Visual Programming and Parallel Computing: Computer Science Dept., University of Tennessee
Visual Programming and Parallel Computing: Computer Science Dept., University of Tennessee
Visual Programming and Parallel Computing: Computer Science Dept., University of Tennessee
Peter Newton
Visual programming languages have a number of advantages for parallel computing. They integrate well with programming environments and graphical program behavior visualization tools, and they present programmers with useful abstractions that aid them in understanding the large-scale structure of their programs. Such understanding is important for achieving good execution performance of parallel programs. Furthermore, graphical programming languages can be easier for non-specialists to use than other explicitly parallel languages since they relieve the programmer of the need to directly use low-level primitives such as message sends or locks. This paper discusses some of these general advantages and presents simple examples in the existing visual parallel programming languages, HeNCE and CODE 2.0.
It is widely believed that the use of parallel computation is limited by the di culties associated with programming parallel machines. This fact limits non-specialists' access to parallel computing. Automatic parallelism detection in programs written in sequential (or non-explicitly parallel) languages would be a solution except that current detection technologies miss much parallelism. This paper focuses on languages in which parallel structure is explicitly expressed. There are many well-known reasons why parallel programming is more di cult than sequential programming. The programmer must manage multiple threads of control rather than one. Primitives supplied are at a low-level and often are tied to a single vendor's machines. Perhaps even more important is that programmers need a greater understanding of large-scale structure of parallel programs than they do of sequential programs. The reason is that performance is much more greatly a ected by large-scale structure in the parallel case. In order to write fast and e cient parallel programs, programmers must fully understand issues such as what tasks make up their program, which communicate with which, the size of the communications, and the granularity of computations that occur between communications. Furthermore they must be aware of and exploit data locality. All of this is true on both shared address space and message-passing machines. These issues are grounded in the coupling between task-sized elements of programs. Hence, large-scale structure matters. Heterogeneous environments further complicate the programming task. It is more di cult to design for performance in such systems since they are harder to model{ even
Computer Science Dept., University of Tennessee
1 Introduction
CODE 2.0: dataflow, firing rule expressions associated with nodes. HeNCE 2.0: control flow, shared variable names, nodes fire when all predecessors have fired. > a, b a b <b >c c < a, c
Fig. 1.
informally. Programmers are faced with multiple communications types and must use multiple tools that do not inter-operate easily. More prosaic problems also abound and are especially vexing for non-specialists. Programmers must manage builds on multiple machines and start and control tasks on them. Tools like PVM 3] solve some of the problems. Visual programming languages can solve many others. Visual programming languages (VPLs) are those which use visual or graphical elements to directly represent program structure or logic. The program is written in a language of pictures or diagrams. This stands in contrast to tools which allow users to graphically view the structure of programs written in non-visual languages and tools which are designed to assist in GUI development. Flowcharts are an example of a sequential visual programming notation, and there are many others. There are relatively few examples of parallel visual programming languages, but many do exist. See 4] for a survey. The idea of parallel VPLs is not new. Adams 1] proposed an early data ow language in the late 1960s. Nevertheless, parallel VPLs have not been widely adopted. This paper will discuss some of the general advantages of visual programming in parallel computing and then focus on two of the more recent and mature e orts, HeNCE 2] and CODE 2.0 4, 5]. Parallel VPLs can take many forms in which the graphical elements have di erent meanings, but all are based on the idea that programs are created by drawing and then annotating a picture or diagram. The annotations are often textual. The diagram is then automatically compiled into an executable form. Figure 1 shows a simple program expressed in both CODE and HeNCE. In both programs, the circles represent sequential computations which are de ned by calls to sequential subprograms in a conventional language (usually \C"). These calls are a part of the node's textual annotation in both cases. Despite the similarities in the meaning of nodes, the graphs express the program very di erently. The CODE program is a data ow graph (although CODE also has a shared variable capability). The graph shows the creation of data by one sequential computation that is needed by another. A node may re when its programmer-supplied ring rules are satis ed. The ring rules are part of a node's textual annotation. The simplest allow the node to re when there are data present on all incoming arcs. The nodes in the gure have such ring rules. The graph in the HeNCE program shows control ow and name scoping. The graph does
1 x 3 z x
2 y
Fig. 2.
