
copy into another simulation. Run and save APP1 so that the properties
(calculated or entered) of S1 are stored in the APP1 database files.
To copy stream S1 from APP1.PRZ into stream S2 in flowsheet
Open or create APP2.
Select stream S2 and choose Input/Define Stream Data Link from the
menu bar.
Check the Define Link box and enter the name of the database file
that contains the desired stream, APP1 in this example. Or, click
to search for the simulation.
Enter the name of the stream that you would like to copy, S1 in this
example. Or, use to search the stream names.
If you want to copy S1 into S2 now (update the data link), check the
Update Now box, and click . If you want to wait before transfer-
ring the data, simply click .
PRO/II copies only those components that are common to both flow-
sheets. Assume, for example, that S1 contains 10 mol/hr of methane, 5
mol/hr of ethane, and 20 mol/hr CO
. If flowsheet APP2 does not have
in its list of defined components, then a data link between S1 and
S2 will result in S2 containing 10 mol/hr of methane and 5 mol/hr of
ethane. The CO
is not copied. PRO/II will warn you of this situation.
Note: The stream data link does not allow you to copy assay data and
petroleum components that were generated from assay data.
Getting Started Workbook 65
Supplying Process Unit Operations Data
PRO/II is a sequential modular simulator. Each unit is calculated sepa-
rately with the calculations proceeding in a stepwise fashion from one
unit to another.
PRO/II uses the unit operations concept to construct the flowsheet. You
must define the unit operating conditions, e.g., the outlet temperature of
a heat exchanger or the reflux ratio for a column.
PRO/II offers a complete suite of unit operation calculations as shown
Table 16 below.
Table 16: PRO/II Unit Operations
Unit Operation Description
Phase Change
Flash Calculates the thermodynamic state of any stream by performing phase
equilibrium calculations when two variables are given.
Flash with Solids This is identical to the standard flash except that solid components are
allowed in the calculation.
Stream Manipulation
Mixer Combines two or more streams into a single stream.
Splitter Splits a single feed or a mixture of feeds into two or more streams of
identical composition and phase.
Stream Calculator Blends any number of feed streams and produces products with defined
composition and thermal condition. New streams can also be created.
Distillation Column Splits feed stream(s) into streams of different composition based on
temperature and pressure.
Side Column Includes both sidestrippers and siderectifiers.
Batch Distillation Simulates a batch rectifier comprising a stillpot, column, condenser and
Pressure Change
Compressor Compresses the feed stream according to given specifications.
Expander Expands a stream isentropically to the specified conditions and outputs
work during the process.
Pump Increases the pressure of a process stream to the required value.
Pipe Calculates single or mixed phase pressure drops through piping between
unit operations. It can also determine the line size required for a given
maximum pressure drop or minimum outlet pressure.
Depressuring Unit Simulates the time-pressure-temperature relationship when depressuring
a vessel through a relief or control valve.
Valve Simulates the pressure drop across a valve.
66 Supplying Process Unit Operations Data
Unit Operation Description
Heat Exchangers
Heat Exchanger Heats or cools a single process stream, exchanges heat between two
process streams or between a process and a utility stream.
Rigorous Heat
Calculates the temperature change, pressure drop, and heat transfer
coefficients on both the Shell and Tube side of a rigorously defined Heat
Exchanger, based upon the user-supplied exchanger geometric details.
LNG Heat
Simulates the exchange of heat between any number of hot and cold
streams. It is used for cryogenic cooling in the natural gas and air
separation industries and can achieve close temperature approaches.
Conversion Reactor Simulates a chemical reactor by solving the heat and material balances
based on supplied reaction stoichiometry and fractional conversion.
Equilibrium Reactor Simulates a chemical reactor by solving the heat and material balances
based on supplied reaction stoichiometry and reaction equilibrium data.
Plug Flow Reactor Simulates a tubular chemical reactor by solving the heat and material
balances based on supplied reaction stoichiometry and kinetic data.
CST Reactor Simulates a chemical reactor by solving the heat and material balances
based on supplied reaction stoichiometry and kinetic data. The Boiling Pot
reactor is a continuous stirred tank reactor where all reactions take place in
the liquid phase and only a single vapor product is allowed.
Gibbs Reactor Simulates a chemical reactor by solving the heat and material balances
based on minimizing the free energy of the components in the reaction.
Stoichiometry is not required.
Polymer Reactors Models either a continuous stirred tank reactor or a plug flow reactor for
polymer systems with several different kinetic models.
Batch Reactor Simulates the operation of a batch or semi-batch reactor as a non-steady
state operation.
Phase Envelope Generates phase envelopes for multi-component streams using the Peng-
Robinson or Soave-Redlich-Kwong equations of state.
Heating Curves Generates heating or cooling curves which represent a composite of
equilibrium flash calculations, for any process stream or an unit operation
internal stream.
Block Diagram Allows you to organize flowsheets into a hierarchical structure. One or
more unit operations on a flowsheet can be grouped into a single icon,
simplifying the main flowsheet.
Stream Properties Creates a stream property table which lists various properties for the
selected streams.
Solids Handling
Solid Separator Separates the solid phase material from a mixture of feed streams.
Crystallizer Models the transformation of a supersaturated solution into a solid/liquid
mixture phase.
Dissolver Models the dissolution of crystals into the liquid solvent phase from a
mixture of feed streams.
Wiped Film
Separates solvents and/or monomers from a polymer melt. A wiped film
evaporator should be used when the removal of volatiles from a viscous
polymer melt is diffusion limited.
