Mrs Santa Drees
Mrs Santa Drees
Mrs Santa Drees
Bodice Starting at neck edge with red sport weight yarn and size F hook (or size required for gauge), ch 18. ROW 1 (right side): Sc in 2nd ch from hook and each rem ch across (17 sc). Ch 1, turn. ROW 2: Work 2 sc in each sc across (34 sc). Ch 1, turn. ROWS 3-4: Sc in each sc across (34 sc). Ch 1, turn. At end of Row 4, do not ch 1. Cut red, join white sport weight yarn. Continuing with white, ch 1, turn.
Apron Bodice
ROW 5 (Armhole Shaping): Sc in first 6 sc, ch 5, sk next 5 sc (for right armhole), sc in back lp only of next 12 sc (front lps will be used for apron bodice ruffle), ch 5, sk next 5 sc (for left armhole), sc in last 6 sc (28 sc). Ch 1, turn.
(NOTE: All unworked lps through Apron Bodice Row 11 will be used for shoulder ruffles. It will be easier to see them if you mark each one with a small safety pin or small piece of contrasting color yarn.) ROW 6: Sc in first 5 sc, sc in front lp only of next sc (back lp will be used for back left shoulder ruffle), sc in next 2 chs, 2 sc in next ch, sc in next 2 chs, sc in front lp only of next sc (back lp will be used for front left shoulder ruffle), sc in both lps of next 10 sc, sc in front lp only of next sc (back lp will be used for front of right shoulder ruffle), sc in next 2 chs, 2 sc in next ch, sc in next 2 chs, sc in front lp of next sc (back lp will be used for back of right shoulder ruffle), sc in both lps of last 5 sc (36 sc). Ch 1, turn. ROW 7: Sc in first 3 sc, dec over next 2 sc (to dec: draw up a lp in next 2 sts - 3 lps now on hook, yo and draw through all 3 lps), * sc in back lp only of next sc, sc in both lps of next 6 sc, sc in back lp only of next sc **, sc in both lps of next 10 sc; rep from * to ** once more, dec over next 2 sc, sc in both lps of last 3 sc (34 sc). Ch 1, turn. ROW 8: Sc in first 4 sc, * sc in front lp of next sc, sc in next 6 sc, sc in front lp of next sc **, sc in both lps of next 10 sc; rep from * to ** once more, sc in both lps of last 4 sc (34 sc). Ch 1, turn. ROW 9: Sc in first 2 sc, dec over next 2 sc, * sc in back lp only of next sc, sc in both lps of next 2 sc, dec over next 2 sc, sc in next 2 sc, sc in back lp only of next sc **, sc in both lps of next 10 sc; rep from * to ** once more, dec over next 2 sc, sc in last 2 sc (30 sc). Ch 1, turn. ROW 10: Sc in first sc, dec over next 2 sc, * sc in front lp only of next sc, sc in both lps of next 5 sc, sc in front lp only of next sc **, sc in both lps of next 10 sc; rep from * to ** once more, dec over next 2 sc, sc in last sc (28 sc). Ch 1, turn. ROW 11: Sc in first 2 sc, * sc in back lp only of next sc, sc in both lps of next 5 sc, sc in back lp only of next sc **, sc in both lps of next 10 sc; rep from * to ** once more, sc in both lps of last 2 sc (28 sc). Ch 3, turn.
Apron Skirt
ROW 12: Work 3 dc in each sc across (84 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, turn. ROW 13: Dc in each dc across, join with sl st to top of beg ch-3 (to close back opening) (84 dc). Ch 3, do not turn. (NOTE: You will now be working in rnds instead of rows.) RNDS 14-20: Dc in each dc around, join (84 dc). Ch 3, do not turn. RND 21: Working in front lp of sts for this rnd only (back lps will be used for dress skirt), dc in each dc around, join (84 dc). Ch 3, do not turn. RND 22: Dc in each dc around, join (84 dc). Cut white sport weight yarn, join white brushed acrylic. With size G hook, continuing with white brushed acrylic, ch 1. (NOTE: Work all edgings and ruffles with a loose tension.) RND 23 (Ruffle): (Sc, ch 3) twice in each dc around, join to first sc (168 ch-3 sps). Finish off, do not turn.