A Data ow Diagram.
not show data ow. HeNCE uses a shared name model; two or more nodes can access the same variable. Nodes may re when all of their predecessors in the graph have red. Access to variables is controlled by the node annotations that are shown in gure 1. The notation \> a, b" means make variables \a" and \b" available to any successor node that must access them. The notation \< b" means access variable \b" from the nearest predecessor node that makes it available by means of a \>" expression. Thus, the CODE and HeNCE graphs represent the same computation. Visual programming has a number of obvious advantages for parallel programming. In order to achieve good performance, programmers must understand large-scale program structure. With visual programming languages, they directly create, view, and manipulate it. It is easier to relate parallel program behavior to a graphical representation than it is to a textual representation because text is inherently linear and both graphical representations and parallel program behavior are inherently multi-dimensional. As a simple example, consider gure 2. The program's parallelism is obvious at a glance from the data ow graph. The textual representation must be carefully examined to obtain the same information. The parallel VPL permits the use of pictures and declarative annotation in place of lowlevel primitives such as locks and sends. It also serves as a natural basis for a programming environment in which tasks such as program editing, library use, multi-platform compiles, heterogeneous execution, and both logical and performance debugging can be performed. The programmer will be able to debug and relate runtime information (perhaps in the form of animation) directly onto the program. Visual parallel programming languages can be designed in many ways and with many goals. Some of the parameters include the meaning of all graphical symbols and their attributes and the mechanism for specifying them by annotation. One must consider issues of name scope and methods of partitioning data across parallel computational elements. The issue of supported data types is important since general pointers are not likely to be included. It is necessary to provide some alternative to pointers and heap storage such as is used in \C" to build complex custom data types. Furthermore, any reasonable programming notation should support hierarchical development. Thus, there will be issues of formal/actual parameter binding. Visual programming languages face many of the same
a[0,0] a[1,0] a[1,1] a[2,0] a[2,1] a[2,2] a[3,0] a[3,1] a[3,2] a[3,3] b[0] b[1] b[2] b[3]
Algorithm: for j = 0 .. N-1 Solve(a[j,j], b[j]); for each i from j+1 to N-1 do b[i] = b[i] - a[i,j] * b[j]; Parallelism comes from doing the iterations in the "for" in parallel after solving for b[j].
Fig. 3.
issues as textual programming languages and can bene t from lessons learned from them. A parallel VPL will be designed with a set of goals in mind. These include the use of simple and easy to use primitives that allow concise but readable expression of algorithms. One might also want to design the language to support static analysis for issues ranging from type checking to detection of race conditions. The language must produce e cient executable structures and be implementable on a reasonable class of parallel machines. Furthermore, in order to gain acceptance, a language should inter-operate in some form with existing tools. Clearly, many of these goals are incompatible. Language designs must compromise among competing goals. Domain-speci c programming languages may allow more satisfactory decisions. This section will describe and contrast a few of the choices made in the design of two implemented parallel VPLs, CODE 2.0 and HeNCE 2.0. It is not intended to be a complete introduction to either language. The purpose is to summarize some of the advantages and disadvantages involved in the two approaches. We will describe the two languages in the context of an application that is very simple but displays a parallel structure that is not completely trivial. The problem is the solution of Ax = b for a dense lower triangular matrix A. As gure 3 shows, the matrix and vector must be partitioned into blocks. Thus a i; j ] represents a sub-matrix. The solution overwrites vector b. Figure 3 shows the algorithm used. It proceeds iteratively, working on one column of the block system at a time. When doing column j , it rst sequentially solves for block x j ] which it writes into b j ]. It then performs N ? j ? 1 operations in parallel. Each of these operations consists of a single iteration of the \for" loop and performs a matrix-vector multiplication and a vector-vector subtraction. Call this operation \mult." Figure 4 shows a CODE 2.0 graph called DoBTS that performs this computation. Instead of attempting to fully explain how this program works, we will provide a broad overview. This graph shown is actually only a part of the whole program. Graphs in CODE are
Fig. 4.