Gas/Solid Cyclone Provides the capability to separate solid phase material with a specified
particle size distribution from vapor streams.
Table 16: PRO/II Unit Operations
Getting Started Workbook 67
Features of
all Unit
All unit operations have some common features:
Unit identifier and a description. The unit identifier identifies the
unit within the PRO/II calculations and is used in sequencing and
specifications. PRO/II supplies identifiers for you automatically.
However, you can override them, or have PRO/II prompt you for a
name when adding the unit to the flowsheet.
Multiple feeds
Thermodynamic options
Product phases
You can supply any number of feeds to a unit. Exceptions to this rule are
highlighted when the unit operation is described.
When you do not provide a unit's pressure, PRO/II sets it to the lowest
feed pressure and PRO/II mixes all feeds adiabatically at this pressure.
If you have defined more than one thermodynamic system for your sim-
ulation, you can specify which of the defined thermodynamic systems is
to be used for the calculations of a specific unit operation. Select the
thermodynamic system from the list of available choices within the unit
Unit Operation Description
Flowsheet Manipulation
Controller Adjusts an upstream parameter in the flowsheet to reach a specified
objective on a process stream, unit or thermodynamic parameter
Adjusts a group of at least two or more upstream parameters in the
flowsheet to reach a specified set of two or more objectives on process
streams, units or thermodynamic parameter operations. There must be an
equal number of specifications and variables.
Flowsheet Optimizer Either minimizes or maximizes an objective function by varying a number
of flowsheet variables subject to a number of constraints while at the same
time meeting a number of specifications.
Calculator Computes a result or an array of results for printout, allows you to assign
results to a stream vector or for use by other unit operations.
User-Added Unit Allows access to your own FORTRAN calculational routines if you have
obtained the PRO/II User-added Unit Operation supplement for PRO/II.
SIMSCI Add-Ons Allows access to SIMSCI Add-On calculational routines that are available
within the standard version of PRO/II. This unit also allows access to
optional calculational routines provided by SIMSCI if you have requested
and installed the proper PRO/II upgrade package.
Table 16: PRO/II Unit Operations
68 Supplying Process Unit Operations Data
The default system used for the thermodynamic calculations within indi-
vidual unit operations is that selected as Default System in the Thermo-
dynamic Data dialog box.
If the default system is changed, unit operations that have the default
choice selected for their thermodynamic method calculations will auto-
matically use the new default system
For unit operations that have an alternative thermodynamic system
selected, changing the default system in the Thermodynamic Data dialog
box will not change the thermodynamic method used within that unit
Most unit operations allow you to split the product into one or more
streams. You can assign the following phases to product streams:
Decanted Water
Second (heavy) Liquid
Vapor + Liquid (Mixture)
Exceptions to this rule are:
Simple heat exchangerthe rule applies to both sides of a simple
Rigorous heat exchangerthe rule applies to both sides of a rigor-
ous HX
LNG exchangerthe rule applies to all cells of an LNG exchanger
Plug flow reactorthe rule applies to both the reaction side and the
heat exchange side
Flashhas to be the flash with solids to have a solid phase
Pumponly one product allowed
Depressuringas many products as there are time intervals
Wiped film evaporatorbottoms has polymer melt (with less vola-
tiles than the feed). Overhead is vapor stream containing volatiles
that were removed.
Getting Started Workbook 69
Solid unitsone solid and one liquid (with or without solids); or one
solid and one gas (with or without solids)
Batch unitsas many products as required by the process
When you perform design calculations or troubleshoot a process, you
may need to know a mixture's phase behavior at certain process condi-
tions, or you may need to know what conditions are necessary to recover
a certain amount of a component from a mixture. Usually you must rely
on a process simulator to get this type of information.
Flash Unit
Figure 32 shows a general schematic of the PRO/II FLASH unit for a
vapor-liquid system. PRO/II allows up to three products for this unit and
an unlimited number of feeds.
Figure 32:
Equilibrium Flash Unit
Note that F
denotes the feed streams, V denotes the vapor product, L
denotes the liquid product, W denotes either the decanted water or the
second liquid product, and z
, y
, x
, and x
denote the component mole
fractions for the respective streams. Q denotes the duty added or
removed from the flash unit operation.
Solution Approach
For simplicity, consider a common special case of the above configura-
tion: a flash with a vapor product and a single liquid product. PRO/II
uses an iterative approach to solve the mass and energy balances and
equilibrium relationships for a given system. For a general two-phase
flash, these equations are:
Total Mass Balance
F = V + L (4)
Component Mass Balances
= Vy
+ Lx
i = 1,...,N (5)
, z
, z
V, y
L, x
W, x
70 Supplying Process Unit Operations Data
Equilibrium Relationships
= K
(T, P, y
, x
) x
i, j = 1,...,N (6)
i = 1,...,N (7)
Heat Balance
+ Q = VH
+ LH
In equations (5) - (7), N is the number of components. Note, there are
3N+6 unknowns in this set of equations (F, V, L, z
, x
, y
, Q, T, and P).
However, there are only 2N+3 equations, leaving N+3 variables that
must be set. We will discuss how these variables are set in the next sec-
For a bubble point flash, the liquid phase component mole fractions (x
equal the component feed mole fractions (z
). Additionally, the amount
of vapor (V) is equal to zero. Thus, the equilibrium relationship to be
solved is:
i = 1,...,N (9)
Similarly, for a dew point flash, the amount of liquid (L) is equal to zero
and the vapor phase component mole fractions (y
) equal the component
feed mole fractions (z
). Thus, in this case the equilibrium relationship to
be solved is:
i = 1,...,N (10)
The PRO/II Reference Manual provides details about the solution algo-
rithm. PRO/II allows you to provide estimates of temperature or pressure
in order to enhance convergence of the flash algorithm for all types of
flashes except isothermal flashes.