Dress Skirt
With neck edge still facing you, fold Apron Skirt and Ruffle Rnds 21-23 back to expose lps left unworked in Rnd 21. With size F hook, join red to first unworked lp at back joining seam, ch 3. RND 1: Work 2 dc in same lp as joining and each rem lp around, join to top of beg ch-3 (168 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn. RNDS 2-7: Dc in each dc around, join (168 dc). Ch 3, do not turn. At end of Rnd 7, do not ch 3. Cut red, join white brushed acrylic. With size G hook, continuing with white brushed acrylic, ch 1. RND 8 (Edging): (Sc, ch 3) in each dc around, join to first sc (168 ch-3 sps). Finish off, weave in all ends. Sleeves (make 2) With right side and skirt bottom facing you, with size F hook, join red to 3rd (center) ch at underarm, ch 3. RND 1: Dc in same ch as joining and next 2 chs, dc in side of next sc. Working in back lp only of next 5 sts (front lps will be used for shoulder ruffle), 2 dc in next unworked sc from Apron Bodice Row 5 (at top of armhole), dc in next 3 sc, 2 dc in next sc, dc in side of next sc, dc in last 2 chs at underarm, join to top of beg ch-3 (14 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn. RNDS 2-5: Dc in each dc around, join (14 dc). Ch 3, do not turn. At end of Rnd 5, do not ch 3. Cut red, join white brushed acrylic. With size G hook, continuing with white brushed acrylic, ch 1. RND 6 (Edging): (Sc, ch 3) in each dc around, join to first sc (14 ch-3 sps). Finish off, weave in ends. Neck Edging With wrong side of dress bodice facing you, with size F hook, join red to first ch at right neck edge, ch 1. ROW 1: Sc in same ch as joining and each rem ch across (17 sc). Cut red, join white brushed acrylic. With size G hook, continuing with white brushed acrylic, ch 1, turn. ROW 2: (Sc, ch 3) in each sc across to last sc, sc in last sc (17 ch-3 sps). Finish off, weave in ends.
Dress Finishing STEP 1: With tapestry needle and 15" (38cm) end, whip st 3 sides of pocket to apron front, just to left of center with top of pocket ruffle about 3 dc rows below waist. STEP 2: With sewing needle and matching thread, sew 2 silver snaps to back dress opening, placing half of sets on wrong side of right back and other half on right side of left back: 1 set at neck just below neck edging and one set at waist. STEP 3: Starting and ending at apron back, weave a 24" (61cm) piece of 3/16" green picot-edged satin ribbon through spaces between sc sts of Apron Bodice Row 11 and dc sts of Apron Skirt Row 12. Pull ribbon ends even. Do not tie. STEP 4: Place dress on Mrs. Claus Air Freshener Doll. Close back snaps. Tie ribbon into a 2" (5cm) bow. Let ends hang down back of dress. Trim ends on an angle. Hair Mistletoe With dark green and size F hook, leaving a 2" (5cm) beg length (for tying mistletoe around hair), ch 9, (dc, ch 3, sl st) in 4th ch from hook, * ch 4, (dc, ch 3, sl st) in 4th ch from hook; rep from * once more (3 leaves), sl st in same ch as first dc of first leaf, ch 5. Finish off leaving a 2" end (for tying mistletoe around hair). Hair Mistletoe Finishing STEP 1: Sew (or hot glue) three 6mm gold beads to mistletoe center front. STEP 2: Knot ends of each chain length. Holding mistletoe with beads facing forward, wrap ch ends around hair rubber band. Tie 2" (5cm) yarn ends tog securely and trim close.