subprograms; they can be called from other graphs and parameters can be passed in and out. DoBTS is called from a \main" graph that does the program's I/O. The small square icons in gure 4 are \creation parameters." They are given values in the calling graph and their values may be read anywhere within the graph in which they are de ned. Since the matrix a is read-only, it is passed as a creation parameter. The vector b is passed in as a data ow parameter. Its arrival enables node DIST to re. This node passes appropriate blocks of b to node Solve and to multiple instantiations of node Mult. The Solve node then res once for each column in the block system and computes x j ] which it sends to the N ? j ? 1 instances of the Mult nodes. Instance j + 1 of the Mult nodes passes b j + 1] back to Solve to begin the next column, and so on. To create this graph, the programmer draws it and then annotates it. Let us examine the annotation for node Solve. It consists of a sequence of stanzas. All are entered by the programmer. The rst two, input ports and output ports, de ne the node's interface. Data are received into local variables and sent to other nodes on these ports. They are strongly typed; both carry data of type \Vector" in this example. Arcs interconnect ports.
input_ports { Vector B_FROM_DIST; Vector B_FROM_M; } output_ports { Vector B_TO_GATH; Vector B_TO_M; } vars { Vector b; int WhichBlock; } init_comp { WhichBlock = 0; } firing_rules { B_FROM_M -> b => || B_FROM_DIST -> b => } comp { solveblock(WhichBlock, a, b, blk); WhichBlock = WhichBlock + 1;
The vars stanza is used to declare local variables that will be used by the node's computation. Values will be removed from input ports and placed into these variables. The ring rules stanza de nes the conditions under which the node is permitted to execute. Firing rules also de ne which local variable will receive a value when it is removed from an input port. This example contains two ring rules. The node may execute when data arrives on either input port B FROM M or input port B FROM DIST. In both cases, the vector received is placed into local variable b. CODE's ring rule syntax is very exible; this example is one of the simplest cases. The comp stanza de nes the sequential computation that the node will perform when it res. Solveblock is a sequential subprogram written in \C." The routing rules stanza determines which output ports will have data placed onto them when the node's execution is complete. Indices may be used to direct data to a particular instance of the receiving node. Thus, node instances are named by indices. The block triangular solver program may also be expressed in HeNCE as is shown is gure 5. This gure also shows the annotations of nodes GetSys and solve. Notice that HeNCE graphs are read from bottom to top. The second node from the bottom begins a loop. The subgraph between this node and the loop-end node is repeated for j = 0::N ? 1. Iteration j solves for x j ] and writes it into b j ]. The triangular nodes represent a \fan" construct. They create copies of the subgraph that they enclose. The copies are indexed from i = j + 1::N ? 1 and all run in parallel. The annotation of node GetSys shows variables being declared, and the node calls a \C" subprogram also called GetSys to assign input values to the matrix and input vector. The notation \NEW <>" makes these variables available to successor nodes. The annotation of node solve consists only of a call to \C" routine solve, but the actual parameters specify blocks of matrix a and vector b by means of index ranges.
} routing_rules { TRUE => { B_TO_M i+WhichBlock] <- copy(b); : (i N-WhichBlock) }; B_TO_GATH <- b; }
3.4 Problems
Both the CODE and the HeNCE program have virtues, but they also have problems. CODE's notations are powerful but not concise since the user must explicitly specify ring and routing rules. Also, there are many required layers of name-binding. The programmer must bind ports between nodes and then bind ports to local variables in ring rules and often actual parameters to formal parameters in calls within the comp stanza. Also, data ow graphs tend to be ill-structured. Structured data ow graphs are less natural than structured control ow graphs. Finally, CODE's ring rules can become complex. HeNCE su ers from the complexity of specifying partitions of arrays using index expressions. These are hard for programmers to write and hard for compilers to translate into e cient code since complex expressions lead to element by element copying. This problem is not fundamental. Explicit declarative array partitioning speci cations could be added to HeNCE. HeNCE also su ers from the fact that its ring rules are implicit{ they are determined
-- Annotation of node GetSys NEW <> int N; -- Num blocks in sys NEW <> double a[500][500]; -- Matrix NEW <> double b[500]; -- Vector NEW <> int blk; -- Num elmts in block NEW <> int n; --Size of a GetSys(a, b, &n, &N, &blk); -- Annotation of node Solve solve(a[j*blk:(j+1)*blk-1][j*blk:(j+1)*blk-1], b[j*blk:(j+1)*blk-1], blk);
Fig. 5.
m s m m s m m s m s
Fig. 6.