Defining the Flash Calculation
From the set of equations given above, you can see that Eq. (6) sets the
phase equilibrium behavior for the system. In Eq. (6) the phase equilib-
rium ratios or K
's (also referred to as K-values) are typically functions
of temperature, pressure, and composition, making the problem fairly
complex. Your selection of a thermodynamic system for the process will
greatly affect the solution.
As previously discussed, there are N+3 variables to be specified for each
calculation. The feed stream composition and rate comprise N+1 of
these variables. This leaves two degrees of freedom to be set in the flash
algorithm. You must specify either the flash temperature or pressure.
0 =
1.0 = =
1.0 = =
Getting Started Workbook 71
Valve, Mixer,
and Splitter
The VALVE, MIXER, and SPLITTER units also perform phase equilibrium
calculations. They are each equivalent to an adiabatic flash with zero
enthalpy change (duty=0). The temperature is always computed rather
than specified, and PRO/II allows an unlimited number of feeds to these
units. You can set the pressure or pressure drop; otherwise PRO/II
assumes a pressure drop of zero and uses the lowest feed pressure for the
product streams. Figures 33-35 depict the schematics for these unit oper-
Figure 33:
Valve Unit Operation
The VALVE unit can have up to three products. Designation and handling
of the products for the VALVE unit is as flexible as for the FLASH unit.
MIXER units can only have one product; however, PRO/II always deter-
mines the product phase, regardless of which phase (V, L, W, or M) you
Figure 34:
Unit Operation
Figure 35:
Splitter Unit
The SPLITTER unit combines any number of feed streams and splits the
combined feed into products of identical composition and thermal condi-
tion. The same phase designation must be used for all products (i.e., liq-
uid, vapor, etc.). If you select an incorrect phase designation, PRO/II will
reset it to the correct phase, as with the other equilibrium calculation
In addition, you must define the stream rates using generalized stream
specifications for all but one of the desired products. The SPLITTER unit
allows only rate dependent stream specifications. For example, the rate
of a component or group of components in a product is a rate dependent
specification. The recovery of a fraction of the total feed to the splitter is
also a rate dependent specification.
, z
, z
V, y
L, x
, x
, z
, z
, z
, z
, z
, z
, z
, z
72 Supplying Process Unit Operations Data
Flash Types This section describes the different flash types modeled in PRO/II.
Dew and Bubble Point Flashes
For dew point and bubble point flash calculations, you can designate a
pseudo-stream product. This pseudo-stream is in equilibrium with the
actual product stream, but does not actually exist. The default rate of the
equilibrium pseudo-stream is zero, but you can arbitrarily set its rate
using the Define feature within the FLASH unit, or enter a rate directly.
For a bubble point FLASH, the product is a saturated liquid, defined as the
liquid product and the pseudo-stream is a saturated vapor, defined by the
vapor product.
For a dew point FLASH, the product is a saturated vapor, defined as the
vapor product and the pseudo-stream is a saturated liquid, defined by the
liquid product.
Defining pseudo-streams can help solve flowsheets in many ways. For
instance, suppose that you are given the composition and flowrate for the
liquid distillate and reflux of a column; but, you only have the flowrate
of the off-gas and not its composition. You can create the off-gas stream
by feeding the liquid distillate to a bubble point FLASH and setting up a
vapor pseudo-stream with a defined rate that is equal to the known off-
gas rate.
Another useful calculation that you can perform with the dew point and
bubble point FLASH units is the determination of the "latent heat" of a
mixture. To find this quantity, the mixture must be transformed from a
saturated liquid to a saturated vapor. The heat required for this phase
change is the "latent heat," which is calculated as the difference between
the mixture enthalpies at the bubble point and at the dew point at con-
stant temperature. Keeping the temperature constant will eliminate sen-
sible heat effects in the calculation.
Water and Hydrocarbon Dew Point Flashes
The water dew point of a water-hydrocarbon mixture is the operating
condition at which the first drop of free water is formed as the mixture
cools (or as the mixture's pressure is raised). Likewise, the hydrocarbon
dew point is the operating condition at which the first drop of liquid
hydrocarbon is formed.
In PRO/II, the standard dew point calculation finds the first dew point for
a mixture. For water-hydrocarbon mixtures with hydrocarbons more vol-
atile than water, this is also the water dew point. For water-hydrocarbon
mixtures with hydrocarbons less volatile than water, this is also the
hydrocarbon dew point. These dew point calculation options are avail-
able in PRO/II for water-hydrocarbon systems that are modeled using the
Getting Started Workbook 73
water decant option. For the standard dew point calculation, PRO/II
allows only a vapor product (V) and a liquid phase pseudo-stream (L).
However, the hydrocarbon dew point option allows for a free water prod-
uct (W), since the water may condense before the hydrocarbon, while the
water dew point option allows for a liquid hydrocarbon product (L),
since the hydrocarbon may condense before the water. PRO/II does not
generate pseudo-streams for these optional dew point calculations.
Entrainment PRO/II can model the entrainment of one product phase in any other
product phase. PRO/II performs the entrainment calculations after the
FLASH unit converges. This makes the final product streams different
than the flash specifications and not in equilibrium with each other.
