Appearance: Statement of Hazard: Additional Hazard Information: Short Term: Known Clinical Effects: White tablets Non-hazardous in accordance with international standards for workplace safety.
EU Indication of danger:
Active ingredient may be harmful if swallowed. (based on animal data) . Accidental ingestion may cause effects similar to those seen in clinical use. Ingestion of this material may cause effects similar to those seen in clinical use including nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, anorexia, diarrhea, and constipation. This drug may decrease the quantity/quality of breast milk. Not classified
This document has been prepared in accordance with standards for workplace safety, which require the inclusion of all known hazards of the active substance or its intermediates regardless of the potential risk. The precautionary statements and warnings included may not apply in all cases. Your needs may vary depending upon the potential for exposure in your workplace.
Hazardous Ingredient Cabergoline CAS Number 81409-90-7 EU EINECS/ELINCS List Not listed Classification Xn;R22 % 1.25
% * *
* Proprietary Ingredient(s) indicated as hazardous have been assessed under standards for workplace safety.
For the full text of the R phrases mentioned in this Section, see Section 16
Symptoms and Effects of Exposure: For information on potential signs and symptoms of exposure, See Section 2 - Hazards Identification and/or Section 11 - Toxicological Information.
Storage Conditions:
Cabergoline Pfizer Occupational Exposure OEB5 (control exposure to <1ug/m3) Band (OEB): Engineering Controls: Environmental Exposure Controls: Personal Protective Equipment: Engineering controls should be used as the primary means to control exposures. Refer to specific Member State legislation for requirements under Community environmental legislation. Refer to applicable national standards and regulations in the selection and use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Not required for the normal use of this product. Wear protective gloves when working with large quantities. Not required for the normal use of this product. Wear safety glasses or goggles if eye contact is possible. Not required for the normal use of this product. Wear protective clothing when working with large quantities. Not required for the normal use of this product. Whenever excessive air contamination (dust, mist, vapor) is generated, respiratory protection, with appropriate protection factors, should be used to minimize exposure.
Acute Toxicity: (Species, Route, End Point, Dose) Cabergoline Rat Oral LD 50 383 (F) mg/kg Rat Intravenous LD 50 22mg/kg Mouse Oral LD 50 202 (F)mg/kg Mouse Intravenous LD 50 24 (F)mg/kg Irritation / Sensitization: (Study Type, Species, Severity) Cabergoline Skin Sensitization - GPMT
Guinea Pig
No effect
Reproduction & Developmental Toxicity: (Study Type, Species, Route, Dose, End Point, Effect(s)) Cabergoline Embryo / Fetal Development Embryo / Fetal Development Embryo / Fetal Development
Genetic Toxicity: (Study Type, Cell Type/Organism, Result) Cabergoline In Vitro Mammalian Cell Mutagenicity Hamster Negative In Vitro Chromosome Aberration Human Lymphocytes Negative In Vitro Micronucleus Mouse Bone Marrow Negative In Vitro Direct DNA Damage Bacteria Negative Bacterial Mutagenicity (Ames) Salmonella Negative Carcinogenicity: (Duration, Species, Route, Dose, End Point, Effect(s)) Cabergoline 24 Month(s) Rat Oral 0.320 mg/kg/day Not carcinogenic 21 Month(s) Mouse Oral 0.980 mg/kg/day Not carcinogenic Carcinogen Status: None of the components of this formulation are listed as a carcinogen by IARC, NTP or OSHA.
OSHA Label: Non-hazardous in accordance with international standards for workplace safety.
Canada - WHMIS: Classifications WHMIS hazard class: None required This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the CPR and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR.
Cabergoline Standard for the Uniform Scheduling for Drugs and Poisons: Leucine Inventory - United States TSCA - Sect. 8(b) Australia (AICS): EU EINECS/ELINCS List Lactose NF, anhydrous Inventory - United States TSCA - Sect. 8(b) Australia (AICS): EU EINECS/ELINCS List
Schedule 4
Pfizer Inc believes that the information contained in this Material Safety Data Sheet is accurate, and while it is provided in good faith, it is without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. If data for a hazard are not included in this document there is no known information at this time. End of Safety Data Sheet