by the control ow structures in which the node is embedded. For example, HeNCE lacks an e ective mechanism to exit a loop on an error condition. Its method of specifying ring rules is simple but not powerful. Also, HeNCE completely fails to graphically display communications between nodes. The graph shows only control ow. Both HeNCE and CODE fail to e ectively display replicated structures. In both programs, the entire parallelism in the program is among multiple indexed replications of the array multiply node. Both languages display that node as a single instance. HeNCE programs, in fact, tend to be linear because runtime replication is ubiquitous. The general superiority of HeNCE's notation over (also linear) text is unclear. Visual representation of nodes that are replicated at runtime under the control of runtime variables is a di cult problem to solve in a manner that is concise, powerful, and unambiguous. Perhaps it is more practical to address this issue by means of animation of runtime behavior. Figure 6 shows a possible display.
4 Processes as Components
Both CODE and HeNCE adopt the semantics that the execution of primitive sequential computation nodes can be viewed as being an atomic mapping of inputs to outputs. There are many advantages to this approach. It is simple and permits implementation with nonpreemptive scheduling. Also state changes occur at well-de ned points. This facilitates the implementation of fault tolerance, process migration, etc. However, this model (as CODE in particular shows) can lead to complex ring conditions that are not explicitly present in traditional message-passing process models. Control ow within a process implicitly de nes ring rules in a manner that distributes the conditions throughout the program at conditional branch points. The issue can be clari ed by a small example of making ring conditions explicit. As the control ow becomes more complex and deeply nested, the ring rules become more complex.
Implicit if (A) { if (B) send(T1, x); } else send(T1, y); Explicit
Such implicit ring rules are both a blessing since they are powerful and concise and a curse since they obscure large-scale structure. Implicit ring rules can be used in a visual parallel programming language by de ning the basic graphical element to be a process as shown in gure 7. This program also implements the block triangular solver. In this proposed language, the user creates a program by drawing a picture that shows processes. Boxes are annotated with the text of the process as well as other information such
Fig. 7.
T1 T2 T3 T4
Fig. 8.
as replication parameters and the architecture type the process is to be executed on. Also, each process has an interface (much like CODE ports) that allows processes to be de ned independently of other processes. Thus, processes can be reused as library components. Arcs interconnect these ports, as in CODE. Since we intend to implement visual parallel programming languages using the PVM system, the proposed process-oriented language has some special virtues. It is more in the spirit of PVM than CODE or HeNCE and can likely be integrated with existing PVM tools such as XPVM ( gure 8). XPVM is an X Windows based environment for controlling and visualizing PVM programs. It was developed by Jim Kohl at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. XPVM provides facilities for de ning and viewing the state of the machines (usually workstations on a LAN) that make up a PVM virtual parallel machine. It permits users to run PVM parallel programs and then animates their execution by means of space-time diagrams and other displays. It also captures and can replay trace information via animation. XPVM contains many of the elements of a visual programming environment. A processbased visual parallel programming language could be integrated with it. Also support for automatically compiling executables on all machine types could be added. XPVM could then animate the program directly by relating trace information directly to the program as drawn by the user. Messages could be shown traveling on arcs, and nodes that are instantiated more than once could be drawn multiple times. Also, direct debugger support could also be added. Our current plans are to pursue this approach.
1] D. A. Adams, A Model for Parallel Compilations, Parallel Processor Systems, Technologies and Applications, pp. 311-334, Spartan/MacMillan, New York, 1968. 2] A. Beguelin, J. J. Dongarra, G. A. Geist, R. Manchek, and V. S. Sunderam, Graphical Development Tools for Network-Based Concurrent Supercomputing, Proceedings of Supercomputing 91, pages 435{444, Albuquerque, 1991. 3] G. A. Geist, A. Beguelin, J. J. Dongarra, W. Jiang, R. Manchek, and V. S. Sunderam, PVM 3 Users Guide and Reference Manual, Technical Report ORNL/TM-12187, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1993. 4] P. Newton, A Graphical Retargetable Parallel Programming Environment and Its E cient Implementation, Technical Report TR93-28, Dept. of Computer Sciences, Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1993. 5] P. Newton and J. C. Browne, The CODE 2.0 Graphical Parallel Programming Language, Proc. ACM Int. Conf. on Supercomputing, July, 1992.