Reactor unit operations in PRO/II use the reaction data capability. Click
the Reaction Data button on the toolbar to define the reaction data prop-
erties. You assign names to individual reactions and store groups of reac-
tions in reaction sets for easy organization and retrieval. PRO/II comes
with two predefined reaction sets, which contain data for the important
Shift and Methanation reactions.
The Reaction Definitions dialog box in Figure 36 shows the contents of
the user-defined reaction set, FURNACE_RXNS. The currently defined
reactions are named H2BURN and METHBURN. Most reaction properties
are entered through this dialog box. The , , and buttons
allow you to input heats of reaction, equilibrium data, and kinetic data.
Figure 36:
Reaction Definitions
Dialog Box
H... E... K...
74 Supplying Process Unit Operations Data
PRO/II provides six types of reactor units that use reaction data supplied
through the Reaction Data dialog box. Each requires a different subset
of the reaction data and you only need to enter the required data for the
specific reactor. Table 17 indicates which reaction data are required, R,
and which are optional, O, for the six reactor types.
You can enter reaction stoichiometry by clicking on the Definition linked
text. A table will appear that allows you to define your reaction by sim-
ply filling in the blanks. PRO/II will even check your stoichiometry for
errors. In Figure 36, the stoichiometry has already been defined for both
You should be aware that PRO/II selects the default reaction rate expres-
sions based on the stoichiometric coefficients. For example, if you input
a reaction as:
2A + B = 2C
PRO/II will generate the following rate expression:
= K [A]
If, however, you enter the same reaction using the stoichiometrically-
equivalent form:
A + 0.5 B = C
PRO/II will generate the following rate expression:
= K [A] [B]
Clearly, a given reaction can have only one rate expression. The expres-
sion is determined by the physics of the problem and should be indepen-
dent of the way the reaction is written. PRO/II uses power law kinetics
with the stoichiometric coefficients as the exponents. It is thus important
that you enter your stoichiometry to reflect the actual reaction mecha-
nism. If, for example, you know that this reaction exhibits tri-molecular
Table 17: Reactor Data
Reactor Type Data Type
Stoichiometry H E K
Gibbs O
Conversion R O
Equilibrium R O R*
CSTR or Boiling Pot R O R*
Batch R O R*
* These data can be entered through the reactor unit dialog box.
Getting Started Workbook 75
kinetics, then you should enter it as 2A + B = 2C and PRO/II will select
the correct rate expression. If you choose not to do this, you are always
free to manually override the expression PRO/II has selected for you.
Heat of Reaction Data
You can specify heat of reaction data by clicking that appears to
the right of each reaction. In addition to the heat of reaction, you can also
input the phase and temperature at which the measurement was taken. If
you do not provide values, PRO/II will calculate the heat of reaction
from heats of formation contained in its libraries.
Reaction Equilibrium Data
Clicking activates a dialog box that allows you to input reaction
equilibrium data. The reaction equilibrium constant is:
where the 's are the coefficients in the stoichiometric expression. By
convention, the exponents are positive for products and negative for
reactants. PRO/II expresses liquid activity in terms of mole fractions and
vapor activity in terms of partial pressure. You can provide temperature
dependent K-values by supplying coefficients (A,B,C,...) for the series:
ln(K) = A + B/T + Cln(T) +DT + ET
+ FT
+ GT
+ HT
Reaction Kinetic Data
Clicking allows you to define the rate expression for the selected
reaction. The rate expression has the form:
The temperature dependence is a corrected Arrhenius model, where:
A is the pre-exponential factor.
E is the activation energy.
n is the temperature correction exponent.
By selecting n=0, the standard Arrhenius form is recovered. Power law
kinetics are used, and order is the reaction order for each component.
Click to enter the reaction order. As
you have just learned, if you do not provide component orders, PRO/II
will use the stoichiometric coefficients from the reaction definition you
K activity
Rate = Aexp[-E/RT]T
i n ,
i n 1 + ,
------------------------------ =
K 1 ( )E
1 + =
1 ( )E
1 + [ ]x
Getting Started Workbook 83
The recommended method for determining tray efficiencies is the appli-
cation of overall efficiencies. The overall efficiency is defined as the
ratio of the number of theoretical stages to the number of actual stages
required to carry out a given separation. Of course the number of actual
trays must be greater than the number of theoretical trays. These factors
are well known for many applications, and satisfactory models may be
attained by using typical values.
A good practice is to divide the column into zones, and adjust the effi-
ciencies within the zones until the desired fractionation is achieved at the
measured temperatures and reflux quantities. The inherent advantage of
this approach over the supplied tray efficiency models is that the vapors
leaving the trays are always at their dew points. Table 20 gives some typ-
ical values for overall tray efficiencies.
Treat all condensers and kettle reboilers as true equilibrium stages
(100% efficient). Although subcooled condensers do not actually behave
as equilibrium stages, you should count them as 100% efficient when
you translate your column to a PRO/II model. PRO/II will make internal
Note: The above efficiency models have serious implications for the
column top tray in particular, since the condenser duty is
defined as the duty to condense the overhead vapor from its
dew point to the desired condensing temperature. Using a tray
efficiency on the condenser can result in a mixed phase leaving
the condenser. For this reason, PRO/II does not allow you to
apply efficiency factors to condensers. For similar reasons, you
cannot apply efficiency factors to reboilers.
Table 20: Typical Overall Tray Efficiencies
Unit Efficiency (%)
Simple Absorbers/Strippers 20-30
Reboiled Absorbers/Strippers 40-50
Deethanizers 60-65
Depropanizers 65-75
Debutanizers 80-90
Deisobutanizers (Refluxed) 85-95
C2, C2- 85-95
C3, C3- 95-100
C4's or C5's 90-100
1) Assume 65-75% for most columns with reboilers and condensers.
