Derive the equation of continuity in conservative form for viscous flow. The continuity and x-momentum equations can be derived for two-dimensional flow in conservative form (with compressibility neglected in the viscous forces) as, respectively ( ) ( ) ( )
By expanding derivatives of product show that these can be written in the equivalent non-conservative form;
5 6 7 8 9
Write short note on basic principles of CFD Explain the general behavior of parabolic equation on unsteady thermal conduction. Explain Implicit and Explicit approaches in CFD techniques. Write a short note on Boundary conditions. Explain the terms, (i) Truncation error (ii) Round off and discretization errors. (iii) Stability (iv) Consistency
10 11 12
(v) Convergence for marching problem. Distinguish between equilibrium problem and marching problem. Write a short note on assessment of the upwind differencing scheme. Write a short note on assessment of central differencing scheme for convection diffusion problems. Consider steady state conduction governed by Laplaces equation in the Two Dimensional domain shown in figure. The boundary conditions are shown in figure. The mesh is square i.e., x = y = 0.02m. Write finite difference equations to compute the temperature at nodes 1-9
2U x 2 2U y 2 0
Consider one-dimensional steady state heat conduction in a insulated rod of length 0.5 m, subjected to a temperature of 1000 C and 5000 C on the left and right face of the
sheet. Write down the finite volume discretization of the governing equation ( )
Calculate the steady state temperature distribution in the rod up to matrix form. Thermal conductivity k = 1000W/m/K and cross sectional area is A = 1010-3 m2. 15 A property is transported by means of convection and diffusion through the one-
Boundary conditions are Using 5 equally spaced cells and central differencing scheme for convection and diffusion calculate the distribution of matrix form) 16 Formulate the implicit Crank-Nicolsons scheme for the equation as a function of (up to
Using Alternating Direction Implicit scheme of finite differences, write the discretized form of the equation,
The velocity potential of for an incompressible, inviscid flow is governed by Laplace equation. Solve this Laplace equation for the following grid with given boundary conditions by assuming equal width along x and y directions (use standard five point formula) 60 60 60 60
u1 u3
u2 u4
Figure illustrates heat diffusion problem. The plate illustrated in the figure has a thickness L = 1.0 cm and thermal diffusivity . The internal
The plate is heated to an initial temperature distribution, T(x, 0), at which time the heat source is turned off. The initial temperature distribution in the plate is specified by
T(x, 0) = 200x
The temperatures on the two faces of the plate are held at 00 C for all time. Thus,
T( 0, t ) = T( 1, t) = 0
Write FTCS formulation to obtain temperature distribution within the plate, T(x, t).
Define Quick scheme. Using the QUICK scheme solve the following problem on a five grid (up to matrix form). ( ) ( )
Boundary conditions are 22 Solve (i) (ii) ( ( which satisfies ) ) { ( ( ) ) (Boundary condition) (Initial condition)