2) At low reflux, split insensitive to number of trays in the model.
3) Pumparounds usually modeled as 2 stages.
84 Distillation Basics
adjustments to ensure that subcooled condensers are simulated appropri-
You can reasonably expect a tray efficiency in the range of 65 to 75 per-
cent for any column with several distributed components and both
reboiling and condensing systems. The overall tray efficiencies increase
as the reflux ratio increases and the number of components in the system
Pumparound circuits produce a zone of nearly constant liquid composi-
tion in a column. This reduces the fractionation in the zone and two
stages are adequate to represent the zone. The bottom stage is the draw-
off (usually also a product draw stage) and the top stage is the return
It is relatively simple to write the equations that describe a distillation
column. The same simple principles apply to all columns at steady state:
Mass and energy must be conserved.
The vapor and liquid leaving a theoretical stage must be in equilib-
The liquid and vapor mole fractions must sum to 1.
Some people like to remember this using the mnemonic, MESH, which
stands for: Mass, Equilibrium, Summation, enthalpy (H). Figure 40
shows the model for an equilibrium stage.
Figure 40:
General Equilibrium
, V
, y
, H
, P
Liquid, vapor flowrate
Feed flowrate
Heater/cooler duty
Liquid, vapor mole frac
Feed mole fractions
Liquid, vapor enthalpies
Temperature, pressure
Liquid Draw rate
Vapor Draw rate
Subscript denotes
tray number
Overbar denotes component
vectors: e.g., x = (x
, x
, ...x
_ _
Getting Started Workbook 85
s Steady-state mass balances for each component on stage number j
yield NC equations:
s The statement of equilibrium also yields NC equations per stage and
is usually expressed in terms of K-values. The superscripts here indi-
cate component i:
s The summation equations contribute two equations per stage:
s An enthalpy balance around the stage gives one more equation per
The simple form of the enthalpy balance and equilibrium equations hides
the fact that the K-values and the liquid and vapor enthalpies (h and H)
are usually complicated, nonlinear functions of temperature, composi-
tion, and pressure.
Let NT and NC be the number of trays and components respectively. The
total number of equations for this simple column is:
Number of equations = NT (2NC + 3)
If you assume that the column pressure and all feeds are given, then the
total number of unknowns for a simple column with a reboiler and a bub-
ble-point condenser is:
Number of unknowns = NT (2NC + 3) + 2
Then, counting unknowns is easy:
s Each of the NT-2 trays has a liquid and vapor composition (2NC), a
temperature, and net liquid and vapor flowrates (+3) for a total of
(NT-2) (2NC+3) variables.
s The condenser (stage 1) has a liquid and vapor composition, a tem-
perature, a liquid return to the column (L
), a liquid side draw (the
overhead product), and a duty (Q
). The total is (2NC + 3)+1.
j 1
j 1
+ ( )x
+ ( )y
+ [ ] V
j 1 +
j 1 +
XF + + 0 =
, , ( )x
1 =
1 =
j 1
j 1
+ ( )h
+ ( )H
+ [ ] V
j 1 +
j 1 +
+ + + 0 =
86 Distillation Basics
s The reboiler (stage NT) has a liquid and vapor composition, a tem-
perature, a vapor flow (V
), a liquid side draw (the bottom prod-
uct), and a duty (Q
). The total is (2NC + 3)+1.
Notice that there are two more unknowns than equations. Generally, a
unique solution exists only when the number of equations and unknowns
match. This distillation system needs two more equations (or two fewer
unknowns) to be solvable. Providing this information is your job!
and Variables
You can balance the number of equations and unknowns in two ways:
s Eliminate two unknowns by providing their values
s Add two equations by providing operating specifications.
In PRO/II, you can use both approaches. For example, when you provide
a value for a column duty, PRO/II assumes that it is the value you desire
in your simulation. PRO/II eliminates that unknown by setting its value
to the number you provided. PRO/II assumes that certain quantities, such
as overhead and bottom product rates, are estimates while others, such as
duties and side draw rates, are the values that you desire. In doing so,
PRO/II always matches the number of equations and unknowns.
Specifications and variables are PRO/II's terminology for equations and
unknowns. A direct consequence of the always-balanced design feature
is that you must declare a new variable for every specification you want
the column to meet. By declaring a quantity as a variable, you are telling
PRO/II that its value is unknown and that PRO/II should adjust (or vary)
it to meet the specification. The choices for specifications are almost
limitless; variables, however, must come from the following categories:
s Duties
s Feed rates
s Side draw rates.
In the two product column described above, you might specify values for
the overhead temperature and reflux ratio and declare the condenser and
reboiler duties as variables. Any values that you provided for these
duties will now be treated as initial estimates. These specification-vari-
able pairs will cause PRO/II to adjust the values of the duties, as well as
the column traffic, tray temperatures, and compositions to meet the
required overhead temperature and reflux ratio specifications. You do
not have to declare tray temperatures, etc. as variables because PRO/II
already considers them as such.
Getting Started Workbook 87
Table 21 lists the default status of all column attributes. PRO/II adjusts
the Calculated quantities from iteration to iteration until all equations are
satisfied; they are unknowns (variables) whose values you seek. If you
provide a value for a calculated quantity, PRO/II treats it as an initial
estimate. Fixed quantities, in contrast, remain at their current values for
all iterations. Think of them as variables whose values you provide. If
you want PRO/II to calculate the value of a quantity, that by default is
fixed, declare it to be a variable and provide a specification. PRO/II now
treats its current value as an initial estimate.
Overhead and Bottoms Products
The product streams designated as overhead and bottoms have a special
significance and are required input. As indicated in Table 21, these
streams are normally calculated, so PRO/II considers the rates you enter
to be estimates. In contrast, PRO/II considers the values you enter for
side draw rates to be fixed. With multiphase condensers, the identity of
the overhead stream is ambiguous, and you are always free to designate
which of the condenser product streams is the overhead. If you do not
explicitly designate an overhead, PRO/II assumes the vapor stream is the
overhead. If there is no vapor, then the liquid stream is the overhead. For
CHEMDIST VLLE columns that produce two liquid phases (no vapor) at
the condenser, you must specify one of the phases as the overhead.
To impose specifications on a column, you enter them in the dialog box
shown in Figure 41. You can enter your list of variables in any order
because PRO/II does not associate individual variables with individual
Table 21: Default Status of Columns with No Specifications
Quantity Status
Overhead and Bottoms Rates Calculated
Side Draw Rates Fixed
Duties Fixed
Feed Rates Fixed
Tray Temperatures Calculated
Tray Pressures Fixed
Vapor and Liquid Rates Calculated
Product Properties (e.g. Viscosity) Calculated
Tray Vapor or Liquid Properties Calculated
Note: If you do not enter any specifications for a column, PRO/II will
fix the duties at the values you provided via the
and buttons. If you have not provided these val-
ues, PRO/II will fix them at their default values, zero, and your
column will almost certainly fail to converge.
Condenser. . .
Reboiler. . .
88 Distillation Basics
specifications. PRO/II adjusts all variables simultaneously to meet all
Figure 41:
Specification and
In general, specifications and variables are local to a particular unit, that
is, you usually adjust a column variable to meet a specification on the
same column. Using PRO/II's powerful CONTROLLER unit, you can mix
specifications and variables from widely separated units. This unit is dis-
cussed in the PRO/II Workbook, Flowsheet Control and Optimization.
and Iterative
In the previous section, you learned that, given proper specifications,
PRO/II can solve the distillation column equations to determine the val-
ues of the dependent variables. In practice, actually solving the column
equations is an inherently difficult task because they are nonlinear. Since
all of PRO/II's distillation column solving algorithms are iterative meth-
ods, a quick review of iterative methods is in order.
Iterative methods seek to solve equations of the general form:
f(x) = 0
The goal is to find a value of x (a root) that satisfies the above equation.
We will call this value x*. All iterative methods start with an initial
guess, x
, of the solution and generate a sequence of guesses: {x
,...} that hopefully approach x*.
Newton' s Method
To illustrate a typical iterative technique, consider how the Newton
method solves the nonlinear equation, f(x) = 0. Figure 42 illustrates the
basic steps.
Getting Started Workbook 89
Figure 42:
Newton' s Method
1. Linearize the function about the current guess, x
. The linearization
about the guesses x
and x
are the tangent lines shown in Figure 42.
2. Solve for the root of the linearized equation and call it x
. Since
the linearized equation approximates f(x), we hope that x
, the
root of the linearized equation, approximates the root of the nonlin-
ear equation.
3. Test for convergence. For example:
If , then x
, go to step (1).
4. Done: , so x
is accepted as a root of f(x).
Nonlinear Pitfalls
There are few guarantees when it comes to solving nonlinear equations.
If you asked an equation solver to find the roots of the functions plotted
in Figure 43, it would fail for cases (a) and (c). Case (a) fails because the
function simply has no roots. Case (c) fails because of the continuum of
roots. Case (b) would solve; however the root it finds will depend on
your initial guess and might not be the one you desire.
Figure 43:
Function Types: No
Roots (a), Multiple
Roots (b), and Infinite
Roots (c)
H h
n 1 +
f x
( ) =
n 1
n 1
2 3 4 1
Getting Started Workbook 91
s If you were lucky enough to guess point B, the next guess would be
very close to the solution as indicated in Figure 44. Points A and B
illustrate a paradox in iterative methods. Although point A is closer
to the correct solution (x*) than point B, an initial guess at point A
will not converge but an initial guess at point B will.
s Certain guesses close to the local minimum will lead to bounded
oscillations that will never settle down on a steady state. In Figure
44, guess C leads to guess D, and guess D leads to guess C. This
CDCD... sequence will repeat forever
The set of initial guesses that can be iterated to the solution is called the
basin of attraction for that solution. A large basin is desirable; it means
that the algorithm is forgiving of poor initial guesses. One of the great
strengths of PRO/II's I/O distillation and Enhanced I/O algorithms is that
they tend to have a large basin of attraction, and properly posed prob-
lems usually converge. The Chemdist and Sure algorithms, on the other
hand, tend to have smaller basins of attraction, therefore the quality of
the initial guess can make the difference between convergence and diver-
gence for these methods. The basin of attraction is also affected by the
shape of the function you are trying to solve. Figure 45 shows two func-
tions, f(x) and g(x), that have the same root but very different basins of
attraction for Newton's method. As indicated in the graph, f(x) can be
converged from a larger range of initial guesses.
Figure 45:
Basins of Attraction
for Newton' s Method
By now you should be convinced that it is important to provide good ini-
tial guesses for the column algorithms. To assist you in generating these
initial guesses, PRO/II provides several tools, called initial estimate gen-
erators, which will be discussed shortly.
92 Distillation Basics
It is very easy to make mistakes in providing specifications, in fact, most
column simulation errors are caused by improper specifications. Col-
umns with physically infeasible specifications will fail to converge. You
must provide the simulator with meaningful specifications that uniquely
define the problem.
As you gain experience simulating distillation columns, you will find
that certain types of specifications are more likely to converge than oth-
ers. Consider the difference between imposing a purity and a recovery
specification on a column.
Generally speaking, purity specifications are more likely to be infeasible
than recovery specifications. For example, thermodynamics dictates that
you will never be able to obtain 80 mole percent ethanol in a two stage
column. This separation simply requires more than two stages, and the
simulation will reflect this infeasibility by failing to converge. You have
asked PRO/II to solve a system of equations that has no solution.
Recovery specifications, on the other hand, are almost always feasible
and hence are safer constraints to impose on columns. Your column
could recover 80% of the ethanol fed to it by simply maintaining a high
overhead flowrate.
A flowrate specification is an example of a potentially dangerous specifi-
cation in hydrocarbon systems that contain hydrogen and other non-con-
densable gases. Since only part of the overhead product can be
condensed, an overhead liquid flowrate specification can easily be infea-
Key Components
Understanding the concept of light and heavy keys will help you choose
appropriate specifications for your distillation problems. Distributed
components are the components that appear, in significant quantities, in
both the bottom and overhead products. The light key is the lightest of
the distributed components and the heavy key is the heaviest. The light
and heavy keys appear in small nonzero quantities in the bottom and
overhead streams respectively. You can identify the key components by
determining the percent recovery of each component in the overhead and
making a table such as the one in Table 22.
Getting Started Workbook 93
Components should be listed in volatility order for this analysis. For the
example in Table 22, note that components A and B do not appear in the
bottom product and components H, I, and J do not appear in the over-
head product. In other words, these components are non-distributed. You
should be careful in formulating specifications based on non-distributed
components. Such specifications are usually meaningless because the
tendency of the non-distributed components to exit from the top or bot-
tom of the column is so strong that operating adjustments will not affect
their split. It is almost impossible to operate a crude column to recover
2% of the methane in the bottom product; methane is simply so volatile
at the operating conditions of a crude column, that all of it will exit in the
overhead stream. This is an example of a specification that leads to a dis-
tillation operation with no solutions, like the function in Figure 43(a).
At the opposite extreme, if you specify that 100% of the methane exits in
the overhead stream, your crude column would have an infinite number
of solutions, like the function in Figure 43(c). Although this specifica-
tion is feasible, it is not a meaningful constraint on the column's opera-
tion because 100% of the methane would have exited in the overhead
whether you asked for it or not. Although this specification may be met,
it will not affect the operations of the crude column. It is vital that your
specifications contain quantities that the column variables have some
control over. This is why it is safe to formulate distillation specifications
around key component recovery.
Table 22: Separation Keys
Most Volatile A 50 100
B 65 100
Light Key C 79 98
D 102 50
E 120 12
F 125 15
Heavy Key G 135 2
H 150 0
I 270 0
Least Volatile J 290 0
Tip: For modeling purposes, non-distributed components can be
combined to simplify the modeling effort. This will help to
speed up the simulation.
94 Distillation Basics
The separation key table is also useful for determining the ideality of the
separation. In Table 22, components E and F do not distribute as you
would expect from their normal boiling points. You would expect that
proportionally more of component E would appear in the column over-
head product than component F. Therefore, there is some non-ideal
behavior with one or both of these components. Hydrocarbon systems
usually distribute according to their volatilities, making simplified analy-
ses possible. Unfortunately, systems with strong chemical interactions
are not as easy to analyze. For these systems, the presence of one chemi-
cal could radically alter the behavior for another. In fact, this is the prin-
ciple used in extractive and azeotropic distillation.
You have already seen that the quality of the initial guess can make the
difference between convergence and nonconvergence. For a distillation
column, PRO/II requires initial estimates for all tray compositions, tem-
peratures, flowrates, etc., which you are free to input manually, or copy
from a previous run. In most cases, however, you will probably find it
easiest to use PRO/II's Initial Estimate Generator (IEG). The IEG saves
you the effort of inputting hundreds of guesses by automatically generat-
ing a complete set of initial guesses from a few key values that you pro-
vide. For particularly stubborn columns you can help the IEG to develop
a better starting profile by furnishing the reflux ratio and some key tem-
peratures if they are available.
Figure 46 illustrates the role the IEG plays in the simulation. PRO/II
requires you to provide a single value for column pressure; usually you
also provide the condenser, top tray, and reboiler pressures, P
, P
, and
respectively. In addition, you must supply values for all but one of the
product stream flowrates. For a two product column, it suffices to pro-
vide a guess for either the bottoms flowrate, L
, or the overhead flow-
rate. The IEG then examines these values, along with the column
operating specifications to generate initial estimates (denoted by the "0"
superscript) for all of the column variables, including duties. The solver
then takes these initial guesses and iterates to the correct solutions.
Tip: Before you go to the trouble of providing extra information,
such as temperature or composition profiles, try to run the col-
umn. If it converges, you have saved yourself some work. If it
doesn't converge, then start providing that additional informa-
Getting Started Workbook 95
Figure 46:
Initial Estimate
PRO/II provides four different methods to generate initial guesses. It is
your job to select the IEG model that is most appropriate for your prob-
lem. The choices are: Simple, Conventional, Refinery, and Chemical.
Simple The Simple model is PRO/II's default. It determines column profiles b
simple material balances and temperatures from estimates of the product
compositions. When you provide estimates on a few trays, PRO/II will
use linear interpolation to fill in the values on the remaining trays. It
works well with strippers and absorbers and is currently the only model
that will initialize liquid-liquid extractors.
Conventional The Conventional model works for the broadest category of problems
and should be tried first for most applications. It uses classic Fenske
shortcut distillation techniques to estimate product rates and composi-
tions, which are then used to estimate temperature. Internal tray flows
are set up with material balances over each tray, using any specified
product rates and the column reflux estimate. For multi-draw columns,
the Conventional IEG uses a shortcut method developed by SIMSCI.
User-supplied performance specifications and estimates are incorporated
whenever possible. When performance specifications are unsuitable for
shortcut calculations, e.g., internal column flows or tray temperatures,
the Conventional IEG must find other specifications. The first alternate
specification is always the estimated rate for the column overhead or bot-
toms product. The quality of the column initial estimate is therefore par-
ticularly sensitive to the overhead or bottom flowrate that you provide,
so estimate this value carefully.
N x
IEG Solver
I_ece``\iS_\e]^ I_ece``\iS_\e]^ I_ece``\iS_\e]^ I_ece``\iS_\e]^
c`UScQ^TWeUccUc c`UScQ^TWeUccUc c`UScQ^TWeUccUc c`UScQ^TWeUccUc
957SQ\Se\QdUc 957SQ\Se\QdUc 957SQ\Se\QdUc 957SQ\Se\QdUc
Y^YdYQ\UcdY]QdUcV_b Y^YdYQ\UcdY]QdUcV_b Y^YdYQ\UcdY]QdUcV_b Y^YdYQ\UcdY]QdUcV_b
Q\\S_\e]^fQbYQR\Uc Q\\S_\e]^fQbYQR\Uc Q\\S_\e]^fQbYQR\Uc Q\\S_\e]^fQbYQR\Uc
C_\fUb9?SXU]TYcd C_\fUb9?SXU]TYcd C_\fUb9?SXU]TYcd C_\fUb9?SXU]TYcd
S_^fUbWUc_^c_\edY_^ S_^fUbWUc_^c_\edY_^ S_^fUbWUc_^c_\edY_^ S_^fUbWUc_^c_\edY_^
Note: You must also supply the rates for all side draws. As indicated
in Table 21, these are handled differently from the overhead
and bottom draws. PRO/II treats the furnished side draw rates
as fixed quantities rather than as estimates.
96 Distillation Basics
Refinery The Refinery model was developed specifically for the multi-draw, side-
stripped columns that are common in petroleum refineries. It also has
special functionality to accommodate pumparound circuits and you will
typically use this method for atmospheric and vacuum crude columns,
FCC main fractionators, and coker columns. It applies the conventional
model to the main and side columns repeatedly until the estimates are
consistent with each other. For less complex columns, the Refinery and
Conventional models produce the same results.
Chemi cal The Chemical model is very time consuming and you should select it
only when the other models fail. It involves the calculation of a series of
adiabatic flashes up and down the column trays several times (if neces-
sary) to generate a good initial composition profile. Although it can be
used with any column solution algorithm, you will usually select the
Chemical IEG model only when you have highly non-ideal problems,
which require you to use the Chemdist column solving algorithm. These
problems are typically azeotropic, extractive, or reactive distillation.
Keyword users can instruct PRO/II to initialize the column calculations
through either the IEG or user-supplied profiles. Once a solution to a dis-
tillation problem has been attained, subsequent runs will execute faster if
you bypass the IEG procedure and supply the converged temperature and
vapor flow profiles directly to the column. This is strictly optional and
can be accessed only through keyword input files. See the User Supplied
Profile Estimates section in the PRO/II Keyword Manual.
PROVISION users need to be aware of how subsequent runs are initial-
ized. Assume that you have successfully converged your column and
wish to investigate the effect of slightly changing your specifications.
You would expect the new solution to be close to the previous solution.
With this in mind, PRO/II initializes the next run using the most recently
calculated product flowrates, rather than using the values you initially
estimated (recall that the IEG relies heavily on product rate estimates).
This strategy works well in the vast majority of cases because the previ-
ously converged results are usually better product rate estimates than are
the values you provide.
Note: A serious problem can arise when you attempt to correct and
rerun a failed column simulation. Often the final set of guesses
that the solver generates before it fails are very bad; see initial
guess A in Figure 44 for example. In this case, subsequent runs
will be initialized with the bad product flowrates and the IEG
will produce initial estimates that are so far from the solution
that they will never converge.
Getting Started Workbook 97
To remedy this problem, you can force PRO/II to use the initial rate esti-
mates that you provided. Simply uncheck the Use Previous Solution for
Initial Estimate box in the Column - Initial Estimates dialog box.
When a column appears in a recycle loop, the IEG is totally bypassed
after the first recycle iteration. Instead, PRO/II uses the previously calcu-
lated solution as the initial guess at the current recycle iteration.
Choosing the column algorithm is a relatively simple, but important task.
Table 23 summarizes some key features of the five column algorithms.
Your selection will be based on the following two factors:
s The thermodynamic complexity of the chemical species
s The mechanical complexity of the column.
Table 23: Distillation Column Algorithm Features
Feature I/O Sure Chemdist Liquid-
Ver y Fast
Forgiving of Poor Initial Estimates
Side Strippers and Column Solved
Built-in Thermosiphon Reboiler
Built in Flash Zone Model
Total Pumparounds
Packed Column
Tray Rating/Sizing
Tray Effi ciency